Amsterdam free porn video

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My wife and I had flown over from the states to visit with her parents who lived there. I had been there once before, for a quick brief visit so I knew a little of the touristy area. On this trip however, I got to see a lot more of the wilder side of Amsterdam, which for me was an eye opening experience.

Mieke, my wife was a fiery redhead. Great tits, the kind you could get lost in, and play with for hours. Something she didn't at all mind my doing either. Self assured, confident and certainly friendly, she made it a lot easier for me to feel comfortable in a strange place, obviously knowing her way around, and fluent in the language.

We'd decided to first stop in to what's called a "coffee shop", though to be honest, I don't remember if they even served coffee there. We'd found a comfortable booth, enjoyed a nice mellow smoke together which soon had my head buzzing in delight, and then set off to browse the red-light district just for the fun of it. Walking down row after row, peering into windows were the local girls stood letting you get a good look at them was an interesting experience. Most of whom I actually did find reasonably attractive. Several of which were flirtatious and at times even funny as they tried wooing both my wife and I into their rooms for some adventure. Eventually however, having done a considerable amount of so called window-shopping, I was reasonably aroused, as was my wife. We then decided to take in one of several live sex shows that were dotted here and there within the district. I had never been to one of course, and was now curious about it. Actually watching performers engage in real sex on stage was a pretty fucking erotic experience. I'd always been a bit of a voyeur anyway, not to mention somewhat of an exhibitionist, so the opportunity to sit down in a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere and actually watch someone else having sex, was right up my alley.

By the time we came out from the theatre, I was about ready to bust a nut, my erection almost painfully pressed within my jeans making it not only awkward, but very difficult to walk. When Mieke suggested we go inside to a nearby pub for a pint, I was all for it. Just sitting down, giving my prick some time to get flaccid again seemed like a really good idea at the time.

The place was pretty well packed and it was still early yet. But we eventually managed to slip into the only remaining booth available, ordered our drinks, and then sat back to enjoy the typical Dutch atmosphere and amusements from the average working populace that came in here at the end of the day for a good stiff drink after work. We'd just ordered our second drinks, my cock finally softening enough that I felt like we could go out, walk about again though our next intended stop was to be the world famous sex museum they had there. I knew by the end of the evening, especially after having taken that in, I'd be randy enough to fuck a mule. Luckily for me however, I had a hot sexy wife that was more than willing to do just that so that I wouldn't have to.

It was at that particular moment that I glanced up as the door to the pub opened and a rather attractive woman came walking in.

"Mieke? Doesn't she look familiar?" I asked. I knew I had seen her somewhere before, and then it hit me, just as Mieke laughed, already knowing where we had.

"Yes honey, she's the one we stood looking at the longest, remember?" Now in fact, I did. She had long dark hair that fell well down to the middle of her back, long natural eyelashes, and a full set of very sensual looking lips. The thing that had perhaps attracted us both about her the most was that she didn't look typically slutty, even in the window as she attempted to entice us into coming in. Now, here in the pub, she looked even more natural, like any typical attractive looking woman just on her way home from work.

As busy as the place was, she stood looking around for a place to sit. At that moment, she spotted Mieke and I sitting alone in a booth meant to seat four, and came walking over. By the smile on her face, she had recognized us as well.

"Mind if I join you?" She asked. We didn't mind it at all, inviting her to sit as she ordered her drink, and then spoke with us unlike before. Through the window, all we'd been able to do was basically smile at one another, make hand gestures, and basically flirt and tease one another. Mieke and I had even briefly discussed the possibility of going in and negotiating with her for some quick fun amongst the three of us. But as we didn't have a whole lot of available cash on us at the time, we decided that thirty minutes of naughty pleasure would have cut our evening far shorter than either one of us would have preferred. Now we sat actually conversing with her without hand signals or smiles, though there were still plenty of those to go around too as she found out only then we'd come over from the States, though as I'd said, Mieke had herself grown up there in the Nederland's.

She had soon after introduced herself as Kim. I had taken in the fact that she was dressed somewhat demurely, not at all in the typical way one might expect for a girl working the red light district. She wore a lightweight pullover sweater. And though it was semi low cut in front, showing off an ample amount of cleavage, along with a short skirt that wasn't obscenely too short even for Amsterdam, she looked like any other normal working class person you might run into there on the streets. The fact she had teased Mieke and I both with a peek at her full breasts, which looked a lot like my wife's had been an enticing invitation, which had been the catalyst for standing there discussing the possibility of actually going in before we took accounting of our current finances and decided otherwise.

Kim was fun and interesting to talk to, telling us about her work and some of the more amusing situations she had been in while working there. At one point, she had even dropped her hand down on my upper thigh briefly as we sat there together in the booth, chatting away amiably about how Mieke and I had first met, eventually her coming over to join me in the States, getting married, and a little about herself growing up here. We decided to stay and have one more glass of beer with her before moving on to the museum, but I also knew I needed to use the toilet before I could, which quickly became the consensus for all of us. As crowed as the place still was however, we knew we needed someone to guard our table while we took turns peeing. As Kim now sat on one end, she excused herself first. I figured Mieke would slide out the other way and go with her, but she sat waiting until after Kim had left.

"Interesting character isn't she?" I stated, having thoroughly enjoyed our conversation with her up to that point.

"You might could say that," Mieke mused smiling with her eyes at me. "You do know ... she's a shemale don't you?"

You could have seriously knocked me over with a feather. The reason for that was, I wasn't exactly a novice when it came to knowing, or having seen so called shemales before in my lifetime. I'd seen a few in photos and magazines, and had on occasion actually watched a few porn movies. But there had always been something about each of them that had been a dead giveaway. Not that I hadn't found a few of them actually attractive even realizing what they were. But this was the first time I'd honestly been fooled. Not only had her breasts looked very natural, which even Mieke told me she'd found to be as well, but her voice hadn't hinted at any sort of masculinity in it whatsoever. There was no high pitched falsetto, from a man trying to sound like a woman, nor was there a deeper than normal voice coming out of her as a woman either. Even her facial features were all woman, and like I said, attractive as hell. Had we not seen her in the window earlier, I wouldn't have given it another thought.

"Are you sure?" I asked still having difficulty believing it. Mieke laughed.

"Well for one thing Rick, she has an Adams apple. And for another, she went into the men's room ... not the women's!"

I hadn't watched her do that for one thing, but I certainly hadn't spotted any Adam's apple either, though I now realized, that's not what I'd been looking at most of the time we'd been sitting there. Curious, I stood and made my way towards the toilet just as Kim came out, smiling as she did passing me on her way back to our table. I smiled back, though now feeling a bit foolish obviously surprised by this revelation. By the time I returned, Mieke had gotten up and was using the women's toilet, leaving Kim and I to sit there alone together.

"So, what are your plans for the rest of the evening?" She asked. I then told her how Mieke and I had planned to next walk down the street and take in the sex museum. Kim proceeded to fill me in on some of the wilder things we would find there when we did, and gave me some directions on some of the best areas to take a look at, especially as there was so much to see, and it was easy to overlook a great many of them. She then said she had a flat just around the corner from there, and as we'd now all finished our drinks, she'd walk with us towards the museum as it was on her way home.

When Mieke returned, we were already standing preparing to leave. I quickly informed her that Kim was heading that way as well, and then we left. Once again we fell into easy comfortable chatter, made even more so, and even more interesting with the knowledge I now had, that Kim was in fact a shemale. I continued to observe, trying to discover any traits I had somehow managed to miss. But aside from the hardly noticeable Adam's apple, there simply weren't any I could find. We were laughing about one of the sex museums current exhibits as we walked along heading in that direction when Kim told us that she had a pretty interesting collection of antique toys, vibrators and whatnot herself. To our surprise, she invited us up to her flat for another drink, and a look-see at what she had.

The one thing about my wife, she could read me like a book. I was curious about Kim to be sure, and the fact we actually had had a delightful evening talking to her made the acceptance of her offer far easier to make.

"We'd love to!" Mieke answered for us both. "I'd love to see what you've got!"

She had said the very words I was thinking, though I couldn't help wondering if she'd meant them the way I was now thinking them. And don't get me wrong, it wasn't that I was so much interested in seeing if Kim actually had a cock, by now I obviously knew that she did. But her demeanor, her friendliness, and the fact I was still hearing her, and seeing her as an attractive woman, even though she obviously wasn't, was now more than a simple curiosity for me. Perhaps with all the previous evening's festivities we'd been enjoying, the arousal that had initially caused us to go in and sit down in the pub in the first place came roaring back. Suddenly my mind was filled with the image of seeing Kim and my wife together. On the one hand, it was the idea of two women together that always had been an erotic thrill for me in the first place. You know, tit to tit ... that sort of thing. But now ... there was obviously an interesting twist to that, which also knowing my wife as well as she knew me, included what could very possibly be another nice hard stiff cock to look at. And not that either one of us had any real expectations of that actually happening, there was nothing being said that it wouldn't either.

Moments later we were following Kim up a very narrow flight of stairs forcing us to climb them in single file until reaching her apartment. When we entered, I was somewhat surprised, and yet pleased to see how tastefully clean and well decorated it was. I had half expected to find it a dump, but Kim obviously kept a very neat and tidy place. And though obviously small, it was yet spacious enough at the same time as she'd incorporated the use of the space she did have to its best advantage.

"Help yourselves to a drink," she informed us after entering, and then adding, "And if you don't mind, I'd like to change into something a bit more comfortable," she told us, soon after disappearing into what was obviously her bedroom. Kim had a small, but nicely stocked bar. Pouring the three of us a glass of wine, we stood there waiting for Kim to reemerge which she soon did minutes later. "Come on in ... come see my collection," she called out to us. Obviously, it was in her bedroom.

Grabbing her wine, I followed Mieke into the room. Kim stood waiting for us, accepting her wine from me as we entered. She had indeed changed, now wearing a rather short, though sensual looking Japanese Kimono. I couldn't help but notice her smooth shapely legs, once again nearly shaking my head in disbelief that she was, at least to some extent, part male. She simply didn't look like it, or act the part.

Above her bed in a glass case was a collection of what were obviously antique looking sex toys, which she began showing and explaining to us. All of which surprisingly still worked too. As she leaned over her bed, her silk short robe rode up just high enough to reveal the fact she was wearing the briefest of tiny thongs as her twin cheeks, smooth, bare and invitingly revealed peeked out at us both. Even Mieke gave them an appreciative look just as I did.

We soon after sauntered back into her cozy sized sitting room and sat down on the small couch, Kim taking a seat in another comfortable looking chair across from us. As she sat, daintily crossing her legs, I couldn't help but glance in that direction as she did so, catching briefly what I felt to be was a rather prominent looking bulge between her legs. To my surprise, I felt my own renewed bulge growing, once again making it somewhat difficult for me to simply sit there in the position that I was without making some sort of an adjustment. Feeling very comfortable, and without too much embarrassment, I did, but I didn't really have any choice either. It was that, or sit there and be miserable.

Needless to say, my adjustment didn't go without notice. Kim smiled watching me, as Mieke actually giggled.

"What's a matter honey? Something come up?"

I laughed trying to make light of the subject. "Must have been the sex show," I said simply. That made Kim laugh.

"Oh? So you went to a sex show huh?" she asked. "Before ... or after you window shopped me?" Though she continued before either Mieke and I could answer. "You know ... I'd be more than happy to put on a show for you myself ... free of charge in fact," she continued saying. "I'm quite a bit of an exhibitionist myself, and let's face it, being who I am, and what I am, tends to generate a bit of curious interest in that regard. Would you two enjoy seeing something like that?" She asked.

Admittedly, we both did, smiling at her by way of an answer. "Then consider this as our own private little sex show," she told us. "Though feel free to make yourselves even more comfortable in order to enjoy it," she added. Initially, neither Mieke nor I made any attempt at doing anything more than merely sit there, watching Kim however as she undid the sash on her Kimono as she walked over to a CD player she had nearby and put on some music. As it began playing, she began dancing, swaying to it, slowly and teasingly revealing bits of herself as she did so. Eventually she tossed the robe she'd been wearing onto the back of her chair, now cupping, toying with her magnificent looking breasts as she teased us by playing with them. It wasn't long for me at least, when I could no longer tolerate the hard stiff erection in my pants, though Mieke had already decided she wanted something to play with herself while the two of us sat watching Kim seductively dance around for us.

Mieke had released my enormously stiff prick, sitting beside me as she fondled it, and then waggling it playfully as Kim smiled, noticing the erotic display.

"Why don't you get comfortable too?" she suggested at my wife. I sat watching as Mieke then stood, slowly stripping out of her clothing as both Kim and I looked on while she did. I soon joined her, taking the rest of my own clothing off as well, until ironically, Kim now wore more than we were. All that remained was the tightly stretched thong that bulged quite obscenely, the bulbous tip of Kim's prick suddenly making an appearance over the rim at the top. Stretching it out, she then yanked it down, freeing her cock, which sprang like a tightly coiled spring actually slapping back against her abdomen as she did that.

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Maid tales Part 1

When I was an early teenager I was naturally quite curious about sex and women. However, as we live in a society where Indian men and women are not exposed to sexual education …. I had to figure things out by myself. I was 18 when I had a maid at my home. She used to do the basic household chores like washing the dishes and cleaning the house and washing the clothes. At first, when I met her I noticed she was . She always wore kajal in her eyes which and her hairs were tied at the back in a...

2 years ago
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The Coachs Wife CH 03

*** Chapter 3 – A Game to Remember “Hey batter, batter, batter...hey batter, batter, batter...swing!” The chant went up, not only around the diamond, but in the stands as well, as a chorus of anxious parents and Rocket supporters voiced their loyalty. The first official game of the summer season was going in their favor, yet Bruce worried, as he always did, that the win was not in the bag. From one end of the dugout to the other, he paced, shouting directives and encouragement to his...

4 years ago
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The Actress and IChapter 4

My plane landed at the airport right on time, and sister Beth was there to pick me up. We had a nice brother sister chat on the way home. I told her everything that happened out west, but omitted my sexual encounters with Shannon. What a big difference in temperature between here and California. We had a board of directors meeting set up for the end of the week, we have one every year around this time. Dad is the president, Brenda the vice-president, Beth the secretary, and I am the...

4 years ago
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My Milky Aunty

Hi to all ISS readers, this is Naveen again here with another story which was a real happening in my life. And hope you all enjoyed a lot with my previous 2 stories and this is my new story which is the 3rd one in this site. And for the new readers I will introduce about myself. I am Naveen, From India and always interested in reading the stories in this ISS and make myself to have a real sex in my life. And as I like to read all the stories of couple, incest, maid servant and teacher/ office...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Helena Locke Photo Finish

A married couple, Mac (Derrick Pierce) and Charlene, have just had family photos taken by Iris (Helena Locke), a professional photographer. As Charlene heads back to the car, Mac stays behind and compliments Iris and her business. Iris is smitten by his words, especially since he seems sincere about his passion for photography. But when Mac playfully recounts a comment Charlene made, which undermines Iris’ work, Iris secretly grows vindictive towards her. Iris promises Mac a coupon for...

1 year ago
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New StartChapter 9

The weeping girl beckoned my daughter to follow us as I took her upstairs impaled on my cock, every step seemed to send her into another spasm, she felt like a gooey swamp when I lay her down on the bed and rammed myself into her to get my own satisfaction! "Fuck her daddy" Katie sat in a chair beside the bed, legs apart fingering herself with one hand and with the other hand, wiping her friend's little panties all over her face! Sharon used her cunt muscles to squeeze me, trying to get...

4 years ago
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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 18

NATALIE (Sunday 12/4) I woke up when the light first started coming in the window. I felt good! Wonderful dream -- or was it a dream? After all, I'd invited Bob to molest me, and my pussy was really wet. I got up and did my pee and poo. Despite what I'd told Bob about no shower, I washed my spare hole really well. I figured (and hoped) it would get lots of attention today along with other parts. Bob came gliding in sporting an enormous boner. He kept trying to tell me he had to pee, but...

4 years ago
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I love that adorable Sues butt

I had met Burt and his wife Sue a bar that Anita and I used to go to. We had become friends. Both guys were very friendly.Sue was hot. A bit bubbly, but her curves made her very sexy…After a year of meeting at that bar, they held a party at their house.I went alone, since Ana was on a business trip away. It was spring time and people were all outside in their back yard; most of us were just talking, drinking; enjoying the warm evening.Sue came over me and asked if I could go with her inside....

4 years ago
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Continuing my K9 Experience

Jayne came round the afternoon he had gone away we chatted for a while she wanted to know what my expectations were and what I wanted to get out of this experience, and she told me how she had started with k9 fun and when she told me that they had an open relationship it took me by surprise as I was not expecting that but at the same time it was none of my business what they did, and it didn’t bother me. After chatting for a while and poor Rocky was lay on the floor Jayne suggested we...

1 year ago
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My Nylon Goddess Chapter 2

MY NYLON GODDESS - CHAPTER TWO Note to readers: Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to continue this tale. I hope you enjoy the new episode! ================================== "Alannah." As I trudged down the street, school bag slung awkwardly over one shoulder, it wasn't just the books that weighed me down, or the reminder they gave me of the evening I would have to spend doing homework. I'd had a pretty miserable day, all up. There'd been the usual low-level bullying, nothing...

3 years ago
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MarlaChapter 10

Some parts of the city still had power. The darker streets, like theirs, didn't quite empty, but with nightfall the dead had moved away, attracted to the distant lights. The street filled back up during the day Sometimes they seemed to be following the sounds of gunfire, but that couldn't explain it all. Marla sighed and looked away from the window. She'd woken up screaming again, she'd screamed until she realized Eckert held her in his strong protective arms. Death wanted her, came to...

2 years ago
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The 10 of them Chapter 7

Introduction: One trip, one hot night, and the day I made three of my friends millionaires. We go to the bank, and open an account for Marshall. I transferred the twenty-five thousand dollars into his new account. We then go to lunch and Marshall had a certain restaurant in mind as he had me drive to it. We eat a great lunch. Just before we leave the Judge shows up. He watched as Marshall put a one hundred dollar bill on the table for the tip. The Judge curious asks, Marshall, how in the...

3 years ago
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BethChapter 141

February 7, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, Like two Wednesdays ago, Jim would be arriving this evening. He and Meka would spend the night at the W, because, although the J remodel is nearly complete, important bits of it are not. Meka threw herself into lifting to keep her mind from dropping her into unfocused excitement. She was a madwoman on the machines. Also like two Wednesdays ago, Meka had invited the whole group, this time, including Brett, to dine with them tonight, again in skimpy...

3 years ago
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Love is Damn Hard

This story is one that I have had rolling around my head for a while. It’s loosely based on a human interest story I read in a magazine. This guy, John, is a hopeless romantic who falls hard. It’s also a romance, so while there is tragedy, there is some happiness in the end. ***** I thought I would write down how my life got to where it is now. Love is hard. Love is pain. Love is exquisite. Love is fulfilling. It’s all those things and all the other two sides to all our emotions. This is my...

1 year ago
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Layla and the Professor

Good morning, welcome to creative writing 101, I’m Professor Donlon. You’re here because you have aspirations, you want to be a successful, published author. Many of you believe you have the talent to be an acclaimed novelist. I’m here because I’d like to see you achieve those objectives.’ Looking at the professor I could think of many objectives I’d like to achieve with him. My radar never failed me. An older, intelligent man who wanted to teach me things I didn’t know, that could be more...

3 years ago
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Sodomized by my sister part 2

I woke up the next morning with my sister sleeping in my arms and my stiff dick still inside of her. I cupped her right boob and pulled her a little tighter as I thrust my hips forward driving the head of my dick into her cervix as I shot my morning load into her. Patty woke up right then and turned her head to kiss me and said, "now this is how I like to wake up in the mornings." "I'm not done yet", I said as I slid out of her and rolled her over as I moved down to her pussy. She raised her...

1 year ago
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Bengali villages chachi

Bengali villages wife husband in London this is a story from Bangladesh. we currently live in the UK. in Bangladeshi tradition and Culture sex is very very discreet not talked about .but sex is very common outside the marriage .my dad used to work abroad in the UK. and me and mom lived in bangladesh in a village. my dad only used to visit once every 3 to 4 year for about 4 weeks at a time. my mom and I lived with her parents. my mom is a very very sexy women she is really very tall and stocky...

2 years ago
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Rajkot ka real incidence

Mera nam sanket hai aur main gujarat me rahta hun. Waise to mera business kuchh aur hai Magar main din me 4-5 hrs. Ke liye kuchh esa kam bhi karta hun jis se mujhe extra income hoti Hai kyonki badi city me rahna itna aasan nahin hai aur wo bhi is mandi ke daur me.kuchh samay pahle mujhe meri dost priya mili. Jo ki meri purani dost hai magar kafi time se mulakat nahin ho pai thi. Ham logon ne sath me coffi li aur khuub sari baten ki. Usne bataya ki usaka fashion Desining ka kam hai, isliye...

3 years ago
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The Cherry PopperChapter 1

Cindy wasn't sure what woke her up, but she did know she was really horny. The fourteen year old girl could feel her erect nipples pressing against the fabric of the t-shirt she wore to bed. The sensation traveled through her nearly flat chest and down through her belly until it reached the already wet pussy in her small shorts. One hand slid under her shirt to tweak her nipples while she slid the other one under the elastic of her shorts to stroke her slit, pausing long enough to pinch...

1 year ago
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Doggy Mommy in TexasChapter 4

Michelle, Kyle and Garry all entered the Amarillo airport terminal and were immediately approached by what could only be Big Mike. The man was 6'5, in his socks, and weighed 250 pounds. He was dressed in cowboy boots, Levis, a blue checked work shirt, and black cowboy hat. If you slapped a gun belt around his waist, he'd look at home in a John Wayne or Clint Eastwood western. "Michelle?" he asked. When she nodded her head, he wrapped his arms around her, scooped her off the floor and...

2 years ago
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The Honeymoon2

all around the room, a bottle of champaign on ice and two plates covered on a table by the fireplace. “It’s beautiful.” I said turning around and kissed him. “Let’s eat first.” he said and we sat down together. “I’m going to get fat eating like this.” I said as he uncovered another gourmet meal. “No you won’t. Sex is the best exercise in the world.” he said. “And we are going to work off every bit of it and more the next couple days.” as he poured the champaign. “By...

1 year ago
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Undercovers Detective chapter 3

FRANK I walked behind Alex as we made our way back to Greer's office. All I could think about was that firm, round, curvy ass swaying in front of me. I was pretty sure what would have happened had we not been rescued from the jammed elevator. All my principles had been tossed away like yesterday's trash. This was the second time in less than two weeks that I had my hands on my partner's perfect, soft flesh. The first time being cleaning her up after that drunken night at Chubby’s Bar. Then...

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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 29 Body like Stone Cubed

Over the next few days, Master Lee watches over them as she leads them through the process of cultivating their bodies. They have been practicing Body Cultivation for months now, but not to the extent they will be during this trip. The first day they work within the formation of power that Master Lee had set up without any kind of pill or other concoction to assist them. The second day, Master Lee adds to it by slowly heating the ground under them. It isn’t comfortable, but they place their...

3 years ago
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SwapChapter 14

In the wee hours of some quiet nights, I had continued to refine the site plan for Dream Catcher Ranch, and on Wednesday, I'd made copies of the site plan, such that it was, at Bare Printing on Aultman Street, so when my family and Robyn piled out of the Lincoln in front of the property on Great Basin Highway, I took a roll of the plans with me. Lou and Mabel had already arrived and were standing by a pickup truck parked on the shoulder of the highway in front of the Lincoln. It was a cold...

2 years ago
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Sin BravelyChapter 26

The sharp rapping brought Wolfgang gracefully off the hardwood floor and quickly to his feet. He reached for his Glock 29, sweeping the pistol from the coffee table and moving towards the bedroom. There he found Eva as she emerged fresh from her bath, wet and wrapped in a thin bathrobe. She held a large, Colt .45 semi-automatic and the young woman smiled at her brother as she slapped a full magazine into the butt and pulled back on the slide, letting it spring forward with a satisfying...

3 years ago
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The Farm LegacyChapter 13

Hal's idea of a languid lie in the next morning did not quite go according to plan. They both woke, not unexpectedly, at their usual time still entwined. Neither wanted to disturb the other, thoroughly enjoying their closeness, so each remained still. Diana thought back over the last few days particularly about the way Hal's love had developed for her. She had never doubted its sincerity but she marvelled at how his shyness had all but disappeared. Instead he was showing his love...

2 years ago
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Silent shower shag

I couldn't sleep so I went to the all night gym for a bike session. There was no one there except for another guy on the treadmill. I worked up a good sweat, cleaned up the bike and went to the changing room to shower. The other guy came in a minute later but we never exchanged pleasantries or even a glance. I stripped off my sports stuff, as did my neighbor. I stole a look over at him, as you do, and was surprised to see a semi erect cock! I couldn't take my eyes off it and I knew he knew I...

1 year ago
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Mei Ling Part Two

Mei Ling: Part Two By B. Pink I drove home and fell onto my bed. My head was full of Mei Ling, she was in control of me even when I was alone. I needed to pee and walked to the bathroom and unzipped my jeans. My eyes filled with tears as instead of my pride and joy all I could feel was the rubber encasing it. I lowered my jeans and the panties that I was wearing and sat on the toilet. The pee dribbled from me through a hole in the tube that held my penis. I finished and then...

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