- 4 years ago
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My wife and I had flown over from the states to visit with her parents who lived there. I had been there once before, for a quick brief visit so I knew a little of the touristy area. On this trip however, I got to see a lot more of the wilder side of Amsterdam, which for me was an eye opening experience.
Mieke, my wife was a fiery redhead. Great tits, the kind you could get lost in, and play with for hours. Something she didn't at all mind my doing either. Self assured, confident and certainly friendly, she made it a lot easier for me to feel comfortable in a strange place, obviously knowing her way around, and fluent in the language.
We'd decided to first stop in to what's called a "coffee shop", though to be honest, I don't remember if they even served coffee there. We'd found a comfortable booth, enjoyed a nice mellow smoke together which soon had my head buzzing in delight, and then set off to browse the red-light district just for the fun of it. Walking down row after row, peering into windows were the local girls stood letting you get a good look at them was an interesting experience. Most of whom I actually did find reasonably attractive. Several of which were flirtatious and at times even funny as they tried wooing both my wife and I into their rooms for some adventure. Eventually however, having done a considerable amount of so called window-shopping, I was reasonably aroused, as was my wife. We then decided to take in one of several live sex shows that were dotted here and there within the district. I had never been to one of course, and was now curious about it. Actually watching performers engage in real sex on stage was a pretty fucking erotic experience. I'd always been a bit of a voyeur anyway, not to mention somewhat of an exhibitionist, so the opportunity to sit down in a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere and actually watch someone else having sex, was right up my alley.
By the time we came out from the theatre, I was about ready to bust a nut, my erection almost painfully pressed within my jeans making it not only awkward, but very difficult to walk. When Mieke suggested we go inside to a nearby pub for a pint, I was all for it. Just sitting down, giving my prick some time to get flaccid again seemed like a really good idea at the time.
The place was pretty well packed and it was still early yet. But we eventually managed to slip into the only remaining booth available, ordered our drinks, and then sat back to enjoy the typical Dutch atmosphere and amusements from the average working populace that came in here at the end of the day for a good stiff drink after work. We'd just ordered our second drinks, my cock finally softening enough that I felt like we could go out, walk about again though our next intended stop was to be the world famous sex museum they had there. I knew by the end of the evening, especially after having taken that in, I'd be randy enough to fuck a mule. Luckily for me however, I had a hot sexy wife that was more than willing to do just that so that I wouldn't have to.
It was at that particular moment that I glanced up as the door to the pub opened and a rather attractive woman came walking in.
"Mieke? Doesn't she look familiar?" I asked. I knew I had seen her somewhere before, and then it hit me, just as Mieke laughed, already knowing where we had.
"Yes honey, she's the one we stood looking at the longest, remember?" Now in fact, I did. She had long dark hair that fell well down to the middle of her back, long natural eyelashes, and a full set of very sensual looking lips. The thing that had perhaps attracted us both about her the most was that she didn't look typically slutty, even in the window as she attempted to entice us into coming in. Now, here in the pub, she looked even more natural, like any typical attractive looking woman just on her way home from work.
As busy as the place was, she stood looking around for a place to sit. At that moment, she spotted Mieke and I sitting alone in a booth meant to seat four, and came walking over. By the smile on her face, she had recognized us as well.
"Mind if I join you?" She asked. We didn't mind it at all, inviting her to sit as she ordered her drink, and then spoke with us unlike before. Through the window, all we'd been able to do was basically smile at one another, make hand gestures, and basically flirt and tease one another. Mieke and I had even briefly discussed the possibility of going in and negotiating with her for some quick fun amongst the three of us. But as we didn't have a whole lot of available cash on us at the time, we decided that thirty minutes of naughty pleasure would have cut our evening far shorter than either one of us would have preferred. Now we sat actually conversing with her without hand signals or smiles, though there were still plenty of those to go around too as she found out only then we'd come over from the States, though as I'd said, Mieke had herself grown up there in the Nederland's.
She had soon after introduced herself as Kim. I had taken in the fact that she was dressed somewhat demurely, not at all in the typical way one might expect for a girl working the red light district. She wore a lightweight pullover sweater. And though it was semi low cut in front, showing off an ample amount of cleavage, along with a short skirt that wasn't obscenely too short even for Amsterdam, she looked like any other normal working class person you might run into there on the streets. The fact she had teased Mieke and I both with a peek at her full breasts, which looked a lot like my wife's had been an enticing invitation, which had been the catalyst for standing there discussing the possibility of actually going in before we took accounting of our current finances and decided otherwise.
Kim was fun and interesting to talk to, telling us about her work and some of the more amusing situations she had been in while working there. At one point, she had even dropped her hand down on my upper thigh briefly as we sat there together in the booth, chatting away amiably about how Mieke and I had first met, eventually her coming over to join me in the States, getting married, and a little about herself growing up here. We decided to stay and have one more glass of beer with her before moving on to the museum, but I also knew I needed to use the toilet before I could, which quickly became the consensus for all of us. As crowed as the place still was however, we knew we needed someone to guard our table while we took turns peeing. As Kim now sat on one end, she excused herself first. I figured Mieke would slide out the other way and go with her, but she sat waiting until after Kim had left.
"Interesting character isn't she?" I stated, having thoroughly enjoyed our conversation with her up to that point.
"You might could say that," Mieke mused smiling with her eyes at me. "You do know ... she's a shemale don't you?"
You could have seriously knocked me over with a feather. The reason for that was, I wasn't exactly a novice when it came to knowing, or having seen so called shemales before in my lifetime. I'd seen a few in photos and magazines, and had on occasion actually watched a few porn movies. But there had always been something about each of them that had been a dead giveaway. Not that I hadn't found a few of them actually attractive even realizing what they were. But this was the first time I'd honestly been fooled. Not only had her breasts looked very natural, which even Mieke told me she'd found to be as well, but her voice hadn't hinted at any sort of masculinity in it whatsoever. There was no high pitched falsetto, from a man trying to sound like a woman, nor was there a deeper than normal voice coming out of her as a woman either. Even her facial features were all woman, and like I said, attractive as hell. Had we not seen her in the window earlier, I wouldn't have given it another thought.
"Are you sure?" I asked still having difficulty believing it. Mieke laughed.
"Well for one thing Rick, she has an Adams apple. And for another, she went into the men's room ... not the women's!"
I hadn't watched her do that for one thing, but I certainly hadn't spotted any Adam's apple either, though I now realized, that's not what I'd been looking at most of the time we'd been sitting there. Curious, I stood and made my way towards the toilet just as Kim came out, smiling as she did passing me on her way back to our table. I smiled back, though now feeling a bit foolish obviously surprised by this revelation. By the time I returned, Mieke had gotten up and was using the women's toilet, leaving Kim and I to sit there alone together.
"So, what are your plans for the rest of the evening?" She asked. I then told her how Mieke and I had planned to next walk down the street and take in the sex museum. Kim proceeded to fill me in on some of the wilder things we would find there when we did, and gave me some directions on some of the best areas to take a look at, especially as there was so much to see, and it was easy to overlook a great many of them. She then said she had a flat just around the corner from there, and as we'd now all finished our drinks, she'd walk with us towards the museum as it was on her way home.
When Mieke returned, we were already standing preparing to leave. I quickly informed her that Kim was heading that way as well, and then we left. Once again we fell into easy comfortable chatter, made even more so, and even more interesting with the knowledge I now had, that Kim was in fact a shemale. I continued to observe, trying to discover any traits I had somehow managed to miss. But aside from the hardly noticeable Adam's apple, there simply weren't any I could find. We were laughing about one of the sex museums current exhibits as we walked along heading in that direction when Kim told us that she had a pretty interesting collection of antique toys, vibrators and whatnot herself. To our surprise, she invited us up to her flat for another drink, and a look-see at what she had.
The one thing about my wife, she could read me like a book. I was curious about Kim to be sure, and the fact we actually had had a delightful evening talking to her made the acceptance of her offer far easier to make.
"We'd love to!" Mieke answered for us both. "I'd love to see what you've got!"
She had said the very words I was thinking, though I couldn't help wondering if she'd meant them the way I was now thinking them. And don't get me wrong, it wasn't that I was so much interested in seeing if Kim actually had a cock, by now I obviously knew that she did. But her demeanor, her friendliness, and the fact I was still hearing her, and seeing her as an attractive woman, even though she obviously wasn't, was now more than a simple curiosity for me. Perhaps with all the previous evening's festivities we'd been enjoying, the arousal that had initially caused us to go in and sit down in the pub in the first place came roaring back. Suddenly my mind was filled with the image of seeing Kim and my wife together. On the one hand, it was the idea of two women together that always had been an erotic thrill for me in the first place. You know, tit to tit ... that sort of thing. But now ... there was obviously an interesting twist to that, which also knowing my wife as well as she knew me, included what could very possibly be another nice hard stiff cock to look at. And not that either one of us had any real expectations of that actually happening, there was nothing being said that it wouldn't either.
Moments later we were following Kim up a very narrow flight of stairs forcing us to climb them in single file until reaching her apartment. When we entered, I was somewhat surprised, and yet pleased to see how tastefully clean and well decorated it was. I had half expected to find it a dump, but Kim obviously kept a very neat and tidy place. And though obviously small, it was yet spacious enough at the same time as she'd incorporated the use of the space she did have to its best advantage.
"Help yourselves to a drink," she informed us after entering, and then adding, "And if you don't mind, I'd like to change into something a bit more comfortable," she told us, soon after disappearing into what was obviously her bedroom. Kim had a small, but nicely stocked bar. Pouring the three of us a glass of wine, we stood there waiting for Kim to reemerge which she soon did minutes later. "Come on in ... come see my collection," she called out to us. Obviously, it was in her bedroom.
Grabbing her wine, I followed Mieke into the room. Kim stood waiting for us, accepting her wine from me as we entered. She had indeed changed, now wearing a rather short, though sensual looking Japanese Kimono. I couldn't help but notice her smooth shapely legs, once again nearly shaking my head in disbelief that she was, at least to some extent, part male. She simply didn't look like it, or act the part.
Above her bed in a glass case was a collection of what were obviously antique looking sex toys, which she began showing and explaining to us. All of which surprisingly still worked too. As she leaned over her bed, her silk short robe rode up just high enough to reveal the fact she was wearing the briefest of tiny thongs as her twin cheeks, smooth, bare and invitingly revealed peeked out at us both. Even Mieke gave them an appreciative look just as I did.
We soon after sauntered back into her cozy sized sitting room and sat down on the small couch, Kim taking a seat in another comfortable looking chair across from us. As she sat, daintily crossing her legs, I couldn't help but glance in that direction as she did so, catching briefly what I felt to be was a rather prominent looking bulge between her legs. To my surprise, I felt my own renewed bulge growing, once again making it somewhat difficult for me to simply sit there in the position that I was without making some sort of an adjustment. Feeling very comfortable, and without too much embarrassment, I did, but I didn't really have any choice either. It was that, or sit there and be miserable.
Needless to say, my adjustment didn't go without notice. Kim smiled watching me, as Mieke actually giggled.
"What's a matter honey? Something come up?"
I laughed trying to make light of the subject. "Must have been the sex show," I said simply. That made Kim laugh.
"Oh? So you went to a sex show huh?" she asked. "Before ... or after you window shopped me?" Though she continued before either Mieke and I could answer. "You know ... I'd be more than happy to put on a show for you myself ... free of charge in fact," she continued saying. "I'm quite a bit of an exhibitionist myself, and let's face it, being who I am, and what I am, tends to generate a bit of curious interest in that regard. Would you two enjoy seeing something like that?" She asked.
Admittedly, we both did, smiling at her by way of an answer. "Then consider this as our own private little sex show," she told us. "Though feel free to make yourselves even more comfortable in order to enjoy it," she added. Initially, neither Mieke nor I made any attempt at doing anything more than merely sit there, watching Kim however as she undid the sash on her Kimono as she walked over to a CD player she had nearby and put on some music. As it began playing, she began dancing, swaying to it, slowly and teasingly revealing bits of herself as she did so. Eventually she tossed the robe she'd been wearing onto the back of her chair, now cupping, toying with her magnificent looking breasts as she teased us by playing with them. It wasn't long for me at least, when I could no longer tolerate the hard stiff erection in my pants, though Mieke had already decided she wanted something to play with herself while the two of us sat watching Kim seductively dance around for us.
Mieke had released my enormously stiff prick, sitting beside me as she fondled it, and then waggling it playfully as Kim smiled, noticing the erotic display.
"Why don't you get comfortable too?" she suggested at my wife. I sat watching as Mieke then stood, slowly stripping out of her clothing as both Kim and I looked on while she did. I soon joined her, taking the rest of my own clothing off as well, until ironically, Kim now wore more than we were. All that remained was the tightly stretched thong that bulged quite obscenely, the bulbous tip of Kim's prick suddenly making an appearance over the rim at the top. Stretching it out, she then yanked it down, freeing her cock, which sprang like a tightly coiled spring actually slapping back against her abdomen as she did that.
Amsterdamn By Nancy Moore PROLOGUE: Wendy rocked back and forth in the window, grinding her plump arse into the wicker seat. The red thong was far too tight and the matching red bra, hanging with tassels, was about two sizes too small for her swollen breasts. Still, it did give her a lovely cleavage and the men seemed to like that. She rubbed her hands on her thighs, feeling the black silk stockings against her smooth flesh, then puffed out those blonde locks, wiggling her long...
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Daniel looked around the nightclub, He loved hunting here, the men and women were all beautiful, available, and usually had been drinking or taking drugs. They were also usually horny as well, so he didn’t have to work so hard to get them worked up. He walked through the still and silent dancefloor, trailing his fingers across hips, asses and tits as he passed, finding just the right one. There. She was about nineteen, he guessed, short dark hair, choker, bright red lipstick and dark...
Last weekend my wife and i was traveling up to her sister. We had gone about 100miles before we stopped off at a service station to get some food. We'd gone into the station and had our break and decided to cut it short as we wanted to get going before the rush hour traffic had come round. I'd always thought my wife was looking well for her age, size 12 34c medium built brown hair and brown eyes . My friends always teased me, telling she was a milf. So on this day it was no surpise when i was...
It is a boring Tuesday work day. Then I get the email about meeting you for dinner. My schedule is free and you would be a nice diversion to getting the week going with a high point. We arrange to meet a little Italian place. Hope you like Italian, I think you do or what would you eat when you visit it? We arrive at the restaurant at the same time. I am wearing a sun dress and cowboy boots. you have to love the south. You are wearing a pair of baggy pants and a polo shirt. We make a cute...
The economy has sucked over the last three plus years. Right, hasn’t it? I know because I’ve been laid off, for the most part of it. I don’t know how many times, but I haven’t fretted too much seeing as I am single and somehow have managed to find myself a job here and there each time throughout these layoffs. Okay, I’m not too old either and seeing as I’m not, it may have worked out to my advantage. My first year of being laid off, I was only 27. Now, no I don’t have a college degree but with...
MatureANNIE'S STORYAT THE DEALERSHIPAfter that, I became Matt's cum slut. I could not get enough of his cock. I loved him and told him so. Matt reciprocated. Matt and I talked on the phone everyday. I would tell him how horny I was and he would call me his dirty little slut. I would play with my cunt and tell him what I was doing. This always got him hard. I started dropping by the dealership after 6 when just Todd and Matt were working. Matt's office was right next to the main showroom window...
The first time Kevin Roach was mistaken for Tommy Ross he was in the White Lion. The mistake’s maker approached him when he was at the bar, getting in a round of drinks for himself and his workmates. She had bobbed red hair and neat, pretty features and she wore a T-shirt displaying her allegiance to the rock band White Noise. ‘Sorry to bother you,’ the newcomer said, as she materialized at Kevin’s elbow, her head inclined coquettishly to one side, ‘but my friends won’t shut up unless I settle...
Synopsis of Part One & Two: Miriam finds an old lantern while working for an antique dealer. It is a special lantern – one with a handsome genie residing inside who has the ability to grant any three wishes made by its possessor. Miriam makes her first and second wishes and they are fulfilled beyond her expectations. Miriam put her cell phone down on the small glass-top table and picked up her wine glass. She stepped to the edge of the balcony, leaned against the marble balustrade, and gazed...
“Jacobs, you’re gonna be with the bitches today.” That was Sergeant Fox, my supervisor, a man so fat that his girth threatened to shear off the armrests on either side of the spindly office chair that was currently groaning underneath his immense bulk. “We had two call out,” he continued, “so Troyer’s on her own over there. Get over to Women’s Holding and help her out.” At this news I visibly brightened. Working an entire shift with Amy Troyer wasn’t such a terrible prospect. Out of the...
TabooHi everyone! This is raunak from bangalore. Mai 22 saal ka hu aur mera lund 6 inch 2 cm bada aur 2.3 inch mota hai jo meri gf ne hi measure kia apne hatho se. Yea kahani promise day ki hai jab maine apni gf ko chhoda.Jaisa ki aap logo ko pta hi hoga ki ye valentine week chal raha hai.To mai aur meri gf nikita (name changed) aksar outing kar rahe the.Wo dikhne me ek dum maal hai.Uski books balloon ki tarah hai aur uski chut to maano kisi ka bhi lund garam ho jaaye aur chhodne ko majbur ho...
With the kids in school, my wife, Meg, has had more time on her hands during the day. I've started coming home for lunch when I can, and she always greets me with some new culinary delight - yesterday was no exception. I arrived home and and found Meg busy on the deck. She had a large, ripe strawberry in her hand and I watched with intense interest as she brought it to her red lips. After so many years together, I easily recognized the desire in her eyes, and my body responded to the tease...
Love StoriesCindy was walking down the road towards Mark’s house, she had a file in her hand that she had to deliver to him, Cindy hated Mark he was 14 years old 2 years younger than her and was hated, he had been suspended from school for fighting so Cindy was delivering homework for him. Mark was standing at the kitchen window waiting for Cindy, he had been talking to her ex boyfriend had learnt a few things about Cindy and was hopeful. Cindy opened the gate and went into the back garden as she walked...
INCREmental Sexual ViolencePage 1. Finally things appeared to be going well for me again. I'd had a real dry spell, almost three weeks, which was pretty well a record. I was tired of jerking off and wanted the real pussy again, but every potential kidnapping victim I'd stalked, and was ready to snatch, the plans had gone off track for various and sundry reasons and I was becoming pretty pissed. And when I got that way, I could be careless, and it wasn't carelessness that was...
Alex Blake and Whitney Wright have gone to their friend Kiara Cole’s house to get ready for a golf open tournament. The girls go to Kiara’s bedroom to change. There, Whitney and Alex go about flashing their tits and twats as they dress as slutty as they can. Kiara is alarmed, commenting on her friends’ outfits being inappropriate. As they all watch, Kiara’s brother Alex Legend pervs on them from the doorway. Kiara eventually notices her brother, who wants to know if the...
xmoviesforyouAfter fucking Mark the first time, I was feeling like I had crossed a line that I shouldn't have. I felt like I totally lost control and should not have ventured down the path that I did. I spoke with my husband, Dave, about how I was feeling. My husband is the love of my life, we have been married for 12 years and even though I had dreamed about fucking other men I have never acted on it. Dave told me that he was OK with what happened, he loved me, and stated that I shouldn't be concerned with...
Having had their night in a hotel room, Gaby Harrington and Steve Prentice were preparing, for now, to go their separate ways. During the conversations that they had had when not fucking, they had established that twenty-five-year-old Steve had taken a fancy to the hotel barmaid, Mandy, an attraction that seemed to be mutual. Sixty-year-old Gaby had confided that she and the slightly younger Mandy were occasional sex partners and the possibilities of a threesome were considered."I am going to...
MatureJac was a young trainee birthday party. Jac was a decent looking and pleasant girl like the girl next door. We had a slow dance together and i just fell for her. i caressed her back and she offered no resistance. i started to hug her closer with her soft breasts in body contact to my chest, my dick became semi hard. she was abit embarrassed. i led her out to the garden outside. We wasted no time. in our privacy, we kissed and fondled each other in desperation. i removed her bra from within and...
EroticI have been a firefighter for years but nothing in all my training ever prepared me for what happened last night. We had a call to a house for an electrical short in a breaker panel. Only minor damage was done but still the lady of the house was worried. We did a secondary search of the house, surrounding walls and found nothing. I explained to this very lovely, yet scantily clad young woman she had nothing to fear. She asked if I could come back and check it the morning. I told her...
Life was good for Penelope for five whole years she netted more than a million pounds a year, she was now running one of the most famous and beautiful harems in England with forty beautiful escorts any one good enough to be a catwalk model, except they all suffered from the itch in their cunts called nymphomania... It was in her twenty-third year of life that things began to take a turn for the worse; it all began at one her now famous soirees. A well known Judge, who liked to be bound tied...
Note: This story is completely fictional! As Joey walked home from college, he began to think about his girlfriend, and how she was the only girl in his life. He had only fucked her, and no one else. He was totally faithful to her. Or rather, he was totally faithful to her perfect breasts and her sweet pussy. He was looking forward to spending tonight with her. He walked towards the fountain he always passed. Oddly, no one was around, and because of his thoughts of his girlfriend, his cock was...
GaySexual Tension Jerry and Louis were roommates but had an odd arrangement. Jerry was straight and flaunted it by bringing attractive young women to the apartment. He was often at the clubs and generally sociable. Louis, on the other hand, was always alone and reclusive. He was also gay which Jerry knew about. The arrangement worked for Jerry because he didn't have to deal with another straight male that could potentially steal a girlfriend from him. Louis was completely harmless and...
Part 1. It was a warm spring day when Miranda went into town Miranda was a very dowdy looking young lady. Not unattractive but she was always wearing very conservative clothing, she wore a long skirt down to her ankles and a blouse and cardigan and flat heeled shoes. She worked in the central library in town and was always on time and very punctual. Miranda was 26 years old and no boyfriend or partner to this day ever really hit it off with her, mostly because of her mousey timid image she gave...
So after I woke up and found the bathroom, which sported a huge walk in shower, so I took a hot shower. As I was about to finish Lisa walked in and convinced me to stay. We explored every part of each other, and then she gave me a blowjob which climaxed by her pulling my cock out just as I was gonna cum, resulting in my cum splashing her face and running down onto her magnificent tits. I couldn't resist so I againicked her clean, then shared a kiss. We got dressed and headed to her kitchen for...
I was born in Louisiana, my family were one of the first families here and I inherited the family plantation. Yes my family were slave owners. One day while rummaging around the attic I found my great great grandfather’s journal. He described life with slaves. He of course called them negros. The rest of my family were blatantly racist, my mother and father called all blacks niggers. While I was raised that way I didn’t think the same. Most of the men I met were definitely niggers but the women...
The cold wind whipped my hair into my face. Several strands stuck to my cheeks since they were covered in tears. I swiped angrily at the offending strands and let out a small curse. It had been a hard enough afternoon and I wasn't in the mode to deal with such trivial things as hair in my face. I focused on putting one foot in front of the other to get as far away from the place of my destruction as possible. You see, I was walking away from a relationship I had wasted the last 10 years of my...
Love Stories