How He Punished Me free porn video

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"Fuck yes! Ah, yes! Jane!" Henry Whyte grunts with each thrust as he fucks me, my leg dangling from his hold on my thigh.

My moans and his grunts echoes in the empty stairway. My back is pressed up against the rail as he continues to pound his thick cock into me. The stabbing of the metal rail only adds to the pleasure.

He licks my neck and bites my lips as he roughly fucks me. His teeth grazing down my chin sends an electric volt down my spine and his tongue sliding up my neck back to my chin gives me a bolt of pleasure straight to my pussy. I can't help but love everything he is doing to my body.

"What would-" he grunts as he pulls me closer to him so that my face is inches from his, "you do, if someone took the stairs and heard your loud moans and came to investigate?" he asks, his breath hitting my face with each hard thrust that he delivers into me.

"Would you stop me and try to get away? Or would you let them watch as I continued on fucking you? Hm?"

The thought of someone catching us sends another jolt of pleasure down my stomach straight to my pussy, making me moan louder as he pinches my nipples.

"You're wetter than before," he says, amazed. "It turns you on? The thought of someone catching us? Fuck!"

Henry kisses me with a renewed passion and then turns me around so that my back is facing him. I stare back at him, my eyes begging him to fill me with his thick cock again. He smirks, cockily, and pushes my upper body down and pulls my hips towards him before slamming into me again, granting my wish.

My moan comes out as a half scream and half gasp, as his thick cock fills me, stretching me to my limit. Henry wraps his hand around my upper throat and around my chin, pulling my head down against his chest as he fucks me from behind. He smiles sinisterly as he stares me in the eye.

"You're so fucking hot."

His thrusts becomes urgent and his hips moves like a madman with his need to cum. My moans turn to screams and when he delivers his last round of thrusting before he cums, I orgasm and my pussy squeezes his cock, milking his cum from him. He groans loudly and buries his head between the crook of my neck.

Our breathing are the only thing that can be heard in the empty stairway as we come down from the intense fuck. My body, drained and tired from keeping myself up as he fucked me. My muscles sore with the need to mold my body with his as he thrust his cock into me, taking me on the roller coaster ride of pleasure with him.

I sigh with pleasure and hang my head, my breathing slowed and my heartbeat back to normal.

He pulls away first and pulls his clothes back on and then grabs my underwear and stuff it in his pocket.

"I'll keep this."

"Henry, without that, your cum is going to drip out," I say, fixing my clothes.


"You want them to find out?"

"I want everyone to find out that you belong to me. I'm so tired of seeing the other guys look at you, thinking they have a chance."

I shake my head and fix my hair the best I can. "I have to go. Everyone should be almost here by now," I say, getting ready to go.

Henry pulls me back to him before I can walk away, and kisses me fiercely. Our tongues dance as his hands roam my body. He rubs his already hardened crotch against my stomach, making me horny again.

I groan and lean against him more. "Damn it, Henry," I moan against his lips.

He smiles and gives me pecks of kisses as he innocently says, "What did I do?"

I narrow my eyes at him and pull his lips back to mine. I press my body against his, annoyed at the clothes that are in the way. I start to undo my shirt but Henry grabs my hand and stops me. I stare at him, hot and annoyed that he stopped me.

He smiles, "Later baby. Right now, you're going to be late to work, and for that, I will have to punish you. Do you want to be punished for being late to work?"

His words sends a shock right through me, making me squirm in place, "Punish me all you want," I say desperately.

He smirks and turns my body around, pushing me against the rail as his hands roughly grabs my breasts and squeezes. I moan softly, grinding my butt against his hard cock and he groans into my hair. His hands goes to my skirt and pulls it up. He barely brushes my pussy lips with his fingers, making me tremble with anticipation, before pushing my skirt back into place.

I turn back to look at him, an irritated look on my face.

"Damn it Henry! If you're going start something, at least have the damn decency to finish it!" I huff out in frustration as I straighten my shirt.

He has a satisfied smile on his face, seeming to enjoy my sexual frustration.

I huff out in frustration again and push him before walking away.

"Jane," he calls out after me, but I don't care to stop.

I make my way to the bathroom and lock the door. I clean my pussy the best I can, trying to scoop out all of Henry’s sperm so that it won’t leak out during the day. I wash my face and reapply my lipstick before deciding that I look decent enough to join the others in the office.

“Hey Jane,” I hear Jared say as I walk to the elevator. I turn around and smile as I see him.

“Hey Jared.”

“Just got here?”

I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly, and press the button to go up. There is an awkward silence as we wait for the elevator to come. Finally, I clear my throat and stare at him.

“How are you?” I ask.

“Surviving day by day,” he answers, sadness coming back into his eyes.

“I’m sorry,” I say, moving towards him just as the elevator dings and the door slides opens.

He walks in, leaving me behind, feeling like the biggest fool on earth, trying to comfort him. I walk into the elevator and sigh.

“You deserve better than her,” I say, “I know its not what you want to hear, and I’m sorry, but if she was good enough for you, she wouldn’t have left you for someone else.”

He nods, but doesn’t look at me.

The elevator door slides open and more people walks in, they nod their heads in greeting and hit the number for their floor and the awkward silence ensues.

Jared and I get off at the 10th floor and we walk silently, him lost in his thoughts of sadness and rejection as I am lost, staring at him, wishing I can help him get through this.

"Jared," I say, grabbing his arm to stop him. "I... I just want to let you know that if you

need to talk to someone, I'll be here for you. You can talk to me."

I wait for his reply as he stares at me. His lips turn up at the corners and he leans in towards me. He kisses my forehead softly and pulls away too quickly.

"I'll keep that in mind, Jane. Thank you," Jared says, his smile still on his face.

He brushes my cheek with his rough thumb, absent-mindedly, making my heart thump a thousand miles an hours. I almost let myself think that he is going to kiss me, but I quickly stash the thought away, knowing that it is too soon for such a thing to happen.

The spell is broken when the elevator dings and the other workers come out, talking and chatting. Jared drops his hand and steps away from me. Leaving me empty and craving for things that I know isn't possible.

"We should... go," he says. "Don't want to be late. You know how Mr. Whyte is about being on time."

"Yeah," I say, disappointed.


"Join us for lunch, Jane," Lexxus, my co-worker tells me.

"No, it's okay," I tell her, smiling. "You guys go and have fun. I'm going to finish this and then go down to the cafeteria to grab something to eat later."

"C'mon Jane, you never go with us," one other co-worker says.

"No, guys, seriously. Go have fun without me," I urge, wishing they would just go already.

"You and Jared never go anywhere with us," another complains.

I smile, "Maybe next time."

Lexxus sighs, "Fine, suit yourself. C'mon guys," she says to the others and they all say their goodbyes before walking to the hallway and into the elevator.

I look back at the paperwork in front of me and realize that I no longer have any motivation to continue. I lean back in my chair and stretch, my eyes closed and my hands reaching behind me to stretch my muscles. My hand touches something hard, yet soft and I open my eyes to see what it could be.

Jared stands there, looking at me. A smile on his face.

I quickly lift myself up and stand up, the chair rolls away and I lose my balance. He catches before I fall and the world spins for that few seconds I am in his arms.

"Careful there," I hear Jared tell me as he steadied me.

I smile weakly, my cheeks blushing as I grab a hold of the desk.

"Got up too quickly," I say, quietly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," Jared tells me.

When the world finally stops spinning, my eyes focuses on him and I shake my head, letting him know that it's okay.

"Did you need something?" I ask.

"I was wondering if you would like to grab something to eat."

The smile sneaks up on me and soon I am walking with him to the cafeteria. We grab our food and walk back to the elevator, back on 10th floor and decide to eat in the conference room.

The lunch break is about one hour, so knowing we have time, we eat and talk about everything. Soon, he is talking about how he has been feeling lately since his fiance broke off the engagement.

"I'm sorry that it happened," I tell him, at loss with what to say.

"It's no one's fault... Certainly isn't yours," he says, his eyes boring into mine.

"I know," I say, quietly, still keeping eye contact. "But I wish I could help you somehow."

We stare at each other, the intensity in our gaze creates an electric current in the air, making everything tense. He leans in towards me and I meet him halfway, our lips colliding. The passion takes over us, then.

His hand wraps and curls itself into my dark brown hair and his other hand falls to my waist, pulling me against him. The pressure of his body pressed up against my own makes my body go into a frenzy of emotions.

A moan escapes my lips as our kiss continues. His hand on my waist sinks lower and squeezes my bottom before lifting me onto the table. He touches my breasts and massages them, slightly pinching my nipples. The shocks of pleasure when he touches me, goes straight to my pussy, making me want more. My hands fly to his pants and grab his hardened, thick cock, my pussy pulsing with the intense need to have it stuff me.

He groans as I massage his cock through his pants. He reciprocates what I am doing and reaches into my skirt to touch my pussy. His surprised face reminds me that I don't have any underwear on and Henry’s words echoes distantly in my mind.

"You are mine, and you will do what I want, when I want."

I almost back away, but all thoughts of Henry leaves my mind when Jared penetrates my pussy with his long fingers. I moan as he moves his fingers expertly in and out of me, hitting my g-spot with each deep thrust of his fingers. My moans are loud, thinking no one is around to hear, but also not finding any reason to really care if someone did hear.

"What the hell do you two think you are doing?!"

I look at the open door and see Henry standing there. Jared pulls away from me and I pull my skirt back down, disappointed that that we got disturbed.

Henry’s eyes has a wild look to it, his anger apparent through the way he holds himself. His shoulders tense, his eyebrows furrow in anger, and his eyes shoots bullets at Jared.

"I-I'm sorry sir," Jared stutters.

"Get the hell out of here," Henry demands. "Before I fire your ass and make you unemployed!"

I jump off the table and follow Jared, fully intent on finishing what we started somewhere else. Henry grabs my arm and stops me from leaving.

"You, stay. We need to talk," he says, making Jared turn back to look at me.

"Sir, this isn't her fault," Jared says, defending me. "I started it. If you're going to fire someone, you should fire me."

Henry stares at Jared with a death stare, making Jared shrink. "You will get fired if you don't get your fucking ass out of here," he threatens.

"Mr. Whyte, leave him out of this," I finally say when it seems like he is about to beat Jared up. I stare at Jared gently, "Go," I urge. "I will be fine."

Jared seems torn between sticking up for me and leaving but I smile, "You're sweet for wanting to take responsibility, but don't worry, I can take care of myself."

When he is finally gone, Henry pushes me against the wall, roughly. My pussy pulses in excitement, despite his obvious anger.

"Fucking whore. I cannot believe you were going to fuck him. Or have you already fucked him, huh? With your loud moans, I'm fucking sure that you already fucked him!" he says, jealousy leaking into every word.

I can't help but smile and want to mess with him. "Maybe I did. What are you going to do about it?" I tempt.

He growls angrily and pushes me against the wall harder, making me moan.

"I am going to fucking punish you like the whore you are," he threatens, which only serves to make every nerve in my body tense in anticipation and my pussy drenched with my juices.

"But not here," he says, grabbing my wrist and pulling me out the room.

I follow, happily, like a puppy trailing after its owner for the treats. We walk to the elevator and he presses the basement button, where the employees park their cars. He drags me along with him as soon as the elevator door slides open.

He takes out his phone and dials a number before putting it to his ear. "Steve, you're in charge today. An emergency came up so I have to leave. I trust that you will make sure everything is in place? Okay. I'll see you tomorrow."

He opens his car door and pushes me in, obviously whatever he has in plan for me is something big, with him being in such a rush. I think of the possibilities, my pussy pulsing with need. I squirm in my seat and the slight squeeze of my thighs together makes me moan softly.

Henry drives over the speed limit, zooming in and out of lanes, trying to avoid all the slow cars. We arrive at his place, unscathed and without getting stopped by the police.

He opens my door for me and pulls me out by my hand. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and run up the little stairs to his house. I look and marvel at the beauty of the two story house as he opens the door and closes it behind him.

He takes me to a room and throws me on the bed, knocking the breath out of me. He walks to the closet without a word and grab some bed restraints. I stare at him, wondering what he is up to.

"Take off all your clothes," he says, and I obey him.

He walks around the bed, staring at me as I slowly undress for him. His eyes roam my body and my body responds, excitedly. My nipples harden, my pussy floods with juices, and goosebumps erupts all over my body.

"Lay down," he says.

I lay on my back, staring at him as he grabs my arm. "Are you going to tie me up?" I ask, using my tiny voice to make him think that I'm worried, even though the thought of being tied up by him makes me more wet.

He falls for it. "It is your punishment," he says, his eyes gleaming with threats that doesn't faze me.

"But... Henry, what have I done wrong?" I ask, feigning innocence.

His stare burns into me as he ties my other hand to the bed. "You are mine," he says simply. "You are to be with no other men, unless I say so."

"Do you belong to me too?" I ask, innocence still in my voice.

"I have to punish you in order for you to understand that no man should ever be able to lay their hands on you, unless I give the okay," he continues, ignoring my stare and my question.

I look at the restraints holding me to the bed and stare back at him. "What are you going to do to me?"

"In time, my dear. You will see."

I nod solemnly, "Okay," I say, my pussy pulsing with need.

Henry gets undressed and climbs on the bed. He reminds me of a spider, climbing up the web to its prey that had gotten itself stuck. He's going to eat me.

He licks my nipple first, then lets his tongue trace a wet trail to my neck. He bites me gently and then moves on, up my neck to my lips. His bites my lip and pull, soliciting a moan from me.

He smiles and kisses me passionately but then stops too soon. I stare at him, wanting more, but he dismisses my stare and spreads my legs apart, exposing my pussy to him.

Henry crouches down and inhales my scent deeply, then he exhales and his breath hits my pussy, making me moan in pleasure. His finger teases my clit and I start to push my hips up toward his hand but he holds me down.

He kisses my knees and work his way up my thigh. Then he kisses and bites my inner thigh, licking and sucking as he moves closer to my pussy. I hold my breath in anticipation, my heart beating fast as I wait. To my disappointment, he doesn't go straight to my pussy as I had wanted, instead, he kisses back up to my stomach, steering clear of my pussy.

I groan in disappointment and Henry chuckles but doesn't stop kissing and licking my stomach. He licks my belly button and that causes me to moan out loud. The feeling of his tongue basically "fingering" my belly button makes my pussy spasm in pleasure, surprising me and him.

He licks my belly button again, and the feeling is exactly like having my clitoris played with. His tongue "fingers" my belly button for awhile, probably testing, until my moans turns high pitched. He stops automatically and stares at me, amazed that I almost had an orgasm from my belly button.

"A woman's body is certainly a mystery," he says, awed, ignoring my tortured expression on my face.

He continues kissing my body, stopping every now and then to suck my skin into his mouth to leave a mark, and then moves on. Finally, after what feels like a million years, his kisses reaches my pussy.

"So tell me, Jane," he starts. "Why were you allowing Jared to touch you?"

Henry reaches across me to open the drawer by the side of the bed and pulls out a vibrator. I stare at him as he slowly puts it to my clitoris.

He turns it on and I gasp in pleasure, my hips instantly bucking up. Squeals of moans escapes my throat as the vibrator sends currents of pleasure throughout my body. He adds two fingers and starts to finger fuck me as the vibrator assaults my clitoris.

"Do you think Jared will be able to pleasure you like I do? Hm? Is one man not enough for you?"

My moans continues, without answering his questions. He grunts and pulls both, his fingers and the vibrator away just when I was getting close. He smiles when I cry out.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" he asks, a sinister smile playing at his lips.

"Please, Henry," I cry out, bucking my hips to his playful fingers, dancing on my thighs.

"Please what, Jane?"

"Damn it! Henry! Fuck me!" I yell out, pulling at my restraints.

In a blur, he grabs my hair and pulls me up to him. "Are you that horny, Jane?"

"Please," I beg, staring into his brown eyes.

He kisses me roughly, then pulls my head down so that I fall back onto the bed. He undoes his belt and kick his pants off, all the while, staring at me.

Henry climbs on the bed and strokes his cock over my pussy. My eyes stays glued to his growing, hard cock and my mouth waters slightly, wanting to suck it. He sees me licking my lips and he smiles.

"Do you want to suck my cock, Jane?"

"Please," I beg, tearing my gaze away from his cock to look at him.

He laughs, "Pretty Jane, craving for my cock. Fucking whore."

He stands up and walks to me, then crouches, straddling my abdomen. He reach for my head and pulls me up toward his cock. I happily catch his cock with my mouth and begin to suck his hard cock, moaning with the pleasure of his hard cock sliding over my tongue.

He groans as I, lightly, let my teeth graze along his cock. My hands twitches, wanting to hold it, but the restraints limits me. I growl in frustration as I continue to suck his cock. He realizes my frustration and chuckles, but doesn't move to undo the restraints.

I pull away from his cock and let it slip out of my mouth in order to protest, but as soon as his cock slid out, he grabbed my head and slammed his cock back into my mouth, hitting the back of my throat. I struggle to breath as he holds my head still, with his cock still pressing the back of my throat.

He finally pulls his cock out, letting me breath before thrusting his cock back into my mouth. I groan in pain, and it only seems to excite him more. His thrusting becomes faster, going in a rhythm of fast and slow to let me breath every now and then.

Finally, he pulls his cock away from me and lets me fall back onto the bed. He flips me over like a rag doll. The restraints bites into my wrists as it twists, making my arms cross. He pulls my hips towards him so that I am on my knees and slaps my butt cheek, making me squeal in pain as I try to get away.

He laughs viciously and pulls me back to him. One hand holding onto me, while the other comes back down and slaps my butt cheek again. I howl in pain and start to cry as he continues his onslaught of spanking. When he is satisfied with the glowing red of my butt cheeks, his fingers slightly touched my pussy, feeling the juices streaming out of me.

"Did you enjoy it?" he finally asks while slowly caressing my hot, red bum, after my crying stopped.

I bury my head down into the pillows and refuse to stare at him, nor answer his question, out of humiliation. The pain of being spanked, turned me on, which confused the heck out of me.

His hand comes flying down again and connects with my sore butt cheek, making me cry out again.

"I asked, did you enjoy it?"

I lift my face up from the pillows and turn to stare at him, with my tear streaked face. He smiles when he sees it and brush the tears away.

"Do I have to spank you again?"

"No, please don't," I beg, afraid that he would spank me again, yet, also wanting to defy him so that I could feel it again.

"You don't like it?"

I hesitate slightly, and the firm look in his eyes threatens that he would do it again without hesitation.

"I... don't know."

He laughs at my answer and pulls me towards him as he kisses me.

"I'm going to make all of your holes mine. I believe there is only one left, don't you?"

Henry pushes me down onto my face, and pulls my hips up to him. He licks and sucks my pussy, groaning and moaning along with me. He licks up to my ass hole and makes me squeal. His tongue penetrates my asshole and he fucks me with it. The feeling of it overwhelms me, and my body start to shake as I cum. He licks my pussy again, not letting me rest as he continues.

He straightens up and lines his cock at the entrance to my ass hole. I tense, automatically, and he rubs my butt cheeks slowly.

"Be calm, Jane," he says, soothingly as he slowly pushes the tip of his cock in. I groan at the pressure of being stretched, with very little luck at trying to relax my body.

"Bear it with me," he says, as he begins to push more of himself in me.

"Argh!" I groan, my face scrunched up in pain. I grab a hold of the bed sheets and pull as he continues pushing into me.

"Almost there," he says, his voice short and raspy with pleasure.

I pant with pain as he finally pushes the last of his length into me. He stays put as I try to accommodate the foreign feeling of being stuffed from behind. After a minute or two, Henry begins to pull his cock out only to push it back into me. His hands are holding onto my shoulders, making my back curve deeper as he continues his slow thrusts.

Gradually, his thrusts becomes faster and rougher. The pain begins to blur with the pleasure, and my moans becomes loud. He thrusts into me, harder each time, alternating between hard and rough, to slow and rough.

He pauses momentarily to reach across me and undo the restraints, his cock still buried in my ass. Henry pulls my body up and kisses me. His hand plays with my clitoris while his other hand busily massages my breasts. I moan into his mouth as he continues to thrust into me.

"You're so tight, Jane. I wonder, how much tighter are you going to be if two cocks were in you at the same time?"

I moan as he sucks my skin into his mouth, resting my head in the crook of his neck.

I reach up and pull his face down to mine, and we kiss as he continues his thrusting into me. Our breathing are loud as he speeds up his thrusting, he pushes me back down so that I am back on all fours and he grabs my hips, pulling my hips to meet his thrust, increasing the thrust and the pleasure.

"I'm going to fill your ass with my cum, Jane. Are you ready for this?" he groans as his fingers dig into my skin.

"Ah! Cum, cum inside me, Henry!" I yell out with each thrust he delivers into me.

He thrust into me three more times before I feel his cum shoot into me. His cock buried inside my ass, twitches as his cum continues to spurt into me. I moan into the pillows and when he lets go of my hips, my body collapse onto the bed out of exhaustion.

He lays beside me on his back and we both just lay there, spent and breathing heavily as we come down from the high of sex.

He pulls me into him and kisses my forehead. "Sleep, Jane. You have a long day tomorrow, and I plan on making you even more exhausted than you are now."

"Wh-" I begin, only to have Henry cover my mouth with his hand to silence me.

"Sleep," he commands, his voice firm.

I nod and snuggle my body against his, the thoughts of what he might have in plan for me tomorrow excites me as sleep soon consumes my body.

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Introduction: This is the third and final part in a series. You can read the other works on my profile, but this should hold up on its own merits. William is a foster child who is currently living with Emily and her adopted daughter Sarah. After Sarah slept in Williams bed several times to escape from the nightmares that sometimes haunt her, a surprise call from Emilys work left them free to take things further. Unfortunately, their pursuit of pleasure has made them reckless, to the point where...

2 years ago
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Learning from a New Family Chapter 3 Caught and Punished

There was real terror in Sarah’s voice, something I’d never heard before. To be perfectly honest, I was just as scared. We had both been shocked by Emily’s early arrival, and had been in the middle of some things we’d rather her not see. Even as I frantically scanned the room for the handcuff key, and jumped up and down in a vain attempt to get my pants back on, I couldn’t help but take in the sight of Sarah naked, sweaty, spread-eagled and wriggling delightfully, handcuffed to her bed....

2 years ago
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Naughty Slut Gets Punished

“Master....” I look up at him through my eye lashes. We’re in bed; he’s arms around me holding me close. My move my gaze down quickly down, knowing I have something to confess. “Yes, pet. What is it?” Jamie who has been my Master for about a little over a year looks down at me, a soft smile on his lips. I bite my lip softly knowing I had done wrong, but I know it is more wrong not to say anything. I take a deep breath before starting, unsure if I should look at him, or away. I take the chance...

2 years ago
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Caught and punished

I arrived home from school, surprised to see mom’s car in the driveway. She worked for dad in his legal firm and normally wasn’t home till much later, dad was involved in a big case in the courts, and she would normally be beside him all the way. But she was standing in the kitchen, drinking some coffee, she saw me coming in, the look on her face said it all, she was angry.She’s a small petite woman, average in the attractiveness stakes, long brown hair, wearing the kind of dress you’d expect...

3 years ago
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Neighbours Nosy Daughter is Punished

I worked as a builder so I was fit and proud of my well toned body. I was 20 and had just moved into my first house which wasn’t grand but it was fairly new and had a little garden where I could relax and sunbathe in private, when the neighbours were out anyway. I had a few days off and woke to find it was going to be a hot one so I watched to see if all my neighbours were going off to work. There were only four houses with a view into my garden and they all dutifully left on time, I could do...

3 years ago
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You Wait I Arrive Youre Punished

You've prepared yourself for my arrival. You showered and shaved yourself, and put on my favorite underwear and heels. As you dress yourself, you think of my impending arrival with a mixture of giddy excitement and a dread that is somehow both nervous and accepting. You want to serve me, you NEED to serve me, but sometimes the idea of being utterly controlled by me, being utterly helpless to my desire scares you. But you like that fear. It makes your pulse quicken and causes the blood to flow...

4 years ago
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Neighbours Nosy Daughter is Punished

I worked as a builder so I was fit and proud of my well toned body. I was 20 and had just moved into my first house which wasn’t grand but it was fairly new and had a little garden where I could relax and sunbathe in private, when the neighbours were out anyway. I had a few days off and woke to find it was going to be a hot one so I watched to see if all my neighbours were going off to work. There were only four houses with a view into my garden and they all dutifully left on time, I could do...

3 years ago
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Hillcrest Academy for Girls Part 5 Caught and Punished

Brad walked over to the bathroom stall where he heard the noise and saw some movement. He pulled on the locked door and shouted, “Open up!” Cassie crouched down on top of the toilet, her body shaking, hoping Brad would go away. A moment ago she was on the verge of a much-needed orgasm and now she was dreading what would happen next. She was so mad at Megan for encouraging her to sneak into the locker room. “Open this door, now!” Brad shouted. He then stretched up and looked over the stall...

First Time
2 years ago
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Sue was always in trouble in class. Today the teacher sent her to the office to be punished. The principal took her to the back room and shut the door and locked it. He pulled her to the desk and told her "You deserve to be punished hard for disturbing your class. I always punish my student naked." He then pulled her top off then her bra. He liked that she had a nice big set of tits. He then pulled her skirt up to her waist and pulled her panties down then off. He turned her around and looked...

2 years ago
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Sara had come in late from her date. She quietly went to her room and when she opened the door her dad was there waiting for her. He yelled at her "You are late. Have you been fucking that boy again? You have turned into quite a whore haven't you? Take off your clothes and be fast. I am going to punish you like a whore again." As Sara took off her clothes and stood before her dad she knew she was in big trouble. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. He shoved a finger into her cunt and said...

3 years ago
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Naughty stepdaughter punished

My mother and father had separated a few years ago, and I'm still getting used to the fact that my mother has recently gotten married. I hate him, and the fact that my mother is now seen as a cougar. Damian is 36 and my mother is 49 turning 50. I hate Damian, he tries to act as if he is my father but he isn't, and it's getting old. I'm eighteen and they still feel the need to treat me as a c***d. I was called to the office today for wearing our school skirt up too high, how do these people...

2 years ago
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Pansy Husband Gets Punished

PANSY HUSBAND GETS PUNISHED by Throne "Ronnie, please come in here," Marla called from what had formerly been her husband's man cave. Now the room was her space, with comfortable furniture and stylish d?cor, one wall dominated by a long painting of a seraglio, with harem girls occupied in various tasks. The only reminder that this had once been his personal retreat was a glazed ceramic figurine of a nude woman, a forearm and a hand strategically placed to provide her with a minimum of ...

2 years ago
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A Whore gets Punished

"Enter." a voice commanded, and she did. The room was dimly lit, she could just barely make out his shape perched on the edge of the bed. "Kneel." Anna swollowed nervously, then obeyed. The steel in his voice didn't give room for much else. She rested on her knees, across the room in the dark. Waiting. Time seemed to tick by, and every second she grew more nervous, more regretful of this decision. Twice she parted her lips to say something, to back out, or ask what he wanted, but...

1 year ago
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You Need to be Punished

Whips and chains hung from the wall as I looked down at my love as she slept, her light lashes gently folded onto the top of her plump cheeks and her golden hair fanning out on the floor. Her round ass stuck up in the air as her leg fell in front of the other, her side flattening against the ground. Though I had yet to do anything to her tonight, I could already feel my cock twitching with want, my ears yearning to hear the crescendo of her lusty moans. Not having the patience to wait a moment...

4 years ago
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Bad Sister gets Punished

I wanted to make sure I was clean and sexy before meeting with Ron again. I rubbed my clit and came on my fingers while thinking of Ron ramming his delicious 9 inch cock into my pussy. I thought I had locked the door, but as I was fininshing washing up I heard the door open. It was my sister, she heard me moaning from the hall and told me I might wanna keep it down. She shut the door and pulled down her shorts and thong, pulled off her shirt and bra, and joined me in the shower.I kissed her and...

4 years ago
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She walked in late as her dad stood waiting for her. He grabbed her by the hair and told her "Get into the basement. You are going to be punished. When you act like a whore you will be treated like a whore." She was scared as he d**g her down the stairs to the basement. He shut and locked the door. "Now take all your clothes off. I want you naked and do it fast. If I have to rip your clothes off you will be very sorry." She stood with tears running down her cheeks and removed her clothes. When...

3 years ago
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Penny Gets Punished

I am standing alone in this damp dark and very cold cellar. It’s creepy. There are cobwebs and all sorts of things I can’t identify. I am frightened – yet at the same time I am so turned on my pussy juices are moistening the small cotton patch of my panties. I am in a bent-over position, my right wrist cuffed to my right ankle and my left wrist cuffed to my left ankle. I am wearing my tall heels, my leather collar and my new satin pink G-string with lace trim. My long brown hair is hanging over...

3 years ago
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Penny Gets Punished

I am standing alone in this damp dark and very cold cellar. It’s creepy. There are cobwebs and all sorts of things I can’t identify. I am frightened – yet at the same time I am so turned on my pussy juices are moistening the small cotton patch of my panties. I am in a bent-over position, my right wrist cuffed to my right ankle and my left wrist cuffed to my left ankle. I am wearing my tall heels, my leather collar and my new satin pink G-string with lace trim. My long brown hair is hanging over...

4 years ago
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Asking to be punished

I’ve been naughty. We both know it, but you are waiting for me to confess. You are waiting for me to come to you, to admit I need your discipline and guidance in order to behave. To willingly accept my punishment. To ask for it. To give up the choice to even keep my failings a secret.And I do. I come in quietly and slip to my knees beside you, staring at the floor, barely able to whisper:“Sir?”“Yes.”“I need to tell you,” I start, then I shake my head, already failing at this too.“May I confess...

1 year ago
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Sissy Husband Gets Punished

SISSY HUSBAND GETS PUNISHED by Throne "Well, well," said Sara. "Looks like my sissy husband has gotten himself in trouble again." "B... but, I just wanted to try your new shade of lipstick," Bobby explained nervously. "Don't you have your own make-up? Didn't I give you some stuff I didn't want anymore? And buy you some other things at the dollar store?" "Yes. It's just..." Bobby was standing in front of the mirror on the medicine cabinet in their bathroom. He had on...

3 years ago
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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 56 Punished

"Let's get started. Now, Alice, first, hold that item that I just gave you in the air slightly higher than Penny's head." With a huge grin on her face, Alice did as Mistress instructed. "Good. Now, let it go." As the item dropped in front of Penny's eyes she became aware of what it was immediately: Mistress's pendant! Penny's eyes locked on to it immediately. "Wow," Alice exclaimed, "it's like nothing else exists to her anymore." Penny heard Alice's words and immediately...

3 years ago
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Slave girl punished

Anisha's mother tried to keep her out of sight as much as possible. When she got old enough to start to be of sexual interest to both black and white men and boys, she was dressed in baggy loose clothes and her hair was never combed. Her mother did not want her to bring anyone's attention. She was trying to protect her only daughter. One day James was riding around the plantation looking for any repairs that needed to be done and seeing how the crops were growing. When he rode past one...

1 year ago
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Sarahs Submission Ch 03 Bad Girls Get Punished

She woke up on Friday sore from head to toe. The strenuous sexual activities left her muscles tight and her pussy aching. But the worst had to be her ass. She almost jumped when she tried to sit on the toilet to pee. There weren’t any visible bruises, but her ass had never felt so tender to the touch. School droned on but she found it hard to concentrate. Every time she closed her eyes, she went back to that first orgasm. It was mind altering. The way her whole body convulsed and that...

2 years ago
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Her breath came in short, sharp pants, shallow and sporadic. Her face was flushed a fiery red, tears were filling her eyes and spilling over the lower lashes onto her burning cheeks. Her breath caught involuntarily as the wide leather collar was abruptly yanked back and held…forcing her to arch her back. She knew better than to cry out, the consequence would be swift and merciless, so she had to be satisfied with the silent tears that were washing down her face. Just minutes before, she had...

3 years ago
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Her breath came in short, sharp pants, shallow and sporadic. Her face was flushed a fiery red, tears were filling her eyes and spilling over the lower lashes onto her burning cheeks. Her breath caught involuntarily as the wide leather collar was abruptly yanked back and held...forcing her to arch her back. She knew better than to cry out, the consequence would be swift and merciless, so she had to be satisfied with the silent tears that were washing down her face. Just minutes before, she had...

Oral Sex
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A Song of Lust and Desire Chapter VII The One In Which Arya Gets Punished

Arya warily stood at the entrance of her room in the Red Keep, watching the old man pace behind a table, his eyes flickering her direction every other step. Remembering the King's demand that he punish her for attacking Joffrey on the King's Road, Arya chewed at her lower lip and tentatively asked him, "Are you upset at me, father?" At this Eddard Stark paused, and settled into a chair before replying, "Come here, my...

1 year ago
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Sarah The Submissive CoWorker Gets Punished

Sarah sat down gingerly at her desk, pondering what had just happened with her mistress. Every time she moved in her chair, her butt plug moved ever so slightly and sent chills throughout her body. The pleasure and the conscious effort not to cum were driving her crazy. She was having a difficult time concentrating on work. All she could think about was that butt plug. It seemed like it had a direct connection to her clit and nipples. They both were so hard and craving to be touched. Sarah was...

1 year ago
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My slut employee must be punished

You have been working for me for five years. I have trusted you with my most sensitive secrets. I treated you with the respect and dare I say love. Though I never came right out with thoughs feelings. I know you could tell. You are very special. What possessed you to steal from me? You took the thousand dollars in our petty cash to shop for clothes. Are you fucking k**ding me! If you needed money all you had to do was to ask. Only 2 people know about this me and my secretary. Then I find out...

4 years ago
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She Needs to be Punished

Jack grabbed his girl Emily by the wrist and dragged her to the bathroom. “I’m s…sorry,” she whispered. “No, that’s not good enough!” Jack replied. He was outraged, his face red with fury, half running while Emily dangled from behind, her mascara beginning to run. She was a gorgeous girl, 5’ 8’’ with long flowing brown hair and deep blue eyes. Her lips were thick and moist; her body was shaped well, with a firm ass and c-cup breasts. She was still wearing her pajamas when Jack grabbed her, a...

Oral Sex
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Creative Nieces Get Punished

Creative Nieces Get “Punished” (Sequel to Sexy Nieces Turn the Tables) By billy69boy As my two beautiful young nieces scampered off to the bathroom, sex toys in hand, I went down to the kitchen to turn on the oven and prepare the pizza. I figured we still had a couple of hours before my wife and the girls’ mother would return from their movie and dinner. When the girls sat down at the table, they were all cleaned up, and still naked, as was I. I poured each of us a glass of ice water, and sat...

3 years ago
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Punished You had decided that punishment was due for my misbehaviour. I had after all embarrassed you in front of your friends and though it turned out well, you remained a little red-faced from the moment. There was a glint of evil in your eye – you sought revenge but what exactly, I was unsure. We stumbled back into my room at the hotel. It was not quite late, the sort of late when you actually consider if it is worth going to bed or just start the next day. We were both a bit happy being...

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As Jim drives up driveway he notices that light for the dining room is on and the d****s are half closed. His heart begins to beat a little faster with fear of what might greet him inside. With a silly looking smirk on his face he looks into the dining room to witness a plate of food sitting at his usual dining spot and across the table laid an empty plate sitting in front of his wife Edith. Edith lifted her eyes only to glare deep into Jim’s then crossing her arms and blurted out “where fuck...

3 years ago
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Caught flashing and severely punished

Caught flashing and severely punishedI was in a park which had a long winding path. I had stripped naked in the bushes and was walking along the path, my huge freshly shaved 10 inch long fat cock was rock hard, I was looking for women to flash to. I love flashing to women and girls, to wank in front of them and spunk as they watch. Suddenly I heard female voices approaching along the path. I jumped into the bushes and peeped out. Two young women aged around 19 rounded a bend in the path. When...

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Flasher caught and punished

Caught flashing and severely punishedI was in a park which had a long winding path. I had stripped naked in the bushes and was walking along the path, my huge freshly shaved 10 inch long fat cock was rock hard, I was looking for women to flash to. I love flashing to women and girls, to wank in front of them and spunk as they watch. Suddenly I heard female voices approaching along the path. I jumped into the bushes and peeped out. Two young women aged around 19 rounded a bend in the path. When...

2 years ago
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Untitled work of Fiction or PUNished (HA-HA! Get it?!) By The Anonymous Bastard Hi, my name is Steve. At least it used to be. Now it's Jake. I had it changed last fall. No, I would never get it changed to some girly name like "Cindy" or "Jenny." Why on earth would I do that? Anyway, it all started last year. I was getting ready for the big homecoming festival. Naturally, I had my eye on the girl of my dreams- Suzie Lawsonitingshiremont. Looking back, all I can think is, "What a...

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Punished By Margaret Jeanette Kayleigh Cameron was very happy. She had just closed on a million and a half dollar estate she had listed four weeks ago. The whole real estate office was happy to see the commission on the sale. Kayleigh told Sylvia Hopkins she would treat her to lunch. Sylvia was Kayleigh?s best friend. They went to lunch at Topper?s, a popular eatery with the business community. They were seated in a semi-private corner eating lunch when Kayleigh...

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Harlots Must Be Punished

Harlots Must be Punished Prologue As she strode along the narrow road, Mindy began to consider her life to this point and wonder where she might go from here. As a 22-year-old junior at Goucher College outside of Baltimore in the year 1939, she had a full life to look forward to, as a teacher and hopefully a wife and mother, after she graduated. Life had been pretty good to her up to the previous year. Oh, there had been a few bumps now and then, but she’d managed to adjust her life to overcome...

4 years ago
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The King Is Punished

(Warning. The male is punished. He accepts this because he forgot something. If you can’t handle being in a shackle, spanked, and more. Then leave now. The men that read this will feel as if they are the King.) You are the King of your castle and have been away for a very long time. Doing kingly duties; from stopping wars to adding on to the borders of your land, making alliances and fighting those who go against your rules. You have been gone for close to 5 months. Leaving your queen and son...

4 years ago
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Incestuous HaremChapter 16 Big Sis is Punished

Thanks to Ron for beta reading this! Melody Samuels I followed Clint out of the Dairy Queen in absolute shock. What was going on? Our older sister, Zoey, claimed to be working at this Dairy Queen for weeks with her best friend, and lover, Stefani. She was supposed to be working right now. After our hot orgy with Pam’s mom—and the even hotter revelation that Ms. Hiragawa was one of Dad’s lovers and that Pam was his daughter—we had come to the Dairy Queen to eat dinner, see Zoey, and maybe...

2 years ago
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Allie the Bratty Sub gets properly punished

Allie could feel the heat between her thighs so intensely, she swore she could light her lace panties on fire if she were allowed to rub her legs together. Every nerve ending in her heated aroused sex was ready to explode. She wanted to cum, no… she needed to cum, so fucking badly. But she had no way to voice her opinion, or close her legs now for that matter.She groaned as she bit down harder on the leather sandwiched between her teeth. The buzz from the round egg vibrator stuffed up in her...

2 years ago
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Misbehaving Husband Punished

Hello I am Mistress Betsy and just love embarrassing and punishing my husband because of his misbehaving behavior and tiny genitals. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] or Michael at [email protected] about his punishment and tiny genitals. We particularly love candid remarks from ladies. Part 1: Wife punishes husband for first time My Mistress/Wife, Betsy, has dominated me for our entire 32 year relationship. We have both been totally committed to each other...

4 years ago
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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 7 Punished

It appeared that we were expected to walk from the courtroom to the Market Square, a distance of about half a mile, maybe a little more but both of us were in such a state that we could hardly stand, let alone walk. I couldn't control any of my limbs and my whole body shook violently. It was only after I was given a drink of a bitter liquid that I regained some of my composure. "Come along Miss," my guard spoke quite kindly to me, "You don't want to annoy the flogging master by keeping...

3 years ago
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Naughty Girl Gets Punished

She grasped my pulsating member tightly into her soft delicate hand. Slowly she fondled my balls with her left hand. She looks up at me and we lock eyes for only an instance. I could feel the electric energy between us. This sweet young eighteen year old wanted so badly to do one mischievous sexual act. For whatever reason she did not care, nor did she divulge. Her head moves closer to the tip of my penis, her lips part unhurriedly but so deliberately. Within a moment my quivering cock was...

2 years ago
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Naughty Girl Gets Punished

She grasped my pulsating member tightly into her soft delicate hand. Slowly she fondled my balls with her left hand. She looks up at me and we lock eyes for only an instance. I could feel the electric energy between us. This sweet young eighteen year old wanted so badly to do one mischievous sexual act. For whatever reason she did not care, nor did she divulge. Her head moves closer to the tip of my penis, her lips part unhurriedly but so deliberately. Within a moment my quivering cock...

1 year ago
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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 24 Punished

Three days later, Jacqui was passed by Martha as being fit enough to receive her punishment. Because this was a serious offence, Martha seemed to want to make a big show of the punishment. Half way through the morning, when they would usually have been relaxing, all the staff of the New House of Joy were told to assemble in the Choosing Room, where a whipping bench had been set up. When they were all present Martha gave a brief outline of what happened, although they had all heard the details...

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Henry and LnczeChapter 2 Lncze punished

"Daddy, this is Henry. I found him at the bottom of the old quarry ... I couldn't let him die daddy ... Henry this is J'cob my father," she stuttered. I noticed Ra'chel standing a little behind her husband looking a bit fearful too. I did the only thing I could think of and put out my hand and said, "Good afternoon sir. I do hope I haven't caused you too much trouble." Moving my arm caused me to wince with pain but J'cob's reaction was not what I expected. He didn't shake my hand...

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Jessie Luke gets punished

Jessie lay in the full body tub as she let the water embrace her sexy seventeen-year-old body. She still could not believe that after she graduated high school at 17, left Texas, and came to New York she became a nanny to the Ross family. There was Bertram the butler, Zuri the youngest girl, she is a cute and sassy little black girl, Ravi was the youngest boy he was from India. He even has a pet lizard named Mr. Kipling, and Emma the oldest and at fifteen she was hot and she...

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