Hazel ! free porn video

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This is the story of my first proper sexual experience. I had fumbled around in my early teens with the odd girl but never had sex. Mrs Wilkinson changed all that !

It was 11 am on a lovely sunny Saturday morning, in the summer of 1979. I walked along the street to my friends Steves house bouncing the football I was carrying as I strolled. I was not prepared for what was going to happen that weekend.

I arrived at his house and knocked on the door. His Mam answered.

"Is Steve in?" I asked. "Oh hello Steven. No sorry he's away for the weekend with his Dad I'm afraid"

"Oh Ok Bye".

To my surprise she said "No don't go, I'm glad you've called as you can give me a hand with something, Come in".

Mrs Wilkinson was a very sexy looking lady, about 5ft tall, slim, short bobbed dark hair, and shapely firm legs, and as my hormonal changes had been completed I was no longer a prepubescent young boy, though I was still very naive. My dick twitched instinctively as she stood next to me smiling and looking at me with her brilliant blue eyes.

"It's a lovely day isn't it" she said, again smiling. "Yes lovely and warm, what would you like me to help you with?" I stuttered.

"You seem nervous Steven ? Its nothing. I just need help to get the sunbed out of the shed, Is that ok ?"

"Fine" I replied. We wandered to the shed. She unlocked the door and pointed. "There they are Steve". Two sunbeds were just inside the door. "I'll take one you get the other and lets get them in the garden. Suns got there now".

The back third of the garden was coated in sunshine so we placed them there. "Why two Mrs Wilkinson?" Oh Steven ! Call me Hazel. You're a big boy now ok" "Ok Hazel please call me Steve. Im called Steven by Mam when I'm in the bad books". She laughed and said "Im just going to get changed wait here".

I did as I was told and she came back in her bikini with two glasses and a bottle of wine. My eyes popped !!

"Please stay and keep me company" she said. She sat on a sunbed and proffered me the other. I was just staring mouth agape ! Her stunning figure in front of me and my young cock hardening rapidly. "Erm I don't know I should go". I'm sure I blushed.

"Don't be silly Steve sit and lets chat and relax ok" she said as she poured two glasses of wine.

"Here drink this. Should help you relax".

I had never drank alcohol in my life as my parents didn't drink. I took a sip. She saw the sour look on my face and said "Wait there" disappeared and returned with a bottle of lemonade. She poured some into my glass. "Hows that?". I tasted and gulped it down in one. She immediately refilled and put a little less pop in. Again I gulped it as I was thirsty but it did taste good.

I thought she was just sipping hers but half an hour later the bottle was empty with me and Hazel talking constantly.

She disappeared then reappeared with another bottle. Id had four glasses and was in a really good mood feeling at ease, finally, in her company. She also had brought a radio so we laid and listened to the music, chatting merrily.

"Do you like how I look Steve?" she suddenly asked me. "You're gorgeous" I spluttered out. "But I must go for dinner". "Steve it's past two o'clock" "What Oh No ! Im in trouble !". "No your not ! Don't worry I've phoned your Mam and told her you're helping me in the garden so don't worry. Im just popping to the kitchen wait there OK?"

She returned with a large plate of sandwiches and another bottle of wine. I couldn't take my eyes off her slim body as she walked towards me.

As the afternoon progressed we kept moving the sun beds to remain in the rays as the sun advanced in the sky.

Hazel came and sat on my sunbed and placed her hand on my knee. She rubbed my leg lightly then up and down my thigh and whispered "I think we've had enough Sun Steve. Lets go inside". I didn't care, I was in a very very merry mood.

She took me by the hand, led me indoors and sat me upon the settee. She poured both of us another glass of wine and then placed her arm around me.

"Are you a virgin? Have you had sex yet ?" she asked.

"What!?" I stuttered back.

"Have you had a fuck yet !" She said matter of factly. I explained about my aborted couple of tries and she smiled and said "I think its time for you to learn. Would you like me to teach you?".

I went ridged and said "I think Mrs Wilkinson I should leave".

"Don't be silly and its Hazel OK!" She brought her hand onto my crotch. "I can feel you really don't want to leave do you?". I just stared at her as she removed her bikini top and two pert firm tits appeared with really stiff nipples.

"First lesson" She said. "Suck my tits please".

She placed her hand firmly on the back of my head and forced it onto her right breast. I did as a was told.

I started sucking her nipple. "That's Heaven" she moaned and placed her hand inside her bikini bottoms and started moaning louder as her hand started moving within.

"Suck harder please Steve ! Bite them both !". Again I obeyed her hand started moving faster on her pussy "Oh Yes Yes Yes !!! Right stop please".

She removed her bikini bottoms. She had a wonderful trimmed pussy and her clitoris was rock hard.

(I have to say at the time I didn't know what a clitoris was but I do now thanks to Hazel. Also terms like the G spot and lots of others I'd never heard of back then).

"On the floor Steve" She ordered " And get your head between my legs and lick my pussy please Steve". I knelt on the floor and gazed nervously at the sight in front of me. "Now lick it !!".

I started licking and she went taut. Her legs suddenly wrapped around my back and she started moaning again.

I've heard people say that pussies taste salty. This didn't. It tasted like nectar, so sweet. I continued and she got more animated then suddenly a small spurt came onto my face. I thought she had pissed on me but she said "Sorry Steve ! God You've made cum so fast. Oh My !".

My face reddened and I naively said "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to". She laughed.

"Back up here" She said and patted the cushion next to her. I moved and nakedly she slid onto the floor grabbing the top of my shorts and pulling them down with my undies. My cock sprang out pointing at the ceiling. "Oh Steve You are a big boy !" she said as her right hand slowly started rubbing my stiffie.

It felt oh so nice then suddenly her head tipped towards my cock and her mouth engulfed my hard on.

Her head started bobbing up and down and her hands started fondling my balls.

She took my cock deep into her mouth and the gentle rubbing of my balls had me there quickly. I tried to hold back but I moaned "Oh oh Hazel Its so lovely I'm Sorry !" as I spurted into her mouth.

She stopped and her blue eyes stared at me and she showed me her tongue coated in my spunk. She swallowed and smiled. Leant over and gave me a kiss. "Lovely" was all she said "and there's lots more to learn" she added as the phone started to ring. Hazel answered.

"Time to go Steve ! Such a shame. Ah well always tomorrow" she smiled.

I got dressed and wandered home in a bit of a daze. I couldn't believe what had happened and as I walked into my house I got another shock. "Hi Steve Hazel has just called and said thanks for all your help today and says to remind you its 10 o'clock in the morning"

I quickly replied "Ok mam"

"Shes very impressed with how hard you worked".

"It was very hard Mam" I replied "I'm tired going for a lie down".

“Ok Steve”

I laid on the bed and closed my eyes. I couldn't get what had happened out of my mind or the fact I was seeing Hazel the following day. My hand wrapped around my hard on and I jerked myself off before falling asleep.

I woke, got up, and watched TV the rest of the night, then bed and sleep !

Sunday morning I awoke before my parents and ate some corn flakes. It was only half eight but the sun was again shining so I ate outside in the garden, listening to the radio. Mam saw me through the kitchen window and came outside. "Don't forget about Hazel Steve". How could I !!!!

"I haven't Mam" I replied. I sat listening to the radio for a further hour then wandered down the street full of trepidation !

I knocked and the door opened. Hazel was in a different bikini but God ! She looked good !

"Early drink today I think Steve" she said smiling. "You have a lot to do so go into the garden. The sunbeds are ready". She came out of the back door with a bottle of wine and two glasses. She filled each glass and patted the sunbed.

We laid on the sunbeds and I gulped down my glass of wine. I was so nervous.

"Wow that was fast ! You aren't nervous are you ?" she said, knowingly, with a smile on her face. She refilled my glass.

We laid in the sun listening to the radio and chatting and as each glass of wine went down my throat I became more relaxed and horny rather than scared !

It started to cloud over and although still pleasant, Hazel motioned that we should go indoors. It was only 11am.

She guided me to the bedroom. "Time for your second lesson" she whispered to me.

She sat me on the edge of the bed, took off her top, got her knees and pulled down my shorts. My underpants quickly followed and my cock sprang to attention. Her hand wrapped round it and then her mouth engulfed it.

"Steven you are a big boy " She said as her head slowly bobbed up and down. She suddenly stopped and said "Wait here".

I wasn't going to move. She came back with a tape measure and placed it against my rock hard cock. "bloody hell !"
she exclaimed "10.8 inches ! You're my new record !".

She started to suck me again. Slowly and caressing my balls at the same time. I could feel the sap rising and said "Hazel Stop ! I think I'm going to come"

Her head continued bobbing, taking my whole length and suddenly I exploded and filled her mouth with my sperm.

She removed her head from my cock and stuck out her tongue. It was covered in my thick white fluid which she swallowed down.

"Yummy". "Lets go back outside, its brightened up again and we will continue later"

We went back to the sunbeds with Hazel bringing another bottle with her. We sat and chatted when suddenly there was a knock on the locked gate.

Hazel went and opened the gate. It was my mate Kevin !!

"Hello Kevin"

"Oh Hello" he replied "Is Steve here ? His Mam said he was helping you in the garden"

"Oh yes he is here and he is helping".

"Oh my God no! This is a disaster" I thought.

Hazel came around the corner of the bungalow and said "Sit down next to Steve, Kev. Like A drink ?"

"ERM Orange juice please"

"Oh I've only got the wine, me and Steve are drinking so would you like a glass ?"

"I've never drank alcohol and Mam And Dad don't either. I would get shot.... I'd better leave". "Phew" I thought great he's going

My hopes were soon dashed. "Don't be silly Kevin ! Would you like to help Steve and me ?"

"What do we have have to do ?" he asked. " Oh it's really easy and enjoyable isn't it Steve ?" I nodded
with a sense of trepidation. "God she's gonna ask him to join us" I thought .......To be continued

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Caught in my girlfriends lingerie by her friends

My girlfriend lives alone, so whenever I am at her house by myself, while she’s out clubbing or working, I always take the opportunity to go through all of her sexy clothes and lingerie and dress up like the slut that I crave to be. I undressed and put on a pair of white fishnet stockings, a black thong, mini skirt, black and white see through top and a sexy pair of silver high heels. I set my camera up at the end of the bed and set it to record myself in various poses. After a while doing...

1 year ago
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Bittersweet Part 3

Bittersweet By Mika Haruhara and Lucifer's Little Kitty Chapter 3: "The Lost" Kaze awoke the next morning. "Hello swe...hello", he jumped from his bed and searched franticly. "Tomino!?" he cried "Where are you?? She must be up already." He walked into the kitchen, no Tomino, he looked into the living room, no Tomino, he looked into the dungeon, still no Tomino. He looked outside, he didn't find her, but instead found a snowball flying at his face and from a distance heard "KAZE...

4 years ago
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Brother and SisterChapter 7

Toni Allen was just leaving the beauty parlor for her afternoon coffee break when she heard a pleasant masculine voice call out her name. She turned, seeing Carl Nash, the optician, tall and good-looking and sexy. His dark eyes surveyed her body without undressing it. He was cool. "Oh, hi!" Toni smiled, pausing. "I've heard a lot about you." "Well, I couldn't help but notice the prettiest redhead in town," he grinned. "Thank you!" she laughed. "But I am going steady..." "I...

3 years ago
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Stalker Story Ch 01

I shivered in the cold as I pushed my way through the thick underbrush toward the outskirts of my small town. The tangled trees that surrounded me blocked my path time and time again, and I had to struggle around them, making my own path that only lasted a moment before the forest overtook it once more. I pulled my cloak tighter around my small frame and I blew on my hands to warm them up before I continued. I scanned the small clearing in front of me in fear. I had been taught to fear the...

3 years ago
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What Happens in Vegas Part 1

The Explanation The computer mouse danced over multiple LCD monitors as Brian listened with lax enthusiasm to the various voices talking through the speakers. CNBC played on a large television near the window, the volume only barely discernible. Two German Shepherds were strewn along the two couches near the window, lying lazily as if waiting for Brian to finally find a tennis ball to throw. The various Directors from Finance, Sales and Operations recited their monthly reports: sales,...

2 years ago
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Manali Mein Girlfriend Ki Dost Ke Sath Sex

Hi ISS readers, main apne sath recently (28th August) hua incident ko share kar raha hu. Mera naam Amanjeet hai, aur main Punjab ka rehne wala hu. Meri height 5’9″ hai, aur mujhe guitar ka bahut shaunk hai. Ab zyada time waste naa karte hue story pe aate hai. Mere aur meri girlfriend ke beech kaafi time se koi baat nahi ho rahi thi. Mujhe mutual friends se pata chala, ki wo trip plan kar rahi thi Manali ka. To maine bina kuch soche bags pack kiye, aur nikal gaya Manali usko milne. Story ke 4...

1 year ago
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The Train Station

She was wearing a pin stripe business suit, oval glasses and her hair in a bun. Long high heels that made the line of her leg stand out. Her heels clicked against the floor of the train station as she checked her watch. Our eyes locked for a split second. She was a stunning woman; almost 6 feet tall. Out of my league, as they say. I grabbed my newspaper, sighed to myself as I pretended to chat on my cellphone. I was boarding a 2 hour train ride on business to New York City in about an hour. My...

4 years ago
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Michelles Sexuality ReAwakened Ch 1

Jan 1, 2014, a new year. Michelle and I were sitting at our dining room table playing a dice game with her parents after cleaning up the dinner dishes. After Michelle’s mom won the game by about three thousand points, I asked them if they would excuse us for a few minutes. I had been anxious all day, waiting for a few minutes of freedom from our company to show Michelle the story that had just been published, so I asked her if she would read something on the internet with me. Although I didn’t...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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BCU black cock university

Freshmen- girls fresh out of high school with no experiece with bbc most freshmen will be tutored by upperclassmen or teachers Upperclassmen-most upperclassmen have spent a year BCU and have experience with bbc however some upperclassmen are transfers from other schools Teachers- most of the teachers at BCU know the intention of BCU to teach young girls about bbc but some teacher are new this year and will be learning themseleves (Chose a group create a character(s))

2 years ago
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A Boy and his Genie Chapter 06

Matt laid on his bed, nude, thinking about all that had happened recently. Many times in his life he’d imagined what his life would be like if he found a genie. Of course, once he’d hit puberty, his thoughts had turned to all the sex he’d have. To some extent, that had come true, since he very much doubted he’d ever have had an orgy with an entire girls’ PE class without magical help. He’d probably not have gotten a girlfriend for a while either, and he was happy to have Sophie. He’d always...

3 years ago
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Bubbles Ch 02 She Cant Say No

Wherein our Dear Bubbles Meets and Greets The Retard, The Cowboy and the Surly Bus Driver and the Fruit Inspectors. * Prefix Dear reader, you really should be sure to read Part 1 when Bubbles tells how she took a summer job at Doc Finster’s Pharmacy in her hometown in Indiana for the sole purpose of getting together enough money to leave home and start new in New York. Of course her job was fraught with the many attempts, always successful, of men who were attracted to her beautiful blond...

2 years ago
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A Merry Kyla Christmas

Winter had finally arrived and the snow was falling generously outside. It looked so serene as the white fluffy specks fell graciously to the ground as I looked out my kitchen window. The fresh coffee brewing sent the aroma through the air of the kitchen and brought my senses more to life as I waited for the dark liquid to finish dripping so I could pour some in my awaiting mug on the counter. I knew it would warm me up. It had too. Looking out the window made me feel the coldness surround me...

2 years ago
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Romance With Virgin Cousin

I am Mr. Nikhil from Mumbai,.I always read most of the stories of indian sex stories dot net.I am going to tell you, how I and my innocent cousin had romance in her house.You can give feedback me on my email Any girl and woman can contact me and give me feedback Now I am coming to my story.This happened when I was in college doing my engineering I used to go to my aunties house on vacation.She has two daughters, one was elder to me and another one was 1 year younger to me.Elder one was already...

4 years ago
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Daddy cute secret sissy

After 20 yers of boring years with is wife, Jame wasnt sad a bit to see her goLooking foward to have his own place finaly free of her bullshitWalking from work thinking of tonight and the hockey game hes suppose to watch with his work buddyFrank was knocking at the door around 8, the game already ongoing , montreal loosing to the bruins by onethe 1st period ended and frank ask James about finally being without his bitch of a wifedrinking beer chilling in the living room''wanna know something...

4 years ago
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Maybe I Missed Her Call

Introduction: Joseph keeps thinking about his best friend Rose, and one night she doesnt call him…. Be nice its my first story and theres alot of teasing and kissing so if your not into it look elsewhere. This is written by a women in the point of view of a man, somting a little diffrent, please enjoy!!!! ****************************************************************************************************************** Shes my best friend Rose I keep thinking about her over the past few...

1 year ago
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Sex In Manali

Hi, Indian sex stories dot net readers this is my first story and forgive me for any mistakes. Myself Roy (name changed) and my girl friend Kaur. She is a sex bomb 34-26-36 figure and very fair in complexion. This story started when I was in my first year of my college in North India. One day all my friends planned to go on a trip to Manali from college. First I was not excited to go to trip later my friends forced me to come. We went to Manali in night. We keep a bonfire outside the hotel and...

1 year ago
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Jonna and the Gladiator A Story of Lost Innocence

100% fiction! Jonna looked around the strange room her father had left her in. The room was small and dark with dim lighting from a small window. The dank musty smell began to succumb to her as the door abruptly opened; a heavily armor-clad man quickly entered. Jonna stood frozen in the corner of the room, watching as the man shook out his honey brown hair before advancing towards a cabinet. Having not noticed her, he squatted down to the lowest cabinet and drew out a silver metal helmet. Jonna...

First Time
2 years ago
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Reunion Aftermath

It's been a week since my high school reunion; taking that big stroll down memory lane, falling for one of my old classmates. Rhonda James; an African American goddess who was once a volleyball playing tomboy. That night was magical and since our encounter at my place we stayed in touch and spent plenty of time together. One day we even visited her mother; the one responsible for Rhonda's transformation. Mrs. James was in her mid forties and was a total knockout herself. Seeing them together...

3 years ago
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Did she really have a lot of choice now she wondered?   For the best part of an hour Tania had been interviewing for a bar job that she desperately needed to clear a backlog of debts. She had never waitressed before and had had to plead her case to be interviewed for this ‘experience preferred’ position. She had confidently told the bar owner that she was ‘a natural’ and would ‘breeze through’ any demonstrations of her ability that he required! Her long stockinged legs, had strode up and down...

3 years ago
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Bullies Part 5

Bullies Part 5. By Itsme As I walk through the school, all sorts of good ideas on how to improve things occurred to me. For one, I don't think it is fair that if a boy gets a girl pregnant that she must endure the pregnancy all by herself. So from now on any boy who gets a girl pregnant must go through a sympathetic pregnancy identical to that of their girlfriend (regardless of whether she is really his girlfriend or not). He'll develop a distended stomach, his chest will swell with...

2 years ago
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Nick High SchoolChapter 13

I crawled into the tub with Nikki, and pulled her in with me. We kissed, and she felt so good in my arms. She pulled back, and said, "I so want to have sex with you, but I can't, because I'm a virgin. I love the idea of it, but I'm just not ready." "No problem. I do enjoy holding you like this, and kissing as we just did. I also enjoy checking you for stubble. You know that I have other girls that I play with, but I don't have a girlfriend, and right now, I'm not really looking for...

2 years ago
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Maiden of Rome2Chapter 5

Six months later, Lucius and Attia were married at the Lepidius home in Ostia. It was just his and her families plus a few friends. The gifts were not lavish like the ones Penelope received when she wed Maximus in the presence of the Emperor Augusta. The couple were happy and Lucius promised never to reveal the secret she told him though her Mother knew about it. "I want you to have this," Penelope handed her the expensive jeweled broach that Livia had given her on her wedding day way back...

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