The Littlest Red Hood Part 3 free porn video

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They made their way up the hill and through the woods to the back of Helen’s house. The smell of food hit Cordelia’s nose as she stepped on the porch, and she realized that she was starving. Her stomach growled and Micah grinned and opened the door. She grinned back at him as she walked inside.

When Cordelia looked up, Helen was standing there staring at them. The look on her face was clear, she knew.

“Aunt Helen, it smells delicious,” Micah said, giving her a kiss on the cheek and ignoring the look on her face.

She stared at Cordelia for a moment longer, then smiled. “Come in Cordelia and eat. I always worry about you; you never eat enough.”

‘Maybe I imagined it, maybe Helen doesn’t know,’ she thought. She sat down at the table and Micah reached over and squeezed her hand, letting go before Helen turned around.

Lunch went a lot smoother than she thought it would. Helen was her normal blunt and funny self, which of course helped Cordelia relax.

She helped clear the table and do the dishes. As she was drying the last plate, there was a knock on the door. Helen answered it and Cordelia heard Cade ask if Helen had seen her. Helen opened the door further and Cade saw her standing by the sink with Micah.

Cade’s calm polite face tensed and an unpleasant look came into his eyes. It was only there a moment, but they had all seen it. His voice was stiff when he spoke again, “Cordelia, I found something I think you need to see.”

“What is it?” she asked, handing the towel to Micah and walking towards the door.

“I’d rather not say here.” He looked from Helen to Micah.

“Alright, just give me a moment to get my things.”

“Cade, while Cordie gets her stuff, will you come out here and help me bring some wood to the porch?” Without waiting for an answer, she put her arm around his and led him outside shutting the door behind her.

“She knows,” Micah said, coming up behind her and sliding his arms around her waist and pressing himself against her bottom. Shock waves ran through her and with a deep breath, leaned back against him.

“I told you she would. She doesn’t miss a thing.” Cordelia’s breath was quickening. “Stop that, I have to go.”

He stopped and turned her to face him. “Goodbye Cordelia. Can I come see you later tonight?”

Her stomach flipped at the thought of him coming to her cabin. “Yes, after patrols. I should be done a little past midnight.” She put her hands on his face and pulled him in for a kiss. They were still kissing when they heard a loud thump on the porch and then Helen say, “Oops. I hope I didn’t get your toes.”

Cordelia opened the door to step outside. “Goodbye Micah. Thank you Helen.”

“Hot in there?” Cade asked, falling in beside her.

“No, why do you ask?”

“Your face is flushed,” he said softly.

Cordelia was starting to feel guilty again. She knew Cade loved her and she loved him too.

‘I love him and I’ve just had sex with someone that I barely know.’ She didn’t want to hurt him.

She stopped walking and they faced each other. Tears came into her eyes, but she had no clue what to say. When she was with Micah all she wanted to do was touch him. It felt right, but standing there in front of Cade she wasn’t sure how she felt.

Cade knew she was struggling with something and did what he always did, he decided to save her. Cade started walking again. “Mary was out hanging up her laundry and found something. I thought you would want to see it.”

“What is it?” she asked.

“Rabbits, several dead rabbits, they are not just dead, they’ve been mauled.”

Cordelia quickened her pace all of her senses coming alive. Mauled rabbits meant there was an animal in their village. They finally got to Mary’s and she was sitting outside waiting for them. “Hello Mary. Where are they?”

“They’re over by the clothes line. I was hanging clothes when the wind blew and I smelled something foul. I went looking for it and found them by the big tree. I couldn’t tell how many there were because they were so destroyed.”

They walked over by the tree and could smell the rabbits before they actually saw them. There were bits of rabbit fur everywhere. Cordelia picked up a stick and poked around some of the carcasses.

“Was it a wolf?” Mary asked. She was wringing her hands over and over again in her apron.

“I’m not sure. It could have been a wild dog or a fox. I did hear that Kim saw a fox a few days ago.”

“Maybe,” she giggled nervously. “I guess we are all just a little shook up about the Weres chasing you the other night. I feel a little silly now jumping to conclusions like that.”

Cade smiled at her and patted her arm. “Don’t feel silly Mary. Checking things out like this is our job. It’s better to be safe than sorry, right?”

Cade’s reassurance made her feel better. He was good at that, and that’s why Cade was the one to tell families about their losses.

Cordelia looked up at him and her heart tightened a little. He really was a beautiful person, inside and out. ‘Stop it Cordelia, you cannot start this now, one problem at a time. A possible werewolf in the village is too important not to focus.’

Once they were out of hearing range, Cade asked, “It’s what I thought it was right?”

“I’m afraid so. It is possible that it was an actual wolf or a dog, but I doubt it. It would be too much of a coincidence. Go gather the team, and meet me by the well. I’m going to go tell the Bishop. Make sure you tell everyone not to say anything to their families. ”

Cordelia walked into the church and stopped. She was surprised to see just how sickly John looked. His small frame looked even smaller today than it had yesterday. The ever present dark circles under his eyes were darker. They might have been made to look darker because his skin was so pale.

She touched him and said, “John, you look horrible. Are you sure you should be out of bed? Has the Bishop seen you?”

He jumped like someone had pinched him and he jerked away from her. “Oh C-c-c-cordelia it’s y-y-y-you. I’m al-alright, very tired, b-b-b-but I’m al-alright. And n-no the Bishop h-h-has b-been in his st-st-st-study all morning. I-I-I-I haven’t seen him since I got here,” his voice was so weak and his stuttering seemed worse.

“John, I need to speak to the Bishop. I am going to go up to his study. You stay here though. I’ll knock I promise.” She was already walking up the steps to keep him from getting up, but he never made a move to get up.

“What is it, John?” Bishop Lucius called when she knocked on the door.

“Bishop Lucius, it’s me Cordelia. May I come in?”

“Oh, yes, yes Cordelia come in.”

“Bishop Lucius, is John okay, he looks horrible? He looks like he should be in bed not downstairs doing paperwork.”

Bishop Lucius looked up at her, folded his hands together and placed them his desk. “What is wrong with Deacon John? Does he have a fever or something?”

“I think he does. He was so hot I could feel the heat coming through his shirt when I touched his arm and he is very pale, smaller looking than normal.”

“Well, I will see to him when we are done here. Is there something you needed or did you just come to question me about John?”

“Yes sir. I have come to let you know that Mary Scott found mauled rabbits in her yard. Cade and I inspected it. We told Mary that it might be the fox that was spotted in the village and she believed us. But Sir, there was no way that was the result of a fox. I have asked Cade to gather everyone so we can do a full sweep of the village.”

“Make sure it is done without calling alarm to what you are doing. We do not need a panic on our hands.”

She bowed to him. “Of course Sir, I will let you know if we find anything.”

She was almost out the door when she heard him say, “Cordelia, it’s good to see your head back where it should be. You’re a good girl. Keep your head focused and you won’t fall to the devil.”

Cade had already explained everything to the team. They all agreed that on tonight’s patrol they would split into the same pairs with Esther taking the first shift by herself. The only thing that changed was Cordelia took the second shift instead of the third.

“As for our search now, I want half of you to go towards the north entrance and the other half goes towards the south entrance. We will search each house, barn, and shop. So if there is a wolf, we flush him or her towards the center of town. Do not tell anyone what we are actually looking for. Tell them we are looking for traces of the fox. Tell them that it has signs of brain sickness and we are making sure it is not still in the village.”

Everyone agreed, and Cade stepped forward. “If you should find someone that is unfamiliar detain them and send for the other team. The only visitor in town that I am aware of is Helen’s nephew. Some of you may have met him already. He is very tall with black hair, his name is Micah. Do any of you know of anyone else that may have visitors?”

No one knew of anyone, so they split up to begin their search. Cordelia took the people that lived in the northern side of town and went to the southern side. Part of it was that she didn’t want anyone searching their own homes, but the biggest reason was she didn’t want to see Micah so soon. She needed space from him because she couldn’t think straight when he was near.

The first couple of houses they searched the people asked them what we were looking for, but after word spread, everyone was waiting for them. They searched everywhere, inside baskets and potato holes. Barns, haystacks, under porches, they even searched through wood piles. They didn’t find anything. Cade’s group found a couple rabbits and a few squirrels mauled near Deacon John’s wood pile, but nothing else.

Cade said he would meet Esther at the well an hour after dark for her to start her patrol. Cordelia went to tell the Bishop what the results of the search were. Before she left he told her she was right about John, and he had sent him home. After that Cordelia went home to sleep.

Cordelia and Anthony walked the village, but they heard and saw nothing. It was a little after midnight when she got home. She made a bath and washed away the day that clung to her skin.

She wrapped the towel around herself just as there was a knock at her back door.

‘Micah, oh Lord I forgot he had asked to come over tonight,’ she thought in a panic. She stood there not knowing if she should open the door or not.

He knocked again and said, “Cordelia, I can hear you breathing. Let me in.”

She held the towel tighter and opened the door. “Micah, I’m sorry I forgot you were coming over and I’m not dressed for company. Besides it’s been a long day and I’m tired.”

Micah took in her partially naked state, but he hadn’t stepped inside yet.

He leaned down to her neck and whispered, “Let me come in, please.”

A shiver ran through her and all the reasons why he shouldn’t come in left her mind. Cordelia stood back and let him walk through the door. Micah sat at her table and she stood leaning on the counter. Feeling a cool breeze blow through the window reminded her that she was still in her towel and her face flushed.

“Please give me a moment to get dressed.”

“No that’s okay; I won’t be here but a minute. I just needed to let you know that I will be leaving in a little bit. Aunt Helen and I had a disagreement, so I will be going home earlier than I thought.”

Cordelia felt like someone had just hit her in the stomach. “What? You’re leaving? Did you two argue because of me?” her voice was soft.

“No, not because of you. We fought because of the one that is always following you around. What is his name, Cade, is that it?” She nodded, because she wasn’t sure she could speak.

“He came into Helen’s home and started questioning me about where I was from and what my plans were. I answered the questions he asked because I have nothing to hide. Then he crossed the line, and words were exchanged. Aunt Helen seems to think I egged it on. I disagree.” Micah was angry.

His eyes grew greener, and they appeared to glow in the soft light of the one candle she had lit. “What did he say, Micah?”

He stood up with a speed that startled her, “He is your second and he did not tell you?” his voice sounded skeptical.

Cordelia shook my head. “No Micah, he didn’t mention it to me. What did he say?”

“He walked past me and stopped, sniffing the air, he got right into my face and whispered, ‘Stay away from Cordelia. She is not available.’ He was quite angry.”

“What did you say?”

He stepped closer and placed his hands on either side of her pinning her to the counter. “I said that’s right you do smell Cordelia on me, and she was fine with me being on her earlier. He shoved me and I shoved him back. Of course, Aunt Helen only saw me push him and that’s what started the fight.”

“You said that to him?” Cordelia’s voice cracked with the panic feeling that was starting to overwhelm her. Cade had acted like nothing happened.

She turned her back to Micah and put her head down trying to catch her breath. “Micah, you had no right taunting him. What we did earlier was a mistake and I need you to leave now. I cannot think straight when you’re around. Maybe it’s best if you do leave now.”

She felt his warm hands slide down her naked arms, and felt the electricity just from that touch. “I will go tonight Cordelia; all I am asking for is a kiss goodbye.” He turned her to face him and breathed on her cheek, “One kiss Cordelia. Please?”

Cordelia nodded her head and he kissed her. His kiss was hard and urgent. He pulled her into his body and her nipples ached from the pressure of his body pressed on them. Her arms were around his neck holding him closer to her.

She was kissing him hard and urgent too. She couldn’t explain the need to have his hands touching her body, but with each touch it felt like her skin was on fire. He broke away from her lips to kiss down her neck. When his body leaned back her towel fell and she was standing in front of him completely naked.

His breath hitched and he grabbed greedily at her breasts burning them with the heat of his hands. His head dipped low and he sucked a nipple into his mouth gently biting it. His hand was kneading the other one. She moaned and pulled at his shirt needing to feel all of him against her. He let her go long enough to pull it over his head. Then he was back to exploring her body.

Cordelia rubbed her hands over his broad hard chest and leaned in to kiss his neck and then his chest. She kissed her way down him and bit his nipple.

It was his turn to moan. She made her way down his body and started tugging his pants down. His long hard cock was soon free and she wrapped him in her hands rubbing it up and down. She loved how soft and smooth it was over all that hardness.

Her tongue flicked out over the head and he grabbed her hair in his strong hands. Looking up, she was encouraged by the look of raw need on his face. Her mouth slid over the head and down the shaft. She pulled off of it and did it again only slower and further down. She did this several times before he gripped her hair harder and started pumping his cock into her mouth encouraging her to go faster. So she did.

Within moments he tightened his grip in her hair and shoved his cock faster and deeper into her mouth, making her gag and her eyes water. She felt his body tighten and heard him growl as he released himself into her mouth and down her throat.

He pulled her into the standing position and dropped to his knees. This time he was the one that flicked his tongue across her. Cordelia had never felt anything like that before. Her back arched and her hips pressed harder to his mouth. He licked harder and she felt a finger slide in. That was all it took. She started bucking against him and screamed out as the orgasm hit her.

He continued to lick her, encouraging her body to have another one. This one came on so quick and so sudden her body hadn’t even had time to settle from the first one. Cordelia screamed out and her knees buckled.

Before her mind could even clear, Micah stood them up and turned her to the counter. As he leaned her stomach on it she felt him swollen again and pressing against her opening. He placed his hands on her hips and slammed into her.

Cordelia screamed and clawed at the counter top. He continued to slam into her hard and fast, the sounds of him slapping against her grew louder the harder he pumped. He had her pressed hard against the counter, his hands gripping her breasts, squeezing them hard. It was on that border of pleasure and pain.

She was unable to catch her breath and her body was covered with sweat. Her hands were braced on the sink as she took all he was giving her. She cried out as the pleasure started building. His movements became almost frantic in his need.

Micah’s stomach was pressed completely against her back. As her fingers curled into tight fists, and her body started to shudder, her muscles began to pump his cock. The next orgasm took her, and she felt him bite her on the curve of her neck. The pain of the bite caused her orgasm to grow harder and last longer. Screaming and shaking, she thought it would never end.

With a deep low groan he slammed into her two more times before cumming deep inside her. He shuddered and collapsed on top of her.

They were shaking, sweaty, and out of breath. He lightly kissed her neck where he had bitten her. His tongue licked over it and she started to feel how much it hurt.

“Sorry I bit you so hard. I couldn’t control myself,” he said kissing it again.

Cordelia laughed and pushed herself up some. “It’s okay; I didn’t feel it at the time.” She turned towards him and leaned into him, placing her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

“Do you have to go?” she whispered.

Micah kissed the top of her head and pulled away. “Yes, Cordelia I have to go now. I will miss this,” he said, rubbing his hand from her breasts down the front of her, stopping at her now sore opening. She was still very sensitive down there, and she closed her eyes. She heard him chuckle as he moved away from me. He was getting his shirt on by the time he spoke again.

“You know Cordelia; it’s kind of funny how things work out. Under different circumstances we might have made a great couple.”

His green eyes held so many things; it was hard to know what he was thinking. He walked into her room and came back with a night dress. “Put this on,” he said, tossing it to her.


Cordelia felt that something was wrong, like she was missing something. He walked back into her room and came out with her red cloak.

“What are you doing with that?”

Without saying a word he walked to the back door and opened it. Three dark haired men walked in.

“Who are you? Micah what is going on?”

She didn’t take her eyes off the men and backed against the counter looking for her knives.

“Looking for these?”

Micah had her sword in his hand and the rest of the knives were on the table between her and them.

The men all had the same tan coloring. There was something similar yet different about the three men, they were definitely brothers. They were all around six foot tall with shaggy hair. The youngest looking one had a pleasant face, and under different conditions she might have said he was handsome. The oldest looking one had a scar from the top right side of his forehead running diagonally ending almost at his left jaw.

The one that appeared to be the middle one also had a scar. It looked like an animal had clawed his face. There were four pink scars down the entire right side of his face. He stepped towards her.

“This is her?” his tone said he wasn’t impressed.

Micah nodded as he cut a square piece off her cloak. The youngest one stared her up and down.

“You are the deadly Little Red Riding Hood?”

There was so much anger in his voice he practically spit it at her.

“How do you know who I am?” she snapped back.

“Everyone has heard of the little red monster Cordelia,” Micah said, his voice was a little huskier.

The other men laughed, but it sounded odd. When she looked back at them she saw why. Their faces were distorting, growing longer and their teeth were getting longer and sharper. She watched as their hands elongated and turned into claws.

Werewolves. She turned back to Micah.

“What have you done?”

He calmly handed her cloak to one of the men, and then with three quick strides, he had her by her hair. He pulled her head back so she could look up at him. There was so much hatred in his face that she tried to recoil.

“I’ll tell you what I’ve done. I’ve found the monster that killed my family,” he snarled in her face.

Still holding her hair, he shoved her across the room to the three men.

“Hold her. If she screams knock her out.”

Cordelia was not going to stand here and let them take her. She had to start fighting, so she punched the oldest one in the face, and then kicked the middle one. She was trying to get to the table; if she could just get to a knife, she would have a chance.

The youngest one grabbed her from behind and the oldest one came at her. She used her feet to kick him in the chest pushing back so she and the youngest one would fall. He let go as they fell backwards. She scrambled to her feet, and jumped for the table, but the middle one jumped in front of her, catching her inches away from a knife.

She punched him in mouth and almost reached the table again when someone hit her from behind. He hit her hard enough to knock her to the floor. Everything was getting foggy and dark around the edges. She saw Micah pick one of her knives up and walk to her front door. He held the torn off square of her red cloak to the door and stabbed it with one of her knives. Then everything went black.

As she started to wake up, the pain in her eyes when she tried to open them made her want to throw up. She tried to move her arms and found that she couldn’t. She slowly opened her eyes again trying to figure out what was going on. When her eyes opened she was facing a tree.

Her arms were tied together at the wrist and she was hanging a couple inches off the ground. She was hanging just enough to make sure she would swing. It was still dark outside so she couldn’t have been out too long. Her head hurt and she was queasy.

Warm hands slid across her rib cage and held onto her breast. She felt the warm breath on her neck just before she heard Micah ask, “Are you awake?”

He squeezed her breast and licked her ear. She tried to tell him not to touch her, but the gag prevented that. So she tried to squirm out of his touch, but the pain that shot through her arms was enough to make her scream in pain.

He let go and turned her to face him. “I wouldn’t move if I were you. This is the second night you have been hanging. And those poor arm muscles have not been used.”

He pushed her so she would sway a little. The pain made her whimper because she knew he wanted her to scream again, but she refused.

“Ouch that does hurt doesn’t it? I was starting to think I might have hit you a little too hard. Sorry about hitting you so hard, but you are a fighter, and I didn’t want any more problems out of you.”

Cordelia did the only thing she could do, she glared at him. He laughed and walked away.

‘I cannot believe I had been fooled and seduced by him, by a werewolf.’ she thought angrily. ‘Lord please let someone come and find me.’

Micah walked back to her with the oldest of the three brothers. “Phillip, hold her legs so she doesn’t fall.”

Phillip wrapped his arms around her waist without speaking. He still hadn’t spoken in front of her.

Micah grabbed her face so she would look at him. “I’m going to pull the rag out of your mouth because darling, this going to hurt, and I want to hear you cry.”

His tone was mocking and cruel. He took the rag out and then he pulled her sword off his hip and swung at the ropes cutting them clean through. She collapsed into Phillip’s arms and had a second to catch her breath before the pain shot through her.

She had been stabbed and she had beaten before, but this was the worse pain she had ever felt. She bit her lip to keep from screaming because she knew that was what he wanted. Why else would he have taken the gag out of her mouth?

The pain wasn’t getting any better it was staring to get worse. Phillip laid her gently on the ground and stepped back. She couldn’t move her arms. She had no control of them and the pain from them waking up was unbearable.

Cordelia couldn’t keep quiet any longer. She felt the blood running down her chin from biting her lip. She finally screamed out in pain as the darkness over took her again.

As she woke, she heard someone talking. It made her insides freeze because she knew that voice.

“Wh-wh-what have y-y-you done to h-h-her Micah? Y-y-you p-p-promised you wouldn’t h-h-hurt h-h-her,” Deacon John said anxiously.

“Relax John, all Micah did was cut the bitch down. It was her arms waking up that made her scream like a little girl, a little red headed girl,” the youngest brother hissed in her face.

He was stalking around her and leaned in close to pull her hair. She refused to flinch away from him. She noticed he had one of her knives on his hip and one tied to his leg. ‘If I get my knives back, he is going to die,’ she thought, glaring into his face.

She wanted to rub her arms but her hands were still tied. She wanted to know why John was working with them. Cordelia was lying on her side and couldn’t see John and she wanted to look at him.

“John would you please walk over here so I can see you, I want to make sure you are okay.” Her voice was dry and horse from screaming.

“Of c-c-course my d-d-dear,” she heard John say and then she saw his feet. She looked up and saw his face. It was still just as pale as it was the other day. Only now, he was smiling. “Is this b-better?”

“It would be nice if I could sit up, but I guess this will have to do. Why John, why would you do this?”

“W-w-well, you see C-cordelia it’s c-c-complicated. Oh f-for heaven’s s-s-sake could one of you p-p-please move her? I cannot t-t-talk to her like th-this.”

Phillip scooped her off the ground and sat her down, leaning on the tree. He never looked at her, but he wasn’t rough with her either. As he was leaning away she whispered, “Thank you.”

Phillip paused still not looking at her, nodded once and walked back to his brothers. He seemed to not hate her like the others did. Maybe she could use that to get out of this alive.

John walked up close and squatted down in front of her. “I wouldn’t get too close to her, John,” Micah warned.

John laughed, “I’m n-not afraid of C-cordelia hurting me. We h-have known each other our wh-whole lives. You w-wouldn’t h-h-hurt me would you C-cordie?”

“John, did you help them get me?” she asked him.

The youngest brother laughed, “Yes he did. He was spilling his sniveling little guts about you.”

“Shut up, David.” Micah snapped and the laughter stopped.

“John?” Cordelia said softly.

He leaned in a little closer to hear her. “I hope they eat your face off,” she said just before she kicked him in the face. She kicked him with as much force she could get from where she was sitting. There was a loud crunch and he fell backwards. He was holding his face and screaming. Blood was pouring between his fingers.

She heard Micah laugh, “I told you John. She is all about loyalty, and you gave her to the monsters.”

John managed to choke out, “Sh-she broke my n-n-nose. I’m going to k-k-kill h-h-her.”

He lunged for her landing on top of her and ended up rolling them together off the tree. He had his hands on her neck squeezing. She tried bucking him off, but he squeezed tighter. If her hands and legs were not still tied she would have beaten him off her, but she couldn’t and he was choking her to death.

John was pulled off with such force that it lifted her up too. His fingers slid off and she fell back to the ground with a hard thud. Micah had John by the throat with one hand. He bounced the smaller man onto the tree and held him there by his throat.

“I have been searching for her for a month and now that I have her, I will not allow her to die by your hands, priest,” he growled in John’s face. It had gone from red to a rich purplish blue. Blood was pouring onto Micah’s hand.

“Micah you’re killing him!”

“Why are you worried about his life, Cordelia, he just tried to kill you? Besides I think this priest has served his purpose.”

In one swift motion Micah let go of John’s throat and then snapped his neck. John’s body crumpled and fell to the ground beside her. She was left lying there staring into John’s large dead eyes.

Tears filled Cordelia’s eyes. John had tried to kill her but he was one of the first friends she had made, outside Cade. Thinking of Cade made the tears harder to control. She prayed to God that Cade would find her before it was too late.

“Cordelia, please tell me you are not crying. I thought you were made of tougher stuff than that. For a brief moment watching you fight them in your kitchen, I thought you would be fun to fight. Now you’re giving me doubts.”

“Untie me and I will correct your doubts,” she hissed.

The three brothers laughed

“I’m going to untie you Cordelia, and we are going to fight. If you win and kill me you’re free to go.”

“Do you think I’m stupid? I know what will happen. I will kill you and then they will kill me. Besides, it’s not a fair fight. I can’t fight you without weapons or proper clothes.”

Phillip stepped closer and lifted Cordelia back into the sitting position and he spoke for the first time. “We will not kill you if you defeat him. We have given our word to let him fight you for all of our revenge. If by some miracle you beat him, we will let you go.”

“What revenge? What have I done?”

Phillip looked sadly at her, shook his head, and walked away.

“I think I have the right to know what I have done if I’m going to fight you,” she snapped looking at Micah.

“I told you my wife was dead. You killed her Cordelia. You killed her and my son in a cave up in Wicker’s Ridge. Your team was called in to kill us after I killed the neighbor. She had seen my daughter change one night and she started screaming. I had to protect my family. My wife didn’t even know what I had done.”

Micah paused closing his eyes. When he opened them they were a glowing bright green and his voice was low.

“Your team killed my daughter and almost killed me, but you; you killed my wife and son. I know it was you because as I laid there dying, you continued to chase her. I didn’t see your face, but I saw your hair. It was sloppy of your men not to make sure I was dead before they ran off to help you.”

She remembered the woman and the boy. They were the first ones they had killed on their last mission.

“So you see Cordelia that is why I want revenge. You killed my wife and kids.”

“And she was our sister!” David spat.

Cordelia said nothing. What could she say? After a few moments she asked, “How did you find me?”

“We separated and travelled to the villages that have the Red Hoods. I knew my Aunt Helen lived in one of those villages, so I used this as an opportunity to find out if the Red Riding Hood lived there. It was my luck that I ran into John that night I met you. Aunt Helen was very much closed mouth about the Hoods; if you can believe that woman being quiet about anything,” Micah said, looking at her wryly.

“Anyway, John was drunk and sitting by himself, talking about how he wished he could have been with them to kill all those monsters. I pretended to be interested in his stories and that’s when he let slip that the Red Riding Hood lived in this very village. I sent Mark that night to go find David and Phillip. And then I met you.”

“If you knew then that I was who you were looking for, why did you not kill me that first night? Why did you…” she stopped and thought, ‘Seduce me.’

Her face blushed giving away what she was thinking and she heard Micah chuckle softly.

He came and squatted down beside her, instead of in front like John had done. “I didn’t know for sure you were her the first night. By the way you pulled that sword and had enough control to stop before you took Helen’s head off I knew you were a Red Hood. As for the other question…”

He ran his fingers on her face and then ran them through her hair. Cordelia jerked her head away from him, but couldn’t go far because he held her hair. Micah leaned into her and nuzzled her neck. He kissed it and whispered in her ear, “I seduced you because I wanted you the moment I saw you. You have fire and together we have passion. Even now you feel it, Cordelia.”

She fought harder to get away from him because she would never say it, but she did feel it. She needed him to stop touching her. “Please, Micah stop, how could you have sex with me after I chopped off your wife’s head?”

He stopped kissing her neck, his whole body went rigid and he growled.

One of her smaller knives almost slid out of his pocket. If she could continue to distract him, she might be able to get it. She leaned closer to him and breathed into his ear, “Did you think of her dead body while you were inside me?”

He made a low howl, and grabbed her on either side of her head and pulled her to her feet. His green eyes glowed with anger.

Cordelia smiled at him, “Do you still want me, Micah?”

He jerked her to him and made a noise between a growl and howl. That was the movement she needed. Her fingers slid over the hilt and she managed to tuck it into the rope a second before he threw her away from him. She landed hard on her side a few feet away from him. She heard him charging and turned over as quickly as she could.

Micah reached her and jerked her to her feet again by her hair. ‘If I survive this I’m cutting it all off,’ she thought angrily.

“You’re clever aren’t you? I know what you’re trying to do. You want me to kill you quickly don’t you? Well I’m not going to Cordelia. You are just a toy for me. I’m going to cut you loose and let you run for your freedom. We will chase you and hunt you down like the monster you are.”

Phillip came close and said softly, “Micah, I heard something in the woods”

Cordelia started screaming. Micah turned her around and put one hand over her mouth and the other one on her throat. “Shut up!” he hissed. “You guys go check it out.”

The three men spread out into the woods. Micah slid so his back was against the tree with her sitting on his lap and then they didn’t move. They were both silent for what felt like forever. They were both listening for noise. Then it came. There was a snarling sound then another. A fight was going on and it was getting closer. She started to scream again, and then everything went black.

Cordelia woke to water being thrown on her face. She was lying on something hard and cold and everything sounded echoed and strange. Her eyes adjusted to the dark some. There was a single candle lit, but the room was so big it didn’t offer much help. She was in a cave and it looked like there was dried blood on the floor.

‘Oh dear Lord I’m in the cave that I killed Micah’s wife.’

“Get up Cordelia. I can hear from your breathing. You know where we are. There has been a change of plans for you. I believe your team has killed my brothers-in-law. I now have no one; but that statement is not true, Cordelia, I do have someone. I have you. I was thinking while I was waiting for you to wake up that I have already bitten you. I bit you when we had sex. Come the next full moon you might turn into a werewolf, but if I bite you again it will guarantee that you will.”

Cordelia thought she was going to throw up. He had bitten her and she had liked it at the time, but she hadn’t known he was a werewolf.

“You’re crazy. I would rather die than become a werewolf,” she screamed.

Micah smacked her and she fell to the floor. She was on her stomach, and felt him sit on her legs. She started to thrash around, until she felt him undo the rope on her legs. He shifted his body so his knees went between her legs spreading them apart.

The only clothing she had on was the nightgown he had given her. Micah had the hem and slid it up her legs. That started her thrashing again. He pinned her arms under her so she couldn’t even cut her hands free.

“Stop fighting me Cordelia. The bite could be pleasurable if you just let your body take over and not fight me. Regardless, if you continue to fight, I will have sex with you and the bite will hurt.”

Cordelia felt him push himself against her and she screamed, “No!”

Micah howled out in pain and rolled off her. She took advantage of the moment and rolled over. That’s when she saw Cade standing in the doorway. He had thrown a knife into Micah’s back. She scooted back until she could use the wall to slide up into the sitting position, and used the knife to cut her hands free. It slipped a couple times, but she didn’t care because her hands were finally free.

“Cord you okay?” Cade asked, not taking his eyes off Micah.

“I’m good now.”

“I’m going to rip your guts out,” Micah growled. With another growl, he transformed and charged Cade. Cade already had his sword out and he ran to meet Micah.

They collided with a loud thud. They were a blur of fists and claws. Cordelia saw blood, but couldn’t tell whose it was. Micah got the upper hand and slammed Cade down, but he was holding Micah’s arms up keeping the claws and teeth off him. She heard the rest of the team coming down the tunnel. Micah must have heard them too, because he raised his head.

Cordelia needed that second. She jumped on Micah’s back and used that little knife to slice his throat. It didn’t go all the way through, but he fell off Cade grabbing his throat as the blood ran through his fingers. Cordelia picked up Cade’s sword and stabbed Micah in the heart. She pulled the sword out and stabbed him again and again and again.

She felt arms go around her and then Cade’s soft calm voice in her ear, “Cordelia he’s dead.”

“We thought he was dead last time too,” she snapped, stepping out of Cade’s arms and took Micah’s head off.

“Now he’s dead,” she said.

Two days later they were back in the village. None of them talked on the way home. They were waiting for her to say something first and she didn’t feel like talking. Anna gave Cordelia her cloak and they circled her, blocking her from everyone’s prying eyes. They walked her into the church to talk to the Bishop.

She and Cade explained everything they knew. She did not tell him about being seduced, but she told him everything else, even the betrayal and death of Deacon John. When they were done, the Bishop informed her that Micah had killed Helen.

That bit of news was more than she could handle at the moment. Cordelia had to get out of the Bishop’s office. Cade walked her home and insisted on staying at her cabin with her. He fixed her a bath and helped her wash her hair while she told him everything.

He touched the bite mark and told her it wasn’t that deep, but they agreed not to tell anyone about it. He also told her that he would never tell anyone about what she had done with Micah. Cade stayed the night and held her while she slept.

High on a mountain, deep in the woods, Cordelia howled as she chased down a deer. It had been one year since the incident with Micah. She and Cade had gotten married two days later and at the first full moon when she changed, they knew they had to leave.

Cade rocked the small, green eyed, red haired baby. “Shh, Helen, mommy will be home at dawn.”

The monster hunter had become the monster.

Same as The Littlest Red Hood Part 3 Videos

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

2 years ago
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Bea in the Bathroom Freddys Side of the Story

Author's Note: In my story, "Freddy in the Bathroom: Virginity Rubbed Away," I already told this entire story from my point-of-view, as one of the two people who actually lived this unique and unexpected event. And in the follow-up story, "Freddy in the Bathroom: My Wife's Confession," my husband has already described for you in great detail his thoughts and reactions to my having confessed to him about what took place between Freddy and me in that small bathroom on that fateful Sunday...

2 years ago
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Red Riding Hood

Red Riding hood, called Red by her friends, was a Shy innocent Soul. More apt to doing her chores than kissing boys She often visited her grandmother. The woman lived in a cabin out in the woods. It was almost time to bring supplies out. Should Red go?

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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The Hood Of The Car

The Hood Of The Car My father came into my room, which was something that he never ever had done before. He respected my space, so I knew that it was serious. Dad said, “You fucked Vickie last night. She laid on the hood of my car and you did her from behind. She was willing but you still shouldn’t have done it. If her mother sees the prints on my hood, she will cut your fucking dick off and feed it to you for breakfast. If I were you I’d get my ass down there right away and wash it...

4 years ago
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Robin Hood With A Pussy

Jeff never figured out why his wife of two years went “postal;” actually it was more like “bank berserk” but that term was coined just to describe her activities, so when it started happening the only name he could come up with was “postal.” From Jeff’s perspective – maybe one a neutral observer might find flawed – he thought he had a decent marriage. What an unlikely woman, he thought, to do what she was doing. Maybe he just didn’t know her as well as he thought. Kate sure seemed sweet when...

Wife Lovers
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Sweet Little Red Riding Hood

Sweet little Red Riding Hood… Through the darkness broken occasionally by the moonlight stabbing between the trees, the little Red Minx was stepping with a confidence along the winding path. Her petite figure was barely concealed with the short, plaid skirt flitting up and down, revealing glimpses of the sheer, white cloth that could hardly be called panties, contrasting against her glowing, brown skin. This was merely a peek into her inherent nature. Look along the lines of her toned legs...

2 years ago
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Red Riding Hood And Big Bad Wolf

She was born Shyla Hood. Yet everyone in her neighbor knew her simply as Red. Called by this name not because of the color of her hair, but the fact that she always wore red. Shyla used to be called ‘ little red’ by her family and friends when she was younger. But she was all grown up now. Boy, was she ever. Shyla had developed a drop dead gorgeous figure by the time she was 18. Now 21, she had become a sexual dynamo. She had long dark hair, a 36c chest, an ass so perfect it begged to be...

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Winifred Arrives Rose Cums

This tale starts immediately after "Office Mating Ch. 3" where I got reinstated to my Director position by my boss's boss and met Clara's latest visiting niece Rose, a runner with strong legs who had a lesbian incident with her coach and was vehemently against letting me probe her pussy with my prick. I mean, what's with young women these days, anyway? The next morning I awoke with thoughts of Rose, my neighbor Clara's niece, who got some great oral attention but rejected the thought...

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Freddys Family Fun2

Josie's job was quite near the mall where he intended to go so Freddy decided to accompany his sister on her bus ride to work. On the bus the boy would sound out his sister's views on sex in general and perhaps sex with her brother in particular. The teen wasn't so sure how to go about it. He knew subtlety was needed but that wasn't his strong point. Well, he would just have to play it by ear. "You're looking sexy this morning, sis." A few compliments never hurt to start out Freddy...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

1 year ago
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

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