Catastrophe free porn video

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Autumn. Wet, windy and dirty. At least, that is how I see it. Leaves falling from the trees clutter up the drains and footpaths and look so untidy.

It was a horrible, wet Autumn night that I was driving home from work in the early hours one Tuesday morning at the end of October. My route takes me across wild moorland roads and the rain was pouring down with a strong wind making the car difficult to drive with visibility quite poor.

Suddenly, through the rain soaked windscreen, I saw something dart across the road in front of me, something small and dark. Instinctively I hit the brakes and on the greasy wet surface, my wheels locked and I slid off the road and onto the grass verge, coming to a halt with the two right wheels still on the road and the other two on the grass.

As I got my breath back I realised that what I had seen was a cat. Black. I was angry with myself for overreacting but reassured myself that no harm had been done and I hadn't run over the cat. Neither had I damaged the car, so all was well.

I selected first gear and slowly let the clutch in. Damn it, nothing! The front wheel had sunk into the mud and was spinning uselessly. I tried reverse but that had the same effect.

Great! Two a.m. and I was stuck in the middle of nowhere. I got my mobile phone out of my handbag to call the breakdown people. Marvellous! No signal. not even enough to call the emergency services!

Now what? I pondered my situation. I could wait and hope someone would come along but that was unlikely, considering the remoteness of the area, or I could walk and try to find help but again it could be miles before I found anyone.

As I sat and thought, I realised that just in front of me was the end of a drive. Surely, I thought, that must lead to a farm, a house, something, and that cat had to live somewhere.

So that was it, I decided, I would walk up the lane and ask to use their phone to get help. Maybe they would have a tractor or something to pull me back onto the road.

I grabbed my coat from the back seat which, unfortunately, wasn't a raincoat, picked up my handbag and got out of the car, locking it behind me. I walked past the old gate, which looked as though it had not been closed for years, and along the drive. The rain was lashing against my face and the wind was blowing it into every space it could find, almost knocking me over it was so strong.

As I walked I began to sense that I was not alone. I looked around. I was right, the cat was following me.

"Come on, then," I said to it, sort of glad of the company, "You got me into this."

I seemed to walk for ages but in only a few minutes I saw a dim glow ahead of me. I was right, it was a house and I was glad to see light in the windows, I wouldn't wake them when I knocked.

The house was a rather shabby looking, stone built farmhouse and the outbuildings looked as though they were falling down. When I knocked on the peeling paint of the front door I was glad to hear movement inside and before too long I heard the rasp of a bolt being drawn across and the door creaked slowly open about six inches.

"Can I help you?" the voice belonged to a not unattractive woman aged, perhaps, in her mid to late fifties. Her long dark hair giving her age away due to the grey strands appearing amongst the darker grey hair, which had probably been jet black in her prime.

"I’m so sorry to disturb you at this time of night," I apologised, "but I swerved to avoid a cat and now I am stuck in the mud at the side of the road. May I use your phone please, to call for help?"

"One moment", she answered, then closed the door. I was puzzled at first but then heard the rattle of the door chain being removed before the door opened again but fully this time.

"Come in, come in", she said, beckoning me in.

As I stepped inside the cat followed me in.

"He is yours?" I asked her.

The woman looked at me and and said: "Yes, she can be a little devil sometimes. Look at you! You are soaked through, come and sit by the fire and get warm."

I followed her into the living room which was dimly lit by a myriad of candles and the roaring log fire and as we walked I said to her:

"I don't want to be a nuisance but if I may use your phone?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," she stopped and turned to me, "It's not working. As you can see, we have no power either, all the lines have been blown down but come, rest and get warm while we decide what to do with you."

"We?" I queried.

The woman put her eyes up.

"What must you think of me! My friend here..." she gestured towards the arm chair by the fire, "is Freyja." I looked over to the chair and saw a most beautiful, younger woman, maybe aged in her late thirties, sitting there. Her hair was jet black and long, I guessed down to the middle of her back had she been standing and eyes as dark as her hair. She was wearing a long velvet dress, also black and she smiled and nodded as I said hello. "and I am Lilith," my host continued, offering me her hand. I took it and smiled,

"Pleased to meet you, I am Anna." Her hand was cold to the touch.

"And we are very pleased to meet you too, Anna," and turning her head added, "aren't we, Freyja?"

The younger woman didn't reply but smiled mysteriously.

"Let me take your coat, my dear, it is soaked."

Lilith took the coat from me and hung it near to the fire to dry out. It had been no use whatsoever against the elements and my uniform blouse was wet through and clinging to my body and virtually see through, causing my white cotton bra to stand out in stark contrast to the darker tone of my wet flesh beneath.

Suddenly, I became very self conscious when I realised they where both looking at me.

Lilith broke the silence.

"I think you had better get out of those wet clothes, my dear, we don't want you getting pneumonia."

I hesitated.

"I.....erm, I haven't got anything to change into........" my voice trailed off. It seemed vague, as if it was somebody else's. I didn't seem to be in control of myself any more, as if my thoughts were not my own.

"Don't worry," the soft seductive voice from the armchair, "I will find you a towel and a robe." Freyja more uncoiled herself from the chair rather than just stood, she moved with feline grace and I saw then how slim and beautiful she really was.

She soon returned carrying a big fluffy towel and a black silk kimono.

"Now take off those wet clothes and we will get you comfortable."

I had never taken my clothes off in front of anyone but my husband but now, it didn't seem to matter and I began to unfasten the buttons of my sodden shirt and simultaneously, stepped out of my shoes.

Neither Freyja nor Lilith averted their eyes, both watching me as I released each button and peeled the clinging fabric from my skin.

Lilith stepped behind me and gently pulled the blouse from my shoulders, the sleeves turning inside out as they clung to my arms.

She lay it over the back of a chair she had placed near the fire for that very purpose.

Next, I unfastened the button and zip on my grey, knee length skirt. The weight of the water in it caused it to fall quickly to my feet as soon as it was free. I stepped out of it, allowing Lilith to pick it up and place that too, on the chair near the fire.

I could feel the heat, warming and drying my flesh. I stood still as I felt Lilith's fingers begin to release the little hooks holding my bra in place.

In my mind I protested, I had never been undressed before but the desire was so great now and all that came out was a rather weak:

"No, I........" which trailed off as my white cotton bra was released and carefully peeled away from my breasts.

I wanted to cover myself, hide them from view but my arms felt heavy and unwilling to move and I could only stand and allow Lilith to continue downwards and begin to remove my nylon, flesh coloured tights. Slowly, she pulled them down over my hips and thighs. I lifted first one leg and then the other to allow her to take them clear of my feet and lay those, too, on the chair by the fire.

My white cotton bikini briefs were not wet, at least not from the rain, but those too she slowly peeled away, drew them down my legs and removed them without me being able to do anything to prevent it.

I stood there naked, arms hanging by my sides, my body trembling throughout. Not with cold, the fire in the huge inglenook was roaring and crackling beside me, but with a whole host of feelings. Fear, embarrassment, not least, excitement, but there was nothing I could do. My mind just would not work and the flickering of the flames from both the fire and the candles cast moving shadows around the room.

Feyja moved slinkily toward me and began to dry me with the towel. Gently smoothing it over my body, my breasts, my stomach, and down between my legs. Not once did she look anywhere but directly into my eyes, staring deep into my soul, holding me with her gaze. Then, stepping closer, she dropped the towel and ran her finger nails down my breasts, from my collar bone right down to the tip of my nipples. Her nails were long and beautifully manicured and the hardness of them as they scratched along the skin made my heart pound with desire. I gasped deeply as she reached my nipples and flicked slowly off the ends, momentarily digging into the ridged flesh and gently dragging them downwards until they released and sprung back upwards, painfully erect and pushing outwards, throbbing and aching.

Lilith bent and picked up the towel. Moving around behind me she began to dry my hair but still I could not break away from Freyja's gaze. Slowly and deliberately she moved closer to me until her lips touched mine and although I had never kissed a woman before, nor even wanted to, my lips opened of their own volition to meet hers. They pressed together, accepting her, encouraging her, even welcoming her as her slightly rough tongue entered my mouth and worked it's way around my teeth and inside, around my gums and touching the roof. My tongue danced around hers. I thought I wanted to stop her but I couldn't, I really didn't want to. Nothing worked any more, as if my brain had been disconnected and my body was willingly being remotely controlled.

I could feel Lilith behind me, her cold but gentle hands smoothing the soft warm towel over my back. Down she went, passing slowly over the soft smooth curves of my buttocks, letting the thick material dip between them and over my anus. Down and down my legs, drying my feet and back up the inside of my thighs until she reached the soaking, hot smoothness of my vagina and allowed a towel covered finger to rub gently between my soft, petal lips, so lightly that I felt I was going to orgasm at any minute.

Freyja broke away as Lilith stood. Taking my shoulders she turned me carefully so my back was to the fire, It was hot but not burning and I could see my reflection in the rain battered window opposite. Standing still, my nipples painfully erect and standing out on the tips of my small breasts. My legs together and arms hanging loosely at my sides and my shoulder length brown hair dishevelled and untidy. I had no expression on my face and my smooth, hairless vagina glistened wetly in the flickering candle light.

As I stood and looked at my reflection, Lilith moved around behind me, putting her arms around my waist, her cold hands making me start. Slowly, painfully slowly, she moved them up to cup my breasts and pinch my aching nipples between finger and thumb. Small electric shocks seem to pass from them, shooting deep inside me and causing me to take a sharp breath and lean my head back against her.

The emotions I felt were amazing. I knew it was wrong, not what I wanted to happen and yet I did want it, couldn't stop myself from enjoying what was happening. I felt so hot inside and every touch sent my head spinning with desire. Freyja stepped even closer and began to rub herself up against my body, the soft velvet of her dress made me lose my senses as her leg rubbed against my mound. I parted my legs to allow her thigh to press against the soft entrance to my whole being.

I could feel Lilith's cold breath against my neck as Freyja resumed her attack upon my lips, pushing her rough tongue once again between my teeth and exploring my mouth eagerly and sensuously.

I felt the cold hands on my breasts replaced by soft, warm hands gently squeezing and kneading them, the long, sharp nails digging into the flesh and scratching across the nipples.

Freyja's mouth was restricting my breathing which increased the emotions a hundred fold. I was gasping for breath and my heart was pounding like a hammer in it's effort to supply blood around my over loaded senses.

The cold hands moved slowly down my sides until they reached my slim hips, fingers wrapping themselves around my prominent bone and pressing firmly into the soft flesh of my groin. They pressed inwards against my mound, causing me to groan aloud and try to take in even more air.

At the same time I could feel a cool tongue tracing the curve of my buttocks, along the crevasse between them and down to the hollow where they joined the tops of my legs.

Soaking wet now, I was so close to orgasm and yet, not. I was trembling, shivering violently and yet, at the same time, so hot!

The fire seemed to be roaring and crackling more than ever and the wind howling and moaning louder around the house like all the demons from hell were loose, while the rain battered incessantly against the windows.

“ There is no need for fear, pretty one,” Freyja's soft, sensuous voice purred in my ear as she bit gently on my lobe, “You are safe here.”

What did she mean, 'safe'? Should I be afraid? These thoughts were pushed far from my mind as I felt my buttocks being carefully prised apart. The soft, cool touch of Lilith's tongue moved between them, licking and probing, circling the tight, puckered orifice and pressing against it. My muscle tightened and contracted. I had never been touched like this before by anyone and certainly not there but as I relaxed and enjoyed the feelings flooding through me her tongue found an entrance and I gasped and breathed in deeply. My whole body was trembling and vibrating and I felt the orgasm approaching. No, not yet, something was holding it back as though some unseen force didn't want it to happen, not yet.

A cold finger snaked seductively beneath me, finding the entrance to my soul. Circling around the soft, moist flesh, pressing but not entering, moving up to the sensitive spot between my folds. Pressing, rolling it, rubbing it. Then back, across the tiny opening of my urethra, pausing momentarily to press gently against it. Onwards, finding the way in and entering the hot cavern of my desire, pushing so deep I could feel the movement inside me. A second finger entered alongside the first, stretching me open. Together they moved in and out, round and around, pressing and stretching. Deeper and harder the tongue pushed inside, and hit me, blasting through me like the howling gale outside and I joined it.

“Aaaahhhhh....” howling like a baying hound, screaming loudly, “Aaaaahhhhhhh.......” As it crashed through me Freyja pressed her mouth hard against mine, her rough tongue pushing past my teeth and dancing with my own as she held me tightly. Her body coiled around mine, restricting my movement and breathing. I was yelling and sobbing and the fingers pressed harder into me and the tongues pushed deeper inside me until I could take no more and my knees buckled and I collapsed to the floor, unable to control myself.

I closed my eyes for a moment until I was able to regain my senses and when I opened them again the fire had died down and Lilith was sitting in the armchair by the fire, the cat curled up asleep on her lap. I looked around

“Where is Freyja?” I asked. The older woman looked at me and smiled mysteriously.

“She had to change,” was the answer. I wanted to ask more but Lilith continued: “You must go now. The sun is beginning to show its face. People will be about soon and will find you.”

I looked at the window and saw the first tentative glow of daylight. The rain had stopped and the wind had died away.

I dressed in silence, there was so much I wanted to ask but Lilith sat with her head bowed, stroking the cat and my mind was prevented from forming the words.

When I was ready, Lilith rose and walked with me to the door, opening it for me to step through.

Outside I stopped and turned to say goodbye but the door was already closed. Lifting my hand to knock I was suddenly unwilling to do so and allowed it to fall back to my side.

Along the drive I saw that the clouds were breaking and clear skies forming and still dark enough to see the stars and moon beyond.

Along the main road I could see headlights approaching so I hurried along and waved them down.

It was a large pick-up truck carrying crates of milk in the back.

It stopped alongside me.

“Something wrong, Miss?” The driver was an older man with greying hair. He was wearing green overalls and a flat cap.

“My car,” I gestured toward the stranded vehicle, “I got it stuck in the mud. Can you help me please?”

“Course I can, have you out in a jiffy. Been here long?”

I told him about braking for the cat and skidding due to the rain and wind and about the ladies at the farmhouse. Not everything of course, but about them having no phone or electricity due to the wires being down. As I jabbered he frowned and looked puzzled but waited until I had finished before saying:

“You went to the farm... down there?” and gestured through the broken gate and down the lane.

“That's right,” I said, “why, is something wrong?” He scratched his head.

“Well, that house hasn't been occupied for nigh on half a century, Miss. My dad had this milk round before me and I used to work with him until he passed it on to me. We used to deliver there when I was a nought but a lad. That was old Lil's place. Odd character. Lived alone with just her cat for company. Never had electricity nor a phone. Always used candles for lighting and did all her cooking on the big open fire. We hardly ever saw her, never left the house and always left the money on the step with the empties. Folks used to say she was a witch but that was just kids talk. Must be best part of forty years since she passed away. Stopped taking the milk in and after a few days the police broke in and found her cold in the chair by the fire. The cat was curled up asleep on her lap and when they took her body away the cat disappeared. No-one ever knew what became of it.” He pondered for a moment, rubbing his chin, “Funny about the weather though. I never heard any wind or rain. Must've slept better than I thought!”

I was stunned and pondered the events as the man tied a rope to the tow ball of his truck.

After he pulled the car back onto the road, I thanked him and offered to pay.

“No, no,” he said, “no need for that, just pleased to help. Anyway, must get on. First of November so have to collect payments for Octobers bills. Takes so much longer. Take care now,” and with a wave he was gone.

I got back into the car and looked across towards the farm. It was still too dark to see anything at that distance. I shrugged my shoulders and decided I must have fallen asleep and dreamt the whole thing, then I pulled the seat belt across me.

“Ouch!” I said, semi aloud. My chest was stinging under the pressure of the belt so I released it again and let it retract.

Then I undid my blouse and stared in disbelief. My breasts were covered in what appeared to be cat scratches!

I looked again across to the farmhouse and shivered. Putting the car in gear I let the clutch pedal up and drove quickly away. I was never going to pass this way again........ever!!!

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This story starts out with a little about me. I'm a crossdressing hubby, been married for ten years. My wife knows about my dressing up, even helps once and a while even though she doesn't like it too much. Sherri my wife went to work at 6:00 am she's a nurse at a local hospital working 12 hr shifts... so that leaves plenty of time to indulge in my deep dark fantasy. I love to dress up and smoke those long Virginia slims menthol light 120's It makes me feel so...

2 years ago
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The Latin Ballroom Dancer

I was a shy woman with glasses in my early twenties working as my Daddy’s assistant in the office of his hotel called ‘The Springs’. It was a posh hotel in Beverly Hills, California with an enormous pool, inside, and out. I always wore my long frizzy blonde hair back in a plait and wore as my uniform a long grey skirt and frumpy sweatshirt. One bright sunny day, Daddy came into the office in a navy blue suit looking all cheerful and dapper about something. ‘Clarie, honey, make more of an effort...

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The Further Adventures of Agent Trixie Daniels Ch 2

Chapter 2 A Serious Problem Special Agent Trixie Daniels had compiled her crack team of barely legal black cock sluts which included Hannah, the gorgeous brunette soccer star, Traci the pampered Vietnamese girl with a perfect ass and the sadistic MaryAnne, who was already responsible for taking the testicles of two pathetic whiteboys. The four sluts sat in an empty conference room waiting for their mission details. “Look alive ladies”, the Chief’s booming voice echoed through the room,...

2 years ago
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Blockade Runner Chameleons Plasma Rifles Book 1Chapter 8

James and Tarra had arisen after their brief rest and cleaned off with a refreshing shower. The shower on the Didgeridoo was one of the few real luxury fixtures on the starship. James' father had been a shower fanatic; he found that a hot, steamy, vigorous shower was an excellent stress reliever. He had designed the ship with a large shower that could easily fit two or three people in it. Water was able to spray out from any of the fours walls in addition to the floor and ceiling. James...

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JamesDeen Harlow Harrison Get Used By Strangers

James Deen is making all of Harlow Harrison’s fantasies come true. The huge boobs tattooed pet slut has a special desire to be used as a cum dumpster. She wants a group of stranger to have their way with her body and to feel like nothing but a worthless whore. James has organized a special night for his pet. He strips Harlow naked and has her display her big boobs and firm ass. He then offers her body to the strangers to run through her one at a time in any way they see fit. By the end of...

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A Weed in the GardenChapter 3

My Jesse returned from the spa with a thrice washed colon, finger and toe nails of perfect symmetry and hair coloring a noticeable lighter shade of blond than at 9AM this morning. She told me she had not eaten anything all day since the scone I had fed her for breakfast. I was pleased to hear this for I did so love the slender look of her haunches when she presented her bottom to me for impalement. For reward, I allowed her to nibble on my cock before we went to the pub to meet "Posh"...

3 years ago
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Helping Hands

Liz sighed, watching an especially amorous young couple who had obviously forgotten they were on a public beach. He was gorgeous, and as much as Liz would have liked to live vicariously through the redhead he was pawing for a few minutes, she blew her whistle anyway. The pair looked more than a little embarrassed when they finally realized after the second tweet that the whistle was meant for them. Shaking her head to toss her tawny curls, a few of which were sticking to her lotion-covered...

4 years ago
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Mirror Maze The Marrieds

Mirror Site: The Marrieds By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2001 * * * * * This story may be posted to any FREE site. FictionMania, Paul, Crystal, and Nifty have express permission. Anybody else, feel free. Just let me know, so I can revel in the thrill of having a story posted. This story involves transgender. If that bothers or displeases you, sorry. First Amendment rocks. Please take your displeasure elsewhere. The story is rated G. This story also involves Identity...

1 year ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 179

Patching things up with Kendra improved Laura's state of mind. Not to mention the breathtaking sex they had shared, the shattering, thigh-fucking orgasms, so reminiscent to Laura of her moving affair with Brandi. And Kendra seemed to have forgiven her for Jane, though it seemed more out of desire not to lose Laura as a sex partner than for any genuine mercy. At any rate, Laura went on with her life in a less troubled frame of mind. Over the next few weeks she continued her relationships...

3 years ago
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Prototype TenChapter 3

Having no one else to turn to, Will gave Katherine, the sister-in-law who had been so helpful during the funeral, power of attorney to handle his personal affairs. He paid off the balances on his outstanding bills, including the mortgage and equity loan on the house. Since Katherine was pursuing a Master's Degree at Stanford, which was only a short drive away, she agreed to 'house sit' until he finished the program. He arranged to have the remainder of his money split between two...

2 years ago
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250Bs New Tenants

After placing the last box in the trunk, she slammed it shut and then loaded all of her bags into the backseat of her car. Picking up her kitten, she looked around a bit wistfully. Leaving her home would be hard, but she was happy that she was moving to a familiar place; a place she already knew and loved, with the man that she knew and loved. She gave Meeko a little kiss and said, "Well, are you ready to hit the road?" He purred as she nuzzled against him. After saying goodbye to her...

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was a wet night on my way home from work, as i drove down a lane the car sk**ded on some mud throwing my car into a spine,when i eventually stopped and checked the car it had two punctures, no signal because of the weather.i begin to walk the lane getting soaked,i see a car coming and wave it down a cpl guys in it tell me to jump in offer to take me to theirs to use the phone.its a big house secluded and set back we pull up they show me in giving me the phone, but its out of order too posibly a...

1 year ago
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WednesdaysChapter 15 Monday at Melanis

"Morning!" Melanie looked up as she unlocked the door to her store. The greeting was from Toni, who strode down Pearl Street toward her. "Hi, yourself," Melanie answered. "You're out early. Come on in, I'll start some coffee." The two women went into the store and Melanie turned on the lights, went about making coffee. Toni was wandering about the store, looking at the displays of lingerie, lifting the fabrics, looking at the construction of the garments. Melanie called, "Come...

2 years ago
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The Defiled One A Halloween Story

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

3 years ago
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Maa Ki Chut Ki Pyaas

Hello friends, mera nam rahul he, maen jamsedpur men raheta hun, aj jo story men ap ko sunane ja rahaun bo ek sachi kahani he, kuch sal pahela ki bat he ham log jamsdpur me rahete the, hamare paribar me tin log the, men pitaji aur maa, pitaji ek bahat bade mnc men job karte the, aur jada tar ghar se bahar rahate the. Pitaji ko daibitise tha to bo maa kabhi time nahen de pate the.Now come to my mom.Meri ma ek aam house wife then, men to kbhi soch bhi nahen sakta tha ki bo bhi kbhi esa kar...

4 years ago
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Haircut I Spy

After I posted 'Hair Cut' I had numerous mails asking me if my ex wife did anything more with her brother or with others men. Well to be honest I don't know but that doesn't stop me speculating. Things were going great, I got a small promotion at work, which entitled me to a few day extra holiday and of course some more money too. My girlfriend J, I'm sure I told you about her and her great tits, well she had past her driving test first time. The down side of that was that she would want...

2 years ago
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Sex Ed 1021Chapter 12 The pleasure Was All Mine

Thursday I got a call from Bob wanting me to come to dinner Saturday. Now, I am little worried. Bob never has called me before. It's always been Carol. Of course I said OK. Saturday came around and I went over to the Charles'. Rang the door bell but this time Bob and Carol met me at the door. There was a group hug with the two of them. Bob couldn't thank me enough and Carol, for the first time, kissed my on the lips in front of Bob. I was over whelmed to say the least. Bob said "The...

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JessiKa and Serana Part V My First Private Party

In this sex story, JessiKa and Serana offer me a chance to join the Red Garter Strip Club Private Party Crew and attend the private parties the Red Garter can host. JessiKa and Serana Part V: My First Private Party I've recently had just finished being trained by JessiKa and Serana on how to pole dance and how to lap dance. I was ready to be a stripper. JessiKa, Serana and I showed up to work on time. We pole danced our sexy asses off. We made it rain money, and we have gotten amazing...

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I wish

You awake in a room with a voice speaking to you. "Ah good, you are awake" it says as you try to check your surroundings. At the moment you are just in a pitch black room and you can't even work out where this voice is coming from. "Don't bother trying to find a way out, I will be letting you out soon. It's just you have been selected to take part in a new mind control system we have made. Don't ask how we made it, just go with the flow" The voice starts to explain. "What's happened is we have...

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Wild world by Sylvia Wechsel Prologue As the judge enters the room, I stand up, just as everybody else in themcourtroom does. He sits in his bench, everybody else, but me, sits, and then he looks straight into my eyes and says, "Having heard all evidences presented in this case, I concluded that the accused is guilty of rape and murder of a young woman." "Do you wish to say something before I give my sentence?" So, I am doomed, and since I have nothing else to save, but my...

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My Two Lovable Girlfriends 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS readers there, my name is Zephyr (name, of course, changed as I am shy). I am an engineer from Hyderabad. More about myself, I am 26 years old, with medium-sized body, 5.9 ft height, and a 6.5 inch D (that’s all that matters here, right?), working and earning enough to spend. This is my second year in ISS world. I used to rarely visit the site but this quarantine mode has made our all lives boring. So I started reading regularly and I am a fan of it now and then I thought why not I...

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The Bullet Train Girl

Good sex life to all the Indian sex stories readers. This is Robin from Chennai bringing up a new sex scene in words exclusively for you. Hope you like it. My sex partner in this fucking story is my college mate Heena (sorry name changed- privacy first) from Bangalore. She is same as old as me- 19 with a very pretty face and sexy curves all over her body. She is 5ft8inch tall with a medium colour complexion, her boobs are the pair of best melons which the whole college use to stare on top of...

3 years ago
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Desire and Compulsion

Desire and Compulsion From my seat near the server's station, I could hear the beautiful young waitresses giggling together. It was a vivacious musical sound, and I felt a stirring of desire--not that I expected to be able to act on it. My days of picking up beautiful women had all but passed, just like my hair. I was dining alone, as had become my habit. In the booth across the aisle from me, there was a slightly sagging woman who was obviously dying her hair, and probably had been...

1 year ago
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My Little Black Dress

My Little Black Dress Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I had gone out to pick up a few items I needed, like pantyhose and new eye shadow, just another fear filled adventure into the outer world. I always felt edgy buying those things that guys didn't usually buy, so I had gotten dressed and bravely went out once again to buy the few things I needed, before I scurried home. I had yet to have anyone figure out that I wasn't a girl, or, at the very least, if they did, they...

1 year ago
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MillpondChapter 6

At the sound of the shotgun blast, Jason and Becky had grabbed for any clothes that they could find and quickly extinguished the candles. In the darkness, they clutched each other and listened. The sound of shouting and bright glow of spotlights came from back at the campfire. "Something is very wrong, Jason, and I'm scared," whispered Becky. "What are we going to do?" "I'm scared too, but we have to go find out what is going on. Maybe it is just a prank or something. Let's go look....

4 years ago
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Hogwarts A Lesbian History 3

Hogwarts: A Lesbian History 3: BlackmailGinny Weasley was feeling on top of the fucking world. She had this glow about her lately-- The kind of glow only created when one is consistently being pleasured. Not only is great sex fun, but it vastly improved the quality of the petite red head's life. She found herself happier, able to concentrate better on her schoolwork and she even seemed to feel less stress come around exam time. There was a noticeable difference in the way that Ginny carried...

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Futa Cops

This story begins at the start of a all but deserted 8 story parking garage populated only by our two main characters Jacky and Sabrina. Jacky had Sabrina bent over the hood of their cop car, her hands sinking into her massive bare ass. Jacky watched as her easily more than 16 in monster cock slammed deep into Sabrina's pussy making her huge wobbling ass ripple with each thrust. Jacky growled "You love it don't you slut!" which Sabrina desperately cried "Oh god yes ruin me Jacky!." Jacky...

2 years ago
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Movie Listings 4

Silver Cinema 16 listings and show times for November 21st - November 26th ***NOTICE*** Silver Cinema Theaters will be CLOSED on Black Thursday, November 27th so our employees can spend time shopping with their families. THE SORORITY SURPRISE Comedy - Rated R - 105 Minutes - Starring: Kevin McCall, Julio Juarez, Mandy McLean Frank and Dave are 18 year old best friends who have just arrived on the campus of Greenstone College to start their freshman year. They...

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Theatrical Addendum

Theatrical Addendum.If you have been following the 'Theatrical' series you will be familiar with the characters in this add on, if not I suggest you catch up first.I had one small diversion whilst I was on my own, one night I decided to make another trip to the theatre where it all started, I invited Mary and must confess to being a little disappointed when she agreed, there was no cancellation this night as we took our seats to watch a tribute band thrashing it out on stage, we were only one...

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Black Dog Unchained

Monday night was sex night, as was Wednesday, and Saturday. Had been for two years now. Both Janet and Dave had fallen into this routine almost from the day they married. Yes, the honeymoon had been every night, several times on most of them. But once normal life was resumed, and the daily grind of work took its toll the three times a week schedule seemed to suit them both. Or did it?As is often the case, both felt inside, they wanted more, but didn't know how the other one would react, so said...

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A Glimpse Through the Mist of TimeChapter 16

Drummond walked along with Bella holding the rein until we were some fifty yards from the summit. She dropped the rein and the horse stopped and watched Bella for a moment and then put his head down and started to graze. We walked on and found a path through the brambles eventually arriving where I had once noted the granite setts. Of course they were no longer here. We strolled casually for a while. Our conversation was desultory commentating on what had been and was the fire that destroyed...

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Madoka Magica Foot Fetish Stories

Welcome to the story! If you need a quick reminder how the girls look like, click on their names down there to go to a reference pic! Kyouko Sakura Madoka Kaname Mami Tomoe Homura Akemi Sayaka Miki Anyway, feel free to write beginning chapter of your story down there! For reason of making it more orderly, let's do it like this: "(Name of girl story focuses on, she can be both the one on receiving or giving end of the fetish stuff, if it's your OC, write "OC" next to the name, also if you want...

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Beach of ecstacy

Hi I am Nithin. I am very happy with the responses I got from our dear readers. I was planning to write about my MBA days again. But then this incident happened. So I thought I must share this beautiful experience with readers. I got large number of e-mails from various parts of India. Few are from ladies and a large number from gents. In that too majority were impotent husbands who want their wives to be fucked and get pregnant. I believe in safe sex. I always use condom while having sex. Only...

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Chatting To Hot Fucking With Colleague

I was working in Hongkong in a senior position with a shipping company. My company’s headquarters was in Mumbai and they had chosen me to lead the far east operations from Hongkong. In our company we use to use the skype software to chat with our clients/vendors and colleagues in various offices worldwide. I use to interact with my staffs in head office in mumbai a lot for official purpose. It all started on one of those days when i was late night in office in hongkong i saw one my staffs...

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Chasing the Dream

My name is Thomas. I've always been on the relatively big side until this last summer. I grew tired of being the fat guy, and went on a diet, and an aggressive workout regimen I lost 50 lbs over the summer because of this. I'm 5 ' 11 and 220lbs. I have black hair, and brown eyes. I've always been a bit of an outsider. I play Baseball, but I'm not a star. I get decent grades, but I'm no honor roll student. High school went by like a blur. Birthdays, Christmases, New Years Days. Nothing really...

2 years ago
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Evil in EdenChapter 5

Kim’s Mother was in a sun-lounger sunbathing with a Martini by the log cabin when her daughter finally appeared, “Well, I was thinking of sending a Camp Ranger out to find you Kim! I couldn’t see you anywhere at the pool-centre?” quipped Margot. Kim beamed her reply, “That’s right Mom, I went right out to the lake with my new friend. Its’ been so beautiful over there!” “Oh; I see! A new friend – did you meet him at the pool dear?” “More or less Mom, but I’m taking a shower now; and then...

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Sarah Carerra 225 Just Another Day at the Mall

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: January 17, 2011) Chapter 25 - Just Another Day at the Mall When I awoke on Thursday morning, I couldn't contain the excitement level that started to rise within me. Not only was I going to get the chance to sing and interact with...

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My Younger Brothers Friend Part 4 Artie 2

"Want to take some shots?" I asked "Hell yeah, we've been trying to drink together forever, this is our best chance." I poured us some shots and we were just hanging out and talking a little about school, friends, and for the first time hot guys. "Who is one of the hottest guys you know that you like, secretly obviously?" I asked him "Hahaa, Well to be honest, you. I always watched you when I came over, but never thought we'd get to be together." he laughed....

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A New Friend

It was a moment he had thought about since the first time she caught his eye. The thought of her laying there, the duvet hugging her curves, storing the heat from from her voluptuous body. Him grasping the soft white fabric and slowly pulling it towards him to expose her large soft breast and her mocha skin. The light from the candle danced across her body, the shadows leaving much to explore. He had brought himself to the point of ecstasy numerous times with his eyes closed imagining the...

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