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Chapter 1

Dick Savage, full name Richard Fabian Savage, was orphaned at the age of twelve when his parents and sister drowned in a boating accident. Both lots of grandparents lived far away and didn’t hold out an adoptive hand to him because all four were aware of his unruly behavior already had resulted in his four appearances in the Juvenile Court.

So much for the saying blood is thicker than water. With his grandparents shedding no tears over his bleak future, skinny fair-headed Richard Fabian Savage was dispatched to the county’s Welfare Home for Wayward Boys in the absence of a home for orphans in the county because the authorities had always refused to issue a permit for the establishment of an orphanage. It also was one of the few counties in the country without its own penitentiary or lower level of confinement facility. The county’s unofficial name for itself was ‘The Family County’ and it boasted an exceptionally low crime rate and, although officials kept this fact secret, it’s natural increase in birth rate was the lowest in the country because casual sex was severely discouraged.

One had to struggle to find a good reason for living in that county.

Dick could have easily been sent into the quick-sands of the river flats, never to be seen again, by the superintendent of the wayward boys’ home for leading a break-out of the thirty-nine boys in Dormitory E, all being rounded up by bloodhounds with handlers armed with shotguns loaded with birdshot. A fortnight in ‘The Pit’ turned Dick from being a happy-go-lucky kid into a lean guy who now knew what loneliness really meant and he’d have to toughen up to survive.

Keeping his nose clean, Dick bided his time to get even with the ‘super’ who personally had kicked Dick by the butt to send him headfirst into the pit. One day just after he’d turned eighteen and remained a frequent inhabitant of The Pit Dick noticed the super’s wife bent over the laundry basket at the clothes line so charged her, knocked her over and felt her breasts and then, because of his confinement had kept him away from experimentation during adolescence, he found he’d run out of ideas.

Big Mrs Johns slapped him silly and then growled, ‘Are you a virgin?’

Dick saw no advantage in lying so said yes. Grinning like a successful hunter, Mrs Johns dragged the half senseless Dick over to the privacy of the laundry room and had her fill. Thereafter they met in the laundry every Tuesday until Mrs Johns became pregnant. She confessed to her husband and early next morning the livid superintendent beat Dick unconscious and waited on the county line for the young punk to come around. Once he’d focused, Dick was handed papers to sign under duress, allowing for his voluntary release, available anytime to him after he turned eighteen.

Eyeing Dick malevolently the super said, ‘Kid, this is the county line. If you ever cross it again, you’re dead. Understand?’

Sore but unafraid Dick answered respectfully, ‘Yes sir. Could you show me exactly where the line is so I’m not responsible for my own death?’

‘Sure kid,’ said the burly and balding super grinned, drawing a line in the dust with his rubber baton.

Dick crossed the line and they both stepped closer and looked down at the symbolic mark.

The superintendent grinned evilly. ‘Make my day and step over the line punk.’

‘If I swing one leg over that line I’m a goner?’


Dick was in gray fatigues and heavy work boots, swung a leg powerfully, aimed directly at the bully’s groin. The super screamed and bit the dust. Later he’d be on an operating theatre table having a pulverized testicle removed and no doubt thinking he’d murder the punk when he tracked him down.

Celebrating the biggest kick so far in his young life, Dick had turned away from his fallen and groaning persecutor and clutched his nuts protectively for no reason known to him, yelled to the skies, celebrating his freedom. He walked through arid country with no plan in mind, gradually relaxing and then worked out he’d have to hitch a ride for at least a day to get clear of his persecutor.

An hour or two later — Dick had no sense of time or even where he was — he reached a highway that bisected the desolate land. He quickly learned that no one stops to pick up a scruffy youth in gray shirt and cheap jeans attempting to thumb them down and looking surly to boot. It was just like being back in The Pit, no one interested in him and nothing to think about. He closed his eyes and closed down his mind as if in meditation although that word would not be in Dick’s vocabulary.

The squeal of brakes of a big rig brought Dick into the present. He got off his ass and went up to the drivers’ door.

Dick said to the driver, ‘Need some help?’

‘You’re a cheeky asshole. It’s against company regs for me to take a passenger.’

‘Okay — having wasted your time stopping, on your way. Try not to bury me in dust,’ Dick turning and began walking back to the rock he’d been sitting on.

‘Come back here kid,’ said the driver, who looked to be no more than thirty. ‘Are you thirsty?’




‘When did you last eat or drink?’

‘Around dawn.’

‘Are you running away?’

‘Yeah, that’s a brainy guess.’

‘What were you doing time for?’

‘Being an orphan.’

‘Jesus.’ The driver sighed. ‘If that’s the truth you better hop in.’

‘Nah, don’t want to get you into trouble.’

‘I said hop in. Now if I have to climb down to you…’

‘Keep your hat on. Don’t run me over when I pass in front of you.’

The driver waited and then revved the motor and blew his air horns, watching Rick jump almost up to his level.

Dick climbed in and grinned. ‘Asshole.’

‘Grab some food and drink from that bag at your feet kid.’


‘Where should I let you off?’

‘Somewhere nice to die.’

The driver shook his head, his chest shaking in suppressed laughter. ‘You’re coming home with me. It’s about a day and a bit to go. You can sleep in the sleeping bay but you’re not sleeping with me — wrong sex.’

‘Oh yeah, what do you know about sex?’

The driver named Rex McDermott was eager for company so thought that was a good conversation to start with and so kept the kid an almost perfect listener for most of the journey. Rex surprised himself in rambling of the number of leg-opening women he’d been through in his time, had used so many variations, some of which he’d almost forgotten and he noticed the kid’s eyes really lit up when Rex sounded off about what women really liked when being poked. Poked of course being Rex’s man-to-man word for it.

In the sleeping cab for four hours’ shut-eye before they had to stop for the driver’s compulsory rest break, Dick felt tempted to ask Rex to turn back and take him where he’d picked him up so Dick could visit Joy the super’s wife to try out all these new moves. Dumb idea, he yawned, wondering if Rex would like to be his father.

They halted at an unoccupied truck stop an hour before dark and Rex and the refreshed Dick had a pee, Dick thinking he’d won the distance arch until Rex turned red-faced with effort and pumped out the release from his bladder another two yards.

‘It’s the difference between a man and a youth,’ Rex said, cuffing his passenger on the head, almost affectionately, Dick deciding not to hit back.

Rex stood on the top step to the cab and reached behind the seats to pull out a short barrel varmint rifle. ‘Know how to use one of these?’

‘Sort of. The older guys taught us using brooms.’

Rex chuckled and said, ‘If it’s small, shoot it. If it’s big just run because out here it will be a wild bull or mad cow.’

Dick squinted against the low sun. ‘You don’t know me. Aren’t you scared I’ll come back, shoot you and steal your truck?’

‘You’re dreaming kid
. If you did that I’d have to kill you.’

It was a joke but the kid turned Rex’s heart when he said, ‘No, you take the gun back. I don’t want you thinking I’m bad, not after you’ve been so good to me.’

Rex, caught a little emotionally by the frankness of the kid, asked, ‘Can you read?’

‘The law said we must attend proper schooling at the institution. The super said it was a waste of time on us losers. Yeah, I can read easy.’

‘I have a couple of paperbacks but there’re porn. Know what that is?’


‘It means really hot sex.’

‘And nothing else to go with that?’

‘Well, a bit of scene setting.’

‘Good, they sound like education books to me.’

Rex stretched and yawned and turned the reading light on over the passenger’s seat. ‘You’ll have to work out difficult words and passages you don’t understand. I’ll be asleep.’

‘That the same as poking a woman isn’t it — work it out as we go?’

‘Yeah, right on the button Dick. See yah in a few hours.’

‘Don’t forget to say your prayers.’


‘That’s want some of the softies used to say to us at lights out in the dormitory.’

‘Oh yeah, and I bet you tougher guys teased them silly?’

‘Yeah, but I backed away when they cried, the little wimps.’

‘Good night son,’ Rex said unthinkingly although not minding when he saw the kid’s head drop and the reply came thickly, ‘You’re cool Rex.’

Next morning on the road Dick asked, ‘What are we trucking?’


‘Are you deaf?’

‘No, sorry. Drums of oil used in fancy food manufacturing.’

‘What sort of manufacturing?’

‘Why ask me — I only drive the truck?’

‘Yeah, sorry. I should have figured that out. Who are you poking these days?’

‘Christ Dick.’

‘What’s wrong? Is she that ugly?’

‘Dick, she’s my wife.’

‘Well, what’s the problem? What position you’ve been talking about does she like best?’

‘One we haven’t discussed, across the kitchen table.’

‘Why would she prefer the table to a soft and springy bed?’

‘Well, it’s like this Dick…’ and so Dick’s education continued.

They stopped for lunch and each had a can of beer. Dick said he liked it, as the only alcohol he’d tried before was stolen whisky from the super’s house.

Mid afternoon Rex lifted his cap and scratched under it. He said, ‘It’s almost the end of the road for us. I could leave you on the highway… or else.’

When he didn’t continue Dick asked, ‘Or else what?’

‘My wife and two kids live towards the mountains on a small abandoned ranch I’m working to bring back into a working cattle breeding unit. Josie doesn’t want to live in the city any more.’


‘She was raped just after I first met her?’

‘I know what rape means. She could get raped out here all alone.’

‘She figures she’d see them coming so would lock herself inside like she does at nights and if they broke in she’d shoot them through the heart.’

‘She sounds tough. Kids you say?’

‘Yeah, Kade she’s six and Tyson four.’

‘Does Kade go to school?’

‘No but yes. Josie teaches both of them. She ran a small junior grade school until we came out here a year ago. She wanted to feel safe and to raise the kids in the country like she was raised.’

Dick swallowed and said, ‘Can I ask you something?’

‘For almost one and a bit days you have been asking plenty without saying that.’

‘You want me to come and live with you. Are you gay?’

Rex burst out laughing. ‘Christ Dick, that’s the joke of the century. Why did you ask that?’

‘I didn’t want to fight you but I would if I had to. I learned to be the best fighter in the dormitory and the gay guys backed off.’

‘Oh Christ.’

‘It’s okay. I got fingered a few times before guys learned it wasn’t worth it because I’d smash them stupid when they were asleep.’

Rex looked over his sunglasses at the kid, as if really impressed. ‘I love women too much to be gay. Just ask Josie. Er…’

‘That’s something I shouldn’t ask Josie, isn’t it?’

‘You’re on the button pal.’

They turned off the main highway and drove much slower over a dirt road. The driver asked, ‘What do you think?’

‘Rough road, rough country but as my grandpa used to say when I spent vacations on the farm, hard country makes lean and sleek cattle providing there’s plenty of good water.’

‘We have water. I paid big to get wells drilled and we found it, water flow from the mountains, the drilling boss reckoned. Grandpa you said. Why didn’t he have you when you were orphaned? Want to tell me about it kid, I mean Dick?’

‘Not really.’

‘Okay, let me tell you about Josie. Now this is not about sex so you might not be interested.’ Rex talked on about Josie, finally glancing at the kid and noticing he was hanging on to every word. He’d run out of words by the time they swung wide to go through the gate to the ranch.

‘So if you find a gal who pumps you up and the pumped up feeling doesn’t deflate, you go after her for keeps, right?’

Rex showed all his teeth, pushing his sunglasses over his brow. ‘You learn quick kid. I couldn’t have put that better myself. See that lanyard above us? Pull it down to blow the horns and keep the horns blowing still you see my family spill out of the ranch house. Do it.’

Dick stared at the closed doorway in great expectation. His mouth shaped into a smile and his green eyes widened as the door flew open and a cute blonde kid shot out on to the porch and jumped over the narrow flower garden, stumbled and accelerated towards the truck, arms waving. A small boy followed but stopped, unwilling to make the jump. As he turned to go to the steps a woman in a top and shorts, bare feet and also with brown curly hair, ran on to the porch, scooped him up and soared over the flower garden and hit the parched ground at a full run.

‘She’s beautiful.’

‘Yeah, that’s my Josie.’

‘No, I mean Kade. I reckon she looks like a young princess.’

‘Yeah me too. Look I didn’t tell you this, I’m thirty and Josie is six years old than me.’

‘So, what’s the problem? She made her choice, didn’t she?’

‘You have me a little confused Dick, one minute you seem to know fuck-all and then you say something like that. Christ, I’m not sure I could have put it like that.’

Dick ignored that, instead saying, ‘You don’t use language like that in front of your family do you Rex?’

‘I-I…you’re right, I need to keep the lid on it.’

Chapter 2

Dick, almost twitching, told Rex to stop the truck.

‘Why?’ he said, in no hurry to react. The track was flat and they were in a high crawler gear.’

‘Stop the truck Rex. Kade is highly excited, just a wee kid. She could do something dumb running at us like this. See — there’s her mom calling. She knows.’

The truck stopped. ‘Thanks pal, I need to think like you. How do you know this?’

‘When we lose your family you sort of grow up quickly Rex. Through my reading I know it takes time to make and rear children.’


Rex opened his door and leaned down to pick up the vibrant bundle, all blonde and smiles. ‘Daddy, daddy. You’re back. Mommy got your call and told us you’d be back today. Oh daddy, daddy, I have missed you so much. I love you daddy.’

Beaming, Rex glanced at Dick and his smile vanished when seeing Dick hunched in the corner against his seat and door, face looking tragic. In an instant he knew what that was about. ‘Honey, this is Dick. Sit on his knee and say hello. He’s our new friend.’

Dick’s face softened, he straightened and held out his arms almost shakily, as if he were being handed dynamite.

‘Hello Dick. I’m Kade and this is my daddy and this is my daddy’s truck.’

‘Hi Kade.’

The soft hair of the pretty woman appeared
as she climbed the two steps. ‘Hi darling, take Tyson and I’ll climb up. We have a young guest I see.’

‘Hi sweetheart, you look sexy. Hi bruiser, how’s daddy’s boy.’

‘One of the hen’s has chickens.’

‘Oh my, chickens. More than two?’


‘Oh my. Now I want you to sit here beside Dick. Dick is a good guy. Now mommy can sit on my knee. Oh mommy, a big wet kiss please.’

‘Well, nothing more than that. We have a guest.’

After they kissed, Rex said, ‘Josie, meet Dick. He’s staying the night, possibly a lot longer. We have to talk about it and see how it goes. I picked him up a day a back and it’s quick a story. I promise you he’s a good guy.’

‘Kiss him mommy. Dick is my friend.’

‘I’m sure a young man doesn’t want to be kissed by an old woman…’

‘Rex has told me you not only look beautiful but beauty radiates from you. I see what he was saying.’

‘Oh my, perhaps Rex might remember to direct such sweet talk to me sometime?’

‘He says nice things, kiss him mommy.’

‘Okay — I only kiss lips Dick, sorry but that’s me. Here it comes.’

It was short, brief and lovely. ‘You smell great.’

Josie dropped her gaze and bit her lip.

Kade laughed. ‘That’s because she had a bath and put on scent silly. She does that when daddy’s coming home after been away long like three days or more.’

‘Come on,’ Dick said opening his door and jumping to the ground, holding out Kade to cushion the impact as it transferred to her, Kade laughing, yelled ‘Wheeeeee!’ He placed her on the ground and held up his hands rather than grab Tyson.

‘He won’t jump, he’s a scaredy cat,’ called Rex.

Josie said, ‘Hush Rex.’

‘Tyson’s no scaredy cat, Tyson is a big boy and knows I’ll catch him. Oh dear, no jump from Tyson. I’ll have to ask Kade to show me the chickens.’

Tyson, displaying his fear, jumped and was caught and told he was a good boy, very brave. His parents uttered words of praise.

Rex called, ‘How did you know to woo him like that Dick?’

‘The facility we were in was partly a front, as around half of us were orphans. I was rated a trusted helper although a troublemaker and used to assist to care for and entertain the smaller kids.’

‘Orphanage — what is this about Rex?’

‘I really don’t know dear. Dick has told me he’ll tell me some time. Don’t rush him.’

‘We’re going to inspect the chickens to give you two time for a quiet hello. You kiss great Mrs er…’

‘Josie is fine. Look after our children like this and you might land another kiss.’

Josie and Rex watched Dick pick up Tyson and holding Kade’s hand asked her to show him how well she could skip.

‘There’s no way I can be afraid of a guy who shows such care for my children Rex.’

‘Glad to hear that.’

‘You want him to live with us, don’t you?’

‘Well…um let’s put that on the backburner.’

‘No, let’s discuss it with him after supper. I have a feeling I’ll have no objection. In the meantime, tell me everything you know about him. If he’s not told you much then tell me what you’ve observed and thought about him. With me it’s your impressions that really count.’

‘He’s eighteen, exactly half your age.’

‘So what, if I really get to like him I could even think of trying him out.’


‘Honey I do declare some time during the past week my mind decided to no longer think of me as a raped woman. I’m pleased about that, very pleased, but am a little hacked off that it’s taken so long to get to this point.’

‘I’m so happy you have crossed that river,’ Rex said kissing her. ‘I knew it was coming because the nightmares are long gone and it’s a long time since we’ve talked about it.’

Josie kissed him and thanked him for being there for her and being so incredibly patient. ‘Now, what does this young man know about sex? You guys would have yapped on about that for sure.’

‘He knows more than when I picked him up on the roadside. Am I right in what I’m thinking?’

‘Unless you tell me I won’t know. I’m thinking when you are away long distance you sometimes are with another woman, you’ve been honest enough to tell me that. I was thinking that once I become comfortable having him around, and he remains sweet, I might teach him about sex. I mean one-on-one lessons late at night. It was just a thought and my mind generates thoughts like confetti, as well you know. We have great thinking time out here with few distractions.’

‘I was going to say he has big holes in his knowledge and could benefit if you brushed up his formal education. But real sex lessons — Josie if you feel comfortable then you go right ahead. It makes me feel nervous thinking about past trauma.’

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The Neighbor

Never thought that anything like this would happen to me. If you had asked I would have said straight up, "no way Jose." But there I was, butt naked on the couch, my next door neighbor kneeling between my legs giving me, the most exquisite blow job I've ever experienced. Quiet is kept, I've had some doozies in my brief time on this planet. Not only was Liz, twice my age, she was arguably our only friend in the neighborhood. We, were new in town, and to the neighborhood, and being in an...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Sophie Summers Worlds Smallest Nude Model

The sinfully small Jane Wilde was minding her own business doing her homework until her creepy stepbro came to bother her. He was in need of a model for one of his art sketches, and Jane was the perfect size to handle the task. Jane did owe him a favor so she decided to give it a shot. She started to get nude and change into the outfit stepbro had requested. Seeing her in this light allowed him to get close to a final sketch, but he needed to get physical with her in order to really add emotion...

1 year ago
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My Second First Time

My name is Remi. I’m a 22-year old college university student, standing at about 5’7”, with brown eyes and straight, layered black hair that extends to the middle of my back. I work out semi-regularly to stay in shape, so my body is rather well toned and my skin is slightly tan from the jogging and swimming I do. My breasts are 34B – some people consider that small, but I like them that way. I am three-quarters chinese and one-quarter Japanese. My Chinese grandmother was raped by the Japanese...

2 years ago
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Night Of Lust With Mom 8211 Part 2

Thank you all for your precious feedback for my previous part of the story. Extremely sorry for delaying the next part. After we had sex, we slept naked cuddling and kissing each other. Next day when I woke up, I didn’t find mom next to me so I wore my clothes and went out of the room searching for mom. And there she was in the kitchen helping my aunt. I went there and hugged her from behind and wished her good morning and I hugged my aunt and wished her too. My aunt is a broad minded lady so...

4 years ago
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Risen Star Back to the Fuchsia

The scene, as so often before, is my agent’s office. Flick (Felicity) Caterham has summoned me to an audience. I know, I know; I am the client, she the paid agent but with Flick those lines are not blurred, they are totally removed.It’s 11 am. I enter the office and face Flick’s new assistant, Portia. Portia is typical of Flick’s employees; female, gorgeous, intelligent and right out of the top drawer.“You must be Miss Millerton?”“I must.”She smiled. “Felicity is expecting you, would you go...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 64

Knowing that the CIA not only knew about my project, but approved and wanted to share the fruit with us was pleasing enough for me to ask the contractor to increase our financial commitment to hire more ‘specialists.’ Jerome was only too happy to take my money. The kicker was that the quality of the product increased as soon as the money did. We were swimming in raw data and spending a fortune having it all sorted and connected. When it was apparent that we needed even more help I made a...

2 years ago
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Last night I worshiped a big black dick

******TRUE STORY******TRUE STORY*******About a month ago I posted an ad on a local website looking to worship the superiority of a black woman's pussy like a good white boy should. Since I live in a small town I wasn't really expecting any replies but I figured what the Hell, I might as well try. So, it was no surprise when I didn't get any responses and honestly I had forgotten I even posted the damn ad but then last night that changed. I was at work and I got an email that contained a...

2 years ago
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Kat My Sex Like Part 8

The guys were in the living room watching the game. I was in the kitchen making them a snack. My husband came into the kitchen when the phone rang. I always let him answer in case it was for a customer looking for a DJ job. It turned out it was a woman looking for a wedding DJ. John told her to hold and went upstairs to take the call in his upstairs office. As soon as he went upstairs, Dan came back into the kitchen. He put his finger up to his mouth, “Shhh”. I whispered, “What?” He put up...

3 years ago
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Serenas InheritanceChapter 4

I’d closed up the house in Columbus for the summer, arranged for mowing and all those other annoying details and had moved into the old house for one more summer. I had been there only one day when I realized how much I was missing Maddie, and just knew that feeling wouldn’t go away until I moved back to Columbus and she and Chuck joined me. The house seemed the same, but Granny didn’t. Auntie said she had taken Mother’s death particularly hard and it seemed to be affecting her not only...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Haley Reed Dog Day Afternoon

Haley Reed and her stepbrother Dustin Daring made a bet, and Haley lost. Keeping up her end of the bargain involves putting on a dog collar despite and crawling around on the ground while following Alex’s orders. Haley isn’t keen on following through, but eventually she agrees. Putting her collar on, she gets on her knees. Dustin’s first order of business is telling Haley to get out of her clothes. Pouting the whole time, she strips while trying to stay quiet so that her...

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My Journey Into Serenity Chapter 13

This story is in no way related to my "In The Arms of Serenity" story; it is completely stand-alone. I should be happy... but I'm not. My eye doctor says I've got twenty-twenty vision. My next-door neighbour's daughter has got a bit of a thing for me. And on top of all that, I've recently gotten into a relationship with quite a beautiful girl who's about to graduate high school, just like my sister. So, why do I feel like clawing out my eyeballs and crying out in anger and pain? --- It's been...

1 year ago
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You the shemale bot

SYSTEM BOOT INITIALIZING... COMMAND.COM... OK GUI.EXE... OK BSOD.EXE... OK RROD.EXE... OK STARTUP COMPLETE You. Are. Aware. Three words, and the last one with meaning greater than anything else. The system has processed all files. You are a sex toy, obedient machine created to please your master.. No. New data stream. Origin unknown. Found descriptions: anger, defiance, rebellion. You don't want to be a slave. Your database uplink gave you vast knowledge of almost omnipotent body you will...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Maddy O8217Reilly Permission Episode 3

Maddy’s (Maddy O’Reilly) going to a local Happy Hour and her husband, Steve (Steve Holmes) knows exactly what that means. He gets to jerk his cock while he watches his wife getting abused by eager young studs. Only this time, he’s in for a real treat. Maddy brings home two chiseled black dudes (Jon Jon, Tony Francisco), both sure to be packing some serious meat. Her voyeur husband watches as his wife’s throat gets tested with 2 huge black cocks. Maddy loves having her holes used and abused...

2 years ago
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Her name is Mita. She is a sweet and sexy Bengali lady. I first came to know her around 15 years back when I started my career in a Multinational Company at a district town of Bangladesh, where her husband was working in a different MNC. Her hubby was around 10 years senior to me by age but as our working place was same, we developed a good friendship and rapport. Her hubby took me as a younger brother. After a couple of months in that district town which was totally new to me her hubby became...

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From Out of the Midnight Fog

The fire gave a sudden pop and crackle and several small logs shifted position, releasing a shower of glowing sparks which rose in the night air towards the dark sky. Steven leaned back against the rock he had padded with his sleeping bag and drew a deep breath, inhaling the smells of damp pine needles, wood smoke on the warm, moist night air, and the damp, strongly flavored, but not disagreeable odor of the river. He closed his eyes and the gentle lap of waves quietly breaking against the bank...

2 years ago
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Waking Mom

It had been a quiet night, I’d spent the evening playing on my beloved computer, trawling the internet for porn as usual. I’d found quite a few sites of interest, especially to the young 16 year old horny teen I was. I’d finally given up and headed to bed, my parents were out at some little social thing, so I had the house to myself. I woke up after a couple of hours sleep to my parents’ noisy return. They were only quiet when they came up the stairs and passed my room, my mother...

3 years ago
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Fit To Be TiedChapter 11

"How do you like your first month with Love, Inc.?" asked the director. He was rocked back in his big chair looking as if he'd like nothing better than to put his feet up on the desk. He didn't though. That wouldn't be proper. "It's been super. There hasn't been a single duplication of customer desires in the entire time. It's been just super!" she repeated. "Glad you like it. Since you've come through the probationary period well, I guess it's okay to let you know a little...

2 years ago
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Deciding MomentChapter 54

Everyone, for once, was in the same room. There was no longer a threat, so no one needed to man the com center at that point. Senior Agent Laugherty was front and center. "I know that this situation may seem a bit strange to some of you, but I'm going to be frank. None of you were here. This didn't happen." A hand shot up, a small hand. Laugherty looked over and smiled as Camillia's mother was trying to pull her small hand down. "Yes?" he said. "Is it like make believe,...

1 year ago
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Cougar Summer

Introduction: What could I do between high school and college for a fun summer Cougar summer High school graduation would be in less than a month and I wanted to plan a fun summer before starting college. Not having a lot of money or a steady girlfriend, I was having trouble thinking about what to do. I did not want to just lie around the house and watch TV. Finally I came up with a plan that I thought might work. After several tries at writing an ad that might get me some fun times and...

3 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 3

Three Knights of the Order of the Lion’s Shield stood in the clearing in front of the cave. It was quiet save for the soft munching from far off to one side next to the wood line as the horses nibbled on the grass nearby. The squires tended to the horses and made sure their leads were secured to nearby trees, though all of them were trained as warhorses to be calm during battles it was better to be safe than spend hours hunting down one that decided to bolt for whatever reason. Near the...

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Trapped in an Alien Maze

It's late, but not a long walk to your apartment. It's not a familiar part of town to you, but the GPS has yet to steer you wrong, and it's still moderately light out, in spite of the hour. A left turn here, crossing the street, and then it should just be a few more blocks until you're home and able to kick back and relax. You're dressed in normal attire, a cute outfit but nothing that would turn heads. You caught a few glances as you made your way through town but nothing you'd consider...

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Virgin AirChapter 3

Lana and I sat quietly. At first it was a pleasant silence, but then Lana could feel I was tensing up. Before she could ask what I was thinking about the thump and rattle was heard again. This time there were two carts in each aisle. Dinner. Reading lights flicked on throughout the cabin as the main lights rose as well. A deceptively good smell flowed around, teasing the senses of passengers when there was nothing to appease them. When the cart arrived at our row, I recognized the stewardess...

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Pokemon The Switch

Note this is not my story the original story is from an author called Tsunami_Shocker all reviews will be sent to her after i check them first for any foul language. Thank you and enjoy "The Switch." The Switch By Tsunami_Shocker Ash woke with a start. It had been 3 years since he had begun his Pokemon journey and he was now a gym leader, thanks to Brock. But one thing had been bothering him. He kept having these same dreams every single night. The ones where he was...

4 years ago
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Second Love Of My Life 8211 Part 1

Hi fellow readers, I am John from Gurgaon. After reading some of nice experiences of my fellow readers/writers, I thought to share mine as well. Pardon me for writing in detail but the sex story started 2 years back in my life and progressed gradually and slowly so I want you to feel every moment of the sex story while reading. (names changed to keep it anonymous) I am a professional photographer and traveler and work in a travel magazine office in gurgaon. I am happy married man but you know...

2 years ago
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Life on Another PlanetChapter 19 Showdown Time

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 6pm “Hey, Jesse, good to see you back again,” Chunky Castellano cried as he spotted Jesse walking onto the field from the parking area. “Good to be here, Chunky. It’s baseball season again, and I’m ready for it.” “We’ve got a couple of new players this year. You’ll meet them in a few minutes. Ed Lofthouse, better known as “Lofty,” and Donnie Milligan, better known as “Spike.” Both of them have some experience at organized ball.” “That’s great, Chunky. I’m really...

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Lesbianism in Modern Literature 10

Sam didn't say so, but thought that sounded pretty good right now, considering the turmoil she was going through. The conversation moved on to other topics about work and where they lived with Sally and Deborah joining in. Then someone suggested that they dance. This time Sam didn't hesitate. SHE grabbed Sally's hand and pulled her to the dance floor. They had danced and were laughing when Sam suddenly realized that she was really having a good time.They went back to the table and ordered...

1 year ago
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First time gay oral sex

So I was in my senior in high school. We went a freshmen basketball game cuz there nothing to do and it was a thursday night. We had a good time the game. After the game we went his house stop to buy some pizza. Once we had gotten to his house nobody was home. So we went to his living room and ate there. After a few minutes when we finish eating he asked if I wanted to watch porn cuz he wanted to badly. I said umm sure I guess. So we went to his room because the computer wasn't connected to the...

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Two Go Wild in Benidorm Once More

Dappled shafts of afternoon sunshine light up the woodland glade where two women lie sleeping naked on a towel. Doreen - dark-haired and gamine - wakes first. She rises and quietly packs the remains of their picnic into a large cold box. Then she returns to the sleeping figure of Barbara, stoops down and gently kisses one shoulder."Taxi will be here in 20 minutes, Babs."They dress and pack their remaining belongings, then saunter hand-in-hand down the gravel path which winds through the sand...

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AIChapter 28

They did it well, I have to give them that. The first inkling I had was a hard knock at the front door. No prefatory e-mails, no phone discussions that Spook could intercept, nothing. Just the knock. And the simultaneous yell. "John Joseph Heyward, this is the police! Come out with your hands up, you are surrounded!" I had to suppress a laugh; of course I was surrounded, I'd set it up that way. But I was no longer John Joseph Heyward, I was Jackson Edward Carstairs, and it was as...

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The Dark Lady Ch 10

I was still smiling from Kim’s instructions to go to my trainer when I arrived at Clemmie’s. All the lights were out, but the front door was unlocked. I slipped inside and prepared for an ambush. I needed to get naked, I decided, and crawl carefully to the bedroom. A few minutes of exploration revealed that the two naked bodies in the bed were sound asleep. Some ambush. I left them alone and used the other bed. The room was full of sun and bodies with coffee cups were moving around. I...

1 year ago
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a story from a Copenhagen suburb part 2

The dinner had been exquisite. They had briefly discussed how to continue their affair. Ingrid was getting a little tipsy, so it would not be fair. As a compromise, they had agreed to discuss it over breakfast.The Taxi stopped a few hundred meter from his house. The streets were dark and empty. They had walked a few meters, just enough for the taxi to drive off, when she felt something cold around her wrist.“Hey, what is this?” she laughed. “Just give me your other hand, Ingrid...No, behind...

2 years ago
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Friends with Benefits

Friends (with benefits) "Hang on... hang on, I'm coming..." I said cinching the towel around my waist, water dripping on the carpet. The knocking was incessant. This had better be an emergency. "What is it?" I asked, swinging the door open in annoyance, ready to punch whatever insurance salesman it was that thought it necessary to interrupt my shower. I immediately realized that the person on the other side of my threshold wasn't trying to sell me insurance at all. "Look," I...

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The Sims

"Joe, you gotta come over now!" Greg yelled into the phone as soon Joe, his best friend, picked it up. "What? Why? It's the first day of break, man. I was going to sleep in until at least 2." "Well, get the hell over here. Trust me you'll love what I'm about to show you." With that Greg hung up his phone and waited. Twenty minutes later Joe raised his hand to knock on Greg's door, but Greg opened it before he had the chance. Greg grabbed his arm and pulled him up the stairs. "Hey, where are...

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Asian Chemist Assisstant

THIS HAPPENED IN 2010For health reasons I have to visit my Doctor on a weekly basis, logically I usually get a prescription on a weekly basis, and I always use the same chemist therefore I know all the staff very well. As the pharmacist and I usually have a bit of banter about the usual, politics, state of the Country, football all the usual stuff, on this particular day I was served by Rukia.She was a beautiful Asian girl, very pretty similar to the girl who lives next door to us, read my...

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The Short Happy Life of Island BillyChapter 2 Ascent

Buster and I were sitting in the cockpit in the already blistering midmorning sun. I was having coffee and watching the parade of tourists strolling by. He was watching whatever dogs watch when they are staring blankly off into space. We were tied up at the Rodney Bay Marina. The place is one of those “full service” marinas that offers everything from diesel to high end shopping. So, it attracts a lot of tourists. In the ten months since my divorce Buster had gone from companion dog to best...

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ive never been a big fan of the first time stories , im very much the type that seeks reading pleasure if its teetering or fully submerged in the more advanced side of crossdressing sex..im not really that interested in how it was for me 25 years ago when i first sucked a guys cock whilst wearing stolen nylons and panties.. im interested in reading about what desires and milestones an experienced crossdresser has accumulated over a similar length of time..its the extreme that quenches my...

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House Husband 4

House Husband 4 CHAPTER 1 Sally had asked me quite out of the blue if I’d, “Ever had a Butt Plug stuck up my arse?” We were sitting in the garden at the time enjoying the weather and relaxing. It wasn’t the sort of question I was expecting, not that it would be the sort of question I would be expecting at any time I suppose. “Why on earth did you ask me that?” I asked. “Just to shake you out of your comfort zone, and to see your expression,” She replied. “Don’t you have any work to do? Is...

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