spying on my virgin sister
- 3 years ago
- 38
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I'm sure almost every one of my classmates would consider our 8th grade English class with Mrs. Jensen extremely dull and at times excruciatingly boring. How important was it really to include a subject sentence in your first paragraph? I don't think the real world worked that way. And who cares what the difference between a simile and an analogy was? It was all comparisons. Both Ferraris and Corvettes were adequate descriptions of fast cars. Why would I need to describe what kind of fast they were? See? Boring with a capital B-O-R. It's making me sleepy just telling how boring it was.
Now as boring as English was I never got to the point where I feel asleep in class before that fateful day.
What I was told was my body simply slumped at my student desk and I slowly slid underneath the desk until I was on the floor. Mrs. Jensen was pretty mad and told the students nearby to wake me up but they couldn't. Mrs. Jensen tried to wake me up and she got this panicked look on her face which I wish I could have seen if not for the fact I was asleep on the floor.
The next time I was aware of anything, I was in a hospital bed and it was four days later.
It was morning and my parents were by my bedside so happy to see that I was awake. I guess I was in kind of a coma or something. The doctor was talking and saying that I was basically only in a deep sleep. It was technically a coma but that I was in a sleep and I couldn't wake up.
"So what caused it?" Mom asked.
She held my hand to comfort me. I didn't need to be comforted but I think she needed to hold my hand for her own comfort so I let it be. It wasn't like I was going anywhere or at least it seemed that way.
"Well," said the doctor.
He sounded all nervous. He glanced at the female nurse who stood by his side. She looked down. Something was going on here. Did they screw up my treatment? I wasn't going to die because they took out my appendix when I was supposed to get a heart transplant or something? If they wanted my opinion, it was "no" on dying. I had only kissed a girl once. Two girls once technically. Lisa was just a quick kiss. Mary was a more serious and real kiss. It was like a Civic versus a Ferrari.
"We did all types of tests as you know," said the doctor.
Mom looked very interested in what he was saying. I noticed this bed had all kinds of buttons. I pulled my hand away from Mom and pushed an "up" button. My head went higher. Hey, this was cool!
"Semen?" Mom said.
Did my mom just say semen? She couldn't have.
"Yes, Zach's semen," said the doctor.
My semen? What about my semen? I wish I had listened to the doctor instead of playing with the bed buttons. Hey, I bet this one worked the TV!
The TV blared.
"Not right now, Zach," Mom said.
I turned the TV off.
Mom said, "So there's nothing wrong with him as far as you know except that he has a high concentration of semen in his ... privates."
Technically that would be my testicles but I think Mom was just being polite.
"Uh ... yes," said the doctor. "So we released some and he woke up a few minutes later."
"Released? You mean..."
"Uh ... the nurse here ... uh ... Amy ... she was ... um ... impressed with Zach and took matters into her own hands."
"My own mouth technically," Amy said
"You blew him?" Mom said aghast.
Nurse Amy nodded happily.
The doctor said, "Zach needs to release every so often or he will fall into a sleep. We think he could last 72 hours but should be released at least every 48 hours to be on the safe side."
"How do we arrange that?" Mom said.
"He could come into the office," Amy said merrily.
"The co-pays will add up though," said the doctor.
"Wait!" said Dad finally speaking up. "You said be released. Can't he just release himself?"
The doctor looked at me pointblank. "Do you masturbate, Zach?"
Masturbate? I wasn't ready for that question yet. My mind still hadn't caught up with the idea that I received a blowjob from this pretty nurse and I had no recollection of it. I received a blowjob! A blowjob! Yet, I knew nothing about it. Life was so unfair.
"Zach?" the doctor said.
"Yes?" I replied. What was his question?
The doctor said, "So Zach has proven that masturbation is insufficient stimulation to prevent a recurrence of his sleeping sickness."
What did I prove?
Amy said, "I tried that with Zach first but he didn't wake up. It was only when I provided oral stimulation resulting in a release that he changed into an awake state. He was alert within a minute after ejaculation."
All this talk about hand jobs and blowjobs caused a certain part of my body to stand upright and I don't mean my fingers. Yes, my dick! Did that mean I needed a release now? I looked at Nurse Amy. I particularly looked at her mouth. Was my dick really in that mouth? Joey was never going to believe this when I told him. Drat! He really wouldn't believe it! Life was so unfair.
Amy noticed me looking at her. She smiled. My face felt warm and I looked down.
"What are we going to do?" Mom said.
"We'll figure something out," Dad said.
"Can I ask a question?" My voice cracked. When was it going to stop doing that?
"Of course," said the doctor.
"So if someone doesn't suck my dick off, I'm going to fall into a sleep again?"
"Most likely yes."
"So you don't know?"
"Yes, you will fall into a sleep. For some reason your semen build up causes you to fall into a sleep."
How was I going to prevent falling into a sleep? My mom certainly wasn't going to do it to me. My 16-year old sister Sabrina? I'd rather have my eyes yanked out and my dick lopped off! I still hoped to be an only child someday.
"So if I fall asleep?"
"Treatment will need to be applied to you," the doctor said.
I glanced at Amy. It wouldn't be a bad thing except for the fact I would have no idea it ever happened. Hey, Joey! Every three days this beautiful nurse sucks my cock! What good was it if I had no recollection of it?
The doctor said, "Obviously the best solution is to find someone within the environment Zach lives in so he doesn't fall asleep."
"Can I ask another question?" I said.
"Of course."
"Could I get a drink of water?" I felt super thirsty all of a sudden.
"Sure," the nurse said, heading for a pitcher.
"And ... um ... I have ... uh..." I pointed down.
"What?" Mom said concerned.
I purposefully avoided eye contact with mom. "An erection."
Amy poured water into a cup, placing it on the rolling stand, and said, "I sucked you off an hour ago so you're good for a while."
The doctor said, "It's just a normal erection."
I was freed from the hospital that afternoon and returned to school the next day.
Before the first class I ran into my guy friends like Joey and they acted like nothing ever happened. The guys teased me about doing a face plant even though technically it was more of just a slide to the floor. It was good to be back and everything felt normal. Nothing had changed.
The girls were indifferent to my return and were no different than before. Nothing had changed.
Most girls. Something had changed.
When my first period math class was over, I exited the room to make my way over to my next class.
"Zach?" Cassandra called out. She was an 8th grader like I was.
I stopped for the cute brunette.
"It's good to see you back," she said.
"Thanks," I said.
"So are you okay?"
"Yeah, mostly."
"So they found out what was wrong with you?"
"So you're going to be okay?"
"Kind of?"
"Kind of? Do you need help? What happened?"
"We can talk over there for privacy." She pointed at the grass.
I walked over with her. I don't know why. I should have just headed to my class.
"So what's wrong with you?" she asked then her face changed. "I didn't mean it that way!"
I laughed so she laughed and became more at ease.
"I know you didn't mean it that way," I said.
She looked expectantly.
How did I say this?
"I ... uh ... have to do something every two days or I'll fall into a sleep again." That wasn't technically correct but I just couldn't bring myself to tell Cassandra that something had to be done to me.
"Oh my god! Really? What do you have to do? How can I help?"
"Uh..." Help? My mind went THERE. How could it not?
"Please let me help. I want to help take care of you."
"I need to get to class." This was crazy. I couldn't just say "suck my dick!". It would be too embarrassing walking around school the rest of the day with her handprint on my slapped cheek.
"Call me!" Cassandra rapidly took a notebook out and scribbled on a paper. She ripped it out and handed it to me. It was her phone number. "I want to help you. I don't want you to get sick again. Just ask me, okay?"
"Okay," I mumbled.
"Okay." I walked off quickly to cut off the awkward conversation.
Call me? Ha! Cassandra? This is Zach. Could you come over and suck my dick so I don't fall into a sleep? Hell, no? Oh, okay, and you're wrong about my parents. They were married before I was born.
Mrs. Jensen had a strange look on her face when I came into her English class for third period. I think it was a guilty look for thinking I just fell asleep in her class that day because I was tired. A naughty thought occurred to me. I could say I was tired and ask if could step outside so I could stay awake. That would partially get me out of her boring class. I shook my head. I didn't have the guts to do it.
Vanessa sat at her desk on my left.
"Hi, Zach," the blonde said.
"Hi, Vanessa," I said.
"I'm glad your back."
"So are you okay now?"
"Mostly? What do you mean?"
"I have to do this ... um ... I have to have this thing done to me every couple of days or else I'll fall back into a sleep again."
"What's that? Can I help?"
Yes, I went THERE. Of course, I went THERE. I was 14 and had barely kissed girls. That was my total experience with the opposite sex.
"Not really. I mean you could but you ... uh ... wouldn't." Now why did I say it like that?
"How do you I wouldn't do it?"
Oh, I knew. I definitely knew.
Vanessa said, "I took care of my cat when he had a broken leg."
I didn't need a splint. What I was talking about wouldn't need any help being stiff.
"Please let me help?" she said. "I like helping. I just know I'm going to be a nurse when I grow up."
"Um ... it's kind of personal."
"I will be private. I know all about the hippopot ... uh ... hippocrat ... er ... it's something that says you can't talk to other people about what you do."
"Patient confidentiality?" I said.
Mrs. Jensen spoke out. "Zach, we're all glad to have you back but it's time to be quiet and listen."
Vanessa and I focused on the class.
A minute later, Vanessa held out a piece of paper. I took it and she point her hand up to her head like a phone.
"Call me," she mouthed.
The bell rang indicating lunch was over so I headed over to my 5th period science class. In the intermingling of students, I ended up walking by Miranda who was in the same class. The light brunette was a grade below and a year younger.
"I've missed you," Miranda said.
"You did?" I thought she barely knew I existed. Truthfully, I barely knew she existed.
"Uh-huh. You're kind of cute."
Kind of cute. Wow! For a boy as inexperienced as I was that was almost like saying, "I want to have sex with you." Okay, not really but almost. Closer than most people expect.
"Uh ... um ... you're pretty." Mr. Smooth was as real a concept to me as unicorns and nymphs.
"Thanks." She did some kind of head thing to imply she liked my compliment. At least that's what I thought it was. I guess it could have been some kind of tic though I never noted that in Miranda before but I never noted anything about Miranda before.
"You're welcome." She was indeed pretty.
"So you're okay, now?" Miranda asked.
"So what was wrong?"
"I have this build up and if it's not released I fall into a sleep."
"Build up?"
Drat! I just spoke like ... uh ... never mind.
"Yeah, it has to be drained in a special way every two days."
"Sounds painful," Miranda said.
"I didn't feel it because I was in a sleep."
"So what do they do?"
"So every two days?"
"Yeah. Someone does it to me."
"So your mom."
"No!" I shot back.
"Sorry. So what do you do?"
"Well, I haven't had it done yet while I'm already awake."
"So what do you do?"
"Can I help?"
"Uh..." My mind went THERE. Again! Three "THERES" today.
"What's wrong? Why are you turning red? Are you okay?"
"I'm okay."
"You should sit down."
"I'm okay."
I sat on a nearby bench.
She put her hand on my face. Her touch felt wooooonderful!
"You're warm," she said.
"I'm not sick," I started to stand.
She put her hands on my shoulders and surprisingly forcefully pushed me back down. She was strong for her size.
"I think you should see the nurse," Miranda said.
"I'm not sick. I turned red because of what we were talking about."
"What about it? You haven't told me anything except that you need to be released and you won't tell me what you mean by that."
"You wouldn't understand."
"I doubt you understand all the medical terms yourself."
Was there a medial term for sucking dick? Suckuyummy Dickaloveit?
"We're late for class," I said.
"I'll take care of you until you see the nurse."
"I'm not sick."
"Yes, you are."
I stood.
"Zach," she cautioned.
"I'm going to class."
"I'll walk you home to make sure you're safe."
"Sure, okay," I said. Whatever! I'd say anything to get her to shut up now.
When class ended, Miranda handed me her phone number. "If you need ANYTHING, call me."
"Okay," I sighed.
After school was out, I was able to leave without Miranda spotting me. I was able to walk home alone like normal.
Sister Sabrina was already home from high school like normal when I returned from school. She usually went out soon after she came home from school and came back before Dad or Mom came home from work but I always had a brief interchange with her.
"So just what is wrong with you?" Sabrina said. "You know, beyond that you're a stupid jerk."
I loved my sister. NOT!
"I will fall into a sleep unless a ... um ... medical procedure isn't done to me now and then."
"Oh. I thought I overheard Mom and Dad say that you had to have your little dickie sucked and so I figured you're going to be sleeping most of your life."
Sucking my dick was technically a medical procedure now, wasn't it? I hadn't lied.
"No, they attach a device to my tummy that's like a hickie." That was for sure a lie.
"That makes more sense though I think I'd like you better if you were asleep all the time."
I felt the same way but about her!
Sabrina said, "I got to go."
I wisely squelched a desire to say, "Good". I had to do that almost every school day.
Mom was home from work first. I was in my room catching up on school work.
"How are you doing, Zach?" Mom asked. "Are you feeling okay?"
"I feel great."
"Good. How was school? Did everyone miss you?"
"It was okay," I said slowly, thinking about the three weird conversations I had.
"Good. Well, I need to go make dinner."
Dad came in fifteen minutes later.
"How was your day?" he asked.
"Do you feel tired at all?"
"That's good. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to help with your ... uh ... problem."
"I guess I should..."
"Uh ... Dad?" I interrupted. "What if there were girls at school who wanted to help me with my problem?"
"Girls who would suck your dick?"
"Um ... they want to help me but I have told them how yet. There are three girls and each one acts like they would practically die if they didn't help."
"Women that have a strong need to help the sick."
"Oh." So how did that connect to my problem? "Do you think the girls would help me? You know, do it?"
"They might just do it but some flowers and Barry White certainly could help."
"Barry who?"
Dad laughed. "Be romantic but I'll get a copy of your medical record as a backup to prove it to the girls."
"Oh, okay, Dad. Thanks."
"Sure. I hope this works out. It will be a lot cheaper than going to the nurse or finding you a hooker. A hooker might be cheaper than the nurse. We thought about paying Sabrina to do it."
"No, Dad! I'd rather be asleep forever than have Sabrina do it."
Dad laughed. "I bet she'd be okay."
If being sucked off by a mindless evil zombie was okay then yes, it would be okay, but mindless evil zombies weren't okay.
Dad said, "Try to learn more about these girls."
"I'll try," I said.
"Let me know if you need any help."
"Uh ... okay." How could he help?
"Why didn't you call?" Cassandra confronted outside of class before it started. It didn't sound like a casual question. It sounded accusatory.
"Uh ... I was busy."
"Do you still need to do that thing you have to do?"
"You mean done to me."
"Done to you?" she said panicked.
I had no idea which girl I told what to yesterday.
"Uh ... yeah."
"What? Did you have it done?"
I shook my head.
"Today is two days. What if you fall asleep?"
"It's closer to three days before I fall asleep. I should do two days to be safe."
"So what do you have to have done?"
"Have you every heard of Barry White?"
"No, who's that?"
"I'm not sure. Do you like flowers?"
"Oh, good..." I trailed off and mumbled, "Oh ... I don't have any."
"Never mind."
"So how can I help you?" Cassandra asked.
"It's a ... romantic thing."
"Romance? Are you allergic to flowers?"
"No," I laughed.
The bell rang.
"We better get in," I said, pointing at the classroom door.
"You didn't answer my question."
"Which one?"
"A kiss would make me feel better," I said. I had a sudden rush of boldness.
Cassandra lightly blushed.
"Alright," she said.
Alright? She said alright? Really?
She kissed me lightly on the lips. Wow! It felt good. I think I had sudden additional semen build up and my dick hardened from her simple kiss.
My voice croaked, "If you could come over to my house this afternoon you could help me."
"Sure!" She looked ecstatic. Weird.
I gave her my address and phone number. Who knew what might happen? I might even get my dick sucked off.
"You didn't call me," Vanessa said from our seats before class started. Her face looked so hurt as if she just found out her dog and grandfather died in a freak helicopter decapitation accident.
"My ... uh ... problem is unusual."
"I like learning new things."
"My problem is ... personal."
"You told me that yesterday. You can trust me. I'm going to be a nurse."
I latched onto that statement this time.
"The nurse who woke me up gave me an unusual special treatment."
"Some sicknesses require special treatments," she said.
"But my problem is ... personal."
"Oh!" She had a light bulb face. "Personal." She pointed between her own legs.
I nodded.
"It's just a body part. Nurses see them all the time and think nothing of it. Please let me help, Zach. I won't tell anyone about it."
"Okay," I said.
Vanessa looked so happy it was like her dog and grandfather's heads were properly reattached and they were alive.
I gave Vanessa my phone number and address.
"Come over this afternoon."
Two girls were coming over now. I wasn't sure if this improved my chances or made them worse.
Miranda found me during the lunch break while I was alone. "You ditched me! I stood alone waiting for you yesterday. That's not a good way to treat a girl."
"I'm sorry."
"I mean after all I meant to you yesterday."
"Uh..." Meant to her?
"I thought you would be more grateful. I thought you liked me."
What the... ? Did she think she was my girlfriend.
"I do like you," I said. Where did those words come from?
"You do?" She developed a big smile. "So you'll let me help you now?"
"Uh ... okay but there might be other people there."
"That's okay. I don't mind."
I kind of doubted that especially if she was thinking boyfriend and girlfriend.
"There are twp other girls coming over to help me not fall asleep."
"To help drain you?" Miranda said. "You can squeeze my hand tight while you go through that painful draining."
"Uh ... I don't think it will be painful."
"Uh-uh." I shook my head.
"So what is done to you?"
"I ... I haven't had it done while I was awake. It woke me up and it has to be done again to keep me awake. I can't do it myself."
"I'll do it!"
"You will?"
"Anything! I'll do it all the time."
That sounded great except she had no idea what she was volunteering for.
"You can come over too," I said.
"I'll be there."
I gave Miranda my phone number and address.
As she headed off, I considered the possibility that having three girls there instead of just one might be a problem.
Before lunch ended, I found a private area and called my dad at work.
"Dad? It's Zach."
"Yes, Zach? What's up? Are you okay? Are you feeling sleepy? Is there a problem?"
"I'm feeling okay. I'm not sleepy. There might be a problem."
"What's that?"
"Uh ... you know the three Nightindick girls I mentioned yesterday?"
"Oh, right. Nightindicks."
"Nightingales," he corrected again.
"Well, it's like all three are coming over to the house right after school."
"All three?"
"Yeah, Dad? That's bad isn't it?"
"Possibly. You might have to deal with jealousies. It depends on how altruistic the girls are."
"Altrue what?"
"Altruistic. It means someone who is unselfishly concerned for the welfare of others. If they truly are thinking of what is best for you, they won't care who helps you. It would be ideal if the girls could be on a schedule. Sorry but I can't get off work right now to help you. Do you think the girls are unselfish?"
"I don't know if they're altrurific."
Dad laughed for some reason. "They're just showing concern for your well-being, right?"
"The one girl, Miranda, seems to want to be my girlfriend and kind of says things like she already is."
"She could be trouble."
"So should I tell her to not to come over to my house?"
"No. She also might be your best option. She may have the strongest Nightindick desire of any of the girls and so she might be more likely to do it more than the other girls."
I laughed to myself. Dad said "Nightindick".
"So what do I do?" I asked.
"Sorry, you're just going to have to wing it. If you can convince the girls to hang around, I'll have your medical documentation to show them when I get home. I brought it with me to work to make a copy."
Not good. Somehow I had to convince a girl to suck my dick. I couldn't come with any scenario in my head that would work. Not a single one.
"Thanks, Dad." The bell rang. "Got to go."
"Good luck."
I walked home with large solid metal butterflies bouncing around in my stomach. My dick was small and flaccid. Three girls were going to arrive shortly after I came home and I was going to have to talk one of them into sucking my dick. Just one girl but how did I do that? It was impossible.
I completely forgot about an obvious complication. As usual, Sabrina was home when I came in the front door. What if the girls showed up before she left? What would the zombie girl say to them or to me in front of them?
"What's up?" said Sabrina. "You look all down."
"Just trying to make you happy by being sad."
She smiled. "You're not so bad after all. Thanks for thinking of me. I can't stay so you'll get to jack off a few minutes earlier than you normally do."
I shook my head in disgust. Was it too late for my parents to trade her in for a puppy? I'd even take a goldfish.
Sabrina laughed at my response. An evil, sinister zombie kind of laugh.
The doorbell rang. Drat! For a second, I had the hope Sabrina would be gone before any girls showed up.
I answered the door. It was Miranda.
"Hi, Zach!"
"Hi." I stepped aside and she came in.
Sabrina eyes widened. Yes, I had a girl over to the house. I liked Sabrina's shocked reaction. I was now glad she wasn't gone yet.
"This is my sister Sabrina," I said. "She's just leaving."
"Hi," Miranda said. "I'm here to help Zach with his sleeping problem."
Sabrina said, "And just what are you going to do?"
"Zach hasn't told me yet."
Sabrina looked at me. I wasn't going to say!
"Don't you have to go?" I said.
"Sabrina!" I said. I never spoke up like that before.
Incredible! My big sis backed down!
"Uh ... come into the family room and have a seat," I said to Miranda.
I escorted her back.
"So..." she said.
Saved by the doorbell. I pointed at the couch.
"Be right back," I said.
"Zach!" Sabrina called out. "Someone to see you."
Cassandra had just stepped inside when I came to the front.
"Hi, Zach!" Cassandra said happily.
"Hi," I glanced at Sabrina. Why was she still here?"
"How are you?" Cassandra said. She kissed me softly on the lips.
Drat! How did I forget she did that earlier when I talked to Dad? I might have two girlfriends!
Sabrina said, "What's going on, Zach?"
"What do you mean?"
"Don't give me that. You have two girls here!"
Her voice kind of sounded like Mom when she said that. She wasn't Mom however.
"Nothing and none of your business."
"I'm going to tell Mom."
"I talked to Dad at lunch and he knows about the three girls." I mentally stuck my tongue out as if saying "Nyah!"
As would be perfect timing, or imperfect depending on one's slant, Vanessa walked up to the open front door.
"Hi, Zach!" she said.
"Hi, Vanessa," I said."
"And why are you here?" Sabrina questioned.
I answered for Vanessa. "She's my nurse."
"Talk to Dad later."
"I will and you're going to be in big trouble."
"So where are you going right now?" I threw back.
"None of your business."
"And my business is none of your business." Nyah!
She shook her head. I was one-up on the zombie. Yes!
"This way," I said to Cassandra and Vanessa.
I pointed at the sofa that Miranda sat on.
The girls sat side-by-side-by-side, Cassandra, Vanessa, and Miranda I grabbed a chair from the adjoining dining room and sat in front of them. I felt nervous.
"Zach?" Sabrina said, stepping into the family room. She didn't have her typical bravado. She looked at the girls. "Uh ... I'm going now."
She stood there and I waited for her to leave.
"Bye," she said.
"Bye," I replied.
She finally turned and headed out.
"Be right back," I said to the girls.
I had to make sure Sabrina left. She did go. I locked the front door not that it would prevent Sabrina from coming back in because everyone in the family had a key but I felt a little safer. I returned to the girls and sat back in the chair.
"So... ," I said as a heavy breath.
"So how can I help you?" said Vanessa.
"And me," said Miranda.
"And me," said Cassandra.
"Uh..." I look down at the carpet. Would it be easier to just sleep forever? I wanted to live my life though. I looked back up. "I have this really weird sickness."
"Uh-huh," said Cassandra while the other girls nodded.
"Really weird."
"That's okay," said Vanessa.
"I mean really, really, really weird."
"I want to help you, Zach," said Miranda.
hello readers im back here mene aapko bola tha rocky ke barey mein ki kasiey usne mere saath gay sex kiya tha now i tell abt him mene to maan lia tha usko apna pati or usko out of india jana tha kisi kaam se 1 saal tuk wo busy raha meri usse baat bhi nahi hui or mein usse gussa ho gaya magar mene mna hua tha ki mein kisi se sex nahi karunga wo ek saal baad aya hum kahin bahar gaye phir usne bola ki musssorie chalte hai mein razi to ho gaya magar gussa aa rha tha jaisa mene aapk bola ki im male...
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Fbailey story My sister Carrie and I are pretty close in many ways. We share the same birth date but one year apart. I’m the oldest at s*******n. We have the same physical build too. She is constantly wearing my clothes. I don’t mind her wearing my jeans but I keep telling her that she will stretch out my tops with her big tits. She just laughs and says that I’m jealous that hers are so nice. I must admit that my sister has great tits. At least she lets me play with them occasionally. I even...
DEDICATION: For Angela, on a special day. May her dreams come true. Josh idly swept the area to his right with the binoculars. He never tired of watching the big "gooney birds" hitting the beach and rolling ass-over-teakettle whenever they landed, but, as a scientist, he had a job to do. Preparing to head for the office, he took one last look at the sea--then stopped. Something was out there. Where nothing should be. He stood, turned, and ran to call his colleague. "Hey, Jim!" he...
"I shot him." Silence filled the car. Mary's hand was holding mine, gently squeezing. Her hand was warm and comforting. My dad was dead. My mom shot him. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. I opened my mouth, worked my jaw, but nothing came out. What could I say? What should I do? My dad was dead. The bastard was dead. A ragged sob came over the speakers of my Mustang, my phone synced up to the car stereo via bluetooth. "Mark, I don't know what to do," sobbed my mom...
December 1973 Jim knew that life and all its events was a proposition of give and take. He strove to hold up his end by giving, lest he err in the taking. It was his last chance. It was nine in the evening and the stores would be open for anther thirty minutes. It would be no good to wait until the next day. The next day would be December 24 and he planned to use that as a travel day. Besides, as he looked around the big box store he could see that the shelves were starting to look...
Chapter 1 You just never know where things can lead, even when they start out so innocently. That's what happened to Trent Vogel, all he wanted was a little pleasure, a little relief. He got home about eleven on a Friday night, tired, out with friends looking for girls with no luck at all, so, like many guys will, he stripped off his clothes and got his trusty bottle of hand lotion and began pretending he'd hooked-up with that little blond that he liked who didn't give him the time of...
Even if you don't have children," Beth continued, "I certainly will. When they visit their Aunt Jenny, I would appreciate your returning them to me in the same condition in which you got them." Their Aunt Jenny! Beth's simple expression of love, support and confidence brought tears to me eyes. "Jenny, really," Beth broke the mood, "there are easier ways to put salt in the water. She moved to the stove, turned the handle so it was not sticking out and then came over and gave me a...
Chapter # 14 The two girls were pretty excited and couldn't wait to tell Lynn and Jennifer what they heard. It seems they both had heard something which made them laugh just a little. They mentioned that this was all according to another girl, (named Jane), who had been riding her bike in the park. Loretta said Jane had told us this strange tale. She had that while she was out for a ride, she saw Timmy and Dan's moms. The two ladies were pushing two rather large, oversize, pink &...
[I wanted to write a quick erotic TG story about a summer vacation but I ended up falling in love with the characters and wrote a whole book. I hope you enjoy it.] A Tale of Summer (in the Mountains) By Rohmer Fan I briefly considered driving off of a cliff before Kayla asked me another question about Ben's feelings. As the highway began curling around the Appalachian Mountains the nagging had actually gotten worse, as if neuroses were somehow strengthened by elevation from the...
Nagwa is a beautiful married Muslim woman and mother from Egypt. She looks younger than her age and has a great set of tits and pale white skin with long black hair. She is your typically conservative Muslim wife, she covers up her beauty and has always been faithful to her husband in their 12 years of marriage. Some would call her prude but she has always enjoyed sex with her husband and does whatever he wants to satisfy him! In fact over the last few years she hasn’t been getting as much sex...
It was a normal Saturday, I had gotten back from college the previous day and was preparing to go out with my girlfriend Kristen. Kristen and I have been dating for over four months now. Although we waited a while to have sex, our sexual urges had overwhelmed us after about 2 months of dating. We began to have sex, but, after two months of sexual activity, something special was about to happen... We started dating the first week in June. I had known Kristen before, she went to my high school....
Maria was upset over seeing her daughter come from the "bushes" with Al. Then she saw the fresh cum, and the droplets of blood on her inner thighs, and it was more than she could stand. She screamed at the two youngsters, and fighting back her tears. Althea and Floyd took it quite differently. Floyd stood patiently waiting for Maria to get it out of her system, and Althea stood trying NOT to laugh out loud. She knew that if she did, her Mom would direct her attention on her. She was playing it...
I was young and naive as most of us were back then. Emma, my older sister by a 3 year and 3 months, was 22 and would start college in the fall. I had just turned 19 in April. It wasn't the norm for both parents to work back then, but mom started working when Emma was old enough to baby sit us. So the summers were ours alone. In the beginning, we got along like any brother and sister. But that began to change as I reached puberty. Things were changing for me fast. Hormones raged, body hair began...
IncestEverything I knew about Sheila told me she was a gifted gamer with the skills of a chess master. She did not offer me a job to alleviate unemployment; instead, she appeared to be working a gambit of some sort. The uncertainty of purpose generated a wave of anxious observation while I awaited developments. The pawns on the board were changing positions of their own accord. “She wants you to be her what?” Darlene giggled in bemused amazement at my news. “Administrative assistant. She thinks I...
I had chatted to this guy online a few times. Then we text'd for about two months. We were both married and looking for some no strings fun. He was obviously sex crazy. We had been constantly flirting and there was definitely a sexual attraction. Finally, the day came for us to meet. I got up that morning and my husband and I chose what I was going to wear. we decided on a pair of skin tight black leggings and a tight black top. As I went to get dressed my husband told me not to put any...
Wife Lovers(Crisis) They reached the offices of RCR & Matins and Associates at dead on ten o'clock. The girls prided themselves on their punctuality even though they relied entirely on public transport. Maggie marched up to the receptionist and grinned at Mrs Brown the same receptionist as before. "Good morning," she said brightly, "SCraMBle Computers, appointment for ten." Mrs Brown smiled back at her and stood up. "Good morning ladies, if you would just come this way; I'll show you to...
Sunday dawned gray, and rainy. All three O'Brians slept in, until mid-morning. Sean woke to a dull, gray, window, and empty arms. He hoped what he had done last night, hadn't ruined everything. He got up and slipped on his robe, against the damp chill. After a quick shave, he went down to the kitchen, and prepared breakfast for the three of them, on two bed trays, and took it up to the girl's room. With both hands full of trays, he was unable to knock, so he kicked the door firmly. After a...
I peeked at them. 'Oh, there they are, Haven and Inessa,' I thought, strolling by them.Even as I passed, my eyes failed to part from them.I stopped in a corner and continued to eyeball them. 'Wow, a gorgeous brunette white lady with a pretty black woman with curly black hair. They are both in their low twenties and stunning too. Just kiss each other, I just know that you two are a couple,' I thought, licking my lips. 'Oh, their cotton thongs are sticking out as their butts are together. Bright...
VoyeurMy wife Trish is in her early forties. We’ve been married for near twenty years. Her hair is dark red, both on her head and below. She is approximately five feet-eight inches, relatively slim build with long legs that go on forever. She has C-sized breasts that are near perfect. They don’t sag, even now and have the most succulent nipples that seem to point at you no matter where you are in the room. I think she is beautiful and in her younger years, she could easily have been a professional...
My wife and I have been married for 7 years, and have been very happy. We have never really had a great sex life but she is very hot and whenever we do have sex it's pretty good. We are in the norm I think with the 2-3 times a month and we never get into anything crazy or kinky, mostly light foreplay and then straight sex till we both cum. I have always had a much higher sex drive then my wife as she is 31 and I am 37, but I think she is starting to get into her horny stage in life. I hope!!...
Jake squeezed his eyes shut after that first wild glimpse of sky and earth – spinning crazily over, around, under – and over again! "Relax!" Annalisa yelled into his ear, her voice barely audible above the roar of the wind as it whistled by. "You're not gonna fall!" "I'm already falling!" Jake screeched excitedly, hugging his arms and legs around her slender torso as hard as he could. "You've got to relax!" Annalisa hollered back. "I can't form my wings with you wrapped around...
Marisa took a deep breath, anxiously running her hands through her long black hair and looking at the clock once more. 9:32pm. It had been a few weeks since she had seen her boyfriend, as he had been travelling through Europe with his band. Jeremy was supposed to be arriving at the airport that morning, but he had called to say that his flight was delayed and wouldn’t be home until later that night and that she shouldn’t wait up for him. The weeks had dragged on without him; their apartment...
Straight Sex"Und du denkst daran jeden Abend die Alarmanlage einzuschalten? Und jedes Mal wenn du das Haus verlässt?" Sarah verdehte genervt die Augen. "JAA Papa. Zum dritten Mal. Ich bin 18, keine 8. Und das hier ist eine Vorstadt von Frankfurt, nicht von Detroit." Ihr Vater lächelte hilflos und zuckte mit den Achseln. "Was soll ich denn machen? Ich sorge mich eben um dich. Und das erste mal eine Woche alleine zu sein ist eine große Sache" Sarahs Mutter kam aus der Küche wo sie das Geschirr noch in die...
This is a true account recording of an event I experienced as a girl during my student years in Newcastle England.At Uni first year, like most foreign students live in Halls, but unfortunate for myself, as a late starter was boarded in a flat, the upper attic, in a house across the river in Danmark street, Gateshead.Being a Scandinavian girl with all the typical traits associated to females of that origin, I did stand out somewhat, in a very grey looking place, habituated by equally grey...
Special thanks to Jack Murtagh for his exceptional, insightful, and annoying editing. Here’s to you, white man. ;D Disclaimer for Tolkien nerds: I never read Tolkien, it’s a coincidence. The last snowflakes had fallen, and the tread of leather boots through snow should have turned the single road running through Jinnsfjur to a muddy slush. It had largely remained its pristine white however, as the inhabitants of the village now only ventured outside when they needed to. That was, aside from...
Michelle was a wife and mother of 34 years old, as well as being a house wife. This is merely a short and to the point description of how Michelle started getting into having nasty, perverted sex with her two teenage c***dren. One day, while her husband was busy working, Michelle walked across the hall when she heard moans coming from the bedroom of her son Tony. The curious mother decided to check what was going on, to make sure everything was alright, and slowly and silently opened the door....
What I am about to share with you is one of the most significant events in my life. So I think I should tell you a little about myself. I am one of the youngest students in my year and my 16 th birthday was only a few months ago. I am considered bright and introverted, however, I am not in the least shy about my body, and my family is Naturist by inclination, and we spend as much time as possible naked. By the way, my name is Jamie. I did well in my GSCE’s and to reward me, they decided to take...
Liv was quickly nearing the top of the hill. Black smoke from the tortured engine was trailing after her. Liv quickly twisted the key to the off position and killed the engine, hoping the overheated metal would restart if needed again. "That fucking bitch. She's got more lives than a god damn cat," O'Donnell screamed with a mixture of anger and respect. He brought the SRT-8 to a screeching halt, unbuckled his seat belt, twisted in his seat and then repeatedly kicked at the windshield...
After some time apart, Emma and Quinton decide to give things between them another chance. They know that if it’s going to work out this time, they can’t rush back into it. The only problem is that after their reunion date, they’ve already forgotten what drove them apart and are really feeling everything that brought them together in the first place… Standing in her doorway, Emma manages to push Quinton away before things get too carried away – until he comes right back...
xmoviesforyouChapter 1 Chapter 1 Cindy looked at her reflection in the mirror one more time before she went out.? She was wearing a low cut top that hugged her breasts and showed off a far bit of cleavage. Her skirt was short, so short that she would have to be careful how she sat. She had finished off her outfit with stockings and a pair of super high heel shoes.? It was not how she would normally dress; in fact, she had never worn anything like it before. She had gotten sick of sitting home alone...
The scene at the dinner table was a tense one, with the older couple on one side of the table. Sammi tugged on her skirt and slipped into a chair opposite from her mother, and gave Quentin a quick smile when he playfully flipped a napkin at her. He was a good man, and he’d been amazing to her mother. They’d been together for two years, and the entire time both Janine and Sammi had been aware that he had a son of his own who was off at college on a scholarship. Her sixteen-year-old self had...
I moved in with Nick when I finally hit rock bottom Thank you readers!? I welcome ANY and ALL feedback- good or bad.? This is my first time doing this, as I know it is for many others-and I really would appreciate the comments.? Oh, and there is more to the story- this first part is slow, but the second part is not. I moved in with Nick when I finally hit rock bottom.? Jobless and homeless for over two months- having crashed in apartments of family for too long now, starting to stink...
Philip had thoroughly enjoyed the hot fuck session he and his wife Mary had shared a couple of nights earlier. On the way to work that morning, he went into his local "quick stop" store and Philip got the thrill of his life. They had a new clerk and her name was Celia (pronounced Seely). Philip felt his cock growing hard as he stood there talking to the young salesclerk. She looked a lot like his current work mistress, Summer, but Celia was a blonde with short hair instead of the brunette...
One day when you were doing laundry the coldwater hose broke on the washer during the fill cycle. Water began spraying everywhere. As you and your roommate try to shut it off a guy friend just happens to show up at your door. Hearing your screams he takes the liberty of opening the front door and yells: “HEY, IS EVERYTHING OK?” You and your roommate are overjoyed to have a man there to fix the machine. He is overjoyed to see that you are drenched to the skin and can clearly see your tiny...
Tom sighed as he waited to be seen by the doctor in casualty. It wasn’t his lucky day. His girlfriend was away with work and now he had dropped a car battery on his foot. To cap it all, tomorrow was Valentine’s Day. “Mr Roberts?” Said the young nurse, appearing from behind the curtain. “Yes.” Tom hobbled past the other patients who were waiting in the row and sat in the small cubicle, where the doctor was waiting. The white-coated medic looked tired. It had been a hard day. “Bad foot?” He...
Oral SexSandra listened to her daughter with shock at first. She couldn't believe she was saying such things. The girl wanted to make their white rich neighbors, the Van Horns, their slaves. She had it all planned out already and was showing her a tape of Jennifer (Mrs. Van Horn) seducing the paperboy in her backyard which she had recorded with her new cam only days earlier. She taught it was unfair for her mother to work so hard to try to make a living while the neighbors could screw around and enjoy...
We hit the road early, so we could make it to the cottage before sunset. We had a way to go, so we skipped the usual stops. Lindsay was pretty hyped about this trip since we’d be meeting some of our old friends we hadn’t seen in a while. She was all ready to display herself.About an hour from the cottage, I heard a strange noise from the back of the car. It started shaking so violently I had to pull over. Walking around the back of the car, I found the problem. The right rear tire had gone...
ExhibitionismStarting Fist 1 STARTING FIST I've always been proud of my body. At 38 I'm 5'8", 156 pounds and have always been thin. It seemed most of my weight was centered in my breasts. I once tried to weigh my boobs and figured they were about 14 pounds each. They are the only out of kilter part of my body. I do love having huge tits but wish they weren't so long. They hang to a few inches above my crotch and should be broader for their length. I suppose that as the rest of me is on the...
This true story came to me from a friend, please enjoy!. My first time to have sex was pretty weird. I played soccer for the high school soccer team. I was not very good but I really wanted to play and play well. So I tried and practiced alot. One of the coaches was a woman. A very masculine not very pretty woman. We all thought she might be a lesbian even though she had a husband. It was the way she acted and presented herself. Dressed like a man and acted like a man. Her name was Fran. I...
You are tied down with a blindfold on. You can hear and feel people moving around you. Fingertips glance across your skin. Someones breath is near one of your nipples. Lips brush yours. Someone is between your legs kissing your inner thighs. Fingers slide into your mouth. They taste like pussy, but not yours. Hair brushes along your breast then you feel her take a nipple into her mouth, as if that was the cue to start other mouths to descend on you. Both nipples are being sucked on and two...
Group SexI am an air stewardess and regularly cross the Atlantic as part of the job. This happened on one of my first flights back from Chicago to England. I was assigned to the first class area along with another stewardess. I had been told all about Jennifer before coming on the flight -- she was a lesbian and always made a play for new staff, this left me all the more excited about working with her as I was a lesbian myself. I walked into the crew area before the flight and saw this...
It was early morning on a Monday I was already running late getting into the office. I knew I was going to be late so I called it and informed my office I be late. As I drove into the city where I worked I stopped and got a Danish and coffee. As I headed back onto the highway and as I got don the road some I noticed a car on the shoulder with its hood up. As I past I noticed it was an elderly woman by herself. I immediately pulled over and started backing up to her car. I got out and approached...
My name is Katie, I am 25, a very attractive brunette; I would give myself a nine on a scale of 1 -10. I know my 34D boobs get me a lot of attention from men. I’m 5’8”, very nice figure as I love to work out, mostly jogging to tease the guys who watch me; watch my boobs bouncing as I jog by them. I had to tell someone about how I got my job. I guess I feel more comfortable just sharing it with strangers since I know I could never tell any of my friends, except for one. They wouldn’t believe me...
[Janice writes] I found it hard to believe that, within twenty-four hours of reconciling and marrying, Andy and Charlie would be off in separate directions to complete commitments they have. I managed to trap him alone while Andy talked to her parents. "Charlie, is everything really okay? This separation worries me." "It shouldn't, mom." "It does. It's me, Charlie. Explain things. I'm feeling very old and very slow." He hugged me. "Mom, it will be a long time before you're old...
I can't remember the first part of the dream but things become clear and memorable when I was lying on my back. A woman, I can’t tell who it was at first is straddling me. We’re fucking, she is riding me, pretty hard. It's so fucking vivid! I can feel how hard my cock is. How it feels inside her but I can't see who she is, can't see her face. I look to see if she has the same recognizable thin arms and dark hair as my step daughter. And she does, it's Selena! I can finally see her face...
Honest Training SessionBy: Londebaaz ChohanAs Raul’s mother Carmen insisted and his father agreed, the elder son of Carmen’s brother was allowed to live with Raul’s family. It is true that Carmen’s brother could not afford his son’s stay in the college dormitory and the college was easily accessible on the cycle from Carmen’s home. With all taken care, Raul’s cousin Juan became the family member. Raul was hardly 2 years younger and a junior in high school. As the family decided and the smaller...
I got up earlier than usual to see Mrs. Parsons off on her trip to Chicago. She asked me several questions about my reconciliation with Brenda, seeming quite satisfied with my answers. She kissed me lightly on my lips when she gave me a hug goodbye. "After tonight, Kenny, the company will effectively be out of my family's hands for the first time ever. I'm going to hate signing everything away. It isn't the money that I wanted, it was knowing that all of the employees and their families...
It was a warm, sunny day around the middle of May. I was walking my then girlfriend, Emily, to her house. As I walked down the street in the heat, wearing a simple shirt and jeans, I just kept thinking of the previous day with her when she whispered into my ear. ‘I’m going to give you a blowjob!’ She went on to discuss how I deserved it after I had just gotten her a new ring out of the blue. This niggled at my mind for the remaining night and throughout the morning when I walked up to her...
Extraction Day, or "E-Day" as the Haywood daughters had been referring to it, dawned cool but clear. By 9:00, Marianne had finished with the checklist, confirmed that all members of all the families were present and accounted for. By 9:30, everyone was hearing the momentous news: a scoop type extraction. Everyone who wanted to go was going immediately, without the usual "cattle call". The sorting out of which concubine belonged to which sponsor would be done in orbit. A quick poll...
The next morning David opened the rifle cases that Martin had brought and gazed at the workmanship of each rifle. Their balance was amazing coming up to his shoulder like an extension of his body. The deep lustre of the figured mahogany furniture with its chequered pistol grip and cheek rest made each weapon a thing of beauty. David had a gun cabinet already made; his .303 was in it along with the Winchester. He fitted in each rifle and put the ammunition in the drawers below, along with the...
------------------------------------------ Hi! So, this is the second part to my second story. I'm having a lot of fun writing this, and the feedback I got from a lot of you on the first one was really great. I decided to put a little disclaimer at the front end of this, just to make sure there's no confusion for people who are new to the story. This is an ADULT story. It has a lot of ADULT themes. Themes that people might have some issues with. Go back and read the Category...
Geeta finished her shift at the massage parlor early that Saturday, leaving a 4:00 p.m. There was no problem getting permission, for she had long been the favourite of her employer, Mia. Even though she'd worked only six hours instead of the usual twelve, her forearms ached from the hard work of giving numerous handjobs. None of her customers that day had been regulars (whom she sometimes fucked, if they'd been to see her enough times - she gave regulars a blowjob every 5th visit and fucked...
Tricia walked slowly in the direction she had seen her father take some time ago. She had been waiting for him to retum, having decided that she had to talk to him about what had happened between tbem. She had to somehow try to explain why he had caught her doing such an evil thing with Susan... for she believed this to be the primary cause of his actions with her. "It really is all my fault!" she told herself once more as she headed toward the deserted cabins. She felt oddly calm now...
US MARSHALLS SERVICE SECRET DETENTION AREA, NW OF WASHINGTON D.C. Jeremy POV: We managed to get all the prisoners separated and into cells. We then decided to let them stew for a little while before Pops flashed that he wanted to bring in Franklin. He was planning on teleporting Franklin in so he wouldn’t know where he was being taken. He had Rex go into an empty cell and turn invisible, standing in the center of the cell. He was planning to pop in right behind him then both of them would...
I work in the fashion indstry so a lot of my mates are homosexual, I've been told by my homosexual friends guys do it better, deepthroat, hand jobs and general fucking. So me not being one to judge before hand, I started browsing Craigslist and found a candidate who's a bottom, after brief discussion, I went to his apartment, to which was as stated in his ad, the door wasn't closed only ajar, I walked in, a few meters from the computer was a blanket covered person with a hole for my dick to...
Hey friends. Ye mere pehle story ka second part hai.Ye baat ko bohot time ho gaya hai sorry late story post karne me,me busy tha.So aapko pata hi hai my name is rohan(fake) and I am from pune.mere height 5ft11in hai Aur cock nearly 7 inches ka.White complexion hai Aur slim body as I regularly play sports and age 19 years hai and cute looks. Ab direct story pe aata hu. Aapko to pata hi hoga last story me kaise mene apni classmate Puja ko choda tha. Aapko uska description de du.Puja bhi mere...