Chapter 4 - The Public Ordeal Of Tasnova free porn video

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As Tasnova Proceeds to get up after licking my cum from the ground, I collect her clothes, or what's left anyways, since her Bra and Panties were ripped off entirely. Tasnova walks up to me to ask for her clothes, but I instead dont give them yet, " Go to the bathroom, wash your mouth and take a shower, we'll be going out" I order her. She looks at me hesitantly, but then realizes that arguing is pointless and walks up to the bathroom, I follow through obviously, not wanting to miss the show. " Wh-what is it?" She asks slightly taken aback by me just standing there. " Did you think I was going to let you go in there alone? go on, get under the shower and start cleaning yourself off, and remember, no masturbating" I order. She looked a bit frustrated at this, but it wasnt like she would suddenly get the voice to argue with me. So she quiets down and begins to wash herself off. As she stood under the running shower, I just stood there and watched as the water ran down her body. Wet hiar, wet body, as she rubs her body, this was a sight to behold and in any other situation, I would fuck her then and there without thinking twice. But I needed her to stay sexually frustrated for as long as possible, so I couldnt let her cum no matter what. So I just watched as Tasnova bathed infront of me. She was uncomfortable, and I could tell, but that only added to my desires. I knew I was going to fuck her till every last drop of cum was drained from me by the end of the day. But the wait was still killer. As she finished up and began to dry herself, I came out again, and she followed a second later. As she approached her clothes again, she saw that only the top was there on the bed. " Ummm, where are my pants?" She asked me slightly concerned. " You wont need them, put the the top" I replied as casually as I could. When I looked back at her, there was a look of absolute shock and horror on her face. " But-but, without them-" she began to speak but I cut her off " The top covers your pussy too, it long enough, so no worries ". I could tell Tasnova was a bit panicked. She knew we were going out, and now she was going to go out in just a piece of fabric with no undergarments. She probably thought this was the worst it could get, but she was wrong ofcourse, since I was going to make it my duty to make it as worse as it can be for her. Tasnova put her top on, and noted that it covered her crotch and just barely half her thigh, and that sitting will more or less leave the crotch open almost. " Atleast some panties or shorts would be-" But I agian cut her off " It's either the top or nothing, you decide" She attempted to respond one more time " But" but I cut her off again, " You're really getting brave all of a sudden, trying to argue here? I do not Appreciate disobedience" I threatened back, which seemed to have shut her up. As she shut up, I took a pair of scissors which almost immediately scared her " No, please, I'll be good!" She started pleading. " Relax, I wont strip you naked" I assure her before adding " Yet" to it " However, if you continue to talk, I wont hesitate to toss you out in the open naked " Tasnova shut up again and stood there with her eyes closed as I stood infront of her, scissors in hand. I grab a bit of fabric from her shoulder and begin to cut it, all the way down and around to where her right sleeve comes off entirely. But I dont stop, instead going lower until the armhole of the top is almost at her mid belly. Then I proceeded to do the same on the other side. I skinnied the fabric up by widening the hole, thus making a good amount of Tasnova's sideboob visible. This made sure that that everyone knew that she wasn't wearing a bra at all and also exposed her sideboobs. Then I grabbed her neckline and begin to cut it off to make it longer, making suure to expose a good amount of her chest and cleavage. The Top itself at this point was barely hanging form her body. Even the slightest tension would rip it off. But that was the fun of it. Tasnova looked at her state in the mirror and was horrified. I think what scared her more was the thought of what I was planning to do with this outfit. But I didnt let her Speak too much. I ordered Prianka to og start the car as she'll be driving for now. AS she left I looked back at Tasnova " Well, what're you waiting for? start walking, we're heading out." With a deep breath, Tasnova headed out with me and we proceeded to walk towards the car. Prianka was at the front driving while I took the back seat and ordered Tasnova to join me there. As she sat down, the top she had on rose up to where it was barely covering her crotch. This made Tasnova very uncomfortable, much to my pleasure. I could see her trying to cover up her crotch by pulling on the top. As we headed out, I let the windows on both sides down in order to make sure she gets some views, which bothered her more however. Because now anyone looking at our direction will either see her cleavage if she pulls her top down to cover her crotch or the other way around. And it was obvious that neither is a result she really wanted or was looking forward to. We did get a few good looks here and there, some even double looked to confirm they say correctly. It looked like her chest was about to pop out of her clothes. But we kept to our own relative pace and avoided most of the things uptil hit. Sitting in traffic, we noticed a car next to us, where a teenager was sitting and trying to secretly stare at Tasnova. This gave me an idea. " See the k** on our left?" I asked her casually. " Yes, he's been staring at me for a while now" She answered annoyed a bit. " Flash him" I ordered. This seemed to have taken her by surprise. " What!?" She exclaimed almost as if she couldnt believe the words coming out of my mouth. " Do I really need to repeat myself?" I reply back in an annoyed tone. " Flash him, or I'll make sure your fuck him right there in the middle of hot trafic while the entire world watches" I threatened. Almost with a defeated tone, she looks at the boy this time, which gets the k** all embarassed and he looks away. "Aww, he's embarassed, make sure you smile, to get him to feel comfortable" I mockingly order her. I could almost see the sigh she lets out, before she smiles at the boy, causing him to look back at her. As he does so, I see his eyes widen and his jaw drop as tasnova pulls her top down, just enough to where her boobs pop out. I could tell, there were other people in the traffic who were looking. Like the driver right behind the car, as well as some guys next to it too. The k** almost couldnt react, just stared at probably the first pair of fresh, real tits he's ever seen. " Aww the k** likes it. Go in, jiggle them a bit, give him something to masturbate with when he goes home" I mock again. Tasnova looks down, knowing that there isnt really much she can do about the situation, moves her chest left and right, causing her boobs to jiggle along. The k** couldnt stop staring one bit. and at this point,I noticed that the driver in the k**s car was also looking through the side mirror of the car. " Can I sto now?" Tasnova asks while still flashing the k**. " Not yet" I answer as I grab a hold of her and in a move that genuinely shocked her, push her upper body out the window, making sure to get as much attention as I could. The boy was awestruch, Tasnova's boobs were literally inches away from his face. Tasnova looks back at me, " What're you doing!!!" She exclaims. I dont reply, instead signling the k** to reach out. He hesitates for a few seconds, before lowering his window and without wasting any time at all, reaching for Tasnova's boobs. I watched as he squeezed them as much as he could, sometimes softly, and other times really really hard, checking what the reaction is. After a bit of playing around, he suddenly moves his head out, and begins to suck on Tasnova's boobs. I could see Tasnova's pussy clearly inside the car, as I spank her ass hard. Almost everyone on that side of the traffic could hear her moan out and then suddenly I heard her moan very very loud. Looking out, I saw the k** was on her breasts still,probably biting at them. I move out of the way a bit, so as to give some of the people on my side a good view of her ass and pussy as i caress them. The guy next to me had a " Nice job bro" Look on his face, if only he knew. I noticed the traffic was about to lift, so I Pull Tasnova in, much to the k**s disappointment. As soon as she's inside, she covers herself up. " I mean, people already say what they needed to see, which was everything. No real point in hiding now " I mock her helplessness. Tasnova doesnt reply. She was in a weird place, i could tell. On one hand, I was publicly humiliating her, but on the other hand, based on her reactions, she was loving it. She wanted to cry, but I could see her visibly holding it back. We continued to drive, and I put my arms around her back and in her top through the arm hole, squeezing her boobs. This ofcourse got us different looks from different people on the road too. Some men looked amused and some women looked absolutely disgusted. As we kept on driving, Tasnova finally realized where we were going and that seemed to have scared her again. We were heading to our campus. I could tell Tasnova was scared, flashing random k**s is fine, as she'll never have to deal with those again, but these are people she'll be studying with for four years atleast. Any furhter humiliation would ruin her. She was visibly scared at this point. But she didnt say much about it. Aswe drove in, we noticed a group of nerds. They were the typical " Never talked to women, focus on studies" bunch with their glasses and buttoned up formal wear. They should do fine for the next bit, I though to myself. I told Prianka to stop the car near them, which she did. They seemed to be a bit taken back by this. They didnt really know how to react and just stood there. They did know of me though, whch makes sense as to why they didnt try to run, knowing it'd get them in more trouble. " Go on, seduce the three of em. Convince them to get in the car" I order Tasnova as I moved to the front passenger seat of the car. " Please, dont do this" She pleads out, for the first time instead of jst blindl following orders. She knows that if I ruin her university reputation, she'd be in hell. But ofcourse, that's something she dug or herlsef. " This could get a whole lot worse you know. With me around, these brats wont have the balls to speak, but there are others who will. So make your choice. " . I Threatened. " Please, I'll do anything you ask" She pleads one more time. " I know you will, and this is what I want right now, now start obeying before I stop feeling generous". I Threaten her. Not being able to argue with me, she takes a deep breath. Stopping the tears forming in her eyes. " and make sure to look and sound seductive, or else I'll forget about my generous offer and take you to the middle of the campus and just sell your body to the highest bidder while I see your family's reaction to you moaning like a whore getting fucked. " Tasnova at there for another moment, composing herself before opening the door and heading out. I could here her more or less clearly " Hey boys, mind gettin in the car with me for a bit?" Her attempts at being seductive werent that good and she realized that I suppose as as soon as she said that, she slightly lifted her top, exposing her pussy to the boys who were clearly taken aback by the sight of Tasnova's pussy. There were a few others in that area who almost stopped at their tracks at that sight and realizing that, Tasnova immediately dropped her top back down again. But the damage had already been done and Tasnova was already seen flashing random nerds in campus. Word of that was about to go viral soon enough. But I was sure I could prepare her before that. The boys were convinced by that little flash show it seemed. In thier mind, she was either a slut who'd fuck them, or being hazed by me, which might still end with them getting to use her. And so they didnt hesitate to get in. As all three of them got in the car, the back was full now. " It's fine, you can easily sit on one of their laps right?" Tasnova didnt like the idea of sitting on their laps however, but it's not like her emotions were going to change my decisions. She managed to squeeze in, placing herself on the left guys lap. The other two looked on in a jealous manner. They could see her side boob clearly, and even the slightest movement was making her braless tits jiggle. This had all three of them excited, but I could tell that the guy she was sitting on was in a good deal of pain. The boy was already in formal wear, and on she was directly on top of his erect dick too. " What's the matter, you seem to be in pain my friend" I ask him in a mocking manner." It's nothing, it's just, you know" he stumbles, not being able to answer properly. " AAHh, I see, see what you did to the poor boy Tasnova? You need to fix this now I'm afraid. " The other two boys stared in shock at each other as Tasnova turned around and manaed to squeeze herself between this guys legs. She noticed the bulge in his pants and she took a sigh before unzipping it and pulling his Underwear to the side. I had my camera pointed in that direction obviously. I looked on as Tasnova started to take his dick in her hand and rub it. This alone was a big deal for the boy though, who looked like he was ready to bust one right at that moment. " Boy, if you cum right now, I swear I'll make sure you leave this car without your dick" I say to him before looking at Tasnova, " And you, bitch, start usin your mouth, if a single drop gets on my car, you're in big trouble." Taking my orders to mind, tasnova put her hands on the side and started to use her mouth, sucking on the boys dick. I could tell the other two were jealous as hell. " Dont worry, you boys will get your turn too" I assure them. As I do so however, we hear the first boy moan out, effectively dropping his load on her mouth. Tasnova was caught off guard and jolted back a bit, causing some to spill. "The hell did I tell you bitch!?" Realizing what had happen, Tasnova began to panic" I'm sorry, I'll clean it up" She said out, ready to bend down and lick it all clean. But I ignore her pleas, "Prianka, drive to the corner over there and park the car" I order Prianka. She complies as Tasnova begin to panic more and more. As the car parks, I exit the car and order Tasnova to get out as well. As she does so, I grab both sides of her top's shoulder and upll them down, essentially dropping the top to the ground without tearing it up. Even though the corner we picked was relatively empty, it didnt change the fact that Tasnova was now standing in the university campus completely naked. At any moment, anyone can come around and see her in that state. She attempts to hide herself a bit as the three boys looked on. I ignored her for now, instead marching to the car again, order the boy in the middle to get out of the car, which he does so obediently. " Give me your phone" I order him. As he hands me his phone, I look it over, checking his facebook account " Only 55 friends? seriously? That's pathetic" I comment but he was too enchanted by Tasnova's naked body to say anything. I look over his messanger group to see one where there are 120 people titled " Study group" Probably the nerd's hangout place. I ask him about the group and he tells me that it's a group his frend opened to help him and a lot of others from ther universities study and discuss shit. Welp, sems like a reasonable punishment, making her put up a show for the nerds of multiple universities. " Now heres what'll happen, I'll be turning on facebook live, and in that call, you'll tell everyone how this slut from your university is going to let you fuck her cause you helped her out, got it?" I ordered, " Yes SIR" He responded. " You can do whatever you want with the slut, but you are not allowedto touch her pussy, you'll shove it up her ass, understod?" I continued, and he nodded in agreement. " Good, I'm starting. " I start the live recording and share it onto the messanger group. " Hello all my friends, My name is Mukhar, and i come live to you to let you know that I recently helped Miss Tasnova from my class with some of her papers and in return, she'll be rewarding me by letting me use her. So i decided to share this moment with you all." She says as I pan the camera towards Tasnova. She stopped covering her body, which allowed me to pan her from top to bottom, making sure everyone got a good look at her body. This immediatly increased the views of the stream, form 20 to 80 to 130 even, apparently the other nerds might b sharing the stream too. Good, I though to myself. He approached Tasnova, and began kissing her, not even considering the fact that she ust sucked another guys dick a few minutes ago. As he kissed her, he made sure to recklessly caress her body, squeezing her tits, her ass, touching her all over. The stream kept growing, almost at 200 at this point. The comments on the stream were treats on their own. Ranging from " Fuck her pussy" " Make her dance" " Show off her body" " Make the slut lick your feet" Etc. Prianka had aslo been recording the whole thing from her own phone, making sure to keep a record separate for me. After playing with Tasnova's body for a few minutes, the boy flipped her over, bending her down to her hands and knees. Positioning himself behind her, he rubs his dick against her pussy, making her moan out a bit, but as soon as he noticed my glare, he stopped and instead positioned his dick on her ass. " Be gentle please" Tasnova moans out slowly, but just clear enough to make it hearable through the stream. The comments were now filled with "Be gentle please". This was going to be interesting for her now. The boy, Mukhar, started pushing his dick in her ass, slowly at first, but when the tip was in, he couldnt hold it any longer, and proceeded to thrust his entire dick in her. Tasnova loudly moaned out, which resulted in some people near by and from the building to take a look. They themselves were shook from the sight too, but didnt say anything, instead observed as this guy proceeded to fuck Tasnova's ass. Similar to the one before him, He didnt last too long at this either, and proceeded to fill up Tasnova's ass. Tasnova seemed relatively alright, he didnt manage to do much to her, specially compared to what i did the last time I used her tight ass. The stream was going nuts. They wanted to keep going but I ended it right there. One of the passer bys approached is as Tasnova got up and began to dress up " Is everything alright here?" He asks, making sure that we were'nt r****g Tasnova. " Yeah, everythings fine, right honey?" I ask tasnova with a smile. She forces a smile back " Yes d-dear, everything's fine" She says. " See, my gf and I have these fantasies of her getting fucked by people in public, so we though we'd make those fantasies come true" I explain, embarassing her even more. " You can join in if you want" I continue, scaring Tasnova. " No, that's fine, you guys carry on I suppose" he responds and leaves. Tasnova was on the verge of tears now, as we got back in the car. I made her sit with me this time, so that the nerds didnt get horny again. Wecontinue driving until we reach an adult cafe. The cafe has two sections, the inner more secure section with private booths and the outer section. We got out of the car and proceeded to head to the outer section first. I made two of the nerds that already used her sit back with us and handed the last one a headset. " Put this on and go take a seat over there in the middle with Tasnova, I'll tell you what do. " He follows my order, taking Tasnova to the middle table, the two sit down, as though they were on a date. People didnt really look at us much, I visit the place often, with multile girls and guys, what shocked them was Tasnova and the nerd going there together. " Good, now start getting intimate with her, start slow though, touch her body, but avoid her pussy" I order again. I started to record the incident again, as I noticed that he starts plaing with tasnova. He starts by slowly rubbing her thigh, his other hand makes it's way to her boobs, squeezing and playing with them, The people were a bit taken aback by this. Some were disgusted, while others were enjoying themselves. The waiter approached them asking for an order. " Order chocolate cake" I told him, and it seemed like he complied. As the waiter left, he began playing with my toy again. Kissing and licking her neck, shoulders, cheeks, chest, like a hungry a****l. Tasnova was both uncomfortable and turned on buy this. He kept it going until the waiter brought the cake to them. They were small pastry sized cakes. As the waiter left, I ordered again " Good, now pull her top down again. expose those tits then take the cake and start smothering it all over her chest and boobs. " He looked at me as if to confirm if that's what i said before grabbing her shoulders and pulling her top down, exposing her tits to the entire cafe. There were gasps and murmers all around me. Tasnova couldnt process it in time as he began covering her tits with chocolate cake. " Push her down on the table, get on top of her and begin licking the chocolate off her tits and chest" As I said so, he did exactly that. Pushing her on top of the table, he began sucking on her tits, at first simply to lick off the chocolate, but soon after it changed to him just enjoying her body. He was licking and sucking on her tits, holding her arms wel above her head, he continued to feast on her. His crotch kept rubbing against Tasnova's thighs and he licked her chest, armpits, belly, before going back to sucking on her tits again. The constant rubbing had also exposed her pussy too. Leaving Tasnova more or less open to the entire cafe. This went on for a few minutes before the waiter showed up " Excuse me sir, this is the private area, If you want, I could show you to one of the personal booths" He offered. " Take the offer" I replied and he did exactly that. As they began to move in, I grabbed Prianka and followed through. The moment we entered the private booth, i pushed Tasnova on the table, with her ass up in the air " Go ahead, drop your load in." I allowed him. Without hesitating one bit, he brought his dick out and began to push it in her ass, which was already lubricated by the last guys cum. He easily push in and began thrusting in her ass, making her moan out again. He didnt take long however, as he also dropped all his load in her ass and collasped on top of her. I stopped the recording and pushed him off of my toy. " Seems the boys still have some fuel in their tank, you want a piece Prianka?" I ask her as she smiles and leads the boys away to a separate room. Tasnova just layed there, exausted and a bit sore from all the action, but still not being allowed to cum. I flip her over on her back, before slowly moving on top of her. I grab one breast with one hand and begin to slowly finger her with the other. " So, how'd it feel? taking four different guys cum today?" I ask her. She doesnt answer, instead just looks away. "It's alright, I'm not all that cruel, I'll let you enjoy the last round" I Say before unzipping my pants. Bringing out my dick one more time, I begin to rub my dick against her pussy. That's the advantage of doing this little experiment. By the end of the day, her pussy is still fresh for me. I could see her biting her lips, almost as though she was hoping I fucked her at last. The entire days m*****ing and ass fucking did leave her craving for dick I suppose. I stopped teasing her and began pushing my dick in her pussy. She was already soaking wet by this point, which was good for me as it made it easier for me to fuck her. I kept on thrusting inside her, hearing her moan out with each thrust. Tasnova had subcontiously wrapped her arms around my neck, which made me proceed to thrust harder until I felt her body tighten up. It was exactly what she was waiting for all day. She had finally orgasmed. Her arms fell to the side as she layed there almost motionlessly, only moaning to my thrusts. This was it, I wanted her to feel like this. I wanted her to break, to consider if she was actually a slut. And while the full transformation would take more time, this was the perfct start. I proceeded to fuck her faster and harder before ultimately filling her up myself. As I pulled out, I had to admire my work for a few seconds. Tasnova was collapsed on the table, her body wet from her and my sweat, her pussy and ass leaking cum. This was truely a work of art. I set my camera to the side and called over the waiter to pay him the money for the food and the two booths. As I payed him off, I say him glimpsing at Tasnova. He looked away though when he realized that I caught him. I laughed a bit " Alright, here's the deal, as a tip, how about you go a round on the little slut too, as long as you agree to wear a condom" He looked at me and nodded " Thank you sir" He said before going into the booth. I let him have his privacy for now, I'll be able to check out the work later on easily. I head over to Prianka's booth, to find her sitting on one of the boys dick, effectiely riding him while she sucks on the 2nd ones dick and rubs the 3rd guys one with her hand. Overall, this was a pretty successful day. I though to myself, before begining to plan for the next day.

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Tracey’s Ordeal at the LodgeBy: Jake OliveIf you have any comments please feel free to email me at [email protected] sat comfortably in her luxurious white robe while the makeup girl painstakingly applied her work to Tracey‘s face. She could hardly wait to take the stage for the triumph that she had so undoubtedly earned from the lodge. It would be one of her proudest nights and she could hardly wait to give her big speech to the assembly of men at the lodge.It had all started a little...

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Sisters Fate Emilys Ordeal

With all of that - here is part two. Emily’s Ordeal Rosalyn went to bed early that night, by 11pm she was sound asleep hoping that a good night’s rest would help ease her pains and also give her some clarity as to what she was going to do about Billy and his friends. There was no way they were going to get away with this! A sound night of sleeping wasn’t in the cards though. Billy came to her room around 2am. His parents had long since gone to bed and were fast asleep. Billy pulled...

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Violas Mechanical Ordeal

Viola’s Mechanical Ordeal Viola had been corresponding with Lydia who she met on the internet. Now she had agreed to meet her in person. She rang the bell of the small house. A middle aged woman with dark red hair answered the door. She greeted Viola with a heavy Russian accent."Hello Viola. I am Lydia. It is very nice to finally meet you in person. I am so glad you could come by and help us out.".“I am glad to help. So, tell me more about this new product you are testing?" Viola asked“Well my...

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Joanies Ordeal

I love taking long, baths. The feeling of warm soapy water embracing my young body, floating weightless and care free.This time was no different, I allowed myself to space out, submerged my head under water for a few seconds, holding my breath as I let my mind wander off. Pleasant flashbacks from last night began to surface and sent tingling sensations all over my body, concentrating between my legs. I reached down and slowly massaged my tender clit.I was sitting in my boyfriend's car outside...

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Davids Ordeal under Hen Party skirts

David’s Ordeal************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan September 2005The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************LADIES NIGHT OUT......... David was having a quiet drink in a local club one...

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Joanies Ordeal

I love taking long, baths. The feeling of warm soapy water embracing my young body, floating weightless and care free. This time was no different, I allowed myself to space out, submerged my head under water for a few seconds, holding my breath as I let my mind wander off. Pleasent flashbacks from last night began to surface and sent tingling sensations all over my body, concentrating between my legs. I reached down and slowly massaged my tender clit. I was sitting in my boyfriend's car...

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Ordeal and Acceptance BDSM

Robert was late getting to the club. He hated being late anytime, but particularly this time, because he'd agreed to be part of the show. He hoped he hadn't missed his chance.The week before, the club's owner and dungeon master had announced that a pair of well-known, experienced Dommes would be visiting from out of town to give demonstrations. They needed volunteers to take some heavy punishment. The owner had been very clear that the visitors would administer intense pain and lots of...

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Miss Blossoms Ordeal

Miss Blossom’s Ordeal        ?Well, well, what have we here??        Linda Blossom knew that voice.  It was the voice of Mark Conrad, the insuperable little creep from Information Management who had asked her out on a date last week.  If offering to buy her dinner and ?fuck her into next Wednesday? could be considered a request for a date.        When she’d seen him last week, his face had inspired only disgust and contempt in her, along with a sharp twinge of unacknowledged fear at the...

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A Ukrainian Prostitutes Ordeal in Bangkok

A Ukrainian Prostitute?s Ordeal in BangkokHelena and the other Ukrainian prostitutes were dressed up in sexy lacy lingerie and wearing their coats, street walking and offering themselves to both local and foreign men for many many Baht (Thailand?s currency).The prostitutes were standing by a pavement while their pimp stood by them. Helena?s pimp was an Armenian named Giovanni. He had thick black hair and swarthy features, and it was he who brought all of them to Thailand, a country in South...

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A Russian Ordeal in Mongolia

A  Russian Ordeal in MongoliaBy  Helena  Aranatovya(e-mail me at [email protected])  ;)Author's Note:This is the first time I am sending a story to Kristen Archives. I have read so many stories written by many people and I must say that I have come to enjoy them.  I then thought maybe perhaps it is my turn to write and contribute an erotic story of my own to this great websiteTHE STORY:Natasha was a beautiful Moscovite Redhead. At the age of 35,  she had a beautiful 18 year old...

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Frau Greta Von Yurts Gestapo Ordeal

GESTAPO SS-LIEUTENANT Hans Von Yurt stood at ramrod stiff attention before the desk of his Commandant, SS-Oberf ührer Otto Stemp and watched and listened as the man ranted and raved, banging his fist on the desk for emphasis. He had rarely seen the man this angry. So far, SS-Lieutenant Von Yurt had no idea why the man was yelling at him about some traitorous woman who had sided with the Jews. The SS-Oberf ührer soon corrected that lack of his knowledge in the conversation. "THE...

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Poker WifeChapter 9 Lisas Three Day Ordeal with Andy Scott

It was Saturday morning, Lisa had been admitted to the hospital and was undergoing some minor cosmetic surgery at this time. As Danielle walked up to James Kelly, she said "You should take a look at this." handing him the tape and the scrap of paper from Lisa's purse. Danielle then bent over, and began to unzip his trousers. "Put this in the machine first, my dear." he said, handing her the video. She stood up, took the tape, turned around, and while shaking her ass in his face, put...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The ordeal of Katheryn Wynnick

The sun started to break between the thin opening in the curtains of the hotel room. The bright rays shone right on the beautiful face of Katheryn Winnick, tangled in wavy blond hair. The brightness and warmth of the sun rays slowly woke her from her sleep as she stretched out and brushed her hair out of her face. She rolled on her back facing the ceiling of her modest hotel room and tried to remember what she had to do that day. “Ah yeah. Gotta catch my plane this afternoon.” she said with a...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

4 years ago
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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 18 Set up for another ordeal

"I'll wring the bastard's neck. I'll squeeze his balls until he squeals," I fumed as I dragged Roger up the stairs into Government House. Sumala followed at a discrete distance. Ignoring Shelumba I barged straight into Major Entembe's office. He looked up in surprise but before he could open his mouth, I started, "I didn't think that even you could be such a cruel bastard. Treating us like animals! Why? Haven't you made us suffer enough? First you make us walk all the way there and...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Clothesline Leather in Lawnville

Clothesline[This story is part of the Leather in Lawnville series.]   Clothesline By DuskPetersonYou can tell a lot about a guy from where he shops. Take my friends, who have specialized tastes. Some of them spend their time at the hardware store, while others take an interest in our town's fabric shop, which has needles and pins that make them drool. Still others hang out at the department store, eyeing the cutlery collection. Somehow all of us end up rubbing shoulders at the town's jacket...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

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Thevidiya Thangaiyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sontha thangaiyai epadi oothen endra kudumba tamil kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar prathap vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangi irukiraal aval peyar mala vayathu 26 aagugirathu, avaluku innum thirumanam seiya vilai Avaluku thirumanam seithu vaikum alavirku engal idam ipozhuthu panam ilai, loan apply seithu atharkaaga kathukondu irukirom. Naan oru kama veriyan eppozhuthu pen kidaikum avargalai...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 2 Chapter 4 The Mages Ordeal

Book Two: Magic's Clash Chapter Four: The Mage's Ordeal By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Fireeyes – Southern Edge of the Deorc Forest, The Kingdom of Valya I smiled as I watched my fire, witnessing what the wyvern's saw dancing amid the red-orange tongues. My three wyvern slaves had tracked down Angela and her party. The first wyvern dived at the naked Angela. She was a ravishing creature: red hair, large breasts, flawless skin, tall and sexy. She stood over the bound form of the...

2 years ago
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This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, THEN YOU SHOULDN'T BE READING THIS!!!!! WESLEY CRUSHER’S PAINFUL ORDEAL WITH THE KLINGONS DEEP SPACE 7 – 09:00 HRS: Wesley Crusher woke up in the morning with his hard five-inch dick along with his hairless balls sticking out of the leg opening of his tight white briefs. He’d gotten accustomed to wearing nothing but his underwear in bed and walking around their...

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Wesley Crushers Painful Ordeal with the Klingons

WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This work is copyrighted to the author ? 2009. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your...

3 years ago
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The Ordeal

Again I can't take the credit for this one.The OrdealIt was the Friday night after Thanksgiving one year ago tonight. Like many people who do self-bondage, I had been planning this for some time. I had discussed certain aspects of my bondage with a friend who lives across town. We discussed how she'd like to find me, in what position and what she would like for me to be wearing. I sent her a checklist with choices for 1) position 2) what kind of gag 3) clips, if any 4) other torture items to be...

3 years ago
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The Ordeal

The Ordeal Janet Stickney [email protected] Mike, Kevin, and I grew up together, and we were almost like brothers. Mike was the one with the wild imagination and our practical joker. Kevin was a little less crazy, and always did what Mike wanted to. I was the follower. I usually went along with them, rarely voicing any concerns. That's how I ended up this way. All of us were 15 when it all fell on our heads. Mike is tall and husky, blond hair and blue eyes; Kevin is the...

2 years ago
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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 20 The Birthing Clinic

"How did the rest of your stay there go?" Riku asked, "I read the part you wrote today and that seemed pretty traumatic." We'd arrived back late the previous day. Shelumba told us the Major was rather annoyed as he'd sent a proper car for us but that had perforce to go via the cablecar station and the dirt road to the camp. We'd made an early start and had turned off that road on to the contour track before the car reached us. "The Major wanted to see you before he went away for a...

2 years ago
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Introduction: The misfortunes and misadventures of Ensign Wesley Crusher WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, THEN YOU SHOULDNT BE READING THIS!!!!!   WESLEY CRUSHERS PAINFUL ORDEAL WITH THE KLINGONS   DEEP SPACE 7 09:00 HRS: Wesley Crusher woke up in the morning with his hard five-inch dick along with his hairless balls sticking out of the leg opening of his tight white briefs. Hed gotten...

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The Murder of Sharon Weathers Slut Extraordinaire

My name is Rebecca. Everyone calls me Becca. I entered the police department right out of college. I progressed rapidly, through different divisions and assignments. I always had my eyes set on Robbery-Homicide and after six years of hard word and dedication, I finally made it. At age thirty, I was youngest female in the division for such a coveted assignment, but I was superb at my job. I made it because of my skill not my gender. It was Saturday. Dispatch called our number just after we had...


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