Dirverted to Tumali
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Our Ordeal in Tumali
?You really are a cunning, conniving and unscrupulous bastard Ted Sullivan, I?m glad that I?m a civil servant at the Foreign Office and not a reporter on your staff. How could you be so cruel as to send two innocent young people to a country in the middle of nowhere knowing they will be raped and tortured? Sacrificing them to the god of money. ?
Our Ordeal in Tumali
by obohobo
Please take note!
The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only.
MF MM NC. Spanking Inter Preg
If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.
This is a novel length (about 72,500 words) work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental. The ideas and thoughts that follow are pure fantasies.? In real life, at the very least they would be unpleasant and probably illegal. Fantasies are like that; daydreams where we can contemplate and imagine the sensations without suffering or inflicting the pain, despair or humiliation.
Tumali is a product of my imagination and is not an enclave of Malawi.
Copyright 2007
Our Ordeal in Tumali
Chapter one. Elaine
Chapter two. Arrested
Chapter three. In prison
Chapter four. Sexually examined
Chapter five. Interview with the Major
Chapter six. Sentenced
Chapter seven. Punished
Chapter eight. Our roles defined
Chapter nine. We start work
Chapter ten. I see the whipping post again
Chapter eleven. Roger?s report
Chapter twelve. Raped
Chapter thirteen. The festival
Chapter fourteen. My pregnancy confirmed
Chapter fifteen. The journey to Neambu
Chapter sixteen. I punish Roger
Chapter seventeen. Allaice?s story
Chapter eighteen. Set up for another ordeal
Chapter nineteen. Mummy Boy Camp welcome
Chapter twenty. The Birthing Clinic
Chapter twenty-one. Roger deflowers a virgin
Chapter twenty-two. In prison
Chapter twenty-three. Home and back?
?You really are a cunning, conniving and unscrupulous bastard Ted Sullivan, I?m glad that I?m a civil servant at the Foreign Office and not a reporter on your staff. How could you be so cruel as to send two innocent young people to a country in the middle of nowhere knowing they will be raped and tortured? Sacrificing them to the god of money. ? Despite the words, there was a smile on Peter Spencer?s face.
?They will neither be raped nor tortured in my country,? Colonel Nubaro replied with mock outrage, ?There is no such thing as rape for people of their age in Tumali; all women when they get to child bearing age are available for insemination by any male. And we do not torture people. We use corporal punishments, that is true. Wrongdoers get chastised with a strap or cane or even the whip where appropriate to their crime but we do not consider that torture. It is a far better system than incarcerating them in prisons for long periods. And more economic too.?
?From what I?ve heard Colonel, the chastisements are pretty severe by our standards and are carried out in public with the victims stripped naked.?
?I cannot help it if the standards in this country are low Peter and we believe that everyone should see that justice has been carried out and the criminal does not have any hidden protection under his or her garments. The people of Tumali accept that and it certainly helps to keep our crime rate down. Besides, it is part of our culture, our heritage and our beliefs; almost a religion. Do you really think they will fall for this false document giving them diplomatic immunity Ted??
?They?re both shy and pretty na?ve, the boy especially so, and I suspect they?re both virgins Colonel??
?They certainly won?t be when they return and, unless there is something wrong with her internals, the girl will be pregnant,? the Colonel interrupted and all three men laughed.
?The trip might help their careers too,? Ted went on, ?They are excellent writers, which from their college records is why I took them on, but they don?t have the get-up-and-go that a reporter needs to winkle out information. Roger particularly wants things handed to him on a plate and someone to wipe his nose. He?s great at manipulating images on the computer so much of the time, I have him doing the artwork for the magazines. She?s a little better and is generally the leader of the pair but is still rather shy. They?ve produced some great stories but not when they?ve had to do interviews or investigations. My guess is that they will be very reluctant to go but I will hint that their jobs are on the line so even if they are unsure about the document, they?ll go.?
For a while longer the men sat around a table at the exclusive London club where Peter Spencer was a member. ?Well it looks like you two get more out of it than I will,? Peter remarked. ?Ted gets an inside story exclusive for Today?s World that could run for several months and he?ll make a packet using the material on the underground DVD?s he produces, you Colonel get the publicity that should attract the kind of white girls you?d like to breed for the light coloured babies that you sell but I just get to have a few girls when I negotiate their release.?
?But the negotiations could be protracted,? laughed the Colonel, ?And I?ll try and arrange for you to have young ones that are just coming to breeding age and are not already pregnant.?
Chapter one. Elaine
?Will Roger and Elaine come into my office straightaway please.? We both looked at each other when the announcement came over the Tannoy but stopped what we were doing. Roger shrugged his shoulders as if to ask what was up and I guess most of the others in the offices wondered too because they looked questioningly at us as we walked by their desks.
?What do you know about Tumali?? Ted asked when we stood nervously in front of his desk.
?Not a lot Chief,? Roger admitted, ?Small country in central Africa.?
?It?s not really a country in its own right and yet they claim it is. It is more like a self governing state or enclave within Malawi, if I remember correctly sir,? I said. He nodded and I went on, ?I don?t really know much either sir, but I believe a tribe took over an area of what was then Nyasaland when it was part of our empire and declared independence long before Malawi itself became independent. Because of the mountainous terrain and its remoteness we were never able to oust them and eventually more or less left them alone. I think there is a degree of cooperation between Malawi and Tumali now and a general agreement to respect the Tumali borders. A General ran the country for some years but he died and now his son has taken over. Most other countries don?t recognise them and I believe there are human rights issues but as I said sir, I know little enough about the place.?
?That?s a start anyway. Stop whatever else you are working on, and see what other information you can find on the country, its people, culture and stuff like that. Find out also how you can get there, flight times etc and what you will need in the way of jabs and medicals etc. Report back to me after lunch.?
?Are you going to be sending us there Chief?? Roger asked. I could hear the quaver in his voice and I too had a nasty feeling we were going to be sent there.
?We?ll see,? our editor replied noncommittally, ?Get the information and report back this afternoon. Now git.?
As our research progressed, Roger and I became more and more apprehensive of going there, me particularly and over lunch we discussed whether or not we should refuse to go if the assignment was offered to us. ?At this stage in our careers Elaine, I don?t think we dare refuse,? Roger pointed out, ?Not unless we plan to become novelists instead of journalists.? I knew he was right. It was a major assignment and if we turned it down, it would be most unlikely we?d ever advance our work and our job on Today?s World might be terminated. Both of us had flats we needed to pay rent on and other credit commitments that required regular payments.
At three that afternoon we printed our report and Roger handed it to me to present to Ted. I knew he was more nervous about such things than even I was and I guessed I would be the one fielding the questions.
?Sit down please,? Ted invited and I knew then we were in for a long session and my suspicion was confirmed when he told the switchboard to hold all calls for him. ?Well Elaine?? I tried to hand him the report but he just said, ?Give me the main points for now. I?ll read it later.?
Tumali is a small country in the northernmost part of Malawi. Most maps do not actually show it because officially it is part of Malawi. It is roughly circular in shape about 30 miles in diameter but the boundaries are irregular and convoluted to conform to the mountains. It is surrounded on all sides by steep cliffs and impenetrable rain forest, which is why it has been able to keep its independence. There is a small airfield and fairly regular flights from Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi. Some goods come in by steamer along Lake Nyasa and up the Songwe River and are taken by cable car from the dock to a small station at the top and then by road to Chapoti which is the main town in Tumali.?
?Okay, that the travel guide bit, what about the people??
?It?s a very feudal system sir, with General Cumu as the head of state with supreme powers. The people are more like serfs especially the women.? I blushed at this point and looked down at my notes. ?The women or more or less baby producers sir and see it as their duty to keep themselves pregnant.? I paused and read from my report, ?Ten days after having her third menstrual period, the belt she wears to indicate that she is not ready for breeding is removed and she is taken to a communal area where she selects several men who impregnate her one after the other. In the following days any men who desire to do so may continue to impregnate her when work and other duties allow. No girls are allowed to refuse and indeed, if the web site is to be believed, it seems that they want it and continue to have sex with many men even when well pregnant. The babies are sold sir! Would you believe that is their main export! I don?t think I would wish to be part of that society sir.?
I must have looked very flushed because he turned to Roger. ?Did you find out about travel arrangements and medicals??
?Yes Chief,? he answered, ?We have to have a full medical certificate and blood tests for AIDS and STD?s as well as a visa to permit entry. For obvious reasons they don?t allow anyone into the country who is not medically clean. Very few visa?s are ever issued so there?s no tourist trade.? We?d both hoped that a visa would be denied to us if we were asked to go.
?Have you passports?? We?d both been on a college trip to France so I nodded. ?Book yourselves into a private clinic for the tests and get them done as soon as possible. My guess it will take a week for the results to come through and as soon as you can, book flights to Tumali. I had lunch with Colonel Nubaro at the weekend and already have visas for you and a special document that gives you a sort of diplomatic immunity. Colonel Nubaro is deputy to General Cumu who, as you now know, is head of Tumali. The Colonel is over here to try and obtain some aid and get diplomatic recognition for Tumali but he doesn?t seem to have been successful in either respect.?
?Do?do we really have to go sir?? I stuttered.
?No of course not but I would have thought it could be a good start to your careers. You are only going to have to stay there for a couple of weeks or so and report on what you see. Roger will be with you. I wouldn?t send a girl alone to a place like that but I did want someone who could write about it from a feminine point of view. Colonel Nubaro told me much of what you found out at lunch, and when I expressed fears about your safety, he gave me the certificate.?
We had several more briefings with our editor. ?Talk to the girls and find out what they feel about being sexually subservient to men, find out what they feel when they have to give up their babies, find out who buys them. Roger you will do the same from a man?s point of view. Fortunately english has been the common language for all the tribes in the area since colonial times and almost everyone speaks it or a version that you should understand.
The clinic tests were straightforward and the female doctor when we went for the results and certificates, suggested that I start taking a contraceptive pill. ?You never know what might happen when you get there and seeing all the barely clad women might raise your colleague?s hormones to a level he won?t be able to resist you,? she told me.
I was not overly concerned that Roger might become aroused and try to rape me particularly as there had been very little indication so far that he was even interested in me that way. We?d been in the same class at college and we?d worked together for the last eight months but never had he asked me out on a date. Several times I thought he might ask, but each time he clammed up. Often at night I wondered what it would be like to have him in bed with me but both of us were too shy to broach the subject or even hint at it. To my mind it was more probable that it would be the natives that did the raping even if we did have diplomatic immunity.
Chapter two. Arrested
Two days later we flew London to Amsterdam and on to Lilongwe where we boarded a forty-seat Tumali Airways plane to Chapoti. Although the plane was full, only four other women were on the flight, all of African origin. I was very nervous but if anything Roger was more so. We held hands; that was almost a first for us. Although we?d been though college together, neither of us went out much or attended parties, so we didn?t really get to know each other until graduation and we both had honours degrees. It came as a great surprise when we met again at the interviews for jobs on Today?s World and as newbies on the staff we were together quite a lot. I quite liked him but he always seemed very insecure and wanting to be mothered. We were both teased over our relationship but it didn?t make any difference. Now we were being thrown together in a country where intimate sexual relationships were the norm and I constantly wondered if that would change our association with each other.
?We are now crossing into Tumali airspace, please fasten your seat belts.? The pilot?s voice came over the loudspeaker.
The Tumalian stewardess came to me and I was shocked to notice that her blouse was completely undone and her breasts were in full view. Roger? eyes popped wide open. ?Ma?am,? she said quietly, ?Women in this country are expected to show their breasts at all times. May I suggest that it would be wise for you do so now, before we enter the terminal building?? This was something I?d seen on the web site but deemed that surely could only apply to native women, not white guests invited into their country. Invited, so I?d been told, by the country?s second in command.
I turned and noticed that the other women had opened their blouses and some sort of cup on the underside supported their breasts and thrust them forward. They seemed proud of them or perhaps it was the sapphire coloured broach that nestled just above their cleavage they wanted to show. I decided, I just couldn?t bare mine. ?No,? I replied as forcefully as I could, ?We are visitors and I have diplomatic immunity from Colonel Nubaro.?
A look of disbelief crossed stewardess? face. ?If you say so ma?am. On your head be it but I would strongly advise you to conform to our rules. It can be painful if you don?t.? Deliberately I crossed my arms over my chest and she went away. We knew from our researches that Tumali women went around like the native Africans of former days as a protest against the white colonialists and missionaries, but I was certain that it shouldn?t apply to me especially as I had Colonel Nubaro?s indemnity document.
While we waited in a small room for our bags to be hand delivered to us from the plane I took the opportunity to look around at the others in the terminal building. Every female did indeed have their breasts exposed, even those too old to have more than sagging sacks. Others looked at us. We were definitely the centre of attention but I put that down to our being white and foreigners and I gathered from the staff at Lilongwe that foreigners travelling to Tumali were a rare commodity. No doubt too, my very fair skin and long blonde hair made me even more conspicuous.
The first hint of trouble came when we presented our documents to a uniformed official. First he didn?t like the fact that I went first, then when he?d examined Roger? papers said loudly, ?Woman you are in Tumali now, bare your tits!? All eyes turned on me as I tried to explain that I had diplomatic immunity. He threw the paper back at me. ?There is no such thing as diplomatic immunity here, we only have diplomatic relations with North Korea. Colonel Nubaro doesn?t involve himself in such things, the document it a fake that you have concocted. You obey our laws or suffer the consequences.? At this point surprisingly Roger tried to come to my aid but the disturbance brought a senior officer to us and after a few cursory questions called to four nearby guards to arrest us.
By this time I was very angry as well as nervous and protested loudly. The man took it calmly and smiling through gleaming white teeth ordered, ?Guards, strip them both and take them to the punishment area. We cannot have the British thinking they can do what they like with us again.? I struggled and Roger protested but, outnumbered by powerful men, soon we both stood naked and cuffed in front of all the people in the concourse. I blushed the deepest red from the utter humiliation and I think it was almost matched by Roger?s colour. It was the first time we?d seen each other naked and the first time I?d had even a hint of what his prick looked like.
By this time I?d given up complaining and through my sobs started pleading but was curtly told to ?Shut up and sit down.? We sat on what we knew from its sturdiness and the straps was the punishment bench while the officer opened our cases and bags and in front of everyone examined their contents. All my bras and knickers were confiscated, as were Roger? underpants. ?These are illegal items and must not be worn here.? Turning to a girl cleaner standing watching, he ordered, ?Lift your skirt Malu.? She did so immediately and lifted her skirt as high as it would go and proudly showed her bare pubis and her obviously well pregnant stomach.
A cry from one of the guards searching my hand luggage gave a shout, ?Look what I?ve found sir.? He held up my pack of contraceptive pills.
?Illegal drugs. Didn?t they tell you that no form of contraception is allowed here? Didn?t you read the forms you signed to get your visa?? Again I tried to explain about the immunity and he fact the visas had been granted without us having to apply for them, but no one took any notice. By now I was crying and desperately wanting to be home again but I couldn?t see that happening unless this Colonel Nubaro came by personally. ?You will have to go court and be tried for this offence. That?s probably a whipping offence and I don?t have enough authority for that.?
?Whipping offence? Birth control pills a whipping offence?? Our researches had found pictures of whipping posts and of people being punished on the Tumali web site but they were all small jpg?s that didn?t show much detail. I almost passed out at the thought and then wondered if the court would take notice of the certificate that now seemed so worthless.
?And I?ve found these in his luggage,? another guard shouted. To my surprise he held up a pack of Mates.
Never would I have believed that Roger would have the nerve to buy condoms but with whom did he expect to use them? Me? The natives? Must be me, from our researches we knew Tumalian women wanted to be pregnant. I guessed we would be in real trouble now. Roger just tried to hide his face in shame.
?More for the court to deal with,? the officer went on and again turned his attention to m. ?However, I can deal directly with the other offences; the bringing in of banned items of clothing, refusal to bare your tits; causing disruption to our services and then showing us a fraudulent document. As it is your first time and possibly can claim partial ignorance of our ways, I?ll be lenient and sentence you, Elaine Eves to just twelve strokes of the strap. It is with some regret that I will not be allowed to fuck you afterwards. Someone high up has forbidden it until the court decides whether that is allowed.?
?NO! No Noooo!? I protested. Roger tried to intervene too but the clapping and laughter from the crowd drowned what he said. In any case he had his own fate to worry about.
?Roger Hart, you too tried to smuggle in banned items of clothing and contraceptives but worse than that, you failed to control the woman you brought with you. You allowed her to disregard our laws and traditions. Therefore I sentence you to the same punishment. This punishment will be carried out immediately in front of the witnesses here and afterwards you will be chained together and taken to a holding cell until such time as a court can be convened to try you for the drug smuggling and contraceptive offences. Fasten him and bring me the strap.?
My body started to sag into the arms of the guards holding me as I watched Roger, crying pitifully, being manhandled into place and fastened securely to the bench. For the moment I was more concerned with our expected punishment than the guard squeezing my breasts but there seemed nothing I could do to prevent either. A girl arrived with the strap, smiled and handed it to the officer. ?My God, that will kill us!? I screamed at the sight of the broad strip of leather but that only caused the crowd to erupt in more laughter but I was passed caring.
The officer turned to me and with a huge smile showed it to my face. ?Lovely isn?t it? Thick but well oiled and supple, just the thing to teach you British people how to behave. It will be a delight to make you really squeal but in this country men take priority, even a gutless one like the wailing specimen ready for it down there.?
Through tear filled eyes I saw his arm lift and then the blur as the dreadful belt descended across poor Roger?s buttocks. I heard him yell but it was almost drowned by the laughter and clapping from the crowd. Again it rose and fell, again with the same accompaniment. Roger?s screams suddenly ceased and his body went limp. He?d passed out after only two strokes. Jeers followed as he was brought round and the punishment continued but thrice more it had to be stopped while he was revived. Even through the dread of knowing it was soon to be my turn, I felt a bit sorry for Roger when the crowd hissed and booed at his poor showing.
My mind reeled at the horror of it all and my body started to fade away too just from the sight of Roger?s bottom but strong arms gripped me under the armpits until it was my turn on the dreaded bench. They may not have been allowed to have sex with me but they certainly felt my opening and mauled my breasts as they fastened me down but I could do nothing to stop them. Out of the corner of my eye as I pulled against my bonds, I noticed Roger, crying like a baby, was being held where he could watch. Then I heard the swish and felt the tremendous pain and the fire that flashed through my body to my poor brain. I yelled just as loudly as Roger had done and like him, it was greeted with applause from the onlookers.
Crack! The belt landed a second and a third time and each time the pain seemed greater. I didn?t believe that I could take twelve like that but I did so without passing out. Vaguely I remember being lifted to my feet to more applause but it was a little while before I could stand and then we were taken to a small office the officer produced a pair of plastic cuffs connected by about two feet of chain. One cuff was fastened to my right wrist and the other to Roger?s left.
A girl brought our shoes and put them on for us but we were not given any of our other clothing. ?Take them to the holding cells,? the officer ordered, ?But keep your pricks in your trousers. For some reason, a higher authority has forbidden it and in any case you are on duty. Maybe they want first chance. Ours is not to question why.?
Slowly and painfully we trudged along a stony track for what seemed like a mile but was really only half that distance, to what we assumed was the prison block. The guards were in no hurry and fortunately the sun was partially obscured by clouds due to the time of year and especially because of the altitude so we didn?t have to worry about sunburn; it was more the stares and jibes from people who we passed. Few would have seen a white person before and certainly not a naked couple chained and stumbling along with their backsides looking horribly red and sore. I tried to hold my head up but it was difficult to keep up the pose of being proud and British. Somewhere along the way, my hand felt Roger?s and it seemed easier to walk like that rather than keep pulling on our connecting chain. Neither of us talked much but every so often when we stumbled or the pain just seemed to be too severe, we let out a cry. Even at that time Roger seemed more of a baby than I was and moaned and cried for much of the way. Eventually we came to a walled compound and were let in through a heavy wooden gate.
Chapter three. In prison
?What is going to happen to us?? I asked the elderly officer with sergeant stripes at the desk. Roger still wept bitterly and had an arm around me for support so I knew I would have to be the one to ask. He looked me up and down in a leering way and halting his gaze at my blonde pubic hair for what seemed an age, causing me more embarrassment, and wrote our names in a book then sifted through a pile of papers and read a sheet of an email. ?You?re to be kept chained together and no one is to fuck you until you?ve been interviewed.? He stared at my mound again and I tried to cover it with my free hand but one of the men who?d brought us, pulled it away. ?Pity,? the desk sergeant commented, ?I would have liked to have seen if a white cunt was any different to a black one and that wimp boy of yours doesn?t look as if he has enough meat to satisfy a woman.?
Roger gave an embarrassed cry and he too blushed. His penis was the only one I?d seen and it looked big enough to me. ?Who is going to interview us and when?? I asked hoping it would be someone like Colonel Nubaro who could sort this whole mess out and let us go.
?Don?t know lady. Could be tomorrow, could be the day after because tomorrow?s a holiday. Could be one of the top men but it doesn?t say. The email came from the government office though. Read it.?
He tossed the paper to me. It told me no more than he had until I noticed that it was timed some three hours or so earlier. We?d been in the air on our way from Lilongwe then. ?This must all have been planned in advance,? I thought and passed the sheet to Roger who only glanced at it and handed it back to the sergeant.
?Cell five.? A warder took us through two sets of locked doors to a row of iron-barred cells that looked as if they?d seen service in a B western movie. I quickly noticed that only the back wall was solid and all the separating walls were open bars; we could see the other inmates and they could see us. We would have no privacy at all.
?Make yourselves at home,? the warder grinned and gave my tender bottom what he deemed a gentle pat but which made me squeal again. The door slammed shut and I heard the key turn noisily in the lock. It was all too much. I wept. Roger put his arms around me but they were of little comfort, he was crying too and the way he held me meant his face was in my breasts and it was more a case of me comforting him. We sat gingerly on the hard bed despairing of ever getting out.
?No need to cry Missie, I?ve something here that will cheer you up.? I turned and saw a local man kneeling on the bed in the next cell with his prick out and offering it to me through the bars. It was fully hard and much larger than Roger?s. I turned away, horrified. ?You won?t be so choosy tomorrow Missie, not after you?ve been fucked a dozen or more times. When they unlock the cell doors, you?ll have to submit yourself to us. That?s the law. Mummy?s boy there won?t protect you and that tiny worm of his won?t give you much satisfaction. No doubt you?re here for a good whipping too and then the screws will make good use of your cunt. Afterwards, if they haven?t thrown me out, Sumala here will then get a turn at you. ?
Roger?s wailing increased and I joined in for a while but gradually all my tears dried up and I started to take in my surroundings. Like a baby at his mother?s breast, Roger had wormed his way inside my arms and was sobbing and I could feel the wetness dribbling down my cleavage. At that point I thought that he might even attempt to suck my nipples, but he made no attempt to do so. Looking down at him, I realised what the man in the next room said, wasn?t too far off the truth. Roger was a big baby and if there was to be a way out of our situation, I would be the one to find it. He would follow and pretend to help, much as he had always done in the office although never before had we been in situations as dire as this. Whether it was my closeness or some smell from my breasts, or for some reason I didn?t understand, Roger had an erection. It was indeed smaller than the one next door but, because it was Roger?s, it seemed to disgust me more. ?He should be able to control himself,? I reasoned, ?Whereas you can?t expect that from natives who are used to getting their wicked way with women.? My experience with men at that time was such that I argued, ?He?s the one still crying and yet I am the one who is going to be raped. They can?t rape him.? Despite all my mental arguments against it, I did find myself becoming a little wet between my legs. I partly blamed the warmth from my strapped bottom but I guess the sight of the black prick added to the feeling.
Pushing Roger away, I looked around and tried to assess our situation. The cell was about ten feet square with a stainless steel washbasin, mirror and toilet at one end, all completely open and on view to everyone, and a single bed along one of the open barred walls. No sheets, but one end of the mattress was padded and raised to serve as a bolster type of pillow. No privacy whatsoever, even when we washed or used the toilet. Each cell was a mirror image of its neighbour so next door?s bed, Sumala?s bed, was right alongside ours. Fortunately the way we were chained together meant that Roger would be next to the bars and from the narrowness of the bed, he would be tight up against them.
The sight of the toilet reminded me that I needed to use it but yet I didn?t want Sumala to see me. I didn?t want Roger to either but there was no getting away from that and I knew he would be in he same situation and I could ask him to look the other way. I wondered, ?How long they will they keep us chained together? Until after the court appearance? Longer? Will they allow us to phone the office? Will Colonel Nubaro intervene?? Too many questions without any answers yet.
The two cells the other side of us were vacant so I quietly asked to Roger to shield me from the man?s stares while I peed and he did so.? I tried to do it quietly but the stainless steel pan magnified the sound but when I glanced around Roger, Sumala wasn?t watching. That was a small blessing. We washed our faces and dried them with one of the few paper towels supplied and I reused mine by soaking it with water and applying it to my tender behind.
Sumala laughed loudly when he saw this. ?What they did to you was nothing but a little tickle. You just wait until you?re taken to the market place and caned or whipped. Wait until you?ve felt the whip bite into your arse or tits.? His face clouded up and his arrogance disappeared, ?You?ll see when they bring Velisi back shortly. She?s getting twenty with the cane for stealing. They?ll take me then. I?ve got forty with the whip.? His voice almost sounded like he was bragging at first and then it broke when he imagined the suffering it would cause him. ?Drunk on illegal booze and resisting arrest? punched a guard?not the first time.? He turned away and for a little while sat with his back to us.
We lay down on the bunk, not talking but each thinking what was likely to happen to us in that barbaric country. How cruel would they be to foreigners? Was there still hatred of the British from colonial times like the officer at the airport indicated? My mind kept churning over the fact that the guards had been ordered not to have sex with us before we?d even arrived. Even the officer who thrashed us knew and we?d hardly entered the country. Someone had to have planned this in advance. My mind narrowed the possibilities down to Colonel Nubaro who signed our false diplomatic immunity certificate or our boss, Ted, who was so keen to send us rather than one of the more experienced males on the staff.
?Tell your woman to back her arse against the bars. She?ll have to do it if you tell her and then I can have a nice fuck before they take me away.? Sumala again thrust his prick through the bars but this time it was close to Roger?s face. He shook his head, turned away and pressed closer to me. ?So you?re a white girlie-boy,? Sumala taunted him, ?When they find that out, they?ll put you in the Mummy?s Boy camp with the other girlie boys and you?ll get used like a woman. The General doesn?t allow them to breed with real women. You like cocks up your arse girlie-boy? You?d get plenty of them in the camp whether you want it or not.? I felt Roger?s prick stiffen against my thigh and wondered if he was actually gay.
?You keep your prick in your shorts Sumala. No one?s allowed to fuck her for the time being. Orders from Government office,? One of the warders shouted through the bars.? Again I wondered about this but a commotion outside and the wailing of a woman interrupted any further thoughts on this. Velisi had returned.
The poor girl was half carried into the cell and I could see the raised ridges of her badly welted back and bottom. Sumala was right, by comparison our punishments were quite minor and once more I was overcome and started sobbing at the thought that by this time tomorrow, my bottom might be as painful as hers, if not worse. Was smuggling contraceptives considered a more heinous crime here than stealing? Nothing in our researches had indicated how penalties were determined.
The guards laid the wailing woman face down on the bed and a girl in nurse?s uniform entered pushing a medical trolley ahead of her. With a morbid fascination, I felt compelled to watch. ?They wouldn?t allow a uniform like that in St Thomas?s,? I mused. Like all other women here, her blouse went round the outside of her full breasts and was slightly cup shaped on the underside to support them. Her skirt was short and when she bent down, I could see she wore nothing underneath. Roger must have seen it too because his eyes were wide open and his prick stiffened. I wondered if he would rape me later or if I would be able to control him and his urges. Did the government ruling apply to him?
?I?ll leave the door unlocked until you leave nurse. She?s not going to run away.? The warder remarked as the guards filed out. One put his hand between the nurse?s legs but she only smiled and said, ?I?m at work. You know where to find me later.?
Our attention was momentarily distracted from the scene by a minor struggle as the guards handcuffed Sumala and led him away. My attention returned to the nurse. ?Lie still a moment Velisi, I?ll give you an injection that will ease the pain and make you sleepy. You?ll miss a meal but I don?t expect you?ll feel like eating and the food?s not all that great anyway.? The nurse appeared to my inexperienced eye, to be very efficient and quickly administered the injection. Almost immediately the girl quietened down and the nurse began cleaning and putting a salve on her bottom. Several times she stopped and listened to the girl?s heart but each time she appeared satisfied and carried on. I had the impression that she had done this many times before and being a prison nurse, I guess she had. Roger looked pale and very sick and I felt my stomach churning but I watched and debated whether we would be punished in like manner.
?I?ll check on you in a minute,? she remarked when she noticed me staring. ?I?ll need to get your notes first.? Some ten minutes later the warder let her into our cell and she introduced herself as Nurse Muniba. Velisi lay quietly on her bed, just giving a small cry every now and then.
Chapter four. Sexually examined
No doubt protocol dictated it, but she examined Roger first. He, of course, was highly embarrassed when first of all she prodded the muscles of his tender backside and then pushed his reddened cheeks apart to look at his bottom hole. ?Nothing to worry about there,? she commented, ? Minor bruising and soreness but that will soon go. No need for any treatment.? Obviously, what to us was a major thrashing, on her scale of things it was only a trivial punishment. Compared to Velisi?s, I suppose it was.
Deftly she flipped him over and because of the chain I had to move too. His erection stood straight up from his body and when he tried to cover it with his free hand, Nurse Muniba ordered me to hold the hand well above his head. From this position I had a good view when she cupped his testicles, gently squeezed and seemed to weigh them. A frown crossed her face but she didn?t say anything. I told myself that I shouldn?t watch but did so anyway. ?Better that you know what you may have to deal with in the next few days? Weeks? Months? Or longer?? I argued in my mind. Hardly had Nurse Muniba started examining his prick when it erupted and spewed out a quantity of sperm.
Muniba collected a drop into a vial and commented, ?Well at least it works. In a moment I?ll nip to the office and check whether there are living sperm in it. Would you like to lick him clean?? Horrified, I turned my head. ?Oh well, you white girls! I?ll do it this time but you?ll have to do it in future and for any other men who ejaculate in your presence.? The thought disgusted me but she unconcernedly took Rogers member in her mouth and sucked it clean and then licked the remaining sperm from his body and her fingers. ?I?ll be back in a few minutes,? she told the warder who I?d forgotten was watching us.
Neither Roger nor I felt like commenting on what had happened in front of the man watching us. I knew Roger had been utterly humiliated and I wondered how far the nurse would go with me. Seeing her handle his prick and then suck his sperm, had an unwanted side effect on me too; I was wet between my legs.
Ten minutes later, the nurse returned. ?All?s well,? she informed us, ?Plenty of living sperm so he should be able to fertilise you. It doesn?t actually say in the notes that he mustn?t fuck you now, in fact it specifies that no Tumalians must do so. Has he fucked you already?? I shook my head and murmured, no. ?You?re still a virgin?? Her voice showed its incredulity, ?Lie on the bed and let?s find out.?
?No!? I yelled, ?Not in front of everyone.?
?You need another hand?? The warder leered at me.
?No!? I yelled again.
To my horror the nurse replied, ?Yes, Zulam, that would be a help. This is the first white girl we?ve had while I?ve been here and I?ve heard they can be a bit uppity. Hold her ankles so she?s wide open for me and then I can examine her cunt properly.? My protestations were to no avail, Zulam positioned himself at my head and pulled my ankles back to his shoulders. I was helpless and my most private parts were obscenely on display. Roger would see them and perhaps get ideas about having sex with me. Worse. Zulam?s erection protruded from the leg of his shorts right alongside my face and I could not only see it, I could smell it as well. Nurse Muniba laughed when she saw me close my eyes. ?Perhaps we?ll let her suck it for you later. Better still, she can suck it now. It will keep her quiet while I feel inside her. Perhaps she?ll like a black prick better than her boyfriend?s white one.?
?No, please no,? I pleaded. ?Roger don?t let them do it to me, please.? One glance at Roger and I knew he would be of little help. He was cowering away from the muscular warder.
?Open up!? The nurse?s fingers pinched my nostrils and when I obstinately kept my mouth closed she twisted my left nipple with her other hand. As soon as I cried out, so Zulam?s prick went in and with my head against the bolster, I couldn?t pull away.
?Don?t try and bite Missie,? he warned, ?Biting a man?s prick is an automatic tit caning offence.? He did pull out a little and then began short in and out movements with his loins.
?How long will this go on? How long before he shoots his stuff into my mouth? What will it taste like? Muniba didn?t mind when she tasted Roger?s. His was a white man?s sperm though. Will a black man?s taste different?? Out of the corner of my eye I saw him but he just looked on in his helpless way and I began to wonder what I ever liked about him.
?Have you had a good look at her cunt Roger?? Further embarrassment. Muniba?s fingers probed my opening.
?No?no,? he stuttered. He was embarrassed and fascinated at the same time. I rightly assumed he?d never seen a woman?s private parts before.
?Well take a good look now. Better still get hold of her labial lips and pull them wide apart so that I can see inside.? I could have died when he fumbled and tried to follow Muniba?s instructions. ?Well she?s definitely a virgin,? she announced. ?That?s so unusual in this country. Most girls have birthed half a dozen babies by the time they reach her age. Have a good look Zulam, I doubt you?ll ever see another white virgin cunt in your lifetime.? With his prick stuffed in my mouth and the leg of his shorts partly covering my face, I couldn?t see his reaction but I felt him lean over to get a better look. ?Do you know about a girls clit, Roger?? Muniba asked. I didn?t hear a reply but she went on, ?That?s a girl?s pleasure centre. See how it stands out at the moment? That?s because she is sexually aroused and like your prick gets hard, so does a girl?s clit although it is not so obvious.? She went on the show him how a girl likes to be masturbated using me as an example and then I felt his fingers doing it to me. I wanted to fall through the floor and disappear.
?I?ll murder him!? I vowed but my attention was taken by Zulam?s more vigorous thrusts in my mouth followed by the rather odd taste of his sperm as it flooded into my throat. Muniba must have finished her so-called examination because he let go of my ankles and held my head on his prick.
?Use your tongue to clean me Missie and make sure you swallow all the spunk. You are not allowed to spit it out. Not unless you wish to have your arse warmed again.? Knowing I had no choice, I did as I was told but I soon realised that the thought of what I was doing repulsed me more than the actual taste.
?Turn over,? the nurse ordered and when I lay face down she prodded my buttocks and anal opening. ?Looks as if they strapped you much harder than him,? she commented and wrote something in her notes. She did put a little cream on my arse but not Roger?s and she only laughed when he pleaded with her. ?You don?t need it, you?ve only a few marks and they?ll soon go.? Before she left, Muniba had a few words with us. I?d asked what was likely to happen to us. ?I don?t really know Elaine. Very few white people visit Tumali and those that do are nearly always businessmen so we don?t see them in this prison. Someone in high authority must have wanted you to come here??
?Colonel Nubaro??
?Maybe,? she went on, ?I?m only a nurse. This is only a holding prison and what usually happens is criminals are brought here and on the same day or the next they are taken to the court and sentenced. Depending on the time, they are punished that day and returned here. I treat them and, unless there is some infection, they are released the following day. We don?t keep prisoners here for long terms. In fact we have very few prisoners in our long-term camp. If you were Tumalians, I would expect you to be taken before the court in the morning but, as it is a holiday, that might be postponed until the following day. You would then be taken to the market square for punishment and brought back and released the next day. Just the same as Vilisi. However, as you don?t have a home here or anything and there are no hotels I?ve no idea what will happen.?
?We were supposed to have been met at the airport and taken to someone?s home for our stay but we weren?t told who that would be.? I paused and Muniba started collecting her stuff, ?I think we are just pawns in some game and all this was planned before we left England.?
?You may well be right, but I can tell you, that I am not one of the players. One thing is certain though. Sooner or later you will be fucked and bred by the men here, so you might wish to consider Roger as your partner first. It might be better for you to have a white baby. How many pills did you take??
?Only two,?
?Then I expect you?ll still be fertile. Think about it.?
Fortunately a simple meal arrived soon after they left and I used the water that was with it to wash the taste of Zulam?s sperm from my mouth although truth to tell there was very little taste to the stuff. I guess it was more in my imagination.
Roger tried to apologise to me several times but I refused to acknowledge him and resolutely faced away while we ate our food. That was difficult because the length of chain was insufficient for us to eat independently without being close but I made certain that it was him that had to move. While I ate I again pondered on the fact that my notes said no Tumalians were to fuck me. Another indication that this was all preplanned.
We?d hardly finished our meal when they carried Sumala into his cell on a stretcher, his back and buttocks welted and bleeding in places. He cried out loudly in his pain and we were appalled by the harsh punishment he?d had. Worse, we wondered if we would be whipped too. Nurse Muniba arrived quickly and calmed him with an injection. She didn?t say anything to us while she did her best to treat the suffering man.
?Do? you? think? we?ll? be? whipped? like that?? Roger broke the silence between us. Tears were again running down his face. I tried to hold mine back just to show my superiority but it was a difficult task.
?I don?t think so,? I answered carefully, ?I would guess the players in the game have other plans for us that won?t involve the mutilation of our bodies. They would not have gone to all the trouble and expense of getting us here unless they plan to use us in other ways but I have no idea how.? My mind added, ?I wouldn?t be surprised if we were punished less severely though. Probably the strap again.? My mind tried to shut out the thought.
Chapter five. Interview with the Major
Later, Zulam took us for a cold shower and gave us a disposable toothbrush and a comb and afterwards we lay alongside each other on the bed. Both of turned our heads away from the sight of Sumala?s back. He still groaned with pain and I wondered if the nurse would give him another injection before we went to sleep. Roger tried to make a whispered conversation but it was all speculation as to what would happen to us and why were we chosen and by whom etc. It wearied me so much that I curtly told him to put his thumb in his mouth and shut up. I had enough fears from my own thoughts without his adding to them. Secretly I began to wonder at the changes in me, and Roger too for that matter. Previously I would never have spoken to anyone like that but now, faced with our situation and with Roger acting in such a feeble way, I was being forced to be in charge. ?Will they allow me to be in charge of him? Men have priority in this country. Yet Muniba was in charge when Zulam was here and none of the other women seemed completely downtrodden. They weren?t slaves like I had imagined from reading about their lives on the web. Strange.?
Soon after the lights were turned down, I?ve no idea of the time, my watch having been confiscated during the airport search, Roger hesitatingly asked, ?Do you think we should?we should?do it? Would it be?better to?do it with me than a black man??
?No,? I told him forcefully and then cruelly I added, ?I?m not a baby snatcher.? Immediately I wished I hadn?t said that but it was too late. I didn?t really need to anger the only friend I had in this place. After all the taunts he?d received today about his manhood, he could have done without that. I waited to see how he?d react but he didn?t say anything for a few moments and then came a few choking sobs. ?Sorry, Roger,? I apologised and paused before going on, ?Like you I?m terribly afraid of what is going to happen and I need you as a friend not a forced lover. It sounds as if I will have plenty of them.? I did put my arm around him and at first he turned away, but later he nestled into my breasts again and I felt his prick against my thigh.
For a long while I lay awake arguing with myself. ?Aren?t you being foolish? He would have done it with care, even love, but you?ve opted to be raped by goodness knows how many black natives. His bringing the condoms must mean he?d thought about fucking me. Why didn?t I let him? You are going to be raped anyway so why bother? They?ll be more experienced. I wonder what it will be like to have sex with a man? To be fucked? How much will it hurt? Especially with their big pricks. Can?t be worse than the strap. Will I become pregnant? Probably. You are in your fertile period and the nurse said that just two pills wouldn?t be enough to prevent it. If the game players wanted a white whore, why did they choose me? And Roger? They could easily have bought a willing woman. What do they want with us? How much did Ted know? Was he the brains behind this? Or did he just connive with the Colonel?? Any answers were pure speculation. The pain in my bottom had receded a little to a dull ache unless I sat down hard. Eventually I drifted off to sleep disturbed by involuntary cries from neighbouring cells, exhausted from all that had transpired and from the long journey. Could it be that only the day previously I?d been safe at home?
Next morning when the lights went up we were greeted with further cries of pain from Vilisi and Sumala when they tried to move. Vilisi?s bottom looked awful but she stood and hobbled to her toilet. Sumala yelled in agony as he clung to the bars to help him stand. Gone was his bravado and I felt really sorry for him but I could do nothing and I guessed that even if I spoke it would make him feel worse.
The nurse went to Sumala first and put more cream on his wounds but didn?t give him another injection. ?I?m keeping you here until tomorrow,? she informed him, ?I don?t like the look of a couple of the welts. They cut you deeper than they should have.? He seemed to accept it and didn?t have to be restrained when she tended him.
Before leaving she came to the bars and asked me, ?Are you still a virgin?? I nodded my head, yes, and she gave a little smile. I wondered what that meant.
?You should be alright to go after breakfast,? she told Vilisi, ?There?s no broken skin but it will be painful for a while yet. See Wyche and get some of her painkilling medicine. That will help; I?m not allowed to give you any more. Try not to get sent back here, you know it will be far worse next time.?
A cheerful young girl, who flirted with the warder, brought our breakfast of some sort of meal that looked like dirty porridge. I forced it down and persuaded Roger to do the same. For a while we just sat without talking, each of us thinking of scenarios that might happen. The uncertainly of it all made us snappy and I could tell the rift between us was widening.
About mid morning a new warder unlocked our cell and without commenting took us to the shower and made us wash each other. Roger soon had a hard-on and tried to play with my clit when he washed me but I gave him a nasty look and shut my legs. Had not the warder been there I would have boxed his ears. ?What has made you so aggressive? You never used to be like that. Is it a reaction to this environment or something deeper?? Once again, more thought questions with no answers. We did our teeth, dried ourselves and I took some time combing my hair until the warder snatched the comb away and proceeded to use it to neaten my pubic hair. He was a man of few words but he did say, ?The Major will want you looking presentable.? My further questions were ignored.
We stopped at our cell only long enough to put on our shoes and then were taken to the sergeant?s desk. ?Take them to Major Entembe?s office,? he said to a burly looking, hugely pregnant woman in uniform ?Use the strap if they cause you any trouble. It looks as if yesterday?s are fading.? Fading they might have been, but our bottoms were still colourful and mine was particularly tender and I hadn?t wanted to sit on the loo when I got up. Roger made a great fuss over his but his stripes were losing their colour.
?I sure will sergeant,? the woman grinned. She made Roger hold my hand and we set off in hot sunshine at a fairly slow pace because of her size. Rather insanely I wondered what we would do if her water broke while we were en-route but we arrived without incident and without having received any punishment. It wasn?t far and I had time to try and evaluate the knowledge I?d gained to date. Major Entembe I knew was third in command in Tumali. General Cumu was the head man and overall dictator, Colonel Nubaro his deputy and the Major was under him. We were being taken to someone high up in the chain of command and I wondered, ?Will he have the authority to release us? Or is he in on our abduction too?? That is how I thought of the events that led us to being there. We had agreed to come but the conditions were not as they had been explained to us.
A pleasant young girl showed us into the Major?s office. By now I had become inured to seeing girl?s breasts but they still caught my partner?s attention and noticing this, she even flaunted them in front of his face. The Major was younger than I expected, mid-thirties I guessed but I had little experience in judging the ages of African men and he smiled when we entered. I noticed his eyes swept up and down my body until he politely requested we be seated. At first he only seemed to talk to Roger, mainly it was small talk, going over our personal details and ignoring our treatment here.? Roger was slumped in his chair and stuttered a few answers. His attitude and subservience to the major disgusted me. I wanted to know what was going on and when we would be sent home. I decided to take the initiative.
?Are you one of the players in this game Sir, or just one of the pieces??
For a moment or two he looked puzzled and for once gave me his attention. ?Game??
?Oh do shut up Roger. We?ve been sent here for a reason and I need to know why.? I turned back to Major Entembe who looked very surprised at my outburst and Roger?s reaction to it. ?Yes Sir, the game that is being played with us as pawns. The board was set out in England and now the moves are being made. Are you one of those pushing the pieces or are you on the board with us?? I knew I had shaken him with my forthrightness and I half dreaded that he might take offence and send us to the whipping post or whatever but he seemed a cultured man that might appreciate my analogy. I relaxed a little when he sat back in his chair and his face lit up with a huge smile.
?Very good Miss Eves. The reports said you were good journalists and it seems there was some truth in them. To answer your question. Yes, I suppose I am player but a player who is bound by the rules of the game; rules made by others.? He stopped and I was about to ask a further question when he went on, ?However, from the little time we?ve played I can see I will have to upgrade you from a pawn to a queen and downgrade your partner to being a knight.?
?A knight should be there to protect his queen.? I was beginning to enjoy this sparring match.
?You think we should take him off the board altogether?? That floored me for a moment. Did that mean they would kill him or send him home? In either case I would lose a companion that I could talk and discus things with.
?Pawns have their uses,? I answered.
?Would you object to Miss Eves, Elaine, being in charge of you Mr. Hart??
I thought Roger might object but he dumbly shook his head and quietly said, ?No.?
?An unexpected move, Elaine, one that requires a slight change of strategy but not to the overall game plan.?
?And what is that Major??
He laughed. ?Patience Elaine, enjoy the game. There is no fun if you know the outcome before you start and you may also be able to influence the result. First though, we have to recognise your new status.? I didn?t want to be part of any game but neither did I wish to annoy him and destroy our fragile rapport. He buzzed his secretary, ?Shelumba, get supplies to send a bluestone here immediately and find a key for the cuffs on this pair. Security should have one. I expect that it is standard issue? And see if you can make a pot of tea for our English visitors.?
I must have smiled at that because he looked questioningly at me. ?Are all your English visitors kept naked and chained?? I asked.
?It?s the best way when they are young and attractive but perhaps not too willing.? He smiled broadly, ?But that will come later,? he added and I blushed a deep red when I not only realised his meaning but that he thought I was attractive. ?I?d better explain the meaning of my instructions to Shelumba. Have you met any women wearing a necklet with a bluestone broach??
?On the plane.?
?Ah, yes the women delivering the babies. Women who wear them are women who have risen above the rest and are given positions of authority. They are able to make decisions and order things from men that ordinary women can?t. They still have to make their bodies available for fucking but otherwise they can act in much the same way as women in your country. The exception is your partner; your pawn. While he is linked to you he cannot demand anything from anyone. You can ask for his opinion but it will be you that decides on the action to take. You can order him to fuck if you want but he cannot demand your services.? Again I felt myself blushing at the coarse language and the implications of it. ?That brings me to the next point. As you are now the dominant one, you will stand on his right side, therefore we need to change the cuffs around. For the time being, we or rather I, as I haven?t been able to consult those higher up as yet, will keep you linked together. That is mainly for our amusement although it may add it a little more difficulty to what you?ll have to do? as part of the game.? Again the winning smile. ?Ah the tea has arrived and the key too.?
I know I blushed deeply when I stood up and accidentally knocked my tits and made them wobble in front of the Major but by then I was getting half used to being naked in front of others. We changed chairs and I gave Roger a quick reassuring hug before we sat down again to drink our tea and made small talk about our jobs in England and what led to my reasoning as to why I?d suspected that we were set up. He seemed to appreciate the way I?d made my deductions. Much as I wanted to ask about our future there, I sensed that it would be wrong to do so. In any case the man in front of us fascinated me; the man I knew would fuck me sooner or later. At last he came to the point.
?You already know that tomorrow you will have to appear before the court for bringing illegal materials into the country. I?m sorry but I cannot do anything to stop the proceedings but I will use my influence to try and get a lenient sentence. Both of you will have to do your parts by pleading ignorance and showing remorse and repentance for your actions. Fighting it and demanding rights that you would have in England will most likely result in a whipping. In all probability you will only be sentenced to a few strokes of the cane.?
?Oh no!? I cried, thinking of Vilisi, ?Please not that, the strap was bad enough.?
?Sorry, I will do what I can but it mustn?t been seen that I have influenced a court decision. Too many already know what happened at the airport to hide it under the carpet and the local paper has it as a front page story. I will ensure that you get the best after treatment. As a queen Elaine, you will just have to be brave.?
?I have no wish to be a queen sir, or be brave, I just want to be sent home and get on with my life again. How long will be kept here Major?? Tears filled my eyes when I asked.
?As long as it takes to complete the game.? The wide smile appeared across his face again. God, I wished I hadn?t thought of that analogy but he went on. ?You are reporters and your boss sent you here, particularly you Elaine, to find out what really happens to women in this country and what they feel like, to use his words, ?being used as baby machines?. You already know that, what you weren?t told is that he has sent you here for an indefinite period to find out first hand what it is like. When you don?t return on your scheduled flight or maybe a few days later, he will contact the British government to see what they can find out but the wheels of government are slow and we do not have diplomatic relations with them so negotiations will be via North Korea because Malawi officially doesn?t recognise us either although we of course, have a lot of contact with them, so I expect it will be several months before you?re returned.?
I wept when I heard that but the Major looked unconcerned. ?Dry your eyes Elaine and stop blubbering, it?s not all bad news.? He handed me a tissue and I did indeed try to stem the tears. Roger for once wasn?t crying so I braced myself and looked at the Major again. ?As you know the main income for this country is from the sale of babies for adoption. Black babies command a good price but lighter coloured ones are at a premium and we?d like to encourage more white girls to come here to be part of our breeding programme.?
?You?re going to breed me?? I asked, already knowing the answer.
?Yes and no. Like every other woman here you will be fucked, usually several times a day. In the beginning we will do all we can to ensure that you conceive. Only your cunt will be fucked and the men?s sperm will be deposited as deeply as possible within you.? I just sat wide-eyed at the statement. I knew that is what happened there but until that moment, had hoped and believed that it couldn?t or wouldn?t happen to me. ?After we?ve determined that you are pregnant, you will be fucked just for our pleasure and that can be in any of your holes.? Again I already knew that happened to the native girls. ?I have no doubt you will be returned to England, before you are due to give birth so your baby won?t be sold and in any case all women have the option of keeping their first baby. Probably it will be too late by that time for you to have an abortion so you will either have to keep it or have it adopted in England.? It took a few minutes for me to assimilate this. I was going to be an unmarried mother with a black baby. Oh the shame of it. Then I told myself that I would have nine months to think about what to do and the present was more important. Extrapolating from the Major?s words I knew he expected me or us to be in Tumali for at least five months and less than nine. ?At least it seems that we will be allowed home eventually,? I tried to calm myself.
?What about Roger? What?s his part in all this??
?To be truthful, we didn?t want him along but your boss told us you would never have agreed to come alone. We may let him breed some local girls and he can help you with your work.?
?Which is??
?To write the story of your life and the lives of the women that live here. You will write in a very sexually explicit way, highlighting the good points as well as the bad. Each week, before the Today?s World deadline date, you will send a copy to Ted Sullivan. Your first one will reassure him of your safety and will no doubt delay any government action. No doubt he?ll fuck his wife with greater enthusiasm after he has read of your experiences. Later a more explicit version will be posted on our web site and no doubt Ted will also publish an unexpurgated version on DVD. Of course, we will proof read your articles before they are sent, not only for their accuracy but also that they are completely open about the fucking and other sexual things that happen to you and the punishments you receive. No mention must be made of the collusion between your magazine and us though, but your first article can relate of your experiences so far; your experience at the airport and in the prison. Write fully and in explicit detail.?
?And I?m supposed to do this in a prison cell with a stick of charcoal with a sore bottom and a sore vagina?? Perhaps my sarcasm was lost on him or he ignored it. Either way he gave me another of his big smiles.
?Not quite. First though, you will use the proper terms in your reports and in speaking to us. You have and arse, a cunt and a pair of tits. You will not be having sex, or ?be intimate? with a man, you will be fucked. Understood? I nodded. Since being here and hearing the terms used by others, my mind was using them even if my mouth didn?t. ?You will be given a room just along the corridor from here and your laptop will be returned but you will not be allowed an Internet connection other than when in the IT room and your report has been approved. You will also be sent out to live with other sections of the community where conditions can be more primitive.?
?Will we be given our clothes back?? Roger butted in and speaking the first time in ages.
?Yes,? I said not wishing Roger to regain the initiative, ?Our bodies could get severely sunburned if our skin is not covered.?
?You will be given native clothing after any sentence the court imposes has been completed.? That reminded me again of the caning or whipping we were likely to get and I just prayed that the Major did indeed use his influence to get our sentence reduced or better still, squashed. I guessed that I would have to be ?nice? to the Major in order to keep our punishment to the minimum.
A tap on the door interrupted my thoughts and Shelumba entered bringing the bluestone broach. Major Entembe put it around my neck and gave me a light kiss and then held my head and gave a more forceful, longer one. At first I tried to pull away but then remembered that this man held the key to our punishment and in any case I would be having sex ? no be fucked ? by him before too long. I let him do as he wished. I felt his prick hard against me and over his shoulder I saw Shelumba grin.
?It?s time,? the major said and carried me into another room where there was a small divan. Roger, perforce had to trail behind. ?Are you ready to become a woman and perhaps a mother?? he asked.
?I don?t know Major, I really don?t know.? I was again shaking with trepidation and fear. Or was it anticipation? I?d often dreamed about have a man in bed and making love to me but not this way.
?You can call me Tzarma when we?re alone like this. Major is a bit formal when I?m about to fuck you.?
Roger was ordered to kneel by the side of he divan when the Major gently lowered me on the soft mattress and I watched with apprehension as he lowered his shorts and his black prick sprang into view. It was almost equal in size to Sumala?s and was already rock hard. I shuddered at the sight of it and wondered at the pain it would cause when he forced it in to my vagina ? my cunt. I needn?t have worried. Major Entembe was careful and considerate. Gently he rubbed my clit and then tongued my cunt until my juices flowed freely. Only then did he put his prick inside my entrance and slowly make his way in. He paused, ?I?ll bet you didn?t expect to lose your precious virginity like this.? There was that big smile on his face again as he thrust deeply into me, bursting my hymen and tightly filling me with his manhood. I felt the pain as he broke through but there was also a pleasurable feeling that I couldn?t define, a feeling that grew more intense when he began to fuck. The strokes were slow at first but then as my cunt adjusted they became faster and harder. My own sensations increased too and I knew I was building up to my own climax. I tossed my head from side to side and thrust at him but when I was nearly there he stopped and I knew he was erupting and filling me with his sperm. I felt cheated but Tzarma didn?t withdraw and when he?d finished impregnating me, continued to fuck me gently until I climaxed. Even then he left it in until it was completely soft before he pulled out.
Gradually I opened my eyes only to find Roger staring pop-eyed but there were tears running down his cheeks as well. Rightly I guessed he wished to be the one that had taken me; wished he?d had the courage to take charge and forced me to fuck him the previous night. Tzarma took a tissue and wiped the blood from my thighs and his prick. ?Next time you have to clean it,? he informed quietly as he rolled on to my right side. ?Was it like you expected??
?No, nothing like,? I admitted, ?I expected my husband to do it on our wedding night. I expected it to be with someone I wanted to willingly give myself to.?
?But I think you enjoyed it towards the end.? I could only nod, yes. ?Did you imagine Roger as your husband??
That was a question I didn?t want to answer, certainly not with Roger listening. After a long pause I replied, ?Sometimes him, sometimes other men on the staff, sometimes a film star. I?ve never been close enough to anyone to think of marrying them.?
We lay for a little while until Tzarma announced that we ought to get some lunch before the canteen closed. He dressed and Roger and I went with him to a cafeteria. ?You can use this anytime you?re nearby. They will be told to charge whatever you have to the admin account. And you won?t be fucked in here either. Its not allowed in food halls.? Luckily the place was fairly empty and we were able to get a fairly normal meal of meat and salad stuff not all of which I recognised. Still it tasted fine although spicier than I was used to. At least it was far better than the food we?d had so far in prison. A few people spoke to the Major but not to us and they seemed to ignore our state of nudity; my blonde hair and the bluestone broach attracted their attention more.
We returned to the little bedroom and Tzarma told us to rest there until he was ready to fuck me again. Roger was warned, on pain of castration, not to fuck me until I received another full load of the Major?s sperm and then only if I gave him permission. No doubt he wanted to ensure, my future baby was his.
Chapter six. Sentenced
?You really are a whore underneath that innocent fa?ade,? Roger spat at me as soon as we were alone. ?You?re nothing but a dirty little whore who has been prick teasing me all this time.?
For a while I did not know how to answer. It was now so obvious that he had desired me for a long while and had been too shy to even ask for a kiss. ?Roger,? I started quietly, ?Roger, you may well be right in that I am a secret whore but that is something I have only just found out. At first I gave myself to him in the hope of getting an easement of our punishment for tomorrow but after we got going, I really wanted him and wanted him so badly. I?m a woman Roger and I only really found that out such a short while ago. As for being a prick tease, when have I ever given you the smallest hint that I would take you in my body? Never. Maybe that will change. I don?t know.? He resisted my attempts to cuddle him and I lay there wondering if it was really the fucking that upset him or my taking over as the one in charge or perhaps his feelings of failure and inadequacy at his inability to protect me.
It was after five by the bedroom clock when Tzarma returned. Roger and I had hardly spoken except when he needed to find a toilet. Tzarma beamed a smile when he came in saw me lying on my back. Roger immediately slid off the bed and turned his head to the wall. ?Are you sore there?? Tzarma asked as his hand cupped my cunt.
?A little.?
?Get the nurse to give you some lotion. I?m lifting the ban on others having you from the day after tomorrow. I should have inseminated you again by then and my sperm should be well established and hopefully you will be ensconced in your room here.? He took less time over the preliminaries this time and soon his prick was fully embedded in my cunt and with my juices flowing well I was able to match each of his thrusts. This time I noisily orgasmed long before he did and was well on the way to a second when he stopped and pulsed his second load into me, ?to make sure it all stays in the right place? he informed me. This time he offered his soft prick to my lips. I could see and smell our combined juices on it and hesitated. ?Get used to it Elaine, you?ll have to do it almost every time you are fucked.?
?It can?t be worse than Zulam?s,? I told myself and gingerly started sucking it. Gradually more went into my mouth and when I was ordered to lick his balls, I did so and was surprised when his cock started to harden again. Knowing that Roger was surreptitiously watching, I put on more of a show than necessary just to annoy him and confirm his statement that I was a whore.
We were treated to dinner in the cafeteria again and this time it was crowded, mainly men but a good smattering of women too, all dressed albeit scantily. Many stared at us but still I didn?t know if it was because of our nakedness or the whiteness of our skins or my blonde hair. Two of the bluestone women I recognised from the plane came in and did a double take when they saw me. ?Congratulations, you?ve made it up the ranks extraordinarily quickly,? one said as she planted a kiss on my cheek and then gave Tzarma a knowing look, ?I?m Uvala and this is Culmin.? We exchanged pleasantries for a few moments and then they went to collect their meal.
Two guards were detailed escort us back to prison and by then it was dark and cold enough to raise goosebumps on my skin but it wasn?t far and I insisted that Roger held my hand. At one time I wore a cross around my neck but the sensation of the bluestone bouncing on my naked cold breasts ? sorry tits ? was quite different and made me notice them even more. Fortunately it was too dark for our escorts to notice.
Sumala lay face down on his bed when we arrived. His back and buttocks were a dreadful sight and once again I wondered just how badly we would be punished. He looked up as we entered and tried to smile but his face was distorted with the pain. ?How can they justify such barbarism,? I commented to Roger and he seemed as upset as I was. ?We must put that in our writing.?
?And get ourselves a similar whipping,? Roger replied sourly. I knew he was still hurting from the earlier events.
Nurse Muniba came to treat Sumala again soon after and I asked her if it was common to whip a person as badly as this. ?No,? she answered carefully, ?It is rare for a court to order so many strokes but it was his third time and he did hurt the other man rather badly too. Unfortunately the man wielding the whip was a friend of the injured man and so Sumala got it rather harder than normal. I?ve put in a complaint to the court but I doubt it will do any good.? A few minutes later, she stopped applying the salve and asked, ?How was your day? You were away a long while and you come back with a bluestone badge. It can?t have been too bad.?
I wanted to tell her but I was almost too shy to. ?I?ve to ask you for some lotion for??
?You did it!? she exclaimed, ?And with one of the top men too I guess. Are you free for everyone now??
?She?s a whore!?
?There?s no such thing as a whore in this country Roger. Our purpose here is to produce babies. There is no choice. It is the only export we have and the only thing that keeps us in a reasonable standard of living. Don?t ever forget that Roger.? Muniba?s voice showed her contempt for his words. ?I doubt that she had much choice and if she enjoyed it, so much the better. Most women do. In any case I advise you not to take your bad feelings out on her; while she wears that badge of authority, she could demand the sergeant loan her a strap to put across your arse.? Roger looked suitably shocked and I hadn?t realised I had so much power over him now. I didn?t intend using it that way, but the threat might come in useful.
?You didn?t say if you are free for any man now? Though I doubt this one will be wish to poke you through the bars anytime soon, will you Sumala??
?Maybe later,? he groaned. We could tell he was trying to put a brave face on his pain and I unwittingly contrasted his stoicism with Roger?s.
?Not for another couple of days. Major Entembe seems to want his sperm to inseminate me. He wants me to have his baby. Oh what will I do when I get back? How will I live it down?? My voice broke and I lost the bravado I?d experienced with Tzarma. I sat on the bed and cried. To my surprise Roger sat close beside me and gave me a left-handed hug.
?If we write about it like we?re supposed to, then everyone will know and hopefully they?ll understand.?
A short while later, Zulam came by and thrust a local newspaper through the bars. The front page featured a large colour picture of me lying naked on the punishment bench, receiving a strapping. It was taken from an angle that showed my open cunt and by the looks of things, I had already had most of the stripes. I was mortified. The story went into great detail into the reasons for the punishment and also Roger?s reaction. ?The whole country will know about us now,? Roger wailed when he read it. I knew he really meant the whole country would know about his cowardice although I began to see that this was really just part of his physical make up.
Zulam passed the paper to Sumala when I returned it but although he read it several times, he didn?t comment on it.
Later that night, when the lights dimmed and Sumala quietly snored from the effects of whatever the nurse had given him, Roger apologised. ?I?ve often fantasised that I would be the first one to make love to you; make love, not just fuck you like today and when I had to watch him do it, I felt so sick. So sick that I could have easily murdered him if I?d had half a chance. Then when I saw you actually enjoying it all, I flipped even more. I?m no he-man, I know that, I?m not like most of the men here, brave and courageous but ever since we met, I?ve wanted you as my girlfriend?? He broke into a little sob. I couldn?t see how I could possible love such a weak man but I didn?t wish to destroy his self esteem any more so I just cuddled him and felt his mouth nibble my breast.
For a long while I lay awake, rehearsing a speech that I hoped would convince the judges to be lenient with us but with no prior knowledge of what might evoke their sympathy, I just had to try and overcome my residual reticence and live up to my bluestone status.
Neither of us wished to eat the unsavoury looking breakfast; both of us worried about how we would fare at court and what sentence they would impose. We agreed to do as the Major suggested and plead ignorance of their laws and beg for forgiveness but neither of believed that we would get away scot-free. That didn?t fit the game plan. Fortunately, we had an early appearance so we had less time to fret and worry. It was a strange courtroom, not much more than a room really. Three men sat at a table and we were led in handcuffed to a guard on each side who also had to support us. Tearfully I looked around but in this courtroom there was no jury, no witnesses, no council; just the guards, the judges and us.
The charges were read out by the judge in the centre chair who went on, ?I understand that you are pleading guilty to these charges and that you Miss Eves are pleading on behalf of both of you.?
?Yes Sir,? I answered, my voice already wavering and I hardly made it through my prepared speech before I could no longer control my emotions and wept bitterly. It must have had some effect on Roger because he was crying too but the judges, the men that mattered, seemed unperturbed and curtly told me to stop babbling and sit down while they considered their verdict.
After only a few minutes whispered conversation, the head judge stood up and bade us stand again. I knew then that my pleading and tears had counted for nothing. It had all been cut and dried before we even entered the courtroom. Elaine Eves and Roger Hart you have both confessed to importing items and substances that are illegal in this country. Miss Eves, you made a very impassioned plea for clemency and to try and minimise your guilt but I?m afraid, that does not alter the fact that you knowingly tried to bring these items into the country and you failed to heed our laws concerning your dress even after being requested to do so by the stewardess on the plane. Mr. Hart you were then the dominant male and should have been in full charge of your woman, yet you did not take any steps to prevent her bringing in these items and indeed you brought in items of your own and therefore, despite your being recently downgraded in status, you must be considered equally guilty and punished with equal severity. It is our opinion that to allow your pleas would or could lead to others trying to flout our laws in a similar way. The normal punishment that we would consider for these combined offences would be twenty or more lashes with the whip.? My mind reeled at the thought and the pull on my left arm indicated that Roger had fainted. The guard on his side pulled him to his feet and my guard had to hold me steady. It was only when he whispered, ?Calm yourself, he isn?t finished yet,? that I regained some semblance of control over my body.
The judge started to speak again, ?Twenty lashes with the whip is the punishment you deserve and is what we would have awarded had not we received a communication from Major Entembe himself. He pointed out that the pair of you are required to work in the government offices with immediate effect and in fact were recruited by Colonel Nubaro to do the work. He respectfully suggests that any punishment we award be of a nature that does not require a lengthy period of rehabilitation. The government would like you both to be able to take up your posts and start work in the next day or two at the latest but he hastens to add that any such leniency is entirely at our discretion. We have carefully considered this and have decided that we would not wish to unduly delay whatever plans government office has for you but both culprits must pay the price of their misdeeds, misdeeds that so many witnessed.? He paused and looked straight at us. I had no idea what he intended. How could they have ?carefully considered this? when they?d only had a short whispered conversation? It was all pre-arranged. First it looked as if we were going to suffer a flogging that would maim us for life, then we might almost be let off but now a severe punishment was on the cards again.
The wait seemed to go on forever and once again I felt myself shaking and being supported by the guard. Without looking I knew Roger was only on his feet because his guard was holding him up. ?Elaine Eves and Roger Hart we sentence you to ten strokes of the leather strap followed by ten with the rattan cane. All to be delivered at the whipping post in the Market Square in one hour?s time??
?No! That will kill us,? I shrieked before I slid to the floor.
?Further,? the judge went on when we?d regained our feet, ?You will detained in Tumali until General Cumu exercises his discretion and grants you a pardon to allow you to leave.?
Chapter seven. Punished
It appeared that we were expected to walk from the courtroom to the Market Square, a distance of about half a mile, maybe a little more but both of us were in such a state that we could hardly stand, let alone walk. I couldn?t control any of my limbs and my whole body shook violently. It was only after I was given a drink of a bitter liquid that I regained some of my composure. ?Come along Miss,? my guard spoke quite kindly to me, ?You don?t want to annoy the flogging master by keeping him waiting. Start walking. The sooner we get there, the sooner it will be over and done with.? I knew he was trying to help but I could hardly put one foot before the other. Nevertheless with his help and with his mate helping Roger we slowly made our way to the square where crowds of people had already assembled. Once more I knew that this had all been prearranged.
We waited for a few minutes at the end of the track leading into the square and I could see how they arranged for each punishment to become a public spectacle. In the centre of the square stood a stout upright post with ropes passing through a pulley near its top. Around the post and several yards away, surrounding it in a semicircle on three sides were tiered stands. Already they were filled with people, men and women, all noisily eager to watch the punishment being carried out. The scene reminded me of The Tale of Two Cities where the townspeople came to watch the aristocrats beheaded.
I murmured, ?No, no, no. No further, I can?t go on,? to the guard but he simply half carried me into the square. The crowd greeted our arrival with a huge cheer and the guard put me on my feet again.
?Walk proud like you really are a bluestone.? I would have cheerfully thrown the bloody bluestone at the crowd if I had thought it would release me. I glanced at Roger. He like me had tears streaming down his face and was only standing with support. ?Stand and walk,? my guard ordered. Like a zombie I did so. At last something clicked in my brain. It mattered not whether I was dragged screaming and bawling to the post or whether I walked with some dignity, either way I would receive the same punishment. I started to walk but was stopped by Roger resolutely sitting down in the dirt. My guard undid the chain between us. ?Walk on,? he said again and like a horse obeying his master?s order I did so. Naked and in front of everyone, I made my way slowly to the post. ?Well done,? he said when I reached it. The crowd seemed to appreciate my supposed bravery because they clapped and cheered. I didn?t feel at all brave. Numbly I allowed my wrists to be bound and soon my arms were hoisted aloft.
Odd how some things pass through your mind at a time like that. The hot sun burned my back and I remembered that I hadn?t brought any sunblock. Sunburn was the least of my worries! My tits pressed against the post and I was concerned about getting splinters in them but these irrelevant thoughts were quickly chased away when someone in a loud voice read out my punishment. ?Elaine Eves you are to receive ten strokes with the leather strap and ten with the rattan cane, all soundly applied.? I started to sag in my bonds but I couldn?t move far. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the hooded flogging master pick up the strap but it seemed an age before he stood to one side of me and waited for the crowd to quieten down.
?SLAAAPP!!? The most horrendous pain that I had ever experienced erupted across my shoulder blades. I screamed but it was largely lost in the crowd noise. ?How could they be so cruel to a girl? This may have been the norm to them but to me?? ?SLAAAPP!!? I screamed again as the second blow landed. Another wait while I howled and screamed but before long the third stroke bit into my sore shoulders. The whole area burned with a raging fire. ?I cannot take any more. I must try and pass out.? Another blow and still I didn?t fade into unconsciousness. Nor did I after the fifth. This was far worse than the strapping at the airport.
A longer wait. ?SLAAAPP!!? The next stroke went right across my arse, low down and only a little above the crease. My cries were now very hoarse and two more strokes went across my arse in fairly quick succession. Perhaps the flogging master noticed that I was fading. A wait then two more. I knew that my whole back and arse was one huge blister ready to burst open and spill my blood over the soil. I could feel it trickling down my legs and then realised that I was pissing. The laughter from the crowd should have embarrassed me but all I could think of was the pain. Pain, pain and more pain. The flogging master must have been skilled at his job because later I found that not one of the strokes had landed on top of another. In a few days, the whole of my upper back and all of my arse blossomed into a huge extremely painful, purple bruise with very little space between the stripes. ?How am I going to survive this? Why did they send me to this godforsaken place? Why were we set up?? I was becoming a little delirious and we were only halfway through my sentence and the worst was yet to come. I began to fade.
Suddenly water sprayed over my body and my head. It felt cool but it woke up my senses again. The water drenched my hair and ran over my face and down between my tits. It was refreshing but at the price of restoring the feeling of the terrible pain. I yelled and pleaded with them to free me and send me home but I doubt anyone heard my words.
The crowd quietened and I sensed my punishment, my flogging; my mediaeval barbaric torture, was about to begin again. The cane bit into my already blistered and swollen shoulders. The force of the blow knocked me hard against the post and my breasts splayed either side of it. My cries should have awakened all the spirits in their world but none came to save me. Four more times that dreadful piece of cane caused me the utmost pain and I had no doubt that I really was bleeding and that I had deeper welts than those Vilisi suffered. Blackness started to overcome me and I felt a little relief from the pain but soon the hose returned me to my suffering.
?Only five more,? I heard someone shout. They, of course would be across my arse. Across flesh so puffed up and wet that I surmised the cane would hurt even more. I really don?t know if it made any difference. I was almost out of it after the first stroke landed and the remaining ones were little more than a blur in my mind. I know I kept yelling and screaming but at last it all ended. The hose played over my body again and hands held me under the armpits while my wrists were untied. I collapsed into someone?s arms and I was turned so the all sections of he crowd could see the result of my flogging. At last a sheet was wrapped around me and I was lowered on to a blanket on the ground. I lay face down in the utmost pain, wishing the world would end and take me with it. I closed my eyes and I know I mumbled incoherently until my thoughts were once again brought into focus by the shouting and screaming that came from Roger as they fastened him to the whipping post.
At the same time a middle-aged woman, a complete stranger, scrambled down over the seats and knelt beside me. She said something to the guard in the local language and he nodded. ?Kneel dear. Get up on your knees like this. Hold on to me.? I didn?t want to move at all as each twist of my muscles sent bolts of pain through me but she was insistent and soon I knelt unsteadily in an upright position with my knees and forelegs on the blanket. ?I?m placing my cushion on the back of your legs dear so if you need to sit a bit it will take some of the pressure and I?m sure you?d like a drink.? I did indeed. My throat was parched from all the yelling and I must have lost a lot of water from crying let alone from the heat. I think I stopped muttering about that time but I know I didn?t reply. She didn?t seem to want one. Opening my eyes a little more I saw her pour some liquid from an earthenware pitcher into a paper cup. ?It?s only water with some herbs and spices,? she informed me but at the time I didn?t care what it was. She put the cup to my lips and I tried to gulp the liquid down but she reprimanded me in a motherly way. ?Sip it slowly dear. Keep it in your mouth a moment or two before swallowing.? Her kindness almost overwhelmed me and I slumped down only to find that putting my backside on the cushion was not a good idea. Lifting myself up slightly and clinging to my benefactor?s shoulders, I found that I could take in the scene in front of me although it appeared blurred and out of focus. My heart pumped faster than normal and it was with great difficulty that I heeded the words of the women to calm down. ?How can I calm down when I am in such agony,? I thought but just her soothing presence was reassuring.
My eyes were so wet with crying I still couldn?t see properly but I saw what was almost a silhouette of the flogging master take up his position and wait for the crowd to hush and for the sentence to be read out. My instinctive reflexes winced as I watched the belt fly in a wide arc and land across Roger?s shoulders. He immediately hung limp from his wrists. There were boos and groans from the crowd much like at the airport and my sympathy went out to him. In a way I wished that I could have done the same. It seemed to take an age for the hose to revive him but the same thing happened at the next stroke and after the third, Roger took so long coming round that I thought he?d died. The flogging master threw down the strap in disgust and then picked it up again and let fly the remaining strokes without stopping and without much power and not waiting for Roger to recover. How I wished I could have closed my senses down in that way.
It took long minutes and something held under his nose before Roger regained consciousness and again I worried that they might have killed him but a doctor looking man put a stethoscope to his chest and listened. Seemingly he couldn?t find anything amiss and shrugged his shoulders to the crowd and had a few words with the flogging master. Again Roger only took one not too hard a stroke of the cane before sagging in his bonds. The crowd, unhappy at the poor showing started shouting and throwing fruit and nuts until the guards stopped them. Still lifeless, he hung there while the flogging master delivered a further nine token strokes. Finally he was released and he moaned pitifully when he came round. In one respect I was pleased that he wasn?t that badly hurt, in another way I was disgusted at his poor showing but even at that time I knew Roger had no control over the way his body reacted.
?They?ll take care of you now dear,? I heard the woman say and I must have muttered some sort of thank you because she gave me a big smile and kissed my forehead. Of the next few minutes I remember very little. Two men came and placed me face down on a stretcher and although they tried to be gentle, the movements hurt me terribly so the next thing I really remember is lying on my bed in the prison with Nurse Muniba standing alongside with a syringe in her hand. I didn?t even feel the needle go in but the relief it gave was nearly instantaneous.
?Lie still Elaine, I need to clean your back and arse and put antiseptic cream on. I?ll be a gentle as I can but you shouldn?t feel too much pain for the next few hours.? Muniba washed my back with a liquid that had an aniseed smell and several times when I caught a brief sight of the sponge I saw red patches and I knew the cane had cut through my skin. Muniba dabbed me dry and gently rubbed in a cream. Suddenly it came to me; I wasn?t chained to Roger.
?Where?s?? Talking seemed terribly difficult.
?In the next cell.? I turned my head only to see Sumala watching me.
?He didn?t need to spoil you like that,? he said bitterly. ?You were so beautiful.? Although his tone was sympathetic, his words caused me a great deal of agitation. ?Was I going to be scarred for life??
Muniba must have read my mind. ?You?ll heal fine. All the men will be thirsting for you soon.? That wasn?t the reassurance I wanted. ?And Roger?s in the Vilisi?s cell. I?ll give him his injection in a moment.? She moved slightly so I could see past her to where Roger laid groaning and crying out and when he saw us turn towards him the volume of his cries rose to a pathetic level. ?I better give him something to shut him up otherwise there will be no peace for anyone in this building.? The nurse grinned and so did the warder and Sumala.
For a while I lay on the bed in comparative ease. The injection had reduced the pain to a dull ache and, although awake to my surroundings, I felt drowsy as if I was not really in my own body. My mind floated near the ceiling and I looked down on the scene below without being part of it. A hand gripping mine brought me back down again and when I opened my eyes I saw Sumala?s face the other side of the bars. It showed a surprising concern for my welfare. He gave a small smile and whispered, ?Sleep a little Ellie. You?re exhausted.? I didn?t even attempt to pull my hand from his; I even clutched one of his fingers tightly just like a baby. It brought me a little comfort.
Some time later, the sound of the cell being unlocked and hushed but familiar voices woke me. Major Tzarma Entembe in full uniform entered the cell accompanied by the nurse, the sergeant and several other men. I closed my eyes again and pretended to sleep; I didn?t want to speak with him. He, I was sure, could have prevented my punishment.
?By all the spirits nurse, that looks an overly severe punishment. You are doing everything possible for her?? Tzarma?s voice was grave.
?Of course we are Sir. I do what I can to treat all those who are punished whatever they have done.? Muniba sounded affronted that he should even suggest that she did otherwise. ?Yes Sir, her punishment was far more severe than I expected for the sentence she received. I would guess the flogging master didn?t take into account that she is a white girl and her skin in thinner than ours and he?s broken through it in a number of places as you can see. The whiteness also shows the marks much more vividly.? She hesitated as if deciding what to say, ?Sir?? You might wish to consider reprimanding the flog master. This is not the first time he?s overstepped the mark. Sumala there should have been released today but his wounds are too bad for me to sanction it.?
Sumala tried to pull his hand away but I kept a tight hold on his finger. Whether Tzarma reacted to this I couldn?t tell because I didn?t wish to open my eyes and face him.
?Ellie?s body should not have been spoiled like that Sir. She looked like an angel before and now??
Tzarma seemed to ignore Sumala?s comment but I have no doubt he reacted to it inwardly. ?Will she be scarred nurse?? I flinched at his question and I guess they knew that I was awake and listening.
?I don?t think so Sir. I?ll do everything possible to prevent any scarring. The wounds are not too deep but they may take a long while to fade and if the bones are bruised the pain will take a long while to disappear.?
?Open your eyes Elaine ? or is it Ellie now??
?Whatever?Sir,? I managed to croak.
?It?s okay, I like Ellie and I won?t ask any more questions. Rest now. You certainly earned your bluestone today. I saw the film of it.? No apology but I detected a caring note in his voice. ?Where?s the other one? The one she was chained to? The one who only took a fraction of his punishment??
?He?s in a cell at the other end of the corridor. We moved him because he caused too much disturbance and was calling Miss Elaine the most outrageous names. You can order them to be chained again Sir but she really needs a bed of her own for a few days and in his own way, Sumala is a comfort to her.? Tzarma lifted his eyebrows. ?No Sir, he hasn?t fucked her or even tried to. He?s still in too much pain to do anything at the moment. In any case the ban on fucking her hasn?t been lifted yet. I think it is just his male presence that is giving her a little strength.?
?I?ll consider the chaining option when she?s recovered sufficiently and they have to work together. I want them moved into the flat in the offices as soon as possible.?
?I would respectfully suggest Sir, that she is kept here for a few days where we can keep a better eye on her and I am more or less immediately available.?
?We?ll see how well she responds to your treatment.? The Major?s words were quite abrupt.
When I next woke the lights were dim but my hand still gripped Sumala?s finger. My movement must have disturbed him too because he opened his eyes and I found myself staring directly at him. ?Would you like a drink?? he whispered, ?Muniba left some for you.? I nodded and felt a great sense of loss when he released my grip to pour some into a cup for me. I mumbled hoarse thanks and sipped the drink slowly and passed the cup back. The pain was returning but it wasn?t horrendously bad but it was enough to cause me to wince. I desperately needed to pee and tried to lift my body from the bed but I didn?t have the strength to overcome the weight and the pain. ?You need to piss?? How did he know? What could he do anyway? ?I have a ladies piss bowl.? Presumably the nurse had left it with him. I noticed that he was still in considerable pain when he moved but he never moaned or mentioned it.
Instead of just passing me the utensil, he reached through the bars and placed it between my legs. It must have been designed for girls lying face down because it moulded itself to me but even so it took some time before I released my flow. All the time Sumala kept it pressed against me and spoke quietly until I finished. Carefully he removed the container and emptied it in his own toilet. Once my mind went back to a few days ago and thought how I would have been highly embarrassed to even have a man in my presence when performing such a simple bodily function, but with the pain and all that had happened in the previous few hours, I was past caring. He forgot to wipe but I could forgive him that. He was a man. I had someone who was strong enough and caring enough to help me was all that mattered. Clasping his hand again I shut my eyes and went over things in my mind.
?Why did I now appreciate the man I held when I?d found him so abhorrent at first? Was it because I was no longer a virgin? Because I had taken a man?s prick inside me? Why was I so disgusted with Roger?s behaviour when I knew that he couldn?t help being like he was? He couldn?t help becoming unconscious at the least pain could he? Did he keep his pathetic moaning and complaining just to get my attention? Or did he really want someone to mother him? Why had he turned against me and called me those vile names?? I drifted off into a troubled sleep again.
Next thing I remember was the sound of my cell being unlocked and Muniba checking me over. She didn?t look too pleased and even her gentle prodding caused me pain. ?I?m going to give you another injection. Not the same stuff but it will help ease the pain a little. I mustn?t give you too much of the drug you had yesterday.? I felt the needle prick my skin and we waited for it to take effect. ?A shower first young lady and then I?ll treat the wounds. Do you need to piss?? I nodded. ?Bring the piss bowl in here please Sumala. You seem to know what to do and then help her to the shower. And you have one too and keep your prick out of her while you?re in there.?
?I won?t hurt her or fuck her until she?s healed. I?m not that much of a bastard.?
?I know you won?t Sumala, that?s why I asked you,? Muniba laughed. She?d already examined him and left his cell unlocked. ?You can both appreciate the other?s pain so it might be better for you to help each other rather than ask the warders.? It took two men though to get me on my feet and a minute or two before I was steady enough to cling to Sumala?s arm and hobble with him to the shower room.
We passed Roger?s cell on the way. He lay on his bed moaning. I could see his back and arse were pretty colourful and I wonder how mine compared. ?You whore!? he yelled when he saw me clinging on Sumala?s arm, ?You just want all the black prick you can get!? Sumala stiffened and for a moment I thought he might react but the pain of moving and holding me preventing him doing anything rash. When Roger got up from the bed and came to the door unaided, I knew he wasn?t that badly hurt. He walked stiffly but definitely he was not in severe pain. My distain for him multiplied but I just urged Sumala on and tried to ignore the taunts and wicked aspersions as to why I was with Sumala. I hoped I could persuade Tzarma not to chain me to him again but if we were again linked I decided that he would be the underdog all the time and I would use my bluestone status to force him to do the most menial tasks. I could tolerate him being a wimp but not his spitefulness. Our relationship deteriorated further when he saw that on our return, Sumala had a partial erection.
Muniba must have decided to take some action against him. ?Muniba, isn?t it time you came and treated me?? he shouted.
?Yes,? she called back, ?Just as soon as I have finished treating this man.? There was another prisoner who had been in for several days before we arrived and was due for discharge. He?d been punished a week or so ago and his stripes were healed enough to leave, but the knife wound he?d sustained as part of the fracas had turned sceptic and Muniba was treating that.
?But I?m in serious pain and need an injection. Now!?
Finally Muniba finished what she was doing and went to Roger?s cell. ?I?m not going in there until he is properly restrained and silenced,? she quietly told the warder, ?You may need to get help.? She came back to us to wait.
?Is my back and bottom, really worse than his?? I asked. The nurse looked grave but she nodded, yes. ?Can I see it??
?Not for the time being, now lie down and let me put the cream on. You?d better go back to your cell Sumala and I?ll treat you next, the shower has washed off the cream I put on earlier.? My imagination ran riot with the thoughts of how badly mutilated I was. While I was being treated I heard some scuffles and crying and screaming from Roger but quite suddenly it went quiet except for some rattling of metal on metal. ?Rest for an hour Ellie, and then I want you to walk the length of the corridor both ways. It will hurt some but I don?t want the muscles to become so stiff they will be difficult to move later. I will ask Zulam who is on duty again, to let you and Sumala out so you can both walk together.?
When we walked by Roger was still restrained, shackled to the bars at the head and foot ends of the bed, but I didn?t say anything to him and the gag prevented him saying anything to us. Sometime later a man came and photographed my back and Sumala?s too but the reason wasn?t divulged. I suspected it was due to the flogging master being reprimanded. Copies of the photos later ended up in my file in the IT office. I almost vomited when I saw them.
Major Entembe visited during the afternoon and seemed shocked at the colour of my flesh. Muniba repeatedly assured him that it was only the bruising coming out and I was making satisfactory progress but it would be a slow process. He had a long conversation with her out of my hearing and they visited Roger?s cell but didn?t go in. He?d been released from the restraints that held him to the cell bars but had been kept handcuffed and was warned that the gag would go back in if there were any further outbursts.
Chapter eight. Our roles defined
Four days later I was able to walk unaided if my shuffling along like an aged woman could be considered walking, and the nurse told me that I would be released that afternoon. ?I wanted to keep you here longer but Major Entembe insists that it is time for you to take up your duties; your journalistic duties and your womanly ones. He rightly pointed out that your accommodation and the food in Government House is far superior to here and you can no doubt guess it will make it more convenient for him pop in to fuck you. I?ve pressured him into agreeing not to make you lie on your back when he does so and has agreed to use other ways until such time as you are healed sufficiently. The ruling will apply to any male that is allowed to fuck you and I suspect that after tomorrow when the Major has filled you with his sperm again, that will apply to any male.? I started to ask questions but she bade me wait until she had finished. ?He will explain all the necessary rules. I am to visit you each morning to check on your condition. That?s perhaps the good news. The down side is that, while Roger is not going to be linked to you for the time being, he is to stay by your side at all times just as though he is again physically connected. He will go to the toilet with you, stay by your bed when a man is fucking you and be totally subservient to you at all times. If he doesn?t behave, you may use the strap to punish him. If that is insufficient incentive, he can always be sent back to the flogging master who might try other methods of keeping him awake. The Major wanted to chain you like you were before but I managed to get the concession on the grounds that any serious pull on your arms could easily open up your wounds on your back again. I also thought that you might prefer it that way.?
?Are you sure you don?t know why I?m being taken to the Major?s office with you Ellie?? Sumala asked as the three of us stumbled along the uneven path to Government House. ?Am I in trouble??
?I have no more knowledge than you Suma. The Major?s not mentioned you much in his visits and you?ve been listening through the bars anyway. I haven?t seen him for two days but it seems he visited Muniba more recently. I told you what she told me before we left. I had no idea you were coming. I even said good-bye. It wasn?t until the guards came and collected you as well as us that I knew.?
?She wants you on hand to?? Roger started but stopped when I turned and glared at him. He didn?t need a verbal reminder of his position.
Roger and I were still naked but after a week without wearing clothes, that had ceased to worry me. None of the Tumalians we met were overly concerned about it and didn?t even make rude comments. All seemed concerned at the state of my back though. Sumala wore his shorts for the first time. For my part, I was dreading the day when I would have material chafing the welts, welts that were now scabbing over and no longer open but I knew I would need them when I was fit enough to go outside.
Inside the building we were quickly shown into Shelumba?s office. ?Sorry.? She apologised, ?You?ll have to wait for a little while, the Major has a visitor. He said you might need this.? Shelumba handed me a soft pillow. She, like all those we?d passed in the building looked horrified at the state of my back and they even commented on Sumala?s too. ?I?m sorry, no one thought your punishment would be as severe as it was. We?ll do all we can to help you in the next few weeks.? I asked about Sumala but she said it would be the Major?s task to explain. We chatted for a few more minutes and then she said, ?Perhaps I ought to warn you, when the Major?s visitor comes out, stand up straight and bow your head until he has gone. You don?t need to get into any more trouble because of your ignorance of our etiquette.?
By the end of ten minutes, even with the pillow, the chair was becoming uncomfortably hard and several times I had to lift myself up. Fortunately the office door opened and when Shelumba stood the others and I copied her, albeit at a much slower pace. I caught a glimpse of the man?s face and recognised it from photographs on the web; Colonel Nubaro.
Unexpectedly he stopped and looked at our group. ?So you?re Ted Sullivan?s reporters. Look at me please.? I lifted my head and saw that he was smiling. I wanted to ask about the immunity document but I knew this was not the right time and questioning him now could land us in a worse situation. ?I hear you managed for fall foul of our laws already. That was unfortunate but it will give you something to write about. Turn around please, Miss Eves.? I did so. ?It was never our intention to have her punished like this Major. What happened??
?An over zealous flogging master Sir.?
?Have him flogged in a similar way.?
?The matter is already in hand Sir.
?And the boy??
?Passed out at every stroke Sir.?
?Unusual. Still we only accepted him as a makeweight but it might be interesting to put him in the Mummy Boy camp and see what happens. I see you?ve put her in charge now. They?ll have to stay until her stripes have faded but at least Ted will get his money?s worth out of her. I think we should send Ted pictures of her stripes. That will help sell the magazine and increase interest in our country and it will raise the profile of our negotiations with the British government.?
?We already have pictures of her Sir, and pictures of her in the customs hall at the airport and a number of her at the whipping post. The Chapoti Post has also printed pictures and run a story on them. Ted will probably sell them to the TV companies in England.?
?I was utterly shocked at the news and found myself becoming feint from standing in the one position and hearing the conversation. A moment later I found myself held in Sumala?s arms. The Major was showing his visitor out. A glass of water revived me and I had a few moments to go over some of the Colonel?s remarks.
?It was never our intention to have her punished like this.? They?d planned our punishment in advance. Why? Sounded as if Ted knew about it too so it must have been worked out even before we left England. Now they wanted the magazine readers and indeed the whole world when it was put on the web and TV, to gloat over my misfortune; our misfortune. I would be shown naked and being beaten. How would I ever live it down? Could I ever return to work in England again? And then Nubaro said, ?We only accepted him as a makeweight.? Did Ted suspect Roger would be useless in this situation? Or was it that I would never have come on my own? I wonder what Roger thought of that? It won?t have helped his self esteem at all. Nor will the bit about being sent to the Mummy Boy camp. By then the Major had returned and I?d finished the water. Shelumba ushered us into his office and even brought the pillow for me to sit on.
There were only two chairs and my pillow was placed on one and after the Major indicated we should sit, I ordered Roger to kneel on the floor beside me. I was rewarded with a smile from the Major and a scowl from Roger.
At first the Major reiterated what Nurse Muniba had told me but he went on, ?For the rest of today and all tomorrow, I am keeping you for my exclusive use. After that, others will be free to fuck you outside working hours and outside the restricted areas like the cafeteria. No one, not even me, is allowed to enter your bedroom without your express invitation. If a man asks to come to your room, you are within your rights to say no. If he asks to fuck you in a recreational area, then you must allow it. Is that clear Elaine? Shelumba has a typed list of all this and will give it to you afterwards.?
?Yes Sir.?
?Roger, as I said earlier, you must keep close to Elaine just as though you were physically connected. You may only fuck her if she requests it and you may only fuck other ladies, if Elaine permits it. During the day you will help her with the journalistic work you came here to do. At those times you can advise, suggest and debate the best way to write the articles but at all other times and in all other matters, you will be under her strict control. Your pathetic behaviour in the last few days almost caused me to send you on your own directly to the Mummy Boy camp where they would certainly have used you like a woman.? I looked down at Roger kneeling at my side and noticed his prick was hardening. The Major must have seen it too but he didn?t comment. ?However, I see from your file that in the office the pair of you bounced ideas off each other and produced excellent articles under a dual by-line. If that doesn?t work here, then for the rest of your time in this country, your arse can serve the needs of the queer pricks that are not allowed to produce babies. Do you think he will be able to handle a situation like that Elaine??
Roger hung his head but I couldn?t tell if he was pleased or disappointed that he wouldn?t be sent to the homosexual camp but the question was directed to me and not him. ?Maybe he will Sir, but he will have to come to terms with the fact that I am not the innocent shy girl he knew in England. I have the same brain and the same ideas but my inner feelings have been drastically changed. They are not to his liking but I?m not going to change back. If he doesn?t accept me like this, then perhaps a spell in the camp will do him good and we could do an article on it.? I waited a moment and then asked, ?Are there camps for lesbians too??
?No, there are no bans on lesbians but as all women have to allow themselves to be fucked regularly, lesbians are baby producers too. We do have women that live together like Uvala and Culmin who you?ve met but they are mated like every other woman of child bearing age.? I wondered what it would be like to have sex with a woman but my arse was beginning to feel the effects of sitting and I shifted slightly in the chair and the Major continued with his speech.
?Sumala I have no doubt you are puzzled over your role in this and even what you are doing in this building. You have a record of violence and for the use of illegal beverages but Nurse Muniba and I noted how gentle and caring you were with Elaine. Your records also show that you know your way around the mountains here and you are known in many of the encampments. When Elaine is fit we will be sending her on assignments to visit various communities and it will be your job to keep her out of real danger and to introduce her to those people who can help with her work. With her you will be subject to the same limitations as other men; no fucking during work time and no entering her bedroom without permission and the term bedroom can encompass anything from her room here, to a sleeping bag out in the wilds. It will be a few days yet before you too are fit enough to go far but you can use the time learning some of the new services a journalist will require of you ? and I don?t mean the sex services. You must be able to use a camera or digital recorder and to capture her images and dialogues so that she can produce accurate articles. Do you accept the position??
Sumala seemed stunned by the proposition and I learned later he?d never had a proper job and certainly not one which required him to escort a white woman but he stuttered a yes.
?All three of you will be paid at civil servants rates and you will be given an advance on your pay as soon as Shelumba arranges it. Your wages in England will also continue to be paid into your bank accounts so you should be financially well off, particularly as your expenses here will be minimal. Suitable uniforms will be provided but for the next day or two, Elaine you would be better off without them. As you?ve probably already noticed, no one here will be concerned about your nudity. I think that?s about all I need to say for now; Shelumba will give you more details of your living arrangements. Elaine, I trust you will accompany me to dinner tonight.?
The interview ended abruptly and I knew this was to prevent us asking questions. Shelumba handed me a sheaf of papers and showed us to our rooms, Sumala?s was just a few doors away from ours. He, like us, had a double bed and I wondered with a twinge of jealousy, if he would be taking other women into it. I doubted he would tonight but he had every right to do so. Tumali was not a monogamous country and I had only a vague idea how the family system worked. Finding out was a project for later. I needed to rest. Shelumba saw this and suggested, ?Elaine, it is over an hour before the cafeteria opens so may I suggest that you lie down for a while and after lunch I?ll take you to your work area and introduce you to the IT people. You won?t be expected to do much for the first few days. Your belongings, except for the illegal items of course, are in your room and Muniba has provided a large pot of the cream for your back and bum. You have cream in your bathroom too Sumala. You will be allowed to fetch your belongings from your home later.?
We found everything just as she said. Even my laptop and digital camera were in a drawer. Nothing, not even the smallest coin, was missing. There were also Tumali style blouses and skirts in the wardrobe but I didn?t feel like even trying them on. They had also provided a short leather belt that I showed to Roger but he only shrugged as if to dare me to use it. I really didn?t want to either but I knew that it might be the only way to keep my control over him. He continued to play the sulky teenager and barely spoke to me. His resentment surfaced when I asked him to apply the cream to my back. He did but so roughly that I cried out with the pain. Moments later Sumala appeared in the doorway and seeing the situation, grabbed Roger and tossed him heavily to the floor where he lay crying like a baby. Had he been fit, I think Sumala would have hurt him more.
?Thanks Suma, leave him now,? I tried to calm the situation, ?Please will you put the cream on for me and I?ll do the same for you.? Sumala?s gentle massaging of the cream into my sore skin did ease the pain considerably but he didn?t stop at the places that had been whipped, he carried on massaged the area between my legs. Unashamedly I opened my thighs to give him better access and soon my juices were flowing so that when he expertly rubbed my clit, I came almost immediately. My shame came when I realised that he had done this for me but I hadn?t done anything to ease his suffering and I knew that he did suffer even if he didn?t show it outwardly.
?My turn!? I lethargically got out of bed and was faced with his prick jutting out hard and straight from his body. After being so aroused I wished that I could try and take it in me but it wasn?t worth the risk at this stage. I did hold it for a few moments though and then made Sumala lie face down on the bed. My juices still flowed as I rubbed cream into his whip marks, first those on his back and then the deeper ones on his arse. I could clearly see how much more ferocious the whip was compared to the cane and I knew just how bad that was. His scars would be permanent.
Finishing the massage, I took a leaf out of his book and slipped my hand under his body and gently rubbed his prick. He turned on his side. ?I?ll make a mess on your bed if you?re not careful.?
His big grin almost melted my heart but it turned to ice when I heard Roger muttering and caught the word ?slut.?
?Silence,? I shouted to him in annoyance, ?Had you been more careful treating me, I would have put cream on you too. Now you can just sit there and watch. Play with yourself.? He looked shocked at the suggestion. ?That?s right, get hold of your prick and wank yourself off. I?ve no doubt you?ve done it many times before. Go on do it. That?s an order!? I watched him give a few tentative rubs and returned my attention to Sumala?s more substantial weapon. It was already leaking fluid, so I placed it in mouth ran my tongue around the rim and into the eye. Sumala carefully pulled my body alongside his and inserted his tongue into my slit and my arousal escalated. I sucked him vigorously and soon I tasted his sperm while he too brought me to another climax.
We lay relaxing in that sixty-nine position for a little while until I noticed that it would soon be lunchtime. When I pulled away I said loudly enough for Roger to hear, ?Thanks Suma, that was delightful. I take it that part of your new job will be showing me the things a Tumali woman must do to satisfy a man. There?s a lot I need to learn.?
?It?ll be a pleasure to teach you Miss Ellie.?
We cleaned up and went for lunch. Roger?s hands were sticky so I knew he?d masturbated himself too. I knew also that somehow I had to get him back on my side again but everything I did at the moment only caused a widening of the rift between us.
Chapter nine. We start work
Shelumba collected us for lunch. I stood to eat and so did Roger. There was no way I dared sit on the hard chairs even if it did make us even more conspicuous but I suspected he could if he wanted as his bad welts were across his shoulders. Sumala tried to be a macho man and sat but he found it very uncomfortable and soon he stood alongside me. Part way through the meal Shelumba waved at a portly middle-aged woman carrying a tray. She wore a bluestone too and placing her food on our table, introduced herself, ?Hi I?m Riku, head of IT so I?m more or less your boss at work. You must be Elaine? and Roger? and you are?? She shook hands with all of us and Sumala introduced himself. ?Will you be fit enough for the grand tour this afternoon?? Riku asked knowing why we were standing even though she hadn?t yet seen our backs.
?As long as we don?t have to sit on hard seats and can rest when we need to.?
We spent an hour or so looking round our work place. It wasn?t that much different to home. The computer still ran Word. Excel and PhotoShop and various other programmes I was familiar with. When I saw the email icon, I wondered if I would be able to contact Ted or my friends but Riku quickly told me that she?d had to disable the Internet connection on our machine. ?If you need to do searches or to send an email, I have to do it. Orders from the big boss,? she said. Roger I noticed had begun to perk up again. Perhaps it was being in a work environment but I thought Riku was the more likely cause. Even at that first meeting he seemed to have a rapport with her albeit she was at least old enough to be his mother.
Tzarma called for me early in the evening and we went to a smaller restaurant where waitresses served us. I wore a skirt but no top thinking that the skirt might provide a little protection if the chairs were hard. Roger was obliged to tag along and I insisted that he wore a pair of shorts. My not wearing a top wasn?t commented on and in fact, I wasn?t the only topless woman there but the state of my back certainly brought looks of horror and even disgust. Of course a fair haired, light skinned woman also made me the centre of attention, especially with male customers. There was no doubt in my mind that they were mentally raping me but I felt safe with the Major.
Later, back in my room, Tzarma removed my skirt and undressed himself. I was no longer afraid of his prick but I did worry that he might get carried away and fuck me hard and disturb the fragile healing of my stripes. ?You?re learning fast Ellie,? he commented when I rubbed his semi-hard prick to a full erection.
?Please take it easy Sir. Try not to hit my arse too hard.? I needn?t have worried. He laid me bent over the side of the bed, spread my legs and carefully entered. Each of his thrusts seemed to stop a hair?s breadth from my bottom flesh and I soon began to enjoy the experience. In later conversations I found out that he was more concerned with impregnating me than giving himself or me pleasure. It didn?t bring me to a climax either but I wasn?t overly concerned. He stayed until a little before midnight and before he left, had a second insemination session as I then thought of them.
?Would you like to sleep in bed with me or continue lying on the floor?? I asked Roger when we were alone. He didn?t answer but came into the bed.
?Mistress? Would you put some cream on my welts please Mistress?? Roger asked after we?d lain awake for a while.
?Only if you cut the Mistress crap Roger and only if you do me first. I don?t need you to do what Suma did, just put the cream on carefully and I will return the favour. We?re on the same side, remember? I?ll help you, if you cooperate with me.? He didn?t answer but he did smooth the cream into my skin with great care and I did the same for him. When finally we lay down again I pushed my body close alongside his and put my arm around his neck.
We awoke early, showered and used the toilet while in the same room. Roger had an erection when he first got up and I was tempted to suck him but I decided that neither of us was really ready for that. I was still a whore and a slut in his mind and to suck him would only reinforce that belief and probably disgust him. I think that at the back of his mind I was still innocent Elaine from London. Perhaps after he?d had a Tumalian girl, he would think differently. He could ask her but I would also have to give my permission. Maybe we would meet a young girl at work. They?ll all be pregnant so he won?t be able to sire a baby.
Nurse Muniba was pleased with my progress and I knew I could walk easier than yesterday but the sight of my back in the mirror still horrified me. The yellow purple bruising that covered the whole of my upper back and arse was overlaid with red stripes that bore black scabs along much of their length. They gave me a grotesque appearance. I decided to try the blouse but I had to leave the front completely undone and not use the tiny cups that should uplift my tits so as not to pull the fabric on to the welts. Roger?s back showed less severe bruising except at the top and only the first two top stripes looked angry. I have no doubt they did hurt and if he?d been the only one to have received the cane we?d have been more sympathetic but all the time his wounds were compared to mine and Sumala?s which again I suspect made him feel inferior.
I took my laptop and Riku made us welcome. She said that we needn?t start on our work if we didn?t feel up to it but both Roger and I decided that we needed something to occupy our minds and we should get it into words before the experience faded. On our allotted computer we found a folder with all the pictures of us that had been taken since our arrival. There were over sixty Jpegs. This further reinforced our belief that our abduction was planned long ago and everything that had happened to us was part of a well thought out plan. ?Do you think Ted knew about this when he appointed us?? Roger surprised me by asking. ?Were we selected to work on Today?s World as a prerequisite for coming here? We always knew that only one person was needed for much of the work we did.?
I had to agree with him and commented, ?That raises another unanswerable question. To have recommended us, someone on the staff at college must be on the payroll here. Who?? We ran through a list of the staff but couldn?t think which one it could possibly be. ?I think we should start the article at the point where we left college and got jobs at the magazine. For the first article perhaps going as far as the time we were arrested.?
?They?ll censor it.?
?Maybe, maybe not. Ask Riku, she seems to like you.? Roger blushed but went to the other side of the room to speak with her. It was probably stretching the notion of a chain link but I guessed that as long as we were in sight of each other, it would be okay. I noticed them both smile as they talked and then she came over to see me.
?I?m to do the initial censorship and then it has to go to Major Entembe. I?ve been told to allow everything that is factual but to delete anything that is pure speculation or even deduction. You are not allowed to speculate on who organised your being here. As far as your article is concerned you were sent here in good faith but with an immunity document that no one so far has accepted. You unwittingly broke some of our laws and have been sentenced and punished for it. You can describe your experiences in the most explicit and horrific detail and give full rein to your feelings but again no speculation about who in our government is behind it all.?
?So we can write the facts as taken at face value. Like we were stopped at customs because I didn?t show my tits and we were punished with the strap because of it. We were then arrested because I had brought in contraceptive pills and certain items of clothing and Roger brought condoms and underwear. For that we were imprisoned and flogged. We can describe all that happened but mustn?t say that the Colonel or even the General are behind it all??
?That?s about right. Put in as much detail as you like of what happened and all the titillating details of life here especially the sex bits. By all means relate your revulsion at some of the things we do and your feelings at the severity of the punishment. Don?t be shy describing all the sex that goes on or I?ll send the draft back to you for a re-write! Perhaps if you do it well enough it will cause a few of your English readers to make a few unwanted babies. One of the purposes of your writing is to encourage white women to come and produce babies for us but we want them to know exactly what the conditions here are like so we wish you to write about the bad points as well as the good. We don?t want them to be under the illusion that they can come and have some free sex with black pricks and go home again.? Riku laughed and gave a little wave as she left.
One computer between two is a pain so I set up my laptop and started writing the text. I decided to keep a password-protected file as my diary and to use it as the basis for the articles and later for this story. In my diary I could put my thoughts and reasons concerning the way we were brought to Tumali and happened to us and then censor it for the articles. Roger always preferred doing the illustrations anyway and the ones in the folder were straight downloads from the cameras and needed a fair amount of tweaking before being acceptable for printing. He turned very pale at times when he saw them and I could understand why. Some of the close-up pictures were pretty horrific. Sumala came back from collecting his belongings at the time when Roger was enhancing the pictures of us on the punishment bench in the customs hall. ?Fuck me, they really had it in for you right from the start,? he remarked with some bitterness.
He watched us for a while but seemed to get bored although each new picture that came on the screen renewed his interest. ?Would you mind getting my camera from my room Suma and then you can start to learn your job or at least the photography bit of it.?
?Yes ma?am.? He gave a mock salute. ?And bring a cushion with you. You don?t have to sit on a hard chair!? I called after him only to receive another ?Yes ma?am? and the salute. One of the good points about Tumali is the honesty. Perhaps the punishment system, barbaric as it seemed to me, really worked. No one locked their doors. In fact none of the doors to any of the in Government House bedrooms had locks. This alarmed me at first but I was assured that everything was safe and no one, but no one, went into a room without being invited in. Not even the Major entered my room without knocking and being told to come in. Perhaps I shouldn?t have been surprised because every single item, apart from the confiscated ones, in my luggage was returned and nothing appeared to have been tampered with.
I didn?t really get much writing done that morning, what with commenting on the pictures and showing Sumala how to use the camera but by the time lunch time came I felt exhausted. I knew Sumala was feeling his stripes too after walking several miles to his home, or at least the place where he last stored his stuff, and back. I gather that he had a locker in a community house that he used to keep his few belongings in. He?d had to carry his rucksack in front of him because he didn?t dare chafe the stripes on his back. Riku sat alongside Roger at lunch and I could see she fancied him even though she was much older and knew about his wimpishness and about his prick being on the small side for Tumali. Perhaps I could get a quiet word with her soon. I did tell her that we were going to rest for a while after lunch and she gave me a knowing look but didn?t say anything.
I think Sumala was pretty exhausted too and we both lay together on the bed but neither of us did much sexually except he stroked my tits and I caressed his prick a bit. Roger lay on the other side of the bed facing away from us. I?d given him the option of lying there with us or sitting in the chair and he made a show of reluctance in deciding the bed was the softer option.
That evening was a repetition of the previous one. Dinner with the Major early on followed by an insemination session, period of quiet where we lay close and he mainly asked about my life and a final insemination about midnight. Roger seemed asleep in the chair so I very quietly asked the Major if it would be possible to loan him out so that he could experience Tumali women without being inhibited by my presence. ?Have you someone in mind?? he asked.
?She?s infertile. Lost her ovaries after her last child. She doesn?t have so many men now.? He considered my request. ?Yes,? he agreed slowly, ?But for the moment, no more than three nights a week and he is to physically chained to her like you were and be back with you by breakfast time in the morning. Don?t be surprised if he is shocked by what he sees.? I didn?t tell Roger.
Chapter ten. I see the whipping post again
First thing next morning it poured with rain. Not the fairly gentle rain such as we normally have in England, but hard, heavy stair-rods of water that flattened everything in their path. It only lasted a little over an hour and then the sun came out but for most of the morning the atmosphere was hot and sticky. It made the sores on my back and bottom itch but I knew better than to scratch them. Sumala?s did too and several times I caught him surreptitiously trying to rub his back. I reprimanded him and received the ?Yes ma?am? salute and a broad smile.
Riku and a number of the IT staff didn?t come into work until it was all over and things had begun to dry up so for the first couple of hours we almost had the office to ourselves with only the overnight staff remaining on duty. Everyone treated it as a normal occurrence for the time of year. ?The main rainy season finished in mid-April but we get these little rains storms from time to time,? one told me. ?We?re okay up here, its those that live in the valleys that have to worry as they get the run-off from this plateau.?
?That was a little rain storm?? The man smiled and nodded, ?In the wet season it could last all day.? I soon noticed the road below the window that had been awash, was rapidly drying up and after another hour there was little to show of the downpour.
Muniba was late coming too. We?d decided she was giving us a miss that day and were at work when she entered the office. For a few moments she looked at what we were doing and then, in front of everyone, made us undress and proceeded to examine us. Knowing we were being watched still embarrassed me a little even though all of staff present had seen me naked. Perhaps it was the way Muniba was drawing attention to my sorest places by touching and commenting on them. A flash went off during my examination and when I turned, Sumala had the camera in his hand and was grinning. ?You?re taking your job too seriously,? I yelled at him but that only drew laughter from the others and the ?Yes ma?am? salute from him. I got my own back when he was examined and I held the camera.
The nurse seemed satisfied with our progress and then dropped a minor bombshell. ?We need to start you doing some exercises to work your back and arse muscles a bit.? Many of the staff watched with a morbid fascination at the sight of our bruised bodies although, when I looked in the mirror earlier I thought the purple colour had faded a little but I still walked slightly bent over and with slower steps than normal. The exercises were like a slow motion gym class. Lifting arms sideways, upwards, frontwards and bending from the waist and the knees. Several times I was forced to cry out but she made me continue and several times I heard Sumala groan. Roger, as we expected, cried out loudly until the whole office including Riku laughed at him. The exercises made my tits wobble and I guessed that excited the men. Sumala got an erection, which the nurse flicked painfully a couple of times, causing him to groan but it went down. ?We don?t need that getting in the way,? she grinned. Some of the girls sniggered and I thought, ?That?s worth remembering if Roger starts getting out of hand,? but when I looked round I noticed that several of the men in the office had the front of their shorts pushed forward. Seeing that it was work time, they couldn?t do anything about it. None of the girls were fazed by the sight and completely ignored it.
I certainly didn?t feel any better for the exercises but I suppose they did some good. At least I now knew that I could move my arms more than I had without doing any damage to my back, even if it was painful. Worse was to come. ?At lunchtime I want you to walk around the Market Square and back. I?m sure Riku will understand if you have a long lunch hour. You?re working for an English magazine anyway and can call it research or something.?
?You want us to walk there and back?? That?s a mile or more! I can hardly get from our room to here!?
She laughed at my expression of horror. ?Well I suppose I could ask a couple of the guards to march you there at bayonet point.?
?You?re cruel!?
?No, you might even enjoy it.? I could hear her chuckling as she headed for the door and then she turned, ?And don?t forget to dress properly!? The rest of the staff were all highly amused and Riku had to remind them to get back to work.
She proved right again. We did enjoy it and after the first two or three hundred yards walking became easier and even Roger stopped complaining. As we neared the square our progress slowed when people recognising our white skin, stopped to talk with us. Many of them had witnessed our whipping and frequently showed concern for our welfare, particularly Sumala?s and mine. Roger though, was pointedly ignored I did feel sorry for the way they shunned him. I really couldn?t understand the way their minds worked. A few days previously they had no doubt cheered when the whipping master laid the cane across our bodies and yet now they were concerned for our welfare. To my mind it didn?t make sense but I came to the conclusion that they believed the punishment was necessary but once it was over, everything should be done to minimise its effect.
I made sure that we took a wide detour around the whipping post but no one was being punished, even so, just the sight of it and the surrounding stands, made my blood run cold. We dallied, or at least I did, at the colourful market stalls and I bought a few small items. Fortunately one of the girls in the office reminded me to take some money and before leaving England we had obtained ?200 worth of Malawian kwacha, which were valid in Tumali although they also had their own version of the currency, rather like Scotland has its own British pound notes. We hadn?t worked long enough in the IT office to be paid for our supposedly ?civil service? jobs. They worked on the old British system that paid you for the first week when you had worked the second but Shelumba had given us an advance payment so with that and what we?d bought from home, we were comparatively rich and could have probably bought the entire contents of the stall and still had some change. I wondered if we would be expected to haggle over the prices like in many middle-eastern countries but Sumala said, no. It seems honesty extended to market traders and the price they asked was always a fair one.
Almost as we left the square and started the return journey a woman stopped in front of me. ?It?s good to see you?re able to get about again,? she said. The voice and the face were vaguely familiar and then it came to me. She was the kind woman who gave me a drink and the cushion and held me while Roger was being caned. I burst into tears and gave her a hug while the others looked on with bemused expressions. I of course thanked her profusely and assured her that I would look for her when we came to the market again. In turn she invited me to her home and pointed in a direction that was away from the way we?d come. ?Another day,? I told her. Sumala seemed to delight in being in charge of my camera and took photos of us.
?What was all that about with Wyche?? Sumala asked when we were on the way again. I told him and asked about her. ?She?s been barren all her life but in her way she is as good at healing as Muniba is. Uses herbs and potions she collects from the forests and many prefer her methods to the modern ones.
Over an hour late we returned to the office and received a good deal of ribbing as to why we were so late but it was all very friendly. ?Did Suma take you into the forest? Were you arrested for having white tits? Can we ask the nurse to order us to walk our stiffness off at lunchtime?? and so it went on.
?Can I ask the flogging master to stripe your backs to match mine?? I laughed in reply but Riku soon had us working again. I did indeed feel better for the walk, mentally perhaps more than physically. My body ached but I felt more alive than I had done since our arrival. Physically too, I was beginning to feel the redness where the sun caught my face and the exposed parts of my tits and wondered what to do about it. I would have to ask one of the girls what sort of cream to get but maybe they wouldn?t know because they wouldn?t need any on their dark skin.
We worked steadily after that until it was almost time to leave. Roger downloaded the pictures from the camera and recharged the batteries. Generally Sumala had done a good job and I was particularly pleased with the ones of Wyche, but there were some failures and Roger tried to show him what to do in future. At least he was becoming more like his old self now that he was doing a job that he knew and could do well. I?d tried to get Sumala to record details of his life on my recorder but he pressed the wrong button and when we checked he hadn?t recorded anything.
With a few minutes to go before everyone except the two night duty staff left the office, I sent Roger to fetch Riku. In a voice just loud enough for most people to hear I asked, ?Would you like to borrow Roger for the night Riku?? Her face showed her disbelief at the question and Roger?s went from shock to panic to pleasure in bewildered random cycles.
?You can?t let him out of your sight can you?? Riku stuttered, ?The Major??
?The Major gave me permission last night. He imposed conditions of course. I can only loan him out three nights a week and whoever I loan him to must keep him on the same chain that I used and he has to be back in time for breakfast. If you can obey those conditions then you are welcome to take him with you tonight.?
?You?re telling me the truth? You?re not joking with me? I don?t want to end up at the whipping post.?
?Check with Shelumba. I daresay the Major told her.? Riku went to a phone and spoke for a few minutes and came back. ?Are you sure you don?t mind Ellie??
?No, I?m taking Suma to bed with me tonight.? There were knowing grins from the others and Sumala looked pleased too.
?Don?t I get asked about this,? Roger half-heartedly objected. ?No!? Riku and I said together and laughed, as did everyone else.
?You?d like to go though, wouldn?t you Roger?? He nodded. ?Well there is one condition for you too. You have to do a written report on your experiences. A detailed unexpurgated report. We want to know how you lost your virginity. You saw how I lost mine so I want a textual picture of your initiation into manhood. Take your camera and use it so we can see some of the things you get up to. Remember, you are chained to Riku just like you were to me.? I took the cuffs from my bag and fastened one to Roger?s right wrist and the other end of the chain to his mistress for the night. ?I know it?s not really locked but you have to keep it on all the time. I know Roger might try and lie to me in the morning but I know you won?t Riku. You can take it off only for the few minutes it takes to remove your blouse and his shirt.?
?I mustn?t take it off even when I have to use the?? Riku surprised me by looking so flabbergasted.
?No.? I hadn?t realised that, although Tumali women were very free about having sex, they were much more reserved about their bodily functions.
Sumala wanted to fuck me as soon as we were in the shower but I suggested that we went to the cafeteria first and then we could do it and not have to leave the room again until breakfast. He could have insisted that we fuck in the shower but he acquiesced. Like me he wanted this first time to be something special. We?d already had to wait for several days for the ban to be lifted so another hour wouldn?t make much difference.
?Suma, I want to try it the proper way again like the Major did the first time,? I said when we were again undressed. ?Since the caning, I?ve had to bend over the bed and he did it from the back but after the walk and sitting on a chair in the cafeteria, I?d like to see if I can lie on my back and feel you close to me. As long as you?re not too rough and rub my scabs off, it should be okay.? He seemed uncertain but helped me on the bed. It was the first time since my whipping that I had laid down that way. There was some pain but the mattress was soft and I was determined to go through with it.
Sumala didn?t rush things either. He played with my tits and kissed my lips and then kissed and licked my cunt until I was almost screaming for him to stop and fuck me properly. I spread my legs when I saw him climb on the bed with his hard, black rod jutting from his body. Only a few days ago I would have been scared shitless (and I would never have used a phrase like that) at the thought of taking it inside my body. Now I wanted it; now I craved it. My whole attitude to sex and men had undergone a complete metamorphosis. Had I become the whore, the slut, that Roger deemed me to be? I didn?t believe so. I had become a woman, and probably already a pregnant one if the Major?s sperm had taken. I would have to worry about that at some time but for now, I wanted Sumala?s prick.
?Put it in me Suma, put it in. Fuck me,? I cried out. Slowly he entered, all the time watching my face for signs of pain. ?Fuck me,? I cried out again and tried to lift my loins a little. That was painful and I had to lower myself back on to the bed. Quite gently at first, Sumala started fucking me but as his fervour increased so did his thrusts but I too was beyond caring. Yes, there were complaints from my arse, my back and my shoulders, but in my passion, I ignored them. I knew too that Sumala?s back was causing him problems but like me he was ignoring them. Soon I was in the throws of a heady climax. I cried out but the prick continued to pound the very depths of my cunt until I felt it pause and jerk a little and I knew then he was sending another parcel of sperm in search of an unfertilised egg if, by then, there was one.
He collapsed on me but his weight caused me more pain and I cried out. Immediately Sumala lifted up and apologised. In he heat of the moment he?d forgotten everything except fucking me. He?d even forgotten the strain of keeping his own body above mine and the exercises he?d performed were far more strenuous than those of this morning.
?I know what I am supposed to do now Suma but give me a moment to recover please.?
?Ellie, I need a few moments too and then we?ll have to check what damage we?ve done.?
We lay recovering alongside each other for perhaps ten minutes. My back and arse were sore but I was afraid to move and turn over to look at what a mess I had made of them. I saw some of Sumala?s scabs had come off or were loose but perhaps they were ready to fall off anyway; others, probably the deeper ones, were still firmly in place. The welts underneath still looked raw. ?Come Ellie, turn over. Let me look at you.? I winced when I raised my body and felt him carefully touch my sorest places. ?We?d better shower again, it will wash off the loose bits and then we can see what things are really like. The welts seem to be healing quite well but Muniba might get annoyed in the morning though.?
?Suma, I must do as a Tumali woman would first.? He understood that I felt obliged to do what was expected in this country and knelt where I could take his flaccid prick in my mouth and give it a loving suck.
Chapter eleven. Roger?s report
Roger strolled into breakfast with a huge smile on his face but when I asked how he got on, he grinned broadly and said, ?You?ll find out when you read my report and see the pictures.? I suppose as a bluestone and in command of him, I could have demanded an answer but I didn?t want to spoil his good mood.
?I expect you two screwed like rabbits with me out of the way,? he jibed when we were in the bedroom, undressing ready for the nurse.
?Of course,? I tried to sound nonchalant, ?But it was at a price.? I turned and showed him my back. ?I suppose you lost your virginity??
?Of course, but I?m sure I won?t be as sore as you for the next few days.? It made a change for him not to whinge about his stripes.
Muniba berated us soundly when she came in, particularly turning her wrath on Sumala but I tried to take my share of the blame too. Roger stood and smirked and I felt like drawing my fingernails all the way down his back. Actually the damage wasn?t all that severe but she threatened to ban Sumala from my bed if he did it that way again for a few more days. We?d fucked from the rear later that night and again in the morning and while it was good, there wasn?t the wild ecstasy of that first time.
We weren?t permitted to miss our midday walk either but at least she gave us the name of a cream I could use on my bare skin to alleviate the effects of the sunburn. Sumala knew where to get it. ?It?s a local product the girls use for skin care. It?s supposed to keep their skin soft but I?ve never used it,? he commented.
?You?d need a bucketful!? I joked and we both laughed. Roger gave me a sour look but I turned away and ignored it.
All morning we worked at our computers and I was glad of the break when lunchtime came. Roger wanted to carry on and finish his report but I insisted that he take a break too.
Sumala took us through a series of side streets that he said was a short cut and another way to the market square and indeed we did pass the square on the return journey. The chemist?s shop reminded me of an old illustration of an apothecary?s abode I?d once seen. No gaudy plastic containers but there were pots filled with various coloured creams and liquids, large jars containing raw ingredients and herbs hanging from the ceiling. A heady, spicy smell pervaded the shop. When I asked for the cream he knew exactly what it was that I wanted and produced a jam-jar size pot of it and gave it to Sumala and suggested that he apply if before the sun did any more harm to my white skin. ?It?ll soothe her welts too,? he added, confirming what I suspected; the whole country knew about my whipping. He couldn?t have seen my welts at that time.
Kimana, the apothecary, talked while Sumala put the cream (which Kimana called a balm) on my face and neck and then, proceeding to fully expose my breasts, massaged it openly into them. All the while we talked about what the apothecary did and, with Sumala?s help, gained a considerable amount of information, far more than I would have on my own. I asked if he would mind if we interviewed him properly later and he agreed. I made a mental note to take Sumala with me on all such excursions. He was far better than me at getting people to talk. Roger insisted on having the balm put on his exposed flesh and I did it for him, mainly to stop him whining all the way back, but I knew his skin burned as easily as mine even if he did exaggerate the effects.
We all knew that we were walking better by the time we returned. Roger continued with his report and I checked and corrected the next episode of our life here. It ended at the point where the sentence was announced by the court. Suddenly I burst into tears and started crying wretchedly. The others thought that it was because I was going to write about the whipping but all at once homesickness overcame me. I longed to be back in my safe little world. Without really knowing the cause of my problem, Sumala lifted me on to his lap, put his arms around me and held me to his chest. ?What will become of us? What will happen to my things at home? Who will pay the rent on my flat? Will my friends accept me when I have a black baby?? So I babbled on, wetting Sumala?s shirt with my tears. Roger looked at me in a helpless way several times but I found comfort in the arms of my Tumalian friend who probably didn?t understand half of what I was saying. One of the office girls gave him a paper towel to dry my eyes, which he did very gently, but it was perhaps a quarter of an hour before I shook the depression off and could once again concentrate on what was happening around me.? ?Thank you Suma,? I finally stuttered. ?Thank you.?
?That?s okay Ellie. Cry as much as you want and get it out of your system. It must seem so very strange to you but look on the bright side, two more days and it?s a festival holiday. A special no work day and a day to get over it.? I tried to find out what was special about this festival but for some reason everyone just smiled and told me I would find out on the day. In Tumali they have a most unusual system of work periods and holidays. There is no seven-day working week, but work periods of six to twelve days followed by one or more days ?holiday.? They still named the days the same as us but the ?weekend? could be on any day. Had not my laptop had the date and day on the screen, I would not have known which day of the week it was in England.
Eventually Roger finished his report and fed it into my laptop so that I could read it without looking over his shoulder. Sumala pulled his chair close to mine and once more put his arm around me. We both started to read.
Report to Bluestone Mistress Elaine
?Your pushing your luck Roger, maybe I ought to put you over my knee for a spanking,? I told him when I read the title but he knew I didn?t mean it.
?When Ellie offered me to Riku I was pretty scared but at the same time I was pleased. Ever since the day we met in the cafeteria, I?ve felt an affinity to her, perhaps because she has a similar personality to my mother. Not in looks of course. Mother is short and slim whereas Riku is a large woman in all respects but both have a genuine smile on their faces when I go to them. Riku?s well developed breasts with their dark areola and prominent nipples, have always stimulated my attention and I?d often wanted to feel and suckle them. Knowing what I did already about Tumalian women, I guessed that I might get my wish. I was scared too, because I knew I would be taken to an unknown place, to meet people I did not know and do things that I had only fantasised about. Here, although I resent having Ellie as a boss and being ?chained? to her, she does provide an anchor point in my life. Severing the invisible chain would leave me vulnerable and would force me to use my own resources. The reassurance came back when Ellie physically linked me to Riku and she took my hand and led me out of the building.
We headed towards the market square but long before we got there, we turned left and followed a narrow road to a butcher?s shop where she bought a large bag of meat pieces. I?ve no idea what sort or meat it was but later I found that it tasted very good. The woman behind the counter chatted with Riku and then asked if I would be man enough for her. It was an obvious reference to my poor showing at the whipping post and from the way she looked directly at my shorts, I wondered if she?d been there and seen that I wasn?t as well equipped as Tumali men. ?Size isn?t everything,? Riku responded, ?I?m sure he?ll be more than adequate and I?ll be the first Tumali woman to sample a white prick in the whole of our community.? She gave me a hug that almost made me wince. We continued across town for over a mile until we came to a clearing with a group of large, wooden houses. ?This is the community house that I live in,? Riku said as we entered. It shattered all the concepts I had of going to a detached brick house to meet her family.
Inside, the room was larger than our village hall but in many ways it was similar. We entered into a cloakroom area where there was a selection of coats and muddy boots on one side and a toilet area on the other. I needed to go but decided not to ask at that time. Riku held my hand and almost dragged me right through the main room to the far end where there was an open kitchen area with a large stove like I?d seen in some restaurants, but this one was wood fired and gave out a great deal of heat. Even with the doors open at each side of the hall and ceiling fans running it was very hot. Two women stood at the stove cooking and Riku handed them the meat. Unlike other women, they didn?t wear an open topped blouse and instead covered their breasts and front with a large apron to protect their bodies from splashes. I was introduced but they all knew of me and readily teased Riku. ?What you so old you have to chain a man to keep him now?? ?What, the government give you a toy boy to play with?? ?Did you snatch him from that white girl? Does she know you?ve kidnapped him?? Riku laughed and parried all their remarks. For a while we were the centre of attention and I wanted nothing more to do than take Riku to a dark, out of the way, corner.
Of course when we turned round, everyone else was staring at us too and I started to blush with embarrassment when I felt my prick start to rise. All talking had ceased when we came in and Riku held up my chained arm and said, ?As I?m sure you?ve guessed this is Roger the Englishman who is working in my department at the moment and I?ve got him on loan for the night to teach him some of our ways and for me to find out if a white prick is any different to those of our men folk. The Major has decreed that I can only borrow him if I ensure that he doesn?t run away and that is the reason for the chain. I can only unlink us to remove our shirts and I am going to do that now in front of you all so you can confirm I have done it properly. Before work in the morning, and I will have to leave before breakfast time because he has to be back in Government House by then, I will have to reverse the process before leaving. At all other times the chain has to stay in place.?
?Even when you shit?? called out one woman. Riku just nodded.
While my shirt was being taken off I had a little chance to look round. An assortment of tables and chairs were scattered around the area near the stove and further towards the entrance were a number of easy chairs, settees and office type chairs that had seen better days but were being used by women and couples. A number of the men and girls were completely naked but most had a covering on their lower bodies. Some of the girls were breast feeding babies and as I looked closer, there were always two babies? ?Surely they can?t all have had twins?? No one seemed to mind me taking pictures of them although Riku?s hand was steadier and she took most of them.
Riku led me to one girl and on the way I tried to ignore a well pregnant woman being fucked while bent over the back of a settee. The girl seemed quite young but I can?t really guess the ages of Tumalian women yet. ?This is Rikub, she?s my fifth daughter and the baby sucking her right tit is her first born, a boy,? Riku introduced me. ?I don?t know if you?ve found out yet, but we are allowed to keep our firstborn and every fourth baby after that. I only had seven children before they had to remove my ovaries. I had a boy first too and he is now living in another community house. The other baby belongs to another woman but we don?t know which one. It is a baby that will be sold for adoption and each day Rikub will get a different second baby to feed so that she doesn?t bond with any of them. They?ll be offered for sale when they are a few weeks old and photos have been put on the web. You?ve seen that being done in the office.?
As you might expect, I was pretty shocked at that although I knew about it from the information we?d found before we left and what I?d learned since. I remarked on how unfair it seemed but Rikub answered, ?All the girls and women know what has to happen and only show their love to the ones they keep. Tumali would soon be over populated if all the babies we make stayed in the country.?
I still couldn?t comprehend the philosophy but my need to pee had become urgent and I was forced to tell Riku. ?I?m getting desperate too,? she whispered back, ?And it is going to be a first time for me to do it with a man since I was a child.?
The toilets were all cubicles, no urinals for men and were probably fine in size for one person but were a little cramped for two. ?Guests first,? she said. I thought that it would be better if I sat down but even then I had some difficulty in starting mainly because after having Riku?s tits in my face since we removed our shirts, I?d started to get an erection and had to force it down into the pan. She too seemed to find it difficult to start but I think for her it was more embarrassment, which seemed a little strange.
My erection returned while she was sitting and I stood with my loins close to her face. ?We?d better go upstairs,? she said quietly.
Perversely my prick started to wilt at the thought that I would have to fuck her. ?Would I be able to perform? Would it shrivel up again? Would I really be man enough for her? Did she believe that size didn?t matter or did she just say that to placate me?? Such were my thoughts as she led me up the stairs to the dormitory above the hall.
It reminded me of pictures that I?ve seen of army barracks. It was all open plan with a row of double beds along each wall, seven on each side. On one side of each bed was a large wardrobe and on the other, a chest of drawers. It seemed that was to hold all the possessions a couple should need. At the foot of some beds was a child?s cot so I guessed we?d have to put up with babies crying in the night but in fact it was surprisingly peaceful. ?The beds actually ?belong?, if that is the right word for something provided by the community, to the women,? Riku explained, ?Some men form long term attachments to a woman but even then they are not averse to moving around. The carved wooden mandala you see hanging on the chest of drawers was made by a man to show he is attached to the woman whose bed it is. The younger ones tend to try a different bed each night and not infrequently visit several beds each night before the curfew.?
I asked, ?Does everyone live in a community house like this??
?No. Some do live in their own houses but it is cheaper to live within a community and I like the company.?
Several beds were already occupied with couples and in one case two young lads and a girl, fucking or having other forms of sex. I knew of course, that after a girl was known to be pregnant intercourse wasn?t limited to vaginal. ?This is my bed,? Riku took me to one about three quarters of the way along the floor. ?You can put your shorts and shirt in the top drawer. That?s the traditional drawer for men and those of us without a long-term partner, keep it empty. The men have to find a woman that will accept them into their bed at night but of course, if she doesn?t already have a mate, in a community house, any man can demand a woman take him in.?
?You don?t have a man wanting you all the time?? I was genuinely surprised.
?No, but I do get my fair share of pricks, from old men to youngsters? and now I have a white virgin!? she grinned and hugged me. We shed our clothes and I could feel he eyes of others on me. Some were looking at the welts on my back but I think most were checking to see how a white prick differed from a black one. Knowing what the pricks of the Tumali men were like, I immediately felt inferior and mine didn?t rise to the occasion but Riku seemed to understand and pulled me down on the bed and let me suckle her tits while she gently rubbed her mound against my prick. It had the desired effect and before I really noticed what was happening, she?s slipped it inside her cunt and rolled me on top of her. By then I was aroused enough to know what to do and enjoyed my first fuck. It was pretty warm under the roof so we both sweated profusely but we just lay there until my prick softened and it slipped out of her. Imagine my chagrin when I opened my eyes and looked around and saw two couples sitting on the next bed watching my performance. One had my camera and was showing the screen to the others.
?Wow! That was a strange sight! Like a pair of white moons bobbing up and down!? a girl commented and burst into a fit of giggles. I guess it wasn?t all that white though because some colour still remains from the strappings we had.? (I was tempted to delete the picture but thought you might need evidence that I?d lost my virginity Ellie).
Riku kissed me and then unconcernedly bent down and sucked my soft prick. ?We?d better have a cold shower,? she suggested.
The meal was semi-cafeteria style. No choice of menu but the ladies had to collect the food from the kitchen area while the men sat at the tables. A number of children came in and sat at the tables with their mothers. I had to go with Riku and my standing in line caused a bit of merriment with the girls waiting and several of them surreptitiously felt my prick and made it rise again. They weren?t supposed to do that in the food area and Riku reprimanded one when she saw it but that only caused more giggles. Further laughter and good-humoured banter came when Riku was part of the washing-up team and I had to try and keep my end of the chain out of the way.
Even above the noise and banter, I heard a little altercation going on in the room behind me but it wasn?t until we all sat down on the couches that I noticed one of the girls standing beside a man sitting in an armless office chair. All the children had gone and when I remarked on it, Riku told me that they had their own huts to sleep in, one for the girls and another for the boys. Two elders in each hut looked after them. Only when they ?came of age? which had more to do with sexual maturity than physical years, were the girls given a bed in a community house and the boys had to find a partner to sleep with. My attention returned to the girl who now looked downcast and Riku whispered, ?Zebu is getting a spanking tonight. She?s been pushing her luck with Manwe for the last few days so I expect her arse will smart in a bit. He?ll wait so we can all witness it.?
For five or ten minutes we all watched as Zebu stood and became increasingly nervous until finally everyone was settled and she was ordered to strip off. My uneducated guess said she was several months pregnant because her belly was beginning to bulge. I noticed a few tears on her cheeks as she laid herself across Manwe?s lap. ?Won?t spanking her harm her baby?? I asked but Riku assured me that it wouldn?t. ?And if she doesn?t take it properly over his lap she could get worse if they bring the punishment bench out and use the strap. All the houses have one like you became acquainted with at the airport,? she added and grinned and me. I grimaced at the remembrance.
Manwe didn?t spare her either. He hit hard and it went on for a long while until I could see her arse was completely a deep red colour over her chocolate skin and her yells had become deep sobs. No one intervened to stop it and looking round I could see than a number of the onlookers were sexually excited at the spectacle and were fondling their partners. To my surprise, Riku put her hand inside my shorts and very gently, squeezed my prick until it was hard. There was just enough slack in the chain for me to massage her mound.
Obviously Zebu?s squirming had made Manwe erect and he ordered her to bend over the back of the chair. In front of us all he dropped his shorts and forced his prick into the poor girl?s arsehole. ?That?s what the spanking was for,? Riku informed me, ?She?s refused him several times but now she knows that she has to do it or she has a session on the punishment bench first.? She yelled and cried out at every thrust but it wasn?t long before Manwe shed his load and made the girl kneel between his legs to clean him. The very thought of that disgusted me but every one else in the room seem to think nothing was out of the ordinary. Riku told me afterwards that it wasn?t compulsory for a girl to suck a prick after it had been in her arse but she guessed Zebu didn?t want to further anger Manwe by refusing.
Riku and I joined the general exodus from the room and I fucked her for the second time on her bed. It took me much longer than the first time and I wasn?t so nervous so could enjoy it more. All around me I could hear the noises of other couples fucking and no one was paying much attention to my two white moons. After that I just lay with my head against her tits and nibbled at her nipples for long while.
Later, we sat downstairs and talked, mainly about my life in England but I learned something about their ways too. Before long we were surrounded by a group of youngsters, all eager to learn about life outside their own country. About 10:30 we went to bed again and I did notice that it was quite often the girls who decided who was to be their bed partner for the night. Zebu was a bit cunning. When Manwe was using the toilet, she grabbed a younger lad and pulled him up the stairs. ?Manwe?ll be a bit upset but he?ll find another woman, probably one of the older ones to sleep with tonight,? Riku told me, ?At least they can?t separate us,? she added giving our chain a pull. ?There?s a curfew from midnight to six in the morning. We?re allowed to fuck during that time but we must be absolutely quiet so that we do not disturb anyone.?
Rikub and a somewhat older man came up with us. She placed the two babies closely side by side in the cot and the four of us watched over them until they settled down. By the way they clung to each other, they could almost have been twins.
Nobody bothered to wear any clothing at all when they went to the washroom and toilet before settling down for the night. Riku had to suffer more comments when we used the toilet together but it was all good-natured and accompanied by much laughter. Our washing caused more amusement especially when the chain snagged on a tap and again in the melee around the washbasins when a woman tried to get between us.
?Can I have him before you go to work Riku please?? A girl probably in her early twenties came to us as we walked back to our bed. She was one of two women that wore knickers, which seemed odd until I found out that she?d given birth a few weeks ago and her baby had already been sold. For a while she was off limits to vaginal sex and could wear knickers until a week after her next period if she wished but could voluntarily remove them before then if she felt that she had healed enough.
?As long as you come as soon as the curfew is over. I have to get to work early in the morning. You hoping to have a white baby Sanle??
?Well it is just possible, I?m due to give up my knickers shortly.? The pair went on to discus the possibility that I might impregnate her without ever consulting me. I wasn?t sure that I wanted to be a father and then have my child sold. I expressed my reservations to Riku.
?You won?t know if you are the father Roger. I?ve no doubt that you?ll be back home before then and it could make a difference to the money that she gets. Rikub gets money for her baby but that is only about half what she will get when a baby of hers is sold. A light skinned baby should fetch a premium so Sanle will get more if she has a white one.? I was becoming bewildered by the strange customs and regulations or perhaps in our terms, ?codes of practice?, that kept the community running.
Riku?s comment that I would be home before the baby was born, made me wonder if she knew more about our stay here but wasn?t letting on. Most likely it was speculation on her part.
Sanle crawled naked into our bed as soon as the curfew light went up. I was hardly awake but she very quickly had me fully hard and, although she was still not as tight as Riku, I soon sent my seed into her and wondered if I had indeed made a baby. A baby I doubted if I would ever see. Soon after we had to get up and come back to Government House.?
?Well you certainly seemed to enjoy yourself,? I commented when I?d finished reading it. ?I guess there won?t be a problem with you going again baby-maker!?
Chapter twelve. Raped
We spent much of the remainder of the day, re-working Roger?s report into a draft article for the magazine. I felt we needed more background information on the life style of those who lived in the community and those who had houses of their own. Sumala?s knowledge provided some of the answers but always they were from a man?s point of view. ?What would if be like if I had gone instead of Roger? Would one man have picked me out and taken me for the night or would I have to submit to the attentions of many of them?? These and other thoughts ran through my head and made my vaginal juices flow uncomfortably. I thought I?d better ask Riku as well but she was busy.
The Major sent for me late in the afternoon and invited me to dine with him that evening. Roger had to tag along of course and, for the first time, he was included in the conversation. It was mainly about his experiences of the previous night. In front of the Major he was rather shy and reticent so I had to prompt for information he?d given in his report. Tzarma could see the thoughts of what Roger had done and what might have happened if I had been there, were arousing me again.
We retired to his room. ?I believe you can now lie on you back and be fucked?? he stated a question.
?Yes, but I still have to be a little careful otherwise I?ll open the welts and Nurse Muniba will reprimand me again.?
?I?ll be careful enough.? For the first time since my caning he took me in the normal way and after the previous conversations I enjoyed him and climaxed readily. I didn?t care that Roger was watching and was mentally calling me a slut. Or perhaps after last night, he wasn?t? Perhaps now that he was no longer a virgin, he wouldn?t consider me a whore?
After Tzarma had come and I?d done the routine cleaning we lay together. ?Our talk at the dinner table turned you on didn?t it Ellie?? I admitted that it did. ?Were you wishing that you had gone as well??
?Yes and no. I?m not sure. I wouldn?t have minded going as an observer and talking to the girls there but I?m not sure that I would wish to be part of the community and under their rules. It would be nice to get some more background info though.?
The Major was quiet for a long time and I had an uneasy feeling that he was going to make me experience the life there as it was. I was right. ?Ellie, you came here to get first hand experience of our life and I see it as part of my job to make sure you get it. However, I know that if I just sent you to live in a community house, because you are white and therefore different, every man in the whole community would want to have you. You would be fucked continuously and that would not give you the right experience of our life. Most girls do not get fucked more than three times in a night, more likely it is once. The other thing I have to consider is your back. I do know that most men would be considerate at least until they got carried away, like I gather Suma did, and then you could end up with an infection or worse especially as the beds there might not be as clean as this one.?
I had to wait for the longest time for him to pass sentence. It was almost as bad as waiting for the judges to give their verdict. ?Tomorrow after work, you will physically chain yourself to Roger again and go with Riku. Sumala will go with you to give you a little protection but he won?t stop any of the men doing what they have a right to do. No one will touch you while you are chained to Roger but they will expect the two of you to fuck. When you get inside the building, you may transfer the chain from your wrist to Riku?s or any other girl you wish. He must remain chained to a girl the whole time and be in her charge, but it doesn?t have to be the same one all the time. Once you are free of the chain, you are free to be fucked by any male but to prevent a stampede I will ask Suma to spin the bottle or use some other random method of choosing three men to service you. You will not know who it is until they take you to your bed. The last one will spend the night with you but will leave when the curfew ends in the morning and then you can choose one out of those around you to fuck you until breakfast. During the day, which is a holiday, you can go with Sumala and any others, to the festivities. On your return Sumala will again arrange for three more to fuck you until the curfew. All three of you must return here for breakfast before work on the following morning. I may change the rules slightly when I?ve thought them over a little more and discussed them with Riku and Sumala but that?s the basic plan.?
Slowly the ramifications of what he said began to sink in. We were going live in the community house for three nights and I would be fucked by at least ten men ? or I could leave the chain to Roger on and just have him. I was beginning to feel fewer objections to him fucking me but he could do that any time I let him. But could I be so adventurous as to allow myself to throw myself to any man, old or young, ugly or handsome, that was chosen by chance?
When I discussed it with Sumala he was adamant that I let myself go. ?I will be there and if it looks likes you are suffering too much, I?ll use my position as your official protector and step in but you need to experience a few more pricks than mine and the Major?s. You?re probably pregnant now anyway so ?play the field? I think your English expression is.?
Roger was also keen to sleep with Riku again but next day when I spoke to her out of Roger?s earshot, she said, ?Yes, do that and then I will pass him on to another young girl who is desperate to have a white baby and she?s due to have her knickers removed tomorrow.?
?Sanle?? She nodded.
The day dragged and like Fridays at home, people started to pack up a little earlier than usual and sat around talking and teasing me as to what might happen to me both in the community and at the festival but in the end work finished and we set off. I?d packed a small bag with our stuff and made Roger carry it. He didn?t seem to mind and I think he was trying to impress Riku.
?Should we get any food or anything on the way?? I asked Riku, ?There?ll be three extra to feed tonight and tomorrow.?
?That would be appreciated. No one would say anything if you didn?t but we are a fairly poor community. I earn more than any of the others and the younger girls bring in an income from their babies but we?ve quite a few older men and women too. All try and contribute either in goods or by the work they do. Don?t try to pay anyone in the community, they would take it as an insult. Perhaps some meat like I bought when I took Roger. Meat is relatively expensive here although by your standards, it is extremely cheap.?
In the end we bought a large piece of local deer meat that Riku said would make it seem like a real festival and which did indeed caused the cooks to give us a hug. Unfortunately one hugged a bit too hard and I involuntarily gave a little cry. The woman apologised and told me to remove my blouse so she could see if she?d done any damage. I think she really only wanted to see what my back looked like. Before long my skirt was lifted and everyone was examining my arse as well.
Again this strange dichotomy. While I was at the whipping post they probably cheered, now they were concerned for my well-being. Normally now I could sit and lie without too much discomfort provided the seat was soft, but the welts were still ridged and showed clearly red with yellow- purple bruising around them.
For the time being I kept Roger chained to me so I wouldn?t be interfered with while I was introduced to various people. The fact that he was chained to me and had to do my bidding seemed to amuse them although apparently it was different when he was chained to Riku during the last visit. Riku was an older woman and in a known position of authority whereas little was known of me except that I had a bluestone and I?d taken my whipping without passing out. To safeguard my position, I knew I would have to act like I was the boss in our relationship.
A younger girl wearing knickers I rightly guessed was Sanle, kept close to us throughout our little tour but she didn?t introduce herself. Sumala kept with us too although I noticed he kept looking at the girls cleaning the tables. A twinge of jealousy went through me but I dismissed it as he wasn?t really a true boyfriend and I was going to be fucked anyway.
Upstairs, Riku showed me the bed I would use and I made Roger put our stuff away before I released him to Riku who promptly called Sanle over and fastened the chain to her. Her smile lit up the whole room and she hugged and kissed Riku and then me. Seconds later she dragged Roger to her bed and it wasn?t long after his ?white moons? were bobbing up and down. A look of disappointment crossed Riku?s face and I murmured, ?There?ll be other times,? and she nodded. ?The dust has got into my sores again and they are beginning to irritate me so I?ll have a quick shower and come down and help with the preparations,? I told Riku. I didn?t want to be seen shirking whilst everyone else was busily getting the preparations under way.
Free of the chain now and with Roger being Sanle?s responsibility, I went and had a long shower. Much more primitive than at Government House but I felt good to wash some of the dust and grit from my body. Returning to my bed with just a towel around my hair suddenly I was swept off my feet and dumped unceremoniously on the mattress, causing me to cry out as the stripes on my arse and back felt the impact. My assailant, a rather ugly looking man in his forties I would guess, promptly dropped his shorts and held his prick ready for action.
?Open your legs,? he ordered, ?Suma says there is time for two or more of us to fuck you before dinner and I?ve got first go.? I knew I had to try and do as he said but I wondered at ?two before dinner?? The Major had said, three before curfew and that was a long time yet. Had Sumala changed it on his own initiative? Or had the Major rethought his plans? I wasn?t given any time to prepare myself. His prick found my entrance and forced its way into my dry channel. It hurt but he didn?t seem to care.
?Yes you little white bitch, that?s how women in your country should be. On your backs all the time ready to take one cock after the other until your tight little cunt is full of spunk and overflowing.? He rammed into me hard and forcefully without any regard for my pleasure. I looked around to see if Sumala was at hand but only saw three other men who appeared to be waiting their turn. Roger and Sanle had disappeared and the bedroom door was shut. They were going to rape me - except there was no such thing as rape in this country. Women of child bearing age are all available for fucking.
?Go on give it to her. Give her the hard fucking she came here for,? one of them urged. I smelt alcohol on his breath and knew that to be an illegal substance here but didn?t have time to digest the implications.
I screamed and struggled but that only resulted in my mouth being stopped with some rag and my tits being squeezed painfully hard. Something was seriously wrong. This wasn?t supposed to happen and Sumala was supposed to oversee what happened and protect me. The man continued to force his prick into my sore vagina as hard as he could while two of the other men pulled my legs back to my shoulders stretching the skin around my welts and causing to cry out. All four men were now grinning at my predicament and encouraging the one fucking me to shoot his load so they could have their turn. Eventually he did but there was no waiting and the next man took his place. With my cunt lubricated with my juices that were beginning to flow and the man?s sperm, the second prick went in easier but it seemed that he still wanted me to hurt and rammed it home as hard as he could and made his loins painfully hit my tender buttocks.
Meanwhile the first, still messy prick was offered to my mouth. I resisted but two hands twisting my nipples caused me to open my mouth so the gag could be removed and the prick pushed in. I didn?t dare bite it. Soon the second rape was over but my ordeal was not.
?Tumali women who resist when a man wants to fuck them are punished. You?re here to find out about our lives so you must be punished too. Turn her over boys,? the third man ordered. ?You had a nice taste of the cane earlier and that still looks raw and tender but I guess a good hand spanking won?t do any real harm.? They manhandled me into the position they wanted and two of them held me kneeling on the bed with my arse raised and my knees spread. I was totally vulnerable and at their mercy. They had none. Even before they started spanking, I could feel the pain in my arse. The position they held me in again stretched the skin taut and I wondered if any of my welts would open and start bleeding again. By now I was sobbing but with my head forced into the pillow, my cries were muffled.
SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!!? The blows came hard and fast and on my already tender arse. I screamed and screamed but little was heard outside my head. I felt myself fading but they must have realised that too because the spanking stopped and I felt another prick enter me. The pain again was pretty horrific as the man thrust in as deeply as he could and made a point of grinding his pubic hair on my raw arse. Fortunately it was over quickly and he withdrew.
They didn?t dare get me to suck them at that moment because of the way my jaws were working and crying out but that didn?t stop them rearranging themselves so the fourth man could have his turn. In a hazy daze I felt his prick enter and then withdraw. ?Shit, what a mess you?ve made inside her, I guess I?ll just have to open her other hole.?
?No!? I managed to yell and move a little.
?Oh yes white girl, time for an arse fuck.? I felt his prick start to enter and I thought I just could not stand any more pain. My body started to give in. Vaguely I heard a crash and shouting and fighting going on around me but for the moment I was out of it.
?It?s okay now, we?re here and they?ve been taken away.? Sumala held me cradled in his arms and Riku stood by my side holding my hand. Most of the community were around the bed and looking on. Some of the girls were crying. ?There are a few groups of bandits in the forest and they must have come here for the festival and heard about you. We were all busy preparing the meal and setting the lights outside so we didn?t notice them come in. It was only when Sanle wanted to bring Roger up here again and found the door jammed that we knew there was trouble.?
It took a little while for me to calm down but after a drink of some painkilling liquid and for balm to be smoothed on my arse I began to feel like facing the others. When I recovered a little Sumala carried me to the dining area and sat me on several cushions to the applause of the crowd. The meal was delicious although I found the meat very rich for my taste but I ate some. My bottom once again caused me to fidget and as soon as I could I went and lay on the bed. I told Riku and Sumala that I?d like a little peace and quiet for a while and they agreed but Sumala insisted on someone being in the room all the time and Riku would look in on me as well.
Rikub was upstairs breast-feeding her baby and the other one she was wet nursing, and when she?d finished I got to hold hers for a while. ?Will my baby be a darling like this or a snotty bawling brat?? I wondered. Almost everyone was dancing on the grass outside but I knew that I didn?t dare try that, not with my arse as sore as it was. Luckily none of the welts had opened until they bled but they?d swelled up. I could hear the rhythm of the drums and music outside and was almost tempted to go down but I didn?t wish to move again.
A little later Sumala came in with a lad, probably less than twenty years old. ?This is Maevu,? he introduced, ?He won the right to be first with you tonight but he knows you won?t be fit enough to fuck right now so he?s asked if he can just lie and talk with you and perhaps comfort you a bit. I?ve agreed and it will be nice for you to have a new man for company.?
Maevu smiled broadly. ?I?ll look after you.? It didn?t seem that I had any choice in the matter, and yes, he looked a trustworthy lad for all I could tell from outward appearances. For a little while I lay gathered in his arms and then he half carried me into the shower and allowed cold water to run over my arse to take some of the fire away before he gently put more of the balm on. Of course, he had an erection but he made no move to force it in me and in fact, carefully cuddled and kissed me. We talked a little on what he did for a living and my life and I rubbed his back and thighs but deliberately left his prick alone. I didn?t want anything to do with that ? or did I? Riku, Roger and others came in to see how I was and to bring me a little juice and fruit but no one separated us.
It must have been quite late because several older women had come to bed when I decided that I had teased poor Maevu enough. The fire in my arse had eased and his kisses by that time had aroused me and my cunt was wet. ?You really are a slut,? I told myself, ?After being brutally raped and beaten you?re so wet you want another prick. You?re disgusting girl!?
?Roll on to your back Maevu, I want to lie on top of your body and maybe?? He did and slowly I worked my way down on to his prick. For quite a while I just allowed it to rest inside me but ever so slowly I began working myself on it. My muscles hurt but not so badly that it would force me to stop and I didn?t, at least not until I had yet another load of sperm inside me.
Sumala came in with a young girl and checked on me. At the time I was resting with Maevu?s prick still inside me. ?You will make a good Tumalian one day,? he laughed. ?Take good care of her Maevu.?
Chapter thirteen. The festival
I woke early but I knew breakfast would be late. Needing to pee, I hobbled painfully to the toilet and wondered if I would ever be free of pain again. There hadn?t been one day since I landed when I could more freely and could run or jump without many of my muscles protesting. My arse hurt but it was nothing like as painful as after the strap and the cane so I suppose that was something to be grateful for. On the way back I met Sanle dragging Roger along. She giggled when she saw me. ?You can pass him back to Riku or give him to another girl,? I said to her.
?No way. I?m keeping him until you have to take him back! Even if I have to poop alongside him!? She smiled broadly and Roger didn?t seem too displeased.
Maevu was awake when I returned to bed. Tentatively I tried lying on my back and found I could do so without too much pain. My arse was definitely very tender but it wasn?t unbearable and perhaps one of the good things about my stay was that my sexuality had come out. ?Play with me and then fuck me Maevu, but be gentle please,? I whispered. He did and was very careful until I became fully aroused and told him to do it properly. Shortly afterwards I almost regretted telling him that as his thrusts rekindled the pain in my bottom but I knew I?d withstood a lot more pain and I was only giving Maevu what he deserved.
We showered and when I returned to the bedroom, I was most surprised to find Nurse Muniba standing there. ?So you?ve got yourself into more trouble and I have to come all this way on a festival day to sort you out!? She tried to make her voice sound severe but it didn?t quite work and she?d hardly finished the sentence before she broke out into a smile. ?Not too much extra damage,? she announced when she?d examined me. ?Just don?t get yourself into any more trouble at the festival. I thought that Sumala was supposed to be looking after you??
?He is when he?s not chasing other women,? I teased knowing that he was awake and listening, ?But how did you find out??
?They brought the four men into the prison and charged them with having consumed alcohol, which is an illegal substance. I guess they?ll have a turn at the whipping post when the court convenes tomorrow. They didn?t actually do anything else that was illegal. Fucking a woman and spanking her for resisting is not a crime but as you are sort of under the Major?s protection, I wouldn?t mind betting the court will be pretty severe with them.? Turning to Sumala she went on, ?You?d better tread carefully with the Major too when you get back. He wasn?t too pleased with what happened.?
It was painful to walk down the stairs to breakfast and sitting on a hard chair caused more discomfort. ?I think I?ll give the festival a miss,? I announced to the others but they would not hear of it and insisted that I go with them.
Sumala was particularly insistent. ?I?m not staying behind to baby-sit you just because you?ve a bit of a sore arse. Today is a proper festival day, not just a day off work type day and there?ll be lots going on and things for you to see and do. You?re coming whether you want to or not!?
?What?s so special about this festival then?? I asked for the umpteenth time.
?You?ll find out later.? Sanle had told Roger but no one would tell me. With everyone ganging up on me, I had little choice and in the end I was glad I went although I came back very sore yet again.
About a dozen of us, mainly younger age group people, walked slowly to Chapoti market square. At first I complained about the pain in my arse but the others only laughed and I realised that I was ?doing a Roger? and stopped my whining. As usual, after moving for a short while, the pain eased and as we became part of an increasing crowd, so I more or less forgot about it.
To my surprise and delight the whipping post, had been removed and in its place an animal, I guessed to be a wild boar, was being roasted over an open fire. All around people were dancing, many of them in colourful tribal costumes, to the heady rhythmic beat of drums and a strange stringed instrument about the size of a base guitar but which was only a box with a pole and a string. Despite the apparent crudity, it made a deep, resonant sound. The women wore brightly decorated headwear and skirts and danced bare breasted; the older, less firm ones flopped in all directions and combined with the erotic movements, I rightly deduced that this was some sort of sex festival. ?It is to celebrate fertility rites and a lot of mating will be done today so be prepared,? Sumala finally informed me.
All our feet began stamping in time with the drums and before long we?d linked arms and were dancing and laughing, my sore arse forgotten until I collapsed and sat down hard on the ground. I was extremely thirsty and dying for a drink by that time but so it seems were most of the crowd and the stall selling flavoured water was surrounded and unable to cope with the demand. We joined those struggling for a position where we could catch the attention of the servers but it looked a hopeless task.
?Would you like to come to my home and have a drink with me?? I turned and came face to face with Wyche. I gave her a hug and gratefully accepted her offer but pointed out that there were now six of us in a little group. Besides Roger and I and our partners, Maevu had tagged along with a slightly younger girl, N?Boro.
?That?s no problem, Ellie, I?ve my assistant with me too. I don?t think you?ve met Veo.? She introduced us to an attractive girl perhaps a few years older than me.
?Hello Ellie,? she smiled hugely and gave me a hug and did the same to Roger. I expect she knew the others because she just nodded a greeting.
We followed her to a fair sized wooden building to the east of the town but only about half a mile from the market square. Inside it was cool and I was glad of the respite from the heat and once my eyes had become accustomed to the lower light level, I saw the whole of the ground floor was one large room. Plants hung from every conceivable space; from the ceiling joists, from the wall studding and from frames erected across one end of the room. The indefinable mix of smells was like a very overpowering potpourri that pervaded the place and seemed to even enter our heads. I took a number of photos and I noticed Roger using his camera too. Wyche gave us a quick tour. We saw the various mortars and pestles she used to grind the dried herbs, the little furnace for melting and breaking down minerals, the decorative clay bowls used for mixing the ingredients and the little round wooden boxes used when she sold balms and salves.
?I?m sorry,? she apologised, ?You came for a drink and not to learn my business. Suma and Maevu, would you mind bringing those pitchers upstairs, and then we can drink and talk in more comfort.?
Upstairs I found a similar miss-match of chairs and couches to those in the community home and to everyone?s amusement, I managed to choose a hard spot on an apparently soft seat. My little yelp caused everyone to laugh and I had to retell the story of my rape and spanking, although none of them considered it rape. Wyche looked thoughtful at the end but at the time didn?t comment. I asked about Veo.
?Veo, like me, is a childless woman,? Wyche explained, ?Maybe in the past somewhere we have the same ancestor but who can tell? Maybe if we had one of the modern DNA tests that would reveal it, but we have the same physical defect, neither of us has ever had a menstrual period. It seems we were born without ovaries and the ability to produce eggs or at least our ovaries didn?t develop at puberty. My predecessor was the same and I learned the art of making healing potions from her and now I?m training Veo. That way we can be useful members of the community. Oh, we?ve both been fucked often enough but without any eggs inside us, there was never any hope of pregnancy and men only now fuck us for pleasure. Many steer clear of us believing we are witches or have some magic but they come quickly enough when illness takes them. Are you pregnant yet??
?Probably. I?m several days late with my period.?
Wyche paused and again looked thoughtfully at me. ?Will you be going into the park later?? she asked.
?Yes,? Sumala answered for me.
??I don?t know. What happens in the park?? I caught the smiles that spread across the faces of the natives when I gave my reply.
??I have already told you this is a fertility festival Ellie,? Sumala could hardly suppress his laughter, ?What we didn?t tell you was there is a sort of orgy in the park later on. We weren?t going to tell you until we were in the park and you couldn?t chicken out.?? The others thought it a huge joke but I wasn?t too pleased.
Sanle shared my concern but for a different reason. ?Roger and I are not going,? she stated, ?I?m not having him waste his sperm on any girl that thrusts her cunt in his face. He?s mine and mine alone until he has to go to work the day after tomorrow.?
Sumala put his hand on my shoulder, ?I?m here to look after you Ellie and to see you experience all aspects of our culture and I will be taking you in the park even if I have to carry you there.?
?And we?ll help you Suma,? Maevu averred. All the younger ones thought this a source of some merriment but Wyche was more serious.
?Ellie, am I right in thinking that you are already rather tender internally after your experience last night??
?Sore, is a better word.?
?Well I can give you a lotion that will help and maybe?? She stopped in mid sentence as though debating whether or not to offer something else. Finally she came to a decision. ?I will give you a cream that will stimulate your clitoris. You only need the smallest amount and it will stand out hard and make you so very aroused that you will enjoy the fucking and not want it to stop. It should last for about four hours. It won?t kill the pain, but it will increase your enjoyment tenfold. The downside is that when the effect wears off you will be left with more soreness than you have now.? She went downstairs and came back with a tiny wooden box containing a pink cream. ?Only put on a smear from your little finger and put it on shortly before or soon after entering the park. It only takes a few minutes to act and then you?ll feel randy enough to take on the whole town. Of course it?s up to you whether you use it or not. Don?t let the men put it on you; they?re much too heavy handed.? I took the tiny box and a bottle of lotion and thanked her.
?Is there something for men that does the same thing?? Sanle grinned.
?Yes, but it works a little differently. Men can only produce so much sperm each day. How much depends on the man. The cream gets a man hard and keeps him that way, however, after shooting his seed for the first couple of times, there will be little living sperm left in his testicles although the seminal fluid will still shoot out. I can guess why you want it Sanle but do remember that after two or even only one fuck, you will have drained most of his live sperm from him for a day or two. The longer you leave it before you let him fuck you, the more sperm he will have in his reserves. I daresay you?ve already tried to drain him as much as you can.? Wyche smiled and Sanle nodded.
?Will you let me have some Wyche please? I really would like a light baby like that French girl.?
?Yes, and you can pay me for it when you get the extra premium a light baby commands.?
It was the first I?d heard of a French girl. ?I thought I was the only white girl in Tumali??
?Well you?re certainly the whitest as the Frenchie has been here several years and is well tanned. Her skin was more olive colour to start with and even if you get a tan, you?ll never be as dark as her. She lives with a local man in a small village right on the borders with Malawi. Maybe you should see if Suma will take you there and get her story. It?s an interesting tale.?
?I just go red and peel, like the tops of my tits are doing now. The skin cream I bought has only limited effect.? Everyone stared at my tits.
?Wear a wide brimmed hat and ask Riku if you can have some high factor sunblock sent from England. You won?t find it in Tumali as we have no need of it. Muniba might be able to use her influence if the Major proves an obstacle.?
We sat and chatted for a while longer and then returned to the market square. They were starting to carve the roasted boar but with the crowds around we decided to wait awhile before struggling to get our piece. N?Boro, who hadn?t spoken a great deal but who laughed a lot, took my hand and led me to a side stall with a huge selection of hats in garish colours. Much to the dismay of the men, it took us nearly half an hour to decide on a suitable one, one that had a very wide brim and outlandish colours. For a while I posed for erotic photos, some with me on my own and others with various members of the group. Afterwards it was back to the festivities.
The dancing continued for much of the afternoon and then towards evening, most of the younger age group and some of the older ones too, made their way to the park. ?The park was laid out when the British ruled here,? Sumala informed me, ?Supposed to be like parks in England but they had to use different trees.? Indeed it was not unlike our parks even to the extent of having stone pillars topped with heraldic lions on either side of the ornate wrought iron gates. Today there were men manning the gateway to prevent any young children entering.
Sanle and Roger returned to the square but Sumala held my hand and almost dragged me inside, much to the amusement of Maevu and N?Boro. Perhaps the nearest I can describe the scene is to liken it to Brighton beach on a sunny August bank holiday, the main difference being that the couples were actively copulating. Much of the grass area was already taken but Sumala found us a shady spot although the size we had to ourselves was little greater than a couple of double beds. For a few moments I sat and reflected on the amazing changes that had occurred in me during the short time since leaving England. A few weeks ago I would have been horrified at the sights around me, now I willingly prepared to take part in an orgy.
?Do you want to use Wyche?s stuff Ellie??
?Yes, but I?m not letting you put it on Suma!?
?I can put the lotion on though!? Sumala grabbed the bottle and poured a little into his hand and used a finger to work it inside my vagina. Meanwhile I massaged a small amount of the ointment around my clit. It felt warm on the skin and soon my clit hardened and began to itch slightly making me want to rub and finger it.
?Is it working?? N?Boro asked. Maevu had already his prick inside her and was thrusting hard and fast. Sumala turned me and opened my legs so she could see. ?Wow! Just look at the way that sticks out. Will you let me try some when Maevu?s done? I want to be nice and ready for when the marauders come.?
I too could see how hard and red the little nub was, not only that, I could feel the fire within it building up my arousal until I could bear it no longer and yelled like some wanton slut, ?Fuck me Suma, fuck me!? I didn?t care that my vagina was still rather sore, I didn?t care that my spanked arse was on hard ground, I didn?t care that Sumala?s thrusts would aggravate the pain further, I just wanted, no needed, to be fucked. He did so without the niceties of the nights we spent in Government House. His thrusts were hard and deep and I forced my loins to meet his with animal ferocity. I climaxed and climaxed again. Whatever was in the ointment, it sure turned me on. I became an insatiable and shameless woman.
All too soon Sumala finished and rolled to one side. Maevu had finished too and N?Boro was sucking him. I did the same for Sumala but it wasn?t enough for me. I wanted another prick or two or three. The others could see my agitation and Maevu fingered me while N?Boro put a little of the stuff on her clit. ?Don?t worry Ellie,? she said, ?The marauders will be around soon.? It was the second time she?d used the term.
?The marauders,? Sumala explained, ?Are mainly young men who come into the park soon after the men with partners have finished their first fuck. Any woman, who doesn?t have a prick inside her, is summarily fucked by whoever finds her. Usually a little after then, people like me who have recovered from their first fuck, look around for another woman to put their prick in. As you said earlier, it is an orgy. Anyone who is fertile should get pregnant tonight.?
A loud whooping announced the arrival of the marauders. The men, lads really, seemed young although with their painted faces and bodies it was difficult to tell. I noticed N?Boro grabbed Sumala and dragged him over her and managed to get him hard enough to go inside. A young naked lad spotted me and with more whooping leapt between my open legs and without any notice or warning began fucking me fast and furiously. Unfortunately he didn?t last very long but Maevu was hard again and he took over and with him I again orgasmed several times.
I blamed the ointment but for a long while after, I wondered if I really was a whore at heart because I openly offered myself to any man that passed by with even half an erection. I lost count how many times I was fucked, I lost count of the number of orgasms I had, before the crowds began to thin and the effects of the clit stimulant began to wear off.
Sumala came to me and gently pulled me to my feet. ?It?s time we went back Ellie.? I found my hat, purse and camera, put my arm around his waist and wearily walked back to the community house.
Chapter fourteen. My pregnancy confirmed
Our bed in Government House was much softer than the one in which I?d spent the previous two nights and yet I couldn?t sleep. Roger lay alongside me and even though he faced away from me, I knew that he too was awake. He?d been quiet all day and had said almost nothing about what happened between him and Sanle after we?d left them. Sumala was in his own room, or at least I supposed that he was. Even after a day of rest my cunt was far too sore to think about having him fuck me that night. I hardly dared to wipe myself let alone take his prick inside me. I think he understood and just lay with me in my bed the last night at the community house. I wondered if N?Boro was in a similar state or whether she was more used to being gang-banged. Yes, that was the right term for it. One fuck after another with little time to recover between them. Wyche?s ointment certainly worked and I?d had more orgasms in one evening than I had ever thought possible but now I was paying the price. Oh God, was my cunt sore. I wanted to rub it but it was too tender even for that even with the copious amounts of cream I?d applied. Roger looked really disgusted with me when he watched and almost smirked when I winced each time I touched my clit. Even after losing his virginity, he still had a ?holier than thou? attitude towards me. ?Will he ever lose his inhibitions?? I wondered. Perhaps it was just a man thing whereby he could fuck any girl he wanted, but girls had to remain chaste.
My thoughts were disturbed when I heard him give a little sob and I guessed his mind was reliving the events of the other day. ?What happened to make him so sad? I thought he enjoyed being with Sanle.? More sobs. I went into mother mode and turned him to face me. ?Didn?t you want to leave Sanle and come back here?? I asked quietly. No answer. ?Did she overdo it?? I?d seen his prick and noticed it was rather red but not as raw as it had been yesterday. No answer. Putting my arms around him and pulling him close to my breasts, I let him cry on my shoulder until I felt his tears trickling down my neck. Gently I pushed him away and kissed his forehead. ?Roger,? I tried to sound stern. ?Tell me what happened yesterday. You?ve been told what happened to me and although you think I?m a slut, you know what I did and although I?m very sore, I don?t regret it. You?ve kept what happened to you bottled up inside yourself and it?s upsetting you. Whatever you did cannot be worse than what I did. Did Sanle offend you? Did she act like a slut too??
I was about to give up on getting an answer when he lifted his head. ?No, it wasn?t Sanle. Yes, she did act sluttishly but I knew the reason why she was doing it and I enjoyed fucking her especially after she?d put that stuff on me. I almost couldn?t help myself and it seemed that my prick was controlling my mind. No it wasn?t that.? There was a long pause before he continued. ?Ellie, I know my prick is small even compared with some white people but they needn?t have poked fun at me like that. Not in front of her.?
?Who Roger??
?Those young fellows with painted bodies, the ones you called the marauders.? Another long pause during which I wished I had the ability to read his mind. ?We stayed around the square a little while after you left and then started back. I knew Sanle really wanted another session with me but after what Wyche said, was trying to wait as long as she could. We?d hardly left the square when we came across a group of those youths getting ready to go into the park. ?What are you doing with that white wimp Sanle? You need a man with a proper prick. He?ll pass out halfway through a fuck. That tiny little grub won?t satisfy a woman like you.? They taunted me and I cringed and almost hid behind Sanle. I felt like I was really a sissy, hiding behind a girl when I should have been standing in front of her and doing my best to offer protection but I couldn?t seem to help myself. It was she that protected me and laughed at them. ?I can have pricks like yours any time but this one can?t get away,? she showed them the chain, ?And I?ve only got him for a short while so I?m going to make the most of him. You go into the park and have your fun with the others. You might even get to try out a white cunt. Ellie?s there.? They continued to make disparaging remarks about me and boasted of what they would do to you and I suppose that upset me too. I didn?t like them talking about you like you were just a slut anyone could have at anytime.? Sanle fielded their remarks with comments and jokes of her own and eventually we got passed them and back to the house.?
I didn?t have any knowledge of other white pricks so I had no idea if Roger?s was considered small at home. All the other pricks I?d seen were Tumalian and they were indeed larger but I thought that was just a racial thing. ?I?ll have to let him fuck me soon,? I said to myself just to boost his ego a little, ?But not tonight. I?m too sore and his prick looks exhausted.? Out loud I asked, ?You had a good time with Sanle when you got her to bed ? or she got you??
?Yes, I suppose so. We did it for a long while and I came more than I?d ever done before and it remained hard for hours until it was almost too sore to use and I had to put some lotion stuff she had on it to soothe it a bit.?
?She didn?t complain it was too small??
?No. She seemed to like it but I don?t know if it was just because I might give her a white baby.?
?Roger,? I spoke very quietly, ?You know that I don?t have any experience with white men but one thing I have noticed since being here is that while the Tumalian pricks hang down and look very big, when they?re hard, they don?t get all that much bigger. You, on the other hand, grow considerably in length and girth. Even though the black pricks that I?ve experienced were larger when hard, they aren?t that much bigger than yours. Don?t put yourself down over its size.? What I?d said was perhaps an exaggeration but I hoped it would quell some of his fears and doubts about his performance. Sanle had undoubtedly been enjoying herself when I?d seen him fucking her on the first evening and again last night when she tried to extract the last of his sperm before he had to come back. For a while I lay alongside him and cradled his head to my breasts.
Despite being extremely tired I couldn?t get to sleep. It had been a bad day. Everyone seemed worn out and just a bit edgy. I?d hardly entered the office when one of the lads came and said, ?You were really into it at the festival. I certainly enjoyed you. Maybe we can do it again after work?? To my horror he was one of the marauders! I hadn?t recognised him with his body paint or perhaps, by the time it was his turn, I was past bothering with who was in me.
Riku emailed Ted our editor to ask him to send me a couple of tubes of sunblock. came the reply. That annoyed me as he?d already seen plenty of photos of me naked and being whipped and I was convinced that he was instrumental in my being there in the first place. Roger took a pic and enhanced it to show the redness and the peeling skin. Finally Ted agreed to send some.
I contacted Shelumba to see if the Major would allow us to visit the French girl. He?d taken the day off supposedly to visit one of the military outposts. For most of the day we rather lethargically worked on our diary/reports of the festival. Several times I had to return to the room to put more cream on my sore cunt. Roger of course had to be with me and he showed his distain for my suffering; his prick, while rather pink, was tender and sensitive rather than sore and it immediately became erect when I put a little cream on it. Now he was the one to start crying! Eventually I drifted off to sleep.
A week later the three of us were called into the Major?s office. We?d spent the time visiting a leather worker?s shop and a hydroplant, which were interesting but not so unusual. I did ask Roger to fuck me two nights later and then on the following nights, I had him before Sumala had his turn. By then I had almost forgotten about my request to visit Allaice, the French girl.
?Sit down please,? the Major smiled as he indicated the seats in front of his desk but I had an uneasy feeling there was a smirk behind the smile. I wondered if there would be another ordeal to undergo. ?I have considered your request and am inclined to agree to it? but with certain reservations and safeguards.?
?Here it comes,? I thought and I wasn?t wrong.
?How long would it take you to get there Sumala?? he asked.
?On my own and if I was fully fit, I would get there in a day easily. With these two, we would only make it in one day if we had transport to the Negretti Pass, quicker still if we get a lift on the transport road but that is a lengthy tortuous journey which goes the long way round.?
?So the three of you should make it there in two days, seeing there is no transport available.? Sumala nodded. ?And on foot they should get a better idea of our countryside??
?Yes Sir, that is true,? Sumala added.
?How far will we have to walk?? I enquired as it began to dawn on me that this would be no picnic.
Sumala answered, ?As a bird flies it is only about fifteen miles but the actual path is probably double that? and it is not flat either and in places the track is difficult to follow. But you?re young and getting used to using your legs again?? he paused to give me a grin, ?So you should be able to do more than half the first day and complete the journey on the second. The last ten miles or so are the worst. The scenery is spectacular but the going is rough.?
?But of course, we cannot have them thinking it is an opportunity to make an escape attempt especially when they will be so near the border,? the Major had that smirk again, ?They will have to be linked together at all times.?
?Sir, with all due respect, there are many places on the trail where it would be dangerous, even life threatening if they had to walk with their wrists linked.? Sumala shook his head at the thought.
?I said they would have to be linked Sumala. Yes for much of the way they can be chained by the wrists but on narrow paths, link them by a rope or some such around their waists, like mountain climbers.?
Although I am a townie whilst at college I did go out a few times with a rambling group but I?d never done twenty miles in one day. Twelve was my limit and I?d blisters at the end of it. I asked if it was within the rules of his game to tie a queen to a pawn and then put my reservations to Major Entembe. Again that smile.
?The rules are changed to suit the circumstances Ellie and your position on the board.? I guessed he made the rules up as he went along just to torment us. ?From what I?ve heard, you are getting to know our ways and the customs of Tumali women fairly well, No Tumalian woman would balk at travelling that short distance but it is up to you of course Miss Bluestone Elaine Eves. Do you wish to remain in the office or do you wish to see more of our country? It is your decision. Roger of course will have to abide by whatever you decide.?
During the whole interview, Roger had not spoken and the major had not addressed him directly. No wonder he felt downtrodden but I couldn?t alter that without lowering my leadership and I no longer wished to be led by dithering Roger. Could I answer without belittling my companion?
?Suma, you are going to be our guide and I gather you know the way and what the conditions will be like. Knowing what you do of our fitness and the fact that I, like you, frequently still feel the pain from the whippings we had and later events, do you think I would be able to make it without undue suffering? I guess we?ll also have to carry supplies on our backs which won?t help our welts.?
?Yes. There would no doubt be some muscle and foot soreness but nothing you couldn?t cope with and I?m sure you would find the journey worthwhile. We?ll take the minimum of stuff with us.?
?Would you say the same thing for Roger??
Sumala thought about his answer for almost a minute. ?He should find the journey worthwhile but he will complain a good deal more on the way.?
I had to smile at that. ?Are you prepared to put up with that Suma?? I asked.
?There?s always a gag to keep him quiet!? We all laughed, except Roger of course. ?But the real answer is yes. It will be my pleasure to take you along and show you a little of life outside of our town. And where you go Roger has to follow. You?re the boss.?
Roger looked downcast. I wondered how much it was because of the journey and how much because he would miss his visits with Riku. He didn?t tell me even in bed that night.
Abruptly the Major changed the subject. ?I understand that you?re likely to be pregnant with my child.?
?I missed my period about ten days ago and of course the child is likely to be yours sir, but of that we can?t be certain.?
?Go to Muniba when you leave here and have her test you properly. Will you keep the baby if and when you go back to England??
I immediately wondered if our return might depend on my answer. ?Yes, I?m not a great believer in abortion Sir and I just can?t comprehend putting any of my babies up for adoption or sale like you do here. Even if we?re allowed home by that time, I shall keep it and raise it with all the care, love and attention of a good mother. Is there any news of our being returned to England yet Sir??
?You will care for and educate my child in England??
?Of course.? Again I wondered how much that would influence our being sent home.
He nodded, ?There has been nothing officially yet but I hear that your Foreign Office has contacted the Korean embassy on your behalf but diplomatic wheels turn slowly. In any case you will have to await a pardon from General Cumu before you will get your passports returned.? We left the office with much to think about.
Muniba confirmed what we already knew. I was pregnant; I was going to have a black or at least a mixed race baby. Fortunately in England I knew that would not be too uncommon.
The next day we spent in a flurry of activity. Even Roger was caught up in it. We visited various places to get supplies and Wyche to get ointment for our feet. Fortunately the sunblock had arrived and I hoped that would help prevent further sunburn problems. The large hat helped too, as did wearing a light, long-sleeved blouse but I had to be ever mindful of keeping my tits on show like a true Tumalian woman. At least the blouse protected my back and arms.
The night before we left, Sumala took another woman to his room, which made me a little jealous, but it gave me the opportunity to talk quietly to Roger. I cuddled him and when I felt his erection against my stomach, I rolled him on top and asked him to fuck me. He?d done it several times by then, usually before Sumala had me, so he was more confident now and I used this as part of my argument. ?Roger,? I started trying to find the right words, ?I know you are a bit worried about this trip but you don?t need to be. Treat it as another new adventure. I?m sure there will be some hardship involved but nothing like the whipping post. That changed my life. It was hell but I got through it and came out stronger; not that I would want to go through it again. It gave me the self-assurance to try other things, like sex. I know you think I?ve become a whore, but it really has shown me another side of my life and has taken away so much of my shyness. When we came, neither of us would have dreamed of doing some of the things we already have. How many girls have you fucked now? Three? Four? Maybe more in the community house that you haven?t mentioned. Before we came you never had the confidence to even put your arm around me, someone you had known for years, now you willingly go to bed with a girl and enjoy fucking them. They enjoy it too, like I just did. Without being forced into the situation you would never had got that far, so look on our trip as an adventure where you can learn new things and increase your own assurance. You can do a lot more than you give yourself credit for and in any case Suma and I will be there to keep an eye on you. Please, instead of looking at this trip as another trial, look at it as adding to the richness of your life experience.? I paused wondering it I would get a response but he said nothing but I did feel him hold me tighter. ?End of sermon,? I added.
Sumala woke us early. I agreed that he could just walk in my room and waken us without knocking and waking others. He shook me by my breasts and whispered, ?Five o?clock. Have a quick wash and piss and be ready to go to breakfast at five-thirty. I want to be on the road by six while it is still cool. Don?t bother showering, you?ll be sweaty in no time anyway.?
He collected us soon after and we went to the cafeteria which was closed at that time but he took us round the back and I noticed the girl there was the same one he taken to bed that night. ?I had to work and earn our early breakfast,? he grinned.
?Oh the hardships you have to go through on our behalf,? I responded.
?I don?t think I over worked him,? the girl called out, ?He should be fit enough to walk a mile or two without you carrying him.?
Chapter fifteen. The journey to Neambu
We headed westwards at, for us, quite a brisk pace and soon left the paved roads of Chapoti behind us. Sumala led the way along a good, wide dirt road through an agricultural area with wide irrigation ditches and small areas of woodland. Frequently we had to move to one side as a horse or oxen drawn cart carrying fruit or vegetables for the market, took most of the road width. Always we were greeted with friendly smiles and a greeting. With the rising sun now dispersing the chill and mist of the morning, I felt happy and free as we ambled through the undulating landscape. Ahead of us I could see mountain peaks rising up and from what Sumala had said, I knew we?d have to cross them before we reached Neambu, where Allaice lived.
Sumala was in his element, striding along bare-footed with the graceful ease of a young panther and carrying his bulky framed rucksack like it weighed nothing. We, on the other hand, only had small cotton rucksacks we?d bought in the market and, at Sumala?s insistence, only brought a single change of clothing, a sweater and a few essential toiletries. I tried to imitate his long strides and found they caused my buttock muscles to complain but I quickly adjusted to a stride length and pace that suited me and was soon lost in thought and admiring the scenery. It was pleasant and homely; different to England but not a scene of forceful grandeur. Occasionally Sumala would stop and point out things of interest but generally we walked in silence. For a while I forgot about Roger holding my hand but gradually I noticed him give a bit of a sigh and have to make a few hurried steps to keep up. I knew it wouldn?t be long before he interrupted my reverie. We?d been on the move for only an hour and a half when he gave a little moan. ?Here it comes,? I thought, ?Trust him to spoil things with his whining.?
A few minutes later he asked, ?Can we have a rest? I?m sure this pack has rubbed my welts and chafed them raw.?
?No!? I told him more forcefully than I intended, ?We need to get as far as we can while it is still relatively cool. We?ll have a break in another hour or so.? Sumala turned and gave me a grin.
?I don?t think I can go that long without a rest.?
I just tugged on Roger?s hand and said, ?You can and you will. Now shut up. We?re all in the same boat. I can feel the pack on my back too and I don?t know how Suma can take all that weight on his whipped shoulders without complaining.?
?We could go back.?
?Don?t even think about it.?
Ten minutes later, ?Ellie, we?ve got to stop now, my feet are sore.?
?And your arse will be sore also if you don?t shut up.? He kept dragging his feet and slowing me down and constantly I had to pull on his hand. I was fed up. ?Stop for a moment Suma please.? Roger thought he was getting his way. ?Can I have the rope please?? Out of his pack, Sumala produced the twenty feet of so of rope that we?d intended to use when crossing the mountains. Roger was about to slip the pack from his back when I removed the cuff from my wrist and fastened it to his. Both his hands were then linked in front of him by a length of chain. I tied one end of he rope to the centre of the chain and the other around my waist. ?You will keep the rope slack at all times,? I instructed, ?Otherwise I will get Suma use his big knife to cut a switch and he can gee you up from behind like a donkey.? He called me a cruel bitch but the threat must have had some effect because it was twenty minutes before he started to complain again.
Rather than having the rope pull directly on my waist, I held a bight of it in my hand. Twice it became tight enough to pull it from my fingers but I didn?t remark on it. What annoyed me more was the constant pathetic whimpering.
By now the agricultural landscape was giving way to scrub and the grass road had deteriorated into a track that climbed steadily upwards. Although we could still have walked side by side it was preferable to me to keep my partner at a distance. Three-quarters of an hour later we came to a small clear stream and Sumala suggested we had a five-minute break. We dropped our packs but Roger of course, couldn?t get his right off because of the cuffs but he could rest it when sitting on the ground. I took the opportunity to check his back but there was only minor chafing but to shut him up I put some cream on it. The heat of the day caused us to sweat and the back of his shirt and my blouse was soaked.
??Don?t drink too much of the cold water,? Sumala warned. We did have a drink and I rinsed my face and legs and then sat in the shade of a small tree. ?We?re doing quite well,? our guide informed me, ?But we?re not a far along as I planned. See that line of trees that are the start of the mountains? A forester, Gordmu, and his family have a hut there. We will be obliged to visit them and they will feel obliged to offer us food and drink. You Miss Bluestone, must act as though you are in full charge of Roger and me. Out here they are more traditional than in the town and they are old and set in traditional ways. When they offer food accept but remember they will not have much in stock and there is no town nearby to get more. If they offer to refill your plate, respectfully decline. The other thing is, they will only speak a few words of english although they will understand much of what you say if you speak slowly. I have some difficulty with their dialect but I would guess that I will have to interpret for them. At our pace it will take another hour to get there and then we can have a proper rest. I think we should push on straight away. What do you think Boss Lady?? He gave me a teasing smile.
?Fine Mr. Guide. Let?s go. On your feet Roger.?
Ten minutes later and again in full sun I was soaked with sweat and getting more and more irritable from the chafing of my pack and almost having to tug Roger every step of the way. Worse was his continual griping about the conditions. We stopped again. ?Why did you have to agree to this? If you?d agreed to fuck the Major a few times he?d have provided transport. You?ve fucked nearly every one else and yet you drag me along and torture me in this hell on earth.? While he was ranting I whispered to Sumala what I wanted him to do.? From the grin he gave I knew he agreed with what I was about to do and chuckling left the track, cut a short stick and then ferreted in his rucksack for some string.
?You?ve turned into a mean bitch Ellie. I just hope that I don?t get on the wrong side of you!? With Sumala?s help I forced the stick crossways in Roger?s mouth and tied it in place with string around his head. The ends of the stick stuck out several inches either side of his head like a grotesque horse bit.
?Stand him up Suma please.? With Sumala holding him upright I undid his shorts and let them fall to the ground. Neither of them anticipated my next more. Undoing the rope from his chain, I formed the end into a small noose, slipped it around the base of his prick and behind his balls and lightly tightened it. Tears flowed from his eyes when he realised the implications. It would be really painful if he didn?t keep up. My stuffing his shorts into his backpack only added to his humiliation but we didn?t meet any others on our journey.
?I?m leaving you like this until we get to the forester?s place so the sooner we get there the better. I will put it back on for the next stage of the trip if you start griping and abusing me again. Understood?? He nodded but his eyes glared their hatred. ?You might have a lower pain threshold to us but there?s no need to act like a spoilt five-year old, nor is there any need for you to say the vilest things about us, especially when you know they are not true. Now I suggest you grip the rope with your hands so there is no pressure on your balls unless you get too far behind me.? He was mumbling something but nothing intelligible came out before I told Sumala to lead the way again.
Not wishing to be too unkind I did keep the pace down but deliberately didn?t look behind. Twice when he stumbled, the rope became taut but not enough to tighten the noose. Even so it was well over an hour before we arrived at a group of three grass huts.
Gordmu closely followed by his wife Tuva came out to greet us. Apparently the sons were away in the forest working. He immediately went towards Sumala who stepped aside and indicated that I should go first. The old man hesitated for only a second and then noting my bluestone badge came and hugged me and jabbered in his dialect. I caught the word Gordmu and gathered it was a ritual greeting. Stepping back slightly I answered in my best London accent, ?I?m Ellie and I?m pleased to meet you Sir.? He nodded and smiled and greeted Sumala before his wife came and greeted me. She indicated for us to sit in the shade outside their hut. I introduced Roger and ordered him to sit and then asked Sumala to remove the gag. ?Don?t you dare say a word, Roger, or it goes straight back in,? I warned when his gag came out. Fortunately he only worked his jaws but kept quiet. Sumala then removed the noose and, on my instructions, tied the rope around Roger?s waist.
Tuva through Sumala suggested that we might like to rinse ourselves and wash the sweat out of our clothing in the stream and then sit with them while we had some food and drink. I readily agreed and she took us a short distance behind the hut to where a cold, fast flowing stream from the mountains gurgled past. Without hesitation I shed my clothes and stepped into the chilly water. Sumala did the same and when he was close enough to me, whispered, ?Order the boy to wash our clothes.? Releasing one of his cuffs and handing the rope that was still around his waist to Tuva to hold, gave the order in a loud voice. Tuva seemed to approve and was amused by his efforts at washing but she didn?t intercede to help him.
Roger managed to get himself clean at the same time although he did squeal a bit at the coldness of the water, but a look from me and he shut up. It gave me a little pleasure to take photos of him doing this chore without a washing machine. Tuva touched the welts on my back a few times and asked about them and when we?d returned to Gordmu, she mentioned it to him. Both seemed surprised at the extent of my punishment and the whipping Sumala had. They?d heard about it of course because the boys had been to the market since then.
While our clothes dried, we sat naked outside the hut and talked in a stilted language with our hosts. Sumala soon had a full erection and I wondered if I would be expected to allow him to use it but fortunately Tuva brought out the food; flat bread with a huge pitcher of honey. Gordmu explained that his sons had found a wild bees nest earlier in the week. It was delicious and so different from the refined supermarket stuff that I usually bought. This had everything in it; bits of honeycomb and even bits of bees. I could have eaten it until I was sick but remembered to decline more when I was offered.
Wyche?s ointment for my feet came in useful. I didn?t have any blisters at the time but there were places between my toes that were red. Sumala put in on for me and whispered that I was being impolite by not asking to service his erection so after he?d treated Roger?s feet I did so and noticed the look of satisfaction on our host?s faces when Sumala entered and pounded me until he loosed his load. Whatever Roger thought of it, he kept to himself. I wondered if Gordmu would fuck me as well but I guess he was too old to get it hard enough. I almost offered Roger to Tuva but I had already alienated him enough for one day.
All too soon Sumala suggested we ought to move on. ?The way for the next ten miles or so is a steep zig-zag uphill path and the first part is through the forest. It will be darker and cooler under the trees and much more humid so expect to sweat at least as much as you did earlier. Once we get above the tree line, it will be bare rock and earth landscape but we?ll be in the sun again. I am hoping that we can get over the pass and down to a tiny village before nightfall so that we can have a roof over our heads. Unfortunately Gordmu said he smelled rain in the air and at this time of year it means a storm probably like the one we had in Chapoti some days ago now. Storms in this area are pretty fickle so we could easily miss any rain even though places nearby get a downpour. If it catches us in the open, it won?t be pleasant. We need to make as much progress as we can now so we don?t have to spend a night without shelter.?
?Okay Mr. Guide, let?s get going.? As Sumala predicted, we were soon soaked in sweat and I wondered why we bothered with washing our clothing. It was also dark and gloomy. Eerie. Mostly quiet, but every so often we would be startled by a group of monkeys hurling themselves through the trees making a loud clattering noise. We only caught glimpses of them though.
Despite our best efforts, progress was slow. Roger lapsed into a sullen silence but managed to keep up, no doubt fearing further punishments from me if he didn?t. I took the cuffs off him completely and fastened the rope around our waists so we had both hands free to clamber over rocks and fallen trees that lay in our path. I tried to give him words of encouragement but he more or less ignored them, preferring, I suspect, to treat me as a wicked sadistic bitch. In several places Sumala had to hack a path through the undergrowth and I could only admire his sense of direction. I would have been completely lost. Each time the path seemed to disappear, after a hundred yards or so of clearing, it reappeared again. His clearing the pathway lost us time but eased the pressure on us. It was well into the afternoon before the trees thinned and eventually we emerged into bright sunshine.
?Fill your water bottles here,? Sumala ordered, ?This is the last little stream before we get well down on the other side of the col there.? He pointed to a low place between two mountain peaks. It looked a long way off and was at a much higher elevation than we were. I heard Roger give a little cry of fear and I too knew the feeling. It would be a long hard slog to get to the col and with sore feet, it would be a painful descent. I gave him a hug and whispered, ?We?ll make it. No problem.?
The ground quickly became rough with small boulders everywhere making walking difficult. In places we had to go between or around large outcrops of rock. It was more like a landscape from a science fiction film. At times, where the land fell away sharply and we were close to cliffs several hundreds of feet high, we had superb views over the surrounding land. I took a few photos but spectacular wide vistas like that never seem impressive in a picture.
At four o?clock we noticed a dark cloud coming over the peaks, heading in our direction. I looked at the col again but it seemed almost as far away from us as it did when we came above the tree line. The route wasn?t as tortuous or as steep as the way through the forest but it would take a long while to reach to top of the pass. Sumala led us from the track, if ever there was an actual path, to a huge, slightly overhanging rock formation. ?Take all your clothes off and put them inside plastic bags inside your packs and then we?ll huddle down in what little shelter there is here. That way at least you will have dry clothes to put on after the rain stops. It will get pretty chilly so we?ll need to keep each other warm. Roger had pooh-poohed the idea of using plastic bags inside our packs yesterday. ?It won?t rain now for months,? he?d declared. Only on his camera did he lavishly encase in plastic and that was more to keep grit out. I took pity on him and put the clothes he took off in with mine.
Hardly had we completed the task and we heard the loud hissing which became a roar as the rain reached us.? Sumala managed to fish out a small tarpaulin he intended to use as a ground sheet from his pack and we wrapped that around us. The inside rapidly became wet from our moisture but it did protect our bodies a little from the stinging bite of the raindrops. It was a frightening sensation. There we were crouched down and sitting on our packs in the dubious shelter of a large rock on an exposed mountainside with the rain beating on our bodies so hard that it was almost like being stoned with fine pebbles. I must say that Sumala took the brunt of it. Roger and I were pressed back against the rock and he was on the outside but nevertheless we still felt a lot of its force. Soon the chill air caused us to shiver and we hugged each other tighter but no one spoke, not even Roger. A bright flash of lightening crept through the cracks under the edges of the tarpaulin, immediately a tremendously loud crack of thunder pierced our eardrums. It was a scenario that repeated itself time and time again over the next hour.
Several times Roger screamed in terror but all I could do was hug him. I too was frightened but with him I knew that his shaking was more from fear than cold. I rethought my decision to take him on this adventure, an adventure that had turned out to be another ordeal but in my heart I knew I would have made the same decision again. It was sheer chance that this storm had come at this time. What if we had made better time earlier in the day? What if we hadn?t stayed so long with the forester? Would we have missed it then or caught it when we were in shelter? Questions without answers.
For a short while the rain eased slightly and Sumala peered out. ?Shit!? he swore. We soon found out why. The storm rebounded from the peaks on the eastern boundary and headed back towards us. We?d no time to change our position so we caught the full force. Fortunately it had lost a little of its power but was still worse than any storm I?d been in at home. For a further half an hour it battered us until we thought we couldn?t stand it any more. The top of my head felt bruised and sore and the thunder reverberated around inside my skull until I thought I would pass out from the noise alone. I didn?t and surprisingly, Roger didn?t either.
Almost as though the tap had been turned off, the rain suddenly ceased, the black clouds disappeared and the sun shone brightly. Steam rose from the ground, the rocks and us. The noises in our heads didn?t disappear as quickly though and it was several hours before we began to hear properly.
The landscape took on a surreal look when we finally started out again. Steam rose in dense clouds as the warm evening sun dried up the surface water making it seem that we were walking through a sauna. It didn?t matter that we?d put on dry clothing because only minutes after leaving, we were soaked with sweat. By now I was footsore too so progress was slow but we put in a few more miles and then called a halt to have something to eat. ?Where will we spend the night?? I asked our guide.
?Good question. To be honest with you, I don?t know. I expected to be over the col before now and into the forest area but we won?t do that before dark. We?ll be stuck in this rocky stuff until dawn without wood for a fire. That storm cost us dearly in time.? I noticed that he didn?t blame our snail?s pace walk. After we?ve had a bit of a rest we?ll go on and keep our eyes open for a smoother patch of ground??
?Or a cave??
He grinned, ?If there is a cave it will almost certainly be inhabited by something you won?t like Ellie. One good thing about the storm is that there are now pools of water although I expect they will be gone by morning.?
Actually we did have a little luck later. A half hour after walking again, we came to a rock formation that almost formed a little bay and in here the prevailing wind blew much of the debris from the surrounding hills. The ground would be hard but at least we could have a fire and rest even if we didn?t sleep too much.
It turned cold and I put on the sweater that I?d brought, Roger?s was still wet as was most things in his pack so we had to erect a little rack near the fire to dry his stuff out. As the night wore on, so the cold increased and we doubled up on our clothing and lay huddled together on the tarpaulin, our only protection from the hard ground.
The whining started almost as soon as we settled down, this time though I didn?t turn on him. ?Roger, just remember we?re all in the same situation. We?re no better off than you and no worse off either. We?ll get through it together. He groaned and started weeping but he turned away from me and his comments stopped.
None of us slept much during what seemed an endless night. At intervals Sumala got up and added fuel to the fire and usually for a while after I sat on my rucksack with his arms around me watching the flames consume the twigs. We didn?t speak but each was lost in our thoughts.
At first light, we boiled some water and made tea and had a couple of the thick biscuits we?d brought. I treated our feet with the ointment and was pleasantly surprised that I hadn?t any blisters and neither had Roger although both of us had redness between several of our toes and on the balls of our feet.? Shortly after we packed and set off again while the air was still cold. The walking helped to restore our circulation and before long we made good progress.
Two hours later and still not nine o?clock, we crested the col and began the long and winding descent into a valley, only to climb out of it again on to another high plateau.? At times we walked along the very edge of the border with Malawi but the high sheer cliffs made it impossible to cross over. I wondered if I would have done so had I been given the chance. Twice we stopped at tiny villages and were given refreshment and at one I was given a good fucking by two lads and both Roger and Sumala serviced a girl each. It provided a pleasant interlude but before long, Suma indicated that we should continue but it was nearly dark again before we reached Neambu. The day?s journey had been a much pleasanter experience and even Roger seemed more cheerful. Both of us though were very tired but Sumala still walked with an easy stride.
On the outskirts of the village, a young, light skinned girl ran up, grabbed my hand and almost dragged me through the streets to a small wooden house. Other villagers seemed to know what was happening as they waved and greeted me by name as I was led passed them. ?News certainly seems to travel quickly even in these remote areas,? I thought but my guide didn?t allow me to stop.
?Welcome,? Allaice greeted our arrival in her slightly accented english, ?I expected you earlier.?
?You expected us??
?Of course, the transport driver told us you were coming when he brought the supplies yesterday. Why you not get a lift with him??
?The Major, the bloody Major! He deliberately put us through hell again,? I fumed.
?But you did see more of our countryside.? Sumala laughed. Roger looked angry too. He probably still thought that I could have fucked some proper transport out of the major.
Chapter sixteen. I punish Roger
?You?ve met Alicia my fifth daughter and this giant teddy bear is JeanPaul.? The biggest man I?d seen so far in Tumali came laughing from behind her, threw his arms around me and lifted my feet well off the ground. ?That?s a real bear hug,? Allaice grinned but I cried out from the pain and then grinned when he set me down.
?JeanPaul is not my real name but this Frenchie woman couldn?t say it and renamed me. Now everyone calls me JeanPaul. I don?t mind though.? A huge grin lit up his face and as soon as my feet were back on the floor he gave his partner a similar hug and playfully tossed his daughter squealing in the air a couple of times. I introduced Roger and Sumala although I guessed they already knew their names.
?Why is he tied to her mummy?? Alicia asked.
?So he does not run away and get into trouble,? I answered which caused more laughter from everyone except Roger.
?You would like shower I expect??
?We had a very good shower yesterday afternoon,? Sumala commented, ?But we?d better have another.?
?Something a little less powerful and quieter would be nice,? I quipped and we had to explain about the storm.
?Leave us your clothes and I will wash them so you have clean for morning. You will not need any tonight. It is warm in house and we do not wear any in evening.?
Refreshed, we sat around the table and ate our first proper meal in several days. The conversation was on us, and each time I broached the subject of her being in Tumali, Allaice said we would talk on her life tomorrow when we would be less tired.
That was true. By ten o?clock my eyes were closing. JeanPaul had taken Alicia to the children?s house for the night and Allaice showed us to their bedroom. It had two beds, one much bigger than the other which I guessed was to hold the enormous bulk of JeanPaul. ?You won?t mind I think, if I take Suma to bed me tonight. The big bear will like to have you. It is the custom in Tumali I think you know.? I smiled, more at her phrasing than at what she said but she assumed I agreed. In fact, having seen that his prick was in proportion to his frame, I was a little concerned that I might not take it easily. She must have noticed my expression. ?You not worry. He is gentle. I know from first time he fuck me.?
Roger and Sumala were both sporting erections and I didn?t want to alienate him further. ?Would you like to take Roger first?? I asked her praying that she would agree. A further slight would flatten his self esteem even further.
?Do I have to chain him to me too?? She adopted the Tumalian habit of smiling widely.
?No, but I mustn?t unchain him without fastening him to another.?
?You get to watch then.? Poor Roger?s face went red. I don?t know why. I?d watched him before and he?d watched others fuck me often enough. Maybe it was because JeanPaul had returned and sat with his arms around me while we watched. Fortunately Roger?s erection kept standing and, after some initial faltering, he gave Allaice a creditable fuck. Having abstained for a couple of days, he wasn?t long in shooting his seed into her. From what I could see of her belly, I guessed she was in the early stages of pregnancy so he wouldn?t be fathering a baby with her.
I shooed him to the far side of the big bed and readied myself for the Big Bear?s weapon. ?I won?t hurt you,? he said, ?I?ve had many women now.?
His entry did hurt a bit but it was nothing I couldn?t withstand without crying out and soon I was thrusting back to meet his loins. When I glanced at Roger he silently mouthed ?whore? and I felt like giving him a backhander but was too busy holding on to JeanPaul. I almost couldn?t get his near hard prick in my mouth to clean it and had to lick up and down the length of his shaft. My vagina once again felt tender but I wasn?t about to mention it, nor get up for some lotion. I quickly fell asleep snuggled in the big man?s arms.
I awoke when he moved his frame to go for a piss. Roger was already awake and I noticed his usual morning hard-on. I spoke, I thought, in a kindly way, ?Okay Roger, come and relieve yourself.?
?Don?t patronise me bitch! You think I wish to bring myself down to your level Miss Innocence now turned in to Miss Bluestone Slut. No thank you!? He turned away.
The hatred in his voice appalled me and I almost started crying but when I moved my head I saw, all the others were watching and they?d all heard the remark. I had to do something. I had to keep my authority over him. ?Suma, would you get the strap the Major presented to me when he gave me the bluestone please. It?s in my backpack.? He seemed surprised and Roger looked apprehensive but he had just a hint of a smile that in my mind said, ?She?ll only threaten me with it. She?ll never dare use it. She knows what I?m like with pain.? ?Thank you Suma. Now would you mind holding him over the edge of the bed please??
Because of the chain, it took a few minutes to get him into a suitable position and by then Roger began to realise that he?d gone too far and that he was going to feel the strap. He started pleading, then begging but I ignored him. ?Allaice would you mind getting my camera out and taking a few pictures of this so he can have a reminder of who is in charge of who here??
?JeanPaul?s better with camera than me. He takes good pictures.? So it proved although at the time I wondered how his huge hands would cope with the tiny controls.
?Ready?? Sumala and JeanPaul nodded, Roger screamed ?NO!? I knew I had to make my mark and do it quickly. ?CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK!? Without a pause I whipped the strap across his backside with all the force that I could muster in the short space of time. He gave an almighty cry and then went limp but soon came round. Despite the shame I felt from having hurt him, there was also a sense of elation. I?d used my power and he?d had to submit to it. Tears rolled down his face and he sobbed and tried to rub his arse but with Sumala still pinning him he was unable to move his arms sufficiently. Still feeling my power, I ordered, ?Release him Suma please.? Roger started to stand and massage the soreness. ?Kneel!? I stood with the strap still in my hand and indicated he should kneel at my feet. ?Kiss me.? With his face level with my pubic mound, there was no doubt as to where I wanted to he kissed. I tried to keep a stern face but it was difficult with the others trying to suppress their laughter. ?Roger, if you ever talk to me like that again, I?ll skin your backside even if it takes all day to do it. Understand?? Slowly he looked up and nodded. ?Now you can think up a suitable apology, one that befits a journalist of your ability. I don?t wish to hear, ?I?m sorry Ellie?. You should be able to do better than that.? A few minutes later he found a form of words and stuttered a suitable apology. At least the apology seemed genuine and his voice more respectful, but I guessed he was seething inside.
Sumala and JeanPaul both had erections by this time and serviced us again before we showered. Allaice made a hearty breakfast and Alicia came and picked her stuff up ready for school. The young girl quickly spotted Roger?s striped arse and asked, ?Did he try to run away??
?Not this time but he was very cheeky to me.?
?And you?re a bluestone power girl! He should know better.? We all had to laugh at that.
JeanPaul had to go to work at the timber yard and I sent Sumala to get a few pictures of the village while I helped Allaice clear the breakfast things and I could have a woman-to-woman chat with her without the formality of an interview. Roger sullenly followed me around, keeping as far away as the chain allowed. I found that she?d had seven children but only kept the one. The first baby was sold because she couldn?t be sure that JeanPaul or any other Tumalian man was the father. ?It could be that it was one of the pirates? baby,? she said, ?I don?t think it was but there was a remote possibility,? before turning to the topic food differences between Tumali. England and France.
When Sumala returned and showed me the pictures on the camera screen, I scrolled back to the ones of Roger?s strapping and saw that JeanPaul had indeed taken some good ones. Probably his high viewpoint helped. I didn?t show them to Roger; he was very quiet and subdued and had hardly spoken a dozen words since I?d threatened him with the gag if he started whining. He did, however, make a great show of walking stiffly and sitting down with the utmost care and trying to elicit the maximum amount of sympathy from Allaice. She just laughed and told him not to be a baby. Now the four of us sat in easy chairs that actually matched, ready for Allaice to begin her account. Fortunately I?d carried the little Sony recorder and it had survived the deluge in the mountains so I didn?t really need to takes notes but I did anyway. The speedwriting technique I learned in college, as usual, proved a godsend. I still couldn?t trust machines to behave; like computers, they seem to break down at the most inconvenient times.
On tape I introduced Allaice and told Roger and Sumala that they would be free to comment and ask questions at any time. Which they did and I was able to piece together a coherent report.
Chapter seventeen. Allaice?s story
I translated her rather odd phrasing when I typed this report.
?When I was young I was rich and attractive enough to be part of the ?in crowd?. I had a carefree life and went to the best schools and in the winter holidays, enjoyed skiing at the best resorts and in summer, sailing and partying at Cannes and other playgrounds of the rich along the coast of southern France. By the time I was eighteen I?d had many boyfriends and sex with one or more of them was no big deal. In many ways I used my body to get what I wanted from them. They paid for me to stay with them in the best hotels, went sailing on grandiose yachts and got invited to private parties on a large motorboat in a secluded bay; parties that were synonyms for an orgies. I enjoyed being fucked, whether it was a lad younger than me, or someone old enough to be my grandfather. In a way I was a kind of prostitute although I never actually accepted money for sex, I was given presents and taken to places I would not otherwise had access to.?
?Would you like to come sailing with me on Lake Nyasa?? Pierre asked. I won?t give their full names even though they are dead now. The invitation was to Cherie and me while we were on a luxury yacht and five other young men were taking turns to screw us. At that time I had no idea where Lake Nyasa was and Pierre just said, ?It?s in the middle of Africa.?
?Sounds like fun, I?ve never been to Africa but I?ve had a few black men.? That shocked Cherie but she agreed to go as well. Three weeks later four of us flew to Lilongwe and hired a car and drove to Senga a small town on Lake Nyasa. Here we met Rikard and Marlen? who owned the yacht. It wasn?t as big as some that I?ve sailed on but it was a goodly size and plenty big enough for the six of us especially as we planned sharing the sleeping berths. We partied that night and swapped partners a few times so it was late the next morning when we hoisted the sails and headed towards the northern end of the lake. There was a good breeze and we bowled along at a good pace for several hours but in the late afternoon the wind died and we crept along at a snails pace. It was all peaceful and I was laid out on the cabin top catching the last rays of the sun, when we heard this motor boat speeding towards us. Before we realised anything untoward was happening a burst of automatic gunfire put a row of holes through the mainsail. The motorboat cut its engine and two black men with guns stood up and pointed them at us.
?Fucking Pirates!? Rikard swore. They boarded our boat and herded us all into the bow where one kept a gun trained on us while two more ransacked the cabin, a fourth stayed in their boat. Anything they thought valuable or portable was put into sacks and tossed into the motorboat. It didn?t seem to take them long and then the men were forced into the cabin and locked down there. Rikard protested and was knocked to the deck with a rifle butt before they almost threw him down into the cabin. The others went quietly after one had pointed his gun at Cherie?s chest. It didn?t take a Sherlock Holmes to deduce what they planned to do with three bikini clad ladies. They made us take off what little we had on and throw them in the water. We?d have given them what they wanted without too much of a problem except that we were also afraid of contracting AIDS but no, they wanted it the rough way and forcibly grabbed our tits and arses and bent us over the railing. I felt a cock being pushed into my dry cunt and tried to accommodate him but to him it didn?t matter. He just plunged on and raped me as hard as he could.
When he pulled out, the one in the motorboat called to them and I was thrown down to him. Without being told I bent over the engine casing and readied myself. I hoped that would make him hurt me less and the sperm inside me would act as a lubricant. He didn?t take long and when he saw the men trying to break out of the cabin, he climbed on the yacht. I took the opportunity to slip quietly into the water and dive as deeply as I could. The boats glided on and it seemed a while before my absence was noticed. By then it was virtually dark but I could see the lights of the boats and I doubted if they would see me if I didn?t splash around. Slowly I swam towards the Malawi shore. It all went very quiet and then there was some shouts and screams before the motorboat?s engine roared into life and the craft headed towards the Tanzanian coast. A few minutes later there was an almighty explosion and the yacht became a ball of flame. I doubted if anyone could have survived and by then I was a good quarter of a mile from it. Within a minute the flames were gone and peace descended once more. I called and called but there was no reply. I knew I was alone, tired, naked and still a long way from the shore.
?Just take it easy Allaice,? I said to myself, ?You?ll either make it or you won?t. Either way you are in God?s hands.?
?You obviously made it,? Roger commented. We were all appalled and enthralled by her story.
?Yes but I was a long way from being safe. It was a long tiring swim but eventually I crawled on to dry land and just curled up in a tight ball on pebbly ground, shivering in the cold air until the first glimmer of dawn allowed me to see what was around me. I had indeed been fortunate in my unwitting choice of a landing place. It was a small bay surrounded by forest and steep hillsides. A hundred yards either way and I would not have found a place to climb ashore. Tired, sore and very depressed over what happened and the probable death of my friends I stumbled to my feet and tried to make my way along the shoreline. In bare feet it was a painful process and I really had no idea which way would take me to the nearest habitation. In the end I decided to head sort of northwest mainly because I hadn?t seem more than a few huts as we sailed along in the afternoon. Mind you I hadn?t been paying much attention to the landscape but I knew we were pretty close to the northern end of the lake when the pirates came and thought there might be a settlement near the entrance to the Songwe River. I had no idea how far away that was.
At the end of the little bay I came to an area of scrub, steep but walkable except that I got badly scratched from the thorn bushes. In many places they were head high and my stumbling gait caused me to brush against them. In only a few yards, I was covered with scratches that dripped blood. The sun rose and it became hot and in an hour or so I was terribly thirsty and hungry. In that time I doubted if I had walked a mile and my feet were sore and bleeding and my body looked like I had been scourged with a bramble twigs. Once more the animal track I was tentatively following led back to the shore but from there I could see no way forward. Probably it was a place where animals came to drink. I collapsed under a tree and cried at my hopeless situation. I?d almost given up any hope of survival and wished that I had died a quick death with my companions instead of a slow death by starvation. There was plenty of water but I doubted that it would be clean although I?d already swallowed a lot during my swim. I took a little in my mouth and spat it out again. I didn?t have the energy to go on especially as it meant retracing my steps through the thorny scrub. Tiredness and depression overcame me and I closed my eyes and dozed for a while but was awoken by the ?Putt-putt? of a small motorboat engine. Standing up I waved and then wondered if I had done the right thing. In the boat a huge black man stood up too and I had visions of being raped again. For once I did the right thing. The man was JeanPaul or J?npeloe to give him his real name although no one here uses it any more. I must have passed out because I next remember being lifted carefully into the boat and sipping some flavoured water. He held me in his lap until we arrived at a landing place and I was taken in a cablecar. The next thing I remember was being in hospital with JeanPaul alongside my bed. You should have seen his face and how he looked blank when I spoke to him in French! He replied in English but he spoke kindly and told me his name and when I couldn?t get my tongue around it I gave him the French version. Gently he held my hand and I tried my school english with a few words of my own language mixed in and found he could understand it. When I asked he told me I was in Tumali. That was quite a shock. I knew a bit about the ways of the people here from talking with Marlen? the night before and Rikard had jokingly suggested that I might like to be one of the women here and be fucked day and night by any man who could get an erection and be permanently pregnant. Such was the misconception he had of the place. I also knew that once in the country, it wasn?t easy to get out, as you have found Ellie.?
I nodded and smiled as I still had no idea if and when I would return to England.
?JeanPaul shocked me even more by saying I was now his woman and he would look after me. I would be his mate.?
?That?s an old tradition from tribal times,? Sumala interjected, ?Young warriors would raid a neighbouring tribe and abduct a girl to be their mate. It helped to stop inbreeding and usually after a while the girls accepted their new home. It?s not really a law here but it is something that is accepted. JeanPaul having captured, or rather rescued, Allaice, had the right to her.?
?They kept me in the hospital for about a week, even though I was fit enough to leave well before then but they waited for the results of tests to see if I was clean especially after they knew I?d been fucked by the Tanzanians. Fortunately I was. Officials came to see me and there were many forms to fill but I wasn?t allowed to contact anyone and the only embassy was the North Korean and they weren?t very concerned with my case. It took months before I could arrange to have money sent to me from my bank in France.
At the end of the week, JeanPaul took me to his home, a one room shack not too far from the cablecar station. He was a licenced fisherman then and a little up the social ladder from the poorest workers and, unlike most of them, had his own home and didn?t live in a community house. By then I?d witnessed and learned more of the habits of Tumalian men and women. I?d seen women patients and nurses being fucked by male staff and patients but I?d been given a large pair of knickers to wear to tell everyone that I was off limits to them. That was the only clothing I had until just before leaving JeanPaul brought me a blouse and a skirt and some soft shoes. It seemed so strange to be visited by a doctor who had a visible erection and as you?ve found out, they all seemed well endowed compared to European men. JeanPaul?s is especially large and every day when I had recovered a little, he?d sit by my bed and make me hold it for him. Several times he told me he was hoping to give me a baby but I was a bit afraid then. I knew the chances of being pregnant by the pirates was small because I was on the pill and had recently had a period but there was still that possibility and the hospital had made no attempt to clean me out.?
?Was any attempt made to catch the pirates?? I asked.
?At the time nothing much happened. The Malawian and French governments informed the Tanzanian but they didn?t get anywhere. A year or more later, some of the stuff from the boat turned up and was traced back to them and they were caught and later executed. Fortunately the trial was in Tanzania and I wasn?t allowed to leave Tumali.?
?So you?ve been a ?wife? to JeanPaul ever since??
?More or less Ellie, as you know, here there is no such thing as a wife in our sense of the word but I?ve been his main woman for eight or nine years now and having our own house keeps us together too. Of course, he has other women and I have other men but I think most of my babies have been his.?
?What did you think when you saw his home? You said it was a shack and being rich, I guess you were used to having splendid homes.? I could visualise her disgust.
?Yes, it really was a downturn in my living arrangements but it was either that or prison accommodation. Like you, I was detained in the country at General Cumu?s discretion but at that time it was the present leader?s father in power. He was at least as strict. In prison I would have been kept in a cell and fucked by off-duty guards and other prisoners, with JeanPaul I was free to go anywhere in the country provided I didn?t cross the border. That meant I couldn?t go fishing with him but otherwise I was pretty much free. At first sight, the house looked almost ready to fall down but in fact it withstood the storms of the rainy season without many problems. The inside was cleaner than I expected and I gather the Bear had roped in a couple of women to do some cleaning before I arrived. It wasn?t really necessary to give me a tour of the house; I could take it in at a glance. Only one room, with a large bed at one end, stove at the other, tables and chairs between.?
?Better than a prison cell though. We know what they are like,? I grimaced at the thought of spending months in one.
?And you only saw the cells of the holding prison, not the main prison itself,? Sumala remarked, ?That was a palace compared to the crowded, several to a room main prison.?
?That?s right and I found out afterwards, there are many more male prisoners than women so they try and put one woman in a cell with several men who have nothing better to do than fuck her all day. Worse still is the fact that prison is more for repeated violent offenders who?ve probably been to the whipping post a number of times so they have little mercy of sympathy for the woman. But to get back to my story. I was amazed when JeanPaul picked me up outside the door and carried me in. ?I saw this on a film once,? he said and barely paused on his way to dump me on the bed and undress me. For his size he?s very gentle and soon I was naked and very nervous especially when he?d undressed too and I saw clearly and up close, the size of his erect prick. I needn?t have worried. Carefully he rubbed my cunt until I was wet and then slowly inserted his penis in me. It was big and stretched my cunt but it felt nice and soon we fucked properly. He was the only one to have me for the first two weeks but then we started visiting others and they visited us and I had to service the men while he did the girls.?
?So when did you move here?? Roger asked.
?After about a year, when I finally got a bank account in Chapoti and could access my money in France. By then I?d had and sold my first child. The money helped to keep us and soon after I was granted leave to return to France but I?d come to love the country, and especially my Bear man, in a way that I hadn?t with any of my other so called lovers. We?re as near to being man and wife as you can be here.?
?Have you been home to France? I expect there are things you miss?? I asked.
?No. I could have but my parents disapprove of my being a ?commercial baby producer? and they disagreed strongly with my selling of the first baby. They?re staunch Catholics and they think I should be properly married and care for each of my babies. They tried to come here but couldn?t get a visa but we met up in Lilongwe and it ended up with a big argument when I wouldn?t return to France with them. Mother still keeps in touch by letter but daddy has almost disowned me.? A tear trickled down Allaice?s cheek as she said that.
?What about the food here??
?I?ve got used to it and still tend to cook in the French way apart from the fact I need to make more to feed the Bear. Talking of food, I guess it is about time for lunch.?
I shackled Roger to Sumala and sent them off to look around the village while I helped Allaice prepare lunch. This gave me the opportunity to ask, ?Don?t you find it really traumatic to give up a baby as soon as it is born? After you?ve carried it for nine months??
?The first one was the worst because I actually saw it and I could have kept him but once I had agreed to sell the child there was no going back. It still took a long while to come to terms with my loss. Being paid for it I suppose helped in some ways in that we would have been very poor if we only had JeanPaul?s irregular income. The others, well I knew I couldn?t keep them so I set my mind to that before they were born but I was determined to keep my fifth, whether it was a boy or a girl. Even knowing you?re going to give up the child doesn?t entirely lose the sense of loss especially when you?re in milk and have to feed the babies of others. I think the Tumalian women are less traumatised than I am.?
We stayed two days with them and had an enjoyable time. I slept with the Bear one night and Sumala the other. Roger even seemed more agreeable and at least he now accepted my authority. I allowed him to fuck me and so did Allaice. I know that he wasn?t looking forward to the long trip back and was delighted when, on our last evening and we?d packed everything ready for an early start, a messenger came with a note from the Major. ?A man from your Foreign Office has arrived, report back ASAP. One of the truck drivers will bring you.?
Chapter eighteen. Set up for another ordeal
?I?ll wring the bastard?s neck. I?ll squeeze his balls until he squeals,? I fumed as I dragged Roger up the stairs into Government House. Sumala followed at a discrete distance. Ignoring Shelumba I barged straight into Major Entembe?s office. He looked up in surprise but before he could open his mouth, I started, ?I didn?t think that even you could be such a cruel bastard. Treating us like animals! Why? Haven?t you made us suffer enough? First you make us walk all the way there and no doubt you knew storms were forecast and we?d get battered and soaked, then you kindly offer us transport on the way back for which I have to pay in advance by getting fucked by the old man who is drive us and then we find our transport, the transport that you with all your authority arranged, was a cattle truck, with nothing to sit on except the bare shit covered boards! I hope the smell we picked up stinks your office out and it cannot have done the baby inside me any good. Your baby Major,? The Major opened his mouth to say something but I flew on running sentences together and barely pausing to breathe. ?And don?t say nothing else was available. Not an hour after we?d been bumped and bruised on the road a half empty bus passed us. You just wanted to inflict more pain and suffering on us. Why? When you know full well we still haven?t fully recovered from the thrashing we had at the whipping post; a whipping you could no doubt have saved us from if you had really used your powers. Does it give you pleasure to see us hurt and suffer? Are you just getting back at us because we?re British? For some long forgotten reason? Or is this all part of the game we are in? The suffering game? Does it please you to?? Roger jerked the chain linking us.
?I wouldn?t wish to be in Ted?s shoes when she gets back.? A cultured British voice startled me. ?I heard she was a shy little thing.?
?If she gets back and doesn?t end up in the market square again.? I turned to see Colonel Nubaro and a distinguished looking gentleman in a suit and, incongruously for this country, wearing an expensive tie. ?May I introduce Peter Spencer from your Foreign Office.?
?Sorry Sir, I didn?t know you were there??
?Good afternoon Miss Eves and Mr. Hart. I hope we can talk about your problems a little more calmly when you?ve cleaned up.?
?Yes, I think that would be best,? Colonel Nubaro smiled, ?And yes, it is a bit of a game to us. I heard of your analogy when you first came but now it is being played on two levels and you are once again a pawn. Please do go and get cleaned up and then perhaps we can discus this in a more civilised manner. Shelumba, please escort them out and bring them back in thirty minutes.?
My fury had only abated slightly. ?Is he acting on your orders?? I nodded in the direction of the Major. He didn?t answer. ?Well I hope your sadistic talents have had some satisfaction!?
?Maybe another visit to the whipping post might do some good after all,? the Colonel muttered calmly. Roger fainted to the floor. I glared hatred at the Colonel who only smiled. He knew he had the whip hand in both senses of the term. I held Roger for a few moments until he recovered and then before I could say any more and make the situation worse, Sumala picked me up and carried me from the room.
In the shower my anger dissipated and my fear returned. ?What if the Foreign Office gent hadn?t come to take us home? Would we be tortured again for my outburst? What did they really want with us?? My tears were washed away by the flow of water. Shelumba came and told us to hurry and then led us back to the Major?s office.
?Please sit down Miss Eves,? The Major requested. There was only one hard chair in front of his desk and I knew he was deliberately goading me. ?Sumala please wait outside the door in case we need you to take the fireball away again.? I sat and, without being told, Roger knelt on the floor beside me. Colonel Nubaro stood to the right of the Major and Peter Spencer sat on his left. It was Peter that opened the conversation.
?Miss Eves, Elaine, I came here hoping to secure your release but as you guessed you are a pawn in a game, except that it isn?t a game. It is a matter of hard negotiation between the Tumalian head of state and the British Government. Colonel Nubaro is representing Tumali interests and I am here of behalf of Britain. To secure your immediate release, we would have to agree to give Tumali several million pounds in aid. So you are a valuable commodity??
?But one that is expendable and can be made to suffer almost unbearable punishments!?
?But, Elaine, that only makes you more valuable. The articles in Today?s World, the underground version on DVD and especially those on the Tumali web site showing explicit and graphic pictures of what is being done to you is putting a great deal of public pressure on the Prime Minister to secure your release. In a way, the more you suffer the higher the amount they ask for in aid. However the PM is adamant about not giving in to blackmail and I think the people here are beginning to realise that further punishments might be counter productive. There is a growing amount of opinion that the government should not give in to a regime that uses what they see as inhuman methods to control its people. At the moment our negotiations have stalled but I?m authorised to stay here a few days more to try and secure a settlement. However, if I am honest with you, I doubt whether you will be returning with me.? Tears flowed down my face as the hopes I?d had were dashed. Roger openly cried too. ?Sorry to disappoint you,? he went on, ?What I expect to happen is that at the end of my stay I will be able to take a fresh set of terms back to England which the cabinet will debate and amend or reject and then I may be sent back again. Nothing will happen quickly. As I said Elaine and to you too Roger, I?m sorry that I cannot whisk you out of this situation but I will do what I can for you when I see General Cumu tomorrow but, in the meantime, you will still have to abide by the rules and laws here and not get yourself into any further trouble.?
From way he said the last remark I guessed that he had been in on our being sent here in the first place. Although the meeting went on for a further fifteen minutes we didn?t gain any more information as to when we would get home and with admonishments from the Colonel as to our behaviour, we were dismissed.
The following day was spent in IT working on the report of our trip. From Riku I learned that several dozen girls had, via the web site, applied for visas to live in Tumali but the government were going to be very strict in their vetting of the applicants. I gave Roger to her for the night and I think he was quite pleased to get out of my sight for a short while.
?Major Entembe wishes to see the three of you in his office right away.? Riku gave us the news soon after we?d started work on the third day after our return. There were no chairs in his office that morning for us to sit on. Not a good omen.
?Mr. Spencer left for London earlier today. As expected he wasn?t able to take you with him.? He paused and smiled while our hearts sank. Again I tried to puzzle out the Gent?s involvement in the scheme to abduct us and what benefit he got out of it. We knew he?d been given a room in Government House and each night two young girls had been sent to his room because we?d seen them in the cafeteria but I suspected he received a monetary handout as well but from whom? My mind was quickly brought back to the Major when he went on, ?Perhaps you thought I had forgotten about your outburst the other day Ellie; an outburst that tried to shame me in front of my superior. I do admire your spirit and the way you?ve changed over the few weeks you?ve been here but I cannot allow such derogatory statements to go unpunished and for the last few days I?ve been thinking what form that should take. The Colonel suggested another visit to the market square?? Roger shook violently and both Sumala and I had to hold him while he bleated out cries of ?NO!? ?Don?t worry Roger, I didn?t decide on that and it might be something you will enjoy even if Ellie doesn?t.?
I twigged immediately and groaned, ?The Mummy Boy Camp.?
?Yes Ellie. I thought it would be a suitable punishment for you and a good subject for your next article. I know you?ve had it up the arse a few times but there it will be done many times a day and Roger will get to put his prick in men?s arses for the first time. Sumala, I know you?re not in the least inclined towards boys but you can take your feelings out on Ellie by using her like the other boys will. Her cunt will be out of bounds while in the camp. You will spend three nights there and it?s a two day walk each way although the terrain isn?t as rugged as the way to Neambu so the journey shouldn?t be as taxing. After your remarks on my kindness in providing transport last time, do not expect me to do so for this trip.?
Back in the IT room Roger muttered, ?You and your big mouth again! Why can?t you be quiet like you used to be??
I was about to retort when Sumala stepped in. ?Arguing won?t help. Ever since you failed to take the proper caning at the whipping post, it was always part of the plan, the game if you like, that we were to visit the camp so don?t start blaming Ellie, and Ellie it is no good blaming Roger either. He cannot help being how he is.? Whether what you said to the Major brought it forward or not is just guesswork. I?ve never had a prick up my arse either or sucked a man off but I?ve fucked a good few women that way so it will be a new experience for me too Maybe tonight you?ll let me try you Ellie. You haven?t had it that way many times and you know that I?ll be careful and with plenty of cream it shouldn?t be unpleasant and may help prepare your hole for men who won?t be as careful.? We all had visions of having our bums buggered many times a day and none of us was looking forward to it. However, the actuality was not as brutal as we envisioned.
Early the next morning we set off in a northerly direction. My bottom was a little tender from Sumala?s attention the previous evening but it was nothing that I couldn?t cope with. He even made Roger soddomise me first so that I was already partially opened for him. Roger?s prick was fairly easy to take but I winced a bit when Sumala started to enter me but once he was in, it was uncomfortable but bearable. I wondered what it would have been like if he?d fucked me hard like I anticipated would happen at the Mummy Boy Camp. I thought I would try and get Sumala to have me that way again before we got to the camp but I was more concerned as to how Roger would take it. Would he just pass out? And if he did, would it annoy his rapist and make him cause Roger more pain? I pondered these and other questions as we plodded along.
As before, the first few miles were across the relatively flat agricultural land but in a couple of hours the land and forest rose up in front of us. ?We have two choices now,? Sumala informed us, ?We can go on in more or less a straight line through the forest and up over the mountain, or we can walk around the contours. The mountain way is shorter and steeper but should be cooler in the shade. The contour route has less climbing but is a good few miles longer. Time wise, there should be little in it.?
?Can we go one way and come back the other Suma??
?Yes, of course, and I would suggest we go the steep way and see the scenery. If our arses are sore, we may prefer to have less climbing on the way back.?? Roger didn?t comment and I noted he was unusually quiet. He?d noticed that I added the makeshift gag to his pack before leaving.
The path was steep and although we were in the shade, the atmosphere was very humid and soon all our clothing was soaked with sweat. After lunch and still on an upward path, the trees began to thin and a further hour on, we began to cross a plateau until we came to the rim of an extinct volcanic crater filled with crystal clear blue water. In no time at all we were slithering down the scree to the water?s edge. Several times the rope between Roger and I came taut as one of us slid faster than the other could keep up but generally we ended up laughing about it. The water was ice cold. It didn?t matter. Dropping our packs and without bothering to remove our clothing we lowered ourselves into the refreshing water. However the cold was too much for us to stay in long and we dried ourselves and our clothing in the hot sun. Reluctantly an hour later we were on the move again.
The climb up the loose scree caused further merriment and for the first time for days Roger actually laughed. It was largely a case of two steps forward and one slide back. One such episode when the connecting rope was nearly taut, Roger slid down and the rope pulled me on top of him. Neither of us was hurt and both of us grinned when I found myself cradled in his arms. On an impulse I kissed him and felt his lips on mine for longer than an affectionate peck. We continued to laugh as we tried to get to our feet on stones that refused to stay in one place and we ended up on our bums again. Suddenly his face clouded and took on its usual disturbing look. ?You?re worried at what might happen??
?I?m not really gay you know Ellie. I?m not wanting to have sex with men.?
?I know. We?ll get through it though like we have the rest of this trip. It will work out as long as we stick together and don?t fight each other.? A shout from Sumala, who had already gained the rim of the crater, broke our reverie and we started our way up the slope again.
An hour later and over another steep rise we came to a long, narrow lake. ?There is a fishing village at the end of this lake where we should find shelter for the night. We could go on if you want and are eager to reach the camp but we?d have to spend the night in the open.?
?We?ll stay,? Roger and I answered together. We knew Sumala wasn?t eager to get to the camp either.
As we ambled along a good track by the lakeside, two elderly men came to greet us. ?That hat of yours obviously warned them of our coming,? Sumala jibed. I wore the big, colourful hat I?d bought at the festival every time I ventured out into the sun mainly because that even with the sunblock my skin peeled continuously and I hadn?t started to tan due, no doubt, to my fair skin and hair colour. When they approached Sumala dropped back behind Roger so I was in the leading position. We hugged and patted each other on the back in the traditional way and I spoke the few words of halting greeting I had learned from Sumala and added ?Good afternoon Gentlemen.? That brought laughter to their faces. I introduced Roger and Sumala, even though they knew him, and then we all made our way to a four grass-hut village.
Other men sat around smoking while the women gutted and cleaned what looked to me like a good catch of fish. Some were being filleted and hung on racks to dry. Fortunately the racks were downwind of the huts so the smell wasn?t overpowering. With Roger now chained to my wrist again, I was ritually introduced to the elderly men but only one of them spoke more than one or two words of english. Two of the younger girls did and when I enquired why, I was told that from the time they were old enough to go to school until they were of breeding age, they lived in a community dormitory for girls in Chapoti. The village boys were schooled in Chapoti as well, but they hadn?t returned to the village.
That night we had a delicious fish stew and I was able to find out more about the lives of the fishermen and we sat talking, mainly to the girls but Sumala seemed to be filling the others in on what was being said and he translated much of what he learned from the men for us. I wondered what the sleeping arrangements would be and why I hadn?t been fucked during the evening but I?d forgotten that having Roger chained to me prevented them from asking. I remembered when I saw the English speaking man looking intently and me and with his erection showing below his shorts. In a whisper, I asked Sumala about the protocol and he replied, ?Just ask him if he would care to fuck a white woman.? I did and that seemed to be the signal for others to grab a woman. I think Roger wanted one of the younger girls but the other men beat him to it. A woman that looked very much older than him, late fifties or early sixties I would have guessed, jumped up and grabbed his prick. Nevertheless she got him hard but she had to wait until my partner finished before we could get into a position where the chain didn?t get in the way. I suppose I could have transferred the chain to her but I didn?t largely because I doubted Roger wanted to be with her too long. The woman was old enough to be his mother, or even his grandmother, but he didn?t take to her like he did to Riku.
We slept in a hut with an old couple but the man could still get an erection and he kept going for ages before he spent his load. Roger lay on his back beside me while the woman worked herself on him. Sumala had better luck in that he had both the younger girls during the night. Roger was peeved when Sumala told us and I guess he blamed me again for not giving him to one of them.
We set off late the next morning and didn?t hurry overmuch trying to arrive, we hoped, about when dinner would be served. Midway through the afternoon we descended to a wide dirt road which Sumala said was the main highway between the cablecar station and the Mummy Boy Camp. Having had Roger linked to me all day by the waist rope, both of us were glad to exchange it for wrist cuffs and rub some cream into the chafe marks on our bodies.
The road followed the route of the Songwe River but several hundred feet above it so we had splendid views of the river and across into Tanzania. This made the walk quite pleasant especially as we didn?t have to force the pace. Several times lorries slowed down and would have given us a lift but I waved them on. For once, Roger didn?t disapprove. After a couple of miles we came to a roadside stall and bought flavoured water and flatbread filled with a savoury mixture and sat in the shade to eat them. ?How much further Suma??
?A few miles only.?
?I don?t think I?m gay,? Roger blurted out, repeating what he?d told me earlier, ?I?ve enjoyed it when I?ve fucked women. It?s just that I was always too shy to do anything about it.?
?I know,? I said sympathetically, ?And neither is Suma, and I?m not either for that matter, but this is just another trial they are putting us through.?
?Ted?s behind it you know.? I looked at him in askance, ?I saw an email when I went to Riku?s office the other day. I wasn?t supposed to see it so don?t blab it to the Major or anyone so she gets into trouble. The stories of our hardships are selling ?Today?s World? and also ?The Real World Today? an underground DVD publication where there?s no censorship. He wanted us to have more experiences that would excite the readers. Perhaps we should just write a travel type journal with details of the lovely scenery.?
?And annoy the Major so that we end up in the market square again. No thank you Roger!?
We sat and talked as long as we dared, knowing that the lorry drivers would probably have informed those at the camp of our position. ?You?re worried about this too, aren?t you Suma?? His face had lost its cheerful smile. He nodded. ?Just think, it cannot be worse than the whipping you had.?
?No, but it will be very much more embarrassing ? and there won?t be a nice nurse to look after us afterwards either.? He did smile at that remark.
We trudged on. Dust clung to our sweaty bodies and clothes and we hoped we?d be able to shower when we got there. My spirits sank when we came to the camp gate. The Mummy Boy Camp was situated on a peninsula at the far north-western corner of Tumali and the entrance to it was blocked with a high, razor-wire fence. It reminded me of a concentration camp from which there was no escape. Armed guards stood by the entrance gates and I wondered if we were actually going to be allowed out in three days or whether this was a ruse to confine us here permanently. I half trusted the Major over this, but I wouldn?t have put it past him to extend our stay if it suited his schemes. However, on remembering what Ted?s email said, I guessed there were other ordeals planned for us.
Chapter nineteen. Mummy Boy Camp welcome
Obviously our arrival had been witnessed because we?d hardly reached the gates before they opened and two armed guards escorted us to an office in the main building where a burly Tumalian greeted us with a surprisingly friendly smile. ?So you are the ones who wanted to sample the delights of our camp. I?m Captain Quaro.? He extended his hand in Sumala?s direction but I stepped forward and shook it.
??Elaine Eves, and no, we didn?t wish to come here but the Major had other ideas.?
?Same difference,? he grinned. I introduced the others more or less to let him know I was in charge and he began to accept that. He went on to explain some of the rules which basically allowed us to have sex with anyone, and they with us, provided it didn?t interfere with working and it wasn?t allowed in various other areas. Much like the rules for women in the rest of Tumali. For the next few days I was to be considered as a being man and used as though my vagina didn?t exist. ?I?ll get a girl to show you to your dormitory and give you a tour of the place and then bring you back here so I can sample the delights of a white boy?s arse before dinner and I?ve no doubt my sergeant will wish to sample yours Miss Ellie. After dinner you will be given the standard welcome and at bedtime, I expect you?ll have plenty of offers of sleeping partners. You Ellie, will be expected to suck prick and take them up your arse, the two men, will have to do the same but can also ask others to reciprocate. You can do it with each other too. There are plenty of lubricants available although most of the inmates don?t need them now but you are allowed to ask for lubrication to be used. During the daytimes, the Major has ordered that you are allowed to visit freely with the various work groups and interview and photograph them.?
We were dismissed and a ?girl?, a feminine looking boy wearing a skirt and false breasts showed us around and we were able to stow our packs in a dormitory. ?What did the Captain mean when he said we?d be given the standard welcome?? I asked sensing from the way the words had been spoken, that it would not just be a speech of introduction.
?I?m sorry,? our guide said, ?If he didn?t tell you, then I hadn?t better tell you either. I get spanked enough as it is.? He lifted his skirt and showed us a well reddened bum. ?All us girls get spanked before being fucked but we don?t mind most of the time except when the Captain uses the strap or cane as punishment.? We all now realised some pain, besides being fucked in the bottom, would be involved. Roger started to shake, and I squeezed his hand tightly to show my support but there was little enough I could do.
The Captain and two other men were waiting for us when we returned to his office. ?Here they are men. Three newbies ready for our pleasure, two of them seem to be arse virgins. Strip off then and get ready. Did the girl give you some cream??
?Yes sir,? I answered and produced it from my handbag.
?Okay bluestone boss lady, get them to bend over my desk and put some around their holes and on our pricks.? Roger stood shaking and I half expected him for pass out but he didn?t and I gently pushed him over the desk. The pricks on the men were quite normal for Tumalian men, and indeed were slightly smaller than Sumala?s so I wasn?t too concerned although I knew they wouldn?t be as gentle with me as he was. Being still linked to Roger made it a little awkward but the men soon realised they had to come to me to have their prick treated.
?Girls get spanked before fucking.?
?Typical of this country,? I thought, ?We get raped and beaten and the men get the pleasure.? It therefore came as a surprise when Captain Quaro put his left hand on Roger?s back and brought his right hand down hard on his arse. It was a surprise for Roger too and he screamed at the top of his voice. At the third hard slap, much to the amazement of the three men, he passed out. ?His body cannot take any pain sir,? I pointed out, ?He cannot help it sir so please don?t punish him further.? Roger woke up but the captain?s hand didn?t let him rise up.
I watched as he pushed his prick into the brown hole and moaned when he couldn?t enter. ?Pull his bum cheeks apart Ellie,? he ordered. I did so and tried to encourage Roger to open up but he was shaking so much that I feared he might pass out again. Eventually the captain gained an entrance and started to fuck properly. I could see Sumala was already impaled and then my turn came. In a way I was glad I?d had in that way before and knew what to expect and was able to relax enough to make it almost enjoyable. I took the sergeant quietly and even tried to push against him a little. Roger though, cried and bawled the whole time. The captain was disgusted and brought his hand down on Roger?s arse again. ?You will wear her skirt little baby girl,? he seethed, ?She can wear your shorts.? Fortunately there was no rule that we had to suck them clean afterwards. I found out later there had been disease problems some years previously and now there were a supply of tissues always on hand for that purpose.
Our guide was again summoned to take us to the lounge and to find Roger a padded, flesh coloured bra. I tried to uplift his spirits a little but I wasn?t too successful. ?How was it with you Suma? I saw you had an erection afterwards.?
?Could have been worse. His prick kept hitting my prostate so that caused me to get a hard-on and almost to shoot my load. I suppose I can now see why some men might like it but I still prefer a girl?s cunt.?
?Our girl? introduced us to a number of men who questioned me about our being there, how we coped with being chained together, and life in England until a bell summoned us to dinner. We were surprised they made no attempt to fuck us but we rightly guessed, that would wait until after our welcome.
At the end of the meal the captain called for silence and addressed every one. ?Ladies,? (I could see others dressed as girls) and gentlemen, we have three visitors sent by our government on a fact finding mission to the Mummy Boy Camp. Two are from England and the other is a Tumalian who is here to guide them on our customs, not that he knows much of the customs in this camp. [Laughter] One of the English is a real woman, Ellie, but she is to be treated like a man and in fact, she is in charge of the other two. She has bluestone status so she is above most of you in rank. You are to respect her. Her companion, Roger, as you can see from his dress, is a mummy?s boy and a very timid one at that. I have already found out that she falls asleep at the slightest pain so you may have to be a little careful in what you do with her. Major Entembe has ordered that Ellie and Roger be kept chained together at all times so we must work around that and make allowances for the fact that they must be together. For two full days they are to experience life here in the same way as you, except they will not be assigned work schedules. Instead they will visit and see what you do. Feel free to answer factual questions but don?t become embroiled in arguments concerning the ethics of our government. Tell them about your work, your lives here and your lovers and of course they will be living in the community with you. Treat them as you do each other.?
?Hurry up and get it over with,? I muttered to myself. No one had mentioned the welcome yet.
?As they are going to part of our community, albeit for only two days, we must give them our traditional welcome. Ladies and gentlemen, let us adjourn to the wall. Gentlemen, if you wish to partake in their welcome, please take a token from the jar on the way out.?
The ?wall? proved to be a long, counter-like structure about two and a half feet high and a foot broad. There were straps at intervals that I guessed were for restraining us. The wall was long enough to take ten people so there was plenty of space for the three of us. We were all made to bend over the wall and fastened down with a strap across our backs. I could see that Roger was in a bad way again, shaking miserably and crying, and I had to support him on the walk and try to calm him a little by actually putting the strap over his back before letting them strap me down. Further straps pulled our knees apart so that our holes were wide open. Numbers were being called out as cream was inserted into our bottom holes and as each number was called a man?s voice acknowledged and yelled with pleasure. I found out that three were selected for each of our bottom holes and three more for us to suck off. None of the ?girls? had been allowed to take a token. I kept squeezing Roger?s hand to reassure him but I could tell that his fear would soon overcome his consciousness. His tears were dripping on to the floor and he was sobbing uncontrollably. My attention was soon taken by a prick being pushed in my arse and another offered to my mouth. Obviously they were used to having sex in this way and easily and calmly fucked until first the one in my arse came and then I tasted sperm in my mouth. As far as I was concerned it was more uncomfortable than painful. With hardly a break the second and then the third pair took me. I tried to wiggle my bottom but the straps largely prevented that although I was able to bob my head and soon had my third quota of sperm. They didn?t release me but I could turn my attention first to Roger who was still resisting and who had only just started to have his second pair. Sumala on my other side was servicing his last.
?He?s a useless girl!? I turned my head back to Roger. The man at his rear had withdrawn and apparently was having difficulty in reinserting his prick. SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP. I felt Roger?s hand go slack. His assailant took the opportunity to thrust prick in and complete his fucking.
Roger still hadn?t come round properly when the third man stood ready. ?No, no!? I yelled, ?Use me instead. You?ll kill him!? Roger turned his head towards me and I thought he was going to say, ?whore? but he muttered thanks and drifted off again.
My hole felt very tender and I walked a little bow-legged afterwards but I knew I wasn?t seriously hurt. For a long while I stood alongside the wall comforting Roger and for the most part, the others left us alone. ?Suma, are you fit enough to carry him to the dorm please??
?Of course Boss Lady.? He threw him across his shoulders like a sack of corn and laid him on a bed. Vaguely I noticed that someone had pushed two side by side so we could each have a bed partner and still be chained together. It appeared that, like in the rest of Tumali, my being chained to Roger marked him as mine and no one with lesser status to me, would molest us without being granted permission. We lay and cuddled for a while and in conversations with the others, found that many of the gay men had loving, long-term relationships and had feelings for our plight. They brought juice and tried to make us comfortable and when Roger at last got an erection, probably more from my body rubbing against him than from the naked men around us, one of them asked to suck him off. I wished one would do the same for me but they didn?t consider my clit as being a prick substitute.
Going to the toilet was a little painful or perhaps rather uncomfortable would describe it better, and yet it seemed that I had to go. Roger admitted that he needed to as well. Probably the sperm inside us acted like an enema. Two of the younger men stopped me as I returned and one asked, ?May I spend the night in your bed?? I agreed and when the other asked to sleep with Roger and promised several times not to hurt him, I agreed to that too. I did have to take him up my arse but he was very gentle and played with my tits as well so eventually I climaxed. ?It?s nice to feel real tits again, so different from the false ones the ?girls? here wear.? I didn?t hear Roger cry out and I found out that his partner had only fondled his prick and made him return the favour.
Chapter twenty. The Birthing Clinic
?How did the rest of your stay there go?? Riku asked, ?I read the part you wrote today and that seemed pretty traumatic.?
We?d arrived back late the previous day. Shelumba told us the Major was rather annoyed as he?d sent a proper car for us but that had perforce to go via the cablecar station and the dirt road to the camp. We?d made an early start and had turned off that road on to the contour track before the car reached us. ?The Major wanted to see you before he went away for a few days but I know it can wait until he returns,? Shelumba informed us but didn?t elaborate and we were left wondering if he?d another ordeal planned for us. We spent the first day back writing up our report and decided to spend the night in the community house.
As soon as we arrived a young girl from a neighbouring house came and asked, ?Can I have Roger like Sanle did?? Seeing the disappointment on Riku?s face she added, ?I?ll bring him back by bedtime if you like.? A smile lit her face when we agreed. Riku, I realised, liked to have Roger in bed with her as a companion to cuddle and not just for his prick. Now, after the evening meal, we sat at a table outside where it was cooler and taking out my laptop showed her some of the pictures and began my story.
?I quickly found that the inmates were not the brutal raping men I had envisaged. Some of the guards were, but the others were respectful and treated us with care, almost love. My being a real woman caused a bit of a rumpus at breakfast on the first morning. Halfway through I yanked Roger to his feet and ran for the door. One of the guards gave chase but I got to the toilet just in time to lean over the pan and be sick. Roger looked worried and I seemed unduly pale when I looked in the mirror and washed my face. All eyes were on us when the guard escorted us back to the Captain?s table. He looked at me quizzically but I said, ?Sorry, morning sickness. I?m pregnant. I can only pretend to be a man part of the time.? For some reason the whole table erupted in laughter.?
?I can well imagine that caused a stir in a men only camp.?
?Yeah. The captain made me see the camp doctor but he didn?t have much experience of women?s problems either.?
For the rest of the evening I went through the life at the camp as I saw it. How it was like a self-contained village with trained craftsmen doing woodwork, plumbing, and electrics and other doing what would be considered household chores cooking and cleaning. By now a small crowd had gathered around my table, staring at the pictures on the screen and listening to my tale. ?Did they bum fuck you often?? one asked.
?Not during the day except when a guard decided he had more authority than me. Suma had to take more but he also had to put his prick in a good few too. I didn?t have that problem,?
?How did you feel about that Suma?? Riku asked. After my ?rape? at the community house, Sumala hardly left my side when I was away from Government House.
?I still would rather put my prick in a girl?s cunt, or even her arse, but I began to get some idea of the satisfaction they got out of it. You girls know what it is like to have a prick in your bumhole and what it was like the first few times, well it was like that for me but also the prick stimulated my prostate and I got one hellava hard-on. The feeling when I fucked a boy was not much different to when I?ve fucked a girl?s arse except the boys there were more open and easier to get my prick in. I wouldn?t want to be limited to that one way of fucking though but I think I am more tolerant of gay boys now. I hated being kissed by them. That seemed so much more revolting and utterly repulsive especially when they hadn?t shaved.? Suma adjusted the girl on his knee and played with her breasts.
?So it wasn?t one big orgy then Ellie?? an unknown girl asked.
?No more than here. Most work during the day and so are not available. The worst were the guards but fortunately there wasn?t too many of them. They had the power to use a strap on anyone shirking and several times we witnessed a boy being forced to bend over and take six or eight hard whacks with the strap and usually the guard would fuck them afterwards and they did it really hard.?
?What was the journey back like??
?Actually it was remarkably pleasant. The route was hilly rather than mountainous and we stayed overnight at quite a large village, about a dozen huts. Suma and Roger were spoilt for choice of young females and there were to be several young lads too and I tried a couple of them. Roger?s humour began to come back when I chained him to a young girl that he seemed to fancy. The village had a hut put aside for visitors because the route was fairly well used, indeed we met various other people on the way, and so we were able to take our choices back to the hut for the night. Nothing abnormal for this country happened.?
?The Major says you are to go to the Birthing Clinic for a check-up,? Shelumba informed me when we arrived for work the next day, ?And you can spend the day there to do a piece on it.? I must have looked surprised as I hadn?t seen the Major since our return and thought we?d pissed him off over not getting back earlier in the car he?d sent. That wasn?t our fault but that wouldn?t matter to him. ?He heard about your morning sickness at the camp,? Shelumba went on to explain.
Roger looked a little pale at the thought and asked if I could chain him to Riku for the day but that request was refused on the grounds that she had access to information that we shouldn?t see. What surprised me more was that Sumala wasn?t keen on going either but I told both of them bluntly, ?You are coming with me. It will do you good to see what us women have to go through after you?ve had your pleasure with us.?
Really I didn?t know what to expect either. Having slept in grass huts and seen Wyche?s form of medicine, I half expected something fairly primitive. Instead I found a modern maternity hospital that would have put our London teaching hospitals to shame but when I thought about it, baby sales and adoption were the main source of income for the country and therefore they needed to get as many healthy babies for sale as possible. There was also the fact that with almost forced unprotected sex, there was a far higher proportion of babies per population to deal with.
The hospital was clean, light and air-conditioned and the staff too all looked clean and efficiently dealt with my routine check-up in the attached clinic. Two main differences became immediately apparent; the patients and visitors (including us soon after our arrival) were all naked ? ?It saves a lot of time and is more hygienic than often unwashed clothes,? the matron informed me and then told us to have a shower and to use the special germicidal soap. The other noticeable difference was that there were no private rooms or cubicles where the birthing took place. Most of the nurses too were in various stages of pregnancy. Roger had a little smile on his face and the start of an erection at the sight of the women with grossly extended bellies, waddling around the ward. They took it in good humour and tried to tease him by wriggling their bodies suggestively and laughingly offered to take him to bed. I guess the sight didn?t stimulate Sumala because his prick remained flaccid.
?Roger?s working,? I informed them, ?Maybe later after we?ve seen the sights and he?s freaked out at seeing a baby born, I?ll chain him to one of you for comfort.?
?We?ll hold you to that,? a large woman who looked to be near the end of her fertile life chuckled, ?He can even have a soothing suckle and some milk he hasn?t had since he was born.?
Matron re-joined us. ?Sorry,? she apologised, ?I got called away. Don?t take too much notice of the ladies; they haven?t seen a man for a couple of days or so. We don?t normally allow men on the wards mainly because they get in the way and they seem to have problems with seeing the blood and stuff when a baby is born. Looks like yours might have trouble too after the way he went pale when I took your blood sample. By all means chain him to one of the other women. Suma may be okay but if he?s a problem we can send him outside to watch through the observation window. We?re expecting two births today. One?s a first timer so you will get an idea of what you might go through and the other will be her eighth and should be much easier. We have a fully equipped operating theatre and surgeons on call if there are problems or if a caesarean is necessary.?
For half an hour we toured the facility and we were most impressed by the cleanliness and standard of hygiene. I reckoned it was far higher than in any NHS hospital and because all the nurses were women, and most were pregnant, they had a far greater empathy with their patients. The mothers-to-be quickly noticed the slight swelling of my stomach and accepted me ?as one of them? and chatted to me without the reserve an outsider, and a white woman at that, would normally receive.
At first it was more of the good natured banter about having a slave boy that I had learned to field from most women and Roger tried to ignore but then one of the older women asked about my stripes which still showed on my back and arse although I only felt them now when I sat down hard or put pressure on my shoulders. A number of them had seem my thrashing and told me that a week later the whipping master had felt his own whip but it wasn?t as hard as the flogging Sumala received. My bluestone came in for much comment too and even though, in theory at least, I was above them in status, I was treated as an equal.
Suddenly, N?lla the young, first time mother-to-be, asked, ?Do you know who is the father of your baby??
?Major Entembe.?
She nodded in an understanding way and I sensed a story especially when she said, ?Colonel Nubaro.?
?How do you know??
For a short while she hesitated to answer and seemingly making up her mind, went on, ?The top people in government are informed by the community house supervisors when a girl is ready for breeding and the prettiest ones are taken to Government House. The others are fucked and bred by any men that are around or who are chosen. Often the supervisors are given a present to allow the richer men to breed a virgin. Two of us were ready at the same time and I was pleased that I was considered pretty enough to be taken to Government House. General Cumu and the Colonel inspected us and spent some time talking and asking questions. I was a bit tongue-tied at being with such high-ranking people but the other girl chatted freely and laughed a lot. The General chose her and I went with the Colonel. He bred me for seventeen days??
?Much the same as the Major did with me except that I was with him only a few days and had my whipping then too,? I interrupted.
?You hadn?t been bred before?? N?lla?s voice showed her surprise and the others echoed her.
This led to a long discussion and in general, the women preferred their system where they were free to have many different men. ?? like that?? one of them laughed and nodded to a bed further along the ward and I saw Sumala had a young woman bent over the side of the bed and was fucking hard. She must have aroused him pretty quickly and I found out later the pair knew each other and had spent a number of nights together in the past.
?You?re supposed to be working Suma!? I called out and everyone laughed. Even the matron didn?t stop him.
For a while I tried to discus how they felt about giving up the babies and most believed it to be a part of life but it seemed to me there was an inner sense of loss that they shut out and were elated when they were allowed to keep a child.
Later that morning I witnessed my first birth. It was the woman?s eighth and she had little trouble. As it was a ?for sale? baby, a curtain was drawn across the top half of her so she could not even glimpse her baby before it was taken away. To me that was very sad but practical in that there would be no bond between the mother and child. Most of the other mothers-to-be stood around and watched while the nurses did their job. I had some idea of what to expect from a film we were shown in sex education at school but I was hardly prepared for the reality of the pain and mess and to a certain extent, the smell that accompanied it. The sight fascinated and excited me and it wasn?t until I felt the pull on my wrist chain, that I remembered Roger. He?d passed out.
One of the others helped him up and I took him to a motherly woman and clipped the chain to her. Before I returned to the birthing, she?d cuddled him closely and he was suckling her breast.
?Would you mind if I sent Suma out?? a nurse asked. He was looking a bit sick too.
?Yeah, of course. He?s only of any use at conception; at delivering the goods he?s useless.? That amused the others.
During lunch, which Suma and I had with the staff, a nurse came in and informed us, ?N?lla, the first timer is going into labour.? Roger was still cuddled to the woman I?d chained him to and was doing his best not to hear the noises emanating from the nearby bed. N?lla was obviously in pain but the nurses didn?t look concerned. After a quick examination, the matron said all was normal. ?Shall I give her a wiffle stick?? asked the nurse and when the matron nodded a piece of round wood about as thick as my thumb and six inches long, was produced and N?lla gripped this with her teeth. It reminded me of the makeshift gag we?d used on Roger.
At first I thought it was only something for the girl to bite on but the matron said, ?It is the wood from a special tree that Wyche knows and the substances it produces have a relaxing and calming effect.? She gave me one to take back with me. I sniffed it and found the smell aromatic but it is not a smell that I recognised or can really describe. ?Wyche says there is just one small tree that she knows of so we have to wash each stick after each use and store them for another woman?s birth. They?re not always required for the second and later births though, as you saw with the older woman.? I found it a strange admixture of modern technology with what was almost witchcraft.
N?lla?s labour lasted most of the afternoon and she underwent a good deal more pain before a little baby girl finally emerged. The wholesome smile of satisfaction on N?lla?s face as the baby fed from her breast was enough to make me feel broody and long for the time when my baby was born although seeing what she went through, caused me to think of the labour pains and I wondered if at a London hospital, I would be given drugs to induce my baby. Much to Roger?s disgust, I promised to return the next day to see how N?lla was.
?The wiffle stick does make a great deal of difference,? N?lla told me next day as I held her darling baby. ?It reduces the pain and almost takes you out of your body so it feels sort of like you are watching yourself.? I guessed it contained a natural hallucinogenic drug
?I don?t think I could ever give away a baby of mine.? The tiny baby tried to suckle my breast and wriggled in my arms when no milk was forthcoming.
?It is difficult for some mothers here too but I suppose we are conditioned to it and if you never see it and never have it against your breast, it is not such a great miss. We do get to feed other babies too for six weeks or so but never your own.? We talked for a long while to her and the woman whose baby had been taken away but left when we found that talking about giving away her child upset the woman. I guessed there was always an underlying desire for the women to keep and raise their children that the conditioning couldn?t completely eradicate.
?How would you feel about having your baby here?? the Major asked when we were summoned to his office. My mind went into overdrive. Was he hinting that we would be kept here until after my child was born? Did he intend to take my baby and raise it as his own? To sell it? Seeing the look of horror on my face he went on, ?It?s okay Ellie, you will be going home when the General?s pardon comes through but the negotiations seemed to be stalled at the moment. No I was really asking about the treatment you might get here as compared to Britain.?
I knew the answer to that. ?I would be better having the baby here rather than an impersonal maternity block in a large hospital.? I paused for a long while, ?But it might take six months before I got home again- if I ever did!?
?No, Ellie. If you came back as a special visitor, you would be given a proper visa and would return at the end of your visit with your baby. You know the rules here now and conforming to them doesn?t seem to be a problem and you would still have your bluestone status. Only the court can take that away from you and you wouldn?t have Roger chained to you all the time, even if you brought him. Perhaps you?d like to do a follow up series of articles??
I wouldn?t commit myself but that night I lay awake for a long time wondering just how much longer we would be kept in Tumali. For some time now, I had begun to enjoy much of my life here but still I yearned to see my friends at home. ?But you don?t have many of them, do you?? I told myself, ?You have more friends in Chapoti than in London. You were too shy to even go into a pub then, now look at you. You talk to anyone, show you body freely and allow yourself to be publicly fucked. How you?ve changed. Do you really want to go back?? In the end I decided that I did but might consider returning to have the baby. If only I could get a cast iron guarantee that I would be allowed to go home afterwards and take my baby with me.
Chapter twenty-one. Roger deflowers a virgin
?Hi all of ya,? Pelo, a woman I knew from a previous visit as being the ?mother? in charge of the girls? home greeted us. We were sitting at a table outside Riku?s the community house and had just finished eating. ?Ellie, one of my girls, Waunu, is due to become a woman in a few days and has asked that Roger be the one to perform the ceremony and in fact she wishes to be linked to him for a few days until she is likely to be pregnant. Would you allow that? Is it possible??
I turned to Riku sitting across the table from me. ?She wants a light baby like Sanle? I can give permission for her to use Roger but if they are linked for more than a night, she would have to be with him at work or we would have to give him time off, and that might not be allowed.?
?You could send him on an assignment to find out how girls become women here. In fact that could work out quite well. We have three more work days and then a two day holiday. We could send him on the evening before the last working day and she could have him for three days in a row with no work problems. If she?s fertile, that should be long enough.?
?How would you feel about going on an outside assignment on your own Roger?? Since Sanle I knew he?d had a number of different girls but he?d never had a virgin. I saw him hesitate and made his mind up for him. He seemed to expect that. ?Yes, if we can work out details, he?ll do it.? Roger?s eyes opened wide and the three of us women laughed.
?Perhaps he should also compare the way he makes the girl a woman to how it is done to most girls,? Riku suggested. ?There?ll be a good deal of difference because of the chain. If she wants, Waunu will have him for her exclusive use whereas other girls are inseminated three times by different men without a break that first time and several men will have her on the following days. She may not be able to choose who does it although quite often she arranges a boy she likes to do the deed.?
?That will work out fine too,? Pelo confirmed, ?There?s another girl due at about the same time and I doubt she is pretty enough for the government people to want her. I?ll let people know so they will witness it on Wednesday evening, Thursday is a school day for her but she can drag him along and show him to her friends, and I expect the teacher will get him talking to the classes. Friday and Saturday are holidays and she can release him for work on Sunday. I?ll arrange for the other girl to become a woman on Saturday.?
Chaining Roger to Riku I went with Pelo to the girls? home and was introduced to Waunu. Sanle was with her and it was obvious they were friends and had discussed Roger. Sanle greeted me and patted her stomach. ?I?m over a week late so I guess Roger?s baby has started growing.? Her face lit up with the huge smile so characteristic of Tumalians. I gave her a hug and then one to Waunu. The girl was shorter and plumper than Sanle and already had a more motherly appearance. ?She?ll do nicely for Roger,? I thought, ?He always seems to be more in tune with the less outwardly attractive girls; the model types. Perhaps that is why he is attracted to Riku ? and me!?
?Waunu, and you too Pelo, has Sanle told you about Roger?s shyness?? They both indicated that she had, ?Well I suggest that you keep the number of witnesses to the very minimum otherwise he might fail to perform.?
?Don?t worry, Ellie,? Sanle exclaimed, ?I kept some of Wyche?s cream from the festival. He?ll perform all night!?
Roger guessed I?d something up my sleeve when I chained him to me as we left Government House after work on Wednesday. I hadn?t done that for ages. He was even more perplexed when we called at a stall and I bought enough savoury filled flatbread for two people and put them in his pack. Knowing I wouldn?t tell him anything, he asked Riku but she could honestly say, ?I don?t know either Roger. Ellie hasn?t planned anything with me.? I think he began to have some idea when Waunu met us and I introduced her to him. Fortunately after the initial shock he seemed to take a liking to her and didn?t demure when a few hundred yards further on I clipped his chain to her left wrist. ?He?s all yours,? I told her, ?But make sure he keeps his prick in his trousers until later!?
It was nearly 7:30 when Waunu led him into ?our? community hut. ?You two get along okay?? I asked and Roger nodded and surprisingly added, ?Thanks.? They?d sat in the park and talked while they ate their flatbread and then petted for a while.
The reception he had at the neighbouring community house where Waunu had been given a bed, was less pleasant, almost hostile. I know it brought back memories of the festival and his dealings with the marauders but this time there was no Sanle to protect him. Waunu being much younger, had no experience in dealing with the adolescent boys who mocked them both. Roger was in tears again and Waunu had wet eyes. I didn?t want to interfere but in the end I soundly berated the boys until they turned on me but with Sumala and other adults from the house by my side, there was never likely to be any trouble. However, as they moved away, one of them called back, ?If your boyfriend can have our girl, we should be able to have his.?
?Later,? I laughed and then realised I had given them an open invitation to fuck me. Sumala?s arm wrapped around my shoulders and I knew that was to let them know that I was his for the time being and that I was under his protection. We ignored the three teenagers while we prepared the bed for Waunu?s nuptials. I wondered if it was normal, but a fairly large crowd gathered around the bed, Pelo explained, ?It?s your white boyfriend, they?re curious to see how he performs.? I hoped Roger didn?t hear that otherwise it would put even more pressure on him.
?I thought you didn?t allow children to witness these events?? I queried after seeing a young girl standing close to the bed.
?Not as a general rule but Resu there, is due to become a woman in a few days so she gets to see what happens. Most children will have seen people naked and fucking many times even when they?re not supposed to. They also get sex instruction in school so they know what it is all about.? To my embarrassment, Pelo went on with a grin on her face, ?Some even saw you in the park during the festival and were telling the others exactly what you got up to when I overheard them.?
My face went very red. ?I thought children weren?t allowed in??
?They?re not, but children being what they are, find ways of getting into things that are forbidden to them. Mind you, they all had a dose of the strap when we found out.?
At this point it was obvious that Roger wasn?t going to get hard, indeed he was very nervous and shaking at the thought of performing the ceremony in front of everyone but Sanle must have briefed Waunu well. I only caught a glimpse of the cream on her finger when she cuddled Roger on top of her and began to fondle his prick. For long minutes it seemed as if nothing would happen and I began to wonder if it was outdated, but slowly his cock began to grow and soon it was fiercely hard. He knew what to do and it only took a couple of thrusts before he was fully entered and fucking like normal. ?It seemed very little different to having a non virgin,? he told me later, ?I felt her hymen but it gave way easily. I don?t think many of the onlookers knew I?d done it and Waunu didn?t feel any real pain and, as you saw, she didn?t bleed much. Perhaps Tumalian women are like that.?
To everyone?s amazement, except those of us who knew the reason, Roger continued fucking even after shooting his seed twice. Waunu appeared to be in ecstasy but, knowing what Roger?s prick was like after using the cream at the festival, I wondered how sore she would be in the morning. After a good half an hour of watching the performance, couples started drifting away or using the nearby beds. The three youths kept eyeing me and I knew I would have to make good my promise but I wanted it to be on my own home ground. ?Take me back to Riku?s, Suma please,? I whispered, ?I want you first and then they can have the left-overs.? Raising my eyebrows at the boys, I indicated for them to follow. Fortunately Roger didn?t notice otherwise I guess he would have called me a slut or a whore again.?
Sumala sensed that I wanted to keep the boys waiting and took his time. Perhaps that wasn?t a good idea because they were very aggressive by the time I was ready for them and ploughed into me hard and furiously, but for all their waiting, they didn?t last long. One apparently had me in the park and decided this time he wanted my arse but after my experience in the Mummy Boy Camp, it wasn?t a real problem.
However sore Waunu was in the morning, she carted him off to school with her while I had to return to work for the day.
Saturday evening we gathered in another community hut to witness the initiation of Resu, a much taller and skinnier girl than Waunu and one whose breasts were still hardly developed and yet she looked older. She also looked very apprehensive. A late developer I concluded. ?A business man has paid to fuck her the first time,? Pelo told me, ?And then she chose two men from her father?s farm. She knows them but I think it was her father that really made the choice. She?ll have a rougher time than Waunu.?
So it proved. The business man was always on he lookout for thin girls particularly, because they were often so much tighter than the plumper ones and he liked to hear them squeal when he forced his prick into them. ?Does the money go to the girl?? I asked.
?No. We all get a third, the girl, the house for its upkeep and a third for me for arranging it.? Well at least there was some compensation for the girl. This seemed akin to prostitution, not only illegal in Tumali but also unnecessary, but I kept my thoughts to myself.
The man was tall and slim and, compared with his countrymen, was not overly well endowed. ?Perhaps that is why he wants virgins,? I thought. His prick was still as big as Roger?s though.
Resu?s defloration was not a tender affair. On the man?s instructions, no one prepared the girl for her ordeal; she lay shaking slightly on the bed surrounded by a small group on onlookers. I had no doubt that under the knickers she still wore, her vagina was still dry and entry would be painful. Later, I found out that is what was ordered and paid for.
While a few men called out encouragement, the man just walked into the room and removed his trousers.? Without a word he ripped Resu?s knickers off, spread her legs and thrust his prick into her tight opening. She gave a loud scream. Some of the men grinned but most of the women looked sad or upset; they, like me, knew that the trauma could affect the way she viewed sex for the rest of her life. A pleasant experience first time would most likely encourage her to give pleasure in the future but I wasn?t sure that would happen with Risu. She bled considerably and that didn?t help matters especially as the next man had to wait until she?d been cleaned up a little. I was very glad the Major took his time with me even if it had changed me into a slut.
Risu still sobbed pitifully when the second man pushed his prick into her. He was a little more considerate but the previous sight must have over aroused him because he came very quickly. Her last inseminator was much older and took his time and at least tried to cause the least amount of pain. Had he been the only one to fuck her, she could well have enjoyed it but after the earlier hurtful entries, her face showed nothing but revulsion. Perhaps after the man spent the night with her, things would improve. As Sumala led me away, I reminded myself how lucky I was to have been taken by an experienced and careful lover.
Chapter twenty-two. In prison
We stood in front of the Major?s desk like errant school children. There were no chairs so we knew we were in trouble and he was clearly not in a good mood. The summons came a few days after a holiday, a holiday that we?d spent in the children?s community homes. We?d written a piece on them and were impressed with the welfare and care the children received and the standard of their schooling. Two boys had been chastised while we were there but we didn?t consider the punishment excessive considering the country that we were in. It was no more than children received in England thirty years previously. I tried to think of anything we could have done wrong but nothing came to mind.
?Colonel Nubaro has received a complaint from your editor about the last few articles you?ve written and he reprimanded me because I approved them. They were considered, in Ted?s words, to be too ?vanilla? which I assume means that there wasn?t enough sex or punishment in them.? He threw the email to me.
I read the email twice before passing it to Roger. I guessed it was similar to the previous one from Ted that Roger saw in Riku?s office. His face fell and it took on that scared look that I?d become to know so well. With shaking hands he passed it to Sumala who read it without commenting. We waited in suspense for the Major to tell us our fate but he seemed to be taking a great delight in prolonging our agony. ?I?m sending the two of you to prison, the main prison. Sumala who has nothing to do with the writing and will not have to guide you there, can stay behind,? he finally announced with a smile. The tone of his voice made it sound as if we were to be incarcerated, possibly for an unknown length of time. Incarcerated without Sumala?s protection.
?But why Major? What have we done that was really wrong? We?ve only reported on the things we?ve seen and done. Mainly things you?ve sent us to see. The email says they were well written and the women liked them and they are the ones you want to come here. You?re surely not going to have us whipped again and put away just so we can experience prison life first hand??
?The most popular DVD?s are the ones showing you being strapped at the airport and caned at the whipping post.?
?But? but I?m pregnant now? with your baby?? I heard Roger hit the floor but didn?t make any attempt to pick him up this time.
?Many girls who?ve been flogged, even in the more advanced stages of pregnancy, go on to have healthy babies.? At that moment I guessed he was playing cat and mouse with me. He grinned widely.
?You want us to witness the execution and report on it??
The case had made the headlines of the local paper. S?naya, an ugly brute of a man, had dragged a young girl from the field where she was working and raped her. Because she struggled and resisted, he afterwards thrust a knife into her belly. Surgeons were able to save the life of the girl but not the baby. Worse, the girl would not be able to have any further children. The court had decided it was rape because the girl was at work at the time and took a severe stance over the fact that not only had the girl nearly died, she would no longer be able to perform the manual work she?d been doing to provide for herself nor would she have any more children and contribute to the country?s economy. Public opinion made much of the fact that it was the girl?s fifth child, one that she would have kept. The execution by firing squad was scheduled for three days time.
?Please Major, don?t do this to us. You know capital punishment is abhorrent to our way of life. I don?t think I could stand the sight of seeing someone killed in cold blood. Please Major don?t send us there.? I begged and pleaded but he still just smiled. I knew he already made the decision.
?You will witness it just as will all the other inmates of the prison.? From his use of the words ?as will all the other inmates of the prison?, I was half afraid we were all going to be sentenced to a term of imprisonment there to fully understand the regime but his words were ambiguous and again I felt he was playing a game with us. ?You will report to the holding prison at ten o?clock tomorrow morning ready for transporting to the prison with another woman who is to start her sentence. You will lock the link between you and leave the key with Sumala. The guards at the prison will open the link if required.?
?How long will they be kept there Sir?? Sumala asked.
?That I will decide after I have talked with the governor? and that might depend on their behaviour.? The Major turned to me, ?Get out now and make what arrangements you need for a stay in prison. Take your laptop and cameras and whatever else you need to do an in depth report, and make sure you use them.?
Despondently we sat in the IT office and discussed the situation. Roger was convinced that we were going to be kept in until the Tumali government received the aid they wanted. Neither Sumala nor I believed that to be the case. ?Are we being sent in as reporters or taken and kept as prisoners and subjected to the punishments other prisoners received and then have to write a story on them?? I asked Riku.
?Colonel Nubaro gets emails direct from your boss, Ellie, they don?t come through our office so I haven?t even seen it and until you told me, I had no idea this was to happen.? She genuinely didn?t seem to know but she cuddled Roger like a very concerned mother as though to protect him.
As you can imagine, we didn?t get much sleep that night. Even with Sumala?s attentions, my thoughts continually worried about the next few days? or weeks.
Promptly at nine-thirty two local guards appeared. We knew them of course but that day they had serious expressions. ?Sorry Miss Ellie, but we?re here to arrest you. Are you ready??
?Almost. Do you know?? My voice broke.
?Sorry,? the guard replied, ?They only told us to come and get you and to march you to the holding prison. Has Sumala got the key??
I nodded and Sumala came and gave me a hug and a kiss. It would be the first time for months we?d be separated. When I thought back to that first night in the cell and what I thought of his behaviour then and what I thought of him now, I realised just how much I had changed. ?Walk tall Bluestone girl. Don?t let them see you cowed.? Somehow that boosted my morale and I knew, even if it was for Sumala?s sake, I would have to look as though I was in charge.
?Shall we go gentlemen?? I remarked to the guards and received a smile from them in return and a scowl from Roger. Several times he stumbled and we had to wait for him to pick himself up before continuing. Nevertheless we arrived before our appointed time.
Nurse Muniba checked us over but didn?t say much. Her face wore a worried expression especially when she examined Roger. ?How many times has he passed out from pain now?? she enquired.
?I don?t know nurse, lots. Is that a problem??
?Is he able to withstand more pain now before he fades??
?Less if anything. Sometimes he only has to think it is going to be painful.?
?Keep a close watch on him.? She wrote a lengthy note on her board and left us without further explanation. I wondered if she knew what was to happen to us or whether she surmised that we would be treated like other Tumalian prisoners. The guards locked us in a cell. Further along, I heard a woman crying but I couldn?t see her properly because she lay curled up on her bed with her back to us.
?That?s Shenau,? Zulam, who I recognised from our first visit, informed us, ?She?s going with you. We?re waiting on the van now. She?s had twenty lashes of the whip and has been given seven days in prison. You might have to be careful with her. Loses her temper quickly and when her main man wouldn?t leave, she hit him with a pan and broke his arm. She?s still in a lot of pain although the new whipmaster doesn?t strike as hard as the old one. Even so, twenty for a woman is plenty and she?ll get more punishment in the other place?? I thought he was going to add, ?and so will you,? but he didn?t and I guess that made me all the more worried. Roger looked sick but didn?t actually vomit.
For over an hour we sat side-by-side and waited. Roger, I knew was very fearful of what was to happen to us. I was too but I thought that I could see behind the plan; because we weren?t being told of our fate, I suspected all we were going through now, was to make us feel like we were real prisoners and would be dealt with in the same way. However, the fact we had brought our reporting equipment meant we would have to have some free time to use it. How much? How free? They were questions I couldn?t answer.
Eventually our cell was unlocked and we were led out. Near the door, Muniba appeared again and thrust a sealed envelope in my hand. ?Give that to the staff there and try and make sure they read it.? With that she left and I had the impression that she was doing more than was called for in her line of duty. This worried me greatly and it probably did Roger too but before we could discus it, they hustled us into the police van and shackled us to the rear seats. These guards were definitely more brutal than the ones at the holding prison and went out of their way to make things difficult for us. Their straps were continually in their hands and used to chivvy us into the positions they wanted.
Shenau hobbled in after us and when she wasn?t quick enough the guard gave her a push, causing her to stumble and cry out as she pulled the muscles in her back. This didn?t deter him from thrusting her hard into the seat opposite us and making her scream as her arse hit the hard wood. We only glimpsed the welts on her back as she was twisted round but what we saw horrified us and then to treat the poor woman with such brutality seemed almost inhuman. We could foresee our having a rough time in prison and Roger was already shaking with fear but from the way we were shackled, I couldn?t even hold his hand. From the attitude of the guard we rightly guessed that prisoners there wouldn?t be treated as kindly as in the holding prison. Shenau bowed her head and sobbed as he guard shackled her in place.
To my surprise he then came to me, lifted my skirt high and stared at my crotch for a short while. ?We should all get to try out a bit of white cunt now,? he grunted and pushed a finger into my dry opening. I gave a little cry but his efforts to feel me were short lived because the driver called out and told him to lock the doors so they could get going.
It was with a real sense of foreboding I heard the doors slammed and the locks sliding loudly into place. We were confined in a dark, hot, metal box with small, deeply tinted windows set so high up that we couldn?t see out. That in itself was enough to send shivers of fear through us. Shenau cried as the van bounced us around and aggravated her welts but I could do nothing to help. Shackled, I couldn?t cuddle Roger to give him a little comfort.
Inside the van the heat became stifling and soon my clothes were soaked with sweat. Shenau, I could see in the dim light, was glistening with sweat too and as the journey progressed I wondered if we were going to make it before were passed out but we did and it was a great relief to feel the fresh air when the doors were opened. They unshackled Shenau and for the first time we clearly saw the deep welts across her back and arse. I suppose they weren?t any worse than those Sumala had when he was returned from the whipping post but any healing Muniba had done was nullified by the rubbing and chafe of the slatted wooden seats during the journey. I was appalled at the cruelty but the guards didn?t seem affected by the sight and when she didn?t move quickly enough for them one used his strap on her already tortured arse. The poor woman gave a tremendous scream and fell to the ground, only to be hauled roughly to her feet and pushed towards the main door.
Both Roger and I felt the strap too when our chain snagged and we were brought to a sudden halt but the blow wasn?t hard enough for Roger to pass out. We?d hardly gone five steps across the courtyard when the guard deliberately and forcefully lashed Roger again. This time he went out like a light and lay still on the flagstones. ?I?d heard you was a mummy boy but I didn?t believe you were as tender as that,? the guard grinned and then kicked Roger on the rear and ordered him up. When he didn?t move he kicked again.
?No!? I yelled, ?You?ll kill him!? I knelt down to give him some protection and received a hard lash with the strap across my back. This was pure sadistic cruelty.
?Get up and get him inside,? I was ordered.
It took a great deal of effort to lift him, especially as the chain continually got in the way but I managed it and dragged him into the main building. In front of a desk, I sat him on the floor. Roger was still unconscious and showing no signs of life. I was becoming increasingly worried.
?Stand up!? the woman behind the desk shouted. During my efforts to lift him, the chain had become entangled so both of us would have to stand. Even using all my strength I was barely able to hold him and when my foot slipped we both fell to the floor. Fortunately Roger started to come round and howled and cried but I was able to get us both to our feet. ?Undress and be quick about it. We need to examine you,? the woman snapped.
To one side I could see Shenau being examined, mauled would have been a better term. I dropped my skirt and Roger managed eventually to get his shorts down but of course we couldn?t take our shirts off properly because of the chain. ?You will have to unlink us first?please.?
?Criminals do not tell us what to do bitch,? the woman screamed in my face.
?We?re not criminals,? I protested.
?Maybe, maybe not. The letter from Colonel Nubaro says you are to be treated like them. Give them another couple Zard, perhaps they will realise their position then.?
Almost before the strap touched Roger, he was on the floor. For a while he lay still and then his body started shaking and his limbs went out in all directions. Zard raised his strap. ?No! Don?t be a stupid fool! You?ll kill him and then there will be hell to pay.? I screamed as the strap hit me instead. Roger continued to thrash about on the floor and with the chain linkage, my arm was being thrown around too. Suddenly I remembered the envelope. ?Here read the notes the nurse sent. Don?t kill him. Don?t.? My words must have had some effect because Zard stopped and the woman picked up the envelope but didn?t look inside. She just stared at the pair of us, seemingly not knowing what to do.
?What?s going on here?? A man wearing a decent looking uniform entered. I rightly guessed he was the governor.
?Please Sir, he?s having a fit. He can?t help it Sir. His body cannot stand pain. Please ask them to stop Sir.?
To my surprise he immediately ordered a warder, ?Get a medic?pronto.? I quickly noted the difference between guards and warders. Guards wore a camouflaged uniform, were armed with a pistol and carried a leather strap; warders wore a blue uniform but only had a strap.
In the short time it took for the medic to arrive, Roger began to quieten but it was still some time before he really awoke and then he seemed very dazed. The medic did examine him and declared that there was nothing wrong with his heart but Roger probably had a dehabilitating syndrome that was triggered by pain but that was totally outside of his experience. I wondered if we would be released but that thought was quickly dashed.
The governor turned to the woman at the desk. ?Process them but strictly heed the Colonel?s instructions. His letter said if I remember correctly, ?As far as practical, treat them like they are criminals having been sentenced to a term inside here.? It isn?t practical to punish them in quite the same way as usual. Reserve any severe punishments for major breaches of discipline. Remember, they will undoubtedly tell the world of their experiences here. Be strict with them but don?t overdo it, especially with the boy. Have them brought to my office in one hour.?
?Yes Sir,? the woman responded but I could see she resented the order. It only took a few moments for them to remove our shirts and refasten the chain. We were both completely naked, except that I was still allowed to wear my bluestone, when they made us stand with our hands spread high on the wall for our examination. ?We have to check that you are not carrying drugs or anything in your body cavities,? the woman grinned and proceeded to frisk Roger. Her idea of frisking meant kneading his flesh and particularly his prick and balls. I received similar treatment from a male guard. It was definitely a sexual examination although not a very painful one except when the areas caught by the strap were squeezed and twisted.
This over we joined up with Shenau again and were marched naked along stone corridors to what was labelled the shower room. Our clothing was not given back to us but my backpack with the laptop and cameras were and from that I deduced that we were going to have to record our experiences. We weren?t the only one recording our experiences. At one point, Roger tripped and when I turned I noticed a man surreptitiously filming us. This frightened me as I guessed we would be treated harshly so the DVD would find a ready market. Shenau was allowed nothing at all. The poor girl walked bent over like an old woman and was in considerable pain. I tried to support her a little by wrapping her arm around my shoulder and received what was almost a smile in return. Although we tried to hurry along, it wasn?t fast enough for the guard, (I suspect that if we?d run like athletes that wouldn?t have been fast enough) and we received more stinging slaps from the strap.
On entering the room, the first thing I noticed was the lack of showerheads. The room was virtually bare. Three tiled walls and a floor with a large central drain. We soon found out why when the warder pulled a hose from the wall and sprayed us with the high-pressure jet. The force knocked us all to the floor but the jet continued to play over our bodies, particularly our sexual parts. The pounding water caused us to scream in pain and in the end the three of us managed to huddle in a heap. ?On your feet.? The order came as soon as he turned the water off and before we had time to recover. Again we were inspected and my vagina came in for special attention but I wasn?t fucked. I guessed the rule about not doing it while on duty applied there too. Dripping and still spluttering and coughing from the water that had forced its way up our nostrils, he led us outside into the sunshine to dry and then to the governor?s office where we nervously stood in front of his desk.
?Stand up straight!? Our warder escort barked the order and I did my best to comply. Shenau had difficulty in standing, let alone standing upright. The strap hit her already sore shoulders and she collapsed. Immediately I took it upon myself to help the wailing woman to her feet and tried to support her. To his credit, Roger moved so she was between us and helped to support her too. The warder raised his strap again but fortunately the governor signalled him to retire to the doorway. The three of us stood, shaking and fearful, while the governor circled round and inspected us. Finally he returned to his desk.
?Shenau, you are here for seven days, Eves and Hart, you are to stay until Colonel Nubaro orders your release.? I long ago noticed that the Tumalians rarely used their family name so it didn?t come as a surprise that we alone were so addressed. ?All three of you will be subject to the prison rules, punishments and work schedules. Life here is not easy and is not intended to be. I?ve heard about the way they coddle prisoners in England but here we treat criminals severely, as you will find out.? I wanted to point out that we weren?t criminals but thought that might provoke him. ?You English people will follow the same schedule as Shenau but the Colonel has decreed that you will be allowed, indeed he insists that you do, carry your cameras at all times and you are to photograph whatever you need for your report. The warders have been informed of this. You are also to write a daily report on your laptop. This will be sent without editing directly to the Colonel via our intranet link. As I understand it, your editor complained that you last reports were not gruesome enough and that is why you are here.?
?Sir,? I ventured, ?Are we being put in a Catch 22 situation whereby if we don?t write graphically enough of our experiences here, we will be forced to stay longer and if we do, the prison staff will punish us for saying how cruel they are??
To my surprised he answered civilly and carefully. ?The Colonel will be the only person to see your reports, but I wouldn?t be surprised if you?re kept here until sufficient material has been gathered to satisfy your boss. Now Bluestone Eves, your status here is such that you will have authority over other prisoners, male or female, but not over the guards and warders and you will not be able to refuse any man access to your body when they and you are not working. Being a white woman, you must expect the staff particularly to want to put their pricks in you even if it is only for the novelty of it. I shall be doing so in a few moments. Other prisoners will have limited access to you but we try to rotate the cell in which all female prisoners sleep so all the men get some satisfaction. Hart, from the letter the nurse sent I see that for medical reasons, the punishment we can give you is limited but I expect the warders will device other ways to punish you and it may well be that your bluestone partner will have to take your share of the punishments as well as her own.?
?Oh No!? I cried out but it had no effect. I pleaded that I was pregnant with the Major?s baby but that didn?t have any effect either.
?Thrashing your arse or back won?t affect the baby?s development and nor will having my prick and many others in your cunt. Now untangle yourself and lay across my desk.? The way Roger had moved to support Shenau, caused our chain to wrap round her body. She had recovered sufficiently to stand if not properly upright. So far during this interview she?d hardly said a word but stood to one side while the governor fucked me. It was a short fuck and afterwards a female orderly, who from the stripes on her uniform was senior to the other warder, took us to the cells. Like everyone, she carried a strap and didn?t hesitate to use it to hurry us along.
To delay the inevitable, I asked to photograph her, Shenau and other things as we went along, and reluctantly, she allowed it. I guessed that I was walking a fine line between delaying the inevitable and provoking her anger at the delays.
The cells were almost identical to the ones in the holding prison except there were two beds in each cell, one against each wall and, although they were no bigger, the beds were for two people. That was going to be awkward for us if I had to service other prisoners and Roger had to be in the same bed. At the time all the cells were empty. Shenau was put into one and we were shown into the next and told that would be ours for that night, however, we were taken further on to a room used by the warders. ?You will use this room to do your reports because there are no power points in the cells. The warders have been told not to interfere with you will you are working here and they are not to read what you write. That table in the corner is for you. You may start now.? She left abruptly leaving us with the one warder in the room.
I plugged in the laptop and whispered to Roger because I wasn?t sure if we could talk but the warder seemed friendlier or at least less abusive, and said, ?It?s okay, you?re allowed to speak here ? provided you are nice to me.? Of course I guessed what being nice to him meant and as soon as he saw that Roger was downloading the camera pictures and I wasn?t actually working he had me between his legs sucking his prick.
Some time later we heard sounds of the other prisoners returning punctuated by sounds of leather striking flesh and yelps from the recipients. Warders herded us into line with them and took us to the canteen where they served a thin tasteless soup in a plastic bowl and a chunk of hard bread. Our fellow prisoners looked a strange and forbidding bunch especially as they all bore the stripes of whippings and the marks of the strap. All talked in hushed voices but I know much of the conversation and all their eyes centred on me. My white skin and my blonde hair stood out and I wished I could make myself invisible. Everyone knew who we were so I had no need to introduce us but the buxom woman sitting opposite did ask why I was in. ?Just a whim of the Colonel?s,? I whispered back and she nodded knowingly.
In the cell that evening, an almost continuous stream of warders and guards came and fucked me until I was so sore I hardly dared touch my cunt and my mouth tasted like a sewer. Roger did try to ease my soreness by cleaning my crotch with wet paper towels but there was little he could do. In the other bed, one of the two naked men force fucked the other and I wondered if he came from the Mummy Boy Camp but at least he didn?t seem to want to have me. Neither Roger nor I got any sleep that night. Shenau was fucked by her cellmates but the warders didn?t bother with her. I cursed my appearance, I cursed the Colonel and above all I cursed Ted and it was then I made up my mind that his balls would suffer when and if we ever got home.
I won?t bore you with a recital of the hardships of the next two days. They were a blur of pain and humiliation except for the hour twice a day when we were allowed in the warder?s room to do our report. Roger not being able to take his fair share of the punishment made my situation worse. It was not really his fault but it made my life so much more painful. Our work was scrubbing the stone floors of the prison and being chained meant he had to work left-handed. The first morning set the scene for the next two days. The warder on duty was a well-built woman who delighted in flicking her strap over our exposed arses. Half an hour into the work, she decided that we weren?t working hard enough and thought she might get away with lashing the soles of Roger?s feet. Even though she didn?t hit them all that hard, he blacked out straightaway. I of course, started screaming at her not to kill him and that she wasn?t allowed to hit him. He came round fairly quickly this time and then the evil woman made me push my arse in the air and I knew what to expect but not the ferocity of it. The first blow knocked me down to the floor. I screamed at the top of my voice but she ordered me into position again. Somehow I managed it only to be knocked down again by the force of the leather. Abruptly she ordered me up again and with a grin said, ?Get used to it, you haven?t had part of his yet and then there?s yours to come.? The pain was horrendous but I knew from speaking to my cellmate the previous night, that refusal usually led to a session with the cane at the whipping post in the courtyard. After the fourth hit I couldn?t get to my knees and the pain was so bad I felt sick. Another warder came by and hauled me in position. I prayed that I would pass out but I didn?t. After the sixth, she said, ?That?s for your boyfriend?s share, now for yours.? Some of the strokes went lower and caught me across my thighs but the last one, and I don?t know if it was deliberate or not, the end caught me fully on my cunt and clit. For a while, I was past caring about what she said but just writhed in agony on the ground. Vaguely I heard Roger pleading for her to stop but she ordered us to continue with our scrubbing. I physically couldn?t but Roger sort of got me on my knees and the woman left us alone for a while. For much of the rest of the day, Roger kept apologising but I knew there was little he could do about it. The bitch just wanted to see me suffer. Perhaps she hated bluestone women.
The fact that I?d had a severe thrashing didn?t stop me getting further doses and by the end of the morning I couldn?t stand without the help of another prisoner who half carried me to the communal shower where two warders sprayed us with high-pressure hoses. Fortunately after a meagre lunch, we were allowed to write a report but this time Roger had to do most of the typing because the pain was too great to even think straight. I hadn?t used my camera at all that morning but Roger had used his several times as an excuse to get us a break from scrubbing. One he?d taken of my arse almost made me vomit to look at it. ?I hope it pleases bloody Ted to see that!?
When we?d finished our rough draft, the warder took us to the governor?s office where we connected the laptop to the intranet and sent the report to Colonel Nubaro. ?It seems you are finding things a little difficult here,? the Governor observed.
?Of course we are!? I retorted, ?So would you if you were expected to work with one hand chained and then take the punishment for two people.? The bastard just grinned and I had a feeling this was all part of the game plan.
?Well let?s see if you are warm inside too.? He dropped his shorts and I draped myself across his desk. The first touch of his prick in my opening had me screaming again and he pulled out in disgust. ?Take them back to their work,? he yelled at the warder.
By the end of the second day I could only stand with difficulty but for some reason I wasn?t molested in my cell. Kulu, one of my cellmates that night, was the huge fellow that had helped me to the shower after my thrashing of the previous day and he took me under his wing and made sure none of he others interfered with me. He?d been flogged with a whip for repeated drink violations and was in for 30 days. By then he?d served over half his time and yet his back still hadn?t healed because of the treatment with the strap kept opening the welts. The more I saw and heard of the cruelty in this prison, the more I hated the system that allowed it. Did those in charge of the country know what went on in that place? I resolved they would by the time I left ? if I left.
Near noon on the third day everyone assembled in the courtyard. My big friend Kulu supported me and we were made to stand in the front so we had a good view and our cameras were ready in our hands. The governor had instructed us, on pain of further punishment to make sure we obtained pictures of the execution and when I complained about the disgust I felt about the whole event he said, ?You?re reporters, or supposed to be, it will be a scoop for you. No other reporters in the world will get to see it. Not even the local papers are allowed in. Make sure you get good pictures. They will be seen around the world. If not there is always the post in the courtyard?? I knew that wasn?t quite true because of the man filming us was around all the time.
S?naya was led out between two warders and with an armed guard escort. Roger was shaking more than I was but I hissed, ?Take pictures.? Watching through the viewfinder, seemed to take our minds away from the reality somewhat but even so I felt very sick as we photographed him being tied to the stake and memories of my being tied to the whipping post came back vividly in my mind. I looked at the man. He might be an ugly brute, he might have killed a baby and seriously injured a woman but I wondered if he deserved to die. But if the alternative was to be kept in this prison for a long period, perhaps death was the kindest option. At that moment S?naya didn?t think so and yelled obscenities at his captors and evoked the spirits of some god unknown to me and threatened everyone with curses on their families if they went ahead and killed him. It made no difference. At the stroke of twelve, the order came for the five man firing squad to raise their riffles. Roger had his camera trained on them, I pointed mine at S?naya.
?Fire!? Five shots rang out. I clicked the shutter several times. Screams came from the whipping post. S?naya was not dead. Blood poured from his genitals.
The governor?s voice came over the address system. ?That is for the death of the baby he killed. He will now die for all the unborn babies the girl cannot have and the injuries he gave her.? I vomited and it seems that held proceedings up for a few minutes. Kulu hissed, ?Get ready to take more pictures. Don?t make him wait any longer than necessary.? My hands shook as I raised the camera again and heard the order to fire. Almost automatically I pressed the shutter. The man slumped. Five bullets found their way into his chest. I sagged to the ground. The next thing I remember was Kulu carrying me to the warder?s room. Roger was walking but his face was ashen neither of us felt like writing but the governor was alongside us and urging us to send in our report. Physically and mentally we were drained and vaguely I remember the medic coming and giving us an injection. Some sort of stimulant, I guess, because we both suddenly awoke from the haze and were able to start the work they wanted. Even so it was two hours before we sent the report down the line. Some of the delay was caused by my not being able to sit properly to type and only having one computer to download the photos and do the writing, but much of it was due to the objectionable nature of the material and also the fact that I felt it was necessary to put the horror of it all in the most graphic words possible. I wanted the whole world to know just how barbaric the system was. It was my duty to those inside and to those outside who might influence and make changes to the system. I know Roger was fearful that we might be incarcerated for a longer period but at the back of my mind, I believed the reverse would be the case. In my mind, the General himself wanted the world to know just how strictly he controlled the country and again that was to deter the wrong people coming and those that didn?t really want to stay for good.
I must have been right. Two hours after sending the report, to our great surprise and relief, an ambulance took us back to Chapoti and our room in Government House. Muniba came and almost cried when she treated me and for a little while I was blissfully free of pain. We didn?t even get an apology from the Major when he visited us in my room after learning that I wouldn?t be able to work for several days at least. Sumala though was most concerned and angry at the way my body had been marked again and Riku and the IT staff we utterly horrified at what I had been through, just to get a story. I gather their views filtered back to the Major via Shelumba but he never mentioned it.
Chapter twenty-three. Home and back?
Nine weeks after our visit to the prison the major summoned us to his office. We?d been away for a week visiting with Allaice and JeanPaul again and seeing the forestry industry in her area. This time I didn?t even ask for transport; just for permission to go there. Roger didn?t object too much either especially as the non-physical link we had in the IT office was extended to outside with the exception that if I passed him on to another girl, he had to be linked to her. In any case I had largely recovered from my ordeal in prison, although there was still residual pain, and we were both much fitter now than when we came, thus the journey proved far less gruelling. Even being pregnant didn?t seem to tire me too much and we easily made the journey to the forest huts on the first day.
?You can go home at the end of the week,? the Major shocked me with his opening remark. ?Peter Spencer was here while you were in Neambu and completed the negotiations for your release. You are a very valuable girl, Ellie. We obtained 3.2 million dollars worth of aid for you.? I calculated that as being nearly 2 million pounds but I found out later the claim as to it being my value was somewhat of an exaggeration. The figure was correct but it really wasn?t a ransom payment for me. When the aid agreement was signed, the following day General Cumu granted our pardon ?as a gesture of good will.? I was so overwhelmed that I cried and so did Roger. After six months we were going home, and yet there was going to be a good deal of sadness when we left too. Sumala didn?t look too pleased and I gave him a hug knowing that I would miss him immensely. Several times I wondered if I could take him with me but I knew he would never be happy with the restrictions our society imposes on sex with women and he probably wouldn?t survive our weather.
In the few days left, I tried to see as many of our friends as I could and to say good-bye. To each I promised to try and return but I had no way of knowing whether that would really be possible.
Through Riku I learned that no public announcement had been made of General Cumu?s pardon and Peter Spencer had only been told the General would consider it now but was given no firm assurance. Our editor and the staff on Today?s World probably wouldn?t know of our release. I decided, and Roger finally agreed, that we would just walk in on them the day after we arrived back. Hence we sent in a report of our trip to Neambu as normal and then lied by saying we were going to a remote area and would be out of contact for a week.
Roger was very quiet on the flight home but I managed to get him to talk while the film was being shown. ?I will miss being with you Ellie. A few months ago I would have been glad to have gone home without you but now I?m not looking forward to living alone and not having you there beside me.?
?Or Riku or Sanle or one of the other girls,? I smiled at him and held his hand.
?Yes, them too but you were the one that was always there. I know I?m a weak spirited person and I don?t have the strength of Suma but you looked after me. Sometimes I know I thought of you as a real bitch dragging me around, making me do things I didn?t want to do but afterwards, there was the caring you; the woman who tried to protect me and allowed me to make love to her. I shall miss all that Ellie, miss it so much.? I could see he was nearly in tears.
After waiting a little while to see if he would go on and ask what I knew was on his mind, I took the initiative. ?Roger, you will spend the weekend with me and as we are not at work, we will live under Tumalian rules as far as possible and then on Monday we will go into the office together.
As it turned out, there was a lot to do to put my place in order, to get supplies and generally air out and clean the place after such a long absence but I did let him fuck me when we had ?free? time and we slept together in my small bed. I knew I liked Roger but it was more akin to having a baby boy to look after and to me that wasn?t love. ?But will love come in time?? I asked myself as I lay with him cradled in my arms. There was no immediate answer to that question.
Monday came and Roger looked appalled when I put on my Tumali dress. ?You can?t go out like that! Not here,? he yelled but I ignored his protestations. It was early October and still quite warm but I put a light shawl around my shoulders to cover my indecency and made Roger wear his shorts and gaudy shirt. At the last minute I remembered my colourful, oversized hat. In London though, amid the other tourists, our appearance hardly rated a second look. Poor Roger was shaking a little especially as he?d perceived I was planning something and wouldn?t let him in on it. By ten o?clock when I knew the office would be in full swing, I dragged him into the reception area. Rebecca gasped and greeted us and was about to announce our arrival when I told her to keep quiet. Slipping off my shawl so my tits were on show with the bluestone nestling prominently between them, I pulled out the chain cuffs and the strap I begged the Major to be allowed to keep and fastened Roger to me.
?You can?t go in there like that, not with all those men?? Rebecca too looked horrified.
?This is how I?ve had to dress for the last six months as you should know from our reports.?
?But this is London??
To say we caused a stir in the office would be a gross understatement. As so many times in the past, I hauled an unwilling Roger behind me and strode into the office and loudly proclaimed, ?Hi All, we?re back!? Work stopped but I didn?t. Ted?s office was at the far end and he?d just poked his head out to see what was going on as we reached his door. ?Morning Ted, you bastard, we?re here to negotiate a rise in pay to make up for the hardships we?ve been through because of you!? For once he seemed at a loss for words but whether it was from the sight of my tits or my arrogant statement, I didn?t know. He flopped back in his chair and I could see the bulge in his trousers. ?Does a sight of the real thing make you more horny than the pictures?? As I spoke, I reached down and felt his erection and then slid my hand inside his zipper. A wide smile flashed across his face but it only lasted a few seconds, just long enough for me to grip his balls and to squeeze them as hard as I could.
?AAAAAHHHH!!!? He screamed and the office staff came running. Tears rolled down Ted?s face and it looked as if he would be sick but I didn?t let go.
?Is this enough pain for your perverted taste Ted? Or perhaps you want to know what the strap feels like?? I lashed it across his arse but unlike when we?d received it, he still had his trousers on. He must have felt it though. ?AAAAAHHHH!!!? He screamed again and tried to move from my grasp. ?Remember what it is like when you think about having others thrashed. This is a very small payment for the pain you caused us so remember it and remember it well.? I let go and for a few minutes he writhed on the floor and it was some time before he felt like sitting and facing me again. At least every one in the office now knew that Ellie was no longer a shy little mouse.
?I?ll sack you, you bitch!?
?Think of the publicity Ted. Perhaps we should have captured your ordeal and printed it. Yes, you can sack us but I think we will easily get another job, perhaps one where we can reveal the inside story of our abduction and unjust punishments. Private Eye will no doubt pay handsomely to know your collusion with Peter Spencer and Colonel Nubaro to have us shipped to Tumali where you well knew we?d be tortured and raped.?
Half an hour later we left his office with our pay rise and a two week holiday. It wasn?t much of a holiday. The TV people got to hear of our return and we had to do a couple of programmes for them as well and the more mundane things like clearing up Roger?s place and visiting parents and answering questions from people we hardly knew or didn?t know at all. Fortunately it soon died down and work became more and more routine. Through the wonders of email I was able to keep in touch with Riku and through her with the Major, Sumala and others so we knew what was going on and many times wondered if I should return but always I remembered the whipping post as well as the good times. Still as Sumala was fond of telling me, very few women in Tumali ever had much more than a spanking, so unless I did something stupid, I shouldn?t be punished.
I paid several visits to prenatal clinics but wasn?t impressed and about a month before the baby was due, applied for a visa to visit Tumali. It was granted and two weeks later Roger and I boarded the plane. This time in Lilongwe airport, I once more donned my Tumalian blouse for the flight to Chapoti. I wasn?t taking a chance on being improperly dressed when we arrived at our destination.
Our Ordeal in Tumali
?You really are a cunning, conniving and unscrupulous bastard Ted Sullivan, I?m glad that I?m a civil servant at the Foreign Office and not a reporter on your staff. How could you be so cruel as to send two innocent young people to a country in the middle of nowhere knowing they will be raped and tortured? Sacrificing them to the god of money. ?
by obohobo
Please take note!
The text in this story contains erotic material and is
expressly written for adults only.
MF MM NC. Spanking Inter Preg
If you are underage or offended by such material, or if
viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this
file-story now.
This is a novel length (about 72,500
words) work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is
purely coincidental. The ideas and
thoughts that follow are pure fantasies.?
In real life, at the very least they would be unpleasant and probably
illegal. Fantasies are like that; daydreams where we can contemplate and
imagine the sensations without suffering or inflicting the pain, despair or
Tumali is a product of my imagination and is not an enclave of Malawi.
Copyright 2007
Our Ordeal in Tumali
Chapter one. Elaine
Chapter two. Arrested
Chapter three. In prison
Chapter four. Sexually examined
Chapter five. Interview with the Major
Chapter six. Sentenced
Chapter seven. Punished
Chapter eight. Our roles defined
Chapter nine. We start work
Chapter ten. I see the whipping post again
Chapter eleven. Roger?s report
Chapter twelve. Raped
Chapter thirteen. The festival
Chapter fourteen. My pregnancy confirmed
Chapter fifteen. The journey to Neambu
Chapter sixteen. I punish Roger
Chapter seventeen. Allaice?s story
Chapter eighteen. Set up for another ordeal
Chapter nineteen. Mummy Boy Camp welcome
Chapter twenty. The Birthing Clinic
Chapter twenty-one. Roger deflowers a virgin
Chapter twenty-two. In prison
Chapter twenty-three. Home and back?
?You really are a cunning, conniving and unscrupulous bastard Ted Sullivan, I?m glad that I?m a civil servant at the Foreign Office and not a reporter on your staff. How could you be so cruel as to send two innocent young people to a country in the middle of nowhere knowing they will be raped and tortured? Sacrificing them to the god of money. ? Despite the words, there was a smile on Peter Spencer?s face.
?They will neither be raped nor tortured in my country,? Colonel Nubaro replied with mock outrage, ?There is no such thing as rape for people of their age in Tumali; all women when they get to child bearing age are available for insemination by any male. And we do not torture people. We use corporal punishments, that is true. Wrongdoers get chastised with a strap or cane or even the whip where appropriate to their crime but we do not consider that torture. It is a far better system than incarcerating them in prisons for long periods. And more economic too.?
?From what I?ve heard Colonel, the chastisements are pretty severe by our standards and are carried out in public with the victims stripped naked.?
?I cannot help it if the standards in this country are low Peter and we believe that everyone should see that justice has been carried out and the criminal does not have any hidden protection under his or her garments. The people of Tumali accept that and it certainly helps to keep our crime rate down. Besides, it is part of our culture, our heritage and our beliefs; almost a religion. Do you really think they will fall for this false document giving them diplomatic immunity Ted??
?They?re both shy and pretty na?ve, the boy especially so, and I suspect they?re both virgins Colonel??
?They certainly won?t be when they return and, unless there is something wrong with her internals, the girl will be pregnant,? the Colonel interrupted and all three men laughed.
?The trip might help their careers too,? Ted went on, ?They are excellent writers, which from their college records is why I took them on, but they don?t have the get-up-and-go that a reporter needs to winkle out information. Roger particularly wants things handed to him on a plate and someone to wipe his nose. He?s great at manipulating images on the computer so much of the time, I have him doing the artwork for the magazines. She?s a little better and is generally the leader of the pair but is still rather shy. They?ve produced some great stories but not when they?ve had to do interviews or investigations. My guess is that they will be very reluctant to go but I will hint that their jobs are on the line so even if they are unsure about the document, they?ll go.?
For a while longer the men sat around a table at the exclusive London club where Peter Spencer was a member. ?Well it looks like you two get more out of it than I will,? Peter remarked. ?Ted gets an inside story exclusive for Today?s World that could run for several months and he?ll make a packet using the material on the underground DVD?s he produces, you Colonel get the publicity that should attract the kind of white girls you?d like to breed for the light coloured babies that you sell but I just get to have a few girls when I negotiate their release.?
?But the negotiations could be protracted,? laughed the Colonel, ?And I?ll try and arrange for you to have young ones that are just coming to breeding age and are not already pregnant.?
Chapter one. Elaine
?Will Roger and Elaine come into my office straightaway please.? We both looked at each other when the announcement came over the Tannoy but stopped what we were doing. Roger shrugged his shoulders as if to ask what was up and I guess most of the others in the offices wondered too because they looked questioningly at us as we walked by their desks.
?What do you know about Tumali?? Ted asked when we stood nervously in front of his desk.
?Not a lot Chief,? Roger admitted, ?Small country in central Africa.?
?It?s not really a country in its own right and yet they claim it is. It is more like a self governing state or enclave within Malawi, if I remember correctly sir,? I said. He nodded and I went on, ?I don?t really know much either sir, but I believe a tribe took over an area of what was then Nyasaland when it was part of our empire and declared independence long before Malawi itself became independent. Because of the mountainous terrain and its remoteness we were never able to oust them and eventually more or less left them alone. I think there is a degree of cooperation between Malawi and Tumali now and a general agreement to respect the Tumali borders. A General ran the country for some years but he died and now his son has taken over. Most other countries don?t recognise them and I believe there are human rights issues but as I said sir, I know little enough about the place.?
?That?s a start anyway. Stop whatever else you are working on, and see what other information you can find on the country, its people, culture and stuff like that. Find out also how you can get there, flight times etc and what you will need in the way of jabs and medicals etc. Report back to me after lunch.?
?Are you going to be sending us there Chief?? Roger asked. I could hear the quaver in his voice and I too had a nasty feeling we were going to be sent there.
?We?ll see,? our editor replied noncommittally, ?Get the information and report back this afternoon. Now git.?
As our research progressed, Roger and I became more and more apprehensive of going there, me particularly and over lunch we discussed whether or not we should refuse to go if the assignment was offered to us. ?At this stage in our careers Elaine, I don?t think we dare refuse,? Roger pointed out, ?Not unless we plan to become novelists instead of journalists.? I knew he was right. It was a major assignment and if we turned it down, it would be most unlikely we?d ever advance our work and our job on Today?s World might be terminated. Both of us had flats we needed to pay rent on and other credit commitments that required regular payments.
At three that afternoon we printed our report and Roger handed it to me to present to Ted. I knew he was more nervous about such things than even I was and I guessed I would be the one fielding the questions.
?Sit down please,? Ted invited and I knew then we were in for a long session and my suspicion was confirmed when he told the switchboard to hold all calls for him. ?Well Elaine?? I tried to hand him the report but he just said, ?Give me the main points for now. I?ll read it later.?
Tumali is a small country in the northernmost part of Malawi. Most maps do not actually show it because officially it is part of Malawi. It is roughly circular in shape about 30 miles in diameter but the boundaries are irregular and convoluted to conform to the mountains. It is surrounded on all sides by steep cliffs and impenetrable rain forest, which is why it has been able to keep its independence. There is a small airfield and fairly regular flights from Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi. Some goods come in by steamer along Lake Nyasa and up the Songwe River and are taken by cable car from the dock to a small station at the top and then by road to Chapoti which is the main town in Tumali.?
?Okay, that the travel guide bit, what about the people??
?It?s a very feudal system sir, with General Cumu as the head of state with supreme powers. The people are more like serfs especially the women.? I blushed at this point and looked down at my notes. ?The women or more or less baby producers sir and see it as their duty to keep themselves pregnant.? I paused and read from my report, ?Ten days after having her third menstrual period, the belt she wears to indicate that she is not ready for breeding is removed and she is taken to a communal area where she selects several men who impregnate her one after the other. In the following days any men who desire to do so may continue to impregnate her when work and other duties allow. No girls are allowed to refuse and indeed, if the web site is to be believed, it seems that they want it and continue to have sex with many men even when well pregnant. The babies are sold sir! Would you believe that is their main export! I don?t think I would wish to be part of that society sir.?
I must have looked very flushed because he turned to Roger. ?Did you find out about travel arrangements and medicals??
?Yes Chief,? he answered, ?We have to have a full medical certificate and blood tests for AIDS and STD?s as well as a visa to permit entry. For obvious reasons they don?t allow anyone into the country who is not medically clean. Very few visa?s are ever issued so there?s no tourist trade.? We?d both hoped that a visa would be denied to us if we were asked to go.
?Have you passports?? We?d both been on a college trip to France so I nodded. ?Book yourselves into a private clinic for the tests and get them done as soon as possible. My guess it will take a week for the results to come through and as soon as you can, book flights to Tumali. I had lunch with Colonel Nubaro at the weekend and already have visas for you and a special document that gives you a sort of diplomatic immunity. Colonel Nubaro is deputy to General Cumu who, as you now know, is head of Tumali. The Colonel is over here to try and obtain some aid and get diplomatic recognition for Tumali but he doesn?t seem to have been successful in either respect.?
?Do?do we really have to go sir?? I stuttered.
?No of course not but I would have thought it could be a good start to your careers. You are only going to have to stay there for a couple of weeks or so and report on what you see. Roger will be with you. I wouldn?t send a girl alone to a place like that but I did want someone who could write about it from a feminine point of view. Colonel Nubaro told me much of what you found out at lunch, and when I expressed fears about your safety, he gave me the certificate.?
We had several more briefings with our editor. ?Talk to the girls and find out what they feel about being sexually subservient to men, find out what they feel when they have to give up their babies, find out who buys them. Roger you will do the same from a man?s point of view. Fortunately english has been the common language for all the tribes in the area since colonial times and almost everyone speaks it or a version that you should understand.
The clinic tests were straightforward and the female doctor when we went for the results and certificates, suggested that I start taking a contraceptive pill. ?You never know what might happen when you get there and seeing all the barely clad women might raise your colleague?s hormones to a level he won?t be able to resist you,? she told me.
I was not overly concerned that Roger might become aroused and try to rape me particularly as there had been very little indication so far that he was even interested in me that way. We?d been in the same class at college and we?d worked together for the last eight months but never had he asked me out on a date. Several times I thought he might ask, but each time he clammed up. Often at night I wondered what it would be like to have him in bed with me but both of us were too shy to broach the subject or even hint at it. To my mind it was more probable that it would be the natives that did the raping even if we did have diplomatic immunity.
Chapter two. Arrested
Two days later we flew London to Amsterdam and on to Lilongwe where we boarded a forty-seat Tumali Airways plane to Chapoti. Although the plane was full, only four other women were on the flight, all of African origin. I was very nervous but if anything Roger was more so. We held hands; that was almost a first for us. Although we?d been though college together, neither of us went out much or attended parties, so we didn?t really get to know each other until graduation and we both had honours degrees. It came as a great surprise when we met again at the interviews for jobs on Today?s World and as newbies on the staff we were together quite a lot. I quite liked him but he always seemed very insecure and wanting to be mothered. We were both teased over our relationship but it didn?t make any difference. Now we were being thrown together in a country where intimate sexual relationships were the norm and I constantly wondered if that would change our association with each other.
?We are now crossing into Tumali airspace, please fasten your seat belts.? The pilot?s voice came over the loudspeaker.
The Tumalian stewardess came to me and I was shocked to notice that her blouse was completely undone and her breasts were in full view. Roger? eyes popped wide open. ?Ma?am,? she said quietly, ?Women in this country are expected to show their breasts at all times. May I suggest that it would be wise for you do so now, before we enter the terminal building?? This was something I?d seen on the web site but deemed that surely could only apply to native women, not white guests invited into their country. Invited, so I?d been told, by the country?s second in command.
I turned and noticed that the other women had opened their blouses and some sort of cup on the underside supported their breasts and thrust them forward. They seemed proud of them or perhaps it was the sapphire coloured broach that nestled just above their cleavage they wanted to show. I decided, I just couldn?t bare mine. ?No,? I replied as forcefully as I could, ?We are visitors and I have diplomatic immunity from Colonel Nubaro.?
A look of disbelief crossed stewardess? face. ?If you say so ma?am. On your head be it but I would strongly advise you to conform to our rules. It can be painful if you don?t.? Deliberately I crossed my arms over my chest and she went away. We knew from our researches that Tumali women went around like the native Africans of former days as a protest against the white colonialists and missionaries, but I was certain that it shouldn?t apply to me especially as I had Colonel Nubaro?s indemnity document.
While we waited in a small room for our bags to be hand delivered to us from the plane I took the opportunity to look around at the others in the terminal building. Every female did indeed have their breasts exposed, even those too old to have more than sagging sacks. Others looked at us. We were definitely the centre of attention but I put that down to our being white and foreigners and I gathered from the staff at Lilongwe that foreigners travelling to Tumali were a rare commodity. No doubt too, my very fair skin and long blonde hair made me even more conspicuous.
The first hint of trouble came when we presented our documents to a uniformed official. First he didn?t like the fact that I went first, then when he?d examined Roger? papers said loudly, ?Woman you are in Tumali now, bare your tits!? All eyes turned on me as I tried to explain that I had diplomatic immunity. He threw the paper back at me. ?There is no such thing as diplomatic immunity here, we only have diplomatic relations with North Korea. Colonel Nubaro doesn?t involve himself in such things, the document it a fake that you have concocted. You obey our laws or suffer the consequences.? At this point surprisingly Roger tried to come to my aid but the disturbance brought a senior officer to us and after a few cursory questions called to four nearby guards to arrest us.
By this time I was very angry as well as nervous and protested loudly. The man took it calmly and smiling through gleaming white teeth ordered, ?Guards, strip them both and take them to the punishment area. We cannot have the British thinking they can do what they like with us again.? I struggled and Roger protested but, outnumbered by powerful men, soon we both stood naked and cuffed in front of all the people in the concourse. I blushed the deepest red from the utter humiliation and I think it was almost matched by Roger?s colour. It was the first time we?d seen each other naked and the first time I?d had even a hint of what his prick looked like.
By this time I?d given up complaining and through my sobs started pleading but was curtly told to ?Shut up and sit down.? We sat on what we knew from its sturdiness and the straps was the punishment bench while the officer opened our cases and bags and in front of everyone examined their contents. All my bras and knickers were confiscated, as were Roger? underpants. ?These are illegal items and must not be worn here.? Turning to a girl cleaner standing watching, he ordered, ?Lift your skirt Malu.? She did so immediately and lifted her skirt as high as it would go and proudly showed her bare pubis and her obviously well pregnant stomach.
A cry from one of the guards searching my hand luggage gave a shout, ?Look what I?ve found sir.? He held up my pack of contraceptive pills.
?Illegal drugs. Didn?t they tell you that no form of contraception is allowed here? Didn?t you read the forms you signed to get your visa?? Again I tried to explain about the immunity and he fact the visas had been granted without us having to apply for them, but no one took any notice. By now I was crying and desperately wanting to be home again but I couldn?t see that happening unless this Colonel Nubaro came by personally. ?You will have to go court and be tried for this offence. That?s probably a whipping offence and I don?t have enough authority for that.?
?Whipping offence? Birth control pills a whipping offence?? Our researches had found pictures of whipping posts and of people being punished on the Tumali web site but they were all small jpg?s that didn?t show much detail. I almost passed out at the thought and then wondered if the court would take notice of the certificate that now seemed so worthless.
?And I?ve found these in his luggage,? another guard shouted. To my surprise he held up a pack of Mates.
Never would I have believed that Roger would have the nerve to buy condoms but with whom did he expect to use them? Me? The natives? Must be me, from our researches we knew Tumalian women wanted to be pregnant. I guessed we would be in real trouble now. Roger just tried to hide his face in shame.
?More for the court to deal with,? the officer went on and again turned his attention to m. ?However, I can deal directly with the other offences; the bringing in of banned items of clothing, refusal to bare your tits; causing disruption to our services and then showing us a fraudulent document. As it is your first time and possibly can claim partial ignorance of our ways, I?ll be lenient and sentence you, Elaine Eves to just twelve strokes of the strap. It is with some regret that I will not be allowed to fuck you afterwards. Someone high up has forbidden it until the court decides whether that is allowed.?
?NO! No Noooo!? I protested. Roger tried to intervene too but the clapping and laughter from the crowd drowned what he said. In any case he had his own fate to worry about.
?Roger Hart, you too tried to smuggle in banned items of clothing and contraceptives but worse than that, you failed to control the woman you brought with you. You allowed her to disregard our laws and traditions. Therefore I sentence you to the same punishment. This punishment will be carried out immediately in front of the witnesses here and afterwards you will be chained together and taken to a holding cell until such time as a court can be convened to try you for the drug smuggling and contraceptive offences. Fasten him and bring me the strap.?
My body started to sag into the arms of the guards holding me as I watched Roger, crying pitifully, being manhandled into place and fastened securely to the bench. For the moment I was more concerned with our expected punishment than the guard squeezing my breasts but there seemed nothing I could do to prevent either. A girl arrived with the strap, smiled and handed it to the officer. ?My God, that will kill us!? I screamed at the sight of the broad strip of leather but that only caused the crowd to erupt in more laughter but I was passed caring.
The officer turned to me and with a huge smile showed it to my face. ?Lovely isn?t it? Thick but well oiled and supple, just the thing to teach you British people how to behave. It will be a delight to make you really squeal but in this country men take priority, even a gutless one like the wailing specimen ready for it down there.?
Through tear filled eyes I saw his arm lift and then the blur as the dreadful belt descended across poor Roger?s buttocks. I heard him yell but it was almost drowned by the laughter and clapping from the crowd. Again it rose and fell, again with the same accompaniment. Roger?s screams suddenly ceased and his body went limp. He?d passed out after only two strokes. Jeers followed as he was brought round and the punishment continued but thrice more it had to be stopped while he was revived. Even through the dread of knowing it was soon to be my turn, I felt a bit sorry for Roger when the crowd hissed and booed at his poor showing.
My mind reeled at the horror of it all and my body started to fade away too just from the sight of Roger?s bottom but strong arms gripped me under the armpits until it was my turn on the dreaded bench. They may not have been allowed to have sex with me but they certainly felt my opening and mauled my breasts as they fastened me down but I could do nothing to stop them. Out of the corner of my eye as I pulled against my bonds, I noticed Roger, crying like a baby, was being held where he could watch. Then I heard the swish and felt the tremendous pain and the fire that flashed through my body to my poor brain. I yelled just as loudly as Roger had done and like him, it was greeted with applause from the onlookers.
Crack! The belt landed a second and a third time and each time the pain seemed greater. I didn?t believe that I could take twelve like that but I did so without passing out. Vaguely I remember being lifted to my feet to more applause but it was a little while before I could stand and then we were taken to a small office the officer produced a pair of plastic cuffs connected by about two feet of chain. One cuff was fastened to my right wrist and the other to Roger?s left.
A girl brought our shoes and put them on for us but we were not given any of our other clothing. ?Take them to the holding cells,? the officer ordered, ?But keep your pricks in your trousers. For some reason, a higher authority has forbidden it and in any case you are on duty. Maybe they want first chance. Ours is not to question why.?
Slowly and painfully we trudged along a stony track for what seemed like a mile but was really only half that distance, to what we assumed was the prison block. The guards were in no hurry and fortunately the sun was partially obscured by clouds due to the time of year and especially because of the altitude so we didn?t have to worry about sunburn; it was more the stares and jibes from people who we passed. Few would have seen a white person before and certainly not a naked couple chained and stumbling along with their backsides looking horribly red and sore. I tried to hold my head up but it was difficult to keep up the pose of being proud and British. Somewhere along the way, my hand felt Roger?s and it seemed easier to walk like that rather than keep pulling on our connecting chain. Neither of us talked much but every so often when we stumbled or the pain just seemed to be too severe, we let out a cry. Even at that time Roger seemed more of a baby than I was and moaned and cried for much of the way. Eventually we came to a walled compound and were let in through a heavy wooden gate.
Chapter three. In prison
?What is going to happen to us?? I asked the elderly officer with sergeant stripes at the desk. Roger still wept bitterly and had an arm around me for support so I knew I would have to be the one to ask. He looked me up and down in a leering way and halting his gaze at my blonde pubic hair for what seemed an age, causing me more embarrassment, and wrote our names in a book then sifted through a pile of papers and read a sheet of an email. ?You?re to be kept chained together and no one is to fuck you until you?ve been interviewed.? He stared at my mound again and I tried to cover it with my free hand but one of the men who?d brought us, pulled it away. ?Pity,? the desk sergeant commented, ?I would have liked to have seen if a white cunt was any different to a black one and that wimp boy of yours doesn?t look as if he has enough meat to satisfy a woman.?
Roger gave an embarrassed cry and he too blushed. His penis was the only one I?d seen and it looked big enough to me. ?Who is going to interview us and when?? I asked hoping it would be someone like Colonel Nubaro who could sort this whole mess out and let us go.
?Don?t know lady. Could be tomorrow, could be the day after because tomorrow?s a holiday. Could be one of the top men but it doesn?t say. The email came from the government office though. Read it.?
He tossed the paper to me. It told me no more than he had until I noticed that it was timed some three hours or so earlier. We?d been in the air on our way from Lilongwe then. ?This must all have been planned in advance,? I thought and passed the sheet to Roger who only glanced at it and handed it back to the sergeant.
?Cell five.? A warder took us through two sets of locked doors to a row of iron-barred cells that looked as if they?d seen service in a B western movie. I quickly noticed that only the back wall was solid and all the separating walls were open bars; we could see the other inmates and they could see us. We would have no privacy at all.
?Make yourselves at home,? the warder grinned and gave my tender bottom what he deemed a gentle pat but which made me squeal again. The door slammed shut and I heard the key turn noisily in the lock. It was all too much. I wept. Roger put his arms around me but they were of little comfort, he was crying too and the way he held me meant his face was in my breasts and it was more a case of me comforting him. We sat gingerly on the hard bed despairing of ever getting out.
?No need to cry Missie, I?ve something here that will cheer you up.? I turned and saw a local man kneeling on the bed in the next cell with his prick out and offering it to me through the bars. It was fully hard and much larger than Roger?s. I turned away, horrified. ?You won?t be so choosy tomorrow Missie, not after you?ve been fucked a dozen or more times. When they unlock the cell doors, you?ll have to submit yourself to us. That?s the law. Mummy?s boy there won?t protect you and that tiny worm of his won?t give you much satisfaction. No doubt you?re here for a good whipping too and then the screws will make good use of your cunt. Afterwards, if they haven?t thrown me out, Sumala here will then get a turn at you. ?
Roger?s wailing increased and I joined in for a while but gradually all my tears dried up and I started to take in my surroundings. Like a baby at his mother?s breast, Roger had wormed his way inside my arms and was sobbing and I could feel the wetness dribbling down my cleavage. At that point I thought that he might even attempt to suck my nipples, but he made no attempt to do so. Looking down at him, I realised what the man in the next room said, wasn?t too far off the truth. Roger was a big baby and if there was to be a way out of our situation, I would be the one to find it. He would follow and pretend to help, much as he had always done in the office although never before had we been in situations as dire as this. Whether it was my closeness or some smell from my breasts, or for some reason I didn?t understand, Roger had an erection. It was indeed smaller than the one next door but, because it was Roger?s, it seemed to disgust me more. ?He should be able to control himself,? I reasoned, ?Whereas you can?t expect that from natives who are used to getting their wicked way with women.? My experience with men at that time was such that I argued, ?He?s the one still crying and yet I am the one who is going to be raped. They can?t rape him.? Despite all my mental arguments against it, I did find myself becoming a little wet between my legs. I partly blamed the warmth from my strapped bottom but I guess the sight of the black prick added to the feeling.
Pushing Roger away, I looked around and tried to assess our situation. The cell was about ten feet square with a stainless steel washbasin, mirror and toilet at one end, all completely open and on view to everyone, and a single bed along one of the open barred walls. No sheets, but one end of the mattress was padded and raised to serve as a bolster type of pillow. No privacy whatsoever, even when we washed or used the toilet. Each cell was a mirror image of its neighbour so next door?s bed, Sumala?s bed, was right alongside ours. Fortunately the way we were chained together meant that Roger would be next to the bars and from the narrowness of the bed, he would be tight up against them.
The sight of the toilet reminded me that I needed to use it but yet I didn?t want Sumala to see me. I didn?t want Roger to either but there was no getting away from that and I knew he would be in he same situation and I could ask him to look the other way. I wondered, ?How long they will they keep us chained together? Until after the court appearance? Longer? Will they allow us to phone the office? Will Colonel Nubaro intervene?? Too many questions without any answers yet.
The two cells the other side of us were vacant so I quietly asked to Roger to shield me from the man?s stares while I peed and he did so.? I tried to do it quietly but the stainless steel pan magnified the sound but when I glanced around Roger, Sumala wasn?t watching. That was a small blessing. We washed our faces and dried them with one of the few paper towels supplied and I reused mine by soaking it with water and applying it to my tender behind.
Sumala laughed loudly when he saw this. ?What they did to you was nothing but a little tickle. You just wait until you?re taken to the market place and caned or whipped. Wait until you?ve felt the whip bite into your arse or tits.? His face clouded up and his arrogance disappeared, ?You?ll see when they bring Velisi back shortly. She?s getting twenty with the cane for stealing. They?ll take me then. I?ve got forty with the whip.? His voice almost sounded like he was bragging at first and then it broke when he imagined the suffering it would cause him. ?Drunk on illegal booze and resisting arrest? punched a guard?not the first time.? He turned away and for a little while sat with his back to us.
We lay down on the bunk, not talking but each thinking what was likely to happen to us in that barbaric country. How cruel would they be to foreigners? Was there still hatred of the British from colonial times like the officer at the airport indicated? My mind kept churning over the fact that the guards had been ordered not to have sex with us before we?d even arrived. Even the officer who thrashed us knew and we?d hardly entered the country. Someone had to have planned this in advance. My mind narrowed the possibilities down to Colonel Nubaro who signed our false diplomatic immunity certificate or our boss, Ted, who was so keen to send us rather than one of the more experienced males on the staff.
?Tell your woman to back her arse against the bars. She?ll have to do it if you tell her and then I can have a nice fuck before they take me away.? Sumala again thrust his prick through the bars but this time it was close to Roger?s face. He shook his head, turned away and pressed closer to me. ?So you?re a white girlie-boy,? Sumala taunted him, ?When they find that out, they?ll put you in the Mummy?s Boy camp with the other girlie boys and you?ll get used like a woman. The General doesn?t allow them to breed with real women. You like cocks up your arse girlie-boy? You?d get plenty of them in the camp whether you want it or not.? I felt Roger?s prick stiffen against my thigh and wondered if he was actually gay.
?You keep your prick in your shorts Sumala. No one?s allowed to fuck her for the time being. Orders from Government office,? One of the warders shouted through the bars.? Again I wondered about this but a commotion outside and the wailing of a woman interrupted any further thoughts on this. Velisi had returned.
The poor girl was half carried into the cell and I could see the raised ridges of her badly welted back and bottom. Sumala was right, by comparison our punishments were quite minor and once more I was overcome and started sobbing at the thought that by this time tomorrow, my bottom might be as painful as hers, if not worse. Was smuggling contraceptives considered a more heinous crime here than stealing? Nothing in our researches had indicated how penalties were determined.
The guards laid the wailing woman face down on the bed and a girl in nurse?s uniform entered pushing a medical trolley ahead of her. With a morbid fascination, I felt compelled to watch. ?They wouldn?t allow a uniform like that in St Thomas?s,? I mused. Like all other women here, her blouse went round the outside of her full breasts and was slightly cup shaped on the underside to support them. Her skirt was short and when she bent down, I could see she wore nothing underneath. Roger must have seen it too because his eyes were wide open and his prick stiffened. I wondered if he would rape me later or if I would be able to control him and his urges. Did the government ruling apply to him?
?I?ll leave the door unlocked until you leave nurse. She?s not going to run away.? The warder remarked as the guards filed out. One put his hand between the nurse?s legs but she only smiled and said, ?I?m at work. You know where to find me later.?
Our attention was momentarily distracted from the scene by a minor struggle as the guards handcuffed Sumala and led him away. My attention returned to the nurse. ?Lie still a moment Velisi, I?ll give you an injection that will ease the pain and make you sleepy. You?ll miss a meal but I don?t expect you?ll feel like eating and the food?s not all that great anyway.? The nurse appeared to my inexperienced eye, to be very efficient and quickly administered the injection. Almost immediately the girl quietened down and the nurse began cleaning and putting a salve on her bottom. Several times she stopped and listened to the girl?s heart but each time she appeared satisfied and carried on. I had the impression that she had done this many times before and being a prison nurse, I guess she had. Roger looked pale and very sick and I felt my stomach churning but I watched and debated whether we would be punished in like manner.
?I?ll check on you in a minute,? she remarked when she noticed me staring. ?I?ll need to get your notes first.? Some ten minutes later the warder let her into our cell and she introduced herself as Nurse Muniba. Velisi lay quietly on her bed, just giving a small cry every now and then.
Chapter four. Sexually examined
No doubt protocol dictated it, but she examined Roger first. He, of course, was highly embarrassed when first of all she prodded the muscles of his tender backside and then pushed his reddened cheeks apart to look at his bottom hole. ?Nothing to worry about there,? she commented, ? Minor bruising and soreness but that will soon go. No need for any treatment.? Obviously, what to us was a major thrashing, on her scale of things it was only a trivial punishment. Compared to Velisi?s, I suppose it was.
Deftly she flipped him over and because of the chain I had to move too. His erection stood straight up from his body and when he tried to cover it with his free hand, Nurse Muniba ordered me to hold the hand well above his head. From this position I had a good view when she cupped his testicles, gently squeezed and seemed to weigh them. A frown crossed her face but she didn?t say anything. I told myself that I shouldn?t watch but did so anyway. ?Better that you know what you may have to deal with in the next few days? Weeks? Months? Or longer?? I argued in my mind. Hardly had Nurse Muniba started examining his prick when it erupted and spewed out a quantity of sperm.
Muniba collected a drop into a vial and commented, ?Well at least it works. In a moment I?ll nip to the office and check whether there are living sperm in it. Would you like to lick him clean?? Horrified, I turned my head. ?Oh well, you white girls! I?ll do it this time but you?ll have to do it in future and for any other men who ejaculate in your presence.? The thought disgusted me but she unconcernedly took Rogers member in her mouth and sucked it clean and then licked the remaining sperm from his body and her fingers. ?I?ll be back in a few minutes,? she told the warder who I?d forgotten was watching us.
Neither Roger nor I felt like commenting on what had happened in front of the man watching us. I knew Roger had been utterly humiliated and I wondered how far the nurse would go with me. Seeing her handle his prick and then suck his sperm, had an unwanted side effect on me too; I was wet between my legs.
Ten minutes later, the nurse returned. ?All?s well,? she informed us, ?Plenty of living sperm so he should be able to fertilise you. It doesn?t actually say in the notes that he mustn?t fuck you now, in fact it specifies that no Tumalians must do so. Has he fucked you already?? I shook my head and murmured, no. ?You?re still a virgin?? Her voice showed its incredulity, ?Lie on the bed and let?s find out.?
?No!? I yelled, ?Not in front of everyone.?
?You need another hand?? The warder leered at me.
?No!? I yelled again.
To my horror the nurse replied, ?Yes, Zulam, that would be a help. This is the first white girl we?ve had while I?ve been here and I?ve heard they can be a bit uppity. Hold her ankles so she?s wide open for me and then I can examine her cunt properly.? My protestations were to no avail, Zulam positioned himself at my head and pulled my ankles back to his shoulders. I was helpless and my most private parts were obscenely on display. Roger would see them and perhaps get ideas about having sex with me. Worse. Zulam?s erection protruded from the leg of his shorts right alongside my face and I could not only see it, I could smell it as well. Nurse Muniba laughed when she saw me close my eyes. ?Perhaps we?ll let her suck it for you later. Better still, she can suck it now. It will keep her quiet while I feel inside her. Perhaps she?ll like a black prick better than her boyfriend?s white one.?
?No, please no,? I pleaded. ?Roger don?t let them do it to me, please.? One glance at Roger and I knew he would be of little help. He was cowering away from the muscular warder.
?Open up!? The nurse?s fingers pinched my nostrils and when I obstinately kept my mouth closed she twisted my left nipple with her other hand. As soon as I cried out, so Zulam?s prick went in and with my head against the bolster, I couldn?t pull away.
?Don?t try and bite Missie,? he warned, ?Biting a man?s prick is an automatic tit caning offence.? He did pull out a little and then began short in and out movements with his loins.
?How long will this go on? How long before he shoots his stuff into my mouth? What will it taste like? Muniba didn?t mind when she tasted Roger?s. His was a white man?s sperm though. Will a black man?s taste different?? Out of the corner of my eye I saw him but he just looked on in his helpless way and I began to wonder what I ever liked about him.
?Have you had a good look at her cunt Roger?? Further embarrassment. Muniba?s fingers probed my opening.
?No?no,? he stuttered. He was embarrassed and fascinated at the same time. I rightly assumed he?d never seen a woman?s private parts before.
?Well take a good look now. Better still get hold of her labial lips and pull them wide apart so that I can see inside.? I could have died when he fumbled and tried to follow Muniba?s instructions. ?Well she?s definitely a virgin,? she announced. ?That?s so unusual in this country. Most girls have birthed half a dozen babies by the time they reach her age. Have a good look Zulam, I doubt you?ll ever see another white virgin cunt in your lifetime.? With his prick stuffed in my mouth and the leg of his shorts partly covering my face, I couldn?t see his reaction but I felt him lean over to get a better look. ?Do you know about a girls clit, Roger?? Muniba asked. I didn?t hear a reply but she went on, ?That?s a girl?s pleasure centre. See how it stands out at the moment? That?s because she is sexually aroused and like your prick gets hard, so does a girl?s clit although it is not so obvious.? She went on the show him how a girl likes to be masturbated using me as an example and then I felt his fingers doing it to me. I wanted to fall through the floor and disappear.
?I?ll murder him!? I vowed but my attention was taken by Zulam?s more vigorous thrusts in my mouth followed by the rather odd taste of his sperm as it flooded into my throat. Muniba must have finished her so-called examination because he let go of my ankles and held my head on his prick.
?Use your tongue to clean me Missie and make sure you swallow all the spunk. You are not allowed to spit it out. Not unless you wish to have your arse warmed again.? Knowing I had no choice, I did as I was told but I soon realised that the thought of what I was doing repulsed me more than the actual taste.
?Turn over,? the nurse ordered and when I lay face down she prodded my buttocks and anal opening. ?Looks as if they strapped you much harder than him,? she commented and wrote something in her notes. She did put a little cream on my arse but not Roger?s and she only laughed when he pleaded with her. ?You don?t need it, you?ve only a few marks and they?ll soon go.? Before she left, Muniba had a few words with us. I?d asked what was likely to happen to us. ?I don?t really know Elaine. Very few white people visit Tumali and those that do are nearly always businessmen so we don?t see them in this prison. Someone in high authority must have wanted you to come here??
?Colonel Nubaro??
?Maybe,? she went on, ?I?m only a nurse. This is only a holding prison and what usually happens is criminals are brought here and on the same day or the next they are taken to the court and sentenced. Depending on the time, they are punished that day and returned here. I treat them and, unless there is some infection, they are released the following day. We don?t keep prisoners here for long terms. In fact we have very few prisoners in our long-term camp. If you were Tumalians, I would expect you to be taken before the court in the morning but, as it is a holiday, that might be postponed until the following day. You would then be taken to the market square for punishment and brought back and released the next day. Just the same as Vilisi. However, as you don?t have a home here or anything and there are no hotels I?ve no idea what will happen.?
?We were supposed to have been met at the airport and taken to someone?s home for our stay but we weren?t told who that would be.? I paused and Muniba started collecting her stuff, ?I think we are just pawns in some game and all this was planned before we left England.?
?You may well be right, but I can tell you, that I am not one of the players. One thing is certain though. Sooner or later you will be fucked and bred by the men here, so you might wish to consider Roger as your partner first. It might be better for you to have a white baby. How many pills did you take??
?Only two,?
?Then I expect you?ll still be fertile. Think about it.?
Fortunately a simple meal arrived soon after they left and I used the water that was with it to wash the taste of Zulam?s sperm from my mouth although truth to tell there was very little taste to the stuff. I guess it was more in my imagination.
Roger tried to apologise to me several times but I refused to acknowledge him and resolutely faced away while we ate our food. That was difficult because the length of chain was insufficient for us to eat independently without being close but I made certain that it was him that had to move. While I ate I again pondered on the fact that my notes said no Tumalians were to fuck me. Another indication that this was all preplanned.
We?d hardly finished our meal when they carried Sumala into his cell on a stretcher, his back and buttocks welted and bleeding in places. He cried out loudly in his pain and we were appalled by the harsh punishment he?d had. Worse, we wondered if we would be whipped too. Nurse Muniba arrived quickly and calmed him with an injection. She didn?t say anything to us while she did her best to treat the suffering man.
?Do? you? think? we?ll? be? whipped? like that?? Roger broke the silence between us. Tears were again running down his face. I tried to hold mine back just to show my superiority but it was a difficult task.
?I don?t think so,? I answered carefully, ?I would guess the players in the game have other plans for us that won?t involve the mutilation of our bodies. They would not have gone to all the trouble and expense of getting us here unless they plan to use us in other ways but I have no idea how.? My mind added, ?I wouldn?t be surprised if we were punished less severely though. Probably the strap again.? My mind tried to shut out the thought.
Chapter five. Interview with the Major
Later, Zulam took us for a cold shower and gave us a disposable toothbrush and a comb and afterwards we lay alongside each other on the bed. Both of turned our heads away from the sight of Sumala?s back. He still groaned with pain and I wondered if the nurse would give him another injection before we went to sleep. Roger tried to make a whispered conversation but it was all speculation as to what would happen to us and why were we chosen and by whom etc. It wearied me so much that I curtly told him to put his thumb in his mouth and shut up. I had enough fears from my own thoughts without his adding to them. Secretly I began to wonder at the changes in me, and Roger too for that matter. Previously I would never have spoken to anyone like that but now, faced with our situation and with Roger acting in such a feeble way, I was being forced to be in charge. ?Will they allow me to be in charge of him? Men have priority in this country. Yet Muniba was in charge when Zulam was here and none of the other women seemed completely downtrodden. They weren?t slaves like I had imagined from reading about their lives on the web. Strange.?
Soon after the lights were turned down, I?ve no idea of the time, my watch having been confiscated during the airport search, Roger hesitatingly asked, ?Do you think we should?we should?do it? Would it be?better to?do it with me than a black man??
?No,? I told him forcefully and then cruelly I added, ?I?m not a baby snatcher.? Immediately I wished I hadn?t said that but it was too late. I didn?t really need to anger the only friend I had in this place. After all the taunts he?d received today about his manhood, he could have done without that. I waited to see how he?d react but he didn?t say anything for a few moments and then came a few choking sobs. ?Sorry, Roger,? I apologised and paused before going on, ?Like you I?m terribly afraid of what is going to happen and I need you as a friend not a forced lover. It sounds as if I will have plenty of them.? I did put my arm around him and at first he turned away, but later he nestled into my breasts again and I felt his prick against my thigh.
For a long while I lay awake arguing with myself. ?Aren?t you being foolish? He would have done it with care, even love, but you?ve opted to be raped by goodness knows how many black natives. His bringing the condoms must mean he?d thought about fucking me. Why didn?t I let him? You are going to be raped anyway so why bother? They?ll be more experienced. I wonder what it will be like to have sex with a man? To be fucked? How much will it hurt? Especially with their big pricks. Can?t be worse than the strap. Will I become pregnant? Probably. You are in your fertile period and the nurse said that just two pills wouldn?t be enough to prevent it. If the game players wanted a white whore, why did they choose me? And Roger? They could easily have bought a willing woman. What do they want with us? How much did Ted know? Was he the brains behind this? Or did he just connive with the Colonel?? Any answers were pure speculation. The pain in my bottom had receded a little to a dull ache unless I sat down hard. Eventually I drifted off to sleep disturbed by involuntary cries from neighbouring cells, exhausted from all that had transpired and from the long journey. Could it be that only the day previously I?d been safe at home?
Next morning when the lights went up we were greeted with further cries of pain from Vilisi and Sumala when they tried to move. Vilisi?s bottom looked awful but she stood and hobbled to her toilet. Sumala yelled in agony as he clung to the bars to help him stand. Gone was his bravado and I felt really sorry for him but I could do nothing and I guessed that even if I spoke it would make him feel worse.
The nurse went to Sumala first and put more cream on his wounds but didn?t give him another injection. ?I?m keeping you here until tomorrow,? she informed him, ?I don?t like the look of a couple of the welts. They cut you deeper than they should have.? He seemed to accept it and didn?t have to be restrained when she tended him.
Before leaving she came to the bars and asked me, ?Are you still a virgin?? I nodded my head, yes, and she gave a little smile. I wondered what that meant.
?You should be alright to go after breakfast,? she told Vilisi, ?There?s no broken skin but it will be painful for a while yet. See Wyche and get some of her painkilling medicine. That will help; I?m not allowed to give you any more. Try not to get sent back here, you know it will be far worse next time.?
A cheerful young girl, who flirted with the warder, brought our breakfast of some sort of meal that looked like dirty porridge. I forced it down and persuaded Roger to do the same. For a while we just sat without talking, each of us thinking of scenarios that might happen. The uncertainly of it all made us snappy and I could tell the rift between us was widening.
About mid morning a new warder unlocked our cell and without commenting took us to the shower and made us wash each other. Roger soon had a hard-on and tried to play with my clit when he washed me but I gave him a nasty look and shut my legs. Had not the warder been there I would have boxed his ears. ?What has made you so aggressive? You never used to be like that. Is it a reaction to this environment or something deeper?? Once again, more thought questions with no answers. We did our teeth, dried ourselves and I took some time combing my hair until the warder snatched the comb away and proceeded to use it to neaten my pubic hair. He was a man of few words but he did say, ?The Major will want you looking presentable.? My further questions were ignored.
We stopped at our cell only long enough to put on our shoes and then were taken to the sergeant?s desk. ?Take them to Major Entembe?s office,? he said to a burly looking, hugely pregnant woman in uniform ?Use the strap if they cause you any trouble. It looks as if yesterday?s are fading.? Fading they might have been, but our bottoms were still colourful and mine was particularly tender and I hadn?t wanted to sit on the loo when I got up. Roger made a great fuss over his but his stripes were losing their colour.
?I sure will sergeant,? the woman grinned. She made Roger hold my hand and we set off in hot sunshine at a fairly slow pace because of her size. Rather insanely I wondered what we would do if her water broke while we were en-route but we arrived without incident and without having received any punishment. It wasn?t far and I had time to try and evaluate the knowledge I?d gained to date. Major Entembe I knew was third in command in Tumali. General Cumu was the head man and overall dictator, Colonel Nubaro his deputy and the Major was under him. We were being taken to someone high up in the chain of command and I wondered, ?Will he have the authority to release us? Or is he in on our abduction too?? That is how I thought of the events that led us to being there. We had agreed to come but the conditions were not as they had been explained to us.
A pleasant young girl showed us into the Major?s office. By now I had become inured to seeing girl?s breasts but they still caught my partner?s attention and noticing this, she even flaunted them in front of his face. The Major was younger than I expected, mid-thirties I guessed but I had little experience in judging the ages of African men and he smiled when we entered. I noticed his eyes swept up and down my body until he politely requested we be seated. At first he only seemed to talk to Roger, mainly it was small talk, going over our personal details and ignoring our treatment here.? Roger was slumped in his chair and stuttered a few answers. His attitude and subservience to the major disgusted me. I wanted to know what was going on and when we would be sent home. I decided to take the initiative.
?Are you one of the players in this game Sir, or just one of the pieces??
For a moment or two he looked puzzled and for once gave me his attention. ?Game??
?Oh do shut up Roger. We?ve been sent here for a reason and I need to know why.? I turned back to Major Entembe who looked very surprised at my outburst and Roger?s reaction to it. ?Yes Sir, the game that is being played with us as pawns. The board was set out in England and now the moves are being made. Are you one of those pushing the pieces or are you on the board with us?? I knew I had shaken him with my forthrightness and I half dreaded that he might take offence and send us to the whipping post or whatever but he seemed a cultured man that might appreciate my analogy. I relaxed a little when he sat back in his chair and his face lit up with a huge smile.
?Very good Miss Eves. The reports said you were good journalists and it seems there was some truth in them. To answer your question. Yes, I suppose I am player but a player who is bound by the rules of the game; rules made by others.? He stopped and I was about to ask a further question when he went on, ?However, from the little time we?ve played I can see I will have to upgrade you from a pawn to a queen and downgrade your partner to being a knight.?
?A knight should be there to protect his queen.? I was beginning to enjoy this sparring match.
?You think we should take him off the board altogether?? That floored me for a moment. Did that mean they would kill him or send him home? In either case I would lose a companion that I could talk and discus things with.
?Pawns have their uses,? I answered.
?Would you object to Miss Eves, Elaine, being in charge of you Mr. Hart??
I thought Roger might object but he dumbly shook his head and quietly said, ?No.?
?An unexpected move, Elaine, one that requires a slight change of strategy but not to the overall game plan.?
?And what is that Major??
He laughed. ?Patience Elaine, enjoy the game. There is no fun if you know the outcome before you start and you may also be able to influence the result. First though, we have to recognise your new status.? I didn?t want to be part of any game but neither did I wish to annoy him and destroy our fragile rapport. He buzzed his secretary, ?Shelumba, get supplies to send a bluestone here immediately and find a key for the cuffs on this pair. Security should have one. I expect that it is standard issue? And see if you can make a pot of tea for our English visitors.?
I must have smiled at that because he looked questioningly at me. ?Are all your English visitors kept naked and chained?? I asked.
?It?s the best way when they are young and attractive but perhaps not too willing.? He smiled broadly, ?But that will come later,? he added and I blushed a deep red when I not only realised his meaning but that he thought I was attractive. ?I?d better explain the meaning of my instructions to Shelumba. Have you met any women wearing a necklet with a bluestone broach??
?On the plane.?
?Ah, yes the women delivering the babies. Women who wear them are women who have risen above the rest and are given positions of authority. They are able to make decisions and order things from men that ordinary women can?t. They still have to make their bodies available for fucking but otherwise they can act in much the same way as women in your country. The exception is your partner; your pawn. While he is linked to you he cannot demand anything from anyone. You can ask for his opinion but it will be you that decides on the action to take. You can order him to fuck if you want but he cannot demand your services.? Again I felt myself blushing at the coarse language and the implications of it. ?That brings me to the next point. As you are now the dominant one, you will stand on his right side, therefore we need to change the cuffs around. For the time being, we or rather I, as I haven?t been able to consult those higher up as yet, will keep you linked together. That is mainly for our amusement although it may add it a little more difficulty to what you?ll have to do? as part of the game.? Again the winning smile. ?Ah the tea has arrived and the key too.?
I know I blushed deeply when I stood up and accidentally knocked my tits and made them wobble in front of the Major but by then I was getting half used to being naked in front of others. We changed chairs and I gave Roger a quick reassuring hug before we sat down again to drink our tea and made small talk about our jobs in England and what led to my reasoning as to why I?d suspected that we were set up. He seemed to appreciate the way I?d made my deductions. Much as I wanted to ask about our future there, I sensed that it would be wrong to do so. In any case the man in front of us fascinated me; the man I knew would fuck me sooner or later. At last he came to the point.
?You already know that tomorrow you will have to appear before the court for bringing illegal materials into the country. I?m sorry but I cannot do anything to stop the proceedings but I will use my influence to try and get a lenient sentence. Both of you will have to do your parts by pleading ignorance and showing remorse and repentance for your actions. Fighting it and demanding rights that you would have in England will most likely result in a whipping. In all probability you will only be sentenced to a few strokes of the cane.?
?Oh no!? I cried, thinking of Vilisi, ?Please not that, the strap was bad enough.?
?Sorry, I will do what I can but it mustn?t been seen that I have influenced a court decision. Too many already know what happened at the airport to hide it under the carpet and the local paper has it as a front page story. I will ensure that you get the best after treatment. As a queen Elaine, you will just have to be brave.?
?I have no wish to be a queen sir, or be brave, I just want to be sent home and get on with my life again. How long will be kept here Major?? Tears filled my eyes when I asked.
?As long as it takes to complete the game.? The wide smile appeared across his face again. God, I wished I hadn?t thought of that analogy but he went on. ?You are reporters and your boss sent you here, particularly you Elaine, to find out what really happens to women in this country and what they feel like, to use his words, ?being used as baby machines?. You already know that, what you weren?t told is that he has sent you here for an indefinite period to find out first hand what it is like. When you don?t return on your scheduled flight or maybe a few days later, he will contact the British government to see what they can find out but the wheels of government are slow and we do not have diplomatic relations with them so negotiations will be via North Korea because Malawi officially doesn?t recognise us either although we of course, have a lot of contact with them, so I expect it will be several months before you?re returned.?
I wept when I heard that but the Major looked unconcerned. ?Dry your eyes Elaine and stop blubbering, it?s not all bad news.? He handed me a tissue and I did indeed try to stem the tears. Roger for once wasn?t crying so I braced myself and looked at the Major again. ?As you know the main income for this country is from the sale of babies for adoption. Black babies command a good price but lighter coloured ones are at a premium and we?d like to encourage more white girls to come here to be part of our breeding programme.?
?You?re going to breed me?? I asked, already knowing the answer.
?Yes and no. Like every other woman here you will be fucked, usually several times a day. In the beginning we will do all we can to ensure that you conceive. Only your cunt will be fucked and the men?s sperm will be deposited as deeply as possible within you.? I just sat wide-eyed at the statement. I knew that is what happened there but until that moment, had hoped and believed that it couldn?t or wouldn?t happen to me. ?After we?ve determined that you are pregnant, you will be fucked just for our pleasure and that can be in any of your holes.? Again I already knew that happened to the native girls. ?I have no doubt you will be returned to England, before you are due to give birth so your baby won?t be sold and in any case all women have the option of keeping their first baby. Probably it will be too late by that time for you to have an abortion so you will either have to keep it or have it adopted in England.? It took a few minutes for me to assimilate this. I was going to be an unmarried mother with a black baby. Oh the shame of it. Then I told myself that I would have nine months to think about what to do and the present was more important. Extrapolating from the Major?s words I knew he expected me or us to be in Tumali for at least five months and less than nine. ?At least it seems that we will be allowed home eventually,? I tried to calm myself.
?What about Roger? What?s his part in all this??
?To be truthful, we didn?t want him along but your boss told us you would never have agreed to come alone. We may let him breed some local girls and he can help you with your work.?
?Which is??
?To write the story of your life and the lives of the women that live here. You will write in a very sexually explicit way, highlighting the good points as well as the bad. Each week, before the Today?s World deadline date, you will send a copy to Ted Sullivan. Your first one will reassure him of your safety and will no doubt delay any government action. No doubt he?ll fuck his wife with greater enthusiasm after he has read of your experiences. Later a more explicit version will be posted on our web site and no doubt Ted will also publish an unexpurgated version on DVD. Of course, we will proof read your articles before they are sent, not only for their accuracy but also that they are completely open about the fucking and other sexual things that happen to you and the punishments you receive. No mention must be made of the collusion between your magazine and us though, but your first article can relate of your experiences so far; your experience at the airport and in the prison. Write fully and in explicit detail.?
?And I?m supposed to do this in a prison cell with a stick of charcoal with a sore bottom and a sore vagina?? Perhaps my sarcasm was lost on him or he ignored it. Either way he gave me another of his big smiles.
?Not quite. First though, you will use the proper terms in your reports and in speaking to us. You have and arse, a cunt and a pair of tits. You will not be having sex, or ?be intimate? with a man, you will be fucked. Understood? I nodded. Since being here and hearing the terms used by others, my mind was using them even if my mouth didn?t. ?You will be given a room just along the corridor from here and your laptop will be returned but you will not be allowed an Internet connection other than when in the IT room and your report has been approved. You will also be sent out to live with other sections of the community where conditions can be more primitive.?
?Will we be given our clothes back?? Roger butted in and speaking the first time in ages.
?Yes,? I said not wishing Roger to regain the initiative, ?Our bodies could get severely sunburned if our skin is not covered.?
?You will be given native clothing after any sentence the court imposes has been completed.? That reminded me again of the caning or whipping we were likely to get and I just prayed that the Major did indeed use his influence to get our sentence reduced or better still, squashed. I guessed that I would have to be ?nice? to the Major in order to keep our punishment to the minimum.
A tap on the door interrupted my thoughts and Shelumba entered bringing the bluestone broach. Major Entembe put it around my neck and gave me a light kiss and then held my head and gave a more forceful, longer one. At first I tried to pull away but then remembered that this man held the key to our punishment and in any case I would be having sex ? no be fucked ? by him before too long. I let him do as he wished. I felt his prick hard against me and over his shoulder I saw Shelumba grin.
?It?s time,? the major said and carried me into another room where there was a small divan. Roger, perforce had to trail behind. ?Are you ready to become a woman and perhaps a mother?? he asked.
?I don?t know Major, I really don?t know.? I was again shaking with trepidation and fear. Or was it anticipation? I?d often dreamed about have a man in bed and making love to me but not this way.
?You can call me Tzarma when we?re alone like this. Major is a bit formal when I?m about to fuck you.?
Roger was ordered to kneel by the side of he divan when the Major gently lowered me on the soft mattress and I watched with apprehension as he lowered his shorts and his black prick sprang into view. It was almost equal in size to Sumala?s and was already rock hard. I shuddered at the sight of it and wondered at the pain it would cause when he forced it in to my vagina ? my cunt. I needn?t have worried. Major Entembe was careful and considerate. Gently he rubbed my clit and then tongued my cunt until my juices flowed freely. Only then did he put his prick inside my entrance and slowly make his way in. He paused, ?I?ll bet you didn?t expect to lose your precious virginity like this.? There was that big smile on his face again as he thrust deeply into me, bursting my hymen and tightly filling me with his manhood. I felt the pain as he broke through but there was also a pleasurable feeling that I couldn?t define, a feeling that grew more intense when he began to fuck. The strokes were slow at first but then as my cunt adjusted they became faster and harder. My own sensations increased too and I knew I was building up to my own climax. I tossed my head from side to side and thrust at him but when I was nearly there he stopped and I knew he was erupting and filling me with his sperm. I felt cheated but Tzarma didn?t withdraw and when he?d finished impregnating me, continued to fuck me gently until I climaxed. Even then he left it in until it was completely soft before he pulled out.
Gradually I opened my eyes only to find Roger staring pop-eyed but there were tears running down his cheeks as well. Rightly I guessed he wished to be the one that had taken me; wished he?d had the courage to take charge and forced me to fuck him the previous night. Tzarma took a tissue and wiped the blood from my thighs and his prick. ?Next time you have to clean it,? he informed quietly as he rolled on to my right side. ?Was it like you expected??
?No, nothing like,? I admitted, ?I expected my husband to do it on our wedding night. I expected it to be with someone I wanted to willingly give myself to.?
?But I think you enjoyed it towards the end.? I could only nod, yes. ?Did you imagine Roger as your husband??
That was a question I didn?t want to answer, certainly not with Roger listening. After a long pause I replied, ?Sometimes him, sometimes other men on the staff, sometimes a film star. I?ve never been close enough to anyone to think of marrying them.?
We lay for a little while until Tzarma announced that we ought to get some lunch before the canteen closed. He dressed and Roger and I went with him to a cafeteria. ?You can use this anytime you?re nearby. They will be told to charge whatever you have to the admin account. And you won?t be fucked in here either. Its not allowed in food halls.? Luckily the place was fairly empty and we were able to get a fairly normal meal of meat and salad stuff not all of which I recognised. Still it tasted fine although spicier than I was used to. At least it was far better than the food we?d had so far in prison. A few people spoke to the Major but not to us and they seemed to ignore our state of nudity; my blonde hair and the bluestone broach attracted their attention more.
We returned to the little bedroom and Tzarma told us to rest there until he was ready to fuck me again. Roger was warned, on pain of castration, not to fuck me until I received another full load of the Major?s sperm and then only if I gave him permission. No doubt he wanted to ensure, my future baby was his.
Chapter six. Sentenced
?You really are a whore underneath that innocent fa?ade,? Roger spat at me as soon as we were alone. ?You?re nothing but a dirty little whore who has been prick teasing me all this time.?
For a while I did not know how to answer. It was now so obvious that he had desired me for a long while and had been too shy to even ask for a kiss. ?Roger,? I started quietly, ?Roger, you may well be right in that I am a secret whore but that is something I have only just found out. At first I gave myself to him in the hope of getting an easement of our punishment for tomorrow but after we got going, I really wanted him and wanted him so badly. I?m a woman Roger and I only really found that out such a short while ago. As for being a prick tease, when have I ever given you the smallest hint that I would take you in my body? Never. Maybe that will change. I don?t know.? He resisted my attempts to cuddle him and I lay there wondering if it was really the fucking that upset him or my taking over as the one in charge or perhaps his feelings of failure and inadequacy at his inability to protect me.
It was after five by the bedroom clock when Tzarma returned. Roger and I had hardly spoken except when he needed to find a toilet. Tzarma beamed a smile when he came in saw me lying on my back. Roger immediately slid off the bed and turned his head to the wall. ?Are you sore there?? Tzarma asked as his hand cupped my cunt.
?A little.?
?Get the nurse to give you some lotion. I?m lifting the ban on others having you from the day after tomorrow. I should have inseminated you again by then and my sperm should be well established and hopefully you will be ensconced in your room here.? He took less time over the preliminaries this time and soon his prick was fully embedded in my cunt and with my juices flowing well I was able to match each of his thrusts. This time I noisily orgasmed long before he did and was well on the way to a second when he stopped and pulsed his second load into me, ?to make sure it all stays in the right place? he informed me. This time he offered his soft prick to my lips. I could see and smell our combined juices on it and hesitated. ?Get used to it Elaine, you?ll have to do it almost every time you are fucked.?
?It can?t be worse than Zulam?s,? I told myself and gingerly started sucking it. Gradually more went into my mouth and when I was ordered to lick his balls, I did so and was surprised when his cock started to harden again. Knowing that Roger was surreptitiously watching, I put on more of a show than necessary just to annoy him and confirm his statement that I was a whore.
We were treated to dinner in the cafeteria again and this time it was crowded, mainly men but a good smattering of women too, all dressed albeit scantily. Many stared at us but still I didn?t know if it was because of our nakedness or the whiteness of our skins or my blonde hair. Two of the bluestone women I recognised from the plane came in and did a double take when they saw me. ?Congratulations, you?ve made it up the ranks extraordinarily quickly,? one said as she planted a kiss on my cheek and then gave Tzarma a knowing look, ?I?m Uvala and this is Culmin.? We exchanged pleasantries for a few moments and then they went to collect their meal.
Two guards were detailed escort us back to prison and by then it was dark and cold enough to raise goosebumps on my skin but it wasn?t far and I insisted that Roger held my hand. At one time I wore a cross around my neck but the sensation of the bluestone bouncing on my naked cold breasts ? sorry tits ? was quite different and made me notice them even more. Fortunately it was too dark for our escorts to notice.
Sumala lay face down on his bed when we arrived. His back and buttocks were a dreadful sight and once again I wondered just how badly we would be punished. He looked up as we entered and tried to smile but his face was distorted with the pain. ?How can they justify such barbarism,? I commented to Roger and he seemed as upset as I was. ?We must put that in our writing.?
?And get ourselves a similar whipping,? Roger replied sourly. I knew he was still hurting from the earlier events.
Nurse Muniba came to treat Sumala again soon after and I asked her if it was common to whip a person as badly as this. ?No,? she answered carefully, ?It is rare for a court to order so many strokes but it was his third time and he did hurt the other man rather badly too. Unfortunately the man wielding the whip was a friend of the injured man and so Sumala got it rather harder than normal. I?ve put in a complaint to the court but I doubt it will do any good.? A few minutes later, she stopped applying the salve and asked, ?How was your day? You were away a long while and you come back with a bluestone badge. It can?t have been too bad.?
I wanted to tell her but I was almost too shy to. ?I?ve to ask you for some lotion for??
?You did it!? she exclaimed, ?And with one of the top men too I guess. Are you free for everyone now??
?She?s a whore!?
?There?s no such thing as a whore in this country Roger. Our purpose here is to produce babies. There is no choice. It is the only export we have and the only thing that keeps us in a reasonable standard of living. Don?t ever forget that Roger.? Muniba?s voice showed her contempt for his words. ?I doubt that she had much choice and if she enjoyed it, so much the better. Most women do. In any case I advise you not to take your bad feelings out on her; while she wears that badge of authority, she could demand the sergeant loan her a strap to put across your arse.? Roger looked suitably shocked and I hadn?t realised I had so much power over him now. I didn?t intend using it that way, but the threat might come in useful.
?You didn?t say if you are free for any man now? Though I doubt this one will be wish to poke you through the bars anytime soon, will you Sumala??
?Maybe later,? he groaned. We could tell he was trying to put a brave face on his pain and I unwittingly contrasted his stoicism with Roger?s.
?Not for another couple of days. Major Entembe seems to want his sperm to inseminate me. He wants me to have his baby. Oh what will I do when I get back? How will I live it down?? My voice broke and I lost the bravado I?d experienced with Tzarma. I sat on the bed and cried. To my surprise Roger sat close beside me and gave me a left-handed hug.
?If we write about it like we?re supposed to, then everyone will know and hopefully they?ll understand.?
A short while later, Zulam came by and thrust a local newspaper through the bars. The front page featured a large colour picture of me lying naked on the punishment bench, receiving a strapping. It was taken from an angle that showed my open cunt and by the looks of things, I had already had most of the stripes. I was mortified. The story went into great detail into the reasons for the punishment and also Roger?s reaction. ?The whole country will know about us now,? Roger wailed when he read it. I knew he really meant the whole country would know about his cowardice although I began to see that this was really just part of his physical make up.
Zulam passed the paper to Sumala when I returned it but although he read it several times, he didn?t comment on it.
Later that night, when the lights dimmed and Sumala quietly snored from the effects of whatever the nurse had given him, Roger apologised. ?I?ve often fantasised that I would be the first one to make love to you; make love, not just fuck you like today and when I had to watch him do it, I felt so sick. So sick that I could have easily murdered him if I?d had half a chance. Then when I saw you actually enjoying it all, I flipped even more. I?m no he-man, I know that, I?m not like most of the men here, brave and courageous but ever since we met, I?ve wanted you as my girlfriend?? He broke into a little sob. I couldn?t see how I could possible love such a weak man but I didn?t wish to destroy his self esteem any more so I just cuddled him and felt his mouth nibble my breast.
For a long while I lay awake, rehearsing a speech that I hoped would convince the judges to be lenient with us but with no prior knowledge of what might evoke their sympathy, I just had to try and overcome my residual reticence and live up to my bluestone status.
Neither of us wished to eat the unsavoury looking breakfast; both of us worried about how we would fare at court and what sentence they would impose. We agreed to do as the Major suggested and plead ignorance of their laws and beg for forgiveness but neither of believed that we would get away scot-free. That didn?t fit the game plan. Fortunately, we had an early appearance so we had less time to fret and worry. It was a strange courtroom, not much more than a room really. Three men sat at a table and we were led in handcuffed to a guard on each side who also had to support us. Tearfully I looked around but in this courtroom there was no jury, no witnesses, no council; just the guards, the judges and us.
The charges were read out by the judge in the centre chair who went on, ?I understand that you are pleading guilty to these charges and that you Miss Eves are pleading on behalf of both of you.?
?Yes Sir,? I answered, my voice already wavering and I hardly made it through my prepared speech before I could no longer control my emotions and wept bitterly. It must have had some effect on Roger because he was crying too but the judges, the men that mattered, seemed unperturbed and curtly told me to stop babbling and sit down while they considered their verdict.
After only a few minutes whispered conversation, the head judge stood up and bade us stand again. I knew then that my pleading and tears had counted for nothing. It had all been cut and dried before we even entered the courtroom. Elaine Eves and Roger Hart you have both confessed to importing items and substances that are illegal in this country. Miss Eves, you made a very impassioned plea for clemency and to try and minimise your guilt but I?m afraid, that does not alter the fact that you knowingly tried to bring these items into the country and you failed to heed our laws concerning your dress even after being requested to do so by the stewardess on the plane. Mr. Hart you were then the dominant male and should have been in full charge of your woman, yet you did not take any steps to prevent her bringing in these items and indeed you brought in items of your own and therefore, despite your being recently downgraded in status, you must be considered equally guilty and punished with equal severity. It is our opinion that to allow your pleas would or could lead to others trying to flout our laws in a similar way. The normal punishment that we would consider for these combined offences would be twenty or more lashes with the whip.? My mind reeled at the thought and the pull on my left arm indicated that Roger had fainted. The guard on his side pulled him to his feet and my guard had to hold me steady. It was only when he whispered, ?Calm yourself, he isn?t finished yet,? that I regained some semblance of control over my body.
The judge started to speak again, ?Twenty lashes with the whip is the punishment you deserve and is what we would have awarded had not we received a communication from Major Entembe himself. He pointed out that the pair of you are required to work in the government offices with immediate effect and in fact were recruited by Colonel Nubaro to do the work. He respectfully suggests that any punishment we award be of a nature that does not require a lengthy period of rehabilitation. The government would like you both to be able to take up your posts and start work in the next day or two at the latest but he hastens to add that any such leniency is entirely at our discretion. We have carefully considered this and have decided that we would not wish to unduly delay whatever plans government office has for you but both culprits must pay the price of their misdeeds, misdeeds that so many witnessed.? He paused and looked straight at us. I had no idea what he intended. How could they have ?carefully considered this? when they?d only had a short whispered conversation? It was all pre-arranged. First it looked as if we were going to suffer a flogging that would maim us for life, then we might almost be let off but now a severe punishment was on the cards again.
The wait seemed to go on forever and once again I felt myself shaking and being supported by the guard. Without looking I knew Roger was only on his feet because his guard was holding him up. ?Elaine Eves and Roger Hart we sentence you to ten strokes of the leather strap followed by ten with the rattan cane. All to be delivered at the whipping post in the Market Square in one hour?s time??
?No! That will kill us,? I shrieked before I slid to the floor.
?Further,? the judge went on when we?d regained our feet, ?You will detained in Tumali until General Cumu exercises his discretion and grants you a pardon to allow you to leave.?
Chapter seven. Punished
It appeared that we were expected to walk from the courtroom to the Market Square, a distance of about half a mile, maybe a little more but both of us were in such a state that we could hardly stand, let alone walk. I couldn?t control any of my limbs and my whole body shook violently. It was only after I was given a drink of a bitter liquid that I regained some of my composure. ?Come along Miss,? my guard spoke quite kindly to me, ?You don?t want to annoy the flogging master by keeping him waiting. Start walking. The sooner we get there, the sooner it will be over and done with.? I knew he was trying to help but I could hardly put one foot before the other. Nevertheless with his help and with his mate helping Roger we slowly made our way to the square where crowds of people had already assembled. Once more I knew that this had all been prearranged.
We waited for a few minutes at the end of the track leading into the square and I could see how they arranged for each punishment to become a public spectacle. In the centre of the square stood a stout upright post with ropes passing through a pulley near its top. Around the post and several yards away, surrounding it in a semicircle on three sides were tiered stands. Already they were filled with people, men and women, all noisily eager to watch the punishment being carried out. The scene reminded me of The Tale of Two Cities where the townspeople came to watch the aristocrats beheaded.
I murmured, ?No, no, no. No further, I can?t go on,? to the guard but he simply half carried me into the square. The crowd greeted our arrival with a huge cheer and the guard put me on my feet again.
?Walk proud like you really are a bluestone.? I would have cheerfully thrown the bloody bluestone at the crowd if I had thought it would release me. I glanced at Roger. He like me had tears streaming down his face and was only standing with support. ?Stand and walk,? my guard ordered. Like a zombie I did so. At last something clicked in my brain. It mattered not whether I was dragged screaming and bawling to the post or whether I walked with some dignity, either way I would receive the same punishment. I started to walk but was stopped by Roger resolutely sitting down in the dirt. My guard undid the chain between us. ?Walk on,? he said again and like a horse obeying his master?s order I did so. Naked and in front of everyone, I made my way slowly to the post. ?Well done,? he said when I reached it. The crowd seemed to appreciate my supposed bravery because they clapped and cheered. I didn?t feel at all brave. Numbly I allowed my wrists to be bound and soon my arms were hoisted aloft.
Odd how some things pass through your mind at a time like that. The hot sun burned my back and I remembered that I hadn?t brought any sunblock. Sunburn was the least of my worries! My tits pressed against the post and I was concerned about getting splinters in them but these irrelevant thoughts were quickly chased away when someone in a loud voice read out my punishment. ?Elaine Eves you are to receive ten strokes with the leather strap and ten with the rattan cane, all soundly applied.? I started to sag in my bonds but I couldn?t move far. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the hooded flogging master pick up the strap but it seemed an age before he stood to one side of me and waited for the crowd to quieten down.
?SLAAAPP!!? The most horrendous pain that I had ever experienced erupted across my shoulder blades. I screamed but it was largely lost in the crowd noise. ?How could they be so cruel to a girl? This may have been the norm to them but to me?? ?SLAAAPP!!? I screamed again as the second blow landed. Another wait while I howled and screamed but before long the third stroke bit into my sore shoulders. The whole area burned with a raging fire. ?I cannot take any more. I must try and pass out.? Another blow and still I didn?t fade into unconsciousness. Nor did I after the fifth. This was far worse than the strapping at the airport.
A longer wait. ?SLAAAPP!!? The next stroke went right across my arse, low down and only a little above the crease. My cries were now very hoarse and two more strokes went across my arse in fairly quick succession. Perhaps the flogging master noticed that I was fading. A wait then two more. I knew that my whole back and arse was one huge blister ready to burst open and spill my blood over the soil. I could feel it trickling down my legs and then realised that I was pissing. The laughter from the crowd should have embarrassed me but all I could think of was the pain. Pain, pain and more pain. The flogging master must have been skilled at his job because later I found that not one of the strokes had landed on top of another. In a few days, the whole of my upper back and all of my arse blossomed into a huge extremely painful, purple bruise with very little space between the stripes. ?How am I going to survive this? Why did they send me to this godforsaken place? Why were we set up?? I was becoming a little delirious and we were only halfway through my sentence and the worst was yet to come. I began to fade.
Suddenly water sprayed over my body and my head. It felt cool but it woke up my senses again. The water drenched my hair and ran over my face and down between my tits. It was refreshing but at the price of restoring the feeling of the terrible pain. I yelled and pleaded with them to free me and send me home but I doubt anyone heard my words.
The crowd quietened and I sensed my punishment, my flogging; my mediaeval barbaric torture, was about to begin again. The cane bit into my already blistered and swollen shoulders. The force of the blow knocked me hard against the post and my breasts splayed either side of it. My cries should have awakened all the spirits in their world but none came to save me. Four more times that dreadful piece of cane caused me the utmost pain and I had no doubt that I really was bleeding and that I had deeper welts than those Vilisi suffered. Blackness started to overcome me and I felt a little relief from the pain but soon the hose returned me to my suffering.
?Only five more,? I heard someone shout. They, of course would be across my arse. Across flesh so puffed up and wet that I surmised the cane would hurt even more. I really don?t know if it made any difference. I was almost out of it after the first stroke landed and the remaining ones were little more than a blur in my mind. I know I kept yelling and screaming but at last it all ended. The hose played over my body again and hands held me under the armpits while my wrists were untied. I collapsed into someone?s arms and I was turned so the all sections of he crowd could see the result of my flogging. At last a sheet was wrapped around me and I was lowered on to a blanket on the ground. I lay face down in the utmost pain, wishing the world would end and take me with it. I closed my eyes and I know I mumbled incoherently until my thoughts were once again brought into focus by the shouting and screaming that came from Roger as they fastened him to the whipping post.
At the same time a middle-aged woman, a complete stranger, scrambled down over the seats and knelt beside me. She said something to the guard in the local language and he nodded. ?Kneel dear. Get up on your knees like this. Hold on to me.? I didn?t want to move at all as each twist of my muscles sent bolts of pain through me but she was insistent and soon I knelt unsteadily in an upright position with my knees and forelegs on the blanket. ?I?m placing my cushion on the back of your legs dear so if you need to sit a bit it will take some of the pressure and I?m sure you?d like a drink.? I did indeed. My throat was parched from all the yelling and I must have lost a lot of water from crying let alone from the heat. I think I stopped muttering about that time but I know I didn?t reply. She didn?t seem to want one. Opening my eyes a little more I saw her pour some liquid from an earthenware pitcher into a paper cup. ?It?s only water with some herbs and spices,? she informed me but at the time I didn?t care what it was. She put the cup to my lips and I tried to gulp the liquid down but she reprimanded me in a motherly way. ?Sip it slowly dear. Keep it in your mouth a moment or two before swallowing.? Her kindness almost overwhelmed me and I slumped down only to find that putting my backside on the cushion was not a good idea. Lifting myself up slightly and clinging to my benefactor?s shoulders, I found that I could take in the scene in front of me although it appeared blurred and out of focus. My heart pumped faster than normal and it was with great difficulty that I heeded the words of the women to calm down. ?How can I calm down when I am in such agony,? I thought but just her soothing presence was reassuring.
My eyes were so wet with crying I still couldn?t see properly but I saw what was almost a silhouette of the flogging master take up his position and wait for the crowd to hush and for the sentence to be read out. My instinctive reflexes winced as I watched the belt fly in a wide arc and land across Roger?s shoulders. He immediately hung limp from his wrists. There were boos and groans from the crowd much like at the airport and my sympathy went out to him. In a way I wished that I could have done the same. It seemed to take an age for the hose to revive him but the same thing happened at the next stroke and after the third, Roger took so long coming round that I thought he?d died. The flogging master threw down the strap in disgust and then picked it up again and let fly the remaining strokes without stopping and without much power and not waiting for Roger to recover. How I wished I could have closed my senses down in that way.
It took long minutes and something held under his nose before Roger regained consciousness and again I worried that they might have killed him but a doctor looking man put a stethoscope to his chest and listened. Seemingly he couldn?t find anything amiss and shrugged his shoulders to the crowd and had a few words with the flogging master. Again Roger only took one not too hard a stroke of the cane before sagging in his bonds. The crowd, unhappy at the poor showing started shouting and throwing fruit and nuts until the guards stopped them. Still lifeless, he hung there while the flogging master delivered a further nine token strokes. Finally he was released and he moaned pitifully when he came round. In one respect I was pleased that he wasn?t that badly hurt, in another way I was disgusted at his poor showing but even at that time I knew Roger had no control over the way his body reacted.
?They?ll take care of you now dear,? I heard the woman say and I must have muttered some sort of thank you because she gave me a big smile and kissed my forehead. Of the next few minutes I remember very little. Two men came and placed me face down on a stretcher and although they tried to be gentle, the movements hurt me terribly so the next thing I really remember is lying on my bed in the prison with Nurse Muniba standing alongside with a syringe in her hand. I didn?t even feel the needle go in but the relief it gave was nearly instantaneous.
?Lie still Elaine, I need to clean your back and arse and put antiseptic cream on. I?ll be a gentle as I can but you shouldn?t feel too much pain for the next few hours.? Muniba washed my back with a liquid that had an aniseed smell and several times when I caught a brief sight of the sponge I saw red patches and I knew the cane had cut through my skin. Muniba dabbed me dry and gently rubbed in a cream. Suddenly it came to me; I wasn?t chained to Roger.
?Where?s?? Talking seemed terribly difficult.
?In the next cell.? I turned my head only to see Sumala watching me.
?He didn?t need to spoil you like that,? he said bitterly. ?You were so beautiful.? Although his tone was sympathetic, his words caused me a great deal of agitation. ?Was I going to be scarred for life??
Muniba must have read my mind. ?You?ll heal fine. All the men will be thirsting for you soon.? That wasn?t the reassurance I wanted. ?And Roger?s in the Vilisi?s cell. I?ll give him his injection in a moment.? She moved slightly so I could see past her to where Roger laid groaning and crying out and when he saw us turn towards him the volume of his cries rose to a pathetic level. ?I better give him something to shut him up otherwise there will be no peace for anyone in this building.? The nurse grinned and so did the warder and Sumala.
For a while I lay on the bed in comparative ease. The injection had reduced the pain to a dull ache and, although awake to my surroundings, I felt drowsy as if I was not really in my own body. My mind floated near the ceiling and I looked down on the scene below without being part of it. A hand gripping mine brought me back down again and when I opened my eyes I saw Sumala?s face the other side of the bars. It showed a surprising concern for my welfare. He gave a small smile and whispered, ?Sleep a little Ellie. You?re exhausted.? I didn?t even attempt to pull my hand from his; I even clutched one of his fingers tightly just like a baby. It brought me a little comfort.
Some time later, the sound of the cell being unlocked and hushed but familiar voices woke me. Major Tzarma Entembe in full uniform entered the cell accompanied by the nurse, the sergeant and several other men. I closed my eyes again and pretended to sleep; I didn?t want to speak with him. He, I was sure, could have prevented my punishment.
?By all the spirits nurse, that looks an overly severe punishment. You are doing everything possible for her?? Tzarma?s voice was grave.
?Of course we are Sir. I do what I can to treat all those who are punished whatever they have done.? Muniba sounded affronted that he should even suggest that she did otherwise. ?Yes Sir, her punishment was far more severe than I expected for the sentence she received. I would guess the flogging master didn?t take into account that she is a white girl and her skin in thinner than ours and he?s broken through it in a number of places as you can see. The whiteness also shows the marks much more vividly.? She hesitated as if deciding what to say, ?Sir?? You might wish to consider reprimanding the flog master. This is not the first time he?s overstepped the mark. Sumala there should have been released today but his wounds are too bad for me to sanction it.?
Sumala tried to pull his hand away but I kept a tight hold on his finger. Whether Tzarma reacted to this I couldn?t tell because I didn?t wish to open my eyes and face him.
?Ellie?s body should not have been spoiled like that Sir. She looked like an angel before and now??
Tzarma seemed to ignore Sumala?s comment but I have no doubt he reacted to it inwardly. ?Will she be scarred nurse?? I flinched at his question and I guess they knew that I was awake and listening.
?I don?t think so Sir. I?ll do everything possible to prevent any scarring. The wounds are not too deep but they may take a long while to fade and if the bones are bruised the pain will take a long while to disappear.?
?Open your eyes Elaine ? or is it Ellie now??
?Whatever?Sir,? I managed to croak.
?It?s okay, I like Ellie and I won?t ask any more questions. Rest now. You certainly earned your bluestone today. I saw the film of it.? No apology but I detected a caring note in his voice. ?Where?s the other one? The one she was chained to? The one who only took a fraction of his punishment??
?He?s in a cell at the other end of the corridor. We moved him because he caused too much disturbance and was calling Miss Elaine the most outrageous names. You can order them to be chained again Sir but she really needs a bed of her own for a few days and in his own way, Sumala is a comfort to her.? Tzarma lifted his eyebrows. ?No Sir, he hasn?t fucked her or even tried to. He?s still in too much pain to do anything at the moment. In any case the ban on fucking her hasn?t been lifted yet. I think it is just his male presence that is giving her a little strength.?
?I?ll consider the chaining option when she?s recovered sufficiently and they have to work together. I want them moved into the flat in the offices as soon as possible.?
?I would respectfully suggest Sir, that she is kept here for a few days where we can keep a better eye on her and I am more or less immediately available.?
?We?ll see how well she responds to your treatment.? The Major?s words were quite abrupt.
When I next woke the lights were dim but my hand still gripped Sumala?s finger. My movement must have disturbed him too because he opened his eyes and I found myself staring directly at him. ?Would you like a drink?? he whispered, ?Muniba left some for you.? I nodded and felt a great sense of loss when he released my grip to pour some into a cup for me. I mumbled hoarse thanks and sipped the drink slowly and passed the cup back. The pain was returning but it wasn?t horrendously bad but it was enough to cause me to wince. I desperately needed to pee and tried to lift my body from the bed but I didn?t have the strength to overcome the weight and the pain. ?You need to piss?? How did he know? What could he do anyway? ?I have a ladies piss bowl.? Presumably the nurse had left it with him. I noticed that he was still in considerable pain when he moved but he never moaned or mentioned it.
Instead of just passing me the utensil, he reached through the bars and placed it between my legs. It must have been designed for girls lying face down because it moulded itself to me but even so it took some time before I released my flow. All the time Sumala kept it pressed against me and spoke quietly until I finished. Carefully he removed the container and emptied it in his own toilet. Once my mind went back to a few days ago and thought how I would have been highly embarrassed to even have a man in my presence when performing such a simple bodily function, but with the pain and all that had happened in the previous few hours, I was past caring. He forgot to wipe but I could forgive him that. He was a man. I had someone who was strong enough and caring enough to help me was all that mattered. Clasping his hand again I shut my eyes and went over things in my mind.
?Why did I now appreciate the man I held when I?d found him so abhorrent at first? Was it because I was no longer a virgin? Because I had taken a man?s prick inside me? Why was I so disgusted with Roger?s behaviour when I knew that he couldn?t help being like he was? He couldn?t help becoming unconscious at the least pain could he? Did he keep his pathetic moaning and complaining just to get my attention? Or did he really want someone to mother him? Why had he turned against me and called me those vile names?? I drifted off into a troubled sleep again.
Next thing I remember was the sound of my cell being unlocked and Muniba checking me over. She didn?t look too pleased and even her gentle prodding caused me pain. ?I?m going to give you another injection. Not the same stuff but it will help ease the pain a little. I mustn?t give you too much of the drug you had yesterday.? I felt the needle prick my skin and we waited for it to take effect. ?A shower first young lady and then I?ll treat the wounds. Do you need to piss?? I nodded. ?Bring the piss bowl in here please Sumala. You seem to know what to do and then help her to the shower. And you have one too and keep your prick out of her while you?re in there.?
?I won?t hurt her or fuck her until she?s healed. I?m not that much of a bastard.?
?I know you won?t Sumala, that?s why I asked you,? Muniba laughed. She?d already examined him and left his cell unlocked. ?You can both appreciate the other?s pain so it might be better for you to help each other rather than ask the warders.? It took two men though to get me on my feet and a minute or two before I was steady enough to cling to Sumala?s arm and hobble with him to the shower room.
We passed Roger?s cell on the way. He lay on his bed moaning. I could see his back and arse were pretty colourful and I wonder how mine compared. ?You whore!? he yelled when he saw me clinging on Sumala?s arm, ?You just want all the black prick you can get!? Sumala stiffened and for a moment I thought he might react but the pain of moving and holding me preventing him doing anything rash. When Roger got up from the bed and came to the door unaided, I knew he wasn?t that badly hurt. He walked stiffly but definitely he was not in severe pain. My distain for him multiplied but I just urged Sumala on and tried to ignore the taunts and wicked aspersions as to why I was with Sumala. I hoped I could persuade Tzarma not to chain me to him again but if we were again linked I decided that he would be the underdog all the time and I would use my bluestone status to force him to do the most menial tasks. I could tolerate him being a wimp but not his spitefulness. Our relationship deteriorated further when he saw that on our return, Sumala had a partial erection.
Muniba must have decided to take some action against him. ?Muniba, isn?t it time you came and treated me?? he shouted.
?Yes,? she called back, ?Just as soon as I have finished treating this man.? There was another prisoner who had been in for several days before we arrived and was due for discharge. He?d been punished a week or so ago and his stripes were healed enough to leave, but the knife wound he?d sustained as part of the fracas had turned sceptic and Muniba was treating that.
?But I?m in serious pain and need an injection. Now!?
Finally Muniba finished what she was doing and went to Roger?s cell. ?I?m not going in there until he is properly restrained and silenced,? she quietly told the warder, ?You may need to get help.? She came back to us to wait.
?Is my back and bottom, really worse than his?? I asked. The nurse looked grave but she nodded, yes. ?Can I see it??
?Not for the time being, now lie down and let me put the cream on. You?d better go back to your cell Sumala and I?ll treat you next, the shower has washed off the cream I put on earlier.? My imagination ran riot with the thoughts of how badly mutilated I was. While I was being treated I heard some scuffles and crying and screaming from Roger but quite suddenly it went quiet except for some rattling of metal on metal. ?Rest for an hour Ellie, and then I want you to walk the length of the corridor both ways. It will hurt some but I don?t want the muscles to become so stiff they will be difficult to move later. I will ask Zulam who is on duty again, to let you and Sumala out so you can both walk together.?
When we walked by Roger was still restrained, shackled to the bars at the head and foot ends of the bed, but I didn?t say anything to him and the gag prevented him saying anything to us. Sometime later a man came and photographed my back and Sumala?s too but the reason wasn?t divulged. I suspected it was due to the flogging master being reprimanded. Copies of the photos later ended up in my file in the IT office. I almost vomited when I saw them.
Major Entembe visited during the afternoon and seemed shocked at the colour of my flesh. Muniba repeatedly assured him that it was only the bruising coming out and I was making satisfactory progress but it would be a slow process. He had a long conversation with her out of my hearing and they visited Roger?s cell but didn?t go in. He?d been released from the restraints that held him to the cell bars but had been kept handcuffed and was warned that the gag would go back in if there were any further outbursts.
Chapter eight. Our roles defined
Four days later I was able to walk unaided if my shuffling along like an aged woman could be considered walking, and the nurse told me that I would be released that afternoon. ?I wanted to keep you here longer but Major Entembe insists that it is time for you to take up your duties; your journalistic duties and your womanly ones. He rightly pointed out that your accommodation and the food in Government House is far superior to here and you can no doubt guess it will make it more convenient for him pop in to fuck you. I?ve pressured him into agreeing not to make you lie on your back when he does so and has agreed to use other ways until such time as you are healed sufficiently. The ruling will apply to any male that is allowed to fuck you and I suspect that after tomorrow when the Major has filled you with his sperm again, that will apply to any male.? I started to ask questions but she bade me wait until she had finished. ?He will explain all the necessary rules. I am to visit you each morning to check on your condition. That?s perhaps the good news. The down side is that, while Roger is not going to be linked to you for the time being, he is to stay by your side at all times just as though he is again physically connected. He will go to the toilet with you, stay by your bed when a man is fucking you and be totally subservient to you at all times. If he doesn?t behave, you may use the strap to punish him. If that is insufficient incentive, he can always be sent back to the flogging master who might try other methods of keeping him awake. The Major wanted to chain you like you were before but I managed to get the concession on the grounds that any serious pull on your arms could easily open up your wounds on your back again. I also thought that you might prefer it that way.?
?Are you sure you don?t know why I?m being taken to the Major?s office with you Ellie?? Sumala asked as the three of us stumbled along the uneven path to Government House. ?Am I in trouble??
?I have no more knowledge than you Suma. The Major?s not mentioned you much in his visits and you?ve been listening through the bars anyway. I haven?t seen him for two days but it seems he visited Muniba more recently. I told you what she told me before we left. I had no idea you were coming. I even said good-bye. It wasn?t until the guards came and collected you as well as us that I knew.?
?She wants you on hand to?? Roger started but stopped when I turned and glared at him. He didn?t need a verbal reminder of his position.
Roger and I were still naked but after a week without wearing clothes, that had ceased to worry me. None of the Tumalians we met were overly concerned about it and didn?t even make rude comments. All seemed concerned at the state of my back though. Sumala wore his shorts for the first time. For my part, I was dreading the day when I would have material chafing the welts, welts that were now scabbing over and no longer open but I knew I would need them when I was fit enough to go outside.
Inside the building we were quickly shown into Shelumba?s office. ?Sorry.? She apologised, ?You?ll have to wait for a little while, the Major has a visitor. He said you might need this.? Shelumba handed me a soft pillow. She, like all those we?d passed in the building looked horrified at the state of my back and they even commented on Sumala?s too. ?I?m sorry, no one thought your punishment would be as severe as it was. We?ll do all we can to help you in the next few weeks.? I asked about Sumala but she said it would be the Major?s task to explain. We chatted for a few more minutes and then she said, ?Perhaps I ought to warn you, when the Major?s visitor comes out, stand up straight and bow your head until he has gone. You don?t need to get into any more trouble because of your ignorance of our etiquette.?
By the end of ten minutes, even with the pillow, the chair was becoming uncomfortably hard and several times I had to lift myself up. Fortunately the office door opened and when Shelumba stood the others and I copied her, albeit at a much slower pace. I caught a glimpse of the man?s face and recognised it from photographs on the web; Colonel Nubaro.
Unexpectedly he stopped and looked at our group. ?So you?re Ted Sullivan?s reporters. Look at me please.? I lifted my head and saw that he was smiling. I wanted to ask about the immunity document but I knew this was not the right time and questioning him now could land us in a worse situation. ?I hear you managed for fall foul of our laws already. That was unfortunate but it will give you something to write about. Turn around please, Miss Eves.? I did so. ?It was never our intention to have her punished like this Major. What happened??
?An over zealous flogging master Sir.?
?Have him flogged in a similar way.?
?The matter is already in hand Sir.
?And the boy??
?Passed out at every stroke Sir.?
?Unusual. Still we only accepted him as a makeweight but it might be interesting to put him in the Mummy Boy camp and see what happens. I see you?ve put her in charge now. They?ll have to stay until her stripes have faded but at least Ted will get his money?s worth out of her. I think we should send Ted pictures of her stripes. That will help sell the magazine and increase interest in our country and it will raise the profile of our negotiations with the British government.?
?We already have pictures of her Sir, and pictures of her in the customs hall at the airport and a number of her at the whipping post. The Chapoti Post has also printed pictures and run a story on them. Ted will probably sell them to the TV companies in England.?
?I was utterly shocked at the news and found myself becoming feint from standing in the one position and hearing the conversation. A moment later I found myself held in Sumala?s arms. The Major was showing his visitor out. A glass of water revived me and I had a few moments to go over some of the Colonel?s remarks.
?It was never our intention to have her punished like this.? They?d planned our punishment in advance. Why? Sounded as if Ted knew about it too so it must have been worked out even before we left England. Now they wanted the magazine readers and indeed the whole world when it was put on the web and TV, to gloat over my misfortune; our misfortune. I would be shown naked and being beaten. How would I ever live it down? Could I ever return to work in England again? And then Nubaro said, ?We only accepted him as a makeweight.? Did Ted suspect Roger would be useless in this situation? Or was it that I would never have come on my own? I wonder what Roger thought of that? It won?t have helped his self esteem at all. Nor will the bit about being sent to the Mummy Boy camp. By then the Major had returned and I?d finished the water. Shelumba ushered us into his office and even brought the pillow for me to sit on.
There were only two chairs and my pillow was placed on one and after the Major indicated we should sit, I ordered Roger to kneel on the floor beside me. I was rewarded with a smile from the Major and a scowl from Roger.
At first the Major reiterated what Nurse Muniba had told me but he went on, ?For the rest of today and all tomorrow, I am keeping you for my exclusive use. After that, others will be free to fuck you outside working hours and outside the restricted areas like the cafeteria. No one, not even me, is allowed to enter your bedroom without your express invitation. If a man asks to come to your room, you are within your rights to say no. If he asks to fuck you in a recreational area, then you must allow it. Is that clear Elaine? Shelumba has a typed list of all this and will give it to you afterwards.?
?Yes Sir.?
?Roger, as I said earlier, you must keep close to Elaine just as though you were physically connected. You may only fuck her if she requests it and you may only fuck other ladies, if Elaine permits it. During the day you will help her with the journalistic work you came here to do. At those times you can advise, suggest and debate the best way to write the articles but at all other times and in all other matters, you will be under her strict control. Your pathetic behaviour in the last few days almost caused me to send you on your own directly to the Mummy Boy camp where they would certainly have used you like a woman.? I looked down at Roger kneeling at my side and noticed his prick was hardening. The Major must have seen it too but he didn?t comment. ?However, I see from your file that in the office the pair of you bounced ideas off each other and produced excellent articles under a dual by-line. If that doesn?t work here, then for the rest of your time in this country, your arse can serve the needs of the queer pricks that are not allowed to produce babies. Do you think he will be able to handle a situation like that Elaine??
Roger hung his head but I couldn?t tell if he was pleased or disappointed that he wouldn?t be sent to the homosexual camp but the question was directed to me and not him. ?Maybe he will Sir, but he will have to come to terms with the fact that I am not the innocent shy girl he knew in England. I have the same brain and the same ideas but my inner feelings have been drastically changed. They are not to his liking but I?m not going to change back. If he doesn?t accept me like this, then perhaps a spell in the camp will do him good and we could do an article on it.? I waited a moment and then asked, ?Are there camps for lesbians too??
?No, there are no bans on lesbians but as all women have to allow themselves to be fucked regularly, lesbians are baby producers too. We do have women that live together like Uvala and Culmin who you?ve met but they are mated like every other woman of child bearing age.? I wondered what it would be like to have sex with a woman but my arse was beginning to feel the effects of sitting and I shifted slightly in the chair and the Major continued with his speech.
?Sumala I have no doubt you are puzzled over your role in this and even what you are doing in this building. You have a record of violence and for the use of illegal beverages but Nurse Muniba and I noted how gentle and caring you were with Elaine. Your records also show that you know your way around the mountains here and you are known in many of the encampments. When Elaine is fit we will be sending her on assignments to visit various communities and it will be your job to keep her out of real danger and to introduce her to those people who can help with her work. With her you will be subject to the same limitations as other men; no fucking during work time and no entering her bedroom without permission and the term bedroom can encompass anything from her room here, to a sleeping bag out in the wilds. It will be a few days yet before you too are fit enough to go far but you can use the time learning some of the new services a journalist will require of you ? and I don?t mean the sex services. You must be able to use a camera or digital recorder and to capture her images and dialogues so that she can produce accurate articles. Do you accept the position??
Sumala seemed stunned by the proposition and I learned later he?d never had a proper job and certainly not one which required him to escort a white woman but he stuttered a yes.
?All three of you will be paid at civil servants rates and you will be given an advance on your pay as soon as Shelumba arranges it. Your wages in England will also continue to be paid into your bank accounts so you should be financially well off, particularly as your expenses here will be minimal. Suitable uniforms will be provided but for the next day or two, Elaine you would be better off without them. As you?ve probably already noticed, no one here will be concerned about your nudity. I think that?s about all I need to say for now; Shelumba will give you more details of your living arrangements. Elaine, I trust you will accompany me to dinner tonight.?
The interview ended abruptly and I knew this was to prevent us asking questions. Shelumba handed me a sheaf of papers and showed us to our rooms, Sumala?s was just a few doors away from ours. He, like us, had a double bed and I wondered with a twinge of jealousy, if he would be taking other women into it. I doubted he would tonight but he had every right to do so. Tumali was not a monogamous country and I had only a vague idea how the family system worked. Finding out was a project for later. I needed to rest. Shelumba saw this and suggested, ?Elaine, it is over an hour before the cafeteria opens so may I suggest that you lie down for a while and after lunch I?ll take you to your work area and introduce you to the IT people. You won?t be expected to do much for the first few days. Your belongings, except for the illegal items of course, are in your room and Muniba has provided a large pot of the cream for your back and bum. You have cream in your bathroom too Sumala. You will be allowed to fetch your belongings from your home later.?
We found everything just as she said. Even my laptop and digital camera were in a drawer. Nothing, not even the smallest coin, was missing. There were also Tumali style blouses and skirts in the wardrobe but I didn?t feel like even trying them on. They had also provided a short leather belt that I showed to Roger but he only shrugged as if to dare me to use it. I really didn?t want to either but I knew that it might be the only way to keep my control over him. He continued to play the sulky teenager and barely spoke to me. His resentment surfaced when I asked him to apply the cream to my back. He did but so roughly that I cried out with the pain. Moments later Sumala appeared in the doorway and seeing the situation, grabbed Roger and tossed him heavily to the floor where he lay crying like a baby. Had he been fit, I think Sumala would have hurt him more.
?Thanks Suma, leave him now,? I tried to calm the situation, ?Please will you put the cream on for me and I?ll do the same for you.? Sumala?s gentle massaging of the cream into my sore skin did ease the pain considerably but he didn?t stop at the places that had been whipped, he carried on massaged the area between my legs. Unashamedly I opened my thighs to give him better access and soon my juices were flowing so that when he expertly rubbed my clit, I came almost immediately. My shame came when I realised that he had done this for me but I hadn?t done anything to ease his suffering and I knew that he did suffer even if he didn?t show it outwardly.
?My turn!? I lethargically got out of bed and was faced with his prick jutting out hard and straight from his body. After being so aroused I wished that I could try and take it in me but it wasn?t worth the risk at this stage. I did hold it for a few moments though and then made Sumala lie face down on the bed. My juices still flowed as I rubbed cream into his whip marks, first those on his back and then the deeper ones on his arse. I could clearly see how much more ferocious the whip was compared to the cane and I knew just how bad that was. His scars would be permanent.
Finishing the massage, I took a leaf out of his book and slipped my hand under his body and gently rubbed his prick. He turned on his side. ?I?ll make a mess on your bed if you?re not careful.?
His big grin almost melted my heart but it turned to ice when I heard Roger muttering and caught the word ?slut.?
?Silence,? I shouted to him in annoyance, ?Had you been more careful treating me, I would have put cream on you too. Now you can just sit there and watch. Play with yourself.? He looked shocked at the suggestion. ?That?s right, get hold of your prick and wank yourself off. I?ve no doubt you?ve done it many times before. Go on do it. That?s an order!? I watched him give a few tentative rubs and returned my attention to Sumala?s more substantial weapon. It was already leaking fluid, so I placed it in mouth ran my tongue around the rim and into the eye. Sumala carefully pulled my body alongside his and inserted his tongue into my slit and my arousal escalated. I sucked him vigorously and soon I tasted his sperm while he too brought me to another climax.
We lay relaxing in that sixty-nine position for a little while until I noticed that it would soon be lunchtime. When I pulled away I said loudly enough for Roger to hear, ?Thanks Suma, that was delightful. I take it that part of your new job will be showing me the things a Tumali woman must do to satisfy a man. There?s a lot I need to learn.?
?It?ll be a pleasure to teach you Miss Ellie.?
We cleaned up and went for lunch. Roger?s hands were sticky so I knew he?d masturbated himself too. I knew also that somehow I had to get him back on my side again but everything I did at the moment only caused a widening of the rift between us.
Chapter nine. We start work
Shelumba collected us for lunch. I stood to eat and so did Roger. There was no way I dared sit on the hard chairs even if it did make us even more conspicuous but I suspected he could if he wanted as his bad welts were across his shoulders. Sumala tried to be a macho man and sat but he found it very uncomfortable and soon he stood alongside me. Part way through the meal Shelumba waved at a portly middle-aged woman carrying a tray. She wore a bluestone too and placing her food on our table, introduced herself, ?Hi I?m Riku, head of IT so I?m more or less your boss at work. You must be Elaine? and Roger? and you are?? She shook hands with all of us and Sumala introduced himself. ?Will you be fit enough for the grand tour this afternoon?? Riku asked knowing why we were standing even though she hadn?t yet seen our backs.
?As long as we don?t have to sit on hard seats and can rest when we need to.?
We spent an hour or so looking round our work place. It wasn?t that much different to home. The computer still ran Word. Excel and PhotoShop and various other programmes I was familiar with. When I saw the email icon, I wondered if I would be able to contact Ted or my friends but Riku quickly told me that she?d had to disable the Internet connection on our machine. ?If you need to do searches or to send an email, I have to do it. Orders from the big boss,? she said. Roger I noticed had begun to perk up again. Perhaps it was being in a work environment but I thought Riku was the more likely cause. Even at that first meeting he seemed to have a rapport with her albeit she was at least old enough to be his mother.
Tzarma called for me early in the evening and we went to a smaller restaurant where waitresses served us. I wore a skirt but no top thinking that the skirt might provide a little protection if the chairs were hard. Roger was obliged to tag along and I insisted that he wore a pair of shorts. My not wearing a top wasn?t commented on and in fact, I wasn?t the only topless woman there but the state of my back certainly brought looks of horror and even disgust. Of course a fair haired, light skinned woman also made me the centre of attention, especially with male customers. There was no doubt in my mind that they were mentally raping me but I felt safe with the Major.
Later, back in my room, Tzarma removed my skirt and undressed himself. I was no longer afraid of his prick but I did worry that he might get carried away and fuck me hard and disturb the fragile healing of my stripes. ?You?re learning fast Ellie,? he commented when I rubbed his semi-hard prick to a full erection.
?Please take it easy Sir. Try not to hit my arse too hard.? I needn?t have worried. He laid me bent over the side of the bed, spread my legs and carefully entered. Each of his thrusts seemed to stop a hair?s breadth from my bottom flesh and I soon began to enjoy the experience. In later conversations I found out that he was more concerned with impregnating me than giving himself or me pleasure. It didn?t bring me to a climax either but I wasn?t overly concerned. He stayed until a little before midnight and before he left, had a second insemination session as I then thought of them.
?Would you like to sleep in bed with me or continue lying on the floor?? I asked Roger when we were alone. He didn?t answer but came into the bed.
?Mistress? Would you put some cream on my welts please Mistress?? Roger asked after we?d lain awake for a while.
?Only if you cut the Mistress crap Roger and only if you do me first. I don?t need you to do what Suma did, just put the cream on carefully and I will return the favour. We?re on the same side, remember? I?ll help you, if you cooperate with me.? He didn?t answer but he did smooth the cream into my skin with great care and I did the same for him. When finally we lay down again I pushed my body close alongside his and put my arm around his neck.
We awoke early, showered and used the toilet while in the same room. Roger had an erection when he first got up and I was tempted to suck him but I decided that neither of us was really ready for that. I was still a whore and a slut in his mind and to suck him would only reinforce that belief and probably disgust him. I think that at the back of his mind I was still innocent Elaine from London. Perhaps after he?d had a Tumalian girl, he would think differently. He could ask her but I would also have to give my permission. Maybe we would meet a young girl at work. They?ll all be pregnant so he won?t be able to sire a baby.
Nurse Muniba was pleased with my progress and I knew I could walk easier than yesterday but the sight of my back in the mirror still horrified me. The yellow purple bruising that covered the whole of my upper back and arse was overlaid with red stripes that bore black scabs along much of their length. They gave me a grotesque appearance. I decided to try the blouse but I had to leave the front completely undone and not use the tiny cups that should uplift my tits so as not to pull the fabric on to the welts. Roger?s back showed less severe bruising except at the top and only the first two top stripes looked angry. I have no doubt they did hurt and if he?d been the only one to have received the cane we?d have been more sympathetic but all the time his wounds were compared to mine and Sumala?s which again I suspect made him feel inferior.
I took my laptop and Riku made us welcome. She said that we needn?t start on our work if we didn?t feel up to it but both Roger and I decided that we needed something to occupy our minds and we should get it into words before the experience faded. On our allotted computer we found a folder with all the pictures of us that had been taken since our arrival. There were over sixty Jpegs. This further reinforced our belief that our abduction was planned long ago and everything that had happened to us was part of a well thought out plan. ?Do you think Ted knew about this when he appointed us?? Roger surprised me by asking. ?Were we selected to work on Today?s World as a prerequisite for coming here? We always knew that only one person was needed for much of the work we did.?
I had to agree with him and commented, ?That raises another unanswerable question. To have recommended us, someone on the staff at college must be on the payroll here. Who?? We ran through a list of the staff but couldn?t think which one it could possibly be. ?I think we should start the article at the point where we left college and got jobs at the magazine. For the first article perhaps going as far as the time we were arrested.?
?They?ll censor it.?
?Maybe, maybe not. Ask Riku, she seems to like you.? Roger blushed but went to the other side of the room to speak with her. It was probably stretching the notion of a chain link but I guessed that as long as we were in sight of each other, it would be okay. I noticed them both smile as they talked and then she came over to see me.
?I?m to do the initial censorship and then it has to go to Major Entembe. I?ve been told to allow everything that is factual but to delete anything that is pure speculation or even deduction. You are not allowed to speculate on who organised your being here. As far as your article is concerned you were sent here in good faith but with an immunity document that no one so far has accepted. You unwittingly broke some of our laws and have been sentenced and punished for it. You can describe your experiences in the most explicit and horrific detail and give full rein to your feelings but again no speculation about who in our government is behind it all.?
?So we can write the facts as taken at face value. Like we were stopped at customs because I didn?t show my tits and we were punished with the strap because of it. We were then arrested because I had brought in contraceptive pills and certain items of clothing and Roger brought condoms and underwear. For that we were imprisoned and flogged. We can describe all that happened but mustn?t say that the Colonel or even the General are behind it all??
?That?s about right. Put in as much detail as you like of what happened and all the titillating details of life here especially the sex bits. By all means relate your revulsion at some of the things we do and your feelings at the severity of the punishment. Don?t be shy describing all the sex that goes on or I?ll send the draft back to you for a re-write! Perhaps if you do it well enough it will cause a few of your English readers to make a few unwanted babies. One of the purposes of your writing is to encourage white women to come and produce babies for us but we want them to know exactly what the conditions here are like so we wish you to write about the bad points as well as the good. We don?t want them to be under the illusion that they can come and have some free sex with black pricks and go home again.? Riku laughed and gave a little wave as she left.
One computer between two is a pain so I set up my laptop and started writing the text. I decided to keep a password-protected file as my diary and to use it as the basis for the articles and later for this story. In my diary I could put my thoughts and reasons concerning the way we were brought to Tumali and happened to us and then censor it for the articles. Roger always preferred doing the illustrations anyway and the ones in the folder were straight downloads from the cameras and needed a fair amount of tweaking before being acceptable for printing. He turned very pale at times when he saw them and I could understand why. Some of the close-up pictures were pretty horrific. Sumala came back from collecting his belongings at the time when Roger was enhancing the pictures of us on the punishment bench in the customs hall. ?Fuck me, they really had it in for you right from the start,? he remarked with some bitterness.
He watched us for a while but seemed to get bored although each new picture that came on the screen renewed his interest. ?Would you mind getting my camera from my room Suma and then you can start to learn your job or at least the photography bit of it.?
?Yes ma?am.? He gave a mock salute. ?And bring a cushion with you. You don?t have to sit on a hard chair!? I called after him only to receive another ?Yes ma?am? and the salute. One of the good points about Tumali is the honesty. Perhaps the punishment system, barbaric as it seemed to me, really worked. No one locked their doors. In fact none of the doors to any of the in Government House bedrooms had locks. This alarmed me at first but I was assured that everything was safe and no one, but no one, went into a room without being invited in. Not even the Major entered my room without knocking and being told to come in. Perhaps I shouldn?t have been surprised because every single item, apart from the confiscated ones, in my luggage was returned and nothing appeared to have been tampered with.
I didn?t really get much writing done that morning, what with commenting on the pictures and showing Sumala how to use the camera but by the time lunch time came I felt exhausted. I knew Sumala was feeling his stripes too after walking several miles to his home, or at least the place where he last stored his stuff, and back. I gather that he had a locker in a community house that he used to keep his few belongings in. He?d had to carry his rucksack in front of him because he didn?t dare chafe the stripes on his back. Riku sat alongside Roger at lunch and I could see she fancied him even though she was much older and knew about his wimpishness and about his prick being on the small side for Tumali. Perhaps I could get a quiet word with her soon. I did tell her that we were going to rest for a while after lunch and she gave me a knowing look but didn?t say anything.
I think Sumala was pretty exhausted too and we both lay together on the bed but neither of us did much sexually except he stroked my tits and I caressed his prick a bit. Roger lay on the other side of the bed facing away from us. I?d given him the option of lying there with us or sitting in the chair and he made a show of reluctance in deciding the bed was the softer option.
That evening was a repetition of the previous one. Dinner with the Major early on followed by an insemination session, period of quiet where we lay close and he mainly asked about my life and a final insemination about midnight. Roger seemed asleep in the chair so I very quietly asked the Major if it would be possible to loan him out so that he could experience Tumali women without being inhibited by my presence. ?Have you someone in mind?? he asked.
?She?s infertile. Lost her ovaries after her last child. She doesn?t have so many men now.? He considered my request. ?Yes,? he agreed slowly, ?But for the moment, no more than three nights a week and he is to physically chained to her like you were and be back with you by breakfast time in the morning. Don?t be surprised if he is shocked by what he sees.? I didn?t tell Roger.
Chapter ten. I see the whipping post
First thing next morning it poured with rain. Not the fairly gentle rain such as we normally have in England, but hard, heavy stair-rods of water that flattened everything in their path. It only lasted a little over an hour and then the sun came out but for most of the morning the atmosphere was hot and sticky. It made the sores on my back and bottom itch but I knew better than to scratch them. Sumala?s did too and several times I caught him surreptitiously trying to rub his back. I reprimanded him and received the ?Yes ma?am? salute and a broad smile.
Riku and a number of the IT staff didn?t come into work until it was all over and things had begun to dry up so for the first couple of hours we almost had the office to ourselves with only the overnight staff remaining on duty. Everyone treated it as a normal occurrence for the time of year. ?The main rainy season finished in mid-April but we get these little rains storms from time to time,? one told me. ?We?re okay up here, its those that live in the valleys that have to worry as they get the run-off from this plateau.?
?That was a little rain storm?? The man smiled and nodded, ?In the wet season it could last all day.? I soon noticed the road below the window that had been awash, was rapidly drying up and after another hour there was little to show of the downpour.
Muniba was late coming too. We?d decided she was giving us a miss that day and were at work when she entered the office. For a few moments she looked at what we were doing and then, in front of everyone, made us undress and proceeded to examine us. Knowing we were being watched still embarrassed me a little even though all of staff present had seen me naked. Perhaps it was the way Muniba was drawing attention to my sorest places by touching and commenting on them. A flash went off during my examination and when I turned, Sumala had the camera in his hand and was grinning. ?You?re taking your job too seriously,? I yelled at him but that only drew laughter from the others and the ?Yes ma?am? salute from him. I got my own back when he was examined and I held the camera.
The nurse seemed satisfied with our progress and then dropped a minor bombshell. ?We need to start you doing some exercises to work your back and arse muscles a bit.? Many of the staff watched with a morbid fascination at the sight of our bruised bodies although, when I looked in the mirror earlier I thought the purple colour had faded a little but I still walked slightly bent over and with slower steps than normal. The exercises were like a slow motion gym class. Lifting arms sideways, upwards, frontwards and bending from the waist and the knees. Several times I was forced to cry out but she made me continue and several times I heard Sumala groan. Roger, as we expected, cried out loudly until the whole office including Riku laughed at him. The exercises made my tits wobble and I guessed that excited the men. Sumala got an erection, which the nurse flicked painfully a couple of times, causing him to groan but it went down. ?We don?t need that getting in the way,? she grinned. Some of the girls sniggered and I thought, ?That?s worth remembering if Roger starts getting out of hand,? but when I looked round I noticed that several of the men in the office had the front of their shorts pushed forward. Seeing that it was work time, they couldn?t do anything about it. None of the girls were fazed by the sight and completely ignored it.
I certainly didn?t feel any better for the exercises but I suppose they did some good. At least I now knew that I could move my arms more than I had without doing any damage to my back, even if it was painful. Worse was to come. ?At lunchtime I want you to walk around the Market Square and back. I?m sure Riku will understand if you have a long lunch hour. You?re working for an English magazine anyway and can call it research or something.?
?You want us to walk there and back?? That?s a mile or more! I can hardly get from our room to here!?
She laughed at my expression of horror. ?Well I suppose I could ask a couple of the guards to march you there at bayonet point.?
?You?re cruel!?
?No, you might even enjoy it.? I could hear her chuckling as she headed for the door and then she turned, ?And don?t forget to dress properly!? The rest of the staff were all highly amused and Riku had to remind them to get back to work.
She proved right again. We did enjoy it and after the first two or three hundred yards walking became easier and even Roger stopped complaining. As we neared the square our progress slowed when people recognising our white skin, stopped to talk with us. Many of them had witnessed our whipping and frequently showed concern for our welfare, particularly Sumala?s and mine. Roger though, was pointedly ignored I did feel sorry for the way they shunned him. I really couldn?t understand the way their minds worked. A few days previously they had no doubt cheered when the whipping master laid the cane across our bodies and yet now they were concerned for our welfare. To my mind it didn?t make sense but I came to the conclusion that they believed the punishment was necessary but once it was over, everything should be done to minimise its effect.
I made sure that we took a wide detour around the whipping post but no one was being punished, even so, just the sight of it and the surrounding stands, made my blood run cold. We dallied, or at least I did, at the colourful market stalls and I bought a few small items. Fortunately one of the girls in the office reminded me to take some money and before leaving England we had obtained ?200 worth of Malawian kwacha, which were valid in Tumali although they also had their own version of the currency, rather like Scotland has its own British pound notes. We hadn?t worked long enough in the IT office to be paid for our supposedly ?civil service? jobs. They worked on the old British system that paid you for the first week when you had worked the second but Shelumba had given us an advance payment so with that and what we?d bought from home, we were comparatively rich and could have probably bought the entire contents of the stall and still had some change. I wondered if we would be expected to haggle over the prices like in many middle-eastern countries but Sumala said, no. It seems honesty extended to market traders and the price they asked was always a fair one.
Almost as we left the square and started the return journey a woman stopped in front of me. ?It?s good to see you?re able to get about again,? she said. The voice and the face were vaguely familiar and then it came to me. She was the kind woman who gave me a drink and the cushion and held me while Roger was being caned. I burst into tears and gave her a hug while the others looked on with bemused expressions. I of course thanked her profusely and assured her that I would look for her when we came to the market again. In turn she invited me to her home and pointed in a direction that was away from the way we?d come. ?Another day,? I told her. Sumala seemed to delight in being in charge of my camera and took photos of us.
?What was all that about with Wyche?? Sumala asked when we were on the way again. I told him and asked about her. ?She?s been barren all her life but in her way she is as good at healing as Muniba is. Uses herbs and potions she collects from the forests and many prefer her methods to the modern ones.
Over an hour late we returned to the office and received a good deal of ribbing as to why we were so late but it was all very friendly. ?Did Suma take you into the forest? Were you arrested for having white tits? Can we ask the nurse to order us to walk our stiffness off at lunchtime?? and so it went on.
?Can I ask the flogging master to stripe your backs to match mine?? I laughed in reply but Riku soon had us working again. I did indeed feel better for the walk, mentally perhaps more than physically. My body ached but I felt more alive than I had done since our arrival. Physically too, I was beginning to feel the redness where the sun caught my face and the exposed parts of my tits and wondered what to do about it. I would have to ask one of the girls what sort of cream to get but maybe they wouldn?t know because they wouldn?t need any on their dark skin.
We worked steadily after that until it was almost time to leave. Roger downloaded the pictures from the camera and recharged the batteries. Generally Sumala had done a good job and I was particularly pleased with the ones of Wyche, but there were some failures and Roger tried to show him what to do in future. At least he was becoming more like his old self now that he was doing a job that he knew and could do well. I?d tried to get Sumala to record details of his life on my recorder but he pressed the wrong button and when we checked he hadn?t recorded anything.
With a few minutes to go before everyone except the two night duty staff left the office, I sent Roger to fetch Riku. In a voice just loud enough for most people to hear I asked, ?Would you like to borrow Roger for the night Riku?? Her face showed her disbelief at the question and Roger?s went from shock to panic to pleasure in bewildered random cycles.
?You can?t let him out of your sight can you?? Riku stuttered, ?The Major??
?The Major gave me permission last night. He imposed conditions of course. I can only loan him out three nights a week and whoever I loan him to must keep him on the same chain that I used and he has to be back in time for breakfast. If you can obey those conditions then you are welcome to take him with you tonight.?
?You?re telling me the truth? You?re not joking with me? I don?t want to end up at the whipping post.?
?Check with Shelumba. I daresay the Major told her.? Riku went to a phone and spoke for a few minutes and came back. ?Are you sure you don?t mind Ellie??
?No, I?m taking Suma to bed with me tonight.? There were knowing grins from the others and Sumala looked pleased too.
?Don?t I get asked about this,? Roger half-heartedly objected. ?No!? Riku and I said together and laughed, as did everyone else.
?You?d like to go though, wouldn?t you Roger?? He nodded. ?Well there is one condition for you too. You have to do a written report on your experiences. A detailed unexpurgated report. We want to know how you lost your virginity. You saw how I lost mine so I want a textual picture of your initiation into manhood. Take your camera and use it so we can see some of the things you get up to. Remember, you are chained to Riku just like you were to me.? I took the cuffs from my bag and fastened one to Roger?s right wrist and the other end of the chain to his mistress for the night. ?I know it?s not really locked but you have to keep it on all the time. I know Roger might try and lie to me in the morning but I know you won?t Riku. You can take it off only for the few minutes it takes to remove your blouse and his shirt.?
?I mustn?t take it off even when I have to use the?? Riku surprised me by looking so flabbergasted.
?No.? I hadn?t realised that, although Tumali women were very free about having sex, they were much more reserved about their bodily functions.
Sumala wanted to fuck me as soon as we were in the shower but I suggested that we went to the cafeteria first and then we could do it and not have to leave the room again until breakfast. He could have insisted that we fuck in the shower but he acquiesced. Like me he wanted this first time to be something special. We?d already had to wait for several days for the ban to be lifted so another hour wouldn?t make much difference.
?Suma, I want to try it the proper way again like the Major did the first time,? I said when we were again undressed. ?Since the caning, I?ve had to bend over the bed and he did it from the back but after the walk and sitting on a chair in the cafeteria, I?d like to see if I can lie on my back and feel you close to me. As long as you?re not too rough and rub my scabs off, it should be okay.? He seemed uncertain but helped me on the bed. It was the first time since my whipping that I had laid down that way. There was some pain but the mattress was soft and I was determined to go through with it.
Sumala didn?t rush things either. He played with my tits and kissed my lips and then kissed and licked my cunt until I was almost screaming for him to stop and fuck me properly. I spread my legs when I saw him climb on the bed with his hard, black rod jutting from his body. Only a few days ago I would have been scared shitless (and I would never have used a phrase like that) at the thought of taking it inside my body. Now I wanted it; now I craved it. My whole attitude to sex and men had undergone a complete metamorphosis. Had I become the whore, the slut, that Roger deemed me to be? I didn?t believe so. I had become a woman, and probably already a pregnant one if the Major?s sperm had taken. I would have to worry about that at some time but for now, I wanted Sumala?s prick.
?Put it in me Suma, put it in. Fuck me,? I cried out. Slowly he entered, all the time watching my face for signs of pain. ?Fuck me,? I cried out again and tried to lift my loins a little. That was painful and I had to lower myself back on to the bed. Quite gently at first, Sumala started fucking me but as his fervour increased so did his thrusts but I too was beyond caring. Yes, there were complaints from my arse, my back and my shoulders, but in my passion, I ignored them. I knew too that Sumala?s back was causing him problems but like me he was ignoring them. Soon I was in the throws of a heady climax. I cried out but the prick continued to pound the very depths of my cunt until I felt it pause and jerk a little and I knew then he was sending another parcel of sperm in search of an unfertilised egg if, by then, there was one.
He collapsed on me but his weight caused me more pain and I cried out. Immediately Sumala lifted up and apologised. In he heat of the moment he?d forgotten everything except fucking me. He?d even forgotten the strain of keeping his own body above mine and the exercises he?d performed were far more strenuous than those of this morning.
?I know what I am supposed to do now Suma but give me a moment to recover please.?
?Ellie, I need a few moments too and then we?ll have to check what damage we?ve done.?
We lay recovering alongside each other for perhaps ten minutes. My back and arse were sore but I was afraid to move and turn over to look at what a mess I had made of them. I saw some of Sumala?s scabs had come off or were loose but perhaps they were ready to fall off anyway; others, probably the deeper ones, were still firmly in place. The welts underneath still looked raw. ?Come Ellie, turn over. Let me look at you.? I winced when I raised my body and felt him carefully touch my sorest places. ?We?d better shower again, it will wash off the loose bits and then we can see what things are really like. The welts seem to be healing quite well but Muniba might get annoyed in the morning though.?
?Suma, I must do as a Tumali woman would first.? He understood that I felt obliged to do what was expected in this country and knelt where I could take his flaccid prick in my mouth and give it a loving suck.
Chapter eleven. Roger?s report
Roger strolled into breakfast with a huge smile on his face but when I asked how he got on, he grinned broadly and said, ?You?ll find out when you read my report and see the pictures.? I suppose as a bluestone and in command of him, I could have demanded an answer but I didn?t want to spoil his good mood.
?I expect you two screwed like rabbits with me out of the way,? he jibed when we were in the bedroom, undressing ready for the nurse.
?Of course,? I tried to sound nonchalant, ?But it was at a price.? I turned and showed him my back. ?I suppose you lost your virginity??
?Of course, but I?m sure I won?t be as sore as you for the next few days.? It made a change for him not to whinge about his stripes.
Muniba berated us soundly when she came in, particularly turning her wrath on Sumala but I tried to take my share of the blame too. Roger stood and smirked and I felt like drawing my fingernails all the way down his back. Actually the damage wasn?t all that severe but she threatened to ban Sumala from my bed if he did it that way again for a few more days. We?d fucked from the rear later that night and again in the morning and while it was good, there wasn?t the wild ecstasy of that first time.
We weren?t permitted to miss our midday walk either but at least she gave us the name of a cream I could use on my bare skin to alleviate the effects of the sunburn. Sumala knew where to get it. ?It?s a local product the girls use for skin care. It?s supposed to keep their skin soft but I?ve never used it,? he commented.
?You?d need a bucketful!? I joked and we both laughed. Roger gave me a sour look but I turned away and ignored it.
All morning we worked at our computers and I was glad of the break when lunchtime came. Roger wanted to carry on and finish his report but I insisted that he take a break too.
Sumala took us through a series of side streets that he said was a short cut and another way to the market square and indeed we did pass the square on the return journey. The chemist?s shop reminded me of an old illustration of an apothecary?s abode I?d once seen. No gaudy plastic containers but there were pots filled with various coloured creams and liquids, large jars containing raw ingredients and herbs hanging from the ceiling. A heady, spicy smell pervaded the shop. When I asked for the cream he knew exactly what it was that I wanted and produced a jam-jar size pot of it and gave it to Sumala and suggested that he apply if before the sun did any more harm to my white skin. ?It?ll soothe her welts too,? he added, confirming what I suspected; the whole country knew about my whipping. He couldn?t have seen my welts at that time.
Kimana, the apothecary, talked while Sumala put the cream (which Kimana called a balm) on my face and neck and then, proceeding to fully expose my breasts, massaged it openly into them. All the while we talked about what the apothecary did and, with Sumala?s help, gained a considerable amount of information, far more than I would have on my own. I asked if he would mind if we interviewed him properly later and he agreed. I made a mental note to take Sumala with me on all such excursions. He was far better than me at getting people to talk. Roger insisted on having the balm put on his exposed flesh and I did it for him, mainly to stop him whining all the way back, but I knew his skin burned as easily as mine even if he did exaggerate the effects.
We all knew that we were walking better by the time we returned. Roger continued with his report and I checked and corrected the next episode of our life here. It ended at the point where the sentence was announced by the court. Suddenly I burst into tears and started crying wretchedly. The others thought that it was because I was going to write about the whipping but all at once homesickness overcame me. I longed to be back in my safe little world. Without really knowing the cause of my problem, Sumala lifted me on to his lap, put his arms around me and held me to his chest. ?What will become of us? What will happen to my things at home? Who will pay the rent on my flat? Will my friends accept me when I have a black baby?? So I babbled on, wetting Sumala?s shirt with my tears. Roger looked at me in a helpless way several times but I found comfort in the arms of my Tumalian friend who probably didn?t understand half of what I was saying. One of the office girls gave him a paper towel to dry my eyes, which he did very gently, but it was perhaps a quarter of an hour before I shook the depression off and could once again concentrate on what was happening around me.? ?Thank you Suma,? I finally stuttered. ?Thank you.?
?That?s okay Ellie. Cry as much as you want and get it out of your system. It must seem so very strange to you but look on the bright side, two more days and it?s a festival holiday. A special no work day and a day to get over it.? I tried to find out what was special about this festival but for some reason everyone just smiled and told me I would find out on the day. In Tumali they have a most unusual system of work periods and holidays. There is no seven-day working week, but work periods of six to twelve days followed by one or more days ?holiday.? They still named the days the same as us but the ?weekend? could be on any day. Had not my laptop had the date and day on the screen, I would not have known which day of the week it was in England.
Eventually Roger finished his report and fed it into my laptop so that I could read it without looking over his shoulder. Sumala pulled his chair close to mine and once more put his arm around me. We both started to read.
Report to Bluestone Mistress Elaine
?Your pushing your luck Roger, maybe I ought to put you over my knee for a spanking,? I told him when I read the title but he knew I didn?t mean it.
?When Ellie offered me to Riku I was pretty scared but at the same time I was pleased. Ever since the day we met in the cafeteria, I?ve felt an affinity to her, perhaps because she has a similar personality to my mother. Not in looks of course. Mother is short and slim whereas Riku is a large woman in all respects but both have a genuine smile on their faces when I go to them. Riku?s well developed breasts with their dark areola and prominent nipples, have always stimulated my attention and I?d often wanted to feel and suckle them. Knowing what I did already about Tumalian women, I guessed that I might get my wish. I was scared too, because I knew I would be taken to an unknown place, to meet people I did not know and do things that I had only fantasised about. Here, although I resent having Ellie as a boss and being ?chained? to her, she does provide an anchor point in my life. Severing the invisible chain would leave me vulnerable and would force me to use my own resources. The reassurance came back when Ellie physically linked me to Riku and she took my hand and led me out of the building.
We headed towards the market square but long before we got there, we turned left and followed a narrow road to a butcher?s shop where she bought a large bag of meat pieces. I?ve no idea what sort or meat it was but later I found that it tasted very good. The woman behind the counter chatted with Riku and then asked if I would be man enough for her. It was an obvious reference to my poor showing at the whipping post and from the way she looked directly at my shorts, I wondered if she?d been there and seen that I wasn?t as well equipped as Tumali men. ?Size isn?t everything,? Riku responded, ?I?m sure he?ll be more than adequate and I?ll be the first Tumali woman to sample a white prick in the whole of our community.? She gave me a hug that almost made me wince. We continued across town for over a mile until we came to a clearing with a group of large, wooden houses. ?This is the community house that I live in,? Riku said as we entered. It shattered all the concepts I had of going to a detached brick house to meet her family.
Inside, the room was larger than our village hall but in many ways it was similar. We entered into a cloakroom area where there was a selection of coats and muddy boots on one side and a toilet area on the other. I needed to go but decided not to ask at that time. Riku held my hand and almost dragged me right through the main room to the far end where there was an open kitchen area with a large stove like I?d seen in some restaurants, but this one was wood fired and gave out a great deal of heat. Even with the doors open at each side of the hall and ceiling fans running it was very hot. Two women stood at the stove cooking and Riku handed them the meat. Unlike other women, they didn?t wear an open topped blouse and instead covered their breasts and front with a large apron to protect their bodies from splashes. I was introduced but they all knew of me and readily teased Riku. ?What you so old you have to chain a man to keep him now?? ?What, the government give you a toy boy to play with?? ?Did you snatch him from that white girl? Does she know you?ve kidnapped him?? Riku laughed and parried all their remarks. For a while we were the centre of attention and I wanted nothing more to do than take Riku to a dark, out of the way, corner.
Of course when we turned round, everyone else was staring at us too and I started to blush with embarrassment when I felt my prick start to rise. All talking had ceased when we came in and Riku held up my chained arm and said, ?As I?m sure you?ve guessed this is Roger the Englishman who is working in my department at the moment and I?ve got him on loan for the night to teach him some of our ways and for me to find out if a white prick is any different to those of our men folk. The Major has decreed that I can only borrow him if I ensure that he doesn?t run away and that is the reason for the chain. I can only unlink us to remove our shirts and I am going to do that now in front of you all so you can confirm I have done it properly. Before work in the morning, and I will have to leave before breakfast time because he has to be back in Government House by then, I will have to reverse the process before leaving. At all other times the chain has to stay in place.?
?Even when you shit?? called out one woman. Riku just nodded.
While my shirt was being taken off I had a little chance to look round. An assortment of tables and chairs were scattered around the area near the stove and further towards the entrance were a number of easy chairs, settees and office type chairs that had seen better days but were being used by women and couples. A number of the men and girls were completely naked but most had a covering on their lower bodies. Some of the girls were breast feeding babies and as I looked closer, there were always two babies? ?Surely they can?t all have had twins?? No one seemed to mind me taking pictures of them although Riku?s hand was steadier and she took most of them.
Riku led me to one girl and on the way I tried to ignore a well pregnant woman being fucked while bent over the back of a settee. The girl seemed quite young but I can?t really guess the ages of Tumalian women yet. ?This is Rikub, she?s my fifth daughter and the baby sucking her right tit is her first born, a boy,? Riku introduced me. ?I don?t know if you?ve found out yet, but we are allowed to keep our firstborn and every fourth baby after that. I only had seven children before they had to remove my ovaries. I had a boy first too and he is now living in another community house. The other baby belongs to another woman but we don?t know which one. It is a baby that will be sold for adoption and each day Rikub will get a different second baby to feed so that she doesn?t bond with any of them. They?ll be offered for sale when they are a few weeks old and photos have been put on the web. You?ve seen that being done in the office.?
As you might expect, I was pretty shocked at that although I knew about it from the information we?d found before we left and what I?d learned since. I remarked on how unfair it seemed but Rikub answered, ?All the girls and women know what has to happen and only show their love to the ones they keep. Tumali would soon be over populated if all the babies we make stayed in the country.?
I still couldn?t comprehend the philosophy but my need to pee had become urgent and I was forced to tell Riku. ?I?m getting desperate too,? she whispered back, ?And it is going to be a first time for me to do it with a man since I was a child.?
The toilets were all cubicles, no urinals for men and were probably fine in size for one person but were a little cramped for two. ?Guests first,? she said. I thought that it would be better if I sat down but even then I had some difficulty in starting mainly because after having Riku?s tits in my face since we removed our shirts, I?d started to get an erection and had to force it down into the pan. She too seemed to find it difficult to start but I think for her it was more embarrassment, which seemed a little strange.
My erection returned while she was sitting and I stood with my loins close to her face. ?We?d better go upstairs,? she said quietly.
Perversely my prick started to wilt at the thought that I would have to fuck her. ?Would I be able to perform? Would it shrivel up again? Would I really be man enough for her? Did she believe that size didn?t matter or did she just say that to placate me?? Such were my thoughts as she led me up the stairs to the dormitory above the hall.
It reminded me of pictures that I?ve seen of army barracks. It was all open plan with a row of double beds along each wall, seven on each side. On one side of each bed was a large wardrobe and on the other, a chest of drawers. It seemed that was to hold all the possessions a couple should need. At the foot of some beds was a child?s cot so I guessed we?d have to put up with babies crying in the night but in fact it was surprisingly peaceful. ?The beds actually ?belong?, if that is the right word for something provided by the community, to the women,? Riku explained, ?Some men form long term attachments to a woman but even then they are not averse to moving around. The carved wooden mandala you see hanging on the chest of drawers was made by a man to show he is attached to the woman whose bed it is. The younger ones tend to try a different bed each night and not infrequently visit several beds each night before the curfew.?
I asked, ?Does everyone live in a community house like this??
?No. Some do live in their own houses but it is cheaper to live within a community and I like the company.?
Several beds were already occupied with couples and in one case two young lads and a girl, fucking or having other forms of sex. I knew of course, that after a girl was known to be pregnant intercourse wasn?t limited to vaginal. ?This is my bed,? Riku took me to one about three quarters of the way along the floor. ?You can put your shorts and shirt in the top drawer. That?s the traditional drawer for men and those of us without a long-term partner, keep it empty. The men have to find a woman that will accept them into their bed at night but of course, if she doesn?t already have a mate, in a community house, any man can demand a woman take him in.?
?You don?t have a man wanting you all the time?? I was genuinely surprised.
?No, but I do get my fair share of pricks, from old men to youngsters? and now I have a white virgin!? she grinned and hugged me. We shed our clothes and I could feel he eyes of others on me. Some were looking at the welts on my back but I think most were checking to see how a white prick differed from a black one. Knowing what the pricks of the Tumali men were like, I immediately felt inferior and mine didn?t rise to the occasion but Riku seemed to understand and pulled me down on the bed and let me suckle her tits while she gently rubbed her mound against my prick. It had the desired effect and before I really noticed what was happening, she?s slipped it inside her cunt and rolled me on top of her. By then I was aroused enough to know what to do and enjoyed my first fuck. It was pretty warm under the roof so we both sweated profusely but we just lay there until my prick softened and it slipped out of her. Imagine my chagrin when I opened my eyes and looked around and saw two couples sitting on the next bed watching my performance. One had my camera and was showing the screen to the others.
?Wow! That was a strange sight! Like a pair of white moons bobbing up and down!? a girl commented and burst into a fit of giggles. I guess it wasn?t all that white though because some colour still remains from the strappings we had.? (I was tempted to delete the picture but thought you might need evidence that I?d lost my virginity Ellie).
Riku kissed me and then unconcernedly bent down and sucked my soft prick. ?We?d better have a cold shower,? she suggested.
The meal was semi-cafeteria style. No choice of menu but the ladies had to collect the food from the kitchen area while the men sat at the tables. A number of children came in and sat at the tables with their mothers. I had to go with Riku and my standing in line caused a bit of merriment with the girls waiting and several of them surreptitiously felt my prick and made it rise again. They weren?t supposed to do that in the food area and Riku reprimanded one when she saw it but that only caused more giggles. Further laughter and good-humoured banter came when Riku was part of the washing-up team and I had to try and keep my end of the chain out of the way.
Even above the noise and banter, I heard a little altercation going on in the room behind me but it wasn?t until we all sat down on the couches that I noticed one of the girls standing beside a man sitting in an armless office chair. All the children had gone and when I remarked on it, Riku told me that they had their own huts to sleep in, one for the girls and another for the boys. Two elders in each hut looked after them. Only when they ?came of age? which had more to do with sexual maturity than physical years, were the girls given a bed in a community house and the boys had to find a partner to sleep with. My attention returned to the girl who now looked downcast and Riku whispered, ?Zebu is getting a spanking tonight. She?s been pushing her luck with Manwe for the last few days so I expect her arse will smart in a bit. He?ll wait so we can all witness it.?
For five or ten minutes we all watched as Zebu stood and became increasingly nervous until finally everyone was settled and she was ordered to strip off. My uneducated guess said she was several months pregnant because her belly was beginning to bulge. I noticed a few tears on her cheeks as she laid herself across Manwe?s lap. ?Won?t spanking her harm her baby?? I asked but Riku assured me that it wouldn?t. ?And if she doesn?t take it properly over his lap she could get worse if they bring the punishment bench out and use the strap. All the houses have one like you became acquainted with at the airport,? she added and grinned and me. I grimaced at the remembrance.
Manwe didn?t spare her either. He hit hard and it went on for a long while until I could see her arse was completely a deep red colour over her chocolate skin and her yells had become deep sobs. No one intervened to stop it and looking round I could see than a number of the onlookers were sexually excited at the spectacle and were fondling their partners. To my surprise, Riku put her hand inside my shorts and very gently, squeezed my prick until it was hard. There was just enough slack in the chain for me to massage her mound.
Obviously Zebu?s squirming had made Manwe erect and he ordered her to bend over the back of the chair. In front of us all he dropped his shorts and forced his prick into the poor girl?s arsehole. ?That?s what the spanking was for,? Riku informed me, ?She?s refused him several times but now she knows that she has to do it or she has a session on the punishment bench first.? She yelled and cried out at every thrust but it wasn?t long before Manwe shed his load and made the girl kneel between his legs to clean him. The very thought of that disgusted me but every one else in the room seem to think nothing was out of the ordinary. Riku told me afterwards that it wasn?t compulsory for a girl to suck a prick after it had been in her arse but she guessed Zebu didn?t want to further anger Manwe by refusing.
Riku and I joined the general exodus from the room and I fucked her for the second time on her bed. It took me much longer than the first time and I wasn?t so nervous so could enjoy it more. All around me I could hear the noises of other couples fucking and no one was paying much attention to my two white moons. After that I just lay with my head against her tits and nibbled at her nipples for long while.
Later, we sat downstairs and talked, mainly about my life in England but I learned something about their ways too. Before long we were surrounded by a group of youngsters, all eager to learn about life outside their own country. About 10:30 we went to bed again and I did notice that it was quite often the girls who decided who was to be their bed partner for the night. Zebu was a bit cunning. When Manwe was using the toilet, she grabbed a younger lad and pulled him up the stairs. ?Manwe?ll be a bit upset but he?ll find another woman, probably one of the older ones to sleep with tonight,? Riku told me, ?At least they can?t separate us,? she added giving our chain a pull. ?There?s a curfew from midnight to six in the morning. We?re allowed to fuck during that time but we must be absolutely quiet so that we do not disturb anyone.?
Rikub and a somewhat older man came up with us. She placed the two babies closely side by side in the cot and the four of us watched over them until they settled down. By the way they clung to each other, they could almost have been twins.
Nobody bothered to wear any clothing at all when they went to the washroom and toilet before settling down for the night. Riku had to suffer more comments when we used the toilet together but it was all good-natured and accompanied by much laughter. Our washing caused more amusement especially when the chain snagged on a tap and again in the melee around the washbasins when a woman tried to get between us.
?Can I have him before you go to work Riku please?? A girl probably in her early twenties came to us as we walked back to our bed. She was one of two women that wore knickers, which seemed odd until I found out that she?d given birth a few weeks ago and her baby had already been sold. For a while she was off limits to vaginal sex and could wear knickers until a week after her next period if she wished but could voluntarily remove them before then if she felt that she had healed enough.
?As long as you come as soon as the curfew is over. I have to get to work early in the morning. You hoping to have a white baby Sanle??
?Well it is just possible, I?m due to give up my knickers shortly.? The pair went on to discus the possibility that I might impregnate her without ever consulting me. I wasn?t sure that I wanted to be a father and then have my child sold. I expressed my reservations to Riku.
?You won?t know if you are the father Roger. I?ve no doubt that you?ll be back home before then and it could make a difference to the money that she gets. Rikub gets money for her baby but that is only about half what she will get when a baby of hers is sold. A light skinned baby should fetch a premium so Sanle will get more if she has a white one.? I was becoming bewildered by the strange customs and regulations or perhaps in our terms, ?codes of practice?, that kept the community running.
Riku?s comment that I would be home before the baby was born, made me wonder if she knew more about our stay here but wasn?t letting on. Most likely it was speculation on her part.
Sanle crawled naked into our bed as soon as the curfew light went up. I was hardly awake but she very quickly had me fully hard and, although she was still not as tight as Riku, I soon sent my seed into her and wondered if I had indeed made a baby. A baby I doubted if I would ever see. Soon after we had to get up and come back to Government House.?
?Well you certainly seemed to enjoy yourself,? I commented when I?d finished reading it. ?I guess there won?t be a problem with you going again baby-maker!?
Chapter twelve. Raped
We spent much of the remainder of the day, re-working Roger?s report into a draft article for the magazine. I felt we needed more background information on the life style of those who lived in the community and those who had houses of their own. Sumala?s knowledge provided some of the answers but always they were from a man?s point of view. ?What would if be like if I had gone instead of Roger? Would one man have picked me out and taken me for the night or would I have to submit to the attentions of many of them?? These and other thoughts ran through my head and made my vaginal juices flow uncomfortably. I thought I?d better ask Riku as well but she was busy.
The Major sent for me late in the afternoon and invited me to dine with him that evening. Roger had to tag along of course and, for the first time, he was included in the conversation. It was mainly about his experiences of the previous night. In front of the Major he was rather shy and reticent so I had to prompt for information he?d given in his report. Tzarma could see the thoughts of what Roger had done and what might have happened if I had been there, were arousing me again.
We retired to his room. ?I believe you can now lie on you back and be fucked?? he stated a question.
?Yes, but I still have to be a little careful otherwise I?ll open the welts and Nurse Muniba will reprimand me again.?
?I?ll be careful enough.? For the first time since my caning he took me in the normal way and after the previous conversations I enjoyed him and climaxed readily. I didn?t care that Roger was watching and was mentally calling me a slut. Or perhaps after last night, he wasn?t? Perhaps now that he was no longer a virgin, he wouldn?t consider me a whore?
After Tzarma had come and I?d done the routine cleaning we lay together. ?Our talk at the dinner table turned you on didn?t it Ellie?? I admitted that it did. ?Were you wishing that you had gone as well??
?Yes and no. I?m not sure. I wouldn?t have minded going as an observer and talking to the girls there but I?m not sure that I would wish to be part of the community and under their rules. It would be nice to get some more background info though.?
The Major was quiet for a long time and I had an uneasy feeling that he was going to make me experience the life there as it was. I was right. ?Ellie, you came here to get first hand experience of our life and I see it as part of my job to make sure you get it. However, I know that if I just sent you to live in a community house, because you are white and therefore different, every man in the whole community would want to have you. You would be fucked continuously and that would not give you the right experience of our life. Most girls do not get fucked more than three times in a night, more likely it is once. The other thing I have to consider is your back. I do know that most men would be considerate at least until they got carried away, like I gather Suma did, and then you could end up with an infection or worse especially as the beds there might not be as clean as this one.?
I had to wait for the longest time for him to pass sentence. It was almost as bad as waiting for the judges to give their verdict. ?Tomorrow after work, you will physically chain yourself to Roger again and go with Riku. Sumala will go with you to give you a little protection but he won?t stop any of the men doing what they have a right to do. No one will touch you while you are chained to Roger but they will expect the two of you to fuck. When you get inside the building, you may transfer the chain from your wrist to Riku?s or any other girl you wish. He must remain chained to a girl the whole time and be in her charge, but it doesn?t have to be the same one all the time. Once you are free of the chain, you are free to be fucked by any male but to prevent a stampede I will ask Suma to spin the bottle or use some other random method of choosing three men to service you. You will not know who it is until they take you to your bed. The last one will spend the night with you but will leave when the curfew ends in the morning and then you can choose one out of those around you to fuck you until breakfast. During the day, which is a holiday, you can go with Sumala and any others, to the festivities. On your return Sumala will again arrange for three more to fuck you until the curfew. All three of you must return here for breakfast before work on the following morning. I may change the rules slightly when I?ve thought them over a little more and discussed them with Riku and Sumala but that?s the basic plan.?
Slowly the ramifications of what he said began to sink in. We were going live in the community house for three nights and I would be fucked by at least ten men ? or I could leave the chain to Roger on and just have him. I was beginning to feel fewer objections to him fucking me but he could do that any time I let him. But could I be so adventurous as to allow myself to throw myself to any man, old or young, ugly or handsome, that was chosen by chance?
When I discussed it with Sumala he was adamant that I let myself go. ?I will be there and if it looks likes you are suffering too much, I?ll use my position as your official protector and step in but you need to experience a few more pricks than mine and the Major?s. You?re probably pregnant now anyway so ?play the field? I think your English expression is.?
Roger was also keen to sleep with Riku again but next day when I spoke to her out of Roger?s earshot, she said, ?Yes, do that and then I will pass him on to another young girl who is desperate to have a white baby and she?s due to have her knickers removed tomorrow.?
?Sanle?? She nodded.
The day dragged and like Fridays at home, people started to pack up a little earlier than usual and sat around talking and teasing me as to what might happen to me both in the community and at the festival but in the end work finished and we set off. I?d packed a small bag with our stuff and made Roger carry it. He didn?t seem to mind and I think he was trying to impress Riku.
?Should we get any food or anything on the way?? I asked Riku, ?There?ll be three extra to feed tonight and tomorrow.?
?That would be appreciated. No one would say anything if you didn?t but we are a fairly poor community. I earn more than any of the others and the younger girls bring in an income from their babies but we?ve quite a few older men and women too. All try and contribute either in goods or by the work they do. Don?t try to pay anyone in the community, they would take it as an insult. Perhaps some meat like I bought when I took Roger. Meat is relatively expensive here although by your standards, it is extremely cheap.?
In the end we bought a large piece of local deer meat that Riku said would make it seem like a real festival and which did indeed caused the cooks to give us a hug. Unfortunately one hugged a bit too hard and I involuntarily gave a little cry. The woman apologised and told me to remove my blouse so she could see if she?d done any damage. I think she really only wanted to see what my back looked like. Before long my skirt was lifted and everyone was examining my arse as well.
Again this strange dichotomy. While I was at the whipping post they probably cheered, now they were concerned for my well-being. Normally now I could sit and lie without too much discomfort provided the seat was soft, but the welts were still ridged and showed clearly red with yellow- purple bruising around them.
For the time being I kept Roger chained to me so I wouldn?t be interfered with while I was introduced to various people. The fact that he was chained to me and had to do my bidding seemed to amuse them although apparently it was different when he was chained to Riku during the last visit. Riku was an older woman and in a known position of authority whereas little was known of me except that I had a bluestone and I?d taken my whipping without passing out. To safeguard my position, I knew I would have to act like I was the boss in our relationship.
A younger girl wearing knickers I rightly guessed was Sanle, kept close to us throughout our little tour but she didn?t introduce herself. Sumala kept with us too although I noticed he kept looking at the girls cleaning the tables. A twinge of jealousy went through me but I dismissed it as he wasn?t really a true boyfriend and I was going to be fucked anyway.
Upstairs, Riku showed me the bed I would use and I made Roger put our stuff away before I released him to Riku who promptly called Sanle over and fastened the chain to her. Her smile lit up the whole room and she hugged and kissed Riku and then me. Seconds later she dragged Roger to her bed and it wasn?t long after his ?white moons? were bobbing up and down. A look of disappointment crossed Riku?s face and I murmured, ?There?ll be other times,? and she nodded. ?The dust has got into my sores again and they are beginning to irritate me so I?ll have a quick shower and come down and help with the preparations,? I told Riku. I didn?t want to be seen shirking whilst everyone else was busily getting the preparations under way.
Free of the chain now and with Roger being Sanle?s responsibility, I went and had a long shower. Much more primitive than at Government House but I felt good to wash some of the dust and grit from my body. Returning to my bed with just a towel around my hair suddenly I was swept off my feet and dumped unceremoniously on the mattress, causing me to cry out as the stripes on my arse and back felt the impact. My assailant, a rather ugly looking man in his forties I would guess, promptly dropped his shorts and held his prick ready for action.
?Open your legs,? he ordered, ?Suma says there is time for two or more of us to fuck you before dinner and I?ve got first go.? I knew I had to try and do as he said but I wondered at ?two before dinner?? The Major had said, three before curfew and that was a long time yet. Had Sumala changed it on his own initiative? Or had the Major rethought his plans? I wasn?t given any time to prepare myself. His prick found my entrance and forced its way into my dry channel. It hurt but he didn?t seem to care.
?Yes you little white bitch, that?s how women in your country should be. On your backs all the time ready to take one cock after the other until your tight little cunt is full of spunk and overflowing.? He rammed into me hard and forcefully without any regard for my pleasure. I looked around to see if Sumala was at hand but only saw three other men who appeared to be waiting their turn. Roger and Sanle had disappeared and the bedroom door was shut. They were going to rape me - except there was no such thing as rape in this country. Women of child bearing age are all available for fucking.
?Go on give it to her. Give her the hard fucking she came here for,? one of them urged. I smelt alcohol on his breath and knew that to be an illegal substance here but didn?t have time to digest the implications.
I screamed and struggled but that only resulted in my mouth being stopped with some rag and my tits being squeezed painfully hard. Something was seriously wrong. This wasn?t supposed to happen and Sumala was supposed to oversee what happened and protect me. The man continued to force his prick into my sore vagina as hard as he could while two of the other men pulled my legs back to my shoulders stretching the skin around my welts and causing to cry out. All four men were now grinning at my predicament and encouraging the one fucking me to shoot his load so they could have their turn. Eventually he did but there was no waiting and the next man took his place. With my cunt lubricated with my juices that were beginning to flow and the man?s sperm, the second prick went in easier but it seemed that he still wanted me to hurt and rammed it home as hard as he could and made his loins painfully hit my tender buttocks.
Meanwhile the first, still messy prick was offered to my mouth. I resisted but two hands twisting my nipples caused me to open my mouth so the gag could be removed and the prick pushed in. I didn?t dare bite it. Soon the second rape was over but my ordeal was not.
?Tumali women who resist when a man wants to fuck them are punished. You?re here to find out about our lives so you must be punished too. Turn her over boys,? the third man ordered. ?You had a nice taste of the cane earlier and that still looks raw and tender but I guess a good hand spanking won?t do any real harm.? They manhandled me into the position they wanted and two of them held me kneeling on the bed with my arse raised and my knees spread. I was totally vulnerable and at their mercy. They had none. Even before they started spanking, I could feel the pain in my arse. The position they held me in again stretched the skin taut and I wondered if any of my welts would open and start bleeding again. By now I was sobbing but with my head forced into the pillow, my cries were muffled.
SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!! SLAP!!? The blows came hard and fast and on my already tender arse. I screamed and screamed but little was heard outside my head. I felt myself fading but they must have realised that too because the spanking stopped and I felt another prick enter me. The pain again was pretty horrific as the man thrust in as deeply as he could and made a point of grinding his pubic hair on my raw arse. Fortunately it was over quickly and he withdrew.
They didn?t dare get me to suck them at that moment because of the way my jaws were working and crying out but that didn?t stop them rearranging themselves so the fourth man could have his turn. In a hazy daze I felt his prick enter and then withdraw. ?Shit, what a mess you?ve made inside her, I guess I?ll just have to open her other hole.?
?No!? I managed to yell and move a little.
?Oh yes white girl, time for an arse fuck.? I felt his prick start to enter and I thought I just could not stand any more pain. My body started to give in. Vaguely I heard a crash and shouting and fighting going on around me but for the moment I was out of it.
?It?s okay now, we?re here and they?ve been taken away.? Sumala held me cradled in his arms and Riku stood by my side holding my hand. Most of the community were around the bed and looking on. Some of the girls were crying. ?There are a few groups of bandits in the forest and they must have come here for the festival and heard about you. We were all busy preparing the meal and setting the lights outside so we didn?t notice them come in. It was only when Sanle wanted to bring Roger up here again and found the door jammed that we knew there was trouble.?
It took a little while for me to calm down but after a drink of some painkilling liquid and for balm to be smoothed on my arse I began to feel like facing the others. When I recovered a little Sumala carried me to the dining area and sat me on several cushions to the applause of the crowd. The meal was delicious although I found the meat very rich for my taste but I ate some. My bottom once again caused me to fidget and as soon as I could I went and lay on the bed. I told Riku and Sumala that I?d like a little peace and quiet for a while and they agreed but Sumala insisted on someone being in the room all the time and Riku would look in on me as well.
Rikub was upstairs breast-feeding her baby and the other one she was wet nursing, and when she?d finished I got to hold hers for a while. ?Will my baby be a darling like this or a snotty bawling brat?? I wondered. Almost everyone was dancing on the grass outside but I knew that I didn?t dare try that, not with my arse as sore as it was. Luckily none of the welts had opened until they bled but they?d swelled up. I could hear the rhythm of the drums and music outside and was almost tempted to go down but I didn?t wish to move again.
A little later Sumala came in with a lad, probably less than twenty years old. ?This is Maevu,? he introduced, ?He won the right to be first with you tonight but he knows you won?t be fit enough to fuck right now so he?s asked if he can just lie and talk with you and perhaps comfort you a bit. I?ve agreed and it will be nice for you to have a new man for company.?
Maevu smiled broadly. ?I?ll look after you.? It didn?t seem that I had any choice in the matter, and yes, he looked a trustworthy lad for all I could tell from outward appearances. For a little while I lay gathered in his arms and then he half carried me into the shower and allowed cold water to run over my arse to take some of the fire away before he gently put more of the balm on. Of course, he had an erection but he made no move to force it in me and in fact, carefully cuddled and kissed me. We talked a little on what he did for a living and my life and I rubbed his back and thighs but deliberately left his prick alone. I didn?t want anything to do with that ? or did I? Riku, Roger and others came in to see how I was and to bring me a little juice and fruit but no one separated us.
It must have been quite late because several older women had come to bed when I decided that I had teased poor Maevu enough. The fire in my arse had eased and his kisses by that time had aroused me and my cunt was wet. ?You really are a slut,? I told myself, ?After being brutally raped and beaten you?re so wet you want another prick. You?re disgusting girl!?
?Roll on to your back Maevu, I want to lie on top of your body and maybe?? He did and slowly I worked my way down on to his prick. For quite a while I just allowed it to rest inside me but ever so slowly I began working myself on it. My muscles hurt but not so badly that it would force me to stop and I didn?t, at least not until I had yet another load of sperm inside me.
Sumala came in with a young girl and checked on me. At the time I was resting with Maevu?s prick still inside me. ?You will make a good Tumalian one day,? he laughed. ?Take good care of her Maevu.?
Chapter thirteen. The festival
I woke early but I knew breakfast would be late. Needing to pee, I hobbled painfully to the toilet and wondered if I would ever be free of pain again. There hadn?t been one day since I landed when I could more freely and could run or jump without many of my muscles protesting. My arse hurt but it was nothing like as painful as after the strap and the cane so I suppose that was something to be grateful for. On the way back I met Sanle dragging Roger along. She giggled when she saw me. ?You can pass him back to Riku or give him to another girl,? I said to her.
?No way. I?m keeping him until you have to take him back! Even if I have to poop alongside him!? She smiled broadly and Roger didn?t seem too displeased.
Maevu was awake when I returned to bed. Tentatively I tried lying on my back and found I could do so without too much pain. My arse was definitely very tender but it wasn?t unbearable and perhaps one of the good things about my stay was that my sexuality had come out. ?Play with me and then fuck me Maevu, but be gentle please,? I whispered. He did and was very careful until I became fully aroused and told him to do it properly. Shortly afterwards I almost regretted telling him that as his thrusts rekindled the pain in my bottom but I knew I?d withstood a lot more pain and I was only giving Maevu what he deserved.
We showered and when I returned to the bedroom, I was most surprised to find Nurse Muniba standing there. ?So you?ve got yourself into more trouble and I have to come all this way on a festival day to sort you out!? She tried to make her voice sound severe but it didn?t quite work and she?d hardly finished the sentence before she broke out into a smile. ?Not too much extra damage,? she announced when she?d examined me. ?Just don?t get yourself into any more trouble at the festival. I thought that Sumala was supposed to be looking after you??
?He is when he?s not chasing other women,? I teased knowing that he was awake and listening, ?But how did you find out??
?They brought the four men into the prison and charged them with having consumed alcohol, which is an illegal substance. I guess they?ll have a turn at the whipping post when the court convenes tomorrow. They didn?t actually do anything else that was illegal. Fucking a woman and spanking her for resisting is not a crime but as you are sort of under the Major?s protection, I wouldn?t mind betting the court will be pretty severe with them.? Turning to Sumala she went on, ?You?d better tread carefully with the Major too when you get back. He wasn?t too pleased with what happened.?
It was painful to walk down the stairs to breakfast and sitting on a hard chair caused more discomfort. ?I think I?ll give the festival a miss,? I announced to the others but they would not hear of it and insisted that I go with them.
Sumala was particularly insistent. ?I?m not staying behind to baby-sit you just because you?ve a bit of a sore arse. Today is a proper festival day, not just a day off work type day and there?ll be lots going on and things for you to see and do. You?re coming whether you want to or not!?
?What?s so special about this festival then?? I asked for the umpteenth time.
?You?ll find out later.? Sanle had told Roger but no one would tell me. With everyone ganging up on me, I had little choice and in the end I was glad I went although I came back very sore yet again.
About a dozen of us, mainly younger age group people, walked slowly to Chapoti market square. At first I complained about the pain in my arse but the others only laughed and I realised that I was ?doing a Roger? and stopped my whining. As usual, after moving for a short while, the pain eased and as we became part of an increasing crowd, so I more or less forgot about it.
To my surprise and delight the whipping post, had been removed and in its place an animal, I guessed to be a wild boar, was being roasted over an open fire. All around people were dancing, many of them in colourful tribal costumes, to the heady rhythmic beat of drums and a strange stringed instrument about the size of a base guitar but which was only a box with a pole and a string. Despite the apparent crudity, it made a deep, resonant sound. The women wore brightly decorated headwear and skirts and danced bare breasted; the older, less firm ones flopped in all directions and combined with the erotic movements, I rightly deduced that this was some sort of sex festival. ?It is to celebrate fertility rites and a lot of mating will be done today so be prepared,? Sumala finally informed me.
All our feet began stamping in time with the drums and before long we?d linked arms and were dancing and laughing, my sore arse forgotten until I collapsed and sat down hard on the ground. I was extremely thirsty and dying for a drink by that time but so it seems were most of the crowd and the stall selling flavoured water was surrounded and unable to cope with the demand. We joined those struggling for a position where we could catch the attention of the servers but it looked a hopeless task.
?Would you like to come to my home and have a drink with me?? I turned and came face to face with Wyche. I gave her a hug and gratefully accepted her offer but pointed out that there were now six of us in a little group. Besides Roger and I and our partners, Maevu had tagged along with a slightly younger girl, N?Boro.
?That?s no problem, Ellie, I?ve my assistant with me too. I don?t think you?ve met Veo.? She introduced us to an attractive girl perhaps a few years older than me.
?Hello Ellie,? she smiled hugely and gave me a hug and did the same to Roger. I expect she knew the others because she just nodded a greeting.
We followed her to a fair sized wooden building to the east of the town but only about half a mile from the market square. Inside it was cool and I was glad of the respite from the heat and once my eyes had become accustomed to the lower light level, I saw the whole of the ground floor was one large room. Plants hung from every conceivable space; from the ceiling joists, from the wall studding and from frames erected across one end of the room. The indefinable mix of smells was like a very overpowering potpourri that pervaded the place and seemed to even enter our heads. I took a number of photos and I noticed Roger using his camera too. Wyche gave us a quick tour. We saw the various mortars and pestles she used to grind the dried herbs, the little furnace for melting and breaking down minerals, the decorative clay bowls used for mixing the ingredients and the little round wooden boxes used when she sold balms and salves.
?I?m sorry,? she apologised, ?You came for a drink and not to learn my business. Suma and Maevu, would you mind bringing those pitchers upstairs, and then we can drink and talk in more comfort.?
Upstairs I found a similar miss-match of chairs and couches to those in the community home and to everyone?s amusement, I managed to choose a hard spot on an apparently soft seat. My little yelp caused everyone to laugh and I had to retell the story of my rape and spanking, although none of them considered it rape. Wyche looked thoughtful at the end but at the time didn?t comment. I asked about Veo.
?Veo, like me, is a childless woman,? Wyche explained, ?Maybe in the past somewhere we have the same ancestor but who can tell? Maybe if we had one of the modern DNA tests that would reveal it, but we have the same physical defect, neither of us has ever had a menstrual period. It seems we were born without ovaries and the ability to produce eggs or at least our ovaries didn?t develop at puberty. My predecessor was the same and I learned the art of making healing potions from her and now I?m training Veo. That way we can be useful members of the community. Oh, we?ve both been fucked often enough but without any eggs inside us, there was never any hope of pregnancy and men only now fuck us for pleasure. Many steer clear of us believing we are witches or have some magic but they come quickly enough when illness takes them. Are you pregnant yet??
?Probably. I?m several days late with my period.?
Wyche paused and again looked thoughtfully at me. ?Will you be going into the park later?? she asked.
?Yes,? Sumala answered for me.
??I don?t know. What happens in the park?? I caught the smiles that spread across the faces of the natives when I gave my reply.
??I have already told you this is a fertility festival Ellie,? Sumala could hardly suppress his laughter, ?What we didn?t tell you was there is a sort of orgy in the park later on. We weren?t going to tell you until we were in the park and you couldn?t chicken out.?? The others thought it a huge joke but I wasn?t too pleased.
Sanle shared my concern but for a different reason. ?Roger and I are not going,? she stated, ?I?m not having him waste his sperm on any girl that thrusts her cunt in his face. He?s mine and mine alone until he has to go to work the day after tomorrow.?
Sumala put his hand on my shoulder, ?I?m here to look after you Ellie and to see you experience all aspects of our culture and I will be taking you in the park even if I have to carry you there.?
?And we?ll help you Suma,? Maevu averred. All the younger ones thought this a source of some merriment but Wyche was more serious.
?Ellie, am I right in thinking that you are already rather tender internally after your experience last night??
?Sore, is a better word.?
?Well I can give you a lotion that will help and maybe?? She stopped in mid sentence as though debating whether or not to offer something else. Finally she came to a decision. ?I will give you a cream that will stimulate your clitoris. You only need the smallest amount and it will stand out hard and make you so very aroused that you will enjoy the fucking and not want it to stop. It should last for about four hours. It won?t kill the pain, but it will increase your enjoyment tenfold. The downside is that when the effect wears off you will be left with more soreness than you have now.? She went downstairs and came back with a tiny wooden box containing a pink cream. ?Only put on a smear from your little finger and put it on shortly before or soon after entering the park. It only takes a few minutes to act and then you?ll feel randy enough to take on the whole town. Of course it?s up to you whether you use it or not. Don?t let the men put it on you; they?re much too heavy handed.? I took the tiny box and a bottle of lotion and thanked her.
?Is there something for men that does the same thing?? Sanle grinned.
?Yes, but it works a little differently. Men can only produce so much sperm each day. How much depends on the man. The cream gets a man hard and keeps him that way, however, after shooting his seed for the first couple of times, there will be little living sperm left in his testicles although the seminal fluid will still shoot out. I can guess why you want it Sanle but do remember that after two or even only one fuck, you will have drained most of his live sperm from him for a day or two. The longer you leave it before you let him fuck you, the more sperm he will have in his reserves. I daresay you?ve already tried to drain him as much as you can.? Wyche smiled and Sanle nodded.
?Will you let me have some Wyche please? I really would like a light baby like that French girl.?
?Yes, and you can pay me for it when you get the extra premium a light baby commands.?
It was the first I?d heard of a French girl. ?I thought I was the only white girl in Tumali??
?Well you?re certainly the whitest as the Frenchie has been here several years and is well tanned. Her skin was more olive colour to start with and even if you get a tan, you?ll never be as dark as her. She lives with a local man in a small village right on the borders with Malawi. Maybe you should see if Suma will take you there and get her story. It?s an interesting tale.?
?I just go red and peel, like the tops of my tits are doing now. The skin cream I bought has only limited effect.? Everyone stared at my tits.
?Wear a wide brimmed hat and ask Riku if you can have some high factor sunblock sent from England. You won?t find it in Tumali as we have no need of it. Muniba might be able to use her influence if the Major proves an obstacle.?
We sat and chatted for a while longer and then returned to the market square. They were starting to carve the roasted boar but with the crowds around we decided to wait awhile before struggling to get our piece. N?Boro, who hadn?t spoken a great deal but who laughed a lot, took my hand and led me to a side stall with a huge selection of hats in garish colours. Much to the dismay of the men, it took us nearly half an hour to decide on a suitable one, one that had a very wide brim and outlandish colours. For a while I posed for erotic photos, some with me on my own and others with various members of the group. Afterwards it was back to the festivities.
The dancing continued for much of the afternoon and then towards evening, most of the younger age group and some of the older ones too, made their way to the park. ?The park was laid out when the British ruled here,? Sumala informed me, ?Supposed to be like parks in England but they had to use different trees.? Indeed it was not unlike our parks even to the extent of having stone pillars topped with heraldic lions on either side of the ornate wrought iron gates. Today there were men manning the gateway to prevent any young children entering.
Sanle and Roger returned to the square but Sumala held my hand and almost dragged me inside, much to the amusement of Maevu and N?Boro. Perhaps the nearest I can describe the scene is to liken it to Brighton beach on a sunny August bank holiday, the main difference being that the couples were actively copulating. Much of the grass area was already taken but Sumala found us a shady spot although the size we had to ourselves was little greater than a couple of double beds. For a few moments I sat and reflected on the amazing changes that had occurred in me during the short time since leaving England. A few weeks ago I would have been horrified at the sights around me, now I willingly prepared to take part in an orgy.
?Do you want to use Wyche?s stuff Ellie??
?Yes, but I?m not letting you put it on Suma!?
?I can put the lotion on though!? Sumala grabbed the bottle and poured a little into his hand and used a finger to work it inside my vagina. Meanwhile I massaged a small amount of the ointment around my clit. It felt warm on the skin and soon my clit hardened and began to itch slightly making me want to rub and finger it.
?Is it working?? N?Boro asked. Maevu had already his prick inside her and was thrusting hard and fast. Sumala turned me and opened my legs so she could see. ?Wow! Just look at the way that sticks out. Will you let me try some when Maevu?s done? I want to be nice and ready for when the marauders come.?
I too could see how hard and red the little nub was, not only that, I could feel the fire within it building up my arousal until I could bear it no longer and yelled like some wanton slut, ?Fuck me Suma, fuck me!? I didn?t care that my vagina was still rather sore, I didn?t care that my spanked arse was on hard ground, I didn?t care that Sumala?s thrusts would aggravate the pain further, I just wanted, no needed, to be fucked. He did so without the niceties of the nights we spent in Government House. His thrusts were hard and deep and I forced my loins to meet his with animal ferocity. I climaxed and climaxed again. Whatever was in the ointment, it sure turned me on. I became an insatiable and shameless woman.
All too soon Sumala finished and rolled to one side. Maevu had finished too and N?Boro was sucking him. I did the same for Sumala but it wasn?t enough for me. I wanted another prick or two or three. The others could see my agitation and Maevu fingered me while N?Boro put a little of the stuff on her clit. ?Don?t worry Ellie,? she said, ?The marauders will be around soon.? It was the second time she?d used the term.
?The marauders,? Sumala explained, ?Are mainly young men who come into the park soon after the men with partners have finished their first fuck. Any woman, who doesn?t have a prick inside her, is summarily fucked by whoever finds her. Usually a little after then, people like me who have recovered from their first fuck, look around for another woman to put their prick in. As you said earlier, it is an orgy. Anyone who is fertile should get pregnant tonight.?
A loud whooping announced the arrival of the marauders. The men, lads really, seemed young although with their painted faces and bodies it was difficult to tell. I noticed N?Boro grabbed Sumala and dragged him over her and managed to get him hard enough to go inside. A young naked lad spotted me and with more whooping leapt between my open legs and without any notice or warning began fucking me fast and furiously. Unfortunately he didn?t last very long but Maevu was hard again and he took over and with him I again orgasmed several times.
I blamed the ointment but for a long while after, I wondered if I really was a whore at heart because I openly offered myself to any man that passed by with even half an erection. I lost count how many times I was fucked, I lost count of the number of orgasms I had, before the crowds began to thin and the effects of the clit stimulant began to wear off.
Sumala came to me and gently pulled me to my feet. ?It?s time we went back Ellie.? I found my hat, purse and camera, put my arm around his waist and wearily walked back to the community house.
Chapter fourteen. My pregnancy
Our bed in Government House was much softer than the one in which I?d spent the previous two nights and yet I couldn?t sleep. Roger lay alongside me and even though he faced away from me, I knew that he too was awake. He?d been quiet all day and had said almost nothing about what happened between him and Sanle after we?d left them. Sumala was in his own room, or at least I supposed that he was. Even after a day of rest my cunt was far too sore to think about having him fuck me that night. I hardly dared to wipe myself let alone take his prick inside me. I think he understood and just lay with me in my bed the last night at the community house. I wondered if N?Boro was in a similar state or whether she was more used to being gang-banged. Yes, that was the right term for it. One fuck after another with little time to recover between them. Wyche?s ointment certainly worked and I?d had more orgasms in one evening than I had ever thought possible but now I was paying the price. Oh God, was my cunt sore. I wanted to rub it but it was too tender even for that even with the copious amounts of cream I?d applied. Roger looked really disgusted with me when he watched and almost smirked when I winced each time I touched my clit. Even after losing his virginity, he still had a ?holier than thou? attitude towards me. ?Will he ever lose his inhibitions?? I wondered. Perhaps it was just a man thing whereby he could fuck any girl he wanted, but girls had to remain chaste.
My thoughts were disturbed when I heard him give a little sob and I guessed his mind was reliving the events of the other day. ?What happened to make him so sad? I thought he enjoyed being with Sanle.? More sobs. I went into mother mode and turned him to face me. ?Didn?t you want to leave Sanle and come back here?? I asked quietly. No answer. ?Did she overdo it?? I?d seen his prick and noticed it was rather red but not as raw as it had been yesterday. No answer. Putting my arms around him and pulling him close to my breasts, I let him cry on my shoulder until I felt his tears trickling down my neck. Gently I pushed him away and kissed his forehead. ?Roger,? I tried to sound stern. ?Tell me what happened yesterday. You?ve been told what happened to me and although you think I?m a slut, you know what I did and although I?m very sore, I don?t regret it. You?ve kept what happened to you bottled up inside yourself and it?s upsetting you. Whatever you did cannot be worse than what I did. Did Sanle offend you? Did she act like a slut too??
I was about to give up on getting an answer when he lifted his head. ?No, it wasn?t Sanle. Yes, she did act sluttishly but I knew the reason why she was doing it and I enjoyed fucking her especially after she?d put that stuff on me. I almost couldn?t help myself and it seemed that my prick was controlling my mind. No it wasn?t that.? There was a long pause before he continued. ?Ellie, I know my prick is small even compared with some white people but they needn?t have poked fun at me like that. Not in front of her.?
?Who Roger??
?Those young fellows with painted bodies, the ones you called the marauders.? Another long pause during which I wished I had the ability to read his mind. ?We stayed around the square a little while after you left and then started back. I knew Sanle really wanted another session with me but after what Wyche said, was trying to wait as long as she could. We?d hardly left the square when we came across a group of those youths getting ready to go into the park. ?What are you doing with that white wimp Sanle? You need a man with a proper prick. He?ll pass out halfway through a fuck. That tiny little grub won?t satisfy a woman like you.? They taunted me and I cringed and almost hid behind Sanle. I felt like I was really a sissy, hiding behind a girl when I should have been standing in front of her and doing my best to offer protection but I couldn?t seem to help myself. It was she that protected me and laughed at them. ?I can have pricks like yours any time but this one can?t get away,? she showed them the chain, ?And I?ve only got him for a short while so I?m going to make the most of him. You go into the park and have your fun with the others. You might even get to try out a white cunt. Ellie?s there.? They continued to make disparaging remarks about me and boasted of what they would do to you and I suppose that upset me too. I didn?t like them talking about you like you were just a slut anyone could have at anytime.? Sanle fielded their remarks with comments and jokes of her own and eventually we got passed them and back to the house.?
I didn?t have any knowledge of other white pricks so I had no idea if Roger?s was considered small at home. All the other pricks I?d seen were Tumalian and they were indeed larger but I thought that was just a racial thing. ?I?ll have to let him fuck me soon,? I said to myself just to boost his ego a little, ?But not tonight. I?m too sore and his prick looks exhausted.? Out loud I asked, ?You had a good time with Sanle when you got her to bed ? or she got you??
?Yes, I suppose so. We did it for a long while and I came more than I?d ever done before and it remained hard for hours until it was almost too sore to use and I had to put some lotion stuff she had on it to soothe it a bit.?
?She didn?t complain it was too small??
?No. She seemed to like it but I don?t know if it was just because I might give her a white baby.?
?Roger,? I spoke very quietly, ?You know that I don?t have any experience with white men but one thing I have noticed since being here is that while the Tumalian pricks hang down and look very big, when they?re hard, they don?t get all that much bigger. You, on the other hand, grow considerably in length and girth. Even though the black pricks that I?ve experienced were larger when hard, they aren?t that much bigger than yours. Don?t put yourself down over its size.? What I?d said was perhaps an exaggeration but I hoped it would quell some of his fears and doubts about his performance. Sanle had undoubtedly been enjoying herself when I?d seen him fucking her on the first evening and again last night when she tried to extract the last of his sperm before he had to come back. For a while I lay alongside him and cradled his head to my breasts.
Despite being extremely tired I couldn?t get to sleep. It had been a bad day. Everyone seemed worn out and just a bit edgy. I?d hardly entered the office when one of the lads came and said, ?You were really into it at the festival. I certainly enjoyed you. Maybe we can do it again after work?? To my horror he was one of the marauders! I hadn?t recognised him with his body paint or perhaps, by the time it was his turn, I was past bothering with who was in me.
Riku emailed Ted our editor to ask him to
send me a couple of tubes of sunblock.
I contacted Shelumba to see if the Major would allow us to visit the French girl. He?d taken the day off supposedly to visit one of the military outposts. For most of the day we rather lethargically worked on our diary/reports of the festival. Several times I had to return to the room to put more cream on my sore cunt. Roger of course had to be with me and he showed his distain for my suffering; his prick, while rather pink, was tender and sensitive rather than sore and it immediately became erect when I put a little cream on it. Now he was the one to start crying! Eventually I drifted off to sleep.
A week later the three of us were called into the Major?s office. We?d spent the time visiting a leather worker?s shop and a hydroplant, which were interesting but not so unusual. I did ask Roger to fuck me two nights later and then on the following nights, I had him before Sumala had his turn. By then I had almost forgotten about my request to visit Allaice, the French girl.
?Sit down please,? the Major smiled as he indicated the seats in front of his desk but I had an uneasy feeling there was a smirk behind the smile. I wondered if there would be another ordeal to undergo. ?I have considered your request and am inclined to agree to it? but with certain reservations and safeguards.?
?Here it comes,? I thought and I wasn?t wrong.
?How long would it take you to get there Sumala?? he asked.
?On my own and if I was fully fit, I would get there in a day easily. With these two, we would only make it in one day if we had transport to the Negretti Pass, quicker still if we get a lift on the transport road but that is a lengthy tortuous journey which goes the long way round.?
?So the three of you should make it there in two days, seeing there is no transport available.? Sumala nodded. ?And on foot they should get a better idea of our countryside??
?Yes Sir, that is true,? Sumala added.
?How far will we have to walk?? I enquired as it began to dawn on me that this would be no picnic.
Sumala answered, ?As a bird flies it is only about fifteen miles but the actual path is probably double that? and it is not flat either and in places the track is difficult to follow. But you?re young and getting used to using your legs again?? he paused to give me a grin, ?So you should be able to do more than half the first day and complete the journey on the second. The last ten miles or so are the worst. The scenery is spectacular but the going is rough.?
?But of course, we cannot have them thinking it is an opportunity to make an escape attempt especially when they will be so near the border,? the Major had that smirk again, ?They will have to be linked together at all times.?
?Sir, with all due respect, there are many places on the trail where it would be dangerous, even life threatening if they had to walk with their wrists linked.? Sumala shook his head at the thought.
?I said they would have to be linked Sumala. Yes for much of the way they can be chained by the wrists but on narrow paths, link them by a rope or some such around their waists, like mountain climbers.?
Although I am a townie whilst at college I did go out a few times with a rambling group but I?d never done twenty miles in one day. Twelve was my limit and I?d blisters at the end of it. I asked if it was within the rules of his game to tie a queen to a pawn and then put my reservations to Major Entembe. Again that smile.
?The rules are changed to suit the circumstances Ellie and your position on the board.? I guessed he made the rules up as he went along just to torment us. ?From what I?ve heard, you are getting to know our ways and the customs of Tumali women fairly well, No Tumalian woman would balk at travelling that short distance but it is up to you of course Miss Bluestone Elaine Eves. Do you wish to remain in the office or do you wish to see more of our country? It is your decision. Roger of course will have to abide by whatever you decide.?
During the whole interview, Roger had not spoken and the major had not addressed him directly. No wonder he felt downtrodden but I couldn?t alter that without lowering my leadership and I no longer wished to be led by dithering Roger. Could I answer without belittling my companion?
?Suma, you are going to be our guide and I gather you know the way and what the conditions will be like. Knowing what you do of our fitness and the fact that I, like you, frequently still feel the pain from the whippings we had and later events, do you think I would be able to make it without undue suffering? I guess we?ll also have to carry supplies on our backs which won?t help our welts.?
?Yes. There would no doubt be some muscle and foot soreness but nothing you couldn?t cope with and I?m sure you would find the journey worthwhile. We?ll take the minimum of stuff with us.?
?Would you say the same thing for Roger??
Sumala thought about his answer for almost a minute. ?He should find the journey worthwhile but he will complain a good deal more on the way.?
I had to smile at that. ?Are you prepared to put up with that Suma?? I asked.
?There?s always a gag to keep him quiet!? We all laughed, except Roger of course. ?But the real answer is yes. It will be my pleasure to take you along and show you a little of life outside of our town. And where you go Roger has to follow. You?re the boss.?
Roger looked downcast. I wondered how much it was because of the journey and how much because he would miss his visits with Riku. He didn?t tell me even in bed that night.
Abruptly the Major changed the subject. ?I understand that you?re likely to be pregnant with my child.?
?I missed my period about ten days ago and of course the child is likely to be yours sir, but of that we can?t be certain.?
?Go to Muniba when you leave here and have her test you properly. Will you keep the baby if and when you go back to England??
I immediately wondered if our return might depend on my answer. ?Yes, I?m not a great believer in abortion Sir and I just can?t comprehend putting any of my babies up for adoption or sale like you do here. Even if we?re allowed home by that time, I shall keep it and raise it with all the care, love and attention of a good mother. Is there any news of our being returned to England yet Sir??
?You will care for and educate my child in England??
?Of course.? Again I wondered how much that would influence our being sent home.
He nodded, ?There has been nothing officially yet but I hear that your Foreign Office has contacted the Korean embassy on your behalf but diplomatic wheels turn slowly. In any case you will have to await a pardon from General Cumu before you will get your passports returned.? We left the office with much to think about.
Muniba confirmed what we already knew. I was pregnant; I was going to have a black or at least a mixed race baby. Fortunately in England I knew that would not be too uncommon.
The next day we spent in a flurry of activity. Even Roger was caught up in it. We visited various places to get supplies and Wyche to get ointment for our feet. Fortunately the sunblock had arrived and I hoped that would help prevent further sunburn problems. The large hat helped too, as did wearing a light, long-sleeved blouse but I had to be ever mindful of keeping my tits on show like a true Tumalian woman. At least the blouse protected my back and arms.
The night before we left, Sumala took another woman to his room, which made me a little jealous, but it gave me the opportunity to talk quietly to Roger. I cuddled him and when I felt his erection against my stomach, I rolled him on top and asked him to fuck me. He?d done it several times by then, usually before Sumala had me, so he was more confident now and I used this as part of my argument. ?Roger,? I started trying to find the right words, ?I know you are a bit worried about this trip but you don?t need to be. Treat it as another new adventure. I?m sure there will be some hardship involved but nothing like the whipping post. That changed my life. It was hell but I got through it and came out stronger; not that I would want to go through it again. It gave me the self-assurance to try other things, like sex. I know you think I?ve become a whore, but it really has shown me another side of my life and has taken away so much of my shyness. When we came, neither of us would have dreamed of doing some of the things we already have. How many girls have you fucked now? Three? Four? Maybe more in the community house that you haven?t mentioned. Before we came you never had the confidence to even put your arm around me, someone you had known for years, now you willingly go to bed with a girl and enjoy fucking them. They enjoy it too, like I just did. Without being forced into the situation you would never had got that far, so look on our trip as an adventure where you can learn new things and increase your own assurance. You can do a lot more than you give yourself credit for and in any case Suma and I will be there to keep an eye on you. Please, instead of looking at this trip as another trial, look at it as adding to the richness of your life experience.? I paused wondering it I would get a response but he said nothing but I did feel him hold me tighter. ?End of sermon,? I added.
Sumala woke us early. I agreed that he could just walk in my room and waken us without knocking and waking others. He shook me by my breasts and whispered, ?Five o?clock. Have a quick wash and piss and be ready to go to breakfast at five-thirty. I want to be on the road by six while it is still cool. Don?t bother showering, you?ll be sweaty in no time anyway.?
He collected us soon after and we went to the cafeteria which was closed at that time but he took us round the back and I noticed the girl there was the same one he taken to bed that night. ?I had to work and earn our early breakfast,? he grinned.
?Oh the hardships you have to go through on our behalf,? I responded.
?I don?t think I over worked him,? the girl called out, ?He should be fit enough to walk a mile or two without you carrying him.?
Chapter fifteen. The journey to Neambu
We headed westwards at, for us, quite a brisk pace and soon left the paved roads of Chapoti behind us. Sumala led the way along a good, wide dirt road through an agricultural area with wide irrigation ditches and small areas of woodland. Frequently we had to move to one side as a horse or oxen drawn cart carrying fruit or vegetables for the market, took most of the road width. Always we were greeted with friendly smiles and a greeting. With the rising sun now dispersing the chill and mist of the morning, I felt happy and free as we ambled through the undulating landscape. Ahead of us I could see mountain peaks rising up and from what Sumala had said, I knew we?d have to cross them before we reached Neambu, where Allaice lived.
Sumala was in his element, striding along bare-footed with the graceful ease of a young panther and carrying his bulky framed rucksack like it weighed nothing. We, on the other hand, only had small cotton rucksacks we?d bought in the market and, at Sumala?s insistence, only brought a single change of clothing, a sweater and a few essential toiletries. I tried to imitate his long strides and found they caused my buttock muscles to complain but I quickly adjusted to a stride length and pace that suited me and was soon lost in thought and admiring the scenery. It was pleasant and homely; different to England but not a scene of forceful grandeur. Occasionally Sumala would stop and point out things of interest but generally we walked in silence. For a while I forgot about Roger holding my hand but gradually I noticed him give a bit of a sigh and have to make a few hurried steps to keep up. I knew it wouldn?t be long before he interrupted my reverie. We?d been on the move for only an hour and a half when he gave a little moan. ?Here it comes,? I thought, ?Trust him to spoil things with his whining.?
A few minutes later he asked, ?Can we have a rest? I?m sure this pack has rubbed my welts and chafed them raw.?
?No!? I told him more forcefully than I intended, ?We need to get as far as we can while it is still relatively cool. We?ll have a break in another hour or so.? Sumala turned and gave me a grin.
?I don?t think I can go that long without a rest.?
I just tugged on Roger?s hand and said, ?You can and you will. Now shut up. We?re all in the same boat. I can feel the pack on my back too and I don?t know how Suma can take all that weight on his whipped shoulders without complaining.?
?We could go back.?
?Don?t even think about it.?
Ten minutes later, ?Ellie, we?ve got to stop now, my feet are sore.?
?And your arse will be sore also if you don?t shut up.? He kept dragging his feet and slowing me down and constantly I had to pull on his hand. I was fed up. ?Stop for a moment Suma please.? Roger thought he was getting his way. ?Can I have the rope please?? Out of his pack, Sumala produced the twenty feet of so of rope that we?d intended to use when crossing the mountains. Roger was about to slip the pack from his back when I removed the cuff from my wrist and fastened it to his. Both his hands were then linked in front of him by a length of chain. I tied one end of he rope to the centre of the chain and the other around my waist. ?You will keep the rope slack at all times,? I instructed, ?Otherwise I will get Suma use his big knife to cut a switch and he can gee you up from behind like a donkey.? He called me a cruel bitch but the threat must have had some effect because it was twenty minutes before he started to complain again.
Rather than having the rope pull directly on my waist, I held a bight of it in my hand. Twice it became tight enough to pull it from my fingers but I didn?t remark on it. What annoyed me more was the constant pathetic whimpering.
By now the agricultural landscape was giving way to scrub and the grass road had deteriorated into a track that climbed steadily upwards. Although we could still have walked side by side it was preferable to me to keep my partner at a distance. Three-quarters of an hour later we came to a small clear stream and Sumala suggested we had a five-minute break. We dropped our packs but Roger of course, couldn?t get his right off because of the cuffs but he could rest it when sitting on the ground. I took the opportunity to check his back but there was only minor chafing but to shut him up I put some cream on it. The heat of the day caused us to sweat and the back of his shirt and my blouse was soaked.
??Don?t drink too much of the cold water,? Sumala warned. We did have a drink and I rinsed my face and legs and then sat in the shade of a small tree. ?We?re doing quite well,? our guide informed me, ?But we?re not a far along as I planned. See that line of trees that are the start of the mountains? A forester, Gordmu, and his family have a hut there. We will be obliged to visit them and they will feel obliged to offer us food and drink. You Miss Bluestone, must act as though you are in full charge of Roger and me. Out here they are more traditional than in the town and they are old and set in traditional ways. When they offer food accept but remember they will not have much in stock and there is no town nearby to get more. If they offer to refill your plate, respectfully decline. The other thing is, they will only speak a few words of english although they will understand much of what you say if you speak slowly. I have some difficulty with their dialect but I would guess that I will have to interpret for them. At our pace it will take another hour to get there and then we can have a proper rest. I think we should push on straight away. What do you think Boss Lady?? He gave me a teasing smile.
?Fine Mr. Guide. Let?s go. On your feet Roger.?
Ten minutes later and again in full sun I was soaked with sweat and getting more and more irritable from the chafing of my pack and almost having to tug Roger every step of the way. Worse was his continual griping about the conditions. We stopped again. ?Why did you have to agree to this? If you?d agreed to fuck the Major a few times he?d have provided transport. You?ve fucked nearly every one else and yet you drag me along and torture me in this hell on earth.? While he was ranting I whispered to Sumala what I wanted him to do.? From the grin he gave I knew he agreed with what I was about to do and chuckling left the track, cut a short stick and then ferreted in his rucksack for some string.
?You?ve turned into a mean bitch Ellie. I just hope that I don?t get on the wrong side of you!? With Sumala?s help I forced the stick crossways in Roger?s mouth and tied it in place with string around his head. The ends of the stick stuck out several inches either side of his head like a grotesque horse bit.
?Stand him up Suma please.? With Sumala holding him upright I undid his shorts and let them fall to the ground. Neither of them anticipated my next more. Undoing the rope from his chain, I formed the end into a small noose, slipped it around the base of his prick and behind his balls and lightly tightened it. Tears flowed from his eyes when he realised the implications. It would be really painful if he didn?t keep up. My stuffing his shorts into his backpack only added to his humiliation but we didn?t meet any others on our journey.
?I?m leaving you like this until we get to the forester?s place so the sooner we get there the better. I will put it back on for the next stage of the trip if you start griping and abusing me again. Understood?? He nodded but his eyes glared their hatred. ?You might have a lower pain threshold to us but there?s no need to act like a spoilt five-year old, nor is there any need for you to say the vilest things about us, especially when you know they are not true. Now I suggest you grip the rope with your hands so there is no pressure on your balls unless you get too far behind me.? He was mumbling something but nothing intelligible came out before I told Sumala to lead the way again.
Not wishing to be too unkind I did keep the pace down but deliberately didn?t look behind. Twice when he stumbled, the rope became taut but not enough to tighten the noose. Even so it was well over an hour before we arrived at a group of three grass huts.
Gordmu closely followed by his wife Tuva came out to greet us. Apparently the sons were away in the forest working. He immediately went towards Sumala who stepped aside and indicated that I should go first. The old man hesitated for only a second and then noting my bluestone badge came and hugged me and jabbered in his dialect. I caught the word Gordmu and gathered it was a ritual greeting. Stepping back slightly I answered in my best London accent, ?I?m Ellie and I?m pleased to meet you Sir.? He nodded and smiled and greeted Sumala before his wife came and greeted me. She indicated for us to sit in the shade outside their hut. I introduced Roger and ordered him to sit and then asked Sumala to remove the gag. ?Don?t you dare say a word, Roger, or it goes straight back in,? I warned when his gag came out. Fortunately he only worked his jaws but kept quiet. Sumala then removed the noose and, on my instructions, tied the rope around Roger?s waist.
Tuva through Sumala suggested that we might like to rinse ourselves and wash the sweat out of our clothing in the stream and then sit with them while we had some food and drink. I readily agreed and she took us a short distance behind the hut to where a cold, fast flowing stream from the mountains gurgled past. Without hesitation I shed my clothes and stepped into the chilly water. Sumala did the same and when he was close enough to me, whispered, ?Order the boy to wash our clothes.? Releasing one of his cuffs and handing the rope that was still around his waist to Tuva to hold, gave the order in a loud voice. Tuva seemed to approve and was amused by his efforts at washing but she didn?t intercede to help him.
Roger managed to get himself clean at the same time although he did squeal a bit at the coldness of the water, but a look from me and he shut up. It gave me a little pleasure to take photos of him doing this chore without a washing machine. Tuva touched the welts on my back a few times and asked about them and when we?d returned to Gordmu, she mentioned it to him. Both seemed surprised at the extent of my punishment and the whipping Sumala had. They?d heard about it of course because the boys had been to the market since then.
While our clothes dried, we sat naked outside the hut and talked in a stilted language with our hosts. Sumala soon had a full erection and I wondered if I would be expected to allow him to use it but fortunately Tuva brought out the food; flat bread with a huge pitcher of honey. Gordmu explained that his sons had found a wild bees nest earlier in the week. It was delicious and so different from the refined supermarket stuff that I usually bought. This had everything in it; bits of honeycomb and even bits of bees. I could have eaten it until I was sick but remembered to decline more when I was offered.
Wyche?s ointment for my feet came in useful. I didn?t have any blisters at the time but there were places between my toes that were red. Sumala put in on for me and whispered that I was being impolite by not asking to service his erection so after he?d treated Roger?s feet I did so and noticed the look of satisfaction on our host?s faces when Sumala entered and pounded me until he loosed his load. Whatever Roger thought of it, he kept to himself. I wondered if Gordmu would fuck me as well but I guess he was too old to get it hard enough. I almost offered Roger to Tuva but I had already alienated him enough for one day.
All too soon Sumala suggested we ought to move on. ?The way for the next ten miles or so is a steep zig-zag uphill path and the first part is through the forest. It will be darker and cooler under the trees and much more humid so expect to sweat at least as much as you did earlier. Once we get above the tree line, it will be bare rock and earth landscape but we?ll be in the sun again. I am hoping that we can get over the pass and down to a tiny village before nightfall so that we can have a roof over our heads. Unfortunately Gordmu said he smelled rain in the air and at this time of year it means a storm probably like the one we had in Chapoti some days ago now. Storms in this area are pretty fickle so we could easily miss any rain even though places nearby get a downpour. If it catches us in the open, it won?t be pleasant. We need to make as much progress as we can now so we don?t have to spend a night without shelter.?
?Okay Mr. Guide, let?s get going.? As Sumala predicted, we were soon soaked in sweat and I wondered why we bothered with washing our clothing. It was also dark and gloomy. Eerie. Mostly quiet, but every so often we would be startled by a group of monkeys hurling themselves through the trees making a loud clattering noise. We only caught glimpses of them though.
Despite our best efforts, progress was slow. Roger lapsed into a sullen silence but managed to keep up, no doubt fearing further punishments from me if he didn?t. I took the cuffs off him completely and fastened the rope around our waists so we had both hands free to clamber over rocks and fallen trees that lay in our path. I tried to give him words of encouragement but he more or less ignored them, preferring, I suspect, to treat me as a wicked sadistic bitch. In several places Sumala had to hack a path through the undergrowth and I could only admire his sense of direction. I would have been completely lost. Each time the path seemed to disappear, after a hundred yards or so of clearing, it reappeared again. His clearing the pathway lost us time but eased the pressure on us. It was well into the afternoon before the trees thinned and eventually we emerged into bright sunshine.
?Fill your water bottles here,? Sumala ordered, ?This is the last little stream before we get well down on the other side of the col there.? He pointed to a low place between two mountain peaks. It looked a long way off and was at a much higher elevation than we were. I heard Roger give a little cry of fear and I too knew the feeling. It would be a long hard slog to get to the col and with sore feet, it would be a painful descent. I gave him a hug and whispered, ?We?ll make it. No problem.?
The ground quickly became rough with small boulders everywhere making walking difficult. In places we had to go between or around large outcrops of rock. It was more like a landscape from a science fiction film. At times, where the land fell away sharply and we were close to cliffs several hundreds of feet high, we had superb views over the surrounding land. I took a few photos but spectacular wide vistas like that never seem impressive in a picture.
At four o?clock we noticed a dark cloud coming over the peaks, heading in our direction. I looked at the col again but it seemed almost as far away from us as it did when we came above the tree line. The route wasn?t as tortuous or as steep as the way through the forest but it would take a long while to reach to top of the pass. Sumala led us from the track, if ever there was an actual path, to a huge, slightly overhanging rock formation. ?Take all your clothes off and put them inside plastic bags inside your packs and then we?ll huddle down in what little shelter there is here. That way at least you will have dry clothes to put on after the rain stops. It will get pretty chilly so we?ll need to keep each other warm. Roger had pooh-poohed the idea of using plastic bags inside our packs yesterday. ?It won?t rain now for months,? he?d declared. Only on his camera did he lavishly encase in plastic and that was more to keep grit out. I took pity on him and put the clothes he took off in with mine.
Hardly had we completed the task and we heard the loud hissing which became a roar as the rain reached us.? Sumala managed to fish out a small tarpaulin he intended to use as a ground sheet from his pack and we wrapped that around us. The inside rapidly became wet from our moisture but it did protect our bodies a little from the stinging bite of the raindrops. It was a frightening sensation. There we were crouched down and sitting on our packs in the dubious shelter of a large rock on an exposed mountainside with the rain beating on our bodies so hard that it was almost like being stoned with fine pebbles. I must say that Sumala took the brunt of it. Roger and I were pressed back against the rock and he was on the outside but nevertheless we still felt a lot of its force. Soon the chill air caused us to shiver and we hugged each other tighter but no one spoke, not even Roger. A bright flash of lightening crept through the cracks under the edges of the tarpaulin, immediately a tremendously loud crack of thunder pierced our eardrums. It was a scenario that repeated itself time and time again over the next hour.
Several times Roger screamed in terror but all I could do was hug him. I too was frightened but with him I knew that his shaking was more from fear than cold. I rethought my decision to take him on this adventure, an adventure that had turned out to be another ordeal but in my heart I knew I would have made the same decision again. It was sheer chance that this storm had come at this time. What if we had made better time earlier in the day? What if we hadn?t stayed so long with the forester? Would we have missed it then or caught it when we were in shelter? Questions without answers.
For a short while the rain eased slightly and Sumala peered out. ?Shit!? he swore. We soon found out why. The storm rebounded from the peaks on the eastern boundary and headed back towards us. We?d no time to change our position so we caught the full force. Fortunately it had lost a little of its power but was still worse than any storm I?d been in at home. For a further half an hour it battered us until we thought we couldn?t stand it any more. The top of my head felt bruised and sore and the thunder reverberated around inside my skull until I thought I would pass out from the noise alone. I didn?t and surprisingly, Roger didn?t either.
Almost as though the tap had been turned off, the rain suddenly ceased, the black clouds disappeared and the sun shone brightly. Steam rose from the ground, the rocks and us. The noises in our heads didn?t disappear as quickly though and it was several hours before we began to hear properly.
The landscape took on a surreal look when we finally started out again. Steam rose in dense clouds as the warm evening sun dried up the surface water making it seem that we were walking through a sauna. It didn?t matter that we?d put on dry clothing because only minutes after leaving, we were soaked with sweat. By now I was footsore too so progress was slow but we put in a few more miles and then called a halt to have something to eat. ?Where will we spend the night?? I asked our guide.
?Good question. To be honest with you, I don?t know. I expected to be over the col before now and into the forest area but we won?t do that before dark. We?ll be stuck in this rocky stuff until dawn without wood for a fire. That storm cost us dearly in time.? I noticed that he didn?t blame our snail?s pace walk. After we?ve had a bit of a rest we?ll go on and keep our eyes open for a smoother patch of ground??
?Or a cave??
He grinned, ?If there is a cave it will almost certainly be inhabited by something you won?t like Ellie. One good thing about the storm is that there are now pools of water although I expect they will be gone by morning.?
Actually we did have a little luck later. A half hour after walking again, we came to a rock formation that almost formed a little bay and in here the prevailing wind blew much of the debris from the surrounding hills. The ground would be hard but at least we could have a fire and rest even if we didn?t sleep too much.
It turned cold and I put on the sweater that I?d brought, Roger?s was still wet as was most things in his pack so we had to erect a little rack near the fire to dry his stuff out. As the night wore on, so the cold increased and we doubled up on our clothing and lay huddled together on the tarpaulin, our only protection from the hard ground.
The whining started almost as soon as we settled down, this time though I didn?t turn on him. ?Roger, just remember we?re all in the same situation. We?re no better off than you and no worse off either. We?ll get through it together. He groaned and started weeping but he turned away from me and his comments stopped.
None of us slept much during what seemed an endless night. At intervals Sumala got up and added fuel to the fire and usually for a while after I sat on my rucksack with his arms around me watching the flames consume the twigs. We didn?t speak but each was lost in our thoughts.
At first light, we boiled some water and made tea and had a couple of the thick biscuits we?d brought. I treated our feet with the ointment and was pleasantly surprised that I hadn?t any blisters and neither had Roger although both of us had redness between several of our toes and on the balls of our feet.? Shortly after we packed and set off again while the air was still cold. The walking helped to restore our circulation and before long we made good progress.
Two hours later and still not nine o?clock, we crested the col and began the long and winding descent into a valley, only to climb out of it again on to another high plateau.? At times we walked along the very edge of the border with Malawi but the high sheer cliffs made it impossible to cross over. I wondered if I would have done so had I been given the chance. Twice we stopped at tiny villages and were given refreshment and at one I was given a good fucking by two lads and both Roger and Sumala serviced a girl each. It provided a pleasant interlude but before long, Suma indicated that we should continue but it was nearly dark again before we reached Neambu. The day?s journey had been a much pleasanter experience and even Roger seemed more cheerful. Both of us though were very tired but Sumala still walked with an easy stride.
On the outskirts of the village, a young, light skinned girl ran up, grabbed my hand and almost dragged me through the streets to a small wooden house. Other villagers seemed to know what was happening as they waved and greeted me by name as I was led passed them. ?News certainly seems to travel quickly even in these remote areas,? I thought but my guide didn?t allow me to stop.
?Welcome,? Allaice greeted our arrival in her slightly accented english, ?I expected you earlier.?
?You expected us??
?Of course, the transport driver told us you were coming when he brought the supplies yesterday. Why you not get a lift with him??
?The Major, the bloody Major! He deliberately put us through hell again,? I fumed.
?But you did see more of our countryside.? Sumala laughed. Roger looked angry too. He probably still thought that I could have fucked some proper transport out of the major.
Chapter sixteen. I punish Roger
?You?ve met Alicia my fifth daughter and this giant teddy bear is JeanPaul.? The biggest man I?d seen so far in Tumali came laughing from behind her, threw his arms around me and lifted my feet well off the ground. ?That?s a real bear hug,? Allaice grinned but I cried out from the pain and then grinned when he set me down.
?JeanPaul is not my real name but this Frenchie woman couldn?t say it and renamed me. Now everyone calls me JeanPaul. I don?t mind though.? A huge grin lit up his face and as soon as my feet were back on the floor he gave his partner a similar hug and playfully tossed his daughter squealing in the air a couple of times. I introduced Roger and Sumala although I guessed they already knew their names.
?Why is he tied to her mummy?? Alicia asked.
?So he does not run away and get into trouble,? I answered which caused more laughter from everyone except Roger.
?You would like shower I expect??
?We had a very good shower yesterday afternoon,? Sumala commented, ?But we?d better have another.?
?Something a little less powerful and quieter would be nice,? I quipped and we had to explain about the storm.
?Leave us your clothes and I will wash them so you have clean for morning. You will not need any tonight. It is warm in house and we do not wear any in evening.?
Refreshed, we sat around the table and ate our first proper meal in several days. The conversation was on us, and each time I broached the subject of her being in Tumali, Allaice said we would talk on her life tomorrow when we would be less tired.
That was true. By ten o?clock my eyes were closing. JeanPaul had taken Alicia to the children?s house for the night and Allaice showed us to their bedroom. It had two beds, one much bigger than the other which I guessed was to hold the enormous bulk of JeanPaul. ?You won?t mind I think, if I take Suma to bed me tonight. The big bear will like to have you. It is the custom in Tumali I think you know.? I smiled, more at her phrasing than at what she said but she assumed I agreed. In fact, having seen that his prick was in proportion to his frame, I was a little concerned that I might not take it easily. She must have noticed my expression. ?You not worry. He is gentle. I know from first time he fuck me.?
Roger and Sumala were both sporting erections and I didn?t want to alienate him further. ?Would you like to take Roger first?? I asked her praying that she would agree. A further slight would flatten his self esteem even further.
?Do I have to chain him to me too?? She adopted the Tumalian habit of smiling widely.
?No, but I mustn?t unchain him without fastening him to another.?
?You get to watch then.? Poor Roger?s face went red. I don?t know why. I?d watched him before and he?d watched others fuck me often enough. Maybe it was because JeanPaul had returned and sat with his arms around me while we watched. Fortunately Roger?s erection kept standing and, after some initial faltering, he gave Allaice a creditable fuck. Having abstained for a couple of days, he wasn?t long in shooting his seed into her. From what I could see of her belly, I guessed she was in the early stages of pregnancy so he wouldn?t be fathering a baby with her.
I shooed him to the far side of the big bed and readied myself for the Big Bear?s weapon. ?I won?t hurt you,? he said, ?I?ve had many women now.?
His entry did hurt a bit but it was nothing I couldn?t withstand without crying out and soon I was thrusting back to meet his loins. When I glanced at Roger he silently mouthed ?whore? and I felt like giving him a backhander but was too busy holding on to JeanPaul. I almost couldn?t get his near hard prick in my mouth to clean it and had to lick up and down the length of his shaft. My vagina once again felt tender but I wasn?t about to mention it, nor get up for some lotion. I quickly fell asleep snuggled in the big man?s arms.
I awoke when he moved his frame to go for a piss. Roger was already awake and I noticed his usual morning hard-on. I spoke, I thought, in a kindly way, ?Okay Roger, come and relieve yourself.?
?Don?t patronise me bitch! You think I wish to bring myself down to your level Miss Innocence now turned in to Miss Bluestone Slut. No thank you!? He turned away.
The hatred in his voice appalled me and I almost started crying but when I moved my head I saw, all the others were watching and they?d all heard the remark. I had to do something. I had to keep my authority over him. ?Suma, would you get the strap the Major presented to me when he gave me the bluestone please. It?s in my backpack.? He seemed surprised and Roger looked apprehensive but he had just a hint of a smile that in my mind said, ?She?ll only threaten me with it. She?ll never dare use it. She knows what I?m like with pain.? ?Thank you Suma. Now would you mind holding him over the edge of the bed please??
Because of the chain, it took a few minutes to get him into a suitable position and by then Roger began to realise that he?d gone too far and that he was going to feel the strap. He started pleading, then begging but I ignored him. ?Allaice would you mind getting my camera out and taking a few pictures of this so he can have a reminder of who is in charge of who here??
?JeanPaul?s better with camera than me. He takes good pictures.? So it proved although at the time I wondered how his huge hands would cope with the tiny controls.
?Ready?? Sumala and JeanPaul nodded, Roger screamed ?NO!? I knew I had to make my mark and do it quickly. ?CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK!? Without a pause I whipped the strap across his backside with all the force that I could muster in the short space of time. He gave an almighty cry and then went limp but soon came round. Despite the shame I felt from having hurt him, there was also a sense of elation. I?d used my power and he?d had to submit to it. Tears rolled down his face and he sobbed and tried to rub his arse but with Sumala still pinning him he was unable to move his arms sufficiently. Still feeling my power, I ordered, ?Release him Suma please.? Roger started to stand and massage the soreness. ?Kneel!? I stood with the strap still in my hand and indicated he should kneel at my feet. ?Kiss me.? With his face level with my pubic mound, there was no doubt as to where I wanted to he kissed. I tried to keep a stern face but it was difficult with the others trying to suppress their laughter. ?Roger, if you ever talk to me like that again, I?ll skin your backside even if it takes all day to do it. Understand?? Slowly he looked up and nodded. ?Now you can think up a suitable apology, one that befits a journalist of your ability. I don?t wish to hear, ?I?m sorry Ellie?. You should be able to do better than that.? A few minutes later he found a form of words and stuttered a suitable apology. At least the apology seemed genuine and his voice more respectful, but I guessed he was seething inside.
Sumala and JeanPaul both had erections by this time and serviced us again before we showered. Allaice made a hearty breakfast and Alicia came and picked her stuff up ready for school. The young girl quickly spotted Roger?s striped arse and asked, ?Did he try to run away??
?Not this time but he was very cheeky to me.?
?And you?re a bluestone power girl! He should know better.? We all had to laugh at that.
JeanPaul had to go to work at the timber yard and I sent Sumala to get a few pictures of the village while I helped Allaice clear the breakfast things and I could have a woman-to-woman chat with her without the formality of an interview. Roger sullenly followed me around, keeping as far away as the chain allowed. I found that she?d had seven children but only kept the one. The first baby was sold because she couldn?t be sure that JeanPaul or any other Tumalian man was the father. ?It could be that it was one of the pirates? baby,? she said, ?I don?t think it was but there was a remote possibility,? before turning to the topic food differences between Tumali. England and France.
When Sumala returned and showed me the pictures on the camera screen, I scrolled back to the ones of Roger?s strapping and saw that JeanPaul had indeed taken some good ones. Probably his high viewpoint helped. I didn?t show them to Roger; he was very quiet and subdued and had hardly spoken a dozen words since I?d threatened him with the gag if he started whining. He did, however, make a great show of walking stiffly and sitting down with the utmost care and trying to elicit the maximum amount of sympathy from Allaice. She just laughed and told him not to be a baby. Now the four of us sat in easy chairs that actually matched, ready for Allaice to begin her account. Fortunately I?d carried the little Sony recorder and it had survived the deluge in the mountains so I didn?t really need to takes notes but I did anyway. The speedwriting technique I learned in college, as usual, proved a godsend. I still couldn?t trust machines to behave; like computers, they seem to break down at the most inconvenient times.
On tape I introduced Allaice and told Roger and Sumala that they would be free to comment and ask questions at any time. Which they did and I was able to piece together a coherent report.
Chapter seventeen. Allaice?s story
I translated her rather odd phrasing when I typed this report.
?When I was young I was rich and attractive enough to be part of the ?in crowd?. I had a carefree life and went to the best schools and in the winter holidays, enjoyed skiing at the best resorts and in summer, sailing and partying at Cannes and other playgrounds of the rich along the coast of southern France. By the time I was eighteen I?d had many boyfriends and sex with one or more of them was no big deal. In many ways I used my body to get what I wanted from them. They paid for me to stay with them in the best hotels, went sailing on grandiose yachts and got invited to private parties on a large motorboat in a secluded bay; parties that were synonyms for an orgies. I enjoyed being fucked, whether it was a lad younger than me, or someone old enough to be my grandfather. In a way I was a kind of prostitute although I never actually accepted money for sex, I was given presents and taken to places I would not otherwise had access to.?
?Would you like to come sailing with me on Lake Nyasa?? Pierre asked. I won?t give their full names even though they are dead now. The invitation was to Cherie and me while we were on a luxury yacht and five other young men were taking turns to screw us. At that time I had no idea where Lake Nyasa was and Pierre just said, ?It?s in the middle of Africa.?
?Sounds like fun, I?ve never been to Africa but I?ve had a few black men.? That shocked Cherie but she agreed to go as well. Three weeks later four of us flew to Lilongwe and hired a car and drove to Senga a small town on Lake Nyasa. Here we met Rikard and Marlen? who owned the yacht. It wasn?t as big as some that I?ve sailed on but it was a goodly size and plenty big enough for the six of us especially as we planned sharing the sleeping berths. We partied that night and swapped partners a few times so it was late the next morning when we hoisted the sails and headed towards the northern end of the lake. There was a good breeze and we bowled along at a good pace for several hours but in the late afternoon the wind died and we crept along at a snails pace. It was all peaceful and I was laid out on the cabin top catching the last rays of the sun, when we heard this motor boat speeding towards us. Before we realised anything untoward was happening a burst of automatic gunfire put a row of holes through the mainsail. The motorboat cut its engine and two black men with guns stood up and pointed them at us.
?Fucking Pirates!? Rikard swore. They boarded our boat and herded us all into the bow where one kept a gun trained on us while two more ransacked the cabin, a fourth stayed in their boat. Anything they thought valuable or portable was put into sacks and tossed into the motorboat. It didn?t seem to take them long and then the men were forced into the cabin and locked down there. Rikard protested and was knocked to the deck with a rifle butt before they almost threw him down into the cabin. The others went quietly after one had pointed his gun at Cherie?s chest. It didn?t take a Sherlock Holmes to deduce what they planned to do with three bikini clad ladies. They made us take off what little we had on and throw them in the water. We?d have given them what they wanted without too much of a problem except that we were also afraid of contracting AIDS but no, they wanted it the rough way and forcibly grabbed our tits and arses and bent us over the railing. I felt a cock being pushed into my dry cunt and tried to accommodate him but to him it didn?t matter. He just plunged on and raped me as hard as he could.
When he pulled out, the one in the motorboat called to them and I was thrown down to him. Without being told I bent over the engine casing and readied myself. I hoped that would make him hurt me less and the sperm inside me would act as a lubricant. He didn?t take long and when he saw the men trying to break out of the cabin, he climbed on the yacht. I took the opportunity to slip quietly into the water and dive as deeply as I could. The boats glided on and it seemed a while before my absence was noticed. By then it was virtually dark but I could see the lights of the boats and I doubted if they would see me if I didn?t splash around. Slowly I swam towards the Malawi shore. It all went very quiet and then there was some shouts and screams before the motorboat?s engine roared into life and the craft headed towards the Tanzanian coast. A few minutes later there was an almighty explosion and the yacht became a ball of flame. I doubted if anyone could have survived and by then I was a good quarter of a mile from it. Within a minute the flames were gone and peace descended once more. I called and called but there was no reply. I knew I was alone, tired, naked and still a long way from the shore.
?Just take it easy Allaice,? I said to myself, ?You?ll either make it or you won?t. Either way you are in God?s hands.?
?You obviously made it,? Roger commented. We were all appalled and enthralled by her story.
?Yes but I was a long way from being safe. It was a long tiring swim but eventually I crawled on to dry land and just curled up in a tight ball on pebbly ground, shivering in the cold air until the first glimmer of dawn allowed me to see what was around me. I had indeed been fortunate in my unwitting choice of a landing place. It was a small bay surrounded by forest and steep hillsides. A hundred yards either way and I would not have found a place to climb ashore. Tired, sore and very depressed over what happened and the probable death of my friends I stumbled to my feet and tried to make my way along the shoreline. In bare feet it was a painful process and I really had no idea which way would take me to the nearest habitation. In the end I decided to head sort of northwest mainly because I hadn?t seem more than a few huts as we sailed along in the afternoon. Mind you I hadn?t been paying much attention to the landscape but I knew we were pretty close to the northern end of the lake when the pirates came and thought there might be a settlement near the entrance to the Songwe River. I had no idea how far away that was.
At the end of the little bay I came to an area of scrub, steep but walkable except that I got badly scratched from the thorn bushes. In many places they were head high and my stumbling gait caused me to brush against them. In only a few yards, I was covered with scratches that dripped blood. The sun rose and it became hot and in an hour or so I was terribly thirsty and hungry. In that time I doubted if I had walked a mile and my feet were sore and bleeding and my body looked like I had been scourged with a bramble twigs. Once more the animal track I was tentatively following led back to the shore but from there I could see no way forward. Probably it was a place where animals came to drink. I collapsed under a tree and cried at my hopeless situation. I?d almost given up any hope of survival and wished that I had died a quick death with my companions instead of a slow death by starvation. There was plenty of water but I doubted that it would be clean although I?d already swallowed a lot during my swim. I took a little in my mouth and spat it out again. I didn?t have the energy to go on especially as it meant retracing my steps through the thorny scrub. Tiredness and depression overcame me and I closed my eyes and dozed for a while but was awoken by the ?Putt-putt? of a small motorboat engine. Standing up I waved and then wondered if I had done the right thing. In the boat a huge black man stood up too and I had visions of being raped again. For once I did the right thing. The man was JeanPaul or J?npeloe to give him his real name although no one here uses it any more. I must have passed out because I next remember being lifted carefully into the boat and sipping some flavoured water. He held me in his lap until we arrived at a landing place and I was taken in a cablecar. The next thing I remember was being in hospital with JeanPaul alongside my bed. You should have seen his face and how he looked blank when I spoke to him in French! He replied in English but he spoke kindly and told me his name and when I couldn?t get my tongue around it I gave him the French version. Gently he held my hand and I tried my school english with a few words of my own language mixed in and found he could understand it. When I asked he told me I was in Tumali. That was quite a shock. I knew a bit about the ways of the people here from talking with Marlen? the night before and Rikard had jokingly suggested that I might like to be one of the women here and be fucked day and night by any man who could get an erection and be permanently pregnant. Such was the misconception he had of the place. I also knew that once in the country, it wasn?t easy to get out, as you have found Ellie.?
I nodded and smiled as I still had no idea if and when I would return to England.
?JeanPaul shocked me even more by saying I was now his woman and he would look after me. I would be his mate.?
?That?s an old tradition from tribal times,? Sumala interjected, ?Young warriors would raid a neighbouring tribe and abduct a girl to be their mate. It helped to stop inbreeding and usually after a while the girls accepted their new home. It?s not really a law here but it is something that is accepted. JeanPaul having captured, or rather rescued, Allaice, had the right to her.?
?They kept me in the hospital for about a week, even though I was fit enough to leave well before then but they waited for the results of tests to see if I was clean especially after they knew I?d been fucked by the Tanzanians. Fortunately I was. Officials came to see me and there were many forms to fill but I wasn?t allowed to contact anyone and the only embassy was the North Korean and they weren?t very concerned with my case. It took months before I could arrange to have money sent to me from my bank in France.
At the end of the week, JeanPaul took me to his home, a one room shack not too far from the cablecar station. He was a licenced fisherman then and a little up the social ladder from the poorest workers and, unlike most of them, had his own home and didn?t live in a community house. By then I?d witnessed and learned more of the habits of Tumalian men and women. I?d seen women patients and nurses being fucked by male staff and patients but I?d been given a large pair of knickers to wear to tell everyone that I was off limits to them. That was the only clothing I had until just before leaving JeanPaul brought me a blouse and a skirt and some soft shoes. It seemed so strange to be visited by a doctor who had a visible erection and as you?ve found out, they all seemed well endowed compared to European men. JeanPaul?s is especially large and every day when I had recovered a little, he?d sit by my bed and make me hold it for him. Several times he told me he was hoping to give me a baby but I was a bit afraid then. I knew the chances of being pregnant by the pirates was small because I was on the pill and had recently had a period but there was still that possibility and the hospital had made no attempt to clean me out.?
?Was any attempt made to catch the pirates?? I asked.
?At the time nothing much happened. The Malawian and French governments informed the Tanzanian but they didn?t get anywhere. A year or more later, some of the stuff from the boat turned up and was traced back to them and they were caught and later executed. Fortunately the trial was in Tanzania and I wasn?t allowed to leave Tumali.?
?So you?ve been a ?wife? to JeanPaul ever since??
?More or less Ellie, as you know, here there is no such thing as a wife in our sense of the word but I?ve been his main woman for eight or nine years now and having our own house keeps us together too. Of course, he has other women and I have other men but I think most of my babies have been his.?
?What did you think when you saw his home? You said it was a shack and being rich, I guess you were used to having splendid homes.? I could visualise her disgust.
?Yes, it really was a downturn in my living arrangements but it was either that or prison accommodation. Like you, I was detained in the country at General Cumu?s discretion but at that time it was the present leader?s father in power. He was at least as strict. In prison I would have been kept in a cell and fucked by off-duty guards and other prisoners, with JeanPaul I was free to go anywhere in the country provided I didn?t cross the border. That meant I couldn?t go fishing with him but otherwise I was pretty much free. At first sight, the house looked almost ready to fall down but in fact it withstood the storms of the rainy season without many problems. The inside was cleaner than I expected and I gather the Bear had roped in a couple of women to do some cleaning before I arrived. It wasn?t really necessary to give me a tour of the house; I could take it in at a glance. Only one room, with a large bed at one end, stove at the other, tables and chairs between.?
?Better than a prison cell though. We know what they are like,? I grimaced at the thought of spending months in one.
?And you only saw the cells of the holding prison, not the main prison itself,? Sumala remarked, ?That was a palace compared to the crowded, several to a room main prison.?
?That?s right and I found out afterwards, there are many more male prisoners than women so they try and put one woman in a cell with several men who have nothing better to do than fuck her all day. Worse still is the fact that prison is more for repeated violent offenders who?ve probably been to the whipping post a number of times so they have little mercy of sympathy for the woman. But to get back to my story. I was amazed when JeanPaul picked me up outside the door and carried me in. ?I saw this on a film once,? he said and barely paused on his way to dump me on the bed and undress me. For his size he?s very gentle and soon I was naked and very nervous especially when he?d undressed too and I saw clearly and up close, the size of his erect prick. I needn?t have worried. Carefully he rubbed my cunt until I was wet and then slowly inserted his penis in me. It was big and stretched my cunt but it felt nice and soon we fucked properly. He was the only one to have me for the first two weeks but then we started visiting others and they visited us and I had to service the men while he did the girls.?
?So when did you move here?? Roger asked.
?After about a year, when I finally got a bank account in Chapoti and could access my money in France. By then I?d had and sold my first child. The money helped to keep us and soon after I was granted leave to return to France but I?d come to love the country, and especially my Bear man, in a way that I hadn?t with any of my other so called lovers. We?re as near to being man and wife as you can be here.?
?Have you been home to France? I expect there are things you miss?? I asked.
?No. I could have but my parents disapprove of my being a ?commercial baby producer? and they disagreed strongly with my selling of the first baby. They?re staunch Catholics and they think I should be properly married and care for each of my babies. They tried to come here but couldn?t get a visa but we met up in Lilongwe and it ended up with a big argument when I wouldn?t return to France with them. Mother still keeps in touch by letter but daddy has almost disowned me.? A tear trickled down Allaice?s cheek as she said that.
?What about the food here??
?I?ve got used to it and still tend to cook in the French way apart from the fact I need to make more to feed the Bear. Talking of food, I guess it is about time for lunch.?
I shackled Roger to Sumala and sent them off to look around the village while I helped Allaice prepare lunch. This gave me the opportunity to ask, ?Don?t you find it really traumatic to give up a baby as soon as it is born? After you?ve carried it for nine months??
?The first one was the worst because I actually saw it and I could have kept him but once I had agreed to sell the child there was no going back. It still took a long while to come to terms with my loss. Being paid for it I suppose helped in some ways in that we would have been very poor if we only had JeanPaul?s irregular income. The others, well I knew I couldn?t keep them so I set my mind to that before they were born but I was determined to keep my fifth, whether it was a boy or a girl. Even knowing you?re going to give up the child doesn?t entirely lose the sense of loss especially when you?re in milk and have to feed the babies of others. I think the Tumalian women are less traumatised than I am.?
We stayed two days with them and had an enjoyable time. I slept with the Bear one night and Sumala the other. Roger even seemed more agreeable and at least he now accepted my authority. I allowed him to fuck me and so did Allaice. I know that he wasn?t looking forward to the long trip back and was delighted when, on our last evening and we?d packed everything ready for an early start, a messenger came with a note from the Major. ?A man from your Foreign Office has arrived, report back ASAP. One of the truck drivers will bring you.?
Chapter eighteen. Set up for another
?I?ll wring the bastard?s neck. I?ll squeeze his balls until he squeals,? I fumed as I dragged Roger up the stairs into Government House. Sumala followed at a discrete distance. Ignoring Shelumba I barged straight into Major Entembe?s office. He looked up in surprise but before he could open his mouth, I started, ?I didn?t think that even you could be such a cruel bastard. Treating us like animals! Why? Haven?t you made us suffer enough? First you make us walk all the way there and no doubt you knew storms were forecast and we?d get battered and soaked, then you kindly offer us transport on the way back for which I have to pay in advance by getting fucked by the old man who is drive us and then we find our transport, the transport that you with all your authority arranged, was a cattle truck, with nothing to sit on except the bare shit covered boards! I hope the smell we picked up stinks your office out and it cannot have done the baby inside me any good. Your baby Major,? The Major opened his mouth to say something but I flew on running sentences together and barely pausing to breathe. ?And don?t say nothing else was available. Not an hour after we?d been bumped and bruised on the road a half empty bus passed us. You just wanted to inflict more pain and suffering on us. Why? When you know full well we still haven?t fully recovered from the thrashing we had at the whipping post; a whipping you could no doubt have saved us from if you had really used your powers. Does it give you pleasure to see us hurt and suffer? Are you just getting back at us because we?re British? For some long forgotten reason? Or is this all part of the game we are in? The suffering game? Does it please you to?? Roger jerked the chain linking us.
?I wouldn?t wish to be in Ted?s shoes when she gets back.? A cultured British voice startled me. ?I heard she was a shy little thing.?
?If she gets back and doesn?t end up in the market square again.? I turned to see Colonel Nubaro and a distinguished looking gentleman in a suit and, incongruously for this country, wearing an expensive tie. ?May I introduce Peter Spencer from your Foreign Office.?
?Sorry Sir, I didn?t know you were there??
?Good afternoon Miss Eves and Mr. Hart. I hope we can talk about your problems a little more calmly when you?ve cleaned up.?
?Yes, I think that would be best,? Colonel Nubaro smiled, ?And yes, it is a bit of a game to us. I heard of your analogy when you first came but now it is being played on two levels and you are once again a pawn. Please do go and get cleaned up and then perhaps we can discus this in a more civilised manner. Shelumba, please escort them out and bring them back in thirty minutes.?
My fury had only abated slightly. ?Is he acting on your orders?? I nodded in the direction of the Major. He didn?t answer. ?Well I hope your sadistic talents have had some satisfaction!?
?Maybe another visit to the whipping post might do some good after all,? the Colonel muttered calmly. Roger fainted to the floor. I glared hatred at the Colonel who only smiled. He knew he had the whip hand in both senses of the term. I held Roger for a few moments until he recovered and then before I could say any more and make the situation worse, Sumala picked me up and carried me from the room.
In the shower my anger dissipated and my fear returned. ?What if the Foreign Office gent hadn?t come to take us home? Would we be tortured again for my outburst? What did they really want with us?? My tears were washed away by the flow of water. Shelumba came and told us to hurry and then led us back to the Major?s office.
?Please sit down Miss Eves,? The Major requested. There was only one hard chair in front of his desk and I knew he was deliberately goading me. ?Sumala please wait outside the door in case we need you to take the fireball away again.? I sat and, without being told, Roger knelt on the floor beside me. Colonel Nubaro stood to the right of the Major and Peter Spencer sat on his left. It was Peter that opened the conversation.
?Miss Eves, Elaine, I came here hoping to secure your release but as you guessed you are a pawn in a game, except that it isn?t a game. It is a matter of hard negotiation between the Tumalian head of state and the British Government. Colonel Nubaro is representing Tumali interests and I am here of behalf of Britain. To secure your immediate release, we would have to agree to give Tumali several million pounds in aid. So you are a valuable commodity??
?But one that is expendable and can be made to suffer almost unbearable punishments!?
?But, Elaine, that only makes you more valuable. The articles in Today?s World, the underground version on DVD and especially those on the Tumali web site showing explicit and graphic pictures of what is being done to you is putting a great deal of public pressure on the Prime Minister to secure your release. In a way, the more you suffer the higher the amount they ask for in aid. However the PM is adamant about not giving in to blackmail and I think the people here are beginning to realise that further punishments might be counter productive. There is a growing amount of opinion that the government should not give in to a regime that uses what they see as inhuman methods to control its people. At the moment our negotiations have stalled but I?m authorised to stay here a few days more to try and secure a settlement. However, if I am honest with you, I doubt whether you will be returning with me.? Tears flowed down my face as the hopes I?d had were dashed. Roger openly cried too. ?Sorry to disappoint you,? he went on, ?What I expect to happen is that at the end of my stay I will be able to take a fresh set of terms back to England which the cabinet will debate and amend or reject and then I may be sent back again. Nothing will happen quickly. As I said Elaine and to you too Roger, I?m sorry that I cannot whisk you out of this situation but I will do what I can for you when I see General Cumu tomorrow but, in the meantime, you will still have to abide by the rules and laws here and not get yourself into any further trouble.?
From way he said the last remark I guessed that he had been in on our being sent here in the first place. Although the meeting went on for a further fifteen minutes we didn?t gain any more information as to when we would get home and with admonishments from the Colonel as to our behaviour, we were dismissed.
The following day was spent in IT working on the report of our trip. From Riku I learned that several dozen girls had, via the web site, applied for visas to live in Tumali but the government were going to be very strict in their vetting of the applicants. I gave Roger to her for the night and I think he was quite pleased to get out of my sight for a short while.
?Major Entembe wishes to see the three of you in his office right away.? Riku gave us the news soon after we?d started work on the third day after our return. There were no chairs in his office that morning for us to sit on. Not a good omen.
?Mr. Spencer left for London earlier today. As expected he wasn?t able to take you with him.? He paused and smiled while our hearts sank. Again I tried to puzzle out the Gent?s involvement in the scheme to abduct us and what benefit he got out of it. We knew he?d been given a room in Government House and each night two young girls had been sent to his room because we?d seen them in the cafeteria but I suspected he received a monetary handout as well but from whom? My mind was quickly brought back to the Major when he went on, ?Perhaps you thought I had forgotten about your outburst the other day Ellie; an outburst that tried to shame me in front of my superior. I do admire your spirit and the way you?ve changed over the few weeks you?ve been here but I cannot allow such derogatory statements to go unpunished and for the last few days I?ve been thinking what form that should take. The Colonel suggested another visit to the market square?? Roger shook violently and both Sumala and I had to hold him while he bleated out cries of ?NO!? ?Don?t worry Roger, I didn?t decide on that and it might be something you will enjoy even if Ellie doesn?t.?
I twigged immediately and groaned, ?The Mummy Boy Camp.?
?Yes Ellie. I thought it would be a suitable punishment for you and a good subject for your next article. I know you?ve had it up the arse a few times but there it will be done many times a day and Roger will get to put his prick in men?s arses for the first time. Sumala, I know you?re not in the least inclined towards boys but you can take your feelings out on Ellie by using her like the other boys will. Her cunt will be out of bounds while in the camp. You will spend three nights there and it?s a two day walk each way although the terrain isn?t as rugged as the way to Neambu so the journey shouldn?t be as taxing. After your remarks on my kindness in providing transport last time, do not expect me to do so for this trip.?
Back in the IT room Roger muttered, ?You and your big mouth again! Why can?t you be quiet like you used to be??
I was about to retort when Sumala stepped in. ?Arguing won?t help. Ever since you failed to take the proper caning at the whipping post, it was always part of the plan, the game if you like, that we were to visit the camp so don?t start blaming Ellie, and Ellie it is no good blaming Roger either. He cannot help being how he is.? Whether what you said to the Major brought it forward or not is just guesswork. I?ve never had a prick up my arse either or sucked a man off but I?ve fucked a good few women that way so it will be a new experience for me too Maybe tonight you?ll let me try you Ellie. You haven?t had it that way many times and you know that I?ll be careful and with plenty of cream it shouldn?t be unpleasant and may help prepare your hole for men who won?t be as careful.? We all had visions of having our bums buggered many times a day and none of us was looking forward to it. However, the actuality was not as brutal as we envisioned.
Early the next morning we set off in a northerly direction. My bottom was a little tender from Sumala?s attention the previous evening but it was nothing that I couldn?t cope with. He even made Roger soddomise me first so that I was already partially opened for him. Roger?s prick was fairly easy to take but I winced a bit when Sumala started to enter me but once he was in, it was uncomfortable but bearable. I wondered what it would have been like if he?d fucked me hard like I anticipated would happen at the Mummy Boy Camp. I thought I would try and get Sumala to have me that way again before we got to the camp but I was more concerned as to how Roger would take it. Would he just pass out? And if he did, would it annoy his rapist and make him cause Roger more pain? I pondered these and other questions as we plodded along.
As before, the first few miles were across the relatively flat agricultural land but in a couple of hours the land and forest rose up in front of us. ?We have two choices now,? Sumala informed us, ?We can go on in more or less a straight line through the forest and up over the mountain, or we can walk around the contours. The mountain way is shorter and steeper but should be cooler in the shade. The contour route has less climbing but is a good few miles longer. Time wise, there should be little in it.?
?Can we go one way and come back the other Suma??
?Yes, of course, and I would suggest we go the steep way and see the scenery. If our arses are sore, we may prefer to have less climbing on the way back.?? Roger didn?t comment and I noted he was unusually quiet. He?d noticed that I added the makeshift gag to his pack before leaving.
The path was steep and although we were in the shade, the atmosphere was very humid and soon all our clothing was soaked with sweat. After lunch and still on an upward path, the trees began to thin and a further hour on, we began to cross a plateau until we came to the rim of an extinct volcanic crater filled with crystal clear blue water. In no time at all we were slithering down the scree to the water?s edge. Several times the rope between Roger and I came taut as one of us slid faster than the other could keep up but generally we ended up laughing about it. The water was ice cold. It didn?t matter. Dropping our packs and without bothering to remove our clothing we lowered ourselves into the refreshing water. However the cold was too much for us to stay in long and we dried ourselves and our clothing in the hot sun. Reluctantly an hour later we were on the move again.
The climb up the loose scree caused further merriment and for the first time for days Roger actually laughed. It was largely a case of two steps forward and one slide back. One such episode when the connecting rope was nearly taut, Roger slid down and the rope pulled me on top of him. Neither of us was hurt and both of us grinned when I found myself cradled in his arms. On an impulse I kissed him and felt his lips on mine for longer than an affectionate peck. We continued to laugh as we tried to get to our feet on stones that refused to stay in one place and we ended up on our bums again. Suddenly his face clouded and took on its usual disturbing look. ?You?re worried at what might happen??
?I?m not really gay you know Ellie. I?m not wanting to have sex with men.?
?I know. We?ll get through it though like we have the rest of this trip. It will work out as long as we stick together and don?t fight each other.? A shout from Sumala, who had already gained the rim of the crater, broke our reverie and we started our way up the slope again.
An hour later and over another steep rise we came to a long, narrow lake. ?There is a fishing village at the end of this lake where we should find shelter for the night. We could go on if you want and are eager to reach the camp but we?d have to spend the night in the open.?
?We?ll stay,? Roger and I answered together. We knew Sumala wasn?t eager to get to the camp either.
As we ambled along a good track by the lakeside, two elderly men came to greet us. ?That hat of yours obviously warned them of our coming,? Sumala jibed. I wore the big, colourful hat I?d bought at the festival every time I ventured out into the sun mainly because that even with the sunblock my skin peeled continuously and I hadn?t started to tan due, no doubt, to my fair skin and hair colour. When they approached Sumala dropped back behind Roger so I was in the leading position. We hugged and patted each other on the back in the traditional way and I spoke the few words of halting greeting I had learned from Sumala and added ?Good afternoon Gentlemen.? That brought laughter to their faces. I introduced Roger and Sumala, even though they knew him, and then we all made our way to a four grass-hut village.
Other men sat around smoking while the women gutted and cleaned what looked to me like a good catch of fish. Some were being filleted and hung on racks to dry. Fortunately the racks were downwind of the huts so the smell wasn?t overpowering. With Roger now chained to my wrist again, I was ritually introduced to the elderly men but only one of them spoke more than one or two words of english. Two of the younger girls did and when I enquired why, I was told that from the time they were old enough to go to school until they were of breeding age, they lived in a community dormitory for girls in Chapoti. The village boys were schooled in Chapoti as well, but they hadn?t returned to the village.
That night we had a delicious fish stew and I was able to find out more about the lives of the fishermen and we sat talking, mainly to the girls but Sumala seemed to be filling the others in on what was being said and he translated much of what he learned from the men for us. I wondered what the sleeping arrangements would be and why I hadn?t been fucked during the evening but I?d forgotten that having Roger chained to me prevented them from asking. I remembered when I saw the English speaking man looking intently and me and with his erection showing below his shorts. In a whisper, I asked Sumala about the protocol and he replied, ?Just ask him if he would care to fuck a white woman.? I did and that seemed to be the signal for others to grab a woman. I think Roger wanted one of the younger girls but the other men beat him to it. A woman that looked very much older than him, late fifties or early sixties I would have guessed, jumped up and grabbed his prick. Nevertheless she got him hard but she had to wait until my partner finished before we could get into a position where the chain didn?t get in the way. I suppose I could have transferred the chain to her but I didn?t largely because I doubted Roger wanted to be with her too long. The woman was old enough to be his mother, or even his grandmother, but he didn?t take to her like he did to Riku.
We slept in a hut with an old couple but the man could still get an erection and he kept going for ages before he spent his load. Roger lay on his back beside me while the woman worked herself on him. Sumala had better luck in that he had both the younger girls during the night. Roger was peeved when Sumala told us and I guess he blamed me again for not giving him to one of them.
We set off late the next morning and didn?t hurry overmuch trying to arrive, we hoped, about when dinner would be served. Midway through the afternoon we descended to a wide dirt road which Sumala said was the main highway between the cablecar station and the Mummy Boy Camp. Having had Roger linked to me all day by the waist rope, both of us were glad to exchange it for wrist cuffs and rub some cream into the chafe marks on our bodies.
The road followed the route of the Songwe River but several hundred feet above it so we had splendid views of the river and across into Tanzania. This made the walk quite pleasant especially as we didn?t have to force the pace. Several times lorries slowed down and would have given us a lift but I waved them on. For once, Roger didn?t disapprove. After a couple of miles we came to a roadside stall and bought flavoured water and flatbread filled with a savoury mixture and sat in the shade to eat them. ?How much further Suma??
?A few miles only.?
?I don?t think I?m gay,? Roger blurted out, repeating what he?d told me earlier, ?I?ve enjoyed it when I?ve fucked women. It?s just that I was always too shy to do anything about it.?
?I know,? I said sympathetically, ?And neither is Suma, and I?m not either for that matter, but this is just another trial they are putting us through.?
?Ted?s behind it you know.? I looked at him in askance, ?I saw an email when I went to Riku?s office the other day. I wasn?t supposed to see it so don?t blab it to the Major or anyone so she gets into trouble. The stories of our hardships are selling ?Today?s World? and also ?The Real World Today? an underground DVD publication where there?s no censorship. He wanted us to have more experiences that would excite the readers. Perhaps we should just write a travel type journal with details of the lovely scenery.?
?And annoy the Major so that we end up in the market square again. No thank you Roger!?
We sat and talked as long as we dared, knowing that the lorry drivers would probably have informed those at the camp of our position. ?You?re worried about this too, aren?t you Suma?? His face had lost its cheerful smile. He nodded. ?Just think, it cannot be worse than the whipping you had.?
?No, but it will be very much more embarrassing ? and there won?t be a nice nurse to look after us afterwards either.? He did smile at that remark.
We trudged on. Dust clung to our sweaty bodies and clothes and we hoped we?d be able to shower when we got there. My spirits sank when we came to the camp gate. The Mummy Boy Camp was situated on a peninsula at the far north-western corner of Tumali and the entrance to it was blocked with a high, razor-wire fence. It reminded me of a concentration camp from which there was no escape. Armed guards stood by the entrance gates and I wondered if we were actually going to be allowed out in three days or whether this was a ruse to confine us here permanently. I half trusted the Major over this, but I wouldn?t have put it past him to extend our stay if it suited his schemes. However, on remembering what Ted?s email said, I guessed there were other ordeals planned for us.
Chapter nineteen. Mummy Boy Camp
Obviously our arrival had been witnessed because we?d hardly reached the gates before they opened and two armed guards escorted us to an office in the main building where a burly Tumalian greeted us with a surprisingly friendly smile. ?So you are the ones who wanted to sample the delights of our camp. I?m Captain Quaro.? He extended his hand in Sumala?s direction but I stepped forward and shook it.
??Elaine Eves, and no, we didn?t wish to come here but the Major had other ideas.?
?Same difference,? he grinned. I introduced the others more or less to let him know I was in charge and he began to accept that. He went on to explain some of the rules which basically allowed us to have sex with anyone, and they with us, provided it didn?t interfere with working and it wasn?t allowed in various other areas. Much like the rules for women in the rest of Tumali. For the next few days I was to be considered as a being man and used as though my vagina didn?t exist. ?I?ll get a girl to show you to your dormitory and give you a tour of the place and then bring you back here so I can sample the delights of a white boy?s arse before dinner and I?ve no doubt my sergeant will wish to sample yours Miss Ellie. After dinner you will be given the standard welcome and at bedtime, I expect you?ll have plenty of offers of sleeping partners. You Ellie, will be expected to suck prick and take them up your arse, the two men, will have to do the same but can also ask others to reciprocate. You can do it with each other too. There are plenty of lubricants available although most of the inmates don?t need them now but you are allowed to ask for lubrication to be used. During the daytimes, the Major has ordered that you are allowed to visit freely with the various work groups and interview and photograph them.?
We were dismissed and a ?girl?, a feminine looking boy wearing a skirt and false breasts showed us around and we were able to stow our packs in a dormitory. ?What did the Captain mean when he said we?d be given the standard welcome?? I asked sensing from the way the words had been spoken, that it would not just be a speech of introduction.
?I?m sorry,? our guide said, ?If he didn?t tell you, then I hadn?t better tell you either. I get spanked enough as it is.? He lifted his skirt and showed us a well reddened bum. ?All us girls get spanked before being fucked but we don?t mind most of the time except when the Captain uses the strap or cane as punishment.? We all now realised some pain, besides being fucked in the bottom, would be involved. Roger started to shake, and I squeezed his hand tightly to show my support but there was little enough I could do.
The Captain and two other men were waiting for us when we returned to his office. ?Here they are men. Three newbies ready for our pleasure, two of them seem to be arse virgins. Strip off then and get ready. Did the girl give you some cream??
?Yes sir,? I answered and produced it from my handbag.
?Okay bluestone boss lady, get them to bend over my desk and put some around their holes and on our pricks.? Roger stood shaking and I half expected him for pass out but he didn?t and I gently pushed him over the desk. The pricks on the men were quite normal for Tumalian men, and indeed were slightly smaller than Sumala?s so I wasn?t too concerned although I knew they wouldn?t be as gentle with me as he was. Being still linked to Roger made it a little awkward but the men soon realised they had to come to me to have their prick treated.
?Girls get spanked before fucking.?
?Typical of this country,? I thought, ?We get raped and beaten and the men get the pleasure.? It therefore came as a surprise when Captain Quaro put his left hand on Roger?s back and brought his right hand down hard on his arse. It was a surprise for Roger too and he screamed at the top of his voice. At the third hard slap, much to the amazement of the three men, he passed out. ?His body cannot take any pain sir,? I pointed out, ?He cannot help it sir so please don?t punish him further.? Roger woke up but the captain?s hand didn?t let him rise up.
I watched as he pushed his prick into the brown hole and moaned when he couldn?t enter. ?Pull his bum cheeks apart Ellie,? he ordered. I did so and tried to encourage Roger to open up but he was shaking so much that I feared he might pass out again. Eventually the captain gained an entrance and started to fuck properly. I could see Sumala was already impaled and then my turn came. In a way I was glad I?d had in that way before and knew what to expect and was able to relax enough to make it almost enjoyable. I took the sergeant quietly and even tried to push against him a little. Roger though, cried and bawled the whole time. The captain was disgusted and brought his hand down on Roger?s arse again. ?You will wear her skirt little baby girl,? he seethed, ?She can wear your shorts.? Fortunately there was no rule that we had to suck them clean afterwards. I found out later there had been disease problems some years previously and now there were a supply of tissues always on hand for that purpose.
Our guide was again summoned to take us to the lounge and to find Roger a padded, flesh coloured bra. I tried to uplift his spirits a little but I wasn?t too successful. ?How was it with you Suma? I saw you had an erection afterwards.?
?Could have been worse. His prick kept hitting my prostate so that caused me to get a hard-on and almost to shoot my load. I suppose I can now see why some men might like it but I still prefer a girl?s cunt.?
?Our girl? introduced us to a number of men who questioned me about our being there, how we coped with being chained together, and life in England until a bell summoned us to dinner. We were surprised they made no attempt to fuck us but we rightly guessed, that would wait until after our welcome.
At the end of the meal the captain called for silence and addressed every one. ?Ladies,? (I could see others dressed as girls) and gentlemen, we have three visitors sent by our government on a fact finding mission to the Mummy Boy Camp. Two are from England and the other is a Tumalian who is here to guide them on our customs, not that he knows much of the customs in this camp. [Laughter] One of the English is a real woman, Ellie, but she is to be treated like a man and in fact, she is in charge of the other two. She has bluestone status so she is above most of you in rank. You are to respect her. Her companion, Roger, as you can see from his dress, is a mummy?s boy and a very timid one at that. I have already found out that she falls asleep at the slightest pain so you may have to be a little careful in what you do with her. Major Entembe has ordered that Ellie and Roger be kept chained together at all times so we must work around that and make allowances for the fact that they must be together. For two full days they are to experience life here in the same way as you, except they will not be assigned work schedules. Instead they will visit and see what you do. Feel free to answer factual questions but don?t become embroiled in arguments concerning the ethics of our government. Tell them about your work, your lives here and your lovers and of course they will be living in the community with you. Treat them as you do each other.?
?Hurry up and get it over with,? I muttered to myself. No one had mentioned the welcome yet.
?As they are going to part of our community, albeit for only two days, we must give them our traditional welcome. Ladies and gentlemen, let us adjourn to the wall. Gentlemen, if you wish to partake in their welcome, please take a token from the jar on the way out.?
The ?wall? proved to be a long, counter-like structure about two and a half feet high and a foot broad. There were straps at intervals that I guessed were for restraining us. The wall was long enough to take ten people so there was plenty of space for the three of us. We were all made to bend over the wall and fastened down with a strap across our backs. I could see that Roger was in a bad way again, shaking miserably and crying, and I had to support him on the walk and try to calm him a little by actually putting the strap over his back before letting them strap me down. Further straps pulled our knees apart so that our holes were wide open. Numbers were being called out as cream was inserted into our bottom holes and as each number was called a man?s voice acknowledged and yelled with pleasure. I found out that three were selected for each of our bottom holes and three more for us to suck off. None of the ?girls? had been allowed to take a token. I kept squeezing Roger?s hand to reassure him but I could tell that his fear would soon overcome his consciousness. His tears were dripping on to the floor and he was sobbing uncontrollably. My attention was soon taken by a prick being pushed in my arse and another offered to my mouth. Obviously they were used to having sex in this way and easily and calmly fucked until first the one in my arse came and then I tasted sperm in my mouth. As far as I was concerned it was more uncomfortable than painful. With hardly a break the second and then the third pair took me. I tried to wiggle my bottom but the straps largely prevented that although I was able to bob my head and soon had my third quota of sperm. They didn?t release me but I could turn my attention first to Roger who was still resisting and who had only just started to have his second pair. Sumala on my other side was servicing his last.
?He?s a useless girl!? I turned my head back to Roger. The man at his rear had withdrawn and apparently was having difficulty in reinserting his prick. SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP. I felt Roger?s hand go slack. His assailant took the opportunity to thrust prick in and complete his fucking.
Roger still hadn?t come round properly when the third man stood ready. ?No, no!? I yelled, ?Use me instead. You?ll kill him!? Roger turned his head towards me and I thought he was going to say, ?whore? but he muttered thanks and drifted off again.
My hole felt very tender and I walked a little bow-legged afterwards but I knew I wasn?t seriously hurt. For a long while I stood alongside the wall comforting Roger and for the most part, the others left us alone. ?Suma, are you fit enough to carry him to the dorm please??
?Of course Boss Lady.? He threw him across his shoulders like a sack of corn and laid him on a bed. Vaguely I noticed that someone had pushed two side by side so we could each have a bed partner and still be chained together. It appeared that, like in the rest of Tumali, my being chained to Roger marked him as mine and no one with lesser status to me, would molest us without being granted permission. We lay and cuddled for a while and in conversations with the others, found that many of the gay men had loving, long-term relationships and had feelings for our plight. They brought juice and tried to make us comfortable and when Roger at last got an erection, probably more from my body rubbing against him than from the naked men around us, one of them asked to suck him off. I wished one would do the same for me but they didn?t consider my clit as being a prick substitute.
Going to the toilet was a little painful or perhaps rather uncomfortable would describe it better, and yet it seemed that I had to go. Roger admitted that he needed to as well. Probably the sperm inside us acted like an enema. Two of the younger men stopped me as I returned and one asked, ?May I spend the night in your bed?? I agreed and when the other asked to sleep with Roger and promised several times not to hurt him, I agreed to that too. I did have to take him up my arse but he was very gentle and played with my tits as well so eventually I climaxed. ?It?s nice to feel real tits again, so different from the false ones the ?girls? here wear.? I didn?t hear Roger cry out and I found out that his partner had only fondled his prick and made him return the favour.
Chapter twenty. The Birthing Clinic
?How did the rest of your stay there go?? Riku asked, ?I read the part you wrote today and that seemed pretty traumatic.?
We?d arrived back late the previous day. Shelumba told us the Major was rather annoyed as he?d sent a proper car for us but that had perforce to go via the cablecar station and the dirt road to the camp. We?d made an early start and had turned off that road on to the contour track before the car reached us. ?The Major wanted to see you before he went away for a few days but I know it can wait until he returns,? Shelumba informed us but didn?t elaborate and we were left wondering if he?d another ordeal planned for us. We spent the first day back writing up our report and decided to spend the night in the community house.
As soon as we arrived a young girl from a neighbouring house came and asked, ?Can I have Roger like Sanle did?? Seeing the disappointment on Riku?s face she added, ?I?ll bring him back by bedtime if you like.? A smile lit her face when we agreed. Riku, I realised, liked to have Roger in bed with her as a companion to cuddle and not just for his prick. Now, after the evening meal, we sat at a table outside where it was cooler and taking out my laptop showed her some of the pictures and began my story.
?I quickly found that the inmates were not the brutal raping men I had envisaged. Some of the guards were, but the others were respectful and treated us with care, almost love. My being a real woman caused a bit of a rumpus at breakfast on the first morning. Halfway through I yanked Roger to his feet and ran for the door. One of the guards gave chase but I got to the toilet just in time to lean over the pan and be sick. Roger looked worried and I seemed unduly pale when I looked in the mirror and washed my face. All eyes were on us when the guard escorted us back to the Captain?s table. He looked at me quizzically but I said, ?Sorry, morning sickness. I?m pregnant. I can only pretend to be a man part of the time.? For some reason the whole table erupted in laughter.?
?I can well imagine that caused a stir in a men only camp.?
?Yeah. The captain made me see the camp doctor but he didn?t have much experience of women?s problems either.?
For the rest of the evening I went through the life at the camp as I saw it. How it was like a self-contained village with trained craftsmen doing woodwork, plumbing, and electrics and other doing what would be considered household chores cooking and cleaning. By now a small crowd had gathered around my table, staring at the pictures on the screen and listening to my tale. ?Did they bum fuck you often?? one asked.
?Not during the day except when a guard decided he had more authority than me. Suma had to take more but he also had to put his prick in a good few too. I didn?t have that problem,?
?How did you feel about that Suma?? Riku asked. After my ?rape? at the community house, Sumala hardly left my side when I was away from Government House.
?I still would rather put my prick in a girl?s cunt, or even her arse, but I began to get some idea of the satisfaction they got out of it. You girls know what it is like to have a prick in your bumhole and what it was like the first few times, well it was like that for me but also the prick stimulated my prostate and I got one hellava hard-on. The feeling when I fucked a boy was not much different to when I?ve fucked a girl?s arse except the boys there were more open and easier to get my prick in. I wouldn?t want to be limited to that one way of fucking though but I think I am more tolerant of gay boys now. I hated being kissed by them. That seemed so much more revolting and utterly repulsive especially when they hadn?t shaved.? Suma adjusted the girl on his knee and played with her breasts.
?So it wasn?t one big orgy then Ellie?? an unknown girl asked.
?No more than here. Most work during the day and so are not available. The worst were the guards but fortunately there wasn?t too many of them. They had the power to use a strap on anyone shirking and several times we witnessed a boy being forced to bend over and take six or eight hard whacks with the strap and usually the guard would fuck them afterwards and they did it really hard.?
?What was the journey back like??
?Actually it was remarkably pleasant. The route was hilly rather than mountainous and we stayed overnight at quite a large village, about a dozen huts. Suma and Roger were spoilt for choice of young females and there were to be several young lads too and I tried a couple of them. Roger?s humour began to come back when I chained him to a young girl that he seemed to fancy. The village had a hut put aside for visitors because the route was fairly well used, indeed we met various other people on the way, and so we were able to take our choices back to the hut for the night. Nothing abnormal for this country happened.?
?The Major says you are to go to the Birthing Clinic for a check-up,? Shelumba informed me when we arrived for work the next day, ?And you can spend the day there to do a piece on it.? I must have looked surprised as I hadn?t seen the Major since our return and thought we?d pissed him off over not getting back earlier in the car he?d sent. That wasn?t our fault but that wouldn?t matter to him. ?He heard about your morning sickness at the camp,? Shelumba went on to explain.
Roger looked a little pale at the thought and asked if I could chain him to Riku for the day but that request was refused on the grounds that she had access to information that we shouldn?t see. What surprised me more was that Sumala wasn?t keen on going either but I told both of them bluntly, ?You are coming with me. It will do you good to see what us women have to go through after you?ve had your pleasure with us.?
Really I didn?t know what to expect either. Having slept in grass huts and seen Wyche?s form of medicine, I half expected something fairly primitive. Instead I found a modern maternity hospital that would have put our London teaching hospitals to shame but when I thought about it, baby sales and adoption were the main source of income for the country and therefore they needed to get as many healthy babies for sale as possible. There was also the fact that with almost forced unprotected sex, there was a far higher proportion of babies per population to deal with.
The hospital was clean, light and air-conditioned and the staff too all looked clean and efficiently dealt with my routine check-up in the attached clinic. Two main differences became immediately apparent; the patients and visitors (including us soon after our arrival) were all naked ? ?It saves a lot of time and is more hygienic than often unwashed clothes,? the matron informed me and then told us to have a shower and to use the special germicidal soap. The other noticeable difference was that there were no private rooms or cubicles where the birthing took place. Most of the nurses too were in various stages of pregnancy. Roger had a little smile on his face and the start of an erection at the sight of the women with grossly extended bellies, waddling around the ward. They took it in good humour and tried to tease him by wriggling their bodies suggestively and laughingly offered to take him to bed. I guess the sight didn?t stimulate Sumala because his prick remained flaccid.
?Roger?s working,? I informed them, ?Maybe later after we?ve seen the sights and he?s freaked out at seeing a baby born, I?ll chain him to one of you for comfort.?
?We?ll hold you to that,? a large woman who looked to be near the end of her fertile life chuckled, ?He can even have a soothing suckle and some milk he hasn?t had since he was born.?
Matron re-joined us. ?Sorry,? she apologised, ?I got called away. Don?t take too much notice of the ladies; they haven?t seen a man for a couple of days or so. We don?t normally allow men on the wards mainly because they get in the way and they seem to have problems with seeing the blood and stuff when a baby is born. Looks like yours might have trouble too after the way he went pale when I took your blood sample. By all means chain him to one of the other women. Suma may be okay but if he?s a problem we can send him outside to watch through the observation window. We?re expecting two births today. One?s a first timer so you will get an idea of what you might go through and the other will be her eighth and should be much easier. We have a fully equipped operating theatre and surgeons on call if there are problems or if a caesarean is necessary.?
For half an hour we toured the facility and we were most impressed by the cleanliness and standard of hygiene. I reckoned it was far higher than in any NHS hospital and because all the nurses were women, and most were pregnant, they had a far greater empathy with their patients. The mothers-to-be quickly noticed the slight swelling of my stomach and accepted me ?as one of them? and chatted to me without the reserve an outsider, and a white woman at that, would normally receive.
At first it was more of the good natured banter about having a slave boy that I had learned to field from most women and Roger tried to ignore but then one of the older women asked about my stripes which still showed on my back and arse although I only felt them now when I sat down hard or put pressure on my shoulders. A number of them had seem my thrashing and told me that a week later the whipping master had felt his own whip but it wasn?t as hard as the flogging Sumala received. My bluestone came in for much comment too and even though, in theory at least, I was above them in status, I was treated as an equal.
Suddenly, N?lla the young, first time mother-to-be, asked, ?Do you know who is the father of your baby??
?Major Entembe.?
She nodded in an understanding way and I sensed a story especially when she said, ?Colonel Nubaro.?
?How do you know??
For a short while she hesitated to answer and seemingly making up her mind, went on, ?The top people in government are informed by the community house supervisors when a girl is ready for breeding and the prettiest ones are taken to Government House. The others are fucked and bred by any men that are around or who are chosen. Often the supervisors are given a present to allow the richer men to breed a virgin. Two of us were ready at the same time and I was pleased that I was considered pretty enough to be taken to Government House. General Cumu and the Colonel inspected us and spent some time talking and asking questions. I was a bit tongue-tied at being with such high-ranking people but the other girl chatted freely and laughed a lot. The General chose her and I went with the Colonel. He bred me for seventeen days??
?Much the same as the Major did with me except that I was with him only a few days and had my whipping then too,? I interrupted.
?You hadn?t been bred before?? N?lla?s voice showed her surprise and the others echoed her.
This led to a long discussion and in general, the women preferred their system where they were free to have many different men. ?? like that?? one of them laughed and nodded to a bed further along the ward and I saw Sumala had a young woman bent over the side of the bed and was fucking hard. She must have aroused him pretty quickly and I found out later the pair knew each other and had spent a number of nights together in the past.
?You?re supposed to be working Suma!? I called out and everyone laughed. Even the matron didn?t stop him.
For a while I tried to discus how they felt about giving up the babies and most believed it to be a part of life but it seemed to me there was an inner sense of loss that they shut out and were elated when they were allowed to keep a child.
Later that morning I witnessed my first birth. It was the woman?s eighth and she had little trouble. As it was a ?for sale? baby, a curtain was drawn across the top half of her so she could not even glimpse her baby before it was taken away. To me that was very sad but practical in that there would be no bond between the mother and child. Most of the other mothers-to-be stood around and watched while the nurses did their job. I had some idea of what to expect from a film we were shown in sex education at school but I was hardly prepared for the reality of the pain and mess and to a certain extent, the smell that accompanied it. The sight fascinated and excited me and it wasn?t until I felt the pull on my wrist chain, that I remembered Roger. He?d passed out.
One of the others helped him up and I took him to a motherly woman and clipped the chain to her. Before I returned to the birthing, she?d cuddled him closely and he was suckling her breast.
?Would you mind if I sent Suma out?? a nurse asked. He was looking a bit sick too.
?Yeah, of course. He?s only of any use at conception; at delivering the goods he?s useless.? That amused the others.
During lunch, which Suma and I had with the staff, a nurse came in and informed us, ?N?lla, the first timer is going into labour.? Roger was still cuddled to the woman I?d chained him to and was doing his best not to hear the noises emanating from the nearby bed. N?lla was obviously in pain but the nurses didn?t look concerned. After a quick examination, the matron said all was normal. ?Shall I give her a wiffle stick?? asked the nurse and when the matron nodded a piece of round wood about as thick as my thumb and six inches long, was produced and N?lla gripped this with her teeth. It reminded me of the makeshift gag we?d used on Roger.
At first I thought it was only something for the girl to bite on but the matron said, ?It is the wood from a special tree that Wyche knows and the substances it produces have a relaxing and calming effect.? She gave me one to take back with me. I sniffed it and found the smell aromatic but it is not a smell that I recognised or can really describe. ?Wyche says there is just one small tree that she knows of so we have to wash each stick after each use and store them for another woman?s birth. They?re not always required for the second and later births though, as you saw with the older woman.? I found it a strange admixture of modern technology with what was almost witchcraft.
N?lla?s labour lasted most of the afternoon and she underwent a good deal more pain before a little baby girl finally emerged. The wholesome smile of satisfaction on N?lla?s face as the baby fed from her breast was enough to make me feel broody and long for the time when my baby was born although seeing what she went through, caused me to think of the labour pains and I wondered if at a London hospital, I would be given drugs to induce my baby. Much to Roger?s disgust, I promised to return the next day to see how N?lla was.
?The wiffle stick does make a great deal of difference,? N?lla told me next day as I held her darling baby. ?It reduces the pain and almost takes you out of your body so it feels sort of like you are watching yourself.? I guessed it contained a natural hallucinogenic drug
?I don?t think I could ever give away a baby of mine.? The tiny baby tried to suckle my breast and wriggled in my arms when no milk was forthcoming.
?It is difficult for some mothers here too but I suppose we are conditioned to it and if you never see it and never have it against your breast, it is not such a great miss. We do get to feed other babies too for six weeks or so but never your own.? We talked for a long while to her and the woman whose baby had been taken away but left when we found that talking about giving away her child upset the woman. I guessed there was always an underlying desire for the women to keep and raise their children that the conditioning couldn?t completely eradicate.
?How would you feel about having your baby here?? the Major asked when we were summoned to his office. My mind went into overdrive. Was he hinting that we would be kept here until after my child was born? Did he intend to take my baby and raise it as his own? To sell it? Seeing the look of horror on my face he went on, ?It?s okay Ellie, you will be going home when the General?s pardon comes through but the negotiations seemed to be stalled at the moment. No I was really asking about the treatment you might get here as compared to Britain.?
I knew the answer to that. ?I would be better having the baby here rather than an impersonal maternity block in a large hospital.? I paused for a long while, ?But it might take six months before I got home again- if I ever did!?
?No, Ellie. If you came back as a special visitor, you would be given a proper visa and would return at the end of your visit with your baby. You know the rules here now and conforming to them doesn?t seem to be a problem and you would still have your bluestone status. Only the court can take that away from you and you wouldn?t have Roger chained to you all the time, even if you brought him. Perhaps you?d like to do a follow up series of articles??
I wouldn?t commit myself but that night I lay awake for a long time wondering just how much longer we would be kept in Tumali. For some time now, I had begun to enjoy much of my life here but still I yearned to see my friends at home. ?But you don?t have many of them, do you?? I told myself, ?You have more friends in Chapoti than in London. You were too shy to even go into a pub then, now look at you. You talk to anyone, show you body freely and allow yourself to be publicly fucked. How you?ve changed. Do you really want to go back?? In the end I decided that I did but might consider returning to have the baby. If only I could get a cast iron guarantee that I would be allowed to go home afterwards and take my baby with me.
Chapter twenty-one. Roger deflowers a
?Hi all of ya,? Pelo, a woman I knew from a previous visit as being the ?mother? in charge of the girls? home greeted us. We were sitting at a table outside Riku?s the community house and had just finished eating. ?Ellie, one of my girls, Waunu, is due to become a woman in a few days and has asked that Roger be the one to perform the ceremony and in fact she wishes to be linked to him for a few days until she is likely to be pregnant. Would you allow that? Is it possible??
I turned to Riku sitting across the table from me. ?She wants a light baby like Sanle? I can give permission for her to use Roger but if they are linked for more than a night, she would have to be with him at work or we would have to give him time off, and that might not be allowed.?
?You could send him on an assignment to find out how girls become women here. In fact that could work out quite well. We have three more work days and then a two day holiday. We could send him on the evening before the last working day and she could have him for three days in a row with no work problems. If she?s fertile, that should be long enough.?
?How would you feel about going on an outside assignment on your own Roger?? Since Sanle I knew he?d had a number of different girls but he?d never had a virgin. I saw him hesitate and made his mind up for him. He seemed to expect that. ?Yes, if we can work out details, he?ll do it.? Roger?s eyes opened wide and the three of us women laughed.
?Perhaps he should also compare the way he makes the girl a woman to how it is done to most girls,? Riku suggested. ?There?ll be a good deal of difference because of the chain. If she wants, Waunu will have him for her exclusive use whereas other girls are inseminated three times by different men without a break that first time and several men will have her on the following days. She may not be able to choose who does it although quite often she arranges a boy she likes to do the deed.?
?That will work out fine too,? Pelo confirmed, ?There?s another girl due at about the same time and I doubt she is pretty enough for the government people to want her. I?ll let people know so they will witness it on Wednesday evening, Thursday is a school day for her but she can drag him along and show him to her friends, and I expect the teacher will get him talking to the classes. Friday and Saturday are holidays and she can release him for work on Sunday. I?ll arrange for the other girl to become a woman on Saturday.?
Chaining Roger to Riku I went with Pelo to the girls? home and was introduced to Waunu. Sanle was with her and it was obvious they were friends and had discussed Roger. Sanle greeted me and patted her stomach. ?I?m over a week late so I guess Roger?s baby has started growing.? Her face lit up with the huge smile so characteristic of Tumalians. I gave her a hug and then one to Waunu. The girl was shorter and plumper than Sanle and already had a more motherly appearance. ?She?ll do nicely for Roger,? I thought, ?He always seems to be more in tune with the less outwardly attractive girls; the model types. Perhaps that is why he is attracted to Riku ? and me!?
?Waunu, and you too Pelo, has Sanle told you about Roger?s shyness?? They both indicated that she had, ?Well I suggest that you keep the number of witnesses to the very minimum otherwise he might fail to perform.?
?Don?t worry, Ellie,? Sanle exclaimed, ?I kept some of Wyche?s cream from the festival. He?ll perform all night!?
Roger guessed I?d something up my sleeve when I chained him to me as we left Government House after work on Wednesday. I hadn?t done that for ages. He was even more perplexed when we called at a stall and I bought enough savoury filled flatbread for two people and put them in his pack. Knowing I wouldn?t tell him anything, he asked Riku but she could honestly say, ?I don?t know either Roger. Ellie hasn?t planned anything with me.? I think he began to have some idea when Waunu met us and I introduced her to him. Fortunately after the initial shock he seemed to take a liking to her and didn?t demure when a few hundred yards further on I clipped his chain to her left wrist. ?He?s all yours,? I told her, ?But make sure he keeps his prick in his trousers until later!?
It was nearly 7:30 when Waunu led him into ?our? community hut. ?You two get along okay?? I asked and Roger nodded and surprisingly added, ?Thanks.? They?d sat in the park and talked while they ate their flatbread and then petted for a while.
The reception he had at the neighbouring community house where Waunu had been given a bed, was less pleasant, almost hostile. I know it brought back memories of the festival and his dealings with the marauders but this time there was no Sanle to protect him. Waunu being much younger, had no experience in dealing with the adolescent boys who mocked them both. Roger was in tears again and Waunu had wet eyes. I didn?t want to interfere but in the end I soundly berated the boys until they turned on me but with Sumala and other adults from the house by my side, there was never likely to be any trouble. However, as they moved away, one of them called back, ?If your boyfriend can have our girl, we should be able to have his.?
?Later,? I laughed and then realised I had given them an open invitation to fuck me. Sumala?s arm wrapped around my shoulders and I knew that was to let them know that I was his for the time being and that I was under his protection. We ignored the three teenagers while we prepared the bed for Waunu?s nuptials. I wondered if it was normal, but a fairly large crowd gathered around the bed, Pelo explained, ?It?s your white boyfriend, they?re curious to see how he performs.? I hoped Roger didn?t hear that otherwise it would put even more pressure on him.
?I thought you didn?t allow children to witness these events?? I queried after seeing a young girl standing close to the bed.
?Not as a general rule but Resu there, is due to become a woman in a few days so she gets to see what happens. Most children will have seen people naked and fucking many times even when they?re not supposed to. They also get sex instruction in school so they know what it is all about.? To my embarrassment, Pelo went on with a grin on her face, ?Some even saw you in the park during the festival and were telling the others exactly what you got up to when I overheard them.?
My face went very red. ?I thought children weren?t allowed in??
?They?re not, but children being what they are, find ways of getting into things that are forbidden to them. Mind you, they all had a dose of the strap when we found out.?
At this point it was obvious that Roger wasn?t going to get hard, indeed he was very nervous and shaking at the thought of performing the ceremony in front of everyone but Sanle must have briefed Waunu well. I only caught a glimpse of the cream on her finger when she cuddled Roger on top of her and began to fondle his prick. For long minutes it seemed as if nothing would happen and I began to wonder if it was outdated, but slowly his cock began to grow and soon it was fiercely hard. He knew what to do and it only took a couple of thrusts before he was fully entered and fucking like normal. ?It seemed very little different to having a non virgin,? he told me later, ?I felt her hymen but it gave way easily. I don?t think many of the onlookers knew I?d done it and Waunu didn?t feel any real pain and, as you saw, she didn?t bleed much. Perhaps Tumalian women are like that.?
To everyone?s amazement, except those of us who knew the reason, Roger continued fucking even after shooting his seed twice. Waunu appeared to be in ecstasy but, knowing what Roger?s prick was like after using the cream at the festival, I wondered how sore she would be in the morning. After a good half an hour of watching the performance, couples started drifting away or using the nearby beds. The three youths kept eyeing me and I knew I would have to make good my promise but I wanted it to be on my own home ground. ?Take me back to Riku?s, Suma please,? I whispered, ?I want you first and then they can have the left-overs.? Raising my eyebrows at the boys, I indicated for them to follow. Fortunately Roger didn?t notice otherwise I guess he would have called me a slut or a whore again.?
Sumala sensed that I wanted to keep the boys waiting and took his time. Perhaps that wasn?t a good idea because they were very aggressive by the time I was ready for them and ploughed into me hard and furiously, but for all their waiting, they didn?t last long. One apparently had me in the park and decided this time he wanted my arse but after my experience in the Mummy Boy Camp, it wasn?t a real problem.
However sore Waunu was in the morning, she carted him off to school with her while I had to return to work for the day.
Saturday evening we gathered in another community hut to witness the initiation of Resu, a much taller and skinnier girl than Waunu and one whose breasts were still hardly developed and yet she looked older. She also looked very apprehensive. A late developer I concluded. ?A business man has paid to fuck her the first time,? Pelo told me, ?And then she chose two men from her father?s farm. She knows them but I think it was her father that really made the choice. She?ll have a rougher time than Waunu.?
So it proved. The business man was always on he lookout for thin girls particularly, because they were often so much tighter than the plumper ones and he liked to hear them squeal when he forced his prick into them. ?Does the money go to the girl?? I asked.
?No. We all get a third, the girl, the house for its upkeep and a third for me for arranging it.? Well at least there was some compensation for the girl. This seemed akin to prostitution, not only illegal in Tumali but also unnecessary, but I kept my thoughts to myself.
The man was tall and slim and, compared with his countrymen, was not overly well endowed. ?Perhaps that is why he wants virgins,? I thought. His prick was still as big as Roger?s though.
Resu?s defloration was not a tender affair. On the man?s instructions, no one prepared the girl for her ordeal; she lay shaking slightly on the bed surrounded by a small group on onlookers. I had no doubt that under the knickers she still wore, her vagina was still dry and entry would be painful. Later, I found out that is what was ordered and paid for.
While a few men called out encouragement, the man just walked into the room and removed his trousers.? Without a word he ripped Resu?s knickers off, spread her legs and thrust his prick into her tight opening. She gave a loud scream. Some of the men grinned but most of the women looked sad or upset; they, like me, knew that the trauma could affect the way she viewed sex for the rest of her life. A pleasant experience first time would most likely encourage her to give pleasure in the future but I wasn?t sure that would happen with Risu. She bled considerably and that didn?t help matters especially as the next man had to wait until she?d been cleaned up a little. I was very glad the Major took his time with me even if it had changed me into a slut.
Risu still sobbed pitifully when the second man pushed his prick into her. He was a little more considerate but the previous sight must have over aroused him because he came very quickly. Her last inseminator was much older and took his time and at least tried to cause the least amount of pain. Had he been the only one to fuck her, she could well have enjoyed it but after the earlier hurtful entries, her face showed nothing but revulsion. Perhaps after the man spent the night with her, things would improve. As Sumala led me away, I reminded myself how lucky I was to have been taken by an experienced and careful lover.
Chapter twenty-two. In prison
We stood in front of the Major?s desk like errant school children. There were no chairs so we knew we were in trouble and he was clearly not in a good mood. The summons came a few days after a holiday, a holiday that we?d spent in the children?s community homes. We?d written a piece on them and were impressed with the welfare and care the children received and the standard of their schooling. Two boys had been chastised while we were there but we didn?t consider the punishment excessive considering the country that we were in. It was no more than children received in England thirty years previously. I tried to think of anything we could have done wrong but nothing came to mind.
?Colonel Nubaro has received a complaint from your editor about the last few articles you?ve written and he reprimanded me because I approved them. They were considered, in Ted?s words, to be too ?vanilla? which I assume means that there wasn?t enough sex or punishment in them.? He threw the email to me.
The last few articles I?ve received from my reporters in your country have been well written and have kept the interest of the women here but the men, who mainly are the ones buying the uncensored DVD, are complaining that the subject matter of the last few have been too vanilla in content and sales have dropped. In view of this I would appreciate it if they could be sent to report on something a little more ?challenging?.
I read the email twice before passing it to Roger. I guessed it was similar to the previous one from Ted that Roger saw in Riku?s office. His face fell and it took on that scared look that I?d become to know so well. With shaking hands he passed it to Sumala who read it without commenting. We waited in suspense for the Major to tell us our fate but he seemed to be taking a great delight in prolonging our agony. ?I?m sending the two of you to prison, the main prison. Sumala who has nothing to do with the writing and will not have to guide you there, can stay behind,? he finally announced with a smile. The tone of his voice made it sound as if we were to be incarcerated, possibly for an unknown length of time. Incarcerated without Sumala?s protection.
?But why Major? What have we done that was really wrong? We?ve only reported on the things we?ve seen and done. Mainly things you?ve sent us to see. The email says they were well written and the women liked them and they are the ones you want to come here. You?re surely not going to have us whipped again and put away just so we can experience prison life first hand??
?The most popular DVD?s are the ones showing you being strapped at the airport and caned at the whipping post.?
?But? but I?m pregnant now? with your baby?? I heard Roger hit the floor but didn?t make any attempt to pick him up this time.
?Many girls who?ve been flogged, even in the more advanced stages of pregnancy, go on to have healthy babies.? At that moment I guessed he was playing cat and mouse with me. He grinned widely.
?You want us to witness the execution and report on it??
The case had made the headlines of the local paper. S?naya, an ugly brute of a man, had dragged a young girl from the field where she was working and raped her. Because she struggled and resisted, he afterwards thrust a knife into her belly. Surgeons were able to save the life of the girl but not the baby. Worse, the girl would not be able to have any further children. The court had decided it was rape because the girl was at work at the time and took a severe stance over the fact that not only had the girl nearly died, she would no longer be able to perform the manual work she?d been doing to provide for herself nor would she have any more children and contribute to the country?s economy. Public opinion made much of the fact that it was the girl?s fifth child, one that she would have kept. The execution by firing squad was scheduled for three days time.
?Please Major, don?t do this to us. You know capital punishment is abhorrent to our way of life. I don?t think I could stand the sight of seeing someone killed in cold blood. Please Major don?t send us there.? I begged and pleaded but he still just smiled. I knew he already made the decision.
?You will witness it just as will all the other inmates of the prison.? From his use of the words ?as will all the other inmates of the prison?, I was half afraid we were all going to be sentenced to a term of imprisonment there to fully understand the regime but his words were ambiguous and again I felt he was playing a game with us. ?You will report to the holding prison at ten o?clock tomorrow morning ready for transporting to the prison with another woman who is to start her sentence. You will lock the link between you and leave the key with Sumala. The guards at the prison will open the link if required.?
?How long will they be kept there Sir?? Sumala asked.
?That I will decide after I have talked with the governor? and that might depend on their behaviour.? The Major turned to me, ?Get out now and make what arrangements you need for a stay in prison. Take your laptop and cameras and whatever else you need to do an in depth report, and make sure you use them.?
Despondently we sat in the IT office and discussed the situation. Roger was convinced that we were going to be kept in until the Tumali government received the aid they wanted. Neither Sumala nor I believed that to be the case. ?Are we being sent in as reporters or taken and kept as prisoners and subjected to the punishments other prisoners received and then have to write a story on them?? I asked Riku.
?Colonel Nubaro gets emails direct from your boss, Ellie, they don?t come through our office so I haven?t even seen it and until you told me, I had no idea this was to happen.? She genuinely didn?t seem to know but she cuddled Roger like a very concerned mother as though to protect him.
As you can imagine, we didn?t get much sleep that night. Even with Sumala?s attentions, my thoughts continually worried about the next few days? or weeks.
Promptly at nine-thirty two local guards appeared. We knew them of course but that day they had serious expressions. ?Sorry Miss Ellie, but we?re here to arrest you. Are you ready??
?Almost. Do you know?? My voice broke.
?Sorry,? the guard replied, ?They only told us to come and get you and to march you to the holding prison. Has Sumala got the key??
I nodded and Sumala came and gave me a hug and a kiss. It would be the first time for months we?d be separated. When I thought back to that first night in the cell and what I thought of his behaviour then and what I thought of him now, I realised just how much I had changed. ?Walk tall Bluestone girl. Don?t let them see you cowed.? Somehow that boosted my morale and I knew, even if it was for Sumala?s sake, I would have to look as though I was in charge.
?Shall we go gentlemen?? I remarked to the guards and received a smile from them in return and a scowl from Roger. Several times he stumbled and we had to wait for him to pick himself up before continuing. Nevertheless we arrived before our appointed time.
Nurse Muniba checked us over but didn?t say much. Her face wore a worried expression especially when she examined Roger. ?How many times has he passed out from pain now?? she enquired.
?I don?t know nurse, lots. Is that a problem??
?Is he able to withstand more pain now before he fades??
?Less if anything. Sometimes he only has to think it is going to be painful.?
?Keep a close watch on him.? She wrote a lengthy note on her board and left us without further explanation. I wondered if she knew what was to happen to us or whether she surmised that we would be treated like other Tumalian prisoners. The guards locked us in a cell. Further along, I heard a woman crying but I couldn?t see her properly because she lay curled up on her bed with her back to us.
?That?s Shenau,? Zulam, who I recognised from our first visit, informed us, ?She?s going with you. We?re waiting on the van now. She?s had twenty lashes of the whip and has been given seven days in prison. You might have to be careful with her. Loses her temper quickly and when her main man wouldn?t leave, she hit him with a pan and broke his arm. She?s still in a lot of pain although the new whipmaster doesn?t strike as hard as the old one. Even so, twenty for a woman is plenty and she?ll get more punishment in the other place?? I thought he was going to add, ?and so will you,? but he didn?t and I guess that made me all the more worried. Roger looked sick but didn?t actually vomit.
For over an hour we sat side-by-side and waited. Roger, I knew was very fearful of what was to happen to us. I was too but I thought that I could see behind the plan; because we weren?t being told of our fate, I suspected all we were going through now, was to make us feel like we were real prisoners and would be dealt with in the same way. However, the fact we had brought our reporting equipment meant we would have to have some free time to use it. How much? How free? They were questions I couldn?t answer.
Eventually our cell was unlocked and we were led out. Near the door, Muniba appeared again and thrust a sealed envelope in my hand. ?Give that to the staff there and try and make sure they read it.? With that she left and I had the impression that she was doing more than was called for in her line of duty. This worried me greatly and it probably did Roger too but before we could discus it, they hustled us into the police van and shackled us to the rear seats. These guards were definitely more brutal than the ones at the holding prison and went out of their way to make things difficult for us. Their straps were continually in their hands and used to chivvy us into the positions they wanted.
Shenau hobbled in after us and when she wasn?t quick enough the guard gave her a push, causing her to stumble and cry out as she pulled the muscles in her back. This didn?t deter him from thrusting her hard into the seat opposite us and making her scream as her arse hit the hard wood. We only glimpsed the welts on her back as she was twisted round but what we saw horrified us and then to treat the poor woman with such brutality seemed almost inhuman. We could foresee our having a rough time in prison and Roger was already shaking with fear but from the way we were shackled, I couldn?t even hold his hand. From the attitude of the guard we rightly guessed that prisoners there wouldn?t be treated as kindly as in the holding prison. Shenau bowed her head and sobbed as he guard shackled her in place.
To my surprise he then came to me, lifted my skirt high and stared at my crotch for a short while. ?We should all get to try out a bit of white cunt now,? he grunted and pushed a finger into my dry opening. I gave a little cry but his efforts to feel me were short lived because the driver called out and told him to lock the doors so they could get going.
It was with a real sense of foreboding I heard the doors slammed and the locks sliding loudly into place. We were confined in a dark, hot, metal box with small, deeply tinted windows set so high up that we couldn?t see out. That in itself was enough to send shivers of fear through us. Shenau cried as the van bounced us around and aggravated her welts but I could do nothing to help. Shackled, I couldn?t cuddle Roger to give him a little comfort.
Inside the van the heat became stifling and soon my clothes were soaked with sweat. Shenau, I could see in the dim light, was glistening with sweat too and as the journey progressed I wondered if we were going to make it before were passed out but we did and it was a great relief to feel the fresh air when the doors were opened. They unshackled Shenau and for the first time we clearly saw the deep welts across her back and arse. I suppose they weren?t any worse than those Sumala had when he was returned from the whipping post but any healing Muniba had done was nullified by the rubbing and chafe of the slatted wooden seats during the journey. I was appalled at the cruelty but the guards didn?t seem affected by the sight and when she didn?t move quickly enough for them one used his strap on her already tortured arse. The poor woman gave a tremendous scream and fell to the ground, only to be hauled roughly to her feet and pushed towards the main door.
Both Roger and I felt the strap too when our chain snagged and we were brought to a sudden halt but the blow wasn?t hard enough for Roger to pass out. We?d hardly gone five steps across the courtyard when the guard deliberately and forcefully lashed Roger again. This time he went out like a light and lay still on the flagstones. ?I?d heard you was a mummy boy but I didn?t believe you were as tender as that,? the guard grinned and then kicked Roger on the rear and ordered him up. When he didn?t move he kicked again.
?No!? I yelled, ?You?ll kill him!? I knelt down to give him some protection and received a hard lash with the strap across my back. This was pure sadistic cruelty.
?Get up and get him inside,? I was ordered.
It took a great deal of effort to lift him, especially as the chain continually got in the way but I managed it and dragged him into the main building. In front of a desk, I sat him on the floor. Roger was still unconscious and showing no signs of life. I was becoming increasingly worried.
?Stand up!? the woman behind the desk shouted. During my efforts to lift him, the chain had become entangled so both of us would have to stand. Even using all my strength I was barely able to hold him and when my foot slipped we both fell to the floor. Fortunately Roger started to come round and howled and cried but I was able to get us both to our feet. ?Undress and be quick about it. We need to examine you,? the woman snapped.
To one side I could see Shenau being examined, mauled would have been a better term. I dropped my skirt and Roger managed eventually to get his shorts down but of course we couldn?t take our shirts off properly because of the chain. ?You will have to unlink us first?please.?
?Criminals do not tell us what to do bitch,? the woman screamed in my face.
?We?re not criminals,? I protested.
?Maybe, maybe not. The letter from Colonel Nubaro says you are to be treated like them. Give them another couple Zard, perhaps they will realise their position then.?
Almost before the strap touched Roger, he was on the floor. For a while he lay still and then his body started shaking and his limbs went out in all directions. Zard raised his strap. ?No! Don?t be a stupid fool! You?ll kill him and then there will be hell to pay.? I screamed as the strap hit me instead. Roger continued to thrash about on the floor and with the chain linkage, my arm was being thrown around too. Suddenly I remembered the envelope. ?Here read the notes the nurse sent. Don?t kill him. Don?t.? My words must have had some effect because Zard stopped and the woman picked up the envelope but didn?t look inside. She just stared at the pair of us, seemingly not knowing what to do.
?What?s going on here?? A man wearing a decent looking uniform entered. I rightly guessed he was the governor.
?Please Sir, he?s having a fit. He can?t help it Sir. His body cannot stand pain. Please ask them to stop Sir.?
To my surprise he immediately ordered a warder, ?Get a medic?pronto.? I quickly noted the difference between guards and warders. Guards wore a camouflaged uniform, were armed with a pistol and carried a leather strap; warders wore a blue uniform but only had a strap.
In the short time it took for the medic to arrive, Roger began to quieten but it was still some time before he really awoke and then he seemed very dazed. The medic did examine him and declared that there was nothing wrong with his heart but Roger probably had a dehabilitating syndrome that was triggered by pain but that was totally outside of his experience. I wondered if we would be released but that thought was quickly dashed.
The governor turned to the woman at the desk. ?Process them but strictly heed the Colonel?s instructions. His letter said if I remember correctly, ?As far as practical, treat them like they are criminals having been sentenced to a term inside here.? It isn?t practical to punish them in quite the same way as usual. Reserve any severe punishments for major breaches of discipline. Remember, they will undoubtedly tell the world of their experiences here. Be strict with them but don?t overdo it, especially with the boy. Have them brought to my office in one hour.?
?Yes Sir,? the woman responded but I could see she resented the order. It only took a few moments for them to remove our shirts and refasten the chain. We were both completely naked, except that I was still allowed to wear my bluestone, when they made us stand with our hands spread high on the wall for our examination. ?We have to check that you are not carrying drugs or anything in your body cavities,? the woman grinned and proceeded to frisk Roger. Her idea of frisking meant kneading his flesh and particularly his prick and balls. I received similar treatment from a male guard. It was definitely a sexual examination although not a very painful one except when the areas caught by the strap were squeezed and twisted.
This over we joined up with Shenau again and were marched naked along stone corridors to what was labelled the shower room. Our clothing was not given back to us but my backpack with the laptop and cameras were and from that I deduced that we were going to have to record our experiences. We weren?t the only one recording our experiences. At one point, Roger tripped and when I turned I noticed a man surreptitiously filming us. This frightened me as I guessed we would be treated harshly so the DVD would find a ready market. Shenau was allowed nothing at all. The poor girl walked bent over like an old woman and was in considerable pain. I tried to support her a little by wrapping her arm around my shoulder and received what was almost a smile in return. Although we tried to hurry along, it wasn?t fast enough for the guard, (I suspect that if we?d run like athletes that wouldn?t have been fast enough) and we received more stinging slaps from the strap.
On entering the room, the first thing I noticed was the lack of showerheads. The room was virtually bare. Three tiled walls and a floor with a large central drain. We soon found out why when the warder pulled a hose from the wall and sprayed us with the high-pressure jet. The force knocked us all to the floor but the jet continued to play over our bodies, particularly our sexual parts. The pounding water caused us to scream in pain and in the end the three of us managed to huddle in a heap. ?On your feet.? The order came as soon as he turned the water off and before we had time to recover. Again we were inspected and my vagina came in for special attention but I wasn?t fucked. I guessed the rule about not doing it while on duty applied there too. Dripping and still spluttering and coughing from the water that had forced its way up our nostrils, he led us outside into the sunshine to dry and then to the governor?s office where we nervously stood in front of his desk.
?Stand up straight!? Our warder escort barked the order and I did my best to comply. Shenau had difficulty in standing, let alone standing upright. The strap hit her already sore shoulders and she collapsed. Immediately I took it upon myself to help the wailing woman to her feet and tried to support her. To his credit, Roger moved so she was between us and helped to support her too. The warder raised his strap again but fortunately the governor signalled him to retire to the doorway. The three of us stood, shaking and fearful, while the governor circled round and inspected us. Finally he returned to his desk.
?Shenau, you are here for seven days, Eves and Hart, you are to stay until Colonel Nubaro orders your release.? I long ago noticed that the Tumalians rarely used their family name so it didn?t come as a surprise that we alone were so addressed. ?All three of you will be subject to the prison rules, punishments and work schedules. Life here is not easy and is not intended to be. I?ve heard about the way they coddle prisoners in England but here we treat criminals severely, as you will find out.? I wanted to point out that we weren?t criminals but thought that might provoke him. ?You English people will follow the same schedule as Shenau but the Colonel has decreed that you will be allowed, indeed he insists that you do, carry your cameras at all times and you are to photograph whatever you need for your report. The warders have been informed of this. You are also to write a daily report on your laptop. This will be sent without editing directly to the Colonel via our intranet link. As I understand it, your editor complained that you last reports were not gruesome enough and that is why you are here.?
?Sir,? I ventured, ?Are we being put in a Catch 22 situation whereby if we don?t write graphically enough of our experiences here, we will be forced to stay longer and if we do, the prison staff will punish us for saying how cruel they are??
To my surprised he answered civilly and carefully. ?The Colonel will be the only person to see your reports, but I wouldn?t be surprised if you?re kept here until sufficient material has been gathered to satisfy your boss. Now Bluestone Eves, your status here is such that you will have authority over other prisoners, male or female, but not over the guards and warders and you will not be able to refuse any man access to your body when they and you are not working. Being a white woman, you must expect the staff particularly to want to put their pricks in you even if it is only for the novelty of it. I shall be doing so in a few moments. Other prisoners will have limited access to you but we try to rotate the cell in which all female prisoners sleep so all the men get some satisfaction. Hart, from the letter the nurse sent I see that for medical reasons, the punishment we can give you is limited but I expect the warders will device other ways to punish you and it may well be that your bluestone partner will have to take your share of the punishments as well as her own.?
?Oh No!? I cried out but it had no effect. I pleaded that I was pregnant with the Major?s baby but that didn?t have any effect either.
?Thrashing your arse or back won?t affect the baby?s development and nor will having my prick and many others in your cunt. Now untangle yourself and lay across my desk.? The way Roger had moved to support Shenau, caused our chain to wrap round her body. She had recovered sufficiently to stand if not properly upright. So far during this interview she?d hardly said a word but stood to one side while the governor fucked me. It was a short fuck and afterwards a female orderly, who from the stripes on her uniform was senior to the other warder, took us to the cells. Like everyone, she carried a strap and didn?t hesitate to use it to hurry us along.
To delay the inevitable, I asked to photograph her, Shenau and other things as we went along, and reluctantly, she allowed it. I guessed that I was walking a fine line between delaying the inevitable and provoking her anger at the delays.
The cells were almost identical to the ones in the holding prison except there were two beds in each cell, one against each wall and, although they were no bigger, the beds were for two people. That was going to be awkward for us if I had to service other prisoners and Roger had to be in the same bed. At the time all the cells were empty. Shenau was put into one and we were shown into the next and told that would be ours for that night, however, we were taken further on to a room used by the warders. ?You will use this room to do your reports because there are no power points in the cells. The warders have been told not to interfere with you will you are working here and they are not to read what you write. That table in the corner is for you. You may start now.? She left abruptly leaving us with the one warder in the room.
I plugged in the laptop and whispered to Roger because I wasn?t sure if we could talk but the warder seemed friendlier or at least less abusive, and said, ?It?s okay, you?re allowed to speak here ? provided you are nice to me.? Of course I guessed what being nice to him meant and as soon as he saw that Roger was downloading the camera pictures and I wasn?t actually working he had me between his legs sucking his prick.
Some time later we heard sounds of the other prisoners returning punctuated by sounds of leather striking flesh and yelps from the recipients. Warders herded us into line with them and took us to the canteen where they served a thin tasteless soup in a plastic bowl and a chunk of hard bread. Our fellow prisoners looked a strange and forbidding bunch especially as they all bore the stripes of whippings and the marks of the strap. All talked in hushed voices but I know much of the conversation and all their eyes centred on me. My white skin and my blonde hair stood out and I wished I could make myself invisible. Everyone knew who we were so I had no need to introduce us but the buxom woman sitting opposite did ask why I was in. ?Just a whim of the Colonel?s,? I whispered back and she nodded knowingly.
In the cell that evening, an almost continuous stream of warders and guards came and fucked me until I was so sore I hardly dared touch my cunt and my mouth tasted like a sewer. Roger did try to ease my soreness by cleaning my crotch with wet paper towels but there was little he could do. In the other bed, one of the two naked men force fucked the other and I wondered if he came from the Mummy Boy Camp but at least he didn?t seem to want to have me. Neither Roger nor I got any sleep that night. Shenau was fucked by her cellmates but the warders didn?t bother with her. I cursed my appearance, I cursed the Colonel and above all I cursed Ted and it was then I made up my mind that his balls would suffer when and if we ever got home.
I won?t bore you with a recital of the hardships of the next two days. They were a blur of pain and humiliation except for the hour twice a day when we were allowed in the warder?s room to do our report. Roger not being able to take his fair share of the punishment made my situation worse. It was not really his fault but it made my life so much more painful. Our work was scrubbing the stone floors of the prison and being chained meant he had to work left-handed. The first morning set the scene for the next two days. The warder on duty was a well-built woman who delighted in flicking her strap over our exposed arses. Half an hour into the work, she decided that we weren?t working hard enough and thought she might get away with lashing the soles of Roger?s feet. Even though she didn?t hit them all that hard, he blacked out straightaway. I of course, started screaming at her not to kill him and that she wasn?t allowed to hit him. He came round fairly quickly this time and then the evil woman made me push my arse in the air and I knew what to expect but not the ferocity of it. The first blow knocked me down to the floor. I screamed at the top of my voice but she ordered me into position again. Somehow I managed it only to be knocked down again by the force of the leather. Abruptly she ordered me up again and with a grin said, ?Get used to it, you haven?t had part of his yet and then there?s yours to come.? The pain was horrendous but I knew from speaking to my cellmate the previous night, that refusal usually led to a session with the cane at the whipping post in the courtyard. After the fourth hit I couldn?t get to my knees and the pain was so bad I felt sick. Another warder came by and hauled me in position. I prayed that I would pass out but I didn?t. After the sixth, she said, ?That?s for your boyfriend?s share, now for yours.? Some of the strokes went lower and caught me across my thighs but the last one, and I don?t know if it was deliberate or not, the end caught me fully on my cunt and clit. For a while, I was past caring about what she said but just writhed in agony on the ground. Vaguely I heard Roger pleading for her to stop but she ordered us to continue with our scrubbing. I physically couldn?t but Roger sort of got me on my knees and the woman left us alone for a while. For much of the rest of the day, Roger kept apologising but I knew there was little he could do about it. The bitch just wanted to see me suffer. Perhaps she hated bluestone women.
The fact that I?d had a severe thrashing didn?t stop me getting further doses and by the end of the morning I couldn?t stand without the help of another prisoner who half carried me to the communal shower where two warders sprayed us with high-pressure hoses. Fortunately after a meagre lunch, we were allowed to write a report but this time Roger had to do most of the typing because the pain was too great to even think straight. I hadn?t used my camera at all that morning but Roger had used his several times as an excuse to get us a break from scrubbing. One he?d taken of my arse almost made me vomit to look at it. ?I hope it pleases bloody Ted to see that!?
When we?d finished our rough draft, the warder took us to the governor?s office where we connected the laptop to the intranet and sent the report to Colonel Nubaro. ?It seems you are finding things a little difficult here,? the Governor observed.
?Of course we are!? I retorted, ?So would you if you were expected to work with one hand chained and then take the punishment for two people.? The bastard just grinned and I had a feeling this was all part of the game plan.
?Well let?s see if you are warm inside too.? He dropped his shorts and I draped myself across his desk. The first touch of his prick in my opening had me screaming again and he pulled out in disgust. ?Take them back to their work,? he yelled at the warder.
By the end of the second day I could only stand with difficulty but for some reason I wasn?t molested in my cell. Kulu, one of my cellmates that night, was the huge fellow that had helped me to the shower after my thrashing of the previous day and he took me under his wing and made sure none of he others interfered with me. He?d been flogged with a whip for repeated drink violations and was in for 30 days. By then he?d served over half his time and yet his back still hadn?t healed because of the treatment with the strap kept opening the welts. The more I saw and heard of the cruelty in this prison, the more I hated the system that allowed it. Did those in charge of the country know what went on in that place? I resolved they would by the time I left ? if I left.
Near noon on the third day everyone assembled in the courtyard. My big friend Kulu supported me and we were made to stand in the front so we had a good view and our cameras were ready in our hands. The governor had instructed us, on pain of further punishment to make sure we obtained pictures of the execution and when I complained about the disgust I felt about the whole event he said, ?You?re reporters, or supposed to be, it will be a scoop for you. No other reporters in the world will get to see it. Not even the local papers are allowed in. Make sure you get good pictures. They will be seen around the world. If not there is always the post in the courtyard?? I knew that wasn?t quite true because of the man filming us was around all the time.
S?naya was led out between two warders and with an armed guard escort. Roger was shaking more than I was but I hissed, ?Take pictures.? Watching through the viewfinder, seemed to take our minds away from the reality somewhat but even so I felt very sick as we photographed him being tied to the stake and memories of my being tied to the whipping post came back vividly in my mind. I looked at the man. He might be an ugly brute, he might have killed a baby and seriously injured a woman but I wondered if he deserved to die. But if the alternative was to be kept in this prison for a long period, perhaps death was the kindest option. At that moment S?naya didn?t think so and yelled obscenities at his captors and evoked the spirits of some god unknown to me and threatened everyone with curses on their families if they went ahead and killed him. It made no difference. At the stroke of twelve, the order came for the five man firing squad to raise their riffles. Roger had his camera trained on them, I pointed mine at S?naya.
?Fire!? Five shots rang out. I clicked the shutter several times. Screams came from the whipping post. S?naya was not dead. Blood poured from his genitals.
The governor?s voice came over the address system. ?That is for the death of the baby he killed. He will now die for all the unborn babies the girl cannot have and the injuries he gave her.? I vomited and it seems that held proceedings up for a few minutes. Kulu hissed, ?Get ready to take more pictures. Don?t make him wait any longer than necessary.? My hands shook as I raised the camera again and heard the order to fire. Almost automatically I pressed the shutter. The man slumped. Five bullets found their way into his chest. I sagged to the ground. The next thing I remember was Kulu carrying me to the warder?s room. Roger was walking but his face was ashen neither of us felt like writing but the governor was alongside us and urging us to send in our report. Physically and mentally we were drained and vaguely I remember the medic coming and giving us an injection. Some sort of stimulant, I guess, because we both suddenly awoke from the haze and were able to start the work they wanted. Even so it was two hours before we sent the report down the line. Some of the delay was caused by my not being able to sit properly to type and only having one computer to download the photos and do the writing, but much of it was due to the objectionable nature of the material and also the fact that I felt it was necessary to put the horror of it all in the most graphic words possible. I wanted the whole world to know just how barbaric the system was. It was my duty to those inside and to those outside who might influence and make changes to the system. I know Roger was fearful that we might be incarcerated for a longer period but at the back of my mind, I believed the reverse would be the case. In my mind, the General himself wanted the world to know just how strictly he controlled the country and again that was to deter the wrong people coming and those that didn?t really want to stay for good.
I must have been right. Two hours after sending the report, to our great surprise and relief, an ambulance took us back to Chapoti and our room in Government House. Muniba came and almost cried when she treated me and for a little while I was blissfully free of pain. We didn?t even get an apology from the Major when he visited us in my room after learning that I wouldn?t be able to work for several days at least. Sumala though was most concerned and angry at the way my body had been marked again and Riku and the IT staff we utterly horrified at what I had been through, just to get a story. I gather their views filtered back to the Major via Shelumba but he never mentioned it.
Chapter twenty-three. Home and back?
Nine weeks after our visit to the prison the major summoned us to his office. We?d been away for a week visiting with Allaice and JeanPaul again and seeing the forestry industry in her area. This time I didn?t even ask for transport; just for permission to go there. Roger didn?t object too much either especially as the non-physical link we had in the IT office was extended to outside with the exception that if I passed him on to another girl, he had to be linked to her. In any case I had largely recovered from my ordeal in prison, although there was still residual pain, and we were both much fitter now than when we came, thus the journey proved far less gruelling. Even being pregnant didn?t seem to tire me too much and we easily made the journey to the forest huts on the first day.
?You can go home at the end of the week,? the Major shocked me with his opening remark. ?Peter Spencer was here while you were in Neambu and completed the negotiations for your release. You are a very valuable girl, Ellie. We obtained 3.2 million dollars worth of aid for you.? I calculated that as being nearly 2 million pounds but I found out later the claim as to it being my value was somewhat of an exaggeration. The figure was correct but it really wasn?t a ransom payment for me. When the aid agreement was signed, the following day General Cumu granted our pardon ?as a gesture of good will.? I was so overwhelmed that I cried and so did Roger. After six months we were going home, and yet there was going to be a good deal of sadness when we left too. Sumala didn?t look too pleased and I gave him a hug knowing that I would miss him immensely. Several times I wondered if I could take him with me but I knew he would never be happy with the restrictions our society imposes on sex with women and he probably wouldn?t survive our weather.
In the few days left, I tried to see as many of our friends as I could and to say good-bye. To each I promised to try and return but I had no way of knowing whether that would really be possible.
Through Riku I learned that no public announcement had been made of General Cumu?s pardon and Peter Spencer had only been told the General would consider it now but was given no firm assurance. Our editor and the staff on Today?s World probably wouldn?t know of our release. I decided, and Roger finally agreed, that we would just walk in on them the day after we arrived back. Hence we sent in a report of our trip to Neambu as normal and then lied by saying we were going to a remote area and would be out of contact for a week.
Roger was very quiet on the flight home but I managed to get him to talk while the film was being shown. ?I will miss being with you Ellie. A few months ago I would have been glad to have gone home without you but now I?m not looking forward to living alone and not having you there beside me.?
?Or Riku or Sanle or one of the other girls,? I smiled at him and held his hand.
?Yes, them too but you were the one that was always there. I know I?m a weak spirited person and I don?t have the strength of Suma but you looked after me. Sometimes I know I thought of you as a real bitch dragging me around, making me do things I didn?t want to do but afterwards, there was the caring you; the woman who tried to protect me and allowed me to make love to her. I shall miss all that Ellie, miss it so much.? I could see he was nearly in tears.
After waiting a little while to see if he would go on and ask what I knew was on his mind, I took the initiative. ?Roger, you will spend the weekend with me and as we are not at work, we will live under Tumalian rules as far as possible and then on Monday we will go into the office together.
As it turned out, there was a lot to do to put my place in order, to get supplies and generally air out and clean the place after such a long absence but I did let him fuck me when we had ?free? time and we slept together in my small bed. I knew I liked Roger but it was more akin to having a baby boy to look after and to me that wasn?t love. ?But will love come in time?? I asked myself as I lay with him cradled in my arms. There was no immediate answer to that question.
Monday came and Roger looked appalled when I put on my Tumali dress. ?You can?t go out like that! Not here,? he yelled but I ignored his protestations. It was early October and still quite warm but I put a light shawl around my shoulders to cover my indecency and made Roger wear his shorts and gaudy shirt. At the last minute I remembered my colourful, oversized hat. In London though, amid the other tourists, our appearance hardly rated a second look. Poor Roger was shaking a little especially as he?d perceived I was planning something and wouldn?t let him in on it. By ten o?clock when I knew the office would be in full swing, I dragged him into the reception area. Rebecca gasped and greeted us and was about to announce our arrival when I told her to keep quiet. Slipping off my shawl so my tits were on show with the bluestone nestling prominently between them, I pulled out the chain cuffs and the strap I begged the Major to be allowed to keep and fastened Roger to me.
?You can?t go in there like that, not with all those men?? Rebecca too looked horrified.
?This is how I?ve had to dress for the last six months as you should know from our reports.?
?But this is London??
To say we caused a stir in the office would be a gross understatement. As so many times in the past, I hauled an unwilling Roger behind me and strode into the office and loudly proclaimed, ?Hi All, we?re back!? Work stopped but I didn?t. Ted?s office was at the far end and he?d just poked his head out to see what was going on as we reached his door. ?Morning Ted, you bastard, we?re here to negotiate a rise in pay to make up for the hardships we?ve been through because of you!? For once he seemed at a loss for words but whether it was from the sight of my tits or my arrogant statement, I didn?t know. He flopped back in his chair and I could see the bulge in his trousers. ?Does a sight of the real thing make you more horny than the pictures?? As I spoke, I reached down and felt his erection and then slid my hand inside his zipper. A wide smile flashed across his face but it only lasted a few seconds, just long enough for me to grip his balls and to squeeze them as hard as I could.
?AAAAAHHHH!!!? He screamed and the office staff came running. Tears rolled down Ted?s face and it looked as if he would be sick but I didn?t let go.
?Is this enough pain for your perverted taste Ted? Or perhaps you want to know what the strap feels like?? I lashed it across his arse but unlike when we?d received it, he still had his trousers on. He must have felt it though. ?AAAAAHHHH!!!? He screamed again and tried to move from my grasp. ?Remember what it is like when you think about having others thrashed. This is a very small payment for the pain you caused us so remember it and remember it well.? I let go and for a few minutes he writhed on the floor and it was some time before he felt like sitting and facing me again. At least every one in the office now knew that Ellie was no longer a shy little mouse.
?I?ll sack you, you bitch!?
?Think of the publicity Ted. Perhaps we should have captured your ordeal and printed it. Yes, you can sack us but I think we will easily get another job, perhaps one where we can reveal the inside story of our abduction and unjust punishments. Private Eye will no doubt pay handsomely to know your collusion with Peter Spencer and Colonel Nubaro to have us shipped to Tumali where you well knew we?d be tortured and raped.?
Half an hour later we left his office with our pay rise and a two week holiday. It wasn?t much of a holiday. The TV people got to hear of our return and we had to do a couple of programmes for them as well and the more mundane things like clearing up Roger?s place and visiting parents and answering questions from people we hardly knew or didn?t know at all. Fortunately it soon died down and work became more and more routine. Through the wonders of email I was able to keep in touch with Riku and through her with the Major, Sumala and others so we knew what was going on and many times wondered if I should return but always I remembered the whipping post as well as the good times. Still as Sumala was fond of telling me, very few women in Tumali ever had much more than a spanking, so unless I did something stupid, I shouldn?t be punished.
I paid several visits to prenatal clinics but wasn?t impressed and about a month before the baby was due, applied for a visa to visit Tumali. It was granted and two weeks later Roger and I boarded the plane. This time in Lilongwe airport, I once more donned my Tumalian blouse for the flight to Chapoti. I wasn?t taking a chance on being improperly dressed when we arrived at our destination.
Laura looks at the ?stakes? with mixed disgust and anger Laura?s ordeal Part One 31 04 2089 Laura looks at the ?instruments? with mixed disgust and anger. She turns to face the executioner, a big man in his mid-fifties and almost literally spits at him: ?what have I done to deserve this?? The executioner shrugs. -?Don?t you know it? You?ve been arrested and found guilty of theft. Therefore you?ve been condemned to receive the present corporal punishment. Wasn?t the judge clear about it? I...
The Ordeals of Kazumi and ChiyokoBy Shabbadew2002 (Write me at [email protected] )Chapter 1 Taken HostageAfter visiting her father in their ancestral home, Kazumi Sato, the youngest daughter of the Daimyo Sato, headed back to Edo to rejoin her mother and sisters. The pretty nineteen year old, the daughter of a nobleman, was a girl enjoying that period in her life before she would be expected to marry and raise a family of her own. She was a sensual girl... very self-focused. The night...
I finished typing my last email and no sooner had I clicked the send button I was shutting my machine down and gathering up my things. Pressing the intercom button I bid my boss Mr Stevens, goodnight and headed for the stairs. As I walked through the deserted office I slung my handbag over my shoulder, wrapped my coat around me and tied it in place. I hated working really late as the silent empty office block took on a sinister air about it for some reason.Pushing open the door to the stairs I...
Nine weeks after our visit to the prison the major summoned us to his office. We'd been away for a week visiting with Allaice and JeanPaul again and seeing the forestry industry in her area. This time I didn't even ask for transport; just for permission to go there. Roger didn't object too much either especially as the non-physical link we had in the IT office was extended to outside with the exception that if I passed him on to another girl, he had to be linked to her. In any case I had...
"I'll wring the bastard's neck. I'll squeeze his balls until he squeals," I fumed as I dragged Roger up the stairs into Government House. Sumala followed at a discrete distance. Ignoring Shelumba I barged straight into Major Entembe's office. He looked up in surprise but before he could open his mouth, I started, "I didn't think that even you could be such a cruel bastard. Treating us like animals! Why? Haven't you made us suffer enough? First you make us walk all the way there and...
"How did the rest of your stay there go?" Riku asked, "I read the part you wrote today and that seemed pretty traumatic." We'd arrived back late the previous day. Shelumba told us the Major was rather annoyed as he'd sent a proper car for us but that had perforce to go via the cablecar station and the dirt road to the camp. We'd made an early start and had turned off that road on to the contour track before the car reached us. "The Major wanted to see you before he went away for a...
Brutal, non-consensual multiple rape fantasy story. Contains extreme graphic sexual sadism, obscenity, torture, snuff and offensive content. All characters are above 18 years and above. None of this is real. The arrival home. It’s nearly two in the morning. The black van cruised down twisted streets, surrounded by the monoliths of silent factories and warehouses. This district is deserted by night and filled with noise and smoke in the day. Down to the end of the farthest street,...
Our bed in Government House was much softer than the one in which I'd spent the previous two nights and yet I couldn't sleep. Roger lay alongside me and even though he faced away from me, I knew that he too was awake. He'd been quiet all day and had said almost nothing about what happened between him and Sanle after we'd left them. Sumala was in his own room, or at least I supposed that he was. Even after a day of rest my cunt was far too sore to think about having him fuck me that night....
With all of that - here is part two. Emily’s Ordeal Rosalyn went to bed early that night, by 11pm she was sound asleep hoping that a good night’s rest would help ease her pains and also give her some clarity as to what she was going to do about Billy and his friends. There was no way they were going to get away with this! A sound night of sleeping wasn’t in the cards though. Billy came to her room around 2am. His parents had long since gone to bed and were fast asleep. Billy pulled...
Viola’s Mechanical Ordeal Viola had been corresponding with Lydia who she met on the internet. Now she had agreed to meet her in person. She rang the bell of the small house. A middle aged woman with dark red hair answered the door. She greeted Viola with a heavy Russian accent."Hello Viola. I am Lydia. It is very nice to finally meet you in person. I am so glad you could come by and help us out.".“I am glad to help. So, tell me more about this new product you are testing?" Viola asked“Well my...
I love taking long, baths. The feeling of warm soapy water embracing my young body, floating weightless and care free.This time was no different, I allowed myself to space out, submerged my head under water for a few seconds, holding my breath as I let my mind wander off. Pleasant flashbacks from last night began to surface and sent tingling sensations all over my body, concentrating between my legs. I reached down and slowly massaged my tender clit.I was sitting in my boyfriend's car outside...
David’s Ordeal************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan September 2005The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************LADIES NIGHT OUT......... David was having a quiet drink in a local club one...
I love taking long, baths. The feeling of warm soapy water embracing my young body, floating weightless and care free. This time was no different, I allowed myself to space out, submerged my head under water for a few seconds, holding my breath as I let my mind wander off. Pleasent flashbacks from last night began to surface and sent tingling sensations all over my body, concentrating between my legs. I reached down and slowly massaged my tender clit. I was sitting in my boyfriend's car...
Robert was late getting to the club. He hated being late anytime, but particularly this time, because he'd agreed to be part of the show. He hoped he hadn't missed his chance.The week before, the club's owner and dungeon master had announced that a pair of well-known, experienced Dommes would be visiting from out of town to give demonstrations. They needed volunteers to take some heavy punishment. The owner had been very clear that the visitors would administer intense pain and lots of...
Miss Blossom’s Ordeal ?Well, well, what have we here?? Linda Blossom knew that voice. It was the voice of Mark Conrad, the insuperable little creep from Information Management who had asked her out on a date last week. If offering to buy her dinner and ?fuck her into next Wednesday? could be considered a request for a date. When she’d seen him last week, his face had inspired only disgust and contempt in her, along with a sharp twinge of unacknowledged fear at the...
Tracey’s Ordeal at the LodgeBy: Jake OliveIf you have any comments please feel free to email me at [email protected] sat comfortably in her luxurious white robe while the makeup girl painstakingly applied her work to Tracey‘s face. She could hardly wait to take the stage for the triumph that she had so undoubtedly earned from the lodge. It would be one of her proudest nights and she could hardly wait to give her big speech to the assembly of men at the lodge.It had all started a little...
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A Russian Ordeal in MongoliaBy Helena Aranatovya(e-mail me at [email protected]) ;)Author's Note:This is the first time I am sending a story to Kristen Archives. I have read so many stories written by many people and I must say that I have come to enjoy them. I then thought maybe perhaps it is my turn to write and contribute an erotic story of my own to this great websiteTHE STORY:Natasha was a beautiful Moscovite Redhead. At the age of 35, she had a beautiful 18 year old...
GESTAPO SS-LIEUTENANT Hans Von Yurt stood at ramrod stiff attention before the desk of his Commandant, SS-Oberf ührer Otto Stemp and watched and listened as the man ranted and raved, banging his fist on the desk for emphasis. He had rarely seen the man this angry. So far, SS-Lieutenant Von Yurt had no idea why the man was yelling at him about some traitorous woman who had sided with the Jews. The SS-Oberf ührer soon corrected that lack of his knowledge in the conversation. "THE...
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Any young man, unsure of his next opportunity and with his dick rigid would have given Sarah what she wanted, but he was not just any young man. He had an eternity stretching before him with an endless supply of high quality pussy. Sleep was now his priority. While his cock was easily aroused and his supplies of jizz plentiful, his mind had had enough for now. The last fuck of Sarah had been technically good; long, hard and ending with a womb filling blast of semen, he had not enjoyed it...
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This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, THEN YOU SHOULDN'T BE READING THIS!!!!! WESLEY CRUSHER’S PAINFUL ORDEAL WITH THE KLINGONS DEEP SPACE 7 – 09:00 HRS: Wesley Crusher woke up in the morning with his hard five-inch dick along with his hairless balls sticking out of the leg opening of his tight white briefs. He’d gotten accustomed to wearing nothing but his underwear in bed and walking around their...
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She can still hear the judge’s words, "90 days in the woman's unit at the county jail". She can still hear her lawyer telling her what a great plea bargain deal he got her. Great deal for whom, she thought, him? He gets paid and gets to go home to his wife. I'm the one going to jail. After what seemed like an eternity, the van finally arrived at the main prison entrance. The driver said something into the radio and Olivia could hear the main gate squeal loudly as it slowly rolled...
Introduction: The misfortunes and misadventures of Ensign Wesley Crusher WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, THEN YOU SHOULDNT BE READING THIS!!!!! WESLEY CRUSHERS PAINFUL ORDEAL WITH THE KLINGONS DEEP SPACE 7 09:00 HRS: Wesley Crusher woke up in the morning with his hard five-inch dick along with his hairless balls sticking out of the leg opening of his tight white briefs. Hed gotten...
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For reference and continuity check out the first part. They were a lot of fun to write and I hope you like it.Previously on Joanie's ordeal I stumbled back to my room and tip toed inside. I checked on Heather and she was sound asleep, her innocent face was so calm and peaceful. I went inside the bathroom, took off my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked nothing like I did when I left this room. Black mascara lines ran down my cheeks which where stained with cum and my hair was...
Jenny's Ordeal I was feeling rather horny today so I decided to drop in on a littlesubmissive slut I had dated for a few months. Her name was Jenny. She was38, about 5' 8", and 140 pounds. She was pretty with long brown hair. Alittle bulge around her waist, but a luscious, tight, and round ass! Ivisited her off and on, per her desire to keep seeing me, even though Ifelt a long term relationship wasn't viable between us. Don't get mewrong, the sex was great, but there was a spark missing...
Billie’s Ordeal by Andy G.Billie did not know what else to do. There was no one else she could call. It was only been two weeks since she buried her husband of 15 years and now she was alone. She was 38 and had no one left. Her father had died years ago and her mother died the previous year. Since she was an only c***d Billie inherited her mother’s estate. She and her husband moved into her very nice home and were happy until he died. Now she was alone and did not know what to do.She...
The Ordeal Janet Stickney [email protected] Mike, Kevin, and I grew up together, and we were almost like brothers. Mike was the one with the wild imagination and our practical joker. Kevin was a little less crazy, and always did what Mike wanted to. I was the follower. I usually went along with them, rarely voicing any concerns. That's how I ended up this way. All of us were 15 when it all fell on our heads. Mike is tall and husky, blond hair and blue eyes; Kevin is the...
Ann’s ordeal-Part one.Police constable Ann V. was sweating under her uniform.The whole day the sun had been shining down on the city mercilessly, like it had been doing the whole week.She felt the sweat slowly trickling between her heaving breasts, and down her massive buttocks.Her bob of red hair was stuck sweatily under her regulation policewoman’s hat, and she had her big, green eyes half closed to keep the sunlight from blinding her.She silently cursed herself for not keeping the promise...
Having cleaned myself up as best I could I turned the key in the ignition and started to move off. I immediately thought that I should try and make myself more respectable for when I got home as I didn’t want to have to tell my husband of my ordeal. I pulled up next to the door that led back upstairs to my office, leaving my coat I got out of my car and hurried up the stairs.On reaching my floor I headed straight for the ladies room only to be greeted by my boss Mr Stevens. He must have seen...
So many things were going through Olivia's young mind as she rode in the back of the van. Though she was uncomfortable from the cuffs and leg irons digging into her lovely olive skin, this was barely a distraction as she replayed the recent events of her life over and over in her head. It was dark in the back of the transport van, and the 20-minute ride gave her plenty of time to think. How could she have not known her boyfriend Kenny was dealing d**gs? He seemed like a nice guy and always...
Again I can't take the credit for this one.The OrdealIt was the Friday night after Thanksgiving one year ago tonight. Like many people who do self-bondage, I had been planning this for some time. I had discussed certain aspects of my bondage with a friend who lives across town. We discussed how she'd like to find me, in what position and what she would like for me to be wearing. I sent her a checklist with choices for 1) position 2) what kind of gag 3) clips, if any 4) other torture items to be...
People often ask me if my writing is fiction or non fiction, so I will confirm here and now all my writing is in my fantasies, all involves adults over the age of 18, in fact well over the age of 18 and any reference to anything is purely in my thoughts. Especially the following story.Frankie had been out with the girls again and this time wasn’t approached by any strange amazon women or many men to be fair.They had started the night at Gemma’s on champagne then gone into town and she knew she...
Olga's Ordeal (chapter 2) The office was more like an over-sized hotel room. The leather furniture looked both comfortable and inviting. Olga noticed an odd contraption in the corner of the office. It looked like an x-shaped padded bench with several straps hanging down forlornly to the floor. She could imagine the evil purpose of such a device and remembered poor Lara's tattered ass after her appointment in this very same room. "Stand on the board!" At first, Olga was confused with the...
Olga's Ordeal (chapter 1)Olga could hear muffled screams. Far away, but penetrating her eardrums."Ohh...no. Not there. Please.....Please. What do you want?"She shivered not so much from the cold, but from dread. A certain dread that it would soon be her turn. The last 24 hours had been a nightmare. First, the handcuffs, then the humiliating removal of all her clothing, and the final shame of the brutal cavity search by the smiling female guard. The screams of the unknown prisoner had become...
Kyle's ordeal By Lucille Trish had never thought that shopping for lingerie could be so interesting, but it was. November was almost finished and she took a break from Christmas shopping. She was shopping for herself now. Walking though the aisles of different style bras at Victoria's Secret had sparked a wicked idea in her head. She never wore very sexy styles of lingerie but looking at the bright pink padded cups and purple, blue, imported silk and elaborately embroidered styles...
This continues the story of a mother and daughter's discipline. Please read the earlier chapter, "Mother and Daughter Punishment Letter Ordeal" first, already published:By the following morning 42 year old Jenny and 17 year old Charlotte had recovered from the spanking Grandma gave them both the night before although their bottoms were still sore and neither felt like sitting down. They went together to the Academy to hand in their punishment letters. Charlotte was at her desk when Olivia and...
SpankingORDEAL IN LIVERPOOL by Long Tall MaryAt forty years old, Kathleen would have made a trophy wife for some deserving guy, but having been divorced for five years, shunned the idea of dating. An elementary school teacher in a suburban Syracuse district, she was extremely devoted to her two daughters, ages nineteen and twenty, both of whom were attending college out of town. With a dead beat ex, a good share of her salary was spent on tuition for the daughters.A natural blond, at 5’8 and 145...
So many things were going through Olivia's young mind as she rode in the back of the van. Though she was uncomfortable from the cuffs and leg irons digging into her lovely olive skin, this was barely a distraction as she replayed the recent events of her life over and over in her head. It was dark in the back of the transport van, and the twenty minute ride gave her plenty of time to think. How could she have not known her boyfriend Kenny was dealing drugs? He seemed like a nice guy and always...
ReluctanceWARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This work is copyrighted to the author ? 2009. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your...
Captain Romerro picked up his phone Anna?s? OrdealCaptain Romero picked up his phone. An agent in a town some four hours away by road had some good news. Anna Lubec had been seen leaving the house of a known rebel. Carlos menez was part of a group suspected of killing an officer of the secret police. Romerro ordered his agent not to lose sight of the girl, advising that a kidnap squad would be mobilized. So his informant had been right, and that little slut was using her imagined immunity...
This story began as a prologue for a much longer story that was never completed – so I just continued with this part instead.Lord Harrington’s OrdealLord Harrington was laid naked on a long, thin table, his arms secured to the sides by steel rings and his legs spread wide and secured high in the air to a metal bar suspended from the ceiling. Carol was stood between his open legs, gently scraping her long fingernails around the tip of his throbbing cock. ?I do hope that you’re going to give me...
PENNY’S ORDEALThis was not just another day for Penny. Today she would be doing what her Master had told her, and to be honest, she was both excited and fearful of it. It had started, she thought, as a joke on her Master’s part, but over the ensuing days she realised that He had meant it, and today, she was going to do it.A chance remark that He would love her to be tied up, and walk back to her house, in the night, naked and tied, no release until she arrived home. They had both laughed, but...
French Woman?s Ordeal Part 1By Sonya Esperanto [email protected]:It was a hot day in Pattaya, Thailand. It was summer time. The locals were running around, with hats on their heads, and here they watch the Western tourists, walking around. Foreigners from Scandinavia love Thailand?s heat.Claire was walking around. Claire was an attractive woman, originally from Bretagne, somewhere in the West Coast of the France, that faced the Atlantic Ocean. She stood at 6 feet tall, with...
I was contacted by Roy to write a story based on his (supposedly) real life experience so am obliging. This is not my story so please forgive me if I get carried away a bit. Roy’s sister Misha (23) is married to Sri, an engineer in PWD, Sri happens to be one unscrupulous fellow, he has the appetite for taking bribes and using his power to get to the people. He had been exploiting the machinery for over 2 years and was in no ones good books. But that didn’t deter him from asking for bribes from...
He had been hitchhiking from school to home and was offered a ride by a middle aged man in a pickup truck. The forty-five minute trip started innocently enough, blah, blah, blah, but it soon turned to the sexually interesting ideas of getting a blowjob. The man appeared to be an expert on the whole matter. He went on about how it was so great to have a hot mouth on your dick. At that point he asked, "Know what I mean?" Joe said, without even thinking about it, "Oh, yeah, ain't nothing...
Finally, mercifully, Jane/Joe felt it. The beginings of an orgasm. Thank you, lord, Jane/Joe thought just before he yelled out to Sir Cougar, "Now! Sir Cougar, sir! I'm gonna shoot, sir!" He felt Sir Cougar pick up the pace a bit, banging in and out of his ass with purpose, trying to drive himself to his own orgasm. Sir Cougar was now leaning over him and he could feel drops of the man's sweat hit his chest and belly. They both did their respective parts for a few second more. Then......
Stella was enjoying her new job on the night shift at this top class hotel, it gave her every opportunity to hit the long sandy beaches and work out in the hotel gym during the day, plus things were usually a lot more quiet. Until now it seemed. The telephone on the desk started ringing, Stella looked up at the clock it was two o'clock in the morning, she picked up the receiver and listened to the female voice on the other end, "ok I'll take a look". Someone was complaining about thumping...
LesbianNote : This story is completely fictional! Right before I entered my teens, my mother passed. Ever since, I have lived with my two older brothers and my father. My mother did not have a happy life; my father was always drunk and made a hobby out of beating and raping my mother. My brothers always tried to spend as much time as they could away from home. I guess they could not handle what was happening. However, being the youngest sibling, I had no choice. I was trapped. This story is not meant...
IncestWe stood in front of the Major's desk like errant school children. There were no chairs so we knew we were in trouble and he was clearly not in a good mood. The summons came a few days after a holiday, a holiday that we'd spent in the children's community homes. We'd written a piece on them and were impressed with the welfare and care the children received and the standard of their schooling. Two boys had been chastised while we were there but we didn't consider the punishment excessive...
Later, Zulam took us for a cold shower and gave us a disposable toothbrush and a comb and afterwards we lay alongside each other on the bed. Both of turned our heads away from the sight of Sumala's back. He still groaned with pain and I wondered if the nurse would give him another injection before we went to sleep. Roger tried to make a whispered conversation but it was all speculation as to what would happen to us and why were we chosen and by whom etc. It wearied me so much that I curtly...
Obviously our arrival had been witnessed because we'd hardly reached the gates before they opened and two armed guards escorted us to an office in the main building where a burly Tumalian greeted us with a surprisingly friendly smile. "So you are the ones who wanted to sample the delights of our camp. I'm Captain Quaro." He extended his hand in Sumala's direction but I stepped forward and shook it. "Elaine Eves, and no, we didn't wish to come here but the Major had other...
First thing next morning it poured with rain. Not the fairly gentle rain such as we normally have in England, but hard, heavy stair-rods of water that flattened everything in their path. It only lasted a little over an hour and then the sun came out but for most of the morning the atmosphere was hot and sticky. It made the sores on my back and bottom itch but I knew better than to scratch them. Sumala's did too and several times I caught him surreptitiously trying to rub his back. I...
Two days later we flew London to Amsterdam and on to Lilongwe where we boarded a forty-seat Tumali Airways plane to Chapoti. Although the plane was full, only four other women were on the flight, all of African origin. I was very nervous but if anything Roger was more so. We held hands; that was almost a first for us. Although we'd been though college together, neither of us went out much or attended parties, so we didn't really get to know each other until graduation and we both had...