Our Ordeal in Tumali
- 3 years ago
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Diverted to Tumali
The plane carrying a group of students and their tutors on a project to Zambia is diverted to Tumali. Not having visas to enter the country and only the North Korean embassy to negotiate their release, they are held for some months and subjected to the country’s strict laws on dress and sexual behaviour. The story follows the ordeals and rewards of one student and two of her companions.
Sequel to “Our Ordeal in Tumali”
Diverted to Tumali
by obohobo
Please take note!
The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only.
MF NC. Punishment
If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.
This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental. The ideas and thoughts that follow are pure fantasies. In real life, at the very least they would be unpleasant and probably illegal. Fantasies are like that; daydreams where we can contemplate and imagine the sensations without suffering or inflicting the pain, despair or humiliation.
Copyright 2007
Chapter one. We arrive in Tumali
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. You will have noticed that we’ve had to shut down one engine. This in itself is nothing to worry about; this plane will fly on the remaining one but we cannot make the same speed. With the storm that has followed us from Lusaka now overtaking us, I have no option but to divert to Chapoti airport in Tumali. There is no chance that we would reach Isoka safely and the storm is blocking our return.” The captain paused knowing that the announcement would cause consternation and comment. “I will do what I can to get the authorities to allow you to stay in the airport until the engine is fixed and the flight can continue to its proper destination but as you probably know, they have strict rules about dress and other matters and you will be well advised to conform to them. I apologise for the problems this will cause but Chapoti is the only airport within reach and our only chance of survival.”
I knew well enough the problems we might have to face. When it came out in book form, I’d read “Our Ordeal in Tumali” by Elaine Eves, three times and I knew of the dress code, the punishments and sexual promiscuity that went on there. Admittedly I’d frigged myself feverishly over many of the passages, even the parts where she was punished but now, faced with the reality that it might happen to me, I was far more worried than horny. From my reading of the book, I rather doubted we’d be held at the airport and allowed to continue when the plane was repaired. More likely we’d be held until protracted negotiations secured our release. These could take months and during that time we’d be fucked and bred like rabbits. Unfortunately my doubts were correct.
The Geography Department of Colbear College had planned the expedition to an area at the northern end of the Muthinga Mountains in Zambia, and I had worked long hours and obtained sponsorship money to fund the trip. I’d also studied and trained so that I was well prepared to do the work and looked forward with great anticipation and eagerness to going there. Failure to even arrive was a severe blow to all my hopes and aspirations but I knew our safety was paramount even if it meant being held as sex slaves in Tumali. Perhaps that wouldn’t be too bad; Elaine, in the end, enjoyed herself.
Our trip to Zambia set out to study the flora and fauna of a remote mountain area to the west of Isoka and we had arranged for supplies at the town itself and for two guides to take us to the area. Twelve of us flew from Heathrow Airport the previous day, ten students and two tutors. We over-nighted at a hotel in Lusaka and then took a charter flight in a twin-engined plane northwards along the Luagwa Valley.
From the outset, our senior tutor, Mrs. Sybil Patterson, proved a pain in the rear. An elderly woman, she could have retired two years ago but tenaciously held on to her post and wanted to treat us like twelve year old school children instead eighteen years and older students and because there were two boys in the group, she tried to check that none of us took them into our bed on the hotel stay. “Make sure you lock and bolt your doors ladies,” her strident, dominating voice carried throughout the hotel, “Don’t let anyone in after ten-thirty. Certainly don’t allow any of the male staff in. As you know, AIDS is rife in this part of the world.” On and on she went about it much to our embarrassment and the amusement of the other hotel guests.
It may seem odd that eight of the ten students on the trip were girls but Colbear College was for most of its life, a ladies college; only recently were boys accepted and even now most of the courses were aimed at women’s needs. Our other tutor, twenty-eight year old mother of two children, Mrs. Stella Phipps, was much more relaxed and allowed us to do our own things as far as she could but she always acceded to Mrs. Patterson. We all used her first name except in front of her department head, and we knew that she had done most of the organising of the trip. Indirectly Mrs. Patterson contributed to our predicament. Before we left the hotel, she sent us all back to check our rooms for left items and then haggled over the price of some of the services we’d received so we were late leaving and further delayed by checks on luggage before and after leaving the bus at the Lusaka airport. We were well over an hour late departing and the storm that had been brewing for a while, was much closer than it would have been if we’d left on time.
Shortly after the pilot’s announcement, the fasten safety belts sign came on and a stewardess stood before us like she was about to do one of those flight preparation demos. This one was very different though. “Ladies and boys, the captain has clearance to do an emergency landing at Chapoti and the local officers have been informed of the situation with you. They’ve decided that until the General makes a decision you will be transferred from the airport to the holding prison. They will be holding you on the grounds that you do not have entry visas. Ladies, once we enter Tumali airspace, which is anytime now, you must conform to Tumalian dress regulations; you must open your blouses, remove your bras and show your breasts.”
“That’s disgusting and obscene,” shrieked our elderly tutor, “We’ve young boys in this group and…”
I think the stewardess had enough of her by this time and spoke quite loudly, “Madam, if you wish to be the first to feel the strap across your bare arse in front of your students, keep your bra on and your breasts covered. The rest of you I suggest should follow my example.” In front of us all she opened her blouse and allowed her tits to flop out.”
“Girls, leave your blouses done up! If we all are the same they won’t strap us all.” From my reading, I knew they would and didn’t heed the old woman. I certainly had more fear of the strap than I had of the wrath of our tutor. The stewardess only shrugged and repeated her warning.
“You doing it Sarah?” Karen in the next seat asked me but I was already undoing the buttons and shortly pulled my bra through my sleeves. She giggled and slowly did the same.
“Don’t worry, the boys eyes will only pop out for a short time. In ten minutes when they’ve seen every girl’s tits it will become commonplace,” the stewardess laughed, “You’ll all lose your underwear soon too, boys and girls. Certainly you will if they keep you here more for than a day or two.”
“Staff to their seats please,” the captain’s voice came over the loudspeakers. “Sorry folks this could be a bumpy landing. The storm is catching up with us. I’ll do what I can to negotiate with the authorities but it is in your best interest to do what they say however abhorrent it may seem.”
I looked around and saw Stella had undone her blouse but left her bra on. “Take it off Stella before they make you,” I hissed.
“Look everyone, Foureyes is flashing her rack!” The nasty remark came from Angela Flimpton the group’s beauty queen. I blushed deeply and faced the front again. It was the sort of comment I’d experienced from her for nearly a year. My tits were certainly much larger than hers but so was my whole body. At five feet ten inches and broad shouldered, my physique was a complete contrast to her petite frame. She had long blonde hair which she lightened with bleach and wore immaculate make-up, whereas I was darker skinned with black hair. She hadn’t wanted to come on the expedition but for some reason, her parents insisted and paid her fare; I guessed to bring her down to earth a little or keep her off the playboy circuit for a while. “If we have to stay for long in Tumali, she’ll be one of the first they’ll want to breed,” I thought. Her and Toby Reynolds were the only ones to call me ‘Foureyes” in reference to the thick glasses I had to wear to overcome my short-sightedness but I could see well enough with them although they probably contributed to my being a ‘swot’ and spending more time studying than partying. In any case, I was quite shy around boys although, outspoken when it came to college work and things that concerned me personally.
Any further thoughts on the subject were overlaid by the plane making a wobbly turn and then, rocking back to a more or less level flight, we descended to the airfield. A cheer went up as, after bumping along the runway a few times, we landed safely. A minute or two later the stewardess appeared again. “Please remain seated with your seat belts fastened until the tractor has towed us to our parking place. On behalf of InterZambia Flights I apologise for not being able to get you to your destination and assure you we will do everything we can to ensure you continue as soon as possible.”
The rain hammered down on the fuselage so I realised we only just made it in time and the pilot would have found it very difficult to keep control in that sort of weather. Finally we came to rest, the door opened and a uniformed official entered and greeted us before continuing he walked up the aisle and stopped at Julie Walker. “Show your tits girl.”
“I’ve taken off my bra Sir but this top doesn’t open,” she wailed and we could hear the fear in her voice.
“Put your arms up above your head girl.” As soon as she complied, the officer pulled her top off and left her completely bare chested. Worse for her, his large black hands squeezed her tits, causing her squeal and him to grin.
Mrs. P stood and berated him for his behaviour and his attitude quickly changed. “Madam, I see you have not made any attempt to conform to our regulations and seem to be kicking against our authority. This will be corrected once we get inside the terminal building and there is more space to deal with you.”
“Stupid bitch,” I muttered, “Had she read the book she would know what is likely to happen to her. Instead she told me off for reading pornography when I mentioned it to her at college.”
Surprisingly he didn’t force her to bare her chest but came back to the front of the plane and spoke to us again. “You will want to know what is going to happen to you. In the short term, you will all be arrested for illegal entry into Tumali.” There were murmurs of protest from us but he held up his hand and went on, “Only the crew on this flight have visas so arresting you is a formality. For the time being you won’t be handcuffed or anything like that and you will be allowed off the plane as soon as your luggage is on the carousel. You will then be taken into the customs hall where all items that are illegal in this country are removed and placed in plastic bags. These include all bras, knickers, underwear, contraceptive pills and condoms. Normally it would be a punishable offence to bring them into the country but we’ve decided to be lenient this time because you didn’t intend coming here. They will be kept safe and returned if you are allowed to continue on to Zambia or when you leave the country. That decision has yet to be made by General Cumu and after receiving a report from the pilot and the engineers on the likely delay. Meanwhile you will be taken to the holding prison and physically examined while the paperwork is being done. There are no hotels in Chapoti so you will spend the night there.” Some of us knew what to expect but most hadn’t even heard of Elaine Eves and her book. “Whatever the General decides, from now on you are subject to our laws, Tumalian laws and must obey them or pay the penalty.” There were more murmurs of discontent and more volubly from our leader. “Woman!” the officer boomed, “Either you shut up or you will be stripped and gagged before leaving the plane.”
“That’s disgraceful!” she screamed back but the officer nodded to two of his men. With further screaming and protests they dragged her to the front of the seated area where there was a little more room and unceremoniously tore her clothes from her. We all sat and watched in horror and the men manhandled her body and ignominiously spanked her and displayed her sex and breasts to us before cuffing her hands behind her back and tying a strip of her shirt around her mouth. The men held her on display in front of us but I doubted her scrawny body and sagging breasts would attract many men even though her skin was very white. I was proved wrong later.
“As you can see our ways of controlling law breakers are not as soft as those in your country and this woman has yet to feel the full extent of our powers.” The officer’s radio crackled and we all filed off the plane into immigration control where our passports were taken. Soon a group of curious onlookers surrounded us, partly I suppose, because we were young and white but probably more so because of the way Mrs. P was naked and being frogmarched to what I knew from pictures in the book, was the whipping bench.
“You really think they’re going to whip her Sarah?” Roger Benham stood alongside me. Roger was a quiet studious boy I liked and did several projects with. We’d been to a couple of concerts together, kissed and held hands but we were both a little afraid to go further. I think he was a virgin and I wasn’t very experienced having only had one boy twice. Mrs. P had made him and Toby sit together on the flight so there would be no temptation for the boys to play with us girls. That applied more to Toby who was definitely a womaniser.
“Yes, I’m sure they will. Women here are subservient to men and they’ll hate her domineering attitude.” I was afraid too so I took his hand and we stood as directed while they fastened the struggling Mrs. P down with her bottom well raised and her sex openly on display. I have to admit the sight stimulated me but at the same time I was very apprehensive of receiving similar treatment. Stella tried to plead with them but was abruptly told to stand where she was put or face a session on the bench as well.
When a girl brought a leather strap, the officer ordered Mrs. P’s gag to be removed, which brought forth another torrent of abuse about her inhuman treatment. That quickly turned to a tremendous scream when the first stroke landed across her arse. If we had any thoughts they might go easy on an old woman, they were quickly dispelled. The strap landed with an almighty slap and shortly after, left a livid red band across both her cheeks. I know I’d often wished to see the bitch punished but seeing it in practice I felt sorry for her and tears filled my eyes, the same as most of the group. Another loud crack followed by more screaming and another red band. “She can’t take too many like that,” I thought but she was a tougher bird that I gave her credit for. Maybe the next eight strokes were not quite as hard but they were not gentle either and elicited a scream or a hoarse cry each time and towards the end, pleas for mercy. The whole of her bottom area was a mass of raw flesh and we guessed she’d have difficulty in sitting for a long while. The Tumalian onlookers though, clapped and cheered and seemed pleased to have seen the punishment.
“Would you like to fuck her?” the captain asked Roger. Shocked, he could only shake his head. Toby, when asked, declined too. “Anyone want to put his cock in an old white woman?” the captain threw the offer open to the crowd. Two elderly black men came forward. I noticed Stella try to intervene but two of our group held her back and whatever she said was lost in the noise from the audience. To my amazement, the man dropped his shorts, showed his erect prick to everyone, particularly us girls and then thrust it in her. At home this would have been considered a nasty rape but here I knew it was a woman’s job to submit to being fucked by a man. She must have been very dry because he had difficulty in entering but eventually he found his way in and pounded her without any thought for her sore bottom. We knew she was still married but in all probability her husband hadn’t fucked her for years or, more likely, she didn’t allow him in her bed.
I was disgusted with myself when I felt my juices begin to flow and looking down noticed Roger’s shorts had a noticeable lump so I wasn’t the only one being turned on by Mrs. P’s misery. She passed out when the second man took her but regained consciousness before he finished but was far enough out of things to open her mouth when his prick was thrust at her face.
A short while later they made us form into pairs and walk with a couple of guards to the prison. I kept a tight hold on Roger so we got paired together but the others were a random mix. Little Katie Brooks was paired with Mrs. P and after only a few steps it was clear the woman was not going to walk far even wearing shoes, which was the only item of clothing the captain allowed her. “You take the right arm and I’ll take the left,” I told Roger and ignoring the guards, we went and assisted her. Roger’s a big lad too so were pretty well matched in that respect and we were able to support and half carry her most of the way. Partway along I asked the guard to let us rest and change places, which he did, while the others went ahead with the second guard. Mrs. P moaned and complained about the pain she was in, loudly, the whole way and when she directed her abuse at us for lowering her to the ground, we tried to ignore it. The guard grinned and shrugged. We rested for only a few minutes, just time enough for us to get our breath back and for me to clean my glasses that were covered with sweat that dripped from my forehead. There were more complaints when we lifted her again and continued to half drag her along.
Chapter two. In prison sex
The others were well into being processed by the time we arrived. Toby had been put in a cell on his own but all the other girls were paired up because of the small number of cells and would have to share a narrow bed. “Put that one in a separate cell,” a woman in an abbreviated nurse’s dress ordered. I thought she meant Roger and I would have to sleep with Mrs. P so I clung to him tightly and the nurse grinned. “Okay, you two together. It’ll probably be better if she sleeps on her own.” She nodded to our tutor. “I’ll have a look at her shortly.
Men, who’d obviously been whipped that morning and were now sleeping under the effects of some drug, occupied the next two cells. Both were completely naked and I stared in horror at the welts across their back and arse. My mind recalled Elaine’s ordeal and prayed that I wouldn’t have to suffer the same fate. The thrashing we’d witnessed earlier was bad enough. Elaine had gone through that too.
Roger and I sat on the bed and through the open bars of the cells walls, watched with some trepidation, the happenings in the other cells. Nurse Muniba, yes she still worked in the holding prison, examined Mrs. P who lay on the bunk exhausted. “Nothing much to worry about Sybil but I think with your thin skin and lack of any fat, the bruising will be extensive and last for a few days. I don’t usually give an injection for a strapping but with your bones being so close to the surface, I will make an exception in your case. To my surprise Mrs. P didn’t even object to being called by her first name and just moaned a little when the needle went into her bum.
The nurse then started at the end of the row checking each pair of inmates and making them undress completely regardless of the guards that were watching. I couldn’t make out exactly what she was doing at first but as she came closer, I could see she particularly examined their sexual parts. Roger could too and he had a real hard-on. As she finished with each pair, they were taken to the showers, again escorted by a guard who didn’t hesitate to feel their tits and probe between their legs. I wondered if we would all be raped before we went to sleep but that fear proved groundless.
Eventually Nurse Muniba entered our cell. “Sarah Kennedy and Roger Benham?” We answered with a respective, “Yes Miss.” “Clothes off please. Everything.” We’d seen the performance in the previous cells and knew what to expect if we didn’t comply. Angela had resisted, but two guards quickly entered the cell, forcibly stripped her and smacked her bum at every opportunity. For the first time ever, I saw Roger naked and he blushed scarlet when he had to reveal his hard prick to the nurse, the other girls peering through the bars and me. “Has he fucked you before Sarah?”
The question floored me and I could only mumble, “It’s the first time I’ve seen it Miss.”
“Well let’s have a good look at it now. You can help collect a little of his sperm so I can see it if is a viable sample. Sit on the bed and spread your legs Roger. Start to rub him a little Sarah. Kneel down so you can see what you’re doing.” I think he wanted to drop through the floor at that moment; I know I did. This was one of the parts on Elaine’s book I frigged to so I knew what was coming – or is it cumming? It was even more embarrassing when some of the other girls called obscene things but the guards soon quietened them down and I could concentrate on what I was doing and began to enjoy the feel of his prick in my hand. “Give it a little suck and get some spit to lubricate it.” This brought another remark from a girl and shortly I heard the same voice yell as a guard smacked her arse. “Okay, that’s enough, I want to collect some sperm before it all goes down your throat.” I could hear the smile in her voice when she added, “You’ll get to taste it later.”
“I’m ready to cum.” Roger moaned and the nurse took a microscope slide and squeezed his prick so only a little of the first spurt escaped and ran on to the slide.
“Now put your mouth around it again Sarah.” For a second I hesitated but seeing the guard move I knew I would probably be made to do it and it was better to do it voluntarily. Hardly had my lips closed around the head when she released her grip and I felt several spurts of his semen hit my throat. “Swallow and continue to suck gently until I get back.” With those words she left the cell with the slide. Roger muttered his apologies but I knew he was enjoying what I was forced to do.
Five minutes later, she returned. “Fine Roger. Plenty of living tadpoles in that sample, you should make a nice lot of babies during your stay. When was your last period Sarah?”
“Ten days ago Miss.”
“I planned on using a diaphragm Miss. They took it away in the customs hall. Pills brought me out in spots.”
“Well you’re probably ovulating now so if you want a white baby, let him fuck you tonight.” She spoke very quietly so only we could hear. “Now Roger, have you had a good look at a girl’s cunt before? Do you know how to give her an orgasm? No? Lie back Sarah, your turn to spread your legs so he knows where to put it and how to pleasure you and all the other ladies he meets.”
It sounded as if she knew we would be here for a while. “Are they going to keep us here Miss? Like they did Ellie and the other Roger?”
“I don’t know Sarah but I’m having to do the tests as though you’re staying. Nobody tells a lowly nurse anything!” She laughed. “They were a special case though, sent by their boss and it was all pre-arranged. You’ve arrived by accident and I expect they’re still considering the options. I wouldn’t be optimistic on an early return though. Your government and ours are still at loggerheads over aid and again they may use you as bargaining counters.” She paused, “And I didn’t tell you that!”
For a long while she explained the workings of my body to Roger and his to me and I know she spent far longer with us than any other pair and would have continued if a guard hadn’t remarked that we had to be taken to the cafeteria to eat in fifteen minutes because the canteen in the prison wasn’t prepared for such a large number of inmates.
“Just another question to complete these notes. I understand Roger that you and Sarah helped Sybil to get here.”
“Yes Miss, we did but it was Sarah’s idea. She thought of it and asked me to help.” Nurse Muniba made a note on the sheet and sent us to shower.
It wouldn’t have surprised me if we’d had to walk naked to the cafeteria but no, a woman from Government House turned up with native style dresses for the ladies and shorts for the boys. They were however, of the ‘one size fits all’ variety. My dress was definitely on the small side so that my tits overspilled the built in cups and my crotch could almost be seen when standing straight and was fully on show if I bent over. Roger’s shorts were also very short and the tip of his prick showed if it started to harden, No underwear was allowed but after all we’d been through, I didn’t worry over much and I was starving. Several girls complained but were told, “Your other clothing is safe and will be returned when we know what is happening. You will be allowed to wear it if it conforms to our dress code.”
The cafeteria was crowded but we were kept separate from them and it was really only while we queued for our food, that we came into contact with others. I did see two bluestone women and wondered if I could gain one and be in charge of things if we were forced to stay but I didn’t hold much hope of that. All too soon we were walked back to the prison and our clothing taken.
Roger and I did what we had to do on the toilet and then lay together on the bed, him next to the bars and the whipped man on the bed in the next cell. Somewhere towards the other end of the row of cells two girls were crying and that started me off. Fortunately Roger realised the situation and cuddled me. Toby yelled, “Has he put it in you yet Sarah?” We ignored the remark and heard the guard threaten him with the strap if he didn’t keep quiet.
Nurse Muniba came and checked on Sybil and the two men but they all slept. “You can fuck as often as you like, just don’t make too much noise when the others are asleep,” she giggled as she passed our cell.
“Do you want to do it?” Roger asked.
“I think so,” I whispered back, “It just seems a bit public.”
“They’ll only be jealous.”
“Are you prepared to help look after our baby?”
“Yes, of course I am.” I wondered how much of his answer was dictated by his hard prick rather than reasoned thought but I was horny anyway and with him naked alongside me, and with an erection prodding my stomach, our answers were foregone conclusions. Being good students we remembered some of the advice we’d been given earlier. I rolled on my back, spread my legs as wide as the bed and bars would allow and guided Roger’s prick into my cunt. It went in easily and at first he fucked gently but I urged him to do it faster and harder. Vaguely we heard giggles and low comments from the other cells and a glance in that direction showed most of them standing on their beds trying to get a good view of us. Stella’s voice cut in quietly and suggested everyone quietened down and went to bed but they didn’t and she had no power to enforce it.
My climax came and I couldn’t suppress a little yell. A few claps greeted that, but I ignored them and concentrated on giving Roger a good time and getting him to shoot his load. He came several minutes later and were about to settle down when a Tumalian voice said, “You must suck him clean now girl.” A guard stood in the shadows watching us. I did so and then we lay together quietly, each of us toying with our own thoughts. Soon I heard Roger’s gentle breathing and knew he’d dropped of to sleep. Sleep eluded me for a long while my mind went through the possible options open to me if we were forced to stay in Tumali for several months.
Moaning from the next cell woke me early the next morning. I’d no idea of the time because our watches had been taken and even with my glasses on, I couldn’t read the clock at the end of the hall. The moans or my moving woke Roger and we kissed and cuddled and then, feeling he was hard again, I pulled him on to me and we did it again, but this time quietly and gently. Even so he filled my fertile womb with his sperm and I cleaned him without being told.
Again we drifted off to sleep but not for long. Both whipped men and Mrs. P (I shall have to start calling her Sybil if we are here for long) were awake. She cried out when she tried to move and demanded further treatment. “When will that woman ever learn,” I thought.
A guard arrived and told her to be quiet and the nurse would be along in about an hour. “I need treating now! A woman shouldn’t have to suffer like this! It’s inhuman!” So she went on but the guard just shrugged and left only to return a few minutes later with another man that wasn’t in uniform.
“Here she is Zulam. You’re off duty so maybe you’d like to take her to the shower and then give her some of the treatment she really needs.”
“She’s a bit old and scraggy for my liking but no doubt I can accommodate her. I would rather have one of the others.” He rubbed his crotch suggestively.
“They’re to be kept until the gods above have seen them.”
All of us were awake by then and knew she was going to be raped again. So did she and her verbal protests increased. Even the whipped men sat up and one of them called out, “Bring her in here afterwards and I’ll stuff her mouth with something that will keep her quiet.”
Zulam entered the cell, dropped his shorts and as he was facing me I had a good view of his large semi-hard prick. Certainly it was bigger than Roger’s and that was larger than Toby’s. With ease, Zulam carried Sybil over his shoulder and passed by our cell on the way to the shower room.
Relative silence reigned and I lay down with Roger again and discussed our future. “We’re going to be kept here for some time. The guard knew that when he said, “They’re to be kept until the gods above have seen them.”
“I guess that means the boss people want to pick a girl or girls to fuck.” I had to agree with Roger but wondered why I didn’t seem to be included in the group. Really I didn’t need to wonder. My thick glasses and general appearance made me less attractive to men than some of the bimbos in the group.
Sybil was much quieter when they returned later and Zulam had a full erection so I guessed she hadn’t been fucked in the shower. She was soon after and in front of us all. It made me wet, and Roger got hard again so we did it a third time while the attention was away from us. However, it wasn’t for long. The man in the next cell put his hand through the bars and played with my tits. That was a shock. At first I thought it was Roger but then realised he had his hands elsewhere. I let him play but was saved further embarrassment of having to suck the man’s prick by Muniba arriving and telling us to get to the shower as soon as I cleaned my partner.
While we were away, she treated the two men and on our return, instructed Zulam to put a little cream on Sybil’s arse, “And you might put some on her tits too. They look as if they’ve been mauled a lot,” she added with a laugh.
Unfortunately that shook Sybil out of her acquiescent state. Her quick temper flared and she lashed out at the nurse whose face was close enough to take the full force of the punch. Zulam quickly prevented any further blows but blood streamed from the nurse’s nose. Other guards immediately handcuffed and gagged Sybil and the chief arrived with a clipboard. “Sybil Patterson you are charged with attacking one of the prison staff and will attend a court hearing either later today or tomorrow. Until then you will be kept restrained and gagged. Do you understand?” She couldn’t answer and didn’t even nod.
My mind went over Elaine’s court appearance and her subsequent appearance at the whipping post and wondered if our tutor would be subjected to that too and whether she would survive it. My thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of another man who was thrust into the cell with Toby so I suspected he would appear in court too.
The nurse returned shortly and visited each cell in turn; ours was last and she again examined me sexually. “The girls told me you kept them awake half the night with your fucking.” She had a huge smile as she touched my tender cunt lips and let slip that I would soon be taking larger pricks than Roger’s.
“We’re not going back anytime soon are we miss?”
“Your plane left an hour ago. Keep that to yourself for the time being,” she whispered in my ear. It only confirmed what we already suspected.
A groan from Sybil’s cell reminded me to ask about her. “Is there anything you can do to stop them whipping her Miss?”
“You’re not at school now Sarah. Call me Muniba but to answer your question. I cannot influence the court, all I can do is to cite medical reasons and despite her being a most unpleasant bitch, this I will do. The court doesn’t have to heed my advice either so she could end up at the whipping post. I’ll do what I can.”
Chapter three. Whipped
Mid morning we were again given the prison clothing we’d worn to the cafeteria and escorted to a large office in Government House. Sybil had been taken away a little earlier so there were eleven of us. Here they made us sit cross-legged on the floor until the arrival of three gentlemen resplendent in military uniform. I, of course, clung to Roger’s hand and sat alongside him. We had to bow our heads when they entered but raised them again when we were introduced to General Cumu, Colonel Nubaro and Major Entembe. The Major conducted the proceedings and made each girl stand, remove her dress and display herself in front of them. Katie, the first one, started to object but one of the two guards held her while the other put the strap twice across her bottom and then removed her dress. For reasons I found hurtful, I wasn’t asked to stand. General Cumu, as expected, picked Angela. I’ve no doubt it was her long blonde hair and angelic face that influenced him. The Colonel also picked a blonde, Julie Walker and to my mind he got the best deal. She was much more personable than Angela although if they only wanted fuck mates, it wouldn’t make any difference. Kathryn (Kit) Morris was the Major’s choice. Originally she was blonde too but dyed her hair a light red.
The Major then gave a little speech that confirmed we would he held in Tumali for the time being. Our government had been informed but all negotiations would now be conducted via the North Korean embassy. I knew they would be deliberately protracted as did most of the others and several girls began to weep. “At this moment we haven’t decided what to do with you. Obviously you will be made to work and as you’re college students and are intelligent, we’ll try and find work suited to you. All of you are now considered temporary citizens of Tumali and as such must obey our laws including those that involve your womanly duties. To put it crudely, all of you ladies must allow men to fuck you when they request it unless you are at work or in one of the designated areas such as the food hall, a public highway or in the presence of children. The two boys in the group have that right too.” He paused and I wondered if Toby would want to fuck me but thought he’d prefer the others.
“I’ll be studying your files during the day to decide what work to give you and where you will be living. The three girls we’ve chosen will live in our rooms for the time being, the rest of you will either live in a community house or where you are working.”
I put up my hand. “Sarah Kennedy?” The Major checked his clipboard.
“Sir, Major, may I offer a suggestion please?” For a moment he looked confused and turned to the General who also showed some surprise but nodded. “Sir, this group set out to study the flora and fauna of an area in a nearby country. My field is botany and Roger’s is entomology. Would it be possible for us to study an area of Tumali?” I thought he was about to refuse so I went on, “The survey could be of value to this country and may well add knowledge that could bring in revenue at some later time and at little expense to you. If Sumala is still available perhaps he could guide us?”
Again the Major looked to his superiors; the Colonel shrugged and the General followed suit. Undecided the Major consulted his papers again. “I see you and Roger fucked last night. Are you thinking that this scheme will exclude you from taking Tumalian pricks?”
“No Sir. It just seemed a way to use our talents and you did say you didn’t know what jobs to give us. We’ve spent months researching Zambian wild life, spent days trekking the moors so we were fit enough to do the work and it would appear to be a wasted opportunity on your part, not to make use of us.”
“I’ll have Sumala brought in and if you can come up with a plan by this time tomorrow, I may let you go, with certain restrictions of course.”
“Will I get a bluestone if I am in charge?”
It was almost a tongue in cheek request but he smiled, “If you want to emulate Elaine, you’ll have to earn it, but you seem to have made a good start.” He looked at me for longer than I deemed necessary and then ordered me to stand although I wasn’t asked to remove my dress. It didn’t cover very much anyway. “You’re well built and look fit so you might be able to withstand trekking in our bush. Take your glasses off.” From the blur I deduced he was appraising me like he’d done with the others. “You should try contact lenses,” he commented and when his superiors left, gave us other details of our stay, at least for the next few hours.
His secretary entered. “They’ve just sentenced her Sir. Forty lashes but with the soft whip because of the danger of breaking her skin. I guess she must have abused the judge as well to get that many.”
“Thanks Shelumba. I’ve about finished here. Get a couple of guards to escort them to the square so they know what could happen to them if they decide to attack our staff.”
From the cheering we knew the whipping had started and I prayed that we were too late but it was the man who’d been brought in that morning receiving the last few of his thirty. His back and arse looked a terrible network of welts and I cringed as we stood and were forced to watch each painful stroke as it cut into his body. Nowhere was the skin broken but the welts were deep and the man’s hoarse cries filled me with shame at seeing him in such pain and not being able to help him or stop his punishment. As soon as he was released and carried away, the guards cleared the front row of the stands and made us sit ready for Sybil’s punishment. She hadn’t arrived fifteen minutes later and the whipmaster was becoming agitated. Finally she appeared, naked and dragged in by two guards after having refused to walk even after getting another dose of the strap.
She cried and protested as they fastened her to the post and, much as I disliked the woman, I felt sorry for her and didn’t believe they should treat such an old woman in this manner. A young doctor checked her heart and conferred with the whipmaster but we didn’t hear what was said. I did notice he picked a different whip. The guards threatened us with the strap if we interfered but most of us were already crying and unlikely to move. The crowd too were much quieter, possibly because of the unusually old woman to be punished and I suspect they rarely saw a white-haired, white-bodied, skinny bag-of-bones being punished and from murmurs that arose, I think some objected to it but none dared to complain.
The crack and the horrendous scream the first stroke brought forth, will forever remain in my mind as will the deep welt across her shoulders that appeared soon afterwards. It must have affected Roger too because he put his arm around my shoulder and held me tight. “She’ll never take forty like that,” I muttered to him but there seemed little we could do to stop it. Two guards kept an eye on us as well as trying to watch the whipping. By the sixth stroke she was beginning to fade and they used the hose to waken her. Somehow she survived until the twelfth before they used the hose again and by then it was her bottom receiving the punishment and her cries were no more than hoarse groans. The whipmaster continued until the halfway mark and when he called for the doctor, I expected the whipping would be ended but no, although the doc seemed unhappy, possibly because he was only an intern, he gave the go ahead. Some of the crowd voiced their objections but the whipmaster just turned Sybil around so her front faced us. I gathered from later conversations, that it was unusual for them to whip the front of anyone and it was only resorted to when they didn’t think the victim’s back would withstand any more punishment without leaving open wounds. My indignation at the barbaric treatment rose and I prayed they would call a halt but the whip now lashed the upper part of her chest and left ugly welts across her sagging breasts. After five, she passed out again and the hose took a long while to revive her. In fairness, the whipmaster again signalled to the doctor who once more refused to sanction a stoppage and overrule the court’s decision. A further five lashes, which I could see where nowhere near as hard, and she was almost totally oblivious of what was happening and I resolved to try and save her the final ten.
Shaking myself free of Roger’s arm, I dodged the guard and ran and stood in front of Sybil. Quickly shrugging my dress from my shoulders I clasped my arms tightly around her body and yelled at the whipmaster to carry on. As if in the distance I heard the crowd cheer and I wondered if the guards would pull me free but they too were sickened by the damage inflicted on the old lady. “You’re sure about this?” the whipmaster asked.
“Do it and get it over with so she can be cared for,” I hissed.
After the first lash, I began to regret my decision but I held on tightly and he plied the whip across my back and arse. My whole back felt as though it was on fire but my face buried in our tutor’s hair, muffled my screams. I didn’t pass out and it wasn’t until I felt the cool water on my back that I realised it was over. I heard the crowd cheer but I was oblivious to its significance. The pain from the whipping was too great. God only knows what suffering Sybil went through if that was what only ten lashes were like or what the man before me went through with the harsher whip. The whipmaster actually shook my hand and thanked me, “You’re a very brave woman to step in to save her. The doctor never ought to have allowed it to continue after the twentieth.”
Roger was by my side and I put my arm around his shoulder for support and he led me to the others who looked on in horror at my welts but most were pleased at my action. We started walking back but the pain was pretty intense and the guard told me to ride with Sybil. They wanted to separate me from Roger but I wouldn’t let go so he came back to the prison with me.
“I’ll give you an injection that will put you to sleep for a while and ease the pain,” Muniba said when she’d examined me, “I’ve sent Sybil on to the hospital.”
“No, just give me some painkillers or something. I have to meet Sumala this afternoon… and I don’t want to miss lunch!”
She looked at me strangely but agreed. I took a couple of pills and Roger put cream on the welts and when they began to take effect, she allowed us to walk to the cafeteria without an escort. Well Roger walked and I hobbled along using him as a human crutch. I tried to wear the skirt part of the dress and leave the whole of my upper body bare but even that rubbed on my welted arse so at Muniba’s suggestion, I went naked. “No one will worry you and if you hold on the Roger, as I’m sure you will, it will be as though he is in charge of you. In any case, sex is not permitted in the food hall or on the street.”
Chapter four. The project goes ahead
We’d only just taken our place in the food line when the Major comes over and invites us to his table with Colonel Nubaro and their girls. Kit looked most unhappy and slumped in her chair but Julie appeared resolved to make the best of her position and tried to smile and look alert.
“Feel free to stand,’ the Major said when Roger put our tray on the table.
“Turn around,” ordered the Colonel. I did. “You are either very brave or very stupid girl,” he commented.
“It looks worse now than when you were at the whipping post,” Julie commented and I could hear the horror in her voice.
“Just trying to earn my bluestone,” I tried to joke.
“Was it a conscious decision or an impulse?” the Major enquired.
“Both Sir. That whipping was far too severe for a woman in her condition, whatever she’d done and no one there seemed capable of stopping it. I’ve never liked the woman but I couldn’t see her suffer and perhaps die so I did what I did in the hope they wouldn’t mind a human shield taking her punishment.”
“The doctor should have stopped it,” Roger remarked and Julie agreed.
“Yes, you’re right and he will be reprimanded. Why didn’t you take the initiative Roger?” asked the Colonel.
“Scared I suppose. I never even thought of it. I reckon I’m a follower and not a leader.”
“I thought Muniba would have given you an injection that put you to sleep for a few hours.” It was the Major’s turn to question me.
“I didn’t want to miss dinner and I wanted to meet Sumala and work on our expedition plan.”
“That might have to be delayed now. You won’t walk far for a few days.”
“No Sir, but in any case we need to do some research to find out what to expect and plan routes and organise supplies. I presume there is a library in Chapoti?”
We continued to discus it until we’d finished and they had to leave with the two girls. Julie walked alongside the Colonel but Kit hung back and continued to look miserable. I figured she would be discarded as soon as she became pregnant.
Sumala immediately joined us and introduced himself. “So I’ve another bossy English woman with a sore back to look after,” he joked and we bantered for a while and talked about what we proposed to do. Stella came over and asked if I would allow her to join the expedition and I looked at Suma. “Your decision boss lady but I suggest that is the limit unless we go the whole hog and take all the group but that would limit some of the places we could go. Four is a good number.”
Stella’s field was birds so she would add to our expertise. “I’ll ask the Major. What are the others doing?”
“Waiting to go back to the prison for further instruction.”
“Heh Boss Lady, why don’t we go and see Shelumba and arrange a room for you in the house and then we can discuss this in more comfort and the beds will be softer for you. You and Roger can share a bed and Stella can share mine and we can swap around.” Stella looked shocked at the suggestion but we all knew that she’d have to share a bed with someone, if not that night, soon after.
Shelumba was helpful. “The Major hasn’t formally agreed to the project yet but its going ahead if the Colonel approves Suma, but I think we can give Sarah a room on the grounds she needs a cleaner environment and she’s at liberty to invite Roger to her room as you are to invite Stella to yours. That’s stretching the rules a bit but we should get away with it. Mainly we need to know where everyone is but for the moment I’ll put the four of you in the Suma group.”
“In Sarah’s group,” Roger amended.
“Okay,” she grinned, “I’ll arrange for your luggage to be sent up. If you don’t mind changing rooms Suma, there’s two available alongside one another, 204 and 205. I’ll let the Major know and if he’s in a good mood he’ll just accept the situation, if not you might visit the whipping post again.” For a moment I thought she was serious but her grin hinted that it was a joke. I hoped so. “It will be half an hour or more before your stuff arrives. Why don’t you see the nurse again and get something more to ease your pain and come back later. Officially they’re still prisoners so you’d better escort them Sumala.” I’d tried to hide the pain and discomfort I was feeling but couldn’t do so completely.
In the time we were away, things had changed. Toby was sent to work at the cable station and Rosie and Karen given places in a community home and had to help teach at the high school. Only Mickey and Katie remained in the prison and their placement was imminent. Stella had been earmarked to teach at the university but we expected to change that.
Nurse Muniba examined me again and suggested I lie down and rest my muscles but I assured her that I could manage and told her of the arrangements at Government House. She gave me another couple of tablets and told me to wait at least an hour before I took them and for Roger or Sumala to put cream on at frequent intervals to keep my skin soft. We asked about Sybil and if we could visit. “Not today but probably tomorrow or the day after she’ll be back here. She’ll be employed in the prison assisting me and serving meals etc. They’ve got her on a drip at the hospital because she’s very dehydrated and anaemic so there’s more problems than the whipping. So much for your western diets! Here I can keep an eye on her and can control the amount of time the guards spend with her and can see that she eats properly. We get decent food and not the stuff that is served to prisoners.” Because of her health problems they kept her in the hospital far longer than Muniba estimated.
Our rooms were nice and all our stuff, except the items that had been sealed in plastic bags at customs, were laid out in the rooms and the bathroom was well equipped with toiletries. We had a communicating door Sumala insisted we kept open. “If this project goes ahead we’ll be sleeping, pissing and shitting in close contact with each other out in the wilds so you might as well get to accept it a bit now,” he said when I objected, “In any case it will save us knocking at each others door every time we want to enter.” I knew what he meant. Anyone wanting to enter the room of another had to knock first and receive permission to enter.
“That means we’ll see and hear you when you and Roger…” Stella sounded uncertain.
“Like you did when we were in the prison cell.” Stella actually blushed. “And we’ll get to see you two at it.” I grinned even though my back and bum hurt.
“And it won’t be long before we do!” Sumala had a huge grin on his face, “I’m looking forward to having another white woman.”
“It’ll have to wait Suma. This is work time.”
“Okay Boss Lady. We knock off soon maybe?” A few tears ran down Stella’s cheek.
“But I’m a married woman…”
To my surprise Sumala hugged her and replied, “Yes, but that is in England. In Tumali you are only a woman and don’t belong to anyone. I’ll be your main man for the time being, like we were married but not exclusive to me. You are here to make babies for sale except they send you back first.”
We worked steadily on our ideas and took a break about four o’clock. At first it was ‘busy work’ to keep our minds from the fact we were semi-prisoners in a foreign country with harsh laws and strange customs. Gradually we became more engrossed in the project and began to treat it like we had the planned one in Zambia. At the time we were in their room looking at Suma’s map of Tumali and when I suggested a rest Suma smiled, “You get fucked now Stella and Roger can fuck Boss Lady if he’s careful.” Suma dropped his shorts to reveal an erect prick larger than we’d seen. Stella gasped but Suma laughed at her. “I’ll will go in and fuck you like your husband never did.” She tried to resist but a smart smack on her arse and she capitulated. In a perverted way I wanted to watch and I think Roger did too so I knelt over the side of the bed and suggested he tried it doggy style which he did and fortunately he didn’t ‘bottom-out’ too often and hit the welts.
Stella though had difficulty in accommodating her partner at first and cried out but soon those cries turned to moans of pleasure. Seeing me watching he smiled, “Don’t worry Boss Lady, I get to fuck you soon and Roger gets to fuck his teacher.” I knew it would happen but I was still possessive of my partner.
Roger shot his load before I was ready and I asked him to finish me with his fingers but he used his tongue instead and brought me to a beautiful climax. “I’ve seen the vids on the Internet,” he remarked after I’d cleaned him. Stella was more reluctant to clean Suma but another rather harder smack, persuaded her.
Chapter five. Awarded a Bluestone
At six o’clock Suma turned on the TV in our room for the local news. The whipping of Mrs. P was a major item as was my running in a holding her. Seeing it on film, I could hardly believe I did that, especially after seeing in close-up the way the whip cut into Sybil’s tits and then reliving it all by watching the whip lash my back and arse. I was almost sick but Roger comforted me. “I expect they’ll send it to the UK,” Suma commented, “To get some backing for the funds we want.”
After dinner in the cafeteria where we were the only white people present, we walked to the university library. That was a good mile and a half and I felt the welts rubbing against my blouse and shorts and I was glad when we arrived. We wore our proper clothes now they’d been returned but Stella and I kept our tits on display. Unfortunately it was a wasted journey; the librarian refused to admit us without permission from the Major so I was sore and chafed for nothing.
The meeting with the Major was only partially successful. He sat at his desk and to our concern, the Colonel stood in the background. “Where do you plan on taking them Sumala?” the Major asked immediately. I’d sat gingerly on the hard chair with my clipboard at the ready but was being ignored. Fortunately he sensed this too and answered, “Boss Lady has the plan. I’ll guide her wherever she wants provided it is safe and not in military areas.”
I jumped in and started to go though the plan when he interrupted. “I see you added another member to your team. A woman who is senior to you.”
“Yes Sir. She an avian expert and will complement our research.” I deliberately used the more scientific term hoping to impress him. “At college she is senior to me by a long way. Here we’re more or less equals but I am the co-ordinator for this project and make the final decisions.”
“Do you go along with that Roger?”
“Yes Sir. I’m not a total wimp like my namesake in Elaine’s book but I’m better at following orders rather than giving them. She has my full support and will accept her decisions.” There was a slight delay before he added, “Except at bedtime, of course.” Even the Major and the Colonel had to smile at that.
Stella gave me similar support and then we went through my proposed plan. “My back needs to heal a bit more before we can undertake a major expedition or even a small one and really we need to do some research before we set out. Firstly I need a pass for us to use the University library and an introduction to any of the tutors who can help us. Secondly I need a decent map of the country…”
“So you can plan an escape route?”
“No Sir. Now we are here, I’m keen and enthusiastic to do a thorough survey and am prepared to stay until we are legally free. The Zambian project was to help with my studies at college, with luck I can use the Tumalian study here instead and with the time I suspect is available it can be a more in depth study. We would also need your authority to purchase supplies. That was the third item on my list Sir.”
“And how to you propose to pay for these supplies Sarah? All three of you only have small amounts of Zambian currency with you. That will only keep you here for a month.” That was an unexpected bombshell.
“Won’t the government fund the project Sir?”
The Major looked at the Colonel who spoke for the first time. “The government will support you by giving Sumala’s services free of charge otherwise you will have to fund the rest. I don’t expect the Zambian government funded the project there.”
“No Sir, they didn’t. We contributed money into a fund at college. I had to work long hours to come up with enough to pay the fare and the costs. My mother is not rich Sir.”
“And that money is held by your senior tutor. We know it is in her possession,” the Major informed us.
“May I say something Sir? Boss Lady?” Stella spoke hesitantly and knowingly reinforced my position, “Knowing her like I do, I expect she will wish to have written authority from the college to transfer the funds from the Zambian project to a Tumalian one. We’ll have to wait until she’s a little better before we ask her but she may not be very co-operative after her treatment here. Sorry, but that’s what she’s like.”
“Would you allow us to email the college dean and get his authority and perhaps set up a fund to support us further. What about the others Sir? Will the money have to support them too? They paid into the fund.”
Shelumba knocked and entered. “Nurse Muniba is here Sir with her report. You asked to see her immediately.”
Muniba entered and bowed her head and then handed over her report. “Give me an outline please nurse,” the major instructed, “You can talk in front of these people.”
“Mrs. Patterson is in a stable condition but they’re having to treat her for severe dehydration and other problems that are likely to delay her recovery. The problem was largely caused by the diet she was on in England. I recommended that she be punished lightly with the soft whip and only given a few strokes because of the danger of permanent damage to her skin and bones that were close to the surface. At the hearing she railed at the judge and condemned our General and every one connected with the running of the place and adding to the charges against her. The doctor on duty at the whipping was only recently qualified and felt unable to make the decision to stop the whipping. She would have been permanently harmed and may even have died if Sarah hadn’t stepped in and the whipmaster ignored the shielding of the woman’s body. Legally he was wrong to do so but it’s likely he saved the woman’s life and our country from the embarrassment of sending her body back and the ignominy of having flogged an old woman to death.”
“She’s recovering now?”
“Yes Major, the hospital says she is but she will be kept there for much longer than we anticipated.”
When the nurse left Colonel Nubaro stood and came towards me. “Sarah Kennedy, in recognition of your service to this country and the leadership you have shown and to assist you in running your project I hereby award you this…” From his pocket he pulled a bluestone necklace and hung it around my neck. “A Bluestone to wear as a sign and a token of your leadership qualities. Wear it with pride.”
Tearfully I promised that I would.
“The project has my blessing but it will have to be under the terms the Major has indicated. You must find the funding or we will have to find you a job that will pay for your keep. That is how the others are paying for their stay.” I wondered about the girls the senior staff had picked and what would happen when they were tired of them.
“To answer your earlier question Sarah, yes, you can use the email service to try and obtain funds from the Dean of your college but it will have to be done through Riku who will vet them all before they are sent.”
“Thank you Sir. Will I be allowed to let mother know that I’m okay? I expect the film of my whipping was broadcast on British TV.”
The Major smiled. “Yes, Miss Boss Lady. Only you to your mother and only one a day. All other communications will be through her. We don’t want our IT service swamped. I’ll arrange with Riku about blocking other emails.” He paused and thought for a moment and then barked, “But you’d better go now before I’m persuaded to give up my office for the project!”
Chapter six. Multiple raped
After that things began to happen. Riku, head of the IT department, was very helpful. She put a block on all messages to me except those from mother and the Dean but suggested that although I’d only been given permission for a personal email to mother, I could ask her to pass on messages for the others providing they didn’t detract from the government stance and they weren’t too long. She suggested a 25 KB length for text only messages. I asked mother to contact Roger’s parents and Stella’s husband. Stella didn’t know how to let him know she was being fucked by a black man, “Just say, ‘that in line with the country’s policy, you are being bred frequently.’ He’s got to know sometime and if he doesn’t know abut Tumali already, I’m sure he’ll find out. It will no doubt be headline news in the papers and on TV.”
The three of us decided to pool our resources so we had enough money for about six weeks if we weren’t extravagant and if we didn’t get the money from the Zambian fund.
The library was now open to us and I was able to talk with several students who had an interest in our subjects and there were a number of good reference books we could consult and even buy from the students shop but we decided to leave them until the funding situation became clear.
With all the walking I did that day, by dinnertime, my back was sore and after a shower I waited for Roger to finish and put cream on. Suma saw me standing and trying to see the state of my welts in the mirror and holding the tube in my hand. “You won’t be scarred Sarah. None of the welts are really deep and nowhere is the skin broken. Your back won’t be like mine. Let me put the cream on for you; Ellie found me very good at it.”
“Putting cream in me, you mean?” We both laughed.
“Both, and its time I put some cream in you. We’re not working and even a Bluestone lady can’t refuse unless she wants a good spanking.”
I knew it had to happen some time but suggested he put cream on my outside first, which, I have to admit, he did very well and gently massaged it into my skin. I was very relaxed and well aroused when he laid me over the side of the bed. His fingers had strayed to my cunt when applying the cream so he entered without too much of a problem. I could feel he was longer and thicker than Roger, but not uncomfortably so and soon I was actually enjoying my first fuck by a black man.
Roger and Stella finished their showers at that time and rather shamefacedly watched. “Tell her to lie on the bed and open her legs Roger. She’ll have to do it the same as Sarah. Fuck her hard and who knows, it might be your sperm that fertilises her,” Suma suggested. I felt pangs of jealousy but knew I shouldn’t, not when I was enjoying being fucked by her partner. For them they had the problem of a student / tutor relationship but that disappeared when he sunk his prick into her cunt and started sucking her tits like Suma was doing to mine.
“Tomorrow and the next day are holidays,” Suma announced after our meal in the cafeteria, meals that I now found we had to pay for.
“Not a sex festival is it?”
“No, you’ve missed that. Ellie said these holidays were like your weekends, just days off from work but not the same days each week. I’d like to see some friends on the second day.”
“I expect we can do without you… or perhaps Stella can’t! Don’t get too drunk.” He gave me a dirty look and I remembered alcohol wasn’t allowed in Tumali and that was partly the reason for his whipping. I apologised and said we’d work in the library and he wasn’t too much help there.
The first holiday was uneventful. We visited the market and bought a few things and went to the hospital to see Sybil. That was an experience. Everyone had to shower and leave their clothes just inside the entrance. The showers were communal and while we were stared at, no one interfered with us. Many spoke to me and examined my back and even made me out to be some sort of heroine.
Sybil looked ill but she could speak clearly although it took an effort and I’m sure they had her on some tranquillisers. They’d put her on a waterbed and she’d dressings on her body. Although the whip hadn’t broken the skin, it had damaged it enough for it to split later when she moved or tried to change position in the bed. She thanked me for saving her and asked about the others but we hadn’t seen them and at this stage we didn’t feel it was appropriate to broach the subject of the funds.
The Library on the next day seemed much the same as normal. Students were studying and chatting in groups, Roger and Stella sat reading and making notes from books on their desk and I looked for references on a computer. I gave a little curse when I found the book I wanted was checked out. “I’ve got it in my room, you can borrow it if you like.” Perhaps I was rather naive but I’d met him the previous day and knew he was on the forestry course and it seemed likely he would have a book on plants so I followed him to his dorm room situated in the same block. As soon as we entered the room I knew I’d made a mistake and it only took a few moments for me to realise they intended to gang-bang me.
“I’ve brought us a young white cunt to fuck,” he told his roommate. A couple more lads came in too.
“I’m working!” I yelled at them but they just laughed.
“Not on a holiday and in a boy’s room, you’re not!” In short order I found myself pushed down on a bed and my skirt pushed up. I struggled and cried but they just thought it funny and kept pointing out that even white girls had to submit to men in Tumali. I pleaded with them to be careful of my back but they ignored my entreaties and intended to rape me although to them it was a normal fuck. My trickster had me first and while I was cleaning him, his roommate fucked me. All the time the others mauled my tits and called out encouragement and urged him to fuck harder. Fortunately none of them were the size of Sumala but nevertheless I was becoming rather sore from what I considered multiple rape and by the time the fourth prick entered my cunt, it was very tender and then to my horror another group entered the room, no doubt made aware of what was happening by my screams of protest.”
“What are you doing Miss Bluestone Boss Lady. You’re supposed to be working and helping us.” It was with some relief I heard Roger’s voice above the others.
“They’re raping me Roger. I told them I was working. I kept telling them. I only came to borrow a book. He tricked me.” Tears flowed down my face as I tried to push the last lad off and stand. For a moment all went quiet and then it looked as if the boys were going to attack Roger. Although he’s a big lad, he would be no match for the group of youths but he stood his ground and played the work card again.
“If that is the case and we are under the protection of Major Entembe we had better report this to him and he can contact the University Principal officially to sort these people out and make them aware of their own laws. Girls must not be forced to fuck if they are at work. Now perhaps we can continue with our studies.” His words had more effect than threats of physical violence and they allowed us to leave. Roger paused at the door. “Remember the number Boss Lady, 303,” he said loudly. I was too upset to continue studying so we collected our laptops and returned home.
“How did you know where to find me?”
“Stella heard one of the students remark, “The white bitch will be getting a good fucking from N’java and his mates by now. Maybe it is time we went and got in on the fun.” She saw you leave with him and it was some fifteen minutes later. I’d already had a quick look round to see where you were. I told her to stay where she was and look like she was seriously studying and working and I followed the boys at a discrete distance. You know the rest,” Roger explained. I hugged and kissed him but felt too sore to let him fuck me.
Suma almost treated it as a joke when we told him and we didn’t report it to the Major.
Chapter seven. Our first day out
Two days later, Sumala arranged for us to visit Wyche, the local herbalist and medicine woman, and her assistant Veo, and go into the forest with her on a collecting trip. For the first time since my arrival, I wore my walking boots and rucksack although I didn’t put too much in it. My back and arse were still uncomfortably tender when anything pressed against them but I wasn’t in any real pain. “Chafing is the worst problem,” I said to Wyche.
“It will be your tits in the wetter areas,” she joked, “The pesky mosquitoes will suckle them dry unless you put repellent on them.” Veo produced a large pot, which I insisted we pay for, and Wyche suggested Roger and Suma use it too. Suma obviously knew the parts of a man the insect was most attracted to but Veo insisted on giving Roger a practical demonstration. Before he realised what was happening, she’d pulled his shorts down and rubbed the cream on his prick and arse crack. “It’s the sweaty scent these places give off that attracts them,” she laughingly informed us. We all found it amusing, even Roger especially when Stella and I had to be treated.
In many ways, from my point of view, the best information I’d obtained so far came from Wyche and her assistant. They knew the forest and where the plants grew but of course only knew the local names for them and most often they were names in the Tumalian language that had been accepted since before colonial times. I collected samples and started a herbarium. Both of them walked with an easy grace and like Sumala, went bare footed. I was glad I’d brought my regular walking boots as we probably tramped upwards of ten miles during the course of the day. Wyche and Veo collected a sack of stuff she would use to make up the medicines and creams they sold and my rucksack was full of specimens and I even foisted some on to Stella whose only collection was notes and photographs. Roger too had specimens in containers and Wyche showed him a plant that would put them to sleep and leave them in a relaxed state. To our surprise Suma produced a digital camera. “Ellie left me hers,” he explained, “Do you want me to photograph you working?” Of course we did.
All in all, it was a great day out and was the reason we’d come to Africa. We arrived home very tired but after a shower we’d recovered enough to go to dinner and start sorting our material and making notes.
Suma didn’t appear at all tired but he did praise the way we walked ‘even carrying those heavy boots all the way’ and the fact that none of us complained about carrying a rucksack. “We didn’t even have to gag Roger and drag him along,” he grinned.
The cataloguing and notes took a couple of days and most of this was spent in a section of the IT room but we had to make a couple of trips to the library. Suma always accompanied us and when N’java appeared he had a few words with him but I’ve no idea what was said but he always avoided us afterwards.
After each visit to the library we went on to the hospital, which was not far away, and saw Sybil. She was in less pain now but her flesh was a kaleidoscope of awful colours and some places still were covered with dressings although she was better in herself. On our first visit I asked about the funds but, as we expected, she said it would be up to the college dean to authorise the change. I pointed out that we asked the Dean by email but hadn’t heard back and we only had about two weeks of funding left. In response to her request I did get her husband’s email address and promised to get mother to send him an up-beat version of her condition. “Don’t go over the top with your description Sarah. We still sort of care for each other although we both more or less live separate lives.”
The next afternoon when we visited, she was in a much better condition at least mentally. A naked elderly man sat alongside her, his legs swathed in bandages. “This is Jimbe,” she introduced, “That’s not quite his real name but as near as I can say it at the moment. He’s assigned to putting cream on my skin to make it smoother and supple. They don’t want it splitting any more. He’s been telling me of his life and the hardships he’s been through.” It says something for the drugs she was on because she would never have chatted with a naked old peasant before and certainly wouldn’t have allowed him to touch her skin and from the way her arms and legs shone, I could tell he rubbed it into all areas of her skin and not just the welted parts. From what I knew of Tumalian men, I’m sure she was well rubbed between her thighs.
We finalised our first report but Riku wanted to check it before printing it, however, when she saw it was all technical stuff that she didn’t understand she said she’d have five copies printed and bound in the morning, one for each of us, one for the Major and one for the library. We planned our next outing knowing it could be the last unless money came in. I emailed a further plea for funds to the Dean.
“Why don’t you relax and come at stay at my home for the night?” Riku asked when she sent the message.
“You mean, ‘Why don’t I stay at the community home and get screwed senseless all night?’ Or do you want another Roger to take to bed?”
“It’s not quite as bad as that Sarah. You’ll get fucked by one or two, maybe even three different men and so would Stella but it’s about time you both tried some different pricks. I could introduce you to some nice men that would treat you well. And, no, your Roger isn’t my Roger but there is a girl who is due to have her knickers removed today or tomorrow and who would like a light baby. She’s only had her first so she’s still young but she won’t take him away from you. Suma will no doubt welcome getting back to his old ways and finding a young cunt for the night. Think about it, you’re not chained like Ellie and Roger were and you only have to inform Shelumba where you’ll be so there’s no need to go begging to the Major.” We must have looked doubtful because she went on, “It’ll save you money too. Even if you buy meat for the household, that will still be cheaper than the meals in the cafeteria.”
Suma added his two cents worth. “When we go on this next trip, you’ll be sleeping with different men of all ages and types. You won’t be able to avoid that without endangering our lives. I explained that when we went through the planning so why not get a little sample before you go under much more controlled conditions?” In the end we were forced to give in.
The community home was more or less as I pictured it from Elaine’s description. A village hall with a cooking area at one end and doors open at either side to let the heat out. I gave the cooks the meat Riku suggested we bought and joked with them for a while and then I had to show them the welts, which still showed but I barely noticed them. “Sit at one of the dining tables near the door,” Riku suggested, “then no one will interfere with you. They will come and chat but none of the men will try to fuck you in the eating area. They know the rules. I’ll see if I can find a couple of nice men for you and see if Shema is around.” Sumala excused himself and I saw him flirting with a girl in the lounge area and when I looked again he was gone.
She returned almost immediately with the girl wearing bulky knickers and carrying a young baby in her arms. Her eyes lit up and a big grin spread over her face when she saw Roger and came to him without any hesitation. I was more than a little jealous this time but tried to thrust it away and concentrated on the baby now sucking on his mother’s breast. She sat with us for a little while and asked us about ourselves and we learned that her normal job was on a market stall and off course she’d watched Sybil and me punished and most others for many months. “Can I hold him?” Stella asked and when she did, tears streamed down her face. “I won’t see my two girls for months,” she stuttered.
“I won’t see my next child ever,” Shema pointed out but that didn’t help Stella’s sorrow. I went and hugged her; in England would have been an odd thing for a student to do with a tutor but here it was perfectly natural. Riku disappeared again and returned with two men in their late twenties. “A bit old for me,” I thought but not old old, “More Stella’s age.”
“Dinner won’t be for an hour or more so why don’t you all go upstairs and get acquainted. Shema will show you which beds are free tonight. I’ve got some chores to do here first.” We all knew Riku was telling us to go and get fucked.
Suma had already exhausted himself in the girl and the pair cuddled on her bed. I wondered if Stella was slightly jealous, but if she was, she showed no sign of it. The boys wanted us completely naked but I was interested in how Roger was doing so I took my time and went to the toilet first. He was just climbing between the girl’s legs when I returned and with no hesitation now, he found her opening and thrust his prick in. I wondered at the change in him since we’d been in Tumali and then I thought of the changes that had occurred in me too. Further thoughts were pushed aside as my man rolled me on to my back and found my hole. He kept thrusting far longer than I expected, longer than his mate who finished with Stella in a short time, and I had several climaxes before I had to clean him. Like the others, we cuddled and he played with my tits. Roger I noticed was sucking Shema’s and probably tasting her milk.
We stayed there until dinner and afterwards sat outside chatting with the two boys keeping close to us and with Shema almost on Roger’s lap. By some agreement between them, the boys swapped when we went to bed and we were fucked again.
By Government House standards, the beds were hard but I slept well enough once the noises from others being fucked died down. Sometime in the early morning my man fucked me again and then moved out only to be replaced by a young lad. “He was my older brother,” the lad whispered as he thrust into me at a very fast pace. Eventually I was able to slow him down enough to enjoy it.
Chapter eight. Our first expedition
The route we’d chosen for our first expedition was the one followed by Ellie on her trip to Neambu but only as far as Gordmu’s hut. From there we’d follow the river upstream to the lake at its source and over a ridge into the next valley to an open forested area. The map showed several settlements but Suma warned they might not be there as the people were semi-nomadic.
Like our predecessors, we set off at first light and made good progress through the farmland and the scrub and didn’t stop until we came to a small stream. Although there were plenty of interesting plants and wildlife on the way, we’d agreed not to stop and collect until we were at our destination. “You can easily walk out here on a one day holiday,” Suma remarked and we agreed with him. We each had a full rucksack of supplies so we wouldn’t be dependent on villagers but as that was mainly food it would diminish as the trip went on, leaving room for specimens. Rain wasn’t expected but we’d taken a tarpaulin that we could rig as a shelter. I admit, Suma carried more than we did but we had our fair share.
We must have looked an odd band to the people who greeted us along the way. Suma striding along wearing a colourful shirt and shorts, the shirt only to protect his back from his rucksack; me, dark haired and fairly well tanned and wearing a bright, cream coloured, open fronted blouse and a blue skirt with a large brimmed, blue hat to protect my face a little. I tried clip on sunglasses but they didn’t fit too well on my thick lenses. Stella followed me wearing a similar outfit but her hat was bright yellow with an orange band and her blouse and shorts a light green. A pair of lightweight binoculars hung around her neck. She wasn’t quite as fit as the rest of us but she more or less kept up without complaining. Roger sported a peaked red hat with a ‘curtain’ at the back to protect his neck, a tee shirt and shorts. All three of us English people wore proper walking boots, which Suma continued to mock as being extra weight to lift at each step. That may have been true but we certainly wouldn’t have walked far without them.
Gordmu’s hut was reached mid morning and Sumala praised the speed we’d made. This time Gordmu and his wife Tuva and her twin sons were there. Both boys looked in their early twenties. “Tuva, had twins for her fifth baby so she was allowed to keep both. She’s named them in the way of things in Tumali by adding a b and c to her name. Her first born, now left home, was Tuvaa. Mostly she uses the latter part of the name, one being Vab and the other Vac, but I am never sure which is which. “Watch out girls, they are looking for wives,” Suma grinned. I gave them the formal greeting he’d taught me and introduced the rest of our group. The boys gave their names but I soon lost track of them.
“Do we get to bathe in the stream?” I whispered to our guide. My shirt and the top of my skirt were soaked with sweat and I could see the others were in a similar state now that our packs were on the ground.
“You just want to show your naked body to the boys,” he joked back, “But they’ll expect to fuck you anyway so we might as well. Leave your sweaty boots here but bring your socks so we can rinse the smell out of them.” He did like to keep ribbing us over our footwear.
The two boys and Tuva came too and for a short while we splashed and played in the water but it too cold to stay in for long so we rinsed our clothes and walked naked back to their hut and put our clothes in the sun to dry and sat in the shade. Apparently the cold water made my welts show clearly and Tuva ran her fingers over them questioningly. “Do all white bluestone girls have to go to whipping post?” We tried to explain but I don’t think she really understood. Gordmu stayed behind because his old body couldn’t stand the cold and on our return, Tuva produced a cold herbal tea and Suma offered pastries we’d brought to snack on for the first part of our journey.
“Where do you piss now?” Suma asked, “Looks like you moved it since I was here last.”
Gordmu answered in dialect so I had to ask Suma for a translation. “I’ll show you.” When we were out of sight of the others, he showed me the little outhouse but continued to walk with me. “Bluestone Boss Lady, when we get back it would be polite for you to offer the services of the whole group to our hosts. As you are in charge, they must comply. The boys could demand you open your legs for them but it would be more seemly in this situation for the offer to come from you. Remember too, we may have to stay here on our way back.”
Stella was a little perturbed that I offered her service as well as my own and the look on Roger’s face was priceless when Tuva wanted him. She was obviously much younger than Gordmu and age is difficult to tell after a life of toil in the hot sun, but she had to be at least fifty and probably more. She soon had him hard though and didn’t use any lubrication to let him enter. Fortunately he was able to perform. He told me later she wet but not flowing and he shut his eyes and tried to imagine it was Shema. Inwardly I was pissed that he didn’t imagine it was me.
Vac fucked me hard and roughly and came before I was ready, but it didn’t really matter as it was almost time for us to leave. We waited while Vab finished fucking Stella and dressed ourselves. Gordmu watched the proceedings but I don’t think he even got an erection so I didn’t have to service him.
For the rest of the morning and much of the afternoon we followed the river. There was no path and several times we had to make detours to get round small waterfalls or tributaries. The climbing, the heat and the physical effort of walking and probably the altitude took their toll of our strength but at last we came to a long narrow lake at the headwaters of the stream. At the far end we could see a group of grass huts with smoke rising but they were still a couple of miles away. “Why couldn’t they have built the huts at this end of the lake?” Stella declared and we knew she was very weary but was determined not to give up.
“They were last time I came,” Suma smiled, “We’ll have another rest because we’ve made very good time and we want your hats to warn them that aliens are coming.” He wasn’t even the least bit tired and could joke.
For the second time that day we stripped off and rinsed our clothes and laid them on low bushes in the sun to dry. I dozed in the shade of a tree but was awoken by Suma nudging my ribs with his foot. “Get up Bluestone Boss Lady and greet our friends.”
Greet them! I was starkers, but the four Tumalian men who looked down on us, wore little more, just a genital pouch. I gave them a traditional hug and felt their pouches stiffen against my belly while I said the only words of Tumalian I’d learned so far and introduced the others. Fortunately they seemed more interested in us joining their camp than in having sex with us at that moment. Two of the younger ones spoke fair english and translated for their elders. “We caught a large deer yesterday and will have a feast tonight. Maybe the spirits send you to help us enjoy it.”
We dressed and when Stella gave a little groan as she lifted her pack, one of the men took it from her and carelessly hooked it over one shoulder. I’d got mine on when the other young man took it from me. “You’ll be in debt to them now,” Suma laughed, “And you can guess the payment they’ll want.” I could but I didn’t care; it was just nice to walk unencumbered by the heavy weight on my back.
They were a cheerful group and I soon forgot my weariness as we strode along the stony path at the edge of the lake to the camp and were greeted by about twenty men and women. No children though except for about four babies or preschool youngsters. “They go to school in Chapoti,” I was told. It seemed the festivities were well under way. The deer was being roasted on a crude spit over an open fire and other food was being prepared. Everyone greeted us with smiles and hugs. I tried to protest when a family was moved out and their hut given over to us but they wouldn’t accept that we could sleep in the open. The men carrying our rucksacks brought them inside and we thanked them and gave them the usual hug. At least that’s what I intended but before I realised what was happening, the man swept me off my feet and laid me on the mat. From her squeals I knew Stella was in a similar position alongside me and we were both going to pay the same price. My man took pride in standing over me and showing off his hard prick as if it was something special but it didn’t seem any different to the others I’d had. Probably by now, I’d become blasé over the sight of native pricks. Stella’s man was already pumping into her so I lifted my skirt and invited my man to fuck, which he did but left me disappointed because he came almost immediately. One of the elders took his place and performed very much better and gave me a couple of orgasms before he released his seed.
For what remained of the afternoon and into the early evening, we wandered around the camp and took pictures of the food being prepared and even tried to help. We weren’t fucked again but of course, we were stared at although it was in a friendly way. I tried to help one of the women prepare some meal, but she couldn’t contain her humour at my attempt and told me to save my efforts for later. “What comes later?” I asked even though I had a shrewd idea of the answer.
“Big fuck time. Teala prepare potion that keep men hard. They fuck four maybe five times. We all get big fuck. Even old women.” She nodded in the direction of a group cooking vegetables in a stone fireplace. It was obvious she was looking forward to it. I wasn’t as keen and I decided not to tell Stella because of her hang-up that she was committing adultery.
As darkness descended, the festivities began with food being served in wooden bowls and then dancing to a trio of drums. They made us dance too and although tired and sore, I enjoyed myself. A drink bowl was passed round. It tasted strange and sweet and slightly alcoholic but I thought that was a banned substance. Possibly in the remote parts they brewed their own form of moonshine. I was careful only to sip the stuff but Stella took in more and surprised me by opening her legs. I guessed then the drink was some sort of aphrodisiac! It certainly acted on the men. Without exception, they were all hard. I went to grab Roger but a girl got to him first but it wasn’t long before my cunt was stuffed with a hard black prick and thereafter it turned into what I can only describe as an orgy. Somehow I managed to find my way into our hut late at night, to find Stella already there and being humped by a man I couldn’t see. I couldn’t hear Roger or Suma so guessed they’d found an alternative bed for the night. Again I felt extremely jealous, or rather annoyance, at him not being alongside me but after all the efforts of the day, I quickly fell asleep.
My cunt felt tender and sore when I crept out to the ablution area to relieve myself early next morning. Another woman was already there and asked if I’d enjoyed myself. “Yes,” I knew I dared not say otherwise, “But I’m sore now.”
“I can fix,” she stated and took me to her hut and gave a fatty substance to put on, and did so in front of the men who were just waking up. They didn’t look in a fit state to do anything to me; their pricks lay shrivelled and red between their legs.
Roger emerged from a hut, looking very worn out. “Be ready to march on in ten minutes!” I called out facetiously but he just put two fingers up and gave me the fuck you sign. When Stella appeared I took her to the woman who treated me, “You white women,” the woman grinned, “Just not fucked enough for big fuck night. Need more practice.”
“We just need more recovery time,” I quipped.
Gradually the camp woke up and breakfast made. Eventually we gave our good-bye hugs and headed off but by then the day had warmed up but we only had about eight miles to go and only the first part was uphill and then down into a valley. Four men from the tribe accompanied us but neither Stella nor I allowed them to carry our rucksacks. I guessed we would still have to service them because they intended to build us a grass shelter in the event that it could rain. I remembered Elaine’s ordeal in the storm but Sumala said that sort of storm was unlikely in this area although it would rain very hard.
Suma selected a level spot on the north side of the hillside, close to a little stream where we could get water but wasn’t deep enough to bathe and we set up camp. The tribesmen set to work cutting stems and making a framework for a sheathing of long leaf fronds from a nearby tree. By mid afternoon they’d finished and we hugged good-bye but their pricks were still in no fit state to do anything so our cunts were saved from further torment.
We did a quick survey of the area and I found it rich in plant life. Roger too found much to interest him but Stella came back shortly after leaving looking very white. She’s seen a multi-coloured snake. Suma said, “It’s harmless and more frightened of you than you should have been of it.” We had a little lecture on the snakes of the area but were told that at this height, there were not many to be seen. We made a meal of dried food and some of the meat the tribesmen had given us and laid down to relax. I was able to cuddle Roger and his prick started to harden but hadn’t fully recovered, so for the first time since our arrival in Tumali, I went to sleep without having sex first.
Curiosity finally overcame me and I asked how he got on the previous night. He thought he’d had five girls, two of them elderly or middle-aged. He either couldn’t remember or didn’t want to tell me the details but I gather he enjoyed himself. I wondered how he would get on when and if we returned to college.
The next three days were idyllic. We toured the region and on two of the days went to craggy areas so Stella could watch the huge birds of prey soar and glide in the updrafts. Roger and I could find things of interest in those areas too and before long we both had as many specimens as we could handle and had almost used up the flash cards in our cameras. Even Suma’s was full. It did rain one night, hard by English standards, but it was not a storm and our shelter kept the water out.
We started back in the cool of the early morning and stopped briefly at the camp. Most of the men were away but the women made us welcome and gave us food and drink. Even though our stop was brief it still took us an hour before we could politely get away. “We’ll stay the night at Gordmu’s,” Suma declared otherwise it will be very dark before we get home. We don’t have to hurry and we’ve enough food left to offer to them so it won’t be a drain on their supplies. No doubt the boys will want you at least once tonight.” Fortunately our vaginas had recovered from the excesses of the festival. He was right, of course, and we had a pleasant enough time with them but they left early to work a water powered sawmill downstream from their hut so we were able to get away early too and arrived at Government House before lunch.
Chapter nine. Good news and bad
“Do you want the good news or the bad first?” Riku asked when I went to see if there were any emails for me. Mother had emailed almost every day even though she knew we were away.
The good news came from the Dean.
“Our bank put charges on to change the money and when I checked there was the equivalent of about £215 of your pounds in the account,” Riku informed me. I presumed that her being in the government department, she had authority to check my personal account. Privacy laws were very different here. I did a quick estimate and figured the three of us could continue in the way we had for another month or five weeks. Riku smiled when I mentioned it. “The account is in my name. You are not officially in the country and therefore cannot have an account here. I was able to arrange for you to access the money. It’s just a technicality.” I knew from the inherent honesty of the Tumalians that Riku would never touch a penny of it.
“And the bad news?”
“It’s more for Stella. I don’t know how you are going to break the news to her.” She handed me another email this one from my mother who after comments on what I was doing the pasted in the text from Harold Phipps, Stella’s husband.
Tears flowed as I pondered how I was to break the news to Stella. In the end I decided there was no easy way and took her from the others into our room. She knew something was wrong by my crying. Roger tried to follow but I signalled him to stay. As I expected, she took the news badly especially the bit where he threatened to keep her daughters from her. “Where are they now?” I asked.
“At my mother’s and she doesn’t have a computer. They’re at hers because with his work at university, he wouldn’t have time to look after them. She was only to have them for two weeks.”
“Let me have the address and I’ll ask my mother to visit her. I’m sure she will and knowing my mother she’ll know the right people to get a court injunction or do something to stop him getting custody. This is the last of her emails so probably nothing has happened yet.” I immediately emailed her and only gave the barest outline of our experiences over the week before sending Stella’s message and pointing out the truth about the men who’d fucked us.
The news put a damper on the week away but we worked on identifying the material we’d brought back and producing a report. That took about a week. Mother did get back to me over Stella’s problem.
The Morning Star was a sensationalist tabloid that published the sleazy goings on of pop-stars and cabinet ministers. It had a huge readership but it was not a paper I normally read. The news both cheered and worried Stella but there was little we could do about it. Mother added £100 to our bank account from an article she just been paid for so we could go ahead and plan another trip.
We had to use the university library most days to identify some of the material and afterwards went to see Sybil at the hospital. She was still weak but could get up and walk to the toilet with a little help and was beginning to gain weight. Her old black friend was always there and on our second visit we surprised them lying side by side on her bed and from the stains and juices on her thighs, we knew they’d had sex. She didn’t even appear concerned that we would know but we didn’t mention it. I asked about her medication but all she knew was that it was a local herbal concoction made at the hospital.
I took the sizable printed report to Shelumba who ushered me into the major’s office. He thumbed through it and looked impressed with our efforts but only commented that the Natural History department of the university would report on it. I noticed a naked young black girl in the side room and enquired about Kit. “She just did what she was forced to do and whined all the time. I got rid of her and found her work as a cleaner in the university. The students will make sure she’s well attended to.”
“She’s a lesbian,” I informed him.
“And pregnant. What about you?” he asked.
“Missed my period so I’m likely to be as well.” I’d kept that information to myself because I knew it would allow the men to use my other holes.
“Go to Muniba and get tested but first I’ll see if you’re better than the other white bitch.” Apparently I was. Admittedly, I saw my future in Tumali being dependent on the Major’s goodwill so I did try to please him and I’d had more practice in Riku’s home when she wanted Roger to service her and another girl who was due to lose her knickers.
I must have looked a little worried when Roger came back from fucking Riku because she came and hugged me. “Don’t worry Sarah, he’s your Roger and not my Roger.” I looked questioningly at her, puzzled by the wording. “Roger stayed with me when Ellie came to have her baby. Their relationship is one of tolerance and not real love and it may not last much longer. We’re still in email correspondence.”
Muniba declared me truly pregnant. “You’ve probably been so for some time so it could be Roger’s child but we’ve no way of telling at this stage.” By then I could talk freely about sex and asked about being fucked in the bottom. I’d seen a few black girls have it that way and they didn’t mind too much.
“Get Roger to do it a few times and use plenty of lubrication. Sooner or later one of the men will want you that way and it will be better for you to know what to expect and most of our men are a little larger than him. Try and keep Suma out of there for a bit.” Suma did indeed want to try me that way when I told the others of my pregnancy but agreed to allow Roger a few days to ‘open me up’. Roger, rather reluctantly I thought, did it with great care the first time but afterwards he showed more enthusiasm. I couldn’t say I enjoyed it even after the third time, but came to accept it.
At the university next day I enquired about Kit and accompanied by Suma was eventually allowed to see her. She was naked and cleaning the toilets and her arse showed the redness from a recent spanking. “Can you get me out of here?” she pleaded, “All I’m doing is drudgery work and as soon as I come off duty one or more students pick me up and take me to their room and use me in all ways.” I said I would try but didn’t hold out much hope. It made me realise how much better off we were and Stella realised it too when I told her.
A week later I received an invitation from the Head of Environmental Studies at the university for us to give an evening talk on our survey. We were of course, obliged to accept and the four of us found ourselves on a platform facing about two hundred students and staff. Sumala was certainly out of his element. It was even nerve racking for me especially as standing on a platform, the front row students would be able to see right up my skirt. I suppose I should have been used to the nudity by then but it seemed far more humiliating when standing in front of an audience knowing that all eyes were on you. As a bluestone it was up to me to introduce the others and that helped me forget my semi-nudity and I started with Sumala telling them a little about the area and some of the local customs. He needed a good deal of prompting from me before it all came out. I followed with a talk on the plants I’d found. Stella gave a much more polished lecture on the birds she recorded. Roger brought the session to a close with an outline of the insects and spiders he’d collected and reminisced on the ones that got away. The evening ended with questions on what we’d done and where we would be surveying next.
Chapter ten. Attacked
“The road to Neambu follows our western border and goes around most of the mountains so is long and tortuous. We could take the easy option and pay for transport there without involving the Major and head back into the area you want to visit. That way we could be at the site by the end of the first day if there’s a good track providing we can find transport leaving early in the morning. More likely we’ll have to make an overnight stay somewhere.” The four of us pored over a map and trying to decided how best to get to the eastern part of the rocky open area that Suma and his companions got caught out in the storm on the trip with Elaine. Suma continued to explain the options. “We could follow the same route as I took with Ellie and Roger and that could take more than a day too even though you’re fitter than they were. The extra miles getting to the eastern end are over rough terrain with scrambling and climbing and probably some rope work to save you if you slip. You already know the way to Gordmu’s and from there it is roughly straight on instead of heading westwards and following the river like we did on the last trip. The third option is to head north and east of here, past Riku’s house and follow a roundabout route through forest and valleys to the east and north. That will take at least three days, not just because it is twice as long, but the terrain has a lot of scrub to hack our way through and there’ll be much more climbing but without much scrambling and they’ll be no need for us to rope ourselves. In places the scenery is spectacular and we should find decent camping places each night.” We could sense that was the route he wanted us to choose and I rather fancied that way too. “If you decide on that way, we can either circle round and down to Gordmu’s and back or find or cut a path through the jungle and go into Neambu. You’ll need to carry more supplies for that trip and each one must have a compass and a machete.” He went on to explain the tracks were not often used and we may have to cut our own.
Stella would have preferred the transport to Neambu option but was out voted. Roger and I confessed later that we thought it was going to be only a bit more demanding than the previous trip and it would be nice to be out on our own for a few days. Only the last part of our assumption was correct. By the end of the first morning we were out of the local forest area and climbing steeply up rough tracks that we reckoned were made by goats and cutting our way through overgrown and prickly scrub. Suma insisted we all did a share of cutting although he still did as much as the rest of us put together. By mid afternoon we were exhausted and when we found a suitable place to spend the night we called a halt and set up our tarpaulin shelter. For once Suma seemed tired too and didn’t demand to fuck Stella.
The second day was much like the first except we were higher up and the ground more open and at times the views were truly spectacular. Around the middle of the day we came to a small waterfall and bathed for the first time since we left and washed our clothes. I hoped we’d stop and I know Stella did too but Suma decided to carry on and after several climbs and steep descents we came to a group of huts where we were again made welcome although there was no feast that day but fish were plentiful so we could eat our fill without robbing them of their food. Of course our bodies were in demand but they understood our weariness and allowed us to sleep at a reasonably early hour.
When next morning we climbed back up the same track we’d descended the day before, I knew Suma had made a detour to have a night in a hut and meet other native Tumalians whose lifestyle was more primitive than the townsfolk.
By the end of the third day we reached the ‘lunar barren landscape’ that was our destination, but we had to continue on and down the mountain to the edge of thick forest before we found a place to set up camp.
It is difficult to believe that any plants would survive in the intense heat of the suntrap formed by the rocks but some did, albeit they were very small and in sheltered crevices. I found them of interest but I knew I wouldn’t go back with the amount of material I did last time. Stella saw birds she hadn’t seen previously and Roger found a few insects, but well before midday we had to retreat to the shade of the forest. In the afternoon we found an area more or less in the shade of the mountain but still rocky and investigated life there. We moved camp about four miles on the second day to near an area of stabilised scree and found a small lake with very warm water but it wasn’t clear so we decided against bathing and it wasn’t fit for drinking so we had to move again until we came to a clear water stream. We all found things of interest to us and decided to spend another day there before heading to Neambu.
We’d finished our evening meal, darkness was nearly upon us, and were getting ready for the night when, seemingly out of nowhere six men appeared brandishing knives and clubs. Suma and Roger were knocked to the ground and knives were held to Stella’s and my throats. We screamed and yelled but that only resulted in my being punched in the face severely bending my glasses, and Stella having hands around her throat. I saw Suma rise and try to kick one of the men but another one of the gang stabbed his thigh with a knife. It slashed a long open wound and blood flowed freely. Roger must have tried something too and he too received a stab wound, his in the shoulder.
“Give us money!” the leader demanded. I saw no reason to be brave and took everything I had out of my money belt. It was only a little over £25 in our currency and in fact one of the notes was an English five-pound note that I’d forgotten to remove before leaving. The amount displeased him. Stella and the others had even less because I had the money for the trip and we didn’t need much except if we had to pay for transport back and food in Neambu. I thought they might take our cameras but they weren’t interested in them. Stella’s binoculars and our machetes were and when they went for them I thought our end was up. We could tell they were disgruntled at their poor pickings and I heard the leader remark, “That student said they were rich white people and they don’t have enough to keep us for a week.”
“Let’s give them white girls a good fucking and get out of here. We haven’t seen a woman for a few days,” one suggested. They were brutally rough with us and bruised our bodies even though we tried doing what they wanted. It seemed they wanted to hurt us in front of the men. Roger kept passing out and Suma tried to hold his wound together but I could see he was in great pain. Half an hour later and with the moon rising they left taking the money, our food and our machetes. All, that is, except Suma’s. He’d used it when making the shelter and cutting wood and it was still outside with the wood we’d collected.
By torch and candlelight Stella and I examined the boys’ wounds and knew they had to be cleaned and bound and they needed urgent medical attention. I cursed the fact there was no mobile phone signal anywhere in Tumali outside the Chapoti area. Not that we’d be allowed one and Sumala, knowing the signal situation, hadn’t brought his. Neither Stella nor I were squeamish when it came to the sight of blood so we were able to clean the wounds and then tore up their spare shirts to bind them. I knew Suma had aspirin equivalent in his pack and gave both men a couple but we doubted they would do much good.
“What are we going to do now?” Stella asked. I found the map when Suma spoke.
“That was Bremma’s gang. Saw them once before but then they didn’t see me. Bandits wanted by the guards for ages. You’re going to do nothing for now Bluestone Boss Lady.” I could tell talking was an effort. “If you walk out in the forest tonight you’ll get so lost that no one will find us or you. You lie down and sleep so in the morning you’re strong to go to Neambu. Stella can look after us. You walk better than her.” I knew that was true but I didn’t want to leave Roger and I wanted to nurse him but if I did that they might die while we waited for help and we wouldn’t be missed for days.
I thought for a little while. “Suma, by morning you might not be able to tell me the way to go. You’d better do that now.” By torchlight he basically told me to follow a compass direction. “You must take the machete and make sure you mark the way otherwise it might take days for them to find us. The shortest way is to head for that valley and follow it but I doubt there will be much in the way of paths. It will take all of one day to get to Neambu even if you find a path. The longer way is easier but it will take at least a day and a half and you will have to walk through the rocky stuff and you may have to rest during the heat of the day, before going through the forest.” I knew from the past two days, how difficult and rough it was to walk on that stuff even without the strength sapping heat. Stella almost forcibly made me lie down alongside Roger and I cuddled his as best I could. Sleep wouldn’t come but I suppose I did get some rest although it was disturbed and at the first chink of light breaking over the mountain, I was up.
“Make her eat Stella.” Suma in a weak voice ordered. “Make sure she has water and food for day…” His voice faded. We’d found a pack of dry, rusk-like biscuits and some dried meat the bandits had missed and we compromised in that I took half of them.
I ate hurriedly while in a motherly way, Stella checked my pack for essential supplies but removed all my specimens and unnecessary gear and made sure the map and compass were around my neck and the machete fastened to my belt. I kissed them all and set off. “Check the compass; mark the trail,” I reminded myself repeatedly when I entered the forest. It was hard work. Very hard work and my progress was slow, much slower than I wanted. In previous days Suma had done much of the trail blazing but we’d all contributed. Now I was alone and trying to wield a machete that was far heavier than the one I was used to. By mid morning I’d descended to a valley but I knew I had to climb up again and over the next ridge before coming to the valley I needed to follow to Neambu.
“Have five minutes rest and eat a piece of the dried meat Boss Lady,” I ordered myself when I came to the swiftly flowing stream. I had to make the first of many detours to find a crossing place but remembered to leave a marker. The climb to the ridge through the humid heat sapped my strength and the sweat constantly coated my crooked glasses. The landscape was more open on this mountainside but much of it was covered with prickly scrub and soon I was covered with a mass of scratches many of which trickled blood until it dried.
Midday I crossed the ridge and looked for a track that might follow the valley but none showed. “At least you found the valley,” I told myself as I slithered down a little and found what was probably an animal track and followed that for a couple of miles and made good progress. It didn’t last. For reasons I couldn’t fathom, the track petered out. Needing a drink I slowly made my way to the stream at the bottom of the valley but after drinking and filling my waterbottle, I had to climb up again to get out of the boggy area. Once more I cut my own path, sometimes through thick tree forest and at others through scrub. The time I was taking concerned me. By now there was only two hours of daylight left and there was no sign of my destination or any let up in the barriers that so delayed me.
Becoming dehydrated I had to again descent to the river and my haste nearly became my undoing. My foot slid on a wet rock and I tumbled down into the mud. Fortunately I wasn’t seriously hurt but more precious time was wasted extricating myself and washing some of the mud off. I didn’t bother too much with cleaning my clothes but I did wash my glasses and face.
Another hour’s walking and I was ready to lie down and die and only the thought of those I’d left behind kept me going. Never had I felt so weary. Every muscle in my body ached and my feet felt like lead blocks. I topped a small rise. The valley dropped away again and I could hear the noise of a waterfall but what raised my spirits was in the distance, perhaps only a couple of miles away, were lights. Artificial lights. Another half an hour and it was almost dark but I came to a good path and soon, almost unexpectedly, I was in the town, well large village really.
My arrival caused a stir but I guess I was a sight. A mud covered white woman with crooked thick glasses and carrying a large machete would be enough to frighten anyone. I sheathed the machete and asked for the guard house. A crowd gathered around and followed me.
By the time I got to the desk and saw the captain my exhaustion temporarily disappeared. “Captain, you need to organise a rescue. We were attacked by bandits and Suma and Roger are injured. You need to go right away. They’ve lost a lot of blood…”
“Calm down girl. No one is going into the forest tonight.”
“Get a helicopter…”
“Major Entembe has to authorise that. I can’t…”
“Phone him.”
“It has to go through channels. My superior has to do it.”
“We’re under the Major’s protection as you should know.” I was becoming furious at the delay. “Let me phone him.” I could see he wasn’t going to allow it so I reached and grabbed the phone off his desk and started dialling.
Shelumba answered, “The Major’s just leaving.” I heard her call him.
The captain looked shocked when I started with, “Hi Major, we need help urgently.” I went on to explain the situation and asked for a rescue helicopter and was disappointed when he said, he would authorise one to be on stand-by in the morning so once the position of the injured people was known, they could be picked up but the helicopter wasn’t able to go searching in the dark and even in daylight it would be difficult for it to spot them without a radio beacon or a flare. Let me talk to the captain.”
Everything overwhelmed me at that point. I had visions of a search and rescue team being available like at home but I should have known better. Tears flooded down my face and I would have sunk to the floor had not someone’s arms held me. “Sarah I’m JeanPaul. You will come home with me and rest. You can do no good here until the morning. Then you can lead the searchers back the way you came at least I hope you can.”
Word must have travelled because Allaice and Alicia awaited me. Alicia was excited at having another bluestone lady stay especially one who carried a big knife but Allaice quietened her and undressed and washed me. I slept for several hours and thinking it was morning, rushed to dress. My consternation at finding my clothes wet and hanging to dry was matched by their laughter as they showed me the time. Alicia was still there and while they fed me, I had to try and tell some of the story. When I showed him the map, JeanPaul was amazed at the distance I’d covered alone in the day. “With the guards leading the way, tomorrow will be quicker but only by a few hours. You must rest well so you can show them the way. Even though you marked the way, there will be places where they’ll need your eyes and memory.” I wanted to be with Roger when help arrived. I wanted to know that he was alive.
Sometime during the night I woke and found myself sandwiched between my hosts. I thought of Roger and Suma lying in the crude camp instead of a hospital bed and began to cry. JeanPaul cradled me to his huge chest and I felt his prick harden against my stomach but he made no attempt to fuck me and I drifted back to sleep.
JeanPaul roused me. It was still dark but Allaice was already up and preparing breakfast and food for my journey and as soon as dawn broke I was taken to the guardroom and introduced to two runner/scouts. Both were young and looked very fit and one laughed all the time. He was the more experienced of the two and I had to go through my route with him on a large wall map. Outside the captain formed up the search party and to my surprise included eight guards carrying automatic rifles and ammunition and well as four ‘pathmakers’ as I called them. The Captain himself was armed with a pistol but I was given no time to ask questions as we moved off at a smart pace.
The two runners took off like greyhounds and soon disappeared ahead of us. Both wore radio headgear and a bumbag and carried a light machete. Even though there was no need, I wore Suma’s machete but soon transferred it to my rucksack. The pace was fast by my standard but I forced myself to keep up. In several places the runners found an easier way than mine and with the path being hacked and trodden for me, I had no difficulty in following them. At the point where I’d slid into the mud the ‘cheeky runner’ pointed it out to the others and again where I’d stopped to poop, although I’d covered it up, he held his nose and grinned.
By the time we reached the ridge at the end of that valley, I was soaked with sweat and one of the runners dashed up a nearby peak at the side of the col. I knew we had to descend to the river and up the other side before heading through the forest on a compass course. The scout returned, sweating but not really out of breath and indicated an alternative way down to a shallow river crossing. Had I gone three hundred yards further upstream yesterday, I would have found the going much easier as there was already a track both down to the crossing and up the other side. We picked up my blazed trail a mile or so further on and were making good progress when the junior runner came back and I heard him tell the captain he’d seen the smoke of a camp fire a few miles to the east. I knew that couldn’t be our camp and wondered if the bandits were still around and had been back to the camp. Six of the armed guards and two of the path clearers were dispatched and the rest of us continued. Half an hour later we heard several bursts of gunfire and I guessed my supposition of the bandits still being around was correct.
We carried on. Late morning and the heat and the pace was beginning to get to me but I still struggled to keep up. I knew from several of my markers that the camp couldn’t be too far ahead and was amazed that what had taken me nearly twelve hours the day before, we’d completed in about five. “Scout’s found them. They’re alive,” the captain informed me, “He’s informed HQ and is setting up a radio beacon for the helicopter.” He didn’t have any more information and said the scout would have other work to do to mark a landing site and ready a flare so not to disturb him. The camp was only about fifteen minutes away.
Suma was awake but in great pain and his leg was swollen to an enormous size but he tried to smile and said, “Well done Bluestone Boss Lady. You earned it this time.” Roger’s condition was more worrying. He had a fever and didn’t really understand what was going on but he recognised me when I held his hand.
Stella looked utterly worn out but was dutifully putting water compresses on his head to help reduce the fever. Only ten minutes later, I heard the flare go up and within minutes the helicopter arrived and a couple of medics came. Both Suma and Roger were given injections and stretchered out. I wanted to go with them and so did Stella but the medics said there wasn’t room.
We had a thirty-minute break for lunch and I gave Stella most of the food Allaice had packed. She’d not eaten much since the attack. We were about to break camp when the guards who’d been sent off arrived with one of the bandits. The man had his wrists bound but I recognised him as one who’d raped me. “The others put up a fight captain,” the sergeant in charge of the patrol stated, “They’re dead. We laid their bodies out for the vultures. We found this stuff and alcohol at their camp.” One of the men opened a bag and there were our new machetes and our money including my incriminating five-pound note and Stella’s binoculars. I hugged and thanked them and repacked our rucksacks. The path clearers took three of the rucksacks but I insisted on wearing mine. That was really stubbornness on my part or maybe just for me to live up to my reputation as a Bluestone Lady.
The cheeky scout came and said good-bye and when I hugged and kissed him, he congratulated me on the way I marked the track and on finding my way from that remote spot to Neambu. It was a wearisome journey back and much slower than coming but with a path almost as wide as a road now, the going was easy. Stella stumbled tiredly along and by the time we saw the lights of the town, darkness had fallen. JeanPaul and Alicia came along the path to greet us. Alicia, as usual, full of life and enthusiastically chortled, “Bluestone Woman, you must wear big knife. You’re going to be on television when we get to the road.” The guards grinned as she made me wear Suma’s machete on my belt and then took my hand as if she were leading some great personage.
“She wants to be a Bluestone too when she grows up but I think it will be more because of her languages. Allaice speaks French to her, at school and to me she speaks English and to some of the people it is in Tumalian,” JeanPaul had his usual wide grin.
Without any hint of shyness, Alicia led me straight to the TV man. “This is Bluestone Boss Lady Sarah. She rescued her friends and killed the bandits.”
I had to laugh and pointed out the errors but it was her introduction that featured on the newsbites for the news broadcast and later on Britain’s TV. They also seemed to concentrate on my bruised face and tits, my badly scratched arms and legs and my bent glasses.
Stella and I wanted to get back to Chapoti immediately but the captain said we’d have to wait until morning and then he would arrange transport for us. First he had reports to fill in. Fortunately he did allow us to shower and have a meal with Allaice and family. The reports were almost an interrogation but I did learn something of Stella’s ordeal while I was away. She said she was in constant fear of them coming back and killing them and she’d tried to keep awake and stop Suma and Roger from becoming dehydrated. Both sweated profusely all night. Luckily the stream was close and there was a moon. There wasn’t much food but she’d made a soup from plants we’d used before and fed the boys spoonfuls but she didn’t have any appetite. She constantly worried that I wouldn’t get through to Neambu and although Suma when he was awake, assured her that it could take me over a day to reach the town, on the map it looked such a short distance that when help didn’t turn up the previous day, she thought I was lost. When the scout called out she believed it was the bandits back again and only when she saw the head gear he wore did she start to believe rescue had come.
“Why did the bandits stay in the area?” I asked.
“It seems they thought that even if you made a rescue attempt, and they didn’t believe you would, you would head for Chapoti and it would take a day or two for you to get to Gordmu’s. They don’t have a phone so it would be hours before anyone could be called out. To celebrate what little they stole from you, they opened some of their homemade spirits and with your food, had a feast and got drunk. They hoped to sneak into Neambu the next day to spend some of your money on supplies but they’d overdone the booze and they would have taken the longer, regular route. They certainly didn’t expect a white woman to cut her way through the forest.”
I again spent the night in JeanPaul’s bed and in the morning did experience his prick. After easing it in, I enjoyed the fuck although no more than I did with Roger or Suma. Stella slept in the spare bed with Allaice and didn’t wake until late and missed out on it, which I’m sure pleased her.
True to his word, the captain had a car and driver waiting for us at nine o’clock and we said good-bye to our hosts but promised to try and return. Alicia was late for school that day and expected a spanking for it but she just had to say good-bye to a Bluestone Boss Lady. “If you can take a beating like shows awfully bad on your face and breasts, I can take a spanking,” she cried as we got into the car. Fortunately they forgave her. Before leaving the captain handed me the office phone, “Major Entembe wants you to phone him.” I worried that it was bad news but it was to reassure me that both patients were recovering well. He wanted a personal report before the end of the day.
Indeed Roger and Suma looked much better, although they were still hooked up to tubes and machines but they could talk and even joke a little especially on hearing Alicia’s words on TV. They were both pretty weak from the loss of blood and we were advised to leave them to sleep and to come back later.
Chapter eleven. A Gold Bluestone
We arrived back at Government House in time for lunch at the cafeteria and at the check-out were told, “The Colonel is paying for your lunch today.” She nodded in the direction of a corner table.
We walked to the table where he was seated with Julie. Unlike Kit, she didn’t appear unhappy and was well dressed and looked smart and I wondered how she’d managed to stay with him for so long. I thanked the Colonel for the meal and we were invited to sit down and after some small talk Julie took the initiative and looking directly at my face commented, “Well Miss Bluestone Boss Lady Sarah who rescued her friends and killed the bandits, it looks as if you took a bit of a beating doing it.” Apparently Alicia’s comment had been repeated endlessly on TV.
It was the colonel who grinned, “If she actually killed the bandits, I’d have to arrest her for being in possession of multiple firearms, but the papers think it is a good story and the Brits are trying to use it as a lever to get you sent home. The reports from the guards and the scouts though do show a greater toughness in a white woman than I suspected. It was no mean feat to travel the distance that you did, alone and having to fight your way through the jungle with only a crude map to follow and an overweight machete to clear and mark a path. It was an extremely courageous thing to even contemplate leaving the safety of your camp. The bonus of us finding the bandits added to your account and has ended a long and expensive search. They moved camp frequently from one end of the country to the other and were very good at concealing themselves. For months they’ve robbed and beaten local people especially those in isolated areas where we cannot get to quickly. Your lunch is a poor reward and we’ll see what else we can help you with. Getting your glasses fixed might be a good start and both of you go and see Muniba and see what she can do about the bruises and scratches. Men are allowed to spank and punish women who refuse to perform their womanly duties but that doesn’t include causing facial injuries by punching.”
He wanted more details of what happened at the camp and my journey and for a while Stella and I were treated like equals and Julie came into the conversation as well until we had to leave.
“Major Entembe will be back in an hour or so,” Shelumba informed me, “Meanwhile you are to go to the optician in the market place and then see Nurse Muniba. I’m authorised to cover the cost of the repairs to your spectacles.” I did have an old pair with me but I didn’t see as well with them.
Muniba couldn’t do much about the bruises other than to advise us to put cream on them and to keep the rest of my abrasions clean. “Stella, make sure you do her back and places where she cannot see herself because some of the thorn scratches easily fester.”
In the Major’s office, we again repeated our version of the events and while I had him in a good mood I asked about moving Kit from the university to somewhere more suitable. “She’s an intelligent girl and would do well for you in an office where there were mainly women.” He grudgingly agreed to think about it. Two days later, Shelumba informed me that she’d been transferred to the office of the maternity hospital.
Roger and Suma looked much more cheerful and had the tubes and wires disconnected when we arrived. Both were swathed in bandages and both had erections so we knew they must be on the mend. “You could be polite and offer to relieve us,” Suma suggested. From the way he put his arm around Stella’s head, we knew how they wanted to be relieved. We’d both sucked our men before but that was in the privacy of our room not in a hospital ward. Still we were obliged to do it and received encouragement from others in the room.
We paid a quick visit to Sybil, and again found her cuddled in bed with her friend, We almost didn’t want to disturb her but she’d seen us. “I’m well enough to leave in the morning and Jimbe here has a place where I can stay and go into the prison to work each day.” I wondered how she wangled that but thought it was probably better for her than being at the mercy of the off-duty guards. Her welts still showed but she said they didn’t really hurt any more except when she moved quickly or sat on a hard seat.
The next few days passed in almost routine manner. Visiting the hospital, doing chores and sorting out the material we’d collected. Some of it was ruined by not being properly packed but enough remained to keep us occupied and looking busy. We managed to avoid male company on the first night back and we slept together in case we had nightmares. We cuddled and I wondered what lesbian love might be like but we didn’t go further than kissing. Mother sent a concerned email after seeing me on the TV but I was able to reassure her. Stella’s daughters were still with her mother and Harold had made no attempt to abduct them. They too had seen the pictures on TV and made them want their mother back.
The following day’s email was much more encouraging financially. The Morning Star offered an astronomical sum for me to write the exclusive story of my time in Tumali. The Major refused to allow me to do it whilst we were here and even suggested it would delay our return. He couldn’t stop me writing it when I was home but asked that I try put the good points of Tumalian way of life and not just the things we felt were bad. A few days later I had more than enough money in my Tumalian account to last a lengthy stay.
Two lads from the IT office waylaid us when we packed up for the day and asked to spend the night in our room. I wondered if we dared refuse but it was taken from our hands by Riku saying that we’d love them to. I just shrugged. Perhaps like Ellie, I was becoming a whore.
Roger came out of hospital the next day but couldn’t do too much with one arm strapped to his chest. The nurse would check him daily but if there was any sign of infection or fever I had to get him back to the hospital immediately. Suma came out two days later but had to use a crutch and keep his weight off the leg until the wound healed.
“Come with me you two girls,” Shelumba called from the doorway of our room. My first thoughts were that I’d offended the Major in some way but she led us outside and through some back streets. None of our requests as to where we were going and what was happening were answered. Even when we arrived at an old-fashioned dress shop she only said, “You’re going to a party tonight,” and wouldn’t reveal any further details. I think she informed the shopkeeper because she spoke to her in Tumalian before saying we were to be given suitable dresses for a party. She picked two very pretty flowered dresses that flattered us, me particularly, and of course, displayed our tits to their full advantage. Two weeks had passed since our return and my face and breasts had largely returned to normal.
Shoes to match were more of a problem largely because so few wore them and after several unsuccessful attempts to find a pair, Shelumba decided, “If you were brave enough to walk through the wilderness on your own, you can walk to a party without shoes. You’ll be dressed like a native then.” Back at our room she instructed, “Be ready by seven o’clock and looking your best. That goes for the boys too. You will be escorted to the party.” Still nothing was said, but I had a sneaking suspicion the party was to hype my supposed bravery again, possibly for publicity purposes and the others agreed but didn’t know any more than I did. We were partially right.
At six-thirty Shelumba checked on us and painted white marks on my face. The swelling and bruising had disappeared but I was tanned enough for the curly marks to show up starkly, even though tribal marks looked odd against my modern glasses. “These marks make you an honorary Tumalian princess,” she informed me. I wasn’t sure I wanted to be one, certainly I didn’t if it meant staying in Tumali and never going home. No further explanation was forthcoming. Rather incongruously, both Stella and I were made to wear our battered but clean hats. Shelumba must have known of this when we were in the dress shop because the colours coordinated with our dresses.
“Boom, boom, boom!” We heard a continuous thumping coming along the corridor. “Time to go.” Shelumba ushered us into the corridor where a dozen guards we recognised were lined up in two rows. They were not in their usual uniform however, but in ceremonial tribal loin cloth and sash and carrying a long spear which they rhythmically thumped the floor with at each step. The cheeky scout and his mate headed the rows and made me walk between them. “Keep your head up and walk proudly. You won’t need to make a trail. I know the way.”
Suma hobbled on his crutch behind me and Roger followed him. Stella brought up the rear. With the escort banging their spears on the floor we made our way to the main hall at Government House. Our suspicions that this was a publicity stunt were confirmed when we were met with bright lights and TV cameramen at the entrance. Chanting and clapping people lined the walls of the hall or sat at tables and I glimpsed some of our College friends but there wasn’t time for me to look around. The two scouts escorted me alone up on to the platform and in front of General Cumu, the Colonel, the Major and other dignitaries. I still hadn’t a clue what was to happen. It was the Major who acted as master of ceremonies. “Gentlemen and ladies, we are here tonight to honour a woman who has shown exceptional bravery…” Much to my embarrassment he started with my using my body to save an old lady from further punishment and went on to elaborate my saving of my compatriots and bringing to justice six notorious bandits. I felt he grossly exaggerated the difficulties I faced but I wasn’t given a chance to say anything. “In order to properly recognise her achievement we’ve had to make her an Honorary Princess of Tumali and this is denoted by the facial marks. Now to the reason you are here Princess Sarah, please kneel at General Cumu’s feet and bow your head.”
I was still trying to fathom what was going on but I dutifully knelt and bowed my head. Fingers undid the clasp on my bluestone and in the quietness we all heard a shrill voice I knew was Alicia’s, “He’s taking her Bluestone away Daddy, stop him!” There followed a further outburst in French I assumed was a plea to her mother.
Even the General showed his amusement and addressed her directly. “Yes, little one, I’m taking her old Bluestone but I am replacing it with this.” He must have held up the new one because there were gasps of surprise and admiration. “Princess Sarah Kennedy, lately from England and newly a Tumalian, I award you the supreme accolade a Tumalian woman can achieve. A Gold Banded Bluestone. Only three have been awarded in the last ten years and this is the first to go to a white woman in the whole history of this country…”
Much of what he said afterwards was lost in the applause but then I was made to stand and could see the larger Bluestone in a gold mount with a gold chain. “Did I really deserve this I thought? Or is it just a publicity stunt?” I didn’t believe it was. Of course I had no prepared speech but I did stutter my thanks and praised the help I’d had from others and particularly from Sumala and the guards that carried out the actual rescue.
The party then began. Our little group sat at a table with the dignitaries to eat but soon we were entertained with dancing and chanting and could move freely around the room. Alicia rushed to me as soon as she could free herself from JeanPaul’s grasp and hugged me and to the General’s amazement hugged him as well. “You did good to give Bluestone Boss Lady a better badge,” she told him before her father recovered her.
We were able to speak with some of our friends. Kit thanked me for getting her a different job, Toby didn’t mind his work. “The work’s tough but living in the communal house, I get to have a different girl each night. Angela avoided me. The General discarded her after a week and she now lived in a farmhouse that held several families and was a dog’s body to them and to other farm workers. All the girls I spoke to had missed their periods but their experiences of life there was very variable. A few felt it was a continual rape but others only had one or two men each night and a fairly easy job during the day. Unfortunately even with my new status, I couldn’t do much to help.
The Major called me into his office the next morning and presented me with a certificate that gave me citizenship of Tumali and the title of ‘Princess’. He said that it meant that I could come back anytime without having to get a visa.
Chapter twelve. To Neambu again
Mother’s email the next day was humorous and addressed me as Tumalian Princess Gold Banded Bluestone Boss Lady Sarah so I knew the British TV people had broadcast it. She wanted to know if I was now looking for a Tumalian Prince Charming. I told her I would make do with Roger instead. On a less happy note, she informed me that she had again been on to the Foreign Office to see what progress had been made for getting us released but all she got was platitudes that said little progress was being made. I made up my mind not to sulk but to carry on with my projects. Roger still felt weak and had his arm strapped but he was able to walk several miles without a rucksack. Stella was much more upset at not seeing her children but they seemed safe enough with her mother and she said it was better to be out working than to mope. We collected specimens from the wasteland bordering the nearby agricultural area and I even took a few insects for Roger. A day collecting usually resulted in several days identifying the stuff and writing reports. Suma wanted to come but I banned him from the first two trips but his leg improved and with the hospital’s agreement he was told to walk without his crutches for short distances. I think they meant to the market square and back but to Sumala a short distance was five miles!
M’job, a mature forestry student who had a house about four miles east of Neambu and a ‘wife’ or ‘partner’ as we would say in England, took an interest in our work and when we went on a trip on a holiday, he came with us and I found his knowledge of plants and trees in particular, very useful and saved me hours of searching books in the library although, by then, I could recognise many plants by sight. After that I tried to arrange our trips to coincide with days he didn’t have to attend university. Roger got a bit jealous because there were times when I had to allow him to have sex with me and M’job could do it properly. The first time occurred on the first trip. We’d eaten lunch and were laid in the shade when I felt his hand slide up my leg and then push them apart. With his arm in a sling Roger couldn’t perform too well and mainly we did it doggy style with me bent over the edge of the bed so I wasn’t too distressed by M’job wanting to fuck me. For a Tumalian he was quite gentle and I enjoyed him and climaxed. I asked Roger if he wanted to but he declined saying he’d do me later. Stella had spotted an unknown bird and had moved away from us but returned before M’Job finished. Knowing Suma was having problems doing it with her because of his leg, I later suggested M’job might like her when we got back. Neither of them objected.
Life continued in much the same way for another month. Suma could walk albeit with a slight limp and if he did more than ten miles, his scar pained him but he tried to ignore it and I deliberately curtailed longer trips. Roger’s shoulder had healed too but was still tender although he could carry a small rucksack, or rather his large one with little in it. “You know there’s a four day holiday in two days time. Why don’t you go to Neambu again and visit your friends and stay with me too?” M’job hesitantly asked. “I could show you the forest where I work and you’ll find many plants in the recently cut areas and Stella might see woodpeckers and owls that are restricted to the area. We could travel by bus or hire a taxi. With five of us sharing, it wouldn’t cost too much.” He named a price for the taxi which converted to about £8, the bus was about £2 for all of us. I opted for the taxi as the bus was only twice daily and money was no longer a problem.
So it was that we arrived again at Neambu and were immediately the centre of attention, but we eventually freed ourselves and went to Allaice’s for lunch. We’d brought food from Chapoti and a gift for Alicia although Allaice said both were unnecessary but we thought they’d appreciate the gesture.
During the afternoon we had a visit from Allaice’s friend Vibeke, a Danish girl who was one of those who’d applied for Tumalian citizenship after reading Elaine’s articles. The well-built blonde, nursed her first child to her breast as she spoke. She was pregnant again. “What made you decide to come here?” I asked.
“Pressure at home to get better and better results at college, higher and higher expectations that I should do well in a professional career – and I liked sex. I’d already had a black boyfriend and my parents made it clear they didn’t want the relationship to continue and made it so difficult for us, we decided to part. I almost went down the drug route after that but I saw the articles and went to the website and after three months I was accepted. I phoned my parents just before I boarded the plane in Copenhagen but I only got the answerphone so I was well on the way here before they knew I’d left.”
“Are you glad you came?”
On the whole, yes. It was difficult at first and several times I got spanked but never did anything to warrant a whipping. Most girls don’t. Through Allaice I got a job at the school here. We met in Chapoti and started speaking in French so no one knew what we were talking about and when she heard a teacher here was leaving to return to Chapoti she suggested that I apply. I’ve probably got more qualifications than the headteacher but I’m no longer worried about getting to the top. My one concern is when I have to sell my next baby. That will be hard. I love my little boy but…” I didn’t press her further and any further discussion ceased when Alicia burst in dragging another girl about her age by the hand and introduced me in her usual manner but didn’t give the little girl’s name. She then talked at high speed in French to Vibeke and in English to me and then wanted to see the scars on the men. Neither of the girls wanted to leave when it was time for them to go to their dormitory. For once my position came in useful.
Grabbing a hand of each I stood, “I’m taking you to your house for the night and if you don’t do as Gold Banded Bluestone Boss Lady says, you’ll be in big trouble. Besides I want you to show me where you sleep,” I added and they almost dragged me there to show off to the other girls. I had to talk to them too and told them about life in England and my adventures in Tumali and the time flew by. By the time the housemistress suggested I leave and I’d returned, the others had taken their mates for the night. JeanPaul took Stella, Suma was still fucking Allaice and Roger was well involved with Vibeke. He shrugged when I climbed in the spare bed alongside him but I was a bit miffed and doubted that I was cut out for a swinging lifestyle.
We left fairly early the next morning so we could get some collecting done at M’job’s place and he met us outside his home, which was far bigger than we’d expected. “It’s a co-operative home,” he explained, “Four families live here, not that we’re married in your sense but we have semi-permanent partners and bring up the children we’re allowed to keep. But I’ll introduce you to them later otherwise it will be midday before we get out.” Later we found that we’d have been lucky to get out at all!
The rest of the morning though we spent very pleasantly in the fields and with M’job’s knowledge, I was able to put name labels in each bag with the specimen as I collected them and scribbled notes in my field note book on the information he gave me. “Why are you doing a uni course if you know all this?” I asked puzzled because he was much older than the other students.
“The area manager’s job comes up next year and I want the best chance of getting it. It will almost double my earnings.” Sounded like England, a paper qualification was worth more than experience.
Not having packed any lunch and being involved with collecting, the time passed quickly and by mid afternoon we were all very hungry and reluctantly retired to the house. Here we were introduced to the loose family groups although the names were quickly forgotten. Everyone but us had eaten so they allowed us a little peace to consume our food and for us to talk with the children. Roger, Stella and I sat outside with five lively children around us, trying to answer their questions. Suma disappeared so I guessed he’d found a woman to bed and we knew we’d be bedded if we went into the house so by unspoken agreement kept the children entertained as long as we could. They were our protection until an elderly woman came and collected them. “Go to your playroom now,” she ordered firmly. There were the usual protests and one boy about seven years old, sat and refused to move. With no warning the woman upended him and gave his bottom a hard spanking. He ran crying into the house but he was happy again by mealtime.
Upstairs we were dragged into another orgy, but unlike the one at the lakeside camp, we didn’t get a stimulating drink and as the men had been busy fucking their relations (as far as anyone knew who was actually a blood relative) and friends and it was nearly time to feed the children, we didn’t suffer too much. The guests left after dinner and then it was a simple swinging exchange where I had sex with one husband and Roger had his wife. Suma and Stella did the same with another family. Early next morning I saw Stella sneak out with her binoculars and I managed to withdraw from under my partner and join her for a pre-breakfast stroll. Our presence was of course, soon missed and on our return we changed families and I had M’job and Roger his partner.
Later after another mini-collecting trip we returned to JeanPaul’s. Alicia was her usual exuberant self and brought several of her friends to meet me and I enjoyed their company. We returned by taxi the following day.
Chapter thirteen. Home
Nothing much of note happened for the following month. We did two more camping trips but without going too far from civilisation. We enjoyed them but by then we’d gathered so much data that to put it all together in a comprehensive but readable report would take a long while. My baby was beginning to show and I had gone through a period of morning sickness so I was a little depressed and longed to go home. We had been in Tumali over four months and still had no word of our release until we met Julie sitting alone in the cafeteria one lunchtime.
“The Colonel’s gone to London,” she informed me before I could ask the question, “He didn’t say directly but it has something to do with negotiating aid and our return.”
“They’re not sending Peter Spencer out here then?” Peter had negotiated Elaine and Roger’s return.
“No,” Julie grinned, “After reading the book and finding out what Peter really did over here, his wife created such a fuss he had to leave the Foreign Office.”
“You’ve managed to keep in the Colonel’s good books all this time when Kit and Angela have been cast aside?” Roger asked.
“I’m eye candy. He likes to have me by his side and smiling and making small talk when he has visitors or goes to a function. Other girls come and go after he’s made them pregnant but he still has me at times. Really I’m more of an escort girl, which suits me fine. I’m well looked after and get to meet people and visit the posh restaurant so I do my best to keep it that way. Maybe I’ll become an escort girl when I return home. College will seem a bit tame after being here.”
“So there’s a chance we might get home soon?”
“I wouldn’t raise your hopes too high but they are talking via email, directly with London now. Keep that to yourselves.”
Colonel Nubaro returned a few days later but nothing was said and things carried on as normal. Mother’s emails mentioned his visit and said the prime minister had brought up the subject but didn’t get any real answer except that negotiations were proceeding and the Colonel gave an undertaking to check on the welfare of all the students and staff.
We visited Sybil at her home with her man. By our standards it wasn’t much more than a hut but it was tidy and had the essentials. We chatted for a bit and then she astounded us by asking, “Sarah, you seem to be in the good books of the hierarchy, would you ask if they would allow me to stay and become a citizen of Tumali? Muniba says I’m doing okay at the prison and I have a place to stay here with Jimbe and now his leg is healed, he’s working again.”
“What about Robert?” Stella asked. Robert was Sybil’s husband.
“We’ve slept in separate rooms for years and only talk at meal times and that usually on the weather.”
We took some convincing that she would really wish to stay but with Jimbe’s help I agreed to ask the Major and did so the next day. Like me he was sceptical especially in view of her past aggressiveness. Two days later he mentioned that Muniba had asked too but gave no hint of a decision.
Three weeks after the Colonel’s visit to London and we still hadn’t heard anything about going home so our hopes were raised when all the female students and Stella were brought together at the prison one morning but it was only to be taken to the maternity hospital for a check-up. All of us were pregnant with me being the most advanced, probably because I’d not been on the pill and was ovulating on arrival. The hospital impressed me like it did Elaine and I wondered if I would go back and have my baby there – if indeed we were allowed home by then.
Another fortnight passed and although we were a little depressed at not going home, we kept up the pretext of scientific research, knowing that if we didn’t we be given other work and lose our freedom. I went to hand the latest report in on the changes we’d found at one of the sites we’d surveyed early on when the Major calmly said, as if it was of no importance, “Go and get packed, you’re leaving in the morning.” It took a minute for it to register that we were actually leaving the country and going home but when it did I know I cried out and kissed him and then Roger and Stella who also had tears in her eyes.
We did pack but found we’d accumulated more stuff than we could get in our rucksacks. Fortunately I had money enough to buy cases and even then it would be a tight squeeze to get our confiscated items in. I wanted to say good-bye to friends we’d made especially Allaice and Alicia and my message must have reached them because they turned up at the airport.
All the group met in the cafeteria for dinner, all except Sybil. I’d heard no more of her request to become a Tumalian citizen and neither had she. “She’s still being detained,” the Major informed me when I asked. I must have frowned because he went on, “We cannot grant a woman with her record of violence and bitchiness to become a citizen after such a short stay but we can withhold her passport indefinitely.”
Our departure was an anticlimax. A van took us to the airport and we were taken directly to the departure lounge. Us girls still had to conform to the dress regulations and I wore the gold Banded Bluestone as I always did. A few other passengers joined us including two women carrying babies that I guessed were being sold, and we boarded our flight to Lilongwe. The stewardess advised us when we were in Malawian air space and could cover our breasts, which felt strange, but our bras and knickers were still in the sealed bags in the hold somewhere and we wouldn’t see them until our arrival at Heathrow. We had a connecting overnight flight to London and arrived early the next morning.
If our departure was an anticlimax our arrival was hyped up to the hilt. TV cameras, a press conference in the VIP lounge, and tearful scenes as we were united with our families, before they’d allow us to go to our homes. Much was again made of my heroic journey to save my companions but eventually we got away.
Four months later, I had a white baby girl so I knew Roger was the father. The other girls were well advanced with their pregnancies too especially Angela. For a week after our arrival home, Roger and I lived with our respective parents but mother, seeing I was unhappy and spending a long time each day on the phone to him, suggested that we move into her larger bedroom and she took over mine until we started college again and could find a place of our own. I’d earned enough from writing for the Morning Star and from TV interviews that I wouldn’t need to work and Roger too had been able to earn a little from writing for a men’s magazine. We planned on marrying later next year but after the baby was born everyone treated us as if we were.
Will I go back to Tumali one day? Maybe, but only for a short break or for a botanical study to less remote areas.
Hi everyone! Today I am going to tell you about my second story. I have posted my first story earlier. Thank you all for your amazing response. Now I am going to share another experience. For the new readers, let me introduce myself first. My name is Shreya Agarwal. I am 30 years old. I divorced my husband 1 year ago. I am working in a BPO and lives in Gurgaon. I am on a little naughty side. For me life is for fun. We have got just one life, so we should enjoy every part of it. I am a regular...
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Hi All, Couldn’t find category for such incident to selecting incest.. hehe I am really happy to see responses from readers all over. I am thankful to all.. Although this incident happened 3 months back but now i think i must publish it as it is one the beautiful experience of my sex life. I am 28 yrs. residing in Delhi n quite joy full person. I work with a big name and thus interact many people but this happened when i met this model via one of the social networking site. We shared our...
IncestFor some history, please read our other story titled “The Babysitter” before reading this one. We pulled it off! Round 2 with our babysitter Deb. Spent most of yesterday writing this for you amazing readers while it was fresh in my head. Hope you enjoy!I’d kept in contact with Deb since our first encounter. I still had flashbacks of fucking that young vixen and teaching her how to suck a cock properly. My wife Erin truly enjoyed listening on the phone while Deb and I played, and later hearing...
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100% fiction! It was a saturday night and my cousin and i were on the phone flirting with a random guy. We had watched some hentai ( anime porn ) earlier and it didn't turn me on at all. I found it very disturbing, but i don't know if she liked it or not she claimed she didn't. But soon eventually before we knew it we were playing truth or dare. The guy over the phone wanted some action I guess. Before i knew somehow all the dare's were being all put on me he was telling my cousin to do all...
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xmoviesforyouConsiderable tension pervaded the lander as it cleared the Gardener, tension of more than one sort. Uppermost in the minds of all twelve was, of course, the uncertain reception they anticipated on Eden. Igwanda and his troops were girding mentally for a possible battle, while the seven civilians could only sit by and view what was to happen. There was also an undercurrent of resentment among the civilians for what they saw as the colonel's autocratic intransigence. Toshimura and Shaw had...
It was July, and that meant it was time for the annual camping trip. My friends and I had been doing this since we were teenagers. Now, most of them are married, and we don't spend much time together anymore, so we really look forward to this trip. Me probably more than the others. While my friends have been busy getting married, I have focused my efforts on my career and it has paid off. I am a 29 year old guy with a six figure income and with a nice muscular body, good hair and a killer...
Drunk sex(This is the continuation of "Busted With My X-Hamster Account", it's probably better to read it first.)It’s amazing how things can go from insane, wild and crazy to as plain as things ever were. The next morning we did all the same things we ever did when we are at the coast house. We got up slowly, made some coffee, watched a little morning news on the T.V. and I went out on the deck to enjoy a smoke with my coffee. Like normal I took my laptop out with me and turned on the radio for...
Ich bin Sabrina König eine 27jährige Kommissarin, war an jenem heißen Tag im August auf Fahrradstreife und hatte meine sexy Figur in einer ebenso sexy Uniform mit knappen Shorts und einer engen Bluse. Meine gut schulterlangen schwarzen Haare hatte ich zu einem Pferdeschwanz zusammen gebunden. Mein Kollege war durch Krankheit ausgefallen, so war ich alleine unterwegs. Da fiel mir auf einem Waldparkplatz ein schwarzer Van auf, mit Diplomatenkennzeichen. Ich rief meinen Namen und bat um den...
“Erika, I don’t know how much longer I can take this job. I can’t stand it. There’s no creativity; it’s the same old thing over and over again. Tick this, double check that, foot these columns of numbers and if I have to do one more bank reconciliation, or post another general ledger, I’m going to go out of my mind. I knew I should never have promised my mother that I would become an accountant. The only reason why she wanted me to be one was because she saw the guy up the street, a partner...
“Dude, you gotta see this,” Pat said. “Fresh meat.”I rolled my eyes. There were several ways of coping with being constantly surrounded by death and putrefaction, the perks of working in the morgue-slash-autopsy of the forensics department. Pat just had this way of calling me over for every new delivery, as I called them, with the excitement of a kid on its eighth birthday party piñata.I had to cut him some slack, though, as he was the new guy and was still trying to get his stomach used to...
Horror"You want to what?" Kevin exclaimed. It was later that night, Mineena having been put to bed some time ago. "It isn't what I want to do. It's just that right now with our finances so tight..." "I can't believe you'd actually agree to..." "Honey, I haven't agreed to anything. I simply told Max last week that I needed some temporary work -- something that would pay well. Since I've been out of the business so long, I can't expect top spots or salary. He has this friend at...
If you asked me about my preferences with regards to women, I would honestly reply "I'm not bi, but certainly curious". Actually I was never actively seeking for opportunities to have a sex with a girl, until one of my friends openly proposed such scenario. One day, when we had a lovely evening with our husbands, I offered to leave men with their beers and go to the bedroom for a little game - only with her. I was so eager to give a try!None of us had any plan... But no plan is a plan too!...
Chapter 4: Dee Dee And Tiffany’s Plans "Take a look at the network monitoring program I’m downloading, Ebony," said Dee Dee. "What have you got in mind, Dee Dee?" "Once this is installed, I can set it so that I know anything and everything that happens on our network; coming or going. If it was on every PC in a major business, it would slow things down considerably, and people would bitch a lot. But since we’re on a smaller network, it’ll give us a much more detailed description of what’s...
I recognize the tone of these stories is quite dark and different. Hopefully the reader has come to understand by now what the source of that tone is. Many thanks to those who have been positive and enjoyed. ----------------------------------------------------- It had been a few weeks since Dawn had her night with Kristi and Jess. She was back to me just a few days later and was especially aggressive about getting my cock in her. It was pretty obvious that she wanted to reassure...
I awaken slowly, the soft light streaming through the curtains warming my still-closed eyelids. I sigh contentedly as I recall the events from the night before. I stretch my neck slightly, feeling the dried cum cracking on my soft skin. Patrick loves my hot, wet mouth almost as much as I enjoy being the masterpiece he paints when he unleashes spurt after spurt of steaming hot, sticky cum all over my face, neck, and tits. He pinches my hard tight nipple again and I realize this is what has...
ToysEarlier this year I was dating a Vietnamese Soft more named Amy that goes to my school. She was born in the states so she didn't have an accent at all, but her parents whom I never got to meet only spoke Vite so she spoke both. Amy stood about 5'2" long black hair to the middle of her back with blond highlights, She had light brown eyes and a beautiful smile. She has B sized tits and just enough ass to grab onto, about 105 lbs at her heaviest with a small vagina that only has a slit, no...
After two days the Smart Frame started to spit out little tidbits of helpful information. Until then there were just little teasers that were intriguing but only that. For the last nine or ten months our old chummer Alain de Chateau had been working with Hirohito Nogumi of the Togiwara Corp. This looked like another of Nogumi's get there quick schemes. Steal the finished product instead of going through all the research to get there. de Chateau had been the 'fixer' for Nogumi. He had been...
What the fuck have I gotten myself into?Well, to be precise, you've gotten into Kat. Even more precisely, you've gotten into her mouth, her pussy and her ass – and it's this last milestone that has you – worried? Nervous? Intimidated? What are you now, exactly?A bit of all three, you decide. But it's your own damn fault. When Kat said -“Hey Jim, have you ever been with a man? Sexually, I mean.”“What? No, never.”“Hmmmm. Well, give it some thought. Sometimes my brother and I share a guy –...
ThreesomesFrom Alex to Lexi Ch. 03by oskarwild©AwakeningLexi lay in bed with the morning sunlight streaming across his naked body. He was in the fetal position and he could see Max, his new Daddy, lying on his back next to him, sound asleep. Daddy's arm was over his head and Lexi could smell the pungent odor of Max's underarm. They had worked up quite a sweat last night before finally falling asleep. After about three hours of watching gay porn during which Daddy continually fondled his boy's cock and...
Last night was crazy! Just crazy! After JUST enough booze, my wife Cara, and two certain men especially, started pushing me to show off my nascent hypnotic skills. I insisted I wasn't that good yet, but they persisted, as I expected.Hours before the party, Cara asked me to relax her with hypnotism as I had done a few times before. I did as asked, using her already established key "CARA SLEEP." Once she was under, I also added a reinforcing suggestion as my own reward. In five minutes, she...
Jennifer, Lucy, and Samantha were all friends but that wasn't the only thing they had in common. They were all lesbians. They were all 18 in their senior year of high school. Tonight they decided to have a pajama party. They had decided to play a risky game of truth or dare. They had dice and cards with risky things to perform on them. Jennifer was a tall brunette with average sized tits, probably a b-cup. Her beautiful long hair matched her eyes. Lucy was a black-haired, short girl. She had...
LesbianI always find the chance to touch teats and breasts of sleeping girls or women. So I want to share the stories of those incidents with others. I assure u that every tale will give u a full satisfaction.I grew up in my native village and most of the village dwellers were ignorant. Mu uncles except my youngest uncle were not educated, they were farmer. My third elder uncle has five daughters, three were older than me and two were younger. Between younger two one was almost at my age, a...
I think of myself as resolutely straight. I look at a lot of porn although I have plenty of girls to fuck. Steven, an old college buddy, dropped by and proposed that we go to a shemale bar that night. I was shocked and refused. But Steven retorted that if I was sure about my sexuality, I should have no problems being there. I could just have a few drinks, take in the scenery, and after we left we could pick up a couple of hookers for a blow job or a fuck.We got there quite early and I parked...
This story starts out one night when my parents go out and leave me and my little sister home by ourselves. But before I go into that let me introduce me and my little sister. My name is Keith and I'm 17 years. I'm very fit at 5'11 and about 160 pounds. I have jet black hair with deep blue eyes. My sisters name is Brianna and she is 16 years old. She like my mom has long strawberry blond hair and blue eyes. She's very sexy with 34C cup breasts and a nice heart shaped bubble butt. I've noticed...
IncestI spend the better part of a day winding my way across the broken land. The white, icy belly of the glacier lies behind me, rays of sun scorching my watery eyes as she reflects the light towards her abandoner. The rugged, contoured and grey body of the mountain, her never-ending lover, seems to dislike my presence. Perhaps my bond with his love is too demanding. He places fast flowing creeks and steep crevasses in my way, forcing me to retrace my steps time and time again. This is unknown...
Fantasy & Sci-FiSister Dominic along with the two other nuns huddled together in the van, trembled as they waited for the return of Sister Mary Katherine. Jack pounded the sides of the van at times, startling the sisters into mournful cries of panic. The young nun drew her fingers together, praying silently as she thought of what she had seen -Sister Mary Katherine threatened, the look in that man's eye as he forced her and the others from the chapel. Sister Dominic, like Sister Mary Katherine, had...
School Series One Day Sundays were the best. Saturdays were good too. But the weekend was better. A lot of times I ask myself if I should be doing this, and I keep telling myself to shut up. I know one of these days I'm going to get caught, and then I don't know what will happen. For now though, I just keep fucking my teacher. Lets go back tothe beginning first. So you can get to how my sex life officially started. It started awhile ago, maybe seven...
Hi, sex story readers, so a couple of months ago I was living in Delhi for work. I had a hectic schedule and was provided with an accommodation at a residential colony. A couple of days passed and I didn’t ever meet anyone apart from the landlord. I had a hint that there lived a couple of girls on my floor. One fine day, I was working in my apartment when I plugged in the A/C and the electricity went off. I had a hint that the switch from the electricity board must’ve tripped. I went out...
March 21 Katie and I were horny for each other this morning, mostly because we had spent every afternoon this week at my house where the most we could do was kiss and cuddle each other a little. We mostly hung out in the living room because Dad was working in his home office which is right next to my room. If we were in the living room, we’d at least hear him coming down the stairs and have time to straighten our clothes out. So, yeah, we were ready for Saturday morning to roll...
Hi ISS! This is Rahul from Chennai age 21, with a reasonable size of 6.5”. This is a real story happened in Chennai city bus. This is my first story. Please give your feedback to Critics please give your feedback. People from Chennai will know about the rush in crowed buses like 29C, 21G etc. This is the story in 21G Happened 3 weeks back. U believe it or not it’s true. Now come to the story. That evening I completed my office and I am waiting for 21G bus in Adayar Gate Hotel. The stop was...
October 1958 Eddie and His MotherVic couldn’t believe the look of horror on Eddie’s face. It was almost as if someone had died, which of course, they hadn’t. If anything, it was the exact opposite. Vic had come alive from the sheer joy of having Mrs. Rooney’s lips glide along the shaft of his cock. Eddie, of course, didn’t see it quite the same way as his friend. He grimaced in despair as he watched his mother’s licking tongue and what it was doing to bring total happiness to the head of...
Billy was introduced to Dottie who had recently moved in next door. Her husband had taken a job as a long-haul trucker because it paid well but she said she needed help around the house. When she called on him for assistance he was greeted by the attractive wife in a robe like she had just gotten out of the shower. “What do you need me to help with?” Billy asked as she served him cold tea and homemade cookies. “With my husband gone so much quite a few things aren’t getting taken care of that...
The pizza took forty minutes to arrive -- and it was questionable off and on whether anyone would want it when it arrived... It all started when Mike poked his head through the now-open bathroom door. "You really don't have to put a ton of make up on..." "I don't wear that much," she replied -- then frowned a bit as a thought occurred to her. "Why, exactly?' Mike looked guilty. "No reason." His eye caught a smudge on his collar in the mirror, and he tried to pull it out, "It...
My Stepdaughter’s Renters(True Story) My stepdaughter was 23 at the time. She still lived with us, on our property, in a mobile home we bought for her about 500 feet from our house. She decided she wanted to start taking care of herself by paying her electric bill, water bill, and everything thing else. She had a part time job at Wal-Mart, but it just didn’t pay enough to pay her bills and keep her car running and gas. She decided to run an ad in the local paper for someone to share...
During the car-ride home, I talked about my day. About how I made the track team. About how hard my first track practice was. Ron asked about Chase. I talked about date night tomorrow. I said nothing about Jessica. I drove us all home. When Cindy and I arrived home, I decided I needed to shower if I was going to Jessica's house. "Hi Mom," I said passing her in the kitchen. "I'm going to go over a friends this afternoon." She gave me a look. "We're not going to have a repeat of...
“Can we let them do it again when we get to your place? I want to see them.” “Sure, I’d hate to break up this little business opportunity without letting them have a chance to load her belly all the way.” “You mean she can have more puppies if she does it again with Bandit?” “Yes, a female can even have puppies from multiple partners.” “Really? Let’s go, I want her to have all Bandit’s babies she can, and I want to watch them.” She smiled and slid back from my ankle, I looked down at her...
This one is a real groaner... :) Somewhere in Ireland a teacher asks her class: "Can anyone tell me the name of Robin Hood's girlfriend?" Young Paddy raises his hand and says "Trudy Glenn Miss". "No Paddy, " says the teacher. "The answer is Maid Marion ". But Miss, what about that song we used to sing, "Robin Hood, Robin Hood riding Trudy Glenn". Statistics recently released from The United Nations reveal that: • Australian, Canadian, UK and US men between 50 and 75 years...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I finished dressing after fucking Lasla at the bow of the Treasure Box. The ship was coming into the dock. Thick mooring...
Ben and Elizabeth found a sheltered spot near a stream to make camp for the night. Ben started a fire and Elizabeth heated some of the meat they had left. The afternoon and evening had been spent walking and she had returned to her attempts to get Ben to talk to Thomas. The atmosphere between the two was frosty now, as Ben had eventually snapped and shouted at her to stop nagging at him. Elizabeth felt Ben was being altogether too selfish. How difficult could it be to simply talk to Thomas...
Never in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine sucking a total stranger off in an airport. From the moment she met Ted on the plane from Chicago, she ached for his touch and for his cock. Ted was really into her as well. He loved the way the fabric of her tight red business suit hugged the plump curves of her body. Now Kathy wasn’t fat but she defiantly had a few extra pounds. Ted liked big woman though. His wife was a BBW but there was something different about Kathy that made him...