The Run Of Her Life, The Run To Find Herself free porn video

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As Cali ran along the damp sand, hugging the shore of La Jolla Beach, the sun streaming down on her face, and the salt air rising up to tickle her nose, she was well aware that her trim, fit, athletic body was put to good advantage showing off her luscious curves to the staring men that she always encountered on her runs.

She wore a tight white sports bra -- which she chose for its minimal coverage and its lack of padding – and a skimpy pair of spandex running shorts that were so tight, they appeared to be painted on her body. Her long dark hair was tied back in a ponytail, and bounced behind her in syncopated rhythm to her breasts, also bouncing with each step she took.

With a firm ass, tight bare midriff, and clearly visible nipples pushing through the thin fabric of her minimal top, she was stunning as she teased the men she encountered on her run. Her efforts to arouse these stranger’s lust as she ran by was rewarded with lusty gazes, broad smiles, an occasional whistle, verbal flirtations, and if she was lucky, a hard-on growing in a stranger’s pants.

Cali loved arousing a man’s lust for her, and fantasized of a man chasing her along the coast, tackling her, and having his way with her. The endorphins from a good hard run mixed with her own stirring arousal, as she displayed her body for all the men to fantasize over. Whether coming or going, Cali posed the perfect body, and the perfect view, to arouse the beast in a man, and that is what she lived for on these runs – the dirty excitement of it.

Cali was on a business trip from Paris to L.A., but she padded her trip with a few days at the beginning and end to relax and enjoy the sights of southern California – not that her fiancé waiting back home knew. This was the perfect place for her to clear her mind, and evaluate the direction she wanted to take in life. It was also her chance to run a bit wild, exhibit more flesh, and have some fun, all among total strangers.

As she passed others on the beach, she saw him there again, the same man she noticed yesterday on her run, now nonchalantly standing next to his kayak and leaning against an oar pushed down into the sand. He didn’t attempt to hide his stare as she ran towards him. His eyes locked with hers, and held her gaze with a penetrating look that reverberated deep into her building arousal between her legs. His look was so intense, she almost tripped, startled by the animal magnetism radiating from this stranger. This was something new. She was used to being the one in control, the cool cucumber that stirred others into stumbling, bumbling gawkers. It unnerved her, and what’s more, she could tell that he read that on her face.

With her concentration broken, her path swerved toward the water, and just then a wave crashed over her feet, sending a chill through her body, and stopping her dead in her tracks. Rather than give the appearance of a woman thrown off balance, she bent forward, resting her hands on her knees, as if she intended to stop for a rest, and cool off in the water. But with a glancing sideways look at the handsome stranger, she knew he didn’t buy that for one moment.

“Welcome to California. I hope you find our beaches warm and inviting.” The miscevious look in his eyes, and the added emphasis on the last words, gave them a slightly titillating affect.

He was walking towards her now, as he called out his greeting. How the hell does he know I’m not from California?, she wondered.

“Are you okay? Didn’t twist your ankle I hope.” As he spoke, he flashed a broad, engaging smile at her. His eye softened from the intense, sexual gaze of a moment ago, but was more than compensated for by that deep, baritone voice, with just enough sex appeal oozing out to make Cali feel a tingling sensation between her legs. He seemed able to walk that fine line of sexy confidence, without coming off cocky, or leering.

“I’m fine, thank you. I just thought I would stop to catch my breath for a minute.” It was a lie, but what else could she say without looking like a complete idiot. It was hardly possible to tell him that he so flustered her that she nearly tripped and fell on her face into the ocean.

Cali pulled herself back up into a standing position as the tall, well-toned, dark haired stranger, crossed the distance of sand to stand right beside her – actually within what American’s would call her “personal space.” And she felt it, which no doubt is exactly what he intended. It sent a shiver down her spine to be so close to him.

“Well then I’m the one lucky man on this big beach to have you stop right in front of me. It’s as if I won the lottery!” His enthusiasm was just right, conveying excitement but sincerity, as he beamed down at her. Cali was tall, but this man had to be well over six feet tall, and he towered over her, now enjoying the view down her revealing top. There it was again, that electrical charge running through her body as she saw him enjoying the view of her breasts.

“By the way, my name is James. It wouldn’t do to have you talking to a stranger now, would it? So now that we have been introduced, we can be friends.”

As he spoke, he took her hand between his two hands, holding it for a moment as he stared into her eyes, making that deep connection again. His hands were silky soft, and his eyes magnetic, as he appeared to look deep into her soul, reading her thoughts. She couldn’t break eye contact – didn’t want to break eye contact with him. Cali stood there, speechless, looking into his hypnotic eyes. It was his wink that brought her back to reality, and her mind raced to find the proper response to his flirtations, but she utterly failed and was a total loss for words – and Cali was never at a loss for words.

After releasing her hand, and hearing no response from her, James touched her arm with his hand, as friends often do, and teased her.

“I think it’s customary for you to tell me your name now. But perhaps you prefer the mystery of unconventionality.”

There was that mischievous twinkle in his eyes again, a cross between a little boy that was up to something, and a grown man that was up to something little boys didn’t yet dream of.

Finally Cali’s mind engaged, and she spoke.

“I’m sorry, my name is Cali.” She was about to give her full name, not wanting to sound like a valley girl waitress without a last name, but thought better of it. Before she could go on, he was speaking again.

“What a perfect name for you. Cali.” He rolled it over a couple of times and somehow made it sound wonderful to her ears. “”Yes, you look like a Cali. What a great name. So tell me Cali, what part of France are you from?”

“How did you know I’m from France?” There was genuine surprise in her voice.

James chuckled, and Cali found it to be a sexy chuckle. Was there anything about this man that she didn’t find sexy, she wondered.

“Well, to be honest,” he said, “I first noticed you running on the beach yesterday. I live just up a little ways on the beach, you see, and I know most regulars that come here. I knew you were not a regular. And there was something about you that struck me, something different, something original – and I like original, by the way.”

There was that wink again. Cali, for the life of her, couldn’t figure out how a wink could not look hokey, patronizing, or demeaning and sexist, but here was proof positive, standing right before her, that a man could wink at her and she could be completely charmed by it – charmed by him. He continued talking in his easy manner.

“You had that look, not a local look. And upon closer scrutiny – I hope you don’t mind me scrutinizing you by the way – I saw that you had the exotic look of someone from overseas.” As he spoke his “aside,” he leaned into her, and his hand reached out and touched her forearm again, sending a wave of sensation flowing through her body once more. Here was a stranger touching her, and telling her that he had been scrutinizing her, and rather than being creeped out, Cali felt as if she was being swept off her feet.

“But it was just now, when you told me your name, and I heard your slight accent, that I knew for sure that you came from the France. Welcome to California. Are you going to be here long?”

He had totally disarmed her. She didn’t know how, but this sexy man, his bare chest looking so tempting next to her, and who moments ago looked into her eyes from a distance with undisguised lust, was now charming her completely. It seemed that James had an uncanny combination of raw animal lust, and easy going charm. Her body was responding to his charm, as she replied.

“More than a week, though most of that time will be devoted to business. But I booked a few days on the front and back of my business trip to enjoy your sunny California beaches.”

“So you’re mixing pleasure with business? How perfect!” There was something in the way he said the word pleasure that made her tingle. James may well have known the affect he was having on Cali, but he didn’t let up.

“You know, if you’re really looking for the perfect section of beach, I know just the right spot. It’s only about a mile or so from here, and it offers pristine views, without the mass of people that this public beach has. In that seclusion, you can relax, listening to the waves crashing on shore, and release your cares to the tides. It’s a stunning spot, and I’d be happy to show it to you. In fact, we could race north up this beach and see who is the fastest runner.”

Cali could hardly believe it. James just tempted her in a multipronged attack, appealing to her longing to enjoy the “unchartered” beaches of California, offering all its romance and relaxation, with an appeal to her competitive spirit by challenging her to a race. It was irresistible, and without saying a word, she charged off in the direction he had pointed, laughing into the wind as she got her head start.

James was close on her heels, calling out to her, and teasing her that there was no way in hell he would let a girl beat him in a race. That just inspired Cali to pour it on all the more, and the sand was flying in the air as she sprinted north, maneuvering her way between the beach goers, which thinned out in number the further she ran. Each time that he caught up with her, Cali called upon her inner strength to pull ahead again, not knowing if she was really faster than him, or if he was just letting her think that she was going to win this race.

The crowds were now behind them, as they wound their way over and around the rocks and sand, now climbing as often as they were running, still making their way north and away from the sights and sounds of the beach goers that they left behind.

Climbing over a ridge of rock, and descending all too quickly down to an isolated expanse of sand below, Cali tumbled just as her feet touched the soft sand. As she rolled to the sand, James went flying by her, running to the middle of the rock sheltered beach cove they found themselves in. Once there, he raised his arm with a shout, and took a “victory lap” as he jogged in a tight circle, before coming back to her, taking both her hands, and pulling her up to her feet.

“I told you I wouldn’t let a girl beat me to the finish line.” He was irrepressibly excited, and oh so teasing in his manner.

“Wait a minute! This is the finish line? That’s hardly fair. I didn’t even know where the race was to end. For all I know, you could just be calling the race now because this is where I fell.” Cali almost pouted in her protest, and James found it adorable.

“Well, just look around.” As he said it, James gestured with his right arm, and turned to the beauty of the coastal rock that sheltered them in a magnificent and isolated cove. “Isn’t it obvious that this is the secluded, pristine beach with spectacular views that I told you about?”

Cali had to admit that it was pretty amazing, standing on a gorgeous beach along the Pacific Ocean, just the two of them, as if there was no one else in the entire world. But she was reluctant to lose an argument, and pressed on.

“How do I know how spectacular the views are from here?” She looked up at the magnificent house perched on the hill above them, and had to admit to herself that the argument was a weak one.

The deep laugh she heard was spontaneous and contagious, and Cali soon found herself laughing with James, conceding her loss without a word spoken.

“If you don’t believe me about the spectacular view, then we will just have to climb up there so I can show you. Come on, there is a hidden path right over there.

James was pointing with one hand as he reached out and took Cali’s hand with the other, pulling her towards the hill.

“But we can’t go up there. We’d be trespassing. We might get caught!” Cali protested.

James, now walking backwards, and using both hands to pull Cali forward, chuckled, and with a twinkle in his eye said: “There’s no need to worry. That’s my house. I own this view. The police won’t be called to chase us away. You’re safe up there with me.”

And there was that wink again. What was it about this man that made her believe him? He was a total stranger, yet she did feel safe with him. Even knowing that he tricked her in bringing her back to his house, she still felt safe with him. Aroused as well, but that was the amazing thing about James; his ability to make her feel like a captivating, seductive woman, the ability to arouse her passion, and still the talent to make her feel comfortable, perfectly at ease, playful, and completely and utterly safe.

Pulling her by the hand, they ascended the steep hill, along the well hidden path, until they made it to the crest. There they stood in a well-manicured garden, gazing out onto the sun-filled ocean, its waves pounding a rhythmic beat on the shore below.

“Was it worth the race to get here?” James’s tone and face revealed how much he hoped she liked this spot.

“Oh yes. It’s a magnificent view! It takes my breath away.” Cali couldn’t be more sincere, nor was there any place she would rather be right now. Her body relaxed, and she felt completely at ease.

“You must be thirsty after the run. Let’s move to the patio and I will get us something to drink. Care for some wine?” Seeing her hesitation, he continued. “Or aren’t you a wine lover? I just assumed that everyone French was a wine connoisseur .” He paused for a brief second, as he rolled it over in his mind, and then continued. “You know, I’m a wonder at mixing up something fruity with a bit of a punch to it that may just suit you, if you’re so inclined.”

Cali looked into his penetrating eyes, and said: “You figure things out pretty quickly, don’t you? First, that I can’t back down from a challenge, so you knew I would race you here. Then that I would be a sucker for a secluded spot on the beach like this and would have to stay for a while. And now you seem to know that I have not acquired a sophisticated wine pallet and actually prefer something fruity, and with a bit more kick. Just how do you do that?”

“Hmmm. I guess I just have a talent for reading women.”

James’s eyes twinkled in the sun as he held her gaze, and the chuckle that followed his reply was so mischievous, and so sexy, that Cali thought any woman would find it difficult to resist him.

Soon they were lounging on his patio; soaking up the sun, listening to the melodic sound of the waves, and enjoying a fruity drink that most definitely had a punch to it. They talked for more than a couple hours, about everything under the sun, their interests, their passions, their work, their friends, their tastes in music, movies, food, art, clothes, you name it. It was one of those rare meetings of mind and spirit that brings two people close together, but leaves them feeling as though they have known each other their entire lives. Mixed in the conversation was laughter and arousal, a rare combination that grew out of like minds and spirt.

“What do you call this drink? It’s so smooth going down, and so flavorful, I feel like I could just keep drinking one right after another. And whatever you put in here, it seems to make me …” she had to search for the word, and then found it: “tingle … Is this your formula to seduce women? Get them to a secluded spot, overwhelm them with this magnificent view, and then fill them with vodka hidden in a fruity drink until they are pliable to your advances.”

It was the vodka talking. Normally Cali would never be so blunt, but somehow, in her slightly inebriated state, it seemed like a perfectly reasonable question. The alcohol may have been stirring things deep inside her, but his reply was even more effective, sending a charge through her body, awakening her nipples, which pushed harder through the thin fabric, much to his delight. Taking his cue, James got out of his chair opposite her, moved to sit next to her on the cushioned whicker couch she was lounging on, then looking into her eyes replied:

“What makes you think I need alcohol to seduce a woman?”

As he spoke, his arm went around her shoulder and he moved his face closer to hers. James spoke with an irresistible charm that made her tingle far more than anything the drink had done for her. She squirmed in her seat but made no move to pull away from him, as he continued to speak to her, in almost a whisper now.

“Has anyone ever told you that your lips are irresistible? From the moment I first saw you, I was drawn to them, longing to feel their smooth embrace, craving for a taste of you.”

A smirk broke out on her face and the first words that popped into her mind then came tumbling out of her mouth before she could catch herself.

“And here I thought you were looking at my tits, not my lips.”

Cali broke into irrepressible laughter and it was contagious, as James too started laughing. It seemed like minutes, sitting next to each other, both laughing hard, before they were under control, and it was James that spoke first.

“Too much of a line was it?” His eyebrows rose as he spoke, an irrepressible smile spread across his face, and his boyish charm was overwhelming.

“You had me when you said you didn’t need alcohol to seduce a woman. Everything after that was superfluous.” Cali could hardly believe that she made the admission, but part of her recognized that he already knew.

“Well why didn’t you say so then?” And with that, James took Cali into his arms, and pressed his lips against hers; locking into a deep and passionate kiss that seemed to have no end. When they finally came up for air, James moved his mouth to her neck, and began to nibble his way up to her ear. Gently biting her ear lobe, he then whispered to her. “You truly are irresistible. I have known that from my first glimpse of you on the beach yesterday. That’s why I was there today, to find you again. I knew I couldn’t walk away from you. And after talking together this morning, you are even more irresistible to me.”

The warmth of his breath on her neck mixed with the words spoken to her, sent a pulse of electricity to every nerve ending in her body, and Cali felt the tingling between her legs intensify as her pussy tightened in response. His lips moved back to hers, which parted as his tongue pushed into her mouth. They kissed in a fog of lust, never growing tired of each other’s lips, enjoying their mutual longing, and the feel of their skin pressing against each other. His hands were roaming her breasts, kneading them through the fabric of her bra, as their tongues danced with each other in mutual embrace. His erection was pressing against her and their bodies clung to each other with growing need.

Cali knew she shouldn’t be doing this. Oh she loved teasing men and arousing their lust. She didn’t mind flirting with them and showing them some sassy sexy attitude. She had even kissed another man on one or two occasions since her engagement four months ago, just for the fun of it. But she always walked away from them, leaving them aching with desire for her. She loved that, arousing a man’s desire, making them want her more than anything, and just when they thought they had her, walking away from them.

Sometimes her desire to play those games worried her, leaving her to wonder if it was a sign that the man she chose to marry really didn’t hold her heart; that they were not the right match. Sure, those flirtations gave Cali the confidence that she still had what it took to hook a man, even with the engagement ring on her finger. But should she need to play those games if she really loved the man she was pledged to marry; if she was really devoted to him? That was another reason she booked the free time into her business trip to California; to sort it all out in her mind.

Somehow this situation was different from the other flirtations. The man was different. Where Cali was used to being the seductress, the one in control, from the very start James had thrown her off balance. She found herself drawn to him, under his spell, and seduced by his animal magnetism. Then once he got her to his private beach, where she still had some of her guard up, he reeled her in further and totally disarmed her by talking with her, laughing with her, and confiding in her – simply by caring enough to get to know her. First her body had responded to him, then her mind, and as they bantered back and forth, he touched something deeper inside of her, as her spirit responded to him. Cali, the woman who prided herself on always being in control, was now under this man’s spell.

The spell was momentarily broken when James stood up, and taking her by the hand, led her towards the house, saying: “Let me show you the house. I wanted every room to have an unforgettable view, and I want you to see it for yourself.”

It seemed like an obvious attempt to get her into his bedroom, and yet Cali found herself being pulled by the hand into the house. There, to her surprise, James started pointing out parts of the design and layout of the house, taking great pride as he went room by room telling her why things were just so. In each room he drew her close to himself as they stood and looked out the window, taking in the magnificent views of the ocean, and the long winding beach below. There they would stand for minutes, just staring out into the deep blue, his arms wrapped around her from behind, holding her in a comfortable silence. There was no discomfort, no need for words. They seemed completely in tune with each other; communicating on a deeper level without the need to speak.

He showed her everything. The Great Room with its high ceiling, wall of windows, big screen TV, and comfortable leather furnishings in a masculine design; the bright kitchen covered in granite and showered in sunshine; the library/office, with its rich woods, walls of books, comforting oil paintings, family pictures going back to his childhood, and the high back leather chair. Each room reflected a different part of James’s personality, history, and taste, so Cali felt she grew to understand him more and more as they toured the house and James talked on about its design and its contents – revealing more and more of who he was to her. It was a meandering tour, with long pauses to step out on balconies or terraces, always soaking in the stunning views and the relaxing sound of the ocean waves. James was in no hurry to whisk her to his bed. That realization made him even more attractive to Cali, who basked in the attention he gave her.

They bantered back and forth as objects or paintings or other things came to mind in the course of the tour. And yet, underlying this easygoing feeling was a building, but unspoken, sexual intensity. They could both feel it. James may be revealing himself to her in friendly and deeply personal ways, but it was clear that he intended to bring her to his bed. Beneath his kindly, charming ways, she sensed something deeper and darker; an animal lurking within. It’s what first attracted her to him. The thought of being bedded by James was at once exciting and frightening, for Cali had often fantasized of moments like this, but had never crossed that boundary before. She had always remained the obliging and faithful fiancée.

Cali had arrived in California with confusion and doubt about her future, and meeting James added to her conflicted mind. Still, she knew she should be fighting her desire, fighting the fire welling up inside of her, but instead, she calmly embraced it, and allowed him to lead on.

When they reached the top level, he took her to a tower of sorts just off his private suite. With a wall of floor to ceiling windows, it acted as both observatory and sunroom, with unparalleled ocean views revealed in a three-quarter circle panorama enclosed in glass.

Without speaking, he again embraced her from behind, his arms wrapping around her and enveloping her in a cocoon.

“Oh James, It’s breathtaking,” Cali sighed.

“Not as breathtaking as you Cali.”

Her breath caught in her throat as his lips moved to her neck, gently kissing his way down to her shoulder. Then turning her to face him, he once again took her in his arms, their lips met, unleashing their full passion for each other. As his hands roamed and massaged her gorgeous ass, Cali moaned into his mouth. She was on fire and openly gave herself over to him for his pleasure.

His hands reached for her breasts, then her bra, and pulled it over her head, the urgency in his desire becoming clearer to her now. As he kneaded her full breasts, and played with her nipples, pinching them between his fingers, she moaned again into his mouth. She was putty in his hands, long ago giving up control to him.

With burning desire, James pushed her back against the glass, pinning her there in a frenzied kiss. The sound of the beating of her heart competed with the waves crashing against the shore, as they entangled themselves together, raw lust thick in the air.

As James dropped to his knees in front of her, she heard his growl. “I need to see you. I have to taste you.” With that, his hands were pulling down her clinging running shorts, revealing her silky-smooth, shaved pussy.

Gripping her bare ass firmly with his hands, he began to kiss inside of her thigh, as she instinctively pushed her legs apart. When he reached her sweet, glistening pussy, James inhaled her scent, closed his eyes, and gave an aroused smile of pure pleasure as he released a low growl.

As his tongue gently pushed against her engorged slit, pushing the lips apart, he eased it up to her clit, and pushed harder. Cali’s hands reached for his head, as her own head pushed back against the window, her eyes closed as a soft moan escaped from her lips. It was the kind of encouragement James reveled in, for nothing aroused him more than brining pleasure to a woman.

His tongue began a gentle attack on her, flicking across her sensitive clit, and then darting down to her pussy, where he lapped up her juices, now flowing from her with abandon. Even as his tongue plunge into Cali’s pussy, he was working her clit with his fingers, never letting up on his assault on her body. As Cali’s legs began to quiver, James eased her body down onto the leather bench near the window. Spreading her legs wide, he gazed upon her in wonder.

“God you’re beautiful. I have never seen anything so gorgeous and so tempting in my life.”

The words were barely off his lips before his mouth was on her pussy, and he began to devour her as a famished man might devour a meal. Lapping up her juices, and then plunging back in, his tongue and mouth set alight every nerve ending in her body, as he pushed in and out of her, nibbled on her, and flicked his tongue across her, then dug it into her, with frenzied purpose. If his mouth was on her pussy, then his fingers maintained a constant pressure and manipulation of her clit. When he moved his tongue to her clit -- massaging it, then rapidly flicking it -- his fingers were pushing deep into her opening, finger fucking her with undisguised ardor. James could feel her body under his arms and face, tensing and contracting, as she pushed her pussy into his mouth, craving more and more contact, friction, and pressure. Cali’s breath caught in her throat, and at times every muscle in her body was tensed, as she felt the building orgasm taking hold of her. Each time she thought she was about to climax, James sensed it and pulled back, letting her cool down. It was sexual torment as time after time he brought her to the edge, and each time he pulled back and brought her down again.

Cali’s moans were becoming louder and more frequent, and James would hear a little scream as he hit a particularly sensitive spot, and as he brought the sensations to a head, but his tongue and fingers continued their assault on her body.

“Oh god, James. I need to cum so bad.” Cali’s breathing was coming in little gasps, and she found it difficult to talk. Every nerve ending in her body was on overload, her muscles were tensed, and she didn’t know how much longer she could stand the sexual torment.

“Please … please James. I need to cum.” She gasped for air again. “Let me cum. God, I need to cum.”

He had worked her into the sexual frenzy that he was striving for. Her eyes were glazed over in lust, her nipples rock hard, and the pressure inside her built up like a pressure cooker; she felt like she was about to explode. It’s as if the Hoover damn, with its millions of gallons of water, were about to burst under the pressure.

James felt her on the verge, and he pushed his mouth against her pussy hard, thrusting his tongue inside her opening. At the same time he worked her clit with his fingers like he a virtuoso would play a Stradivarius violin. She was on fire. The stimulation pushed her higher and higher up the mountain, and she was there at the peak.

With a loud scream, Cali’s legs gripped James’s head like a vice, and pushed her pussy against his mouth with all her power. His tongue was inside her, and his fingers were on her clit, providing that circular rub that set every nerve ending in her body on overload. She was taking short gasps of air, unable to relax and fill her lungs, and the animal sounds coming from her mouth fueled James’s own lust, pushing him on as he brought her to orgasm. Her warm nectar flooded his mouth, as she screamed out in delight, her body shuddering in an overwhelming climax that seemed to go on and on forever – that then left her weak and limp.

Looking up from between her legs, James saw a woman that was totally spent, but completely content. Cali’s eyes were closed and she was still trying to catch her breath.

James moved to her side, wrapping one arm around her naked body and pulling her close to him, as he moved his lips to hers, and gave her a gentle kiss, then held his face close to hers as she calmed from her orgasmic bliss.

It seemed like ages before she opened her eyes again, but he was there, at her side, one arm still holding her, and his face near hers, cuddling with her.

“My god! That was amazing! You knew just how to touch me and where to touch me, finding the perfect moment and perfect combinations. We just met today, but it’s as if you could read my mind. How do you do that?”

“I’m pretty good at reading minds; bodies too. And your body, I am particularly in tune with.”

His hand had moved to her breast and he was playing with her again, stirring her libido in a way that surprised her, so soon after her climax. She looked down and saw his throbbing cock, and realized that he must have disrobed while she was lying there, nearly out to the world in a fog of post-orgasmic bliss.

Taking his cock in her hand, she wrapped her fingers around its girth, and began to stroke him. When enough energy returned to her, she sat up, and took his cock into her mouth, slowly pushing down on it, and enveloping his ridged organ in a cocoon of wet, silky, smooth skin. Each time she pushed her mouth down, she took more and more of him into her, finally pushing her nose up against his pelvis, and grazing his balls with her lips. James was in heaven as Cali began to deep throat him, taking his long cock all the way in. As she bobbed up and down on him, pushing back her gag reflex, great gobs of saliva streamed from her mouth, lubricating the mouth fucking that he was now getting. It was a lewd and dirty image, which mixed with the physical sensations, had James moaning out in delight. He could feel his own orgasm stirring, but reading his body just as he had read hers, Cali would hold back just as she felt James on the edge of climax. Repeating this over and over again inflamed the animal deep inside James. A beast that was already stirred by her long ago was now impossible to restrain.

Grabbing her by the shoulders, and pulling her off his needy cock, James stood her up, turned her and pressed her face up against the floor to ceiling window. Pushing his body against hers, she was pinned against the glass wall – his ridged cock pressed against her ass -- completely in his grip. With his hand on the back of her neck, and moving his face next to her ear, she heard him growl out to her.

“I wanted you the moment I saw you, and I can’t take your teases any longer. I’m going to fuck you Cali. Right here, right now; down and dirty.”

He pushed down on her shoulders, forcing her ass to bend back to him, and with a hard thrust, plunged his cock deep into her tight, waiting pussy. She gasped as she felt him fill her void, and meet her need. Cali let out a guttural sound as the tip of his cock pushed up against her cervix, completely filling her with his length and girth. It was as if a beast was unleashed, as James fucked her with abandon, pounding into her over and over again, their bodies coming together in a loud slap each time he slammed his cock into her. Cali stretched her arms out wide against the glass above her head, looking for balance as James pounded into her. Her body -- tits mashed against the window -- was on display for anyone along the beach that could look up and see her. That dirty realization sent a shiver through her, deepening her own lust.

James was slamming his body into her, pounding her cunt like a mad man with his big hard cock; fucking her hard and rough as he held her by the hips and repeatedly thrust in and out of her dripping pussy. His stamina was incredible, and he kept up his feverish fucking for the longest time, his cock hitting just the right spots with each thrust. Delirious with sexual overload, Cali was moaning louder and louder as he fucked her. She loved the pounding he was giving her, not wanting it to end.

James only slowed his pace once, as he tried to hold off on his climax. Making the most of the opportunity, he slapped her ass good and hard a few times; bringing shrieks and screams of pleasure from Cali. The sharp pain soon morphed into sexual pleasure, as Cali called out her approval.

Then James picked up his pace once again, slamming his body into her, groaning and growling as he fucked her hard. Cali took the pounding with delight, and felt her climax nearing as James’s thrusts became frantic. He was an all-consuming beast, and Cali reveled in the dirty fuck. She could feel the urgency, his primal need, as he fucked her. Her body was on fire, all the nerve endings on sending electric charges to her pussy, as she felt her orgasm coming on. It was a blinding orgasm which caused Cali to quiver and scream out in delight. Her pussy clamped down hard on James’s cock, as wave after wave of orgasm overwhelmed her. Then Cali heard James’s animal groan, followed immediately by the feel of his hot cum shooting deep into her contracting cunt. They came together in a powerful explosion; a hot, dirty climax to a rough, dirty fuck.

With his body still pressed against her, they leaned against the window for support, Cali’s legs weak, and James gripping her from behind to keep her from falling. As he turned her, and took her into his arms, she collapsed there, limp and totally spent.

Carrying Cali into his bedroom, James laid her gently on his bed, and covered her with a sheet. Whispering in her ear as he ran his hand through her hair, he said:

“Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back in a minute.”

With a gentle kiss on her forehead, and then a wink – there was that disarming and cute wink again – he slipped out of the room and headed down the stairs.

Cali must have dozed off, for next thing she knew, a still naked James was sitting on the side of the bed next to her, and offering her a warm omelet and some orange juice. Cali’s eyes lingered on the plate of food, and then traced back to meet James’s face.

“You made this for me?”

He was quick to reply. “It was nothing. Besides, I read in a story somewhere that you need food to keep up your energy for what’s to come. And I can’t have you weak and anemic for what’s to come now, can I?”

His face was once again the perfect combination of mischief and delight – an irresistible combination from a seemingly irresistible man.

Cali was hungrier than she realized, and took a few bites, savoring them in her mouth.

‘hhmmm. This is really good James. Thank you.” Then his words sank in. “What’s to come? What do you mean, what’s to come?”

The surprise in Cali’s eyes sent him into a deep laugh, that sexy, dirty, yet playful laugh that she already had come to love.

Taking a napkin and gently wiping her chin to remove some egg that had clung there, James replied in a confident and playful voice.

“‘What’s to come’ is us getting to know each other more intimately. That’s what’s to come.”

“More intimately?” she chuckled. “I can’t imagine getting to know a girl any more intimately than you just did.” Her voice was teasing, and her eyes lit up as she looked at him.

Reaching out to touch her, James gently ran his hand down her chest, pushing back the sheet as his fingers traced an outline across her bare breasts. Then leaning as if to kiss her, but holding his lips just out of reach, he replied.

“Oh but there is so much more exploring and discovery to be had. I want to know every square inch of your body. I want to find every spot that sends a shiver down your spine, or an electrical charge deep inside of you. I want to know you completely and intimately, inside and out.”

With that, he kissed her; a gentle but passionate kiss, as his hand cupped under her chin.

When their kiss finally broke, Cali let out a quiet gasp. Then she said:

“That could take a very long time James.”

“We have all the time in the world. You’re not going anywhere, are you? We have all afternoon together. And if you enjoyed that omelet, wait until you see what I can cook up for dinner. You’ll need the energy again for the evening.”

“Evening? We’re going to spend the evening together too?” Cali’s voice was one of utter surprise now.

“Of course we will. Do you think I can get to know everything about you in just one afternoon? This is going to take a good deal of time together. I expect we will be up most of the night too. Good thing you’re not working tomorrow, we can linger together all day long.”

James’s smile was broad, his eyes teasing, but his voice conveyed a sincerity of thought and purpose that told Cali he meant what he said.

“You’re serous? You want me to stay here all night -- and tomorrow with you too?” To say that Cali sounded incredulous would not be putting it too strongly. But it didn’t deflate James’s optimism in the least.

“Of course I want you to. And what’s more, you want to as well. You enjoyed our conversation this morning as much as I did. We both felt the connection. You are as intrigued as I am. And I can tell that you love this house and this view. What’s more, I know you enjoyed our intimacy just a little while ago and are more than curious to know if we can repeat something that was so electrifying.

To Cali’s ears, calling their craven, lust filled, hard, rough fuck session, “our intimacy” was more understatement than she imagined even from the Queen of England herself, but somehow she managed to stifle her laugh.

“Okay, I admit I feel some chemistry with you that’s remarkable and rare. And I don’t just mean a sexual chemistry either.”

“I know you don’t Cali, and I understand. I feel it too. But I’ve interrupted you.”

“I don’t know what it is about you James, but you have completely disarmed me. I’ve already told you things I have not told my best friend. But the timing …. I don’t know.” Cali paused, looking conflicted. “I just don’t know that the timing is right.” Cali dipped her head as she spoke, avoiding eye contact with those magnetic eyes of his.

With a soft and gentle touch of his fingers, James lifted her chin to look into her eyes.

“This is the perfect time Cali. Trust me, this is the perfect time. Right now I’m going to make love to you, lingering over every inch of your body to see how it responds to my touch. Then we will have a quiet dinner on the terrace, taking in the sunset and enjoying the sounds of the ocean waves. There will be good food and drink, great music and laughter, and of course, more sex – I know, I’m such an animal,” he winked again as he said that, “and lots of conversation.”

“But ….” Cali hesitated.

“Look. I know that something is pressing on your mind right now – something more than work stress. You may feel like you have decisions to make.” As he spoke, James briefly massaged the finger her engagement ring had been on before she removed it this morning for her run.

Cali interrupted him. “How do you know all of that? I just met you today, yet you seem to know and understand things about me … well, I don’t know … intuitively. How do you do that?”

“For starters, lots of conversation helps, and body language. But to be honest, I don’t exactly know how I do it. As I told you before, I just read people well. For example, I know you’re not really from France. Sure you’ve lived there for a while – long enough to pick up a bit of an accent. But I would say you’re really from the states. Based on our conversations, your world view -- which is hardly French or anything continental, I should point out -- the Midwest would be my guess. Yes, somewhere in the heartland of America. You come from independent, hardworking, self-reliant stock.”

Cali’s mouth was open, and her mind spinning as she listened to James peg it just right.

“I take it from your jaw dropping to the floor that I hit the nail on the head.” James’s glee was uncontainable.

“Oh yea, you got it right,” Cali was shaking her head in wonderment. “Michigan: the heart of America, bordering on four of the five Great Lakes. And you’re right; I was born and raised there. Well, Kalamazoo, to be specific.”

“No kidding!” The excitement in James’s voice surprised Cali. “That’s great!” James jumped off the bed, ran over to his iPod and worked it until his in-room stereo system was soon cranking out the sounds of a big band from the 1940s.

“You can’t be serious? Glen Miller’s Orchestra? Kalamazoo? My parents used to play this when I was a kid. Is there a cornier song on earth?”

James didn’t take offense, and simply bounced to the beat of the brassy big bad sound, and then joined in as the singers entered into the fray:

“I’ve got a gal, in Kalamazoo … I’m going to Michigan to see the sweetest gal in Kalamazoo….”

By now Cali was laughing at him, as he danced and sang along to the old music. It was unusual enough for someone his age to love the big band music of the war years, but how could such a sexy man be enjoying such a corny song as this? One thing was clear, he had no pretensions as he crooned to the music and danced his naked-self back over to the bed. She was astonished, but somehow, it endeared him to her all the more.

By the end of the song he was on the bed with her, and as he finished the last line, his lips met hers in a sweet kiss. Then pulling away, he continued his conversation, as if it had never been interrupted by his music, dancing and singing, still making the case for her to stay with him the night.

“As I was saying, Cali, I know you feel conflicted about things in your life right now, but staying with me tonight is the right thing to do. In fact, I promise you this: if you stay with me now, not only will you enjoy it, and feel refreshed when you leave, but everything will seem clearer to you when you do leave. So what do you say, my Kalamazoo girl? Are we going to keep each other company tonight?” His smile was charm itself, penetrating any doubt that she may have felt.

James let his words sink in as they sat on the bed together, completely comfortable in the silence. Cali felt a calm wash over her, and she knew he was right. Having just met him, it shouldn’t be right, but there was something about this man that not only inflamed her lust, but made her trust him with her most difficult questions and her darkest secrets; trust him with her life.

Then, with a dirty smile, and a playful look, James completely changed the mood.

“Besides, who else do you know in L.A. that can give you more thrills like I gave you in the tower?” His eyebrows rose as he looked at her, and then glanced towards the window -- still streaked from their bodies – where he had just fucked her.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Cali threw her response back in kind.

“Don’t you need a little sleep in there sometime, or do you really think you can keep going and going and going? What are you, the energizer bunny or something?”

By her playful response, he could see that she had already made up her mind. She was his until morning – and perhaps much longer than that.

With a gentle, playful swat to her butt, and a quick “you’re looking for trouble now,” from him, James took Cali in his arms, laid her back on the bed, and pressed his lips against hers with passion. Their kisses were deep and full of romance. When his lips finally left hers, and wandered down to her neck, he began to nibble in her most sensitive spot – that secret spot that every woman has which is the path to her soul. And in a husky voice, he heard her call his name.

“Oh James .”

It was an afternoon of pure bliss; complete tenderness and a slow, gentle build to another amazing climax, all to the romantic sounds of the ocean waves crashing on the shore below. But that’s the stuff for another story.

Same as

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Cheryl calls the shotsCheryl finished her showering and was dressing for the evening as I had a scotch/rocks while waiting downstairs. A cool spring breeze blew through the townhouse with the sun setting and an orange-red glow off the clouds.Cheryl came down the stairs in a new outfit, a sheer black and blue trimmed blouse, a black skirt, black hose and high heels.“Nice new outfit, honey, very sexy,” I said as I fondled her left tit as she stood close to me.“I would like a little change tonight...

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Cheryls Return to the XXX theater

Back to the XXX TheaterWe were parked in the dimly lit parking lot behind the XXX theater, I stepped from the driver’s side and quickly moved around to the passenger side to let Cheryl out. As I opened the door I also extracted my cock from my loose fitting pants.“What the fuck are you doing?” She chuckled as she watched me begin stroking my cock.“Jacking off, slut, so suck the head of my dick while I jerk it,” I directed my wife as she turned, placing her feet on the ground, legs spread her...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 18 Preacher and Preach

For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 18 Preacher and Preach

For those following the stories, we are at the point Jaimine, the preachers daughter is six months along carrying my baby. She lived with my wife and I, my hot wife Charlotte clueless about Jaimie.Jaimie 24 birthday was yesterday! So, what we did was I had my wife set up a nice surprise party for her at our house where she lives when she got home from her college classes before Christmas break. My wife had no idea, when she left for work and our k**s left for school, Jaimie, who lives with...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Therapy for Cheri

Therapy, Part 1It was my medical doctor who suggested that I should speak to a counsellor, or ther****t about my sexual fantasies, and how they had started to overwhelm my life.  At first, I was not particularly interested in talking to anyone about this, but obviously my doctor felt that a counsellor could help me, and that not seeing one could eventually harm me.I booked an appointment for two weeks ahead, thinking that this would give me some time to get my shit together, and I could call...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 3 from Preadhers Daughter

Pam, the MILF preachers wife did as I ordered her. She did give me those panties from her cunt at church as ordered and when I called the Preacher's house the week after I first fucked her, I asked if her husband was home. Yes she said, very well, tell him you are going shopping at the mall and Christian book store. Go buy things at the book store first, then meet me at the pet store in the mall. You are to go into the bathroom at the Christian bookstore and remove your panties, and have them...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Pondicherry Pubil Pennai Usar Seithen 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil rich doctor pengalai eppadi nanum en nanbanum oothom enbathai intha kama athaiyil ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en nanban idam netru ena da nadanthathu endru keten? Machan enanenmo nadanthathu da naan athai neril vanthu solugiren endru soli en veetirku vanthaan. Naan avanai vetil irunthaal ithai freeya sola mudiyaathu naam koliku selalam endru avanai koliku azhaithu vanthu ena nadanthathu ipo solu endru solinen. Naanum...

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Our Stories Sheris Wild Lesbian NightThe Recap

After our encounter with Tara and Charlene, I had a feeling Sheri was going to keep exploring. We were getting on the bus to go home the following morning. I was up early, so I went down to the beach one last time. Sheri saw me from her balcony and blew me a kiss. I did the same and headed back to my room to get my stuff. I got on the bus and found my seat near the back. I watched out the window as Sheri, Charlene, Tara, and a junior named Heather were headed to the bus together. That was odd...

Wife Lovers
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A Day in the Life of Dr Smithers

Clayton Smithers was really glad he had listened to his mother when she told him he should become a doctor. Mom had always told him it would be a lot of work but worth it in money and prestige. She had been only part right. Hardly any work had been required, just learning the jargon and technical terms by studying books and papers written by psychiatrists who had taken the hard route to obtaining their degrees. Clayton Smithers had taken the easy route, buying his degree from the best diploma...

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Reddit GettingHerselfOff, aka r/GettingHerselfOff! Is there anything fucking hotter than watching a dirty bitch make herself cum? Sure, we all have our kinks, but universally, is there a straight dude alive that is incapable of getting off to a slut rubbing her pussy, riding a giant dildo that’s bigger than you could ever hope to be, or vibrating her clit to climax? That’s like saying the more food you eat, the more you feel hungry: it’s an oxymoron, and it’s downright impossible.That’s why I...

Reddit NSFW List
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RuneswardChapter 42 From Death Life

Bena found Yren just after dawn the next day. The night had been sweltering and the bright sunlight of the day without a single cloud in the light blue sky suggested there would be no respite from the heat. The early morning smell of dew and grass trickled over the barest of breezes but all she could smell were the remembered odors of death and decay from days earlier. She shuddered at the memories for a moment, then set her shoulders in defiance. Yrin was seated outside the blacksmith shop,...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Enaku Pidicha Teacher Arun Sir

Hi friends, indru kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana thirumanam aagatha teacherai matter seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Anu, vayathu 21 aagugirathu. En teacher udan nadantha kama anubavathai ungalidam pagirugiren, vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam. Naal kalluri irandam aandu padika irunthen. Puthithaaga niraiya teacher engaluku padam eduka vanthaargal, athil oru teacher peyar thaan arun. Arun parka nandraaga irupaar, avaruku innum thirumanam aaga vilai. En vagupirku varum anaivarum...

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Daughters Incestuous Therapy 2 Therapists Incestuous Treatment

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Therapist's Incestuous Treatment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Session 12 with Mercedes Daniels I kissed my patient, Mercedes Daniels, with hunger, my body burning from telling her about my earlier romp with my husband. My brother. Clint had come in here and fucked me and my previous patient, a naughty mother I was guiding into seducing her son. Mercedes Daniels shuddered as I pressed atop her...

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Kulipathai Marainthu Irunthu Parthen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana akkavai marainthu irunthu paarthu avalin azhagil mayangi akka udan udal uravu kondu sex seithen. Eppadi akkavai usar seithen enbathai indru tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar subash vayathu 19, naan thinamum en pakathu veetu akka kulipathai marainthu irunthu paarthu kai adipen. Muthalil aval kalluri padika chennaiyil padithu vanthu irunthaal, aanal ippozhuthu aval padipu mudinthu veetirku vanthu irukiraal. Avalai paarpathe nadakaatha...

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My InheritanceChapter 42 The Hermit

The truck crawled across the hard packed dirt path toward the foothills on this high plateau. All three women had been quiet since we left the motel. It was an uneasy silence. Perhaps I should have missed the enjoyable banter or sweet sounds they normally emitted, but my mind had only one focus: the formula. They had dressed that morning to please me, as they always should. Each wore a thin, plain white T-shirt with a scoop neck. It was more sexy than if they were naked with their breasts...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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UK Uni Freshers Week Popping my Cherry

They always say that new experiences happen on Freshers week. When I left my rural town to go to Manchester Uni I knew I was in for a life changing experience, just not the path it took me.My names Ashleigh and I went off to Manchester to study Maths. It was daunting going in on the first day not really knowing anyone. Plucking up the courage I chatted to a few people on the bus in, in the halls and in my first lecture. I really began to settle. I settled so much that in my first week I...

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Present For CheriseChapter 2

Cherise let out a squeal of surprise and jumped from the bed. "A dog!" she shouted. "You brought a dog for me to fuck? Oh James, you're the best brother in the whole wide world." She jumped up into her brother's arms and kissed him then turned and knelt on the floor next to Tobie. She wrapped her arms around him and stroked his fur. "Oh he's beautiful," she exclaimed hugging the dog to her naked body. Toby whined softly in his throat and responded to Cherise's caresses by licking...

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Karunya8217s step mother

Hi, my name is Neel, 29 now, athletic, well built for i am a keen sportsman. Any real female/married couple from bangalore/ kolkata and they wanna have sexual relation with 29 year old bengali boy. If u r interested mail me at what i am writing here is a true period of my friend’s life, which i wanted to get off my chest. Karunya is one of my good friends since school life. He narrates me this storywhen i cought him at the time of intercourse with his step mom. Now i try to narrate in english...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Sherrie Finds Legal Loopholes

Sherrie Finds Legal Loopholes By Eve Adorer Chapter 1 ? The Liberal Lawyer My name is Sherrie Nathan. I am a lawyer; a criminal lawyer; a defence lawyerand, yes, I have heard all the jokes about the similarity of the sound of myname with another far better known but, in his case, entirely fictional Americandefence lawyer. I am thirty now. The story I have to tell you, the story all my friends askme to tell over and over, is about what happened to me when I was just twenty-fiveand a complete...

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Sherrys Coming OutChapter 4 Sherry begins to wonder

When I arrived back home from Chicago things with Cliff had gotten worse between us. He had moved all of his things into the guest bedroom. When I tried to get him to talk about what was going on, he just glared at me and went into his room shutting the door. I stood by the door, "Cliff please talk to me, we can't keep going on like this, it's driving both of us crazy, can't you see that?" "Why don't you go move in with Mullins. I know he's had that big cock of his in you by this...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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