Life On The Ranch Ch 2 - Later That Night free porn video

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All I could do is nod. “That’s a good boy, now hurry up n’ get your things and sneak out the back. I’ll distract Steph,” she commanded.

I nodded as I rushed to grab my things I looked up at her. “Please don’t say anything to Steph about what happened with the others.”

“Don’t worry about that, now get going!”

I ran off to the back entrance and snuck around the stables. I waited as I heard Amanda approach Steph. “I finished my chores so I decided to start sweeping out the stables.”

“Now that’s what I call dedication, I wish I had three more just like you instead of those other morons. Speaking of the three stooges, where are they anyways.” Steph asked.

I froze.

“They quit and walked off. No idea what’s their problem. Guess they can’t handle a little hard work,” Amanda said and I sighed in relief.

“Doesn’t surprise me, but this is really going to make things difficult. Hard to find good help. What’s Kyle been up too?” I heard my mom ask as I tiptoed past her truck.

“Oh I think he went up to take a shower,” Amanda said. “I tell you one thing, that boy sure is something sweet. He brought me Lemonade that he freshly squeezed.”

“Kyle’s definitely thoughtful.”

I bolted for the house and quickly tossed my the remaining rags of my clothes into my room and jumped into the shower.

As I washed off the cum and dirt I began to sob, finally coming to terms with what happened today. I was almost forced to jack off a horse, before Amanda came to my rescue. But it’s what happened after that has me all twisted up inside. The woman I have come to admire and develop strong feelings for tied me up and used me like a blow up doll. I’ve never felt so ashamed in my entire life. But at the same time I can’t help but feel something towards her. I don’t know what.

I rubbed soap all over taking extra care around my bruised and sore butthole. Wincing as I washed out the cum. What should I do when she wants more? There is no way I can stop her from having her way with me. Should I tell Steph? We can’t afford to lose Amanda as a worker. She is too damn good. Do I really want to stop her? No one has ever wanted me the way she does. Although, I don’t know if I can take another pounding like the one I just had. How did things get so messed up? All I ever wanted was for someone to love and be with. Does Amanda love me? Does she even care about me? Or am I just a fuckboy to her? If she loved me, would she have done those things to me?

God I still need to cook dinner… I finished up and dried off. After I got dress, I went down stairs and made tacos for dinner. It was quick and easy, besides I was too exhausted to make something that requires any kind of effort. After I got the burger cooking and the vegetables all chopped up, I heard Steph and Amanda come in the front door. As they took off their boots, I finished up.

“Hey hun, what’s for supper?” Steph asked.

“Tacos, I’m pretty much done,” I replied.

“Tacos! I love tacos,” Amanda said, I quickly turned around. I couldn’t look at Amanda after our last interaction.

I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the soft taco shells, sour cream, and the salsa I canned a few months ago.

“So hun, did you still want to show me your ideas for the land?” Steph asked.

I had to think for a second about what she was talking about when I remembered my ideas for the excess land we own. The whole thing with Amanda made me forget about that. “Yes! I have some great ideas I think could increase our revenue!”

“God you’re such a smart boy, how did I ever get so lucky,” she replied.

I set the table while Steph grabbed a beer for Amanda and herself. “Dinner’s ready, feel free to grab a plate and heat up your taco shells.” I said.

Steph went ahead and started heating up her taco shells after she wet a paper towel to cover them with. Amanda stepped in front of me and pressed herself against me as she reached for a plate. She grinded her cock against my stomach. I didn’t know what to say or do, I couldn’t look her in the eyes, so I keep staring at the floor. She didn’t say a word. “So you guys heat the shells up?” she asked.

“Yeah it softens them up so they don’t tear. Make sure you cover them with a damp paper towel. Gets them moist.” Steph informed her.

“Well look at that, learn something new every day.” Amanda looked at me as she said it. My cheeks went hot as I gave her a glance and quickly looked away when she caught my eye.

Amanda and Steph got their tacos made and sat at the table as I just finished microwaving my shells. After I finished making my tacos I took a seat. I winced as my bottom touched the chair, my ass was so sore from being pummeled by Amanda’s pole. She sat in my seat once again, but this time I sat across from her next to Steph at the end of the table. I thought this was a good idea at the time, however, I didn’t consider the fact that I was now in front of her and I couldn’t help but glance at her every now and then. She definitely gazed at me more often than not. As I ate my taco I felt Amanda’s foot touch my leg, causing me to jump. Steph gave me a glance as I quickly looked down at my plate. She slid her foot up my leg until it pressed against my crotch.

“So Kyle, what was the idea you wanted to discuss?” Steph asked.

I looked at Steph, trying to clear my mind. “Right, my ideas,” I spoke in a rather high pitch voice. “I was looking at our ehh,” Amanda’s foot started rubbing my penis causing me to squirm. “Ahhh I ah..”

“Property lines!” I shouted as my penis became hard as a rock from Amanda’s constant rubbing.

“And what about the property lines?” Steph asked.

“Right the properttyyy liiines.” I squirmed as the pleasure of her foot messaging my pecker overtook me. “I… I noticed we..

“Well spit it out…” Steph said impatiently. I quickly looked at Amanda as I writhed in my seat from the immense stimulation her foot was stirring up with my cock. She had a smirk on her face as she watched me squirm and struggle to speak.

“I.. Noticed. Hhhuhhh. We a… hmmmm ownneed a lot of land…” I quickly grabbed the hold of the table as my cock started pulsing filling my underwear with my seed. I could barely hold down a moan as I continued to cum from her foot massage.

“Are you alright hun, you look a little tense?” Steph asked.

“YEessss!” I moaned out. Feeling once again humiliated for the umpteenth time today.

“So what about our land?” Steph asked.

I did my best to compose myself as Amanda finally removed her foot from my crouch. I took a deep breath… “I noticed we owwn a lot of land. We barely use only 20 to 25 % of it. Of course, some of it is part of the forest that comes up to the mountain range, but there is a large portion of flat land. I was thinking what if we leased the land out, we could make money off the rent!”

Steph had that look like she was deep in thought. “You know that could work, I’m going to have to talk with our banker and see how we could do it, but yeah that extra money definitely wouldn’t hurt. Good thinking!”

I glanced over at Amanda and she looked at me with a whole new expression. “Wow, I didn’t realize you were so smart. You just keep surprising me. What other secret talents are ya hiding?”

I quickly looked down as I felt so flustered. Once again she has managed to humiliate me. Did Steph notice? I looked over at her as she finished her taco.

“Gosh Kyle is one of the brightest boys I’ve ever seen. He is excellent at math just like Donna his late mother, but unlike Donna the kid is a wiz with computers. You should see the stuff he can do on that tablet thingy. He’s not a bad writer either. Although you’d never know, because he never shares any of his stories.” Steph went on causing me to blush with even more embarrassment. I’ve never told or shown anyone about my short stories besides Steph on occasion. Amanda’s going to think their dorky.

“So Kyle, what do you like to write about?” Amanda asked as her foot came up and gave my groin another nudge causing my cum filled undies to leak onto my pants. I shifted uncomfortably causing me to winse because of my sore butt.

“Oh don’t even bother asking him..” Steph laughed. “Trying to get him to share his work is like trying to get a dog to share a bone. He mostly likes to write about superheroes, fantasy and swordplay. Even though I’m not into that stuff, I can easily read his stories.”

“I would love to check them out, maybe later you can take me up to your room and show me?” she asked. “Especially the swordplay.”

I looked up to her and she gave me a subtle wink. “Ummm well… I.. I was going to hit the hay early today. I’m just super tired today.”

I let out a breath of air. Hopefully she doesn’t push the topic any further. I don’t think I can be in a room alone with her.

“Ahhh, fine I guess I can wait until tomorrow. But I won’t take no for an answer,” she said with a smirk as she glared into my eyes.

“I need to use the restroom!” I had to change my pants before Steph noticed the cum stain.

“Sure thing hun,” Steph nodded. I scooted out and turned away from them as I quickly rushed upstairs. Once I got to my room I quickly tore off my cum soaked pants and underwear and cleaned the sperm that stuck to my skin. I grabbed a fresh pair of whitie tighties and a pair of shorts and went back downstairs.

“So how come that cute little boy of yours doesn’t have a girlfriend? Is he gay? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.” I heard Amanda asking Steph before I entered the room. I froze to listen to her response.

“Oh I don’t know. Believe me I’ve asked the same thing. He’s such a sweet boy, you would think he would have all the ladies chasing him down.” Steph took a deep breath. “Honestly, it really wouldn’t surprise me if he was gay. He is so feminine. He reminds me so much of his mother Donna. His face is a spitting image of her. Those blue eyes and the cute little nose and his gorgeous raven black hair. I see her everytime I look at his face.”

Hearing my mother talk about me like that made me feel… dainty… Like I was a soft, tender little girl instead of a boy. God.. Even my mother thinks I’m more of a lady.

“Was he always so shy? it took a whole week before he finally spoke more than two words to me.”

“Oh that’s just the way he is. He was never the social type, always in his room when he’s not cleaning, cooking, or balancing the books.” I can hear Steph sigh. “Unfortunately his tenderness makes him an easy target for bullying. That’s mainly why I had to take him out of the public schools. I told him I needed him around the ranch, but the truth is I couldn’t stand seeing him so helpless. Everyday he’d come home in tears… Some kids would beat him up or call him mean things.”

I could hear Steph take a deep breath. “The night he came home with a black eye and his clothes were all torn up, was when I finally couldn’t take it anymore… I had to get him out of there. Kids can be so mean…”

“Wow, I’m sorry to hear. It’s hard to believe anyone would hurt a sweet boy like that.” Like Amanda had room to talk after what she did to me. This day won’t ever end. I can’t believe Steph is tell all these things to Amanda. She’s probably disgusted with me. It’s official, today is the worse day of my life. Now I have to walk in there and pretend I didn’t just hear all that. I can barely hold the tears back, how am I going to keep myself composed in front of them.

I just need to get this day over with… I finally walked into the room as they both looked at me like I was some fragile little fawn.

We finished up dinner. I started cleaning the table and the dishes as Steph grabbed some more beer for Amanda and herself. They headed over to the living room and turned the TV on.

“We’ve got a busy couple of weeks ahead of us, with the cattle auction coming up. It’s a shame we are so short staffed.” Steph went on. “Tomorrow I want to check in the rest of the cattle. The auction is at the end of the month, we have to make sure they’re ready.”

“Just give me a task and I’ll make sure it gets done.” Amanda said.

“I just love your work ethic, you remind me of me when I was younger,” Steph said proudly.

“Awe shucks, I bet you were quite a work horse seeing how you grind circles around those three bird brains that were more trouble than they were worth,” Amanda complimented.

“You betcha, back in the good ole days I would be out their breaking my back all day and pulling late nights working for the ol man that use to own this place. Of course I was shagging his daughter whenever I got the chance. That woman was the reason I put up with it all.” Steph said.

“You’re referring to Kyle’s mother, right?” Amanda asked.

“You got that right! That women was an angel by day and a devil in the sheets. The things she could do with her tongue drove me crazy. I’ve never met a woman like her.” Steph recalled.

“Sounds like you had something special.” Amanda remarked.

“You have no idea. Donna was everything to me. If you ever find someone like that, you do everything you can to keep em. Everything good came from her, especially Kyle. That boy reminds me so much of her. Not only does he look like her, but he even acts like her too,” Steph took a glance my way as she continued. It was hard to hear her talk about my mother. “Definitely cooks like her. Got all her smarts too.”

She took another sip as Amanda listened intently to her words.

“I’m sure lucky how he turned out. Don’t know what I would do without em. I tell ya, that boy sure knows his stuff. You won’t believe all the expenses we were able to avoid because of Kyle’s due diligence with the books. That boy is a mathematician, just like Donna. However, unlike Donna he knows his way around a computer. Donna was always old fashion, doing everything pen and paper. Kyle’s got everything electronic and uses these “programs” and what not. It’s all beyond me. I was just a simple farm hand before I knocked up his mother and married her. Best thing I’ve ever done.” Hearing Steph talk about ma and me like that caused my stomach to tighten up.

“Wow, I didn’t know Kyle did all that. He is sure something else.” Amanda commented.

“That’s saying it lightly. That boy spends all day cooking, cleaning, getting his school work done on top of balancing the books. Even though he is still in high school, he’s practically got enough college credits for a degree. He’s been working on a business degree. He’ll be taking over the ranch one day. I have no doubt it will be in good hands, I just hope he doesn’t get taken advantage of.” She took another sip before leaning in closer to Amanda. “Some of these workers can be a little on the rough side if you know what I mean. Plus he isn’t the most… aggressive person. I suppose neither was Donna, he just needs to find a good partner that can make up for his softer side.” I finally finished up the dishes and came out to the living room where they were sitting.

“Coming to join us hun?” Steph asked.

“Actually I think I might hit the hay, I’m a little tired,” I said as I looked at Amanda. She gave me a wink reddening my cheeks.

In my room I quickly turned on my computer to check out my favorite websites to see if there were anymore evolve sightings. As I logged onto, I noticed several notifications. Looks like there’s a new video posted. A guy and his girlfriend are being attacked by a group of guys. He was crouched over his girlfriend covering her up using his body as a shield as they kicked and punched him. Wow. what a selfless act. Taking blow after blow while sacrificing himself to protect the girl he loves. I wish someone felt that way about me. Too bad this is only going to end badly. Why isn’t anyone helping him? All of a sudden he erupted from the ground throwing everyone back. One guy came at him with a bat and smashed his head with it, completely breaking the bat. The guy barely flinched. How is he not out cold by that? He’s definitely an evolve! Then he started swinging wildly at them, knocking another guy out cold. Finally some other people came to is aid. Holy crap that was awesome! I have to add him to my database.

It’s getting late, I better hit the sheets or I’m going to pay for it tomorrow. I stripped down to my underwear and turned out the lights as I slid under the sheets. Before I knew I was out like a light.


I woke up to something tapping me on my mouth. I opened my eyes to a giant cock resting on my lips. I went to speak, but as soon as I parted my lips, my mouth was filled with dick. Before I knew it, the massive tool was already at the back of my throat causing me to gag. I panicked and I tried to push as I fought to breath. I looked up barely making out Amanda’s face as she pulled out giving me a chance to catch my breath. “Boy you’re in for a long night,” she whispered as she smacked my lips with the tip of her cock. I turned my head and tried to move, but she had me pinned down using her weight.

She grabbed the side of my face and forced me to face her massive member. I closed my mouth shut trying to prevent the inevitable. “There is no need to struggle, I’m going to fuck ya whether ya want it or not. Now open up, it’s time to work on your cocksucking skills you little sissy.”

She tapped her cock a few more times against my lips waiting impatiently. “I thought ya learned your lesson earlier, but if ya want to be like that, fine!” She pinched my nose shut closing off the only way for me to breath. A few seconds of holding my breath was all it took for me to open my mouth. As soon as I did she quickly stuffed my feeding hole with her giant shaft, sinking all the way down to my throat. I bucked as I started to gag. She released my nose, but I still had her cock clogging my throat. Finally she pulled out to the tip, allowing me to inhale.

I tried to suck in as much air as my nose could muster before she crashed her knob once more deep down in my throat, making my neck bulge to the shape of her cock. I felt her hand reach underneath my underwear and grab hold of my cock and she started working it like a she was beating a nail. I squirmed and jerked up and down as she fucked my face and pulled my pecker. I felt my penis start to get tense. Before I knew it, my cock started pulsing and spewing liquid all over the inside of my underwear. I moaned around Amanda’s cock feeling each wave of pleasure as I came.

Finally Amanda pulled her dick from my lips, but she clamped my mouth shut with her hand. “You better not make a sound, is that clear?”

I nodded as I breathed heavily through my nose. She let go of my mouth and I gasped for more air. She got up and pulled the rest of the covers off. Then she pulled down my cum soaked underwear. As I huffed and puffed for air, she jammed my cum soaking underwear in my mouth. I could taste the salty thick cum which I blew all over my undies just a minute ago. “Just to make sure you keep quiet and you better not take them whitie tighties out or you’ll regret it.”

She grabbed me off the bed and pulled me up to her. Turning me around and she made me face the bed as her arm wrapped around my stomach while the other came up and smacked my face. I felt her cock grind up against my ass, sliding up between my crack as she thrusted her hips. “You’re such a good little fuck toy,” she whispered in my ear. “It’s time to break that ass in some more.” She forced me down, bending me over the side of the bed. Oh no! Not again! I don’t know if I can handle another assfuck. My bum is still so sore from earlier.

She gripped my the back of my neck as her other hand dragged her cock up and down my butt crack. I squirmed. I can’t go through this again. I writhed and wiggled my butt trying to prevent that giant python from taking my ass once more. “Struggling is only gonna make it hurt worse. If you don’t stop, I’m gonna make you suffer,” she said as she slapped my ass real hard causing me to grunt in pain. Tears started to form at the corners of my eyes.

She rubbed her cock against my the entrance to my ass as I tensed up. Pain took over as she pushed down penetrating my little butthole, stretching the ring of my asshole to accommodate her monster cock. I grunted and groaned, but the cum soaked underwear muffled out the sound. It wasn’t any easier the second time around. As she sunk in my ass I grabbed a bundle of sheets and clenched down on my undies draining out the cum that was soaked in. The more cock she stuffed in me, the more I bit down releasing more cum from my whitie tighties. The salty taste took over my tongue as my ass was conquered by her ambitious cock. She started to pump her meat in and out of my little hole. “Fuck that still so tight!” She moaned still trying to keep quiet.

The pain was almost as bad as the first time. I was pulling on the sheets, anything to relieve the tension. But there was nothing I could do, but take it and lament as my bottom was reamed by her pole. I grunted and gasped with each thrust. She grabbed my ass with both of her hands spreading my cheeks as her shaft fed in and out of my backside. I cried as the pain coursed through me with every blow. I gasped as she fell onto me sinking her johnson deep down as far as it could go. I felt her breast pressed up against my shoulders and her breath at the back of my neck.

“That’s a good girl, hmmmm. From now on whenever I’m fucking you, you’re going to be my pretty little girl. I’m going to buy you some nice panties you can wear. Wouldn’t you like that slut?” She pulled back as she whispered in my ear. “When we are together your name will be Kylie, understood?”

She submerged her cock deep down in the crevice of my ass and held it there, waiting for my response, my screams was barely muted by my cum soaked undies.

“I can’t wait to see you in a nice little skirt and some white thigh highs. You’re going to look nice and pretty when I’m done with you.” She gave my ass a hard slap as she pulled out of my ass. “Now Kylie I want you to swallow every last drop as I fill that cute little mouth of yours with my seed.”

She pulled out the underwear from my mouth and stood up. I reached a whole new low as I rolled on my back and slid off the bed to my knees. Once again I felt so humiliated, there was no point in fighting it, I’m her little slut. I let the tears roll down my face as I parted my lips and stuck out my tongue out, waiting for her to use my mouth as a cumbucket. “Good Girl Kylie! You’re finally accepting your place as my bitch.” I looked up into those dark dominating eyes as she settled her cock on my tongue. “I want you to suck the cum from my cock and prove to me how much you want to be my pretty little girl.”

I shamefully obeyed and wrapped my lips around her gigantic shaft and sucked. I grabbed her thighs for support as I worked my kisser up and down her pole. She ran her hands through my hair, grabbing a handful as she pushed her hips forward shoving her cock down my throat. “Fuck I’m so close.”

After a few more thrust, her cock became steely hard. I could feel her veiny demon start to pulse as she lodged it down my throat, holding it there as she spews cum down into my stomach. I could feel every pulse as she held her cock forcing more and more cum down my throat into my stomach. I was helpless. I couldn’t breath. Finally she pulled back her cock shooting more of her seed filling up my mouth. It tasted salty and musky. It was so thick. “I want you to swallow every last drop, comprende?”

I meekly obeyed her command and gulped down the load that filled her mouth before she shot another. I could barely keep up as more and more cum filled my mouth. Finally she pulled out and sprayed one last load over my face. There I was on my knees, face covered in cum, staring up at the woman who owns me. She looked down at me with complete and utter satisfaction. “Oh fuck you’re such a good girl.” She bent down and wiped up the cum with her finger, sliding it in between my lips. I licked her finger clean without hesitation. There is nothing I can do, I’m hers…

“Hmmm, ya know? I think you’re starting to get the hang of sucking cock.” She licked her lips looking down at me, those dark lustful eyes possessively trailed up and down my naked abused body. I felt more like a toy than a human being. Amanda’s little fuck toy…

“Now I need to get some sleep, you do yourself a favor and get cleaned up,” she said as she started to put her clothes back on. “Make sure that ass is nice and ready for me cock tomorrow.”

She left me there, on my knees with her cum dripping down my chin. I started to cry, feeling so degraded. I barely had any strength left to move, my ass felt on fire from the pummeling her cock gave me. I grabbed a sheet and wiped my cum covered face off as more tears flooded down my cheeks. I climbed back into the bed and collapsed. Before I knew it, I drifted into the night.


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The ranch

Somewhere on the rolling planes of the United States, far away from the busy cities, with the next nearest house at least an hour’s drive away, there was a ranch. It was run by a divorced blonde woman in her mid 50’s called Blanche Rochard, who had 2 daughters from her previous marriage and one from her first boyfriend which she only dated for a month. Clair was 32 years old, blond like her mother and although her mother conceiving her was more like an accident, Blanche loved her daughter...

2 years ago
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Fucked On The Ranch

I'm in the kitchen washing dishes, my back to the door. Suddenly I feel a hand grab and squeeze my ass then I feel hot breath on my neck. " must be John's friend," a voice whispers in my ears. Knowing it wasn't my lover John, I turned around and went to push him away, but before I could, John's off-again, on-again jerk of a boyfriend quickly embraced me and slammed his face against mine, pushing his tongue down my throat and locking my lips with his. I felt one hand feel up my...

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Split Tails RanchChapter 5

SPLIT TAILS RANCH, PART 5 She didn’t realize she was holding my hand until the girls came running up to us. They stopped and stared before breaking into huge grins. She looked down, flushed to the roots of her hair, and let go. It just wasn’t done in the day and time, especially if the woman was newly widowed. It especially wasn’t done with the man who had killed her husband. She was expected to wear black in mourning for a year, but she steadfastly refused. “To do so would honor the...

1 year ago
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Sheris Ranch

Sheri’s Ranch is a resort and spa, which might sound a little different from the usual fare I review here at ThePornDude. Then again, the fact that I’m even talking about it on the site probably clues you in that this ain’t necessarily the type of place to book a Mother’s Day gift for your wife. Well, not unless she’s into the ladies, that is. I could crack a joke about how your mom worked at this place, but that wouldn’t be fair to the lovely ladies who really do work at the Ranch. Have you...

Escort Sites
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Brandy Returns to the Ranch

I have several Doms I see often and even now two Femdoms that I visit infrequently. But I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly; well guess what even though I had no symptoms I tested positive...

4 years ago
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The RanchChapter 3 The Whole Townrsquos Laughing at the Devilrsquos Handle Motorcycle Club

Cliff hung up the phone from Elroy’s call unsure where to begin as Elsie leaving him wasn’t something that he wanted to happen. Elsie is a great cook, and she runs this home and farm like a tight ship. She still the beautiful cheerleader who was willing to date a dumb jock wannabe farmer. He can still remember taking Elsie’s viginity on their wedding night. He wasn’t a virgin so after he broke her in, he discovered that Elsie was a wildcat in bed. Elsie was flexible enough to try positions,...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 23 Twin Springs Ranch

The turnoff was deceiving, and the sign for Twin Springs Ranch was small, so you really had to watch for it. Unless you already knew where it was, and Anna did. We turned off the highway and headed west on an unpaved gravel road. It was barely wide enough for two cars to pass. We followed the gravel road up over a small hill and entered a stand of trees. It was noticeably cooler as the large trees blocked the sun. After another half mile, we emerged from the woods to a panorama. We were on...

4 years ago
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Texas Sex RanchChapter 2

Tommy was my first. He was my first in a lot of things, just as I was his first. When we began learning about the opposite sex, he and I were paired up. That was back before my secondary sexual charactristics began budding, i.e. pubic hair and boobs. There isn't much to see when you're that age, and we sort of looked, noted, and ignored. I was a girl, and I was shaped this way, he was a boy, and he was shaped that way. Big deal. We hung together a lot. Call it natural attraction or...

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Bare Paw RanchChapter 2

The next morning I got up early and took a walk. When I returned about 7:00 am, DE and KC were taking showers. I made coffee and set out the cereal and fruit. The girls came rushing into the kitchen both wearing skirts and sweaters. I was shocked that DE would wear a skirt to work, she usually wore jeans. KC wore skirts a lot at school. After breakfast, KC headed to Wichita and we drove to work. DE came to my desk mid-morning and ask if we could go somewhere for lunch. I agreed to meet her at...

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Mrs McKenzies Dude Ranch

INTRODUCTION Probably the least successful of all dude ranches in America has been Sarah McKenzie’s Dude Ranch on Lake Knead Island in Kansas. It’s had four initiated foreclosures on it in the past seven years and in the tradition of singer Loretta Lynn’s dad, Sarah’s dad who was a resident in a nursing home, always managed to find the money from somewhere to pay off the bankers. Unfortunately daddy died last year. The problem with Sarah’s ranch was deep-seated. She didn’t farm cattle because...

2 years ago
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Brandys Summer at the Ranch

I have several Doms I see often and even now two Femdoms that I visit infrequently. But I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others; in fact I was once with 4 of them at the same time which was an amazing experience. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly; well...

1 year ago
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Split Tails RanchChapter 3

We idled down the trail, saving our horses and getting a feel for the land. This part of Utah was high country, with surprisingly large mountains. We were down a bit lower, so it was mostly rolling hills covered with timber and grasslands between. It was late spring, so it was comfortable during the day, and a little brisk at night. Jessica followed me around like a little shadow, and once when her constant questions got on my nerves I touched the spurs to my black, and he took off like he...

3 years ago
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The Story of Ann Chapter 6 Love on the Ranch as Devils Ride to Town

Introduction: Will my love for Jack grow? Who where these Devils heading toward our happiness? The Story of Ann Chapter 6 Love on the Ranch as Devils Ride to Town I drove home leaving Jacks thinking about him. The man had confessed what he had done to me some 4 years ago when Janet and I attended an end of school year party. I had found myself becoming more fascinated with him as he told me his side of the story of that night. I will admit I was attracted to Jack the first time I ever saw him...

3 years ago
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Six Have Fun at the Ranch

                             Six Have Fun at the Ranch                                       Part 1 - Arrival "Now listen up, kids," Brad Shaw, the multi-millionaire Los Angeles property developer, told his children, the 18-year-old twins Kelly and Timmy, as he swung his Cadillac into the driveway leading to the Hunts' secluded Nevada ranch. ?While we’re on holiday here, I want you to do everything that Uncle Kurt and Auntie Barbara say while we're they’re guests. ?Remember that Idaho is a very...

2 years ago
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Spanking on the Ranch

I grew up dirt poor on a small farm that never did well. My daddy was a good man who taught me to work hard and get more out of life than he did. Sometimes he taught me by what he said and did. Other times, he taught me by taking me over his knee or put me over the bed and gave me his belt. Through our church, I got a position at a large and very profitable ranch. In those days, boys would apprentice at such places and, if they did well, be given a position. I was a strapping boy of twenty,...

Gay Male
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Split Tails RanchChapter 4

I walked around for a few minutes to calm down, damning Buck Henson straight to hell for creating this mess. I should have been in Texas by now, with my family. Instead I’m stuck here, hated by almost everyone I ran into to, including the attractive women who surrounded me. I couldn’t regret it though, because of Jessica. All that little girl had to do was bat her eyes at me and I was in a good mood. Speaking of angels, I walked around the house to be met by Jessica and Sabrina. “There you...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 6 Love on the Ranch as Devils Ride to Town

I drove home leaving Jack’s thinking about him. The man had confessed what he had done to me some 4 years ago when Janet and I attended an end of school year party. I had found myself becoming more fascinated with him as he told me his side of the story of that night. I will admit I was attracted to Jack the first time I ever saw him with grandma while at the store that day. I think it was the uniform that he wore that day and the fact that Michelle seemed to like him as well. However,...

2 years ago
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The Ranch

Even though things had been a little strange the past 3 days, nothing had prepared me for the sight before me as Neil led me through the thick steel door and into a room I had no idea existed below the ranch the house he and Carrie called home. But before me was his wife Carrie, naked and stretched as far as her limbs would go on what appeared to be a table—but Carrie was standing and the look on her face as I entered the room was priceless. She tried to speak or even yell her objections, but...

1 year ago
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Brandys Ranch Ch 01

Copyright by ProfessorR © by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) ***** RANCH HANDS – part one Dean turned slightly, as his rising penis was blocking the view of Keira’s anxious face. Her apprehension showed, perhaps not just because she was the newest girl in Brandy’s Ranch, but also because of things she had said to him not too long ago. ‘Ironic, isn’t it?’ he mused as he readied a condom on the nightstand. ‘She’s wondering if I’m angry and I’m wondering if I’m...

2 years ago
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Texas Sex RanchChapter 12

"I hope you realize what's going to happen when you get back," Melissa said. "You're going to do nothing but sate the lusts of older men." "I know. I've talked with the other girls. They told me what's happened to them." I cocked my head and studied Melissa out of the corner of my eye. "Is that why you gave it up and moved away?" "I didn't give it up entirely," she said. "I belong to a nudist resort in Kissimmee. That's on a lake south of Orlando. Very private, and without...

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Bare Paw RanchChapter 3

I soon was back on US 50 headed east to the Lake City junction at the east end of Blue Mesa Reservoir. It would take us a little more than 2 hours to make the trip. As I drove, I was hearing a lot of squealing in the back seat. I knew the squeals belonged to DE. Focusing my rearview mirror on her, I saw KC was on her left and Kim was on her right, I could see that they were each sucking on one of her nipples and both had a hand in her crotch. My cock was getting even harder than it already...

3 years ago
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Summer on the Ranch 1

It was the summer right after high school graduation. A hot summer.In order to earn some extra money for the upcoming first term ofcollege, me and my old high school buddies, Steve and Greg, took summerjobs up in the ranch country. We were pretty much all the same, pussyhungry young bucks with too much time on our hands, spending one lastsummer partying together before life took us all in different directions.The ranch was run by the Old Man, who was cold as ice and mean as asnake. He'd only...

3 years ago
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My Wife Becomes A Service Animal At A Ranch

Introduction: My wife and I take our little game too far and she ends up completely destroying her life, as the filthiest whore and its kind of my fault! Disclaimer: This is such an extreme story, I want to warn people before reading it that I set no limitations on how graphic, violent, disgusting or perverse this story would get when writing it. I dont want to read negative comments from the morally superior, Im not posting this to be judged, so if youre not interested, please dont read any...

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Trinchera Blanca Ranch

In 2007 I bought the Trinchera Blanca Ranch. Today, spanning 175,000 acres, Trinchera Ranch remains the largest — and arguably the most beautiful — private land holding in the state of Colorado. Sunny, myself, a nanny, and Sunny's five year old son flew to the ranch for a long weekend. The ranch in southern Colorado about thirty miles from a small town.There is a landing strip on the ranch. It is known for the big game, it is booked year around with big game hunting expediations. I had a...

2 years ago
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My Wife Becomes A Service Animal At A Ranch

Thank you. We stayed up at a ranch for a week, just me and my wife; Daniella. I guess it was a slow time of year for tourists as we were the only ones staying at the cabins. The ranch was owned by an old couple and they had hired a real life cowboy to take people on horse rides and tend to the guests. On the first day, Daniella wanted to go horseback riding, but I passed. She went on her own accompanied only by the ranch's cowboy. After they came back, I thought I saw him looking at her...

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Erica Ranch Wife pt 7 lost cucumber

Erica, Ranch Wife, Ch 7, cucumber incident Yes, she's 14 now. Consider it a flashback or STFU. Erica carefully guided the big dually pickup through the parking lot and into the drive-through lane. She had been wanting to drive the previous summers here. Now at 14, she wasn't the youngest driver on the road, especially in farm and ranch country. Erica had never driven so much as a go-cart until she got to me. Big city life had her well adept at hailing taxi's and hiring cars. That's...

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Erica Ranch Wife pt 7 lost cucumber

Introduction: impromptu toying and anal fun Mf, anal, oral, incest, vegetables Erica, Ranch Wife, Ch 7, cucumber incident Yes, shes 14 now. Consider it a flashback or STFU. Erica carefully guided the big dually pickup through the parking lot and into the drive-through lane. She had been wanting to drive the previous summers here. Now at 14, she wasnt the youngest driver on the road, especially in farm and ranch country. Erica had never driven so much as a go-cart until she got to me. Big...

3 years ago
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Split Tails RanchChapter 6

The drive was like any other I had ever been on. Hot, dusty, filled with stubborn animals who didn’t want to leave their home range. By the third day we had them almost trail broken and life was getting easier. The old brindle cow who had assumed the lead position was up before daylight most days, ready to begin the journey. I decided she would be spared the fate of the others and would bring her home with us. A good lead cow is as valuable as a good hand. We’d been on the trail for four...

1 year ago
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Texas Sex RanchChapter 6

The start of the new school year meant a bunch of things changed. New kids in school, new classes, new teachers, new kids at the Ranch, and new horses to board. Given that we were a nudist facility, people who boarded their horses with us had to expect a fair amount of human skin. Some actually bought the line that we wre just a nudist place, and didin't realize what else was going on when you mix teenage hormones, nudity, and adults who actually thought what we were doing was a good idea,...

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Split Tails RanchChapter 2

I looked over at the four who’d rode in with Benson. “Looks like I’m your boss now, boys. Let’s walk over to the saloon and have a beer. Then you can tell me all about what I just acquired.” “Fuck you!,” said the obvious leader. “Just ‘cause you kilt the boss don’t mean shit to me.” “You were his foreman?” The man nodded and spit. “Well then, I guess you just quit. You figure out what wages you got coming, and I’ll pay you off here and now.” I looked over at the other three. “That goes...

2 years ago
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The York Ranch7Chapter 3

NMT, April, 1902 Ruby and Roland had welcomed Cletus to their home without reservation. Cletus tried not to be too much of a burden, but Roland and Ruby were both getting tired of fending off questions about when Cletus could expect his first grandchild. At last! Ruby was pregnant and everything was going well. One of the greatest joys was that Cletus had finally shut up! The only problem now was that Cletus walked around as if the whole thing was his doing! Bobby was now 16 years old, so...

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The Ranch Hand

SYNOPSIS: A hired hand finds himself facing a unique set of circumstances when he returns home after letting off some pent-up steam on his night off. Since we are entering the 'Season' of interminable re-runs I offer, for your brief perusal, a story told dozens of times over the years in many different forms. This is my adaptation (exclusively for FM readers) of a short but delightfully amusing tale. Enjoy! Yours in Silk, Satin, and Lace, Simonne...

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Summer on the Ranch 2

Hot Summer NightsMF, voy)This story is meant to be read as a sequel to "Summer on the Ranch." Itchronicles the continuing story of Marc, Greg, Steve, and Laurie.Christ it was hot.The August sun beat down on my body as I worked in the hills around theranch. The sweat was pouring out of my pores like water through a sieve. Itook my Stetson off my head so that I could wipe the salty drops of wateroff my forehead, and out of my hair and eyes.Standing back, I surveyed my handiwork along the edge of...

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The Ranch

The Ranch By Raun Dalke Copyright 2000 All Rights Reserved Chapter 1 - Lost Wages I was in Vegas for the big electronics convention, it was July 2008 and I felt like an egg on the sidewalk. An egg with legs, I kept thinking as I plodded along, entranced by the glittering facade that was like, all there was, you know? I'd already got drunk, gambled too much and ate really big and unreasonably cheap buffet breakfast lunch and dinner several times. Now jaded, (and...

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Janes Time at the Cougar Ranch

In the rearmost booth of an empty diner, Jane Hanover just sat there and, with her head in her hands, sobbed her heart out. She was almost broke once more, down to her last ten dollars, with no prospect of a job in sight. She had travelled over three hundred miles on a wild goose chase. The new job she had been hired for, she quickly learned, was not as a personal secretary to a rich old man, but as his personal mistress. He was quite clear on the point. Upon hearing his salacious offer, she...

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Breeding Season At The Rocking R Ranch Version BravoChapter 6

The next morning Dee was up first. She rubbed her abdomen, thinking about the two times Rudy had spurted her full the night before and wondered if she had made a mistake. She was pretty sure that Tom wouldn't care if it was Rudy who got her pregnant. He'd said many times that he felt bad that she couldn't have the large family she'd wanted, but she'd always kissed him and said that she was content with her lot in life. They had talked once or twice about adopting, but it was a time...

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The Ranch Chapter 1

Do you have dreams? I mean really vivid dreams? Really vivid very dirty sexy dreams? The kind of dreams that will make you orgasm in your sleep?I ask because I do. Well, not lots of them. Just one dream. I’ve been having it since I was a teenager. I’ll just quickly tell you how it goes, because it’s not the real story, but it is the beginning of the story.It feels like I’m awake but in a field, not in my bed. It is always spring in the dream. It’s a little cool, the grass is that vibrant green...

3 years ago
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The Ranch

Jack ran a very huge ranch in southern Texas. He raised horses and beef cows. He raised his daughter alone as his wife hated the ranch and walked out after she had fucked most of the ranch hands. She was bored and used the men to entertain her. Jack had caught her with four men in the barn fucking all of them. He was a very strict and stern father. His punishments were wicked. If his daughter was to be punished he would strip her naked and beat her ass with a riding crop till she was black and...

1 year ago
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Brandys Ranch Ch 02

Copyright by ProfessorR © by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) ***** RANCH HANDS – part two TUESDAY MORNING: Brunch continued As Dean and Joe chatted with each other, Dean gradually began to realize that the retired Mexican-American businessman was planning on spending the night with Jennifer. Dean could see that it made sense, but he was already planning to test the MILF hand of Brandy’s Ranch himself. Unknown to her conscious mind, he had begun to prepare her...

2 years ago
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Split Tails RanchChapter 8

I joined Claire in the parlor. She had regained her composure and her eyes were steady. She had her Remington on, her shotgun and rifle beside her on the sofa. I knew what she had planned. I took her hands, and kissed her gently. “You can’t go, honey. None of you. If we go together, and things go bad, there will be no one alive to keep the ranch going and look after our family. Sabrina, Henri, and Paris all need you. You’re the glue that holds this family together. Please don’t fight me on...

4 years ago
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Bare Paw RanchChapter 5

The sun was shining bright as DE and I drove from Kansas City. DE made me promise to stop every two hundred miles or so to have a break. Too make sure I kept my promise. DE decided to wear her Chief’s jersey, sandals and nothing else. Thinking about that naked pussy in the vehicle in front of me and wanting it helped keep me awake. As she led us to the first rest stop, I was very ready when I slipped in her front passenger seat and had her hug me. She straddled my lap and had her wet pussy...

2 years ago
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Life on the RanchChapter 4

I was watching how Adam did his sister and it was obvious that he knew all about the clit, she must have shown both her brothers just where all the sensitive parts were. Good girl. He had her squirming pretty good when she panted, "That's good, I don't want to wait any more," and Adam rose up and waddled up to press the tip of his penis against her. "Spread yourself open with your fingers, honey," I urged her as her brother began pushing. She reached down and I watched as Adam's cock...

2 years ago
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These Girls Can PlayChapter 15 Back to the Ranch

When the party was over, and everything was packed into the truck and on its way back to Willits, the seven of them got into a limo and rode the few hours to the ranch. The ride was a bit more subdued than the party and it seemed like there was a big letdown now that they didn't have any place to go, or a show to play for a couple months. When they got back to the ranch, it was 3am and the adrenalin had worn off hours ago. They all dragged themselves into the house, and went to their...

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The Ranch Chapter 2

I decided to spend a couple of weeks just being free in Toronto, but by the end of my first day I had done everything that I wanted to do, seen everyone I wanted to see and I was just too excited by this new possibility that I called the lawyer and asked if I could change my departure date to the next day. She laughed and agreed. She told me to be in front of my building at 7am, which I thought was a little early, I’m not really a morning person, but I was determined to be ready.The next...

4 years ago
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The HummingbirdChapter 3 Back at the Ranch

The next week was a miserable one for Scott. He couldn't get the Hummingbird off his mind. There it was again: "Hummingbird". He didn't even know the girl's name. Every day Scott thought up four or five more things he'd have liked to ask her. Calling her was out of the question first he lived too far out in the boonies to have a phone and even if he had one he still didn't have the girl's number. He guessed he could go into town and call the restaurant, but then what would he say if...

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