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Traveling has always been fun for me, and this particular trip would likely be very different. Most of my excursions consisted of me operating on my own time, over indulging in a few areas and fully embracing the tastes of the local cultures. Not only would I be unable to engage in any of the sexual activity that I looked forward to and enjoyed while away from home, but I was constantly surrounded by family members and had absolutely no privacy.

I was in Vegas for a week enjoying a destination wedding. Sin City. Usually.

In the days before my departure, I made concentrated efforts to orgasm hard and often. Bruise worthy aggressive sex, coupled with me damn near rubbing myself raw in between, insured that I did just that, with much success, I might add. By the time I boarded the direct flight number four twenty nine from JFK, I was completely sated with surely the most contented pussy in flight.

Day One

Arrival to my hotel was hectic, but uneventful, and after ten hours of travel, I was glad to enter my hotel room overlooking a beautiful view from the twentieth floor. I smiled as I thought about my plans to sight see and spend time with family members that I haven't seen in years.

As I looked out of my full length glass window and down into the bustling courtyard of the hotel, I was taken by the amount of staff currently on duty and really appreciated what it took to run a hotel of this size. I recalled my brief interactions with the male bell staff and concierge and how friendly and helpful they both were.

The bell staff was a young black guy who couldn't have been a day over twenty three years old, and per his name badge, he was "Lee, Las Vegas, Nevada". Lee was slim, tall, eager and easily embarrassed as he readily blushed when I asked for his opinion on the food at the pizza place on the premises. Although Lee was significantly younger than the men I preferred, he made for a perfect fuck. Ambitious, zealous, strong, fit, and silently begging for the validation of an older accomplished woman like myself. With him, I wouldn't care to know his life's dreams and aspirations outside of the moment we shared together. I would honestly prefer not to have much more dialogue or information than his name badge already so generously provided.

Then, there was the concierge. He worked at the front desk with a female partner and when I was queued to be helped by her, he quickly waved me over to his line. As I clarified the location of the wedding ceremony, I easily noticed his strong hands gesturing in the direction that I needed to go in to locate the chapel. He was a distinguished looking man of maybe late forties, assured, and articulate. His name badge confirmed that he was "Craig, Fullerton, California". I could readily lose myself in a few choice thoughts about Craig, and how skillful those hands likely were. However, much like that moment at the desk, I was being crudely pulled back into reality by a question from a relative.

"Where are we eating tonight? Are we going to try that place the bell hop suggested?"

Damn, when was the last time I was eaten?

"Sure, that sounds good," I said instead to the double paned glass in front of me.

Stepping away from the window with a silent sigh, I changed my shoes and headed to the food court with a hungry group of people in tow. After a good meal and some reminiscing of childhood stories at the expense of others, we decided to call it a night.

As we retired to our respectful quarters, I thought of Lee and made a mental note to thank him on his suggestion. I could see him blushing and being uncertain of what to say next.

"Hey, do you mind if I shower first?"

"No problem," I replied. I figured that the time and space would give me an opportunity to check my emails.

Prior to leaving, I informed my friends that due to my lack of privacy this week, I would not be accessing the site for chats during my vacation. The last thing I needed was Lush fuel to expedite and exacerbate my arousal, when circumstantially, I couldn't do anything about it.

Browsing my Lush emails wouldn't hurt though, right?

Once I heard the shower running, I sat upright on my bed, flipped open my lap top, and swiftly made it to my home page. I was greeted by the number eight in parentheses indicating the amount of unread emails that I had received since my last log in. I opened the earliest email and like an inmate in solitary confinement getting a letter, I read it excitedly. Once I read through all of my correspondence, I decided to respond to one of them in particular. He always had a way of titillating me with his words, even when he's not trying to. As I drafted my reply to him, a black box appeared in the upper right hand corner of my screen.

"How's Vegas Wonder Woman?" the black box asked.

"Having a great time, and I was just emailing you back," I replied, already smirking with anticipation.

A few pleasantries is all it took before I started to feel that oh so familiar weight hanging between my legs. It felt like an anchor. Trying to maintain my tact, it was hard to keep the conversation light and easy. I was just beginning to slip into a pre contemplation stage of naughtiness, and then I heard the shower in the bathroom shut off.


With my privacy screeching to a halt, I considered ending the conversation right then with a "gotta go" message, but I cringed at having to be so abrupt. Instead, I decided to ask him for a few minutes to switch to a more portable and discreet device and end the talk in the bathroom. I only had a few minutes before I needed to shower anyway.

When I entered the nine by ten foot bathroom and closed the door, the brevity of my private space was pitifully before me. A sprawling marble sink, an over sized bath tub and shower, and a heated wall rack, brazenly claimed my precious nook. It was a dismal reality that this would be the only area that I truly had to myself for the next five days. Even as I tried to comfort myself with these abbreviated accommodations, the sounds of laughter permeated through the door and tauntingly found it's way into my ears.

"Seems like you've been gone for so long, I miss you already," he said.

"Awww, thanks babe. I'll be home before you know it," I reassured.

"What do you all have planned for tonight?" he asked.

"We just had dinner, so I need to shower and hit the bed, my feet hurt from all this walking," I reported.

"Oh, ok then. I know the time change is tough too, so get your shower and rest that body," he suggested. "You know that I would gladly rub those feet of yours if I were there," he added.


I knew that at this moment, I was mere seconds away from a sex filled exchange unless I changed our course. I had no choice but to reroute us.

"I know you would baby, and I appreciate that," I replied.

Being ever so mindful of my nuances, he followed my lead and began to share about his day. After a platonic recap, we bid each other good night.

Crisis diverted

Logging out didn't mean that my arousal was easily dampened. Trying to reclaim my flight contented baseline, I quickly showered and shaved, and in my haste, caused an injury. In my attempt to trim a few hairs from my chocolate pussy, I recklessly sliced into the soft puffy flesh that is adjacent to the hood.


In a flash, I saw a faint tinge of pink water circling the drain before it disappeared. If that wasn't a joy jacker, I didn't know what was. Dammit.

While I applied pressure to my wounded soft spot, the powerful surging hot water running over my skin felt like wet fingers grabbing at me from every direction. With steam filling the poorly ventilated room, it would have been easy to place my leg on the edge of the tub and offer those liquid digits to my core. The thought of being mauled like that heightened my response and my hungry skin yearned for more. Despite the heated space, I was briefly covered in goose bumps, my epidermis raising higher to meet an invisible touch that much sooner.

If pressure can stop bleeding, what can rubs do?

I must have been trying to discern that information as I found myself rubbing clockwise circles around my clitoris, and enjoying the weakening I was beginning to feel in my knees.

Reluctantly, I stopped rubbing and with my pity party in full swing, I turned off the shower, toweled off, and got dressed for bed. I exited the bathroom and sheepishly joined the excited voices on the other side of the door, drowning out the dull roar that was trapped hostage inside of my panties. I had survived, and sleep couldn't come soon enough.

Day Two

Although we had a full day of activity, my mind drifted often to my wounded entrance. It didn't hurt, but I easily convinced myself that I would be negligent if I didn't at least take a closer look at it tonight when I showered again. Besides, it's the only pussy I've got, and I need to keep her in good standing.

Oddly, this resolve activated me even more and I began to think about my last orgasm and how long it's been since I've had any tending to. Damn, when was that again...?

"What's the name of that place that you wanted to have dinner at tonight?"

"Oh...yeah, um...Cravings. It's located inside the Mirage Hotel," I replied.

Speaking of which....

"OK, so how about we all meet in the lobby around seven?"

"Sounds good," I replied. By now, I was officially feeling flushed and slightly perverted as it now seemed that everything reeked of secret sexual innuendo with me.

Back in the hotel, I found myself with an hour free before we were due to head back out.

Maybe I should check my email to see how his shift went last night?

I mean, what I really wanted and needed was relief, and that was still days away. My room was bustling with relatives and despite the spacious layout, I felt stifled.

Instead, I opted to take a quick peek at my injured mound.

I went into the bathroom and ran the water in the sink for more privacy. For some reason, that running tap always makes me feel more insulated. I removed my white Capri pants and black ruffled panties and placed them on the marble sink.

I climbed on top of the sink, opened my legs and slowly offered the mirror a non judgmental view between my limbs. Precariously seated on the sink, I placed both hands like loving butterfly wings at each side of my pussy lips.

I patiently pulled the skin apart, causing the opening to show and invite my exploration even more. I slowly traced my right middle finger along the moistened circle and wondered where the collected pool had come from. As I pondered my own question, I worked my finger into wider investigative circles until I reached the hood.

Already at attention and wanting to play, my clitoris was peeking out from the burrow like a frightened turtle. The soft pink tissue yielded so easily underneath my fingers and I felt the jolts begin to intensify and that weighted anchor would surely be back in no time.

Readjusting on the sink, the heat from my ass caused some friction on the cold marble beneath me. I wasn't aware of the friendly fire between my steamed core and the chilly stone I was sitting on without much trepidation. Lucky for me, my ass was winning and I continued my slow journey until I felt a sting.

Oh yeah, I DID cut myself

After closer inspection, I saw the scratch on my tissue that was shorter than the length of a fingernail, and slightly darker colored than the rest of the area. I decided that I really needed to keep this area quiet for a while and let it heal.

"Hey, are you coming or what?" a voice through the door asked.

I wished like hell I was

"Yep, be right out," I replied in a sing song voice.

The remainder of the evening was great and having dinner at my favorite restaurant in Vegas was a wonderful way to end my night.

Well, not exactly.

Day Three

If my tangential survey wasn't stimulating enough yesterday, steady pulses throughout the day had my aches so strong, that I actually began to have vaginal pain. By the time my day was over, I just wanted to go to sleep and escape my torture. Despite wanting to, I decided against checking my Lush emails. That would clearly intensify my throbs, so why do that to myself?

Opting for a distraction, I found a Seinfeld rerun on a local channel and sat with my legs crissed crossed on the bed. Moments later, I heard a Yahoo ping on my phone notifying me of an instant message.

"Hey Wonder Woman, how was dinner?"

Smiling widely, I replied "awesome baby, it's my favorite place to eat. How was your day?"

"It was good, better if I had eaten at MY favorite place," he teased.

"Oh yeah?"


"Well, that eatery is shut down and in major violation of a health code right now. I cut it shaving last night," I confessed.

"Mon cher, how can you be on your way to a PhD, yet, you haven't learned how to shave yet?" he chuckled.

"Andre, be nice!" I smirked back.

"You need some soothing licks".

"Mmm," I purred and was sure to type three "m's" to convey my pleasure. "I have to send you a few pictures...," I trailed off.

"Merci special one, but right now, I only have one picture of you in mind," he flirted.

A few more messages like that and I already knew what was coming next. With slight effort, he converted my fluttering pulses to demanding pounds and I needed release so badly.

"Baby, I'm so horny," I finally confessed. Just saying those words felt so liberating.

"Is the room asleep?" he assessed.


"Go in the bathroom mon amour, run the shower, relax and rub it for me. I won't tell," he confided.


One of the things he did was tell me dirty stories which allowed me to rub and read, and was a guaranteed orgasm for me every time.

I did as he instructed and as discreetly as I could, I slipped into the bathroom passing what I deemed to be dozing and oblivious relatives.

I got completely naked, turned on the shower, placed down a thick towel, sat on the floor, strategically propped my device before me, and opened my legs. The previously tamed puddle at my entrance had become like a raging river and as I sat on the hard floor, and I felt my juices make a bubble and pop inside of me.

Opening my legs discarded the last teaspoon of dignity I was holding onto. The smell was strong and thick and the heat from the shower worked like a convection oven and baked the scent of sex into the air. I was already in third gear and could quite easily cross the finish line in a few sweeps.

While being the captive audience of his written filth, I used my middle and index fingers on my left hand to expose my saturated pink and needy button. I caressed it softly with the pad of my right middle finger. Fuck it felt so good. The intentional and unbridled rubbing thrilled me beyond belief.

I needed this so fucking badly

Sidebars within the story of his "naughty girl" pushed me harder and closer to an orgasm. My hips were grinding into my hand and my nipples puckered with excitement. With my orgasm breaking through, I could barely type the words to render my reply.

"I'm close," I managed to type in between frenzied swipes across my lust drenched clit.

He continued to take me with his electronic and perverse words that yanked me and forced me to press my back tight against the porcelain tub, my feet planted firmly on the floor, bracing for what I pined for so desperately.

My hunger building, my body needing, aching, begging for relief and I was so thirsty for it, a soft moan escaped my throat, and was thankfully cloaked by the running shower water.

"I can't hold it much longer," I informed him, laden with at least three typos.

"Don't," he said, and continued tugging on that internet rope like a fucking lasso.

As I climbed the last peak, I closed my eyes, dropped my head back slightly and methodically rubbed to orgasm. I felt the flood gates open as my clenching cocoa ass bucked against the hard white marbled floor. Deliriously defeated, my feet went off duty and my legs slipped down and extended on the floor before me. My cunt was quivering, my breathing labored, my body was completely racked.

I laid there naked on the floor, breathless and spent. I wanted to relent. I needed to succumb.

I am ever so fortunate to have Andre mon Géant à côté de moi . Merci.


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I had spent enough nights at home crying during short term breakups with Scott. I am going to enjoy it while I could just like he always does. My selfish thoughts interrupted by Ann tripping on the chair and stumbling into me. As she caught her self I looked up found myself staring at her perfect C cup tits in my face. Wow. Never noticed how nice they were before. "Congrats on those beauts." I said while leaning in trying to plant my face in her chest. Denied. She smacked me upside the head...

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Hi Man Cum and share a drink with a salty sailor ,wot are you going to drink Ok barman lets have those drinksListen I've a tale to tell you that will knock you for six . At the end of it you may be begging me to tell you the secret location or running miles away from me. Whatever the result you'll never be the same againListen Man 2 months ago I escaped from the Amazonian Islands. No one has ever charted these islands in the pacific Oceonas nobody except me has ever escaped from these...

1 year ago
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Or Die AloneChapter 12 Counter Operations

The Thermopylae left superlight, emerging in a cloud of technicolor gas in high orbit around Hades, the bridge crew coming to as the autopilot activated the ship’s point defense systems in order to protect the human occupants during the brief minutes that they were incapacitated. Captain Stavros stood with his hands clasped firmly behind his back, the only indication of discomfort or disorientation a twitching in his right eye, he had completed so many jumps that the wracking energies barely...

4 years ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 28

Euphemia smiled, saying, "Business should always be first, my dear; THEN I will strip and you can take me to bed. I may not be pregnant yet, either. Isabella is in her own bed at the moment, resting. Her period has started, and she is in pain, not having taken the pills she was prescribed before, because now she wants to get pregnant. It will be another couple of days before she is fit enough to have you inside her again, darling, so you are forced to just have me to make love to. Sad,...

4 years ago
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Fucked Hot Bhabhi In Front Of Her Husband 8211 Part 2

Hi readers , Thanks for your comments. This is a continuation of my first story in which I fucked Namrata in front of her husband. Without further adieu here is the next part. The fuck that I and Namrata had sitting in a chair while her husband was sitting in the same room brought out the slut in Namrata. After that incident we used to fuck like rabbits when ever we got the house to ourselves. The problem was since Raj worked in a bank he used to come home fairly early and had a lot of holidays...

2 years ago
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KarmaChapter 3 Blindsided

I laughed darkly at how impulsive and out of character this was, even for me. Tony looked up from tying on his skates and grinned. "What?" "This," I said, waving my hand at the small crowd of kids and adults filling the rink. "What the hell am I doing here?" My subconscious supplied its own answer. My ex-husbands had been right about one thing regarding me; I was a hedonist. I had a weakness for doing things that brought me pleasure, even when it hurt others. Or me. I liked to...

2 years ago
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Frontiers Flint MurdockChapter 5 Dutch Oven

I didn’t wait to see if Marshal Autry would wire me back. I found myself missing Rebecca. And I had my whorehouse duties. I stopped at the Robinson homestead. Yeah, Cayuse Valdez had told them what we found. Yeah, the ranchers would keep watch, keep their guns handy. But they had to work, always more to do. Rosie nodded at me as I mounted Scarface. A first. I gave her a little salute and wheeled Scarface around. A week since I’d ridden south with Cayuse. The three Chippewas were in the...

1 year ago
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Hot Leak

I’ve got a couple Hot Leak issues right now. For one thing, my landlord needs to get off his ass and come take a look at my fucking sink before the steam takes all the paint off the ceiling. My other leak problem is just as obnoxious, with an end result of blue balls and sticky shorts. The good news is that I’ve found a potential cure for the latter inconvenience, and it's something I think you perverts are going to enjoy just as much as me. You are into naked girls, right?That’s right, folks....

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Shocker My Sons High School Science Teacher was a Stripper

I walked into the strip bar. I had been in the place many times before. It had been a while, so I felt like I was back in familiar territory. The girls were hot. Then, I got the shock of my life. I was not prepared to see my son’s high school science teacher, Diane Hacker, completely butt-ass naked and spread-eagle on a side stage. I walked past her, winked and mouthed the words, “Come see me.”Diane turned four shades of red but didn’t break her dance routine. I took a seat in a dark corner of...

Office Sex
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The Ten of Them Chapter 8

Introduction: The Day of Our Second Wedding The night before our mothers separated us. They wanted the traditional wedding, well is traditional as could be considering we were married three days ago. I was not supposed see Kathryn until the end of the wedding ceremony, when I lifted her veil to kiss my bride. Early morning Mom finds me exactly where she left me the night before, my eyes have not close longer than a blink. Mom says, JJ you need a shower make it a long one. You want to be very...

3 years ago
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Shy Wife gets Nasty in a Adult Theater

moving from Utah to Las Vegas opened up a whole new world and wild adventures for my wife and i. coming from a real small town my Valerie was very shy and timid when it came to sex. it took some talking just to get her to watch porn with me, so i knew getting her to go to a adult theater was going to be tough. don`t get me wrong our sex life was great and she was nasty as hell but only in our bedroom. hell i was open minded and ready and willing to try new things. so i did not give up i keep i...

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Old v Young womens wrestling

OLD V YOUNG – goes with gallery of same nameThe ex-professional wrestler and boxer Bertha Hynes offers ‘masterclasses’ to young women wanting to further their career in the lucrative business of private basement and apartment combat. Although Bertha retired as a professional fighter several years ago she still enjoys the thrill of fighting another woman especially when they are both naked, so she insists that all her wrestling masterclasses are conducted in the nude.The young Italian fighter...

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My InitiationPart 17

I almost completed my task of gathering a pair of panties from each girl in the sorority building I was assigned to. I had each one labeled and safely tucked in my bag. I followed the rules and got each one in turn on the night assigned for me to do this. All I had to do was not get the pair from the dorm mother and I would complete my initiation into my fraternity.There was another guy doing the same thing but he had another sorority to do and I hoped that he was caught and therefore...

3 years ago
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Son finds that his mom8217s story of working for a bookmaker is not quite true

I am twenty years old and had recently broken up with my girlfriend. She was fairly inhibited and we enjoyed our sex together. I had been reading an erotic book and got a sudden urge for some sexual activity. I decided to go to a massage parlour but not one of the local ones where I may be seen so I decided to visit one about 30 miles away in a town where my mother worked in a bookmakers office. No possibility of her seeing me has their working hours are practically identical. I paid my 50 to...

2 years ago
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Window Fuck

My boyfriend and I were just arriving home from dinner with friends, and as we got out of the lift, my boyfriend whispered into my ear "I am so fucking horny!!"."Well, not far to go..." I replied, flashing him a cheeky grin to let him know I was hot for it too.We both walked straight into the bedroom, and I was about to close the blinds on our floor to ceiling windows that overlook the building across the street, when he came up behind and grabbed me around the waist. "I want everyone to see...

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Me and my girlfriend get to KNOW a certain a

Lemme tell you a little about myself. I've been watching Dark Angel ever since it came on. From the second I saw Jessica Alba, I was seriously in love with her. The first time I saw the commercial for Dark Angel, I was like, "OH MY GOD!! There is no way that somebody can be THAT beautiful." Ever since then, I've bought every magazine with her on the cover, cut out every picture and kissed each one every night before I go to bed. Anyway, now that you know that I'm basically obsessed with Jessica...

1 year ago
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Payment In LooeChapter 3 Saturday July 6th 1963Part Two

"A Coca-Cola and a pint of your best scrumpy," Stanley Thompson said to the big beefy licensee. "Sorry sir," replied the tall strongly built bartender in a broad west country accent, "you be from up country and pa's rule has always said that a stranger can only have a half until he gets used to it." He grinned, pulled down a half pint mug from the shelf behind him, held it under a tap and filled it by pulling down on a large wooden handle. "Come back later, sir, I'll sell you the...

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The Road Trip

It was six o'clock in the morning when Jenny pulled up at Lauren's house. She tiptoed to the front door and tapped gently, so she didn't wake Lauren's family up. The two 21 year olds had decided to go on a four day road trip to Kent, England. Jenny was the eldest of the two being a September born, she had long blonde hair, and a big toned bum because she was very sporty. At 5'6 she was one of the taller girls at school but her boobs were well above average; her best friends said she had the...

2 years ago
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Josh and RJ Chapter 2

Chapter 2   At first they just stood looking at each other. It was very steamy in the shower, and the drops were splashing down them. Josh reached for a bar of soap and began massaging his pubic area. As the soap began to cover his taught balls he slowly began to caress them. His cock was inflamed beyond belief. R.J. followed suit and was soon moaning in ecstasy as he copied Josh stroke for stroke. They were carried up in a fantasy that they were watching themselves masturbate, but it all...

Gay Male
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Spizoo Janey Doe Valentina Nappi Janey Cheats With His Stepsister

Robbie is a nice guy. Willing to do anything for his new, sexy girlfriend Janey. Although he is nice, he is a bit naive as well. Janey isn’t exactly the angel he thinks she is. This tall, busty, tattooed bombshell has him wrapped around her finger. At night when he goes to sleep she sneaks into the other room to fuck around with Valentina, Robbie’s STEP-SISTER!!! Today Robbie wakes up early and walks in on something he never expected. What happens next is even less expected. He is...

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MMB The Great Estate Robbery

"OH MY GOD IT'S GOING IN ME PAUL!" Ashley said as my cock touched the mouth of her wet pussy. Prelude Herbert H. Williams III had died. People die all the time. There's nothing unusual about it. After all, he was seventy-eight years old. He had lived a full life. It happens to everyone sooner or later. They're born; they live; they die; they are mourned and eventually, in time, they are forgotten. But Herbert H. Williams III was unique, not because he had been quite wealthy. No, he was...

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10 Years Anniversary Surprise

I remember it like it was yesterday, for years I had been trying to get heather to do a threesome with another guy, or just let me watch as she had sex with someone. What I know now, I would might have never done it, it did not go as planned, but it did go well I guess.I tried everything from setting her up at the bar (which never happened I always got cold feet), to talking to her about it while having sex. It was always about how, and I was honest, that my dick was just not doing it for her...

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Three dicks and a dog under one roof

The Smedleys had a boarder living in the loft, a writer, an odd sort but he paid very well to have his meals brought to him. He was little trouble, little noticed, seldom seen, but the six-hundred dollars he paid in cash each month was. That money was a godsend to the Smedleys who had three teenage daughters all needing the things growing teenage daughters need just to stay abreast of other teenage daughters breasts. They went through bras like boys went through socks and would not wear...

1 year ago
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WANTED by Elaine Please do not read any further if: 1. You are under the age of 16, or 2. You are offended by explicit sexual and/or erotic writing. This long story describes situations where genetic males are offered the opportunity to live and work in the female clothes and to become members of the opposite sex. If this sort of story is likely to offend you, then please do not continue. There may be areas of attitude or technical content that might be wrong but the...

4 years ago
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Fucked Sexy Colleague Subarna In The Kitchen

Subarna, a 26-year-old gorgeous bomb joined my company very recently. She was lean, slightly fair and had big back eyes. Whenever I saw her eyes, I found it arousing. Her high cheekbones were attractive and I wanted to kiss on her chin. Subarna had thick brown dyed straight hairs that ran till her mid-waist. She had no belly around her waist as she was lean. She wore mostly fit dresses that just rolled over her skin and she looked incredibly sexy in most of them. I loved to ogle her since the...

2 years ago
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A Sexy Lesbian Experience 2

By: James Stryker "Maya, Riles! Whoa, what the heck? Why are all these clothes on the floor?" A mysterious voice asked.Riley turns off the shower and stepped out of the shower with Maya to see who was in the apartment. Riley dried herself off with the pink bath towel and wrapped it around her body while Maya wraps the white bath towel around her body. Before she could step out of the bathroom, Maya felt Riley's hand on her arm as she starts to pull her back in the bathroom."Maya, don't go out...

2 years ago
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An amazing encounter online

Thanks for the invite. I'm flattered, and by the way, your profile picture, very tasty looking cock. Thank you for accepting. I'm glad you like it here. I was thinking how delicious your cock looks as well and how nice some mutual stroking leading up to some 69 till we cum would be. Oh my... Should I admit that I'm fantasizing about running my tongue all around the head of your cock and feeling the inside and outside of your foreskin before exploring every sweet inch of your cock with my...

3 years ago
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Our StoryPart 2 The Trip

For the next several weeks Sue and I talked about our experience with Jim and Glenness and had some very hot sex. In our conversations it came out that Sue loved the feeling of being nasty and having been fucked. She had enjoyed watching Jim's big dick slid in and out of her and I told her I had enjoyed that also. I was now more aware of men looking at Sue's petite 5'4", 34B frame with a nice waist and curvy hips. Whenever we went somewhere men noticed her cute face, then her nice ass. I...

3 years ago
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Work From Home Leads To Hot Fuck With HR Manager

Hi, I am Vema, 26 years old from Bangalore. I am working in a reputed company. This is the story of how I fucked my HR manager at her flat. Her name is Swapna and she is 27 years old. She has features that look like actress Charmi Kaur. Her boobs are 36C and everyone in the office has a crush on her. I am very close to her due to my work. She trusts me and treats me as a good friend. I am fascinated by her boobs and can’t help staring at them. Now due to this Corona lockdown, we are all forced...

2 years ago
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Threesome with lesbian couple

Here is a true story about my fabulous BBW lover Claire. I didn't know it when we first met, but later on found out that she was bisexual. This didn't bother me at all, actually it turned me on.. a lot. One day when we were chatting, she asked me if I would every like to watch her with another woman. Well I was shocked and very horny at the prospect, "yes ok, that would be fun" I said, but she new that really I was gagging to watch! She said that she had a friend who was a lesbian, who she had...

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