An Incest Birthday Chapter 14- 1st Half free porn video

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I have to cut it in half so it would get submitted. Second part coming up later.

I couldn't believe what we just walked in on. Rita and I went to tell Stephanie and Chris about our relationship only to find them fucking each other, something we did not expect. To say we were shocked would be the understatement of the year. We watched mouths open as they grabbed their clothes off the floor and put them on while using the blanket on the bed to hide their naked (but already seen) bodies. After now forgetting why we went there in the first place, we finally broke from our daze to notice the scared look on their faces.

“How did you get in here, I made sure the door was locked!” Stephanie said.

“We used a library card like you did on me. I thought it would be more fun this way, you could catch someone doing something, like looking at porn, sneaking someone in the house, or in this case...”

“Fucking the daylights out of your brother,” Rita jumped in, grinning.

“Guys, please, you cant tell anyone please!” Chris said with fear in his eyes.

“How long have you two been doing this?” Rita asked.

“Rita, Randy, please, you have to promise not to tell,” Stephanie said equally scared.

Before we could respond to either of them we heard a door open and Jim and Marie slowly made their way into the hallway yawning and wiping their eyes, I knew we were talking too loud.

“Whats all the commotion out here? When did the power come back on?” Jim asked.

“Just now, we got up to tell Chris and Stephanie and see if they wanted to watch tv or something, but they'd rather go to sleep,” I said, trying to sound a little annoyed to draw attention from them.

“Sleep sounds like a good idea, you two should try it. Maybe it'll help work off some of that energy you two always seem to have,” Marie said.

It finally came back to me what we wanted to tell Chris and Stephanie, but under the new circumstances and with Jim and Marie standing there I figured it would be best to wait until tomorrow to say anything. We looked at them in the bed with a look of gratitude on their face and smiled at them as we cut out their light, closed the door, and went back to our room. Jim and Marie went back to their room at the same time we did and said goodnight and gave us a courtesy wave before shutting the door. We locked the door back, cut everything off, got back in our sleep wear and got in bed again, but after what we just walked in on, I knew we wouldn't be going right to sleep.

“Did you see them? They're having sex just like we are!” Rita whispered excitedly.

“I saw, they were really going at it!”

“How long you think they've been having sex? The way they were acting they couldn't have just started up recently, they looked too much into it.”

“I don't know, we should ask them when we tell them about us tomo- well later today.”

“I can't get that image of her on top of him outta my head! The way she was riding him reminded me of when I ride you, oh god if that isn't the best feeling in the world, sitting on my brothers cock...”

She ran her hand over my chest then slowly climbed on top of me, kissing my neck and face. “Rita are you crazy? After we just walked in on them you wanna give them a chance to walk in on us?”

“You really think they're gonna come outta their room after what just happened?”

“They might wanna come in here and talk to us or something.”

“Trust me, they won't, they're too embarrassed. But if they do then they'll catch us like we did them, its only fair,” she said still kissing me all over and at the same time easing both of our clothes off.

“You're not slick, that's just the horniness in you talking!”

“You damn right it is, seeing her ride him like that made me so horny I'll go crazy if I don't fuck you right now! Pleeeeeeease Randy, just a little quickie? We don't even need foreplay or any of that, I just wanna ride you for a little bit then you can do whatever you want to me, I promise.”

The whole time she was talking she was rubbing her pussy lips against my cock. I knew she would fuck me regardless of what I said, and truth be told I had no intention of stopping her anyway. She grabbed my cock in her hand and slapped it against her pussy a few times, lined it up with her pussy, then quickly sat all the way down on it until it was completely inside her.

“Oooooooooh yeah, gimme this cock, gimme all this wonderful cock!”

Having adjusted to the dark again I saw her eyes closed with a smile on her face as she rode me, digging her nails into my chest as she began to pick up speed. Her hips had a mind of their own as they lunged forward and back grinding into me at a pace that after a while I couldn't keep up with, so I lay there and let her ride me as she saw fit.

“Mmmmmmm god that hard cock feels so good inside my tight pussy!”

“That tight pussy feels so good wrapped around my hard cock!”

“Oh Randy! Such a perfect fit, you fill me up sooooooo gooooood, I love it,” she moaned.

She took my hands and put them on her titties and squeezed them, and I took the hint and squeezed them myself and pinched her nipples. I heard her stifle a moan as she ground into me harder and harder until she was caught between grinding and bouncing on me, but she never broke her rhythm.

“Oh yes! Did you see her fucking him Randy? Did you see Stephanie fucking her brother like I am?”

“Fuck yeah I saw it, I saw her take all of her brothers cock in her like you are!”

“Mmmmm I'm taking all of it! I'm taking all of your cock in me baby, every last inch of it!”

The way she was talking was getting me so aroused that I got up and picked her up in the air, stuck my cock back into her and fucked her standing up next to the bed. She held her arms around my neck for support and met my thrusts halfway as she swirled her tongue around in my mouth. I held on to her ass and thrust into her as hard as I can until eventually she broke the kiss and moaned into my neck.

“Randy! Randy! Randy! Oh my god! Keep fucking me like this and I'm gonna cum all over you!”

I couldn't help it, I was running on adrenaline, I wasn't stopping until I was burned out, which would work perfectly for her if she came. My balls were slapping against her while her hair was brushing against my face, but it didn't effect me any. I could hear her trying to control her breathing and knew she was close, so I did my best to keep up the pace I was at, if not speed up. Not long after that she bit down into my shoulder, hooked her legs behind me, and squeezed her arms around my neck.

“Uuuuuugh baaaaaaaaby, I'm cuuuuuuuummmmmmming! I'm cuuuuummmmmmming!”

I could feel her wetness running down my legs as she came with me still pounding into her until eventually she went limp on me. Having just come thirty minutes ago, I knew it would take a little more effort before I got off again. When she came to she noticed I was still fucking her. She tried her best to fuck me back, but her recent orgasm drained all her energy, but she still kept trying.

“I told you baby, you can do whatever you want with me, fuck me until you cum in me!”

She was pretty much dead weight in the air, so I lay her down on the bed and put her feet up on my shoulders and held on to her legs and started fucking her again, luckily I was still high on adrenaline. I could feel her moving her feet around behind my head as my thrusts into her made her curl her toes. She tried her best to keep quiet, but still let a few moans slip out.

“Come on baby, fuck me, cum in your sisters pussy, you know you want to,” she purred.

“Fuck yeah I'm gonna cum in this pussy, I'm gonna fill this little pussy up with my cum!”

Ooooh yeah baby, do it, use my pussy like you want to and shoot all your cum in me!”

She has a way of getting me fired up and she knows it. I gripped her legs harder and with the last of my adrenaline I pounded her pussy as best I could. I could feel her pussy tightening again but didn't know if she was cumming again or if she was reacting to how hard I was fucking her. I kept it up for a while until I finally felt the cum rise in me.

“Here it comes, I'm gonna cum,” I warned her.

I grunted and squeezed her legs so hard I know I left my hand prints in them, and shot all the cum I had left in me inside her warm, freshly fucked pussy. Since I came recently I knew it wouldn't be much, but I did get like three good squirts in before I collapsed on top of her, my adrenaline finally gone. As I lay on her chest I felt her playing with my hair and scooted up to her and kissed her. We took our time putting our clothes back on (like we had a choice, as tired as we were), slowly crawled back into bed and used what little energy we had left kissing.

“I still can't believe Chris and Stephanie are fucking,” Rita said after we broke the kiss.

“Neither can I. You did say everything would work out for the best, and it really did.”

“I told you so. You should start listening to me more, a girl knows these things,” she teased.

“If I wasn't so tired (yawn) I'd have a comeback, so we'll just call it a draw.”

“Draw my ass, I won! I am pretty tired though, my big, strong brother really wore me out today,” she said as she scooted into me and rested her head on my chest. “Goodnight Randy, I love you.”

“I love you too Rita, goodnight.” Sleep came really easy that night.

I woke up at 10:53 the next morning and noticed I was in bed alone, and the door was left cracked open. I shook off a little of my grogginess and told myself I'd sleep five more minutes then I'd get up. Thirty minutes later I woke up again (seriously, who really gets up five minutes later like they say they will?) just as Rita was coming back in the room in a bathrobe.

“Hey you, where you been?”

“Taking a bubble bath, oh it was great! I feel so relaxed! I felt like I was in there for an hour.”

“Why didn't you come get me? It would've been better with me there,” I said making a fake sad face.

“Yeah it would have, but you know why, silly. Now get up, breakfast is almost ready.”

I dragged out of bed and into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face, it didn't wake me completely up but it helped. We usually at breakfast earlier than this but I guess since we didn't get much sleep it was fine. I brushed my teeth and went back to the room to catch Rita before she went downstairs, but she was already gone, so I headed down and got there just as everyone sat down.

Everything was pretty normal, except the fact that Stephanie and Chris were quiet, to the point where it was noticeable. It didn't help much either that whenever Rita or I would look at them they would quickly look away. The tension was definitely there, you'd have to be an idiot not to see it. Our mother (as usual) was the first to notice and speak up about the odd behavior.

“You two ok? You're unusually quiet this morning,” she said to Chris and Stephanie.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, fine, just didn't get a lot of sleep is all,” Chris said.

“Probably when Rita and Randy woke them up in the middle of the night, took us out of our sleep too,” Marie jumped in. “If I were you Stephanie I'd have a fit for losing my eight hours,” she laughed.

Stephanie blushed. “Its ok, no big deal really. I mean its not like I have a job to get up for.”

“Speaking of jobs, Mike we should go into the office today, see if we have any new appointments, backed up paperwork, the whole drill,” Jim said.

“Sure, no problem, gives me a chance to clear some stuff up,” dad replied.

“Marie and I are gonna do the clothes thing again, were only halfway done,” mom said.

“Halfway? All those clothes you went through this week? You women...” I trailed off.

Rita punched me in the arm. “Hey! We don't make fun of you guys when you do pointless guy stuff! Anyways if we can find something to do outside the house, then were all for it.”

“Well it looks like everyone has plans, good for us,” Marie said to no one in particular.

We finished eating one by one and washed our own dishes up and left. I went upstairs and grabbed a towel and a change of clothes and hopped in the shower since I still felt all sticky and dirty from yesterday. As I was showering I shaved my pubes clean, sort of a surprise for Rita, and I kinda got tired of keeping it trim. The shaved clean look might be a good one. I got out and dried off in the bathroom and threw on some shorts and a band shirt in there too just in case someone was in the hall. That proved to be a good decision because when I opened the door dad and Jim were both out there talking.

“Ah, Randy, can you do a quick favor for me?” Jim asked.

“Umm sure, anything I can do to help,” I said fixing my hair.

“Mike and I need to go to the office, would you mind running these movies back to the video store? We'd do it ourselves but we don't have the time, and I cant find Stephanie or Chris anywhere.”

Before I could answer Rita came out of the room wearing tan capri shorts, a white belly shirt with the word “angel” on it, and white flip flops (man did she look sexy) and grabbed the movies from them. “Yeah he'll go, and I'll go with him, it'll give us a chance to get out of the house.”

“Perfect. Thanks you two. You know where the video store is? The one in the plaza?”

“In the plaza? Yeah we rode past there a few times when we came over here, its by that park.”

“Take the van, and don't crash it, or you'll have to deal with your mother,” dad said.

“We'll be fine dad, but I thought you two were in a hurry, looks like you can take them...”

“Nope, were outta here, have fun guys!” Jim cut me off as they ran down the stairs and out the door.

“Before we go lets ask Stephanie and Chris if they wanna go,” I said.

“Don't bother, I tried to talk to them and they ran in Stephanie's room and locked the door.”

“Guess they're still weird about it, well lets go tell mom were leaving then.”

We walked the few steps to Marie's room and knocked on the door, when they said come in I pushed the door open to see them both in designer dresses checking each others figure, they looked hot.

“Mom me and Rita are gonna take some movies back to the store, we need the van.”

“That's fine honey, the keys are on the mantle downstairs, don't crash it,” she joked.

“Sure thing mom, just call us on our cell phones if you need anything.”

“Ok honey. Wow Marie you look great in that dress! It shows off your curves nicely, wait, here, push your tits up more, like this, and pull them out soooo... there! Now you really look hot! You have the perfect body for this dress, your tits are so squeezable in it!?

They must have forgotten we were still there because mom was feeling Marie up right in front of us, and Marie let her! She was giggling right along with mom as she squeezed her titties in that tight dress. I just stood there and watched her do it, until I felt Rita staring a hole into me.

“OK GUYS WERE LEAVING NOW!” Rita yelled, to which mom and Marie gave her a nod and wave of their hand and went back to their”business” as we left down the stairs.

I smiled to myself knowing she was looking at me because I was looking at them, but I think I hid it pretty well. I grabbed the keys and before long we were out the door, in the soccer mom van and heading down the street to the video store.

“Did you like that, watching mom feel Marie up like that?” Rita asked over the radio.

“I won't lie, I did, and you did too. I saw you biting your lip, don't try to play innocent.”

“What? I wasn't... I didn't... ok I did, so what,” she pouted in defeat.

“Its no big deal, we were just looking. I wouldn't mind seeing you and Marie get a little touchy feely though, maybe mom and Stephanie with a little Aunt Lisa thrown in,” I joked.

“Oh be quiet you man! I told you before the only woman you need to be looking at is me.”

She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and started to feel me up, but it was short lived as we pulled into the plaza and parked in front of the video store. We went in and dropped the movies off and went looking around for new ones to get. We were walking pretty much shoulder to shoulder when I felt her grab my hand and hold it, being in a public place I panicked.

“Rita what are you doing? Someone could see us in here!” I whispered.

“Relax, no one knows us here, we don't live on this side of town remember? As far as they know, were just a young couple spending time with each other,” she said, her face lighting up as she said it.

It dawned on me that she was absolutely right. “You're right, we can actually act like a couple!”

“Mm-hmm, and I can finally do something I've been waiting over three months to do...”

Without warning, she grabbed me and kissed me right there in the middle of the store. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her back. It felt so good to finally kiss in public, even if it was just a video store. When we broke the kiss this elderly couple was looking at us smiling, and we couldn't help but smile back and blush a little, finally feeling like a real couple for the first time. We walked around the store hand in hand looking for movies, and exchanging kisses every while, but we didn't see anything we liked, so we left out and walked around the plaza.

“Did you see that old couple looking at us kiss?” Rita asked smiling.

“Yeah, I thought they were gonna tell us to get a room or something.”

“That made me feel so good, kissing you in front of everyone like that. At least around here we can act like a couple and be affectionate with each other,” she said now grabbing hold of my arm.

“I know, if it wasn't for that stupid storm we could have been out here way sooner.”

“At least were here now. Come on, lets go to the Dairy Queen over there, we can share a banana split, we can feed it to each other and be all romantic and stuff,” she giggled.

I nodded and we made the short walk to the Dairy Queen. We ordered one banana split and picked a table outside so we could be together in public some more. Instead of sitting across from me she sat next to me and we fed each other pieces of ice cream. She would scoop up a piece of ice cream and feed it to me, and I would break off a piece of banana and feed it to her, it was pretty romantic, and it felt that much better doing it in public. Whenever she spilled some ice cream on my face, she would lick it off, then kiss me, and go back to feeding me.

“I don't know about you but I'm loving being like this with you,” she said.

“I'm loving it just as much as you are,” I said and purposely let some ice cream drip on my face.

“Here let me get that for you,” she said and licked it off me again. “What do you think Stephanie and Chris are doing right now?”

“I don't know, probably still hiding from us, yelling at each other, figuring out what to do.”

“We need to tell them they're worrying for nothing, and tell them how much we love each other.”

“We will, as soon as we go back, but for now, lets just think about us,” I smiled.

She returned the smile. “I don't think that'll be hard to do.”

We finished feeding the ice cream to each other, getting a few looks from random people and couples that walked past us, and we loved it, it was like we were being acknowledged to the world. When we finished we walked hand in hand to the van, kissed a little, got in and drove off, unsure of where to go next, but not wanting to go back to the house so soon.

“Where should we go?” I asked.

“I don't know, somewhere we can relax and have fun, and where a lot of people are.”

I thought back to the conversation I had earlier with dad and Jim. “How about the park?”

“Ooh that's perfect! Its public, and we can be alone too if we wanted,” she said and winked.

We made the drive to the park and got out to see that it was pretty occupied today. There were people everywhere, kids playing, people walking their dogs and playing frisbee, and couples walking on the path, we decided to join the other couples and headed for the path hand in hand. Rita seemed so cheerful, every time we walked past a couple she would swing our arms forward showing them we were holding hands as if to say “hey look at us, were together” without actually saying it.

She looked so happy, smiling big for everyone to see with her long blonde hair blowing in the wind, her blue eyes and pearly whites sparkling in the sun that's been missing for nearly a week, the pep in her step that made her tits jiggle and her ass sway with each step in her flip flops, this was one of the best moods I've ever seen her in, and it was wearing off on me. Out of nowhere she starts to giggle, but when I looked at her she would stop and look away, smiling. Then without warning she let out a big scream/laugh and jumped on my back. I tried to shake her off but it wasn't happening.

“Shake all you want, I'm not going anywhere,” she laughed.

She had her arms and legs wrapped tight around me still giggling, and I knew she was right, she wasn't going anywhere, not unless I did something. I grabbed her legs to make sure she wouldn't fall and took off running down the path with her on my back. The plan was to get her scared thinking I might fall and she'd jump off, but I made it worse because she was enjoying herself even more, laughing even louder. I loved it when she laughed, but at that moment we were being competitive, and even though we were completely in love with each other, we were still brother and sister, so I had to win.

“Ok then Rita, try holding on after this!”

I walked into the grass and started spinning around as fast as I could. She always got dizzy before me so I knew I had the edge over her, and she knew it too.

“Heeeey, nooo faaaaaair! You know I get dizzzzzzzy fasssssssssst,” she slurred.

“That's the whole point, you can let go at any time now,” I teased.

Instead of her letting go like I planned, she brought her arms down to my and started tickling me, and I stopped spinning and started laughing and dropped to the ground, just like I'm guessing she planned. I exploited her weakness, and she exploited mine, and they had us rolling around in the grass trying to best the other and end up on top, the whole purpose of our wrestling matches.

“Don't fight me Randy, you never win,” she giggled, making me laugh right along with her.

She didn't know it, but before we started seeing each other, I sometimes let her win just to feel her body on top of mine. Even though it never got sexual, it was things like that which made me notice her. It brought up great memories of when we used to wrestle when we were kids, or even a year ago. It still had the same effect, us laughing and playing around having a good time, but now it was different, more intimate.

The way we would grab each other and play it off as an accident, or rub against each other when it wasn't necessary, or the way we would look at each other as we were fighting for control, yeah the brother/sister relationship was still there, but it was being overshadowed by the deep love we now had for each other. Eventually she got the best of me and pinned me under her, but instead of tickling me to death until I gave up like she always did, she leaned down and planted the softest kiss on my lips.

I was in complete awe of her at that moment, here we were innocently wrestling (well, almost innocently) just a moment ago and now we were making out in the park for everyone to see. She never ceased to surprise me at how amazing she could be. After a while of making out we managed to draw a few onlookers, (some being parents with their kids) and were forced to cut it short. We got up, wiped ourselves off and walked back along the path until we came to a semi-secluded bench looking out at the good part of the park. We sat down and watched kids play and couples walk past holding hands, and before I knew it, we were making out again. She had her hands on my cheeks holding me in place as she kissed me, softly moaning into my mouth as she did it. We kissed for a while before we finally broke, and I pulled her close to me and held her as she sighed and melted into me.

“I love you Rita, I love you so much.” I said and kissed her cheeks. She looked at me with her bright blue eyes as if she were about to say something, but it got caught in her throat. “What's wrong?”

“Every time you tell me you love me I feel like I wanna cry,” she said fighting tears.

I looked in her eyes and watched as they shimmered with all the love she had for me, and it took all I had in me to stop myself from getting too emotional as well. “I know the feeling, I love you so much. I love you more than anything or anyone, even myself, and nothings gonna change that.”

A single tear ran down her face. “I love you Randy, I love you I love you I love you,” she said in between kisses. “I know I'm saying it too much but I can't help it, you mean the world to me. No ones ever gonna take me away from you, I swear, I love you so much.”

I held her with my arms wrapped around her until we regained control of our emotions, then we started making out again, not caring that the area we were in was suddenly getting populated. Some time later when we had enough kissing we just sat there huddled up next to each other. She put my arm around her and grabbed my other hand in both of hers and kissed it as she smiled at me.

“I'm so happy whenever I'm with you,” she whispered, then laid her head on my shoulder.

I don't know how much time passed or how long we stayed there, but it felt like forever. We didn't even budge until my phone started ringing and I dug it out of my pocket to check the caller ID, it was mom.

“Hey mom.”

“Don't “hey mom” me, what are you two doing, it doesn't take that long to drop off movies.”

“Were not doing anything, we stopped for some ice cream then when to the park, that's all.”

“Its true mom, were just at the park sitting with each other,” Rita said into the phone.

“Mmm ok, but I know you did something, you two can't keep your hands off each other. Anyway, I'm calling to say get back here, your father and Jim are taking us all out to eat.”

“Ok mom we'll leave in a little bit, that should give you and Marie some more “personal” time.

“Ha-ha very funny, just get back here or you two and I are gonna have a little “personal time.”

“Ok, mom bye.” I love how much our relationship has changed in so little time.

Rita let out a sigh and squeezed her body into mine. “Do we have to go right now?”

“Yeah, dad and Jim are taking us out to eat, I guess they're on their way back to the house now.”

“I don't wanna go, its been so perfect being out in public with you, what if we don't come back?”

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Middle eastern wife 1st time in glory hole

We are a middle eastern couple. I am 45 years old and she is 37 years old. We have a very good life style, our sex life is also so good as we both are liberal .When it comes to sex between both of us. We tried role play with so many fantasies, we tried toys and dildos, specially I wanted her to feel a massive cock size without involving any one. our dildo is 8 inch long and 2.5 inch wide.We are typical middle eastern couple. She is shy apart when we are together in sexual intimacy.After saving...

2 years ago
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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 2 Daughters Anal Birthday Gift

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Daughter's Anal Birthday Gift By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Melissa Young – October 2018 I was nervous in the changing room. My eighteen-year-old body quivered as I stared at the outfits before me. They were all so much more adult than I was used to wearing. When Daddy said he wanted to take me shopping, I was so shocked. He never wanted to take me shopping, but when my college classes got out,...

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My 1st Sexual Encounters

1987-88 12-13YRS old I was sitting in the lounge room on a sat morning when my mum chased out a boyfriend & she was totally naked. This was the 1st time I had seen my mum or any woman naked in the flesh. I can still picture mum’s hairy fanny, her slightly small saggy tits. Later that day when everyone was out I went looking through mum’s draws & stuff looking for any porn. I found a Mayfair mag & some of mum’s satin lacey knickers. This was the 1st time I tried on a pair of mum’s...

1 year ago
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A Memorable 21st Birthday

Hey guys, I’m back with another story about my 21st birthday. I hope you’re all doing well and safe. So this incident is basically one that I’ve been requested to post by quite a few people. It is a memorable one, so here it is. This was the first time I had a foursome, and it was absolutely amazing. I hope you all enjoy it. Here’s a short introduction about myself. I’m Sarah, 24, living in Mumbai. I’m bisexual, and my stats are 36-28-36. Coming to the incident. It was February 2018, one day...

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A Memorable 21st Birthday

Hey guys, I’m back with another story about my 21st birthday. I hope you’re all doing well and safe. So this incident is basically one that I’ve been requested to post by quite a few people. It is a memorable one, so here it is. This was the first time I had a foursome, and it was absolutely amazing. I hope you all enjoy it. Here’s a short introduction about myself. I’m Sarah, 24, living in Mumbai. I’m bisexual, and my stats are 36-28-36. Coming to the incident. It was February 2018, one day...

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My 1st time with a man while dressed and 1st anal

The following story is true.I have been dressing in my wife's sexy clothes at home off and on for a while because I love the feel of hose and panties. My wife and I are swingers, actually we do mostly cuckold swinging but I am free to be with women if I want. I have sucked some of her dates cocks beside her. I love being on my knees beside my wife sharing a cock. One time we met a guy and she had came down with a bad headache, we explained that she did not feel like doing anything but we...

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1st time in Germany True Story

I posted an earlier story about losing my virginity. Xhamster seems to be cutting off parts of titles and I meant to say only names have been changed and the story is true. This follow on story is also the same. Names have been changed but the events are true. As mentioned in my 1st story, I graduated from Basic Training and was assigned to Fort Stewart Georgia for my 1st assignment. I lost my virginity there to a Monica a white BBW that was 19 years older than me. Once I went over to...

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My 1st time ever

I was 18 years old. It was my ever. My name is josh miyahi. I was going out with my girlfriend, Ashley for around 7 months. We were crazy about each other but weren't too physical. We had never felt each other under are underwear or seen each other naked. I had only felt her over her bra. I had never seen her breasts either. She hadn't ever felt my cock. She was my 1st love and also 1st kiss. It was the same for her. I am 5foot 10inches, fair skin, long straight black hair, light brown eyes, a...

First Time
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My 1st time with a guy Thanks for the birthday g

So the summer between High school & college I was visiting a family friend, Rick who lived on the other side of town. Rick was about 10 years older than me and married to Amy for about 5 years. I had known Rick for what seems like forever as Rick's family and mine went back for years, as my father went to school with his older brother and Rick was always hanging around with them. Anyway, as I got to know Rick over the years we both had an interest in photography and Rick had become almost a...

3 years ago
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My 21st Birthday Wish

Chapter 1: The Plan I was woken by a knock on my bedroom door and sleepily called out "Come in." The door opened and in trooped the boys bearing a tray loaded with a full cooked breakfast. "Happy Birthday Dear Mary..." they all chorused. Still a little groggy from sleep I sat up and had the tray placed across my lap. "How sweet of them," I thought, brushing away a tear as I noticed the single rose decorating the tray. They all had grins a mile wide across their faces and moved to sit...

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21st Surprise Birthday Party

I considered myself lucky that when I moved into my first apartment I found a roommate who also wanted to be my fuck buddy. That itself is a topic for another story, but I will say that from the time we moved in together we had great sex. Every night before going to sleep Jim (my roommate) would fuck me and deposit a thick load in my ass then every morning he'd give me a good morning fuck and some times he'd bend me over in the shower. Let's just say I was quite content with the amount of sex I...

Group Sex
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My 21st Birthday

Its my 21st birthday, and im heading out to the bars with some buddies of mine. We get into the bar and we all order a round of beer. after about an hour and a half im 5 or 6 beers deep and im starting to feel decently buzzed, and then my eye catches someone. I had been looking around to find a hot piece of ass all night since it was my birthday, so how had i not seen her?! I nudge one of my friends and say " dude, check her out man! bet she fucks so hard! I'm gonna go hit on her" my buddies...

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Raghav8217s 1st Sex At A Spiritual Place

Hello Girls and Aunties… My name is Raghav. I live in Anathapuram/A.P. I’m a Smart, Handsome & Charming Boy with 5’8” height. I look Average (Weight = 54kgs) but I have a 6 inches Penis and only this matters to satisfy all the girls and aunties. For me, the length of the Penis doesn’t matter but the way you approach and how well you can satisfy the Women only matters because it is nowhere written that all those with 8 inches or 9 inches or 12 inches Penis can only satisfy women. I generally...

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1st Incest Sex Experience With Sex Lordest Cousin

As i told you this was my first story plz ignore mistakes. This story is about me n my cousin Sneha. She is daughter of my aunty (mom’s sis).I have crush on her from my childhood. Hardly we get chance to meet at festive of rakshabandhan at mama’s house. Mama lived in M.P. Aunty lives in Indore. She visits our house only my cousins have holidays. Let me introduce my cousin my love. She is 20yr old with bomb figure 34-28-36.She fair in color. I’m of 22yr n m doing engineering in Pune. Baat 1yr...

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1st time sucking cock

this is a totally true story about my introduction to sucking cock,it was an amazing experience & though Im married & haven't done this often I cant wait to do it again.To make a long story short I was out with a group of friends for a get together we have annually,on this given night while out, we ran into a mutual friend of everyone(except myself,I knew of him but didn't know him personally)as the night progressed we were bar hopping & "steve"asked if we would like to go to his...

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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 01 Futas First Naughty Birthday Chapter 1 Lolas Hot Birthday Surprise

Chapter One: Lola's Hot Birthday Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Lola Albertson “Today's guests are the six futa-sisters who organized the campaign that got their mother, Becky Woodward, elected president of the United States last year,” Adelia Tash said as she sat in the central chair of her streaming studio. My sisters and I, plus my wife, were seated in two couches flanking her. I was to the left, Jen at the end, with Rebecca next to me and Christina beyond...

2 years ago
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Tina and the Stuffed Pussy Chapter 5 18th birthday party

Friday rolls around and I eye my night’s uniform with mistrust. It is a pretty straightforward school girl uniform. Pink and gray plaid skirt that is a little short but modest compared to my normal uniforms, white blouse, pink push-up bra which will show through the blouse a good bit, and pink panties that have a lacy crotch with a little ribbon bow on them. I don my uniform and Sylvia gives me a pair of pigtails with pink ribbons. “Well aren’t you just all the boy’s school girl fantasy...

1 year ago
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My downward spiral to becoming a slut Chapter 21 Happy Birthday Scott

Even how I saw Sherri that morning seemed different. I didn’t see her so much as the enemy but instead as the person who saved my life. We ate our breakfast and headed to school. As we parked I was even surprised when she took a moment before getting out of the car and asked me if I was okay. I nodded and put on a smile and opened my car door but I was appreciative that she asked. I only needed one thing to be sure I had a chance to make it through the day and I found that as soon as I...

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My 1st Threesome

My GF of 2 years, in the 1st year always asking me if id like to participate in a threesome with her, FFM. Well as she was previously a lesbian on 8 years i can understand the reasons. But i have always been faithful and honest, not wanting to push the boundaries, only fantasise about them.She has a friend in her own country which i will call Dee. I had a dream about having sex with this friend, well i told my GF this and she then went and told Dee which was nice of her...Dee then decided that...

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My 1st sex experience with virgin student Sofia

Usually I’m a late riser. One day morning my mom was screaming at me to wake me up. Someone had come to my room. I woke up reluctantly and wringed my eyes and took my specs. Then I saw the man. He was my neighbor. I knew him. He said, “Are you a maths tutor? “ I replied yes. He asked me that if I had time to teach his daughter. I knew her too. She’s Sofia. First I told him that I had not enough time but I didn’t refuse his offer. I was agreed to teach her from the next month. On the very 1st...

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Gave my 1st Blowjob

If any of you have read my previous posts you'll know ive had a fantasy of sucking cock. Ive had it for quite a while, but i never felt i could meet with a man on his own, I would rather it be with a couple. In my head it just wouldnt seem as "gay" if there was a woman present, it would be just something that happened in the throws of passion. I could suck his cock for a while and if i didnt like it i could move away from that and go back to fucking his wife.But as some of you can imagine its...

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1st Sex With Syamala Aunty Part 2

Hi readers, This is Rajesh from vijayawada. I’m a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories from past 5years but never posted a story, this is my first narration so please excuse me for any mistakes and encourage me with your feedback on   Nenu telugu vala koasam ee story Telugu rastana…This my 1st sex of my life … Story starts now.. this story is very long so I decided to divided into parts …This is 2nd part of my the story…   Na Peru Rajesh memu vijayawada unade valam ma family lo 3 member...

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My 1st Sexperience With Virgin Swati

Usually I’m a late riser. One day morning my mom was screaming at me to wake me up. Someone had come to my room. I woke up reluctantly and wringed my eyes and took my specs. Then I saw the man. He was my neighbor. I knew him. He said, “Are you a maths tutor? “ I replied yes. He asked me that if I had time to teach his daughter. I knew her too. She’s Swati. First I told him that I had not enough time but I didn’t refuse his offer. I was agreed to teach her from the next month. On the very 1st...

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Daughter of My 1st Love Maid 8211 Part I

It so happens that sometimes this daughter, of my 1st Love maid comes to do the household work, when she is either not well or has to go out. And whenever I go out of station, I make it a point to call my 1st Love maid on her mobile every time and many at time this daughter picks up the phone and recognising me passes it on to her mother. My 1st Love maid’s name is Vedna (changed) and her daughter’s name is Kamna (changed). As such Kamna, I am sure, is quite aware that there is an affair...

1 year ago
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My 1st sexperience with virgin student Swati

Usually I’m a late riser. One day morning my mom was screaming at me to wake me up. Someone had come to my room. I woke up reluctantly and wringed my eyes and took my specs. Then I saw the man. He was my neighbor. I knew him. He said, “Are you a maths tutor? “ I replied yes. He asked me that if I had time to teach his daughter. I knew her too. She’s Swati. First I told him that I had not enough time but I didn’t refuse his offer. I was agreed to teach her from the next month. On the very 1st...

First Time
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The 40th birthday present Chapter three

The 40th birthday party - Chapter Three This is a continuation of The Birthday Party and it would be best to read Chapters One and Two as this is not a free standing story. Jane's Return The following week, Jane could hardly contain her excitement when I collected her from work and she only just managed to hold herself back until we were in her apartment before flinging herself around me and hugging me. Interestingly I noticed she still did not kiss me. The room was warmer...

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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 01 Futas First Naughty Birthday Chapter 3 Christinas Naughty Birthday Gift

Chapter Three: Christina's Naughty Birthday Gift By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Christina Franks Everyone was staring at me. I felt the cameras on me, my cheeks growing redder and redder. I didn't like being in the spotlight. I preferred being back at my office in the White House, analyzing situations and reporting them to my mother, the president of the United States. It was what I was good at. Not talking to people. Why did I agree to do this interview? Leah...

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Tina and the Stuffed Pussy Chapter 6 Birthday Presents

I wake up Saturday morning to the smell of bacon and coffee. When I walk into the kitchen I see Eddie flipping bacon on the stove while Toby sets the table. It is so wrong after last evening that I want to scream and throw Eddie out of the apartment but I know I can’t. I am irrationally angry as I go over to the fridge to get a glass of orange juice. How dare Eddie come over to my personal space and play “happy little family” after what he’s done to me! “Happy birthday Teenster!” Eddie...

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The 40th Birthday Present Chapter One

The 40th birthday party - Chapter one The office Annabelle was sweet, but she was beginning to demand too much. Now she wanted me to go down on her! "Listen," I said "My wife is the only person that gets that treatment from me. You know what I like, so hurry up, we haven't got all day." "It would be nice if you treated me like a lady just the once, instead of some sort of common slut." "If the shoe fits..." "What's that supposed to mean?" "I didn't ask you to come...

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Chapter 5 How my wife turned into a slut Annas 30th Birthday

It’s my birthday today and I know that my husband Chris and our Michael are planning something big. If you haven’t been reading the other chapters Chris and me wanted to have a threesome and that is when Michael became our new friend they would both fuck me in my mouth, pussy and ass. They would tie me up and whip me hard. They would also use all kinds of toys on me the biggest been a 12 inch long 3 inch thick dildo. Over the last couple of months we have gotten more torture devices so the two...

Group Sex
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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 24 Brads Big Birthday Bash

Gary's Golf Outing Chapter 24 - Brad's Big Birthday Bash Gabrielle woke up early Saturday morning with morning wood, even though she had spilled a copious amount of cum the night before when Kay fucked her with her squirting dildo. I guess sleeping between two gorgeous girls all night could contribute to that condition. Kay had fucked Heather the night before, too, but, of course, Heather had no visible signs of arousal. "Would you like me to take care of that for you, Honey?" Kay...

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Since we were little, my cousin and I had been close. We lived in the same cities as our fathers were always working together, so if they moved, we moved. We were always in the same schools, had the same friends (mostly) and we always knew what the other one was up to. There were no secrets between us. We told each other everything and trusted each other with our lives. When puberty hit we started drifting apart and even though we still spoke regularly, we knew things were changing between us....

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An Incest Birthday Chapter 14 2nd Half

 The second half of Chapter 14, enjoy.We went outside and got in our van since we were taking two cars. We sat all the way in the back and made a fake wrestling scene fighting over the last seat so no one would get suspicious. We shared the seat like we planned and pulled out and followed behind the Wilson's to where we were going. It was dark enough where mom and dad couldn't see what we were doing, so we took advantage by feeling each other up as much as we could get away with, mostly on the...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 27 Rons Happy Birthday Part Two Afternoon Delight

Chapter Twenty-Seven – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Two – Afternoon Delight Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, grope, hp, magic, spank, unif Ronald Weasley had just had an exceptional dream; in it, Hermione had come to his bed in her slutty school uniform, tight floral panties and an extremely horny demeanor. His dream was so vivid, so life-like, that...

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 23 Birthday Bliss or Blues

Chapter 23: Birthday Bliss or Blues Repercussions from the swim debacle followed, the school principal wasn’t happy that I had been pulled out from detention by Bill. But after a meeting where my Mom came in to discuss what happened, he understood what had happened, the coach was meant to be at the meeting also, but had abstained, saying he had more important things to do than deal with a whining student. He had given the principal his reasons for his decision in a previous conversation...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 34 Bonus Chapter ndash The Holiday Stories 02 ndash Paulrsquos Birthday

I held Erin and kissed her and pulled out of her, laughing my ass off. We walked hand in hand down the stairs, my penis still erect. As we hit the ground floor, I heard a voice. “Oh daddy. Look at that.” “Oh oh!” “Taylor, you and your sisters and mommies have a ‘gina’ and daddies have a penis. Sometimes, when daddies show their love to mommies, it gets big.” “Ok!” That was it. Keep it simple stupid! Right? After putting the older girls to bed, my wives and I White Castle farted ourselves...

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My 21st Birthday with Krystenah and her Master

I had been counting down the days until my 21 st birthday for as long as I could remember. Now that it was here, I felt disappointed. My friends were great to come out and help me celebrate. The bartender even tolerated our shouting and toasting. When he asked for my ID, I slapped it down on the bar in triumph. But it was a week night and my friends had long since left. The cute bartender’s smile was starting to look strained. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I just felt like something was...

4 years ago
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My 21st Birthday with Krystenah and her Master

I had been counting down the days until my 21 st birthday for as long as I could remember. Now that it was here, I felt disappointed. My friends were great to come out and help me celebrate. The bartender even tolerated our shouting and toasting. When he asked for my ID, I slapped it down on the bar in triumph. But it was a week night and my friends had long since left. The cute bartender’s smile was starting to look strained. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I just felt like something was...

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Sarahs 21st Birthday Surprise

It was my girlfriend's birthday (21), we had decided to take a holiday abroad for it. Sarah always tanned well in the sun. She is 5'10, slim, long blonde hair, tits that cradled nicely in her bikini, one of those asses that you have to grab when you see it, and a baby-face innocent look about her too, yeah that one were you just want to cum all over it!So here we were on the night of her birthday, abroad, enjoying a nice quiet meal together. Sarah was wearing a low v-neck neck black top that...

1 year ago
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Mia Chapter 9 Happy Birthday Jesse

Mia sat in the Resident Adviser’s office with her laptop open. Since Jesse was working all weekend they couldn’t exactly make plans to go on a second date, so she decided to keep him company on one of the evening shifts. She stared at the screen trying to find some inspiration for her assignment that was due on Monday, but reading her news feed on Facebook wasn’t exactly the source of information she needed. Jesse was on the phone taking calls. It wasn’t a busy night for him, but like Mia he...

First Time
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April 1st

It was late March and I was reading the newspaper and I found some interesting information from Wikipedia about April Fools’ Day I thought I’d share it before telling my story. April Fools’ Day is celebrated every year on the first day of April. Popular since the 19th century, the day is not a national holiday in any country, but it is well known in Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil and the United States, and it is celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other....

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My 1st Mature

This story is completely true. A while ago i was in a pub after work down my local and after about my 3rd pint a group of 6 mature women walk in so as im male i look over and give them the once over. 1 caught my eye so after a while she came up to the bar to order a bottle of wine so i say the usual chat up lines but none of them worked and my mates laughed. When she walked back to her mates she must of said something because they all looked at me and giggled like a school girls. So after...

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My 1st 3 Some

I had met "Ted" back when the aol  chatrooms were still good, when I was alone I'd post in one of the local m4m rooms looking for cock. He answered my ad one day had me meet him at some beach so I could suck him in his truck. Ted was a big bear type but was very hot  , when I got into his truck we made small talk for a while,then he pulled his cock out told me suck it.It wasn't a very big cock , maybe 5-51/2 but was pretty thick , I loved he held my head pushed his cock into my mouth , he...

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When I was 17 ( in 1972 ) I worked in a grocery store. At that age if it was female & breathing it was fair game. I started chatting up a young black girl 3 yrs, older than me. After a few weeks of flirting, she asked me to her apartment.Got there on a fri. nite & it was 420 time. During our smoking & talking I admitted I,d never been with a black chick.This was 1972 in a very small south costal Texas city so this was considered very taboo at that time. She smilled, stood up &...

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1st sexual experience Summer of 1958

I have been ask if I was m*****ed by an older man because I sucked my 1st cock when I was only 13? NO I was not m*****ed by an older man. My 1st experience was with a boy I went to school with, he was also 13. Ricky had a tent set up in his back yard. The summer of 1958 and I used to spend a lot of time in the tent with Ricky as he was my best friend. We were not very popular with other k**s in school,we both wore glasses and were small for our age. One sleep over nite we were talking about...

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1st Foursome mfmf

I'm a musician and had joined a new band. Very successful band that traveled and has a great rep, but not a national act anyone would know. Cover type of band. Most everyone in the band had either a sexy wife or hot girlfriend. I heard some of the members in the band would fool around maybe even swing. My girlfriend and i had a nice sex life, had been together for about 6 months, but fucked almost every day. She was 29 and I was 28 at the time. I have a smaller cock only about 5-6 inches, she...

4 years ago
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My 1st interracial threesome

I met a guy and he came to my hotel after meeting him on a social network site. He was 6'2 and around 225 pounds military man. We instantly hit it off when he came into my room and gave me a passionate tongue kiss. He then dropped his pants and I sucked his hard 7 1/2 inch cock, he then ate my sweet ass pussy until I couldnt take it any more. Then he topped me and gave me a huge load. About 3 weeks later, he said he wanted some more, I told him that I was super horny and always wanted a 3sum. I...

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How do i get my 1st sex with man name is chamara silva.people call me from india.but I was in sri lanka.this story tell how I get my 1st sex with day I went my friend house by bus.the bus was full of people.but I was midlle of the bus.after few minitse I get somthin around my was rubbing something.i looked back was men rubbing his cock inn my back.i think he was just 45 years old but in bus nobody can see it.i get so sucked from it.after bus stop at the stand.we all get down from the...

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my 1st time as a cuckold

i always wanted to see my wife/gf getting fucked by a big cock. maybe the fact that my cock is not quite 5 inches has something to do with it... anyways, i asked my 1st 2 wives to do it with no luck, then i met Bonnie. with long slim legs and 38DD's she was a knockout! after dating for just 2 weeks i confided my fantasy of watching her getting fucked by a guy with a huge cock. she looked at me , smiled, and told me she knew just where to go- a seedy adult theater. i told her that i'd go in 1st,...

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