The 40th Birthday Present - Chapter Three free porn video

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The 40th birthday party - Chapter Three This is a continuation of The Birthday Party and it would be best to read Chapters One and Two as this is not a free standing story. Jane's Return The following week, Jane could hardly contain her excitement when I collected her from work and she only just managed to hold herself back until we were in her apartment before flinging herself around me and hugging me. Interestingly I noticed she still did not kiss me. The room was warmer than usual and she explained that this was because she had a "special" outfit for me. She asked if she could keep it a surprise until I was completely dressed by putting the corset, stockings and make up on before putting either the gaff or panties on. Naturally I agreed to this, however she did say that once dressed as described, she would blindfold me and dress me with only my touch to guess the outfit. No problem, thought I, and this was an excellent decision. The corset was a red leather one that I'd only worn once before when dressed as little red riding hood, so once the make-up was on and set (she had covered the mirror and did this herself), she gently placed the (red) wig on my head, then tied a silk scarf over my entire head. "Lift your left leg, sweetie," she gently instructed. Naturally I guessed that these were thigh high boots by the feeling of them coming up my legs, however I was not prepared for the heels - later discovered to be 7" with a 2" platform - and struggled to stand, therefore she sat me down on a stool. My boner would have been plain to see, however she ignored it completely as she connected the boots to the corset. She then asked for my arms behind my back and put them into a bondage device that effectively bound my hands together, with the palms facing each other and the end of it connected with a ring, which this time would be connected to the bottom of the corset and the boots, making movement incredibly difficult. She then put a very thick collar on me which I later discovered was a 2" wide posture collar, ensuring my head would not be able to look down. This was important in her plan. Next I felt her kissing my nipples, then rubbing some cream into and around them, ensuring that they became engorged, allowing something to be attached to my nipples, but fortunately not in a painful way. This time though there was a light chain attached to each screw-on nipple clamp and these were attached to the collar (once more I discovered this later in the mirror). A ring was put onto my extremely hard penis and this was pulled up, but it was only later that I discovered the chain attached to the corset from this ring also. I was supported on the heels and led to where I knew the mirror was, then my ears had the heaviest clip on earrings attached to them that I'd ever worn. They reached down past the posture collar and caressed the bare skin on my shoulders, then with one hand on my buttocks, Jane removed the silk blindfold and I looked in awe at the slut in front of me. From head to toe I was dressed in red. The boots were leather - as I'd suspected - however I was pleased she had not tightened the nipple clamps too much as I felt my nipples growing more, beginning to hurt a little at the sexy sight in front of me. Not only that, my boner had grown to what I thought was an impossible size and was constricted by the ring. Turning me to an angle of about 45 degrees to the mirror - presumably so we could both get a decent eyeful of the action - Jane simply knelt and took my cock into her mouth, pushing the ring back when it got in her way, even if it did cause me some temporary pain. After all there was nothing I could do. My ankles were also linked with a chain that meant movement without support would be very difficult, however as she sucked and licked me to my first orgasm of the night, my nipples became more swollen and I felt the pain of the clamps as I erupted into her mouth. At the point of eruption, she pushed her finger into my bum hole and this seemed to increase the intensity of my ejaculation. Whether it was that or the way I was dressed, who knows, all I knew was that it felt wonderful. Jane took me back to the stool, then pushed me forward until my head was on the table. She then connected my ring (at the bottom of my hand/arm restraint) to something and tightened it, ensuring that I could only partially raise my head off the table. Jane disappeared behind me and I was a bit concerned that my bum was going to get more of the same treatment, which did not appeal, even allowing for how intensive it has made my orgasm moments before. She reappeared with some food in the table and began spooning some pasta with a tangy sauce into my mouth. This was awkward as swallowing was difficult due to the angle of my body, however with Jane doing all the work, I seemed to satisfy her desire to feed me. Mind you it was one of those "one for you and one for me" events, with Jane enjoying the food as much as I. The dessert was yoghurt and fruit, although she preferred to use her finger to feed me, rather than the spoon. Needless to say, her finger missed my mouth and spread the yoghurt over the area surrounding my glossy lips which required a lengthy tongue session before she was satisfied that I'd got it all. Next her yoghurt covered finger found its way to my bum hole and as I clenched to prevent entry, she simply whispered "please" in my ear, so naturally I relaxed and began to enjoy her ministrations. Not long after the fruit and yoghurt were finished, Jane was feasting on another dessert as her mouth brought me to my second orgasm of the night and there must have been more than one of her fingers inside me at the time I ejaculated. She then removed the stool, leaving me in a very precarious position atop 7" heeled, high platform boots with my hands connected to the ceiling preventing me from getting upright. She then came round the front of me and lifted her very dull grey pleated skirt over the top of my head - although still over her very plain cotton underskirt - and asked if I would like to suck her off. "Of course I would Jane, but wouldn't that be mentally difficult for you to let me?" "Possibly, but probably not as difficult as you would find it Queen." She replied enigmatically. Thinking I might get her to change her mind, I reached out to see if I could tongue her through her slip, only to be rewarded with a hard slap on my left buttock and she removed herself from my front. "That was a bit unfair Jane, I was only trying to provide you with some relief." There was no reply, simply a tightening of the rope pulling me downwards even more and my hands further up. This had the effect of pulling me further onto my heels, therefore I stood as still as I could and did not speak. Eventually (probably only a minute or two, but it felt longer), the tightness was released and I felt my bonds completely relaxed. Straightening up - which was a difficult and painful act, especially as the corset bent into my waist again - I began to massage my bum with the edge of my own hands, then felt Jane loosen my bonds and I eventually brought my hands to the front to rub some circulation back into them and my shoulders. Jane then left me to get disrobed and redressed in my male clothes and not a word was spoken as I left her that evening. Perhaps NOT surprisingly, when my wife demanded attention that night and insisted I wait for her before ejaculation, she was delighted that she had three orgasms before I came and fell asleep on top of me with my member still inside but softening slowly. 40th Birthday arrives About a month before my fortieth birthday, Samantha asked if I would like to go away for the weekend of my birthday. Given her increased sexual activity, as well as her lovely kinkiness, this seemed like a perfect way to celebrate, so I replied with something along the lines of. "Well as it is supposed to be life begins at 40, why not spend it away from the house. Is it just you and I or were you planning on inviting others?" "If I do invite others, there will not be many, as I want to ensure this is a birthday you will REALLY remember..." She smiled. Then winked. I grabbed her in my arms and kissed her, upon which we ended up in the bedroom for a quick session that she seemed to orgasm too quickly over, but this let me off the hook and in only a few minutes we both appeared satisfied, but physically drained. Pure animal lust. The weekend of my birthday, she asked if I minded being blindfolded in the back of the car as she wants the trip to be a surprise, but promised that I will be released from the blindfold not long after we arrive at the destination. Of course I agreed to this, and I could feel a distinct swelling in my loins as she put the blindfold on. Once it was on, she whispered in my ear... "Now to stop you cheating, give me your hands behind you." Eager as ever, I did so and found my fingers and hands thoroughly trussed in a soft, silky feel material, then pushed gently onto my side with a cover put over me, in order that I am not "embarrassed if we stop at traffic lights." We drive for ages, with my mind going wild about the possibilities. She has really got into this for the past year, so all sorts of wonderful scenarios popped into my head. Eventually we come to a stop, the engine is switched off and I hear Jane's heels on gravel, so naturally think it must be an exclusive hotel, the blindfold will come off soon. But no, I am guided to an upright position, then out of the car and after about fifteen steps on gravel, through an open door, across a carpeted floor and into a lift. Surprisingly,the lift descends, then she leads me along a corridor, then down eleven steps, a few further steps and then through another doorway, which closes solidly behind us. A soft leather cuff is attached to each wrist and the ribbon is released, but before I get the chance to stretch my arms, they are hauled upwards and I twist to ensure that they are easily above me, rather than behind me. I am stretched to tip toe, then I feel my belt being loosened. My clothes are all removed and my erection is absolutely raging, even if I can feel my toes on a cold floor. "Just feel this soft shower sweetie." Samantha whispers in my ear and I do feel the pleasant warm water running over my body and she soaps me up, rinses me off and pats me dry, then seems to massage me all over, using some form of cream, really concentrating on my legs, bum, around my genitals, surrounding my nipples (incredibly erotic in itself), finishing with my armpits, shoulder blades and neck. The next thing I feel is something gently scraping along my legs, starting at the top of my feet and working its way up, getting close to my genitals and bum hole but not actually in it. Continuing upwards around my nipples and my armpits I realise that this is probably some form of hair removal experience and say. "Is this necessary Samantha?" "Indeed it is Queen, but we have a little more work to get you totally smooth, so just hang in there for now..." Queen? Did she really call me Queen? Has Jane been blabbing to her? Next thing I feel is my hands being lowered slightly but this is only to allow Samantha to force my legs apart and a leg spreader being attached, then I feel a razor blade being used on my balls and around my anus to a very strict level. Needless to say I stay very still and quiet as my erection descends. "Much better, now you will really enjoy this more." I hear her say. The next several minutes are spent with a sweet, flowery smelling cream being massaged all over my body, it is given time to absorb before I feel a soft, satiny type garment being wrapped around me, followed by a corset, which Jane begins to tighten and then explain. "I have read that men who want to be dominated also enjoy wearing these feminine clothes, so thought I'd find out for myself if you are a transvestite. Don't worry if you are sweetie, I still love you and appreciate you giving so much effort to holding back for me these past several months. Going by your erection, it would appear that you do enjoy this, which is just as well as I have some gorgeous clothes for you tonight." The corset was tightened to an uncomfortable, but not painful level, then Jane removed the spreader and asked me to lift my left foot - which I did - and I felt the incredible experience of stockings being slid up freshly smoothed legs, a soft slipper being put on "to protect the sole of your stocking" and then find four suspenders on the corset being attached to the stocking. Although expecting this on the right leg, the feeling is still overly stimulating as Jane rolls the other stocking up and connects it to the four suspenders on that side. "There, those will not come off easily tonight now, will they?" asks Samantha seductively. "Do you want me to answer?" I ask hoarsely, my voice barely above a whisper with the incredible sensuality of the situation. "Not really, however I do want you to feel your stockings are really secure tonight, which is why there are eight clips on this gorgeous corset. I'm almost jealous of you wearing it sweetie - but you deserve it. Mind you, we'll never get these lovely knickers on you with that tent pole sticking out." Her mouth surrounds my penis almost straight to the bottom of the shaft and I feel her rubbing some cream on my anus, then her finger goes inside, followed by another, then another, whilst her other hand alternately digs her sharp nails into my buttocks, the side of my hips and the area just above my groin, giving me such sweet, painful pleasure that I last about thirty seconds before shooting everything left in my body into her mouth. At least that is how it feels. As I soften, I feel her fingers working away inside my anus and it is not the most pleasant feeling in the world. Asking her what she is doing, she simply says. "Preparing you." "Eh?" is my intelligent reply. I feel her fingers coming out of my bum hole and the gap is very quickly replaced. "What's that? "It's a butt plug sweetie, just enjoy the effect it has on you." She whispers in my ear, then I feel a gentle buzzing in my rear end as this is clearly a special butt plug. Not too happy where this is going, I resolve to keep quiet for now as she has obviously put so much into this arrangement and - apart from the butt plug - this is looking like being the experience of a lifetime. Next I feel the shock of ice on my balls as Samantha says. "We don't want to spoil the outline in your panties tonight sweetie." Although never having worn one before I suddenly find I am encased in some form of chastity device and I feel it being drawn between my legs and attached to the laces of the corset. "This is getting a bit weird Samantha." "Oh I don't think so Queen. This is going exactly as you have said you want it to." "When?" "All of your life I suspect, but more so over the past few months. Just hang on a few more minutes and you will see." Next I feel the soft, satin fabric of French Knickers being drawn up my legs and all I can think is 'I hope they match my corset'. Then there are two breast forms pushed inside the corset and with a bit of pushing I feel that the cleavage is probably as good - or better - than when I've done it myself. Following Samantha's instructions, I raise my feet and feel a dress being pulled up my legs and attached round my neck in a halter style, with the clip at the back - although it did sound like a VERY solid click. Then there is the rustling of petticoats being drawn up my legs, and a bit of fluffing is going on as I realise this is a very short dress. Finally, I have very high heel ankle boots replace the slippers that are protecting my stockings and this time there is no mistaking the click of a padlock at each ankle. "Your arms and hands are going to be very stiff, so I'm going to bring them down slowly then massage some life back into them." "Thanks." I reply, for no real reason. Samantha is true to her word, however before realising that she has finished massaging me, I find my arms are being laced into the type of arm, elbow, wrist and hand restraint that Jane used on that wonderful experience, although this can not be connected to the corset as my skirt and petticoat gets in the way. It does allow me to feel that the skirt/dress is made of a satin type material - which I love - then I hear Jane saying... "Now I know that you will enjoy this next item, as it will restrict your head so much that we will be able to get your face looking perfect. Lean your head back slightly." Without thinking I do so and find a posture collar being put round my neck, with yet another click indicating that this is not coming off easily either. This one is not a simple two inch collar though, as I feel the pressure on my chin and the side of my head, ensuring my face is looking slightly upwards. There seems to be no room for movement up, down or indeed side to side. "The beauty of that device is that it makes sure you cannot look down when I take your blindfold off. This is important as I don't want you looking at yourself until you are ready. But be prepared as the light is going to be bright so I'll give you time to settle before starting on your face." As the blindfold came off, it was incredibly bright and true to her word, Samantha took time to allow me to adjust before moisturising and toning my face then spending ages doing it up. False eyelashes, white and black mascara, black eye liner, but everything else seemed pink - at least what I could see as she was careful to avoid me seeing too much. Next came a couple of dangly earrings, followed by a simple pendant that I could feel resting in my cleavage, then a 'big' wig. At least it felt big. "This wig is being fixed with theatrical glue as it has a tendency to come off with the extra weight, but I think you will love the effect it has. Now let's see how you look." She stood back and went into shadow and it was only then that I realised that I could not see the rest of the room. Next thing a series of overhead lights came on, all shining at my body and there reflected in front of me was the wet dream of most college age boys. From the back combed, platinum blonde wig, the overly garish make-up with huge eyes and lips, down past the highlighted cleavage, beautiful - but slutty - short, pink dress, which could pass for a French Maid's one if it had an apron, although the scarlet petticoats made it stick out so much that there is little chance of any work being done with it, this outfit screamed here is a girl ready for sex. Then the six inch patent leather ankle boots ensured that she was not going to run off, but I have to say my legs looked absolutely gorgeous and I felt myself bending my knees to one side just to make sure they really were mine. If I had not been in the chastity device, I would have come there and then. Samantha appeared beside me, dressed exactly the same as me, including the enormous wig and I felt her hand caressing the inside of my leg just above my stocking tops. "Do you like? "Indeed I do, honey, thank you for this wonderful birthday present. How did you know?" "Let me show you..." She led me over to a high stool, suggesting I take care when sitting down to avoid too much pain from the butt plug. Once sat down, she connected my arm restraint to something behind me, bent down and clicked the ankle boots onto the stool, then finally connected the posture collar to three places. Two at the front, but a bit off to each side and the last at the back. I was effectively immobile - and loving it. "Watch this," she said. A screen lit in front of me and what appeared to be an advert ran, introduced by Jane. "This is Queen "Sally" who would like to share her journey with all of you boys and provide you with what you really want. She always wears a corset and stands 6' 1" in her stocking feet, but naturally wears heels so might tower over you, but loves to get on her knees, so will be very accommodating in whatever pose you want. She is into bondage, has excellent 'O' and 'A' levels and loves to hold a cock in each hand whilst being spit roasted. Perhaps her own words are best here..." As Jane's image faded out, I began to feel sick. Then my image came into the screen, but it was me the guy. There was no attempt at hiding the fact that I was a guy, I just sat down at the camera and began to do my make-up. Badly. In fact, I now realise it was VERY badly. The editing was fabulous with my voice suggesting what I was looking for. Every now and then, you would see someone help me with the make-up, but never their face and it was always followed by a girly 'thank you' or something equally feminine and my skill increased and I began kissing myself in the mirror (which is clearly where the camera had been hidden). Then, a different camera cut and the words that came out must have been those spoken to Jane's Mum. "Although I didn't sleep with my boyfriend, we were really serious and I was hoping that we could." I remember apologising to Jane's Mum as Jane had said how conservative she was, but instead she had encouraged me to continue, giving me some examples of her exploits, so my heart sank as I knew what was coming. "Oh yes," I gushed... "The idea of having a big juicy knob in both ends is wonderful and I can't wait to try that." There was more and the advert finished with an email address and mobile number, advising that preference will be given to those who respond with pictures first. As the image disappeared, I really wanted to throw up, then Samantha was in front of me. "So, 'a big juicy knob in both ends' is it Queen Sally? Well, if that is what you want, that is what you will get for your birthday. "NOOOO," I almost screamed. "No need to be so loud sweetie, this room is sound proofed and no-one will hear you anyway, but it does hurt my ears. "But I don't want any of that. It's all trickery." "I know that of course, however it is my way of getting back at you for all of your infidelity over the past fifteen years." "Fifteen years?" "Yup, you thought I just knew about Annabelle, well I have known since your Sales manager's wife back when you started being unfaithful. So have a think about this..." She paused for effect, then continued. "You can have that video posted on a couple of well known transvestite contact sites, or you can change your ways to my way of thinking." "Anything Samantha. I couldn't go through with that advert, it would destroy me." "And what about what you have put me through the past fifteen years. How destructive do you think that has been?" "Sorry, but you know I've been faithful the past year." "Apart from Jane giving you blow jobs of course." "But Jane did it to set me up. "With my blessing, but don't tell me you have been faithful when you haven't." The silence was oppressive. "What do you want me to do?" "Wear female underwear at all times, checked whenever I want each day, changing from your work wear to completely female when you come home and for the entire weekend, keeping your entire body free from hair below your eyebrows. Oh and a plastic chastity device when you go overseas." The consequences of all this were immense... I looked at Samantha and she was smiling. Not cruelly, just satisfied, almost with relief. "Is that it?" "Not quite, but I need you to agree to that first." "What choice do I have?" "The video on the websites we discussed." Another long pause, then "Yes" "Excuse me?" "I said yes." "Yes to what Queen Sally?" "To what you have asked me to do." "Oh no, you are not getting away with that. I want you to explicitly state what you are going to do in penance for all the hurt, tears and sleepless nights you caused me. Let me hear it... Now!" "From now on I want to make sure you trust me Samantha, therefore I will always wear female underwear to work, as we both know I would not expose myself to ridicule if so attired. In addition, I want to show my abject apology by dressing as feminine as possible around you and our house when not in work. Why don't I help you with the household chores as well?" The latter was thrown in, in desperation." "Why thank you Queen, it will be nice to have a Queen doing my washing up." More silence. "What else do you want me to do?" "Satisfy Jane orally." "Excuse me?" "Satisfy Jane orally." "Why would you want me to do that?" "Because she has been so sexually frustrated over the past year that she needs you to give her the relief - and not just the once by the way, as often as she needs it." "Are you serious?" "You would not believe how serious I am with this." "OK." "OK to what". "Any time that Jane wants oral relief I will provide it, as long as this is what YOU really want me to do." "Once more, your dick leads you into trouble. Jane, can you come in now." After about ten seconds, the door opens and in walks Jane, except it doesn't look like Jane. The mousey girl has gone and in her place is a vision from the 1950s. Well, perhaps vision is too strong, as she will never be beautiful, however her red patent 5" heels, shapely calves, big bright yellow skirt held out by shoe matching red crinolines that reaches to her calves, topped off by a beautifully low cut frilly matching yellow blouse and a shoe matching red 3" wide belt all display a much more interesting style. Whist I would not want her on my arm for a normal night out dressed like this, she had also taken time to make sure her hair was perfect - it might just be the wig I wore to meet her "mother" - and her face was flawless, beautifully made up, with a glowing smile. Even her cleavage looked inviting. "Do you still think he'll back out Samantha?" "I think he'll try." "Let's use the horse then." As Jane walked, her crinolines swishes sexily and her hips swayed gloriously. It was a pity that I could not see more of her, as the posture collar prevented me from following her clicking heels. From behind me, Jane wheeled out a contraption and stopped it in front of me. Although I could not see it, I did not have a good feeling. Samantha began... "Although you have agreed to these rules, I WILL add others as I see fit, and you best be very good otherwise your potential clients on the websites will be very upset." If it could have, my head would have slumped. Instead I just barely nodded. Jane and Samantha bent down on each side of me and I felt my legs being moved and connected to something. Next the arm restraint and posture collar back connection were slackened off and I felt myself being forced forward. As I went down to the horizontal, then slightly below horizontal level, I picked up a little of what I was being lain on and I suppose a horse was a good word for it. I felt a strap being tightened round my corseted waist and realised that my legs were wide apart and my butt was very vulnerable. The posture collar was clicked into something and I felt the angle being adjusted. Then my arms were being raised. This was not going to be a comfortable situation. I jumped as a hand began caressing my leg above the stocking top, then felt a body lean on top of mine, slightly off to the side to avoid my arm restraint, but then nibbling my ear. It was a really odd experience to have all that hair moved out of the way to be able to reach my ear, but then Jane's heels clicked into view and she said. "Are you ready Queen Sally?" "Yes" She lifted her skirt and crinolines and deposited them over my head, reaching down my back where it was bare at the halter and caressing it with the soft petticoats, at least in the parts between that arm restraint. All I could see were crimson red colours everywhere and Jane kept moving her petticoats around me, rubbing my back with them as Samantha continued to rub my legs, both above and over the stockings and occasionally straying to my panty covered bottom. Then just as Jane is getting close enough to eat Samantha says. "You better not back out now Queenie, if you don't provide the oral relief to the level that you would expect, not only will the video be posted, but your buttocks will be flayed raw." I couldn't help tense my buttocks and at that point Jane finally lifted her petticoats close enough for me to see... Her prick! A jutting, proud member of around only three or four inches, but still it was a prick. "Open wide Queen," said Samantha. I did and almost gagged as Jane's prick slipped inside and came straight away. "Don't you dare spit. If I see a single drop you will get ten lashes of the cane." I swallowed, gagging as I did, but I swallowed. It was awful, but I tried to tell myself this was better than being on those websites with the video. It was over in a few seconds, but it seemed much longer, but her prick did not leave my mouth. It began to soften, but then Jane said - in a very hoarse whisper. "Thank you Queen and sorry it was so quick, but I have been saving it up for you. Next time it will be slower. Put your tongue to work now." And I'm ashamed to say that I did. Trying to think of what I wanted to happen to me meant that I almost detached myself from the process, but every now and then she would push too hard and I would gag a bit, then she'd pull back, slow down and I'd have to build it up again. It does seem strange in hindsight that I gagged on her small penis, but it was definitely gagging at that point. It seemed to me that if I got her to come again quickly, this would be over soon. Then I felt the butt plug buzzing increasing and Samantha's hands spread further over my lower back and upper legs. Jane's prick never tasted good, but it began to get bearable. I was rarely gagging now and I could feel her getting close again, so I stepped up my concentration and almost missed the butt plug being removed. Then there was pain in my anus... There was a much larger plug being put into my hole and I was being stretched beyond reasonable. My wife's head then appeared under Jane's petticoats and she looked at me before saying tenderly. "I love you with all my heart and still find it difficult to believe that you have hurt me so many times over the years, therefore I really hope this will be the worst thing that I ever do to you, but you better not stop providing Jane with her pleasure whilst you are receiving a little pain." Then she kissed my cheek and was gone. Next thing I felt the pain lessen as I realised there was a real life prick in my arse, as the head had passed my sphincter and it was sliding slowly into me. Then there were two hands holding my upper thighs that were clearly not Jane's or my wife's as they felt less smooth, as well as much larger. These hands gripped my thighs as high as possible, just below the bottom of my corset and they began holding me tightly as he pulled out slowly and began to push in slowly again. Fortunately he had not pulled out past the bulbous end, therefore there was not the painful stretching that had happened when he had entered me. Jane spoke. "Now I know this is what you wanted Queen, but don't concentrate on the pleasure in your bum at the expense of my pleasure, unless you want to feel the cane." Needless to say I concentrated on sucking her small cock into my mouth and found that it was quite easy to get some of it down my throat, given that it was not a large one, but it did not stay in my throat long as I realised I was now being fucked by an unknown guy, therefore I could not control how long Jane's cock stayed in the throat and I found that I was struggling to keep her in my mouth. She clearly realised the challenge that was facing me and began to hold onto my wig (thankfully the glue held) and we were both being rocked by the power of the man behind me. At some point I realised that I was being used as a cum dump and almost began crying, but found that by concentrating on the technique of giving Jane real satisfaction, by remembering everything that I enjoyed and trying it on her, I managed to control my emotions. At no time did I find the anal pleasurable, although it had long since stopped being painful. The pace of my anal fucking really speeded up and I knew that I was about to have a load deposited in my anus for the first time in my life. Jane's hands gripped my wig harder as she was clearly excited by the scenario and I felt, rather than heard, the grunt from behind as he stopped with his member deeply inside me and let go his load and pumped several times into me. I realised that I was gripping his member with my bum muscles, so forced myself to relax, just as Jane erupted her load in my mouth. Fortunately this time, her load was very small and I had little trouble in swallowing it all, in fact I was so concerned about the terms that my wife had lain out, as well as the video that I had just seen, that I took time and care to ensure that Jane's penis was well cleaned and she could not possibly complain about the oral treatment she had just received. As Jane began to ease herself away from me and the petticoats and skirt fell back, I tried to look round to see who was behind me, but the posture collar did it's job and I felt the man ease out of me, then there was a soft towel being used to wipe around and slightly inside my hole. After a few seconds of this, some cream was used to sooth my flaming hole, then another butt plug was put in. This was significantly larger than the first one, but as I had just been stretched by a real penis then it seemed pointless to complain. Samantha appeared at my front and held her hand up to my lips. "Were you aware that you ejaculated without having a hard on sweetie?" The look on my face must have told her that I had not realised that, so she continued. "In my hand is everything that I could catch as you came, whilst it may not be a cream pie, this is one of the additional rules that I was talking about. Any time that you ejaculate, you - or someone who is being kind to you - will have to ensure that your come is swallowed completely. So go on, start licking and be aware that Jane is behind you with the cane." A light tap of the cane on my buttocks gave me all the encouragement needed and I put my tongue into my wife's hand and started lapping up my own come. Once again, it was not pleasant, but did not make me choke, or feel sick and I thought, perhaps this is not going to be as bad as it might appear. Slowly, my heart beat came back to normal and then a blindfold was put on me. At some point the chains connecting to the posture collar must have been removed, although I don't know when, then I was helped to my feet, partially because of the sheer exhaustion that was running through me, but also because I could not stand on the 7" heels with my hands bound behind my back and my limbs were very stiff. Moving not very far, I found the arm binder being removed, then soft ribbons being attached to each wrist. Next I was pushed back onto a bed and helped to move upwards until my feet were on the edge of the bed. At this point my arms were stretched out to each side and fixed tightly, but not uncomfortably, with the ribbon. Next a strap was put over my waist and again fixed tightly, but not painfully. The same was done at my thighs and my ankles were stretched to the side, ensuring a slightly uncomfortable position. Feeling movement on the left side of the bed, I felt legs raised over me and then lowering onto my face. With relief, I felt my wife's very wet pussy settling gently on my face, hence I began doing what I knew she liked and used my tongue and lips to ensure she was bucking on top of me within a few short minutes. She had clearly been turned on by the whole affair, hence she stayed on me for a second orgasm, which again did not take long to happen. At some point she must have left the bed as I woke with the pleasure of the butt plug vibrating against the insides of my anus. And it was pleasurable! Amazing that I would admit it, but being fucked by whoever did it to me was certainly nowhere near as pleasurable as this gentle buzzing inside of me. This happened several times, therefore I was not sure how long I slept for, nor how long I was lain on the bed in this position. The next day was my actual birthday and I had a mix of trepidation and anticipation as I woke up, thoughts running through my head about where this was going, then I heard a door open...

Same as The 40th birthday present - Chapter three Videos

3 years ago
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Sherees 40th birthday bang

For my wife Sheree's 40th birthday, i promised her something spetacular for her birthday. I bought her a sheer lace bra, panty, garter set to wear with 3 in heels and took her to a nice restaurant and then hotel. Once she was down to the lace I tied her to the bed and called a friend in a room on the same floor of the hotel, who had 5 guys all under 22 waiting to fuck her as a surprise gang bang. It only took a few minutes for them to get there and I introduced Sheree as the birthday girl and...

1 year ago
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40th Birthday

I'm just your average white guy, nothing special. average height, average weight, average looks, not a gangster, but not a nerd eather. I'm married with children and I work and live in Fort Collins Colorado, doing the everday stuff that people do. I fish and camp in the summer and snowboard in the winter. My 40th birthday was this last January and I wanted that Birthday to be the one to remember. My best friend is working at one of the resorts up in the high country, so I decided to go stay...

2 years ago
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Maries 40th birthday surprise

She woke frome the noise of her alarm as she does every morning at this time but this morning there was a difference it was her 40th birthday and what a birthday it was gonna be little did she know her husband had a big night planned for her. She stumbleedd out into the kitchen for a shot of coffee and found a card from Jayson and she opened it it was a beautiful card as usel but a letter fell out she thought my what could this be and she had to open it right away she begin to read it the...

2 years ago
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40th belated birthday

Chapter 1It was a few years ago, my wife had done exactly what I'd asked her to do - for a change - and completely ignored my 40th birthday. I mean come on, people say don't make a big deal, but deep down that just means Hey Make a big deal!So anyway the monday after the weekend of my non celebration i was back at work. i work as a rep for a computer sales and leasing company, so Monday i picked up my sheet for the week and hit the road.I had three calls to make that day and the last of them...

2 years ago
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My 40th Birthday and my Slut wife

This is a true story, it happened on my fortieth Birthday which fell on a Friday several years ago now. All that I have done is changed the names of people in it, the places are real, but alas the place that this event took place can no longer be accessed by the public as several large concrete blocks have been placed across its entrance. All week leading up to my Birthday, my wife had been hinting at a big surprise for me on my Birthday night! I tried several times to guess at my surprise but...

1 year ago
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My wife gets 40th birthday suprise

My wife, Kelly, turned 40 and was feeling a bit down, so we decided to skip the big birthday celebrations and just go out for a meal. It was just the two of us and I had bought her some nice jewelry and had booked a cruise for next week. We were enjoying our meal and my wife was enjoying the wine and was beginning to feel tipsy. I could not drink as I was driving and when we finished our meal we payed and left. One the way home in the car Kelly started to talk about how she fancied the waiter...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Mothers Birthday Present

Mother's Birthday Present By Bobbi Gold My name is Robert Gold. My mother calls me Bobby. In my mind, I like to think of it as Bobbi. I am 17 years old. I have been reading stories on Fictionmania since I was 12. I know the name of the site has the word FICTION in it, but it sounds like a lot of the stories on here are true, or at least partly true. Obviously the ones about magic and spells are not true, but some of the other ones, especially about girlfriends or wives or...

2 years ago
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Tina and the Stuffed Pussy Chapter 6 Birthday Presents

I wake up Saturday morning to the smell of bacon and coffee. When I walk into the kitchen I see Eddie flipping bacon on the stove while Toby sets the table. It is so wrong after last evening that I want to scream and throw Eddie out of the apartment but I know I can’t. I am irrationally angry as I go over to the fridge to get a glass of orange juice. How dare Eddie come over to my personal space and play “happy little family” after what he’s done to me! “Happy birthday Teenster!” Eddie...

4 years ago
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Introduction: SISTER GIVES HIM ONE THEY WILL NEVER FORGET This story is a continuation of a very short story posted on the sex stories forum Feb 13, 2007, the day before my own 72nd birthday. Today is the day before my 74th birthday. WARNING DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CONTENT. AGAIN THIS STORY HAS SOMETHING TO OFFEND EVERYONE. MY PROFOUND APOLOGIES IF I FAILED TO INCLUDE SOMETHING TO OFFEND YOU. Contents: underage, sibling m/f sex, oral, anal, incest,...

2 years ago
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Mothers Birthday Present Part II

Mother's Birthday Present, Part II By Bobbi Gold Author's Note: I would like to thank everyone for their kind reviews. When someone takes the time to write something and post it here, it is really nice to then read that people have read and enjoyed what you wrote! Some readers suggested that I take my true story and continue it, but more with my imagination. I decided to try that here. So my story continues, but this time from my mother's point of view. Of course, this is...

3 years ago
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WARNING DO NOT READ THIS STORY IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CONTENT. AGAIN THIS STORY HAS SOMETHING TO OFFEND EVERYONE. MY PROFOUND APOLOGIES IF I FAILED TO INCLUDE SOMETHING TO OFFEND YOU. Contents: underage, sibling m/f sex, oral, anal, incest, dad/son, dad/dtr, mom/son, mom/dtr, water sports, lactation, family sex. BROTHER’S BIRTHDAY PRESENT (From her point of view) I saw my brother in the kitchen. I thought I will get him this time. I had on my skimpy black...

1 year ago
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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 10 The birthday present

It had only been two weeks since I left Villiers and escaped the direct control of my parents. And, maybe not all that surprisingly, I could still notice how their views and attitudes influenced my thinking. It would probably take a lot longer for me to become completely free of their grip on me. It was easy to deal with the openly declared opinions of my father because I could tell from my own experiences how wrong they were. My mother's influence was more subtle. Her favourite statement...

2 years ago
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Chapter 2 Demarcuss Birthday Present I Return Home To My Husband

I awoke Saturday morning, slightly confused. It took me a moment to get my bearings. I opened my eyes trying to figure out where I was, and how I got here. My head was resting on the muscular chest of a large back man. I was in my best friend's bed, naked, with her husband. Okay, I remember. Slowly, it came back to me. I was Demarcus's birthday present last night. My vagina was sore from the abuse it endured at the mercy of this very large and well endowed black man. That's right, at my best...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Mothers Birthday Present Part III

Mother's Birthday Present, Part III By Bobbi Gold Bobby and I got a last minute reservation at a nice restaurant in town. I left my lunch outfit on, but after I did my little lipstick presentation for Bobby, I freshened up the rest of my makeup. I put a few strokes of mascara on, added a little blush, and added a darker, plummy eye shadow for more of a nighttime look. Dinner was, well, it was a little weird. Because, Bobby and I always had this completely "normal" relationship. ...

3 years ago
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40th Reunion

This story is 100% fantasy, none of the names or places is real and none of the events have occurred in real life to my knowledge. Any similarity between this story and any actual event(s) or person(s) is purely coincidental. Often in life little bits of a conversation or a phrase used by another leads my mind to run wild in an erotic fantasy. And so it is with this story. It is based entirely on one phrase written to me via a text message by member of To protect this...

1 year ago
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His 40th Bday

I spent most of the day at Jimmy’s house helping him prepare for his 40th birthday party. It was 5 o’clock in the afternoon when we were all done and weren't expecting anyone for the next hour, the house looked spectacular. I was literally exhausted, the doorbell rang and his first guest came in, it was his sister; she brought a half minivan of gifts for him. I helped carry the gifts inside “Jimmy” I pulled him to the side “have to go home and get ready” I whispered to him “thought you said you...

1 year ago
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It was the early eighties, a rare, long and hot English summer as we made our way from the stuffy airless mining village into the cool clean air of the countryside in our tiny Fiat 500.I was wedged into the back seat of the small white box with the bags, booze and presents ready for my Mum's 40th birthday. She and her twin, Aunt Tina, were celebrating at their new place deep in the Dales. Her husband, Uncle Dave, had done well under the new government and had been a part of a, then new fangled,...

1 year ago
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40th Reunion

This story is 100% fantasy, none of the names or places is real and none of the events have occurred in real life to my knowledge. Any similarity between this story and any actual event(s) or person(s) is purely coincidental. Often in life little bits of a conversation or a phrase used by another leads my mind to run wild in an erotic fantasy. And so it is with this story. It is based entirely on one phrase written to me via a text message by member of To protect this...

3 years ago
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Mommys twisted Birthday Present

An original story by Starrynight. Enjoy: Audrey felt her eyes closing as she tiredly dragged herself up the stairs all the way to the third floor. She fumbled through her purse for the keys and unlocked the door. She put her purse down and yawned as she looked around her tiny two-bedroom apartment. It was 7 am and the stuffy little house was silent. Audrey quietly stepped over to her small bedroom and removed her jacket. She was wearing her nurse's uniform underneath, and although she was...

4 years ago
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Mommys twisted Birthday Present

An original story by Starrynight.Enjoy:Audrey felt her eyes closing as she tiredly dragged herself up the stairs all the way to the third floor. She fumbled through her purse for the keys and unlocked the door. She put her purse down and yawned as she looked around her tiny two-bedroom apartment. It was 7 am and the stuffy little house was silent. Audrey quietly stepped over to her small bedroom and removed her jacket. She was wearing her nurse's uniform underneath, and although she was dead...

2 years ago
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Demarcuss birthday present

My name is Christine. I am a stay at home housewife living a comfortable life with my husband, Tom. I met Tom at the University of Colorado in Boulder during my sophomore year of college. He invited me to coffee one day after class. We seemed to hit it off immediately. We began dating exclusively soon after our coffee date. We were married upon Tom's graduation in May, 1992, more than twenty three years ago. Upon graduation, Tom accepted a very good paying position with an energy company. The...

2 years ago
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A Birthday Present for Lisa

As we’ve talked about before Lisa and I have always had a fantasy about her being fucked by a black man and it finally happened in an exciting adventure in the sleeper of a big truck.   After the experience with that black trucker my wife talked about it all the time and how exciting it was for her.   Lisa loved the guy that had sex with her but in all the excitement she forgot to ask his name or anything about him so that made her a little depressed.   Luckily for me I remembered...

2 years ago
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Her Birthday Present

It was finally my birthday, and I felt really excited. Mother said she was going to reward me with something special. She wouldn't say what it was, but said it was for all the hard work I did over the summer. We had a bumper crop that fetched a good price. The stores were full and we had a tidy sum to put into savings. Mother said there was more than enough left over to buy me a special present. I wondered what "special" meant and couldn't wait to find out. It was my fifteenth birthday....

3 years ago
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Coreys Birthday Present From His Loving Wife

I use an adult web site to find friends to meet  and I recently received a long letter. It read as follows.  Hello my name is Shari. I live in Dorchester and I am 5'6 130 34c black woman. I am married to a man who is 6'2”, black with a perfect body and he has nine inch cock. I was wondering if you could do me a huge favor. My husband visits your profile on line, at the adult web site a lot, and thinks you are gorgeous. I know you are a full swap couple, which unfortunately, we are not. My man...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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My Birthday Present Part 3

I dove into the pool, naked, to join Jewel and José. The water felt cool and refreshing. I took a quick lap, passing my step-daughter and her brother-in-law as they played grab-ass together. Their laughter was muffled a bit by the water coursing by my ears as I swam the length of the pool. When I touched the far wall I held on to the side and looked back at them. Jewel and José were in the shallow end and Jewel had her arms wrapped around José’s neck. They were locked in a passionate kiss....

1 year ago
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Birthday Present for Wife

"So?" I asked cryptically when I opened the door. "So?" he mimicked my tone and a sly smirk formed on his lips. "Oh come on. You have to tell me what it is?" I pouted. "It's my birthday. I deserve to know." He stepped through the doorway, closed the door behind him, and then pressed me up against the wall with his lips on mine. I inhaled the woody scent of his cologne as we tasted each other. My pussy quivered in excitement; the heat of arousal brewed between my legs. He...

1 year ago
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My Birthday Present

I finished my Saturday morning yard work about twelve-thirty; grass mowed and edged, water-feature cleaned and water added; barbecue scrubbed down for steaks, later; patio hosed off, and the few weeds along the fence-line, pulled. Ruby and Roxy, my two, three-year-old basset hounds, romped on the new-mown lawn. Roxy took off running, Ruby close on her heal, baying for all she was worth. Up the hill they went, around water-feature and back down to swarm around my legs. Roxy ducked under the...

1 year ago
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Birthday Present

Prologue This novel was written four years ago by Vickie Tern and Rhonda Wagram. It began when Vickie posted her story "Girls' Night Out," and Rhonda wrote Vickie suggesting how it might be continued. Rhonda is the author of "Baroness Gloria" and "Fashion's Slave," two superb TG stories. Her ideas stimulated a great deal of creative play as both of us sketched out story lines, assigned each other different chapters, and agreed to over-write each other's drafts. The tasking...

3 years ago
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A mothers present for her sons birthday III

The morning the day before her son´s birthday, Sofia Guevara was actually surprised by his behavior, but never really understood his intentions behind his sudden restraint. After she made that promise to him for his birthday, David had been relentlessly trying to cum all over her whenever the opportunity presented himself. Of course, he still continued to ogle, grope her, and kiss her whenever he could, but he didn’t try and get her to swallow his load again. “Morning, sweetie!” Sofia called...

4 years ago
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The Birthday Present

The Birthday PresentShe had been planning her best friend, Lily’s, birthday present for months. Accumulating the necessary equipment she would need to ensure that her present went off with a bang. She knew Lily loved dominating men and she was going to give her one on a plate, to do anything she liked to. Here the final stage of her plan was swinging into action. It was a Friday night and she was out on the town hunting for a suitable candidate.It didn’t take long for her to spy a tall, well...

3 years ago
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My Husbandrsquos Birthday Present

I called my husband Ray on his cell phone rings and told him to come to a hotel that is 30 minutes away. I gave him the room number and told him I have a present for him. I had left the curtain slightly open as I was getting ready for him to arrive. My dress is laid out neatly on the bed along with stockings and a pair of high heels. He knocked and his eyes almost popped out when I answered the door completely naked. I have spent the afternoon doing my hair and make-up. I had a manicure and...

4 years ago
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Nathans Birthday Present

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you are below 18. This story takes place ten years after the events of Project Phoenix. It's not a direct continuation, but readers unfamiliar with Project Phoenix, may want to read it first to get a better grasp of what's going on. Finally, I'd like to thank for the encouraging comments on my first story. Thanks a lot gals & guys :) Nathan's Birthday Present By...

2 years ago
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The Birthday Present The Rewrite

"Jan has a serious crush on you," Belinda informed me as we were driving home.She was speaking of the daughter of our best friends. I met them during the end of the CB radio craze that swept the country in the late seventies. We had all just joined a local CB club about a month apart and became friends. We would spend our Friday nights at the club's dinner meetings sharing one table. Afterward, I would spend the remainder night at their house playing cards, watching TV, or just hanging out in...

4 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 21 Birthday Presents

Her eighteenth birthday was rapidly approaching, marking the point at which she would join me as a recognized adult, at least in the eyes of the law. I wanted to mark the occasion for her, making it as memorable as I could. I didn't want to just get her a present, or have her name tattooed on my arm. I wanted the occasion to be as personal as I could make it, and to mark it as something special between the two if us. An idea finally germinated in my mind, and as I worked on it, it began to...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Birthday Present

I'm Julianne, and about five years ago, I lost my parents in a tragic accident. They both died in a truck accident out on the bypass. It spun out of control, and unfortunately I just had my best friend to go to. I must have cried for about four days straight after their funerals. My best friend Adam was there for me in through thick and thin. He stayed with me every minute I was feeling horrible. He took care of me and worked, as I got to go to college. Now we're both twenty-four, and living in...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Belindas Second Birthday Present

Belinda's Second Birthday Present! ? by; Belinda Brookes. It started two years ago at the age of 58. I thought that I was the classical closet heterosexual TV, but my life has taken on a new dimension and has continued to shock and surprise me. I had 'found' sissy chat rooms a couple of years earlier, in particular Mrs Silk's. I had established my email: [email protected] and I had advertised for pen pals, but made it clear that I would not go beyond that. But then I got an...

3 years ago
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Mums Birthday Present to Me

My name is Mark and my fithteenth birthday is tomorrow. I’m glad tomorrow is Saturday so that I don’t have to attend school and mum will be home. She usually comes home from work to make dinner, does house work and then goes to bed. But tonight, I noticed she had been to the beauty parlor to have her hair done and she put on a dress. Evidently she wanted to look nice when she gave presents to me. I gave her a small gift and she hugged and kissed me to thank me. I think she is a little depressed...

2 years ago
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Mums Birthday Present to Me

My name is Mark and my fithteenth birthday is tomorrow. I’m glad tomorrow is Saturday so that I don’t have to attend school and mum will be home. She usually comes home from work to make dinner, does house work and then goes to bed. But tonight, I noticed she had been to the beauty parlor to have her hair done and she put on a dress. Evidently she wanted to look nice when she gave presents to me. I gave her a small gift and she hugged and kissed me to thank me. I think she is a little depressed...

4 years ago
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Mums Birthday Present to Me

My name is Mark and my fithteenth birthday is tomorrow. I’m glad tomorrow is Saturday so that I don’t have to attend school and mum will be home. She usually comes home from work to make dinner, does house work and then goes to bed. But tonight, I noticed she had been to the beauty parlor to have her hair done and she put on a dress. Evidently she wanted to look nice when she gave presents to me. I gave her a small gift and she hugged and kissed me to thank me. I think she is a little depressed...

2 years ago
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My birthday present

It was Friday and It was the day before my birthday. I arrived home after work. Carol greeted me at the door and said, "Happy Birthday, honey." I smiled and reminded her my birthday wasn't until tomorrow. She smiled but said nothing. Then she lead me to the patio where I saw the most awesome gas grill. "Happy Birthday," she reiterated. " I wanted it delivered when you weren't here so it would be more of a surprise, besides there may be other presents for you tomorrow." I put my arms around...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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A birthday present

Hi, ISS Readers, This is Sofia C again. Find below is my new story. Your comments & replies are welcomed at A Birthday Present by Sofia C. Acting Persons: Jagruti (24); Sofia (37) Sofia was a successful woman in her job. She was a head of the Marketing department of a huge company and earned very good money. In her private life things weren’t as great. She had always been a very sexually orientated person and for the last 18 month her sex life had mainly been cut back to masturbation. Today...

2 years ago
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My Birthday Present

My birthday present.It was my birthday in 1979. It was two years after I picked up Chuck at a bar in a restaurant on the bay. And I had to flip with my sister to see who was going to take the empty seat next to him. He had moved in with me about a month ago.I found out that this wonderful unselfish man. The man that would take care of my kids as though they were his. The man that would take me to dinner and dance the night away. And most importantly, he was the dominant man that showed me I was...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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The Birthday Present

The Birthday Present - By SONIA Author's note: The first part of the idea for this story is based on events with my ex- wife - I used to buy her outfits which she refused to wear but alas the cross dressing part never happened ... if only it had - maybe we would still be married! (email [email protected]) It was my wife, Julie's birthday and in line with what I normally did I had bought her some lovely presents that I knew she really wanted. These were things...

3 years ago
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Birthday Present

Hi I am Rajesh today I want to tell me readers how I presented the most valuable to gift to one of my friends. Her name is Pooja, she works with me in my office. Our friendship is very cool we share everything with each other our hobbies, shopping, movies and even our sexual fantasies, but don’t jump into conclusions as she is not my girl friend that is we don’t have sex. Now Pooja is I must say a good looking girl have quite a good figure like models. Her statistics are 36 28 36 any red-...

1 year ago
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The Birthday Present

Walking along a dead hallway, your heart pounding, your palms tingling, your body expecting, is quite some feeling. I love the surging electricity that floods your mind. All the possibilities flying through you about what might lay beyond that door. Nothing else seems to hold more than a second of interest, nothing holds me like the thrill of what's to come.All around me they buzz on by, the workers, the overnighters, the dull business type drifters. Me I'm alive with all the possibilities,...

1 year ago
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The Birthday Present

The Birthday Present by Mahohokus My birthday! As I blinked my eyes open, I realized that it was my birthday and with a sudden since of elation I realized what day it was. I was so excited that I nearly fell out of bed. After enduring the wrath of my parent's maybe I would finally be forgiven. Maybe my life will get back to normal after the accusations from Jill, my arrest, time in juvenile hall, the trial, and the plea deal my parents had worked out in secret with Jill and her...

2 years ago
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SRU Her Birthday Present

SRU: Her Birthday Present By Busko John left the house to go to the office. He was a bit upset because he didn't know why his wife Laura didn't kiss him goodbye that morning. He arrived at the office and parked his car on the executive spot that belonged to him. After all, it was his company. "Hello Amanda" he said to his secretary. "Hello sir. Happy birthday to your wife." she answered. 'Drat!' he thought. 'That's why she didn't kiss me goodbye!' Being a successful...

1 year ago
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The birthday present

In the dusk of early evening I knocked on the front door and soon Ken answered it.“Good evening Ken. Your parents asked me to keep an eye open for you while they were away, although since your last birthday you are technically a man now, so you should be able to look after yourself! May I come in for a few minutes?”“A coffee? thank you, but I brought a bottle of wine with me, if you could get some glasses. I see the house is nice and tidy, but don’t worry, I’m not making reports for your...

2 years ago
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Moms birthday Present

Ginger finally opened her eyes. Her murky sight along with the buzzing in her head made her feel quite uncomfortable and confused. She didn't know where she was for a second until she saw her husband of 18 years...Scott. She looked to her right and saw the doctor who was holding her hand and checking her pulse. All of a sudden her memory had come back. She had just endured a half hour breast reduction slash implant surgery. She smiled back at her husband and the doctor finished with her right...

2 years ago
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Hazels Special Birthday Present

“Are you serious Mike?” I asked in total disbelief, “you want me to fuck Hazel while you watch?” I was sitting in my neighbour’s front room and he’d just finished telling me that he wanted me to fuck his wife while he watched. “Yes Chris,” he replied, “that’s if you want to of course.” Mike and I had been friends ever since I’d moved in next door to him and his wife a year earlier. For her age, late sixties, his wife Hazel is a very sexy woman and I have to admit that I’ve had more than a few...

1 year ago
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Sashas birthday present0

Cindy sighs. She’d been waiting for the inevitable, and her new boyfriend didn’t disappoint. Being a girl of short stature with relatively modest breasts, there is one particular feature of hers that tends to attract men more than any other. And much to her dismay, it isn’t her love of the arts and sciences, or her glasses that announce such things to the world. It is that which her mother gave her. Which, itself, does not refer to her penchant for emotional honesty, her taste for fantasy...

4 years ago
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My BirthdayI was wearing a pair of cut off shorts with a shirt. Then Jill said “let me take your clothes off”. She pretended to have trouble preceding. So she got a 3” switch blade and with it's assistance my clothes fell off. After her work was done she said “Ahhh that's better. You can breath again”. As she looks at my equipment as if for the first time. Then she took my hand and slowly her sheer robe fell on the floor. Then we went into the living room. Where we sat nude relaxing in front of...

2 years ago
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Birthday Presents

Birthday Presents[It's Cat's birthday! And Jade, being the sullen girlfriend she is, has thrown her a birthday party, albeit with a monotone cry of 'surprise'. But Cat has her own gift to give.]"Happy birthday, Cat!"The petite girl jumped in surprise, hands muffling the squeal she let out. She bounced excitedly, wide eyes roaming over the streamer-strewn, brightly decorated room. "You guys!"She rushed forward, arms outstretched, hugging her group of friends tightly as they responded with just...

3 years ago
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Allies Birthday Present the Conclusion

Wednesday Evening (your birthday) The day passes achingly slowly. You work retail and your sex-addled brain considers the masturbation potential of every item. You’re very creative and your need makes you fantasize about being spanked, penetrated, clamped, bound, and made to suck on a surprising array of objects. In the quieter moments, you try to imagine what’s in the gold box. You know it’ll be sexy, and can picture a lot of things that you hope and fear are in there, ruling some out due to...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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I knew I had been invited to meet a divorced woman. Per our many chat's it was not a happy divorced. The break-up began long before we started talking via the internet. When he started to spend more time with his “office bimbo” (in her words). The marriage became unsaveable. She describe herself as a lonely (in more ways than one) school teacher. I got her address and one day staked out her house. It was dark when she came home from food shopping. From what I could see, wow what a women. I...

2 years ago
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Jennifers Birthday Present from Her Mom and

This story is an actual event that happened to me a few years back. I had lost my privileges to drive a truck for a few years, so I decided I would go to work in fast foods, as a maintenance person. I worked hard enough that the franchise owner decided to send me to school to learn how to actually work on all the equipment in the stores, as well as doing my usual daily work. Now, the advantage to this position is a few things. 1) You basically work by yourself, and are not really crowded onto a...

2 years ago
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The Best Birthday Present EverChapter 2

Greg and Kevin didn't talk much in the last few weeks before Christmas break since Greg's semester was winding down and he had finals to study for. Greg was also distracted by his brother's request to have sex with him. He had done some research in the past about homosexuality when Kevin outed himself but he wanted a better understanding about Kevin's desire to have sex with him and his own feelings about it. He picked up a couple of books about it but didn't really learn anything he...

2 years ago
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The Birthday Present

It was about three years ago we changed our lifestyle. Dawn’s birthday to be exact. Forty years of age. I joked that she was now the same in years as her bust was in inches. “You complaining?” she asked. “When have I ever complained about your tits?” I replied. She laughed. “Well you’d better do something special for my birthday. I want it to be a memorable one.” That got me thinking. I had a week to go before the big day and needed my thinking cap on. In the twenty three years we’d been...

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