An Incest Birthday Chapter 14- 2nd Half free porn video

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The second half of Chapter 14, enjoy.

We went outside and got in our van since we were taking two cars. We sat all the way in the back and made a fake wrestling scene fighting over the last seat so no one would get suspicious. We shared the seat like we planned and pulled out and followed behind the Wilson's to where we were going. It was dark enough where mom and dad couldn't see what we were doing, so we took advantage by feeling each other up as much as we could get away with, mostly on the lower half with our hands in each others pants. She let a few moans escape her lips but nothing too loud, it probably wouldn't have been heard over the radio or mom and dad anyway. We must have really been into what we were doing or it was that short of a drive because next thing I knew we were pulling into the Olive Garden parking lot. We parked in different spots and met up at the door, everyone in happy moods talking to someone else. We went in and saw that it was crowded, but not too much, and we were seated almost instantly. They put two tables together for us with boys on one side and girls on the other, with each of us sitting in front of our spouse (or sister, if that's too weird for you). The second the lady came over and put the breadsticks on the table they were gone, all snatched up by dad and Jim.

“Come on guys, leave some for the rest of us,” mom complained,

“Sorry honey, you gotta be faster than that,” dad replied.

“Haha its ok, I'll bring more, but first let me take your orders,” the waitress said.

All the parents ordered pastas, soups, and seafood and we ordered different kinds of chicken so we could try each others to see if we liked it or not. The parents became engaged in their own conversation between the four of them, but we just sat there looking at each other, smiling. We already knew what we wanted to talk about but no one wanted to be the first to say anything, especially in public.

“So you guys really are doing it?” Chris finally asked, keeping his voice low.

“Yep, as much as you are, probably more,” I replied.

“How long has it been going on for you guys?” Stephanie asked.

“A little over three months so far, what about you?” Rita replied.

“Around two years and three months I think, not sure exactly,” Stephanie replied.

“Two years? “How'd you manage to keep it a secret so long?” I asked.

“A lot of sneaking around, we almost got caught a few times though being stupid,” Chris said.

“So did we. Our dad even walked in on us a couple times,” Rita said leaning in closer.

“What? How did he not catch you? Is he blind or something?” Stephanie whispered.

“Its actually kinda funny. The first time Randy was, you know, going down on me, and dad came in the room, but not all the way, so he couldn't really see anything, and Randy just kept on going while dad was there, jerk,” she laughed and punched me in the arm. “The second time he actually came all the way in the room while we were having sex, but he couldn't see me since Randy was on top of me and he thought I was some other girl. He was actually proud! He cheered us before he left, it was weird.”

“You guys are something else. We almost got caught in the shower together, in my bed, in the back yard, and a whole bunch of public places, too many to count, we either had a good excuse or took off outta there. So nobody knows about you guys?” Stephanie asked.

I looked at Rita to decide if we should tell them or not, and she nodded, so I assumed it was ok.” Dad doesn't know about us, but mom and Aunt Lisa do. We actually did it with them a few times too.”

“What? You guys are crazy! We haven't even thought about that, right Stephanie?” Chris asked.

Stephanie blushed and got this curious look on her face. “Wellllll...”

Chris' face lit up. “You did? Wow, this went from a totally crappy day to the best day ever! Randy you did your sister, your mom, and your aunt?”

“Yep, and so did Rita,” I said feeling proud of myself and grinning at her.

“You guys are the shit! I'm jealous of you two now!”

“Chris, don't be a kiss-ass,” Stephanie grinned.

“Ok, now that makes sense,” Rita laughed.

We pulled back from our huddle laughing to what must have looked like an inside joke to our parents. We kept the rest of the conversation clean until our food came, then all talking withered down to almost none as everyone enjoyed their food. We each sampled someone else's food, finding out that we liked what someone else had, so we traded, but still ended up sharing each others food. We did flirt, there were stares and some footsie going on under the table, but nothing too serious, we didn't wanna draw attention to ourselves and risk being exposed, especially with our parents sitting there, so we kept it at a minimum. We had ordered a Black Tie Mousse cake (man that cake is so good) so that a while after we finished eating it would be ready, and as we all finished they brought it out and we took it apart. When we finally finished eating everything we were stuffed, we couldn't eat anymore if we wanted to.

“Oh man, I'm gonna sleep good tonight,” Jim said.

“We all are. Let's see if we can get another one of those cakes to go,” dad followed.

“How was your food guys?” Marie asked.

“Great,” we all said at once. “We all got some of each others stuff,” I followed.

“I wish your father would let me eat off his plate again,” mom joked.

“When you take only a little bit of food then I'll let you eat off my plate again,” dad joked back.

We had a little laugh and went back to small talk while we waited on the other cake and our food to digest some. All while we were talking Stephanie and Chris kept glancing over at mom, smiling, like they were undressing her with their eyes. I guess since I told them about her they've been trying to get a picture in their head of what she would look like naked or something, if only they knew. Some time later the cake came and we digested a fair amount of food to finally get up and get moving out the door. We made our way back to the van and got in the back again, this time playing tired so we could lay down out of their sight so we could make out, which is exactly what we did all the way back to the house. When we got back in the house everyone took their coats off and headed straight for bed.

“Alright guys, were going to bed, don't be too loud,” Marie said.

“Ok, Rita and I were gonna go to the basement and watch movies all night,” I said.

“Oh you guys were? You don't care if we come too do you?” Stephanie asked.

“The basement? I think you guys are a little too old for slumber parties,” dad joked.

“Oh let em, they're just watching movies, besides, we'll hear them,” mom said.

“What the heck, I don't care. Just make sure you put the stuff back how you found it,” Jim said.

“Sure thing. Thanks guys, and goodnight everyone,” I said.

“Don't be up too late, were going home tomorrow since our powers back on,” mom said.

We all nodded and headed upstairs. Halfway up Chris stopped and turned around to face me. “Smart move man, they don't know it, but when the door is shut, the basement is pretty much soundproof.”

“That's perfect,” I said, knowing all too well how soundproof the basement really was.

I quickly changed into shorts and a t-shirt and headed to the basement. I grabbed a bunch of blankets out of the closet and spread them out on the floor, then took some pillows off the couch and threw them on top of the blankets. I heard footsteps fast descending on the stairs and looked up to see Rita come around the corner in pink scooby-doo pajama pants and a yellow shirt, just grinning at me. She didn't say anything, she just lunged at me knocking me back onto the pallet I just made, kissing me and rubbing her body against mine as she did so. A couple minutes later we heard more footsteps on the stairs and separated just as Stephanie and Chris rounded the corner.

“Ooooooh what were you guys doing?” Stephanie smirked.

“Nothing, we were just fixing up the pallet,” I said, completely unbelievable.

“Liars, you were down here kissing and stuff weren't you?” Chris asked grinning.

“Ok we were kissing a little, is that a crime?” Rita joked.

We all laughed at the irony of what she said as they came down and helped finish the pallet that we had messed up when Rita and I rolled around on it. We turned on a movie (Monsters Ball, I picked it on purpose) and took spots on the pallet, Stephanie sat next to Chris and Rita laid down with me. We watched the movie, but we weren't really concentrating on it (except for the sex scenes), there was too much tension with all of us being alone knowing what we knew to be thinking about anything else, but we kept it under control. When that movie was over we put on another one and took our same spots with each other. I'm pretty sure the second movie was just for appearances because one, we wanted to give the parents enough time to go to sleep so watching it wasn't necessary, two, the tension in the air was still strong, and three, we were all watching each other, and smiling.

“I still cant believe you guys are doing it too, this is awesome!” Stephanie giggled to Rita.

“I know! Now we don't have to sneak around each other anymore,” Rita responded.

She was still giddy. “This is crazy! I never would have thought you two were that close.”

“Were twins remember? It could almost be normal for us,” I said.

“Then what about us? Were not twins. I guess that makes us the crazy incest freaks,” Chris joked.

“Hey if you are then we are too, but we honestly don't see a problem with it. Its not our fault society is so judgmental of everything that doesn't seem logical,” Rita replied.

“I tried telling Chris that same thing, he still thinks they'll come around, they wont. Its cool though, we learned to live with it, its even better now that you guys are doing it too!” Stephanie grinned.

“So how did it start for you guys?” Rita asked.

They laughed to themselves as they remembered back. They talked over who should tell us and they agreed on it being Stephanie. “It was over two years ago, when I was 16 and Chris was 17, we had to share Chris' room when our relatives came to stay with us, I mean there were a lot of them, there was nowhere else to sleep in the whole house. Chris gave me his bed and used his sleeping bag on the floor. I told him we could share the bed but he insisted on sleeping on the hard floor in that little ass sleeping bag like an idiot, so I let him. I knew he was cold because I was cold and I was under his blanket, but he insisted on staying there, so I said whatever. The next day he was pale from being so cold and his back was hurting, and when he told mom and dad why they jumped on him for being stubborn and not getting in the bed with me, but he just kept saying he likes to sleep alone so they gave up arguing.

“I wasn't being stubborn, I just liked to sleep by myself,” Chris defended himself.

“Yes you were, now quit interrupting me, I'm trying to tell them what happened. Ok so the next few days he kept sleeping on the floor, saying he wanted to sleep by himself, even though he was suffering down there on that cold hard floor, and for the most part I gave up on trying to persuade him, until that last night when the temperature dropped again and it was even colder than before. I knew he was really cold because I could hear him shivering, and that was the last straw. I knew I'd make him get in the bed, but I never considered what would happen when I did. I remember exactly how it happened...”


“Ok Chris, seriously, get up here, its too cold down there.”

“No I'm fine, everyone's leaving tomorrow, I can tough it out one more day down here.”

“No you cant, its too cold, get up here right now!”

“Really sis, I'm fine, just go to sleep.”

I could hear his shivering get worse, and I knew he would get sick or something if he didn't get warmed up, so I got out of his bed and picked him up off the floor (against his will, but eventually he gave in) and threw him in the bed. I got in with him and found out just how cold he was, his body felt like ice. I had to warm him up fast before he got a bad cold, or something worse, so I scooted into him and covered us up, and threw my body over his, laying on top of him so we could share my body heat.

“Stephanie, you don't have to do this, I was fine on the floor.”

“Shut up, you were down there freezing, I'm not gonna be blamed if you wake up a popsicle frozen to the floor. Just stay close until you get warm, then you can move away from your gross sister,” I joked.

He tried to laugh, but was too cold. “Thanks sis,” was all he said through chattering teeth.

It was quiet for a while, and I could gradually feel him start to warm up, but I decided to stay there until he was completely warm. Just then I could feel Chris start to get hard, and I realized that even though I was his sister, I was still a girl laying on top of him. He tried to shift around and move it away from me, but all it did was make him harder and arouse me more. The thought of my brother getting hard over me made me feel sexy, like a woman, and not just his sister. I didn't know if it was because of him getting a hard on from me, or the fact that I haven't had sex in over three months, but I leaned down and kissed him, and kissed him again, and kissed him some more. Next thing I knew I was under him naked with his equally naked body pressed against mine.

“Steph, are you sure you wanna do this?”

“I'm sure, now hurry up and do it before I change my mind.”

That was all the encouragement he needed. He shoved his dick in me and fucked me senseless until we ended up on the floor, where I fucked him senseless. When we were finished we were a sweaty mess stuck to his sleeping bag on the floor, fresh from crossing over into the world of incest.

“I cant believe we just did that,” I said catching my breath.

“Me neither, but I'm glad we did. I'd freeze down here all week just to do that again with you.”

“Ok Chris, don't be a kiss-ass.”


“And ever since then we've been fucking each other.”

“Wow, lucky for you guys Chris is a stubborn ass,” I joked.

“So what about you guys, how did it start for you?” Stephanie asked.

I looked at Rita and nodded to her to tell them. “Well with us it was an accident. We were playing a video game and Randy won, but barely, and started gloating. I decided not to take it any more and jumped on him, wrestling him down and tickling him, hes really ticklish, until he gave in. We ended up wrestling some more until we ended up on the floor with him on top of me, then out of nowhere he leans down and kisses me! We had that awkward moment where I was glaring at him then he bolted out of the room. I didn't tell him, but I was glad he kissed me, I was just scared of my feelings so I pretended to be mad. The next day he told me how he felt and that we should be each others firsts, but I was still scared, so I blew him off again. I always had a crush on Randy, but I didn't think he had one on me, but when I saw how hurt he looked I knew he was serious. I decided to trust my feelings and give myself to my brother. I stole a pair of his boxers and put on a “show” I knew he would hear, which he did, and he came right in while I was playing with myself with his boxers. We took each others virginity that night, which turned out was our birthday. I knew then I would always love him, but when he made love to me later that night, I knew I was his. That day I found the love of my life,” she finished and grabbed my hand and smiled at me, and I just smiled back thinking the same thing.

“Why didn't you tell me about the crush and stuff,” I asked softly.

“I was scared, I didn't want you to reject me and mess up our relationship,” Rita said back.

“Well I'm glad you put on a “show” for me, now we have the best of both worlds,” I smiled.

“Wait, you didn't say you two were in love!” Stephanie gasped.

“Yeah we are, cant you tell by the way we look at each other and kiss and stuff?” Rita asked.

“I never really noticed, I was still caught up on you guys having sex too,” Stephanie responded.

“Wait, how can you be in love if you do it with other people?” Chris asked.

“It was with family members so that doesn't count, and with them its only sex, and were both always there. We only have and only will make love to each other, and no one else,” I said.

“I never would have thought. We just have sex, never really thought about love,” Stephanie said.

“Give it time, it might just sneak up on you like it did us,” Rita grinned at me.

“Come to think of it, this does explain a few things. That time at the cabin when you two went to get towels and you were all sweaty in the bathroom?” Stephanie asked.

“You interrupted us having a quickie,” I grinned. “What about that time we were talking on the phone and I kept hearing weird noises and you kept saying ow?” I asked Stephanie.

“We were fucking too, and Chris kept putting his finger in my ass, I'm still not used to that. What about that time you were sitting at the desk making sex faces?” Stephanie asked Rita.

“Randy was under there eating me out,” Rita said closing her eyes and smiling. “That was a really good day. When we went to the movies and you both left where did you go?”

“To the bathroom to fuck. This lady came barreling in there like she was scared,” Chris replied.

“That's funny, we went to the bathroom to have sex too. Rita yelled at that lady and she took off out the door. If we had used the same bathroom we could have walked in on each other,” I said.

“Holy crap you're right! I wonder how that would have went down,” Stephanie said.

“Well it doesn't matter now, it all worked out for the best,” I said.

We watched them start getting all touchy grabby in front of us and wondered if they were about to do something. “Hey uh, we'll be right back. Were gonna go get some uh, some um,” Chris stuttered.

“Popcorn! Yeah for the movie we should start watching. We'll go put on a lot for us to share, be back in a little bit,” Stephanie said as she grabbed Chris' hand and basically flew up the stairs.

When they were out of sight Rita looked at me with a glare she only uses when shes horny, and rolled on top of me and shoved her tongue down my throat. I kissed her back with as much enthusiasm as she kissed me with and ran my hands over her body. When I got to the hem of her shirt she raised up and let me slide it off, letting her tits hit the air for a second before helping me out of mine and falling back on top of me and pressing her lips to mine again. We must have been so caught up in kissing because we didn't know Stephanie and Chris was there until they cleared their throats to get our attention.

“You guys don't waste any time do you?” Stephanie smirked.

“Ahh don't try to play innocent Ms. “were gonna get some popcorn!” Rita retaliated.

“We were going to get... ok we weren't, but we caught you, not you us,” Stephanie said.

“Now were even, so either pull up a chair or get out,” Rita grinned and went back to kissing me.

“Well if you guys are gonna be all out in the open, so are we,” Stephanie replied and pulled Chris over to the couch and fell on each other kissing.

I rolled over on Rita so I was on top and sucked her tits into my mouth. She held my head there rubbed her pajama clad pussy against me. A shirt hit the back of my head and I looked up to see Stephanie and Chris naked on the couch getting into a 69, Rita saw it too and smiled as she kicked her pajama pants down her legs, revealing she had on no panties and making my cock harder by the second. I pulled her pants the rest of the way off her legs and quickly shoved my face in her pussy.

“Oooooooooh fuck Randy! Eat me baby, eat your sisters pussy!” she moaned.

I started at the bottom of her pussy and licked all the way up to the clit, making sure my tongue stayed there a second longer, but not too much as I didn't want her to come yet.

“Fuck yeah Stephanie suck that dick while I eat this pussy,” Chris said from the couch.

I looked up at Rita through her spread legs who was still moaning, but managed to make eye contact with me. I reached my hands up and grabbed hold of both her tits and squeezed them and licked my tongue in circles around her pussy. I could tell she wanted to close her eyes, but she didn't wanna break from my gaze, so I made it easier on her and attached my lips to her clit.

“You like the way I eat your pussy in front of them, don't you Rita,” I whispered.

“Yes, oh my god, suck on it Randy, suck on my clit and make me cum! Oh fuck Stephanie if you only knew how good his lips feel on my pussy...” Rita trailed off.

“I'm feeling it pretty damn good over here, fuck Chris right there!”

I let go of her breasts and spread her legs out enough to where her pussy lips would open a little by themselves and darted my tongue in. As I was tongue fucking her I looked on the couch at Stephanie and saw her face scrunch up, then watched her climb off of Chris and lay down with her legs hanging off the front of the couch, her tits swaying openly the whole time.

“Enough of that Chris, get over her and fuck me! I need it right now!”

Chris got up off the couch and leaned over in front of her, effectively blocking my view, so I stopped watching, but I heard Stephanie gasp when her entered her and moan when he started fucking her. I doubled my efforts on Rita and bit down on her clit and pumped two fingers in and out of her. Her moaning plus Stephanie's moaning from the couch made for fantastic motivation as I chewed on her clit until her beautiful thighs closed me off from the outside world.

“Oh god, oh god, I'm cumming, I'm cumming!” Rita said through a strained voice.

“Oh yeah Rita, cum all over his mouth! Keep fucking me hard Chris,” Stephanie moaned.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, I'm cumming Randy, I'm cummmmmmmmmming!”

She squeezed my head like it was a watermelon, but it was all worth it when her juice started to pour down her lips. I had to pull her legs apart just so I could lick it up, and with her shaking around I was missing most of it so I closed my lips around her pussy and sucked up what I could. By now I was hard as a rock and rubbing against my shorts, so I shed them and positioned my cock at her opening. She opened her eyes just as I pushed my cock into her and gasped as I stretched her pussy open, then threw her head back again and moaned as I fucked her.

“Oh yeah fuck me baby, fuck me in front of Stephanie and Chris, take my pussy baby!”

“I cant believe were fucking in front of each other, I'm so goddamn turned on!” Stephanie said.

“Fuck yeah me too, hearing Rita talk like that with my dick in your tight pussy is making me wanna fuck you harder Stephanie,” Chris strained.

“Then fuck me harder, fuck me in front of our incest bastards,” Stephanie followed.

I laid down on top of Rita with my head next to hers and thrust my cock in and out of her. She timed her moans with each inward thrust and used her legs to help push me inside her. I could faintly hear the clapping of our skin over the tv still going and both women groaning in pleasure.

“Is your brother fucking you good Rita like mine is fucking me?” Stephanie groaned.

“Hes fucking me so good! Oh god Stephanie, my brother is fucking me so fucking good! Shove that cock in your sisters pussy baby, show my pussy that your cock owns it,” Rita groaned back.

I leaned up on my hands and looked down at her as I drove into her. She held onto my forearms and laid there as I pounded her faster and faster, making her titties bounce around on her chest.

“Yes baby! Drive that cock in that pussy. Fuck me until I cant walk,” Rita pleaded.

“Until you cant walk? You sure you want me to do that baby?” I asked.

“Yes! I want it to hurt! I need it to hurt! Make me feel pleasure and pain!”

“Ok Rita you asked for it, get up on your hands and knees.”

I pulled out of her and backed up. She was on her hands and knees in a matter of seconds rubbing her pussy in front of me, waiting for me to shove it back in, but it wasn't going in her pussy. She looked up at Chris still banging away at Stephanie and sucked the pussy juices off her fingers.”What are you guys still doing on the couch? Get down here with us you incest loving freaks,” she joked.

I stuck two fingers in her pussy and used it to lubricate her ass, and stuck both fingers in, making her gasp. I shoved my cock in her pussy a few times just to be sure I was slick enough and pushed the head of my cock into her ass. I heard her suck in breath and waited until I felt her asshole loosen up, then I slowly slid the rest of the way in until I was buried deep inside her.

“Holy shit Rita, is he in your ass?” Stephanie asked.

“Mm-hmm,” Rita moaned. “It feels fucking amazing. Fuck my ass Randy, fuck me good!”

“ Haha you dirty bitch! Take that cock in your ass and suck on my tits,” Stephanie smirked.

When I grabbed her hips and started thrusting into her Stephanie came off the couch and got down on the blankets in front of Rita and put her titties to her face, which Rita happily sucked on. Chris came up behind Stephanie and pulled her down so she was level with him and shoved his cock back into her. She grunted and locked lips with Rita as they both got fucked doggystyle by Chris and I. I had a lot to look at, Rita and Stephanie making out as they both got railed, Stephanie's tits lunging forward from the force of Chris pounding into her, or Rita's ass jiggling as it clapped against me from the assault I was giving it. I avoided eye contact with Chris and focused on all the other sights around me, as well as all the noises and fucked Rita's ass as hard as I could.

“You look so fucking sexy taking it up the ass like that,” Stephanie purred to Rita.

“Not as sexy as you look with those huge tits swinging all over the place from getting pounded.”

“I wish I could take it up my ass, but it hurts too... ow Chris! Watch your thumb!” Stephanie cried.

“Sorry, its just that all this talk about anal is making me wanna try it,” Chris apologized.

“Trust me, when you two get around to it, it feels fantastic,” I grunted through thrusts.

The girls both dropped on their elbows and went back to kissing each other and moaning in each others mouths and pinching their nipples. I leaned forward and took Rita's hands off her tits and replaced them with mine and she reached down to play with her pussy. I could feel her ass squeezing my cock and I knew something was happening with her, so I pinched her nipples and kept pace thrusting into her until she jerked a little as her ass contracted tightly around me then loosened back up. I knew she just had a mini orgasm and would be sensitive, so I let her tits go and slowed to long full strokes at half speed.

“Mmmm I like getting fucked like this,” Rita cooed as they broke the kiss.

“Me too, but I love riding more, its the best feeling, and I can fuck the shit out of him,” Stephanie said.

I could feel Rita grinning in front of me. “You feel like going cowgirl on them?”

“Fuck yeah I do. Lets show them how us girls like to fuck,” Stephanie giggled.

They kissed each other a little more and eased off of us, then pushed Chris and I down next to each other and straddled us. They smiled to each other as they took our cocks in their hands and lined them under their pussies and sat down on us at the same time.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” they both said in unison as they impaled themselves on us.

Rita arched her back and closed her eyes as she rode me, but Stephanie glared down at Chris with an evil smile like she was gonna kill him. It truly was a sight to behold. Two women, our sisters, riding us at the same time right next to each other. Asses were bouncing up and down on us making clapping noises, titties were jiggling all over their chests, hair was being swung all over the place, and they were moaning and groaning like crazy. I was at a loss for words, and so was Chris.

“Look at em Rita, they love it! They cant even talk were fucking em so good!” Stephanie said.

“Why wouldn't they love it? Its only the best sex ever with the two hottest women ever!”

“Oh fuck yeah, you got that right, we are some sexy bitches, oh shit that's good,” she moaned.

They were right, they were sexy, especially at that moment looking up at them ride us silly. Rita kept her back arched and put her hands on my legs for leverage, leaving her titties in perfect sucking position. I sat up and took a nipple in my mouth, sucking heavily on it and grinding it between my teeth before she pulled it from her mouth and pushed me back down on the blankets, holding me down so I couldn't get back up. Chris tried to do the same thing to Stephanie, but she didn't even let him get up. She gave him a little slap and pushed him back down holding her hands to his chest.

“What do you think you're doing? When I'm riding you I'm in charge! You just lay there and be a good brother and let your little sister fuck your brains out,” Stephanie said seductively.

I looked up at Rita who was grinning back at me, laughing silently as Stephanie took control over Chris. It made me think back to the time at the cabin when Rita was ticked off at Stephanie all day and fucked me crazy the same way Stephanie is now, but she had a reason to, Stephanie is like that from the get go, it made me wonder if she was like that all the time or was she extra hyped up with us fucking right next to them, I planned on asking Rita the details later.

“Fuuuuuuck Randy I'm gonna cum all over you!” Rita said snapping me from my thoughts.

She stopped bouncing and went into a forceful grind, and grabbed my hands and put them on her tits, begging me to squeeze them and help her cum, so I did. Chris tried to touch Stephanie's tits again, and she again denied him, and turned around reverse cowgirl and leaned forward on his legs.

“Stephanie you're gonna make me cum like that!” Chris grunted.

“I know, but you'll make me cum even harder,” she said back bouncing harder on him.

I turned my attention back to Rita just as she was being hit by what looked like a powerful orgasm. Her nails dug into my skin and her face locked up unable to speak as her orgasm tore through her, with her pussy juice running down my legs and over my chest, and then she fell down on top of me.

“Fuck Stephanie, I'm about to cum!” Chris said through gritted teeth.

“Me too Chris, me too. Just hold on a little bit longer,” Stephanie pleaded.

I watched as Stephanie stopped moving and her ass shook in place on Chris, then go limp and fall down on the blankets with his cock still inside her. Not a minute too soon Chris pulled out of her, turned her over and grunted as he squirted cum all over her chest, then collapsed next to her breathing heavily. I was the only one who hadn't cum, so I took it upon myself to make it happen since Rita was still dazed on top of me. I grabbed her ass and forced my cock up into her pussy pretty fast since I still had energy from her riding me, and she slowly lifted her head up and looked me right in the eyes.

“Come on baby, cum inside me, cum inside your pussy Randy,” she whispered.

She helped me by meeting my up thrusts with her down thrusts and pushing her lips to mine. She broke the kiss and ran her tongue over my lips and bit my bottom lip to keep from fully separating from her.

“Jesus Christ you guys are still fucking?” Stephanie asked as I felt my cum rising through my cock.

“Not for long, I'm gonna cum Rita,” I managed to get out.

“Cum inside me baby, give me all of it, fill this pussy up with your cum,” Rita purred.

I thrust into her until I couldn't thrust anymore and gushed torrents of cum into her. We held on to each other as the last bits of cum oozed out and melted into the blankets,To continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Daughter's Incestuous Birthday Gift By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Avalon Young – July 2037 I stared at the clock on my nightstand. I sat there in my nightgown, rocking back and forth. It was 11:59. It was almost midnight. I was giddy with delight. I licked my lips, my heart beating like I'd run a marathon. It was almost time. I was about to turn eighteen. My bed squeaked and groaned as I rocked...

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My Hotty Madams 2nd Night

Sex is one of the needy desires everyone has to get in their life. It will give you the pleasure, mind relax/piece and money and more benefit as per scientific proof. But my question is that whether we all are getting involved in sex or not? How this is keep on tempting ladies that all idiot gentle man need money. They simply concentrate on work and business not caring my dear ladies (their wives). Am not saying all gentlemen not care about sex. Still some percentages of gentle man not care...

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Incestuous Bedtime Tale 2 Daughters Anal Birthday Gift

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Daughter's Anal Birthday Gift By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Melissa Young – October 2018 I was nervous in the changing room. My eighteen-year-old body quivered as I stared at the outfits before me. They were all so much more adult than I was used to wearing. When Daddy said he wanted to take me shopping, I was so shocked. He never wanted to take me shopping, but when my college classes got out,...

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The Gift for my wifes 22nd birthday

The ink was still wet on my electrical engineering degree when I quit my job at a well known international package distribution company. Over the previous two months rumors of my wife 'in flagrante delicto' with our best friend at his going away party, with dozens of my co-workers in attendance, had quickly spread at work. Soon we were on the A-list for every party thrown by our ever-growing circle of friends, and the lines to dance with (and fondle) my wife became increasing more awkward. I...

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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 01 Futas First Naughty Birthday Chapter 1 Lolas Hot Birthday Surprise

Chapter One: Lola's Hot Birthday Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Lola Albertson “Today's guests are the six futa-sisters who organized the campaign that got their mother, Becky Woodward, elected president of the United States last year,” Adelia Tash said as she sat in the central chair of her streaming studio. My sisters and I, plus my wife, were seated in two couches flanking her. I was to the left, Jen at the end, with Rebecca next to me and Christina beyond...

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Tina and the Stuffed Pussy Chapter 5 18th birthday party

Friday rolls around and I eye my night’s uniform with mistrust. It is a pretty straightforward school girl uniform. Pink and gray plaid skirt that is a little short but modest compared to my normal uniforms, white blouse, pink push-up bra which will show through the blouse a good bit, and pink panties that have a lacy crotch with a little ribbon bow on them. I don my uniform and Sylvia gives me a pair of pigtails with pink ribbons. “Well aren’t you just all the boy’s school girl fantasy...

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My downward spiral to becoming a slut Chapter 21 Happy Birthday Scott

Even how I saw Sherri that morning seemed different. I didn’t see her so much as the enemy but instead as the person who saved my life. We ate our breakfast and headed to school. As we parked I was even surprised when she took a moment before getting out of the car and asked me if I was okay. I nodded and put on a smile and opened my car door but I was appreciative that she asked. I only needed one thing to be sure I had a chance to make it through the day and I found that as soon as I...

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The 40th birthday present Chapter three

The 40th birthday party - Chapter Three This is a continuation of The Birthday Party and it would be best to read Chapters One and Two as this is not a free standing story. Jane's Return The following week, Jane could hardly contain her excitement when I collected her from work and she only just managed to hold herself back until we were in her apartment before flinging herself around me and hugging me. Interestingly I noticed she still did not kiss me. The room was warmer...

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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 01 Futas First Naughty Birthday Chapter 3 Christinas Naughty Birthday Gift

Chapter Three: Christina's Naughty Birthday Gift By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Christina Franks Everyone was staring at me. I felt the cameras on me, my cheeks growing redder and redder. I didn't like being in the spotlight. I preferred being back at my office in the White House, analyzing situations and reporting them to my mother, the president of the United States. It was what I was good at. Not talking to people. Why did I agree to do this interview? Leah...

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Tina and the Stuffed Pussy Chapter 6 Birthday Presents

I wake up Saturday morning to the smell of bacon and coffee. When I walk into the kitchen I see Eddie flipping bacon on the stove while Toby sets the table. It is so wrong after last evening that I want to scream and throw Eddie out of the apartment but I know I can’t. I am irrationally angry as I go over to the fridge to get a glass of orange juice. How dare Eddie come over to my personal space and play “happy little family” after what he’s done to me! “Happy birthday Teenster!” Eddie...

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The 40th Birthday Present Chapter One

The 40th birthday party - Chapter one The office Annabelle was sweet, but she was beginning to demand too much. Now she wanted me to go down on her! "Listen," I said "My wife is the only person that gets that treatment from me. You know what I like, so hurry up, we haven't got all day." "It would be nice if you treated me like a lady just the once, instead of some sort of common slut." "If the shoe fits..." "What's that supposed to mean?" "I didn't ask you to come...

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Chapter 5 How my wife turned into a slut Annas 30th Birthday

It’s my birthday today and I know that my husband Chris and our Michael are planning something big. If you haven’t been reading the other chapters Chris and me wanted to have a threesome and that is when Michael became our new friend they would both fuck me in my mouth, pussy and ass. They would tie me up and whip me hard. They would also use all kinds of toys on me the biggest been a 12 inch long 3 inch thick dildo. Over the last couple of months we have gotten more torture devices so the two...

Group Sex
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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 24 Brads Big Birthday Bash

Gary's Golf Outing Chapter 24 - Brad's Big Birthday Bash Gabrielle woke up early Saturday morning with morning wood, even though she had spilled a copious amount of cum the night before when Kay fucked her with her squirting dildo. I guess sleeping between two gorgeous girls all night could contribute to that condition. Kay had fucked Heather the night before, too, but, of course, Heather had no visible signs of arousal. "Would you like me to take care of that for you, Honey?" Kay...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 27 Rons Happy Birthday Part Two Afternoon Delight

Chapter Twenty-Seven – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Two – Afternoon Delight Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, grope, hp, magic, spank, unif Ronald Weasley had just had an exceptional dream; in it, Hermione had come to his bed in her slutty school uniform, tight floral panties and an extremely horny demeanor. His dream was so vivid, so life-like, that...

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 23 Birthday Bliss or Blues

Chapter 23: Birthday Bliss or Blues Repercussions from the swim debacle followed, the school principal wasn’t happy that I had been pulled out from detention by Bill. But after a meeting where my Mom came in to discuss what happened, he understood what had happened, the coach was meant to be at the meeting also, but had abstained, saying he had more important things to do than deal with a whining student. He had given the principal his reasons for his decision in a previous conversation...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 34 Bonus Chapter ndash The Holiday Stories 02 ndash Paulrsquos Birthday

I held Erin and kissed her and pulled out of her, laughing my ass off. We walked hand in hand down the stairs, my penis still erect. As we hit the ground floor, I heard a voice. “Oh daddy. Look at that.” “Oh oh!” “Taylor, you and your sisters and mommies have a ‘gina’ and daddies have a penis. Sometimes, when daddies show their love to mommies, it gets big.” “Ok!” That was it. Keep it simple stupid! Right? After putting the older girls to bed, my wives and I White Castle farted ourselves...

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Marine GamesChapter 3 2nd Games

Bret and Bob were dropped at the departure point by Diane, Heather, Kim, Kelley, Ann, Mark and Andy. Andy was spending a couple of weeks of summer vacation with the 'family.' Bret and Bob were both excited about the opportunity that awaited them. The squad was presented the mission as soon as they landed on the reservation. As Bob and Gunny Smith studied the terrain, Bret focused on his assignment for the mission. The mission was to rescue three hostages being held on a farm. Bret's...

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Mia Chapter 9 Happy Birthday Jesse

Mia sat in the Resident Adviser’s office with her laptop open. Since Jesse was working all weekend they couldn’t exactly make plans to go on a second date, so she decided to keep him company on one of the evening shifts. She stared at the screen trying to find some inspiration for her assignment that was due on Monday, but reading her news feed on Facebook wasn’t exactly the source of information she needed. Jesse was on the phone taking calls. It wasn’t a busy night for him, but like Mia he...

First Time
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OSL New YorkChapter 5 Merry Birthday

-- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 2006 -- I was quite grateful to step out from my very first helicopter ride and onto solid ground. Although I'd already become well-acclimated to hanging out with world famous people over the past few days, none of them had been the President/Owner of the company I worked for, and my stomach had been full of butterflies just from being in the same cabin with him for the past forty-five minutes. The natural instability of a helicopter in flight hadn't helped that...

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Wishs Chapter 3 Reluctantly I grant my husbands birthday wish

 We ate in the hotel restaurant. I had eggs benedict, Aaron had huevos rancheros. I took a sip of my Bloody Mary and meekly confessed, “You were great this morning. I am surprised at how strongly I reacted.”"I was surprised as well. I do not ever remember you being that turned on," Aaron reflected.My face and upper chest were burning crimson now from embarrassment. "No, I have never climaxed like that before. Once I started, I could not seem to stop." I took another sip of my Bloody Mary,...

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B IS FOR GIRL chapter 9 B Is For Belle Of The Ball and Birthday Girl

"B" IS FOR GIRL Chapter 9: "B" is for Belle Of The Ball and Birthday Girl "That," said Mrs Templeton, "was the most unusual start to a term I have ever experienced. Or, for that matter, am ever again likely to experience." We were sitting in Mrs Templeton's office. All the other boys and girls had gone into assembly, led by Mr Nairn. Mrs Templeton put her hands on the desk, one on top of the other. "Beverly," she said, "your mother telephoned me earlier, to advise me that she had...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter Two Daughters Cherry Birthday Gift

Chapter Two: Daughter's Cherry Birthday Gift A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! My forty-fourth birthday had not gone at all like I expected. How could I have anticipated that my youngest daughter Tonya would become so flirty, that she would end up impaling her virgin pussy on my cock and ride me until we both had come? The idea of having sex with Tonya, let alone any of my daughters, had been a foreign idea...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 41 Bonus Chapter Blossoms Birthday

She was a sight. Her belly had become noticeable, it seemed, overnight. In the blink of an eye my little Latina had become my visibly pregnant Latina. She was so hot. Now her birthday was coming, and I had to come up with something that would truly celebrate her first pregnant birthday. I talked to her mom and dad. They were their normal cheery helpful selves. “Son, whatever you think of I’m sure it will be fine. She loves you so much, it won’t matter.” Great! Thanks mom! “Son, is there...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 22 Happy Birthday Aunt Judy

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: February 15, 2010) Chapter 22 - Happy Birthday, Aunt Judy "He's going to let you come to school as Megan?" Emily asked incredulously on our way home. "Yeah, can you believe it?" I replied. "No!" she exclaimed. "He was so upset...

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The 40th Birthday Present Chapter Two

The 40th birthday party - Chapter Two This is a continuation of The Birthday Party and it would be best to read Chapter One as this is not a free standing story. The party after the party Less than ten minutes later my wife appeared with a huge smile on her face. She came over to me and as I stood up she put her arms around me and said "Thank you for letting my plain Jane help you out, especially as it was such a surprising outfit." Then she planted a wonderful kiss on my...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 33 The Holiday Stories Paulrsquos Birthday

I fell asleep after Lynn used her mouth, ass, and pussy to give me a brainectomy. I woke to the sensation of three women giving me a breakfast blowjob, it felt like my brain was never going to go back to normal. When they knew I was awake, the three looked at me and sang Happy Birthday and then took turns trying to blow out my birthday erection. I responded by blowing my birthday sauce all over their faces. In the shower, Lynn and Erin both took my ass with their strap-ons, and then Blossom...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 38 21st Birthday

Wednesday Week 15 When the alarm went off, Dave showered, dressed, had a quick cup of coffee with extra cold water added so he could drink it reasonably quickly, while he made his toast, putting butter and vegemite on it and set off on the long trip, eating his toast as he went. He stopped every two hours for a ten minute break and a bit over 30 minutes for lunch to ensure his driving concentration was not impaired. Fortunately it was an uneventful trip and he was able to pull into the...

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A Birthday Fantasy Chapter 1

Mark and Angela had a pretty good life. Mark worked as a lead driver for a well-known package delivery service, and Angela worked in a real estate office. Married right out of high school, the first few years had been tough - money was tight as it is with all young couples. But they persevered, and now things had a much brighter outlook. Angela was a true homebody and loved nothing more than staying home, cooking and cleaning, and taking care of the house and her man. Unfortunately, that wasn't...

Group Sex
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A Billionaires LifeChapter 5 The Birthday Party

AUGUST "Mr. Kwong, we should be landing in three minutes." The helicopter cabin went silent as the pilot clicked off and I glanced out the window to see Shea Stadium and the Tennis Center go by. I sighed. "Sometimes it feels like I'm barely working, and yet I really want this vacation." I shook my head for a moment. Just a week ago, I'd been in Tokyo seeing the sights with Cassandra by my side. But despite the good food and exotic little excursions, that hadn't really felt like a...

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Mike and Kate Chapter 2 Mikes Birthday

"Fuck thats amazing," Mike said, Kate looked up at Mike for a second and she had a huge smile on her face and started to work Mikes penis even harder. Kate had never woken Mike up sucking his penis before, ever since the poker party a few weeks ago she had been a bit more adventurous in the bedroom and she had not cared who heard too. Her mom was only a few doors down the hall, Mike groaned again with pleasure as the slurping noises from Kate got louder. Kate took her mouth away from his...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 71 Birthday Surprise

April 21, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “I’m sorry I have to work today and tomorrow,” Jessica said as we ate breakfast on Tuesday morning. “It’s OK, Babe. We agreed to do the joint party on Saturday at lunch. That lets the ‘Gang of Four’ celebrate Penny’s birthday tomorrow. Abbie and I are both cool with having our party on Saturday.” “But I’ll miss Abbie’s surprise!” she protested. “Shh! I don’t want her to know there even IS a surprise!” “Sorry. Are you and the girls doing anything tomorrow...

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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 14 Bitch Please mdash Itrsquos Your Birthday

When we arrived in Chicago, we went and got our suitcases from baggage claim. The flight to Japan left in two hours, so we went to the car and dropped off our gear. Paul and I had packed separate bags for Japan, which we grabbed. Paul looked at his phone. “They’re here,” he said, letting me know that everyone going to Japan had been dropped off. I gave my family hugs. “I loved this guys’ week. I can’t wait to see what you plan to top it next year,” I said. “We could go to the nudist...

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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 01 Futas First Naughty Birthday Chapter 2 Danielles Naughty Birthday Game

Chapter Two: Danielle's Naughty Birthday Game By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Danielle Carter “A naughty party game?” Adelia Tash asked, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaning towards me. I sat closest to her on my loveseat, my half-sister Bethany beside me with Leah on the other side of her. On the opposite side of Adelia was another love seat on which set my other three half-sisters. Christina, Rebecca, and Lola sat there along with Lola's new wife, Jen. “Oh, it...

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The Life and Times of Bethany Clark Chapter 3 The Birthday Early Morning

The Life and Times of Bethany Clark written by LaMystika ([email protected]) Chapter 3 - The Birthday Morning "The hell is your damn problem!? Why the hell are you dressed like that!?" "This is me, this is who I am! I just want to live my life the way I should've been living it all along!! I'm a woman, and I'm living like one!" "How dare you embarrass your family like this!? I KNEW I should've put you in therapy in high school!" "I wish you did, then maybe I could've...

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The Life and Times of Bethany Clark Chapter 8 Birthday Sex

The Life and Times of Bethany Clark By LaMystika ([email protected]) Chapter 8 - Birthday Sex The ride wasn't nearly as steamy as I thought it might've been. I somehow managed to keep my raging hormones in check during the entire trip. The last song that played on the radio before they got to Dan's apartment, however, was "Birthday Sex". How convenient, I smiled to myself. Dan walked me to the door of his apartment, opened the door, led me inside, and turned on the main...

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My 22nd birthday

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello this is saket from a Delhi in India. I am 21 year 5.9 feet tall old and doing my college. My family is very small comprising of me my sister and my mother. My sis name is swati she is 19 years old and 5.7 feet tall and with a perfect body is studying in intermediate she has a great figure. My mom is only 40 years old and is working as a personal assistant for a general manager of a multinational company. She had maintained herself in a way that...

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Adam and the Ants The BeginningChapter 5 The Birthday Party

They say it's your birthday It's my birthday too, yeah They say it's your birthday We're gonna have a good time I'm glad it's your birthday Happy birthday to you —The Beatles, "Birthday" (used without permission) The rest of June seemed to last forever. With few exceptions, each day was a repeat of the last. The gang stopped by once or twice each week, but only on their way to other places. Sometimes they were going fishing, sometimes to the mall, but usually they were going to...

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The Life and Times of Bethany Clark Chapter 5 Birthday Afternoon

FINALLY got more stuff written down... hopefully this time I get can things out more readily, the next few chapters have already been written, just need to do some editing before posting. Hope you enjoy! The Life and Times of Bethany Clark by LaMystika ([email protected]) Chapter 5 - Birthday Afternoon "Hey girl!!" That was the greeting I received upon entering the hair salon. I greeted my stylist, Monica, with a hug. "Here for the usual, Beth?" "Yeah, but I...

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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 21 Birthday Presents

Her eighteenth birthday was rapidly approaching, marking the point at which she would join me as a recognized adult, at least in the eyes of the law. I wanted to mark the occasion for her, making it as memorable as I could. I didn't want to just get her a present, or have her name tattooed on my arm. I wanted the occasion to be as personal as I could make it, and to mark it as something special between the two if us. An idea finally germinated in my mind, and as I worked on it, it began to...

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Sandy and RandyChapter 4 Birthday Party

Early September. School is back in session. Sandy and Randy, being the same age, go to most of the same classes. They, of course, keep it cool between them, since you know how gossipy high-schoolers can be. Because they both were born the same day, they have always celebrated birthdays together. They never minded, and this time was no exception, even now as ‘14-year-old teenagers.’ After school, there was soccer and other sports, so they were always away from each other. Their mom was still...

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Chapter II A Birthday Surprise

It’s the morning after my little tryst with my busty neighbour and I feel great. My mind is racing over what transpired last night. I can still taste her soft lips on mine and feel her breasts in my mouth.I look over at the clock by my nightstand and it’s ten to eleven in the morning.'Ugh, I’ve got another nine hours until I see her again,' I think to myself. I spend the day working out and biking around the neighbourhood, anything to pass the time and to get her gorgeous body off my mind.I...

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Best of YouChapter 5 Cindys Birthday

July 15th was Cindy’s birthday, her sixteenth birthday, the BIG birthday, the one that would allow her to begin dating. And Henry was scared shitless for two reasons. Make that three. The first was the gift. What could he get her that would not set her parents off but at the same time shows that he cares for her, The second was meeting her parents. What was he going to say to them? You should be really proud of your daughter, she gives a mean handjob? Would they know that he had fondled...

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Jordanian ConnectionChapter 21 Happy Birthday to You

On one Saturday morning, Layla was playing the piano while sitting in my lap. Actually, it was not a real solo because I accompanied her. I played on her pussy, setting the rhythm while gently rolling my hips back and forth to move my cock in and out of her well stuffed ass. When her orgasm was in the horizon, she played the happy birthday tune. I gripped her ass and moved her to the music. She continued playing the tune until she came, completely losing her concentration. She banged her...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 59 Karas Birthday

March 28, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “This day belongs to you, Kara!” I said when the three of us woke on Thursday morning. “Happy birthday!” Jessica said. “Thanks,” Kara replied happily. “I think I’d like an amazing birthday fuck from our husband, and then a nice loving shower with my wife!” Kara said. “Do we have enough time?” I asked. Jessica giggled, “I set the alarm for thirty minutes earlier!” “Then let’s not waste any of it!” I said pulling Kara to me. Kara’s squeals as I plunged...

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The Cohen Chronicles Chapter 2 Birthday Plans

    Chapter 3 Birthday Plans The tension in the car was incredibly thick all the way to the school. I don't know that I breathed the whole ride. My mind was so preoccupied with what happened between us, (which I am still not fully sure what the hell happened), that I drove on auto pilot all the way. She barely said good-bye, hopped out, and started walking before I could say anything. I'm watching her walk now and I'm raising my eyebrows at her dress that I'm just now noticing. "Good God...

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The Cohen Chronicles Birthday Plans Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Birthday Plans The tension in the car was incredibly thick all the way to the school. I don't know that I breathed the whole ride. My mind was so preoccupied with what happened between us back at the house, that I drove on auto pilot all the way. She barely said good-bye, hopped out, and started walking before I could say anything. I'm watching her walk now and I'm raising my eyebrows at her dress that I'm just now noticing. "Good God in heaven! What the fuck does she have on?" ...

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The Life and Times of Bethany Clark Chapter 6 Birthday Dinner

The Life and Times of Bethany Clark by LaMystika ([email protected]) Chapter 6 - Birthday Dinner I wasn't sure where my brother was taking me for dinner; he had me put on a blindfold before he starting driving my car across town. I tried not to concern myself with where we were going, as I was sure that Will wouldn't take me someplace where I wouldn't like the food. I think about 15-20 minutes had passed before Will pulled the car into a parking lot and stopped the car. ...

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My 2nd Time

This isn't really the story of my 2nd time. I couldn't tell you every detail of every sexual encounter I have had. Instead, this is the story of the next big step in my sexual adventures after my 1st time. I'm just calling it "My 2nd Time" because I like the naming convention :PLast time I told you all how I had finally had sex for the first time. After it was over, while we just laid on the bed for a while, “B” suggested that I could come over more often. Spring was just beginning, and his...

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Back at Varsity 2nd year

I was into my first few days of 2nd year varsity, back at class with Caitlyn and slowly starting to work hard. Caitlyn and Jessica were no longer friends and we often walked past her and didn't give a shit. I soon introduced Cassi to Caitlyn as Cassi was also studying logistics and Caitlyn and myself were both happy to help her with her 1st year subjects. They soon became rather friendly with each other as I told them both that I still sleep with the both of them, which really didn't bother...

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Owner Ki Ladki Ko Choda Or 2nd Wish Mangi

Hello dosto mera naam Sam he or me Bangalore me padta hu, muje aap logo k bahut se email mile aur mujse or kahaniya likhne ki guzarish ki he, par jaise ki aapko pata he meri saari kahaniya sachchi ghatnao par hoti he isiliye me jyada kahani nai likh pata hu. Meri iss kahani par b hamesha ki tarah muje email kare or comments bheje. Aaj me apni 1 or kahani aap logo k 7 share karna chahunga. Ye story mere 2nd wish k bare me he jo mene apni owner ki ladki se ki thi. Meri purani kahaniya padhne k...

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Asha8217s MultiFlavored 2nd Honeymoon 8211 Part 1

I never saw Asha looking like an Indian wife. But after her best friend’s wedding, I found certain changes in her. She was wearing her long-forgotten mangalsutra, bangles regularly, having sindoor. Earlier she avoided mehndi. But this time, she loved it. It’s been like years that I have seen her like that. It was the month of June, and her summer vacations were going on. One evening, we were checking our mobile sitting side by side. I heard Asha saying, “Wow, how lucky she is!” I saw her phone....

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Lucky StiffChapter 44 Seventeenth Birthday Part 2

When you hold my hand, I understand The magic that you do, You're my dream come true, My one And only you, --Only You (The Platters / Ringo Starr) Kristen noted that I was no longer very cheerful on the ride home. It was obvious that my mood changed after I talked with Sherry. Kristen knew Sherry's problem, and I think she understood my mood. Despite the fact that I decided that I was going to take charge of my life, it was evident that there were still some problems caused by the...

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LISSA C Chapter 2 Happy Birthday David

The day had shaped up better than I had ever expected. Riding back to the house, with Lissa behind the wheel, afforded me the opportunity to take a really good look at her while she was driving. There was not a thing about this girl that I did not like. Her beautiful blonde hair, swirling around and around as the wind came over the windshield, brought about a degree of freshness to the whole situation. She laughed and giggled at my stupid jokes while we chatted, making me feel more and...

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Annas BirthdayChapter 2

ALL FOR ME-ALL ON ME I rode with my best friend, Sarah Goodlow to Sarah’s house after the varsity basketball game, for my big eighteenth birthday party, it’s my cumming of age bash. As Sarah turned onto her lane, she lived out in the country and her driveway is a little over a mile long. I noted all the cars on it. “Holy shit,” I gasped, “are all these people at your house? Sarah smiled at me and said “Anna, just be prepared to get your brains fucked out,” “How many guys?” I asked...

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As the days until my birthday went by, Janny made me take it easy. She said that I'd overextended myself too much since Uncle Dar had gotten home. I didn't argue much. Having Uncle Dar and his daughters around made it easy to sit back for awhile. Having Ellen and Nancy around was a big change for me though. I'd had friends over several times, but they always went home eventually. Ellen and Nancy were home and that took getting used to. I loved them dearly and was grateful for their help...

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When you're a fool in love, And nothing goes the way you plan. And no one cares, And no one understands, That you're a fool... And you're in love! --A Fool In Love (Randy Newman) On Monday morning, I found Roy waiting with Sherry as June drove me and my sister to school. I now knew that Roy and Merry were an unofficial couple, although I still did not come to terms with my feelings about this. The fact remained that Roy has always been one of my closest friends since elementary...

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It had only been two weeks since I left Villiers and escaped the direct control of my parents. And, maybe not all that surprisingly, I could still notice how their views and attitudes influenced my thinking. It would probably take a lot longer for me to become completely free of their grip on me. It was easy to deal with the openly declared opinions of my father because I could tell from my own experiences how wrong they were. My mother's influence was more subtle. Her favourite statement...

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