The Cohen Chronicles, Birthday Plans. Chapter 3 free porn video

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Chapter 3

Birthday Plans

The tension in the car was incredibly thick all the way to the school. I don't know that I breathed the whole ride. My mind was so preoccupied with what happened between us back at the house, that I drove on auto pilot all the way. She barely said good-bye, hopped out, and started walking before I could say anything. I'm watching her walk now and I'm raising my eyebrows at her dress that I'm just now noticing.

"Good God in heaven! What the fuck does she have on?"

Her white dress is little too snug for my taste as her father. But, I'm a sick and twisted pig as well, so I love it because my eyes are zoning right in on her hourglass shape. I'm watching her slow and sensuous gait as she puts one sandaled foot in front of the other. The white dress fits every single curve on her body to a tee. She doesn't look like she should be going to school in that kind of dress. I don't like that at all. Not as a lustful pig or her parent because of the attention she's bound to receive.

"But goodness, could her ass be any more perfect?"  

Groaning and continuing to gawk at her, I'm literally sucking in my breath watching her go up the steep steps. Her dress pulling taunt on her shapely bottom is driving me crazy with lust, jealousy, and confusion. The lust should be obvious. As disgusting as it is, I want her body all to myself. As a matter of fact, I wish I was ripping that dress off of her right now and doing things to her body that no father ever should with his daughter. The jealousy is because she's wearing that to school around male teachers and boys. Lots of them. If I'm sitting here hard as titanium, then how will they respond?

I know. I'm a total fucking hypocrite. If I found out that my best friend, Michael was lusting after her, I'd kill him just for that alone! He's forty-five years old and she is sixteen years old. I'd rip his heart out with my bare hands! Scratch that. I'd rip any guy's heart out that was thinking the things about her that I am in this moment. Okay. Maybe not that far. But you get the point. I'm very jealous and I don't want her body gawked at, unless I'm doing it! So yes, my hypocritical, unmitigated gall is flabbergasting. I admit it.

I sigh heavily as she continues to her make her way up the steps to go inside. I can see her best friend, Sarah greeting her and some boy that I don't recognize. My hackles flare up and I want to throttle his skinny ass off those steps because of how slyly he's looking at her. His fucking enthusiasm is a little too damn eager for my liking.

"Fuck. Would you listen to yourself ? You want to beat up a kid just because he said hello to her. Ugh. David Cohen shut the fuck up!" 

She finally disappears with the rest of the kids into the school. I'm pulling off headed for home and ignoring my erection. I need to continue to mull over this situation. My confusion over all this is because I can't reconcile the lust that I have for her. Even if she wasn't my daughter, she's still a teenage girl. A young, sixteen year old girl. All this bullshit about "young woman" is just that, bullshit. I don't care that she's old enough to have her fucking period. I don't care that she's ready to get behind the wheel of a car. I don't even care that she's got tits and an ass that makes her own father want to take her virginity. At the end of the day, she's still just sixteen years old and should be off limits.

I do take solace in the fact that Marah is a good girl, though. She's only kissed two boys and is still a virgin. She's always been very open with me about boys and pretty much everything else, and thank God for that much. However, I'm also baffled because it's odd for me to be jealous. I've just never been one to get jealous over anyone or anything. It's simply not my style. But with her, I feel intensely territorial. Even worse, here I am threatening to rip another man's heart out and throw a teenager down cement steps for the mere possibility of thinking of her in a sexual way. Yet, it's what I've been doing constantly. I feel tormented and disgusted right now.

"And her! What the hell was she doing this morning? I mean she couldn't possibly have been coming on to me, right? I still have no clue why she was even upset. I just don't buy that it was her hair. Honestly, I don't know what the heck happened in her room. She was obviously struggling with something, then very embarrassed when the towel fell. But, the look in her eyes in the living room was different, I think. My God, she looked like she wanted me to throw her down right in the middle of the floor and fuck her for goodness sakes! Could I have imagined that because it's what I want? Okay. This is ridiculous. She wasn't making any pass at you, David. She couldn't have been. You are Daddy, that's it. You are imagining shit because you are a sick fuck. It's not her. It's you and just you. You'll just have to find a way to get over this obsession with her. Don't make your problem, hers." 

Trying to resign myself to finding a way to stop these sick thoughts, I refocus on the road ahead of me. Letting out a long breath and gripping the steering wheel much tighter than necessary, I notice the tension in my shoulders. My erection has gone flaccid and not having a stiff one is helping me to concentrate on the road. I realize that I better move a little faster to meet the planner for this party. It's Friday today and Marah's seventeenth birthday party is this Sunday night.

* Lori *

I can see Lori Levenson on my front steps as I get closer to my house. Lori is the mother of Marah's best friend, Sarah. Lori and I dated briefly a year ago, but mutually realized that we liked each other much more as friends. We ended our romance and have remained good friends. Honestly, I was just horny and wanted to bang her brains out back then. Over time I've found that her friendship means a lot to me. We try to look out for each other and our girls. Especially now, since Lori has become a single parent within the last five years. She and her ex-husband Tim separated a year before their divorce and it's been very difficult on Sarah. Lori married and become a mother by the time she was twenty-three years old. She's thirty-nine now and we've known them since they first moved to our street as a family over ten years ago. Lori was very attractive then and is now. Age has only made a small dent to alter her looks.

Gazing at Lori through my windshield, I'm observing that she's wearing a floral, spaghetti strap, maxi dress that almost sweeps the ground. Her shoulder length blonde hair is pulled up today in an interesting top knot. It appears to be held in place with what looks like blue chop sticks. I gulp, as my eyes flick to her neck. She has a very delectable neck. I can remember kissing and sucking on it as she squealed in delight many times. Thinking of that makes my lower region stir.

"God, you are a pig today! Last thing you need to be thinking about is sex after this morning!" I rage in my head.

I pull all the way into the driveway and stop the car in front of the garage. Lori is waving and smiling brightly as I get out to greet her.

"Hey, You! I waited for you. How are you this beautiful morning?" Lori says, jovially.

I grin as I make my way over to her on the steps and say, "Well, I think I'm doing much better now that I see a beautiful goddess standing on my front step waiting just for me!"

Lori laughs loudly and tosses her head back. I try to be mature and not peak at her chest, but I lose that battle. My eyes shift to her double D breasts bouncing a bit as she laughs. And yes, they are real. I've licked, sucked, bitten, and handled them enough to know it. Her tits look like they want to pop out of the maxi dress and I can't help but to lick my lips. I try not to be obvious about it once she stops laughing and starts talking about her "relaxing" walk over here. I nod and smile, but focus my thoughts on her body.

Lori is not petite by any stretch of the imagination. She's probably at maximum weight for her five foot six inch frame, but it's in all the right places. Her waist is soft, but trim, and her curvy shape is quite exaggerated. On another woman, it might look strange, but for her it works. She looks like she could have been an exotic dancer in another life working her way through college, but has now left her past behind, and settled into suburbia. Okay. In other words she looks a bit like a slut trying not to be much.

Interestingly, she's actually self conscious about her appearance as nuts as that seems. She may look like a slut, but she's definitely not one. Her husband was the only man she'd been with before me. Initially, she had a very difficult time getting naked in front of me and I had to do a lot of coaxing to get her to relax. We fucked the first three times with her clothes on. I didn't mind because it was actually pretty hot just easing up her dress or skirt, pulling her panties to the side, and getting a quickie before we had to pick the girls up from school.

But those times are over and really it's for the best. But boy, those are good memories. Once Lori got more comfortable with the sex, she became a little firecracker in bed!

"David. For fuck's sake. Stop with the sex already. Enough!" I admonish myself while deep in thought.

Lori snaps me out of my head.

"So I'm a goddess today, huh? That must mean someone needs me to rescue his sorry ass for this birthday shindig that's coming up on Sunday like I do every year. And I can just bet he's not even remotely close to being finished with planning it yet, right?" Lori asks with a smirk.

I scowl at her pretending to be very offended.

"For your information, this year I've got it all under control. The party planner is coming soon and the party will be fantastic. Thank you very much!"

She stops smirking and shrugs.

"Oh okay. So where is she ? I mean since clearly you have everything under control."

Thinking Lori has a point, I look at my watch. It's 9:25am.

"Fuck!" I exclaim.

Lori rolls her eyes and frowns.

"Don't tell me. You forgot to call to confirm, right?"

I try to play it off, "Um no. No! I...I have someone coming. Definitely!"

"Oh well, great then! You don't need me this year. I have errands anyway," she says casually.

Lori walks past me and I watch as she heads toward the street.

I panic and start talking really fast, "Okay! Okay! I lied. I'm desperate. Please don't go. Only thing I have planned is her theme and that was Marah's idea. I need you. Please! I think I forgot to call the damn planner!"

Lori turns around and starts to howl in laughter bending forward clutching her sides.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! My sides hurt! I can't stop laughing at your stupidity," she teases.

She continues to laugh like this causing me to laugh with her because she has the funniest laugh that I've ever heard. Then just like that, she abruptly cuts it off, straightens up, and starts walking back toward me.

"Okay. Mr. Cohen, I'm in charge now. Let's go in and get this party planned together so you don't humiliate your daughter and by extension, my daughter. We don't have much time, but I'm sure we can pull it off. I cannot believe you waited until the last minute again this year! This is her seventeen birthday! But, I have your number. You do this shit because you know I'll help you. Next time though, there will be hell to pay. Do you hear me? You're lucky that I don't have to go into the salon today!"

I nod and reply sheepishly, "Yes, Ma'am."

"Don't get cute. Come on, hurry up," she orders.

I move toward the door and let us inside. Lori walks past me to the kitchen and goes in the fridge. I don't mind as Lori knows she's absolutely free to treat my home like her own.

"Hey, you want me to fix breakfast or anything?" Lori asks.

"Nah, that's okay. I had coffee. Can you fix me another cup, though? Fix yourself whatever you want in there."

I hear her laughing and her call out, "Oh, believe me, I intend to do that anyway. I have to get paid in some manner for my services!"

I chuckle at Lori's comment and set my keys down on the small cherry wood table behind the couch, I notice a small little red book that has nothing on the front. I flip it over and there is nothing on the back either. I think to myself it must be something that Marah forgot on her way to school. I started to put the book down, but my curiosity has gotten the better of me. I decide to take a brief look.

Flipping through the pages in the book I can see that it's filled with Marah's handwriting. I stop on what looks like a recent entry and proceed to read it.

Sunday June 2, 2013

He looked so good today! I wanted him inside me so bad that it was driving me ballistic all day. I think about sucking him off like a dirty little slut, constantly. UGH! I know that's terrible and I shouldn't be such a skeeze, but I can't contain myself when it comes to him. It's so frustrating because I know he's scared. He's scared of getting into trouble if someone was to find out we fucked. I don't even care. I am willing to risk it. I just want to be with him so bad today, even more than usual. Yes, I know that if anyone found out, it would be big trouble for both of us. So it has to stay a secret from everyone. Even people that we love and care about the most. I have to find a way for us to be together and find a way to convince him, no matter what. I know it means risking everything, though. But, I'm in love and I can't hide this anymore. I don't care if it means we have to leave everything behind and just go away together. I just want to be with him and I'm going to make it happen. Somehow soon!

I stop reading because I instantly feel sick to my stomach. My brain can't process anymore of it. Utter shock and pure rage grips me. An overwhelming sense of fear about losing my daughter is consuming me. My heart drops finding out like this that not only is my sixteen year old daughter involved with some guy that she's never even mentioned to me, she lied about being a virgin. Now, I learn she thinks she's in love and is planning on running away with him.

"Dammit! So this is why she wore that fucking dress to school. Showing off for him! Is she even at school? I wonder was it that skinny twerp that smiled at her this morning. Well, I got news for them, it's not going to go on. She's sixteen and this is outrageous! She's busted when she gets home today! I yell inside my head, ready to explode.

I grip the book tighter and grit my teeth hard. I'm so lost in my feelings of hurt, anger, fear betrayal, and jealousy that I don't even hear Lori come in the room.

"David, so about what time did you have in mind for the party to start?" Lori says, startling me.

"What ? Jeez! Fuck! What?" I snap, jumping and dropping the book clumsily.

Frowning, Lori says, "Whoa. Um, are you okay? Wow! What on earth is wrong?"

I blink quickly and scowl at Lori. Fuming with white hot rage, I opt not to answer her and bend down and snatch up the book. Standing up quickly I clench it tightly in my hands and leer at her.

"Goddamn it, Lori! Don't you know better than to fucking sneak up on people like that? You almost gave me a goddamn heart attack! Announce yourself when you come in the damn room. I don't like these stupid games you enjoy playing!" I roar at her, as I slam the book on the table.

Lori looks frozen in place with hurt and shocked eyes.

"I' David. I'm sorry. I wasn't. I... I was just...I was just trying to ask what time you had planned to start the party is all. This wasn't one of my jokes. Why are you this angry?" She says, shakily.

Hearing the wavering of her voice makes me realize how I just spoke to her. She didn't deserve any of that and I feel instantly ashamed and apologetic.

"Lori, shit! I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

She continues to look at me stunned for a few moments, and then walks toward the kitchen. She returns with her purse and starts heading for the front door.

"Oh no. Lori, wait. Please. Come on. I'm sorry. Don't go. You know you do not have to leave." I plead with her.

I stand in front of the door and block her from leaving.

"David, get out of the way. I mean it," she says, firmly in a very cross tone.

She tries to get around me and I refuse to move.

"No. Listen to me. Lori. You know that I didn't mean to offend you in any way," I tell her calmly and in as soothing a way as I can manage.

Unfortunately, I still sound a little edgy to my own ears. Staring at each other for a few beats doesn't seem to help.

"I don't care! I want to leave. How you spoke to me was uncalled for and you know how I feel about men yelling at me. After what Sarah's father put me through which you know all about, no way! No way! Not even for you, David. So get the fuck out of the way. Now!"

I shake my head knowingly. Lori's ex-husband abused her verbally all the time and slapped her a couple of times toward the end of their marriage. It's one of the reasons why she's insecure about her body and doesn't date much. She's made a lot of strides in that area though and has drawn a clear line that she will never tolerate abuse again. I respect that so much and I feel horrible that I made her feel back in that place again.

I try harder to speak softly.

"Lori, Come on. That's not fair. You know me. Don't put me in that category. I'm nothing like Tim. You know me better than that. Please. I'm truly sorry. I guess I was just startled. I don't know why I reacted so strongly. Maybe I'm stressed. Yes, that's it. I'm stressed about the party."

Lori folds her arms and glares at me.

"Stressed about the party, huh ? Yeah. Well, I do know you, David. And I think that's bullshit. First of all, you knew I was going to save your ass with this party like I do every year. So it's not that at all. It's more. Something is not right with you. I saw it on your face when you got here even through your fake smiles and compliments. As a matter of fact, you've not been yourself for a while now. David, tell me what's going on or I'm leaving!"

I panic and search my mind as fast as I can to figure out something to say that would be plausible. Anything at all. I can't tell her that I just found out that Marah thinks she loves some boy and is planning to run off with him. Or that I'm insanely jealous that some little idiot put his cock into my beautiful daughter first when I'm the one that wanted to have that unholy pleasure. I can't tell her that the thought of losing Marah to anyone or anything kills me inside and makes me feel murderous. Obviously, I can't tell Lori any of it. So what do I tell her? I can't think of anything, because I'm so shaken up.

I come up completely blank. My heart is pounding and once again I feel anger bubbling up inside of me as I suddenly see a vision in my head. Marah's naked body is laying under some boy as he fucks her in some cheap motel room in a town where I can't find them. My chest starts to hurt, but I ignore it. I have to rectify this situation with Lori and worry about other things later. Lori is more important in this moment. I can't think of anything to say, so I grab Lori's wrists and pull her into my body.

Holding her wrists to my chest, I whisper huskily, "Kiss me."

She looks puzzled and tries to pull her wrists away, but I hold her tighter.

"David. Stop. What are you doing?" Lori challenges.

I look her in the eyes intently and repeat what I said, "Kiss me."

"David. I am not about to..."

I let go of her wrists and wrap my arms around her tightly so she cannot escape. I kiss her passionately before she can continue her protest. I can feel her resist, but I keep on kissing her. She struggles a bit at first, but slowly I can feel her start to melt into it. As she does, I take advantage, and slip my tongue into her mouth. I caress her tongue with mine and then swirl it over hers. I switch to sucking on her tongue and work my hands up to the back of her neck and grip her there. My grip on her is very tight and I can feel her large breasts crushed against my hard chest, which makes me moan into her mouth.

My mind jumps to the memory of Marah's smaller and younger breasts that I'd seen earlier this morning. I try to push the thought of how perfect and how different they are from Lori's out of my mind. I kiss Lori harder and I feel her melt entirely into me as she grips my shirt with her finger tips. Which in turn only makes me think of how Marah dragged her soft finger tips across my back this morning and eased her hands down to my ass before I jumped back.

My cock is swelling and growing hard at lightning speed while thinking of Marah this way. Lori moans into my mouth this time as she continues our deep kiss, matching my tongue thrusting. I loosen my grip on her some, allowing her to slide her arms up and around my neck. I feel her curvy hips start to grind against my cock making it twitch as Marah's smooth vee appears in my head. The very vee that I wish I was parting right now with any part of my body. My tongue, my fingers, my cock. Anything that would let me have access to her inside. I pull back from Lori's mouth and swear.

"Fuck. I have to have you!" I rasp out, thinking of Marah.

Lori naturally believes that's meant for her and says, "Yes, David. Fuck me, then. I want it. I want you."

My cock is absolutely rigid now, as I think of Marah's beautiful naked body and all the things I'd love to do to it. How I'd like to fuck her, instead. I see it clearly in my head, imagining vivid images of our limbs entwined together and sounds of her whimpering, gasping, and panting ring in my ears.

I try to wipe the images away by grinding with Lori and kissing her deeper and harder. Out of breath, I snatch back from our kiss and look down as her very prominent cleavage. I feel my cock lurch forward. I groan, and within a splitTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Madam Snow opened the mini fridge in her office and extracted a bottle of liquor. She smiled, observing the familiar crystal clear bottle with it's thick orange lettering near the top spelling out the brand name. It featured thin, black, cursive *********** down the center describing its delicious contents. It was Absolut Mandrin, 80 proof; her favorite variant of the popular vodka. She only ever opened a bottle on special occasions like this. “This vodka is flavored. Mandarin Orange. I hope...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Intern Meant Tramp

In truth, he'd exaggerated the knowledge and accomplishments on his resume more than a little. At this stage, Josh had no choice. He'd been looking for gainful employment for almost two years after college with only a handful of interviews to show for it; none of which panned out. In recent years it had become much more difficult to establish a career, particularly for young men. Women were ascending in every field; especially a certain kind of woman. Vanessa, the head of IT, was one of...

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The Family Pet The OConnell Chronicles

Author’s Note:  While this is another chapter in the O’Connell Chronicles it is intended to stand alone. For those unfamiliar with the O’Connell Chronicles I would direct you to the first story in the series ?The Object of His Affection?. For those hoping for another tale in extreme body modification – well, this is probably not the story you are looking for. Just the same, it will likely hint at future tales (providing I can manage sustained inspiration and figure out how to bring my ideas to...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Futa Gym Shower Slut

It had been an interesting six months that led Andrew here. While home for winter break, his parents announced he wouldn't be returning to college. His mother, in particular, had decided the investment was no longer worth it. His father supported her decision wholeheartedly. Andrew was told that new opportunities for young men with no degree were opening up in their area. He had no idea what kind of jobs his parents meant, but he took them at their word. Mother allocated him a weekly stipend...

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Chronicles of Kresh 2 The Culling

Disclaimer: all characters in the story are 18 or older, and all events are entirely fictitious. Remember, this is a fantasy. Always follow your dreams, the darker and kinkier the better! ******** The smoldering ruins of the Choi village were like a fine wine tasted with relish to Warlord Kresh as he strode down the main thoroughfare. Two naked young women, their wrists bound with rope in front of them, were yanked along by leashes attached to makeshift rope collars, the end of each leash...

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Teen Titans Chronicles 5 Quiver Full of Toys

This is the fifth edition of my Teen Titans’ Chronicles series. If you haven’t read the first four parts of the series, you might be a little lost at this point. I would suggest that you at least go back and read parts 1 and 2 before you read this addition. This story is set on the Monday after Parts 1 and 2, which happened over a Saturday and Sunday. Parts 3, 4, 5 are occurring at around the same time, with all of them starting on the same Monday. Please note that my Teen Titans...

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Witch Chronicles Christmas Intermission

Here's that Christmas Story I mentioned. Actually I had two other ideas for Christmas stories, but thinking about it, I determined that the story ideas would work better as more fully fleshed out stories, non-seasonally oriented. I was almost going to skip it and move right into Witch Chronicles 12, but this idea popped into my head. There's a lot going on in the Witch Chronicles world not directly revealed in those stories. So I took an idea from the first story and wrote this,...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 25

Welcome back everyone to the last chapter of The Runesmith Chronicles: Oni and the Farmer! I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I have written a book ... gotta say, it feels pretty damn good. I should start posting chapters for book two in a few weeks as I’m still working on outlining and planning right now. Just want to say thank you all for coming along on this wild ride with me! Keep an eye out for updates on my blog over the next couple of weeks, I am...

4 years ago
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The Mangini Chronicles Vol I

The Mangini Chronicles Volume 1 (blackmail, humiliation, pictures, M/F, M/fff, F/Fff, n/c, bdsm, oral, anal, teen, high school) The Mangini Chronicles Volume 1 (blackmail, humiliation, pictures, M/F, M/fff, F/Fff, n/c, bdsm, oral, anal, teen, high school) Description:This is the first volume of what I hope to be many about High School Head Master, Eric Mangini.? In this volume Eric begins the manifestation of his dark desires by entrapping and blackmailing a student into sexual...

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The Kristal Chronicles Story I Chapter 4

The Kristal Chronicles - Story I: The Birth of a Hot WifeChapter 4 - The Shared WifeWith Krystal clearly ready for another round of fun, I nodded to Roger, and said, “you’re up again, she drained me and I need to recharge.” He looked thoughtful for a moment, pondering the next activity...and then the light turned on, and he broke out in a big smile. He took Kristal by the hand and led her to the sofa. He sat her down, spread her legs apart, and then knelt down in front of her. I knew where this...

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Teen Titans Chronicles 4 Young Justice

Hi, I know I say this with a lot of my stuff, but sorry about the gaps between my writing. I haven't got much of a defence, except that I get easily distracted by other stuff and it takes me a while to get back to doing this. I did get halfway through another story in this series, however, my computer crashed and I lost everything. I will be re-writing this story in the future, with some improvements. I have decided to put my The Big Bang Theory series on hold and keep going with my...

1 year ago
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Making Her Cum at the Cinema The Isabelle Chronicles Part 1

Introduction: This is part one of a series of stories called the Isabelle Chronicles ************************************************************** This is part one of a series of stories called the Isabelle Chronicles. Some of these stories are real, some are semi-real and some are just fantasy. Can you guess which is which? *************************************************************** It was a Monday night in the middle of a sizzling summer and I had only one thing on my mind: you. The...

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Sissy A Flame From the Bitchmaker Chronicles BY

Sissy A Flame -From the Bitchmaker Chronicles SM-BLACK1st off, this is a story for sissies everywhere who adore and worship big black cock. If you can’t hang with that shit, move the fuck on. 2nd. I’ve tinkered with these events to protect the innocent, the not so innocent, and definitely the guilty. These stories are a blend of fiction, intermingled with actual experiences to present the powerful energies that connect dominant Nubian / Black alpha males with totally sissy, beta, omega, fem,...

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Hungry Housewives 8211 Milf Chronicles 8211 Part 2

Hey everybody! This is Arshad here, from Mumbai, continuing my story of the Hungry Housewives – Milf Chronicles. About me : people describe me as a jolly, fun-loving and eccentric guy. I’ve been called a ‘Gentleman on the streets, Tiger under the sheets’. You can contact me at : Also, quick thanks to ISS for providing a great platform to express ourselves here, and get mingling with great like-minded people. Now we quickly get to the story. Please read the first part (if you haven’t) before...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 1 The Fall Of Man

“ARRRGGHHHH!!!” Ana smiled as an especially brutal lash whipped into the back of her naked, shivering submissive. He was shackled to a St. Andrew's Cross and naked, aside from the metal cock cage imprisoning his shriveled manhood. His back was covered in welts. Some were old. Many were new. The canvas of his body was growing more raw and red by the second. Anastasia was a skilled artist with a bullwhip and she enjoyed painting the skin of powerful men most of all. *C-CRACK C-CRACK...

4 years ago
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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 1 The Fall Of Man

*WHIPCRACK* "ARRRGGHHHH!!!" Ana smiled as an especially brutal lash whipped into the back of her naked, shivering submissive. He was shackled to a St. Andrew's Cross and naked, aside from the metal cock cage imprisoning his shriveled manhood. His back was covered in welts. Some were old. Many were new. The canvas of his body was growing more raw and red by the second. Anastasia was a skilled artist with a bullwhip and she enjoyed painting the skin of powerful men most of...

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Matthews dreamy birthday

Matthew had just graduated from university when he landed his dream job as a systems analyst. His new colleagues were nice, making him really welcome especially his manager Vincent.As the months progressed, they got to know Matthew better as well as he likewise with his colleagues including Vincent.Where his colleagues like to spend their leisure time socialising like going to concerts, football matches etc, they were intrigued as well as more bewildered by his hobby. Matthew like spending his...

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The Covet Chronicles With Malvika 8211 Part 1 8211 Prelude

They say life is full of uncertainties. You never know what might happen the very next moment from now and sometimes we get so lost in our past that we just ignore our present and our future. We keep digging into our past more and more, forgetting what a beautiful life we have ahead of us and what amazing opportunities lay in front of us. Well I was in that state of mind too before I started reading Malvika’s stories on ISS. It was like a complete turnaround for me. I never knew that a lady can...

1 year ago
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A sexy woman plans a birthday party for her boyfriend

“Miranda, please don’t spend any money on me. I don’t need a gift.” Tom argued with me. “But Tom, I want to make your birthday extra special. This is the first time you’ve had a birthday since we started dating.” “Miranda, I’m serious. Don’t waste any money on me. My dream birthday is just having over three or four friends, watching the Heat play basketball, playing poker, and drinking beer.” “That’s it?” I...

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The Amethyst Chronicles The Counicl Retreat Day 1

Introduction: This is my first story, so any constructive feedback would be great. I also want to state that this is a complete work of fiction and I in no way condone this type of stuff in rl. This story is based off a series of role play stories that a really good friend of mine and I did a while ago. I was the Amethyst character. If these type of themes offend you, dont read it, its that simple. In fact, if it offends you, what are you doing on this site in the first place, lol. I hope you...

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The Amethyst Chronicles Council Retreat Day 1 read this version it has paragraph breaks

Introduction: This is my first story, so any constructive feedback would be great. I also want to state that this is a complete work of fiction and I in no way condone this type of stuff in rl. This story is based off a series of role play stories that a really good friend of mine and I did a while ago. I was the Amethyst character. If these type of themes offend you, dont read it, its that simple. In fact, if it offends you, what are you doing on this site in the first place, lol. I hope you...

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The Telepath Chronicles part Two Above All Else Do No Harm

The Telepath Chronicles Part Two:-Above All Else Do No Harm By Hypatia I had asked for your views as to continuing this story in the introduction to the first one?but due to other responsibilities, proofing has taken a little longer than normal. Authors take note here those people we rely on ?The Proofers? are real people, with real lives. Send them a note to say how much you appreciate them?go on they deserve it. Anyway, to get back to my introduction, I began to listen to...

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The Continuing Chronicles of Alexa

3-Hole Slave Slut The Continuing Chronicles of Alexa:Part One - Captured for 3-Hole Sex Slaveryby Brazen [email protected]  The leather-clad master looked down at the naked slave whose sweating welt-covered body she was vigorously fucking with her 9? inch strap-on and smiled as she watched her thick tool move in and out of the slut's super tight asshole while her tits, their nipples tightly clamped bounced around beneath her. It was a certain bet that when her evening had...

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The Choker Club Chronicles Chap 2 Skyler

The Choker Club Chronicles: Skyler.... {Authors note: This is part two in the series and is probably as dark as I will get. There are strong elements of BSDM, submission, humiliation, toying, exhibitionism and anal penetration. Sensitive readers are cautioned to avert their eyes. If you haven't read the first chapter it is recommended you do so now, but this can be read as a stand alone story.} The reality of this afternoon was sinking in slowly as I contemplated the decisions I had made while...

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The Choker Club Chronicles Chap 2 Skyler

The Choker Club Chronicles: Skyler…. {Authors note: This is part two in the series and is probably as dark as I will get. There are strong elements of BSDM, submission, humiliation, toying, exhibitionism and anal penetration. Sensitive readers are cautioned to avert their eyes. If you haven’t read the first chapter it is recommended you do so now, but this can be read as a stand alone story.} The reality of this afternoon was sinking in slowly as I contemplated the decisions I had made while...

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The Werewoman Chronicles 1 Lifes A Bitch

The Werewoman Chronicles 1: Life's A Bitch By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Transcription of WW TAPE 1, SIDE A (Recorded 10/30/2000): You want to know something, Doc? Life's a bitch. Wait a second. I'm sorry. I do believe that I went and misspoke myself just now. So, tell you what. Let me rescind that last remark of mine. You see, Doc, it's not that life's a bitch, it's that I'm a bitch, on a purely periodic, part-time bases. In other...

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The Chronicles of Narnia XXX The White Witch Peter Edmund

WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This work is copyrighted to the author ? 2007. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your...

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The NicBrig Chronicles Connie and Seanna

The NicBrig Chronicles: Connie and Seanna by Armond I. The ice is thin come on dive in underneath my lucid skin... Hours pass days pass time stands still... - Ice, Sarah McLachlan, *** A white flash glittered through a rain-splattered window. Though late morning, the November gale had turned morning to dusk. "Headlights coming, he's here!" Seanna said, her wine red hair swishing as she turned to her mother and aunt. The older women...

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The CockSucking Chronicles The Beginning

Hello, dear Reader. I am an addict. I'm not looking for sympathy, it really is no big deal, I have come to terms with and totally accepted it. I don't hurt anyone and, in fact, by its very nature, my addiction has brought pleasure to very many men. It's a fact that it's possible for anyone to become addicted to anything. Apart from the very obvious and easy to name addictions, like gambling, alcohol and narcotics, there are other less obvious addictions which are equally as demanding on the...

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The Gladden Chronicles Part 2

The Gladden Chronicles By Carleton Vincent Ethan finds himself enrolled at Gladden Academy, the strange school on the Northeast side of town where boys are forced to wear girls' clothing. He is a clever boy, but is he clever enough to get around the rules. Note: this some minor edits have been made Chapter 3: To Spite My Face The electronic whining of my alarm jarred me awake abruptly at 6:30 am. I sat up...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 19

Welcome back! A small step away from Kal and Sera in the beginning of this one but it accomplishes something I’ve wanted to do since Book 1 For those of you reading The Runesmith Chronicles for the first time I recommend starting with the first book, Oni and the Farmer. Mostly so you have a better understanding of how things like the magic system works and what’s going on as I often reference earlier chapters/books. If you find my stories entertaining, please take a look at the note...

3 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 12

For those of you reading The Runesmith Chronicles for the first time I recommend starting with the first book, Oni and the Farmer. Mostly so you have a better understanding of how things like the magic system works and what’s going on as I often reference earlier chapters/books. Edited/Proofread by: oldfart and 2muchdiggity “Ready?” Kal asked. The gorgon looked around her home and nodded nervously, “I am.” “Good there’s only a couple more things we need to take care of. The first is...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 21

Welcome back! Some Femdom in this one, not really my thing but it fit the character, so I rolled with it. It’s curious, I saw some vids of FemDom porn a while back (researching art references for Ikuno) and in all of them I would have told these tall, muscular women to go fuck themselves with a sand-coated dildo if they treated me like that. However, when I wrote the part in this chapter I don’t have that same reaction and I don’t understand why. As I said ... curious. For those of you...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 24

Welcome back! There’s a place in this chapter that feels like there should have been a fist bump... Anger, A Master of Stone, A Little More Time For those of you reading The Runesmith Chronicles for the first time I recommend going back and starting at Chapter One. Mostly so you have a better understanding of how things like the magic system works and what’s going on as I often reference earlier chapters. If you find my stories entertaining, please consider supporting me on Patreon....

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The Choker Club Chronicles

The Choker Club Chronicles Plain Jane, The story begins… Algebra class was winding down and I was starting to get that same bummed feeling I always did when it was over. It would be another day before I could see Leah again in class tomorrow. I had come to grips with the fact that there was something about Leah I was attracted to. ‘I wasn’t a lesbian!’ I thought because I wasn’t attracted to other girls. There was just something about Leah. Leah was beautiful I mean in every way. Skin tanned to...

2 years ago
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The Choker Club Chronicles

The Choker Club Chronicles Plain Jane, The story begins... Algebra class was winding down and I was starting to get that same bummed feeling I always did when it was over. It would be another day before I could see Leah again in class tomorrow. I had come to grips with the fact that there was something about Leah I was attracted to. "I wasn't a lesbian!" I thought because I wasn't attracted to other girls. There was just something about Leah. Leah was beautiful I mean in every way. Skin tanned...

3 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 24

Welcome back! For those of you reading The Runesmith Chronicles for the first time I recommend starting with the first book, Oni and the Farmer. Mostly so you have a better understanding of how things like the magic system works and what’s going on as I often reference earlier chapters/books. If you find my stories entertaining and would like to help me produce these stories for you, please consider checking out my Patreon! Every little bit helps :) As always,...

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The Rejection Chronicles Carmyn and Angel

The Rejection Chronicles: Carmyn and Angel Guess what ladies? Men have huge egos. When we meet you and we’re attracted to you we can’t help it, our egos swell to enormous sizes along with other parts of our body. We start to imagine you are interested in every third word that slips from our lips. Our imaginations run wild and we believe our cocks must captivate you. We sit there pretending to listen to you prattle on about your latest hair or clothing crisis while in our brain we are imagining...

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The Rejection Chronicles Carmyn and Angel

The Rejection Chronicles: Carmyn and Angel Guess what ladies? Men have huge egos. When we meet you and we’re attracted to you we can’t help it, our egos swell to enormous sizes along with other parts of our body. We start to imagine you are interested in every third word that slips from our lips. Our imaginations run wild and we believe our cocks must captivate you. We sit there pretending to listen to you prattle on about your latest hair or clothing crisis while in our brain we are imagining...

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The Skirt Chaser Chronicles 2 Pauls Story

The Skirt Chaser Chronicles: 2. Paul's Story: Part One: My name is Paul. I am the product of the best public school education that money could buy. I had always felt, however, that there was something missing from my education in an all boys' school and obviously that was girls. I met Sara a few months ago. She was my first girlfriend. Sara was everything I expected in a girlfriend. She would wear traffic-stopping skirts, mainly miniskirts but sometimes skirts with a slit up...

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The Chronicles of Crewman Number Six

Author's Note: A friend of mine writes Star Trek fiction with some friends, and after she told me about it, I got this silly character concept stuck in my head. It's just a bit of fluff and an excuse to write an action scene. :) And before anybody says anything, this is Next Generation era, so security wears gold, not red. I don't make the rules, folks, I just bend them into a pretzel! THE CHRONICLES OF CREWMAN NUMBER SIX By Jenny North As the transporter beam finished its...

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