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The Garden Centre

(extract from Chapter 10 of Amatore's Restaurant)

It was the Wednesday before the meeting Lucy had come to her decision; damned if Rose and her pompous husband were going to continue to benefit from her influence on the board. While she had always known her neighbour was one to meddle in everyone's affairs – and was well aware she could be tactless in voicing her opinions – up until the previous evening Lucy had managed to stay clear of Rose's personal attacks. But it wasn't until the following morning, as she set off for home after dropping the children off at school, she started to think about what her neighbour had said. By the time she reached the turning for Bicester she was fuming. That interfering bitch had absolutely no right! Just because she imagined herself to be a magnet to every man that passed her way, didn't give her the right to pass judgement about my affair with Rupert. And to call me needy – well, that's just going too far!

The Langley roundabout was clear and when she reached Highworth junction Lucy shot off down a country lane. The next bend came at her in a rush. She gripped the wheel as the BMW rode the bank – it was an anxious fifteen seconds before she was able get the car back on course.

Bloody hell! Better pull over somewhere and calm down. Lucy took it steady for the next two miles and when she reached the sign for Ferngreen Nurseries, t urned into the customers’ car park, switched off the engine and took a deep breath. Why be so affected by a stupid remark? Why give Rose so much attention? It wasn't as if she was a close friend. While I may not have seen Rupert for the past few weeks, I’m quite happy with the way things are at the moment – well, up to a point – and if I choose not to get involved with anyone else, then that's my business. Come to think of it, I haven't noticed Rose's husband paying her much attention recently. Maybe it's she who's the frustrated one.

Lucy tried to put the episode out of her mind. She looked around at the other vehicles nearby and took a second look at the white van parked across from her. She was sure she'd seen a truck with the same logo turn into her neighbour’s drive a few times in the past couple of months. This must be the place where Rose gets her garden plants. More than once she'd recommended one of the gardeners here; how she would leap at the chance to employ him full-time if only her husband would go along with it. Lucy thought of the empty space in her own garden where the old silver birch had been dug up – how envious Rose would be if she saw it replaced with something exotic. She smiled to herself, stepped out of the car and marched over to the nursery entrance. This could be a way to get her own back.

It was a clear morning and the air had a bite to it – September was probably too late in the season for most plants, but there may be something. She looked around the ornamental tree section. Bewildered by the endless varieties on offer, she was about to give up on the idea when she first saw him; standing between two rows of conifers was a man with golden hair tied in a ponytail, a man who could only be described as an Adonis.

Lucy side-stepped and took cover behind an alpine spruce. She watched him through the branches of the dense foliage. He was about six feet tall, somewhere between twenty-five and thirty years old. With feet placed apart, he was stacking terracotta planters onto a trolley. Using his whole body, he lifted the containers with such grace and ease that each planter seemed to float through the air until it landed square onto the pallet. It was like watching a ballet. The scent of spruce filled her lungs as Lucy gazed at this creation of beauty, a warmth imbued her groin and she had to grip a branch to steady herself.

The man straightened and looked across in her direction – he must have heard her.

She was caught in a panic. There was no way out. She detached herself from the spruce.

“ Could you help me, please?” she said, attempting to wipe the resin from her fingers. “I have an empty space in my garden and I'm looking for someone – for something to fill it.”

Too late, the word was out before she could think. She hoped he hadn't read too much into it. But there again, as soon as she looked into his eyes, she really didn't care if he had.

“ Of course, Madam. You are looking for the bags of compost?” He brushed a strand or two of hair from his perfectly sculptured face.

What is that accent? German? Dutch maybe. Lucy pulled herself together. “Oh, no. I'm looking for a small tree that will give a bit of shade in a sunny area of my garden.” Those eyes; limpid blue, the colour of azure.

The man glanced up at the cold grey sky. He shrugged. “Please, I will show you.”

He led the way down a path where he pointed out various trees which could be planted at this time of year. Mesmerised by the resonance of his words, hypnotised by the shape of his bottom encased in light denim, Lucy followed a couple of paces behind. “I'm sorry. What did you say?”

He turned and gave her an amused look. “Excuse me. I am from Sweden. I think my English is not so good. My question is how much size do you want?”

She dropped her gaze to the front of his jeans. Her mind was reeling. God! Who cares, does it really matter? She had to pinch herself to get back on track. “Oh, I don't think it needs to be more than ten feet high.”

He thought for a moment then took her down a narrow path bordered by rows of shrubs until they came to a halt before a small tree.

“ This one is Amelanchier Canadensis, ” he said, caressing the stem between thumb and fingers. “It has beautiful red leaves at the finish of the season.”

Lucy looked up at his wide sensuous mouth; imagined a flickering tongue emerging like a –

“ It is small now, but, he will be up to two metres when he has grown.”

Again, her eyes dropped to the crotch of his jeans. If this carries on I'm going to make a fool of myself. She looked up. “Yes, that's fine. I'll have this one.”

“ You will need to make a big hole for this.” He seemed concerned at her rushed decision. “You would like to see some more before you make your mind?”

For a moment, he caught her with his piercing eyes.

She looked away and tried to focus on the plant. “No, I like this one. This one is fine. Can you deliver it?”

“ Of course we can, madam. You can arrange this with reception when you –”

“ No –” She almost shouted the word. “I mean, you have been very helpful to me and I was wondering,” she hesitated, her heart thumping. “I was wondering if you could show me where to plant it.” (Bloody hell! What am I saying – have I gone out of my mind?) “Of course, I’ll pay you extra,” she added.

The man considered her for a moment. “I am only work here in the mornings,” he said.

“ Oh, good. This afternoon will be fine. Say, one thirty?” Lucy didn't wait for his answer. “Here's my phone number.” She took out her card, Lucy Sutton – Director Retrospective Theatre Company, and wrote her address on the back.

His face broke into a broad grin as he studied the card. He held out his hand. “I will be there at one-thirty Mrs Sutton.”

He kept a gentle grasp of her fingers as she gave directions. God – if this man doesn't let go soon I'm sure my body will start to shake. At last, he released her and she started to walk away. A few paces on, she turned around. “By the way. What's your name?”

“ Jöran. Jöran Engstrom. ”

“ Jöran Engstrom ,” she repeated. “Half-past one then?”

“ Yes, I will see you then.”

She ambled towards the reception, telling herself not to look back until she turned the corner. When she did, he was still standing where she'd left him, studying the card she'd given him. He took out his mobile, tapped in a number and brought the phone to his ear.

When she reached the car park, Lucy let out a deep breath.

The weather had cleared and it was already warm by the time she reached home. There was a letter waiting for her; from her agent. She stood in the hall and tore it open – Great news! Her series, Windows after Hopper , has been accepted for the Spring Exhibition at the Walter Sickert Gallery in Hampstead and could she contact him as soon as possible to discuss media coverage. Lucy went straight to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine. At last, all her work over the past year has paid off – this will be her biggest break since winning the Tristan Humbert Prize three years ago. This has to be her lucky day.

She looked at the time: 12.35. God, that lovely man will be here in an hour! She picked up her glass and checked every room in the house, then she poured herself another. Thank God it was Wednesday and Janice had been around to clean up the previous afternoon. Upstairs, she took a bath and went to extraordinary lengths to ensure not a single hair remained attached to her legs. In her bedroom she pulled open the wardrobe doors, took down the little black dress and threw it on the bed. Moving to her bedside table, she rummaged through the top drawer and groaned at the crumpled heap of cotton briefs and sports bras. She emptied the contents onto the bed alongside her dress, stood back and glared at the pile – all clean and fresh but nothing likely to induce the passions. Then, as if a genie had leaped from her wine glass, she remembered the set she'd bought for that date last New Year – one of many Rupert had to cancel.

She pulled open the bottom drawer. The packet was still there, buried beneath her woollen jumpers, unopened and bearing the label Allure of Paris . She tore it open and, within the space of a minute, was standing before her cheval mirror dressed in an enticing silk bra and matching panties. She closed her eyes and imagined him there – Him? Christ! What did he say his name was? Oh yes Jöran . That's it, Jöran , laying on the bed; piercing blue eyes gleaming, strong hands reaching out to her, pulling her down – she glanced at the clock on her bedside table – Ten past one! She grabbed the dress and hitched it over her head and shoulders. After a quick look in the mirror she pulled it off and threw it to the floor along with her stockings. “Shit, shit, shit!”

Two minutes later she bounded down the stairs dressed in a straight grey woollen skirt and cream shirt and shoved her bare feet into a pair of flat leather shoes.

Another glass of wine and a quick inspection of the dining room. An empty coffee cup had been left at the edge of the carefully polished dining table. She picked it up, rushed over to the dresser and opened the bottom door. The contents spilled out across the floor: a paperback book, two broken pencils, all the Sunday supplements for the last three months, a yellow cushion (part of a pair used to decorate the sofa she had replaced last year) and a tennis ball which had now rolled under the table – everything spewed out and scattered.

When, at last, all was back in place Lucy wedged the empty cup between the pages of the supplements and eased the door closed. She waited, expecting it to spring open, but it held. She stood back and surveyed the room.

After a little consideration she moved the vase of fresh cut flowers from the dining table to the mantle shelf above the fireplace, centred it between the jade statuettes of Vishnu and Brahma, only to return it back to its original place at the table.

She raced into the kitchen and glanced up at the clock: 1.27. Her heart was pounding like a bass drum. What's wrong with me for Christ's sake! The man's only coming to deliver a tree for the garden, and anyway he's probably forgotten all about it now.

At that moment wheels crunched through the gravel of her drive. Lucy stepped back from the window and watched a rusty old pick-up truck pull up outside. The bell gave a second ring. Lucy waited in the hall and willed herself to get to twenty before answering. Six, seven, eight, she pulled the door open at nine.

“ Oh, goodness!” Lucy raised her eyebrows. “Is it that time already?”

“ Hello. I should take these off?”

Lucy, head spinning, gazed at the figure on her doorstep and wished she hadn't been so liberal with the wine.

The man pointed to his feet.

Her eyes travelled down the length of his body and rested on his mud-clodded boots.

“ Oh, no. That's all right. Come through, Johan.”

“ Jöran.”

“ Yes, well. We'll go to the garden first.”

He followed her down the hall, across the lounge, through the conservatory and out to the back garden, leaving a trail of mud footprints across the polished floors and deep-pile carpet.

While he measured the space for her new tree, Lucy went to perch on the garden table. After a couple of failed attempts, she managed to position herself at the edge of the bench and watched the man at work. Each time he had his back turned, she hitched her skirt a little higher.

“ What did you do in Sweden?” she said, trying to get his attention.

He glanced up. “My work?”

For a brief moment, she was sure his eyes took in her exposed thigh.

“ Yes, your work?”

He told her that he was an actor for the Personlig Teater in Stockholm .

Lucy considered this. So that would explain why he had taken an interest in my business card. However, she didn't comment and Jöran went on to say that, when there was no work in the theatre, he was employed as a masseur and personal trainer in a fitness centre in Malmö .

God! thought Lucy, this is too good to be true. She asked if he enjoyed the work.

“ For the theatre?”

“ No, the fitness centre.”

He said it was okay but he would prefer to work for himself as a gardener but found it difficult to get established.

“ Maybe you should offer a discount for recommendations. I'm sure you could find plenty of clients that way.”

“ But I think it is not so easy. First I must find somewhere to keep my equipment and then it will be the rent to pay.” He shrugged. “I think this will take much time and money. I finish my employment at the garden centre this month and, if I cannot find somewhere for my work, then I will have to return to my country.”

While she watched him at work, Lucy thought of his dilemma. She considered her summerhouse; heated, double glazed, about ten by twelve feet of floorspace.

“ How much room do you need?” she asked.

Jöran stepped back and checked the depth of the hole. “Oh, I think that will be size enough.”

With his feet braced apart and knees slightly bent, he lowered the sapling gently into the hole. Lucy imagined herself suspended with his hands at her waist and her legs wrapped around his middle.

“ No, I meant for your garden work,” she said. “For your storage?”

He trod the soft dark earth firmly around the base of the tree. “Ah, it would be the same as a small office.”

Lucy slipped off the bench and they both stood back to admire the tree set in its new location.

“ Lovely. Wait here. I'll just be a moment.” Lucy went back to the house and returned with a chequebook in her hand. “Now, how much do I owe you?”

“ Oh, I think twenty-five pounds is good for me. It is too much, do you think?” He looked to her for confirmation.

There was a movement from the curtain at her neighbour's window.

“ No, I think that's very reasonable.” Her pen was poised over the cheque. “How much do you charge for a massage?”

“ It may be a little different here, but at the centre in Sweden they charge three hundred kronor for forty minutes, which is about thirty pounds.”

“ Well, yes that's fine. So, I make that fifty-five pounds altogether. Is that okay?” Lucy started to fill out the cheque.

“ You pay for a massage, now?”

“ Well, not if you don't want to,” she added.

“ Of course, yes, this is not a problem. I was a little unexpecting, that is all.” His voice trailed off. “You want me now? Here in your home?” he asked.

She gave a quick glance to her neighbour's bedroom window. “Well, I was thinking out here in the garden would be fine.”

Jöran paused. “But I have not my roller and balls.”

Lucy's eyes dropped to his crotch.

“ And have not my oils,” he added.

“ Oils? Oh yes, that's all right. Wait a moment.” Lucy headed back to the house. After a few paces she let out the breath she had been holding in for the last twenty-five seconds.

Less than a minute later she was back in the garden armed with a bath towel and the bottle of massage oil which had remained unopened in the medicine cabinet for over nine months. “Is this okay?” she asked.

He took the bottle and read the label.

Lucy spread the towel over the garden table.

“ Yes, this is okay,” he said.

Lucy turned to face him. “Shall I get undressed now?”

“ Yes, I think this will be necessary,” he smiled.

She attempted to undo her shirt but the buttons kept slipping through her fingers. She looked up. “Can you help me with this, please?”

The curtain gave another twitch at Rose's bedroom window.

Jöran slowly unbuttoned the front of Lucy's shirt. He was standing so close she could feel the warmth of his body. His eyes were fixed on the final button which stubbornly refused to pass through the hole. Hers dropped to his slim waist beneath his t-shirt. She became conscious of her breathing, hard, through parted lips. She held her breath.

The final button gave way and he looked up. Their eyes met. Lucy had to fight the impulse to fling her arms around his neck and kiss him.

“ How long are you staying here?” Her words came out as a whisper. She cleared her throat. “I mean, in England?”

He repeated that his contract with the garden centre would be finishing next month and, if he couldn't find any work here, he would have to return to Sweden.

“ Oh, yes. You told me.” Lucy pulled her shirt off her shoulders, convincing herself that this was no different than a routine examination at her doctor's surgery. She let her skirt drop to the grass and climbed onto the table.

“ Do you want to lay me on my back or my tummy?” The innuendos, although unintended, flowed so naturally Lucy didn't bother to correct them any more. Besides, the man didn't seem to notice.

“ I begin with your back first,” he said.

Lucy stretched full length on the table with her head turned to face the garden wall. At the sound of squelching oil warming his palms, Lucy had to remind herself to stay detached. She unclipped the back of her bra.

His first touch was electrifying. As soon as his fingers pressed between her shoulder blades Lucy knew that she would have a struggle to keep control. Her eyes fixed on the flowerbed. She had just started to count the second row of gladioli when there was a sound of metal scraping against brickwork from the other side of the wall. Moments later, a head of auburn hair appeared through the fronds of ivy draped over the top of the wall.

Lucy closed her eyes. She turned her head away and smiled; her plan was working, better than she expected. The sun was warm on her back as her masseur's fingertips glided along the centre of her spine. She opened her eyes a little, just enough to take in the front of his jeans pressing against the bench inches from her face, the edge of his bleached t-shirt working it's way above the waistband. Her eyes followed a trickle of sweat as it ran down the tight skin of his stomach.

“ You can take your shirt off if you like?” Lucy bit into her lip. “I mean, it's quite hot out here.”

Jöran removed his hands from her back.

God! She hadn't meant to say it aloud. And now he's taken offence; he's packing up and leaving. And all witnessed by Rose too – she'll never hear the end of it.

The edge of his t-shirt moved up to his chest and over his shoulders to uncover a smooth tanned waist. Never had Lucy seen a man in such good physical shape – at least, not in real life. The tight rippling pectoral muscles she thought only existed in the pictures of male models in magazines. She let out a sigh as his fingers resumed their sensual movements. Then a thought flashed through her mind: What if he's gay!

“ Do you have a girlfriend?” she asked.

“ Yes, she is living in Norsborg . ”

Well, that solves that one. “How often do you see her?”

“ I stayed at her home for two weeks in July of this summer.”

At least two months ago. What does he do between visits? He must be frustrated. Mind you, I can't talk. It's been over a year since me and Stephen split up, and whatever we had together could hardly be described as sex. And Rupert, well he's been so taken up with this production I only get to see him at board meetings these days.

“ I expect you miss her.”

He didn't answer, just moved his hands to the top of her spine. “And you,” he said. “You are married?”

“ Oh no, he left a long time ago. You are the first man I have allowed to touch me in over...” Christ! What am I saying? He's a masseur not a bloody gigolo.

Jöran moved his hands away. “It is warm here” he said. “You will mind if I work in smalls?”

Jesus! You've blown it now Lucy. Why do you always have to push it too far? He's going to pack up and say he'll finish off another time. You'll never see this guy again.

She tried to hide her disappointment and started to climb down from the bench.

“ Oh no, Mrs Sutton.” He touched her shoulder. “Please stay how you are. I have not finished your back.”

Confused, Lucy rested her elbows on the bench and watched the man untie his boots and remove them along with his socks. To her amazement he flipped open the front of his jeans and pulled them down to expose his muscular thighs. She gave a quick glance towards the garden wall just in time to see Rose's head bob down.

Jöran, dressed in a pair of grey body-hugging cotton boxer shorts, returned to his position alongside the bench. “I will continue now, yes?”

Work in smalls? Of course, he meant his shorts. Was this her lucky day or what!

She sank back to the wooden slats and rested her head in the crook of her arm as his fingers resumed their sensuous movements along her back and the sides of her rib-cage. Through half-closed eyes she followed the contours of the shape confined inside the pouch at the front of his pants – was her mind playing tricks? It must be the wine. Could that really be a penis? Now what? Was she expected to make the next move? Did he remove his trousers to encourage her to take the next step? Big it may have been, but it was clear the man wasn't aroused. What if he took offence? Lucy had to fight the compulsion to reach out and touch him. In desperation, she willed it to come alive. She searched for a stirring, a sign, but it was no use, Jöran remained cool and unmoved.

The heat between her legs was unbearable, she pushed her hips into the hard surface of the table. Why did he not feel the same? She felt a surge of pleasure as his fingers pressed into the small of her back.

“ Do you ever get turned on by your clients when you do this work?” God! Think before you speak, Lucy.

“ Sometimes. Yes, this can happen.” He ran his thumbs along her spine. “When it is with an attractive woman.”

What's the man implying? That I'm not? All the evidence seems to point to it.

“ But then,” he continued. “Most of the time, I will think only of the work I am to do. It is not good to confuse the two. Sometimes it can be... a misunderstanding. Yes. It can be a misunderstanding.”

Lucy was determined to pursue this. “Okay, but surely you get some women who want something more?” Well done, Lucy – very subtle. At least you didn't say 'gagging for it'.

“ It would depend on many things,” he continued. “If she was attractive. If she was a generous person, someone who I could be with more. Then, yes, it is possible.”

He moved his hands around her waist and pressed his fingers into the dip of her pelvis. The sensation sent a spasm through her body.

“ Ooh, that's nice,” she whispered. She had the urge to throw her legs apart.

“ Do you mind if I take my pants off?” Steady girl. We don't want any misunderstandings here, do we? “Just so you don't get them covered in oil.” she added.

“ Of course. You can cover with the towel, if you want.”

No sign of emotion in his voice. Doesn't he want to see me naked?

Lucy spread the towel over her bottom. She pulled her briefs down to her knees and kicked them off; the waistband catching the edge of the bench where they hung like a limp flag for the remainder of the afternoon.

“ Do you think I'm attractive?” Lucy pursued – Oh, yes. Very subtle!

“ Yes, you are a very attractive woman.”

Lucy let her legs fall apart and raised her bottom slightly. No sooner had she done this, Jöran started to hammer along the backs of her legs with the hard edge of his hands.

“ What the hell are you doing!” She tried to leap down from the table but couldn't move. She was paralysed. Any attempt at escape was restrained by the relentless pounding on the back of her thighs.

“ You must stay still,” he demanded. “You are very tense. This is to relax you. Now please, lay back down and make loose your muscles.”

She gave in; allowed him to continue until the treatment was complete.

“ You can turn over now,” he said. “I will do your front.”

Lucy held the towel at her waist, turned around and sat up. In doing so, her bra strap slipped from her shoulder and her breasts, (her best asset according to Rupert), fell free. As her careful choice of underwear seemed to have no affect, she threw the bra aside. Dejected, she lay with her back to the boards and stared up into the sky. She tried to imagine what it would take to get Jöran turned on. What was it he said? That his client would need to be attractive – but hadn't he just admitted she was a very attractive woman? Yes, but only because she pushed him – the guy probably didn't want to hurt her feelings.

His fingertips started to work their way along her lower leg from her ankle to her knee.

What else? Oh yes. That was it – she had to be generous. Was he short of money? Maybe he was hoping for a tip but was too proud to ask.

“ You are very good at this. I really think you should charge a higher fee,” she suggested.

“ No, this is fine for me. I have no need of more.”

So, that's not it. Lucy tried to think. She looked over to the cabin at the bottom of the garden. She'd moved her paints easels and canvases from there last month and turned the spare bedroom into her studio for the winter.

“ Do you think my summerhouse would make a good office for your work?”

Without answering, Jöran looked across to the end of the garden. He then slid his hands along the back of her thighs as far as her bottom.

“ Oh, my God!” she gasped.

“ Yes, of course. I think it would be very good.” He said, beginning to massage the soft flesh only inches from her vagina.

She parted her knees and raised her bottom from the table, unaware that the towel had slipped to the bench. She was breathing hard. “Would you... like to work in there?”

Jöran took the bottle and shook some oil onto her tummy. “Well, yes,” he said. “Providing there is space for my equipment.” He started to rub the oil into her breasts.

“ God, that's nice,” she gasped.

He stopped. “You are saying that I could work here?”

Lucy pushed herself against his motionless hand. “Yes,” she panted. “In the summerhouse.”

“ And you don't mind me to use as an office?” His hands remained still.

“ Yes, yes. Of course I don't. Now, please don't stop what you were doing.”

Jöran began to enter her with his fingers. First one, then two.

Lucy arched her back to meet them.

At last, all his fingers were in her vagina. His thumb teased the little protrusion buried under the mound of neatly trimmed hair.

Lucy's hands were at her breasts, she began to gyrate her hips against the mounting pressure of his hands.

The sound of a ladder crashed through ivy and climbers.

Jöran gave a concerned glance towards the wall.

A moment of silence was followed by a stream of obscenities from the neighbours garden.

He looked back at Lucy who turned to meet his steely blue eyes.

“ Make me come,” she gasped, her voice was barely a whisper. “Make me come... please.”

With a steady rhythm Jöran moved his hand to answer the insistent throb from the wall of warm flesh enclosed around his fingers.

A deep guttural sound came from Lucy's throat as she arched her body from the table.

Half an hour later all was at peace in Lucy's garden. Rose waited by the rusted gate at the bottom of her own property until her neighbour had driven off to collect her children from school. Once she was sure Lucy had gone, she scrambled through the overgrown path and, in less than thirty seconds was standing inside her neighbour's summerhouse with her back against the closed door.

“ So, did she go for it then?” she said.

Jöran, dressed in his grey cotton shorts and working boots, was measuring the distance from one wall to the other. With arms outstretched and the pose of a tightrope walker, he paced the bare floorboards heel to toe.

“ Yes,” he said, without looking up. “Not only to work as her gardener. She said I can use this for my office.”

Rose pushed herself away from the door and took two steps toward him. “How clever of you, darling.” She moved her mouth up to his and cupped her hand inside the expanding pouch of his pants. “Now I can see you whenever I like.”

She pulled him over to the window.

Jöran gave a cursory glance towards the house.

“ Don't worry, she won't be back for at least half an hour.” Rose placed her outstretched hand on the dusty window ledge and looked over her shoulder. “I was watching over the wall, you know.”

“ Yes I did hear you. I think that you fell. I hope you did not hurt.”

With one elbow supported on the windowsill and both feet spaced apart, Rose slid her hand down her dress and stroked the back of her leg. With her eyes fixed on his face, she pulled the hem of her dress up exposing her body as far as her shoulder. “Look what happened to me.”

Jöran's eyes were on her naked back. Rose braced herself as he pressed against her bottom, winced as he ran the tip of his index finger along the fresh graze down the side of her ribs. She dropped her hands to the floor, pushed the back of her head through the cobwebs until it rested against the wall. From here she could see every detail; from the moment he entered her until the last drop of his cum trickled down the inside of her thighs.

Copyright © James Sillwood 2014

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The Back Garden Bride

The Back Garden Bride I was born Nathan, although for as long as I can remember, I have been known as Nat. Apparently when I was very young and learning to talk, I found my name a little too long and difficult to say out loud, so I shortened it as much as I could. Naturally I had it pointed out to me many times during my childhood that Nat was more of a girl's name, but that never bothered me, so the name stuck with me. I was an average kid for the most part, average height, average...

2 years ago
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Love in the Garden

I've always loved this time of year, spring, the season of rebirth. I've been eager to get my hands back into the soil and watch everything come alive all around me. My garden has been my joy, my escape and my tranquility. It has been the answer: whether I was stressed, needed to seek solutions, or ground myself, or just yearned for beauty to appreciate. Relationships have been challenging for me, but I've always had my garden, and it never let me down. This year, I chose to use a different...

1 year ago
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Embarrassment At The Diagnostic Centre

One fine Friday evening as I (SHEKHAR DAS) prepared to shut down my Laptop and close my work for another weekend, I received an email from my admin for a Medical Test. All executives who had reached 40 or above had to mandatorily undergo a medical test. My medical test was scheduled at a little-known Diagnostics Laboratory in Bhubaneshwar. The List of the Medical Tests was given to me in advance. The Medical tests included the regular Chest & Back X-Rays, Blood & Urine Tests,...

3 years ago
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In the Garden of Good and Bad Karma

The high-class limousine speeding down the dusty, old country highway made an interesting contrast with its surroundings. Or rather, it would have, if anyone, aside from a few lazy cows, had been around to see it pass. There was also an interesting contrast between the passengers riding within the limo too. One was a woman with honey blonde hair tied in a bun, dressed in a stiff formal blouse and dress, the kind a secretary with a retro sense of fashion might wear. Her bright red lips were...

3 years ago
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Love in the Garden

I’ve always loved this time of year, spring, the season of rebirth. I’ve been eager to get my hands back into the soil and watch everything come alive all around me. My garden has been my joy, my escape and my tranquility. It has been the answer: whether I was stressed, needed to seek solutions, or ground myself, or just yearned for beauty to appreciate. Relationships have been challenging for me, but I’ve always had my garden, and it never let me down. This year, I chose to use a different...

4 years ago
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In the Garden

Moira lived in the top floor, North end flat in a six flat block near the University. Being so close to the school, many girls in the block were in classes. The only man living in the building lived in the lower South corner. None of the girls knew his name, only that he worked overnights and slept all day. They did their collective best to not bother him and he gave them all the same respect.Moira didn't attend any classes. Instead, she worked days at a local shop, usually home in time for...

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Kaceys Garden

The front of the small bungalow seemed to be engulfed in flowers. Kacey had planted dozens of different types and colors of flowers and had been careful to make sure there would always be something blooming. For this reason she hated the winter as once her Marigolds died she would be out of luck until the Tulips blossomed in the spring. Her neighbors marveled at the beauty she brought to their surroundings without being gaudy. The 45 year old widow just loved being outside so she was just as...

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The Garden

There are two things I enjoy that, when experienced together make me feel wonderful.All right, I know what you are thinking but no, I mean a hot summer's day and my garden.Those two things together have the ability to make me forget all my troubles and woes.You see, when the sun shines, I can potter around in my garden to my heart's content and when the chores are completed and the garden is tidied to my satisfaction then what could be better than relaxing on the veranda of the summer house...

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Tollies Garden Pt1

I was seventeen, almost eighteen, when Tollie moved into our small apartment above the carriage house. I didn’t pay much attention at first when my mom rented it to him. After moving into the huge house we inherited from her grandfather, my great-grandfather, I was too busy trying to fit in at my new school. Being the new girl wasn’t easy. It felt weird, two people living in a mansion with white pillars at the entrance, wisteria growing up to the third floor and a big Dutch door, you know, the...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Garden of Desire

Bea stood at the kitchen window watching Danny, her son, his arms filled with small heaps of vegetable matter, running on his little legs backwards and forwards between the man digging the beds and the compost heap. He had been out there for nearly forty minutes, 'helping'. Bea's heart swelled with pride at her little man's eagerness to do his bit: at the same time she recognised the familiar look of determi­nation on his face that reminded her so very much of Tony, her late husband. The...

4 years ago
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Garden of Earthly DelightsChapter 3 MA makes a break

Her captors didn't confide in her, of course, but after a few days Ms. Americana had two things figured out: Flag Girl had escaped — or was dead. And Betty had been taken off the job. "Where's Nurse Dyke?" MA asked one morning, when Bohner arrived to take her down to the recreation room for another session in sexual degradation. "We've given her another assignment," Bohner replied. "I'm afraid she had gotten too emotionally involved with you. I can assure you I don't have that...

4 years ago
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Sue in the garden teasing builders

In my eyes my wife is absolutely gorgeous. She's 5'5" tall and has a pair of breasts to die for, They are perfectly proportioned to her body she is a little over weight but still in proportion, at times her pussy can be hairy yet in the summer she will shave it all away which is very exciting for me. This is my opinion.You might wonder why I am waxing lyrical about her in such detail. The reason is that: I still can't believe that I managed to get her for myself. To cut to the chase, we met...

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Sallys Garden

That very first week my brother had to be dropped off and collected at his friend Darren’s house. Darren lived in the next borough and it was quite a complicated drive if you wanted to avoid the M25 ring road. It turns out Darren only went to our school because he’d been kicked out of all the schools in his borough for being disruptive. We didn’t really know that bit at the time and my brother was allowed to go round to play. So that Saturday morning I dropped Simon off. Darren was out front...

3 years ago
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Spanked for doing dares in the garden

My name is Angie, I’d just turned 18 at the time of these events and was about to go off to university. My friend Mike is a couple of months younger than me, he’s tall and very fit but somehow we’d always just been ‘friends’. He was going off to University on the other side of the country soon and we were spending a fair amount of time together before going our separate ways. We enjoyed each other’s company and had done all the usual stuff together as we grew up, playing doctors and nurses and...

4 years ago
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Garden Service

Garden Servicepart 1Charlie Thurston looked out over the garden while wiping his forehead with a piece of cloth. Two hours work had resulted in a mowed lawn, cleaned out pool and trimmed hedges. This was the second summer that Charlie spent his summer doing yard work as a summer job while attending college. First year with his own route and truck since last year he had worked alongside the owner of the company for a couple of weeks and then filled in spots where needed. But hard work paid of...

3 years ago
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The Garden

I had to pay for college somehow, so when a job at the hardware store came up, I took it. I liked that kind of stuff anyway and figured it would be a good way to learn useful things. I was a chemistry major, but all that was going to get me was a job. I wanted something that would teach me useful things, like how to fix a toilet. I went to my job after school and on weekends. It wasn’t hard work, but a lot of times customers would ask me questions I couldn’t answer. They’d be looking for a...

2 years ago
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Sallys Garden

I’d just got my driving license and I was allowed to borrow my parents car on condition I did the errands like drop my kid brother off to play with his friends and all that crap that my parents had had to do before I passed the test. I didn’t really mind. Anything to get to drive. That very first week my brother had to be dropped off and collected at his friend Darren’s house. Darren lived in the next borough and it was quite a complicated drive if you wanted to avoid the M25 ring road. It...

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Introduction: Swish! Thwack! The cane stung across Maggies arse for the twentieth time. Her bottomed burned with the delicious feeling of pain and pleasure Swish! Thwack! The cane stung across Maggies arse for the twentieth time. Her bottomed burned with the delicious feeling of pain and pleasure. She was being punished by her husband. She knew it was exactly what she deserved for the way she had humiliated him earlier. Are you getting the message now Bitch? Richard asked as the cane landed...

1 year ago
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Tollies Garden Pt2

 I slept in that next morning and didn’t wake up until eleven. It was Saturday and I loved not having to get up and rush out to school. The fact is, I loved to sleep—still do, but not like I did when I was a teen. Anyway, when I got up, I looked out the window but didn’t see Tollie. I took a long shower, played with myself, had a huge orgasm then got dressed, throwing on an old pair of cutoff jeans and a baggy T-shirt and even before I got to the kitchen, I heard Tollie and my mom laughing....

Love Stories
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Humiliation At The Discipline Centre

Dale Brown and Mary Barton, both sixty-six-year-old grannies, still couldn’t believe how silly they had been to try to defraud three of their students' parents of enough money to repay their debts. It had been bad enough being disciplined by Lucy Armstrong and Emma Lamb, the eighteen-year-old head and deputy head girls at the college they taught at, albeit both got aroused and masturbated afterwards.Then, they had to be spanked that same evening by two members of the resident's committee of...

4 years ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 57 The Red Centre

Thursday Week 31 Woomera, today's destination, was only 172 kilometres. This took Dave less than two and a half hours. He didn't stop on the way, opting to go straight there in time for a late morning tea. But first Jill had cooked them a substantial breakfast of scrambled eggs and sausages. "That was great, love. Nothing like a full tummy before setting out on a drive" Peter said with a sigh as he finished his second cup of coffee and Dave concurred. After checking in to the caravan...

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Angelas Garden Lover

As time flew by me and my wife Angela’s sex life was scintillating. Harry (Angela’s first lover other than me) whom she still dates for rollicking and titillating love making – had ignited a spark within us. We as a couple were having the greatest time of our lives. Our love making and desire for each other knew no boundaries. It was amazingly sensuous for me to know she was having a great time with her lover Harry and we would talk about how and what he did to her well-endowed body during...

Wife Lovers
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Eve Walks in the Garden and Talks

Eve Walks to the GardenIt was a warm summer evening with a reddening sky as John escorted Eve out the front door of the Foshay Hotel. John had saved her from embarrassing both of them.It was a short walk to a green oasis south of the hotel. Not a garden by any means but it had grass, trees, and benches. Eve clung to John’s arm for stability.Eve was unstable and she was angry. John could feel her tension in the way she grasped his arm. The clicking of her high heels on the cement bore audible...

Wife Lovers
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Adventures of My ExWife Working in the Garden

It was between our first and second c***d. The baby was six or eight weeks old and my wife had just been released for sexual activity by her doctors. She was horny as hell and I was getting an unusual amount of pussy from her. We lived on some acreage that had a small amount of bottom land for a garden and my sister’s husband and I were growing one there. The garden was about 150 yards from the house.On this particular day my wife was very horny and she let me fuck her that morning before I...

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As I'm kneeling there, over my garden, stretching to grab at the last of the weeds, I feel my wet hair caress my heated cheeks. I love that feeling, especially on such a hot day as this one. I'd been working in the garden for over an hour now and the sweat was flowing freely. There was, in fact, so much of it that it has left a wide swatch of moisture between my breasts, leaving my T-shirt soaked down the front. Leaning back on my heels, I again stop to wonder if I'm crazy to be out here...

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Bangalore 8211 A Garden City

Hi friends this is rahul here from bangalore. I’m 24 year old. 5’11 tall with a normal physic. I love this site and all the stories. Coming to the story i was at majestic waiting for my bus. Bus came and i got into it. All the seats were full so i had to stand near the door closer to the female seats. I was standing and looking towards the front side of the bus there were two girls sitting they were talking to each other. They were friends and one of the girl looked at me our eys met for the...

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In a Secret GardenChapter 19

I'd hate to admit it, but we wasted a pretty big chunk of the next two days before Amy and I gave up and quit the search for finding an entry into the final chambers for now ... and we just admitted defeat and handed over the entire project to our resident contractor, Jason who certainly understood mechanics better than we ever would. Besides, we still couldn't even figure out how to get the downstairs electricity turned on and that was starting to drive me nuts. "Of course you...

3 years ago
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The Gardener

This is a true account of my experiences from about 2003-2007When I moved to the Caribbean for work the job came with a house. Half way through my contract I needed to move into a new home and this house came with a gardener who came to the house a couple of mornings each week, usually just before sunrise so he could get a few hours in before it got too hot. At this time I was living with my girlfriend ( and we found that the house was...

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The Cable Slave chapter 7 The Gardener

I got a cryptic message from the cable guy one morning saying that some work had to be done in my garden. That was true enough because with all my recent activities I’d been neglecting it. That wasn’t the point of course; this was simply a message that I was about to find myself engaged in some outdoor activities. I told my husband that the money I made from the lingerie business meant I could hire someone to tidy up the garden. I was not too sure what this gardener would do. I was certain he...

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A Walk to The Paradise Garden

Note: The title is shared by a wonderful piece of classical music by Frederic Delius. If you can acquire a recording, you will find this story mirrors the music, and with a little luck, when the music stops, the tale will be near the end. This story is dedicated to the exquisite Honey123, her contributions to Literotica are priceless, and I will always covet them! ******************************* The beach was deserted. Only a lone crab tentatively made its way up the sandbar, pausing to...

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In a Secret GardenChapter 20

If I had even the slightest doubt that our resident retired biologist would leap like a kangaroo for the chance of directly furthering his esoteric researches into the wonders of duckweed, those fears were put instantly to rest the moment I started discussing the tentative idea of a chain of ponds stretching across three former house lots. Overjoyed would be an understatement. He nodded his head and shook my hand a lot and expounded for at least half an hour on the wonders of aquaponics under...

1 year ago
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Antonios Garden

Eighteen months before, after having lived in an apartment for five years, I decided to buy a house. The home needed quite a bit of work, but the two-acre garden, having been neglected in the preceding years needed a miracle. The house renovation was the easy part of the transformation, and within four months it was looking great. Two months later I met Antonio, a gardener, who was recommended to me by a neighbour.Antonio was stocky, with the most beautiful brown eyes and long black eyelashes I...

Gay Male
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Into Lianas Secret Garden

It was the El Nino season and I was riding my bike in blazing after mid-day sun, heading for my friend’s house a few miles away from where I lived. I was going to collect a book he’d promised to lend me. We were both out of high school a year now, and still job hunting. I was familiar with the area where my friend lived, having spent a few years there myself, so I knew which streets had large overhanging trees that offered sporadic shelter. A short distance before turning into one such...

2 years ago
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Secret Garden

It was the El Nino season and I was riding my bike in blazing after mid-day sun, heading for my friend’s house a few miles away from where I lived. I was going to collect a book he’d promised to lend me. We were both out of high school a year now, and still job hunting. I was familiar with the area where my friend lived, having spent a few years there myself, so I knew which streets had large overhanging trees that offered sporadic shelter. A short distance before turning into one such street,...

3 years ago
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The Walled Garden

With thanks to my proof-reader Esu. Chapter One: Outside It was four in the afternoon, on a perfect summers day. Bethany lifted her head and stretched backwards to ease her cramping muscles. It was nearly done; the large lawn spread out before her - pristine. Bethany rested her well-padded chin on the top of the rakes handle. She breathed in deeply, savouring the sweet July air 'Bliss' she thought. She heard a slight cough behind her, and swiveled her substantial shoulders. Mr. Groome...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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The Fitment Centre

If you ever met a shit magnet where tyres were concerned, well that would be me! I spent my life at my local tyre shop, replacing or fixing tyres. Truthfully, I mostly had myself to blame because I was rather careless when it came to driving. I constantly hit potholes or strangely placed curbs. I practically had shares in my local tyre fitment centre and everyone began laughing when I entered the premises. The guy that invariably took care of me was Russ. He always dumped whoever he is busy...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Reception Centre

Chapter 1 Reception The five girls stood in the reception cage waiting for the induction processto begin. I was dressed in my white doctor's coat with a stethoscope tucked into mypocket and an official looking clip board with papers attached. Moving over to the cage I welcomed the girls to the facility and silencedthe babble of questions and demands for explanations. This is the ReceptionCentre where you will be processed in accordance with my decisions and workin any area I decide. The...

2 years ago
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The Secret Garden Encounter

It had been a week since that first, unspoken, day of passion when Isabella and Ethan had met and they had been inseparable every day since. Ethan still went away to work and Isabella did what she normally had, which was whatever she wanted. Isabella lived a very comfortable life, used to getting the things she wanted as she had worked very hard for her reputation as a cybersecurity consultant. It had given her the opportunity to purchase a whisky distillery which had only benefitted from her...

Love Stories
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BBW neighbour has garden fun

So. 2020. The year of the great lockdown. A time where married men get the grief to get the house up to order whilst the wives sit in the house watching daytime garbage TV. I am one of those men. More of a slave than a husband now our sex life was suffering due to us constantly around each other. I would sneak down for early morning masturbation sessions online or the occasional filthy online chat, I can only assume my wife doing the same.Last week happened to be a very warm week in the UK,...

3 years ago
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In Our Garden

In sleep, the dreams come. A garden appears…our garden. One we’ve created in our minds, just for us. Yellow roses are everywhere. There is a pond, and the sound of trickling water can be heard as a small stream of water constantly runs into the pond. This is our garden. Where we meet when we close our eyes. As we drift off to sleep, we are transported here. Sometimes in this dream, I can never make it to him. I walk and walk, but never get any closer to him. Other times I get close to him,...

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Garden Of Eden

I was so ashamed.Ashamed, and yet, with the revelation of what I had done, the memories of it – my obsession of it, really – are still as powerful as the sex itself.I am like a million other women, I think. No matter how we have lived - even those with successful jobs and successful husbands who treat us well and generally behave like gentlemen - at one time in our lives, we begin to feel trapped, unappreciated, ignored.Unsatisfied, emotionally and physically.*In this day and age, every woman I...

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Garden fun

You struggled playfully at the bonds that held you. As you lay naked in our back garden with your blindfold on. Your arms and legs spread apart bound to metal stakes buried in the grass. You had been left this way by me, as part of our sexy games. You loved bondage and Sub-fantasy and I loved being dominant, so we made a good couple in the bedroom and out of it. One of our little games was to have You bound and exposed outside in our back garden. Where you would be 'forced' to give me a blowjob...

1 year ago
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Garden of Hedon

The Beginning 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and she separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day," and the darkness she called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. 6 And God...

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The Gardener

I love plants. Flowers, trees, bushes. All of them. I really enjoy working on them. Smelling them. Feeling their different textures. Taking care of them. I’m a gardener and it’s the job of my dreams. It doesn’t pay very well, but I enjoy it. I enjoy working outside. I enjoy the manual labor. I enjoy my life. And that’s what’s important, isn’t it? But I also have a problem. One that most men probably envy me for. Because they don’t know how it is. I’m a hunk. I’m 6’7” and built like the...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

4 years ago
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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 14 The Garden in Mother

Holding hands we skipped down the hall. Ship suggested we see what sort of setup Mother had before we decided on how we got clean. "You'll be surprised." was all she would say, as her right hand scratched under her left perfectly cloned boobs. So did Simone ... same hand, same breast ... together. I was sure it wasn't preplanned. As for our reeking clothes, she suggested we use the 'refresher'. The refresher is some kind of ionizing cleaner that clothes are hung in, the door shut,...

3 years ago
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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMThe Fun Center Garden of Eden and Minervas Market

“Fun Center? Looks more like the fart center,” Lindsay didn’t look impressed by the two small buildings pressed close together at the edge of the property that Eddie introduced as the Fun Center. The twin buildings did seem very plain almost like warehouses next to each other compared to the much more ostentatious parts of Sunny Manor. There was a fenced in garden on one side and what appeared to be a third smaller unmarked building down an alleyway. “We built this as a phase two for Sunny...

1 year ago
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Confused Ramblings of a Gardener

Confused Ramblings of a Gardener 1. History Julia put her pen down, leaned back in the kitchen chair and stretched her arms out. This exercise complete, she leaned forward once again, neatly folded the completed letter and slid it into an envelope with her completed job application and photos of her work. With a sigh, she addressed the envelope and put it on the side ready to post. A waste of time maybe, but Julia knew that she had to be honest. Archie made his weekly rounds of...

2 years ago
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My Little Garden

Brenda and Peter had been married for about seven years. It was, in many ways, a marriage of convenience. They had sold their tiny little flat in Winchester and bought an old end of terrace house in a little place well out in the countryside. Peter was always busy at his office and it was quite normal for Brenda to be on her own most evenings until late.  The house needed a lot doing to it but their budget was not really enough to employ anyone.  Brenda began to wonder if they had made a...

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Bettys Garden

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Warm and sunny, with a slightly cool breeze, and a smattering of fluffy white clouds.Spring had sprung, the snow had finally melted, and the trees were just beginning to bud. We strolled through the park, hand in hand, as we did every weekend. The fresh air and beauty of the park were both invigorating and relaxing. It helped me recharge, helped us keep fit and active, and we always chatted about anything but work."I had lunch with Betty yesterday," she...

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Bettys Garden

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Warm and sunny, with a slightly cool breeze, and a smattering of fluffy white clouds.Spring had sprung, the snow had finally melted, and the trees were just beginning to bud. We strolled through the park, hand in hand, as we did every weekend. The fresh air and beauty of the park were both invigorating and relaxing. It helped me recharge, helped us keep fit and active, and we always chatted about anything but work."I had lunch with Betty yesterday," she...

4 years ago
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Her Place in the Garden

The warm sun rained down on me as I knelt in my garden. The fresh smell of flowers and bushes combining with the peaceful tranquility of moving the garden dirt around with my shovel. As I squatted doing my daily morning chore, Cynthia peered over her wood picket fence and gave a snort. "Think she'll finish on time this go around?" Florence looked me over, inspecting my progress before checking her stop watch. "Its gonna be close. She still hasn't even put in the Azalias." Oh fuck I...

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