Garden Of Earthly DelightsChapter 3: MA Makes A Break free porn video

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Her captors didn't confide in her, of course, but after a few days Ms. Americana had two things figured out: Flag Girl had escaped — or was dead. And Betty had been taken off the job.

"Where's Nurse Dyke?" MA asked one morning, when Bohner arrived to take her down to the recreation room for another session in sexual degradation.

"We've given her another assignment," Bohner replied. "I'm afraid she had gotten too emotionally involved with you. I can assure you I don't have that problem." He grabbed MA's arm and pushed her toward the doorway.

"Another assignment? Does it involve Flag Girl? Betty hates her."

"No," said Bohner, "it doesn't involve your little pal. She's safe and sound."

MA could tell he was lying.

Perhaps because she had forced him to lie, Bohner was particularly nasty that day. He shoved the wand deep into her ass and turned the power to level nine. This was way beyond the pleasure zone. She screamed in agony. Then, for the first time since she had been taken captive, he fucked her himself. He did it slowly, in her pussy and from behind, while she was chained to the wall. The whole time he whispered hateful messages in her ear.

After he came, he said, "By God, I wish I could afford to kill you. I haven't performed surgery since my residency, but I'd slice you open and take out every organ and line them up on a table. I'd turn you into a fucking anatomy lesson."

Later, she was taken out on the veranda, to join Moulton and Tasher for lunch. She was so weak from the session with Bohner that her knees buckled and she landed face-first at Moulton's feet.

"My dear, what's the matter?" the old man said. "Here, let me help you up."

MA ate little and said nothing during lunch. Afterward, when Ludwig had escorted MA from the table, Moulton said to Bohner, "I think you're overdoing things. Ms. A is a beaten, defeated shell of her former self. There's really nothing more to be gained by these sessions. I think it's time to put her on the market."

Ludwig had been instructed to handle MA with great care. No rough stuff. No rape. Not even consensual sex, in the unlikely event she asked for it.

Ordinarily, he followed orders with Prussian exactitude. But today he was very horny, and his charge's vulnerability made her especially attractive to him. On the way back to her room, he pulled her aside and into Moulton's study.

"How about a quickie?" he asked.

MA looked at him blankly.

"Come on, honey. If you don't want to take off that sexy costume, just make a blow job." He spoke in the cajoling tones of a man on a date, not someone guarding a defenseless captive.

"A blow job?" MA said. "Okay." She knelt in front of him.

"Nice and slow," he instructed, unzipping his pants and pulling out his prick.

She caressed the head of his prick with her tongue. Then she slid her mouth down his shaft. He moaned softly and rocked back and forth on his feet.

What happened next came too fast for him to prevent it. MA pulled her head back from his crotch and drove her fist into his scrotum. He gasped, clutched his balls and fell to the floor. A quick karate chop to his throat finished the job. He was out cold.

"How can a 'quickie' be 'nice and slow, ' asshole?" she said in a low voice. She gave him a parting kick in the stomach, then went to the French windows. The study overlooked the Garden. She tried the handle on one of the windows. It was unlocked.

Where to next? She had tried the woods the last time she was free, and that hadn't worked. A long, meandering driveway led to the front gate, but she knew the gate was guarded.

She'd try the Garden. Those strange structures might provide some good hiding places.

Moulton, normally the most cheerful of men, was in a sour mood. To lose one superheroine, because of a blunder by a colleague's underling, was merely unfortunate. To lose a second, because of someone he had hired and trusted, was an outrage.

The only reason Betty and Ludwig weren't chopped up and dumped into the marine tank was that ichthyologists who ran his aquarium told Moulton that so much red meat would be bad for the sharks. Moreover, Bohner argued that the Clinic always needed organs. So Betty and Ludwig were dispatched with fatal injuries consistent with a high-speed traffic accident, and their innards were dispersed among those who could put them to better use.

But while getting rid of these two incompetents brought Moulton a certain satisfaction, it didn't bring back the two beauties who had brought him so much pleasure, and who had the potential to bring him so much money.

To make matters worse, that evening Taggart and the men who worked under him rebelled at his order that they search every square inch of the estate — including every bush and building in the Garden.

"With all due respect Mr. M," said Taggart, "you can't expect these boys to risk their lives uprooting all the freaks in the Garden — leastways, not unless they are authorized to shoot in their own defense."

"No shooting," shouted Moulton. "There will be no shooting. It cost a bloody fortune to create what you call 'freaks, ' and I'll not have them shot like so many possums and coons."

"They're bigger and more dangerous than possums and coons," said Taggart's sidekick, Lee. "You know that. You know what they've done to some of the girls you've sent into the Garden."

Moulton couldn't dispute that point. Some of his parties had gotten rather out of hand, and there had been a few "incidents," as he called them. But it had all been worth it, to turn Bosch's vision into a reality. What were the few lives of a few hookers compared with the opportunity to create great art?

"I'll go myself in the morning, you bloody cowards," Moulton said. "And I'll go unarmed. They won't hurt me. Without me, they wouldn't exist, and I think they know that."

Bohner, who had been silently listening to this conversation from a corner of the study, cleared his throat.

"Let's all calm down and think this through, Mr. M," he said. "We've already lost two very valuable commodities. But losing you would be a disaster — for the clinic, for all charities you support, for all of Delta-City."

"Do you think I can be dissuaded with a little flattery, Richard?" said Moulton. "You are wrong. I will go into the Garden, and I will return with our two missing captives — or with their remains."

'Boared' to tears

Moulton was premature in mentioning "remains." Ms. Americana and Flag Girl were still alive — and in the strangest predicament either had ever found herself in.

They were in an underground chamber over 100 feet below the Garden. For reasons she didn't understand, Flag Girl was being treated as a goddess by the strange creatures that dwelled in and beneath the Garden. She sat on an alabaster throne on a low, circular stone platform, surrounded by a myriad of human-animal hybrids. They murmured and chirped in what to Flag Girl sounded like adulatory tones.

But MA, who had been captured by "Moulton's monsters" soon after entering the Garden, was enjoying no such exalted status. She had quickly been incapacitated with fumes from an herb that grew only in the Garden. Then she was stripped and carried to the torch-lit, underground chamber. There, she was held aloft by dozens of hands, her arms and legs spread and her head and dark hair hanging down. Thus she was presented to Flag Girl, like some sort of sacrificial offering.

Flag Girl rose, stunned by the unexpected appearance of her mentor. She wanted to rush to MA's side, to embrace and protect her. But something held her back. It was if the communal will of this band of monsters somehow controlled her actions.

Instead of coming to MA's aid, she merely nodded, as if giving assent to some plan she and the group had earlier agreed on.

The chirps and murmurs became louder, and MA was passed from one group of outstretched hands to another, until she reached an arched doorway, beyond which the torchlight did not reach. Seven humans with pigs' heads came out and carried her through the doorway.

As MA regained consciousness, her first sensations were intensely stimulating. Many tongues were licking her. Her entire body was being caressed by these soft, wet, undulating instruments of pleasure. Gravity seemed to have disappeared. She floated in the darkness. Her only contact with the environment was the licking of this multitude of tongues. Her breaths became more rapid and shallow and suddenly she came with a loud moan. The licking slowly ceased, and she lapsed into a post-orgasmic torpor.

After a while, she was roused by an excited flurry of voices. MA somehow sensed that the creatures the tongues belonged to had retreated — and that something huge and monstrous had arrived.

She felt a massive body with coarse hair press against her belly and breasts. Whatever it was had accomplices: Strong hands grabbed her ankles and pulled her legs apart. Suddenly, a huge, wet phallus entered her. She screamed and tried to wiggle free, but she was helpless. Gravity had returned, with a vengeance. She felt as if a ton of bristle-covered flesh was crushing her, even as the beast's prick split her open.

Light appeared, the light of torches only a few feet from her. And now she got a glimpse of what was raping her. It was a gigantic feral pig. And two of the humans with pig heads held her ankles.

The beast on top of her humped vigorously, and she felt as if the force of its thrusts would destroy her. Then it gave a mighty grunt and began to withdraw. As it backed away, its saliva dripped on her belly and its semen on her legs. Its head was massive and ugly. It was a prehistoric carnivore, a member of the pig family but a hundred times more dangerous than any boar alive today. She tried to turn onto her belly and crawl away, but the pig men still held her ankles, and now they lifted her ass off the rocky floor so that her lower body was exposed to the boar.

The porcine monster paused, considering its next move. Its sex urge had been satisfied. Now another need, hunger, must be met. It lunged forward, and its jaws closed on MA's pelvis. The tusks of its lower jaw dug into her buttocks and lower back, while the upper teeth sank into her belly. The pain was unbearable. MA's vision faded, and the voices of the freaks became but a distant hum.

"Is she dead? She must be dead."

The voice sounded like Flag Girl's, but the tone was curiously detached.

Someone chirped in response.

"I see. Well, this is a most curious mating ritual. The beast was on the verge of biting her in half. Why spawn, if you're going to destroy what carries your offspring?"

More chirping, and now it almost sounded like laughter.

MA opened her eyes, and sunlight flooded in. She was lying on a balcony made of pink stone. Flag Girl and several humans with animal heads stood around her.

"You're awake," said Flag Girl. "We were worried about you."

We? Did she now identify with this flock of freaks?

MA tried to sit up, but a surge of pain sent her reeling back into unconsciousness.

When she came to, she was inside one of the pink structures, and the light from the window was fading.

"Be careful. Your abdominal muscles have been damaged," Flag Girl said. "But the oldest and wisest of the birdmen has examined you and found you sound. The baby will survive, too."

The baby! MA tried again to sit up, and again could not overcome the pain. She lay still, breathing heavily.

Flag Girl came and knelt beside her. "The pig would have eaten you, if I hadn't arrived in time," she said. "It has terrorized these creatures for years. They were offering you as a sacrifice, to placate the beast."

"Why didn't it kill me?" MA whispered.

"I shot it with a crossbow. The bolt hit right between its eyes."

"Where did you get a crossbow?" MA asked.

"It was dropped by a hunter at one of Moulton's parties a few years ago. These creatures, my friends, have treasured it as a religious icon but didn't know how to use it. They are grateful I killed the pig. It had eaten many of them."

"You can... you can talk with these..."

"Yes, I'm beginning to understand them. And I think they understand me. I don't know how. Their wise men said they have a legend that a child would come and lead them. They think I am that child."

Despite her pain and confusion, MA smiled. "You're an awfully well-endowed child."

Flag Girl frowned. "You should be more respectful of me. I saved your life."

"I'm sorry," MA said softly.

Flag Girl's face brightened. "And I killed Mr. Moulton. At least, I helped kill him."

MA forced herself to sit up. "What? When did this happen?"

"This morning. He came into the Garden, and the birdmen and the fishwoman and the little people asked what they should do. I told them to capture him and bring him to me. And they did. But he got overexcited when he saw me, and he died."

"Oh shit!" MA said. "Now they'll come with guns and grenades and God-knows-what. They'll come and destroy this place. We've got to get out of here."

"But where will we go?" Flag Girl cried. "Where can these creatures go? They'll be hunted and killed, or put in zoos. Or people like Bohner will do terrible experiments on them."

"You can't save them," MA said. "We've got to save ourselves. We've got to escape before they come. Where is Moulton's body?"

"We left it in the Garden — for the buzzards."

"My God! Whatever possessed you..." MA's exclamation of surprise and disgust was cut short by shouting outside, followed by gun fire. They rushed to the window. MA had been right: Men with guns had arrived. They had already shot two birdmen. Now they were headed toward the building from which MA and Flag Girl were watching.

"We could give ourselves up," said Flag Girl. "It's us they want, not these creatures."

"You're wrong," said MA. "Moulton was their protector, but I heard others — that security guard, Ludwig, and the fat one, Taggart — I heard them talk about how much they hated the 'freaks.' They want to kill them all. And now they'll want to kill us, too. Or charge us with murder."

"You forget, Brenda, they want to sell us as sex slaves. They won't kill us."

"So you'd rather end up a sex slave?"

Their quarrel was cut short by the sound of scuffling below. Then a shot was fired, and they heard a strange sound. It was the dying call of a birdman.

Seconds later, the door burst open, and MA and Flag Girl found themselves facing the shotguns of two of Moulton's security guards.

"Put you hands behind your heads and turn around," the bigger of the two guards shouted. MA and Flag Girl did as commanded. Someone grabbed MA's hands, pulled them down behind her and snapped on handcuffs.

"Take her outside," said the big guard. "I'll be out shortly. Me and blondie are going to have some fun first."

Flag Girl spun around and assumed a martial arts position. "I warn you," she said. The guard laughed and smashed the butt of his gun into her face.

MA and Flag Girl were taken to the concrete-block building that served as security headquarters. There they were beaten and repeatedly raped before being hauled back to the mansion and dropped at Bohner's feet.

"You girls look as though things have been going badly," he said. "Well, get used to it. Things are definitely going to go downhill from here. Mr. Moulton is dead. I'm sure you already knew that. In fact, I plan to tell Commissioner Stepford that you two planned his murder and used those freaks to carry it out. What I've got to decide — along with Stepford and others who have a financial stake in you — is whether to prosecute you or carry out our original plan."

Flag Girl struggled to her knees and looked up at him. "What about the creatures in the Garden?" she asked.

"Taggart's men have killed every one they could find. There were fewer than we expected. Taggart thinks they may have an underground bunker. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

"No," Flag Girl lied. Bohner looked down on her coldly, then kicked her in the groin.

"I'm not sure you're as dumb as you seem, but it really doesn't make any difference. Your pals, the birdbrains and the fishcunts, will soon be extinct. And I suspect you will, too. If we decide to prosecute, you'll end up in prison, where a lot of 250-pound dykes will be delighted to see you. You put some of them behind bars. I figure you two would be lucky to last a week." Now it was MA trying to get up. Bohner kicked her in the side, and she rolled over, groaning in agony.

"The other option, awarding you to the highest bidder, would also probably be a death sentence," he continued. "Oh, the buyer wouldn't kill you right away — not after laying out millions for you. But eventually he, or she, would grow bored. Sex slaves, even slaves as beautiful as you two, are, after all, only toys. And we all know how children tire of their toys and love to smash them. My guess is that you would be tortured for days, maybe weeks, then snuffed in front of movie and video cameras. The film and tape would, of course, have excellent production values and might fully recoup whatever was paid for you."

Bohner had been so occupied with his grisly scenario that he had paid no attention to his intended audience. Now, he looked down and sighed. Both women were unconscious.

"What should we do with them, Doc?" Taggart asked.

"Well, it looks like you've already had quite a bit of fun at their expense. I have no objections to gang rape, but I'm worried you and your boys will do permanent damage. Flag Slut has a nasty bump on her forehead. I want to have a look at that. After that, bring them upstairs. Tasher and I will take care of them."

Taggart thought this over, then said, "With all due respect, Doc, I think me and boys will hold on to these girls. With Mr. Moulton dead and us not having pensions or 401K plans, I figure these girls are our financial security."

Now it was Bohner's turn to do some thinking. He pursed his lips and rubbed his chin. Taggart had men with guns. All he and Tasher had were hypodermics. The imbalance of power was obvious.

"Of course," said Bohner. "Do whatever you want with them, but remember, if you kill or disfigure them, they're worthless."

"Sure, Doc," said Taggart. "I understand. Me and the boys just want a piece of the action. We'll have our fun with them for a few days while you're arranging your auction, or whatever. Then you can draw up papers making us partners — junior partners, so to speak. We don't expect no more than, say, 10 or 15 percent of the gross."

"Very reasonable," said Bohner, "but I will, of course, have to consult the other members of the syndicate. And Mr. Moulton's estate will have to be settled. I believe he intended to leave most of his wealth to the Clinic, but we'll have to wait until we see his final will. Then, of course, there will have to be a coroner's investigation. I suggest we all agree that he died peacefully, the way he would have wanted — walking in his Garden."

"Yeah, that sounds fine," said Taggart. "You handle all that. We'll make sure our stories jibe. Meantime, we'll keep the cunts."

This means war

Bohner's acquiescence was purely a tactical move. He had no intention of giving up without a fight. Minutes after his conversation with Taggart, he used his cell phone to call Stepford in Delta-City. He explained the situation tersely.

"An interesting challenge," said Stepford. "I think we can handle it. This fellow Taggart has how many men?"

"No more than a dozen."

"And their arms?"

"Shotguns. Semi-automatic pistols. I think I saw a submachine gun or two."

"What about body armor?"

"I don't think they have any," said Bohner.

"Good. Our SWAT team can handle this. Since it's outside the city, I'll need to get authorization from the county commissioners. That shouldn't be a problem. They're all in Moulton's pocket."

"Yes," said Bohner, "but Moulton's dead."

"The commissioners don't know that. In fact, Moulton's death will give us cover for this operation. I'll announce after we've taken out Taggart and his men that they were responsible for Moulton's death. I'll say you and Moulton were being held hostage at the estate, but you managed to make a secret call on your cell phone."

"Which led to the rescue mission?"

"Exactly," said Stepford. "We'll just have to made sure none of Moulton's security detail survives."

"And that our twin treasures aren't harmed."

"Oh, right, the girls," said Stepford. "I had nearly forgotten about them. I'll instruct our boys to be very, very careful. And discreet. Now, where are the girls being held?"

Bohner explained the layout of the estate, and how to reach the security headquarters. "I'm pretty sure that's where they are," he said.

But Bohner was wrong. MA and Flag Girl were not at the security headquarters. Taggart and his men were bored with headquarters and decided it was time for rape alfresco. They forced the women to march into the woods. After a while, they came to a clearing with redwood picnic tables and benches. They started with MA. She was bent face down on one of the tables, and six men took turns fucking her from behind. Taggart himself used a different approach. He took of his thick leather belt, with its heavy brass buckle, and beat her bare ass until it was a mass of welts. Then he used the ribbed handle of a two-foot-long police baton to rape her.

Flag Girl had the cleanup detail — sucking the dicks of the men after they had fucked her mentor. Taggart made her lick the baton clean.

"All that talk about some magic wand," said his partner, Lee, "but it seems to me that the old-fashioned ways are best. What do you think, honey?"

Flag Girl turned her tear-stained face away.

"She don't seem very friendly," said Taggart. He slipped the tip of the baton under her chin and forced her to raise her face to them.

"My friend here was talking to you, bitch."

"Yes," she whispered. "I heard him."

"Then answer, cunt," Lee shouted. He grabbed Taggart's baton and started beating her.

Taggart pulled him back. "Watch it. These girls are gonna make us rich. You can fuck 'em all you want, but like the Doc said, no permanent damage."

"Yeah, yeah," muttered Lee. "But I sure would like to finish this one off. There's something about her drives me wild."

MA, who had been lying face-down in the grass, managed to get up onto her hands and knees. One of the men took this as a signal that she was ready for more abuse. He kicked her over, onto her side, then knelt and slid his hand into her pussy. "Hot damn," he said. "This one's wet again." He turned her onto her back, spread her legs, and fucked her while gnawing on her ear.

"Control yourselves," Taggart yelled. "You boys are going into some kind of goddam frenzy. You get carried away, and we're not going to have anything to sell but a couple of beat-up whores."

He was right. The men seemed to have gone berserk. They punched and kicked the two battered super heroines, then began fighting each other.

Taggart pulled out his nine-millimeter pistol and fired it twice in the air.

It got the attention of his subordinates, but not in the way he wanted. The one who had been fucking MA rolled off of her and reached for his holster, which he had placed on a bench.

Taggart shot him in the chest before he could reach his gun.

This display of leadership by intimidation — actually, by homicide — did nothing to boost morale among the remaining members of Moulton's security force. They didn't know, of course, that they would shortly face a far more serious threat than internal dissension.

Taggart, for all his impulsiveness, had enough sense to figure out that Bohner was probably up to no good — and that the doc had important connections back in Delta-City. Still, he didn't expect what hit them at 2 o'clock in the morning: a full SWAT team that used a battering ram to smash into the security building, a stun grenade that left everyone, including MA and Flag Girl, dazed and temporarily deafened, and enough tear gas to leave a fair-sized town weeping uncontrollably.

Not one of Taggart's men had enough time to squeeze off a round. Taggart himself took a load of Number Two shot in the chest and died instantly. Lee dove under a cot. He was dragged out by two cops wearing full body armor and gas masks. They dispatched him with a bullet in the back.

The other seven men in the building died similar deaths. MA, stumbling through the tear gas, found herself staring at the business end of a twelve gauge shotgun, but the officer holding it quickly called out, "Follow me."

Flag Girl, who was in worse shape, was grabbed and thrown over the shoulder of a burly cop, who hurried outside. She was choking from the gas, and the EMT who checked her out yelled, "Get her to the chopper fast. She may not make it."

Someone threw a blanket over MA's shoulders. It was all she was wearing when an officer came up to her and said, "Looks like we saved your ass, hot stuff." He pulled off his helmet. It was Sam, the blond haired cop who had set her up for the beating and rape at police headquarters what seemed like ages ago.

"Yeah, thanks," she said in a low voice.

"Hey, guys," said Sam. "Believe it or not, this sorry piece of shit is Ms. Americana. Yeah, the same hot-shot bitch who was always making us look bad. Only this time, she ain't the one nailing the bad guys. Looks like they nailed her — over and over."

MA looked around for Sam's commanding officer. She just wanted someone to shut him up and get her out of here.

An older officer with a salt-and-pepper mustache came up to her. "I'm Captain Bacon," he said. She sighed with relief.

Then he added, "You're under arrest for the murder of Charles Moulton."

Bohner entered Stepford's office unannounced. A good-looking blonde secretary was on her knees in front of him, and he was fumbling with his zipper.

"What the hell do you mean, barging in like this?" he yelled.

"And what the hell do you mean, fucking up a multi-million-dollar deal?" Bohner yelled back.

The secretary wiped her lips, closed her blouse and hurried out.

"We had a plan," Bohner said, lowering his voice. "Your cops were going to rush in, dispatch Moulton's security guards, blame them for Moulton's murder, then turn the bitches over to us. Now you've charged Ms. Assfuck and Flag Tits with murder. How can we auction them off when they're in jail?"

"Money has its uses," said Stepford, "but political power is the ultimate turn-on. Consider this: 'Security guards turn on their employer' — interesting, but not much of a story. But 'Ms. Americana and Flag Girl involved in murder of billionaire' — now that's a story."

He waved a copy of the Daily Democrat. Under a banner headline proclaiming Moulton's murder was a four-column picture of MA and Flag Girl, their heads bowed, as if in shame, flanked by two of Delta-City's finest.

"The TV has been even better. I was great — subdued but firm, announcing sadly that these two superheroines had gone bad and expressing regret we hadn't gotten to Moulton's estate before they and Taggart murdered him."

"You'll never make this stick," Bohner said angrily.

"Of course I will. Moulton's security guys are all dead. Except for you and this guy Tasher, there are no witnesses to contradict my story about how all this happened. And I think I can count on you two not to fuck things up, since my version leaves you in the clear."

"You're forgetting the two bitches. They'll say they had nothing to do with Moulton's death. Hell, I don't know how the old man actually died, but I'm damned sure neither these two nor Taggart and his bunch was responsible."

Stepford smiled. "The two bitches won't protest their innocence. At least, Flag Girl won't. We've already got a confession from her."

Bohner appeared shaken. "What did she say?"

"Oh, it made no sense — something about creatures with human bodies and animal heads. The important thing is that she says she was involved in Moulton's murder. In fact, she says she feels real bad about it."

"Was her lawyer present when she said this?"

"No, and I know what you're thinking: The confession would never be admitted in court. Well, it doesn't have to be. I intend to win in the court of public opinion. I think the bitches are going to the pen. But if they aren't convicted, I'll blame the judge and legal technicalities. The important thing is that Don Stepford and his cops brought the jugs to justice. Has a nice ring, doesn't it?"

Things didn't get any better when Moulton's lawyer read his will. He called Bohner with the bad news: Not a dime for the Clinic.

Not a dime for any other charity, or for Moulton's nieces and nephews.

The whole goddam estate, $2.6 billion worth, went to Marietta Boudreaux, the sexy little housemaid who Bohner remembered serving drinks and bon bons. Uncle Sam would get an enormous cut, of course, but the little French tart would still pocket at least a billion.

Same as Garden of Earthly Delights
Chapter 3: MA makes a break Videos

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Garden fun

You struggled playfully at the bonds that held you. As you lay naked in our back garden with your blindfold on. Your arms and legs spread apart bound to metal stakes buried in the grass. You had been left this way by me, as part of our sexy games. You loved bondage and Sub-fantasy and I loved being dominant, so we made a good couple in the bedroom and out of it. One of our little games was to have You bound and exposed outside in our back garden. Where you would be 'forced' to give me a blowjob...

1 year ago
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Garden of Hedon

The Beginning 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and she separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day," and the darkness she called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. 6 And God...

4 years ago
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Garden Hose Dildo

Garden Hose Dildo I came home one night and as I always do I parked in the garage and entered the house through the back door. I saw something funny attached to the garden hose and asked my wife what it was. Well it looked like a dildo but when she told me that it was a new kind of sprinkler nozzle that was terrific for her flowers, I just smiled. Then she turned it on and watered her garden with it. Damn if it didn’t give off the nicest mist that I had ever seen. There were literally...

3 years ago
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Garden of Eden Generation Seven 3

Introduction: Click J. R. for more. Garden of Eden, Generation Seven 3 As Kandi leaves with her parents, Centiger stares at her beautiful body adorned only by late afternoon sunlight, waving and throwing kisses, as long as he still sees her. He can hardly believe they just expressed their love for each other in the most intimate way possible. With his head still spinning, he continues staring even with Kandi out of sight. Finally Adam and Eve approach him, embracing him. Eve softly whispers,...

4 years ago
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Garden Party

Garden PartyHim:I am watching you as we finish up our work in the garden, you look beautiful as usual. You are wearing a nice sexy short pair of cutoffs, a tank top, and a blouse that is tied at your waste and unbuttoned below your breasts. You look so damn sexy with the little bit of garden dirt on your face and here and there on your body and clothes. I finish up watering the garden and then I playfully decide you are much to dirty to go into the house with so much dirt of you. I take the...

4 years ago
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Garden Mein Mile Do Ladko Se Jamke Chudi

Mera name Komal hai aur main Gujarat ke Rajkot sheher se hu. Aj main aap sabke sath ek sachhi kahani batane ja rahi hu ki kaise do ladko ne meri jamke chudai ki. Main pehle apne bareme apko batati hu. Meri age 23 hai, aur mera range gora aur boobs bade bade hai. Meri gand bhi bahar nikali hui hai. Jo bhi mujhe dekh le woh bas mujhe chodana chahe aisi ladki hu main. Mere name ki tarah main bhi ek komal si ladki hu. Mere figure ka size 36-28-38 hai. Mere pados mein bahut ladke rehte hai aur mujh...

2 years ago
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© Copyright 1999 by E. Z. Riter The attached work of fiction is intended to be entertainment for adults in locations in which it is legal. If it is illegal in your location, DO NOT read. This is a copyrighted work. Reposting or any other use strictly prohibited without the express, written permission of the copyright holder, except may by posted as part of a review or posted to free-access, non-commercial archive sites. Finally. The first warm day of spring. And, it was a Saturday. I was...

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Sitting in the garden the sun is out beer in hand taking in the warm sunshine. Your in the garden busy sorting out the flowers and bushes. Love watching you work in a little world of your own.Hope you know that light summer dress your wearing is see thru? When the sun is out I can see the black skimpy panties and that bra trying to hold in your ample breasts ( not very well)! Every time you bend over I dream about being behind you and just ramming my hard cock deep in your arse! Yes I think...

1 year ago
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Garden of Eden Generation Seven 3

As Kandi leaves with her parents, Centiger stares at her beautiful body adorned only by late afternoon sunlight, waving and throwing kisses, as long as he still sees her. He can hardly believe they just expressed their love for each other in the most intimate way possible. With his head still spinning, he continues staring even with Kandi out of sight. Finally Adam and Eve approach him, embracing him. Eve softly whispers, “As with each grown child of ours, this moment feels so special to...

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garden of eden generation seven

Kandi greets Centiger with a big hug and kiss as she had done as long as she could remember. Centiger realizes that for the last ten moons, these greetings have grown in an intensity he doesn’t understand but really enjoys. Feeling her nipples perk up has added a new dimension to their deep love for each other. No need for guess work, not knowing what clothes are. No one ever has thought of such a thing. Clothing? Why hide? Kandi wishes Centiger would have the same passion for her that she...

1 year ago
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Gardening and More

Hi, my name is Chrissie. I'm 39 and married. My k**s have already flown the nest and I'm soon to be a grandmother. That really is scary.I'm married to Pat, a very successful man who helps my dad run our family business. Unfortunately, he isn't much good at the wonderful art of bedroom fun.His idea of having a good time is to get me to suck him for about five minutes, then a quick fumble around my bits, his cock sticking up me and after a few grunting thrusts shoots his come inside.What next,...

3 years ago
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Garden of Eden Generation Seven 2

Introduction: Click J. R. for more. Garden of Eden, Generation Seven 2 Kandi kisses Centiger goodbye as she leaves with her parents through the green meadow, feeling like shes in Paradise. But, of course, she is! Soon they meet her good friend Danny who greets her with a huge kiss. Yet, disappointment runs all over his face. Her parents smile, then hug him empathetically, Good to see you, Danny. You mean a lot to us. Well leave the two of you alone. Kandi sees his sadness too, so she gently...

4 years ago
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Garden Fairies

The castle garden was intricately built with the finest fauna. Every patch of roses and trinket of bushes was carefully pruned to sculpt a beautiful alleyway and a labyrinth of fragrant flowers for the season. Birds merrily chirped as they shared the blessings of this afternoon. In the center of this maze, a small but lovely pavilion lay to give shelter. And in it, the images of 2 maidens could be spotted a couple who shared their teas and cakes as they enjoy their sanctuary from the outside ...

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Garden Story

Garden Story 2Well here is an update on the recent activity in my garden. I had been looking out for ‘sturdy girl’ for several days after our last chat where she had jiggled her tit at me. I must say I was beginning to feel like a bit of a curtain twitcher, and I knew I had to be careful as the wife would think I liked this girl a bit too much.I’d seen her on one occasion walking down the road alone with her big black Lab but the wife was with me so I couldn’t do anything that day. Even though...

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OK then, Patricki-mou, you wanted a story. I've fixed my computer, so here it is.After years of looking at my garden, I have finally decided to get the lawn replaced. It is going to have to be dug up and completely re-turfed. I don't do jobs like this, of course; I get helpful little men in to do it.My neighbour, Peter, has a friend who is a landscape gardener, so I have asked him to give me the number of the firm.I am quite surprised by the voice which answered my call. It is deep, and quite...

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My name is Mary.I was nearly eighteen and had been going out with this lad for over four moths. His name is Dick. His parents were very wealthy and he was nearly 21 and had a fantastic sports car with an open top. We would spend many hours in his car touching each other up and kissing, but we never got down to actual fucking. Not that I didn't want to, but he didn't want to risk it. Shortly after my 18th birthday, Dick announced that his folks were going away for a two week holiday. My heart...

2 years ago
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Gardening at Mrs Chesters Ch 3

It was about a week later. Linda Crawley was on her way to see Dot about a Saturday event. At forty-two Linda was a little younger than her friend. A tangled mass of short brown hair fell over her face. She was shorter and stouter, but was still attractive as a result of her fitness programme. Unlike Dorothy, she was more sexually aware, however. She could be cheeky on occasions, even when it was a little inappropriate. Motoring along the main road towards the town centre she found herself...

1 year ago
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Gardening At Mrs Chesters Ch 5

Dorothy Chester was watching again from her seat, in the shed. What a sight. Jonathan was facing her, standing about six feet away. His shorts were down around his ankles and a singular object was pointing out from him, up, hard and proud. 'Gosh,' she heard herself murmur at the sight. A firm, thick, perky, fresh, penis, was pointing directly at her. "Young and yummy,” she whispered to herself. Its dark mushroomed head alternately revealed and covered, as he stroked the flexible, but tight...

3 years ago
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Garden of Eden Generation Seven 2

Kandi kisses Centiger goodbye as she leaves with her parents through the green meadow, feeling like she’s in Paradise. But, of course, she is! Soon they meet her good friend Danny who greets her with a huge kiss. Yet, disappointment runs all over his face. Her parents smile, then hug him empathetically, “Good to see you, Danny. You mean a lot to us. We’ll leave the two of you alone.” Kandi sees his sadness too, so she gently runs her fingers through his long, silky brown hair, watching...

4 years ago
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Garden Fairies

The castle garden was intricately built with the finest fauna. Every patch of roses and trinket of bushes was carefully pruned to sculpt a beautiful alleyway and a labyrinth of fragrant flowers for the season. Birds merrily chirped as they shared the blessings of this afternoon. In the center of this maze, a small but lovely pavilion lay to give shelter. And in it, the images of 2 maidens could be spotted a couple who shared their teas and cakes as they enjoy their sanctuary from the outside ...

2 years ago
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Garden of Eden Creation Kit

You left goodbyes to your village leaving it behind you as you crossed the canyon via bridge to the wasteland. You had passed temple of trials and were wearing the blue jumpsuit of the vault dweller. Villagers did everything they could to help out your journey. They had taught you to use your spear and hand to hand combat well. Village Elder gave you some gold coins and Hakunin gave you healing powder and taught you how to make it and how to be contact with spirits. You had a sharp spear as a...

3 years ago
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Garden Me Mili Doctor Aunty

Hi friends mujhe to aap jante hi ho aapka pyara nick meri pehli story “Anjan aunty ki chudai” kafi logo ko pasand aai or kafi logo ne feed back bhi diya to me firse hajir hnu nai story k sath jo haal hi me mere sath hui so jo meri story pehli baar badh rahe hai unhe me bata apne bare me bata deta hnu mera naam nich hai me gujrat ahemdabad ka rehne vala hnu or mera lund 7 inch lamba or 2.5 inch mota hai jo kisi bhi pyasi orat ko shant karne k liye kafi hai to ab hum story pe aate hai baat un...

2 years ago
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Garden 2

So I went to the Rose Garden again on Friday night around 11 after the pubs had shut hoping to get a blowjob and see if I could watch some hot action going on. There were a few guys walking around but not many at that time. I decided to walk over to the big tree that's there past the fountains. It's overgrown and the leaves hang low to the ground so it's like a small cocoon which is a lot more secluded. There, I found two guys getting sucked off by two other guys up against the tree. I asked if...

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Garden of Delights

Garden of DelightsNaomi’s TreasureIf she had her way, Naomi would spend all of her time in the wilderness, exploring and experiencing the tranquility of nature. Every chance she would get, she would take off for the weekend, or even as long as a week, to go hiking and camping in the back country of Colorado.From all of her time outdoors she developed a dark tan that complemented her long blonde hair. She normally kept it tied in a ponytail but occasionally she would let it glide free down over...

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Gardening Job

Fairly recently (well, relatively) I found myself in need of extra cash, and, not having a great many skills, decided to put an add in for gardening. Quick tidy up of the lawns, some hedge trimming, that sort of thing. Nothing fancy, just basics for some cash-in-hand.This had been going well, had a little bit of word of mouth and managed to get a few jobs. The best ones were the regulars; lawn cutting once a week, hedge tidy once a month. Of these, there was one that I particularly liked. The...

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My wife had been going on at me for awhile that granny Carolines garden needed tidying up, so I finally gave in and said that I would do it. I had been busy weeding the borders and edging the lawn, I was on my knees pulling up the weeds from one of the borders when Granny Caroline said'You will have to let me know how much you want paying''Don't worry about it' I replied'Well how about I about I pay you with this?' Granny Caroline said.I stopped what I was doing and turned around and there was...

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The Power of Science Chapter 2 Evan Makes a Breakthrough

Evan Weiss started attending Excelsior, a fancy private school after he made a scientific breakthrough, proving his genius. He recently looked through one of his old notebooks and discovered one of his old ideas about time travel or time manipulation. He decided to try it out in hopes that it might work. ===== Evan spent most of his Saturday at the school's lab doing research. He was planning on building a machine that would allow him to manipulate time. It was crazy, but Evan decided he...

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Breaker Breaker

With apologies to Jennifer Sue. The following story makes authorized use of the setting and some of the characters painstakingly developed in her monumental *Ladd's Exchange Mall* series (q.v. in these Mania pages). Breaker, Breaker by Jenny Leeds Senator Breaker's heart sank the moment the judge flicked a sympathetic glance at him before seating herself. It would be everything he feared. A bailiff intoned, "The prisoner will rise." Breaker watched Acious...

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The Outbreak

One month ago an outbreak occurred. The infection spread like wild fire, through out the world. Between the infection, the chaos, and the destruction infecties have inflicted, the death toll has been staggering. Infecties, have become known as zombies, creatures reduced to their primal instinct, with no morals. Creatures seemingly bent on feeding, and killing. But since the outbreak, mutations have sprung up. Aberrant zombies, unique from their more normal counterpart. The world hasn't ended,...

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Gardening at Mrs Chesters ch 2

He wasn’t sure how she had convinced him to do it, but now he was collecting his own pee in an old milk carton with a green screw-on lid. The smell was terrible, but over a couple of days he had not far off three pints of it. Trouble was that during the same period he had played with himself a lot. He had so much stuff in his head, he had to get it out one way or another, but he was also careful to make his mess in kitchen roll not the container; he didn’t want it floating around in his...

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You stretch your slightly tired arms as you walk in the cover of the night. Ever since you started working at a small advertising agency you've been coming home late. The pay is good but you rarely get enough sleep. You sigh and rub your sides as you hurriedly stride to your apartment. Your "apartment" seemed more like a storage space because of the unopened boxes that litter around the floor except for your PC you rarely use because of how busy you are and a matress at the corner. You quickly...

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For a couple of months I have been helping an elderly lady from our neighborhood to maintain her garden. Next to this lady lived a woman of, I estimate in her late thirties, who caught my attention because she looked attractive. One day she opened an upstairs window and shouted at me if I sometimes had time to help her. I felt red all the way to my neck, I happened to have just thought of this beautiful woman. I told her that I did have time and that I would ring her a bell when I was done with...

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Gardeners Delight

GARDENERS' DELIGHT In the garden, the statue of Galatea Embracing her phallic bust Of Pygmalion, between Ganymede On her right, taking flight In the talons of Zeus, And Hermaphrodite, erect, On her left, gleam, flesh alight Eyes shimmering, as if lit From within, and the monsters Seem to grin as shadows, slithering, Seek cover, trees trembling-- On high, the demonic Moon veils Herself in clouds, as she passes by. GOING DOWN My eye travels, Like everyone else's, Down From...

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Gardeners wife

This is a true experience about how a Gardener’s wife got “seeded”. Chandu our Gardner was more than 60 years old. He had retired from a Factory, and since started working as a part time Gardener in the neighborhood. I never knew much about his background, but one day when Chandu reported sick, he sent a Female replacement. She said her name is Amriti, and she is Chandu’s wife. Since her head was covered in a “pallu” I could not make out her face, but her voice sounded young for Chandu’s wife....

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She walked up to the ledge, was sort of sizing it up but it was taller than she could make. She turned around to find another way up and bumped right into Sir who had been following closely behind. A smile crossed both of there faces. The urge to kiss her was written all over his face. She was his new obsession and was completely mesmerized by not only her beauty but her amazing personality. He wanted to learn everything there was to know about her. She was both open and yet still...

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Mike Zostant wasn't all that big on flowers or plants but when he would notice his next door neighbor working in her garden on warm days, he usually made a point of giving the middle-aged woman a glance either from his bedroom window or if her attire warranted a closer look, going out to engage in conversation with Rita Cox.Mrs. Cox, the divorced mother of a couple of k**s who were a bit older than Mike and now out on the own, wasn't a ravishing beauty but Mike found her attractive. He didn't...

4 years ago
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The Breake

Chapter 1- Jessica  James Griffin liked his job very much. Actually, he loved it. This was the kind of job he had dreamed of since he was a child. He enjoyed the thrill it gave him, the sense of domination, and of course, the risk. He enjoyed feeling the adrenaline pumping through his veins, and the hidden eroticism.   Most of the time, he worked alone. His associate was a bit queasy about certain practical aspects. James didn’t mind that. He liked working alone.   It was Tuesday, the 7th of...

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First let me say thanks to my volunteer editor KJ plotts for putting up with me…I know I can be a handful. This is a long story about some fairly dark subject matter so if that’s not your thing I can completely understand that but you should think about another story then. Otherwise I hope you enjoy it and make sure to vote. The Second Coming Turning and turning in a widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer: Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold, Mere anarchy is loosed upon the...

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A widower is seduced by his teenage daughter. (M/f-teen, ped, inc, exh, 1st, oral, mast, anal, rom)***I guess it was all my fault. My wife walked out on my daughter and me, four years ago. Kasey was only ten at the time. My Ex had found a new life and one day when we got home she was gone. A note that didn’t say enough was on the kitchen table. My daughter took it very hard. Me, I never saw it coming.When my wife first left, our daughter was so upset she got in the habit of climbing into bed...

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The Ice Breaker

We talked about it and she told me to get all the sexual thoughts out of my head this was not a sex vacation or so she said at the time. We booked the reservations and started to make all the necessary plans to have a great time. The trip was scheduled for about 6 weeks off so we had time to get ourselves into better shape to be naked in public. We both started on a crash diet and we committed to going to the gym every day until departure. We started going every evening after work and after...

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The Ice Breaker

Introduction: This is a story about a fun time we had at a lifestyle resort My wife and I have been married for over 30 years and we finally got all the children out of the house and launched into society. We decided we would go and have a little fun and treat ourselves to a well deserved vacation. We discussed many different options and looked on the internet for several weeks when my wife said she would like to go to an all nude resort. She had never done anything like that but she thought...

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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 23 Double Breakthrough

Once Ki Jung got back home, she informs Auntie and little brother that she was going to cultivate in seclusion for the next couple of days. She wants to attempt to breakthrough with both her Blessed Whole arts to further improve her inner body and the depth and breadth of her Dantians and meridians. Ki Jung hopes to achieve this through intense cultivation while in seclusion at the Pergola at the Academy. As an instructor, she has full-time access to the academy grounds and most of its...

2 years ago
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The RutBreaker

It was the last thing that Larry expected as he answered his mobile phone over breakfast. “It’s Helen,” a soft female voice spoke, “Helen, from last night.”“Yes I know.” he responded curiously, “good of you to call.”“I... I was wondering if you were free to meet up for coffee this morning if you’re still in town.”“I haven’t checked out yet in fact I’m just having breakfast. When would you like to meet?”“I could pop over now. I don’t have to be at the office until eleven.”“That would be fine....

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It's a beautifully warm and sunny day as I walk up your short driveway with a small, paper bag of tomato seeds in my hand. I can see that you and your husband are both home by the cars parked in the shade. Your husband is inside, watching the pregame, judging by the sounds emanating quietly from the open living room windows.In the back, your weeding makes enough noise that you didn't hear my feet crunching the fine gravel. Your back is turned to me as you work in the warm dirt, on your hands...

2 years ago
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Gardening Aftermath

Emma and I stood in the living room, the bright sunshine streaming in through the patio doors, the hum of the electric fan filling the room as it circulated the warm air. The breeze from the fan has some cooling effect, as could be seen by Emma and her mum, Sarah; their nipples stood proud, the areola puckered and nobbly.Sarah stood, arms on hips, face stern, large, saggy boobs staring at me in all their cross-eyed glory. My eyes drifted down to the tight green fabric of her bikini briefs. The...

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The first two sections– Prologue 01 & Prologue 02– are pretty slow and are primarily there to set up Felicia’s story, which is told in Chapters 01 through 04. Her story makes a lot more sense if you read the prologues, but if you want just the heavy sex stuff, skip to the first chapter. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted...

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She woke up by strange, blurred noises she couldn't quite make out; a lot like the rattling of cold steel. Her head was a mess – one big, agonizing mess. Bits of memory flashed through her mind: a lazy evening with Hubby, a sudden malaise, a sudden nausea, a sudden impairment of her consciousness. Drugs? And then, the masked men breaking into their house. Three of them. Then, darkness.A pang of thunderclap headache shook her fully awake. Her natural reaction to hold a protective hand to her...

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Prologue 01: The Truce is MadeCarlo Benito didn’t want to make the truce, but something had to be done to stop the killing. The five gangs were dropping each other’s members on an almost daily basis and the cops didn’t seem to care. One of the West Forty-Nines said that he had information that the cops were waiting for them to kill each other off before they stepped in and took down the winner.A truce was absolutely necessary, and this time it had to be a truce that could be enforced. There had...

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A Werewolf A Heir A Rulebreaker

This is a concept that I toyed around with, and as such I’m not sure how serious I am about it. All characters that will be in erotic situations will follow the guidelines (I.E. Main character is nineteen years of age). Should story progress to need more characters, story will be edited to accomodate, ___________________________________________[Line Break]_______________________________________ Your name is John Doe, and your a werewolf. No, not some mangy mutt who hides out in a secret pack in...

2 years ago
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Stats & Updates Act I Draft Complete Stats for Act I 27 Segments Deep at its shortest & about 15k words to P A R S E on a single path. A story that drastically changes with your decisions. Characters S U F F E R and their personality grows, depending on your choices. Several S E X Y decisions to make, now. Several P O R N O G R A P H I C decisions to haunt your conscience. 1 apocalyptic event to D E C O M P I L E as you explore the future, we imagined, haunt those we left to deal with it. No...

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The Bitchbreaker

It's funny how popularity works. This time last year Richard Flynn was one of the more popular guys in school. He was the new guy and shrouded mystery. Before the end of the first semester there were dozens of rumors about him spreading around the campus. But that was before last years Junior-Senior basketball game. The game itself was a joke. Five seniors from the varsity basketball team would take on a team of juniors voted in by the entire school. At some point the seniors would pull a prank...

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You'd like to think there hadn't been any warning. There had, of course. Way above your head - literally and figuratively - satellites had had their sensors tuned to the area of space long before most of them had recorded anything out of the ordinary. Other had been blinded, complex strings of code beamed up to them from hidden complexes across the globe - or in a few cases, simply deactivated by the controls hidden within them during their manufacture. That part you'd heard about. The news...

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