Gardener free porn video

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Mike Zostant wasn't all that big on flowers or plants but when he would notice his next door neighbor working in her garden on warm days, he usually made a point of giving the middle-aged woman a glance either from his bedroom window or if her attire warranted a closer look, going out to engage in conversation with Rita Cox.

Mrs. Cox, the divorced mother of a couple of k**s who were a bit older than Mike and now out on the own, wasn't a ravishing beauty but Mike found her attractive. He didn't mind that she was a little chubby because while she was a tad plump she was solidly built and the weight was in the right places.

Her short black hair was cut like the skater Dorothy Hamill, and even if the style was a couple decades out of date and the woman had never changed it all the while they were neighbors, Mike had always found it attractive.

Mike never gawked at the neighbor lady because of her hair-do or cherubic face though. What most appealed to the soon-to-be college student was when Mrs. Cox would wear a top with a low neck that allowed him to look down at her full breasts.

He had seen the bras that held those beauties hanging on the clothesline quite often, but looking at those big cups wasn't as good as seeing a lot of the flesh they got housed it, and most of the time she didn't wear a bra out there. Mike never saw all of her breasts over the years but enough to appreciate them like any red-blooded 18 year old boy would, especially one like Mike who wasn't all that popular with the females.

Another feature of Mrs. Cox that he was growing to appreciate was the rear view of his neighbor when she would bend over. Rita Cox had a plump bottom that looked pretty solid, and while her legs were also a little fleshy they were very shapely.

Mike thought that maybe he was attracted to his neighbor because he was built a lot like Mrs. Cox, being short and thickly built himself, but his 5'9" and 200 pounds had kept him on the football team despite him not being very skilled. He hadn't played much but he tried hard, earning him the nickname "Bulldog" from his coach, although that may have been given to Mike as much for his facial features and out-of-style crew-cut as for his tenacious attitude on the field.

So one day when Mike glanced out and saw Rita Cox in the yard he was glad he didn't have to go to work at the market because it was warm and Mrs. Cox was out there working and looking good to him.

Rita Cox was wearing a yellow tank top and while it wasn't tight it showed all of Mike's favorite parts. The low neck was already revealing some cleavage even though she was just standing there surveying her garden.

Mrs. Cox had nice arms too, toned and almost a little muscular in a way, and Mike would love it when she would raise her arm to wipe her brow with the back of her hand. Mike thought Rita Cox had sexy armpits, nice round hollows that to Mike's dismay were always shaved, although when she hadn't shaved in a day or two the teen thought that the way the faint stubble that would fill those shapely caverns glistened with perspiration was sexy.

All that five o'clock shadow meant that Mrs. Cox had a hairy pussy, or so he had been told by friends who had actually seen a lot of pussies. Mike had only seen a couple of them in the flesh so he didn't know for sure himself, but it made sense.

Mrs. Cox was wearing what looked like white shorts but as Mike looked closer he saw it was more like a skirt and exposed those solid legs of hers from the middle of those sturdy thighs down to where her little white socks were on her ankles.

So Mike decided he was going to go out and talk to his neighbor as he often did, and do more looking than talking. He sensed that Mrs. Cox was aware of what he was doing but she never seemed to mind. Besides, she was probably close to 50, and since she got divorced about 5 years ago it wasn't like Mike had seen a stream of men over there.

After their chat which would invariably get the teen aroused despite the very generic conversation topics, Mike knew he would probably go up to his bedroom window and look down and pleasure himself. It wasn't something he was proud of doing but it was a lot more enjoyable than anything else he would do the rest of the day.

"Morning Mrs. Cox," Mike called out as he went towards the chain link fence that separated the properties, and that began what would be the best day of his young life.


"Good morning Michael!" Rita Cox chirped merrily, smiling like she was happy to see him. "Going to be scorcher today so I thought I would get out here early."

"Good idea," Mike agreed, taking a deep breath and enjoying the view as Mrs. Cox reached up and ran her hands through her hair, exposing those sexy armpits that sparkled with a little glaze of perspiration.

Mike wondered what it would feel like to stroke the barely visible stubble that had grown since yesterday when those underarms were smooth. Probably like his face felt after a couple of days growth.

"College starts next month, right Mike?" Rita asked, smiling like she had noticed the boy staring at her, and when he confirmed it she added, "Bet your Mom is glad you're staying local. When my k**s took off it really made this place seem empty. I should move because it's too much house for just me."

"Hope you don't," Mike replied. "You're a cool neighbor."

"Why thanks honey, but wouldn't it be good for you if a family with teenage girls moved in?" Rita k**ded. "I know how you young guys think."

"I - uh," Mike mumbled as he pawed at the ground while staring at Mrs. Cox's breasts which were hanging perilously close to her waist without a bra.

"Well, if I don't get this weeding started it will never get done," Mrs. Cox declared as she looked up the gentle slope where few weeds were visible to Mike as he pretended to care about the condition of his own yard and picked up some stray scraps of paper while watching Mrs. Cox throw down the soft yellow cushion she knelt on.

Before kneeling she bent over and straightened a little piece of fence, and as she did Mike watched the muscles in her calves bulge a bit but as she leaned further down that little skirt rode higher and exposed more and more thigh.

"Nice," Mike whispered to himself as the sunlight made the light down on the backs of Mrs. Cox's thunder thighs sparkle, but then when the teen boy's eyes went higher he did a double take.

Black panties? That was his thought at first when he looked up to Mrs. Cox's crotch, but then he realized that it probably wasn't underwear but hair. Deep black hair that apparently grew up from her pussy and filled the deep crack between her legs.

"You can help if you want to honey," Rita Cox said, and when her voice broke Mike out of his trance he knew that his neighbor had seen him staring, but she didn't seem upset. "If you have nothing to do that is."

Mike stammered and stuttered, panicking at being caught staring, and he almost said no before he caught himself.

"Uh sure," Mike said. "Don't know much about gardening though."

"Not much to know, and besides, I'd like the company," Rita responded.

"Okay," Mike said, and after contemplating walking around changed his mind and grabbed the top of the fence and vaulted over with little effort, happy that he stuck the landing and didn't make a fool of himself by falling on his face.

"Oh my," Rita said. "That's quite an entrance."

"It's not that high. What can I do to help?"

"There's a big bag of top soil in the garage right as you go in. Could you bring it out here?"

Mike nodded and went up to the garage, and after he went in and saw the bag she wanted he looked out at Mrs. Cox bent over.

"Oh man!" Mike said to the empty garage as he saw her ass in all its glory, and while he knew that the girls in Playboy didn't have asses like that and he had never thought a woman could have a hairy ass crack like Mrs. Cox did, he decided he liked this better.

Maybe it wasn't feminine but it sure was sexy. So sexy that he was tempted to stay in the garage and jerk off watching, and the way he felt it wouldn't take long, but he decided against it and instead rearranged his erection in his shorts so it didn't show, and in the casual and rather brief shorts that wasn't easy.

"Oh, thanks honey," Mrs. Cox said as Mike dropped the bag next to her. "Nice to have a big strong guy around to do the heavy work. I miss that. You should see how I struggle carrying one of those."

"I have - I mean I bet. It wasn't that heavy though," Mike babbled as he almost let on that he had seen her carry stuff like that plenty of times, and it didn't look like she didn't have all that much trouble doing it, not being the shrinking violet his Mom was.

"Not heavy for a big strong guy like you," Mrs. Cox said with a smile as she straightened up, and as she playfully reached over and squeezed Mike's bicep - making him glad he wore the tank-top if not the revealing shorts - she added, "I used to play field hockey back in college and liked to mix it up but those days are long past."

Mrs. Cox knelt on the pad and Mike eased down to his knees on the grass to join her, wishing he could have seen Mrs. Cox playing field hockey when she was his age and longing to be a fly on the wall in the showers after the game.

Did she have those big tits back then, Mike wondered? And the hair? Seeing her ass crack Mike knew that Mrs. Cox HAD to have a hairy pussy. Was she hairy like this back then?

"Huh?" Mike said as he realized that Mrs. Cox was talking to him.

"I asked you if you were playing football in college," she patiently repeated.

"No, I wasn't that good," Mike admitted. "Mom's just as happy because she hated me playing, not that I played that much."

"I guess some Moms are like that but I didn't mind my k**s competed, but then again they were more the soccer and track types," Rita explained. "You played some in the games I went too, especially the last game."

"You went to our games?" Mike said as he wondered why anybody would go to a game if they didn't have a k** playing.

"A few. Hey, it's not like I have a lot to do and it was fun to get out in the fresh air," Mrs. Cox declared without shame. "Besides, I knew you were on the time so I wanted to root you on."

"We stunk this year - again," Mike lamented.

"You tried, and besides that last game you played a whole lot and you seemed to do well."

"They let the seniors play a lot the last home game and there were guys hurt so I played more, probably more that game than all year combined."

"I remember that one play," Rita said as she faced Mike, the front of her scoop necked blouse falling open and making it tough to keep his eyes on hers. "I was standing next to the fence down near the 20 yard line I think. I like it better down their than the stands because you can hear the collisions and all."

Footballs. That was what Mrs. Cox's breasts looked like as they hung in front of her, about the same size or maybe bigger and full instead of pointed at the end.

"Yeah, it's different," Mike mumbled.

"Anyway, the other team had the ball and the one k** was running down the sideline and I saw you were chasing him across the field before he could score."

"I remember that."

"So he was running along the sideline and you nailed him. Creamed him!" Mrs. Cox said excitedly as she recreated the scene. "The sound when your pads collided - and that poor k** went flying! I was so happy when you jumped right up afterwards. The ball flew out of that number 10's hands and he went head over heels. That was so great!"

"I got a penalty on that play. I didn't realize he had stepped out of bounds," Mike shrugged.

"I didn't care. I was cheering for you and the crowd was roaring as you two boys stood there screaming and cursing at each other," she recalled. "I grabbed the person next to me and screamed that I live next door to that boy. So exciting. Just thinking of that crashing sound sends shivers down my spine even now."

"Oh," Mike said as he throat got dry. "Neat that you like football so much."

"Well, not really but you realize that I had a rooting interest," Mrs. Cox said. "Nothing wrong with me keeping an eye on you, is it? You don't mind that do you?"

"No," Mike managed to say as sweat dripped down the sides of his face.

"After all," Rita Cox said as she stopped even trying to pretend she was gardening. "You seem to like to keep an eye on me, or so it seems, although why a young buck like you would be interested in a woman like me is beyond me. Not much interest in old fat cows these days."

"You're not," Mike said as his heart threatened to race out of control while they knelt near each other.

"Not what honey?" Rita said.

"Not old - or fat," he assured her in a very shaky voice.

"I think you're being kind but I love hearing it," Rita said as she took off her glove and put her hand on Mike's shoulder. "Maybe there are some real men out there after all. Men that don't mind a little extra meat on a woman's bones, and aren't scared off if she's not waxed head to toe. You seem to be that kind of man."

"I - I know I look at you a lot, especially in the the summer, but..."

"Now if you ruin it by saying you're sorry that you look I'll never forgive you," Mrs. Cox said as she smiled that smile again while gently squeezing his muscular shoulder. "A lonely woman like me doesn't get looked at too much anymore, and when you would come out all shy and everything sneaking peeks at me? Makes my day."

"I - uh - You're just pretty. Can't help it."

"And I like letting you look too Michael. Heaven knows I don't go out in the real world like this - with no brassiere - and certainly never without panties," Mrs. Cox declared. "Especially not without panties. I was so afraid because most guys - especially young folks these days - hair seems to be out of fashion, but you seem different."

"I am. Mom and my teachers? They always tell me that."

"You're an ass man too," Rita said as she blushed.


"You like women's asses," Mrs. Cox said to her very shocked neighbor. "Nothing to be ashamed of, although I wish mine was a little tighter - firmer."

"Yes, I guess I do like them but I like all parts of girls. Everything about you I guess."

"And you're so shy too. It's been tough living next to you lately," Mrs. Cox confessed. "Watching you grow up and all. One minute you're a little fellow pedaling your bike with the training wheels and the next minute you're a man. So big and muscular."

"You're hairy too," Rita said softly as her hand came off the teen's shoulder and onto Mike's thigh, softly stroking the coarse hairs. "When I was young I used to fall hard for guys like you."

"My ex was like that, at least in the beginning," Rita continued as her hand kept rubbing Mike's leg. "When we were first married he was a big guy too. All muscles and as hairy as Sasquatch, and rough too if you know what I mean. I loved it and him too even when the muscles went away, but he found somebody who liked it rough and nasty too but wasn't a dumpy 48 year old."

"You don't understand what I'm saying do you honey?" Rita Cox said after the deafening silence threatened to suffocate her.

"I do - a lot of it," Mike replied. "Don't understand why your husband and you broke up but the rest I think I get most of."

"I see you up in your bedroom window something looking down at me, and I wish that I was younger and slimmer for you because I think I know what you're doing sometimes," Mrs. Cox said. "Don't be embarrassed about it honey, because believe it or not there's been times I've looked over at you too and done... well, let's just say I've admired you too."

"Don't know what to say," Mike told her. "Never noticed."

"I don't want to do any gardening today," Mrs. Cox confessed. "Half the time I'm out here this summer I'm only out here hoping you would come out, wishing you would tell me things only your eyes say and praying I wasn't just an old fool imagining things. I would beg that you would come on to me, or give me just a hint that you wanted me."

"Shy. Scared," Mike admitted. "Not good at all with girls."

"You do well with women, at least this one," Rita said as she stood up slowly and held her hand out for her neighbor. "I'm curious. Are you a virgin? It's okay either way."

"No. I'm not," Mike said. "Might as well be though. It wasn't very good. The girl was scared and cried - she was a virgin too."

"I'd like to try and change that. Just tell me what you want."

"I'd like to make love to you," Mike said as his broad chest heaved.

"That sounds nice," Mrs. Cox agreed as her hands went to Mike's broad chest and squeezed his pectorals which were as firm as they looked to the divorcee. "We can do that later but I need you to do something else first. Would you?"


"I want you to take me inside - your house or mine I don't care - and take me," she revealed as the teen's eyes widened. "Do what you want. I don't care if you rip the clothes off of me and fuck me like an a****l. I'm so wet right now my juices are dripping out of my cunt and down my thighs."

"I'm all sweaty," Mike warbled as his voice sounded like it did when it was changing years ago.

"Me too and you'll get sweatier," Rita said as she moved up next to the lad, and since the yard was out of the sight of all but the nosiest neighbors she found herself reaching down and grabbing the bulge in Mike's shorts."

"Knew you'd be big," she hissed as she squeezed the throbbing cock through the fabric.

"Not really," Mike started to protest after groaning and bending over a bit in shock.

"Thick," Rita Cox gasped, her eyes bulging as her voice became almost possessed. "So fucking thick. Please. Your Mom isn't home is she? You can take me there if you want."

"Your house," Mike groaned as Mrs. Cox kept squeezing the bulge, and then the two almost ran inside.


The two made a quick pit stop in the kitchen to wash off their hands but Rita Cox didn't wait for Mike to dry them before she started climbing over him, her mouth devouring his while clawing off his clothes.

Mike managed to pull Mrs. Cox's yellow tank top off, revealing a pair of breasts that may have started to show the effect of nearly a half century on earth but seeing the pendulous breasts unwrapped was anything but disappointing, and as they kissed Mike's hands roughly kneaded the pliant tits, revealing in their softness as the fat nipples burned his palms.

"Let me!" Rita was gasping as she struggled to get Mike's t-shirt over his head, and after she yanked it off sighed at the sight of the lad's broad chest and the little hairs that were growing around his nipples.

She squeezed the firm pectorals much like he was kneading her breasts, and then her hands went to his shoulders and arms, squeezing and even leaning down to gently bite his bicep before lifting Mike's arm and burying her face in the moist tuft of hair that filled the hollow, licking and chewing like a feral a****l.

"Now - right here," Rita Cox told the stunned teen as she lost her shorts and yanked Mike's down as well, and when she saw that Mike was hard she told hold of his throbbing cock which, while not especially long was absurdly thick, so much so that her hand barely got around more than halfway around the stump of the organ. "Oh Mike - it's been so long for me and your cock is so damn thick you're probably gonna split me in two but I don't care."

Rita turned around and swept the morning newspaper off of the kitchen table before leaning over the heavy wooden oak and presenting herself to the lad while practically yelling, "Hard!"
Mike would have been more nervous if he had time to think but he was faced with the sight of his neighbor with her full round ass staring up at him, and with her legs spread that furry crack was calling him. He moved up behind Mrs. Cox and rubbed the knob of his cock into the abyss before he felt her hand reached down and guide him.

"You can have my ass later, I promise" Mrs. Cox declared as she brought his tool to the dripping opening of her sex. "Fuck my pussy and don't hold back."

Mike had been trying to do just that but his inexperience and the thick bush had him fumbling until Mrs. Cox's hand came down and guided him. Mike leaned forward and as he felt his cock push into the tight channel he heard his neighbor cry out in what sounded like pain, but when he stopped she leaned back into him and made it clear what she wanted by taking him all in.

It wasn't pretty but more like some kind of savage mating ritual, and it didn't last long either. Long enough for Mike to drive Mrs. Cox and the table over so it was against the cabinets as he held her fleshy hips, thrusting into her hard while she kept screaming "Harder!" until suddenly he felt as if her pussy was going to crush his cock in a series of contractions.

This caused Mike to cum as well, and as his cock jumped and spurted inside his neighbor his body tingled from the toes on up until he went limp.

Mike looked down at the little bruises his hands had caused to her hips while he gripped them hard, and he started to apologize for hurting her as well as not lasting longer - had it been much more than a minute? - but Rita Cox was having none of it.

"Lasted long enough for me. So good - I needed that so bad," she said after straightening up and facing the lad. "Let's go to bed."


"Glad I didn't waste time making the bed," Rita said as she pulled Mike into the bedroom and fell into the bedding, and as she reclined and waited for Mike to join her she added, "Now we can make love."

Mike felt like he had been in some kind of whirlwind out in the kitchen, some unreal universe that seemed like more of a dream, but this was real.

There was Mrs. Cox, his neighbor for all these years, naked and on her back. Her huge breasts were still massive looking in that position as they rolled slightly on her chest, and then down below that solidly thick waist was a wide uneven triangle of black hair that was just as hairy as Mike had thought it would be. The hair grew wide and high, and there was even a trail of curls that went up from her bush towards her belly button.

In the middle of that jungle of hair was milky white seed that had oozed out of her pussy. That was HIS semen, Mike realized, and the way Mrs. Cox was beckoning him it was clear she wanted more of it.

"I was right about you liking hair, wasn't I?" Rita said as she parted her thighs and showed that the black curls even grew outside the delta and right up between her legs. "I could trim it some but..."

"No," Mike said with a grin as he shook his head while getting onto the bed. "I love it."

"And I love this big boy," Rita Cox said as she reached over and grabbed Mike's spent cock. "I may not be able to walk after you get done with me though - or so I hope. Damn, this is one fat cock."

Mike beamed with pride because he had always been afraid that he wasn't big enough since he was a bit less than 6" long hard and a lot of the other guys dicks in the locker room seemed longer than his, but judging by the way Mrs. Cox was acting both out in the kitchen and here, he started to feel better about himself.

"Let me see if I can fit this in my mouth," Mrs. Cox said as she leaned over, parting her lips and taking in the bulbous mushroom head, and although her mouth had to stretch to the limit she managed to get her lips down past the ridge of the bulbous knob and as far as she could.

"You ever get head before?" Mrs. Cox asked when she came up for air after a bit.

"Sort of," Mike replied, recalling when Ginny Miller made the effort, giving up after her teeth sc****d him. "A girl tried but she ended up just licking it."

"It is like a lollipop," Mrs. Cox commented as she wiggled the slowly stiffening stub, slapping it on her cheek while she tried to loosen up her jaw by contorting her face. "A big fat all day sucker. "I meant that before - about my ass. I do want to you to take me anally - that is if you want to. Some guys like to just look."

"No - I mean - I'll do anything to you," Mike explained. "This is all new to me."

"Well why don't you get a better look at it," Mrs. Cox suggested as she maneuvered herself so she was straddling Mike's flushed face. "You know what rimming is?"

As Rita went back down on her neighbor's meaty monolith Mike looked up at Mrs. Cox's crotch. The semen was oozing out richly in this position even though her opening was not visible through the fur which grew right up her crotch and into the crack.

Mike's hands grabbed the meaty buttocks and spread them apart, and he didn't know what the term was but he figured it out, especially when Rita wiggled down onto his face. The crevice was tart as was the taste, but Mike hardly noticed as his tongue found the tiny orifice.

"OH!" Rita choked when she felt Mike's tongue hit the mark as most of his face was burrowed in between her buttocks. "That's it honey - eat my asshole. Damn that's so good."

Mike's voice was garbled which made his response inaudible, but there was no doubt that while he didn't know what he was doing Mrs. Cox was enjoying it and so was he judging by his stiffening tool.

Mike let out a squeal of his own when Mrs. Cox took his erection out of her mouth and spread his legs, letting her tongue slide down his balls and towards his anus.

"Feels good doesn't it?" Rita asked after she straightened up. "I'll do better later - couldn't reach well at that angle. Now where's that lube?"

Rita scrambled over to the night table like a crab, and after opening the shelf and frantically clawing threw the the stuff, found the half used tube of lube.

"You want to do the honors?" Rita asked, throwing the tube to Mike before he could answer, and as she got on all fours, her massive breasts swaying down to the sheets, she presented herself to him.

"Don't be shy - lube my ass up real good," Rita said as Mike fumbled with the tube, and after he found the puckered ring and poked his finger into the hot cavern she added. "No need to be gentle honey. Use two fingers - three if you can. Yeah!"

Mike thought that her anus was tight for just one finger, but after working that single digit in and out a bit he tried to force in his middle finger too without hurting her.

"Yeah!" Rita crowed, answering Mike's unasked question of whether it hurt or not, and after pushing his two thick fingers in as far as he could Rita called back, "You still hard babe? Good. Grease that horse cock of yours up and give it to me hard."

Mike squeezed lube on his hand and slid his fist up and down his stiff tool until it was slick, and then knee-walked up behind Mrs. Cox and pushed the fat knob into the abyss blindly. He found the slightly opened ring fairly quickly, but after getting the tip in his progress stopped.

"Push!" Rita cried out, her face down in the pillow and her legs spread, her plump ass up high. "Don't baby me. I want it! PUSH!"

Mike leaned forward as hard as he could, but could not get the thick ridge into the tight hole until Rita lurched backwards. Suddenly the head of Mike's weapon popped it, and then he lurched forward, impaling Rita with his whole cock before catching his balance.

Rita had screamed when the thick cock ripped into her long neglected orifice, but her mouth was full of pillow and muffled what might have been a blood curdling howl.

"Damn!" Rita gasped as she raised her upper body with her arms so she could rock back and forth. "Feels like a fist. That's it!"

Mike felt like the captain of a ship as he knelt behind Rita, his hands on her hips as he thrusted in and out of what was an incredibly hot and tight orifice. The bed was squeaking as he humped with short firm strokes, and the squeaking got louder and faster as he got into a rhythm. The headboard was banging into the wall but Rita didn't seem to care. All she wanted was more.

"Oh damn - so good - you like my ass honey?" Rita asked as the groaning of the bed frame got louder and the entire thing started swaying a bit, and after Mike said it was great she told him, "Don't worry about the bed babe. Just don't stop. Pull my hair if you want."

"Like this?" Mike asked as he reached out and seized a fistful of Rita's moist black scalp and gently tugged it, but she jerked her head away so the tug became a yank.

"Don't be such a gentleman," Rita snapped playfully. "Treat me rough. Talk dirty to me."

"Uh - I like my dick in your rear," Mike mumbled. "Feels good."

"You can do better than that," Rita told Mike as she pushed back hard and the clapping of their damp flesh got louder. "Get nasty. I love it."

"Your asshole feels so tight," Mike said tentatively, and when Rita voiced her approval he continued, "You like my fat cock in your hairy asshole?"

"YES!" Rita chirped. "That's it. Rip my ass up. Fuck me like an a****l."

"Fuck!" Mike cried out as he hunched over on Mrs. Cox, his sweaty chest against her equally wet back, and as he wrapped her arms around Rita and tried to maul her swaying slippery jugs he screamed, "Gonna cum! Gonna cum in your ass!"

"Yes!" Rita exclaimed as she felt Mike's manhood jerk inside of her, and it was only after his warm seed coated her rectum and he cock was spent did the two of then sink down to the bedding.

"So good," Rita declared after Mike gingerly got off of her before he crushed her, and as she ran her hand over the boy's red cheek and added, "That was the absolute best. I hope you liked it half as much."

"It was incredible," Mike admitted. "I was afraid I was hurting you.'

"Nope, I'm fine. Sore but fine," Rita assured him. "I like it rough and I like the dirty talk too. Just playing - so don't worry about what you say. I liked that part about - I think you said something about your fat cock in my hairy asshole?"

Mike blushed even more as Rita giggled, and she kissed him before telling him, "Well, it's true. Your cock is fat and my asshole is hairy. I loved it. I'll bet you can think up even nastier things too."

"I'll try," Mike said.

"Speaking of nasty things, I think we need a shower," Rita declared. "Want to join me?"

"Sure," Mike said, and while the warm water ran out by the end because they took their time scrubbing each other's special places it was fun.

Drying was just as enjoyable, and after Mike dried Rita off thoroughly, even getting under her breasts as she lifted them for him, he got the same treatment.

"This big boy," Rita said after kneeling on the rug to dry Mike's turgid cock, and then directed the boy to turn around and bend over. "I bet by the time I get done drying you back here you cock will be hard again."

"OH!" Mike said after he bent over and clutched the sink while mentioning, "That's not drying."

Rita leaned back from where her face was buried, her hands spreading Mike's rock-hard ass cheeks apart, and asked, "Was that a complaint?"

"No ma'am," Mike chirped as Rita's tongue dipped back in, and after a minute or so Rita's hand came around the teen's hip and found what she was looking for."

"Told you," Rita announced as she spun Mike around to face her, the thick six inches standing straight at her, and as she grabbed the base of the shaft she explained, "My pussy was sore and my ass is destroyed, so this will have to do."

"Oh man," Mike groaned, running his hands though Rita's hair as her lips slid down the stiff dick almost all the way down, and although it took a while for him to cum again he finally did.

"There!" Rita said as she leaned back onto her heels and looked up at her young lover, his cum trickling out the sides of her mouth. "Now you've got my jaws aching - and don't you apologize either."

"I won't," Mike assured his neighbor.

"How about if I make us some lunch?" Rita suggested. "Unless you have somewhere to go that is."

"No, I'm right where I want to be," Mike said as he walked behind Mrs. Cox, his eyes fixed on her plump derriere every step of the way.

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© Copyright 1999 by E. Z. Riter The attached work of fiction is intended to be entertainment for adults in locations in which it is legal. If it is illegal in your location, DO NOT read. This is a copyrighted work. Reposting or any other use strictly prohibited without the express, written permission of the copyright holder, except may by posted as part of a review or posted to free-access, non-commercial archive sites. Finally. The first warm day of spring. And, it was a Saturday. I was...

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It's a beautifully warm and sunny day as I walk up your short driveway with a small, paper bag of tomato seeds in my hand. I can see that you and your husband are both home by the cars parked in the shade. Your husband is inside, watching the pregame, judging by the sounds emanating quietly from the open living room windows.In the back, your weeding makes enough noise that you didn't hear my feet crunching the fine gravel. Your back is turned to me as you work in the warm dirt, on your hands...

1 year ago
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It’s a beautifully warm and sunny day as I walk up your short driveway with a small, paper bag of tomato seeds in my hand. I can see that you and your husband are both home by the cars parked in the shade. Your husband is inside, watching the pregame, judging by the sounds emanating quietly from the open living room windows. In the back, your weeding makes enough noise that you didn’t hear my feet crunching the fine gravel. Your back is turned to me as you work in the warm dirt, on your hands...

3 years ago
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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMSunny Manor Pony Farm and Pet Grooming Facility

“If where we are going next is something for Lucy, then we probably ARE going to the FART FACTORY!” Lindsay teased her little sister as we walked back to the golf cart. “They will make you head of production in no time!” “You fart too!” Lucy pouted. Lindsay was once again making the joke that the Fun Center was a Fart Center because in her opinion it was dumpy while at the same time getting a little dig in on her sister. “You seem obsessed with farts,” Eddie said to Lindsay, “sounds like a...

2 years ago
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Learning to Share

At fifteen, I can't really say that I was the typical teenage girl. Oh, I had developed, not real big, or anything, medium-sized breasts (B-cup, if you just have to know), some downy brown pubic hair. I had talked with my girlfriends about boys and sex and stuff, looked at all the Playboy's and Penthouses that they had. But, where I hadn't really developed much was my sex drive; I just didn't think about it all the time like some of my friends. I knew about boy's cocks, how they were...

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Ms Nancy Part Two

The phone rang and my mother answered. "For you." she said. "Hello?"The voice was Ms. Nancy's "We have about one hour. Get over here on the double. Jack's still at the office and Larry and Donna are working on a community project." I waved by to my mom, grabbed the keys and bolted out the door in her direction. As I drove, I couldn't help but imagine what was in store for me. I arrived in about ten minutes. Fortunately, they didn't live far.When I arrived at the house, she said "I hope...

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The Last White HopeChapter 2

This a fictional story about becoming President of our country. It sort of parallels our history and time line. Chapter Two is about the Will & the Campaign I am going home to take a shower and change, I will be back here at 9:30 a.m. to pick you up for the reading of the will. Lynn said to me, as she gave me a quick kiss and flew out the door. I was in the lobby of the hotel, just as Lynn pulled up to the front door, at 9:30 a.m.. I walked over to her car and got in. I leaned over, and...

1 year ago
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Wallimas School The Girls Toilets

They sat across from one another in the science lesson, taking risky glances and smiling at each other. Ant sat leaning against the empty table behind him as he ran his eyes over Zoey’s legs and body and up to her pouting lips, big green eyes and long blonde and brown hair, tied back into a pony tail. She could see him out of the corner of her eye, and smiled on the inside. Her boyfriend was sat next to her, holding her had under the table. Ant and Zoey had been having an affair, only they...

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Anal Pleasure Chapter 1

I am not embarrassed to say I enjoyed it. She did it once more. I loved being pegged. She was less impressed, mainly because I hadn’t discovered “flushing” so the result was, shall we say, rather messy. After the divorce a couple of years later I discovered a shemale website. I was fascinated by the sight of chicks with dicks. Some looking really attractive. Of course, being porn, these shemales had large cocks which also got my lust working in overdrive. Finally I decided to at least try it....

3 years ago
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For Blood or MoneyChapter 23 My Broken Heart

I KNEW I WAS IN TROUBLE. I’d missed my doctor’s appointment last week. In fact, I missed two since yesterday was Monday. I also knew Doc Roberts was not going to be happy about it, no matter what my excuse. The sniffling cold that I’d acquired after my dowsing in the Chicago River was still hanging on and I had no doubts that it had to do with the immunosuppressant I was taking. I didn’t count on the vehemence of Doc’s reaction to me, though, or the other news he had. “I told you to stay...

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Happy Birthday

Hey! I’m Nat, if you’ve read my previous stories, you know about me and my life. A friend told me that I was a modern Cinderella, it took me some time to realize how right she was, but sure, I am. When my dad and mom died in a car accident and I survived I went to live with my aunt and her sons, I was too young to have clear memories, but since then, I’ve been raised here. My aunt hates me, I’m surer each day, and her kids, well, they had a girl who does all the work at home, I clean the...

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Calculating NemesisChapter 3

I left the office shortly after Vin had gone. Lily would usually get home about five thirty, at least an hour before I got back from work. Normally she would have started cooking and that would be too domestic a situation for the conversation we were going to have. It was the middle of the afternoon when I opened the front door, plenty of time for me to arrange things. I had left my car in the pub car park, somehow thinking that if Lily didn't know I was home she would be surprised and it...

2 years ago
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How I Seduced My Sister

Hi friends this is my first story….Koi galti ho toh maaf karna .If u enjoy it mail me at Ye kahaani meri aur meri bhen ki kaahani hai…Rishab yaani main 18 saal ka hu aur meri bhen saachi 23 saal ki.Is ghatne ko ghate 15 din hue hain.Uss ghatna ke baad main apni bhen ko regural chodhta hu. Iss ki shuruat aaj se 1 mahine pehle hue jab main apni bhen ko itni gande nazar se dekhne ki koshish bhi nahi kar sakta tha.Ek raat ko 2 bje jab main toilet karne utha toh maine dekha ki meri bhen mere papa...

4 years ago
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Making the Most of Our Second ChancesChapter 13

We had been waiting for over three hours when Mom finally came out. Erin and I both wanted to know how Jenny was going, but Mom wasn't talking. "Let's go. You two need to get home." "No Mom. I want to stay with Jenny." "Sorry Mark, I will explain it on the way." We walked out to the car and started to head home. I was not going to let her off with silence. "What's going on Mom? Why all of the secrecy?" "Jenny is going to be fine. She came to very soon after arriving. She...

1 year ago
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The Sanguine Chronicles Ch 3

BaliorAvdaci, the Sanguine Regent of Lyrisa and a Prince of Relicium, slowly descended the marble staircase of his new home. ‘New’ was a term he used quite loosely to describe the decrepit castle where he would dwell henceforth. An oracle had convinced his father, King Jorin, that Lyrisa was where he might find his mate. The oracle had neglected to say how long it might take him to find her in this sprawling village or whether or not she was even yet to be born. He’d been skeptical, resentful...

3 years ago
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My Prostate Massage A True Story

At the time of the event I was a 42 year old single man living in Silicon Valley. I had not had sex or even been out on a date in several years. This is not uncommon in Silicon Valley as there are very few single women compared to single men and introverted nerds like myself are greatly disadvantaged. I am in good physical shape but on the thin side. I am not particularly handsome but not ugly either. My biggest liability is probably not my looks but my introversion. All in all, in this...

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Lusting While Dusting

I'd been working for Clobber-Free Cleaners for only two weeks when I met up with Dora. Most of the women I worked for just quietly watched me as I cleaned their house naked. Afterwards they might make me a cup of tea and we'd have a friendly chat. With Dora it was different, she took an evil glee in having a defenceless naked man at her mercy. I felt like a mouse being played with by a tiger cub. I should have seen the warning signs on my first visit when I noticed an enormous purple vibrator...

2 years ago
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No One Says Bye To Felicia

As I look at my wife seductively patting the bed wanting me to fuck her, I can only think, I am so fucked!My ass is red, swollen, and covered in welts. I probably can't cum again tonight if my life depends on it. What the fuck am I going to do?Her smile turns into a frown as she says, "Don't you want me?"Think. Think. Think. "Baby, of course, I want you. I am just surprised, that's all. You haven't been interested in sex for quite some time. Why the change?" I ask as I moved towards the...

1 year ago
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Life changing crime Part 1

Hello everyone! I will tell you a story that changed my life. It happend about an year ago, I was 21 years old, young man with dreams, nice family and a bright future. Everything was going perfecty. In fact my whole life until that moment was going perfectly.One day a friend of mine called me. He needed money to pay his semester in university. The money his parents gave him I was sure he lost gambling, but he was my friend so I wanted to help him. When we met I had the money to give him but he...

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Kafe Klutch with a flavor

Kafe Klutch with a flavor……. It was just before Christmas and had been awhile since my girlfriends and I had gotten the opportunity to get together. You know how everyone is always busy during this season. So, I had asked the girls over for coffee and freshly baked Spritz cookies since they were always a big hit and seemed to disappear into mid-air. Micha was busy that evening which had sorely cut into our time for each other, and I was beginning to feel a little lost, frustrated, and even...

1 year ago
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Office Romance Sex on a WebCAM

Swetha is my administrative assistant in a hyderabad based IT company, the friendship between us blossomed in last one month and we spent a day alone in my apartment just before my visit to USA. she was shy about sex and reluctant to open in our first sexcapade, i was able to make some progress but she was stopped short of taking me inside. Swetha is 33 yrs old, married, with a kid, she is good looking and a very efficient administrator, she manages her time extremely well between office, home...

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The following is a work of fiction. Brainwashing/mind control is fantasy and if you actually think you can do things like this story, then you’re not firing on all cylinders and need a psychiatric evaluation… pronto! This story contains eroticism and blatant sex. If you are under 18 years of age, you should not read it. It will cause you to go blind, get hairy palms, have body parts fall off, or something along those lines (I always forget which in particular). If you like this story, please...

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Making Mom HappyChapter 3

The massages continued like this every few days for a couple of weeks. I would let my hands wander occasionally up to mom’s awesome butt cheeks for a ‘full’ handful whilst doing them, but only once or twice during our sessions, so as not to appear too obvious. I’d often get so turned on that I’d have to make an excuse to go to the bathroom and jerk myself off for relief. That seemed ok, and I was sure both mom and dad didn’t suspect what I was really doing, when I disappeared for a few...

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Slave to an Oriental Mistress Chapter 2 Japan

This story is of an adult nature and contains, female domination, bondage, and other deviant pastimes. If you are under age, or shocked by material of this nature, do not read the story. This story can only be published with my express permission, which has only been given to date to If you do read the story, I hope you enjoy it. It is my first story so please pass any comments back to me at [email protected]. More importantly, if there are any real Mistresses...

3 years ago
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Drama Rehearsal Turned To Sex Rehearsal

Hello everyone. I am Rohit from Gujarat. I am thankful to this web site for providing opportunity to share my first sex experience. This is a story when I was in twelfth standard. It was year 2001. I was living in a small town of Gujarat near Gir forest. When I was studying in 12th commerce. A new accounts teacher Mr. Rakesh Mehta was enrolled in our school. He was my favourite teacher. He was very good at accounts. He became very popular by his easy way of teaching and explaining. Before he...

Gay Male
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Atypical Wedding

Atypical Wedding By Watsit Tuya This story is manifestly UNTRUE. None of the characters or events herein described have ever existed or transpired... as far as I know. 'You decent?' Kris' response was a smile. 'I always try to be, Dad. What do you think?' My heart was somewhere around my Adam's apple, but I managed a response. 'I think you're the second-most beautiful bride I've ever seen. Tomorrow, when you go up the aisle, every woman there is going to be...

2 years ago
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Friends Wife

My friends from work liked to go out as a group and bring their significant others. That was fine and all, but I was having a bad streak and had gone twice by myself. Not really all that much fun, but what the hell. I got drunk at least. One of my friends’ wife was a nurse. She knew I’d been an art major in college before joining the police department. She hung out with me, mostly for pity, at least that was what I thought. The day after our latest outing I was lounging on the couch watching a...

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The Right Tools

In this particular unit, the long cinnamon-haired streamer was taking an unscheduled break. The only movement on-screen was the hypnotic swaying of her breasts synchronized with the piston ramming in and out of her mouth, making wet gluks for the 600 viewers. The rubber cock was as thick as a baseball bat and just as long. Combined with the metal rod it was attached to, it penetrated the girl from mouth to stomach every second. The machine slowed down and the girl came alive around it with...

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Babysitting the Twins Again Part 3 Jennys Halloween Sleepover

This is part 3 of the Story of Debbie, Jenny, and the twins. This story introduces Jenny's friends. Please read "Babysitting the Twins Again" and "Babysitting the Twins Again - Part 2 - Sweet Sixteen" for the precursory stories. Cast of Characters: Billy and Bobby -- 15 year old identical twins. Smart, handsome, tall, athletic, horny. Willing to break a few rules… well actually, all the rules. Debbie - 22 year old "star" of part 1, Tall norse goddess... Had a little trouble...

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The Break

Heather stood on the balcony of her room taking in the fresh air from what was a perfect evening. Sipping a glass of wine, she felt joy from the enriching evening on the town she had with Gabriel. Still in her evening gown, red, with a sexy yet not too revealing slit in the legs, she sipped her wine and couldn't think of how the evening could get better.Suddenly she turns and sees Gabriel looking at her. Looking into her (or so it feels). He's removed his blazer and tie, but the button shirt...

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A black male strippers long day

Devlin is 25 years old, single, 6ft 2inches tall, black and well-built with a strong muscular physique. His parents came to Britain from Mali some 30 years ago but brought Devlin up as British. Most importantly for his job as an adult entertainment stripper, he’s very well endowed with a nine inch long fat penis when erect which makes him very popular with the ladies especially when doing his male stripper act at a local night club.The club like their strippers, both men and women, to have no...

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Perks of Power

Throughout history men and woman have done whatever necessary to gain as much power and influence as possible in their lifetime. From the all powerful one percent, using their unstoppable influence to use the world as their personal playground to those with much less power but use what little they have to wreck havoc on others. Now its your turn to create or follow the adventures of those who use their power to use and claim those weaker or gullible then them. Choose the path you wish to take...

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MarkThis is to be read with the video clips of Mark in the video section We had communicated with Mark,for some time, and agreed a meet at a nice hotel in SouthCroydon,we waited in our car and ten minutes later he pulled in and rang us. We all made our way to the hotel bar, for a drink and chat, he had already booked a room just in case !We spent a pleasant couple of hours chatting and drinking, I had my long cardigan on, which me being short I can use as a dress with a belt round it lol. I...

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Monday AgainChapter 3

As Linda lay back, her whole being was centered, focused on what Jim was doing to her clit, through the thin lace of her thong. Suddenly, Jim pulled the flimsy material up tightly between her labia, increasing the pressure on her clit. He was kneeling on the floor with his upper arms pining her thighs to the bed. He maneuvered his chest in order to spread her thighs further apart in order to open he up completely to his searching tongue. She reached down with both hands to grab his head. He...

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Clara visits Sextopia

Clara visits Sextopia Summary: Clara asks the Doctor to take her to a planet where she can explore her wildest sexual fantasies."Where shall we go next?" The Doctor asked."Is there a planet where I could get a good fuck?" Clara asked.The Doctor looked up from his console. "What?"Clara laughed. "A good fuck, Doctor. A place where I can indulge all my sexual fantasies without fear. Surely, in all of time and space, there must be a planet like that.""Sextopia," The Doctor said. "It is a pleasure...

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My wife Stephanie is hot. She is tall and long limbed with long blonde hair. Her breasts are all natural large globes with nipples that protrude a third of an inch when she’s excited. She keeps herself completely shaved in her bikini area and her pussy lips are a full lipped pink perfection. The first thing I had noticed about her when we met was her ass. It is medium sized, heart shaped and tight. Life with her has been one long state of arousal. Unfortunately she’s also frigid. We often went...

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My Very Very Very First Time

Hi everyone, Thanks for taking the time to read my stories! I really appreciate it and i hope you'll enjoy it, please let me know! :).So yes this is the story of my very first sexual experience, with a woman! I was older than most boys 21 years old at the time. I had never had a girlfriend and also never had sex. Sure i masturbated, who didn't! So i thought it was time, I decided to go and visit the red light district (RLD from here) in a nearby city, not amsterdam, there's other red light...

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The Ultimate Seductresses 8211 Part IV

Hi friends…i am vishal….hope you all remember me … here i am again with my new story, hope you would have liked my previous stories –“The ultimate seductresses part 1, part 2, part 3…. and “Seduced by wife’s friend” so here i am with the next one, hey but friends please dont forget to mail me your comments on Mujhay umeed hai aap sabhi ko ise series ke first three parts pasand aai honge aur aap login ne nai mujhay zaroor miss kiya hoga, tow doston main hazir hoon phir se yahan apani ise family...

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Daddy With a Blue Dress

Daddy With a Blue Dress By Cassandra Morgan Sometimes, things go bump in the night. There are noises. A floor creaks. Voices carry. The cat knocks over a lamp. The wind blows the shade. And kids hear. Billy Adams was only six, but he knew about odd noises. He used to believe he had a monster in his closet, and it was thing that made those noises in the night. But it wasn't true. Nothing lived under the bed, or in the bathroom, or down the hall. Billy was old enough to...

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Three Square MealsChapter 15 Can the crew of the Invictus survive against all the odds

“I take it that’s bad then?” Sparks asked, startled by John and Calara’s shocked reaction to the mystery ship. “Who are the Kirrix exactly?” “They are kill on sight to all species in the Galactic League” John explained briefly. “They’re a parasitic insectoid species that use other life forms to incubate their young. When their larvae hatch, they eat their way out of their victims!” he said, his mouth twisting with disgust. “I can’t believe these pirates would capture slaves for them. That’s...

1 year ago
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Femdom Boss Has A Novel Idea

The phone on his desk buzzed. Amar picked it up and heard a sugary female voice say, “Can you please drop into my room?” Amar’s gut tightened. That voice had a dangerous sweetness to it He looked at his watch, 5.30 on a Friday evening. Sadistic bitch; she would call him just as he was leaving work and screw up his evening. But then he had no other choice but to put up with her. He had recently lost his high paying job in a software company and had to settle for a mid-level position in the media...

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Princes of MannsboroughChapter 18

Thule woke with the sun hitting him in the face. The alarm clock's display was lost in direct sunlight, so he had to stagger over to his desk to find out that it was just past six thirty. He groaned. Five and a half hours of sleep were not enough, not after yesterday or, for that matter, the whole week. He should go back to bed. But, there was too much to do and his tossing and turning would only serve to wake Sveta. He decided he would rather have an hour or two to get things done before he...

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Maybe Its Magic Final Chapters

Maybe It's Magic by RH Music Chapter 7: The Concert It is Thursday, just two days until our evening out in New York, and I am worried. Am I starting to have feelings for Mr. Feyla? Is that possible? What is clear is that my female parts (as I call them now) get wet all on their own - no salve required (although I still apply it every two hours, as Morgen suggests). Further, the 'indentation' is getting deeper and deeper, up to two knuckles deep. Okay, it's a hole. I...

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A Halloween Story

A Halloween Story By Cassandra Morgan In the tiny pockets of time, eternal truths can be unveiled. You'll be in the middle of an ordinary conversation, and suddenly, someone will ask a question about a fundamental truth. Pay attention, and the world will teach you a lesson. At least, that's the way it happened with my wife Ginger and I. We were sitting around, wasting the minutes until dinner. We worked hard. Ginger was a psyche major at UC. I'm a junior high math teacher. So...

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Ms Marca My Best Friends Dad Part 5

  Ms Marca My Best Friends Dad   Part 5   By Ms Marca   The trade show was over and I just had dinner with Bert and the other company people and Bert informed me that he and I were out of here and on the Southwest flight by 10 in the morning. “Marca no late night shit tonight get packed and be in the lobby at 8, oh I’ll have you a check for you when we get back to Fort Worth .” I just nod and after dinner I cut out before the others and went to my room.

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Love in the Afternoon

Jens said he was going to be tied up all day with putting together the details for his next project and showing it to his colleagues. He looked so handsome in his perfectly tailored Armani suit as he left. I wasn’t expecting him back home until late, so I decided to get some gardening done in the much neglected back yard while he was gone. Normally, I would have worked in the yard in shorts and a t-shirt, but for some reason that day I thought it might be cooler if I wore a sundress. I have...

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Always A Catch Part Four

Michelle’s long, dark hair swung over her shoulders as she lifted her head up from between the spread legs of her friend. She was checking briefly to see just whose hands were on her hips, and whose cock was about to enter her from behind. Once the recognition was made, she turned her attentions swiftly back to the quivering, wet beauty that lay outstretched before her, working on the other girl as the man behind her slammed his dick inside and started to fuck her. Of course, the question of...

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Cathy DouglasChapter 7

Cathy looked at the blank screen in surprise, 'What had happened?' she wondered and then she spoke into the microphone, "Hiram? Is there a problem?" She asked. There was a chuckle in her headphones, "I calculated that a stray shell exploded near your jeep, forcing it to roll over, you were protected by the Private but knocked out, the Sergeant is also recovering, but you are unconscious at the moment ... you will recover in 30 seconds." He said. Cathy pondered this and then asked,...

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A Million Wishes

So that Babylonian artifact I found in my dad’s garage is now my keychain, and I just need to put a hand in my pocket to get anything I want. The little stone dude went from holding up three fingers, to two, to one, and now he’s permanently holding up all three again and forever because he fell for the oldest trick in the book. There are rules to this thing, but you can experiment and find the loopholes all you want once you’ve wished for a million wishes. The first thing I found out is that...

4 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 66 Hanging on the Telephone

When Alan woke up again late Sunday morning, he again marveled at the incredible luck and joy the world had brought him. Finally! Sex with Aunt Suzy AND Aims! And on the same day too. There's something so deliciously naughty about fucking a mother and daughter. That's what I call a day well spent. But today's a new day, and I'm going to take it easy. This is supposed to be my recovery weekend. He looked around, and to his surprise Amy was nowhere to be seen. He looked at the clock by his...

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Robert Morgan absentmindedly massaged his neck as he sat in his car waiting patiently for the light to change. "What is there left for me to go home to?" he asked himself.His wife had kicked him out over three years ago. Called him lazy. Said he never did anything constructive around the house.Through no fault of his own, he had lost his job. His wife had never let him forget it either. Every time they would get in an argument, she would let him know how disappointed she was in him."You lost a...

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My Little VentrueChapter 92

~~Jack~~ Once Jack got back, his mom seemed to have gotten past what was probably a couple solid hours of crying. She’d be miserable, for months, but time healed all wounds and all that crap, so he knew to be patient. Antoinette would know, too. His mom threw her arms around him when he walked back in, and he had to calm her down. A few pats on her back and some encouraging words did the trick. When he got her back into her seat, he and Antoinette sat down, and spent the rest of the night...

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Teacher8217s Sex Education 1

Hello ISS readers. Thanks for the feedback on my previous stories. Following is a story which happened in my high school, hope you people will like it. Let me start by introducing myself. I’m Kishan, height 5.10 feet weight 78kgs with dick size 6 inches. I studied in an English school away from Bengaluru till my 12th class. As part of results improvement program in my school, they bought a bunch of new teachers when we were in 8th class. One of them was our headmistress Shalini who used to...

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First Time at a Funeral

“Gail! Do you remember me,” the six foot, blue-black man asked the woman dressed in a dark suit and light purple blouse with a clerical collar.The minister crinkled her nose as she attempted to place a name to this man. “I uh…”“Don’t worry about it. I know you got a lot going on and all with losing Gene and all. I’m Daryle Wooden. I was Gene’s classmate at Westmont.”“Yes,” the medium-brown woman with the blonde-streaked French twist hairdo said. “I remember you. You’re KeKe’s older brother,”...

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Family BrideChapter 8

The cheeks of her ass hovered directly in front of Rich's big prick as, on her hands and knees, Valerie tried to lift her face from her roommate's lathered pussy. Instinctively, she licked her lips to try to clean away the clinging residue of Jeanne's cunt, but as she did so she realized that the salty taste was the mixture of her father-in-law's sperm, the dog's cum, and Jeanne's own juices. "I'll be sick!" she coughed. "Don't you puke on me!" Jeanne squealed. Rich pushed her...

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Cherry Switches

After 6 weeks of marital bliss Penny decided to test my patience. She sat at the kitchen table with a legal pad, making a list of some kind. ‘Shopping list,’ I asked. ‘No sweetie,’ she answered, ‘it’s a contract. You agree to do certain things, I agree to do certain things.’ ‘What kind of things?’ ‘Well, for example, I know how much you like to do things for me and how much you like to wash the cars, so we have number 1. We’ll make it your responsibility to keep my car clean and check the air...

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Seattle time

So you fly up to Seattle with a couple of your buddys to see the night life. youre walking around the streets trying to see whats the best place and that when you see me standing in line with a tight lowcut sparkly black shirt that shows ample cleavage that even you can see from across the street and a matching mini skirt with 3 inch heels. you absolutely fall in lust for me, even more so because im white with blonde curly hair just past my shoulders. you decide to choose this bar, but your...

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