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My name is Jessica Mitchell. Ten years ago, I found myself in a sexual situation with a woman twice my age and a brute of a man. Instead of hating it, I found it strangely exciting and, in the years following, found myself frequently masturbating to the things I had done.

I am now twenty eight years old and work as an English language school teacher in a high school and recently my job took a turn for the unexpected. I sat in the classroom after school hours, marking homework for the class. My mind wandered; the task was tedious. As I worked on the last few assignments, I heard a distant noise and paused for a moment, thinking I must be mistaken but no, I could hear what sounded like moaning. Sexually charged moaning!

I stood and walked out of the room swiftly, keeping the noise of my heels against the tiled floor to a minimum and as I walked down the corridor, the moaning grew louder, so I knew I was headed in the right direction. As I approached the door to a store room, at the end of the hallway, I crept on my toes. It was undoubtedly the sound of students and I have to admit, turned me on somewhat to listen to.

I grabbed the handle and flung the door open. Inside, I saw a boy who I knew to be called Sam, sitting on a chair, with a blond girl whose face I couldn't see, writhing on his lap. His trousers were around his ankles and, as he saw me enter, turned white with surprise. The girl turned her head, but instead of looking equally stunned, had a slightly wicked twinkle in her eye. The cheek! Her skirt was around her hips and I noticed her white panties next to the foot of the chair.

I folded my arms, playing the unimpressed school mistress.

"What in heaven's name do you kids think you are doing?" I snapped.

They gawked at me, the boy turning from pale white to beetroot red. It was then I heard a shuffling noise from behind the open door. Peering round, I saw another girl, Amanda Williams, standing there. She had been treated to a live sex show by the other two. I shook my head in disbelief and turned back to the copulating couple.

"Stand up immediately and put your clothes on!" I said firmly.

The pair of them jumped up and straightened themselves out, the boy scrabbling for his trousers and trying hard to keep his glistening, erect penis from my view. The blond girl who had been atop him was someone I knew by face but was not sure of her name; Cara, I thought to myself.

"Follow me," I said sternly. "All three of you."

We walked back to my classroom, I shepherded them along from behind. They were silent and the sound of my heels clacking against the hard floor echoed in the corridor.

As we walked, I looked at each of them.

Both girls wore the standard school uniform: white, knee length socks, grey pleated skirts and white shirts, however their skirts were way shorter than the regulation length. Amanda's was half-way down her thighs but Cara's fell just beneath the cheeks of her bottom.

Looking at Cara's backside, I noticed she was the more voluptuous of the two girls. Her thighs were slightly fuller but still quite slim and the shape of her behind was tight against the skirt. Amanda had paler skin than that of her friend, with some freckles here and there and brown, shoulder length hair. Her physique was more athletic than Cara's and generally a bit slimmer. It was easy to see why Sam might be interested in either girl.

Sam himself, was tall and lean and a member of the school swimming team. He had a swimmer's physique with a large chest and broad shoulders. He had short, dark hair and a rather nice smile, as I had noticed from teaching him.

Once we were all inside my classroom, I closed the door behind us and told them to sit down. It was then that it occurred to me I had absolutely no idea what I was going to say to them! They looked up at me sheepishly.

"Okay," I started. "Now, I appreciate young people have certain urges, but this is a school and there are times and places for doing what you were doing. This not one of them!"

I paused and I looked at each of them in turn but heir eyes looked to their feet. I was just about to tell them to get up and leave, when I noticed Cara sniggering. Right, I thought. I'll show them who's boss.

"I'm going to have to notify your parents," I told them.

Their jaws dropped. Something told me these kids had an angelic demeanor before their mothers and fathers and the news of this escapade would be highly embarrassing for them all.

"But Miss!" Sam pleaded, "Please don't."

The other two girls nodded in agreement. I stayed quiet for a moment, letting them sweat. Eventually I broke the silence once more.

"I won't tell your parents but the three of you do need to be punished."

My mind raced. Wicked thoughts, generated from the unforgettable experience in my youth, now flashed in my head. I looked them up and down a few times; my eyes traced their way up Cara's thighs more than the others, then I decided on what to do.

"Okay Cara, I want you and Amanda Voyeur here to remove your panties." I told them.

"It's CARLA, Miss," she said defiantly, "And no, I'm not going to."

Amanda was clearly the more timid of the two and tried a more diplomatic approach.

"Miss?" she asked, "You can't ask us to do that, can you?"

I glared at them, so they would know I was serious. Tom too, looked puzzled.

"You don't want me to tell your parents, right? Well the price for my silence is not a thousand lines of - I must not fuck in the storeroom - it's a little more expensive. Either I discipline you or your parents will, but think of this: my punishment will be done with when you leave the room. You have no idea how long your parents might see fit to discipline each of you."

The girls looked at each other and, deciding they were already in a fairly compromised position, reached under their grey, pleated skirts and each pulled down their white underwear.

Sam looked on eagerly.

"Now bend over this desk here," I said, as I walked over to my supply cupboard. I returned with an old wooden cane that I had seen in there many times but never used.

The girls had not yet budged.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" I said, raising my voice.

They moved to the desk and leaned over, placing their hands on the table surface. Carla's cheeks were now visible, owing to her skirt being so short but Amanda's skirt still just about covered hers. Walking past each of them, and with my free hand, I flipped each girl's skirt hem up and over their respective bottoms.

Carla continued to look over her shoulder at me with the same defiant look in her eyes.

"Girls," I started, "I'm giving you a choice. You're going to receive thirty strokes of the cane each or you can agree to be my playthings, for my amusement, for the next hour. It's your choice."

Carla piped up immediately, "We'll take the Cane, Miss," She said, looking away dismissively. Amanda just turned her head forward in silence, waiting for the inevitable.

Quietly furious at Carla's obvious lack of respect, I started on her. I lashed at her backside with the cane and struck her sharply at the top of the thighs, just below her cheeks. The swooshing noise, followed by the crack it made startled all three of them and took me by surprise.

"Owwww!" Carla shrieked. It was more painful than she had expected and I felt a little guilty, having already set the number at thirty, which was probably somewhat excessive. The girls, however, did not know what I was thinking and to back down now would have been a sign of weakness.

I struck Carla again, this time slightly lower, landing more on the upper thighs. She screamed.

"OOOOOW! Wait, Miss," she said in a hurry, "I'm not sure about this."

"Yes, Carla?" I was ready to enjoy her surrender. "What do you want?"

Carla turned to Amanda and then back to me. "Perhaps ... we'll take the alternative."

"Good," I said, "So you both agree to do as you are told for the next hour then?"

A slight pause followed with both of them agreeing, "Yes, Miss."

"Yes Miss WHAT?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Yes Miss, we-will-do-as-we-are-told-for-the-next-hour," Carla trotted through the words with a sarcastic, staccato phrasing.

I pouted at her then spoke.

"Sensible girls. Now, Amanda," I said, "I want you on all fours on this desk here. Lift your skirt over your backside and open your legs."

Looking stunned by my request, she firstly looked to the other two, only to be met with silence, then did as I instructed. Her smooth, pale bottom stuck out and she hung her head, with her dark brown hair covering her face.

"Carla," I turned to the difficult one, "Stand behind Amanda and put your hands on her thighs. You are going to bring her to orgasm with your tongue."

Carla raised an eybrow and said, "Nuh-uh! I don't think so Miss," refusing flatly.

I folded my arms and deliberated on whether I should explain the score in private or in front of the other two. I opted for in private.

"Come with me, Carla. Step outside the door now."

We walked out of the room and I closed the door behind me and spoke in a low but forceful tone.

"Listen carefully, you pathetic little slut," I started. Carla's mouth dropped open and she seemed less ballsy than in the classroom with her friends.

I went on, "If you refuse me, just remember this: your boyfriend is in several of my classes each week. How would you feel about me keeping him on after class, for a little bit of extra sex education, hmm? Do you think he'll be interested in a little girl like yourself, after I've given him a taste of a real woman?"

I waited. She was speechless; she looked me up and down, from the bottom of my five inch heels, past my clingy knee-length pencil skirt and up my blouse to my pearl necklace, which rested on my firm, ample breasts. Then to my face; examining my red lipstick, dark eyeliner and luscious brown hair, which was currently tied above my head.

She remained silent, the fight knocked out of her, so I spoke for her. "No, I don't think so either."

I opened the door and let her go back in first, then instructed her again.

"Now, Carla, can we try that again, please? Stand behind Amanda and take her thighs in your hands."

Carla, pouting and quietly seething, moved behind her friend and gently placed her hands on the other's silky thighs. Sam looked on eagerly, his cock bulging through the material of his trousers.

"Stick out your tongue, girl," I ordered, "I meant what I told you. Don't try me!"

Carla closed her eyes and moved forward, opening her mouth and revealing her tongue. She found Amanda's sweet slit and began to lick delicately, trying to avoid making too much contact.

"Deeper Carla," I said. "That's not good enough and you know it. This is your last warning."

Carla immediately improved her technique. I knew this little slut would take to it, I just had to push the right buttons and it seemed I was finally getting what I wanted.

Amanda seemed shocked at her situation. Feeling her friend's tongue sliding softly between the lips of her vagina made her unexpectedly moist and sent a forbidden tingle around her body. Her nipples became firm and her breathing less shallow.

She tried to talk to lighten the mood but only succeeded in making her unease more apparent.

"Oh! That's strange," She said, her voice shaking, "It's um ... well, I think feels like ..." She stammered.

I cut in.

"Amanda, don't be shy. Just be quiet and enjoy it." I reassured her. "No one else will know, unless you or your friends want them to. This is going to be our secret."

Amanda, now finding it harder to talk, stopped doing so and breathed deeply.

"Your friend is going to make you come Amanda and we're all going to watch. It's perfectly normal and you have nothing to feel ashamed about."

I returned to Carla, "Very good Carla, now don't disappoint me any more. I want Amanda to come on your tongue and then she is going to do the same for you."

I watched her repeatedly move her tongue up Amanda's wet vagina. Amanda, looking slightly anxious that she should not be enjoying it, told a different story with her body as she started to gyrate her hips more visibly in response to Carla's tongue.

Amanda had begun to moan quietly. Her noises were high pitched as she tried desperately to keep her pleasure a secret from her straight friend, who tasted her hot, wet delicacy on her tongue and lips. 

Carla's licking became more focused. I could see now she was doing it as she would want it done to her. Amanda, feeling the sudden change shrieked through her gritted teeth and her body shook. I moved behind Carla and pressed her head into Amanda's backside and, as she lapped at the soaked pussy, made her friend come. Amanda opened her mouth at last and let out a resounding moan of pleasure. As her body quivered, I saw her pussy glisten as she came on Carla's tongue. Her breathing subsided gradually.

"Mmm," I said, "That's it girls. You're halfway there now."

I pulled on Carla's hair, yanking her back from Amanda's dripping slit.

"You will exchange places now. Amanda, it is your turn to return the deed."

Having just orgasmed in her friend's mouth, Amanda blushed and looked awkwardly to the floor as she moved behind Carla, awaiting my instruction. Carla delayed.

Wiping Amanda's pussy juice from her mouth she looked at me challengingly. I stepped forward and slapped her round the face, to her utter disbelief. Then, with her head turned I grabbed her hair and bent her over the desk and administered a severe spanking.

"Owww! Fucking hell Miss!"

I leaned in again and pressed my mouth to her ear, whispering.

"Don't try me bitch, or I'll be drinking your boyfriend's spunk tomorrow after class," I told her. "Now do as you're told and get on that fucking table."

I released her and she crawled up and knelt on the table as Amanda had done earlier, hanging her head in submission. I looked to Amanda.

"I trust I don't need to take you aside as well, Amanda?"

She moved forth and, taking Carla's thighs in her hands, began to lick at her pussy. She did it correctly from the start, so I had no need to step in. Carla, now somewhat pissed off, pressed her thighs backwards into Amanda's hands and forced her pink labia onto her mouth. Amanda did not recoil but pushed back slightly, which surprised me. She was more eager than I had expected.

"Good girl, Amanda," I praised. "I'll make Sam here pleasure you, if you can make Carla come quickly."

Amanda seemed to be spurred on by this idea. I got the feeling that, as an onlooker in the store room, she might have been hoping to get some of Sam after Carla. She intensified her licking action making Carla lose her composure. She had been defiant at first but now was obviously enjoying the actions of her friend.

"Ooh God, Mandy," she said unexpectedly, "What the fuck?! Ooooh ... yesss! That's ... mmm really oooh God ... YESSS!"

Carla struggled to restrain herself. Amanda, now spurred on by her friend's comments kept the rhythm and showed no sign of letting up.

I felt aroused by the noises in the room: Carla's heavy breathing, her outbursts and the sound of Amanda's mouth, now pressed fully to her cunt, at work behind her.

"Mmm, mmm," Carla kept on, her voice slowly rising, then, "NNNGGGAAA ... Oh! You're going to make me come Mandy! That's it ... suck me out, Mandy ... FUUCKK! YEEESSSSS!"

She came in her friend's mouth. Amanda let loose a long moan at that point, as she now knew her job was done but also because of the flood of warm juices that covered her tongue.

"Sam," I turned to him, "Get over here you naughty boy and strip. Take everything off."

He seemed more eager than the girls. I'll wipe that smirk off his face I thought. 

As Sam watched the interlocked girls decouple, I unbuckled my belt and slid it slowly away from my waist. I moved to Sam, who was now naked with his cock pointing at me, and looked him in the eyes, then looped the belt over his head and began to tighten it around his neck. Turning, I led him forward, like a dog on a leash and bent him over another desk, tying the end of the belt to the top of the table leg. I chuckled inside at how malleable a man becomes with a raging hard-on and the promise of release. He was like soft putty.

"Sam," I said, "I am going to give you three strokes of my cane for your part in this mischief. Are you ready?"

He clenched his teeth and awaited. I struck him one, two three times. He managed to stay quiet, though the third time I heard a slight squeak come from his throat as he tried very hard to retain his composure in front of the girls.

I moved the cane and placed the end of it under his cock, teasing it gently, clearly making him nervous. As I massaged it, I saw that Sam was poised to come.

"You do not have permission to come, Sam," I warned him. "That's a no-no in my classroom. You only come when Your Teacher says so."

I continued touching it gently then backed off. As an eighteen year old, I knew he wouldn't be able to hold back too long. Sam was breathing heavily and obviously frustrated. In addition to my teasing, the sight of his female friends in action had clearly been too much for his young eyes. I left him bent over the desk and looked back to the girls. 

Pleased with Amanda's willingness, I felt she deserved a reward.

"Slut," I said to Sam, "You're next. You'll be making Amanda come, or you'll be feeling my cane against your arse."

I freed him from the table leg and walked him to another desk.

"Lie down on the desk here Sam, facing up, with your head over the edge," I instructed. "Amanda, you'll straddle his head. Ride him and use him. He's your tool."

She looked a little disappointed, looking at his stiff penis longingly.

"I'm sorry Amanda, that is off limits," I said.

Carla went to speak, I assumed to protest at me for allowing Amanda to be with her man in this way but just before she could begin, I glared at her as a reminder as to who was in charge. She said nothing, looking dejected.

Sam lay on his back and Amanda stood astride his head. I stood behind her and pulled on his leash, forcing his head firmly between her legs. His cock was covered in pre-come as it stood erect, pointing at the ceiling. Amanda rode his face, gyrating her hips back and forth on his helpless head and I pulled harder on the leash, jamming his face tightly into the v-shape between her legs. I heard some muffled sounds come forth from Sam, probably because he needed to breathe.

"Carla," I beckoned her once again. "You look left out, sweetheart," I said sarcastically, "You've kissed one set of her lips, now kiss the other."

I could see this, due to the intimacy, was going to be in many ways, more awkward for her than the previous task, yet she moved forward and leant in to kiss Amanda. I guessed she felt that taking part in this threesome meant at least Amanda was not going to orgasm solely with Sam.

The two girls kissed passionately, tongues lashing at one another as Carla took Amanda's face into her hands.

"That's it Amanda, good girl, come on his face for me," I told her.

I watched her eyes tighten but her cry of pleasure was muted by Carla as they kissed. As she came, I could tell she was pressing herself harder onto Sam's face. Carla too, pressed her lips harder onto Amanda's, the kiss now slightly less passionate and more, it seemed, an effort to silence her.

"Ggghhh.... aahhhh!" The noise squeezed out of her slowly opening mouth, Carla not entirely successful in her attempt.

"Mmmm very good girls, very good. Oh and Sam too."

I took her by the arm and pulled her off of Sam's face. He was a picture: hair messed up and vaginal juice covering his mouth, nose, chin and cheeks.

"Carla, be a good girl and clean your boyfriend," I instructed sassily.

Carla, with a sour expression, was about to find something to wipe his face with, when I continued, "With your tongue of course!"

She rolled her eyes and bent over him to lick the drying stickiness from his face. Amanda watched with big eyes as Carla tasted her friend's secretions once again.

"How does your boyfriend taste, Carla?" I asked teasingly but she did not reply.

"Splendid. Now I think we can allow Sam to let off some steam. What do you girls say?"

Neither said a word; Carla looked terrified. I think she had assumed I was about to step in.

"Girls, I'll need both of you to help for this," I told them.

Sam's face lit up. I could see he had visions of these two licking and sucking his drooling cock. That was not quite what I had in mind.

"Sam," I said, "Lie down on the floor, facing up."

Barely finishing my sentence, Sam hit the floor eagerly, like a sack of potatoes.

"Good." I leaned over him and took his ankles in my hands, then pressed my foot to his chest and hoisted his legs up high. Releasing my foot, I moved his feet back over his head, much to his surprise. His throbbing cock now pointed at his face. A string of glistening fluid moved towards his nose.

I knelt behind his head, holding his ankles in place. I could see it wasn't terribly comfortable but I didn't expect him to last long in this aroused state.

"Amanda, dear, come here and hold this slut's ankles for me. We're going to give him a drink."

She took over, pinning him down in my stead. I walked over to Carla and said, "Now you Carla. Get on your knees below him, by his butt. You didn't think I'd let you go without enjoying your man now did you?"

She didn't move immediately, so I quickly grabbed her hair and forcefully brought her to her knees. Her face looked directly at his exposed butt-hole.

"Lick your boyfriend, bitch." I pushed her head down to meet him. Her lips met his hole as I pressed her into him.

"If you want me to stop pressing your head down, you'll stick out our tongue and lick, do you understand?"

She attempted a nodding movement with her head and I released her hair. I could see her tongue circling his anus. With her face planted in his arse and Amanda holding his ankles, I reached over her head with my free hand and began to stroke his lubricated cock as it pointed at his mouth. Sam's face contorted. As I expected, he was at tipping point already.

One, two, three, four strokes and his orgasm came hard.

I could see he was thinking to turn his head, to escape the juice as it shot onto his face. At that point, I let go of Carla's head (who as it happened continued willfully with her duty) to prevent him dodging his own semen.

Still with one hand on his cock, milking it slowly, I moved closer to his head and grabbed his nose, pinching it hard and keeping his face upward. As his sperm left his cock, his mouth opened to say "oww", only to receive a long string of thick white semen between his lips and over his tongue.

I continued to milk him. He managed to close his mouth but it was too late. A large deposit was already in there and the remainder coated his lips, chin and cheeks. With the orgasm subsiding, I took my hand from his cock and pressed his chin upward.

"Swallow it, slut," I commanded.

I think by now, the cold, hard floor on his back was more uncomfortable than the thought of drinking his warm spunk, so he obeyed and I released him. He screwed up his face in disgust and shook his head.

"You can let him go now, Amanda," I said finally.

"Carla, get your face out of his arse and clean your boyfriend again. He is a fucking mess."

On all fours, like a cat, she cleaned him and Amanda sat watching. I ended the session with a warning.

"Right, now that is a taster of what you filthy kids can expect each time I catch you fucking on school property. Get dressed and get out."

I gestured for them to leave.

"I'm keeping your panties, girls, and your underwear too, Sam. You three don't deserve to leave here with them. The two girls looked at each other with a worried expression. Each of their skirts were not ideal for travelling commando so they would have to be very careful.

The three of them, minus underwear, left the room in silence. I expected they might not be so chatty as they travelled home together.

I closed the door, locked it and sat at my desk to resume the work, however, with my head full of images from the last hour and my pussy soaking my panties, I placed my feet on the desk and leaned back into my chair. My hand went down to meet my swollen labia and I began to circle my finger on my clit.

I now had a scenario of my own making to think of, as I played with myself.

What a fucking hypocrite I am, I thought, as I brought myself slowly to orgasm in the classroom.

All characters are over the age of sixteen.

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Paying It Forward

It’s been a while since we’ve had something good to write about. Once the pandemic hit, well, that pretty much killed a lot of fun to be had. Finally, here we are many months later and things are starting to change a little. Some folks are beginning to travel again, national businesses are looking to grow their customer bases, blah blah. This one came out of left field, but damn, it’s a good one. Even my wife gets hot thinking about it. As always, names are changed to protect the people who...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 34 Moving Forward

Hank called me later that evening, laughing about the three chuckleheads, as he called them, and told me that he had told them some more stories. Of course, he kept their glasses full, so it was a profitable conversation for him. He told me that he had told a bunch of war stories about ‘the old days’ and how we did things ‘back then.’ I laughed and invited him and his wife over some night, and to just call me or Kelly to schedule it. Over the weekend Kelly and I goofed off while driving the...

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The First Realm Lee Ki Jungs storyChapter 31 Moving Forward

The next morning, they pick up and packed away their cots and sleeping gear. As soon as they dump the water from the tubs, Master Lee puts them in her ring. A minute later, they are off and running. They eat as they run. They have plenty of prepared food in their rings for this purpose. They make a bee-line for Dong Kyu. If they encountered any kind of beast, they simply avoid it and outrun it. They do not stop for anything. Forty-seven hours later, they are at the gates to the city. The...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 68 Big Steps Forward

October, 1983, Chicago, Illinois I spent the first three days of the next week thinking about what Bethany had said and anticipating my time with Anala. I was exceedingly happy that I’d asked her to spend some time talking given what Bethany had said to me. Stephie noticed that I was distracted, as did Penny when she came by on Wednesday evening, but I brushed it off as just being preoccupied with class work, my union contracts, and the time I spent running a household. On Thursday morning,...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 291 Fast Forward

"I love you, my little Girl Scout," I whispered as Jen cuddled to me. Alone in the master suite. It was so unusual, but it was what Jen wanted for her birthday. "Am I a bad Girl Scout?" she asked, a slight quiver in her butt as I stroked her cheeks. "No, my love. You are a very good Girl Scout. You deserve a merit badge." "I was so ... I can't believe today what I did that night when you rescued me." "We were fourteen. What did we know?" "Nine years ago. Can it really be that...

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Playing It Forward

The car came to a stop in front of their destination. Nora was seated in the passenger seat, fidgeting nervously. Master put the car in ‘park’ and turned off the engine. He turned to Nora. She was illuminated through the windshield by the moonlight, but he was shrouded in darkness. The moonlight shining on her did nothing to reduce her nervousness. She was wearing a stunning red corset that propped her breasts up – almost presenting them – but they were otherwise uncovered. Beneath the corset,...

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Isobelles Inches Forward

At last, Isobelle sits in the expensive silence of Ezra’s car. Her freshly shaven thighs peep out from the short hem of her favourite dress. On her body the fabric pools like liquid. “We’ll go to my place” Ezra glances at her. She is not relaxed. Good. He likes it when he has the upper-hand. At the high rise, Ezra uses his keys and a security pass, leading her through the foyer and up the lift. It’s up and up. From the balcony Isobelle can see the city sky – line. She stands outside, enjoying...

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Life in Fast Forward

"Well hello there, John, you might not understand where you are just now but you are in the moments prior to birth, and I am the creator of the world you are about to enter. "Some creators, like me, give you the choice to do a little creating yourself when you are 'born' or 'reborn' into our worlds. Wither this is your first time here in this world or not the choices here remain the same, John. But there are many choices to explore and many ending to see. "In my world you will follow a path...

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Beyblade Metal Masters Forward

(B-Pit, Japan) As he entered into the Familiar Bey Pit, a More Mature, More Pragmatic, and More Learned Person, he saw how much Madoka had Changed as the last he'd seen her they were Small School Children. He still wasn't certain if he wanted to Enter the Beyblade World Tournament, because in all Likelihood Madoka's New Friends would and they'd make the Team, where she would become a Support Person for the Team. Still it wouldn't hurt for him to At least Compete in the Qualifying Tournament and...

1 year ago
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st foot forward

Vicky had led a pretty hectic life. She just turned thirty, had 3 beautiful k**s, by 3 different Fathers and spent her days looking after them, only one of the k**s was old enough to attend school.Her lifestyle did not present many opportunities these days for partying, her family saw to that. But she had been quite the party a****l in her day. Her voracious sexual appetite had brought trouble, mainly in the shape of 3 unplanned pregnancies and a string of failed relationships.Vicky had tried...

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After the Wedding Chapter 3 Moving Forward

AFTER THE WEDDING - CHAPTER 2 - I THINK I AM IN LUST As I entered the kitchen, Mary was just putting plates of eggs and bacon on the table. "I thought we could both do with an energy boost after the exertions of last night" she said, smiling at me. I sat down and we tucked into our breakfast. By unspoken agreement, neither of us referred to the previous night's adventures until we had finished eating. As we put down our knives and forks, Mary opened the conversation: "Well how was...

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The Desire 8211 Part 3 A Step Forward

I will suggest you read the previous parts to know the characters and well understanding the plot of the story. “Roja, what’s up for today?” I asked her anxiously. “Hmm, Rojito. They serve good coffee,” she replied. “Ok, then meet you at 6,” I hang up the call. It’s been 1 week since we had been talking with each other over the phone. As she had asked ‘no messages,’ we talked. No late-night conversation, nothing. Only a 10-15 minutes chit chat during lunch hours, or sometimes if we crave, we...

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Watching JulieChapter 20 Another Step Forward

One thing nags me even after all these years, and writing this memoir brings it all back: did we somehow rob our daughter of her childhood by our actions? I know that it's a silly fantasy of many parents, many of them in positions of influence, sadly, that if they don't say anything about sex their kids won't learn about it, won't experiment, won't hurt themselves, and won't get pregnant or diseased or raped or whatever. This is a little bit of a rant, but bear with me. Or, heck, skip...

3 years ago
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Master P C Alexs OdysseyChapter 7 One Step Forward

(Still 4 years ago) Still in her 'Wet Dream' outfit, Alex picked up her cell phone, got Marc-Us into her car, told him to sleep on her way back to the UFW campus, and woke him so he could drive home. What kind of furor he would generate tomorrow when his posse got dumped off the gravy train that was provided by his St. Louis Cardinal signing bonus, she would love to see. Those people were abusers too, but of a different kind. When she returned home, Spats was the only one who watched as...

1 year ago
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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 16 Moving Forward

Fall 2022 to Spring 2023 I was beat when I got home Sunday night. I’d been living out of a suitcase and eating fast food while traveling in a taxi for almost two weeks. I just wanted to decompress and get to know my wife and kids again. When I got home, Kelly waved the pink canoe at me and told me it was my turn to paddle, and that I had fallen behind and needed to catch up. I snorted out a laugh, which made Riley and Seamus curious. I dumped them on their mother, who just told them it was a...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 29 Which Way Forward

August 1982, Chicago, Illinois I woke early on Sunday morning after a good night’s sleep. I was pleasantly surprised to not find Elyse in my bed. I wasn’t sure what our relationship was going to be, and I wanted to talk to her before anything happened, rather than afterwards. I went out to run, though I really would have preferred a sauna to help clear my head and organize my thoughts. When I got back, Elyse had just started a pot of coffee and I went to the shower. When I finished and...

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New BeginningChapter 17 Forward

The room was dimly lit by moonlight. Roger lay on his back in the bed, his head elevated by a single pillow. Rose lay with her head on his chest. He gently caressed her back and thigh as their breathing slowly returned to normal. The soft cotton sheet was pulled up over their bodies and tucked under her arm. Their breathing slowed and Roger had his eyes closed, nearly asleep. Rose, however, was wide awake and asked, “Roger, what’s going on between you and Mary?” In his barely conscious...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 26 Close But Dare Not To Step Forward

The earth was fissured far as they eye could see. Zax was gone. Sister Iaura was gone. Remnant light attribute fluctuations were in the air with Cardinal Northstar and Stelero Mars’s signatures, yet neither was present. Though hurried footsteps and gusts of wind resounded from every direction, Archbishop Silternjan was the sole face to look at in the encompassing vicinity, and his expression was full of anxiousness and trepidation. Sister Beatriz looked dumbstruck, tried to comprehend what...

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The Dangers of Flirting With Other Men on Your HoneymoonForward

First I would like to say that I do not advocate violence. Not violence against women, men or animals. I have never struck a woman or taken a woman against her will and I never will. I never treat a woman with anything but respect as an equal. Nor do I hunt or fish. I do not believe in killing small animals for pleasure and it disturbs me that so many of my supposedly civilized species do. I am entitled to feel that way having spent two years in combat in Vietnam. I do, however, like so many...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 289 Forward

I'd had a lot of respect for Gamma House ever since Dawn and Cathy introduced us to their sisters four years ago. The fact that TK, Addison, and Amber had all continued with the sorority and become members after the shooting, brought us closer. We always made a donation to their fundraisers for Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis, rapidly becoming the top children's transplant hospital in the country. But all the sororities and fraternities on campus were supporters of various...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 66 Moving Forward

Bob POV: Sometimes the girls are just too devious for their own good! I don’t mean that in a bad way, in this case, it was to assuage their guilt of wanting things to happen too fast. Everyone knew that Sarah had met, what she felt was, her true soulmate in Darren. And nobody had a problem with it. Charlie has known since day one that eventually Sarah was going to meet that ‘one special guy’ and fall love with him. Sarah, feeling guilty about the whole thing, conspired with Mary to make...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 5 A Good Way Forward

July 2, 1982, Cincinnati, Ohio “Hi!” Angie gushed as I climbed out of my Mustang just past 8:00pm on Friday evening. “Hi!” I replied. We exchanged a brief hug, and I grabbed my bag from the back seat of the car, then shut and locked the door. “I’ve missed you!” she said, looping her arm in mine. “I don’t like running, praying, and going to church alone.” “I’ve missed doing those things with you, too.” “Come on inside. Mom has you in the spare bedroom.” “Cool. Were you able to get...

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Incest Kliq Episode 103 An Unsure Step Forward

Note : This story is completely fictional! "Good morning, New Augsburg, and thanks for tuning in to 97.5 WTLK. It is now 8:00, and you're listening to 'The Rebel'." Just a few days prior, Sean had met the man who runs the radio station. He had been quite impressed with Sean's willingness to boldly speak his mind, regarding opinions on 'touchy' subjects. A few hours later, Sean was signing a contract to his very own radio show. "Unfortunately," Sean went on, speaking into the broadcast...

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She lied there and stretched out her legs. The last one pounded her with her ankles up by her ears. No way she could do that without a 200lbs guy pushing down on the back of her legs while he pumped his cock in and out of her. As she stretched, she felt the cum ooze out of her soaked pussy. She arched her back and got ready for the next one. The other four guys stood there around the bed as their next friend positioned his cock at the lips of her cunt. He chanted something rude and the others...

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From an Outie to an InnieChapter 16

The rest of February was nothing special. Terry and I went out each Friday and/or Saturday; the dream keeps coming back leaving me feeling anxious; soccer practice is in full swing, even if indoors for now. Indoor soccer practice means a lot of footwork and ball handling drills, which we all take part in. It’s an excellent way to ensure you’re keeping your skills up to standard. Don’t get me wrong; we’ve been doing these all year long, but not at this level. It’s like going from first gear...

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Suprise Cuckold

Had my first every craiglist meeting. Fabulous and I guess a bit like winning the lottery i.e. chance in a million. Meet in male mode a couple where the guy could not get it up any longer and wanted to watch his wife fucked and she need some cock so badly or so it turn out.She was an Asian in origin from Thailand I think and I’m guessing a catalogue bride. Now her in her forties and him in his seventies she was not getting a lot. From the advert and the original message exchange I was thinking...

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Dorm Life

The morning came when it was time to pack up my entire life into the back of the car and head to the university. I was on pins and needles the entire time. Mom tried to make small talk the entire way there but I just wasn't in the mood. After what seems like days in the car, we finally arrived. After checking in at the front desk, I received my room key and went to find my room before I began unpacking the car. Just my luck, my room ended up being on the third floor-with no elevators. I...

1 year ago
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Naukrani bani gharwali

JK back again…Here is my next story. It will be in transliterated Hindi. So here goes the story…Vinod ek MNC mein Senior Executive tha. Unki age 35 saal, dikhne me wo kafi smart, lambayi 5’9 aur tandurust sharirwala insaan tha. Vinod ki salary 20,000=00 prati mahine thi. Unki patni Mala bhi kafi modern aurat thi, age 32 saal. Wo bhi ek private firm me Asst. Manager ki post par kam karti thi. Mala mahine ki 20,000=00 tak kama leti thi. Mala dikhne me behad sundar thi. Dono ki shaadi ke 4 saal ho...

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Babysitting fun

Introduction: My wife and I babysit a 10 yr old for a friend My wife and I love to baby-sit a friend of ours kid named Alicia. Alicia is 7 yrs old with Blond hair that touches her hips, with the most beautiful green eyes you ever saw. Since we began watching her 2 yrs ago my wife and I have become interested in kiddy sex. It began with a mistaken download from a program I use to download porn. It was of a 2yr being fondled and fucked by some man. For some unexplainable reason my wife and I...

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BrutalSessions Jesse Pony Extreme Bondage and Fucking

Jesse has always been curious about bondage, and wanted to have her first experience with We don’t waste any time getting this slut tied up and giving her to Johnny to have his way with. She begins tied in a squatting position with her legs spread and her mouth readily available for Johnny’s cock. Following her initial inspection, Jesse is put in a brutal ankle suspension that folds her in half, and perfect for fucking. This is one of the most grueling suspensions, so fucking her like...

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Junior YearChapter 20 Okay I can Breathe Now

This would be a huge week football-wise. We would play King High School in Indianapolis in a nationally televised game on ESPN. Because the game was on a Thursday night, we would travel to Indianapolis on Wednesday and practice there. Bud Mason, my quarterback coach and the former offensive coordinator for the Oakland Raiders, would fly in today to help us get ready. I’d asked him several weeks ago if he would help Coach Hope and Coach Diamond put together a game plan that would give us a...

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3D Printing for Pleasure

by I am old enough to remember when the VCR ushered in a golden age of pornography. 3D printers may be starting a golden age of sex toys. 3D printers can create custom sized or engraved toys in the privacy of your own home (or local library, hackerspace, or service provider). Regardless of your exact fetish, there are a three steps you follow each time you create your own 3D printed sex toy.Step 1: 3D ModelEvery 3D print starts with a 3D model. You can create your own 3D model if you have...

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Nude In The Adult Bookstore

As my nude in public experiences grew more daring, I was always turned on by pictures and videos of couples having sex or individuals posing nude in adult bookstores and at glory holes. I had been ringing around the various bookstores of Melbourne looking for fetish videos such as exhibitionism, public nudity and sex in public. One store was very welcoming and I asked given my enquiry for these genres, what would be their reaction to me wearing a see through body-stocking when I visited the...

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A Little HelpChapter 17

The following morning, we woke up at seven. We had gone to bed at eleven the previous evening. Despite the short night, I felt refreshed. Up until now, I hadn’t realized how tired I had been. I had slept soundly through the night and it felt like I had more energy than usual. Miraculously, for the first time in her life, even Sophie slept through the night. As a result, neither Ilse nor I had to get up to feed her or change her diaper until she started crying a few minutes ago. I for one was...

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My Music Teacher Was My First

Suddenly I felt hot all over, I began to panic, I knew what we were doing was probably wrong, or in fact, what Mr Taylor was doing was probably wrong."Just relax little one, let it all happen...go on Millie...let it happen." Mr Taylor's voice was soft and quiet, and incredibly his wife was in the next room.The orgasm came with a rush, as his fingers continued to massage my clit. I was trying to stifle my gasps, but I was thinking that surely his wife must be able to hear.As Mr Taylor took his...

First Time
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Come sort my tap fuck my old pussy

A couple of weeks ago, I get a phone call to say a old bloke I worked with had pass away, we kept in touch when he left work & I would call have a chat & a cup of tea with him,I got to know his wife and sister in law very well one day when I was there, I was ready to leave and his sister in law his sister in law been about 70, said would you mind dropping me off a home, I have a couple of bags, ok I say so I put the bags in the car & off I go to a little village near us, she gets...

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Die verfickte Tagung

Ach, mal wieder eine Tagung. Eigentlich nerven mich solche Veranstaltungen ziemlich. Irgendein überbezahlter Trainer, philosophiert den ganzen Tag über irgendwelchen Mist und wenn er ganz lustig drauf ist, muss man auch noch irgendwelche Gruppenübungen oder gar kindische Spiele machen, auf die niemand Bock hat. Wäre da nicht der Umstand dass ich im Vertrieb tätig bin - und unser Vertrieb arbeitet streng nach dem Prinzip Sex Sells - das bedeutet das sehr viele, sehr gutaussehende Frauen anwesend...

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Alice Does ItalyChapter 10

Economic growth was chugging along like a juggernaut, everywhere our traders went, there was a profit to be made. The Venus cult was becoming obscenely wealthy. Alice and I were struggling to find ways to spend our money in ways which would generate more growth. Of course, there were some people who claimed that we had gotten prosperous enough and longed for the old days. They conveniently forgot how miserable life had been for most people in the old days. We had already gotten the child...

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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 28 I Confess part 1

As I lay, spread eagle under Nimrod, I look up into his eyes and see his love and concern for me. I can't help but think, this man deserves to know. He has opened his home and his heart to me. He has made a stand for me. The least I can do is tell him why. Why I am like this. "Alright," I say quietly. "I will tell you." "Thank you," he says just as quietly. How to start, I think to myself. Why not just start at the beginning. The time before my world went mad. So I say. "I was just...

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Smiling, he let his pants drop; he was now completely naked. Instinctively, she reached down for his cock and found two cocks, one above the other. Each was nine inches long and almost as big around as her wrist. She lowered herself to her knees and stared at the two swollen members in awe. Reaching out slowly, she took the lower one in both hands and found that either hand couldn't completely encompass the raging member. She kissed the enormous head, long and passionately, then moved her mouth...

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Shivani The Office Slut 8211 Part 1

Hello guys and girls, I am Kabir and today I am gonna share with you a story about an Indian milf I met and had fun with. This is the story of her life and I am gonna write it in parts. This is the first part of the story and I will soon update the next part. I am writing this story from her point of view as she told me. So, let’s begin. My name is Shivani and today I am sharing with you an incident that happened with me which changed my life. Let’s start with my introduction, I am 29 years...

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It's a dark and stormy night. It always is, isn't . Every time you find yourself in an old mansion with strange people, with a mysterious letter in your pocket, and a dead body on the floor its always a dark and stormy night for some reason. Maybe God's just a lousy writer and that's all he can come up with, maybe bad things need a bad atmosphere to work properly, or maybe its just a really big coincidence. No matter what it is here you find yourself. A skilled private detective, with no money...

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Hot tub soccer Mom

Please comment....It happened last night. The guys had all been debating whether Mom would ever really do anything or not. For the last two weeks, once we finished our soccer training, Jim, John, and Steve would come over and we would all strip down and soak in the hot tub and drink a couple of beers. College was a lot different than playing in High School.John noticed it first, on the second night that we were out. The bedroom blind parted just a little and if you watched carefully, you could...

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Sex With A Ditched Gal

Hi friends, please send your comments to my mail id if you like my story, I am going to describe about my experience with a girl who has been dumped and ditched by her earlier boyfriend. A few years ago, I was lunching in a decent restaurant after finishing up my job in the city. There were three people dining adjacent to my table – a gentleman, his wife and a girl possibly the younger sister of the man or his wife. They seemed belonging to well-to-do family. They finished up their lunch a few...

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Bucket List Milking

Sex Bucket List Rules. A list of sexual fantasies to complete before we kick the bucket! We each have our own list. We take turns to choose from our lists Fantasies can be as simple or as complicated as you like. If a fantasy needs props then it’s the owner of the fantasies job to provide them. If you have a fantasy you’re not allowed to introduce it in bed before bucket night! If you’re not comfortable with the fantasy you can say No. No involvement of other people without mutual...

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