An English Position free porn video

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Shari Braden sat nervously in the small plane, her hands barely able to stay still in her lap. She was very nervous, for she had been chosen for a very upscale employment contract in Ashington, Northumberland, UK, a smaller town near the eastern coast. A prestigious family lived there, by the name of Worthington. Ben Worthington was a very successful and world-renowned heart surgeon who worked in the Wansbeck general hospital. His wife, Acacia, was very busy as well, for she was a writer and editor in the field of ancient Celtic history.

‘What a strange combination,’ Shari thought. Originally from Seattle, Shari had traveled extensively throughout the United States, for she was a high school English teacher and had the summers available to do so. She had always longed to travel overseas, so sometimes just for interest’s sake she would peruse wanted ads in other countries, particularly in England. Shari had plucked up her courage and sent her resume to a couple of postings in the field of education that looked interesting, but never heard anything back. Then her eyes had caught the ad posted for a governess recently. Figuring nothing would happen yet again, she sent her resume out, explaining in a cover letter that she had always wanted to travel to England, and would love the job opportunity. At thirty-four, Shari had extensive teaching experience, with fifteen years under her belt.

The ad said the affluent couple in England had a minor, aged sixteen, who needed “structure and discipline” in completing their studies and chores around the house. ‘That doesn’t seem like it would be too difficult,’ Shari mused. After all, she’d handled many rambunctious students at a time in high school for years. Amazingly enough, Shari heard back in email within the week, and a job application and extensive phone interview later, she secured the position. Now, here she was on the plane, headed into the small airport just outside Ashington. Shari still felt like the whole situation was rather surreal, and that she would wake from her dream momentarily.

The plane hit the ground a bit bumpily, but landed nonetheless, and Shari tried to breathe deeply. She hated the landings most of all. It had been a long transatlantic flight in this small plane. ‘Enough flying for quite some time,’ she thought to herself. Glad to be able to get outside and stretch her legs, Shari stepped off the plane, and down the narrow steps of the ramp. Looking around her rather cloudy and damp surroundings, she spotted a small red car coming her direction. The car pulled up, and a friendly-faced woman rolled down her window. She was pretty, in an unconventional sort of way, her hair casually pulled back into a messy bun, and she had on a pullover sweater, and jeans. Her blue eyes flashed, and she asked, “Shari? Is that you?”

Shari nodded, smiling. “Well, let me help you get your luggage into the trunk, and we can be on our way! I’m Acacia, of course,” the woman replied, stepping out of the car. She opened the trunk, revealing a surprisingly expansive space for such a small car. Shari only had two suitcases; she figured she could buy a few clothes once she got there since she had some savings and they would give her a stipend on top of the room and board. Overall, it was a pretty awesome arrangement, and in her free time she planned on exploring the local area to the fullest. Including the coast, as she loved watching the tide go in and out.

The two women chatted along the pleasant drive south to the Worthingtons' estate, with Acacia telling Shari a little more about her assignment. Ben and Acacia’s son, Callum, was sixteeen and thought he was king over the world. Frequently, he would have trouble completing school assignments he got for homework, and neglected his chores, preferring, like any other sixteen-year-old, to hang out with his friends and girlfriend.

Acacia smiled, talking about Callum’s smile, and enjoyable sense of humor. Sometimes though, his stubborn and headstrong ways got him into trouble. He loved animals, and had a strong desire to eventually get into veterinary school. Callum’s father was a real source of inspiration, and when he really tried, he matched his father’s dedication and showed the same degree of intelligence. The couple decided that a governess that could instill a sense of order and discipline might be just the catalyst needed to bring him back around to achieving that goal.

“So basically, your job is pretty well-defined. Use whatever tactics you deem fit to convince Callum to get his chores done, and help him with his homework when you can as well. I’m really hoping you two can develop a good repoire. I think he will like you well, and I think you’ll find he is pretty good, personality-wise, when he chooses to respond to direction.” Shari assured her that she was looking forward to meeting him, and told a few classroom stories about how she handled some rather disruptive students in her classroom. Acacia seemed sufficiently impressed, and told her they were glad she decided to take the position.

Their chatting continued until the ride came to an end, as they pulled up and through an entrance gate. Beyond, Shari saw lush and gorgeous landscaping, with flowers of every color and variation. The yellow Narcissus, English roses, purple Foxgloves, and Summer Snowflakes all seemed to wave hello to her in the breeze. Acacia pulled around to a carport near the house, and both women got out, stretching and getting luggage. Two people were at the door when they got to the house, apparently waiting to greet them.

Ben seemed confident, poised, and handsome, which matched his profession well, Shari thought. Her eyes went to Callum, who was tall for sixteen, standing close to 6 feet. Shari herself was only 5’5”. He had his mother’s eyes, blue and sparkling, looking like he could laugh easily and prone to happiness more than sadness. It was amazing, what one could read in the eyes, her thoughts informed her. She decided he was very likeable, from the start. A good thing, since he was her main reason for being here.

“We’re so glad you made it here, Shari. Thank you for taking a chance and coming all the way here from across the big water!” Shari smiled at the way Ben described the Atlantic Ocean.

“Dad! Sometimes you say the strangest things. You’ll have to excuse my dad, perhaps you could teach him a thing or two with the English language as well.” Callum looked at her, a smile on his face, and extended his hand. “I’m Callum, it’s nice to finally meet you. I think it’s cool that you came from across the ‘big water.’”

“Well, I’m glad to be here too, and glad I took the chance. I’m not so fond of flying, so getting here was a bit stressful. Good thing I don’t have to go back too soon,” Shari responded, a tired smile on her face.

“You look so exhausted, dear,” said a concerned Acacia. “Let me show you to your room. You can relax and freshen up before dinner this evening.” Acacia proceeded to grab one of Shari’s bags, and Callum surprisingly picked up the other without hesitation. They proceeded up the stairs, then walked the corridor to a rather large guest room with a beautiful view looking out toward the Wansbeck River.

‘I could look out that window for a while and feel completely at peace,’ she mused, then looked about her surroundings. There was a queen bed, a dresser for her things, and a full length mirror sitting by the closet. There were wood floors, but the rugs scattered throughout gave the room a cozy feel. The best part of the room to her was the fact that the window had a seat built into it, with cushions added. Shari liked to read and write sometimes, and she knew she would use that space much more often than the large chair in the corner. This truly was ‘her’ quarters, for the room had an adjoining bath with all the amenities. Shari was liking the fact that she took this position more and more.

“I’m cooking the steaks this evening, Ms. Braden,” Callum piped up. “How do you like yours cooked?” he said with a flourish and bow.

Shari laughed. “Please, call me Ms. Shari, Ms. Braden sounds too formal for our arrangement here, and it reminds me of the classroom a little too much. And I like my steak medium if you please.”

Callum made another bow, with the same flourish to tease. “As you wish, Ms. Shari. I’m sure you have many tales to tell of your life and adventures before coming here. I look forward to getting to know more, and having your help. Well, at least I think so; I know you’ll give me work to do! That part, I won't enjoy so much.”

“Callum, let’s let Ms. Shari get settled. Dinner will be in about an hour and a half, so you have time to put your things where you like and rest some. We’ll see you downstairs later.” That being said, they both departed, closing her door softly. Shari flopped on the bed, exhausted from the flights and all the new input and stimulation the day had brought her way. She eyed her suitcases, and willed them to unpack themselves. They didn’t, of course. Stupid suitcases. That was her last thought before she heard a knock at her door.

Shari opened it, and Acacia was there. “Dinner is ready when you are, did you have a good sleep?” Shari nodded, told her she would be down shortly, and thanked her. She didn’t even remember falling asleep, but she must have, and for an hour and a half.

Dinner passed pleasantly, with a few stories and conversation flowing. Shari learned that Callum had a girlfriend, and she was coming over after dinner to watch a movie. Callum wanted her to meet Erin, so Shari went out for a short walk in the front gardens, appreciating all the flowers and landscaping. Before she knew it, being lost in her thoughts, she heard Callum’s voice. “Ms. Shari, come meet my girlfriend, Erin!” Shari made her way back to the front porch, and Erin extended her hand. She was pretty, with longer red hair and green eyes. A few light freckles dotted her face, and she had a ready smile.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Ms. Shari. Callum’s been talking about you for a couple of weeks now. Perhaps you’ll be able to keep him in line!” Shari smiled, and assured Erin that she would do her best to make sure he kept up with his work, especially with school. They chatted for a time, then Callum and Erin went inside to watch a movie together. Tired, Shari went up to her bedroom and began to finally unpack what she brought of her belongings. There was plenty of drawer space, at least. Stretching, she decided on a leisurely shower to try and relax.

Once she was finished, she made her way downstairs to get a glass of water. Acacia and Ben had already retired for the evening, leaving Callum and Erin to watch the movie and have some time together. As Shari entered into the kitchen, she heard strange sounds emanating from the living room. ‘What on earth?’ she wondered. Curiosity got the best of her, and she quietly peeked around the corner. Shari was definitely not prepared for what she saw. There was Callum, bent over the couch, his shorts and boxers pulled down, exposing his rather perfect butt. ‘I did not just have that thought about my student’s butt, did I?’ she questioned her mind.

‘You did, girl, and you know it’s true,’ inner goddess told her, softly and favorably. Erin was standing behind him, telling him things such as “you were a very bad boy this evening, and you know you deserve this," and spanked him!

Callum’s reaction was even more fascinating to Shari, as he moaned, then looked back at his girlfriend, begging her to administer whatever punishment she deemed fit. “I’m so sorry Erin, I know I’ve been such a bad boy. I don’t know how to control myself sometimes, so you have to help me. Thank you baby, for helping me to see the error of my ways.”

Erin continued her spanking session, various sentences coming out of her mouth as she did so, about how he needed to shape up and become better. Two rather interesting things happened that Shari noticed as she watched. Callum, she could tell, became more and more aroused as the session went on, eventually not being able to control himself any longer. Erin’s moans could be heard, even though she was trying to stay quiet, as Callum manhandled her to the couch, stripped off her shorts, pinned her arms above her head, and had his way with her. It was fast, passionate, and intense. Shari held her breath, knowing she should remove herself from viewing such a very intimate situation, but stood frozen from her powerful rush of emotion. The second thing that happened was that Shari made a rather personal discovery about herself. As she watched Callum getting spanked, she reacted physically to the action. It made her hot to see it happening. And she was imagining giving him spankings as well.

Shari didn’t know what to think of her newfound discovery about her inner desires. She never knew they existed before. She leaned her head against the wall, listening to Callum and Erin’s breathing slowing, watching them hold each other close and whisper sweet nothings. All sorts of thoughts flowed in and around her mind in those moments, mostly about the fact that she was in a very favorable position in her current circumstance to possibly explore her new dark fantasies, and do so with almost a good excuse.

Oh yes, she was going to have fun with Callum. Shari was now looking forward to the time he didn’t behave.

It didn’t take long, as Callum ended up not wanting to do his homework the following Monday evening. It was math. Shari understood not wanting to do math; she herself was not fond of it either. However, it must get done. Secretly relishing the fact that this presented an opportunity, Shari calmly told Callum that he needed to be punished for his lack of effort. His facial expression was priceless, as he registered the fact that his governess meant business. Hesitantly, he asked her what sort of punishment she felt was necessary; music to Shari’s ears. She gave the appearance of actually giving it some thought and consideration, then said, “I think a few spankings might suffice for now, Callum. I need you to move over to your bed, and pull down your shorts.”

Callum outwardly acted upset and unhappy, but Shari knew better after her rather naughty act of voyeurism a couple of nights back. “You know you deserve this, and you need to learn a lesson about getting your homework done on time, young man!”

He nodded at her, in understanding of his upcoming punishment, and obeyed her commands. Shari had to hold in a gasp as she saw his perfect ass in full view, awaiting her hand. Trying not to shake, she began to spank him, watching in fascination as his back end reddened with the impact. After a few ministrations with her hand, she paused, and Callum turned to look at her. “Oh Ms. Shari, I’m so sorry I was bad. I’ll do my math homework next time, especially if you spank me just a few more times, and a little harder so I’ll learn my lesson well!”

Shari obliged, gesturing for him to turn back around. She delivered a few slightly more stinging slaps to Callum’s behind, causing him to flinch a bit. He rubbed his bottom as he pulled his shorts back up, his eyes riveted to hers. “Thank you, Ms. Shari, for your strict discipline. I think I might need it often at first, so I can get better and better both in school and at home. I’ll try to take it well and not get too upset over it, for I know it’s your job to correct me when I need it.”

Over the next few days, Shari continued Callum’s spanking sessions, as he didn’t do what he needed to in regards to school and chores around the house. One night, Callum was in a particularly bad mood. Sensing this, and knowing it wasn’t at all like him to be so angry and frustrated over nothing, Shari asked him what was wrong besides having to do dish duty, which she had decided to help him with on this strange evening. Callum mumbled under his breath, then after getting him to speak up a little, she figured out it was because Erin had broken up with him.

“Callum, I’m so sorry. I know you two have been together for quite some time, and that she meant a lot to you.” Just how much she knew about how intimate they had become, Shari would never tell.

Callum looked at her, then flung a dish down on the ground, watching it shatter in a million pieces. Then he began to really yell, completely losing his temper altogether. “That’s what she did to my heart! That’s how I feel! I know ITo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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 The sun was setting on another hot day; I was finishing up the days chores when my aunt Mandy called me for dinner. It was my uncles farm. A little slice of English countryside. A small piece of heaven. I've been coming here every summer since middle school to help put hay up for the winter and make some money. Now, in my third year of college, I still come out for the same reasons, and I love the peace and quiet of the country. This year I was needed more than ever. My uncle had passed the...

4 years ago
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English Pastimes A day at the races

Well a good day out at the races never fails to get me horny,the Sport of Kings,watching horses run round a track is fascinating, I am usually lucky and win my stake back by the end of the day.But I really go for the spectacle, Ladies Day at Royal Ascot is excellent for people watching, get to wear a hat,generally be elegant and a lady for the day.Well until the Champers hits my heels.It was at such an occasion I was recruited for the Pony Club, I am the Strawberry Blonde who actually believes...

4 years ago
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english mature sluts

this is true- it was a lads night out for me and my mate, we were both 19 and had left the girlfriends at home, which meant one thing, we were going to cheat on them to our hearts content!! however it had been a slow night, bar a few dances and the odd kiss, we had both struck out. so it was now half two and we were sitting in a quiet bar, blind drunk, lamenting the night. now in all honesty i cannot remember exactly the sequence of events that lead to this lol ( the price of boozing) at one...

4 years ago
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English Teacher

English Teacher?Christ, I can?t do this.  There is no way I can walk into the building today,? Jodi whispered to herself.         Going into the school this morning would be the end of a long night, or the beginning of a tumultuous day.  Her hands where shaking.  She reached into her purse to find a pack of gum, which would give her something to do so that she could focus some of that nervous energy.  Her stomach turned, and she bit back the hot acidic bile that burned her throat.  ?Please...

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English Wife

Part 1: Part 1: After 17 years of flawless loyalty, I discovered that my wife was cheating on me.? It?s not something that ever occurred to me as being possible.? Certainly, she?s beautiful enough; tall, blond, and athletically voluptuous.?? She?s also charming and vivacious and English, which excites a lot of men.? I recall when we first met, being absolutely shattered by her. She steamed erotic beauty, and I recall thinking, when I first saw her in a bikini, that if God would let me...

3 years ago
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English 101

“Kate! Kate!” “What?” I replied, half listening to my friend and half paying attention to what professor Borowczyk was saying about Beowulf. “What did you get in the midterm?” asked Isabel. “Shh, ask me later,” I said, looking ferociously straight ahead. Isabel leaned over my arms to look at the paper in front of me. “Fifty-five!” she exclaimed. A girl sitting in front of us turned around and frowned meaningfully at us. Isabel raised her hands apologetically, then shuffled closer to me and...

2 years ago
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Englishman in New York

I watched the people as they walked through Times Square. I followed his instructions to the letter. I am wearing a black bolero sweater silk blouse, grey, his favorite colour and I am minus my 36-C bra (per his request), a size 8 black pencil skirt that falls just below my calf and had a back split up to my mid-thigh (sans panties again another request), black stockings and 3-inch open toe pumps to show off my perfectly pedicured steel grey polished toes. My caramel skin is glowing and my...

3 years ago
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Englishman in New York

I watched the people as they walked through Times Square. I followed his instructions to the letter. I am wearing a black bolero sweater silk blouse, grey, his favorite colour and I am minus my 36-C bra (per his request), a size 8 black pencil skirt that falls just below my calf and had a back split up to my mid-thigh (sans panties again another request), black stockings and 3-inch open toe pumps to show off my perfectly pedicured steel grey polished toes. My caramel skin is glowing and my...

First Time
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The Proposition

Duty. That's what they told me it was. Duty to my family. Duty to my clan. Duty to the business. It didn't matter that that wasn't what I wanted. It was what I had to do. After all, it was only five years of my life. That is all they would ask of me. Just five years and, hopefully, a child or two. An arranged marriage seemed so outdated and somehow wrong, but, deep down inside, I knew it wasn't, not really. It was my chance to do something for the family, after all the years I avoided it. I...

Love Stories
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English Rose Ch 07

Joan woke slowly, her body heavy and languid. Normally an early riser, she fought consciousness by burying her nose in her pillow and pulling the sheet up over her head. Breathing deeply, she prepared to settle in for a late morning when the distinctly masculine scent of her husband lingering on her pillow brought her to a state of awareness like nothing else could. Bolting upright, Joan clasped the sheets to her chest covering her nakedness as she frantically looked around the room. She...

3 years ago
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English as a Second Language Ch 05

This is part five of our story. While it can be enjoyed individually, reading previous chapters may help you to get to know Margot and Jay better. We join our story in progress – Margot, a European beauty, has fallen madly in love with Jay, and has begun her journey as his submissive and mentee. She has now experienced threesomes, a glory hole, a gangbang, as well as the many more intimate moments of her life with him… ***** Margot awoke briefly during the night, stirred by the gentle...

3 years ago
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English Rose Ch 06

Sabrina swam up from the darkness. Her movements felt slow, her arms and legs heavy as she tried to break the surface. It took her several minutes to realize that her eyes were closed and that she was spread out on a soft mattress. Opening her eyes, she looked around and groaned. ‘Not again,’ she muttered, instantly recognizing the familiar suite at Westhaven. As her gaze traveled the room her eyes landed on the man sitting in a chair beside the bed. ‘Douglas.’ ‘Sabrina.’ ‘I think I’m going...

4 years ago
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English Rose Ch 04

Douglas was drunk. He was trying for oblivion but unconsciousness continued to elude him. After Sabrina had left, he’d ordered Martin and Jared from the room and locked himself in his library. That first night they’d come to check on him, periodically trying the door and encouraging him to eat. The second night they took to banging on the door, refusing to cease until he confirmed that he was, unfortunately, still very much alive. After the third night Jared picked the lock and let himself...

1 year ago
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English Rose Ch 08

‘Marcus? Marcus, open the door,’ Joan demanded, her voice tinged with fear and anger. Pressing her palms against the door she pleaded once more, ‘Marcus, please.’ ‘My lady,’ Dillon urged gently, ‘come away.’ Resigned, Joan allowed herself to be led down the hall and into her small sitting room. She sat numb, immobile, as servants surrounded her. They worked quietly lighting the fire, serving her tea and eventually even a sip of brandy. Everything went untouched. Four days. Four days since...

2 years ago
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English Rose Ch 05

Author’s note: Some of you were unhappy with the turn of events in Chapter 4. While I don’t want to give anything away I do hope that you’ll stay with us through to the end. A special thank you to all those that encouraged me to continue the story the way I wanted to. Please know that this chapter was written the way I always intended it. * Sabrina’s affair with Marcus began with dinner. His carriage came for her promptly at eight and delivered her to his townhouse a short time later. ...

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English Rose Ch 02

The first chapter of this series appeared under Nonconsent/Reluctance, however, the rest of the series will most likely appear under Romance. Thank you to everyone that commented on the first chapter, as always, it is appreciated. * London, 1800s… A year and a half after her abduction found Sabrina preparing for the end of her second Season in London. There were still a few weeks left but after the final round of balls, soirees and luncheons she would be retiring to the family’s country home...

2 years ago
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ON THE BEACH: A STORY OF TRANSFORMATION Brenda picked me up early the day we began our remarkable trip to the beach. I really didn’t know what to expect from this because even though I lusted mightily for her, she had shown little romantic interest in me. We got to our hotel room that evening, and after we had unpacked and were preparing to go for a walk, Brenda sat down on the bed with a mysterious look in her eye. She said, ‘You’ve always been good to me and I want to do something for...

4 years ago
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English Girl Gets a Surprise

Sitting at her desk, the neat pile on the corner much too big, Hayley absently slipped another sweet into her mouth.  That was going to get her in trouble, she was already over her daily limit (a new rule), but part of her was craving a good, hard spanking.  Hell, it had been twenty eight days, she was craving everything.  At times she felt like she’d gotten used to the crazy, towering, gut-twisting need.  At other times, late at night or after she’d just edged, she’d be breathless with need,...

2 years ago
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English Girl Goes to Brighton Part 2

Bent over the chair, Hayley waited for him, her heart beating like a hummingbird’s. She lifted up on her toes, arched her back and pushed her ass out, hoping to please him as he sat on the couch, directly behind her. She hoped he was enjoying the view. The plug was still there, big and rude inside her—could he see the bright blue tip? Her ass wanted his attention, all of her did, even while it scared her. Being bent over the chair was more comfortable than she’d expected. Would she still think...

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English Girl Goes to Brighton

Why hadn’t she put her little purse back in her handbag?  Hayley was so angry with herself, so angry with everything, she wanted to scream.  He’d planned the perfect weekend, she was so looking forward to it, and she was screwing it up.  She had taken her little clutch out of her handbag to pay for the lunch delivery, and why had she not put it back?  To make matters so much worse, she hadn’t realized it until she’d gotten all the way to London Bridge and was standing in line for the train...

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English Girl Rides the Subway

Holding hands, they left the Center for Performing Arts, and walked towards the subway station. It was snowing lightly, the night crisp and sharp, and Hayley felt giddy, like she wanted to skip, and couldn’t stop smiling. They had just seen the Nutcracker, always a dream of hers, and it was a Saturday night in New York during Christmas! At the stoplight, still holding hands, she pulled him close and kissed him.  That earned her one of his good smiles.  She asked, “Did you like it?”  He...

3 years ago
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ON THE BEACH: A STORY OF TRANSFORMATION Brenda picked me up early the day we began our remarkable trip to thebeach. I really didn't know what to expect from this because even though Ilusted mightily for her, she had shown little romantic interest in me. Wegot to our hotel room that evening, and after we had unpacked and werepreparing to go for a walk, Brenda sat down on the bed with a mysteriouslook in her eye. She said, "You've...

4 years ago
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English Teacher Becomes Sex Teacher

Hi every one of Indian sex stories dot net, myself srinivasulu again from Hyderabad and I am a bi sexual (I admit it), I love to have sex with both men and women, I have cross-dressing fantasies too. I am a complete sex freak and can take it in any possible ways and have many experiences to share. I’m 23 years, whitish complexion, cock is 7 inches when erect and hard.I have already told you that I love matured aunties. They are so hot, sexy and of course, well experienced too and can teach you...

4 years ago
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English Pastimes Darts

What a strange game, throwing pointed pins with flights through the air to stick in a board, can I play darts I tried..."Lets have a go" I asked the four young lads in the corner of the bar playing darts.They were regulars in the pub I was a barmaid at. It was a theme night so I was dressed as a cowgirl,check shirt,denim rah rah skirt and stetson, yeehaw!They were telling me I needed training,none of them were gonna lend me their "arrows"The tall one called Paul finally relented,giving me the...

3 years ago
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English Rose Part 1

I met him when I was 13, he was 23, married when I was 19 and had two k**s - we spent our lives watching the k**s grow and had no time for each other.He called me just before Christmas one year - "I am having an affair and leaving you" - I was devastated as I thought our once a month sex was all he wanted - obviously not - he had met an older women who loved oral, anal, dogging and some fetishes I had never even heard of.He came home for Christmas and we talked, we both said a few home truths...

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English ButlerChapter 2

Ladys Bishop and Dorran were just finishing dinner when the serving maid whispered to Lady Bishop that James had just this minute returned in the coach and would be in the kitchen momentarily. "Do not, Emily, tell James that we have company. It's to be a surprise. Just tell him to bring in the sherry service." When Emily left the Ladies retired to the sitting room. "I want your opinion of him without his seeing you. Stay in the shadows and let me know what you think after he...

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English ButlerChapter 3

Dolly (Lady Bishop) was having another cup of breakfast tea in the sitting room with Denise (Lady Dorran) the next morning. Neither had mentioned the previous evening, yet. Denise really had not slept well at all but Dolly had slept the sleep of the exhausted. "When your father died I became the matriarch and oldest member of the family. As a result I've been concerned about all the family members. This is confession time so please listen very carefully to what I have to say. I had hoped...

4 years ago
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English ButlerChapter 4

Lady C (Dolly) whispered to Lady Dorran (Denise), "Oh, My. The last time I saw her she weighted 80 pounds, had missing teeth and was eight years old. I can't believe what six years has done for her." They were standing on the porch as Dolly's distant relatives were escorting their daughter up the steps. I was still holding the carriage door and not knowing quite what to make of the procession. All I could think of was that was a stunning little girl with real class. I, of course, had...

2 years ago
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English ButlerChapter 5

At last, I was back in the library after the long party grind and was having his first real drink of the night. I had nursed two small glasses of wine during the whole evening just to look like I belonged. Jane had been told before the first guests arrived that I would be within earshot all evening and that she could get immediate attention by saying, 'Oh, James, there you are.' That had only been required twice during the evening and both were the results of busy little hands. Fortunately,...

1 year ago
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Annies Composition

"Annie, this inattentiveness in class is very uncharacteristic of you. Are you troubled by something?" I ventured. Annie had an excellent school record and, as the guidance counselor assigned to her High School class, I wanted to determine if there was a problem that would interfere with the pretty freshman's education. "No, sir. In fact, everything is wonderful. I was just daydreaming, and I promise it won't happen again." "Well, I'm sure it won't, but if you have a problem in the...

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