More Than I Ever Imagined free porn video

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After years of reading stories online, I had become addicted to the various cuckold stories. Over the course of our fourteen year marriage I had occasionally brought up some of my various kinks like creampies, and strap-on play, but my wife, Kelly, never seemed to be very receptive. I have never considered myself bisexual, more of just a curiosity, but after years of fantasizing about creampies and cuckolding, I found myself in need of trying something on my own.

Chapter 1

Four months ago I found myself in a typical situation. I was sitting on my computer reading stories, when I came across a story that mentioned a website called cr**g*L**t . After checking out the site, I made the fatal mistake of placing an ad.

The ad was not very detailed. I just mentioned that I was a curious guy looking to give head, with a picture of me nude from the chest down. Within minutes I was receiving emails from all sorts of guys, but I was not getting any emails that interested me. After some time I gave up and went back to reading stories.

Over the next few days the emails died down, and after seeing all the freaky emails, so did my eagerness to go through with it.

It was five days after I posted the ad that I received the email that has changed my life. This was the first well written email that I received, and “John” explained that he was not gay or bisexual, but he hadn't had sex in a few months and would be interested in a blow job. He said that he needed it to be very discrete, since he knew many people in our relatively small town. He did not include a picture, but assured me that he was clean cut and that I would not be disappointed.

For some reason, of all the emails that I had received this one seemed right. After a couple emails, we decided that we would meet at a bar on the outskirts of town the following day.

As I pulled into the parking lot, I could feel the butterflies building, and I became very nervous about actually following through with it. I did my best to relax as I entered the bar.

I found a seat near the back of the bar and waited for a text to let me know he had arrived. I had not been sitting down for more than a minute when Alex came to my table and sat down.

"Hey Sean. What brings you out here," Alex asked.

I told him I was in the area and figured I would grab a burger. He then waved the waiter over and ordered a couple beers.

At this point I really started to hope that the guy I was planning on meeting would flake out, because it was clear that Alex was not going anywhere. As a brief aside, Alex is a casual acquaintance from the Gym that I go to with my wife.

After having our first beer, I relaxed a bit realizing that John was not going to show. Alex ordered another round of beers and I ordered a burger.

It was a pleasant conversation, and I forgot all about why I had originally come to the bar. After eating and a few more beers, I needed to take a leak. Just as I was finishing up in the bathroom, I got a text from Alex. It was simple, to the point, and made my heart race.

"Once you pick up the check, meet me at my place. Don't take too much time, or I will send the ad to Kelly."

I had all kinds of concerns when I placed the ad, but running into someone I knew really did not cross my mind. Now not only did I run into someone I knew, Alex threatening to show my wife the posting.

It did not take much thought before I was heading to his house. As I entered his house, Alex offered me a beer and invited me to sit on the couch. He then explained the situation to me as he saw it.

"Listen Sean, I know that you may not realize this, but this can work out for both of us. You want to do some experimentation, and I have a cold spell in my dating. I am also sure that you would hate for Kelly to find out about your desire to suck a cock. On top of that, what if you would have gone and sucked a strange cock and picked up a disease? Did you even think of that?"

"So, this is how I see it," Alex continued. "For now on you will be my cocksucker. It will be our little secret. You can fulfill you kinky little desires, and I can get some relief."

I just sat there in stunned silence. There had to be a way out of this. Yes, I had some kinky desires, but the last thing that I had planned on doing, was sucking Alex off.

After what seemed like hours of thought, Alex broke the silence.

"So, this is not going to suck itself. Why don't you get between my legs and show me what you can do with that mouth."

Reluctantly, I got off the couch and between Alex's legs.

Alex was clearly enjoying the situation, and was no longer trying to make things easy on me.

"Come on Sean, just take it out. You know you want it.”

As I started to unzip his jeans, I could feel his bulge.

I was surprised to find that he was not wearing anything under his jeans, and was greeted by a fairly large cock. By the state of his cock, he was clearly aroused by the situation.

At this point I couldn't do anything but sit and stare. I was still trying to process my current situation. On my knees staring at what was probably 8-9 inch very thick dick that happened to be attached to a "friend."

Again Alex broke the silence, "Come on, we both know what you want, let's get on with it."

I figured, the best thing was to just go for it.

As a started to lean forward, Alex stopped me. "I don't remember hearing you ask."

Really, now he wants me to ask to suck him off! He clearly was going to make this as hard on me as possible.

"Can I please suck you?" I asked quietly.

"Come on, we know you need this, ask like you mean it."

Hoping to get this over with I pleaded, "Alex, please I want your cock in my mouth, don't make me beg!"

"Okay then, Sean. Go ahead and suck my cock if you want it that bad," he chided.

Once again I started to lean towards his cock. My mind was racing as I placed the tip of a cock to my lips for the first time.

As it entered my mouth, I realized that my mouth was very dry. With my nerves so wound up, my mouth had gone dry, and my palms were sweating. I tried to get some saliva going, but it was not going to be easy with the head of his cock in my mouth.

I told Alex that my mouth was dry and he handed me my beer, and told me to get back to it.

As I started to suck on him again, Alex began to give me what I am sure he considered words of encouragement.

"Oh, there you go. You're a natural cocksucker. Oh yeah, I know you can take more than that."

I was struggling to get half of him into my mouth, but he kept pushing.

After about five minutes though, I had managed to get all but an inch into my mouth. My mouth was also getting tired, and all I could think of was finishing him off and ending this humiliating experience.

He falsely took this as an acknowledgment that I was starting to enjoy sucking his cock, and he stepped up the verbal abuse. He kept telling me how surprised he was to find out that I was such a good cocksucker, and that if I sucked him good enough that I would be rewarded with a huge load.

Within minutes he fulfilled his promise, and as I felt his body tense, I pulled back.

He let me pull almost all the way off him, but held my head tight as soon as I reached the tip.

"Oh yes, here it comes. I want you to taste it all!" he shouted.

The next thing I knew, he was filling my mouth with his load. I tried to jam his cock down all the way into my mouth, hoping to get it to go straight down my throat, but he held my head where it was and filled my mouth.

I can cum quite a bit when I am very horny, but this load had to have been three times that amount. His dick just kept pulsing in my mouth.

Alex then decided that filling my mouth with his load wasn't enough and pulled out of my mouth and shoot two last times onto my face.

"Man Sean, that was amazing. You are really good at that. Are you sure you haven't done that before?" he asked.

With my mouth full of his cum, all I could do was shake my head.

"Go ahead and swallow, you're not going to spit."

At this point I just complied, and swallowed. I felt nauseous, and was ready to get the hell out of there. After some awkward silence, I got up and showed myself to the door.

As I drove home, I kept thinking about what a huge mistake it was to ever post that add. I had no idea how bad it was, but I would find out in the coming weeks.

When I got home, I was surprised to find that Kelly had already come home from her shopping day with the girls.

I was about to get out of the car when I caught a glimpse of my face. In all the humiliation and rush to get out of Alex's I forgot about the shots he had placed on my face. I had two dried cum shots on my chin, so I quickly licked my hand and did my best to rub it off.

Of course, my plan was to rush to the bathroom and clean up, but Kelly greeted me at the door.

"Hey honey, how was your day? I missed you," and then she gave me a big kiss.

She then took a step back and gave me a funny look.

"So, what did you pick up at the store," I asked trying to change the subject.

"Just a couple new outfits, nothing too expensive," she replied.

I then excused myself to use the bathroom and spent ten minutes washing my face and brushing my teeth.

Chapter 2

So, my first time sucking a cock was done. Over the next few days life went on as normal. I tried to put it in the back of my mind, but the whole seen kept playing in my head like bad porn.

Then Monday after work, Kelly called to remind me that we were meeting at the gym. I had no intentions of going to the gym that day and running into Alex, so I had left my gym cloths at home. When I told her why I could not make it, Kelly told me that she saw my bag at home so she grabbed it for me.

At the gym, things went fairly well. For the most part Alex kept to himself, which he usually does during his routine. Kelly and I worked out hard, and I was relieved when it was time to leave.

Just as we were about to leave, Alex ran over to us.

"Hey Sean. Do you want to grab a beer across the street," he asked with a shit eating grin.

Like a good wife, Kelly answered for me. "He would love to. I am just going to go home and get cleaned up anyway."

I tried to tell her that I would rather come home with her and take a shower, but she told me that would be rude and I could have a quick beer and shower after.

Alex and I walked across the street to a local dive bar, and ordered a couple beers at the bar. He told me how much he enjoyed the release I gave him, and was looking forward to the next time.

As I started to explain that I would rather just forget all about it, he pulled out his IPad.

"Sean, you have got to see this. Did you know I am really good at video editing?"

He opened a video file and hit play. Alex had clearly set up a camera with a good angle of the house. It was at a distance, but you could make out my face between his legs.

The first thing I heard was me begging to suck his cock. I immediately put my hands over the screen hoping that no one else at the bar had seen it.

"Can you show me your handy work some other time," I asked.

"Sure, I suppose. Maybe I can do a showing for you and Kelly. I think you would be impressed with my editing skills."

At this point he knew he had me, and I just took another big drink of my beer.

After we finished our drinks Alex said rather loudly, "After a workout like that, I could use some relief, so why don't you come by my place before you head home."

As we got up to leave, I could have sworn that more than one person was giving me an odd look. I tried to assure myself that it was all in my mind.

There was no beating around the bush this time. As soon as we got into his house, Alex dropped his sweats and sat on the couch.

"Okay, if you don't want Kelly wondering what took so long, get to it," he told me.

I sank to my knees, knowing this time it would not be my last.

As I got to his cock, I was reminded that we had both just left the gym. The aroma was very musky, and he was very salty. He was also soft still, so I had to work his cock to get it hard (which did not take long.)

This time I had him shooting his load within ten minutes, but after the first shot entered my mouth Alex pulled out and unloaded all over my face.

"That stays there until you get home Sean," was Alex's response when I asked him for a washcloth.

I can't go home like this I told him.

"Sure you can, and to prove you did, I want you to take a picture from your bedroom. If I don't get the picture in fifteen minutes, I will invite myself over for dinner and give you and Kelly a video showing she won't forget."

It was becoming real clear that Alex had no intention of making this easy, and I was beginning to think that he was going to do everything he could so Kelly would find out without actually telling her.

I got home and snuck in the back door. Luckily, Kelly was still in the shower, so I rushed into the room and grabbed my phone and took a quick picture of my cum covered face.

I sent a text with the picture off to Alex, and started rubbing the cum off my face as quickly as possible. Just as I was finishing up, Kelly stepped into the bedroom in just her towel.

"Hey honey, I thought I heard you." She came up to me and gave me a big hug and kiss. As she stepped away, she gave me a look and said, “You could use a shower.”

I was lying in bed watching TV and trying to clear my mind, when Kelly walked in the room wearing a sheer teddy.

"You know we have not had sex in almost a week?" she informed me.

With everything that had happened sex had been the last thing on my mind.

"I am sorry dear, I have just been really tired," I replied.

Kelly gave me a small fake pout and jumped into bed.

"Well, let me see if I can wake you up then."

She took my dick in her mouth and within minutes, the only thing on my mind was her wonderful mouth. After bringing me to the edge, she crawled up and gave me a kiss.

"Oh how I have missed you, a week is way too long."

She then reached down and guided my rock hard dick into her. Her pussy felt incredible, and it took all I could not to cum right then.

As she rocked on my cock she reached down and started giving me the most passionate kisses.

"Your cock feels so good in my pussy lover," she moaned into my mouth.

"Ohhh, yeah fuck me," and then added, "I need to feel your tongue in my pussy."

This was driving me crazy and I told her that she needed to stop before I came.

"Okay, I'll stop. I need your tongue in my pussy so bad."

Then instead of stopping, she thrust down on me, until I shot my load into her.

Kelly then leaned forward and gave me another big kiss and said, "Lover, I am so ready to feel your mouth on my pussy," and rolled off me and onto her back.

"Please, suck my pussy," she pleaded.

Well it had already been a fantasy that I shared with her, and over the last two weeks I had sucked cock twice, so slowly I kissed my way down her body.

As soon as my mouth made contact with her pussy, Kelly's tone changed.

"Yeah suck that pussy. Stick your tongue in there and eat all that cum."

As I did as she told me, she continued her dirty talk, which made me even more aroused.

"You like eating your cum don't you? Would you like me to fuck somebody else and feed you their load?"

When I gave a slight nod to this last question she erupted into an orgasm that filled my mouth with the cum that remained deep inside of her.

As I lay next to her, she started stroking my hard cock.

"So, you like the idea of sucking somebody else's cum from my pussy?"

All I could bring myself to say was that it was just a fantasy, and I don't think I could actually do it.

I don't think that Kelly bought what I said, and continue her questioning as she stroked my cock.

"So, if I was to come home and have you lick my dripping pussy after I fucked some well hung stud, would you be mad at me?"

"I think you would lap it up, and cum in your pants."

Just as she said this, I shot my second load of the night. Kelly reached down and scooped up the cum from my belly and put it to her lips. She then leaned in and gave me a deep kiss.

"I thought so," was all she said as she rolled over and fell asleep.

Chapter 3

Things had changed a lot over the last month. I was now being forced to suck Alex off at least twice a week, and Kelly had become insistent that I eat my cum from her pussy every time we made love.

She loved to taunt me about being her cum slut, and telling me that one day I would have the pleasure of tasting somebody else's cum. Of course if she only knew what I had been up to the last month, she would have creamed her panties.

It was just over a month after all of this started when Alex invited us to a party he was throwing. It wasn't anything fancy, just friends getting together. Of course Kelly was quick to accept the invitation, but I was just dreading the possibilities.

When the evening arrived, Kelly dressed in what I could only be described as revealing. She was wearing a short skirt that barely covered her ass and stocking that did not quite make it to the bottom of her skirt. I asked her if she thought that what she was wearing was a little much.

"Come on dear," she laugh. "What you’re not jealous are you?"

When we arrived at the party, Alex greeted us at the door. He then brought us in and introduced us to the group. Neither one of us really knew anyone, but a few of the guys were regulars at the gym. Alex then grabbed us a couple drinks and left us to mingle with the other guests.

After a few drinks, Alex approached and asked if he could steal me away for a minute. He told Kelly that he wanted to show me the car he had been working on.

"Sure," Kelly said, "take your time, I am sure I can find some company."

This was fairly unsettling, considering the way she was dressed, but I could not think of a way out of this.

Alex showed me the way to the garage, and as soon as the door was closed, Alex told me he needed some relief.

This had become the norm, and I knew the best thing to do was make it as quick as possible so I could get back to Kelly.

Just as Alex started to get hard, I heard the garage door open. I tried to get up, but Alex held my head on his cock.

"Hey Daren, are you ready for some of this?"

I couldn't believe it, how could he have told Daren about this.

Daren was one of the guys at the gym, and until tonight I didn't even know his name. Daren, was 6'2 probably around 230 lbs.

"Yeah, I am more than ready. You need to hurry and bust a nut in his mouth so I can have my turn."

Alex then took his cock out of my mouth and said, "Guests first. I can get it anytime I want."

Alex then walked out of the garage, leaving me on my knees in front of Daren.

"Okay, you ready for this?" he said as he place the tip of his cock in my mouth.

I wasn't ready, but Daren clearly didn't care. He stuffed his cock deep in my mouth and began thrusting.

I had gotten pretty good at sucking Alex, but this was completely different. Daren had to have been 10" and as thick as a soda can. My mouth was stretching wide, but I could not get it all the way in.

"You need to relax that mouth of yours, if you're going to get this in boy."

Again, I wanted to get this over with as fast as possible, so I tried my best to satisfy him quickly.

"Yeah, that's right suck that cock you bitch. Alex was right you have one nice faggot mouth."

I tried to ignore him, and focus on getting him off, but he just kept going. It had to have been twenty minutes before he finally announce that he was ready to cum.

When he came, he really let loose, but knowing I was about to meet back up with Kelly, I jammed his cock down my throat and took all of his cum directly into my throat.

He then tapped me on the back of my head and said, "I'll let you get back to that pretty wife of yours, who knows what she is up to in there."

I hurriedly straightened up and headed back to the party. I was relieved to find Kelly in the living room talking with a couple guys. When I approached Kelly, she asked what had taken me so long, and gave me a kiss. I told her that I had just been chatting with a Daren in the garage, but I was ready to head home now.

Thankfully, Kelly was ready to leave as well, and within twenty minutes we had said our goodbyes and were on our way home.

As soon as we walked in the door, Kelly brought me to the bedroom, telling me that she had a big surprise for me. When we got into the bedroom, she sat on the bed and invited me to sit next to her.

"So Sean, I have a big surprise for you, but you have to promise me that you won't get mad."

"I am not sure I can promise anything, if I don't know what the surprise is."

"I know you will like it. It has always been one of your favorite fantasies, and lately you have shown me that you really want this one to come true," she said with a devilish smile.

"Okay, I promise to do my best not to get mad," I told her.

"Well, you know how we have been talking about creampies a lot the last few weeks? Well I have been thinking about it, and decided that I would fulfill your fantasy."

"What do you mean you decided to fulfill my fantasy? It was just a fantasy, I never said I wanted to fulfill it," I said.

"But Sean, I know how much it drive you crazy thinking about eating my pussy after I have been fucked, and lately it has made me really horny thinking about it."

"Well anyway, tonight I decided that I would make it come true."

"You what!" I interrupted

"Let me finish." Kelly said. "When we got to the party tonight, I asked Alex to find a way to get you away for a while, that I had something I wanted to show him. That's why he asked you to the garage and had Daren go in and keep you company."

"Once Alex came back in the house, I asked him to show me his room. I think he knew what I wanted, because I could tell he was already hard."

"I shut the door, and told him how badly I needed him inside me."

"At first I thought he was going to turn me down, but I convinced him that you would never find out."

"I opened his pants and pulled out his hard cock. He tried to get me to suck him, but I told him I just wanted him to fuck me quickly, because I was worried you would get back too quickly."

My heart was pounding as she told me this. I could not believe what I was hearing. First I end up being Alex's cock slave, and now he is fucking my wife. Of all the people for Kelly to decide to fulfill this fantasy with, it had to be him.

Kelly continued, "I was so wet just thinking about fulfilling your fantasy, I just bent over his bed, pulled my skirt up and pulled my panties aside. Alex knew what to do, and buried his cock in me."

"Oh Sean, it was wonderful. He is so much bigger than you."

"Do you want me to tell you about it?"

I could not answer. If only she knew just how familiar I was with the size of Alex's cock.

As I sat in silence, Kelly went on. "Of course you do, isn't that part of the fantasy? To know how much bigger the cock was that filled me with the seed you're going to be eating."

"Alex's cock reached places that yours never has. It was at least 9" long, and thick. I felt so full while he was fucking me, I could hardly take it. I was going crazy, and then Alex started saying how he hoped you would walk in on us. I couldn't believe he said that, but it got me so hot hearing him say that. I started thinking about how hot that would be."

"Then he started telling me how he would make you his little cum eating bitch.When he said this, I had the biggest orgasm I've ever had. My whole body shook, and then he started pumping his load inside of me. He filled me up so much, I couldn't believe how much he was cumming."

"Why don't you get down here and take off my panties so you can see how much he came."

As I slowly got down between her legs, Kelly finished her story. "As soon as he was finished, I stood up and told him we needed to get back before you returned."

"Go ahead, and take off my panties." She told me, and I reluctantly pulled her panties down.

"He asked if I was going to go to the bathroom and get cleaned up. I almost told him that you would be eating his cum when we got home, but I didn't want to do that to you. Instead I told him I wanted to feel his cum inside me and I would get clean when I got home."

"Can you see his cum oozing out of me Sean?" she asked.

Kelly's pussy was very wet and I could clearly see Alex's cum starting to leak out of my wife. As I stared at her pussy, I slow shook my head yes.

"I can't wait any longer, suck my pussy clean Sean."

Slowly I put my tongue to her pussy, and tried to concentrate on her clit. Within second, Kelly was pushing my head down.

"No not there, I want you to suck his cum out of me."

The moment I had my mouth over her gaping hole, I could feel her start to push his cum out from deep within.

Even though I had never planned on being a cock slave to Alex, eating a fresh creampie out of Kelly was in fact one of my biggest fantasies, and the more cum Kelly pushed out of her wonderful pussy the more I got into it. As I sucked, my reward was what seemed as like a never ending supply of cum.

I stuck my tongue deep inside her, I could sense an orgasm building.

"Fuck, that's it Sean. Oh just like that, don't stop."

"Suck that cum out of me," she screamed as an orgasm rocked her body.

After her orgasm we just sat motionless for a few minutes. The entire time, the only article of clothing shed was Kelly's panties, so I got up and suggested that we undress. Once we were undressed, Kelly got between my legs and took my throbbing cock into her mouth.

I was already so worked up, that I wasn't able to last long. Within moments I was filling her mouth with my load. She then climbed up and gave me a huge kiss. Not surprisingly she had saved my load, and was soon feeding me, what was now my third load of the night.

When we got up the next morning, Kelly was full of energy. She made us breakfast, and couldn't stop talking about the previous night.

"Last night was amazing," she repeated I don't know how many times.

"I really liked fucking Alex, but in the back of my mind, I was worried how you would react. But now that I know how much you enjoy it, the next time will be so much better."

"Wait a minute. I think that now that we have fulfilled this fantasy, maybe we should just put it in the past don't you think? I asked her.

"But Sean, I really liked the way his cock felt in me, but last night was for you. Now that I know you're okay with it, I want to have my night."

"I want to be able to enjoy it. Last night I just wanted Alex to fill me up for you, it was too quick. And maybe next time you can watch. Wouldn't you like that?"

"The way Alex was talking while he was fucking me, I am sure he wouldn't mind."

If it was anybody else, I would have jumped at the opportunity to watch. "If you really want to fuck him again," I responded, "I guess I am okay with it, but I don't think I want to watch."

"Okay, but I promise I will come right home and tell you all the details while you clean me up."

During the next week, my life kept spiraling further out of control.

It was Tuesday, and I had agreed to meet Kelly at the gym. I had arrived before her, and while I was changing, I received a text from Kelly. She told me that she had forgotten about her hair appointment, and she would not be able to meet me.

I figured since I was already changed I might as well work out. Anyway, I needed it and a workout may help me clear my mind.

It was a short but good workout. I finished up, and headed to the locker room to change. Just when I had finished getting undressed, Daren walked in.

"Hey boy," he said as he walked up to me. "That was one mighty fine blowjob you gave me the other night. I haven't had someone suck the cum from me like that in a long time."

As he was talking, he started to undress.

"How about you give me a repeat performance?" he asked.

I wanted to tell him that I wasn't into that, but considering I had already sucked him off once, I was at a loss for words.

I looked at him and said, "This really isn't a good place. Someone can walk in anytime."

Daren then grabbed me by the arm and led me into the sauna.

"There, it's just you and me now."

For some reason, with not much of a struggle, I had Daren's 10" cock in my mouth.

The sauna was hot and we were both very sweaty. His cock was slick from a combination of my saliva and his sweat, and I was surprisingly able to get most of it down my throat.

"Shit, this is better than the first time," Daren commented.

"Yeah, that's it boy, show me how much you like that cock." He encouraged.

I was starting to get into it, and for some strange reason felt proud that I could take so much of his cock. He kept thrusting into my mouth, and I started to look forward to him filling my mouth with his cum. After he shot his load straight down my throat the first time, I was now wanting him to fill my mouth so I could find out what his juice tasted like.

In my mind I knew that this was fucked up, but I couldn't stop myself. I just kept working his 10" tool into my mouth.

"Are you ready for it?" he asked

I answered by sucking him harder, but that was not what he wanted.

"I want you to beg me for it." He told me.

As I took his cock from my mouth, I looked up at him and pleaded for him to fill my mouth.

I then took his cock back in my mouth and continued my frantic effort to make him cum.

After a few more minutes, I felt Daren's body stiffen and new I was going to be rewarded soon.

I took his cock in my hands, and wrapped my mouth around the head of his cock. As he started to pump his load into my mouth, I jerked his cock trying to get all of it.

As his salty cum filled my mouth, I started to swallow. I was able to swallow most of it, but some of it came out of my mouth and ran down the length of his cock. After I had finished swallowing what I could, I licked the rest of it off of his sweaty shaft.

It was a long ride home. I could not believe how turned on I got by sucking Daren's cock. I was really screwed up, and was looking forward to fucking Kelly that night. I had been sucking cock, and let someone fuck my wife. What I really needed now was to get home and fuck Kelly, and try to regain some of my masculinity.

Thankfully, Kelly had not returned from her hair appointment when I got home, so I was able to take a shower and wash away any remaining evidence from my earlier encounter. After getting cleaned up, I grabbed a beer and started to watch some basketball.

About half hour later Kelly got home and joined me in the living room. She was wearing her typical work attire, a button up blouse and knee length skirt, but something didn't seem right. She definitely didn't look like she had just had her hair done.

"Did you have a good workout, dear?" she asked.

"Yeah it was okay, I thought you were getting your hair done?"

"Well, that wasn't exactly what I ended up doing."

"Why don't you get over here and give me some love, and I will tell you all about it." She told me as she started to pull up her skirt.

As I got closer to her, I knew exactly what she had been up to. She wasn't wearing panties, her thighs were slick, and the lips of her pussy were red and full.

I didn't know how much more of this I could take. I just slowly got between her legs, staring at her beautiful pussy.

As I leaned in to start sucking her pussy, Kelly stopped me.

"I want you to start by cleaning my thighs."

"I didn't put my panties back on after Alex fucked me, so some of it leaked out."

As I started to lick Alex's cum from my wife's thighs, I thought to myself, "So much for regaining my masculinity."

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Thangai Nanbanudan Oothathaal Avalai Oothen

Hello friends, sontha thangai en nanbanudan oothathaai paarthu avalai kama veri pidithu eppadi oothen enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En tamil kama kathaiyai padithu anaivarum rasiyungal, vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam. En peyar Vishnu vayathu 25 aagugirathu, en veetil thatha paati muthal amma appa matrum thangai naan ivalavu perum ondraaga irunthom. Naan pothuvaaga veetirku kudithu vittu selum pozhuthu pin puram oru kathavu irukum athu vazhiyaaga thaan veetin...

2 years ago
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En Thangai Meena Soothil Oothen

Hello friends, en thaniyai udan konda kaama uravai patri indru tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar tharin vayathu 22, enaku oru thangai irukiraal aval peyar meena vayathu 21 iruvarukum kita thata ore vayathu thaan. Naan kama kathaigal padikum varai oru naalum en thangaiyai kama paarvaiyil paarthathu kidaiyaathu. Oru naal en thangai en mobile phone vaangi ethaiyo padithu kondu irunthaal, naan veliyil sendru varugiren endru solli vittu veetai vitu kilambinen. Appozhuthu en nanban...

2 years ago
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Thangai Pundaiyil Thenai Suvaithen

En peyar Vimal, en vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Enaku veetil pen paarthu kondu irukiraargal, enaku oru thangai irukiraal aval peyar ananthi vayathu 22 aagugirathu. En thangai parka azhagaga sexiyaaga irupaal, aval mulai perithaaga sexiyaaga irukum. Engal veetil adikadi mutton kari eduthu seivaargal. Naangal kari athigamaaga sapiduvathaal sunniyil vinthu irunthu konde irukum. Naan adikadi kai pazhakam seithu konde irupen, en thangai athu pondu thaan oru naal padukayil paduthu kondu irukum pozhuthu...

2 years ago
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En Thangai Priyavai Soothil Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en thangai kama padam paarthu irukum pozhuthu avalai kaiyum kalavumaga pidithu aval soothil en sunniyai vitu ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Rohan, vayathu 22 aagugirathu enaku oru thangai irunthaal aval peyar priya vayathu 20 aagi irunthathu. Ithu oru gudumba kama kathai enbathai munbe therivithu kolugiren. Priya meethu enaku eppozhuthu kama aasai vara aarambithathu endral aval mulai perithaga pazhuthu irukum. Idupu sirithaaga irukum, en...

3 years ago
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Sontha Thangai Matrum Ammavai Sex Seithen 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, indru kathaiyl en sontha thangai udan nadantha sex anubavathai ungal idam pagirugirom. Ithu oru kudumba kama kathai enbathai munbe solikolgiren. Enathu peyar Bala, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangai irukiraal avaluku ipozhuthu vayathu 19 aagugirathu. College 1st year padithukondu irukiraal, aval udan ena nadanthathu enbathai ungalidam solugiren. Naan samebamaaga thaan velaikaari thevidiyavai oru murai oothu irukiren, aval udan ookum pozhuthu enaku pengal meethu athiga aasai...

3 years ago
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Kaama Veri Thangai Rekha

En peyar saravanan naan coimbatoreil vasikiren vayathu 23 aagugirathu, enaku oru thangai irukiraal avalin peyar rekha vayathu 20 aagugirathu. Ivalai entha nerathil petraargal endru enaku theriya villai, ivaluku kaama ennam manathil athigamaaga suranthathu. En thangai enidam kaamathai ethir paarthaal intha kathaiyai yaar idam soluvathu endru theriya villai. Athanaal thaan intha inaiya thalathil pathivu seigiren aanal peyar anaithum maatra patu irukirathu. Naan eppozhuthum kalluriku sendru...

1 year ago
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Nanbanin Thangai Super

Vanakam nanbargale, en nanbanin thangaiyai eppadi usar seithu matter seithen enbathai indru pagirugiren. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam, enaku oru nanban irukiraan iruvarum ondraaga diploma kalluriyil ondraaga padithu vanthu irunthom. Oru naal avan veetirku selalam endru veetirku sendru iruntha pozhuthu avan thangaiyai santhithen. Aval vayathu 19 aagi irunthathu, intha vayathile kamam meethu aasaiyaaga irunthaal. Naangal ondraaga sirithu vilaiyaada aarambithom. Appozhuthu thaan niraiya murai...

1 year ago
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En Thangai Oru Oozhu

Naan ippozhuthu coimbatoreil vasithu varugiren, ennaku oru azhagana thangai irunthaal aval parka nandraaga irupaal ippozhuthu kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu varugiraal. Naan velaiku sendru vanthu kondu irukiren, enathu thanathai oru arasanga uthyogathil velai paarthu varugiraan amma veetu manaivi. En thangai avalin 18 vayathu varai ozhungaga than irunthaal aanal ippozhuthu aval oru oozhaga maari vital. Oru naal naan tharchayalaaga thangaiyai oru paiyanodu bikeil selvathai paarthen appozhuthu...

2 years ago
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Pathan say gand marwai

Hi I am Kahif. Aap sab ka buhut buhut shukria aap nay meri story Foji say gand marwai pasan ki aaj jo main story sunany ja raha hun bilkul true story hai aur foji say gand marwany kay kuch time baad ki hai. Foji kay moty lund nay meri gand zakhmi kar di thi aek hanta tak main rozana apni gand par cream mallam lagata raha. Hoa yunaek din mai school say ghar aaraha ha jun ka maheena tha garmi buhut sakht thi achanak aek honda accord car mery pas akar ruki main nay car kay andar dekha tao aek koi...

3 years ago
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Sontha Thangai Matrum Ammavai Sex Seithen 8211 Part 2

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en thangai udan sex seitha thodarchiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en thangai kuthiyil kai vaithu thadava aarambithen, oru oru viralaaga pundaikul vida aarambithen, muthalil oru viralai kuthikul vitu porumaiyaaga aata aarambithen. Oru viralai vitu aati vitu pinbu irandam viralai kuthikul vitu aata aarambithen. Iru viralgalum ulle sendrathu pinbu mundravathu viral kuthikul sela konjam kadinamaaga irunthathu aanal...

1 year ago
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Thangai Priyavai Sex Seitha Semayana Kathai

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil urangaum thevidiya thangaiyai naan eppadi oothen enbathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Ithu oru kudumba kama kathai enbathai therivithu kolugiren. En peyar Pragadeesh vayathu 22 aagugirathu, naan oru boys collegelil padithu varugiren. Enaku oru thangai irukiraal aval peyar priya vayathu 20 aagugirathu. En thangaiyai patri sola vendum endraal aval oru super figure, iru mulaiyum perithaaga pazhuthu iurkum. Soothum miga sexiyaaga pazhuthu irukum, neengal avalai...

2 years ago
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Story Of Young Pathan And College Boi

Mera naam Amjad Aala hai…aur mein Nawabshah-Pakistan ka rehne wala hoon…parhne ke liye mujhey mere parents ne Karachi ke aik college mein daal dia tha….aur mein idher hostel mein rehta tha….mere gher walley tau bahut door rahtey thay…..mein iss waqt first year inter science mein parhta hoon…..meri age isswaqat 18 saal hai….. Mein 5’8″ lamba….dubla patla larka hoon….meri class walle muhe “chikna” keh ker chairte bhi hain….Ek din mein humare kooch doosto ke saat unke gher birthday party per gaya...

1 year ago
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Nanbanin Thangai Nandhini And Reshma 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, en peyar Ashok ippozhuthu thaan vayathu 20 aagugirathu, naan diploma padithu varugiren. Naan padikum kalluriyil enaku nerungiya nanban oruvan irunthaan avan peyar arun, en vayathu thaan aagugirathu. Avan thangaiyudan eppadi kama thodarbu eer patathu enbathai indru tamil kama kathaiyil pagirugiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. Oru naal engal kalluriyil stirck seithu irunthaargal, appozhuthu enaku engu selvathu endru theriya villai. Athanaal en nanban veetirku andru sendru...

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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 8 Futa Enjoys the Reverends Wife and Daughter

Chapter Eight: Futa Enjoys the Reverend's Wife and Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Mildred Dean I smiled at the trembling Christabella Tuft. The reverend's daughter stood shell-shock at the debauchery she found in her living room. I stood naked. Her mother, Elouise, had her tongue licking up the last of the pussy juices from my cumming pussy. My futa-dick thrust over her head, the tip buried in the mouth of Mrs. Quick, my MILF...

2 years ago
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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 14 FutaDaughter Enjoys the Reverends Wife

Chapter Fourteen: Futa-Daughter Enjoys the Reverend's Wife By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow “You're like Sky?” Helena Matthews said, this look of lust flashing over her face. “The Lord sent you a futa-cock to please married women. To give them the pleasure their husbands do not provide.” One of Spice's favorite lies, Grace the Futa-Angel whispered in my mind. You need to correct her. “That's right,” I said. “A futa-angel...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 33 Thanksgiving

November 25, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “The board approved the budget with consulting, rather than full-time staff,” Dave said as soon as I’d said ‘hello’ when I answered the phone. “Excellent!” I said. “Did the budget request cover both programmers for the whole year?” “It did. They did approve an additional position, but that’s for supervising the computer operators and managing the Prime Computers, not for programmers. That’s exactly what Mr. Forster had in his original budget...

4 years ago
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Pathan Gand marai

Yeh bilkul sach story hai jab main sal ka tha aek din main bus main ja raha tha aek pathan mery peechy aakar kar khara ho gaya bus main kafi rash tha aksar bus ko jhatka lagta wo pathan ka lund seedha meri gand par aa lagtakafi der pathan rash ka faeda authaty hooy apna lund meri gand par pherta raha kuh der baad pathan nay mujs say poocha tum kahan jati hai main nay main sadar watch khareedny ja raha hun pathan kaha hamra watch ka dukan hai hum tum free mai watch day ga tum hamary saath chalo...

4 years ago
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‘Hi’ my name is June. My dream has and will always be to become the best teacher the world has ever seen. When I finished school I decided to first gain some hands on experience as a private tutor at a school in my neighborhood. I was excited that day. I really wanted to make an impression on my students. So, I wore my favorite black dress with pink straps and with a pink bow under my boobies. My friends always say I look young and cute in that dress. Hopefully, this way the students would feel...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 11 Futa Cutie Enjoys the Reverends Wife

Chapter Eleven: Futa Cutie Enjoys the Reverend's Wife By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow “That really, really is not an appropriate outfit to wear in public,” said Mrs. Matthews, the reverend's wife, as I sauntered into her apartment. “This?” I asked, plucking at the black miniskirt I wore. “Just something casual for my study date with Georgia.” “Study date?” The married MILF folded her arms beneath her breasts. She had on a pink...

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My Own 7th Heaven with Beverley Mitchell

A couple years ago I was going to UCLA for a semester on an exchange program. I had a fairly light load and did extra work once or twice a week for some extra cash. On one Tuesday I was working on 7th Heaven on location. They were shooting a scene outside of a high school with Beverley Mitchell and Jessica Biel. The 2nd Aissistant Director was in charge of placing extras and he grabbed me and had me doing some repetitious crosses near the two female stars. After numerous takes and angles,...

2 years ago
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Ghazzi 8211 Pathan Bachcha

Its true story , around 8 years ago I met this boi name Gazzi….at that time he was 18 years, very cute handsome , slim , very fair white complexion . He is about 5’8″ and 115lbs very sexy looking and very girlish boi. He is Pathan from Peshawer and newly migrated to Canada. His family is rich and business people. Let me introduced myself ….I was 25 years of age at the time of this story (now my age is 33 years) , and I was a university student, doing my masters degree in sciences. I am 6’2″...

Gay Male
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Ghazzi Pathan Bachacha

Its true story around 8 years ago and I met this boy name Gazz at that time he was 18 years, very cute handsome slim very fair white complexion. He is about 5’8 and 115 lbs very sexy looking and very girlish boy. He is Pathan from Peshawer and newly migrated to Canada. His family is rich and business people. Let me introduced myself and I was 25 years of age at the time of this story now my age is 33 years and I was a university student doing my masters degree in sciences. I am 6’2 tall and...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Beverley Heels

I sat on the sofa eagerly anticipating this moment. I could hear Beverley before I could see her. The purposeful click of her heels against the hardwood floor had me listening intently. The heels clicked louder and louder, before stopping, just momentarily which caused me to harden just thinking about what sexy heels she would be wearing today. Slowly the clicking started again before I saw Beverley and her heels appear around the corner. My eyes were fixated on her perfectly manicured red...

2 years ago
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Dever Ko Garam Chut Chakhayee

Meraa naam Vinod haa . Mee delhi may rahtaa huu. Meraa mail id haa- apnee Orkut net friends see baat kar ke unkee sex encounters kee baraa mee zaankaree haaseel kartaa huu aur us par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa ap manee yaa naa manee yee aap par nirbhar kartaa haa. Niche likhee story bhee bilkul sach haa. Mee us story kee nayikaa Simran kee munh see uskee garamaa garam mote lund see chudeeyee kee story sunvataa huu. Meraa naam Simran haa. Mee 25 saal kee .Meree...

1 year ago
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Keerthana 8211 A Homely Tamil Girl 8211 Part 3

Hi guys! I’m back with the continuation of my story, KEERTHANA – A HOMELY TAMIL GIRL-3. To understand the story, please read the first part, having the same title. I’m working in an IT company and living in chennai city. Any girls, aunts, widow aunts or divorced or secret relationship girls aunts contact me for chat, fun, etc… at: Part-II completes here…. I went to hall and took my lap. i took my pen that was in my packet. I REMOVED THE PEN COVER. I INSERTED IN THE USB DRIVE. YES, THAT IS A...

3 years ago
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Bethanys Sins

Bethany's Sins (Pride and Greed in too great a measure) Bethany knew beyond doubt that she was the best. Today, she had waltzed outof her low-paid job with the DeMoeira Investments Company with a cool halfa billion dollars to her name (or rather, names, for she used several to claimit all), and to really prove how good she was, she even managed to carry tenmillion in notes right past the security men. Not all the hundreds of millionshad come from this one operation, of course: she had pulled...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Thangai Anusha 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, en nanbanin thangaiyai eppadi usar seithu iruvarum mater seithom enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam solugiren. Vaarungal kama ulagathirkul selalam, en nanbanin peyar muthu avan ippozhuthu thaan veli naatil irunthu uuruku vanthu irukiraan, aanal naangal ethirchiyaaga santhithu kondom. Naangal chennaiyil vasithu vanthu irunthom, naan finix maalil aadai eduthu kondu irunthen. Andru en nanbanuku pirantha naal enbathaal call seithu pirantha naal vaazhthukal sollinen, pinbu...

4 years ago
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Nathans Birthday Present

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you are below 18. This story takes place ten years after the events of Project Phoenix. It's not a direct continuation, but readers unfamiliar with Project Phoenix, may want to read it first to get a better grasp of what's going on. Finally, I'd like to thank for the encouraging comments on my first story. Thanks a lot gals & guys :) Nathan's Birthday Present By...

1 year ago
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The Story of Dan Everett Peyton List

The production team have been at it for over an hour now and are getting furious with the blonde. It isn’t Peyton List’s fault but none other than a stranger who has snuck into the crowd, Dan Everett. Dan Everett have been using his reality warping powers to mess with Peyton List. The reason he is fucking with her is for personal revenge for all those times his little sister forced him to watch the horrible sitcom, Jessie. He remembers the only good thing was watching Peyton List and...

3 years ago
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Nathaniel Janet Stickney [email protected] Nathaniel is 15, a frustrated teenager who is unable to find any solace to his dilemma. He was average in everything. 5' 6" tall, 130 pounds wet, brown hair, green eyes, an average student that did not like sports and did not join any clubs in school. Nondescript and unassuming, he had managed to hide himself from the world, yet stay in plain sight. As his mother, I am worried about him because I could not figure out why he was so shy....

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The Story of Dan Everett Natalie Dormer0

Everett continue to walk around the edge of the convention center and pause as he sees a tall red head who he recognizes as Sophie Turner and a short brunette named Maisie Williams. They are in a photo booth taking pictures. Everett smirks at the opportunity and walked up the booth. A couple security guards stop him “Turn around now.” Dan just smiles and says “Actually why don’t you take a break. I am going to get my dick wet.” “Fine. Do me a favor and give it good to the red head. The...

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The Story of Dan Everett Natalie Dormer1

Everett continue to walk around the edge of the convention center and pause as he sees a tall red head who he recognizes as Sophie Turner and a short brunette named Maisie Williams. They are in a photo booth taking pictures. Everett smirks at the opportunity and walked up the booth. A couple security guards stop him “Turn around now.” Dan just smiles and says “Actually why don’t you take a break. I am going to get my dick wet.” “Fine. Do me a favor and give it good to the red head. The...

1 year ago
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Tashas and Bethanys Bathing Bash

"Hey Bethany, how are you doing?" Tasha asked Bethany over the phone. "I'm doing all right. I am pretty bored right now." Bethany responded. "I had a hard day at work today. I am taking a bath to help me loosen up." Tasha said. Tasha worked at a local pizza joint in Foot City. So did Bethany. They had worked there for a year. They also went to school together. They were pretty close friends. "Hey, would you like to bathe with me?" Tasha asked Bethany. After a brief pause, Bethany's answer came....

3 years ago
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Keerthana 8211 A Homely Tamil Girl 8211 Part 2

Hi guys! I’m back with the continuation of my story, KEERTHANA – A HOMELY TAMIL GIRL-II. To understand the story, please read the first part, having the same title. I’m working in an IT company and living in chennai city. Any girls, aunts, widow aunts contact me for chat, fun, etc… at: Part-I completes here…. “So,… I told her “use my wifi” it will be very speed and reliable. You can download whatever you want. Don’t waste money on data cards. I said this and smiled. She reciprocated with a...

2 years ago
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Akka Thangai Iruvarai Ore Nerathil Oothen

Enaku ore nerungiya thozhi irunthaal aval peyar Sangeetha, naangal iruvarum nerungiya nanbargal. Oru naal avalai parka aval veetirku sendru iruntha pozhuthu avalin uravinargal vanthu irunthaargal. Iruvarum thirumanam aagi irunthathu, pinbu kuzhanthaigalum irunthaargal naan ulle sendrathum ivargal yaar endru paarthen. Naan avargalai paarpathu pol akka thangaigal ennai oru vithamaaga paarthu, thambi nee yar endru ketargal. Appozhuthu naan sangeethavin thozhan endru solli arimugam aanen, avargal...

2 years ago
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Ethans Revenge Part II

Robert Carter, better known as fat Bob, is the owner of the butcher shop, that Ethan frequently visits. He stands 5'11", weighing 425 lbs., with jet black hair and green eyes. Ethan walked up to the counter, grinning wide, "hey Bob, I'm doing pretty good." Fat Bob chuckled, "looks like it, what's with the shit-eating grin?" Ethan's grin faded a little, "well let's just say I had a good day at work." Robert looked down at the meat he was cutting, "uh huh, looks more like a...

3 years ago
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beverlys holo fantasy

said the voice of Lieutenant O'Rourke. "In fact I can't remember the last time I went through a whole shift without someone reporting to sickbay for something or other." "It must be your Irish luck, Morgan." Beverly answered the disembodied voice coming from her com-badge. "But if anything changes, don't hesitate to call." "Don't worry Doctor," Morgan replied. "There's little short of a major disaster that we can't handle by ourselves. You've got us too well trained....

2 years ago
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Pathan Ne Maari Crosdresser Ki

Hello I am Tasha as it is my sissy name.I am 18 and fair color with big kinda butts and a kind of breasts when I lie sideways. Will tell the story in Desi language. Ye kahani h meri m school m thi(tha) un dono. Main yhan apni maa aur baba k sath rehta tha and humaray yhan aik pathan kaam kartay thay kafii salon se. Aikdin papa mulk se bahar chalay gayeee job k liye 5 ssaaal k lite. Meri Ammi Koi Bari sexy hain unki Bari ass hai aur boobs b.tight saari phnnay ki shoqeen kafii.khair pathan uncle...

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Ahmadabad Ke Pathan Ki Chudai Ki Raslila 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, meri first story ko pasand kerke mujhe dher sare mails bhehne ke liye aap sab ko thanks a lot. Ahmedabad ki kisi bhi bhabhi ya ladki ko real afghani pathan ka lund test kerna ho to mail me at Now ab story per aata hu. Ye baat he un dino ki jab me apne finance k buissness me bahot buzy tha buissnes acha chal raha tha ek din me apni office me betha tha aur mere ek agent ka call aaya ki bhai aap kaha ho mene kaha me office per hu to usne bataya ek costomer he jo aap se milna cahta...

2 years ago
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Ahmadabad Ke Pathan Ki Chudai Ki Raslila

Ye meri pehli story he aur ye sirf Ahmadabad ki un bhabhiyo aur ladkiyo k liye he jinhe asli pathan ka lund apni bhose me lene ki khwaish ho or jo koi ladki ya bhabhi ye cahti ho wo mujhe mail ker sakti he per Now coming to the story Ye takriban 4 sal pehle ki baat he me ek muslim area me rehta hu city me so waha sare ghar kafi pas pas hote he aur mere pados me ek ladki nayi nayi rehne aayi thi usdin me 12 baje utha tha aur apni maid ko nashta banane k liye bola aur me apni balcany me khada...

3 years ago
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The Halloween Ride of Paula Revere

(Listen my readers for I shall tell Of the story disclaimer of Miss Jezzi Belle. On the 31 of October of '84 If life for you was not yet in store You're too young so get your butt out of here.) The Halloween Ride of Paul(a) Revere By Jezzi Belle Stewart (c)2002 TRP Listen my darlings and you shall hear Of the Halloween ride of Paul(a) Revere. On the 31st of October of '95 No "man" involved is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year. Paul said to...

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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 21 Nathaniel

The whole thing had gotten completely out of hand. Nathaniel sighed and tried to object for what had to be the fiftieth time since this plan had been suggested. “It’s simply too dangerous, Leliana. I won’t allow you – or anyone else – to be hurt in my stead. This is my problem—” “And this is how you’re going to solve it, yes? You’re going to get help from others who have more specific experience in this area.” He turned to the King, hoping for some support. “Your Majesty, surely you don’t...

1 year ago
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Chachi Ki Chudae Thande Pani Me

Hello dosto kese ha app .Me mahi hu punjab se hu meri hight 6 feet ha me ak simple ladka hu mera lun ka size 6′ ha 3′ mota ha meri email id ha .. ha ager koi ladki aunty bhabi mujse chudwana chahe to muje mail kare . Ye stori ki gatna jo me apko share karrne ja raha hu mere or chachi ke bich ki ha meri chachi ka name rani ha wo ak simple lady ha wo hw ha or chacha govt. Job karte ha iss lie sara kam chachi karti ha ghar ka khet kaka b ab sida story pe ata hu hu . Ye un dino ki bat ha jab meri...

2 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 52

Eddie was hugging me when I woke up the next morning. While we slept in the same bed, we were too tired to do anything else. The evening on the boat had wiped us out and as hard as we tried, we just weren't into making love. I slipped from under his arm and went to the bathroom. After taking care of my bladder, I jumped into the shower. While I shampooed my hair, Eddie came in and stood in front of the toilet. "Don't you dare flush until I'm finished," I yelled. Eddie laughed and then...

3 years ago
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Long RelieverChapter 10

Arlie slept on the issue and didn't write to Susan's mother until after breakfast the following morning: To: [email protected] From: "Arliss Stone" [email protected] Subject: Your Visit to Baltimore Dear Mrs. Munger: I'm here at home with Susan and my children for the remainder of this week and next, before the team is off on its next road trip. I imagine now that it's close to time for your trip to Ohio and to Baltimore, you must be getting excited about seeing your...

1 year ago
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Beverlys Love

100% fiction! One day while I came back from high school, mum told me that my cousin Beverly was coming over to stay with us the next day as her new workplace is quite near to our house. I was so happy hearing this because Beverly is my cousin sis who's 3 years older than me, by that time I was 18 and she 21. She's super hot, with her big boobs and sexy looking ass. Everytime I masturbate, she's the one I fantasize about. Simply knowing that she's coming to stay with us had made my cock hard...

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Bhai Ke Dever Se Chudayi

Hi maira name Rahil h meri 21 h ye meri real story hai maira rang gora h aur dekhne me bht khubsurat hun college ke bht se ladke mujhpe marte h par mai kisi ko bhav nhi deti hun mairi frnds mujhe apne sex ke bare me batati h to mujhe bhi sex kar ne ka man karta h par moqa nhi mila kabhi ab apni story pe aati hun Ye baat do saal pehle ki h jab mai b.Sc ki student thi Mairi do sis aur do bro h dono sis ki shadi ho chuki h mairi badi sister ka name nahid h aur chohti ka rehnuma baat tab ki h jab...

2 years ago
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My Everett Mountain RetreatChapter 6

She is wearing a black string bikini. It appears, from the back, that her bum is bare; but, the string is hiding in heaven. Her scent hits me. Charlize is beautiful in her own right, like all the girls; each is distinct and so appealing. She stops and her skirt settles on her hips. She looks into my eyes and flicks her finger for me to follow her to Jayden's bedroom. Following her is a visual delight. Her skirt sways with her hips, at the bed she turns, facing me; she makes a production out...

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Ethans Prom Dress

Ethan, like a lot of teenagers was subconscious about his body, although he did have more reasons than most boys as he suffered from a form of gynecomastia, a condition that gave him perfectly formed, feminine breasts. He also secretly wishes to wear skirts and dresses, which would be a perfect combination if he wasn't too embarrassed by both his body and his desire to follow through with this idea. So instead he bandages his chest flat each morning and desperately tries to hide all of...

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EighteenYearOld Ethan Got Caught Watching Porn And Jerking Off At Work By The Boss

I met Ethan when he was working at the check-out at a Speedway gas station and convenience store.  He looked young, but since he was allowed to sell cigarettes, I figured he had to have been eighteen. I was immediately attracted.  Ethan had short brown hair, smooth-shaven, if he even had to shave at all, he was tall and skinny, and had a perfect little butt, which showed so nicely in his cargo pants, which had pockets all over each leg. I made a point to stop at that station frequently, and...

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Ethan8217s huge cock earns him a new nickname

Ethan took the drill downstairs to the garage, feeling a bit dazed. The image of his sister, naked, with the drill jammed between her legs, was burned into his mind. His erection strained against the front of his jeans and hurt like hell. He tried to force the image of Pam out of his mind, but his desire for her was far too strong. He wished she hadn’t told him to go away like that. He desperately wanted to lie on top of her and put his dick inside her, in place of that stupid drill. In...

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Beth and Ethan

Beth and Ethanby pr_squaredBoys competed eagerly for places in the Cady Stanton Riding Program.  Freshmen and sophomores, called bugs, wore drab gray uniforms and worked under the supervision of the Bug Mother and her assistants.  At the end of their sophomore year, the bugs were assessed for size and conditioning by the Program Director, Bug Mother, and the senior jockeys.  Most were rejected.        Each year a eight or ten are found large and strong enough to serve as possible mounts.  They...

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Sex In Thane Godbunder Road

Hello friends, this is Sunil here, age 29, staying in Thane West, Godbunder Road… This is a real thing that happened to me in my life which I intend to share. You can keep in touch with me at To introduce myself, I am working in an MNC, post completion of my MBA from Mumbai University. I got married 3 years back. I enjoy a nice sex life with my wife but always wanted a bit more when it comes to sex. I think if a married person is involved in relationship with someone then its fine, as long as...

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Evergreen Forest Ch 01

There was no water. Close to the heart of the Evergreen Forest, Snatch narrowed his eyes. The forest was picturesque. The trees (deciduous, despite the forest’s name) were thick enough to keep the ground below in a perpetual twilight, the grass was tall and green, and there were flowers everywhere. The place was obviously well-nourished. So where was the water? Snatch was not one for the outdoors, of course, but he’d worked with a druidess once. In his experience, it was very hard to spend a...

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An animalistic growl escaped his lips and his throbbing rod plunged deep into my pussy, almost slamming against my cervix. I cried out as Ethan sank his teeth into my neck, grunting as he thrust harder into my pouting hole. My legs were around his lower back, his muscular form pinning me into position. I barely managed to hold onto his biceps with my petite hands as he pummeled me, harder, faster, and with more urgency than I’d ever known.“Fucking take it, my little slut,” he growled in my...

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Pathan Driver Ne Mujhe Randi Banaya

Hello guys, mera naam azim hai aur aaj main aapko apni 4th story sunaane wala houn, meri first story mere gay guard ke saath thi aur pichli dou stories apni maids ke saath thi. Meri 4th story bhi ek gay story hai to agar aapko iss type ki stories nahi pasand toh phir please meri koi aur story read kar le magar main yeh zaroor boloun ga ke yeh story aap ko bohat pasand aayi gi. Yeh story urdu aur pashto dono main hogi. Ab main story shuru karne wala houn, yeh ek asal story hai jo koi 3 months...

Gay Male
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Ethans Plane Ride

Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... Ch 21Ethan was glad to finally be getting on the plane. They had been waiting for more than forty minutes, and in all that time, he had been growing more and more nervous. The nervousness had made his penis grow hard, and sitting with his Mom made it extremely uncomfortable. The jeans he was wearing didn't help. He knew that their attention would be drawn directly to his erection, so he kept his jacket in his lap and tried not to squirm too much.Maybe now...

3 years ago
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Chanel Ethan and Taniyah 10

The ‘not party’ kind of feels like it turned into a party. A half hour later it’s everyone from dinner plus Chandler, her friend Monica, Stephanie, Louis and Louis’s friend Eugene. And shit’s bumpin. Music plays in the living room, some people are in the kitchen, some are downstairs playing video games and the rest are sprinkled in between. I’m sitting on the kitchen counter again, still dressed in my dinner clothes, chatting with Taniyah, Jake and Kyle. I see the front door open to my left,...

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