Vegas: Bk 02 Ch. 03 free porn video

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When they had reached the sprawling, ivy-covered mansion last night, Katherine had been locked in a rather palatial room. Her tired morning eyes were a testament to her fitful sleep. Her shower had helped refresh her and despite her search, she found only a thin white robe to cover herself. She paced fitfully back and forward, unsure of the ordeal that awaited her.

The redhead stopped by the bow window to admire the view across the impressive grounds just before she heard the sound of a key in the lock. She turned to see Desmond enter with another man.

‘This is the boss,’ he gruffly said. ‘You better treat him with respect!’

The small black man was casually dressed but the cut of his shirt and trousers was immaculately tailored. He stood quietly for a short while as his eyes took in her body through the thin gown. It seemed as if he was daring her to speak, but she knew better.

‘Welcome to my home, Katherine,’ he eventually said. ‘It seems you added a little complication to our activities last night.’

The little colour remaining in her cheeks begin to drain away. Her vulnerability was quite clear.

‘What… what are you going to do with me?’

‘Well, that all depends on you, Katherine,’ he softly drawled. ‘I’m not into gratuitous violence, whatever you may have heard.’

‘I haven’t heard anything,’ she gushed. ‘I don’t even know who you are!’

‘So you say,’ he murmured, walking across and taking her hand. ‘For now, just call me Eddie. Here, why don’t we sit for a moment while I explain the rules?’

He led her to the bed and eased his athletic body beside her on the soft mattress.

‘First, Katherine, you will appreciate that I have to protect my empire?’

Katherine nodded. She did not understand which empire he referred to but knew that any wrong move spelt trouble.

‘Good! Joshua and his father are thorns in my side and I need to remove those thorns,’ he continued. ‘Hopefully I can do so to everyone’s satisfaction, but that remains to be seen.’

His black thumb stroked her palm as if attempting to provide reassurance.

‘Unfortunately, Katherine, your friend Mario double-crossed us. He did so to such an extent that we needed closure on our relationship with him. The fact that you were in his suite was unfortunate, shall we say.’

He looked across at Desmond. ‘And careless of us,’ he rasped.

Desmond shifted uneasily from foot to foot, looking down at the floor.

‘But you know what, Katherine? I can trust Desmond with my life. The question is, how much can I trust you?’

His grip on her hand tightened, as if to reinforce the point.

‘You can,’ she whimpered.

‘Yes, I know you will tell me that, Katherine. But then, in your position, you will tell me anything. So let’s establish the rules.’

She gulped, the dryness in her throat increasing as his grip tightened further.

‘First,’ he said with an eerie smile, ‘common sense tells me I should get Jimmy and Tommy to take care of you right now!’

Her pulse quickened and bile rose in her throat.

‘They want to, you know! And who could blame them? You are the only witness that could send them to jail for a long, long time.’

The tightness that ran across her chest made her whimper.

‘So, if I allow you to live, there are just three things you need to understand.’

Katherine blinked rapidly as she attempted to contain the physical sickness threatening to overpower her.

‘If you ever lie to me or Desmond about a single thing, you are dead!’

He paused for a second to allow his words to sink in.


Katherine nodded as the vomit entered her lower chest.

‘Second, you do everything asked of you without hesitation. Whatever that may be! Understand again?’

Her eyes began to weep from her feeling of nausea as she silently nodded again.

‘And finally, you make no attempt to escape or to contact anyone.’

He raised his eyebrows as if to emphasize the point.

‘Break any rule and I shall have you killed.’

Her breathing was short, rapid, gasps and she whimpered again as he took hold of her chin.

‘I feel that you understand but perhaps you should tell me,’ he insisted.

‘Eddie… yes… I’ll obey every rule. I’m caught up in this by accident and I don’t want to be. I have no intention of telling on anyone, I promise.’

Soft tears began to fall onto her robe. Eddie silently waited until she began to recover, making no attempt to comfort her or frighten her further. He had achieved what he wanted.

Composed again, she took a long gulp of air and slowly raised her eyes to his. She found they were smiling at her.

‘You okay?’ he asked, a hint of compassion in his voice.

She nodded slowly, her breathing more regular as she regained control.

‘Good,’ he said as he turned to Desmond. ‘You can leave us now.’

As soon as the door closed behind his number two, he began to unbutton his shirt.


As she nursed his spent cock, Carly sighed happily. She knew that if she looked after Joshua, her life would be good. Leaning back down, she continued to clean around the head until she was satisfied she’d consumed every last drop. Her almond eyes stared into his as she lit a joint and inhaled the contagious aroma. When she passed it to Joshua, he lazily stroked her naked breasts as he took a long pull.

‘Damn, Carly, you are amazing,’ he murmured.

She chuckled. ‘Best you ever had?’

Joshua loved her confidence. ‘You are up there baby. No doubt about that!’

He took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling. It seemed there was something on his mind.

‘What?’ she asked.

‘I want you to do something for me,’ he softly said.

She pulled on the joint again. ‘I want to, too. I’ll give you ten minutes to recover and then we can fuck again.’

He smiled but ignored the comment. ‘I want you to get a job at the Carousel Club.’

Her eyes widened and she slowly sat up on the bed, staring at him. ‘But why, Joshua?’

‘The Club is competition. And there is some connection with Big Eddie. They must have some sort of arrangement.’

She stared at him and they both knew what she was thinking. She worked here, not at the Carousel Club.

‘I know that baby,’ he said in answer to her unspoken question. ‘But I want someone on the inside there. I need someone who can pick up anything that will be valuable to me. Things are about to heat up and I need some insurance.’

She had no option. She knew that. Joshua knew that too. He looked into her soft eyes and smiled at her as he nodded in confirmation.

‘Okay,’ she meekly complied.

‘Good! By the way, do you know anything about Katherine working at the Club?’

Her eyes widened. ‘At The Carousel Club?’ she repeated. ‘Katherine has no connection with the Club. We’re not exactly best friends but I’d know if she had, I’m sure.’

‘She had Carousel Club matches in her apartment. They got there somehow. Find out for me, baby. Find out what’s going on.’

She gave a long sigh, resigned to his request. She needed some sort of relief and knew exactly what sort that was.

‘I will,’ she whispered as she stretched out to make herself comfortable. She handed Joshua the joint and then dropped her head to lick down his hard stomach. His moans confirmed the effect she had on him. She smiled to herself as her lips began to nuzzle his testicles and her hand stroked his hardening cock.

‘Oh, fuck,’ he moaned as she rolled his heavy globes in his mouth.

She paused to look up into his eyes. ‘Ten minutes are up….’


The room was light when Daniel awoke, a sharp pain shooting through his forehead. It took him a short while to realise where he was.

owly, he began to recall the events of the previous evening. He looked at his watch. Was it possible he had really been unconscious all that time? A loud groan escaped as he struggled up into a seated position. The jagged pain seemed to reverberate around his head.

His attempts to stand resulted in another shot of pain to his befuddled brain. He dropped back down to his knees and vomited all over the carpet. It took a good few minutes before he began to regain control and was able to stand. He made his way to the bathroom. The cold water revived his senses as he attempted to piece together the happenings.

Gradually the memories flooded back. He knew this apartment!

‘Katherine?’ he called out, a touch of panic in his voice.

He staggered from the bathroom and made his way around each room. There was no sign of her, nor any indication of any disturbance. His brain raced at the possibilities. His first instinct was to pick up the phone but even as he did, he stopped himself from dialling the number. What was it Katherine had said?

‘You stupid fool. Call the police and I’ll end up with a knife in my back!’

But then, she might already… No, he could not allow himself to go there!

He glanced at his watch again. Damn, it was nearly ten o’clock. Today was his first appearance in the Main Event. The first ‘Day’ of play was spread over two days this year and he had drawn the first day whereas Holly was playing tomorrow. What he would give to swap positions with her. How could he play, not knowing what had happened to Katherine, and feeling like this?

Daniel spotted something on the floor beside the telephone, partially obscured by the leg of the small table. He gingerly bent down and picked up a half-used book of matches. His eyes narrowed at the picture of a naked girl in silhouette. She was standing next to a Carousel. The name of the Club was emblazoned underneath.

He slipped them into his jacket pocket and decided to hurry back to his hotel. He had to freshen up and do something about that blinding headache before he could contemplate competing what lay ahead. If Katherine had not re-appeared by tonight, he would make a visit to The Carousel Club on his spare day tomorrow.


Eddie was naked. Despite his lack of height, his black physique was all muscle and like the rest of his body, his dark penis was thick and hard. Katherine knew what she had to do. Right then, she would have done anything.

She slipped to her knees beside the bed, taking the black cock in both of her hands. Slowly she licked all around his thick, chubby member, bathing it with her saliva before taking him inside her mouth. The redhead was determined to prove herself by providing the best fellatio of her life. His hand gripped the back of her head as she became lost in the moment, encouraged by the way he twitched on her tongue.

She felt herself grow damp as she worked him, anticipating the feeling of his cum filling her mouth. But just as she felt him begin to pulse, he pulled away.

‘We have plenty of time, Katherine,’ he said, tugging her to her feet. ‘But that was a very impressive start.’

He pulled off her robe, taking a few seconds to run his eyes across her naked curves.

‘Magnificent,’ he murmured. ‘If you do as you are told, I will take care of you. You could be an excellent addition to my household.’

Katherine smiled at his words, her need to please him overwhelming her fear. She allowed him to ease her back on the bed and stroked his muscular chest and arms as he joined her. When he adjusted his position to press his cock against her wet folds she heard herself moan. The look on his face told her he enjoyed her chipmunk sounds.

She arched her back when his mouth found her breasts. The sensation of his mouth on her hard nubs, and from the hands that drifted up and down her skin, made every nerve-end come alive. Despite, or probably because of the situation, Katherine had never needed a man’s touch like she did now and she desperately pushed his head downwards.

She was unsure whether that was a move too far but he willingly dropped his head to lick along her soft vulva.

She groaned and spread her legs wider as his tongue parted her and slipped inside. His appreciative moans as he licked her love juices made Katherine shudder. The wet, sucking sounds were an aphrodisiac. This man had her life in his hands and yet rather than using her as a sex object, he was actually pleasuring her!

It was that thought as much as the sensations racing through her that instantly made her climax. She curled her legs back toward her chest and tugged on his dyed black-hair as she screamed. Her orgasm ran through her forever.

Katherine had never felt as sexually satisfied as she did at that moment. The redhead gratefully pulled him upwards so that he lay across her. She smiled into his glistening face and slipped her arms around his back, pulling him tightly into her stimulated body. Her mouth greedily sucked her own flavour from his lips.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, encouraging his thickness to push inside. He groaned as she hooked her ankles around him, impaling herself on this powerful man.

Katherine trembled against him, the situation causing a mixture of extreme arousal and cold fear in her. But there was no doubt she could feel every delicious inch that filled her.

‘That good, babe?’ he asked, his dark eyes boring into her.

She would have agreed no matter how it felt. But the reality was she was close to a second climax. The way she urgently nipped at his neck gave her reply.

He responded with strong, rhythmic thrusts. She spread herself wider to give him complete control, allowing the submissive feeling to race her to her next orgasm. Her tightness around his cock and the sensation of the bottom of his shaft against her clit became too much. Her body began to buck and shudder under his.

Her moans were constant as she came. His response to the fingernails she dug into his back was simply to fuck her harder. He was driving himself forward to his own climax and she hungrily bit on his muscled forearm as she thrust back up against him. Despite his pace, she was determined to match his movements.

‘This is how loyal I’m going to be, baby,’ she groaned. ‘I’ll fuck you every day, Eddie. You want to cum in Katherine every day?’

Her words had the desired effect. He pounded harder and harder as he entered the home straight. His loud grunts filled the room. She eased her position so that she could look down to watch the sight of him sliding in and out of her. Her smooth petals stretched tightly to accept his obscene girth. She glanced at him and saw his lust filled eyes watching her. When she smiled and provocatively licked her lips, that did it for him.

‘Fuck!’ he cried out as he released the flood gates.

She felt the first shot fire from his gun and then one burst followed another as he coated her clutching walls. His cock pulsed inside her, again and again, relentless and unending. She held him throughout, planting soft kisses along his bulging neck. Perhaps things were not going to be quite as bad as she thought?


Ming knew that Parker and Desmond did not get on. So far, she had made sure it had not proven to be too much of a problem.

When she hadn’t managed to keep them apart, she had made sure she was around to oil the wheels. It seemed that Julie had been the original problem. Both men had taken a deep fancy to a woman who was unavailable to them both. But perhaps that was part of her attraction?

Only once had they butted heads and true to form, it had been an argument over her young assistant. Since then she had impressed on the young woman that she must never find herself alone with either. And that she should inform Ming if she ever saw the two men together.

Today was one of those times. By the time the sassy brunette reached
her, the two antagonists were sitting at a table and locked in a heated conversation

‘Don’t fucking talk to me that way,’ she heard Desmond’s shrill voice.

‘You don’t like it, then get out of my club,’ Parker responded.

‘Your club? You are way off the mark, smoothie boy. You continue like you are and I’ll make sure you find yourself in a world of hurt…’

‘Fuck off,’ Parker snarled as he quickly stood. His chair clattered backwards onto the floor.

Desmond stood with him and squared up to the crinkly haired finance man. ‘You don’t want to mess with me, you shit!’ he shouted, ‘I’ll make sure this place is shut down in a heartbeat.’

Ming intervened just as they were about to grab one another.

‘Desmond,’ she urgently greeted Big Eddie’s man, a fake warmth flooding her voice. She took his arm and pressed herself against him. ‘Can I help?’

‘Ming,’ he rasped, his eyes bulging as he stared at the man who was so enraging him. ‘Yes, you can help. I’m leaving now but I’ll be back in an hour for my money. Make sure big shot here is gone by then.’

As Parker began to respond, Ming stepped between them. Her wide eyes stared at Parker and she gave an imperceptible shake of her head.

‘That’s no problem, Desmond,’ she soothingly said as she slid her slender arm around his waist. It seemed he calmed a little as he felt her smooth body press into his side. ‘Here, I’ll walk you to the door.’

‘That man’s gonna be your downfall if you’re not careful,’ Desmond rasped, pushing back into her as she escorted him outside.

‘He’s just a hothead, Desmond’ she smiled, frantically attempting to defuse the situation. ‘I can handle him.’

He stopped in his tracks and turned to face her. ‘Can you?’ he asked. ‘Or do I have to tell Big Eddie we have a problem?’

Ming coloured. She most definitely did not want any of this to go back to Big Eddie. ‘Really, we don’t have a problem, Desmond…’

He cut her off. ‘You do, Ming. You fucking do. When I’m back in an hour, he’d better be gone.’

Ming nodded in confirmation, her wide brown eyes full of concern. ‘He will, Desmond. He will.’

His face changed. ‘Good,’ he said, lifting a hand to her chin. ‘And you had better be ready to humour me, Ming. I think that would be a good idea!’

With that he planted a soft kiss on her cheek and nodded at her. As he walked away, they both knew what he meant.

She turned and retraced her steps back inside. Parker had a sneer on his face as she approached him.

‘Fucking hell, Parker, this has to stop!’ she insisted, her fingernails digging into his arm.

‘What does?’ he asked, as if nothing had happened.

‘You bastard, Parker. We’re in business because Big Eddie allows us to. Piss him off and we have no business.’

‘He can go fuck himself,’ he responded, roughly pulling his arm away from her grip.

‘Parker, for a bright man you can be fucking stupid at times.’

He stared at her. He had never heard her as angry as this.

‘It’s not like I’m asking you to do anything but stay out of his way,’ she blazed, her eyes flashing. ‘I’m the one who has to keep things running to Kay’s satisfaction. And that means keeping those guys off our backs. Goddamit, Parker, if you have one more run in I’m informing Kay.’

‘Really?’ he challenged, his eyes cold.

‘Yes, really!’ she shouted. ‘You nearly got in a fight! They’ll fucking close us, don’t you understand?’

He stared quietly as she spat out the words. He knew she was right. ‘Okay, Ming. You win.’

‘No, Parker, I don’t win. If we play this right, we all win!’

He nodded but his eyes conveyed the annoyance he felt at being challenged in such a blatant way. Well, fuck that!

He turned away. ‘I’m going to get something to eat. See you later.’

Great, she thought, her chest heaving with infuriation. First I’ve got to keep Parker under control and then I’ve got to keep a horny gangster happy. I only hope that Kay understands how well I’m earning my fucking money!


Daniel only just made it to his table on time.

His shower and fresh clothes only partially helped his mood. The disconcerting sense of gloom around Katherine’s disappearance was overpowering. And his frame of mind was not helped by the continual thudding in his head, despite consuming more painkillers than was good for him. He was in no condition for any kind of poker, let alone the probable fourteen hours of intense focus needed to survive at the Main Event.

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Area 15

"It will blow over," I said, in as confident and reassuring a tone as I could manage. "It's just going to be another one of those 'Christ in a cracker' or 'I saw Bigfoot at WalMart' stories that the media runs when there isn't any real news to report. That's all." The photo had turned-up the day after I got back from my stay in Mexico, and was a sidebar or bottom-of-the page item on most of the mainstream news sites. We hadn't dared peek at the fringe sites or the ones that...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Gaand Ka Maza 8211 Part II

Bas muze to jo chachiye tha vo itni aasani se mil jayega iska muze andaza hi nahi tha. Me to bhabhi se baat karne me bahut sarma raha tha, to bhabhi ko shayad is baat ka andaza lag gaya, to unhone hi muz se baat karni suru kar di, hum idhar udhar ki baate kar rahe the, jaha hume baarat le k jaana tha vo kariban 80 km duri par tha, to muze kab nind aa gayi pata hi nahi chala. Aur jab jaga to mene dekha ki me apni bhabhi ki god me apna sar rakhkar so gaya tha, me turant hakka bakka ho ke bhabhi...

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DesiderataChapter 3

To Isobel's surprise Gerry took the initiative on the visit to meet Larry. She had thought that as a barrister's client it would have been her responsibility. He rang her the following Monday. "Isobel, it's Gerry. My hockey starts at two-thirty on Saturday week. I don't like to have a big meal or alcohol before a match so that if you do decide to come on up to Marlborough with me it'll be a skimpy lunch for me and I shall be champing at the bit to get on." Isobel was amused. He was...

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Lifes Important MomentsChapter 2 Too Much of a Good Thing

In part one of this story I recounted one of my Life's Little Moments when, in trying to intensify our passion one night, I introduced the fantasy of my wife Barb having sex with another man to our love making. At the conclusion of part one Barb makes the fantasy become a reality by allowing a man to pick her up in a hotel bar and take her to his room where they had sex. As Barb relates her story to me she also mentions that another man has asked her to meet him at the same hotel on the...

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Dorm Room Blowjob

I was in my dorm room watching a porno – one guy on his knees sucking on another’s large cock – when I heard my roommate’s keys jingling in the keyhole. Completely caught off guard, I fumbled for the remote on the side of my bed but knocked it to the ground. Jumping out of bed as David entered the dorm, I kneeled down for the remote to try and turn off the DVD. When I finally got a grip of it and looked up, David stood right in front of me with his crouch directly in my face. David, as far as I...

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The Story of David

The story of David. An original writing by Sue Reed And a True Story Hers Shock wasn't the word for what she felt, disgust was more like it. For three years she had been married to David, before that for two years that dates exclusively. Of all the boys she had ever known, he was the only she had ever liked. She had dated other guys before David, but only David had touched her soul and her body. Now this, this aberration which had forever changed...

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Going Away Present

Tube top. Check. Miniskirt. Check. Thong. Check. You admire yourself in the mirror, turning from side to side and posing in the most provocative poses you can think of. Yeah, you think, this will definitely turn some heads. You turn forward and bring your hands up to your chest. You cup your modest 34C chest and give your breasts a soft squeeze, then let them fall back into place. Your nipples are already poking up beneath the fabric of your tube top. Anticipation for what you have planned...

2 years ago
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Got In Relationship With Meenal

Namste friends mai jatin ahmedabad se fir se aapke liye lekar aaya hun pyar bhari dastan meri aur meri pyari gf meenal ki. Aap logon ko intro. De dun mai 24 age slim body color complexion wheatish mera secret part 6″ hai. Meenal k baare me bata dun 26 age hai uska figure 36-30-34 hoga fair color husn ki pari hai woh. Koi b use dekhkar propose jarur karega to kahani par chalte hain.. Yeh kahani 1 saal pehle ki hai mai ek restaurant me job karta tha customer relationship manager ki. Friendship...

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What happens when the grass is finished0

I scanned the room through half opened eyes trying to see if I could register anything, but nothing,I hadn't a clue where I was or who's bed I was in or why I was even in bed. I came here to do a job to raise money for a trip with the school and now I am just ..... "Fuck! what will I tell my teacher when she asks how did it go with Mr Byrne and his over grown lawn, " I don't know, fuck I can't remember. My last memory is coming in from the garden after cutting the grass for Mr Byrne. I...

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Pauline The Slut Part 28 House Party

My husband returned to the house at the end of the second week. He came to the cage, took out his cock and put it between the bars. I took it in my mouth and sucked.“Therese has gone back to college. She is devastated by your depravity. She has been so lucky to have Beth to help her get through this. They’ve become best friends. Therese agrees that I have to divorce you.”I stopped sucking “Keep sucking slut unless you want Beth to come up and play with you because that’s what will happen if you...

1 year ago
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My Sister Kelly Pt 4

Note: This story is completely fictional! It was the night before my sister; Tisha came home from studying abroad for a year. My mom and my sister Kelly had gone out with some friends. When they got home I could tell my mom had one hell of a buzz going, Kelly had to help her into the house. My mom went into her room to go to bed, actually to pass out. Kelly was looking really hot; she had on a short skirt and button blouse top. We talked for a bit, giving our mom time to pass out before we...

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I Want you

I didn't mean to walk in on Ella... I heard the music and, thinking the house was supposed to be empty, headed upstairs to check it out. She was dancing, slowly swaying to and fro. She was either unaware or unconcerned with my presence and showed no inclination to cover her incredible, perfect body...

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Dyked Blaten Lee Carolina Sweets Spaghetti Is Straight Until It8217s Wet

Blaten Lee was ditched by her husband on their anniversary. To make matters worse she stumbled across a picture of him with another woman Carolina Sweets. No way she was letting this slide. She invited Carolina over and confronted her about her husband’s infidelities. She tried to deny, but Blaten had proof and shoved it in her face. She wanted to know what was so good about Carolina and why her husband cheated with her. The dyking then commenced, and Blaten now understood why her husband...

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The Perfect Sex Toy

I was so nervous. I couldn't believe I actually went through with this! I had actually bought a sex slave and she was on her way today! A couple months ago, I had opened an e-mail that was titled "The Perfect Sex Toy". I was expecting it to be another hook up site which I could try to find free nudes. Instead, I found This site had girls who were willingly selling themselves. I thought it sounded too good to be true, but I got curious and it didn't cost anything to browse...

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There is no perfect three way relationship just as there is no perfect two way one. But Aaron and Tom were near on perfect, the way that they related to each other and assured me a comfortable, a sensual world.But all of that was found the hard way, a grudging but necessary equilibrium. There were so many parties in Edinburgh, but there came one that made a difference for us, for Aaron, Tom and I. It was the one where we planned to slowly, hesitently come out. Our thing, our way of living had...

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Megans Mom

I waited till my parents finally left the house. My mom was adjusting my dad’s tie and applying mascara and searching her handbag. I pretended to focus on my homework, I bent over my books and read the assignment again while underlining some of the words in my notebook. They were finally ready to go. My mom was telling me to be careful and to not do anything crazy. I smiled innocently and said I was just going to watch some tv once I was done with my homework. Of course that was a lie....

4 years ago
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How Innocently Our Predilections Take Over

Ever look back on your life and try to pinpoint exactly when your life changed? It is almost never anything dramatic, but usually a decision that is out of character with what you thought your values and personality were. Almost always you make a choice that forever alters who you are...for me that day happened only a week ago.I was working as a receptionist at a dentist's office when my life changed dramatically. I would like to say it happened overnight, but I had always had lingering doubts...

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The Photographers Assistant ch 1

Boy was I ever lucky! It was a sunny Friday afternoon when I pulled up to her house for the first time. It was big for this part of town, a little weathered, tall fences, High on a hill, forest out the back. If it wasn't ten minutes from the city it would be the perfect country hideaway. I'd brought my laptop just in case, and as I leaned over to the passenger side to pick up my bag, I saw Kayly come out the front door. . . Now when a friend tells you that he knows a photographer who...

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Watchman And Me 8211 Part 1

I am Rahul, a young boy and when this happened I was around 18 years old, I lived in an apartment building with my parents at the time and I was very very horny. Since both my parents were working and traveling I often used to be home alone. During these times I had a lot of friends and buddies that used to fuck me and play with me, but nothing was as exciting as what I’m about to narrate. (Yes, its a true story with minimal fantasizing) To describe me, I’m a small boy of a tiny frame (50 kgs...

Gay Male
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Overheard Conversation

It was early afternoon. I had been delivering some pottery to customers around the area. My wife and I had a small business out of our home. I had told Jessica that I'd be home around six in the evening but the trip had been quicker than I expected and I was arriving home two hours earlier than that.I parked the van in the barn. Then I got out and walked over and entered the kitchen through the back door. It was open as always during the day. We lived in a modern log cabin down in a hollow in...

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Older Pussy

Maureen's Older Pussymaureen is a older woman i used to work with she is 62 years old short brown hair to her neck glasses,nice tits, some sag to them but still nice, nice ass and a trimmed pussy, this happened a few years ago, i meet maureen at work very nice from the day i started, sweet lady, grandma like, would help you out anything you need she was there, very sweet lady. she was set to retire and the office staff wanted to take her out for drinks and dinner, maureen was surprised when...

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Mistress Dominique

We watched the sexy videos playing on the TV for a while, chatting a little. Mistress would occasionally brush my thigh, or touch my face. I was very aware of the fact I was trapped in my new cage. And also by the nasty nipple clamps biting me underneath my C-cup breast forms. There was a particularly horny scene where a sub gurl was sucking a dominant gurl, and I turned to look at Mistress. She brought her hands up to the sides of my face, held me still, and simply planted a hot wet kiss full...

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Gave my self to the delivery men

Gave my self to the delivery menThis happened earlier today.My dad and his fiancé had ordered a new cooker that was to be delivered today (Thursday 3rd dec 2015) but both could not be there when it turned up so I had some free time and said I would wait for it for them. I woke up early this morning and was just laying in bed and very soon my thoughts turned to something naughty. I was laying there thinking about what the two men might look like and maybe what they might think of me wearing some...

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Opening of Becky

It was a cool, crisp, fall evening when I finished putting Becky's luggage in her Camry for the weekly trip out of town. Her plane was awaiting her. Becky is a traveling trainer for a large insurance company that ever you would recognize. I would only have to mention the duck commercials. She has been with the company for years but took this position after our k**s were out of the house. My name is Greg and I am a cardiac surgical nurse at a major hospital. We have been married for 22 years...

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Office sex0

It is 10 PM already and I am working on my project in the office. There is only my boss left with me in his room. He is 29, tall, blond man, with dark blue eyes and curly hair. He has perfectly fit body and nice ass I could always see from his tight trousers. I have always fantasized of him sucking my cock and licking my ass, but never had caurage to go through. The night was quite busy and I got very lazy. I could see Nick sitting in his room through the glass door between our rooms. He...

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Krishna The Goddess Became A Slut 8211 Part 7

Dear lovers., I’m Krishna again. Thanks for your great support and mails.catch me at .Hope you have finished my sixth section. The next phase of my life. The calm and silent life of mine again changed into hot and spicy. I changed myself from a pray to hunter. That mood was aroused in me by my teacher. You may feel it’s quite unnatural. But my hunger and experience made me dream so. My teacher’s plumpy body became my pilgrimage. I was fully concentrated in her. Actually she was worthy for such...

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The Girl From Yesterday

Co-written by DG Hear & Jake Rivers Note from Jake Rivers: DG Hear and I have collaborated on a number of efforts: my semi-annual invitational, common themes but separate stories (Hey, Joe! & Back up Buddy), and stories we co-wrote. This effort we decided to write together. We hope you enjoy it. It is based on the Eagles great song, ‘The Girl from Yesterday.’ (Written by Jack Tempchin & Glenn Frey.) A big ‘Thank You’ to WanderingScot for editing this story for us. We hope you enjoy the...

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An Awkward SituationChapter 3

It was over now. Charles had spent his load for the fourth time that morning and he had nothing left to give. He laid there gasping for breath as his sister slid off of him, slumping to the carpeted floor beside him. "That was so good!" murmured his father, standing up as he spoke. Yeah it was good, thought Charles in response, yet ... still he shouldn't have let it happen. It was wrong to have let his sister fuck him. It was really wrong. "That was good!" intoned his father again....

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First Time Surprise Shemale

I'm an eternal masturbator. I've always like wanking and playing with myself. At a young age I worked out that I likes playing with my ass hole, sticking things in it, walking round all day with something in it. With the advent of the internet I was like a pig in shit. So much porn to be had and so many things to see and do. One day I discovered the true beauty of the shemale. Wow. Gorgeous women, with cocks. Prior to this it had been women with strapons that got my attention, but this?...

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New Job

Portions of this story are true although sadly not all of it. I will leave it up to the reader to choose which aspects of it that they want to believe as fact. Admittedly, not my finest hour. I fell asleep at work and was fired. I don't necessarily feel like it was completely my fault due to certain circumstances but it happened, so there I was out of work, my lease was up, and I had no money whatsoever. I was in pretty bad shape. Naturally I called my mom. Mom jumped on the...

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Here Comes the Bride Chapter 11 Final

Today was the day which both Mel and Maryanne have been dreaming of most of their lives, their wedding. When both of them first started to dream of being a bride,it was all about each of them having their own pretty pretty princess day. The day's goal was making them the center of attention, The epicenter of everyone's focus. Them being the most beautiful lady at the wedding. Then when Mel became older her wedding day became more about finding that special lady who accepted her for who...

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A Slightly Different Picnic

I’m standing in the bathroom, in front of the mirror, applying my make-up. It’s a beautiful day and we decided to have a picnic in the park. I’m wearing jeans, a shirt that accents my curves and high heeled sandals. You come into the bathroom wearing loose fitting pants and a T-Shirt. “ Are you ready to go, baby?“ you ask, as you step up behind me. Finding your eyes in the mirror I smile at you, as you kiss the top of my head. “ Yes, I’m ready. How can I not be? Spending the entire day with...

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sister in law is gracious for my help

I was over at my sister in law's house a few weeks ago helping her landscape her backyard. We hada brief encounter in my mother in law's bathroom several months ago but all that happened was hergiving me a blowjob. Neither of us has mentioned it since and I had just assumed that nothing wouldever happen again. That all changed when she dumped her boyfriend and moved to her own house.She moved down the street a few miles and left about a 10-15 minute drive to her house from mywife’s and I.My...

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Stories of a Post Apocalyptic World Part 7

Ever since Cheryl began to walk, she had wanted to become a soldier. Throughout her childhood, the other girls her age treated her differently as she would roll around in the dirt and hold a stick as if it was a firearm instead of playing with dolls and talking about makeup. As she blossomed into a young woman, the dream began to become a reality as she enrolled in training for the local militia. Many of the men there couldn’t believe their eyes when a stunning blonde woman, with the clearest...

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Sex for Beginners Part Two The Practice Her

Mandy and Rick came to stay the following weekend this time on the Saturday. We took them out to a local pub for tea which helped us all to relax. Back home, we sat down together in the lounge. As we had agreed between us, Sylvie kicked off the conversation. “Look,” she said, “I know you two are close and that both of you would like the relationship to be even closer.” Both Rick and Mandy blushed at this stage. “Mandy asked me to explain to her about sex and how you get pregnant and how to...

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More Than A StretchChapter 26

Sunday was cloudy, but the rains had ended by morning, and there was hope that the sun might poke through by the time we were due at Sarah's for lunch. I woke Steve with a kiss, and we cuddled for a few minutes. I heard Mom working in the kitchen, so I slipped into my robe and went downstairs. She gave me a knowing smile, and said, "You guys were noisy last night!" I blushed, and said, "Oops! I guess we did get carried away a bit!" She said, "Not a problem; more power to you! I'm...

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