356 Pt8 Cuck By Mutual Consent free porn video

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Part 8
It was a day or two later that Philip called what he now referred to as home, his brother in law answered, chatted for a while then handed him on to his sister. She chatted as women can, then asked when he wanted to come and visit again, he suggested the coming weekend, as he had a 72hour pass. She said, “that was fine and that she had another couple visiting but not to worry they were as sexual as he was, and he would be sure to get some!” she went on that she would explain later and arranging a time to collect him from the station and blowing one another kisses rang off.
Thus, it was, having rung and organised Alice and Tony to be round from the Saturday morning (tony being busy on the Friday) the weekend was planned.
On his way home Peter collected Stephen at the station, and having collected a box of beer, home in the traffic they plodded, Peter explaining the relationship and the film making to his brother in law as they struggled along. They were soon home, Stephen throwing his arms round his sister kissing her like a lover and saying “he heard she was now a film starlet, and could he have her autograph! She blushed and said oh he`s told you then!” and set about dishing up the meal while Peter showered.
Over the meal she skipped through the little filming she had done, leaving out the lad and taking his virginity, but giving the details of the K9 tryst saying she would show him that film when it arrived, but that she had another film or so already made by the woman coming next day, and adding she would probably bring a copy of some other films she had made too when they arrived tomorrow morning. She explained that Alice would be using the spare room so no doubt he wouldn’t mind bunking in with them, which with a laugh he said was “no problem!”
She laughed and added that “they might have to revise it, if Alice wanted some variety!”
After the meal and clearing away they sat with coffee in the lounge, Peter putting on the two films, which Stephen watched avidly. Well they all did though the home team had seen them a few times already! Stiffness ensued, and the evening degenerated into an evening of interesting combinations of positions on the carpet in front of the TV.
This state of affairs continued after bedtime and the three slept well on the strength of an orgasm or two.
Peter woke next morning to the bed shaking as his wife again had her brother, laughing he rose and after the usual toileting went and made coffee, the vision of Stephen giving Gloria what for as a shaft of sunlight from a gap in the curtains, lit his arse having brightened his day!
Over breakfast Gloria said she needed some shopping and would be back in an hour, she dressed, something till now today no one had bothered with, and taking her bag tottered off to the shops locally. The day being fine Peter had decided to do some urgent work on his roses, Stephen a confirmed non-gardener, sitting in a deckchair drinking coffee and chatting amiably about service life and his prospects. The conversation came around to Gloria’s forthcoming birthday and what to get her. Peter sat on the wall of one of his raised beds and said, Look, one of the things she`s always wanted is a gang-bang, I wondered if I took a cabin at that resort near your camp as a surprise long weekend break, if you cold round up a squaddie or two and oblige, we could take Alice and Tony, as well if you get on ok with them, but its got to stay a secret of course and it may be better to not let it be known she`s your sister etc. laughing Stephen said “ he could and would arrange it, he knew the owner of the campsite and he could get a good rate and a cabin easily enough it being off season. But how many men did he want?”
“I have no idea, really but if there`s two of them, and ones Alice who goes like a rabbit, I should say a good few, I will leave it to you!
They heard the doorbell ring and Peter going to answer it, found Alice and Tony on the step.
He invited them in and introduced Stephen, who immediately took Alice`s hand and kissed it like some medieval knight. They got out more deckchairs and Stephen made coffee.
The two men outlined what they termed `the birthday bondage weekend’ and swore them both to secrecy, leaving out the visit of the men, though later, Gloria having soon returned and suggested sandwiches giving Tony the full details on the quiet, while the women were in the kitchen, he being tickled pink at the idea and saying his wife had always wanted to try that but they had never had the resources.
The women returned and the munched on the ham banjo`s, Alice saying she “had brought with her, her last two films, the ones she had done voluntarily, rather than those hard-core ones she had done just for the pennies…!” Stephen saying, he had watched them both last night and had much admired her looks and her bravery, to which she answered, “thank you kind sir, but we needed the cash back then, and needs must, now we just do it for the excitement, don’t we my lover.” Her husband and Gloria both as her lovers, acknowledged what she had said, then burst out laughing at the crossed wire!
The sun went in, the chairs soon away they all sat in the lounge, with drinks, when Alice produced the two discs, saying she had copied them for their collection. And bidding Peter to run one or both if he wanted “to get them in the mood!”
The first disc was soon on and the credits rolling, it was called `seduction on a walk!’
It began with Alice walking on the track behind the farm used for filming, in a coat and long dress, on a gate sat a tall handsome man, who called to her and passed away a while chatting her up. He invited her in and in the `kitchen’ set made her coffee, the talk got a little risky, he kissing her then fondling her breasts. until she shed the coat, then he went back to kissing and fondling her, the scene moved to the bedroom set, and slowly he progressed things till she was naked, he too soon stripping till unclothed he sported a stiff tool of good proportions for a white male.
Gloria remarked that” they had not seen his face once whenever he spoke,” to which Alice laughed, saying “she would explain that later!”
The man, Alice said he was called `Flynn’ by the way, the man soon had her knicker-less, her dress thrown up and his face buried in her crutch. She begged for his prick and a good fucking, which he obliged with grabbing at her tits as he did, which she reacted too with even more energetic cries of “go on then, hurt me I love it, pleas oh please, harder!”
The effect was for Flynn to withdraw, then say “was she serious?” she said she was and he dragged her from the bed, her dress falling back in place, and he lead her away.
The next scene opened in the dungeon set Alice somewhat spoiling the continuity by saying that “they had stopped for dinner at that point and she had been randy as hell he not having finished the job yet!”
Anyway, by now Tony was sitting on the sofa with one arm round each woman cupping a breast apiece Stephen on the floor, had his hand deep up his sisters dress, with his brother in law with his hand in Alice`s knickers while sat on the pouf at her knee, and gently working his fingers round her very erect clit, though every eye was fixed firmly on the screen!
The new scene as I said was in the dungeon, he led her in, told her to strip which she did then he secured her wrists, dropped a noose over her head and took the slack from the lift rope, “Now miss tell me all about this need for pain, and be precise and I will see if I can oblige you!” the voice had a twang of Australian, or New Zealand, though again the speaker, Flynn, was not seen.
She whispered, that she “had a thing about being gently hurt and controlled, used even, did that seem strange?” he replied, “he thought it fine and had she something more specific in mind?” she said that he had been in the right area with her tits and nipples, they turned her on, so he stepped forward and taking each nipple in a pinch between thumb and finger of either hand, he squeezed the as her face began to register, the viciously twisted the compressed nubs. This elicited a scream rising her to her tip toe with the sudden pain, he told her to stay up on her toes which she did, he releasing the nipples catching the lift chain and taking out the slack once more. She was told to “lower herself” which she tried, but found the noose tightening and reducing her air input. His smile was broad as he once more caught hold of her nipples and this time revolved his wrists till, she began to scream once more.
This time he added a little more, then kept the pressure on for long, long seconds. Alice said that, “that was awesome, and I found it oh so stimulating,” Tony grinning and saying “he must remember that for another time” especially as he pinched the two nipples, he had been caressing the left of Alice and the right of Gloria. Both laughed which caused a titter to run through the group,
Flynn now slid his tool up into the struggling and secured woman, then twisted those nipples to the opposite direction than before. The effect was magic, a loud scream the toes rising from the floor her whole weight now on his tool, and her sex. She began to come like a banshee, screaming and wriggling whether from the nipple pain or the crutch who knows, but come she did, the whole nine yards. The spasm over he lowered her back to her tiptoes, before releasing her from the noose and kissing her passionately. The last scene was of Alice dressed and waving goodbye at the gate saying she would be back.
The group made comments like brill, or ‘wow’, Stephen asking how much of it was put on Alice? To which she grinning said that the orgasm was real, awesome, and totally real, but Flynn, well he was not only Gay, he minced as he walked which was why she always blocked him from view as they walked, he lisped which was why the thing was dubbed, and he never came or even put out any pre-cum either so it was a dry old do, but worst of all his partner, a fat blonde chap, was on the set, and every-time he kissed me he would wring his hands, that for me made keeping a straight face bloody hard!
They were all grinning now, Peter placing the next disk in the reader, and as it started, they all went quiet as the thing began once more
The name of the piece was “Throttled” Tony shot his wife a glance that did not say whoopee! Then he said “you said “you promised not to ever do this stuff again after what we did…” she quietly said “that’s true sweety, but this chap was an expert we were not, and you must admit it was a close call with our amateur gear, and lack of knowhow this was done to show you how to really do it properly and to turn you on .” she blew him a kiss then said with a pout that “I did it for you babe, really I did!” he grimaced, then motioned Peter to restart the thing, he having sensed hostility and stalled the disc. The thing ground on till the credits had gone and the bedroom set was in full scope. A man that they had so far not seen before, tall blonde and good looking came in view, he explained, in clear English, again with the down under twang that said he was the voice on the previous film, that the lady in this next piece had requested that he demonstrated breath control, on her as at one time she had come near to permanent damage by practising this breathing control without safeguarding herself.
“Today with her help he was going to show safely how to enjoy this stuff.”
At that Alice appeared, he talked incessantly, as he undressed her, explaining every move like he was a doctor showing students how to go on. “unclip the bra, just look at those lovely breasts, the nipples (the camera closed in) so stiff and the areola tender and dark”. He moved on, ”slip down her knickers, note the lovely curls on her mons, open the labia, check the stiffness of the clit, enjoy it’s the tenderest bit, enjoy it, let her enjoy it, she will later tell you that breath play, ups the feelings that she will enjoy to a rather massive orgasm such as she has not before enjoyed.”
The thing droned on he pointing out the windpipe, the downfalls of hanging if the safety rules were not applied, the dangers of injuries to the neck and the spine. Using Alice to point out the things to avoid. Finally, he showed the use of a strap, a collar, and a noose, demonstrated without tightening the things why you don’t use an electrical tie or ties or knotted rope that can`t be removed quickly.
Then he asked if she was ready, she nodded. He used a silken strip of cloth, wrapping it round his assistants throat, and pulling it slowly tighter between his hands like a garotte, he explained the signs her face reddening, her hands rising towards her neck. He spoke to her, she could not answer properly. He released his grip and rapidly she returned to her former colour, and demeanour.
He asked her to explain the feelings and she did, perhaps haltingly, and grasping for the words, but saying she had come close to blacking out, it was a strange feeling and one that she had strangely enjoyed. It had proved what he had said about swiftly releasing and so being able to restore oxygen and any restricted pulse, he had her put on a roll on but not to fully place it on just on her thighs.
He went on to have her lay, on the bed, which she did, lying flat on her back, patiently waiting why he secured her hands to the bed-head, saying “this will keep her hands well out of the way!” next he placed a vibrator into her sex, it was one of those rabbit ones with the tiny bit like a thumb, which with much care he placed directly onto her clit she raising her hips so the roll on could be put in its proper place and the vibrator held in the perfect place, its wire and the control running out and down her left leg. The head deep inside her and the clit hard against the tiny arm.
She lay down once more, he explain that in a moment he would be setting the vibrator running, she was to grade its results in the way paramedics use for pain, from 1 the `just on’ situation to 10 `massive orgasm!’
He then tied out her ankles, her body was now immobilised completely, but looking deep into her eyes he said “first, the e. Lift your head” she did, and he wrapped the silken strip round her throat tying one end to the bed-head and working now from the other side saying normally he would use both hands but today he was going to use just one so the camera can come in close!” She lay back, again he explained “I will demonstrate first,” he quietly said to her, “ready”, she nodded he
Switched on the vibrator, instantly she tensed, he gave it a second then said “report” she groaned then said “3 perhaps 4 raising 4 fingers”
He immediately began to pull on the restricter, the noose tightened its grip smoothly and evenly, her face began to colour, more fingers immediately joined the first 4 , 5,6,7 her face red for want of oxygen now 8 fingers just two not open, she was orgasmic, nipples like mountains, stiff and erect he released the collar, her eyes bright, her breathing rapid now as her face returned to a more normal colour and she regained her demeanour and breath. He switched out the vibrator, then asked her if she could describe the effect and shakily, she did saying that it was fantastic, the feelings had been magnified by a massive adrenaline rush.
He took a bow. “Now my dear this time I will allow you to become u*********s again to the vibrator,” without adoo it was switched on once more, all eyes went to her fingers, as he nodded to her, then applied the pressure once again. 4,5, 6, fingers raised, 7, 8 her face red eyes bright and bulging 9 her crutch flooding with her squirt, then she collapsed, back he releasing the bind instantly.
It took a moment or so for her return this time. But as soon as she could, he asked her what it was like, and she gasped that” it was beyond anything she had believed possible.”
In the lounge the men and Gloria all expected him to release her now, but instead he said to her “what shall I do release you or fuck you?”
Her answer astounded them all, she said for him to “fuck her and choke her too please really go for it I need it and you…please, tied here like this …please.” Tony reacted by shouting “No”
A pair of scissors appeared in his hands a cut from leg to waist, then, yet another cut, the roll-on falling away the cloth ruined, the vibrator hauled from its warm wet location and flung to one side. A close up while he shed his clothes, cool air on her warm moist cunt, his stiff tool soon at her entrance, he slid into her and began his dance, her head falling back in a long “ARRG “ of approval, pain or who knows what, his hands scrabbling with the tied end of the scarf, loose now he held it loosely, she cried out, “do it finish me, now, please now, the noose tightened her face contorted in a look that said DO IT NOW, ALL THE WAY GO ON I DARE YOU… DO IT…
She went limp as he filled her, his hands still holding tight to the noose, as the moment past, then his body slumping on hers, releasing the noose. Breaths amongst the watchers held a moment or two even though Alice was here alive and well amongst them! and slowly, so slowly her eyes opened to return to this world, to recover, and to their surprise thank him, thank him profusely for such a massive orgasm, and his hard use of her.
The film slowly faded, his hands loosening her bonds as It faded away, the silence in the lounge echoing loudly.

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Jamaica Blacken PT8

Monday – 2nd Day as BBC slut wifeSamuel stayed the night and had Jaye suck him for a while in the morning, then fucked her in a variety of positions before he came. I cleaned her and she cleaned him, then I climbed on and pushed my cock into her loosened pussy, cleaning her up while he called room service. Then they showered together with lots of giggling while I waited for breakfast to be delivered.He disappeared after breakfast. Jaye asked me to give her pussy a fresh shave – she didn't want...

4 years ago
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Boston Lez Contest PT8

A Edible WaitressCrystal had been stuck in a boring faculty banquet that night and sighed multiple times as she saw texts showing up on her phone announcing (well, actually bragging) that Veronica got her second turn and then Jasmine got into the game with a turn. She couldn't dare attempt a seduction of other faculty members, the male faculty members' wives, or the honoured guests and thus was helpless to do anything but sit there nursing her cold cup of tea and watch her competitors' scores...

1 year ago
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Read before you sign pt82

"Good slut, my cum and your cum will be your favourite meal...Now it's my turn to cum and make your ass a cum dump!"Laura grabbed Rebecca's legs and began to pound her slave hard."Fuck!" Rebecca groaned."Here it comes slut, ENJOY YOUR FIRST CREAM PIE!" Laura roaded as she began to shoot load after load into Rebecca's ass. "FUCK!"Laura cock began to stop shooting, and she collapsed onto her slave.Rebecca began to cry. "Thank you, Mistress, for being my first time.""You are...most welcome...

1 year ago
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Read before you sign pt8

Laura was lying in her bed on looking at her phone. She could smell her breakfast getting cooked from the kitchen."Mmm that smells so good," she said. "I can't believe I picked up a slave who knows how to make breakfast."Rebecca walked into the bedroom with a plate and a cup of tea. "Breakfast is served, Mistress." She handed Laura the plate, and it was scrambled egg and toast. Rebecca put the cup on Laura's bedside drawer, and she got on her knees. Where she belonged.Rebecca had gone through a...

3 years ago
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How I Started Turning Girls into Lesbians PT8

MicahOf all my pets, as the second semester continued, my most submissive one ended up being Katherine; she was already my best friend, but she also became my partner in crime.I ended up taking the anal virginity of all my pets, and I punished them when they were disobedient. This included:-Making Ms. Martens wear a vibrating egg when she wouldn't eat me out after school in her classroom, and turning it on with my remote while she was sitting at her desk in class.-Having Kimberly suck off...

3 years ago
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Payback pt8 final

Chapter Ten: The fall of the wicked, the rise of the worthy. During the time that I was being trained as a Mistress Will asked me to marry him. He explained that he would be happy to sign a prenuptial agreement so that he wouldn’t get anything from me if, for any reason we should part. Then he went on to say that he was so in love with me and wanted us to stay together. I had to admit that I was crazy about him as well but I refused his proposal for the time being, explaining to him that I...

2 years ago
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Iam Not Gay Yet But PT8

I sat in my hotel bed, stunned. What had I just witnessed? Marcie had gotten her revenge. She'd fucked Jake and Tommy. Was she really planning more? Why?I mean, shit - I knew WHY...Either she'd found my videos or Jake had told her everything. Somehow she saw to what extent I'd been cheating. Even though, technically, a husband sucking other guys' cocks isn't really cheating, is it? I mean I'd only fucked one other woman. THAT was cheating.She couldn't possibly be planning on replicating all of...

2 years ago
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Trainer meets His Goal PT8 Blacken

Marc scrolled through the pictures on his website showing the stills of Lisa and him in various stages of lovemaking to Lisa who was standing behind him. He had been telling the truth, at least in what he showed to her. The pictures were actually very hot, showing their contrasting skins and their nicely toned bodies, some were shots of Lisa's torso, riding Marc's hugely thick black shaft. Seeing a picture of Marc's very black, saliva covered, and very erect cock as it was partially inserted...

3 years ago
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The neighbor needs my help pt8

If you read part 1 Thru 7 of (the neighbor needs my help)Lynn's Birthday Present The Next MorningThe next morning I woke to hear talking in the kitchen. I got up pulled on some boxers when I walked in to the kitchen Joan and Chuck were having coffee they asked me if Lynn was okay. I told them that she was still asleep. I asked them how they slept they said great that they folded out the sofa bed and crashed. Joan said she was going to check on Lynn to be sure that she was okay. Joan had a long...

2 years ago
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Measuring My Cum pt8

"Go and give yourself a quick wash upstairs," said mom after a moment. "And you might as well stay naked for now," she added.I got up, my now limp cock and balls flapping a bit, and started walking out of the room. I noticed mom looking at my dick as I went. Just being naked like this in front of her in our living room was exciting, and it sent a tingle through me.I gave myself a clean in my bathroom, and in double quick time I went back downstairs again.Mom was still topless, and wearing just...

1 year ago
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A fine f amily pt8 FINAL

When Kelly came back home, she didn't want her mom to know she had skipped school. So she very carefully peeked into the living room window before opening the front door. When she saw her mom and Kevin on the couch, she almost dropped her shopping bag along with her jaw.Her mother's ass was high in the air, and Kevin was sitting right next to her. Judging by the fact that his huge dick was only at half mast, Kelly knew they had just been screwing around. She couldn't believe her mother would do...

3 years ago
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Chapter 4 FemDom pt8

Baroness led me down the stairs by my balls, giving them a squeeze or a tug with every step.as we reached the bottom step, i could hear some sexual activity. i didn't know who was involved, or what was happening, but you know the sound i am talking about.Baroness led me toward the sound. quickly, i could see Mistress from behind, and she was going to town on someone."Mistress." Baroness spoke."Baroness" Mistress replied without missing a thrust.i said nothing.as we continued closer i could see...

2 years ago
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Cell Phone Slave pt8

This is my favorite part....--------------------------------------------Amaya was topless in her room. The packages she bought last night were strewn all over Helen’s old bed. She used Helen’s old desk as a sort of kitchen, plugging in appliances and setting up dishes. Earlier, she had picked up some microwave food from the corner store and she was now having a hot lunch in the privacy of her room.College life was good.Waking up had been even better. A solid night of sleep had made a new woman...

2 years ago
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Fun at the beach pt8

Angel drove on as Emi rested her head on her shoulder. Angel had put her right arm around Emi's shoulders and was holding her. She let her fingers run up and down the teenager's arm as she drove through the balmy nighttime air. She felt goosebumps on Emi's skin as the girl would would occasionally feel a chill. "Are you cold baby?" Angel asked her."No, just feeling a little excited, that's all," she replied."Well, it's not much further, " Angel said.Angel steered the car around a turn and up a...

2 years ago
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All I wanted was a simple life pt8

I knelt over Sophie's naked body my eyes wide staring at the phone! could we? could we phone the police and explain this, all of this? I looked at Sophie's face and the hope on it, I nodded. "I'll do it," Sophie said as her fingers pressed the buttons. Suddenly there was a shout from the house, it was Jims voice. "HEY SISSY TITS! you going to come back in here or do I have to fetch you!" I looked at Sophie. "I'll go and stall them, tell them to hurry," I said as I pushed my dick...

1 year ago
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accidental fantasies pt8

With Jennifer settled in to her room, which probably never would be slept in, we began working on a more permanent life together. After a long meeting with the counselor at the college, I decided I'd take pre-med which would leave a lot of options open for the future. I really wanted to go into medicine but wasn't sure which way to go. Jennifer would have her RN in less than a year and she was happy that she could support me through my education. She still worked part time at the hospital, but...

3 years ago
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Turned into a Slut for BBC PT8

After my last meeting with Jerome in which he finally came deep inside my pussy, and then continued to film me as he removed my mask and used my first name I was a wreck of emotions. Not immediately though because for the rest of that night, I dutifully performed for him; allowing him to fuck my ass, and taking his cum down my throat another time. I came so hard that night I nearly passed out. It was my drive home, in which I was naked as I hadn't worn clothes to meet him, that I started to...

1 year ago
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House Slut in the Bahamas pt8 Daddys Night

Stumbling in just after midnight, without their clothing and in an extremely dishevelled state likely didn’t leave much to Daddy’s imagination either. The all stood in silence, until the door eventually slamming shut and locking behind the two girls seemed to snap everyone out of it. Daddy threw back the mouthful of brandy in his glass and set it down on the table, slowly walking toward them with a fierceness in his expression. “Daddy, we can explain…” Tegan started. “I’m sure you can,...

2 years ago
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The closeted cuck in Vegas

This story is fiction. It was a normal week for me living in Vegas. By the time the weekend came around I just wanted to relax. On Friday night after dinner, I decided to head over to Mandalay Bay to listen to a lounge band and enjoy a nice cigar. I got to the lounge and found a nice seat in the back. The seats gave me a great view of the stage and of the dance floor. Pretty soon the band came on. I was enjoying the set. I was really enjoying the lead singer. She was a beautiful Asian woman...

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From friend to crush to friendzoned cuck part 5

We woke up from our nap a couple hours later. I got dressed and we acted like nothing crazy happened. We went to her living room and started hanging out there. We poured some drinks, sat around, watched tv and talked. It was honestly nice to have a normal conversation again, not to have anything sexual come up. But then it happened, I started having feelings for her again. I thought I was done, but as we sat there enjoying each other's company, I couldn't help it. I started thinking about how I...

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26 From a faithful wife to a cucks sub

26 From a faithful wife to a cuck`s sub. A re-issue of the first of the stories in this series.I started chatting to a lass, called ‘Dawn’ on the X, Hamster website, she astounded me by her frankness, and explained her situation being both married to a cuck hubby (Andy) and a sub to a master named Ray. She also has a very smack-able arse and a joy in light Bdsm. So I asked her of how she had come to be a sub to someone not her hubby and this is the true account of what she told me,...

2 years ago
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26 From a faithful wife to a cucks sub

26 From a faithful wife to a cuck`s sub. I started chatting to a lass, called ‘Dawn’ on the x,hamster website, she astounded me by her frankness, and explained her situation being both married to a cuck hubby (andy) and a sub to a master named Ray. She also has a smackable arse and a joy in light Bdms. So I asked her of how she had come to be a sub to someone not her hubby and this is the true account of what she told me; “So how did you get into Bdms and sub and cuck scenario?” “Well Ed,...

1 year ago
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Cuck Experience Became A Gangbang

Hi guys, back with a new story. This time it’s a cuck experience of a hubby which turned out to be a gangbang session. Comments or critics welcome at I met this guy online and he said he wants to be a cuck. He has been showing group sex videos to his wife but never thought of opening up about sex with other men in front of him. I chatted with him for few days. Little info about the couples, they are 29 and 26. He is Raja and her name is malathi (name changed). They have been married for 2...

4 years ago
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My Sexual Reawakening A Journey To Being A Cuck

It was a hot July month; my wife left to visit her mom for a couple of weeks. I had to stay home because I could not get time off from work.  After a couple of days of being alone, I decided to go out to a bar to relax and have a couple of drinks. I sat at the barstool and saw a pretty lady wearing a white top.I could see she was not wearing anything underneath. She was also wearing very sexy red shorts. Her eyes were deep blue, and her hair was a very luscious brown color. Instantly, I was...

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The Adventures of a Cuck continuePart 1

If you had told me that I would have ended a much-needed holiday in the summer of 2021 doing what I am about to tell you, I would have laughed in your face. Yet here I am confessing (or maybe secretly bragging) about the events of less than two weeks ago.If you have read my previous stories, you will know of my cuckold/wife sharing kink. If you haven’t then you can indulge me now or after. It’s up to you.Like everyone else, our family and social life had been completely altered by the pandemic....

4 years ago
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A Lesson For A Cuck

Here I am sitting in this room next to my beautiful and lovely wife. I still don't know what this is all about or why we are here as I sit in this strange large room with other couples waiting. It's almost as if we are all in a doctors office as one couple gets called into a specific room ever 15 minutes or so. "Honey, why are we here?" I ask. "Stop nagging me with dumb questions darling, just wait and see!" she strikes back. It's a bit cold in this room, but yet she is wearing a mini skirt...

1 year ago
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If cuckold porn is your thing, Cherry Pimps' Cucked series may be what you're looking for. Cherry Pimps is a pretty well-experienced premium porn site. It's come with many different series, all of that serves a different fetish or kink. The site's Cucked series is no different in terms of the quality of videos and how hard it goes into the fetish. Cuckold porn is unique and those into it can fantasize about being either the man fucking the other guy's girl or the one being cucked!It seems like...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
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Gift to a cuck friend

This is based on a true incident. Names and minor details are changed for obvious reasons. If you have read my previous posts you'll know that I'm a cock loving cum slut. Can't get enough, no matter what shape size or colour. Have been a cum rag for real men since I was 12. Ever since my 50 odd year old neighbour taught me all about sucking cock.In all the 30 years of my life I've only been an absolute submissive bottom. Well one of the main reasons being my dick. If you can call a 3 incher a...

3 years ago
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Paul becomes my submissive Cuck

Paul becomes my submissive Cuck: Part 2 of My Rules my husband might regretWhen we closed the door that day it marked a change for both Paul and myself in our lives. He was very happy with me because Paul had talked me his wife into fucking another man and I knew he wanted it to go well beyond John. My husband was never an aggressive man or rugged type of guy he was a business professional and a suit for the day was the norm. He was gentle and kind in our love making and never gave me an...

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Crazy Cuck Session

I'd been involved with some hot wife couples as a Bull before, a different thing from helping a woman cuck her hubby. Hot wiving means the husband is involved somehow, or may sit back and watch and direct. Can be Hetero or Bi. I always went straight hetero with couples, as I'm averse to sex with men. Nothing wrong with the Bi thing, just not my bag.When I met this particular couple it was pure happenstance. I'd told myself I was going get out of the lifestyle because my last experience had...

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The Cuck Across the Street

So it is a nice warm summer night. The k**s are all outside playing in the street and I have my garage open and I am working on my bike. Just a check over and a very good cleaning. I was planning on heading out tomorrow for a ride just to get away for the day. The night was cooling off finally and I pulled out a lawn chair and popped a beer. I was just sitting on my drive when one of the neighbors came over to say hi. I offered Dave a beer as I found out his name.he grabbed another chair and he...

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