Vegas: Bk 02 Ch. 04 free porn video

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Holly was wrapping herself in a fluffy, cream towel after a long, pampering soak in her jacuzzi bath when her cell phone rang. From the tune, she knew this was the second of her phones and the one that only rang on specific occasions. As was her routine, she allowed it to ring and then waited to see if the caller left a message. Thirty seconds later the message came through.

It took her an instant to retrieve it and she leant back against one of the four pillows as she returned the call.

‘You left a message,’ was all she said when she heard the voice at the other end.

‘I have to congratulate you,’ came the voice she recognised as Joshua Smith’s. ‘A very professional operation from what I understand.’

‘That’s what you paid me for,’ Holly responded. Although it was her normally unbreakable practice to conduct ‘business’ by telephone, she always kept conversations to the minimum.

‘Quite,’ responded Joshua. ‘The money reached your account?’

‘I would not have executed the plan otherwise,’ she softly responded, speaking in the usual Irish accent to disguise her voice.

‘And I believe I got two for the price of one…’

‘Consider it a bonus,’ Holly replied, taking a sip from the chilled bottle of water. ‘No extra charge.’

‘You ran into a problem?’ Joshua asked.

Holly frowned and sat forward on the bed. This conversation had lasted long enough.

‘Was there anything else?’ she abruptly asked.

She heard the sigh at the other end, followed by a pause.

‘Yes. I explained during our first conversation that there were three people who damaged my business. You told me you would only accept… er, the job… one by one. I now need to engage you on the second.’

Holly took a long drink as she eased herself from the bed and walked to look out of the window.

‘One arrangement at a time is correct,’ she mechanically said. ‘The price is the same. Send the details by the same method. When the money is confirmed, I’ll execute the plan.’

‘Everything will be in place tomorrow,’ came the reply.

‘Tomorrow then,’ said Holly, immediately ending the call.

If she made it through the Main Event today, that would cause a small problem for her tomorrow. But then she was used to problems. And poker was only a cover. She knew where her priorities lay.


Lauren’s heart pounded when she heard Grace’s voice at the other end of the telephone.

‘Hello, young sister of mine,’ Grace said with a smile in her voice. ‘I got your message, thanks. How is life in Los Angeles?’

‘It’s all good, Grace,’ Lauren lied sheepishly. ‘What about with you?’

‘Fantastic. I have to go into a recording in five minutes and will call you again later,’ Grace responded cheerfully. ‘But you said your call was urgent.’

‘Recording?’ asked Lauren.

Her purpose in ringing Grace was to make sure that everything was going well and that Samuel wasn’t coercing her into entertaining his clients whilst at the same time trying to undermine Grace. If she was to meet his requirements, she first of all wanted to ensure that her sister was okay. It seemed she was.

‘Another album,’ Grace gleefully said, her voice upbeat. ‘I can’t tell you how well things are going.’

That was all that Lauren needed to hear.

‘But what’s so urgent?’ Grace continued.

‘N… Nothing,’ Lauren stuttered as she sucked her lip. ‘I had… a bad dream last night and just wanted to make sure you were fine.’

Grace laughed, her voice dancing over the airwaves. ‘You’re crazy,’ she laughed. ‘But I’m fine thanks, Lauren. In fact, things couldn’t be better.’

Lauren felt a mixture of relief at her sister’s happiness and a concern in the pit of her stomach that she would have to meet Samuel’s terms.

‘That’s great. Oh, by the way, I bumped into Samuel the other day.’

‘Really,’ said Grace, and it seemed to Lauren that her voice brightened further. ‘That man has been so good to me, how is he?’

Lauren gave a soft sigh of defeat.

‘He’s good,’ she replied. ‘I won’t keep you, I’ll tell you more when we speak later.’

‘Great,’ Grace responded. ‘And you can bring me up-to-date with life as the queen of adult movies. I do envy you Lauren, do you know how long it is since I was with a man? This reputation they’ve cultivated for me is driving me mad.’

Lauren scrunched her lips together and gave an ironic grunt.

‘And I bet you are getting laid every night?’ Grace laughed.

Lauren was pleased Grace couldn’t see the expression on her face as she sighed heavily. You have no idea, she sadly thought. You have no idea!


Katherine was naked as she gazed out of her bedroom window onto the expansive gardens below. She was well aware that she was smoking her third cigarette of the morning but her thoughts were focused on the events of the last forty-eight hours.

She knew she should have telephoned Joshua, but was also aware that her life would be in severe danger should she even contemplate such a thing. She was equally worried about Daniel. It was quite possible he would go to the police and that could prove her downfall also.

The only thing she was sure about was that she needed to sit tight and follow the rules Big Eddie had laid down. And she was determined to do exactly that. On reflection, her position and lifestyle in Joshua’s employ had been deteriorating since that bitch Carly had appeared on the scene. And whilst she still had hopes for Daniel, she knew she could do far worse than hook up with Big Eddie.

Such was her concentration on her thoughts that she did not realise her new benefactor had quietly entered her room until she felt his lips on her neck. She heard him laugh as she jumped at his touch.

‘God, Eddie, you nearly gave me a heart attack,’ she gasped.

She attempted to turn towards him but he held her in position facing the window. When he pressed against her, she realised that somehow he was naked, too.

‘Lost in a world of your own,’ he remarked. ‘I wonder what thoughts were running through that pretty head?’

It was as if he had set her a challenge. As he spoke, she felt his strong hands run up her sides, tracing along her waist from her hips to her breasts, before he cupped them gently.

‘I was thinking that I may have fallen on my feet with you,’ she half truthfully replied, her nipples rising against the warmth of his black palms.

‘I’m sure you will get a number of opportunities to prove your gratitude,’ he growled. ‘Better make sure you take them.’

‘Oh, I will, Eddie,’ she purred, pushing her bottom back into him to emphasise the point.

She could feel the response between his legs and placed her hands over his. She rotated her buttocks against him whilst both pairs of hands caressed her tits. Katherine sighed with arousal. His butterfly kisses along her neck was sensational. The way his thumbs and forefingers took possession of her hard nipples sent a delicious shiver through her.

As she pressed harder backwards against him, she could feel his erect manhood pushing into the valley of her buttocks. A soft moan escaped her lips as his cock slid between her legs. She placed her hands against the window pane to steady herself. But as much as she wanted him to, it appeared he was not yet ready to fuck her.

Instead, his tongue licked along her neck, across the top of her shoulders, and then left a wet trail behind as it moved deliciously slowly down her back. His hands left her breasts as he gently lowered himself behind her, his teeth now nipping at her buttocks. Once on his knees, he slid around to sit in front of her and wedged his back against the wood beneath the long window.

As his fingernails dug into her buttocks and he pulled her hot sex to his mouth, Katherine arched her back and watched her breath
steam up the window. She thrust her hips forward, groaning as she felt his tongue taste her.

He seemed intent on taking his time and slowly licked back and forth along her hot furrow before taking her slippery clitoris into his mouth. She cried out as he gently worked on it, as if attempting to suck her orgasm right out of her inner core. It took only seconds before her climax overwhelmed her.

The redhead took one trembling hand away from the window to grasp his head, keeping it tight against her as she shuddered. Throughout her orgasm, his wonderful mouth kept sucking. The gentle stroking of his fingertips along her thighs prolonged the sensation until she felt weak.

This man was a thoughtful lover, she realised, and for him to have been as tender with her as he had brought tears to her eyes. She knew from experience that other men would have just used her for their own pleasure.

She wanted to repay him. At last she let go of his head, sinking down to straddle his body. With his back against the wall, he was fully under her control and she loved the dominance she felt.

Her hand snaked between them to guide his black shaft to her aching sex. His eyes were half closed as she enveloped his thick cock completely. He made her feel deliciously full! She gasped, lovingly taking his head between her hands. His face remained slick from her juices and she tasted herself as their mouths and tongues urgently entwined.

Katherine gave a soft cry of pleasure as his hands began to knead the fullness of her breasts. She began to undulate on him, her knees banging against the wall.

She growled in annoyance, whispering, ‘Wait a second, baby.’

The panting redhead leant backwards so that she could rest her hands on the carpet behind her and then began to ride him. Men loved watching themselves driving in and out of her neatly trimmed sex. Eddie was no different.

She fucked him with hard downward thrusts before pausing every so often to rotate her hips in small circular motions. The delectable friction of her clitoris against the very bottom of his cock with each rotation was almost too much and she realised she was close again.

Her breasts began an erotic bouncing dance across her chest as she frantically resumed her downward thrusts. She needed to finish herself off. She leant backwards and dug her fingers into the carpet behind her as she gyrated on him. The sensation overwhelmed her. Her second orgasm arrived only seconds before she made him cum, too.

Her body shuddered and her breath was shallow, but she was determined to milk every last drop of his seed. Her face contorted as she pulled herself forward and wrapped her arms around his strong neck. She jerked her hips down on him in rhythm with his intense spurts. She released a long, low howl of pleasure as she somehow reached a third, mini-orgasm.

Eddie held her close through her further climax, panting, ‘Fuck, Katherine, you know how to satisfy a man.’

It was then that he heard Tommy’s wrap on the door. ‘Boss, Desmond’s on the phone. It’s urgent.’


Holly was excited and nervous and as remarkable as she found it, it seemed her adrenalin was just as high as when she was carrying out the hit yesterday. She realised with a rueful grin that during the year in which she had learned to use poker as a cover for her primary occupation, this was the first occasion that she had actually experienced the full, unexpurgated thrill that it had to offer.

That feeling had been prompted following a conversation with Daniel. He had told her of his exploits last year and her subsequent hour or so of internet research had seen her learn more about the Main Event and its history than she had in the previous twelve months.

And although she still regarded the Event as a considerable second to her main occupation, the competitive instinct inside her drove a desire for her to try and emulate Daniel’s feat. The likelihood was that she would never play in the Main Event again and she wanted to give it her best shot.

She looked at her first hand and saw the worst starting hand that the game had to offer. Smiling to herself, she decided to push Joshua and any thought of her last or next targets out of her mind and make an immediate mark.

She raised in an attempt to steal the big blind but unfortunately for her, both the small and big blinds responded to the challenge. Holly gave a soft, inward, sigh and was starting to consider how aggressive she wanted to be post flop when the cards changed her thinking.


After two checks, Holly did the same, attempting to induce a bet later in the hand. It came after the King on the turn. Small Blind raised the size of the pot and despite the sizeable bet against him, Big Blind pushed all-in.

Holly sat quietly, attempting to put him on a hand. Pocket Kings would take her out, but that was the only hand that could harm her. If he held that hand, Holly figured that that Big Blind would almost certainly have re-raised her pre flop raise. Pocket two’s was his most likely hand, she reasoned.

‘Come on tits,’ the Big Blind insultingly said. ‘It’s a man’s game. Women have no balls.’

The others at the table laughed, looking across at Holly as if expecting her to cower away from confrontation.

‘Highly original,’ Holly dryly replied, pushing her chips into the middle.

A buzz of expectation ran around the table and it seemed that Small Blind got caught up in the atmosphere.

‘I’ve got balls, too,’ he responded as if a macho stance was required, pushing the rest of his stack in and turning over Big Slick.

‘You’re out of your league,’ Big Blind responded. He flicked over his pocket two’s to show his full house and added, ‘Okay, tits. Let’s see ’em.’

Holly slowly turned over her cards and the table gasped as they saw her better full house.

‘Goddam it,’ Big Blind cried. ‘You fucking raised pre-flop with that crap?’

Holly made no response, sitting impassively as she waited for the dealer to administer the final coup de grace. There were no cards in the deck that could help either opponent.

‘Fucking ridiculous,’ Big Blind snarled after the dealer flipped over the turn and river.

He stood up aggressively, staring over at Holly. ‘You won’t last another five minutes,’ he snarled.

‘Maybe not Big Balls, but that will be five minutes longer than you,’ Holly responded, finally allowing herself a smile. ‘Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some chips to stack.’

The other players at the table laughed as he grabbed his jacket and turned on his heels, following Small Blind to the rail. As he walked away, he began to regale anyone in his way on the injustice of life at the poker table.

‘Okay, boys,’ Holly drawled, looking around the table through her dark sunglasses. ‘You can all see my tits so now let’s see who really does have balls.’


Parker was burning with anger. He was not going to be pushed around by Desmond, Big Eddie or anyone else, although common sense told him that Ming was correct and he needed to take care. He resolved to stay out of Desmond’s way, but if and when the opportunity came along to make his mark, he would be ready.

He was hungry and it seemed easier to go out and eat rather than wait for the hood to return and cause another scene. He made his way out into the heat of the day and trudged along the few hundred yards to his favourite eating joint. As soon as he had grabbed an empty booth, one of the elderly waitresses greeted him warmly.

‘Hi Parker, how’s it going?’

He returned the friendly smile, feeling the warmth of her greeting help diminish the antagonism he was feeling inside.

‘I’m good, Marge,’ he responded. ‘And you?’

‘Never better,’ she beamed.

That was one of the things that Parker liked about Marge. She was always sunny, no matter what the situation. He allowed himsel
f a long smile as he leaned back in the booth, cupping his hands behind his neck.

‘That’s good to hear. And Thomas?’

‘Ah, he’s as grumpy as ever,’ she responded, but then they both knew what her answer would be. She and her husband were like chalk and cheese.

‘You want the usual?’ she asked, her pen and pad at the ready.

‘That would be good,’ Parker grinned. ‘But if you could hurry with that cold beer, I’d be grateful.’

‘Coming right up,’ she grinned, heading back to the bar.


It was early afternoon when Daniel walked into the Carousel Club. He had heard nothing further from Katherine and had decided that if his visit to the club was fruitless, he would have no option but to call in the police. As he stood at the bar and ordered a Jack Daniels, a beautiful oriental woman approached him.

‘Hello stranger, I haven’t seen you in here before.’

Daniel smiled politely. ‘You would remember?’

Ming smiled back. ‘Oh yes, I’d remember. I know all our regular patrons and you are not one of them.’

‘You work here?’ Daniel asked and immediately realised the stupidity of his question.

‘I’m the Manager,’ Ming said, her keen eyes watching him closely. ‘You look like you have something on your mind. Looking for a girl?’

Daniel’s eyes widened. ‘Well, yes. How did you know?’

Ming laughed out loud, raising her hand and sweeping the room. ‘We have lots of girls, stranger. That’s what we do.’

Daniel blushed. ‘Of course, a little naive of me! But there’s one girl in particular I’m looking for.’

‘So you have been here before?’

‘No, no,’ Daniel hurriedly said. ‘But I understand she may have worked here.’

‘Her name?’ asked Ming.


The oriental woman shook her head. ‘No-one called Katherine has ever worked here. What does she look like?’

‘Redhead. About five foot six. Sparkling green eyes and, well, quite a body.’

Ming smiled. She knew there was no Katherine but if it was a green eyed redhead he wanted, she could certainly help.

‘Not sure,’ she lied and watched his face drop. ‘But I’ll tell you what, Rosie is dancing next,’ she added, nodding towards the stage. ‘She knows all the girls around here. I’ll get her to talk to you straight after her performance to see if she can help.’


Parker had just finished eating when the attractive girl approached his table.

‘May I speak with you?’ she politely asked, running a hand through her brunette locks.

His eyes creased as he attempted to recall whether they had met before. She answered the question before he asked it.

‘You don’t know me but I’ve heard of you,’ she softly said.

‘And what have you heard?’ he cagily asked.

‘That you own the Carousel Club. I’m looking for a job.’

Parker smiled and resisted his first instinct, which was to immediately dismiss her. Girls were always approaching the club for a job. But there was something about the way she stood, leaning to one side with her left hand on her hip, her full breasts pushing against her thin top, that made him hesitate. He nodded and she slipped into the booth, her leg pressing against his as she settled beside him.

‘I said we could speak, not that you could join me,’ he rasped.

Her hand dropped onto his leg as she turned full on to face him.

‘It’s Parker, isn’t it?’ When he nodded, she continued. ‘I really need a job, Parker. And I’ll be very grateful.’

As she spoke, her right hand moved along his thigh and lightly stroked his crotch. It was such an obvious manoeuvre but with this girl, it was an effective one, too. Parker began to feel himself react under her scratching fingers.

After a long pause whilst she brought him to full erection, he finally spoke. ‘Tell me more…’

He watched the girl smile, almost as if she had won. In other circumstances such a smile would have seen him turf her out on her ear, but her continuous stroking was proving to be a powerful aphrodisiac.

‘There’s not much to tell. I arrived in Vegas around a week ago and have been looking for a job since then. I’ve holed up in a cheap motel and my money has just about run out.’

He stared at her for a few seconds, his eyes taking in her features. She had something sexual about her face, her eyes. His gaze dropped, he could tell how delicious her breasts were going to be. He was entranced by the full outlines of the nipples that had appeared to grow as she had explained her position. He felt himself becoming more and more excited and his eyes dropped to her hand in his lap.

Same as Vegas: Bk 02 Ch. 04 Videos

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The days after I fucked with Leona I spent alone. She has told me that she was going for shoot in the Bahamas for a week. I was a man who had everything in terms of material comforts, and there was not a girl I couldn’t pull in a bar. But I found that I could not stop thinking of Leona and that I stayed at home fretting and looking at shemales and ladyboys on the internet. I had Leona’s number but was terrified of calling her in case she was working and I disturbed her..I just wanted her to be...

2 years ago
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The Magic Room in Prague Euro Diaries

After a tiresome shoot in Kenya, I decided to take a European trip and made Prague my starting point. Not knowing what to expect and wanting to explore by myself, without resorting to official guides, I was intrigued by a fellow passenger’s information as we landed in Prague.“You might enjoy the Sex Museum if you’re that way inclined.”I could tell by the gleam in her eyes as she told me that she was that way inclined herself, and I knew for certain that I was. She gave me very clear directions...

2 years ago
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To Reign in Hell Book 2 Hollywood Be DamnedChapter 37

7:36 PM (EDT) July 16, 2020 Fiserv Forum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA “And so, my fellow Americans, I accept the nomination of the Democratic Party for President of the United States!” Bernie Sanders thundered to a raucous and enthusiastic convention hall in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I watched Bernie’s acceptance speech on live TV, of course, at least for now, from the Eternal Palace in what was now the Viceroyalty of Italy in the Asmodean Empire. I was on a massive bed with Kiernan Shipka,...

4 years ago
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the daddy anf his friends

I really tought i had found the perfect summer jobdriving cars around this hotel parking , washing them and bringing cars to guess was such a cool jobi would always remember when my boss presented me to Peterthe bmw m3 he was driving was so cool and he wanted me to be working at his bbq this coming weekendwashing and parking cars at his private club up norththe money was good and i acceptedi knock at his door on the friday evening like requestedhis house was huge and nicethe door opened and...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 695

The Retreat ... The young wives looked at each other before Arlene turned to her husband. “As per your orders, I’m continuing to schedule crews for patrol missions. Of course...” “But that’s not where you just came from,” Jeff interrupted to say. The two young women exchanged a look. “We might as well tell him and get it over with,” Ann said. Arlene stared at her partner, then with a sigh, agreed, but as she opened her mouth, Ann began to speak. “We know that the General has made every...

3 years ago
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How important is cock size

I know that cock size does matter. But guys, really, there's no need to lie. There are some guys on here with HUGE cocks. Fat, long, thick ... you name it. Good for them. But the rest of us have what nature gave us. So, gents, let's use it as well as we can, and make sure we're good lovers with everything else - the mouth, the fingers, and - most importantly - the mind. I once gave a woman a series of multiple orgasms just because of the teasing mental foreplay we'd indulged in. Yes, your cock...

2 years ago
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Creamed My Filipino Girlfriend For A Baby

Hi friends. I’m Arun. I’m 26 years old and I’m here to share with you my real life experience with my Filipino girl friend, Eden Nacar, who is expecting a baby in few months’ time to become the mother of my baby. I visited her in Philippines for the first time to spend some time with her on the Valentines day 2015 but came back to Chennai with a promise to marry her in the near future may be before or after she delivers our baby. Guys, I’m explaining my experience without even asking my girl...

4 years ago
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I Made Him Cum TWICE

Hi everyone! Wow - I am really enjoying this summer! The hot weather really brings out the sex in people. I had a really busy weekend at the adult arcade this week. Yesterday - Sunday - it was really hot and humid, so I chose a pair of hot pink, butt baring short shorts with suspenders, a black bandera style halter top, and 3 inch black and pink high heels! I had a really cute little pink bow in my hair, a cute black clutch purse, and rhinestone sunglasses. Oh - and a frosted pink lipstick! I...

2 years ago
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Captains Choice Ch 11

This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. ***** Chapter 11 – The Beginning of the Rest of our Lives Robert Samuel Hamelin was born very early on the morning of July 1st, Canada Day. He weighed in at 7lbs 5ozs and exhibited a dark head of hair and a healthy set of lungs. I had hoped for a son, but knew I would welcome either son or daughter. The gods had chosen to bless us with a son and the...

2 years ago
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Sams YearChapter 18 Kununurra 2

Patrick flew back to Perth on Tuesday. Sam and Tessa slept in Boobook’s house. They walked about the town. They explored the Art Centre, meeting several painters. They spent many hours listening to Boobook’s stories. They visited the Kununurra Museum. On Thursday, Tessa went to Walkabout Souvenirs while Sam was talking to Boobook, where she bought a (used) copy of Bill Withers’ Frontier Dreaming 1997. Walkabout Souvenirs has a diverse souvenir and giftware range with many beautiful and...

4 years ago
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My First Encounter With Iss Couple

How I met an Indian sex story couple and have a great time with them. Ate her pussy and fucked her with her husband. Hi, friends. It’s ur favorite abhay from Jaipur. Thank you all for a huge response from my last sex story. On a huge demand from the last responds I m back with another sex story but this time it’s totally an imaginary sex story. U all know m vitals so I m skipping it. Guys plz it’s a request, it’s m first time I m writing an imaginary story so if u find and mistakes, plz forgive...

3 years ago
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Pennys Other Life CHAPTER 6 and EPILOGUE

Monday night came and Penny called Mr. Brown and told him she couldn’t make it that evening. He complained for a while that his security staff was still after him, but he didn’t threaten her with exposure. He just got her assurance that she would be back the following week. And finally the big day came. Before her usual afternoon shift at the market, Phoebe came to the Y and knocked on Penny’s door. ‘Are you dressed yet?’ she inquired conspiratorially. ‘Not yet,’ replied Penny. ‘I’m still an...

3 years ago
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Traviss Anonymous Guest Part 1

As Travis walked along a busy street that morning on his way to the bus stop for his trip to work, he was met by the spectacle of a man with a bloodied head sitting against a building. Any unusual sight disturbed Travis, and what disturbed him even more in the present case was the behavior of people walking past, unconcerned and in some cases even resentful at the inconvenience of having to walk around the man’s outstretched legs. Only one person even acknowledged his presence explicitly, and...

1 year ago
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Poker nights are fun

The Basics. My name is Chelsea. Blond. 5’4. 32C. 25 years old. And a nice firm ass. I’ve been engaged with Jim for the past 3 years. He’s a good 8 years older than me, but he’s the perfect type. Good at everything: sports, smart, well-off, and handsome. But he’s not much of a sexual partner, which I can deal for the most part. But it does make me slightly disappointed at times. One night, he invited over some of his poker friends for a round of poker in the next room over. All drinking beer...

Cheating Wifes
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my cousins wife

hi my name is paul and i want to tell you how i fucked my cousins wifenow im a reg guy witha reg sized cock between 6.5and 7 inches ave thickness and preety mucg the average joe not i have a cousin that comes by to visit is what he says but the real reason is to bum cash off me when he an which isnt very ofter with the exception of 5 or 10 dollars for gas i almost allways have beer and most of the time something a little harder whisis their d**g of choice but its for recreational use only well...

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lesbian slumber party

The girls:Tina, 23 years old (34B-24-35), 5'4" tall. A very pretty brunette with a slim, tight body from years of doing yoga. She has firm and perky tits and a completely shaved pussy with a piercing in her clit. She enjoys being in charge and takes great pleasure in fucking her girlfriend Lisa in both her holes with one of her big strap-ons.Lisa, 21 years old (35B-25-35), 5'3" tall. This hot blonde is the typical sex kitten type. Her body toned from the gym and her skin tanned with no tan...

1 year ago
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Photo shoot Mum becomes a slut Part three

I looked at myself in my dressing table mirror, Checking. I’d applied my make up, a variation on the look Alfie always did for me when I was modelling. False eyelashes, black mascara, black eye liner, and black eye shadow. I was pleased with the results. It wasn’t as heavy as Alfie would have done, but then it wasn’t for a photo shoot. It had been a hard day, Jack had spent four hours taking pictures of me, filming me masturbate, fingering my arse, making myself come. He hadn’t fucked me, and I...

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As the rain lashed against the windows of the grim college room I was sitting in, my mind drifted. The lecturers voice faded into the background, organic chemistry seemed unimportant right now. I was worried about mum. Just over a year ago dad had left us. Left us for one of his co-workers, it had been going on for months apparently, until the day he confessed to mum and I, told us he never wanted to hurt just happened. Well he did hurt us.Mum had gone into a shell, lost all...

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Some Wednesday, around late june 2000-2001. I was home alone, given the fact that my two parents worked and my sister was either working or hanging out with friends. My sister was gone for a couple of days to Montreal, to see a few shows and meet with some friends/cousins to have a good time. My mom had just called me (it was about noon) and told me that she wouldn't come back home after work, that my dad would pick her up and that they would go to some romantic dinner and come home around...

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Dost Ki Maa Ko Choda 8211 Part 2

Hello doston me guru aapne meri pehli story to padhi hogi dost ki maa ko choda part 1 ab me uske aage ki kahani bataane jar aha hu jin longon ne is story ka pehla part nahi padha he kirpya wo padh le taki jyada maza aa sake,ab main kahani par aata hu,main aunty ki jhaante saaf kar chukka that ha r aunty ka pura sharir kaanp raha tha,idhar mera bhi lund khada ho chukka tha maine kaha aunty jhaant saaf ho gayi Ab me jaaun to aunty jhat se uthi r mera munh pakad kar apne chuchon par sata diya r...

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Hysteria 8

(There is a short male on male scene in the middle, but those of you who are following this series will be happy to see justice done.) James escorted a distraught Victoria back to Lucas’ house. Seeing that she was tucked into her bed snugly, he descended the stairs and went to the doctor’s office. Lucas was at his desk, Amelia was sitting close by. He stepped through the door and closed it quietly. “What’s troubling you, brother?” Amelia asked her twin. “We have a spot of trouble,” James...

2 years ago
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My Bride and the Sailors

My Bride and the SailorsAuthor: Chris Christopher – All rights reserved!It you have read any of my stories you likely know that I really enjoy showing of my wife to other people. But what you don’t know is how I first discovered the joys of watching my wife being exposed for others to appreciate.When we were first married she was a really shy sweet little thing. And I do mean little. She had just turned 20 years old, 5’1 tall, brown eyes with strawberry blonde hair. At only 94 pounds her belly...

1 year ago
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Widows Whiskey and Willow SwitchesChapter 6

The minute he was out of sight, Abby wrenched at the ropes around her wrists. She tried to turn to get a better look at them, but the rope holding her feet together tripped her and she stumbled. Her weight tugged painfully on her wrists as she struggled to get her feet under her. A breeze picked up and she shivered at the chilly air on her bottom and thighs. He’d left her stockings and boots, but they didn’t do much toward protecting her from the weather. She tugged again on the ropes,...

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Watching Him Fuck My Friends

After Mom had been thoroughly used by Eric and Jason, I got mine. Eric fucked me good that night. He always had the stamina to continue after a good fucking. I know this because I had been sleeping with him for some time. Jason stayed at the house that night, hanging out. Later in the night I could hear Mom and him talking in the living room. Words soon turned into grunts and moans as they enjoyed each others company a little more. Eric and I, both exsausted from a good 3 hours of on and off...

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A Modest FairytaleChapter 7

The next day was very different than the previous ones for Pardin. Adray was a changed person. She was no longer contrarian and acerbic; she was cooperative and friendly. She couldn't stop touching him either. Either she was touching his knee with her own or holding his arm with her hand. She kissed him on the cheek often and caressed the back of his neck with her fingers. Rather than demanding, she negotiated. Instead of insisting and stamping her foot, she asked. She still wanted her way...

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Group Of Horny Dicks At The Gas Station

This happened exactly a year ago. It was a late night and I was driving back to Mysore from Bangalore for a long weekend. I was alone and listened to songs throughout the journey. Before reaching Mysore, on the outskirts of Mysore, on the highway, I stopped by a fuel station to fill petrol. No one was at the machine in that station. I honked a couple of times and then a guy came from the office reception. I asked him to fill and bent into the car and took out my wallet and turned back. This guy...

Gay Male
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Marriage With Mahesh

Hi, all, myself Rajeshwari now a 35-year-old woman carrying a child. I shall narrate the sex story happened one year back. I was then a 34-year-old virgin girl working for a software company. I had delayed marriage for personal reasons and at 34 I was ready to settle down. To describe myself, I was little dark with a good figure. My figure stats were 36-32-38. I had big boobs and nice round ass. Albeit dark, I was beautiful and many of my friends were calling me as black beauty. I had few...

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Eddies Fun Time PT 2

We moved to the living room and started making out. Eddie took off his shirt and reattached his lips to me. I slowly moved my hands down his gorgeous chest to his “V” shaped abdomen and stuck my thumb in the elastic band of his gym shorts and slowly pulled them down. His 3 and a half inch boner was popping out through the hole in his boxers. As I took the little boy meat in between my thumb and index finger Eddie moaned. I began stroking his little boy cock and he began thrusting his hips into...

3 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 42 Wedding Bells

“Where are your parents?” Raven answered, “I don’t know. They said they’d be here.” She was regretting her decision to invite her parents. They had disowned her for marrying Lenny and then had dumped on her when she divorced him. They hadn’t talked in years and the recent exchanges had been less than positive. Alice said, “You’re a lovely bride.” She fussed a bit more with the wedding dress. She wanted this wedding to be perfect. She had waited too long for Andrew to get married. “You’re...

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Speaking Up Is Overrated

Adrian had had high hopes that her thirteen-year-old daughter would blend right in to a family with four boys. Adrian adored Jack, her nicely-hung knight in shining armor, but she hadn't known his boys that well. She'd known they were crude, sloppy, ill-mannered, and foul-mouthed, but then the boys had all grown up in a home with no female influence, after all. So she had had every expectation that the boys would straighten out and take to Felicity, treating her like a kid sister, that Jack...

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5 One in the Hand Is WorthChapter 20

"Hey." "Hmmpf." "Raaaaannndy." "Hmm?" "It's 7:30. I'm going to go take a shower. I want to be out of here by 8:30 so my roommate can come home. Okay?" I opened my eyes to a vision. Kendall was standing over me wearing a calf length robe, cinched together at her waist to form a v shaped opening with her cleavage peeking out at the top. Her hair was disheveled; her eyes were bright and shining. "You mean you want me out of here," I blurted. I was still sleepy enough that my...

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A Stalker vs A Serial Killer 02 Ch 04

Part 5 Father’s, Studs and Bitches. ~ Rachel ~ Lily didn’t have to tell her that what she had done was wrong. She knew deep down that she made a mistake the second she saw him leaving. She was shocked he was truly alive and had showed up just in time to save her again. Whenever she needed him he was always there. Like the seven years had never happened. She asked Matt to stay and make sure the kids were safe. She knew what she had to do now. She had to make this right somehow. She...

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Alices Betrayal

My boyfriend Jacob and I had been together for about a year and a half and we had a relatively good relationship, which couple doesn’t fight or argue but he treated me well and I think I loved him. He had recently started a new job and he seemed to enjoy it, being a welder in a new steel plant being constructed. His only complaint was that there was one particular co-worker - Dennis, who frequently crossed the line with his jokes and crassness. I did a bit of digging on facebook, to see who...

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Penny and my boat

We were at the dock finishing up lunch and having a drink. We were going out for a sail, since there was some good wind. Walking down the dock was my soon to be ex. She had to have seen us but she kept walking to the boat. To my amazement, she sat on the front of the boat and started to read a book. Penny asked who she was. I told her it was my soon to be ex. She said "What is she doing here?" I told her that I did not know. I told her the only feeling I had for her was serious dislike....

4 years ago
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Little Big Man Saturday shopping

The pressure on my balls woke me up. I opened my eyes to see Mom's foot, wrapped in a white high heel, pressing into my sack."Time to get up, baby," she said, "we have things to do."I had dozed off in the living room chair."What time is it?" I asked."Time to go shopping," she called from the hallway, "go shower and put on the clothes I put out for you."I showered and put on the clothes. Black dress pants, socks, and a casual button-up dress shirt. I looked in the mirror. Pretty good, I thought....


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