Samuel, Pt. 2 free porn video

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Samuel and I went through our morning routine the day after the handjob in a sort of grinning awkwardness. The only acknowledgment of what had happened was Sam feigning throwing his cum-encrusted towel at me when he got up. No comment was made until we were sitting in the galley at lunch and someone started going on comically about how horny he was.

“Yeah,” said Sam amidst the group's laughter. “I had a sex dream last night. Don't really remember it, but it must have been hot. Even with jackin' off I woke up horny.”

Everyone laughed and a few of the guys acted disgusted that he'd admitted to masturbation. Doubtless they were the guys who beat it constantly.

“Best look out, Kenny,” said a big islander named Shawn. “He's gonna be shootin' it all over your room. Might wanna wear foul weather gear to bed.”

He mimed stroking an enormous cock, jerking it around like it was out of control and spraying everyone at the table.

“Nah,” said a Filipino kid named Manny. “You heard him. That didn't get it done. Kenny needs to sleep with one eye open. Sammy's a big dude.”

“Remember,” said Shawn, “it ain't gay if it's angry.”

Everyone laughed, me included. Even so, I was careful not to look at Sam. My return fire waited until we got back to the room. He walked in just ahead of me, and the second the door latched I grabbed his ass hard with both hands and shoved him up against his locker.

“What the fuck?” he said.

“Don't worry, big guy,” I said. “It ain't gay if it's angry. I'll just have to slap your cock around next time it needs attention in the middle of the night.”

“Fucker,” he said with a laugh. “Get off me. Let's get naked. Oh, oops, I mean showered.”

He was grinning widely as he stripped down.

“You know,” I said, “we're gonna have to start doing our studying in the lounge. Second we get to the room it gets... ah... angry.”

“Shut up,” he said, but he was laughing when he said it. Ten minutes later we were back in the room, clean and shiny. And naked.

This time Sam stood facing me as he rubbed me down, his touch lingering on my cock and ass. And once again, when he was finished he left his arms around me for a while. This time it was simply an embrace, chest to chest, my arms around him, too. When I finally got around to grabbing the lotion I spent probably five full minutes putting it on his back.

“Hey,” I said when I couldn't justify fondling his butt anymore. “Sit down on the couch.”

He did, looking at me curiously. The arched brow turned into a big grin when I sat down astride his lap, facing him.

“Damn,” I said. “You really are a big motherfucker.”

There was barely a pretense that it was about moisturizing his skin. I put the lotion on, to be sure, but when it was well and truly rubbed in I still sat there, slowly stroking his cock with one hand and touching his chest and abs with the other.

I fully expected Sam to stop me as he'd done before. But not this time. He watched me stroke him for a long time, then gently took my cock in his hand. A moment later his other hand moved down to my balls. No doubt about it, we were officially jacking each other off.

Needless to say, it didn't take long. I'd been pent up for weeks, and he was little better off. And I was staring into the eyes of by far the sexiest person I'd ever touched. Love to tell you it went on for an hour, but I'd be lying.

It was his empathy, of all things, that sent me over the falls. A few minutes after he started stroking me he started to look absolutely ecstatic, like he was about to cum. When I realized that what he was doing was staring at my face and unconsciously mirroring my expression, it was too much. I came all over him. My balls emptied their weeks of frustration in a torrent.

Sam joined in before I'd even finished. It actually took me a second to realize I wasn't the only one groaning, and I barely had enough coherence to keep stroking him through his orgasm. By the time we were both finished the poor guy was absolutely soaked with cum.

It took a while for clarity to return to my brain, but when it did I watched Sam curiously. Sometimes guys magically turn straight again in their refractory period. And I'd gone to bed without seeing his reaction the night before.

I needn't have worried. He never even let go of my cock. While I was watching his face he was staring down at my lap, gently milking the last drops out of me and lightly fondling my balls. It took a couple minutes for him to even look up at me, and when he did the lust on his face was raw and undeniable.

And, once again, too much for my self control. Without thinking it through, I leaned in and kissed him. Not hard and not for long, but an unmistakably romantic kiss. We both froze, and I held my breath for what seemed like an hour, waiting to see if I'd ruined everything.

“Well,” he said, “that was definitely the next level.”

“Yes, it was,” I said.

“Pretty angry level,” he said.

“Yes, it was,” I said, grinning widely.

“Don't be grinnin' at me,” he said, smiling himself. “I'm having an existential conflict.”

“You exist,” I said. “Conflict resolved. And just so I'm clear: You're soaked in nut and still holding my dick, but it's a little peck on the lips that's freaking you out.”

“Hey,” he said. “I been thinking about your dick for a while now. Had my hands on it, got used to it. Kind of like it, even though it just spit all over me.”

“Kind of?” I said. “Please.”

“But,” he said, ignoring my interruption, “this is new. I hadn't thought about kissing you.”


He tried to retort, but all that came out was a laugh.

“Uh huh,” I said. “And yet here we are talking instead of doing.”

“Yeah, all right,” he said. “Let's see. Do it again.”

I tried for teasing and light, but we were way too into each other for that. The first touch of our lips was exploratory. The second was more intense. The third had all the carefully repressed energy of weeks of flirtation and play. His mouth opened the instant mine did, and he moaned when our tongues met.

It was quickly apparent that he liked to be the aggressor, and I was happy to let him. His tongue pushed into my mouth forcefully and the hand that wasn't holding my cock came up to pull my head in hard. Wayward and mischievous souls met in that kiss. By the time we broke it I was lying on the couch, Sam half on top of me, and time had ceased to have any meaning. We may have made out all night had the roving patrol not slammed a door nearby, breaking our reverie.

He was still holding my cock, but at some point I'd lost my grip on his. One of my arms was around his neck, the other halfway around his broad back, idly stroking the big muscles there. We stared at each other from six inches apart for a while until the world came back into focus.

“All right,” he said. “So, yes. Kissing is good.”

“Fuck, Sam,” I said, still a little breathless.

“Yeah.” He grinned. “You, ah, need more lotion.”

My cock was hard as steel in his hand. I started to say something clever, but he ran his thumb across my glans and I settled for gasping and bucking my hips.

“You're never going to sleep like this,” he whispered, his hand stroking me with intent. I pulled his head back down and we kissed like lovers for another unknowable time, the orgasm slowly building until at last it overwhelmed me and I came all over both of us.

“You know,” he said when I was coherent again, “getting off with our faces mashed together might just cross the line into angry.”

“Yeah,” I said, “good luck selling that joke. I'd need really good drugs to get any farther from angry right now.”

“So selfish,” he said with a grin. “You're happy, sure, but I'm still angry as fuck. I mean, I'm furious here.”

“Let me up,” I said. “Maybe I can calm your rage.”

I expected a complicated untangling, but he just sat up, lifting me right back where I'd started astride his lap. Now that I'm a full-sized grownup I try to remember how much fun it can be to be manhandled by a bigger and stronger person. In the right mood, it's such a turn-on.

His cock was half erect. I took it in both hands and kissed him again.

“What d'ya think?” I said. “Up for one more next level?”

“Now I'm scared,” he said, smiling again. “What level?”

“Well,” I said, “rumor has it kissing is good.”

“Oh, man,” he said, his smile widening as he caught on. “That's... oh, man.”

There was a long, quiet pause, during which his cock and my grin grew at about the same rate.

“Seriously?” I said. “This is a tough decision?”

“Not by itself,” he said. “But you're gonna want me to return the favor.”

“Not tonight,” I said, then laughed. “Don't mean to push you, Sam. I know I gotta give you time to adjust before we inch across that next line. You're like a cat in a new house, sniffing all around every room. And always thinking the next one might be a trap.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he said. “Like you got no fear.”

“I got plenty of fear,” I said. “But not of you. Not anymore.”

“The kissing didn't freak you out? Idea of sucking my cock doesn't freak you out?”

“Samuel,” I said, my voice a whisper. “I've been dying to kiss your beautiful cock since the first time I touched it. Nothing's going to freak me out. If it were up to me, we'd have been fucking each other's brains out since the night the idiots left.”

He didn't speak, but his cock pulsed in my hands and a second later he pulled me in for another long kiss. We stayed like that the entire time I stroked his cock, not even breaking the kiss when his participation in it had become just a series of moans into my mouth. His orgasm was almost as impressive as the first had been. I reflected wryly that my new lover seemed to be part fire hose.

Normally we didn't even acknowledge our sexual activities until after all our duties were done, but the next morning as we checked each other's uniforms—keeping white uniforms clean being one of the major activities of everyone in the Navy—he put a hand on my neck and grinned.

“Kenny,” he said. “What the fuck did I turn down last night?”

“Only man on record ever to say no to that,” I said. “Ever. Since the beginning of time. I checked.”

“Probably not true,” he said with a laugh. “But still. Always say my momma didn't raise any dummies. Possible I'm wrong.”


“Hey,” he said. “You mean what you said about fucking? Or was that... is hyperbole the word I want?”

“Think it is, yeah. And that's a question for when we're batshit crazy with lust. Ask me again when you're out of your mind hot for me.”

“Okay,” he said with a grin. “You mean what you said about fucking?”

“Yes,” I said, returning the grin.

“Damn it. How am I supposed to think about class today?”

“Hey, you asked,” I said, turning away to grab my stuff. “This is why I try not to think about sex until evening muster.”

“Ken,” he said, pulling me back against him to whisper in my ear, “I think about sex every time I look at you. All day, every day.”

And he was gone. It's possible I was blushing a little as I headed out to muster.

On reflection the idea of studying in the common lounge really did sound like a good one. We'd kept each other up until two in the morning with reveille before six, which didn't exactly bode well for our self-discipline. So I settled in right after class, Sam smirking somewhat wryly as he joined me.

“Yeah, yeah,” he said with a wink.

It was a fairly torturous delay. His nearness was so distracting that I kept having to stand up and walk around to get my mind to even register the problems I was trying to solve. And every time I stood up I had to check my lap to make sure I wasn't going to wave a tent in any of my classmates' faces. The issue dungarees I'd changed into after class were thin and very tight and didn't leave a hell of a lot of room for hiding an erection. It didn't help anything that Sam's pants were as tight as mine. I could clearly see the outline of the python between his muscular thighs.

I knew I was distracting him, too, but I didn't realize how much until we got back to the room. He assaulted me the instant the door latched, pinning me up against the wall and grabbing my cock through my pants as he kissed me forcefully.

“Motherfuck, Kenny,” he said, lips still touching mine. “Do you know how fucking obscene you look?”

“Yeah,” I said, grinning widely. “Twenty-eight inch waist, big dick. I get a hard-on I look like I'm smuggling a cucumber.”

Sam made a sound that was pretty close to a growl. One of his arms was around my back, the other hand still groping my cock, and instead of bending down to kiss me he was basically picking me up onto my toes. When I managed to get my arms out from under his and throw them around his neck, my feet left the ground completely. And when that happened he just turned and dropped both of us onto my rack, completely on top of me.

The dam had definitely burst. We kissed with the fire of new lovers. He started unbuttoning my shirt and within seconds our hands were frenetic, tugging at each other's clothes and diving under them to feel as much as we could reach. We didn't even get our pants all the way off, as soon as they were down far enough for our cocks to meet Sam grabbed them both and started humping against me, frotting his big meat against mine with something close to desperation.

We might have even finished that way, but he started trying to kick his pants off without letting go of me and without even having taken his boots off, and somehow he managed to roll himself right off my narrow rack. Didn't let go of me, though, and I ended up on top of him on the floor, both of us laughing.

“Smooth,” I said.

“Shit,” he said. “Sorry. I shouldn't have come at you like that.”

“Jesus, Sam,” I said, smiling at him. “Don't ever apologize for that. That was fucking awesome. You do that any time the spirit moves you. Seriously, really, I ain't even kidding a little bit. You do that any fucking time. We just need to get our moves down.”

“What,” he said with a grin, holding out his hands to encompass our sprawl, “you saying this wasn't effective?”

“Well,” I said. “I admit I'm turned on.”

I kissed him and we were back at it, with only a little less frenzy than before. After another couple minutes' struggle he grinned against my mouth and deliberately pushed my hands out of the way so he could pull my shirt off.

“There,” he said, running his hands over my bare skin.

“Plan,” I said. “I'd have to lift you to get yours off. So you're in charge of shirts, I'll handle pants.”

“Aye aye, Fireman Ken.”

There was laughter even with the plan. My pants came off readily enough, but he'd gotten his thoroughly stuck over his boots. By the time we were both naked some of the fire had cooled.

It came right back, though, when my glance strayed from his laughing face to his cock. It wasn't fully erect, but it had that long, languid fullness of having been erect moments before. Sam smiled when I started to crawl back on top of him, then propped himself up on his elbows, eyes wide, when he realized what I was after.

“Last chance,” I said as I took his cock in my hand. He interrupted whatever next-level joke I'd have made by putting a hand on my head and gently pushing me down.

His cock was big enough to fill my mouth even before it was completely erect. I played with his foreskin, sliding it back until my tongue could reach his head and then sliding it forward so his cock and my tongue were docked. The feeling of his head pushing my tongue out as he swelled back to full erection was like his cock was kissing me back, pushing itself into my mouth like a very large tongue.

By the time it was at full potential I had room to get a good long stroke with my hand even with my mouth completely stuffed. I spent a long time bobbing slowly, exploring with tongue and lips and only lightly stroking, trying to make it last for both of us. When he started to tense, much too soon, I let him out of my mouth and kissed and licked my way down to his balls. He started to reach for himself, close enough to be impatient for the orgasm, but I grinned and slapped his hand away, then laughed at his frustrated groan.

He groaned again when I sucked one of his balls into my mouth. I left his cock completely untouched while I sucked and licked them, trying to let him cool down a little. Every inch of him seemed to be sensitive. He gasped and grabbed my head when I nipped at his thighs, and when I pushed them apart far enough to let me lick his perineum he moaned again and bucked his hips.

“Please,” he said, his voice a whisper. “Please, Kenny. Finish me.”

I moved my way slowly back up his cock, licking and kissing more firmly and enjoying his hands grabbing at my head in desperation. When I reached his head I gave it a couple swirls of my tongue, then dived down on it as far as I could and started sucking firmly, his hands driving me down hard and his hips bucking up to meet me. My own cock jumped every time I went down. The feel and taste of him in my mouth was just too hot, I couldn't have kept teasing him even if I'd wanted to.

He was just coherent enough to warn me when he was close. I tried to tell him it was okay with a little “mhmm”, but what came out was a long moan. He groaned again and I felt his balls tighten up, then his cock pulsed against my tongue and his orgasm filled my mouth.

There was a lot of it, and it came for a long time. I had to swallow repeatedly to get it all. Sam was certainly very virile. When the flood had at last subsided I spent a few minutes gently sucking and licking, cleaning the excess cum and enjoying the feel of him gradually going soft in my mouth.

It wasn't until I crawled up to kiss him that it dawned on me that we'd stayed on the floor the entire time. Right next to my bed. Passion, or idiocy?

“Oh, my God, Kenny,” he said, still breathing hard. And grinning like an idiot.

“Even better than handjobs on the couch,” I said.

“Oh, my God,” he said again. “That was better than breathing, man. Feel like I should buy you flowers or something.”

“Chocolates. In a heart-shaped box.”

“Hey, we're still going to be here on Valentine's. Get you some chocolates, roses, and sexy lingerie you keep doing that to me.”

“Deal,” I said. “But I got something else in mind.”

“Yeah,” he said with a grin. “How can I be scared and hot to try something at the same time?”

“Fear's gonna last ten seconds, tops,” I said.

We clambered up off the floor and onto the couch. If I'd hoped for Sam to dive straight for my lap, I had to wait. He spent another few minutes enjoying the afterglow, then moved in for a kiss that turned into a long make-out session. I loved it, obviously, but I was just about ready to grab his head and shove my cock down his throat when he finally slid to his knees in front of me.

Anything he was missing in technique he made up for in enthusiasm. And I'd overestimated how long his fear would last. As soon as his lips slid over my head he let out a moan and started sucking like my cock tasted of nectar.

He did his best to imitate what I'd done, paying attention to my balls and kissing and licking his way up and down my shaft, but clearly having a cock in his mouth was revelatory. Everything else was just in the way. It was all I could do to prod him up off it for a couple minutes at a time to prolong the moment.

And he didn't hesitate when I warned him that I was close. He put a hand on the base of my shaft, pumping in time with his mouth, and when the cum started to flow he actually pulled me in deeper and held me there.

He stayed a long time, gently suckling and then kissing and licking his way around my spent shaft. There was a big smile on his face when he finally came up to kiss me.

“We,” he said, “are going to have to stay the fuck out of this room until every single thing is done, every day.”

“You ain't ever told a lie,” I said.

I laughed when I realized he was hard again.

“See,” I said. “This is a vicious cycle. Gets me hot to do you, gets you hot to do me, we could be at this until we die of dehydration.”

“Hazards of the service,” he said, leaning in for another kiss.

There didn't seem to be a limit to how much Sam liked making out. He crawled up onto the couch and gradually pushed me down under him again, not seeming to care that I couldn't really get him off with one hand stretched awkwardly down through his embrace. The only time he broke the kiss was to kiss and lick his way around my neck and ears and jawline and shoulders, and he absolutely loved it when I did the same.

He got me high and he kept me there for a long time. An hour? Two? I don't even know. What finally interrupted this time was my back popping when his weight shifted on me. There are limited positions available on a love seat, and I was a bit twisted.

“You okay?” he said with a laugh.

“Yeah. Let me move my leg.”

“Fuck that.”

He demonstrated our size difference again by simply picking me up in his arms and laying me on his bed. The kissing barely missed a beat. Our cocks were against each other again, and after a minute he coaxed my legs apart with one of his and slid fully on top of me. The position clearly drove him nuts. Within minutes he was nearly as frenetic as he'd been earlier on my bed, humping our cocks together and moaning into my mouth. I was damn near as hot as him and barely had the clarity to speak.

“Not tonight,” I said.

“God, Kenny,” he whispered, his voice very thick. “I can't stop thinking about it. Ever since you said it all I can think about is fucking you.”

“I do have a really cute ass,” I said.

“That ain't even it,” he said. “I mean, yeah. I like your butt. Me and half the lounge, earlier. But it's this right here, Ken. I want the face to face and the sex all at once.”

“Yeah, I get it. You don't have to sell me on fucking or being fucked. But we're too loud just making out, Sam. We start banging this bed against the wall we're in big shit.”

He kept moving his hips against me, but he nodded.

“Next time we're off base,” I said. “We'll get a room where we can make some noise.”

We already knew we had duty the coming weekend, meaning it would be ten days until we got off base. I might as well have said we'd build a rocket and go to the moon.

It was a while before we got to sleep. Sam didn't protest when I rolled us over, and I spent a long while enjoying his body on my way down to his cock. This time I made it last, taking him out of my mouth numerous times so I could tease him with kisses and licks and little bites. His body was so expressive in ecstasy that I probably could have guessed when he was ready to finish just by watching his abs and his ass and his quadriceps flex.

I swallowed him again, and again spent a while sucking him tenderly after the orgasm. He was ready to return the favor, but I pointed to his alarm clock with a grin.

“Sleep,” I said. “You can do me first tomorrow.”

“Damn,” he said. “It's not even late anymore. It's early.”

“Yeah, we're not models of efficiency when we screw around.”

There was one more new thing that night. When I tried to get up to head for my rack, Sam stopped me. There was a lot of laughter involved in trying to situate ourselves on a rack that was barely wide enough for one, but in the end he managed to spoon me to his satisfaction. And I sure as hell wasn't complaining.

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Director of The FBI: Start recording. Meeting Attendees: Michael Jones, Director of the FBI, Special Agent Morgan Michaels, Agent Jessica Canin from the National Security Agency, General Benjamin Coates from the Joint Chiefs, and the President of the United States Steven Lynns. POTUS: I asked Supervisory Agent LaDon to join us. Why isn't she here? Agent Michaels: The treatments to prevent Diana from leaking information to Tavi are no longer as effective as you require, Sir. POTUS: Excuse...

4 years ago
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Dear Sol Kenzie and Burkleigh

Dear Sol: My name is Kenzie and I am 16 years old and this is the story of how my girlfriend at the time and I lost our virginity together, but not in the way that you all think. By the way, Burkleigh is 14 years old brunette with really dark brown eyes. Tonight we were supposed to have dinner together, but, she had other ideas... When I answered the door, Burkleigh was just standing in the hallway. Suddenly, she embraced me and gave me a really deep tongue kiss. After a minute, I broke the...

2 years ago
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Awakenings Ch 43

It was 4:20 when I turned onto our street. I pushed the button on my garage door opener and pulled into our driveway. As the door opened I saw that Jeanne's Honda was parked on her side of the garage. I smiled. She was home early. Excited, I parked my Escape and hurried into the house. Jeanne was in the kitchen. Beethoven's Sixth Symphony was playing on the stereo. Jeanne loved to listen to music while she cooked. The music was loud. Jeanne hadn't heard me come into the house. I paused for a...

1 year ago
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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 18

Cindy caught Toby during practice. "Okay, so what do we have to do?" "About what?" Toby asked. "To get back in the team's good graces," Beverly elaborated. "I doubt there is anything you CAN do," Toby said in all honesty. "Gina did something," Cindy pointed out. "So something must exist -- some kind of initiation or something." "If there was such a thing, I'm sure Gina had to do something special," Toby noted. "Yeah, probably," Beverly agreed. "We could do something...

3 years ago
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One Thing Leads to Another Hey Thats my Ass

Christine and Maria were driving to a house party Maria was invited to by one of her co-workers. Christine is an 18 year old white girl with long blond hair which she wore braided into pigtails. Maria is a couple of years older, Mexican, and on the thin side with shoulder length black hair. ‘Who’s party are we going to?’ Christine asked. ‘You don’t know them, it’s this guy Roberto’s apartment. Him and this other guy Juan live there, they’re cool. They work in the kitchen at the pizzeria. It’s...

1 year ago
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How My Wife Went From Wife to Slut to Whore Part 2

My wife, Terri, and I were invited to a New Year’s Eve party at the home of a man from her work named Mr. Bartlett, an older guy probably in his 60s. He and his wife lived in a nice place on a lake outside of Shreveport and we had been to their house a couple of times. Mr. Bartlett had started working there years ago when the old man who owned the company started it and apparently made a lot of money. He still had an office at their headquarters but nobody really knew what his job was, mostly...

4 years ago
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Rosita sexes 9 Young Studs

Rosita had been married for 20 years but she hadn't lost her figure or her apitite for sex. Her husband Del Boy on the other hand wasn't able to get it up.Rosita & Del Boy lived in a bungalow outside a small town in a secluded location. Rosita had often thought that she would like to entertain a sexy young guy who had an apitite for sex no mater the age of the woman becuse Rosita was 70 years old.Just to give you a picture of Rosita: 5' 8" tall 36 D cups 24" waist 37" hips Grey hair cut...

2 years ago
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Loving In SilenceChapter4

Joyce explained all these things to Abigail and then finally "pitched" her idea to her sister. "You are still wanting tonight to happen?" she asked. Abigail glanced at Roger and then back to her sister; she shifted nervously but nodded yes. "Then I want you to experience love making like you have never experienced it before," her sister signed. "You mean with the ear plugs?" Abigail asked her hands forming the required motions. Roger leaned in and signed, "Wonderful idea Honey,"...

3 years ago
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Biblical Proportions

It was a cool October day as Ethan looked out his bedroom window, admiring the splashes of orange and yellow that marked this time of year. He could be raking his yard, going for a walk in the autumn sunshine or heading to the store to get apple cider and Halloween candy, but none of that was appealing. Not when he had love on his mind. Ethan had ignored his dating profile for long enough and it was long past time to get back into the fray. He sighed as he turned to his desktop...

3 years ago
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Sorcerer Deleted ScenesScene 4

NATALIE (Christmas Morning Sunday 12/25) Bob and I were asleep together when Toro told us loudly, "ALERT! Earthquake coming -- pretty good sized one!" Bob and I'd been spooned together but the next thing I knew I was face down on the bed with my knees drawn up, my hands on my head and my elbows tucked in while Bob was on all fours on top of me. "Protection, Sunshine." A distant roar got louder and louder until it sounded like the freight trains I'd heard in Ohio -- only this one was...

2 years ago
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MILF Part 1

MILF: popular acronym that means “mothers I’d like to fuck”.   Its every young man’s fantasy to fuck an older woman.   It was a hot, steamy afternoon, at least 100 degrees here in Phoenix and no hint of any cool down soon since it was the last week in August. Typically this was monsoon season in Arizona but most of that activity was south, down Tucson-way. Phoenix only has an annual rainfall of about a half dozen inches so there was not much chance of relief from the blistering heat. Eddie...

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ForclosedChapter 5

Kelly and I kept up appearances outside the house; neither of us wanted to admit the truth, even though that wasn’t very fair to Ralph. We went for our morning run as usual. Later, after we showered, we were out by the pool. Kelly came out in a bikini and joined us, throwing herself onto the sunbed with Ralph. I wondered how much she really liked him, and how much she just liked to torture me. She knew it hurt me to see them like that. He pulled her tight and kissed her; her young black...

3 years ago
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A New BeginingChapter 5

The next three days were a whirlwind of activity for Shina and her family. Mev had assured Shina that Shina and everyone else in her household could bring whatever they wanted when they left the planet. Shina did not quite understand how this could be possible but her powers were already established enough that she could easily sense Mev was speaking the truth when he told her this. So Shina simply concentrated upon buying whatever she could think of in the way of supplies for their...

1 year ago
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Big booty Latin Cougar

So here's the story about this crazy horny big booty Latin cougar. We've been fucking for a while now and just thought I shared a couple videos of her and the story. For this story we are going to call her "Cougar"So the way I met this "Cougar" is through an online dating app. I knew once I laid my eyes on her I knew I was going to fuck her. I didn't really bother reading her profile (nobody really reads online dating profiles lol) and just straight looked at her pictures and OMG... she was...

3 years ago
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Second Parable of the Lezwitch

SECOND PARABLE OF THE LEZWITCH. BY CASSANDRA ANACONDA MORRISON The Lez Witch and her friend the Astonishing Stephanie were walking through a wooded area somewhere near Northfield, Minnesota, the exact location of which must remain a closely guarded secret lest any of my readers be moved to move there... Minnesota is NOT for everybody. It was a cold and gruesome day in early June and the wolves were noticeably unhappy, upset, and very VERY ravenous. But the L. W. and the A. S. took...

2 years ago
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Nina my love

I broke up with Trish last September, due to reasons she’d know best. Then it was all booze and me. I was drowned in alcohol for the next month or so, trying to overcome my emotional breakdown. Trish has a friend, Nina. I met her approximately at the same time I had met Trish. She was a blessing in disguise for me. She has been a pillar of support for me. A source of motivation and encouragement, Nina is always ready with the perfect solutions, whenever I land in some soup. Meanwhile, I have...

4 years ago
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Swap with Relatives

Hello again, do u still remember us Amit and Amrita? Have you read our real life experience published on net? If not then read it first at and also at and also at Ok now you know us and our friends. Our friends too have their own exp. with other friends & relatives of their. They asked us to write it and published it too. Kanti and Kavita had their first game...

2 years ago
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Emily Goes To Vegas

Introduction: Written for the 2nd contest on the forum. Summer vacation themed story written for the 2nd writers contest on the forum. It was a comfortable Friday night in July after everyone got home from work. We had packed the important stuff the night before, so all we really need to do was throw some last minute stuff in a bag and jump in Johns SUV. Guys in the front, girls in back, our warriors leading us on a journey across the southern California desert. Ashley is my female...

1 year ago
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HornyHostel Atlantis Deep Ho In The Hostel

number but since rooms number 6 and number 9 are next to each other, she can’t remember which one is actually her room. She takes a guess and even though she is wrong, it actually works our great for her since she ends up in a room with a guy with a big dick. She wastes no time and starts to suck it until it gets hard as a rock and then puts that big dick between her perfectly shaped boobs. Her wet pussy can’t wait to be filled with cock and while she is getting packed, her...

3 years ago
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Wiped My Teacher8217s Sweat With My Lips And My Cock

Hii this is Ranjith again with my sex experience with my dream girl who is nothing but my computer teacher. Her name is Thanuja, age 28 with having ultimate figure of 36-26-36. I had this experience when I was in grade 12th. I had friends who thought me to watch porn and masturbate. So my sexual desires started from that time itself. While seeing my teacher’s hot ass I used get erect in my pants. So I was masturbating myself thinking of her. To say about her she was teaching us computer. She...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Vanessa Sky Anal Queen Vanessa Sky Gets A Very Intense Anal Pounding

Vanessa Sky seems genuinely proud of her black choker with the word “SLUT” adorned on it. By the end of the scene we realize it’s with good merit. The black-haired beauty is a total submissive throughout the bout with Manuel Ferrara. She comes down a stairway where Ferrara awaits, camera in hand. He immediately commands her to present her ample backside for a round of POV spank. Sky says “I want you treat me like a little fucking whore”. No problem for Ferrara as he has the big brown-eyed...

2 years ago
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Me my friend and her son

"Hi, I'll be with you in half an hour," my friend told me over the phone. She went shopping with her mother, and she took her son to training and while she was waiting for him, she decided to stop by my place for coffee. Like all my friends, she saw me naked before, so I didn’t attach much importance to it and decided there was no need to get dressed. A bathrobe will suffice. Soon the doorbell rang and I went to open the door. I didn't even tie my robe properly, so my tits fell out as I walked...

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Fun at the conference Version 20

Author’s note: This is the second story I have written about having “fun at the conference” and more are planned. Each story is distinct; the only similarity is that all the stories take place at a professional conference in San Diego in the summer. A conference, in real life, I hope to attend. San Diego is a great place to attend a professional conference. The air is warm, the people friendly, and as it is summer, business attire standards are relaxed some. I wear a coat and tie to the kick...

Straight Sex
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Jack and JillChapter 38

Friday. Today was the start of my new job. I was going to have some money in my pocket this weekend. I was going to be a MAN. School went fine. Sara and I walked together and there was nothing weird about her actions. I got an A on a story I wrote for Creative Writing and my teacher had some nice comments, saying I had raw talent. I guess that was the class to learn how to cook it. I ended off in the pool around 5:00. There were a couple of guys finishing up in the shower so I started...

2 years ago
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The cursed boy 1

I'm not skinny because I weigh 155 pounds but has a big natural chest and broad shoulder. I had an average sized gut but could see the two abs. I also had a lazy eye and wore glasses because I was near sighted.   I got up at the regular time as always 5:30 in the morning,went in the other room,got my phone,put it on porn since no one ever got up with me and never is up, and watched it with my 8" hard as a rock. I heard a tap on my window and froze instantly. I felt a slow cold shiver go up...

4 years ago
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Party Wife Donna

Donna and I have been married for 4 years, a second marriage for both of us. (She is 34 and I am 32) Donna might be classified as a willowy redhead, if it wasn't for the size of her breasts. She is 5 feet 9 inches tall with long tapered legs. But her breasts are her crowning glory at 34DD. Her ample breasts are nicely upturned yet soft and pliable. Donna turned me on from the moment I saw her. Unlike a lot of husbands I love to see my wife showoff her charms to other men. At first she was too...

1 year ago
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Awesome First Time

Hi to all readers of this site. I m Sumith, I am a regular reader of this site from past some months as i stay alone this site is a great helper for me to pass my time. Any ways let me start the story; I stay at a small town in Karnataka district called Sirsi its in Karwar dist. All this happened when i was in my MBA 2nd sem ,I was been to Bangalore for a management fest and we had a nice time there but the best thing happened was i met a girl there named Shruthi, Initially we exchanged eye...

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A good beginning

One day I saw my maasi and maasaji having sex. Maasi was in her late 20s and maasaji was about the same age too. I could see him massaging her large boobs with one hand. His other hand was under her bums. He was going up and down on her at a very rapid rate and saying ah ah ah all the time. One of her hand was on his shoulder. Her other hand was inside his bums massaging his ass hole. Her sari was all crumpled up and bunched up at her waist. Her blouse was open and the boobs were hanging out....

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The Dirty Girl

I knew exactly three things about Astrid, besides her name of course.One. She was Swedish. If her name wasn’t enough of a hint, her height partnered with hair the color of wheat and blue eyes that put the sky to shame sealed the deal. Oh, and I should mention that her nearly impeccable English was colored by an obvious accent as well.Two. She was single. No, I didn’t ask. She volunteered the information right before she started leading me up the stairs and shortly after she’d announced, purring...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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Best wedding aniversary of mine

This is real story from my diary posted after alteration for your clear imagination..I stepped out from a bus, After a frustruation of work at office. I was returning home by footpath. suddenly my legs stopped at a one point.I rememberd today morning my wife told me to get a cake when I return. she is strange. few days before she told me to get make-up set while returning & today she demands cake. cake-shop is on ahuja street so now I have to go left. I went. there was hardly any person on...

2 years ago
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Two Beauties and The Beast

She'd had butterflies in her stomach for a week now. Jeremiah would be meeting Samantha tonight and Juliana was more than a little bit nervous. Early on in their relationship Juliana had told Jeremiah about her relationship with Samantha. They'd been seeing each other for ten years. For the last year or two they saw each other only on birthdays and special occasions. Samantha was living near San Francisco with her rich boyfriend and Juliana hated the two hour drive. It had been eight months...

Group Sex
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Naked Day part 12 California Dreaming

When we got on board I claimed the window seat figuring that Cindy could sit in the middle and lean over on me if necessary. I had a t shirt and khaki shorts, Cindy had a long T and short cotton shorts. We settled in and seeing it was a full flight waited for our third passenger. told Cindy it was going to be a huge guy with b.o. "Eww, then we're switching seats." It turned out to be a young guy, maybe college student, but on the younger side, 18 or so. I saw his eyes take in every inch...

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The Training of EmilyChapter 3

The following evening he returned to their apartment where they met him at the door, adorned in flimsy lingerie as they had directed and immediately offered themselves to him. But this evening he was all business and instead directed them to sit and listen. "As you know each member of the Club is required to recruit three new slaves each year." They nodded their understanding. "Vivian, you were presented to the Club a few months ago and, of course, Sabrina last night. Therefore two of my...

1 year ago
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And Life Continues

I went down to the club bar that evening and my neighbour, Bill was there with his wife. He took one look at me and smiled, and simply asked, “Who was she?” I asked him if it was so obvious, and he laughed. I told him that I'd gone to the dance as he'd suggested and met a lady called Marilyn. He looked surprised and asked me if I was seeing her again. When I said yes, he looked at me with, I thought, a new respect. We chatted a bit longer and his wife, June - a few years younger than me, I...

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Female POW3 Afghan captivity

???????????????????????????????????????????????????? Female POW 3:?? Afghan? Captivity?????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? by [email protected]   DISCLAIMERS:? This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental. This story includes fictional descriptions of rape, torture, and bondage. If these descriptions are likely to offend you, DO NOT READ THIS STORY.? If you are under twenty-one...

1 year ago
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Ghetto Loving

I know you've waited a long time for this. Take off my shirt. Slowly. Do the buttons one by one. Fuck, your hands are shaking. I turn you on that bad, huh? Yeah, take it off. Look at my body. You like what you see? You like my muscles? Watch me flex this here.....oh fuck yeah. Fuckin' get your FUCKIN hands off my crotch, motherfucker slut. You fuckin touch me again before I say so and I'll break your fuckin nose, you hear? Fuckin do what I say. That's better. Look at all that muscle....

3 years ago
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Peeking SisterChapter 6

The following morning June was awakened by what she thought was the ringing of her old alarm clock at home. God, she felt awful! Her head ached, her mouth was dry and her body felt feverish all over. She must have come down with the flu. She would have to call in sick to the office, and old Mr. Chisolm wouldn't like that one bit. He hadn't been at all pleased when she told him she had to go to New York for a few days... New York! All the events of the preceding day and night flashed...

1 year ago
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Just Stop By and Check on Me

So, here's more stuff that happened!My parents went out of town for a long weekend. They asked a friend of theirs to come to our house and check on me periodically while they were away. Thing is, she's soooooooo gorgeous! She told me that she was 53, and I'm like, no way!So, my parents left on a Wednesday, and they were coming back on Sunday. So, yay! I got the house to myself for 5 days! I could do anything I wanted! I was so excited!So, Wednesday, I had all to myself. I watched movies, danced...

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Rosedale Replay

S Mayolin Freghym rode into Rosedale a few weeks after Jonahl had departed, and instantly she was greeted with suspicion. Having heard through rumors that her good friend Ciel Ravenswood had saved the entire town from a demonic plot, she was very curious to catch up with the half-elf. One part of Mayolin was even a bit jealous that Ciel had vanished off on an adventure and not told her. "You may enter... drow. But we're keeping an eye on you after last time," the surly guard at the...

1 year ago
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Secret Life Of My Divorcee Mom Kavya

Hi everyone, my name is Raj, and I am 19 years old from Bangalore. I used to read many stories here. So I decided to share one of my real-life experiences. I used to stay with my mom, Kavya, who is a divorcee, in a rented flat in Bangalore. My mom and dad had just gone through a divorce. I used to stay with my mom for some time and then some time with my dad. My mom was a 43 – year – old beautiful and mature woman. She had a good figure and personality, and her modern dressing sense made her a...

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Sex Karwana Na Juda Juda Prakar 8211 Part III

Hi friends hu raj 29yrs male ahmedabad gujarat thi belong karu chu mari aa story wanchta pehla aano previous part jarur thi vanchjo toj aa story samajase have main story par aavie  Madam na ghare thi temni friend samira ane hu jode mari bike muki hati tya sudhi teni gadi ma aaya vache samira mane boli ke raaj next saturday mara flat par aavis aapne fari vaar enjoy karisu me samira ne kidhu ke madam ne khabar padse to samira e etla ma kidhu ke me ene tu fresh thava gayo hato tyare puchi lidhu...

3 years ago
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How I came to be Part 1

Jewel was a single mother of three, Ellie 22, Lori 19, and Misty 16. Ellie was a happily married slightly taller version of her mother. 5'6”, 32C, long dark brown hair, blue eyes, great legs and a nice ass. Lori is a thin 5'5 perky 32B breasts with pink puffy nipples, light brown hair, and hazel eyes. Misty built much like her mom at 5'4 has still maturing 34A breasts, long dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and a wicked personality. There mom is a luscious creature standing about 5'4”, long...

1 year ago
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OrangadeChapter 3

On the way home in the car. Avril got undressed, removed her bra, then lay back and lighted up a cigarette, blowing the smoke out of the window as we drove home. Her tits were smaller than May’s but still a nice handful, with puffy nipples. She started playing with them while looking at me in the mirror, May and Rex were still locked together on the seat next to her. I have no idea how I got home safely as I was wanking my cock all the way down the motorway, watching Avril in the mirror...

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