Homelands Pt 2 Ch 12 free porn video

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With a high-pitched laugh, my fiance, slammed her hand against the door to our apartment, preventing me from closing it. "You jerk! You really aren't kidding."

I shrugged. "Did I say something to give the impression that I was?"

"Oh, right, because it's not like every other word that's ever come out of your mouth, since the day I met you, was dripping with sarcasm," she said. As she did, she slid back into the doorway and wrapped her arms around my neck.

My hands encircled her ridiculously narrow waist. I could press my thumbs together in the front and just about touch my other fingers together around the back, she was so thin. Or, rather, her waist was that thin. Nonetheless, she had a hefty pair of tits. Being well into her thirties, Lily was a good decade younger than me, but she'd still been carrying those boulders around long enough on such a small frame that it made no sense that there wasn't a chiropractor in her life.

She had an ass to match them too. Mostly muscle, but also a nice bit of padding.

With a body like that, her face could have been completely busted, and she'd still be one of the hottest women I'd ever met. But it wasn't. She was gorgeous. Her skin was white as milk, her hair dark as night, thick, and lustrous.

Physically, at least, she had everything I looked for in a woman. But we'd only been together a few weeks, so I wasn't really sure that we were much of a match in other respects. As my family never tired of reminding me. And I knew they were right. Knew that I was deluding myself when I said that she was smart, funny, full of vitality, and kind. Funny might have been true, but when you're intoxicated by a woman's very scent, everything she says makes you laugh. And smart? Granted, as a successful academic at a top research university, my standards were a bit tough to meet. But I knew I wasn't marrying a intellectual peer. And full of vitality was probably just another way of saying that we weren't compatible. I didn't live for skydiving, surfing, rock-climbing, and all that. My ideal day off, to the extent that I even knew what that meant, involved a good mix of coffee, Scotch, and reading. Which, to Lily, meant it involved nothing but sitting down.

Still, for all that the logical part of my economist's mind knew better, I was convinced she was perfect for me. Ain't love grand?

"Okay, forward-slash end open-bracket sarcasm close-bracket. I'm serious."

She scrunched up her nose in distaste. My colleagues would get the joke, but no doubt all Lily heard was a bunch of meaningless nerdspeak. "I'm going to spend the day alone with your brother. Even though your whole family is in town, and you've been telling me for days that they're dying to meet me. And you really don't mind?"

"I know it can be a bit much, with all of them around. Wouldn't want to put you through that any sooner than necessary," I said. Then, with a grin, I added, "Besides, this way, I get a few hours without having to tell you that, no, I don't think it will rain. You know, when the weatherman says there's a five percent chance of precipitation, it really is pretty unlikely that it will rain."

She punched my chest. "Jackass." Then, she added, "Besides, it still could. Just you watch. He's going to be wrong, and my wedding will be ruined, and you'll have a miserable bride on your hands, with no backup plans. And then won't you just feel stupid."

I could have noted that my statement did not in any way preclude the possibility that it could still rain. That it had in fact literally quantified that possibility. I might even have pointed out that if it did end up raining, it would not make the weatherman "wrong," and so, no, I would not feel stupid. No more so than I did when I made what was inarguably the right call, statistically speaking, at the poker table, only to have my opponent get lucky on the river. I could have said such things. But I knew that my attempt to draw a distinction between what was knowable ex ante and what came to be true ex post would have gone over about as well as the nerdy joke she'd just turned her nose up at.

So, instead, I simply kissed her nose.

It was just a touch too big, and was one of her very few physical imperfections. I loved her the more for it. It reminded me that she was a real person, that this wasn't a dream.

"What if Todd wasn't married? Would you trust him with me then?"

"Of course. Todd has taste. Have you seen Holly?"

Lily punched me again, a bit more forcefully. But she smirked as she did.

I didn't quite get how that worked. I'd been with plenty of women who got very upset at any sign that I found other women attractive. Not Lily though. She too had her limits, sure. One time, I'd made the mistake of talking to another woman for too long at a party, and that had really set her off. But as long as it wasn't too blatant, the occasional reminder to her that I knew that I had other options got her in the mood for sex more reliably than just about anything else could.

Not that my brother's wife counted. Or shouldn't have anyway. I might have options, but Holly most certainly wasn't one of them.

That didn't seem to matter though. Lily's nipples were hardening, and pressing against her tight halter top. It was all I could do to keep my hands to myself when I wanted nothing so much as to pop her beautiful big beasts out of that skimpy little top and fondle them. Perhaps suck on them a bit. Then titty-fuck her.

"And you also don't mind me having a bachelorette party the night before the wedding."

"Best get it all out of your system now," I said.

"Ha," she said, entirely without mirth. "Seriously. Your family won't be offended by that? I know you said they're pretty open-minded, but still."

"If they notice your absence, I doubt they'll care," I said. Then, tightening up for the third punch, I added, "Not like they're ready to accept you as part of the family anyway."

"You're pushing it, mister." But no third blow came.

Which, perhaps, was a sign that I really was getting close to the edge.

So I planted another kiss on her nose and said, "I think they got all that defensive bullshit out of the way years ago, when Todd and Natalie got married. Besides, they trust my judgment. They're eager to meet you, sure, but it's not like we're waiting for the final okay before we can actually tie the knot."


When I arrived at the hotel, I headed straight for my room. Ostensibly, I'd reserved one for myself because I'd intended to do some drinking. Even though our apartment was just across town, the drive was a good fifteen minutes and the last thing I needed was a DWI right before the wedding. But of course, the real reason was that I wanted to signal to Lily that I didn't mind leaving her alone in our apartment, and wanted her to wonder why I might want a room to myself.

After all, it wasn't like I'd never driven after having a few before. Irresponsible, but true.

However, at that moment, there was yet another reason I was happy I'd thought to reserve a room for myself. I realized that at some point, I'd decided that I was going to get laid tonight. I wasn't just trying to get Lily to wonder if maybe there was an outside chance that I was thinking about it. It was going to happen. Without a doubt.

Because I was going to fuck some of the women of my family.

I should have wanted to vomit at the thought. Shame just wasn't answering its phone though. Nor was guilt. On some level, I think, that was because I knew I'd done it so many times before. That incest was a family tradition. I couldn't actually remember ever fucking any other members of my family, granted. But I still knew that I had.

It was like I was living two lives at once. In one, I was an ordinary guy who'd had a few relationships that never went anywhere, mostly because I'd been married to my work. On another, I was a depraved fuck whose sexual experiences were almost exclusively with his closest relatives. And I felt sure that in this other life, which might have been pure fantasy or delusion and I might not have known the difference, I had supernatural powers. Powers that made me that much better at sex. And, the kicker was, so did all of the women of my family. So why would I want to fuck anyone else?

But that was crazy. It was something some guy who'd never kissed a girl in his life, let alone had sex with one, would dream up. Wasn't it?

I tried to put the thought out of my mind. Dream or no, I shouldn't be thinking about such things tonight of all nights. I should just shower and go to sleep.

Someone was knocking at the door to my hotel room. At least, I thought that was what I heard. With the shower running, it was hard to tell. I turned off the water.

Yup, there was definitely someone knocking. Persistently too.

I stepped out of the shower, threw a towel around my waist, and scurried out to answer the door, without bothering to slip into my clothes.

Because it sounded so urgent.


Not because I was hoping to have one of my aunts catch me half-naked.

My sister-in-law stood there, mouth agape. She blushed as she drank in my physique. I wasn't the hottest guy around, but for someone who spent all his time hunched over a keyboard, I still looked pretty good. Only a little bit of a beer gut, and arms that were much beefier than they needed to be. I also had a rather handsome face, if I did say so myself.

Holly had aged even more gracefully. Her lush black hair belonged in a shampoo commercial. She could have used a curvier figure, but she was still quite attractive. In her youth, she'd been an underwear model. Even if Todd hadn't shown me pictures, I'd have believed him. She looked like she might still have the body for it.

Lily was pretty. She had a decidedly exotic beauty to her. You might not guess she was Persian, but it was clear she didn't come from European stock. And I liked that.

But Holly? Even in her late forties, she was gorgeous. Her skin was not as firm as it had once been, but it was striking all the same. From her full, ruby red lips, to her porcelain skin, lustrous hair, big brown eyes, long lashes and lush eyebrows, to her delicate chin and high cheekbones, she was almost like the Platonic ideal of classical beauty made flesh.

At least, from the neck up. Her stick-figure body hardly qualified as classical. That was strictly a modern obsession, as far as I could tell. Her waist was as thin as Lily's, but unlike my fiance, the rest of her body matched her waist. Her legs had only the faintest hint of curves. Her hips were narrow. She did have a decent pair of breasts, for her frame, but they were a few cup sizes smaller than Lily's.

Still, modest though her curves were, she was a hot little number. And I couldn't look at her without thinking about how good those lips must feel wrapped around my cock. It certainly didn't hurt that she was wearing next to nothing. A frilly white blouse that was just long enough to cover what needed covering, white opaque knee-high stockings, and red patent-leather heels. A matching red silk ribbon was tied around her slender throat.

Had I thought to myself just a few hours ago that even if I had options, they didn't include my sister-in-law? Was there even a shred of evidence that she was any less madly in love with Todd than on the day they'd married?

In one world, that was true. But not the other.

I chuckled. "Where's the fire?"

Holly blushed. "Sorry. Didn't know you were in the shower."

"S'okay. Come on in. Just give me a second," I said.

She went and sat on the edge of the bed while I slipped back into the bathroom and put on a clean pair of silk boxers. Good enough, I decided. It left a great deal of my body-builder's physique exposed, but to hell with propriety.

Wait, my what physique?

I was a tenured professor who kept better care of himself than most academics, but I did not have the kind of muscle definition that would allow a picture of me to serve in place of those diagrams in anatomy textbooks that showed all the muscles. Didn't have a six-pack, let alone an eight-pack with such deep grooves between each of the rounded muscles that you could sink half a finger inside. That chest belonged on the cover of a magazine filled with advertisements for semi-legal supplements. My shoulders and arms were like cannonballs. And unlike some gym rats, my legs were equally powerful and chiseled.

Even my face looked different. A lot leaner, and just a little bit younger. My hair was mostly brown, but there was enough silver, especially at the temples, to make women say I looked distinguished. That jaw was much broader than I thought I was used to seeing.

After admiring myself a bit too long, I went back into the room to join Holly.

She sat on the bed, eying me from head to toe without batting an eyelash at my chosen attire. Or the sudden change in my figure.

"So, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing," she said. "Just kind of lonely." Suddenly, her soft voice picked up volume. "I can't believe you suggested that Todd and Lily go out on the town together!"

I laughed. "What, are you really worried?"

She sighed and stared down into her lap. "I shouldn't be?"

Propping a hip against the dresser across from her, I said, "Come on."

"Well, okay, of course I know how neurotic this sounds. We've been married for twenty five years. But have you seen that woman?"

I snickered. "More of her than your husband has, I assure you."

She blushed. "I should hope so. But you know what I mean. I don't think there's a woman alive who wouldn't feel insecure next to her. She's like a cartoon, with that figure."

"I don't know about-"

Holly held up her hands in protest. "I know, I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. It's not even like I'm ashamed of how I look. I like my body, even if I don't have huge boobs. But, you know, it's not everyday Todd takes another woman out to dinner and drinks, let alone one who looks like she could be a pornstar."

I approached the bed slowly, went down on my haunches, and took one of Holly's hands in mine. "I trust him. And her. You should too."

"How can you be so calm? We're talking about your soon-to-be-wife."


She blew a stray ringlet of hair away from her face. "Frank, don't take this the wrong way, but there's a point where really romantic turns into really naive. No one, not no one, is entirely above temptation. The trick to a successful marriage is to avoid putting yourself in inappropriate situations, not to blindly believe that your spouse has superhuman willpower and would never, under any circumstances, turn unfaithful."

"Is that so?"

"It is," she said.

"So you probably shouldn't be alone in my hotel room, with me wearing nothing but my underwear. Is that what you're saying?"

"That's diff-"

"Why?" I asked.

She looked me in the eyes, and I knew in that instant that we were going to fuck. The only question was how much pretense we were going to bother with first.

"You wouldn't," she said.

"I wouldn't?"

She fretted at her lower lip with her white teeth.

Leaning in, my breath hot on her neck, I asked, "Why not?"

Her breathing accelerated, and I noticed her legs ease apart.

I felt her desire swelling. I don't know how I sensed it. But I did.

She turned her head away. Perhaps avoiding my gaze, but perhaps offering her slender neck to me. "Because." Meanwhile, one of her stocking feet slid up my calf.

"I could. Right now."

"Yes," she said, after a long pause. "You could."

I kissed her neck, sucked on her earlobe. She moaned in utter ecstasy.

Holly rested one hand on the back of my head, pressing me tight against her.

I pulled back after a fashion. Though I'd been the one whose mouth was preoccupied, it was Holly who was gasping for air.

"Well, now we're in quite the predicament," I said. "All our rationalizations for being sure our lovers aren't going to do anything suddenly look pretty flimsy. So maybe we should just go ahead and do what we both know we want to. How can we be blamed, after all, if they're doing the same right now?"

That made no sense, and we both knew it, but neither of us cared.

I dropped my boxers, and noticed the way her eyes bulged as she drank in my size. I knew I was ordinarily nowhere near this big. It hung more than halfway to my knee.

But then, part of me thought this was in fact my real size, in some sense. Knew that if I wanted it to, my cock could be half again as big as even this.

My sister-in-law licked her lips.

"Go ahead. You know you want to."

Holly hesitated only a moment before slipping off the bed, dropping to her knees, and engulfing me in her warm mouth.

She wasn't all that good, unfortunately. It was nice, to be sure. And the simple knowledge that she was married to my brother, who was better than me at almost everything and loved to remind me of it, did a lot to make up for her lack of technique. Even if she hadn't been as pretty as she was, and even if she was the worst lay of my life, I'd take great pleasure in fucking her, if only so I'd know that I'd made Todd's wife cum her brains out.

Now, if you'd asked me what was missing, what it was she wasn't doing that I'd expected and hoped for, I wasn't sure I could say. She didn't have a gag reflex, and she managed to slide my entire length down her throat. Her tongue was nimble and her lips were every bit as deliciously soft as I'd imagined. But even so, somewhere in my residual memory, I knew that a good blowjob could be ever so much more than this.

Was that Lily I was thinking of?

No. Lily was good. But I wouldn't need my residual memory to make that comparison. And I thought maybe I'd had much better than her too.

Another knock came at the door.

I was about to tell Holly not to stop when she pulled me out of her mouth. "Should you get that?" she asked, covering her breasts even though they were still in her blouse.

"I guess," I mumbled.

"Wait!" my sister-in-law said, stretching an arm up at me. "What if it's Lily? What are we going to say I was doing here?"

"The truth. Or some of it. You were asking me what I thought they were up to, whether they were having a good time."

"Right," she said, rising up to her feet. "Right. Okay." She pulled at the bottom of her blouse, as if that might hide the fact that she was in no way dressed appropriately.

I slipped my cock back in my boxers, contemplated slipping a shirt on, and decided not to bother. Holly's concerns notwithstanding, I was fairly sure it was not Lily. And just about anyone else who might be knocking on my door could see me dressed like this and I wouldn't mind. In fact, preferred that they did. Few guys in their twenties had bodies like this, nevermind men in their forties.

I didn't either, for that matter. Except that somehow I did. Similarly, I was sure that I was fairly inexperienced sexually, especially for my age, yet I was also sure that I was some kind of sex god. It hurt just thinking about it. Both of those were true, in their own way, but one was more true. I just wasn't sure which.

Aunt Iva stood outside, hands folded behind her back. Like me, she was many times better looking than made any sense, especially for her age. On some level, I thought that I knew her to be pushing sixty. And yet, she looked like a woman twenty years Holly's junior, rather than her senior. There were a few hints of maturity to suggest the truth was more complicated. Slight wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, laugh lines, a more mature set to her cheeks and jaw, a few stray gray hairs amidst the deep gold bob. But if you had to put a number to her age, you'd probably guess that she was in her twenties.

Technically, I guess the garment straining to hold her huge breasts counted as a bra, but just barely. There was no support or padding, even though her girls could have used it. Just as Lily's were a few cup sizes larger than Holly's, I was sure that Iva's were at least a size or two larger than Lily's. And her thick, puffy nipples, all but fully visible behind the gauzy layer of fabric, simply begged for a mouth to envelop them.

A matching pair of underwear, if you could call them that, hid her swollen pussy from view. Well, sort of hid it. It wasn't doing a great job of that.

My eyes made their way back up to her face. She was stunning. Skin as fair as Holly's, big brown eyes, lush lashes and thick brows, super-white teeth, and lips like you never saw. Describing Holly's lips as full seemed an abuse of the word in comparison to Iva's.

My eyes glanced down yet again.

She had a flat stomach, but not exactly toned abs. A touch of love-handles even, though only a touch. Which, come to think of it, was actually pretty cute. I'd never gone for the anorexic look as some men did. Holly was sexy, sure. But Iva was a woman.

Her lower body was nothing amazing, but she had some curves there too. More than Holly, at any rate. Not that that was saying much.

"Well," she said with a snicker, "can I come in?"

"Now's not a great time," I said.

"See, the thing is, I think now's actually a great time," my aunt said. Again, I noticed that I somehow felt her desire, though not in a tactile sense.


"Frank. Don't be dense. I see the way you're looking at me. And it just so happens that I'm every bit as eager to have you inside me as you are to be there. And I don't care that you're my nephew anymore than you care that I'm your aunt. So, your dick is going to be inside my mouth in just about thirty seconds. It's up to you whether that's going to happen here, with the door open, where anyone can see, or inside your room."

When I didn't respond, she added, "Look, I just fucked my brother and sister. I want to add my nephew to the list."

I coughed my way through an awkward laugh.

"Or have you already got someone in there? Your mother, perhaps?" She paused a moment. "Because that's actually quite okay with me. Maybe even better."

"Holly," I said at last.

Iva raised an eyebrow. "Really? Now that's a tasty morsel. I've wondered what she must look like naked more than a few times. Please tell me you're willing to share."

I stepped aside and, with a broad sweep of my hand, gestured for her to come in.

Holly slipped out into the open, unbuttoning her blouse. "Hi," she said, quietly.

"Hello there," Iva said. "Aren't you just stunning."

Holly blushed, continuing to fumble with the buttons.

Next to most women, especially women her age, Holly was stunning. But she didn't begin to compare to Iva. And I generally preferred brunettes. There was something otherworldly, almost supernatural, about Iva.

I closed the door to my room then circled back around behind Iva. Wrapping my hands around her waist, I leaned in and nibbled her ear.

"Mmm, there you go," she said, tilting her head to give me easier access. "I was starting to worry that maybe you'd gotten stage fright or something."

"I fucked my son earlier," Holly blurted out.

Iva laughed, clapped her hands. "Good for you!"

"I heard what you guys were saying," my sister-in-law said. "I felt so horrible about it at first, but it seems everyone is doing it. So, I guess, it can't really mean anything. Can't mean I'm some kind of sick pervert. Right?"

"That's right," Iva said. "Join the club."

I slid one hand up my aunt's front, ripped her pathetic excuse for a top away.

Holly stared, mouth agape. "Wowza."

My aunt and I laughed.

"I mean," Holly said, blushing, "you're so beautiful."

"Thank you," Iva said. "Are we going to get to see what you're hiding under there sometime tonight?"

At long last, Holly lost the blouse. She'd given up on the buttons though. Just slid the voluminous thing up over her head and tossed it on the floor.

Her breasts were modest, especially compared to Iva's glorious pair, but they sat very well on her slender frame. Almost looked oversized, if only in comparison to the rest of her.

She covered the short distance between us and replaced my hands atop Iva's oversized cantaloupes. I let my hands fall away. One went to Iva's ass, the other her pussy.

Not a minute later, my aunt lay on her back, running her hands through Holly's luxurious black curls while the younger woman ate her out, and I knelt behind Holly.

My sister-in-law moaned her way through an intense climax almost immediately. Memories started to bubble up to the surface, and I realized I could not only change my appearance, enhance my cock, but really alter reality in profound ways. My tongue, or perhaps it was tongues, did things it or they couldn't have done. I gave Holly a rim job at the same time that I lapped her labia, flicked her clit, and slid my tongue deep inside her to tongue-fuck her G-spot. Holly's second orgasm arrived on the heels of her first.

The same, unfortunately, could not be said for my aunt.

After Holly's second monster orgasm, Iva politely indicated that she'd like me to pick up where Holly left off. Looking slightly insulted, but entirely too high from the pleasures I'd visited upon her to form an objection, Holly sat down against the edge of the bed and sucked my dick while I buried my head in between my aunt's supple thighs.

Whereas Holly had tasted like a woman, Iva tasted like something more. There was the usual salty, sweaty taste. But also a sweet hint of vanilla as well. It drove me wild. And the way she responded so enthusiastically to every touch did as well. Her stiff clitoris slipped out from under its hood to say hi and ask me if I wanted to play with her. I very much did.

Despite the fact that she seemed more sensitive than Holly, shuddering at the slightest touch, Iva held out longer than Holly had. But with tongues and fingers exploring virtually every part of her two orifices at once, it wasn't a lot longer.

When my aunt finally came, spraying warm ejaculate, I felt more memories return.

From there, the performance I gave Iva made my previous efforts look pathetic. Hands and mouths seemed to be everywhere. I sucked, licked, nibbled, caressed and groped just about every part of her body at once. Blue bolts jumped from my hands to her smooth skin, and each one made her shudder with a tiny orgasm.

Within a few minutes, I was pouring a monster load of sperm down my sister-in-law's throat as my aunt thrashed her way through yet another climax.

The three of us then took a moment to catch our breath. Only a moment though.

While the two of them sixty-nined, I fucked Iva in her ass. Then they switched places and I pounded Holly's tight little brown hole while the women pleasured one another orally again. Iva lapped up my spunk as it pulsed out of Holly's spasming sphincter.

It had escaped my notice at first, but after a few times, I noticed that each orgasm I gave the women brought me an intense rush of energy. This was what was restoring my memories of who I really was. What was helping me to remember that the fantasy world was in fact much more real than the one in which I was a workaholic economist. With each climax, I was draining them, but not of blood, or life force, but of some supernatural, sexual, energy. I forced myself not to draw too much, lest I leave them unable to continue.

Careful though I was, however, Holly tapped out before long.

Iva, on the other hand, was insatiable.

My aunt finally showed me what a good blowjob felt like. I was not disappointed in the least. This was exactly what I'd had in mind when thinking that Holly could have been better. My aunt brought me to climax at least as many times as I had her. I felt her pouring energy into me just before sucking it back out, and then some, as she swallowed the tidal wave of cum that poured freely from me. At first I didn't realize what she was doing, why she'd pour energy into me only to take it right back. Then I realized that she was prolonging my orgasm so that she could feast that much longer upon my stock of supernatural energy. That realization startled yet excited me.

Even after I realized that, I didn't try to stop her. I trusted her not to push too far. And watching her swallow what must have been more than a pint of my cum was fucking hot. My balls pumped so fast and so hard, producing so damn much of the thick, creamy spunk that she couldn't possibly get all of it down. But even as it dribbled down her cheeks, past her neck, onto her breasts, she kept right on swallowing what she could.

Gradually, our memories returned to us. As they did, we threw in more and more supernatural flourishes. Like defying gravity, or surrounding ourselves in a swarm of hands and spectral mouths, with which we pleasured whatever parts of one another's bodies weren't already receiving attention. The not-quite-electric bolts of crackling energy that induced baby orgasms instantly upon contact made several appearances.

At one point, there were three of me and three of her. We had two different threesomes at the same exact time. One was MFF, one MFM.

Eventually, though, even we needed a break. Iva curled up beside me, purring. "That was great. Before, with Holly, and after, with just us. You were amazing, as always. And, if I'm not mistaken, still getting better. Which is crazy. In a very, very good way. And finding that tiny little raven-haired beauty in here with you was a most welcome surprise. I've wanted to eat her snatch for so long. Todd really did well for himself. And imagine what she'll be like once she's Elevated!"

"Tell me about it," I said.

"You did a nice job with the veil, by the way," she continued. "I didn't really start to put things together, not fully, until I went down on you. Even after Gus and Cindy. Lucky for me I know what I'm doing down there and have these great lips that drive both men and women crazy. Otherwise, I might still be in the dark."

I laughed, kissed the side of her head. "You're okay, yeah."

"Okay, my ass," she said with a tweak of my nose between her thumb and forefinger before turning around to press her back against me. Holly regained consciousness around then, and she slid up against my aunt like a third spoon.

Slowly, our kissing and petting grew more vigorous. When Holly confirmed that she'd caught a second wind, we started back up again.

Rare was the moment where there were only three bodies in that bed. Mostly, we worked in pairs. But we tried some more complex combinations as well.


Dad handed me an extra large cup of coffee as I slipped out of my hotel room, burning up some energy to clean up after the marathon session with Iva that had only ended a few seconds ago. He looked me up and down. "No sleep. At all."

"None," I confirmed, taking the coffee from him.

"Why didn't we do that?" Aunt Cindy asked.

"Oh, good morning, Aunt Cindy," I said. "Didn't realize you were joining us."

"Hadn't originally planned on it. But I realized it may be my only chance to catch you away from both your fiance and, more importantly, my sister."

I laughed as I stared her up and down. She wore a loose sundress and sandals. Not particularly revealing. Of course, a burlap sack couldn't hide the fact that she looked damned good. She too looked like she was in her twenties rather than her sixties. Which she...well, she wasn't, really. Who knew how old she was. But most of the time that we were in the mortal world, she wore the guise of a woman who was. Now that she let her real self show through, though, she was quite impressive. Less my type than her sister was, but there were certainly men who would have said the opposite.

Dad shook his head as we headed for the elevator. "You're not even tired?"

"I may need to crash later. May not. Coffee will do for now."

"Better not fall asleep in the ride back from the airport. If you need to nap on the way there, that's fine. But you better be awake once we meet your grandmother."

"I'll be fine," I said.

"Well, I can't say I'm happy about you stealing my sister away from us," Dad said. "But I'll give you this. You've traded up."

I wanted to punch him in the face.

Iva was amazing. In a lot of ways. But I didn't have with her what I had with Mom. Couldn't. Wouldn't want to. At least, I didn't think I'd want to. At any rate, I absolutely did not appreciate the implication that Iva was worthy of my devotion but Mom was not.

"Not so sure about that," I said.

"We'll take her back, if you don't want her," Cindy said with a snicker.

"That's not what I meant. And she'll spend her nights in whatever bed she chooses, I'm fairly certain. Anyway, my point was, I'm still trying to get used to the idea that Mom is gone. I wouldn't call it trading up."

"Whatever you say, son," Dad said, clapping me on the back.

We reached the lobby. Outside, a limo awaited us.

Cindy ooh'd and ah'd as we slid into the back. The leather seats were beyond comfortable. And it was quite spacious. Plenty of room to entertain ourselves. It offered a very comfortable ride, as well. Good thing, since the airport was an hour away.

After a few minutes, Dad said, "I'm not sure I've been this nervous in years."

"Been entirely too long since we've seen her," Cindy said.

"But it's you who should really be anxious," he told me.

"Is that so?" I asked.

"You know she's going to let into you for not inviting her to your coronation," Dad said.

"Ah. You remembered that, huh?" I said.

"Things starting coming back at one point, yeah," Dad said. Taking Cindy's hand in his and staring into her blue eyes, he said, "We didn't quite make a true all-nighter of it, but we had more than a little fun, didn't we?"

She kissed him by way of response.

I sipped my coffee. "You're right. She's definitely not going to be happy."

"She's going to torture you. Let me tell you, when that woman decides that you need punishing...well, glad I'm not in your shoes." Then he rubbed at his Van Dyke with the backs of his fingers. "Though, come to think of it, she's really gone soft. Spoiled you and all her grandkids."

"I have that effect on women."

Cindy giggled.

"So I've gathered," Dad said.

"Look, here's a friendly tip," I began. I described to him, in painstaking detail, some of my best moves. Cindy chimed in every so often to assure my father that the things I was describing were indeed very effective. I felt her Libido soar as I went on, coaching my father in cunnilingus. And, more specifically, the use of our supernatural powers in that respect.

At first, he stared at me with a look that said, "You've got to be kidding me." Which was fair enough. When his son was about to get married, a father was supposed to coach his son in the art of pleasuring a woman. Not the other way around.

But, particularly when he noticed Cindy's enthusiastic agreement with more or less my every word, he listened more and more patiently.

Soon, Cindy pulled her dress up, revealing that she didn't have any underwear on, and encouraged him to try out the techniques I was describing right there. He did so happily. Some of my better moves simply required more power than he had, but he eagerly put some suggestions into practice. And did so well enough that his sister was soon ejaculating with her every orgasm, of which there were more than a few.

But after a while, Aunt Cindy cut the lesson short so that she could suck her brother's cock and give her little lady some time to recover.

After swallowing a couple of his loads, she turned her attention to me. "His majesty has been so patient," she said as she crawled across the limo floor. "I thought maybe you were going to show him how it's done while I was pleasuring him."

"Thought about it," I said. "But sounded like you needed a break."

Cindy said, "That was considerate of you," before taking me in her warm mouth.

By the time we got to the airport, Dad and I had both fucked each of Aunt Cindy's holes a few times, and often at the same time.

I barely used any of my powers. Cindy didn't seem capable of handling much more stimulation than she was already receiving.

Yet another reason to prefer Iva, even if trim and athletic was your cup of tea.


Grandma was waiting for us by the baggage claim, holding her one carry-on bag. Though she hadn't checked any luggage, there was no more obvious meeting place.

I hadn't included her in the veil I'd placed over the rest of us. But I wasn't surprised to see that she wore two images. One was dominant and likely the only one any of the mortals around us saw. The other flickered in and out of sight. Though some of us sometimes wore our true faces in public, it was good practice to stay in character, and if Grandma Kaitlin had ever been careless about anything, I'd certainly never heard tell of it.

For the most part, she appeared as a little old lady, wearing a typically horrid dress and straw hat. Her white hair was wispy, and thinning. Her skin was heavily wrinkled and liver-spotted. She had a few stray hairs on her upper lip and her chin. Her body was thin and frail and her breasts hung down to her hips. But the other Grandma Kaitlin could pass for younger than Cindy, at least at first glance. There were signs of maturity in her face if you looked closely, but at least superficially, she almost looked like jail bait.

Though she was the most powerful woman in the family, and could be mistaken for the youngest by anyone who wasn't paying close enough attention, she wasn't even close to the best looking. Which was not to say she was physically unattractive. By any means. There was something strange about her face though. She had a thin upper lip that seemed to be frozen in a semi-sneer. And though her body was appealing enough, she had neither her elder daughter's lower body nor her younger's breasts.

Still, there was something about her.

Perhaps it was her unique facial expression, for all that it defied conventional standards of beauty. The perpetual sneer had turned me off at first, but I'd rather quickly come to think it incredibly cute. It suggested a certain playfulness, as well as intelligence. Like reality itself was a great big joke that no one but her was in on. Talking to her, seeing her biting wit and cool confidence in action, only further reinforced that impression.

Or maybe it was just the sheer power she contained within her. The last time I'd seen her, I'd been too weak to properly appreciate that. But now, just standing close to her, I felt like I stood before a roaring fire in the dead of winter, or beneath a cool breeze on a blistering summer day. Neither quite fit. What I felt was not, strictly speaking, a physical sensation. But her Libido was so powerful, so radiant, so full of primal energy, that the very thought of leaving its presence was terrifying.

Deirdre certainly made a bigger show of displaying her talent. But as I basked in the glory of my grandmother's Libido, I wondered if the two were not in fact equal in power.

This version of my grandmother wore black panties with white bows over her hips and a black camisole that, despite its long sleeves, barely covered her nipples. Her blonde hair was pulled back tight and held in place by a black ribbon. Like her daughters, her skin was breathtakingly pale and her eyebrows darker and thicker than you'd expect to find on a blonde, even considering her prominent dark roots. Her eyes, hazel, were big and bright.

Her belly-button was pierced, and a long bauble hung from it. She also wore dangling earrings and a red beaded necklace that hung down into her cleavage. It was the exact same shade as her thin lips and her fuck-me-in-the-ass-pumps.

"Well, take a look at you," Grandma said to my father, handing him her bag and standing up on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. "My handsome son."

"Hi, Mom. Get in okay?"

"It would appear so," she said. Turning to face Cindy, she smiled and held her hands out for a hug. The two embraced warmly. No smartass remarks for her daughter.

Then it was my turn to embrace her. I held her loosely, trying not to notice how intoxicating her perfume was, or how nice her body felt against me for all that it lacked the generous curves that I generally preferred. She squeezed me in tighter and whispered, "You and I are going to talk, young man." As she pulled away, forced smile still wide, she said, louder, "And it's so lovely to see you, Frank!"

I winced. "Nice to see you too, Grandma."

"I hope you have some idea what you're doing," she muttered under her breath as the four of us made our way out to the limo. "Cindy, dear, I just love that dress!"

Dad climbed into the back of the limo first. Grandma slid in beside him, the elderly matron figure disappearing entirely the minute she was inside.

Cindy slipped in next, taking the seat opposite Dad. Finally, I sat next to my aunt, across from my grandmother.

Not a moment after the door closed, Grandma had my father's halfway hard cock out in the open. It inflated rapidly as she pumped her small fist up and down its length. "I've missed you so," she said, her eyes fixated on Dad's cock.

"Me too?" Dad asked.

Grandma laughed, pinched his cheek and shook it. "Yes, baby."

"We missed you, too, Mom," Dad said.

"So much you've hardly ever come to visit me?" she asked.

"We thought you wanted to be left alone," Cindy said with a frown.

"Oh, sweetie," Grandma said. "I did. For the most part. But I'd still have welcomed a good fuck every now and then. Old women have needs too, you know."

"Sorry," Dad mumbled under his breath.

"But anyway," Grandma said. "I'm not really upset with you." She turned her hazel eyes to me. "So, Frank. Tell me." She kicked one of her red heels off. The two seats were suddenly much closer together than they had been. I hadn't noticed she'd done that, until I felt her bare foot gently caressing my cock and balls through my khakis. How could I forget how nimble her feet were, and howTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

Same as Homelands Pt 2 Ch 12 Videos

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Crowded bus

Wife enjoyed by strangers in a Crowded busanother indian storyHi readers, thanks to all for your response on my last story. “Rithala—Shivaji Stadium” a lot of people rushed to catch it. It was fully loaded and I managed to get into it somehow. All who travels by bus must be knowing that in the last back, the seat is long and so many people can sit on it, I managed to get into back side of the bus and was holding the upper rod to manage myself, The crowd was so much that the light from front was...

3 years ago
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What The Neighbors Daughter is Really Like

Like any man I had just been going with the flow. I went to work each day and came home to a home cooked meal. My wife and I married five years ago so planned to celebrate our fifth anniversary. Since we married at twenty-five each we were both thirty at the time. We decided to have a party for our friends. We had our plans made when the next door neighbors called and asked us to watch their daughter. I didn’t see a problem as long as Leslie would be upstairs watching television in the...

4 years ago
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Iribis Vs Lilith

Introduction: The two creatures of the inferno face off, the devil vs' the demon. "Hey!" the priest yelled at her, pointing the gun.She looked over. There were several ways to deal with this situtation. She could cast a spell, run and wait for him. She suddenly smelled a demon not to far away. The demon no doubt smelled her hot juices. On her plane if a demon had a chance to fuck a devil, it usualy meant a trap, but they would risk it anyways, at least half the time. Now that she was on earth...

2 years ago
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Kaamwali Ki Chudai

Hello friends   Ye story meri aur mere ghr pe kaam karne wali ek aurat ki hai jiska naam vaishali hai   Aaj kl jaisa k sab jante hai ladke matured ladies ki taraf zyda attrctd h isi trha main b mere ghr pe kaam karne wali kaamwali vaishali pe fida tha jab b wo kaam pe aati main koi na koi bahane se uske aage piche lga rahta tha use dekhte hi mere mann mein ye baat aane lge k bas ise pkd k chodd du daba ke but aise asar nazar nahi aate the ghr mein sab hote the aur mauka lgna bht mushkil tha...

4 years ago
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Meri Choot Or Doston K Lund

Hello friends Tumhari Nisha Bhabhi phir se aa gay first of all i really thanks a lot k aapko meri Last story itni pasand aayi i got so many mails so i want proper time to reply you all..Here i m telling you the story of my college days. Us time meri umar 22 saal ki thi or mera badal kaafi hadh tak khil chuka tha, meri figure us time 34-28-36 thi.humare group main 11 log the jis main 3 ladkiyan or baaki sab ladke the.Hum logon ki INDUSTRIAL TRAINING thi for 1 day.Or code tha k ladkiyan saree...

1 year ago
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Growing control

I don't know what it is about it, the control, that I like so much. I just do. Ever since I met him, in college, it all just seemed so natural. So easy. My tutor, offering to write my papers for me when I wanted to go party. Doing my homework problems when I was too hungover. Driving me and my friends home from parties when I was too drunk. It had continued after college, again, naturally. Whether he followed me or not, mattered little. I took a well paying job in sales. I was good at it. I'm...

1 year ago
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getting hot with cousin

Hi people, i am a big fan of all the mails in this site. I am 25yrs old man. This is my first time writing about my sexual experience with my cousin which happened few yrs ago. Her name is Sujatha.She is my mom’s sis’s daughter, a sexy girl with 34d boobs & nice big arse.She is a dark beauty,who is of same age as me. From my child hood,she was fond of me & adored me a lot. I only got to know that she got all hots for me when i first got to fuck her. My story starts when i was in junior college...

2 years ago
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The Locket

Some years ago when I was a senior in college, I wanted to get my girlfriend, Gina, something special for Valentine’s Day. Gina had a very earthy quality about her. She wasn’t blond, bony and plastic like so many mass produced Barbies. Although she was born in New York, her Italian heritage shown through as if she had just stepped off a ship from Milan. Her light brown eyes were a captivating contrast to her rich, long black hair that curled ever so slightly at the ends. She had full, red lips...

3 years ago
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Annas Mens Room Adventure

Anna and her boyfriend Carl had been fantasizing about hersucking his cock in a men’s room for a while. Often one of them would start talking about it when they were lying in bed. They fantasized together, taking turns pushing the story forward. Sometimes Carl would start when Anna was sucking his cock. She would get so turned on that she’d start fingering herself. They also did it while fucking. Carl realized that he could make Anna cum faster and harder by playing out the fantasy while...

Group Sex
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The Case of the Kissing Cousins

By the time spring break came around, everyone was ready to party. The weather had been unseasonably warm for March in Alberta, and everyone had come home from the schools they were away at. My cousins, Eliza and Michael, had just come over to stay, visiting from their family farm in Manitoba. They, like me, had just graduated high school this spring and were taking a bit of a year off to work, and do things, and just relax. When Auntie Sherry and her family had lived in Alberta, they’d been...

2 years ago
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A Visit to the North Part 7

A Visit to the North - Part 7 by MadQuill This is a mystery story of Annabelle's life and the changes she encounters. The characters are all fictional. Please read the earlier parts as Annabelle and Pia's lives continue to evolve. Please leave your comments. Part Seven The weekend continued for Pia and Michel. The new relationship with her Mistress was all Barbara, or Pia could see. She had shared part of our history focusing on our marriage and her work situation but held back...

4 years ago
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The Cheerleader

The Cheerleader Belladonna Andrew White blinked at his mother a few times, sure that he had misheard her. Ignoring her, he shook his head as he reached for his cell phone. "Andrew, answer me," his mother demanded. "What?" "Will you do it?" "Do what?" "Step in for Emma," Miranda repeated herself. "How could I step in for Emma?" Andrew retorted, shaking his head once more at the request he could no longer pretend he had not heard. "I just need you to fill in for her...

3 years ago
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 15

Almost as soon as I stepped out of my room onto the landing, I heard a vocal expression of climax just as I felt a big hit of sexual energy. I felt the energy flow into me with that now-familiar rush. The female cry of ecstasy emanated from my mother’s room. I was just about to head across the landing when a small hand tugged at mine. “Thor,” Elsie said, still slightly sleepy but beaming with happiness. “Hey there, sexy. How about we see what sort of mischief your sister and Amara are up...

4 years ago
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The Younger Sister

  ??????????? ??????????? You could hear the noise before they carried her into the garage. She was in a ball in her tight wire dog kennel. Her small tanned body was naked and covered in sweat. Her hands and ankles were bound together with barbed wire behind her. On top of the wire holding her wrists and ankles together was more barbed wire wrapped around the entirety of the girl?s body with a harshness that wasn?t considerate of later health. The barbed wire was closely spaced and began...

1 year ago
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A Visit to the Local Stud

If you are looking for well-written pros, them my stories are not for you. They are based on the things I have fantasised about throughout my life so are not meant to be realistic or factual. They are about good, hardcore sex, not romance and so are meant to be fanciful and raunchy; even ‘raw’. If it can happen in porn films, it can happen in my stories so don’t read them and then leave smart arse comments about what teens do and don’t say or 10-inch cocks being ridiculous (Google Jonah...

4 years ago
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Elephant in the Closet

Arriving home from an unsurprisingly unsuccessful date, I immediately went and found my roommate to bitch to him about it. It wasn’t hard - he was in my room, trying to fix the strange colors that my monitor was suddenly showing. It started when he put some anti-virus software on my computer, so I guess he felt responsible. “How’d it go?” he asked, as I slumped onto my bed, my unhappiness obvious. “A disaster. Again.” Simon knew well of my recent dating problems. I kept him updated - he was...

1 year ago
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My boyfriendMy sex slave Day 2

Cody lay on the floor naked with a gag in his mouth and his legs tied together. Katie had just left, and I had gone out to do some shopping. I needed some more equipment then we had for the upcoming month. I had bought some iron rings to fasten Cody's hands and feet to, and some whips and flogs. I bought some ball rings, leashes, lengths of rope, and nipple clamps too. I found Cody fed and abused like Katie promised. That was good. We wouldn't have any interruptions for meals. I untied him,...

3 years ago
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An Exchange Student 3

An Exchange Student 3 By Paul Jutras In what was a normal school facing the start of winter, 14 year Paul had propped up his book in order to hide behind it. While everyone else was listening to the English teacher going over the previous night's chapter in the assigned assigned reading, Paul was giggling at the local town gossip rag. The paper had stories about things like a four-legged woman opening a dance studio and Martians threatening to attack the Earth. What was bad for...

4 years ago
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Taking The Babysitter

‘You know dear,’ I blurted, ‘if you’re going to ogle my husband like he’s a piece of meat, you may as well get a closer look.’ Debbie, our babysitter for the last two years, blushed scarlet and averted her gaze. Granted, Michael was looking just fantastic tonight, flashing his white teeth and dark eyes in a grin that lit his face with burning sexual desire. That probably had something to do with me saying what I’d said. That, on top of the fact that we’d been teasing each other about her...

3 years ago
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Housewifes AwakeningChapter 14 Threes Company

“You got the camera’s all turned on Johnny?” Carlos inquired of his burly counterpart as he watched the threesome make their way into the club’s most exclusive VIP room. The VIP room was surrounded by three mirrored walls and a fully stocked bar along the fourth. Large leather couches sat against two of the walls and an imposing pool table sat square in the middle. Carlos sniggered to himself as he thought of all the strippers he had banged on that table over the years. He didn’t give his...

4 years ago
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Art History Class

For my first story, a experience that happened in my last year at school (before Uni). I was still a virgin at the time (17). Names have been changed, but it is based on true events which happened a long time ago. I have taken some poetic license but mostly it is true.I was sitting in a darken room with about 20 other students watching a projector slide show of 20th Century art. Our teacher Mrs Ingley, I suspect, was a bit of a sex addict, because she showed lots of nude pictures and painting...


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