- 3 years ago
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Wendy Chapter 7 According to Mrs. P
I went to the flower shop that Saturday morning on the pretense of paying the bill for the floral arrangements that had been delivered to my home a few days before. But that was not my main purpose in dropping by the shop. I had waited until Saturday morning to settle the bill because I knew Cotton would be there and I wanted to speak with him, to see if he had blabbed about our….my..’indiscretion.’
He stood off to one side, pretending to be occupied with some boxes that had just arrived, while I complained to Marcie about being overcharged because of a mismatched basket that they had brought to my home the previous Tuesday. She apologized for the mistake and made some good points about the odd basket not really having detracted from the overall exhibition but she was no match for me. The underlying fact was that one word from me to the right people would destroy any hope she had of getting other decorating work from my ‘friends’ or me. In the end, I won and she deducted a small percentage from my bill.
Satisfied, I steered Cotton out the door for a private talk.
I’m Lydia Patton, the reining queen of bitches. This is my narration as to what happened between Cotton and myself. As to the moniker, my neighbors would describe me as the queen of bitches because I portray the roll to perfection. Even my sorority sisters view me in the same light although they endure my quirky demands and irritable moods because they must. I have the money and reputation to influence what they say and control what they do.
The reason I am well suited to the roll is that the Patton women who preceeded had handed it down and it was expected that I follow in their footsteps. At first I did not take to being bitchy and demanding. Having grown up a pleasant person in a loving family I was devastated when I first witnessed the actions of my mother in law. She was a master at giving orders in her aristocratic tone and dominating all who came in contact with her.
I just could not be like that. When she and Mister Patton were killed suddenly in an automobile accident I grieved for them and felt sorry for my father in law who had the misfortune of being married to the women with the unquestioned title of the queen of bitches.
But when Bradley wanted a divorce I changed. His brother had insisted that he go to Oregon to help run the family lumber business and when I refused to join him there we settled on him visiting the children and myself one weekend per month. This arrangement lasted about two years, then the visits became less frequent until Bradley confessed that he had met someone else and he wanted a divorce. While I knew that I was partially to blame by not going with my husband, I was bitter about being betrayed and abandoned.
Once I found out that Bradley’s new love interest was pregnant and was pressing him to marry her I turned this knowledge to my advantage and held out for the best settlement possible. In addition to being awarded the old Victorian house that had been home to the Patton family since it was built in 1890, there was the generous child support, savings for college and a lump sum payment that made me the richest bitch in town. To my satisfaction, the settlement put a crimp in the way the brothers did business for the next five years. I was to keep the children eleven months of the year while my only concession to Bradley was for him to have them in Oregon one month each summer.
Hurt, confused and celibate I began to play the part of the fiercest overbearing bitch the town had ever known. I put the reputation my mother in law and the Patton women before her to shame. By the age of 33, I had taken on a hard demeanor that made my best friends cringe and my children beg for me to lighten up. At the age of 35 when I met young Cotton Fabric, the art of bitchery was second nature to me. I could verbally rip the head off of the meanest man in town while projecting sexy sweetness that would curl his hair. No women fucked with me either. Cotton changed me, for a time.
When the children came home with pictures of their father’s new family I took delight in noticing that Bradley’s forehead had grown and his young wife’s thighs carried a flabby overlay, extending from her abundant butt. They looked happy with their baby boy between them.
I had always been proud of my athletic body. I secretly resumed the exercises that had always kept my thighs, though muscular, firm and slim. I had been a gymnast in high school and college and had always taken pride in my body. Seeing the pictures of my husband’s new family made me determined to not let my body go like the little red head who had stolen my husband when I wasn’t paying enough attention to him. I became more bitchier just thinking about their happy life together. Did he think of my tight butt and shapely legs when he was fucking Miss Thick Thighs?
That Saturday morning at the flower shop my children had stayed in the car while I went in. They wanted to know who the boy was that I had been talking to when I came back to the car. And they wanted to know why I had stood outside in the heavy mist for so long, getting my hair wet. I couldn’t tell them that the boy was Cotton Fabric and my reason for talking to him was to assure myself that he had not bragged to his friends or his mousy little boss about having screwed me on the freezer the previous Tuesday night. Nor could I tell the children of my other concern, it was not only that I feared others would find out about my indecorous action, which if known would ruin my standing in the community, what if I were pregnant? I explained that he worked at the flower shop and I was just thanking him for the job he had done to help make my gathering a success.
“You remember the yellow long stemmed roses, don’t you?” I asked, reminding them of the flowers that were still in vases all around our house. Each of them had taken a rose to school to give to their teacher. My explanation seemed to satisfy them.
My actions had been stupid and I regretted what I had done. Nevertheless, there was a tingle between my legs from just thinking about what had taken place. Somehow, talking with him while the fine mist bounced off of our cheeks, gave me a warm feeling about the intimate secret we shared. His honesty as he mouthed, “No,” when I asked if he had told anyone about our, ‘encounter,’ persuaded me that he was being truthful. Seeing him again reminded me of how I had let it happen or, ‘how I had made it happen?’ would be more accurate.
I had gotten the children off to bed early that night and then made a call to Marcie, the flower shop owner. I demanded that she have the display that held three dozen long stemmed yellow roses removed from my house that night. It was my nature to make such a demand, one of those things I did because I could. It was for the same reason that I had insisted, earlier in the day when the other floral arrangements had been removed, for the display to be left for my children to see when they came home from school, because I wanted them to see the yellow roses and ribbon that adorned the one-of-a-kind giant display. Also, I insisted on the display being picked up later because I could.
Marcie was hesitant about sending someone. She held out as long as she could, pointing out that it was a school night, but I won out as I usually do. She would send Cotton, the young man I had seen that morning when they had made the delivery.
I had changed into a house dress that buttoned down the front because it was comfortable and because there was no need for me to be dressed more formerly to receive a lad who was merely performing a service.
Partially because I did not want my nosy neighbors seeing what was taking place and partially because I could, I refused to turn on a single light while Cotton retrieved the display. The young man did not question why it was totally dark in the house alt
hough I suspect he wondered why there were no night lights on, except for the lighted clock on the kitchen stove.
I insisted that he remove the flowers before taking the display. This was something I could have done before he arrived but it was my whim to have him do it. After he stacked the flowers in a basket I walked backwards to guide him from the front room, along the hallway to the kitchen. I cautioned him constantly to take care and watch where he was going until we made the turn onto the porch where the path was wider.
As we passed the freezer I remembered the roast that I needed for the next day. I had tried to reach it earlier but could not because the one I wanted was on the very bottom of the box. My son could have climbed in to get it but I had forgotten to ask him to. I stopped abruptly and turned in the darkened path. Cotton bumped the display into me and I heard him utter an apology. I paid no attention to what he was saying.
“Cotton, that’s your name isn’t it?” I whispered. He acknowledged that it was his nickname.
“Would you get a roast out of the freezer for me? I asked, knowing that he would not refuse.
He went over the side and squirmed around at the bottom of the cold box while I held the lid open for him. After what seemed an exorbitant amount of time he found the roast I wanted and started to do a back flip to exit from the freezer when the heavy lid slipped out of hand. It stuck him, I was certain, on his head. There was a sound of air rushing from his lungs as he fell back to the bottom. My lungs emptied also but not because I had been hit in the head. I was so concerned that the blow may have knocked him out I could barely breath. I raised the heavy lid with trembling hands and vowed not to let it drop again.
“Don’t bother with the roast,” I barked, ignoring my pledge not to awaken my children. But he was determined to bring it up with him and disregarded my order. My legs were weak and my body was shaking as he made it over the side of the freezer and I heard his feet strike the porch floor. He dropped the roast and it rolled toward the kitchen. I dropped the lid again and reached for him, wanting to find out how seriously I had wounded him.
He crumpled into my arms as his body went limp. His body felt warm as it pressed into mine. Little trembles made our bodies shudder as we clutched one another, both unsteady on our feet. He placed both hands on the freezer lid at my sides for support and I tried to hold him up. I was almost certain his head had opened up with a gash or that there could be a concussion. I wanted to inspect the back of his head which I was sure had been injured but I could not reach it from my pinned position.
My thoughts raced from a possible need for surgery to how I would get him to emergency room. Their van was parked in my drive, blocking an exit for my car and I suspected that I would have trouble driving the van. I prayed that it would not come to that. To have an ambulance come to my house at that hour was out of the question.
I placed my hands on his, lifted myself to sit on the freezer lid, and drew him to me between my legs. He moaned as I felt the back of his head, checking for blood or a raised place. His lips pressed against the top of my breast which gave me such a warm feeling. I prolonged my search for an imagined head wound, enjoying the hesitant movement of his lips, now open, was making against my skin. I slid forward on the lip of the box as far as I could and let my dress ride up exposing my bare legs. I positioned my feet flat against the box and raised my thighs to support his arms.
I comforted him with a gentle rocking motion. His chest rubbed against my panty covered cunt and I was aware that his lips were moist and open against the top of my breast.
‘I can stop this, I should stop,’ I thought. He was exaggerating the rocking motion by raising to his toes and falling backward. His chest rubbing against my pussy sent a flare throughout my body.
‘I should stop this, I can’t stop,’ I realized. I clamped my thighs to his sides to hold him in place and rocked with him, deciding to make it happen.
I jerked on his jacket, making his arms drop to his sides so the jacket could drop to the floor. He replaced his arms on the lid and cupped my ass with his hands to pull me close. We continued to rock, both knowing what was happening, neither of us wanting to stop. When he lifted his head I cradled it in my hands and pressed my lips to his. I leaned to my right and brought him with me. My tongue entered his mouth and he responded. It was evident that he knew what he was doing, his hunger was a great as mine. I had lost control of all thought except, ‘I had to have him.’
From that point on everything is still a blur to me. Each time I walked past the freezer I tried to recall how it happened. Once when I was alone in the house I got on the box and went through the motions the way it may have happened. As I lay there on my back with my legs open and drawn up to my breasts I could almost feel the heat and the weight of his body. This is how I believe it progressed:
As I leaned farther to the right I clutched his shirt. He boosted himself upward and we were on the freezer lid with his knee against my cunt. I held him tightly to me and when he brought his hand between my legs and touched my wet panties I thought I would erupt. ‘Why doesn’t he hurry?’ I bucked my hips to add to the friction and to let him know I was wild with desire. His finger penetrated me and I broke the kiss to whisper in his ear, “Yes!”
I was a Bitch in Heat! When his hand fumbled with the waistband to my panties I shoved him to the side and brought one foot up to push them down. They dangled around my other ankle. I tapped on his leg to position him between my legs. His jeans were down but he was struggling with his boxers. I reached up with both hands and slid them down for him. My legs were drawn up and the hem of my dress was around my waist.
His stab was hurried and off so I said, “it’s too high.” I took his prick in my hand and guided him to my entrance. My vulva was so sensitive and open from the rubbing that I came upon first contact. My head was moving from side to side and I was lost in exhilaration until I noticed that my lover was having trouble with our connection. There was a sort of a hitch. I hoisted my rump to give him a clear shot and he bottomed out and, ‘God, don’t let this end’.
Cotton tried to restrain my head to kiss me but I resisted. The side to side motion was my way of expressing that I was breaking out. Nothing mattered, this was my new freedom. I met his thrusts with abandon. At one point when he slowed I dug my heels into his hips and pounded my fists on his back. I almost screamed in his ear, “Fuck Me!, Hard!”
When he slowed again I encouraged him, “Just one more, I’m so close.”
It was a plea, not an order. For that short time that we spent entwined in one another’s bodies on top of the freezer I was no longer a demanding bitch. For that brief time, it felt good to be a giver and a receiver at the same time, to want and to be wanted.
The next day when I passed the freezer a smile came to my lips. There was a slight indention on the top where my back had lain. We had definitely made an impression on the makeshift bed. That was Wednesday and I was regretting what I had done. I had given in to lust without considering the consequences. In my frantic need for self satisfaction I had let him come in me.
What if one of my children had come down stairs and seen their mother, spread-leg-out-of-her-mind? Realizing the risks I had taken, I returned to my roll of queen bitch. Even before it was over, without basking in the afterglow as I would have liked, I tapped on his leg again and said, “Get off of me and get out.”
By Thursday I was regretting my harsh treatment of my young lover. As I lay on the freezer, rel
ishing the memory of the few minutes of pleasure there, I thought of Cotton and how I had acted toward him. It was not his fault that I had seduced him, then demanded that he get out. It would not be his fault if I was already pregnant. I was nearly twice his age and had not acted appropriately. I drew my legs up and opened them wide as I laughed to myself, ‘he did seem to know what he was doing though.’
On Friday I made the decision to visit the flower shop the next morning when I knew he would be there. I would get him alone and access the damage. ‘He’s an honest kid, I’ll be able to tell if he’s bragged to anyone,’ I thought. Laying on the freezer, I swung my head from side to side and folded my open legs back as far as they would reach. I raised my butt and touched myself in mock re-enactment of out Tuesday night tryst. ‘How did we keep from falling off?’ I wondered.
The children grumbled when I sent them to bed early on Saturday night but once they were warm under the covers they fell off to sleep. I had noticed the figure sitting on the wall across the street. There had been a light mist all day and it was still coming down. I tiptoed around the house turning off the lights. As the hall light went out the figure stood up and hopped on the wall. I was sure it was Cotton. He must be wondering if I’ve gone to bed.
‘That is what I will do, I’ll go to bed. He will see the light in my room and when it goes out he will give up and leave,’ I thought. Instead, I checked once more. He was still there, standing on the wall.
I went to the kitchen and turned on the light, thinking I would bake some cookies. ‘If he crosses the street I’ll tell him firmly to leave, I’ll make it clear that nothing else is going to happen,’ I thought. ‘What if the kids smell the cookies baking and come down stairs?’ My mind was cluttered. ‘It won’t matter, he’ll be gone long before the cookies start to bake, I’ll see to that.’
Just as I suspected…or was it just as I hoped?, he was there in the back yard. Contrary to my customary position at my work table, I stood on the other side to face the porch windows. He was waving his arms but I pretended to be busy with my task. When he tapped on the porch window I had my head down. I wondered how long he would stay there if I paid no attention to him. I wondered how long I could avoid him. When he tapped the window again I looked up, attempting to look startled and annoyed.
He waved his arms and pointed to the door at the far side of the house. I shook my head. My heart was beating at an abnormal rate and I’m sure my face was flushed with excitement. I considered how I must look. My makeup had been removed and I wore an apron over the same slacks I had on when I visited the flower shop that morning. He motioned toward the door and began to walk that way, looking my way.
I tried to ignore him, I really did. He must have waited by the door for several minutes while I let my emotions run unbridled. ‘I’ll go speak to him, I’ll be reasonable but firm, I’ll send him away.’ With that resolve I headed for the door.
Well, if you read Wendy, Chapter 6 you know what happened. It began to rain and I let him come in but I think now that even if the rain had not come I would have relented. We talked to one another through the latched door. His remark, “I want to help you get a roast out of the freezer,” made me laugh, which was something I needed. The rain started to really come down and it served as my excuse to let him come in, but I know now that I would have thrown caution to the wind, rain or no rain.
I held him at bay for the first 30 minutes until the cookies were done. He stood with his back to the sink, watching as I measured the ingredients. We got to know one another a little. I enjoyed his company at times but when the conversation became serious my mood changed. At one point I threw one of my little bitchy fits because of something he said and banged on the work table. I was sure the noise would awaken the children but the rain must have overshadowed it. The rain gave me an excuse to let him remain.
WENDY NIGHTINGALE.???“Wendy's a nice girl.........................” That's what everyone always said. She was the sort of person you liked as soon as you saw her, and so bright and intelligent. Plump, 5'6” and so, so pretty. With the most vivid green eyes you ever saw. She wore glasses and had the most stunning breasts ever. When she moved to our area on her 50th birthday she always had a smile on her face, and no-one ever saw her husband, so she could be a widow, or divorced...... After all...
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Hello guys. I am rihan rai and I live in varanasi. I have wrote few stories related with my real life about enjoyment and physical relationship. Getting physical ka matlab sirf ye ni hota k ladki k choot me apna lund daala or ho gaya. Iska matlab ye hota h k jis ladki k sath tmne kiya uske sex k baare me jo jo socha hoga or jaisa socha hoga k itna maja aata h vo sabhi feelings uski poori krr di. Jaisa vo chahti ho ussse b acchi feelings use mili. Us ladki or ladke dono ne har moment ko full...
Hello readers I am back , how r u ? hope u will fine , thanks for your responses some male/female readers mail me your story is very good thanks for your comments need more support from u guys mail me at some readers asking r u writer or what? so friends this is really happens with me . In last story u read in morning maine aunty ko choda tha aur uski baje mai jake let gaya tha itne mai meri mousi aayi thi aur usne kaha ki aur boli tera to hua sali rand kahi ki aab meri barri hai now its my...
this isn't a true store but man do i wish it was. i have been married now for almost ten year and i have watched my wife's sister grow from a nerdy middle school girl into a full grown women. one day i was at home alone (having just dropped my daughter off at school) and was about 5 mins into a got wank session on xhamster thing about my sister-in-law when i hear my front gate open. i had about 10 seconds before who ever it was got to he front door and clear view of what i was doing. i panicied...
WARNING: Contains graphic depictions of sexual acts which is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. Moreover, the content is sufficiently provocative to be considered inappropriate for most. Reader discretion is advised. She had only recently turned eighteen years old, a fresh little gal still quite immature, yet she was developing quite rapidly for her age. Already well into puberty by her early p*****ns, that once androgynous body was totally transformed by lush feminine features. Large...
I’ve tried going to the nudist beach with Debbie and Ava but I didn’t like it. Seeing Debbie’s full breasts and the beautiful shape of her body in broad daylight – I couldn’t help but think back about all the fantastic sex we had. And worst of it all Ava my own daughter looked like the younger, hotter version of Debbie. I really didn’t want to be exposed to her gorgeous young, nude body. I found myself struggling not to get aroused by the nudity. It didn’t take long and I had to start lying on...
AFTERWARDS, TEN YEARS LATER Rowan and Boyle smiled as they sunned themselves after a brief swim and watched their wives and their children splash and play in the cool but refreshing waters of Lily Lake in Swanford. It was still early summer, and the shallow river waters had not yet warmed up very much, but they had been eager to leave Tellismere, and the requirements of duty, for a long summer of rest and relaxation. Swanford, still essential as a trade transit town between Crystal Lake and...
Rael still wasn’t sure he was making the right choice. He was torn between feeling he was abandoning his duty and honor, and the certainty that remaining here at the war camp meant it was only a matter of time before another assassination attempt came. He was no coward, to run from death. Yet at the same time, neither was he a fool. The unusual methods taken against him left him certain that he was dealing with no ordinary assassins, and that his chances of surviving another attempt were grim...
I'm Lamya. I'm 18 years old and I'm writing to tell everyone about the most wonderful sexual experience that I have ever had.My best friend name is Ban. We're both 18 years old and just about to graduated high school. Last Friday night was one of those hot muggy nights. Our doorbell ranged at just after midnight. My Mom opened it to find Ban standing there crying. Her "Date" just threw her out of his car.To get through the boring part, she asked to spend the night. That meant she had to call...
“Oh Jeb you’ve outdone yourself! Randal will be so pleased, I bet he keeps that silvery-blonde for himself. she added cheekily, and he chuckled. Behind her trailed a tiny waif of a girl with deeply tanned skin, a blonde mane and shockingly purple eyes. “Hello Violet dear. he leaned in to kiss her, and she blushed sweetly. “Now Violet, I’m going to take these two, you can deal with those right? Amy called over her shoulder, Violet nodded emphatically and sat next to one of the girls sleeping...
This story is follow-on from my first one – Meeting for the first time. Please feel free to leave (constructive) feedback. I am still new to writing and am learning! We have just made love for the first time, after months of cyber chatting and cyber sex. Our hearts are still pounding, as we lie there, sated. Neither of us wants to be the first to speak but the silence is comfortable. Oddly familiar. Your hand has gone to my ass and has slipped between my ass cheeks. I can feel your finger...
I must have cum at least 6 times last night. The photo of Ms. O'Hare so lewdly displaying her pussy and asshole to me was all I needed to fuel my masturbation sessions. After finally sating my pent up frustrations, I was able to drift off to sleep dreaming about the next phase of my plan. Math class was second period that morning, and I was curious to see how Ms. O'Hare would handle herself given all that had happened yesterday. To her credit, she was putting on a strong face and was...
Jason entered a house of brooding silence. His father worked in the back yard while his mother sulked in the sewing room. A bare nod of her head was the only acknowledgement she offered when he told her that he was back only long enough to check if he had received an email from a friend. Jason walked to his room at a sedate pace to avoid giving his mother a reason for complaint. He closed the door to his room and fetched the Book. The pendant under his shirt grew warm against his...
Chapter 02 Dancing with the Devil “I’m sorry I killed you.” Those words veritably bounce around inside my skull, crushing the euphoric mood I’d just been in. Dang-it, Lyden. She’s a succubus! You knew that. Why did you just have sex with her? These thoughts flood through my mind, as I play over the last little while. The sex had been fantastic, if short. Even now, knowing that my death is only a little ways away, I still feel great and energized. I’d thought that I would be...
My girlfriend, Carol, and my other girlfriend, Karyl, were up early and cooking breakfast last Saturday morning. It was my fortieth birthday; my ‘get everything they want’ day. Let me tell you about it.I stretched under the sheets of our king-sized bed and enjoyed the buzz of morning wood against soft sheets. The sound of my giggling gals and the smell of bacon compelled me to shower and join them in our kitchen. Karyl, my lover of ten years and forever-mate, is forty-two years old and looks...
ThreesomesBrian lay his head down on his desk and closed his eyes. 'I'll just rest here for a minute, ' he thought, 'and then I'll finish up and go home.' Brian had been at work since 7:30 AM, and it was now almost midnight. For some incomprehensible reason, he had promised the reports on these last two companies by the next day, and now he felt obligated to deliver. Brian was a stock analyst and researcher. It was his job to predict a company's future in terms of revenue growth, data which...
It was the summer of my thirteenth year, and my parents had decided to send me to summer camp for two months. Fortunately, though, my cousin Samantha's parent's also bestowed the same fate upon her, and the end result was that both us were sent to the same camp. Little did we, nor our unsuspecting parents realize, though, the lasting repercussions that their mutual decisions would have... Things went fairly well, although somewhat uneventfully for the first three weeks. Mostly we and the...
Hello, friends. I am Rajiv from Delhi. Actually, I belong to the south Indian ethnicity but I have settled in Delhi for a long time. Well, I am 40 years old and I have two sons. Still, I have a good love for my lovely wife but I wanted to explore something more in terms of sex. Since I did not want to cheat on my wife, I would like to have only casual flings with the woman and not any attached relationship which would last for a long time. So, I would not even remember the name of the woman I...
Susan departed two days later, escorted by two Riflemen. Their farewell had been hard for both, each making the moment last as long as possible. It was a week after that Para, Hagar, Turin and Sultar unexpectedly entered his office one morning. David frowned seeing the officers. Subedar Major Para broke the silence, “Colonel Sahib, you command the 1st Khana Rifles is this not so?” David nodded. “Is it not also true that the men of the Khana Rifles are Ghurkhas, and that a Ghurkha is not a...
A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a full length novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. So it will take a commensurate time to read. It is erotic in places but not on every page or even in every chapter. So, a little patience is necessary. It is a love story, actually three love stories. I hope you will be rewarded for your time and trouble. To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with...
It’s not what you think you want, but what you need… "The Greek and Roman gods were notorious for intervening in mortal affairs. Much unlike the deities of today’s religions, the Greek and Roman gods had mortals they hated, favored, and loved. Sometimes they helped these mortals, sometimes they hindered them."Rachel O’Hare sighed. She ran her fingers through her still damp brown hair as the tour guide continued his speech, his English surprisingly good despite a thick accent. Little bits of...
SupernaturalHe rushed towards me, his hand raised. I was sure he intended to strike me. “Stop Peter!” Mum cried, “don’t hit him, don’t stop him.” “What!” He shrieked, “what did you say?” “Don’t stop him,” she repeated. I felt her spasm again and l knew she was having another orgasm. I shoved my cock deeper into her arsehole but by then l was pumping dry. “I’m sorry Peter, l can’t help it,” she sobbed. “He attacked me, he forced me to do this.” “But you told me not to stop him,” Dad said. “I know,”...
Derek The weeks flew by and thankfully the weather wasn't too bad, Angie had taken some of the pressure off us and her presence allowed me to spend most days on the site, it was a fair bit easier than I'd expected because of the jobs the plant would bring to the area, the building regulations weren't enforced as harshly as they might have been. Really all it consisted of, was three floors of bedrooms and wash rooms, our existing bar and kitchen were plenty big enough to take the extra...
A few years ago, I explored abandoned places with some old friends. Normally we'd explore the place as a group of 4-6 people and normally split into pairs. For some backstory, this was not long after I went through a bad breakup with my girlfriend of nearly four years. Out of my group of friends, I relied on the guy I've known the longest for the times I need another person's input or words. Although, I've almost always been the "peacekeeper" or the most logical one of our little group. ...
We had talked about roleplaying several times since we had met but hadn’t exactly found the right time to do something about it. I had decided that this weekend would be perfect since you were coming home Friday morning and we would have the whole night to ourselves. I wasn’t sure which roleplay to pick at first but I decided that I wanted to be a very naughty student and you would be my teacher. I decided to use your office so I took mostly everything off of it placing it in one of your...
Clara was slowly regaining consciousness. Her pillow was so comfortable, it was warm, smooth, smelled of sandalwood, and was, moving? What the… Opening her eyes slowly, her gaze clashed with a pair of warm chocolate ones. They held a warm softness that had an underlying hint of determination. Looking lower she could see a mouth set in the hinted determination. Peering up at this huge strange man, who was walking swiftly through the forest with her cradled in his arms as though she weighed no...
WARNING. This story is fiction and is intended solely for the entertainment of adults as defined by the reader's society or culture. If you shouldn't be reading this legally, or you are offended by material of a sexual nature or themes of crossdressing, bondage, domination, or sexual activity then please stop reading this now. There is no intended similarity in this story to any person, place, organization or event and the author does not condone any action or behavior described here....
Rosey, was a 45 year old, married lady whom I made the acquaintance of through a mutual friend. She stood five eight tall and although what would be commonly referred to as a bbw figure, her largish breast had very responsive nipples. She was a very sexy lady with some really wild friends. She related this tale to me as one of her hottest times. She met her friend, Stephen at a service station. Where he told her he had something really special for her to watch, hinting about some real live...
Group Sex“Her name was Kelly Simpson. She was a producer for a TV series that was shown on three different cable networks,” the tiny redhead informed Sally Howe. “Maze, how did you make the ID?” I asked. “Her ID card,” Sally said pointing to it hanging from her jacket. “I’m surprised you missed your chance to say ‘elementary, my dear Watson’,” I said. You do that at least once every shift. “The Shift has just started Marion,” Sally said. “She is such a smart ass,” I said to Maze the forensic lab...
A friend asked me for my details of a certain period which made up Chapter 1. Then others said "Wait a minute! Start from the beginning!" My beginning actually starts in Chapter 2. Chapter 9 will take off (and fill in) from my lifetime period detailed in Chapter 1 on the 345,000 volt steel tower electric transmission line (345 kV) line being built from Winterset, IA to Omaha, NE. If you haven't read Chapter 1 yet, this will be a good time to go back and read it to able to enjoy Chapter...
So It Begins ~*~*~* Come with me. The 3 single most dangerous words in the English language, I've decided. When she grabbed my hand, I went happily, completely oblivious to what she had planned. It was Hermione, after all. The broom closet was small, but I was still just an innocent boy at the time and had no idea what was about to happen in that small space. Some of these shelves are small, I thought. Maybe she needs me to reach something for her. Such an innocent boy. Until...