A Late Night free porn video

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Marissa wasn't sure what had awoken her. She'd been having the best dream.


She was at swim practice but instead of the usual crowd she'd had the pool all to herself. She was doing laps, enjoying the solitude and marveling at the ease with which she slipped through the water when she paused for breath. Looking up she noticed someone in the bleachers. She couldn't see much, just an impression of dark hair and a leather coat. She stared for a moment longer, trying to see more, but then ducked back under. A minute later she heard a splash and felt the wave rock her in its wake. When she looked up there was someone in the pool with her.

Slowly drifting towards her came a woman, fully clothed but for her shoes. Dark hair, cut short, fell across the woman's face and dark blue jeans hugged a well-rounded butt. A deep red, long sleeve shirt clung to the woman as she moved, billowing around her midriff to expose creamy pale skin beneath. Intrigued and a little entranced, Marissa watched as the stranger approached.

As she drew near the woman came up, water pulling the shear red fabric tight over gently bobbing breasts, small peaks breaking the surface and slipping back under playfully. She'd never seen this woman before but found she couldn't look away from her startling cobalt eyes or the soft lips beneath. Water dropped from her face as the stranger shook her head, spraying droplets from hair made spiky. Marissa opened her mouth to question but before words formed she was startled to feel the soft slip of wet lips and sure hands pulling her flush against a body warm beneath the cool water.

Questions fell away as she felt the gentle prod of a soft tongue seeking entrance, the teasing tickle making her smile as she opened to accept the invitation. Without thought she let her hands settle into an exploration of the warm curves pressed against her own. A breathless moment later the kiss was broken. This girl looked into her eyes, searching for something before taking her hand and pulling her towards the shallows.

As her feet found solid ground Marissa tugged the girl's hand, turning her to face Marissa once more. They hadn't spoken, she knew less than nothing about this captivating girl but the heat and slick between her legs fired her on. A silent quirk of one brow and a lightly questioning smile played over the girl's face. Reaching a decision Marissa pulled the girl into another slow, lingering kiss, taking advantage of the solid ground beneath them to lean into the girl's touch. After another minute the girl again pulled her from the pool. This time Marissa didn't hesitate.

They reached the showers and Marissa was pulled into a stall before the girl spun her, pushed her back against the wall, and kissed her deeply; hungrily sucking on her tongue. Their breath came heavy with each short part of their lips as hot water rained down around them. She marveled at the smooth skin seeming to radiate so much heat as she pushed the red fabric away. Each inch revealed as her fingers explored, small shivers slipping through the girl as Marissa drew closer to removing the shirt.

She could feel the pebbled peaks of the girl's breasts sliding against her own chest as they moved against each other. She felt the girl’s fingers slide under the elastic of her suit, slipping the stretchy material down her shoulders, rolling and bunching as her breasts came free of the fabric. She pulled the shirt off, a little jolt traveling down between her legs as her eyes took in the soft flesh beneath. The girl broke the kiss, momentarily surfacing Marissa from the world of sensation before sending fire coursing through her system as a hot tongue slid over her sensitive nipple, pulling it gently between eager lips as the girl began to suckle rhythmically.

Her hands slid through wet locks, gripping the woman's soft hair as Marissa searched for something to ground herself in the tempest raging through her body. As she suckled and prodded the tender nipple beneath her lips, the girl continued to drop Marissa's swimsuit. Soon the soggy fabric fell to the floor, freeing the writhing girl beneath. Marissa felt the rough grout of the shower wall scrape lightly against the bare skin of her ass before the girl slid a finger across her inner thigh, probing, testing her readiness.

Marissa's thighs fell open, exposing skin so sensitive even the passing air caused a light tightening in her clit. The girl let Marissa's breast fall free as she stepped in to close the space between them, her fingers gliding straight into the slick puddle gathered between Marissa's legs. As she felt Marissa's eager anticipation, a rough growl escaped the woman and she nudged Marissa's head to one side, burrowing into the crook of her neck, her lips closing over soft skin as her fingers pushed deeper between sensitive folds.

Marissa's hands clutched the woman's back as her hips began to move, instinctively thrusting, drawing the woman's fingers rhythmically over her clit, chin tilted back in invitation as the woman nipped and sucked at her neck and shoulder. It didn't take long before the thrusting of Marissa's hips began to pick up speed, not only seeking the girl's touch but grinding her clit against the palm of her hand as Marissa chased a rising tide within.

Sensing how close she was, the girl trailed gentle kisses up Marissa's neck. Her tongue wetting the lobe of her ear as her hot breath gathered heavily and Marissa felt the gentle scrape of the woman's teeth. A thick tension pulled through Marissa like a rope pulled taught and she clung to the woman as wave after wave crashed through her, hips grinding as her juices coated the woman's hand.

When the tide retreated she stood for a moment, clinging to this unknown woman, lost in the vulnerable exposure of such an intense orgasm. The woman held her, leaving chaste kisses on shoulder and cheek; not pushing. When Marissa recovered enough to open her eyes she pulled back just slightly, searching the woman's face before kissing her gently. A soft hand cradled her face as the slow kiss drew out and she felt herself settle into the woman.


Laying in the dark, Marissa allowed herself to play through the dream once more in her mind as she slipped her fingers beneath the elastic waistband of her Scooby Doo sweatpants. With a quiet groan she felt her fingers slip into the messy puddle gathered between her legs. Fuck she was horny! She slipped her fingers clear of the elastic and sucked the sticky cum from them before rolling over.

She could hear the soft breathing of the girl beside her and wondered briefly if she should let her sleep. Scooting close against her Marissa kissed the girl's bare shoulder and wrapped an arm around her waist. The smell of her hair had Marissa closing her eyes, nuzzling into the warmth and breathing deeply. She felt her hips begin to move and knew if she didn't get some relief there would be no sleep for her tonight.

"Jen...," She whispered quietly as she kissed a trail over her lover's neck and back. She felt Jen take a deep breath as she woke up and smiled as her hand traced circles around Jen's stomach.

"Mmmm... Hi baby," Jen murmured in a sleepy voice as she rolled to face her girlfriend.

"Hi," Marissa said. Her hands slid down to play over Jen's rear, pulling her closer as she caught Jen's lips with her own. "I want you," Marissa said between playful kisses. She caught Jen's lower lip between her teeth, scrunched her nose and playfully growled as she squeezed Jen's ass. It was a challenge.

Giggling, Jen quickly began to tickle Marissa, fingers flying across her sensitive stomach, hair falling into her face as she arched and bucked, the game quickly dissolving into playful wrestling; each contestant trying to pin the other. It didn't take long for Marissa to gain the upper hand. She sat straddling Jen's hips, both wrists pinned loosely over her head, dark red hair falling over Marissa's shoulders to tease the soft skin of Jen's chest.

"Ha! I win!" Marissa crooned smugly, "Now, what is my prize?" She met Jen's eyes with a suggestive smile and Jen began to rock her hips, just barely applying pressure with each sweep.

Jen knew that Marissa could feel the touch between her legs. Marissa leaned forward and kissed Jen deeply. She closed her eyes and focused on the feel of Jen beneath her. As she felt her lover's tongue slip over her lower lip she attempted to catch it with her own, sucking at the tip and nipping Jen playfully.

Marissa began to move against Jen, their hips thrusting slowly into each other as the sound of heavy breathing filled the room. She released Jen's hands in favor of lacing her fingers through her soft hair. She felt them travel across her back, trailing tingling lines of desire in their wake. Jen pulled at the fabric bunched at Marissa's hips, wanting the Scoobies out of the way. A quick shift and they slid free, tossed blindly across the room. The feel of bare skin was accompanied by the hot smell of female desire.

With nothing to get between them Marissa used her leg to nudge Jen's knees. Marissa settled into the space as Jen’s thighs spread for her. She could feel the soft, downy hair tickle her upper thigh and, with a little more pressure, the hot, slick cum coated her leg. Marissa began to rock her hips, using her thigh to apply pressure between Jen's legs and giving her something to grind on. Little groans slipped out between heavy breaths, each sound captured my Marissa's lips as they pulled tight to each other.

"Should I get it?" Marissa asked breathily.

Jen nodded without breaking the kiss and Marissa reached into the night stand. Moving quickly, she sat up. With eager and hurried movements Marissa stepped into the strap on. It was a dark blue with a hint of glitter but more importantly it was their favorite. Marissa tightened the straps and felt the weight of the toy settle against her clit.

Jen was beautiful. A flush stained her pale chest and the soft down of her dirty blonde hair spread haphazardly over the pillows as she watched Marissa strap in. Her legs spread wide, Jen's fingers traced long slow circles around her clit. She knew how much Marissa loved to watch her touch herself.

Jen giggled as Marissa growled huskily, “Fuuuuck… you are such a tease.” Her giggles stopped short, mischief giving way to passion as Marissa dropped down, diving in without warning. Her tongue sought out the musky taste of Jen’s desire, slipping over the soft folds without hesitation to lap up the sticky mess. She loved the taste. It was almost spicy but like nothing else she could name. She’d been with girls before Jen but each was different. She’d never encountered someone so addictive.

She felt fingers curl in her hair, Jen’s legs spreading as her tongue explored. She could feel the tension pulling through her lover’s body as she teased and sucked, swallowing the taste of her and loving the way each lick caused the fingers in her hair to tighten briefly. Jen began to arch her back, angling her hips to give Marissa better access as her ass hovered just over the mattress. She could tell it was going to hit Jen hard. That knowledge drove her on, urging her to suck harder and flatten her tongue as it swept over Jen’s clit.

She felt Jen’s legs begin to tremble and as she cried out Marissa felt them closing around her face, holding her in place as Jen ground the soft flesh against her tongue, fingers tight in her hair as she was overcome.

When it was over Marissa lifted herself free, crawling up to gently kiss her girlfriend. The smell of sex was everywhere and she could feel wetness running down her thighs. Before long Marissa began to deepen the kiss once more, rolling her tongue over her lover’s and leaving trembling skin in her wake as she traced the contours of Jen’s body.

Getting her second wind now, Jen began to sit up, pushing Marissa under her. Generally Marissa liked to be in control but when Jen had that fiery smirk she knew better than to protest. Anxiously she settled onto her back, watching Jen and wondering what was to come. Jen leaned close, lips brushing over Marissa. Without thinking Marissa raised her hands to pull Jen close but Jen wasn’t having it.

With a patient smile Jen pulled Marissa’s hands free and placed them above her head. “Ah uh… no touching,” she said, her breath coursing through Marissa’s ear and sending shivers through her screaming nerves.

“What?!” Marissa tried to sit up but Jen pushed her down, legs spreading as she straddled the bare skin of Marissa’s belly.

Once more pinning Marissa’s hands above her head Jen said, “You had your turn. Now I get mine.”

They locked eyes and Marissa could see she was going to have to hold herself in check. With a slight huff she dropped back against the pillows, allowing Jen to hold her there.

Once she was satisfied that Marissa would stay put, Jen licked her finger. She used the dampness to moisten the flush areola surrounding her pert nipple. With a grin she watched as Marissa forgot her surliness and licked her lips, her eyes following Jen’s fingers. Slowly, Jen slid the fingers over her belly, following the dips and curves of her body in a winding trail. When her fingers met the soft hair that peeked from between her legs she used her thighs to lift herself. She wanted Marissa to see her fingers disappear beneath her but she also wanted her to feel their movement.

She watched Marissa crane her neck, trying to see more without breaking the rules. With exaggerated slowness Jen drew two fingers through the puddle that was pooling on Marissa’s stomach before bringing her fingers up to Marissa’s mouth. She painted Marissa’s lips with a slick trail of her juices then leaned forward and licked them clean before letting her lover suck the cum from her fingers.

They shared an unhurried kiss before Jen once again rose above Marissa. This time she shifted, lifting herself higher and angling her hips. Marissa watched raptly as Jen took in the dildo. Each long inch disappeared inside her, reappearing and once more being swallowed as Jen worked the thick shaft deeper inside herself.

It took all of Marissa’s will power to hold her hips still, her fingers clenching the sheets so tight she thought they might tear. Finally Jen was in place. Her hips sat flush against Marissa’s. Cum slid down the shaft protruding from Jen and soaked Marissa’s hips. As Jen began to grind her hips, the rhythm pressed the toy against Marissa’s clit. She knew she wasn’t going to last long at this rate.

“What’s wrong baby? Don’t you like it when I ride you?” Jen teased.

It was too much. Marissa’s control snapped and she pulled Jen down on her, pumping the toy deep into her girlfriend as every stroke pushed her closer to her own ending. Jen folded forward, breasts bouncing against Marissa’s chest with each meeting of their hips.

She could hear the little grunts and gasps coming from Jen as they rode one another. Each sound encouraged her, urging her to pump harder and faster as they clung to each other. She felt Jen trembling, clutching her shoulders as she tried to control herself until finally her back arched. Marissa felt teeth as Jen came, biting her shoulder and groaning loudly. Marissa kept pumping. The pain of the bite pushed her over the edge. Back arching off the bed, hands pulling Jen down hard on the slick cock, Marissa came hard. She felt the hot wet cum pulse out, drawing down from Jen over the slick toy between them and soaking her already sticky hips.

Breathing too heavily to speak they lay together afterwards. Marissa’s arms rested heavily around Jen’s back. Too exhausted for words Marissa helped Jen to pull out, tucking her gently in beside herself. Her limbs felt like jelly, heavy jelly. Rather than push through the effort to remove the harness Marissa just popped the snap, releasing the toy.

Groping blindly Jen reached out to pull a blanket over them and almost immediately both girls were fast asleep.

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Percolate Installment 4

Sherrie lazily shoves her work books to the side of her bed against the wall. She stretches her arms straight up,straining a little. The muscles in her arm pits shiver in a sexy supple way that reminds me to look to her leg for that delicate little shivering morsel of a muscle between her shin and calf.Sherrie peels her maccosins off with hre toes then flexes her toes ,which press little knobby protruberances against her pure white cotton socks.Sherrie's elegantly delicate ankles silk...

3 years ago
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Percolate Installment 4

Perc 4 October2012Sherrie lazily shoves her work books to the side of her bed against the wall. She stretches her arms straight up,straining a little. The muscles in her arm pits shiver in a sexy supple way that reminds me to look to her leg for that delicate little shivering morsel of a muscle between her shin and calf.Sherrie peels her maccosins off with hre toes then flexes her toes ,which press little knobby protruberances against her pure white cotton socks.Sherrie's elegantly delicate...

4 years ago
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Percolate Installment Three

"Hey."I find her feet in bright white ankle socks nestled in her fleece-lined bedroom slippers. She sits crossed-legged on the bottom bunk of her double-decker beds.Our dormitory hall hadn't had enough single beds left to give Sheri a single bed. She had lucked out and gotten her single room by default. When we first met,almost two semesters ago,she had been using the top bunk to store her unfolded laundry. The first two nights I'd slept over,she had merely thrown her spare top sheet over top...

1 year ago
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Percolate Second Installment

I made my way to the sinks, my bare feet making little wet slaps on the misted floortiles. My shy steady steps echoing against the expansive shower area ,I looked around to see if anyone else was still there. I heard a far off locker close as well as a large heavier entrance door. A book bag sagged in a corner. Steam shone in a small irridescent cloud by an open window. Sherrie stood at the sink, her towel covering but highlighting the curves of her small ass. It always reminds me of two...

3 years ago
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"Percolate" First InstallmentAll of the desk seats were wooden,and had been carved to fit two ass cheeks, each of them. The university conference hall was one of the oldest buildings on campus.Some of the seats were older from the 1930s, some from the 1960s.The larger ones had not been aged and worn down as much. The newer ones did not fit my bottom correctly.Asses are bonier than they look."Augh" I half whined,half growled,clumsily standing up and roughly bundling up my dark,thick,black curls...

2 years ago
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Lateshay and Eric cum to an Arrangement

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a copyrighted work of fiction under my pen name Dean Denhomme. The inspiration—my muse if you will—for this vignette is the incomparable Lateshay. She can be found on x hamster under that name.Now, before we begin my little fuck story, allow me a word or two about Lateshay. If you visit my site on x hamster, it is easy to see that I am a tit man. So, it should come as no surprise that she provides the physical template for my imaginary fuck buddy in the story that...

3 years ago
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Lateshay 36 G big natural tits on his mind

Sincy aka Kathy my xhamster friend...Want to read a true story? Sincy of xhamster, her man makes her fuck him and she sucks his cock until he explodes while he watches my vids. She gets very humiliated by me this way. She hates it that her man shoots bigger loads and FUCKS HER HARDER! It gets me off when shesends me messages while I use my vibrator and masterbate to her stories. Just knowing her man fucks her and watches my vids is a big turn on. He thinks of me while shesucks his cock. I...

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I am not a student of psychology and have no affectations of being knowledgeable on this subject. Everything I am about to tell you based on my subjectivity. Hopefully, therefore, I do not piss off readers who are well versed in this topic.To me, one of the most guarded subjects in the world is male homosexuality activity. With the biblical abhorrence to this phenomenon that we were all raised on, I suppose this comes expectedly, and any statistical evidence, therefore, can never be accurately...

Gay Male
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We were all sitting at the window table ... four of us and three lookers ... playing Euchre and having a beer when the subject came up. They had some of the same tales as we had way back in Highschool... 'Golden Arm' and like that ... and it was my deal. You need to understand ... we were playing cards during all this ... I just left that out ... unless you want a lesson on how to play Euchre. I didn't think so. I don't know if this qualifies as a Halloween Story ... they're supposed to...

1 year ago
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Chocolateen Part 1

My friends call me Jim, but my full name is James Schneider with no middle name. Some people, mainly women, think I'm a woman hater because I enslave women. That is not exactly true. They don't know why my women submitted themselves to me. I am 24 years of age, and my weight has varied between 180 and 190 lbs since I graduated from high school. At 5' 9" tall and with a slight build, that places me on the chubby side of athletic. My short black hair, brown eyes, acne, and personality don't...

3 years ago
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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 2 A New Location

The announcement of Frank and me forming a new corporation created a major stir. At the time I made the announcement, our friends congratulated us heartily. The media announcement made a different type of stir. People came out of the woodwork wanting to buy a piece of our new corporation and trying to convince us to locate the corporation in their hometown. We politely declined the offers and solicitations that were presented to us. Unfortunately, a few people did not want to accept our...

2 years ago
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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 4 Visiting New Zealand

Jim C, Sam, Frank, Kirk, and I discussed the trip to New Zealand on Monday. We defined the specific objectives of the trip and what information we expected to acquire during our stay. All five of us had valid passports and there was an agreement between the US and New Zealand governments that allowed us entry as short-term visitors without a visa. By Friday, we were ready to go. We would be island hopping and our total flight time would be close to 16 hours, so our pilot, Bob Simon, and...

3 years ago
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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 5 Moving to New Zealand

Frank and his wives went back to running the Chocolateen Corporation, while my wives and I continued the effort of preparing to move to New Zealand. Frank and I were right; our wives hated the idea of engineering events that would lead to the media invading our lives. They accepted the idea as a necessity, and only agreed to go along with it when we told them we would be involved in deciding what would be engineered and how the media would be enticed into taking action. I talked with Paul...

2 years ago
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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 6 Preparing to Leave the US

Everyone wanted coffee. We rushed to clean up and dress, and when everyone was ready, we headed downstairs for breakfast. As we walked into the restaurant, we saw Paul, Sally, Jim C, and his wives sitting at a large table, so we joined them. "Morning everyone," I said. "What's on our agenda for today?" Mary said, "Good morning all. As to our agenda, we don't have one yet." Jim C said, "Well that is about to change I think. If I'm not mistaken, I just saw Maxine headed to the...

4 years ago
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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 7 Business in New Zealand

We were gathered in the backroom of F&J's Pizza Parlor, Ltd. celebrating the shipment of our first solar cars to our Auckland dealership. Jim C, Frank, our families, and I decided to host a party for our key personnel and select members of the media. Frank was just finishing a review of what Jim C's Products, Ltd. had accomplished since we had created the corporation. One of the main points in his presentation was the successful restructure of the US operation under Evan Strophe in...

1 year ago
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Latest Porn! You have to hand it to tube sites that don’t beat around the goddamn bush about their content. They don’t try to use a catchy name or be clever. Rather, they know their audience and want to make it known that they can come to their tube site to get the kind of content they crave.That’s precisely the case with Latest Porn. If you want to watch the latest and hottest AAA pornography on a tube site, the aptly named Latest Porn will get you just that. It shows you the hottest...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Girlie Knight

I. The Message Paul Norton sat in his dimly-lit room somewhere in the suburbs of Boston. He looked outside and saw a blizzard pounding the neighborhood. White-skinned and with blond hair, Paul suffered from an overactive intelligence which compelled him to notice things that other people did not. He disliked authority’s instructions, and frequently called people names which they would not otherwise deserve. Fortunately, those same people had been understanding as Paul learned to keep his...

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Heart of a Knight

Jonathan grunted as he pulled himself up onto the stone ledge, his light armour rattling as he steadied himself and looked into the mouth of the cave. Here it was, he thought to himself. The dragon's cave. About six months ago, the young man had turned eighteen. Ever since he was a young boy, he wanted to be a knight. He had grown up idolising them, those armoured heroes who would fight for the king, protect the innocent, strike down villains. Everything that a knight was, everything...

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A Knight

The Knight scowled as he glared at the Succubus sitting before him. His armoured hands were bound above his head, the chains bearing an unnatural purple glow. "My, my, my..." the purple-haired demon teased as she leaned forward, her red eyes running down her captive's body. He was exactly what you would expect of a knight; tall, muscular, and clad from the neck down in metal. She had already disposed of his helmet, exposing his handsome, bearded face. "You're quite the catch, Sir...

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White Knight

Carmine wiped the sweat off her brow with the dirty towel she was using to clean the table. Although it was nearly dark, the heat of the day still had its grip on the land. It was even worse in the dark, windowless inn where she worked. Grunting with the effort, she hoisted the pail of water and sent another splurge of water coursing down the long wooden table, sending several chickens flying out from under the table cackling and complaining loudly that she had ruined their meal of table...

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The Knight

The Knight, from the novel ‘War of the Walkers’ A slow, steady alarm could be heard throughout the complex and the red flashing lights sensors warned every person that the jump team was ready to report to the laboratory sub station immediately. The scramble was chaotic. Meals were deserted, sleep was interrupted, and conversations ceased without proper ending as staff quickly piled into the waiting express elevators. Twenty-six floors below, the team leader awaited his staff. “Ladies and...

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Latent Passion A Lil Lisa Adventure

Latent Passions: A Lil' Lisa Adventure - By Dee Eon "Thanks, man! I love you like a brother!" "Hey, any closer and we'd have wings!" japed Erik Crandall with muted sentiments as his tenth-grade best friend. Jack Hazen rolled the Penthouse and Playboys under an arm and left Erik's bedroom nearly bumping into matronly Aunt Emma on the way out who cast a hard eye at the teenager's cargo. "Trading more filth, no, Erik??" she uttered with disdain. "You're such a disappointment,...

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Late Nights

‘That was a long day I think to myself,’ as I walk up the steps to our apartment. I’ve been working a lot of late nights at work and it’s been taking a toll on me. The only thing keeping me sane has been your love and support through it all. A smile spreads across my face at the thought of you on the other side of the door. Pops was right, I am a lucky guy. I open the door to find you curled up on the couch with the TV only. I stand there for a minute, just watching you sleep. Your mouth...

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Lady Knight

London, England 1275 ‘Who is that knight in red over yonder?’ ‘Too small to be a seasoned knight, must be a man-child.’ ‘Whoever he is, has won most of the contests today. Remarkable chap I say.’ Everyone in the jousting fields and stands were debating who this newcomer was, that has put most of the competitors to shame. The King has sent his man-at-arms to request an audience with the elusive young knight, that has sent even his cynical courtiers in an uproar. Aye, this is definitely worth...

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The Nightingale

DING DONG! The hideously loud noise sounded again, renewing an attempt to crushing his skull. Ronald tried to sit up, but his stomach was cramped. After another night on a twenty-year-old mattress that sagged in the middle like a meteor crater, he found his back was also a mess. DING DONG! DING DONG! He finally managed to log roll to the edge of the bed and get his feet under him. He slipped his ratty bathrobe on over his pasty white body, before valiantly pushing himself erect. His pushed his...

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Douglas Nightingale

Douglas Nightingale Part 1: Journal entry 23. I picked up Jamila from prison yesterday. It was a quiet ride. I wanted to drop the bitch off quickly as possible. I was shaking most of the way back, and desperately needing a massive hit of crack. But, before i could drop her off.  The stupid tranny whore, asked me to take her to a beauty salon, nail shop, and a very expensive restaurant.  I was extremely pissed. The whole fucking ordeal took about 5 and a half hours. We're...

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The school trip part 2 day 3night3

"haha and you didn't believe me!" he replied "well not really but rachel is the sluttiest girl in the grade so you never know." "it was awesome dude you should hook up with someone before we leave. Maybe Hannah or Taylor they both are nuts about you" I laughed "haha dude you know I don't want any relationships at the moment and besides you know that I realized I love jesse." "yeah dude" he laughed "you should just grow a pair and ask her before zach does. After all he's tall...

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