Jordan Ventures Into The Dark World Of Bondage, Pain And Sex Alone - Part Two free porn video

“It is eight AM, time for all good sluts to be awake! As soon as you cum for me I will untie you.”
I was familiar with the Hitachi vibrator he was using, we owned one, so I knew I would cum fast. I struggled around, rubbing on my rope bed, and soon I was screaming as the orgasm ran through me. “Fuckk!”
“Good little bitch, that was pretty quick. Enjoy your morning wake-up?”
“Yes,” I managed to gasp out.
He untied me and told me to get up and stand straight and still. I did as told.
“This is going to make your first encounter today even more interesting.”
He encircled one breast just behind the nipple with one hand. While squeezing a bit and pulling it forward, he used the other hand to attach the device. It was a plastic tube that enclosed my nipple and areola. It sealed against the skin behind. A rubber hose and valve was on the other end. He turned something on and my nipple began to be sucked into the tube. By the time he stopped the suction my nipple had been stretched to almost twice it’s length. It did not really hurt but I could definitely feel my nipple being pulled and slowly swelling. It was something I had never experienced before. He closed the valve and disconnected the hose. He then did the same to my other nipple.
“Now follow me to breakfast.”
Due to the dark I followed quite close with the tubes flopping around due to my movement. I again detected that faint familiar odor I could not identify.
My muscles were quite sore from the torment they endured yesterday and being held in one position over night. I tried to stretch and work them as we walked across the warehouse to the same table as dinner, this time set for breakfast: Eggs, bacon, pancakes, juice and coffee.
“Eat hardy, you will need it!”
I did not realize how hungry I was but when I smelled and saw the food I was ravenous. I dug in and began to wolf it down. I quickly realized I had better slow down. It would give me more rest time and certainly make my digestion better. I would occasionally look at my nipples and see that they were enlarging and filling more space in the tubes. Too quickly I was finished.
Another voice called me. “Get up and follow me. This morning is going to be devoted to Japanese Shibari. I assume you are familiar with the term?”
“Follow me. You are lucky today. We have an expert that comes to assist us when he is in town and he is here today. He will communicate very little with you other than to give you orders but you will experience some of the finest in rope bondage, its pleasures and pains. Stand still.”
I did. We were in a very dark part of the warehouse. He walked up behind me and started to bounce my nip tubes and play with my pussy.
“Do you like this?
“Good. I intend to do it til you cum.”
He began to kiss my neck and stimulate me. I was not sure this was part of the plan but there was nothing I could do. He kept kissing and fondling me and I got wetter and wetter until I finally did cum. He spun me around and gave me a big, deep kiss.
“Good sluts need to be ready for anything! Follow me.”
We walked to a fairly well lit area where there was a man, dressed all in black waiting for us. He thanked my escort and told him he could leave. He was a short, older man who looked to be oriental in heritage but I could not be sure.
“You told what happen this morning?”
“Good. Stand still, me work. Simple Shibari harness now. You begin feel rope work.”
First he released the suction and removed the tubes. That was a relief until he touched my nipples. I jumped, “Oh my god they are SO sensitive!” My nipples were twice their normal size and super sensitive!
“No more move.”
I stood still and watched him pull out a spool of what looked like sewing thread except it was a bit thicker. He tied a knot of the thread at the base of one nipple and then his hands moved so quick I could not follow. He quickly tied another knot and broke the thread leaving some hanging down. My nipple was now totally wrapped in the thread and was throbbing a bit. He swiftly did the same with the other.
He produced two metal balls, tying one to the string of each nipple. “Twenty gram weight. You feel pulling?”
“Yes.” Did I ever! My engorged nipples were giving me a pain I had never felt but, at some level, it was also pleasurable.
He proceeded to loop a rope around the back of my neck and then tie it in several knots in specific locations as he brought it down my chest to my pussy. He spread my labia and ran one rope on either side of my clit and then up my ass crack. He brought it up to my neck, through the rope loop and back down my back. He stopped at various points, tied a knot and ran the rope around me to my front and around one of the downward ropes. This happened on both sides of me and each time he did it he pulled the rope tight, which had the effect of shortening the downward rope and pulling ever tighter on my pussy. When he was finished I was trussed but had full use of my arms and legs.
“Take push broom. Sweep floor ‘til told stop!”
I did as told. I immediately felt the rope digging into my pussy; squeezing and rubbing my clit! Every step resulted in rubbing pressure against my clit and pulling pressure on my pussy. Not to mention the pain and pleasure from the ball weights on my nipples. I stopped for a moment to relieve the pressure.
Suddenly my neck collar jerked me with a shock. “OH, Damn!”
“No stop til told to!”
I immediately began to sweep again. Every step was painful but it was also stimulating my clit and nipples. It was pain and pleasure mixed together. I kept sweeping, enduring the pain and feeling an orgasm building through the pain.
I did not know what to do. I had been told not to cum til allowed and also encouraged to cum. This was new territory to me. I decided to let whatever happened happen and suffer, or not, the consequences.
After a few more minutes of sweeping I knew I was going to cum. It happened quickly and I desperately held the broom handle, trying not to display what I just experienced, trying to minimize it. It was really amazing. In pain from the rope and having an orgasm from the rope.
“Stop sweeping. Come here.”
I was relived and quickly returned to him, not feeling the pain as much as earlier. He took the broom from me.
“You begin understand pain and pleasure?”
“Stand straight, arms behind back.”
I did so and he put my forearms together, wrist to elbow, and began wrapping them with rope, hemp rope I learned later. Soon my arms were totally bound; not painful but also not moveable.
“Lay face down.”
There was a small padded table in front of me. I lay on it. My body pressure again reminding me of my swollen, wrapped nipples
He began to wrap my one of my calves with the same rope, starting just below the knee to my ankle. He did the same to the other leg. He seemed to tie the ends of each wrapping together and I felt him hook them to something.
“You go up.”
The lights went off and I felt my ankles rise off the table and then my legs. Soon I was hanging upside down, swinging freely from my leg ropes in total darkness. My nipples now being pulled in the opposite direction, another new feeling. It was not really uncomfortable but unnerving being upside down in total darkness.
I was left there to twist for what seemed a short time and then I simultaneously heard the buzzing and felt what could only be a Hitachi on my clit. I tried to buck away from it but was held by one arm around me, the other controlling the vibrator.
The person made no sound, he or she simply held it deadly on my clit. Even though it was very sensitive I could immediately feel an orgasm building. Just when I was almost there, it moved to my nipples. The person switched back and forth between them. The vibrations running through them as the weights pulled them down. Once again it was pain and pleasure. Pain that was sexually thrilling! After spending enough time there that I could feel my juice begin to run out and down my mound, the one in control switched locations again. The instant it hit my clit my orgasm began. It was very strong, my muscles uncontrollably jerking!
“Oh Fuck, Fuck, my clit. . . AHHhhhh, cumminnggg! DAMN!, DAMN!”
As much as I tried to twist away, I could not control anything. It ended as quick as it started. I was left to hang there. No light or indication of any person.
After an unknown period of time had passed the dim light came on and I felt myself being lowered. I was face down back on the table.
What could I say. . . “Ye. . . Yes”
He grabbed my hair and pulled it as if to put it in a pony tail but instead tied a rope to it. He pulled the rope back to my ankle calf ropes and pulled harder, bending my back in a way I was not meant to bend. When I thought my back or neck would break, he stopped and tied the rope. Then I felt something probing my ass. Soon something round and cold was pressed into my ass; I recognized the feel of an ass hook. I felt the pressure of it as he pulled my hair and tied then together. Now any head movement to try to relieve the pressure on my back pulled the hook in my ass.
“Relax, pain ease, maybe pleasure.”
Again, light out, nothing but quiet darkness. I willed my muscles to relax and the pain did ease. I began to rock just a bit. Pulling and releasing the ass hook. I envisioned a cock in my ass. Even thought trussed, I began to feel pleasure as the hook moved and I thought about how much I liked being ass fucked. An orgasm was beginning to build.
I do not know how long he left me like that, slowly rocking and the orgasm building. Finally it swept through me, my body slightly shuddering. I believe he sensed some of the pain leave me and the orgasm rush through me. He was back, untied the rope, removed the hook and let me go gently to the table.
The light came back dimly. He untied my ankles but the ropes were still around my calves, my arms still bound. At least my legs could move independently.
“I help, turn over.”
I made it onto my back. With my arms still tied it was an uncomfortable position. He quickly got to work. Moving my body around as he tied ropes around and around my thighs, waist, upper chest, one on each ankle and hair. My nipples were pulled with each movement.
“Okay finish.”
I felt like there was hardly one part of my body that was not wrapped or held by rope. Light out again, darkness and I felt myself rising.
I was maneuvered into almost every position you could think of, given my circumstances. I almost lost up from down and was not totally sure of my position in relation to horizontal or vertical. I was being used like a marionette.
I was in some pain from the ropes but had managed to mentally go to another place where I was safe and beginning to enjoy the movement. I had no idea how much time I had been hanging in the many different positions he was choosing. That was about when I was hit with the Hitachi again.
“Holy SHIT!, Damn I am SO fucking sensitive! OH my clit, go somewhere else! Ohh FUCK, FUCK!” I tried twisting and turning but all to no avail.
“Use safe word!”
That made me more determined. I wanted to orgasm bad but my clit was so sensitive. It was pain and pleasure. Finally . . . “I’m cummingg, FUCK ME!, AHHhhhh.” The orgasm was so strong, I was sure I had squirted out a small amount of fluid but no comment was made.
The dim light came on and I was lowered to the table. He began to unwind all that he had done. Soon I was laying on the table, ropes all gone; one sore woman. Removal of the nipple weight and thread gave me the most relief.
“Shibari over. Good student.”
A female voice beckoned me to rise and follow her. We went to the claw foot tub. “Relax, lunch will be soon. Here is some aloe lotion if you want to use it as you soak.” My nipples were almost too sore to touch but I gently massaged them and eased their pain, at the same time also bringing enjoyment. Food was the last thing on my mind.
Sooner than I wanted she was back with a towel. I got up, dried myself and followed her. No words were spoken. We arrived at the same table. Lunch was a rich tomato soup and fresh baked bread with ice water and a red wine that tasted like a good Pinot.
“You have a big night tonight so this afternoon will not be too strenuous. Follow me.”
We walked through the dim light to a new section. I saw a shiny round pole mounted horizontally.
“Straddle yourself over the pole, it needs to be adjusted.”
I did as requested. Two men, again in black, appeared, put a level on the pole and raised it toward my pussy.
“Stand on your toes. Hold that position.”
They worked at each end until they were satisfied it was level and at the right height. I had to keep in my tip toes to stay away from the pole. She called me back off it and had me bend over. She inserted a plug in my ass.
“You are going to straddle the pole, as you just did, and make your way from this end to the other while up on your toes. It is ten feet long. This is a similar test to the one you did on arrival here. The plug in your ass makes your body part of the circuit so that if any part of your body touches the pole, zap! Normally it is your clit or labia that touches.”
“The shock is produced by the same device we used yesterday, the Folsom PSG-MAX so you know what to expect. It is powered only by a nine volt battery but as you know, it can produce a startling shock. They will be similar to yesterday but since you already experienced it, the box is set a bit higher. The pulses are stronger and repeat quicker. Whatever you do, don’t loose your balance and grab the pole. That could be very painful. If you fall off you will have to start over.”
“Position yourself over this end of the pole and get up on your toes. When you say you are ready, that light in front will come on, meaning the power is on and you need to start. Understand?”
“Yes,” I said, at the same time as being scared to death, having already experienced the shocks several times. I mentally pulled myself together and located myself over the pole, raised on my toes. “Ready.”
“Okay, here we go.” The light came on.
I was on the balls of my feet and began to inch forward, staying as high as I could. I was not real sure how much clearance I had so I looked down to see if I could tell. Big mistake, my clit touched the bar. “FUCK!” I yelled out.
“Don’t waste time, your muscles won’t last.”
I put the pain behind me and began to hurry without losing concentration. I was making good progress but my legs were starting to shake. I put the muscle pain out of my mind.
Suddenly my clit and both labia both made brief contact. “OHHHHhh FUCK!”
I was over half way and moving steadily when my right foot slipped and I totally sat on the pole. “HOLY FUCKIN CRAP!!” It happened so fast there was no electric popping just instant contact and continuous, quick, on-off-on zapping through my whole pussy area.
I grabbed on to prevent myself from falling off. Of course I received instant shocking jolts to my hands! I quickly launched myself up right. Hands hastily off the pole and rebalanced on my toes again. My whole body was shaking from the many shocks.
“Get going before you totally collapse or use your safe word!”
Every time they said ‘safe word’ it gave me new strength. I made it to the end with no more shocks and collapsed to the floor. I was holding back the tears from the shocks when she came up to me.
“Sit down here and drink this water. You need to stay hydrated. You actually were doing very good ‘til you lost your balance. I will be back to get you in a bit.” The overhead lights went out and I was mostly in the dark. I could see light in another area. As I sat there once again I detected that faint familiar odor I could not identify.
Too soon she was back. “Can you walk okay? Have your muscles recovered?
“I know you are not in perfect shape. You will enjoy this next session!”
She started to walk and I followed. I was still a bit shaky, that electricity leaves a residual feeling in your muscles. Soon I could see where we where headed. Back to the padded fucking table where I had been “used” yesterday. Sitting at the end of it was the hugely hung black guy I had sucked yesterday. “Let’s see if our training session has stayed with you. You know what to do.”
I did know and looked forward to the challenge! I got on my knees and wasted no time raising his flaccid cock to my mouth. It was so huge and soft. I could feel it grow as my tongue and lips worked on it. Before it became too huge I quickly took it all the way in, my lips were on his smooth black skin at its base. I held it there, feeling it continue to grow, until I needed to breathe. I came up, took a quick breath and went right back down.
Besides just loving the feeling, I was trying to make sure my throat would not interfere with my pleasure. No problems! I was drooling all over him and he was at full size I was sure. My god what a cock! I still found it hard to believe it was real. I went up and down the full way several times and was getting into it when I heard, “Okay, that is enough. I would say that our session worked. He has a huge grin and is definitely at full size. Can you imagine that in your pussy?”
“No.” It was a passing thought of pleasure but I had put it out of my mind because I knew he was way too big for me.
“Here, put on your cuffs, make sure they are tight. You are about to feel what getting fucked by one of the world’s largest cocks is like!
There was nothing I could say. I could refuse and everything would be over; that was not acceptable to me. We pass babies through there so I knew I could theoretically do it but right here and now was another story. As I strapped on the cuffs and the thought grew in my mind I knew I wanted it! I was getting more and more excited and I could feel my juice starting to flow the more I thought about his huge member.
I stood up and was tied to the table just like yesterday. He stood behind me, rubbing my labia with his dong and the table moved just a bit to give him the best angle.
I was excited and scared at the same time. Would I scream in pain or pleasure? I did not have to wait long. He was vigorously rubbing his cock, from base to tip, between my labia. Gathering my lube juice on his organ.
The rubbing stopped. I thought please don’t let him jam that into me! I felt the slow steady pressure of his enormous cock head entering me. I was being stretched wider than I imagined I could take.
Matt had tried to “fist” me once and that did not work out. But this was different. Slow, steady, well lubed pressure from an organ that was soft and somewhat giving. I took deep breaths and tried very hard to relax. He felt about half way in when he started to withdraw and then make slow strokes.
He said, “Keep relaxing, you are doing perfect. Soon you will have as much as you can take. Enjoy and do not worry, there will be no pain.”
Just his deep voice made me feel comfortable and able to relax more, I was not going to get pounded, at least not at first. He hit my cervix and I winced a bit. “We have found your maximum and it will not be exceeded. This is for your pleasure and experience, not for pain”
He kept it deep in me and made short strokes. My vagina felt like it was stuffed with a huge sausage. I laughed to myself, I had flashed back to the many large, hanging sausages I had once seen in a butcher shop in France. That thought quickly disappeared as the sexual stimulation set in, his movements getting faster and longer and the new feeling of being stretched so wide!
Soon he was traveling my full length. I was expanding and contracting to accommodate him. Every possible piece of me was being stretched and stimulated. He picked up more speed, always stopping just a hair’s breath short of my cervix.
The first orgasm was building quickly! “OH my god, FUCK me, FUCK ME, make me your BITCH, you own my pussy! OHhh SHIT!” I squeezed down on him as hard as I could! If I had not been tied I would have been thrashing around uncontrolled.
My orgasm and juice squirting hit at the same moment! “FUCK, FUCK, I cannot. . . believe it! This is like noth. . . AAAAHHHHHH!”
His strokes became even faster. My body was out of control! I entered a series of non-stop climaxes! In my mind I was screaming but I could hardly breathe. I was gasping, trying to catch my breath. Neither he nor the orgasms would stop. Either because of the continuous orgasms or my lack of air or both, I finally almost passed out.
He sensed my condition and slowly stopped his strokes. I was gasping for breath, covered in sweat, my body still twitching from the squirting orgasms. I felt him pull out of me; I did not want him to leave, I craved more!
I was still tied and that was probably good. I would not have been able to move if I was free.
“We are going to release you now. Just stay relaxed and let us handle everything.”
Several people, including Mr. Monster, helped me to the floor and gave me water. He gave me a pill to take that he said would soothe my muscles and help me sleep.
“You have a big night in front of you. We will let you sleep several hours and then explain your evening and get you ready.” He carried me to my rope bed, lay me on my back and tied me to the posts. I could feel his cum dripping out of me as I drifted off to sleep.
Too soon the light came on. “Time to get up and clean yourself for tonight. Use the shower and facilities as long as you like and then dinner. I will be waiting,” said the woman who had taken me across the pole.
I luxuriated in the hot water, stretching my muscles, trying to work out the kinks in my body. I dried off and came out. “Let’s go to dinner,” she said.
I followed her to my regular table. Filet mignon with bearnaise sauce and great trimmings awaited me. The wine was suburb. I took my time enjoying the wonderful meal.
“Come now, we need to get you ready for tonight and explain everything you can expect.”
She took me back to the bathroom and handed me the makeup I had brought in my sack. “Fix yourself up for a night out. I will be waiting.”
Nothing had been said about leaving the warehouse and I was very curious about what was planned that required me to prepare for a night out. I did the very best I could with what I had brought and came out. “I am ready.”
“You look wonderful. Follow me.”
We went back to the office where I had come in. Mr. Smith was there. “Hello Jordan, I hope you have enjoyed your time so far. It is okay to speak in here.”
“It has been exciting and extremely trying but it has also been everything I hoped for and more! I am excited to know what is in store for tonight.”
“I will explain everything but first you must try on your outfit for the evening.”
He produced a corset that he handed me. “Examine and feel it. It has been made for you out of the same material as your collar. The cups are about one quarter so that your breasts will be well pushed up and your nipples exposed. It will be very tight. There are thin, vertical steel bones implanted in the rubber. It is made to accentuate your already beautiful form. You will feel its tightness all night.”
“I know rubber is hot but this is thinner and we also developed a way to punch thousands of micro holes that produce air movement as your body moves which allows for your sweat to evaporate. As you see it is held together in the back by very strong bands. You cannot put it on or take it off by your self. Now turn your back to me and we will fit it on you.”
He pulled it around me and using a tool he had showed me, pulled several of the middle bands to their hooks. He turned me around and made some slight adjustments to ensure it was fitting perfect. I could feel the upward pressure beginning on my breasts.
Back around and he began pulling all the bands to their hooks, working from the middle, up and down evenly. Every new band pulled me tighter from my abdomen to my chest. It lifted my boobs higher than any bra could. “There all finished! How do you feel?”
“Like I am squeezed in an hourglass.”
“That means it is perfect. Go over there and look at yourself in the mirror.”
I was like a different woman. Very small waist and very pronounced boobs. My nipples were hard, very prominent and striking. I think they were still a bit larger than normal as a result of the suction tubes.
“Now for the shoes! Here you are my dear, try them on.”
He gave me a pair of black Christian Louboutin pumps with four inch stiletto heels. I was nude except for the shoes and corset, I was incredibly stunning!
“You will leave us soon to spend the evening at an exclusive men’s club. You will be met by Mr. Jones, the club president. He will introduce you to the Members. You are the club’s Slut for the night. You will be expected to do whatever is asked of you. They understand your limits, especially no marks. They also know our rules about only being allowed ‘yes’ or ‘no’, however it is their club and they are free to change that rule. Follow it until you know otherwise. He has the button to your collar and I would hate to see you shocked unnecessarily.”
“So as beautiful as you are, you can expect much attention. It is quite possible that you will have sex with at least twenty different men, some more than once. You will stay there and serve until they call for your pickup. We will get a report on your performance. So expect to experience everything from serving drinks, playing pool or cards to as much sex of any kind that they desire.”
I did not know what to say. The thought of twenty guys and me... It was staggering to think of the possibilities.
“Good luck, I truly hope you have an extremely enjoyable evening! These two gentleman will take you there. You will wear a light, long coat to get in and out of the vehicle and also a black hood for everyone’s protection. Anonymity is important to everyone, including you. Do not give your real name to anyone!”
“Thank you, I think. I am sure it will be the experience of a lifetime. I am already excited. Your establishment has provided everything and more than I hoped for!”
I donned the coat and hood. The two men led me out the original door I entered through and into a waiting car. Sometime later we stopped. “We are here. You are going to enter through the rear door.”
They led me to the door, which was open. I was guided in, coat and hood removed, and was introduced to Mr. Jones.
“Good evening Slut. You are beautiful! Your minimalist outfit is stunning! I hope you enjoy the evening, I know our Members will! Please follow me up the stairs.”
“The first floor is a great room, library, dinning room and various other rooms. Up stairs is our recreation area. Billiards, cards, chess and private rooms for private enjoyment. We have had a long standing relationship with Mr. Smith which has proven to be beneficial to all those involved. I am sure you will appreciate tonight’s experience.”
“Please tell me your real name, some Members will prefer to use that rather than Slut.”
“Thank you Katie. Here we are.”
“Gentleman, here is our slut for the evening. I must say, one of the more beautiful ones we have ever had the pleasure of hosting! Lets hope her skill equals her beauty. We have covered the rules. Her name is Katie if you care to use that instead of Slut.”
“So Katie, the guys are thirsty. Go to the bar and serve them their choice and get to know them. We expect to enjoy your company for a number of hours. And by the way, I am waiving the no talking rule, we want to get to know you a bit.”
“Thank you, I look forward to that. Gentleman let me serve you!”
The guys were calling out their drinks. I was trying to make them and also talk with them. I was very busy until I had everyone served. I received many compliments on me, my body and my outfit. It was fun being the total center of attention.
After everyone was served we all drifted to the table that was brimming with obviously expensive hors d'oeuvres. I was drinking Cristal champagne and enjoying Beluga caviar. The boys were getting frisky; getting more and more bold exploring my body.
“Let me see how one of those nipples goes with my drink. They look like the best appetizer here!”
With that, he grabbed me and began to suck away, switching from side to side. One hand went to my pussy, which was already wet from the thought of taking all these men.
“I pronounce them totally delicious and something is already wet and inviting! Can you play billiards?”
“No but I can play pool, I enjoy it”
“Well they are similar. We really want to see your shot style!”
While the table was being set up, Mr. Jones called me over. “Unzip me and demonstrate your oral skills for the boys.”
“Gladly!” I said, as I pulled him free and took him in my mouth. I used all my skills to impress and delight the boss man.
“Mmm, damn boys, just like the old southern saying, she could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch! Slow down sweetie I need to tell the boys something.”
“Fellas we are going to do something different tonight. As usual everyone can fuck her until they are tapped out but no cummin in her anywhere but her mouth. That is a hard rule and here’s why. She is going to take all you can give and then deposit it a silver cup she will have with her. At the end of the night I am going to blend it with some cold Grey Goose and she is going to drink it all. We will finish the evening with a toast and she will have an extra special club cocktail to toast with us. How does that sound Slut?”
“Absolutely wonderful Mr. Jones, it is a brilliant idea!”
“Good. Now bend over that billiard table!”
I did as instructed and Mr. Jones was soon deep in me, pumping away. “Oh you are so large,” I said. “You are excellent, keep it up and I will be cumming on your table!”
He pulled me backwards a bit. “Shit, I am ready, get your mouth down here.” He released his load and I held it all until I had milked him to the last drop. I gazed at him as I let his cream slowly run out of my mouth and into the silver cup he had given me.
“Damn Katie, you are one sexy woman!”
Now that Mr. Jones had broken the ice, the others were definitely ready for part of me. “Hey Slut, come over here!” I heard his call from across the room. He was sitting in a chair, pants down and cock ready for attention. I began to suck him and he leaned back, “Go Baby go, suck that dick! I want to feel that drippin pussy! Oh my god guys she took all of me, she is a deep throater!”
He was tweaking my nipples, getting me hotter, when he pulled me off his cock. “Sit on it bitch! I want you to make me cum.” I straddled him and he sunk deep in me. I rode him back and forth knowing it would give him great pleasure but probably not make him cum.
I finally could feel him tense, his release was going to be soon. “I feel you about to cum.”
I lifted off just in time to get my mouth on him and suck out every drop. Another slow sexy discharge into the cup.
Another guy called me back to the billiard table. The game had started but he halted it. “Bend over Slut, this is going in your ass. We will see how you take that!”
Fortunately he did put some lube on his cock and did not try to jam it in swiftly but I relaxed quickly and he began to pump me hard. “Look at the Slut, she is taking it all the way up her ass as hard as I can give it to her!”
“Fuck my ass Daddy, oh ya do me Baby, you are SO big and it feels so good!” I realized by now that this was a big treat for these guys but it could not compare to what I had just been through for the past day and a half.
It did feel good but I had to fake an orgasm when I could tell he was about to cum. He pulled out and jammed himself into my mouth. I did not miss a drop and I let it all slip out into the cup.
Another guy, who was obviously drunk, came up to me with a leather paddle in his hand. He grabbed my by the hair and pulled me to a chair. “Lean over that. She is getting off too easy. Time to warm up that sweet round ass of hers! Hold on tight bitch!”
The smacks began. He went from cheek to cheek, obviously determined to beat me as hard as he could. His inebriated state did not allow for a serious beating and I began to scream, “OOWWwwww, DAMN, SHIT you are killing me!”
Mr. Jones put a stop to it. “Easy Tony, she has to go all night.”
“All right, all right. She just needs to know she is just a wanton slut.” With that he left the room and I had a sore, red ass.
I think they felt a bit sorry for me. One guy brought me more Cristal and several tried to carry on a normal conversation that was just idle chitchat. That was enjoyable and I appreciated it.
Soon five guys came up to me. “Get your cup and come with us.” I followed them to a large bedroom. “It is gangbang time for you Katie! Lay on the bed and do what you are good at and want.” I removed my shoes and lay on my back.
He started to consume my pussy while two more had their cocks on either side of my head. The kitty eater was really good! I had nothing to fake with him. As I was switching from cock to cock sucking them he already had me at the brink. “OH SHIT, Eat it Daddy, Do me, SUCK my Clit, FUCK I am cumming!!” A strong orgasm shot juice in his face as my muscles contracted and I tried to lift away from him but he had me in a strong hold and just kept it up. “I can’t take it, Oh HOLY CRAP another one!!” Small squirt this time and I finally managed to get him off my pussy.
“You are good but give me a break!”
“Okay, suck those cocks!”
I threw all my energy into just that. Deep throating one then the other, sometimes both in my mouth. I was stroking them as I sucked them; I knew they were both ready. I opened wide and they both shot loads in me. I had a hard time not swallowing but managed to hold it all. “Here is the cup Baby,” and it all went in.
“Some of those guys are amateurs and some just drunk but we are going to work you over, just like we know you want! Here are two fresh guys. Get up and let Tom lay down then suck him up hard and sit on him.”
I did and he was bigger than any before. I got on him and he grabbed my ass and started pounding me, fast and hard! “Ohh SHIT I am climaxing again!” My juice ran out over his cock and balls.
“Good girl. Now just lay on his chest and relax for a minute with his cock in you.”
The last guy got on behind me. I could feel his already lubed cock pressing into my ass. I was about to be double fucked! He started his motion in and out of my ass and Tom picked right up with the rhythm! Two big cocks alternating their thrusts in and out of me. I could feel my arm and leg muscles start to convulse! I lost control but two of the guys held my arms, my legs were well pinned to the bed.
“SHIT YOU FUCKERS, I am cumming and cannot stop!” Juice poured out of me. I was trying to scream but like other times could not catch my breath. The corset was not helping. I was gasping for air just to stay conscious. “PLEA. . . PLE. . . please!” They finally began to slow down and soon were both buried deep in me but not moving. “OH Thank god! You guys were killing me! That was my first double penetration! You guys were great!”
“You seemed to be enjoying it pretty good,” they said, laughing at me.
I pushed them both out of me. “That was an incredible performance!” I said, managing a big grin.
All of a sudden I was struck with the thought of Matthew. This was only the second time he had entered my mind during my special arrangement. What would he say or do if he knew about his slut wife right now? I could not believe that I had only thought of him once until now. Was I really turning into a depraved, sluttish tramp? Would I be able to go back to being his loving wife and keep this a deep dark secret? I had never deceived him before about anything.
“Katie, Katie, HEY Katie! Are you with us?
“Oh sorry, I was just sort of mentally caught up in what you guys just did to me,” I said laughingly, but the thought preyed on my mind. What was I becoming?
“You still have to suck us off for the cup, remember?”
“Oh god, your are going to make me do that?”
“Rules are rules, now get to it!”
I used all my tricks to get them to cum fast and they did. Two more in the cup.
With Matt still in the back of my mind, I asked, “Can I please have a break now? Just take me out there, get me more champagne and lets just chat and drink for a few minutes. I need to recharge a bit and you guys can brag about what you just did to me,” I said with a big grin.
“Sure! You earned it. I speak for all of us, we have never had it better than you Katie!”
We went to the bar, chalice in my hand, and I served everyone drinks.
“Guys, listen to what we did!” And he went on with a blow by blow description of our activities.
Time went by. They seemed to enjoy talking and just being with me almost as much as the sex. I was having a great time. I was pulled her and there for a blow job or a fairly quick fuck but it was not even close to non-stop. We all just enjoyed the evening.
Soon Mr. Jones spoke up, “Okay boys it is time for the big finish of our night with Katie. Charles, bring out the special stand.”
Soon an all-black table-like device was rolled out to the middle of the card room. The tables had all been removed.
“Come with me Katie. Soon it will be time for you to leave us but not before you get our big bang and your special cocktail!”
“Put one knee on each of those leg rests and lay face down on this very soft top. You’ll love it, it is memory foam. That’s a good girl. I am going to strap your calves down and your arms will be pulled forward and held with other straps. You have proven to be quite an active girl so we need to restrain you a bit for your final act. You did a job catching everyone’s cum. The goblet contains a good amount of our mixed cum. You will have a wonderful cocktail!”
“Now every Member is going to take his turn with you, pussy or ass, and deposit the last of his load in you. One after another they will fuck you ‘til no one has any thing left. Mr. Smith wanted us to make sure you had as full a work out as we could give you.”
“OH god, you mean all you guys are going to fuck me pretty much non-stop?” I said in a moment of panic. Holy shit I thought!
“Guys here comes Karen, you all know her. Her only job tonight will be to keep you all hard and ready to go for Katie. No cumming in her mouth. We do not want Katie to be kept waiting. Non-stop fucking for her ‘til we are finished!”
“That’s the final act! In old slang terms, you are going to pull a train. Think you are up for it?”
“I am honestly not sure.” I already had experienced more fucking in one night than I had ever even contemplated and now it was going to be almost continuous.
“Well the train is coming out of the station and is not going to end til the final car goes by. I am going to start it off and we will see how long it takes and how you take it!”
“Guys, take the goblet and when you are not in line stand by to catch whatever drips out of her after each guy is finished. Everyone make sure you lube up to make it a bit easier on our Slut.”
Karen was good at her work. Besides getting or keeping them hard, she made sure they were all well lubed so that everything would go smoothly as they entered me. I never was able to thank her but her efforts helped me tremendously.
Mr. Jones was ready for me. “Woo Woo, lets get this moving!”
He was in my pussy and fucking hard. I was already a bit sore from the previous action, but my sexual response was developing.
“That’s it, give it to me boys! Fuck me and give me your cumshot, make me your dumpster! OHHhhh YA! DO ME! I feel it shooting in me, fill me!” I was determined to take everything they could give me and show no pain, only desire and pleasure!
Karen kept the guys ready. The line kept moving. After every ejaculation someone held the cup to my pussy to catch what they could.
“Come on guys is that as good as you can do me? FUCK me like you mean it! I want every drop of your sticky, white seed. Make me cum! OOHHhhhh, ya like that!”
Some guys would make me squirt and that juice was also going in the cup if they could catch it. I was going to have quite the drink!
Finally the last guy got behind me. “Going in your ass Babe! Not enough deposits have been made there.” He went in pretty easy and pumped me hard!
“DO ME, FUCK that Ass! Ya Man, OH The Feels Great! Make Me CUM!” I felt his pluses and hot cum. “OHHHhh god that is SO good! You really got to me!” He pulled out. I knew it was over. I was SO sore! There were about twenty guys there and each one had had me at least twice, one way or another.
They untied me and I slowly got me up, a little unsteady at first but determined. “Let’s go for that last drink,” I said and headed for the bar. “You going to make my cocktail Mr. Jones?”
I eased my self down on a stool. Karen took over making drinks, thank god, and Mr. Jones started up the blender. Grey Goose out of the freezer and the contents of the goblet were dumped in. Out came a cold, somewhat milky looking mix that he poured into a martini glass. By that time Karen had fresh drinks for everyone.
“Here is to Katie, the best slut our club has ever hosted! You were magnificent tonight! Drink up!!
I poured the martini down in one gulp. It actually tasted pretty good. Karen refilled my glass. I stayed in my seat, sipping my special drink and managing to still chat with the guys, even thought I wanted so bad to be in a hot shower or bath.
“Katie, it is 4am, your ride is here. On behalf of everyone, thank you again for a wonderful evening. If you ever want to visit us again you can reach us through Mr. Smith. We would love to host you! I am sure you will sleep good tonight, take care of your beautiful self.”
He lead me downstairs to the back door where I was met by two men. I donned the coat and was escorted to the vehicle. Once again I had to wear the black hood. We drove away. They did not speak and neither did I.
Soon we arrived back at the warehouse. I was lead inside where I removed the coat and the hood was pulled off. “So Slut,” Mr. Smith said, “how did you enjoy your evening out?”
“I do not believe I have the words to fully describe my feelings. I was treated very well but I never imagined or conceived of how I would feel after SO much fucking and other types of attention to my body. I am so sore and sensitive. I really need a bath and sleep. I will probably absorb it better in the morning.”
“I fully understand. You have experienced what very very few women ever do, especially willingly. Tanya here will remove your corset, take you to the bath and then to bed. You will be allowed to sleep until you wake. I expect you to sleep until afternoon so your visit with us will be over when you awake. I will talk to you before you leave. Goodnight Jordan.”
“Goodnight Mr. Smith. Thank you.”
Tanya had been quietly waiting off to the side. “Turn around so I can remove the corset.” I felt the bands release and a pain I did not realize I had left my body. “This way to the tub and bed.”
I followed her to a new location where there was a modern tub with massage jets. It was full of hot water. There were lotions and potions around it. She showed me how to control the water flow and the pile of towels. “Your bed is right there. You will find it extremely comfortable so you should sleep quite awhile. You will not be tied, however this area is monitored electronically so if you try to leave the area of the tub and bed alarms will go off and bright lights will come on. Just stay here and pamper yourself. Mr. Smith will see you when you wake and ensure that you get safely back to your hotel. Goodnight.”
As tired as I was, I still took the time to enjoy a hot soak and then slowly rubbed what was a very soothing lotion into my skin. Then I quickly drifted off to sleep, looking forward to seeing Mr. Smith so I could tell him how much I had enjoyed my experience.
I slowly became aware of sounds and movement. I was clawing my way back to consciousness. I felt myself being shaken very hard, “Jordan, Jordan! Wake up! It is me, Matthew!”
“What... Where... What is going on? Where am I?” I said, in a dazed state.
“You are at home with me, in our bed. You have been having what appears to have been a terrible nightmare!” he said, trying to make sure I was fully awake and coherent.
“Oh my god, Matthew! It was dreadful! I was being tormented... My brain is fuzzy, I cannot remember much... “
“Don’t try to remember. Just hold me. Everything is okay. I came over to surprise you when you returned from New York.”
“Oh thank God!” I looked around and I was in my apartment bedroom in Tampa. The last thing I remembered was leaving my New York hotel to go shopping.
“I am okay now Matt. I am so lucky to have you looking out for me! I love you very very much. I know this may sound strange but can I please just have a few minutes alone to gather my thoughts and mentally try to process what has happened to me?”
“I understand how terrifying these dreams can be so just take your time and call me when you are ready,” he said as he left the room and shut the door.
I did try to process my thoughts. . . Had I really been dreaming? My pussy and ass were sore. My nipples felt like they had been rubbed raw. I could almost feel my body shuddering over and over with orgasms, yet there were the bags of all the special clothes that I had bought as I shopped from store to store. I recall smelling a familiar odor I could not identify. Where did I know that from?
How could I have shopped so much and also experienced the wonderful and thrilling sexual experiences that were running around in my mind? Dream or reality, it was a wonderfully exciting memory! Maybe it would happen again one day...
~~~ End ~~~
Author’s Comment--
I hope you enjoyed the read. Please comment if you are so inclined. I am particularly interested in how you did (or did not) enjoy the ending. Please vote if you read it all and happen to feel like it.

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