Patton Oswalt 1, free porn video

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So I and my new beautiful Emily, are in the midst of a long flight, from LaGuardia to LAX, and we begin to have the most free spirited, enthusiastic, freakitty- fRESH- Freak nasty ass conversation. Emily ",Babe, I gotta come clean,,, ayyy~ further about my ,,, sexual turn on.... Prepare yourself, bc shit is about to get real......:-/" I "O.k. babe,,, lay it on, me, I know that whatever it is, it couldn't be too deranged or gross£~£~~,,, right?,,,," Emily ",,,,,,,,,ok., Babe check it out. I often or maybe sometimes, wish and or imagine short, stalky, mostly chubby middle aged white men sucking your big black long Juicy Dark dick,,, ,, ,, ,, like me, or my sister Krystal M.B. Willis, or even Granny Taylor. I mean straight Goafer Duck Mobbin', on you.......Sometimes,,,,£~~I imagine us both as a couple taking advantage of a stubby, adorable, short white man, babe,,, am I disgusting.?" I "Oh my Fuggin' GAWd, I,,,,,,, often or maybe sometimes have to fight off Chubby white and Asian middle aged homosexual an Bi-sexual men off me, it's like I can hear there inner Hungry hungry Stalker ish Hippo need to crave my lips, my eyebrows, my eyelashes, my muscles, my Tattoos, my SUPERMAN Titties, and most importantly my big black long Dick..." Emily "Oh My God,,, that is the exact, type of hardcore Giggitty Gay interracial Oral Dirty shit, I push deep down inside, and try,, I mean I really try, not, to, think about it,,,, buhhhhh..." I ".... Seriously baby, it's like,,, I also, feel that these certain types of White men, fluidly Goafer Duck Shlurk work that meat HANGRILi and Scarfer-ishly. I don't know, maybe think about Certain Chubs like John Cena, James Corden, or Patton Oswalt..." Emily "!!!Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!,,, , No babe, no you Fuggin' did~Not, say, his name...." I "What??" Emily "Dad, that is exactly,,, who I,. Had~in mind.... checgit'Out. So we should be arriving to the airport at 4:24pm, and I can make some calls, but I can ,, most likely set us up. With a meet and greet at Khloe's and you could finally pitch, your movie idea to him."

I "Mami, I know, I know, I know-i know... Set that ish up. Ayo, but keep it Castaway, I don't want to come off like some hetero, big black nigga and his dirty~``nERDY White Wife, trying to live out there, filthy Threesome Man and Wife doggy hoGGy Twiggy Twork workin' That~Chubby White~Last Superboyish mouth........... An, possibly Arse....:-(~)" Emily "...okokokok, ok stay coo' let me call his manager Megan Mullaly, Khlo an Kris, to set the Beverly hills Mansion, for the pitch meeting. So it took us precisely another 4hours to get to L.A., and when we arrived we had to, cancel the pitch at Khloe's bc Kris had a bitch fit and demanded we have the pitch meeting at her Beverly hills Mansion, no butts! It took 2 hours to set up snacks, refreshments, and to get You Patton the only man, I find remotely worthy or attractive to be shmothered with flawless buck wild- Freak Deaky nasty ass~ interracial Sex ish. 8:56pm sharp, you Patton arrived, and we're greeted by my GLORiOUS Wife Emily... Emily "Hello, Mr. Oswalt, such a joy and absolute privilege to finally meet you, and talk to you about an incredible, film opportunity with my Husband's directorial debut John E. Willis aka Al B. Sure/JohnVeNOM/Ginuwine CEO of BFO Recordings LLC. & BFE ENT., what say you?" You "....Wow I'm excited, I haven't started in my own blockbuster film,, , , ,an wow to actually work with Mr. VeNOM, would be a surreal honor, , So I have my voice over with the Goldberg's ending season 6, next week,,, so if the project sounds promising, I'm all in." Then my shnooky boo, got,, down,, to BiZzZNeSs, an began to ask the, really-illy-ill- Ques£~ty£~owns, haha. Emily ",.,,, So , before I bring my Golden Honey bear, Strawberry Sundae hubby, let me just get the preliminary questions, out, the, way. ...., ,. ,. So, how much, about, do~ya, think you weigh???!? What-uhh bout 215 - 225." You "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-hhhm, how does that pertain to, the project.?." Emily ",,,,,,,,Well, just, gotta get some, facts about,,,,, the man, ``Patton Oswalt``."")You ever hear my hubby's, Quad-Droople Diamond Album Mixtape, "Poisonist Passion Vol.1" Co-Starring Sade Adu.....?" You ">>Actually, you know what,,, I did actually own, a cassete disc, that my mother stole, from me. Clearly a living Masterpiece of musical flawlessness.... I sometimes cry, on my mother's voicemail,, hoping she returns- the call , , ,and my damn CD." Emily "Whoa~Whoa~Whoa~£~~wHoAhhh Nicki, kick back Pat-In,, getting a little sensitive about a mixtape."

You "Iknow/Iknow, it is just one of those albums, that completely capture the essence of the Rythmn and Blues, to your husband's superior lyrical hardcore hip-hop lyrics..." Emily "Daaaimn, Getting a lil' aggressive about a , couplah sonng's Cutti." You "Excuse me?.?." , Emily ",,,,,,,,,,_-/'Looook, you heard the, long tale of the story surrounding,,, that album-right?" You "No, I didn't, what's the surrounding controversy?" Emily ",.,.,>>>>wELL -bRUhHh, the word is,,,, any man to talk about, mention, cry, sy, or own,,,, even a little piece of,,, the 'Poisonist Passion Volume1,,,, ieeewZiz...?" You "..Is what?" ... . . . . . . . Emily "is, , , ,GAY(!)(!)(!), , , , YA knoW, lil' sissy, uhh pootie, uhh punk,......." You "A whaht???(/+++?"EMiLY"UHH~~FaGGOT, damn it, , , uhh-Stone-Cold - FunkyFaggoTT Pat. Hey, ya'gotta'let'that'Shih~Go." You "I jusSssS,,," Emily "HEYY-YA GAY, IF YA STILL, TALKIN' ABOUT THAT POISONIst~Patton- Ozzy.. . . So, ya gay huh." You "iaMnOTgAY! GOT Damn it, I simply appreciate,,,,,, Sade and you're husband's music." Emily "So,,,,,,,,,, ya gay. Heyyy, it's not a bad thing. It's Cool, hey, it's even highly exceptable and trendy." You "Wow, I honestly feel that your attacking me, and I don't have to stay here, and take,,,,, Is that Joann&Kris' shrimp Cheese fondue I smell?" Emily "It, show is... But seriously, if I and my husband could promise you a Android or Apple phone with all 18mp3d songs from Poisonist Passion,,, would youuuuuuu......?!?;'*":'!??" You "Would I whAHHHT?" Emily "You let me put,,,,, a nicely lubricated,,,, 7inch,,, thick black Strap-on,,, up ya'Ass?" You slowly digested my wife's proposition, breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out, then answered , You "I don't know,, maybe,,,, what do you guys,,, have a Super Bowl stadium full of them, around here.,,, O.K. Slowly£~ breath Let me start again,,, wHAT I meant to say, " Emily "You know what, Mr. Oswalt, I am totally out of line, we're getting far off track, back to the project, I'm deeply sorry, please forgive me, for even mentioning£~ Plowing you, smooth yet Shmack clack wildly up that'Ass, , , while my Al B. ViZzy,,, creep up from behind me, and Shwalla shlide that Thick long Black Nasty Ass Rock hard Dirty Dungeon Dick, , , , in ya mOUFFf, truly sorry." You "...lOOK, see your misinterpreting what, I'm trying to say. I.." Emily "So what your saying is, you're dying to suck my hHUSBAND's CoCk." You "Ehch£~haha aha, no. , I didn't say that, exactly. But being honest it has nothing to do with his skin tone or length, I'm comfortable and fully secure to say, Al B. Sure is the only man I find ultruistically Handsome, or attractive and astonishingly breathe taking human male, that,I, would,take,pleasure in entering me,, oOr, for me to, pleasure orally, to completion." Emily "Alrighty, so~,,how,, would,, you,, suck it?" You "I would soothingly relief him of Ejaculation formittably and firm." Emily "Nuh-no+-no-no, see J.Daddy.V, don't like that wimpy Shit- he like That East Oakland, L.A. Almadenner' b**st Neck, he like a bitch or probably a 'bitch man' to Shlllurgiy Rope swang Goafer suck that pipe."

You "--See, I didn't want to get SsStank but'uhhhhhh'um, trust me Mrs. Willis, I would Goafer Duck Mob, on that pIPE." Emily "s-s-suhh-So, so you would Work that pipe, Shlurpee Glihh-ihh-Shteeeze-Flaw,-Oggitty oral Slurkle my man?" You "... Jesus, Emily, I'm,,, no,,, I am not Gay, but the~Fuggin"'~way ya keep TALKIN' bout it.Honestly has me feeeeee-eeeling very Gay, for you and you're Glorious husband John." As you rolled you're eye's in hormoic bliss, My #1 lady E.B.R. swooped up, feelin' it way too much, and *Plawppy* dipped the black fat strap-on, in your agaped mouth. Then my fair Lady spoke "Oh-shit,Oh-shit, oh my,, Mr. Oswalt,,, I'm so so sorry." You "AUWHhff÷- Uhhh, what , just happened?" My Dane or Dame or PunkRock Biiietch, put her lovely Red dress back over purtruding massive Striggitty,, an spoke again "....An now the moment you have been waiting for, my man, my daddy, mine, my Multi-gifted husband Alexander Beautiful John E. Willis Sure.... Honey, just got done, approaching Mr. Oswalt about the big BFO Recordings LLC. Pro." I "Hello Mr. Oswalt, I'm happy to finally meet you,,, I have the most iconic biopic, timeline, slash autobiography Sit up sit down Comedy..... 'Patton Oswalt:The Most Intelligent man'. Comedians/Actors/Writers/Producers/directors/& athlete legends, past and present travel up and down California, Japan, and New York picking at your brilliance as the most Intelligent Comedian/Actor, but more impressive, man on Earth. Plot would venture into your personal life, c***dren/Wife and call it , a movie. Whaddoya'say?" You "Mr. Sure or Mr. Willis, -uhh-I would be absolutely honored to star in your very imaginative and eclectic film." Emily "Grrrrrreat, this sounds perfect I'm gonna run into Kris' kitchden for some drinks... You two chat, while I feTCHh the reFreshMentS... :-)" You "Mr. Sure, I am very moved and elated, about this project, but I now fully realized today that I......))I..."""-&+' Am Gay for you, I'm just, being straight up. I'm married with c***dren happily,. But I yearn to take you In my mouth.(.). There I said it... Whoooooh." Then quickly without hesitation I grabbed you and Deeply French kissed you, hARRRD. Then I pulled away, not denying my flawless Godliness, Breath taking Beauty and Earth shattering masculinity,,, Slapped you across the face, and said "luh-luh-lOOK, ,,, Come here,,,, get d....."YOU"Yes>Yes sir,... (. .)" Then like a true Faggitty Ass Bitch, began long roping, that CoCk. I looked past into the distance, and could see my bAy, Emi, stroking that Strapped Plastic rubber dick, and with other hand, higgitty hitting that Clit. Lips wet drooling, uhh bit. Then you enter with the drinks playing the surprised roll, Emily ".Well-I never,,,, Oh you've done it now, You're Goafer Duck Long Roping , my mothafuckin' man,,, Nope,,,- nah Take these fuckin' PantsZ'Off," I "P., GET LOW!! YEAh u heard her! Arch-ya Patton Arch...." Emily "JuSs-ARcH YOUR Back, ~~yeaH poke that ass- out, Oh baby- I'ma have'tuh run through this Chubby bitch!! HAHhhH, Shhhloccck-Shhhloccck--shhhloccck-shhhloccck-shhhloccck, Oh ShiT- HaHhh-Hahhh.!!!" You "!!!Uhhergghhhhfff!!!" I "AwuHHHlll -->>✓fUCKKK Babe, oh£~Whoa, buhh-buh- baby~daimn,,,, I CAN'T, HOLE'IT, Oh!!! Goddamn, babe (Hahahaha), you better stop playin'..." Dude it was insane my beau's white flawless soft Titties started to GorGe, actuallllllllllllllly growing and lactating.

Emily "NiggaH,- see I told,, wait --See Shlackkkk-shlackkkk-shlackkkk-shlackkkk-shlackkkk- see, Daddy-Swollllaaht- I told you, we was gon' get- a little nasty,,, HaHhh-Hahhh-Hahhh-Hahhhhh-Hahhhh-Hahhhhh-Hahhhh-, throw ass back Patton,,, Oh God my Titties!!!!- Hahhhh-hhahhhh--Hahhh, damn it- I said- , NiggaH I said throw it- Shlackkkk-shlackkkk-shlackkkk-shlackkkk-shlackkkk-, Throw it back hONky- Hahhhhh..." Oh GoOd GoD, when she started to, really diggs in you, well damn I lost all control, so I proceeded to Thunder Slide Throat ya thoat. The 3 of us SWifTly moving in pure free sexual harmony, Sweatin' all three of us, you arched like Dominique Dawes at The 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games, untill I just couldn't hold back and jusSssS bliggitty blurst blastin' all off into your mouth, with a tap water after effect steam stream racing down your Black Cock Whore Fucking Faggot throat. Being ran through train style by , wifey and I Emi an J.VeEze.

To Be Continued.......................

:This John's Erotica story is dedicated to all my "NiGGa's", and my Birth Son Aubrey Drake Graham John E. Willis III
B.May, 16th 2001

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uncle bob and me

My Mum had gone away for the weekend with her mates which meant me and her boyfriend had the house all to ourselves. He’s brill, my Mum’s boyfriend. He’s like a mate. He’s in his 40s but he’s well cool. Anyway, it was Saturday and we had a great night in, lots of cans, a spliff…brilliant. Round about 11 o’clock I said, “Right. I’m off to bed. See you in the morning, Uncle Bob.” I always called him Uncle Bob.“You off for your bedroom wank then?” “Yeah well I’m 18. I’m young and full of cum so I...

4 years ago
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Boating Holiday

A good part of this story is true and what occurred on the trip has been slightly improved. Chapter one: My name is Mike and I love my boat “Lollypop.” She’s a new Amel 64’ twin mast built in 2014 a true blue-water cruising yacht. The boat has electric winches and in mast furling and below decks there are three cabins and sleeping for eight at a pinch. I’ve been sailing all my life, with my Dad and uncles when I was just able to swim then competition sailing in a VJ sailing club during High...

2 years ago
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My Dream Aunty Accepts My Nasty Proposal

Hi ISS Readers. I am happy to share my first story which happened 2 years back. Let me tell about me.. I am a stud looking guy with bet looks and a nice smile. My tool is 10cm long 5cm broad. I am fond of pussy licking. You can have a talk with me or can send your feedbacks on This is my first story so it maybe noobish. Forgive me for my mistakes. This story happened when i was in tenth grade. I was preparing for my exams so I used to be at my home only. My mom used to take tuition in the...

2 years ago
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Let It SnowChapter 2

“So, when you were all hot and bothered, talking about being a willing sexual plaything for so many of us, I know that the talk excited you, but as you yourself noted, there would have to be practical limits. Even if you were deadly serious about being on hand to meet people’s sexual wants and needs on demand, there would be major, if mundane constraints on your ability to perform as you suggested, much as I wish that it were practical,” I noted regarding Vicki’s loose talk of being a “family...

3 years ago
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Shakeela Mom And Aunt Renuka 8211 Part II

Hi this is Halim I m a very innocent young boy, my age is 28 and this is my story about when I was 24 till than I ‘ve not masturbated or didn’t know anything about sex, I would have my cock hard as stone, everywhere, at many times, let me come 2 story, my family was going for a tour and someone needs to see the house so I was left out, and not alone but with a close family friend of my family a Hindu aunty who name is Revathi She is 38 years old busty women, short, black haired, her husband too...

2 years ago
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Picket Fences Maxines Circus Investigation

Deputy Maxine (Max) Stewart: Lauren Holly Peter Dreeb: Michael Anderson Kimberly Brock: Holly Marie Combs (16-year-old) Doctor Jill Brock: Kathy Baker Sheriff Jimmy Brock: Tom Skerritt Deputy Kenny Lacos: Costas Mandylor From episode: "MR. DREEB COMES TO TOWN" Welcome to Rome, Wisconsin, a rather quaint little town that normally wouldn't draw anybody's attention. Unfortunately for the residents of this small community, it seemed to be a magnet for unusual happenings. The small...

1 year ago
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Two Nights Of Sex Showers In Otherwise Dry Boring Sharjah

Hi Friends. This is Arun. I’m 27 years old and I’m here to share with you my unforgettable experience on bed with a mallu babe Jiphy at Sharjah, which is otherwise a dry and boring business trip. I wanted to share this for the last 7 months but for want of time and to convince Jiphy to share our relationship in public rolled 7 months over.   So this incident between me and Jiphy happened back in February 2016 where me and my colleague were on a business trip to work with a company in Sharjah....

4 years ago
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Mr Archer Ch 4

Michael was sitting on the edge of the bed. He was finding this situation completely surreal. The student from his class that he had just started to date wasn’t the student from his class, but her twin sister. And the almost naked young woman in front of him wasn’t the twin sister he thought she was, but was in fact the student from his class… Wow. So he had just spent the last 30 minutes slowly arousing a beautiful, sexy young woman whom he’d never ever touched before. And this woman was...

3 years ago
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She Challenged Me

I advanced my King’s Pawn two ranks, a standard opening. She looked at me briefly. We had never played each other before so neither of us had any idea how good, or bad, a player we were. She matched my move, our pawns looked at each other. I remembered an old computer game, Battle Chess, where the pieces would make threatening motions when face to face. Ruefully, this was an ordinary, although lovely, chess set.The pieces were wood and carved in phenomenal detail. It also looked old yet in...

First Time
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Cousins Removed a New BeginningChapter 10

Friday Morning I awakened with a start. “Mom!!! Dang. I can’t even wipe my butt with my left hand. Dang!!!” Not how I was accustomed to waking up. When my eyes were fully opened, I saw Jan on the far end of the couch, my feet in her lap and a blanket wrapped around her. She smiled. “Don’t say anything. She doesn’t know or doesn’t remember you’re here.” I nodded, although I wasn’t sure why. We had about three minutes of silence. “Mom!!! Can I have pizza for breakfast? Mom??!!” “You...

1 year ago
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Taped My Wife Fucking My Friend

A couple weeks ago my friend Clay came over after the bar and fucked my wife with me in the bed next to her. He nailed her again the next morning much to her liking. He was extremely hung and my wife hasn't stopped talking about his dick since that night/morning. We will be fucking and she'll tell me to do her like clay or whisper in my ear about how many times she came with him. I've been so turned on I decided to arrange for Clay to come over and do Kristen again, but I wanted to surprise...

2 years ago
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 13 Katiersquos Anal Desires

It was Wednesday morning and Katherine Jackson had called in sick to work but she wasn’t feeling ill. She glanced over at the clock and sighed. Her husband would be home in less than an hour and it couldn’t come soon enough. Since returning from Chicago she was unbelievably horny. Her libido was in overdrive. Having the stranger watch her have sex with her husband made her feel naughty and oddly excited more than she had ever been. She stared into the mirror and her hands shook as she gently...

3 years ago
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Still one of the boys Part 1

 7.30 a.m. Shania Twain's voice in "That don't impress me much" pulled Michael off whatever he was dreaming.It sounded like a great idea when he set one of his favorite songs ever as his alarm ringtone, at first, but now he wasn't that sure.No one really likes to interrupt their dream, especially with a max-volumed song. That's barbaric and no song in the world will heal that sensation, especially the most loved ones.Cause you're going to end up hating it.This time was no different, though he...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Kelli Mike and FriendsChapter 9 First Friday

On the Friday following she arrived at the family home of Mike, the boy who had identified her as the babysitter, she was dreading meeting him again but could not get out of it without having to explain. The parents told her they would be out late and not back until after 1:00am at the earliest. The daughter must go to bed by 9:00pm and their son, Mike, was in his room and should not need anything, he was normally out with his friends but would usually go to bed by 10:30 to 11:00. All she...

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Carolina Reaper

Tremendous fascination can be found in spices—take capsaicin. While leaving most other living species indifferent, it induces sharp, lasting pain in mammal mucus. Owing to these features, it has found widespread use in agronomy against rodent pests or as doping in equestrian sports. The reason for the pain is because it fits like a key to a lock in the active site of the pain receptors of our nerve endings. The reason for the duration of the pain is that the body's defense mechanisms fail...

2 years ago
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A Saint and A Sinner Ch 04

‘I know you RSVP’d the Mayor, dear. I’ll be ready to go. Just give me a couple more minutes,’ he spoke patiently into the phone, the nagging overtones of his wife shattering the euphoria he had felt a few moments before. ‘Yes dear, we have plenty of time before the opening speeches. I promise, I’ll be right in.’ He stared blindly at the wall next to the phone, a wall covered by sheets of pegboard where his tools hung neatly and in order by size. Everything was clean, kept that way by his...

1 year ago
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More humilation for Emma

I can't believe it's been five years since I first told the world all about myself.All the time I meant to write more about my desires to be spanked and humiliatedand to tell everyone about some of my real live adventures. I suppose I better begin by summarising the last five years, which seems tome to have past in the blink of an eye as they say. I am now married to Jamesand although he does sometimes spank me it isn't a big part of our relationship.His mum however still attends to my bottom...

3 years ago
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So much lust

There was no denying my urges now. After so many years, denying the lust I had, so many years wanting and needing cock, but resisting. I needed to explore my desires, and now seemed to be the right time. On my own for the first time in decades, my mind drifted back to my teenage years. So young and innocent, everything was so new and exciting. I tasted my young friend’s cock at a sleep over. I was so curious and that first brief encounter only made me want to experience more, only fueled my...

2 years ago
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NightfallChapter 3

The day was hot and sunny which was rare in France. Jen spent the morning walking in the gardens with Hannah discussing their favorite books and movies. The girl was lonely and probably appreciated the company but Jen was having a great time as well. As she had predicted the previous day Hannah was a very sweet and timid girl. However, when she felt more comfortable she opened herself a little giving Jen the opportunity to look inside. Hannah was growing up and she was battling with the...

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Marathi Kaamwali 8211 Part 1

Maza nav parth. Mi punyat rahto. Amchya ghari ek kaam wali bai hoti..Ticha nava hota kalpana. Hi goshta tevhachi ahe jevha mi 12 vit hoto-4 varshanpurvi. Kalpana chi age tevha 28-29 asel.Tila ek 10 varsha chi mulgi hoti.Ticha navra tila sodun gela hota.Tila to ajibat avdaycha nahi…Khup maraycha..Mhanun sodun gela te barach kela asa ti mhanaychi. Ti amchya gharat javalpas sakali 8 te sandhyakali 6:30 paryant asaychi.Divas bhar kahi na kahi tari kaam karat asaychi.Tila pagar pan changla det hoti...

2 years ago
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Roaming the City on a glorious summers day I find

The sun filtered in through the window, its golden rays warming my naked flesh as I awoke.I pushed the thin sheet covering back even further and smiled dreamily as I felt a pulse of sexual energy wash over me.Lazily, I traced my fingers around the fullest part of my breasts, enjoying how heightened my senses were on this gorgeous sunny day. My skin tingled as fingertip connected to flesh, and I trailed a line down my body becoming more aroused by the moment.My pelvic region began to pulsate as...

3 years ago
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Axiom Ch 07

Rebirth. So oft talked about, celebrated in movies and literature. To be pushed again through that amnion and expectorated into life, refreshed and renewed. Was that what he was hoping for? That fateful night where seconds ticked by in acrid droplets that burned through the membranes of his memory. The one where his persona – that richly cerebral being, all logic and computations and calculations, cracked open like a chrysalis that ached to metamorphose. Rebirth. Was this rebirth, then? Was...

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After Dinner Delight

We just had dinner at this really nice Greek place. I‘m wearing a cutelittle brown strapless dress and all evening we flirted, talked, laughedand just enjoyed spending time together.Then we went back to your place. On the way there you start strokingover my knee and thigh, showing me what was to come when we got to thehouse. You move your hand up and down in slow strokes. Moving higherunder the hem of my dress teasing.Brushing ever so lightly over my panties. You can feel my heat and tellme in...

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Fucked Chubby Auntys Daughter

Hello, guys, I’m back with my new and real story. In my previous story I told you how I fucked my neighbour indian aunty aunty and I received many emails from u guys and some aunties also invited me to fuck them and I do it. I will explain it in my next story. In this story, I will tell how I fuck daughter of my aunty. Now come to story. Jesa ke mene apko btaya ki mene apni aunty ko choda tha. Fir hm milne lage jb bhi moka milta hm chudayi krte or pura mja lete ek dusre ka. Aisa krte krte kuch...

1 year ago
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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 26

It was a particularly harsh winter, that of 1942/42. It hit the Germans hard, partly because they didn't expect to have to endure it. The temperatures were some of the lowest on record, but for the Russians, this was their country, their climate. Like the others, Benin wore felt boots without metal studs. The metal caused frostbite, a lesson the Germans were slow to learn. The troops at Novgorod were issued with Winter uniform of white snow suits and fur hats. Flying was possible on clear...

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school days our female teacher watching us naked

This is true story about my school days. We would go swimming every week, and because the only teacher who took us was female she would have to come into the mens changing rooms at the swimming baths. I was only 11 but I was just becoming sexually aware. I remember after swimming we would be in the showers and she would come in and tell us to hurry up. She would stand watching as we took off our swimming trunks. I made sure that I stood in a place where she could see me. I could feel my cock...

1 year ago
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Stephanie Chapter Four

I pulled my underwear up around my hips, letting it snap back against my skin. I pulled on my dark blue skinny dress over my head, its tightness cuddled by breasts and hips, and stopped just below my ass. I put on mascara, eyeliner, silver eyeshadow and light pink lip-gloss. I pulled on my black heels as I walked out of my room. The party was downstairs and the music had been booming up since seven. I thought a late entrance would bring more attention to myself.  I walked down the stairs and...

2 years ago
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in the dark

this happened 3 years ago.I was at this small party wasnt very many of us there there was me, and to of my buddies and three girls Debbie, and this hot red head I had a crush on named Sara she wearing tight blue jean shorts and a sexy belly shirt well we were drinking a few beers and watching a movie and it was storming outside when all of a sudden the lights went out for a few seconds and came back on well I got up to go to the ketchen and then Sara came in.Just then...

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