Professor Greenstein's Price free porn video

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This story is a continuation of “Professor Greenstein’s Offer”.

I watched her carry the old, worn-down wooden chair into the middle of the room and felt a mixture of trepidation and thrill. I watched her eyes as she critically observed its placement and studied her movements while she pushed and turned it. She took an awfully long time for a thing as simple as setting up a chair for a spanking, and impatience welled up in me. I forced it down, for I knew that this was all part of the game. Not that I regarded it as such. No, the promise of a spanking was much too real and intimidating. At the same time it was incredibly sweet and seductive, it made my skin burn and the air taste crisp.

She had put on a red, silken bathrobe, and it served as a reminder of my nudity while I knelt next to the reclining chair. Staying in position was incredibly hard, and I was beginning to catch glimpses of that devious side she had warned me about. Only my knees and toes were allowed to touch the floor, my legs were spread wide apart and my upper body was tight like a bowstring, my hands reached far above my head as she had ordered.

I was uncomfortable, to say the least. My knees had started to hurt before the first minute had passed, and my upper body trembled while I fought to keep the tension in my pose. Her gaze never left me for long while she positioned the chair, and the twinkling in her eyes told me how much she enjoyed my predicament, which filled me with immense pride.

“Crawl to me, slowly.”

Her order was spoken quietly, but she could just as well have shouted at me, the way my body jerked with desire. I sighed in relief when I could lower a part of my weight onto my arms, and I started to move awkwardly towards her while she took her seat. My long, blonde hair fell over my face and almost touched the floor, a golden curtain which made it difficult to see her.

“I will have to braid your hair in the future. It hides your beautiful breasts when you crawl.” A short giggle escaped her and I slowed my movements. “Yes, you will be crawling a lot for me, your body is delicious to watch. But do not dawdle!”

Soon enough I was right in front of her and could admire how the blood-red silk contrasted beautifully with her alabaster skin. My fantasies assaulted me again, and images of my tongue covering every creamy inch of these delicious legs with little, loving licks danced at the forefront of my mind. Her hands softly cupped my chin and made me look up.

“I do not understand you,” she whispered, and for a second her grip became almost painful. “I do not know what it is you see in me. But I will stop questioning my luck.” She stared into my eyes, and that one loose curl swung slightly with every little movement of her head. “Position yourself across my thighs.”

I made a move to my right, but the short clucking of her tongue halted me. I wanted to slap myself. She was right-handed, of course. Reversing direction, I lay down with my stomach on her thighs, a bit fearful to settle all of my weight on her.

Her hand touched my bum and I couldn’t stop myself from wiggling it at the wonderful, forbidden sensation.

“Keep still.” She started to knead it, first softly, but with increasing strength. “It is important to warm up the muscles before a hard spanking.” Her voice turned to lecture mode, melodious and sexy. “You will be able to take a lot more this way, and it will minimize the dangers of injury.”

She must have felt the slight tensioning of my body, because her other hand began to stroke up and down my back, giving me pleasurable goose bumps.

“You do not need to worry, though. I know what I am doing, and I will not leave you unable to sit for a week after our first day together.” Her hand stroked down the back of my leg and her nails painted a fiery trail on their way back, which made me shudder with renewed arousal. “We will keep that for later.”

My bum was getting hot from all the rubbing and kneading. Her ministrations felt like the most wonderful massage, and I almost whimpered when she pulled her hand away.

“This will be a pleasure-spanking, for both of us, so I will start slowly and give your body time to get accustomed. If I’m ever forced to spank you as a punishment, it will be quite different.”

My breathing began to come faster with every second the spanking grew nearer. I had imagined that moment so often, but the reality already was so much more intense. I felt her thighs on my stomach and it was slightly uncomfortable, but the discomfort paled against the heat of her skin and the knowledge of what was about to happen.

“How many swats do you think your moment of pleasure earlier is worth?”

My voice was hoarse when I stammered my answer. “I don’t know, Professor, I really don’t know!”

Her hand rubbed small circles over my bottom once more, and my body relaxed.

“You’re so responsive, I love that.”

I was glad that she couldn’t see how my face reddened from the praise.

“Tell you what, let’s forget about a fixed number. A spanking is only done well if there are tears.” She trailed her fingers through my slit, which was once again hot and dripping wet with desire for her. “We’ll make it twenty on top after you have started crying. How does that sound?”

The questions made me panic for a moment. How should I respond? But in truth, I quickly realized, there was only one response for me to offer.

“Whatever pleases you, Professor!”

She giggled softly, a throaty sound like wind-chimes to my ears. “Spoken like a true teacher’s pet. But you are one, after all. Very well. There is just one minor thing left to take care of, before we can begin.”

Her hands were suddenly both at my head, and I felt her fingers brush my hair from my face and pull it together. Then my head itself was forcefully pulled backwards.

My eyes widened when I noticed the big mirror on the wall that framed our reflections. This was why it had taken her so much to set up the chair! I saw my flushed face and wide eyes, watched how my breasts dangled lewdly under me, gravity making them appear even larger than they were. I spied her fist wrapped around my hair and watched her pull my head back hard with golden reins, and I almost melted from the delighted look in her eyes. The excitement made her look ten years younger, and I reveled in the pride that I was able to do that to her.

“Brace yourself,” she whispered, while our eyes were still riveted to our reflections, and then her hand snapped down on my poor bum with skilled ease.

A short smack filled the air, and it took a second until the stinging sensation it left behind reached my mind.

“Oh,” I gasped, surprised despite my better knowledge.

“How I missed this!” There was so much need and arousal in her voice that I could almost feel it physically.

But her hand already met my bum again, this time on the other cheek, and drew a short gasp from my lips. Another smack sounded, followed by a slight sting and a wonderful heat, and the next time her hand fell onto my buttock, I pushed out my bum to meet it.

It was sensual, so much more intimate than I could have imagined, and I stared at the mirror, hypnotized by the quick movements of her hand, the small shaking of my body that followed each swat, and the jiggling of my breasts that accompanied it.

She picked up her pace. The swats, seconds apart at first, soon fell in an alternating staccato to the right and left, setting my backside on fire with each touch. I felt my pussy worship each stinging touch with a needy twinge and a sacrifice of moisture, and I heard myself gasp and moan like through a fog.

Quicker and quicker her hand fell, and the strength behind each slap increased. The stinging sensation was given no time to diminish and built up into a constant pain, while the slaps filled the air and resonated in the room.

“You are doing wonderful,” she managed to praise me, even though her voice shook each time her hand impacted with my backside, “I’m going to go harder now.”

Harder? I had thought that this was already how hard she could hit, had been eager to experience that slow painful buildup of pain for long minutes, but my heart started to race, spurred on by doubts.

The next swat impacted with a loud crack, and my mirror image greeted it by opening her mouth in a silent scream, both of surprise and pain, and a shocked widening of her eyes. My whole body shook, and I would have slid forward if her hand in my hair hadn’t kept me in place.

It hurt like hell. For a few long seconds I wanted to cover my backside and jump from her lap. But then I took another look at our reflections, saw the way my body shook and wiggled under her ministrations, took in my expression of arousal and despair and Professor Greenstein’s pouty, breathless look of fascination and - of love?

Something shifted - that is the only way I can describe it - deep inside me. Don’t get me wrong, my bum still hurt with every crack of her hand like it had never before, but the pain travelled through my body and triggered a resonance deep in my heart, a feeling of complete belonging that made my skin tingle and my pussy tremble. She was ringing a bell of passion in me, and the echoes stayed and built up to an earthquake.

Insanity appeared to come in its wake, because, without conscious effort, my voice demanded, “Harder! Please, harder!”

The glee in her eyes was unrestrained, and she eagerly fulfilled my wish. Each crack of skin on skin lifted my body off her thighs and made my hair pull painfully at my scalp. “Yes!” I gasped, again and again, and my vision blurred.

This was what submission felt like. Weightless, floating, wrapped in a blanket of intensity and living only in the moment, feeling her delight and pleasure with every painful impact. Pride rose like a flame, pride about being the one to give her pleasure and pride in taking the pain as a gift.

My bum stung fiercely all over. Tears trailed down my cheeks, liquid witnesses of my submission.

“Twenty more.” Her voice shook with need, and she allowed me a moment of respite. “These twenty will be the hardest, but you are doing brilliant. By god, you are so beautiful like this. Can you take the twenty?”

“All of them,” I assured her between quiet sniffles, “and more. For you!”

The first one of the final set hit right between my buttock and thigh, and the pain rose to new levels. The tears streamed freely down my face, and I sobbed with each swat. Left, right, left, only a second apart, they fell on the sensitive skin and made my body dance on her lap. I lost count after the first few, because each stinging slap shot like an electric arc right to my pussy. I wriggled and moaned with each vicious crack.

And then she stopped. My bum jerked upwards, trying to find the cruel, delicious touch again. I was afloat in a maelstrom of emotions.

A soft push guided me off her lap and onto my knees, and I watched the red silk slide to the sides through blurred eyes.

The fingers, still holding my hair in a strong grip, pushed my face between her thighs, and I stuck out my tongue and greeted my goddess’ temple with reverence. Droplets of her nectar instantly covered my taste buds and overwhelmed my senses with her musky, sweet aroma. A short groan urged me on, and I trailed the tip of my tongue through her silken folds.

“Yes, lick, my little pet! Show me…”

I didn’t learn what else she tried to say, because the moment my tongue made contact with her pearl, swollen and hot under its touch, a shudder went through her and a hissed breath told the world that I had found my goal. I licked and suckled, every touch rewarded by a louder moan or gasp.

It didn’t take long, perhaps half a minute, until she stiffened and her legs clamped hard around my head. Her hand pulled painfully on my hair, but I didn’t mind, the drawn-out wail of pleasure and the jerking of her hips my delicious reward.

When she relaxed and let go of her hold, I looked up to find a blissful smile on her face.

She brushed a lock of hair from my face. “You are a natural.”

“I’m so glad I could please you, Professor.”

“That you did.” Her thumb trailed over my tear-streaked cheek. She brought it to her mouth and licked it, smiling wickedly at me. “Mm, salty. You looked so delicious and vulnerable when you were crying. I’m tempted to keep you here with me forever.”

“Please do!” My heart thumped loud in my chest. “I’ll do anything you want me to. I can clean the house and do the garden. I won’t need much! Please say yes!”

For a moment, she appeared taken aback at my outburst, but then her eyes softened and a flood of emotions danced over her face. “Oh, Allie! You are young, you have a business degree and all the doors to success are wide open to you. You are not meant to be a mere servant.”

“But I don’t care. I want to be yours. Every hour of every day! I love you!”

I was shocked by my own honesty. Professor Greenstein apparently as well, because long minutes went by in which we stared into each other’s eyes. I could see how her chest heaved at the edge of my vision, and I allowed myself to hope that it was because she felt a similar need to mine.

“I will grow older, more wrinkly as I am already, and my body will turn weaker with age while you reach the bloom of your beauty.” A hint of pain travelled with her voice.

“I don’t mind.” I felt close to tears. My heart would break if she refused me, now that I had laid bare the depth of my feelings. I felt, for a moment, so small and insignificant.

“Oh, Allie.” I could see her eyes become misty. “How could I ever deserve you?”

“Please!” I plastered tiny kisses all over her thighs. “Please say you’ll keep me! Please!”

She captured my face again and made me look at her. I trembled with the fear of rejection, but her face was unreadable.

“You really love me?”

“With all my heart.” My voice was quiet and my lips trembled.

“Let’s go to my bedroom.”

It took me a few seconds to comprehend what she was saying, but then my heart did somersaults of joy. “Really?”

“Really.” Her smile was dreamy. “Today, we are going to make sensuous love, all day long, until we fall asleep from exhaustion. Tomorrow, we will plan what to do about getting you a job, so you don’t limit your chances in life too much.” She stood up and pulled me with her by the hand. “And afterwards, we will see about the punishment for kissing me without asking for permission. How does that sound?”

“That sounds lovely, Professor.” I had never felt so giddy in my life. “Even the last part.”

We rushed up the stairs, both of us giggling like schoolgirls.

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Mistress Sarah Chapter two I pay the price

In chapter one, I told you how I formed a ‘friendship’ with a young woman on-line on Lush. Sarah was intrigued by my submissive inclination. I was intrigued by her assertiveness, and her sexual creativity. Sarah was intelligent, sweet, and she had a keen interest in women, especially submissive women. Sarah seemed to know precisely how to push my buttons and excite me. She also got me to perform some acts of which I was honestly ashamed, but which excited me and amazed me nonetheless. Sarah’s...

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Paying the price

When Julie Roberts showed up at his door Steve should have know that she was going to be trouble. His mother had asked him to interview him for a position he had open in his electronics store as a cashier. Julie was apparently the granddaughter of one of his mother’s friends. His mother had been a little unclear about her past, just saying she had been in some trouble when she was younger and was just looking for someplace to get a good start in her life. She was a small girl, maybe just over 5...

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Paying the Price

I was in for it. I had blatantly disobeyed Troy's instructions this morning. Before leaving for work, he had me bend over while he inserted the Ben Wa balls into my slit. The spheres are meant to tease and they definitely do. I was instructed to keep them in all day while refraining from touching myself. Troy says that if I don't masturbate then I'll be aching for him. And he's right. I just couldn't take anymore and had to oblige myself. Now here I am, kneeled on the bed, clad only in panties....

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Mistress Sarah Chapter two I pay the price

In chapter one, I told you how I formed a ‘friendship’ with a young woman on-line on Lush. Sarah was intrigued by my submissive inclination. I was intrigued by her assertiveness, and her sexual creativity. Sarah was intelligent, sweet, and she had a keen interest in women, especially submissive women. Sarah seemed to know precisely how to push my buttons and excite me. She also got me to perform some acts of which I was honestly ashamed, but which excited me and amazed me nonetheless. Sarah’s...

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Just A Cock Teaser That Paid The Price

I’m just the kind of girl who loves to tease men. Usually I get my thrills, and it goes without saying that the men I tease don’t complain, even if I do tend to leave them horny with only a fantasy. But one time I took my teasing a little too far, and learned a lesson I will most certainly never forget.We were having some roofing and remodeling done on our well-apportioned home in a ritzy development, where each house had at least a little privacy from the neighbors. A roofing crew consisting...

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Finally caught hernow she pays price

My name is Jim, 59. Wife Tami,55. We live a good life,3 sons,3 grandk**s. Alway have had a great sex life. I work as a supervisor in a lumber mill. Tami is a nurse at local hospital.Tami,is still sexy,5'2" 130 pds, c cup tits with great nipples. I'm 6'200 pds. We have been married for 30 years and have been true to each other,so I thought.I was moved to swing shift for 3 months,helping train new supervisor. I don't get home till 3 am. Which makes it hard on the love life.One tuesday night I get...

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uncle spoils niece for a price

This is a story that i found the internet and do not own the copyrights to. If it is your story and you want me to take it down please pm me."That is a bit expensive," Shruti said wistfully."It is also extremely cute," said Deepti."It's expensive! We are still two thousand rupees short.""That's not much, Shruti.""It is, when I am spending on a birthday gift for a friend. I mean, look. She's my friend too, but I am not spending that much on a birthday gift for her.""It's fine. I will pay the...

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Angie goes too far and could pay the price

Angie's 34 and has three lovely k**s with Gary, her husband of 10 years, but something happened recently which she will never ever forget and it's going to haunt her for a very long time indeed. She'll probably never trust another man again after this nightmare. Why did she give in to temptation?Angie's very attractive, just over 5ft tall and has worked hard to keep her slim shapely figure despite her three pregnancies. She has long dark hair in a frizzy perm.She's well used to all the men...

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Karma can do you in Melissa pays a steep price

My name is Melissa Marie and this story is a warning for any wife out there planning to cheat on her husband. I'm 35, 5' 6" tall with a good body (135 pounds and 38C breasts). Our marriage was okay but our sex life was dull. I was always busy at work as I was a sales manager and earned more than my husband and I think he resented it. One day I met a guy named Shawn. He worked for one of the clients I deal with and he was 6 feet tall and handsome. He was a little older than me and that was nice...

1 year ago
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Paying A Heavy Price

"I'm glad you came over tonight. Better to spend an evening as my sextoy than get turned over to the police for trying to forge a check in my name," he said as I entered his living room. He sat on his couch in the dimly lit room - he was dressed in the same clothes as he had been wearing that day when he called me into his office and confronted me with my forged check, giving me the chance to take my punishment from him personally or be fired immediately and referred to the police. I figured...

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shoplifter has to pay the price

I recently took on a second job to help pay off the mortgage on my house. I got a job at JT’s Liquor Store, the owner Leo is an old friend of mine. I work there from 6pm until midnight during the week. I gotta tell you, we get the most interesting people in here. Believe me man, I have seen it all.We get a lot of local u******e high school k**s coming in here trying to buy booze for their parties with fake id’s. I won't risk getting arrested by selling to minors so I card pretty hard. ...

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Mom pays the price

Elizabeth had c***dren at an early age. Now in her late thirties she decided to become the mother she never was. She took in her son Brian and her two other daughters. The c***dren's resentment was clear and she had no control over any of them. Brian was the worse of the lot. Because he was a man (just turned 18) he felt he could do whatever he wanted and whenever he wanted. She was not going to let her c***dren run the house.One night Brian and his friend Jose were about to leave when...

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Everything Has a Price

"Holy shit, I really needed that." Jake laid there feeling a rush of euphoria burst through him after his first time having sex in weeks. "Can you get me a water?" "Uh, sure. Just a sec." Jake pulled off his condom and tossed it into a trash bin by his bed and headed to the kitchen to fetch a water for the lovely intern waiting in his bedroom. After taking his time with the task, he realized just how big of a mistake he made. Jake walked back into the bedroom to a disappointing sight. The girl...

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Loves Price

Pale moonlight filtered through the trees, and I sniffed the light breeze that brushed my face. Moss, pollen and the other smells of the forest registered, but I ignored them. I caught the faint traces of something flowery, something that had no business being here. The source was upwind, and I made my way along a low spot in the forest where a small stream ran in the rainy season. This was elven territory, where I was not welcome, so I moved carefully through the trees and brush. I gripped my...

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Amanda Pays the Price

Chapter 1 Sitting in a bar. I'm sitting in a bar. I don't remember how long I've been here. I don't remember coming to this bar. I try to remember. I can't. I try to remember why I came here. I can't. I try to remember... I don't remember anything. I don't remember my own name. I don't remember what city this bar is in. I don't remember. I'm scared. I want to jump up, to look around. I want to shout out that I don't know who I am, does anyone know who I am, why I'm...

1 year ago
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Paying the Price

Caroline Masterson was successful. Of that there can be little doubt but life had not always been easy for her. It had been hard to make her way to the top in a male dominated profession. But after years of hard work she was the company’s top negotiator. Caroline had all the trappings of success that might be expected of a lady in her position: Fine clothes, a nice apartment overlooking the marina, a top of the range jaguar car, in fact everything you could wish for. There was perhaps one...

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My Promise and My Price

There was a moment years ago during my husband's student teaching, when he wasn't sure if he could handle being a high-school teacher, in a position of authority over near-adult girls. A teacher has to not only resist, but disguise any temptation he might experience. He was never really worried about actually making a sexual advance on a student, but he was concerned about maintaining a poker face. If his thoughts were to drift in the wrong direction, or if his eyes were to drift in the...

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Paying The Price

I like living in the Bay area. The winters are warm, the summers aren't too hot, and there are lots of things to do. But those are just bonuses; the real reason I like it is they're used to interracial couples. After a while, getting stares on the street gets wearing. Not that people are usually hostile - most places we've visited, people are curious, but friendly. Still, it's a real relief to be just another couple rather than Exibit "A". Especially when you are just another...

3 years ago
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Too High A Price

Early wasn't outside very long. The sounds of a cheerful Saturday afternoon in the neighborhood were irritating. How could everyone be so cheerfully absorbed in their mundane little lives when his was so thoroughly shattered? Every happy shriek of childish laughter raked across his nerves like fingernails on a chalkboard. How dare they? He went back inside and stalked past Susan. She'd collapsed, still crying, across the sofa cushions during the short time he was outside. Early said nothing...

2 years ago
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Paying the Price

I hugged my son Connor to my chest and gently patted his back until he burped. His head was resting on the towel on my left shoulder. I gently rocked us in the rocking chair between his crib and his identical twin brother Noah's crib in our darkened bedroom. It was 3 am. I had just finished my boys' early morning feeding. I listened to my son breathe as I rocked him to sleep. I felt Connor's heart beat against my chest, beating a little faster than my heart. I tried to keep my eyes open...

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How High a Price

It was only a hint, seemed innocuous, and he almost ignored it. Business had called him out of town, and as usual he left a detailed itinerary with Susan, his wife. Also as usual, she had kept him informed in detail of her schedule. It was automatic after all these years together. Then Thursday morning the deal suddenly came together, the people he was negotiating with signed the contract by 11:00 AM and took off to deal with a crisis in one of their East Coast operations. Early, a...

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Suburban SuccubusChapter 2 Paying the Price

They weren't the only things hardening, either. Again with just a hint of rotten egg in the air, Liira was saying something indistinct, sotto voice. Within seconds, I was sporting a raging boner; wielding the knife like a seasoned professional, Liira sliced my clothes away with a few broad cuts, leaving my mother's eyes beholding her naked, erect son. "Last night," she purred, circling me "you had the pleasure of taking a body that welcomed your maleness. But now, in the light of day,...

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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 17 Incestrsquos Naughty Price

April 11th, 2027 – Leyla Umayyah Judge Lyle Coburn emerged from the back of the house wearing a robe. The older man’s hair had gone gray. His eyes narrowed at us with suspicion. Then he flicked down to his daughter kneeling before us, submissive the way my mother had trained her. What a treat that had been. I’d helped Mother make Tammy Coburn into her father’s slut. The old man had paid us well to do that, horny to stick his cock in her tight, young cunt. She had become a perfect whore for...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 38 The Goddessrsquos Price

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Princess Ava The land flashed by us as I ran beside Radiant Gertrude’s horse. The redheaded priestess’s maintained a gallop the entire way. She used her divine magic to keep the beast alive, to sustain it as we raced towards my family. We had to keep running. The day waned on. The sun climbed higher and higher. It shone down on us. I hardly cared about the warmth. I just knew that time passed. That my family died. How much longer could they...

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Tape SlavesChapter 19 The Price

"Paris is well worth a mass." HENRY OF NAVARRE "I would rather be a beggar and single than a queen and married." QUEEN ELIZABETH I OF ENGLAND As the weeks passed she continued to learn from the computer. Her skills improved both in creating programs and in giving immediate commands to people she met. The lessons covered other things, too. Each chapter in the tutorial was followed by an extensive test. Only after passing the test was she allowed to advance to the next chapter....

3 years ago
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The Wolf SummersChapter 3 Iriss Price

The beginning of a young story As soon as I realized I voted for my baby sister's happiness over 'The Itch', I regretted my selflessness. For six months, I became intimately familiar with the curse of teenage boys, sexual frustration. There were other options; but even though Rachel shattered the ritual nature of 'The Itch', it still shaped my understanding of sex. The task of shaking me completely loose of the 'The Itch' fell on a visiting male cousin from Puerto Rico. Being my...

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Not Your Average JoeChapter 11 Oral Sex but at a Price

“I’ll blow you for your story,” she stated like it was the most natural thing in the world. “Excuse me?” I asked, totally stunned by her offer. “I said I will give you a blowjob if you let me print your story,” she clarified. “I’ve got twenty open slots to fill. What makes you think I need a blowjob from you?” I questioned. “Rumor has it this is your second visit to the companion selection area today. Have you had any auditions yet?” She asked, obviously knowing what my answer would...

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