Alices True Adventures Prologue
- 4 years ago
- 60
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Alice paused behind one of the oak trees just as the un-birthday song stopped, her experiences in Wonderland giving her pause. The scene before her, while somewhat strange, wasn’t particularly alarming. In the middle of a clearing sat a large rectangular table covered with all manner of treats such as cakes and scones and jam, to name just a few, as well as a very large teapot and bowls for cream and sugar. No fewer than twelve chairs surrounded it, only three of which were occupied.
‘He is very handsome,’ thought Alice, her eyes drawn to gentleman in a velvet green suit and top hat and a red bow tie. She thought his unbuttoned coat, untucked shirt, and his uncombed hair, of which there was too much to be entirely contained by his impressive chapeau, made him look quite dashing. She watched as he picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea, getting a glimpse of sparkling blue eyes and a roguish smile.
To his immediate right was a brown skinned beast with prominent teeth, huge brown eyes, and a pair of rabbit ears poking out of his mop of bright ginger hair. And upon his right, standing upon a chair and still barely able to see over the top of the table stood a portly mouse-like creature wearing nothing but a patchwork frock and an orange scarf.
“Another song!” called out the hare, for that’s what the rabbit eared creature most resembled.
“Yes, please, Hatter, sing some more for us. And more tea, if you please,” the mouse-like creature joined in, his voice pitched high.
“More tea!” the man in green crowed with a toothy grin. Stepping up on the table and upsetting a dish of small cakes in the process, he tipped the teapot so that a stream of hot tea cascaded into a large tea cup, splashing over the rim haphazardly.
“There you are, my dear dormouse.”
“Please and thank you,” returned the dormouse, bowing at the waist. “And don’t forget, you promised us another song.”
“I did?” Alice thought he looked a bit confused for a moment. She really couldn’t blame him for he hadn’t actually promised anything. But then, his brows shot up and he took a step forward, one foot landing on a plate of scones, cleared his throat, and began to sing.
“Sing a song of marmalade
And sparkling wistful bees
Then kiss a fair young maiden
And push her to her knees
Pull out your throbbing manhood
And wiggle it around
Then push it rudely ‘tween her lips
So she can’t make a sound.”
The hare and the dormouse clapped and hooted as the Hatter took off his hat and bowed, calling out as he leapt off the table into an empty chair.
“All change!”
Alice couldn’t help but giggle as all three scrambled from their seats and began to race around the table, bumping into each other several times before throwing themselves into unoccupied chairs quite breathlessly.
“More tea!” cried the hare, holding up an empty teacup.
“Yes, please and thank you,” added the dormouse, his cup held up as well until the hatter, once more, filled it to overflowing.
“Another song!”
“Very well… Autumn lay on a hilltop high
Her fair hair tickling Summer’s thigh
Whilst Winter was busy kissing her feet
And Spring was suckling at her teat
Autumn rolled over and kissed Summer’s muff
While Winter sat gazing at dandelion fluff
And Spring worked her way up to her throat
I’d sing you more, but that’s all I wrote.”
Alice decided that they were harmless. Eccentric, perhaps, but certainly not dangerous. Also, the hatter was not without charm, being quite handsome and having a splendid voice that suited the whimsical nature of his songs. Also, she was still quite hungry and the sight of all that lovely food, far more than any three, no matter how healthy their appetites, could possibly eat in one afternoon, helped her to overcome her caution.
Stepping out from her hiding place behind the huge oak, she cleared her throat, drawing their attention, intent upon introducing herself.
“Good day, good sirs. My name is Alice and I was wondering-“
“Before she could finish, however, the dormouse turned towards her, it’s eyes going wide as it let out a squeak and threw itself upon the table, pulling a sugar dish over its head as if to hide.
“A girl! And she’s naked!” cried the hare, his ears twitching every which way as he too, attempted to hide, crawling under the table so that only his huge furry feet, sticking out from under the linen table cloth, could be seen.
The Hatter, however, seemed more curious than cowed by her appearance, leaping up from his chair and, once more, standing upon the table, knocking over a jar of marmalade as he strode to the side nearest Alice, his eyes glittering with an intensity that left her unable to continue.
“She is, indeed, naked,” he mumbled, he gaze raking over her, making her blush as she attempted to cover herself with her hands, suddenly quiet self-conscious about her state of undress. “And quite fetching, as well. I wonder if she would like to join us for tea.”
“Tea!” cried the dormouse, lifting the bowl off his head, his fur coated with sugar.
“Tea!” echoed the hare, although he chose not to show his face.
“Tea would be nice,” Alice decided out loud, giggling a little at the comical sight of the dormouse as he shook himself, grains of sugar flying everywhere. “Although I am very hungry and would welcome a score or perhaps one of those delightful looking cakes.”
“All change!” called out the hatter, and pandemonium erupted as the hare burst out from under the tablecloth and the dormouse leapt from atop the table and all three scurried around the table. Alice, not wanting to be left out, joined them, running in circles as fast as she could until everyone flung themselves into an empty chair and held out an empty teacup which the hatter was only too happy to fill. Breathlessly, Alice reached for a cake, taking one with raspberry colored frosting and biting into it whilst thinking it was the best cake she had ever tasted, for she was indeed, quite ravenous.
“A song!” called out the dormouse suddenly.
“Yes, another song!” the hare joined in, banging his fists on the table.
“Another song?” frowned the hatter, pushing his top hat back on his head, and scratching his ear.
“Oh, please,” Alice muttered, her mouth full of cake, not wanting to be left out.
“What a about a riddle instead?”
“No riddles!” shouted the hare, looking suddenly very angry and throwing his teacup so that Alice had to duck to avoid being struck.
“Very well,” the hatter sighed, wrinkling his nose in thought, his gaze drifting towards Alice or, more specifically, Alice’s bare breasts, winking at her conspiratorially.
“Widgets and cuckoo clocks ticking and tocking
Lovely young lasses without any stockings
Pretty as flowers and smelling like rain
I love to spank them with a length of good cane.”
Suddenly, he leapt up on the table and dancing along the length of it, upsetting plates and dishes and silverware as he went.
“Widgets and cuckoo clocks ticking and tocking
Lovely young lasses in need of defrocking
Only this one has come to us already undressed
And honored us as our most favorited guest!”
“Bravo!” exclaimed the Hare, giving the hatter a standing ovation upon his chair, one ear flopping over one large brown eye.
“Masterful!” chimed in the dormouse, climbing up on the table and doing an energetic jig.
All eyes then turned to Alice in expectation as silence settled over the clearing.
“What did you think, my dear?” Asked the hatter, cocking his brow and frowing.
“Oh, well done, indeed. Quite splendid,” Alice managed, blushing once more, a half eaten cake in her hand and more than a hint of frosting coating her lips.
Her companions erupted in cheers at her pronouncement and she suddenly found herself pulled up onto the table by the hatter and waltzed from one end to the other, then back again, upsetting cakes and jams and even the teapot as she was madly whirled around until she found herself tottering on the edge, her arms flailing about as she tried to keep her balance before toppling onto the soft grass, giggling giddily.
“Oh, that was marvelous fun. I don’t suppose someone could bring me another cake?”
“Cake!” shouted the hare.
“More cake!” the dormouse squeaked.
“Change!” the hatter bellowed and Alice found herself suddenly pulled to her feet, the hare upon one side, the hatter upon the other, doing her best to keep up with them as they held her arms tightly and ran her around in a dizzying circle. This time, when they halted, she found herself seated upon the hatter’s lap and laughing breathlessly.
“Another song!” requested the dormouse.
“Sing to us!”
“Oh, yes, please do,” Alice added, not at all bothered at how he pulled her close, his hand cupping her breasts. After all, he was quite handsome. Taking a scone from the table, she lathered it with jam and took a bite, content to sit quietly as the hatter sang once more, his chin resting upon her shoulder, his words seemingly for her, his voice quite dreamy, or so she thought.
“Riddle me this, and riddle me that
Said a charming young man in a velvet green hat
To a maiden fair with long blonde hair
Upon my lap, she sat, she sat.”
Alice couldn’t say she minded, particularly, when she felt something swelling in his trousers, feeling it pushing against her bare bottom. After all, she was feeling content, now that her belly was no longer growling with hunger. She sighed softly as he continued.
“Riddle me that, and riddle me this
Said a charming young man awaiting a kiss
From a maiden fair who has not a care
Eagerly awaiting a moment of bliss.”
Nor did she object when his hand drifted downwards, opening her thighs for him moaning softly as he began to tease her pussy until it was dripping wet with need. Nor did she mind so much when the hare - whom she had somehow forgotten all about! – poked his head from beneath the table directly between her legs and began to kiss the insides of her thighs. Breathlessly, she spread them further apart, welcoming his soft fur and tickling whiskers and cold nose.
“Riddle me, Alice, and riddle me quick
Said a charming young man intent on dipping his wick
Into your pink kitty so wet and so pretty
Let’s seal the deal with a kiss and a lick”
Alice shivered as he tilted her head back and to the side so that he could kiss her, his tongue slipping between her lips just as the hare’s tongue slipped between another pair of lips. Gasping, her hips twitched forward as her mouth and cunt were explored, the song apparently having come to an end, at least for now.
“Mmm,” she murmured as she felt another mouth upon her swelling nipple, sharp teeth teasing tender flesh whilst beneath she could feel a hand fumbling, eventually unleashing the hatter’s prick from hiding. It felt warm, hot even, as it pressed between her cheeks. It felt quite impressive, she thought, as she was flooded with a different kind of hunger. Now that her belly was full, her pussy seemed somewhat envious.
“Oh, my, “she gasped as she felt the tip of his prick being guided so that the tip of it pressed against her tight little pucker. She did her best to rise up so that she could accommodate him, panting as he began to feed his cock into her tight hole, relaxing as she settled down, gravity taking over until she felt the tops of this thighs once more against hers, his cock embedded in her anus, his hands gripping her waist as he helped her ride him.
She whimpered as the dormouse continued to tease her nipples with its tongue and sharp teeth and the hare lapped and licked at her overheated pussy. She felt herself building slowly to something wonderful. She began to quivering and tremble, her moans growing in volume, and then…
Chaos erupted around her as the hatter, the hare, and the dormouse pushed and pulled at her until she was bent over the table, her tits in a plate of cakes, frosting covering her nipples. Beneath her, she felt the dormouse’s tiny teeth on the nub above her cunt, making her squirm and kick, whilst behind her the hare was gripping her hips, his thin prick piercing her as its furry balls slapped against her backside.
“Oh, she’s delightfully tight,” he cackled, thrusting into her at a furious and relentless pace, forcing her to grip the table cloth tightly, once again feeling something wonderful building inside of her as she was roughly fucked and licked and bitten until she was about to explode and then…
“Oh, bloody hell!” Alice exclaimed in frustration was what was about to be an amazing climax was spoiled once more as she was prodded and pushed until she was laying on her back upon the table, legs spread and bent at the knees, the hatter above her, his cock sinking into her cunt, the hare behind him, pushing his prick, wet with his juices, into the hatters bared bottom, whilst the dormouse was busy licking the hare’s testicles.
“Riddle me this,” groaned the hatter as he began pumping and humping, his thick cock filling her as he mauled her petite tits with his hands and kissed her hungrily, his spittle mixing with hers whilst she shook and shivered and whimpered with ecstasy, bucking her hips hard against his, lost in pleasure, lust building to the boiling point and then…
“For the love of God,” complained Alice loudly, frustrated by yet another untimely interruption as once again activity swirled around her until she found herself down on hands and knees, the hatter’s cockhead pressed against her lips while the hare was shoving his into her ass, clumsy fingers pulling her cheeks apart. Where the dormouse had disappeared to, she couldn’t say, nor was she overly concerned, feeling herself already on the edge of orgasmic bliss as she was fucked from behind whilst slurping and sucking on the hatter’s beautiful thick cock, tasting both her ass and her pussy on him, something That Alice had never even imagined and yet This Alice welcomed it.
“Oh, my!” she cried out, as the dormouse suddenly reappeared, his tongue working magic upon her pleasure nub, his small fist pushing past her nether lips followed by his entire arm.
“Oh, yes,” she screamed, feeling a tidal wave of pleasure rising up from an ocean of lust, ready to wash over her and carry her away. She wondered if she would be lost at sea, or perhaps drown, never to be heard from again, but the thought didn’t cause her concern. She would perish gladly if they would only let her come. She began to scream, the sound muffled, the hatter’s prick filling her mouth, the hare thrusting into her like a run away steam engine, the dormouse tickling and nibbling her pussy until, finally, she felt the waves crash into her and wash her away as she screamed for what seemed an eternity until she could do more than collapse upon the grass, unable to speak or move or even think.
Alice’s eyes lit up with joy as the cat dangled the silver key teasingly before her. Her freedom was within grasp, only, with her hands trapped behind her back, she wasn’t exactly sure how she might grasp it.“I don’t suppose you could assist me, Cheshire.”“I could,” the cat grinned.“Thank you ever so much,” Alice sighed in relief and waited. And waited. And waited, finally frowning as the cat had done nothing but stare at her, never once even blinking. Finally, her patience wore out.“Well?” she...
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Chapter XVII As he began to remove the sheets, George suddenly realized that it would be silly to take his standard sheets into Isolde’s bed, when it was a king-sized mattress. So he stopped pulling at the sheets, and simply picked up his pillow, and went back across the hallway to Isolde’s bedroom. He didn’t know exactly what he expected when he walked into the doorway, but what he hadn’t counted on was the musky smell of recent sex that permeated the room. He had a momentary pang of...
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“Wanda, I have a surprise for you come down here.” “I’m coming Michael, what is it?” “We're going to a hotel today. I have a surprise for you there. I have a business meeting tomorrow, so we have all day today and then you can go back home. But, today and tonight we'll have lots of fun." “Your mother will be home tonight so we have to go to the hotel. Dean, will be here also. I have to have your sweet pussy or I’ll go crazy.” “You’re unbelievable. I suppose you really like me, don’t you?” ...
Taboo“You drank the tea,” Yee and Yum giggled while resting their hands lightly upon Alice’s bare thighs. “The special brew.”“Yes,” she admitted, quivering as they ran their nails idly over her flesh. “And now?” Alice wondered if they always spoke thusly, in unison, their voices blending together perfectly.“And now, sit perfectly still for us. Until it wears off, you’ll do anything anyone tells you to do. You should never drink anything without knowing what it is.”“Anything?”“Yes, anything,”...
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TabooAlice’s Discovery Early one Sunday afternoon, Alice couldn’t resist the good weather during one of the last warm days of fall. She left several uncorrected papers on her desk in her cottage and crossed campus to the high fence that bordered a district park. Her faculty key let her through the gate. Students with permission could obtain keys to enjoy unspoiled nature in the park also. Alice wandered the trails rather aimlessly. She knew the area well and had no concern about getting lost. She...
“I hope you enjoyed your nap, Alice.”Alice opened her eyes slowly, yawning as the owl-faced seamstress helped her to sit up.“I had such a strange dream, Mitzy,” she murmured, stretching her arms up above her head before settling her hands upon her lap with a soft sigh. “There was a very rude centaur. And I met a lion and unicorn and I inspired them to go on an adventure. Oh, I do hope it’s a grand one. And then I attended a lavish party at a palace and I was wooed by a handsome Sargeant-Major...
BDSMHi. My name is Chetan. My wife’s name is Nisha. We have been married for two years and live in a small town in Madhya Pradesh. Our sex life has been really great. Especially recently, in the last couple of months when my wife has opened up to me about her past. This is a series of stories about my wife and her sexual (mis)adventures. Let me start by describing her. Nisha is a beautiful young woman. Born and raised in a small town, Nisha is one of the hottest girls our town has ever seen. She...
It was the kind of party that I had never been to. You could have said that I was naïve when I accepted the invitation but then there was no real need to be otherwise. After leaving the party I was more than curious about everyone else that was there. I was on a high. I was invited by a friend from work. I would know only her at the party and would be reliant on a stunted conversation with her until I got to know other people present. That kind of party always worried me slightly. I preferred...
Group Sex‘I’ve heard that, if one pinches oneself whilst dreaming, they will awaken,’ Alice thought to herself. Putting words into deeds, she did just that, pinching her thigh as she took the last step. Alas, all that happened was she left a tiny red mark upon her thigh, one that began to fade almost as quickly as it appeared.‘Bloody hell,’ she thought with a disappointed sigh. Not that she had truly expected it to work, only that she had hoped it might as Sargeant-Major Dumpty led her into a small room...
TabooHad Alice been her normal size, she might have run laughing down the garden path, stopping to push her nose into this bloom or that and inhale the wonderful bouquet of scents that they had to offer. Still, she could admire them from afar. Or rather, from below.“So many colors, some I have never seen or even imagined!” she exclaimed, turning in place until she’d made a full circle. “I wonder whose garden it is. Mostly likely a wealthy lord or even a Duke or an Earl. Dash and bother, I wish I was...
Group Sex“Didn’t I tell you I’d find us a battle?”“Contrariwise, it was me, wasn’t it, who said it.”“Ain’t true!”“Most certainly is!”Alice was still laying beneath the bishop, hoping he wasn’t too badly injured (for despite his betrayal, she didn’t wish any real harm upon him) while listening to two impressively large men armed with what appeared to be very large baby rattles argue.“Logic says otherwise.”“Ouch!” one cried as the other hit him over the head with his rattle.“Ain’t about logic, it’s-““Dee!...
FetishChapter Three: Naughty Teacher's Wicked Exam By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic School! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good canidate for starting Corey's...
Much like the buildings that made up Pheffer-on-the-nusse The Bird in the Tree was quite whimsical. Bird cages, filled with exotic looking birds with brightly hued plumage, hung from the ceiling or were set upon stands everywhere Alice looked. Many of them were either whistling or singing softly. Tables filled the room, all occupied by a variety of guests.Nearest Alice a walrus slurped oysters from a shell whilst a rough man with crooked teeth gnawed upon a drumstick. Beyond them, a plump woman...
Mind ControlNow that she could see beyond the shrubberies that ringed the clearing, Alice didn’t feet quite as lost. The Caterpillar had told her to follow the signs, or rather, the sign, since there was only one.‘Argyll Meadow. I like the sound of that. I could do with a leisurely walk, although it doesn’t look nearly as pleasant as the meadows I’m used to. In fact, I’m not sure it’s even a proper meadow.’In Alice’s experiences, meadows were usually covered with grass and populated with wildflowers while...
Monster Sex“You’re such a doll. I think I’ll keep you.”Alice shivered at Captain Honeyglass’s words, squirming uncomfortably in her grip, her toes wiggling in thin air as she was lifted up until their faces were level.“Keep me?” Alice squealed softly as sharp fingernails dug into her flesh.“On a shelf. I’d take you off every morning and dress you up in pretty things. Wouldn’t you like that?”“I don’t believe that I would, your ladyship. I imagine it would be awfully boring to sit on a shelf all day, even...
TransNaughty Outdoor Adventures By Daphne Xu Friday Afternoon Out Bryce Mansfield put the finishing touches of make-up on his face. There, thought the six-foot-two, 22-year-old, 170-pound engineering senior. He should pass adequately as a twelve-year-old Chinese- American girl. He'd attempted to dress up as a twelve-year-old Chinese-American girl during many classless afternoons the past half-year. Although his initial attempts were utter failures, he got obsessed with the...
“This is a bad idea.” “Come on, Jack, she just got in the shower so we have plenty of time.” Jack, my 47-year-old stepfather, shook his head as he smiled. “Okay, but we have to hurry.” I smiled while I softly pushed him on his bed. Once in a sitting position, I hurriedly unzipped Jack’s pants, lowered it along with his boxers, setting his cock free. I licked my lips as I saw the thick, long erection that throbbed under my lustful stare. I gave his cock a long, languorous lick that always made...
TabooKelsey’s confessions - Chapter 1 Chapter One - Christmas 2013 with my stepbrother – Introduction – How it started It seems surreal to think a year has passed since that night, Christmas eve, 2013, when my world changed so quickly and dramatically. First let me introduce my stepbrother and myself. In virtually every aspect, Michael and I were normal, typical teenagers. Michael and I were close; we fought; we shared some things and we also kept other things quite private. There was nothing...
TabooChapter Seventeen: Naughty Futa-Teacher's Spanking By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Verónica Escamilla My new girl-dick dripped with Terra's pussy cream. That sexy girl stood up beside me, my cum bubbling out of her deflowered pussy. I had popped three of my students' cherries. Terra, Shawna, and Wendy's pussies. “Jill,” I groaned, spotting the scrumptious, brunette girl getting her pussy eaten out by Philip. She was looking amazing, her...
Chapter 59 Heather woke up feeling slightly constricted, arms on either side of her neck. The skin smelled of her water activated gel scrub. She also felt Faye's breasts pressing into her back. Faye?? Her eyes snapped open and looked around the room. Mom's room... Suddenly oriented in time and space, a surge of joy gushed directly into Heather's head. Endorphins and hormones doing their dance in Heather's brain, the beat still throbbing against her reticular activating system....
Authors note: Thank You to everyone who have left comments or contacted me directly. If you are registered I try to reply to each comment left via your email address given to the site (might wanna check your junk mail folder). From the beginning of this story I knew where I wanted it to go, how so many threads could / might come together and maybe make an interesting garment (story). This chapter introduces, maybe not so subtle at first - but by the end you will know, something bigger...
THE WHORE-FEST CONTEST Saturday night and all present -- Mary and John and their Toys James and Kelly. Their new friend Terri, who had the sex-change operation, was recuperating for another several months. And James was already promised the first fuck when she became a real female. “So, kids, as you already know because we figured this out last Wednesday, we are gathered here tonight for the First Annual Whore-Fest. Who’s the biggest and best Whore? You all have had a chance...
"What's up, man?" Brad said cheerfully, leaning up against the wall outside the high school's main entrance. "Nice to see you alive and in the flesh." "Thanks, Brad. Wow... What did you do while I was dead? Go all natural or something? You look great!" "Shit, man. Sandi talked me into doing aerobics with her. I just humored her at first, but now... " he said, bending backwards until his hands touched the ground, then proceeded to smoothly transfer his entire weight onto his hands...
My memories of waking up in the motel room Joey had taken us to are extremely gray. Not fuzzy, not indistinct, just very... gray, in the emotional sense. I wasn't happy. I wasn't sad. I wasn't excited or content. I wasn't anything. The words Joey spoke to me I just didn't bother to comprehend, for I didn't feel the need to. I had no motivation to do anything. I think I would have just stopped breathing if it hadn't been automatic. Joey had to take control of my body several times...
]Tim, the Teenage Part Seventeen By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter V: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 - The North Mansion Part 4 - Pop Go the Cherries (fm, mmf) "Okay, Joey. Let’s go over the game plan. The twins are waiting right inside, and I would like us to romance them a bit. That all right with you?" "Sure. I can do some sweet talkin'. I need the practice anyway. I think I'm getting rusty with Suzi around." "Hmmph," Suzi said. "Wouldn't hurt you to practice on me a little more...
"Timmy, please try to be sensitive to his feelings when he first sees you?" Suzi said as she rung the doorbell. "Don't just walk in and say Hi, Eric." "Hi, Eric," Suzi said when he answered the door. "Hi Suz," Eric said surprised. "I would have... " Suzi stepped out of the way so he could see who was standing behind her, and after a brief moment of not recognizing me, Eric's face became chalky white before he rolled his eyes up and promptly fainted. "Eric!" Suzi said...
Julie was in the kitchen making a start on the dinner when they walked in. She was wearing a pretty floral patterned dress. Her legs were bare, making Alistair wonder if she was wearing anything at all under it. He stepped forward and kissed her. Jeff must also have had the same thoughts because he kissed her too after Alistair but he put his hand up her dress. “Fucking hell, Julie,” he said, “you’re not wearing knickers.” Jeff then lifted the hem of her dress. “Look at the state of your...
CuckoldWalking down the hallways at school the next day had an entirely different aspect to it after the fuck with Rachael. I couldn't believe the number of people who unconsciously sought my empathic touch. The guys pretty much attributed the pleasant feelings they had when I greeted them to my smile, but most of the girls had labeled it as romantic or sexual attraction, which of the two depended on the girl. So you could imagine how odd it was walking down the hallways like I always did but with...
I still remember every detail of the day I saw the love of my life for the first time. Brad and I were walking together to go to our second hour class when suddenly, out of the blue this drop dead gorgeous girl that both Brad and I had never seen before appeared. "Wow, man... Who is she?" Brad said to me. "Gloria Harr, Junior, just moved here from California," I said as I scanned. "So far she hates it here, and she only digs guys who skateboard." "Shit. I knew I should have kept...