Julie Out On Her Own – First Threesome (Part 2) – free porn video

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Julie out on her own – First Threesome (Part 2) – CD/TV/TS, MFM

(Continued from Part 1)

Sure enough, there was Vicky was, head above mine, eyes closed, sucking on her fingers. I reached my arm up and snaked it around her head, and pulled her lips to my face quickly, making her faceplant into pools of sperm. She was surprised, but relaxed and started slurping – I knew I had her. I whispered quietly, “You still owe me … bitch!”

To my surprise, as much as she’d seemed to be into it, sharing Mike’s colossal load of sperm he’d just drowned me with, she sat up ramrod-straight, pulling her face away from min, her large, soft, warm breasts pulling away from my back. Her eyes opened, and I swear I saw red flecks of fire sparking in her irises. Her sexy red nails tightened on my cheek painfully, and her other hand flow down to my pantied crotch, to my swollen nutsack, which she proceeded to start squeezing in a vise-like grip, tightening with every sentence she uttered.

“What. Did. You. Say. To. Me?” she said in a quietly menacing tone.

I gasped at the pain in my groin, and I knew I had fucked up bigtime. I tried to laugh it off. “Oh I was just joking! I mean…”, I started to say.

She squeezed HARD on my scrotum and I screamed in pain, and she relaxed her grip about by about by half, but not back down to the point when it had been before I’d started talking.

“Shut. Your. Fucking. Mouth. You were supposed to be GONE at least until tonight, and maybe as long as tomorrow night. Mike and I set up a nice weekend together, we barely have any sex at all last night, I go to freshen up this morning and have some pre-breakfast fun, and I come back from the bathroom to find YOU in here, dressed up like a cheap little sissy, sucking on the cock *I* was going to have for breakfast, and you figure *I* owe *YOU* something? Just who in the FUCK do you think you’re dealing with, you little good-for-nothing TWERP?!”

On this last word, she squeezed my balls again, hard. I screamed, but tried to make it softer than before, so it came out as more of a loud whimper. Mike had somewhat recovered from his orgasm, and must have been worried about me, because he started to say, “Hey, Vicky….”

Vicky swiveled her head just long enough to give Mike a withering stare. She took her hand off my face and pointed one finger at Mike, her still-sexy long Revlon-red nail right in his face, and said the one word, “Enough”. Mike shut up.
Vicky turned back to me. By this time, my own cock, which had been hard enough to punch through a brick wall, was a tiny, flaccid button mushroom. It must have been rubbing her hand before (she had been rubbing it with her foot, after all), and now noticed it was gone. She spared a glance down at my panties, and saw no protruding tent where cock had been. She smailed, and said, “What’s the matter, ‘Julie’, are you scared of Vicky? I know I’m the Alpha female here… are you SCARED of me?” At the word ‘scared’ she squeezed my balla again.

“YES!”, I yelped.

“Yes WHAT?!”, she asked, increasing the pressure.


“Yes MISTRESS Vicky! Say it!”, she yelled at me, squeezing and pulling now.


And just like that, she released her grip on my testicles. I fell forward on the bed, crying in pain. Vicky laid back on the bad calmly, lit an Eve120 cigarette (I was in too much pain to watch or care), and she said, “Make us breakfast. Eggs, bacon, toast, coffee, juice. When it’s done, go shower, get dressed again, but in your blonde wig, same tits and bra, no panties, but black hose, highest heels, and whatever passes for your makeup. Now go.”


An hour later I came out of the shower and dressed as I was ordered to. All I had for makeup was blue eyeshadow and red lipstick, I was not experienced at applying either one. I did what I could. I went out to the living room, where Vicky and Mike were sitting. They were drinking coffee, sitting side by side on the sofa, both dressed in robes (Vicky had apparently brought her own), and Vicky was lazily, casually stroking Mike’s hard cock. The sight was so damned hot, I felt my cock start to grow, even though I was scared of what Vicky was going to do next.

Whether or not she noticed my start of an erection, Vicky just said, “Go clean up the breakfast dishes, then come back in here and kneel and wait for your next orders.” I replied, “Yes, Mistress Vicky,” to which she graced me with a smile, before turning her head away, back to Mike.

Soon I returned to the living room and kneeled in front of Vicky. She and Mike were snuggled together, he nuzzling her neck, with her hand still planted at the root of his dick, just squeezing and releasing the base. He seemed to be swelled to enormous size, and my mouth was literally watering. My foucus snapped back to attention, as she began speaking to me.

“So, Tony, or ‘Julie’, or, well, let’s just call you ‘Julie’ whenever you’re dressed up, whatever your hair color, because *I’m* the only Vicky in whatever room I am in – Mike has been ‘filling me in’ – pun intended – mmm yes baby you filled me in so fucking GOOD last night, didn’t you?”, (she baby-talked to him), “about your … interests and desires and … activities. That explains quite a lot about how you were as proficient as you were this morning! I have to admit, I was a bit peeved when you deprived me of my fun, but I was also a bit turned on by such a spicy and unexpected scene. However, when you spoiled it all by bringing up the now-truly WRONG ‘favor’ I thought I owed you, AND the temerity you added by calling *me* a bitch, well, that is going to have to be addressed, right here, right now.”

At this point she shifted slightly in her seat, belt over, and stuck out her tongue and licked Mike’s cock tip slowly and lovingly. She sat back up. “Ahhh, edged pre-cum, so sweet, thank you, dear!” Mike smiled at her and his penis throbbed as if to say thanks as well.

“The way I see it,” she continued, “is that I now control half of Mike’s cock, and he controls half, meaning that you are cut out of the picture, unless and until we both agree that you have earned the right to attend to him. For you see, Frank and I are on the outs, and it looks like it may be permanent, so I am going to be over here a LOT, and I will be wanting the wonderful dick every DAY, at least once, but probably more than once. So that is not going to leave a lot of time for ‘extracurricular activities’ anymore. However, I know just how ad-DICK-tive his cock can be – pun intended – and I don’t want to deprive you of it entirely. But as my new beau, I want Mike to have wonderful orgasms whenever he has sex, too. So out of the goodness of my heart, I have decided to train you to be the best -- woman … sissy … T-girl … sex-slave … use whatever terminology suits you – that you can be, for those special occasions when we decide that you *DO* get to service Mike’s wonderful tool. How does that sound to you?”

I was stunned. Mike had been my friend for years. I knew we’d both liked Vicky, a lot, and thought she was just about the hottest girl we’d ever met, but we’d also joked about her behind her back. And he and I had been really close buddies, and had shared a sexual relationship. And now, Vicky twists her tail in his direction, and he’s OK with this? It hit me hard, like a ton of bricks.

I didn’t answer right away. I looked at Mike. He looked a little sheepish, then his face hardened a little, and he said in a tone I had not heard from him before, “Your Mistress asked you a question. Answer her.”
Without thinking, I said, “OK, Mike.”

Just as Vicky had pounced on my words before, he quickly snapped, “What did you say?”

I gulped and stuttered, “O-O-kay, M-Master Mike.”

His face softened, and he looked a little guilty again, as he softly said, “That’s better.”

Vicky continued. “Well, we saw this morning, that you manage to suck cock at least somewhat acceptably well. Certainly there are tricks I can teach you later, and I will, when you earn that privilege. But one of the things Mike particularly loves is tit-fucking. He loves these big, creamy, soft TITS of mine,” at this, Vicky turned towards me, opened her robe and cupped her tits in her hands, holding them up and out towards me, “don’t you Mike?” she finished, not taking her eyes off my eyes.

My cock sprang to full arousal, and Vicky laughed. Damn, I knew she was watching me, waiting for that response.

Mike said, “Damn right I do, Vicky. I mean, I like ‘Julie’s’ big tits fine, but they’re really towels, and even a nice soft bra can’t make them feel like your wonderful natural soft breasts. Nothing feels good as your spit on my cock and my spint in your cleavage, then me fucking your big tits until I shoot my load! God Damn, I think that’s my favorite way to cum EVER!”

Now my cock was dancing, hearing this descripting, with no panties to hide it. Vicky smiled and said, “Oh honey, look, Julie’s cum-clitty liked that so much, it’s just twitching fit to die! I bet she wouldn’t last three strokes if I let HER fuck my titties!” They laughed together, as a drop of pre-cum oozed from my cock and dropped onto the carpet.

Vicky’s smile vanished and she said, “Rule Number One: Sissies never waste cum. Lick it up.” I scooted back on my knees, and bent oven to lick up the drop of clear pre-cum, which had not yet melted into the carpet. I dropped my gaze to the rug, when I heard, “No!” I looked up quickly. Vicky said, “Rule Number Two: Sissies never break or make eye contact unless instructed to do so.” I continued to look as Vicky, stuck out my tongue, and dabbed my face down, trying to find the droplet of pre-cum blindly. It took much longer, and was much more degrading, but find it I did, and it did add to my excitement. I returned to my kneeling position.

“So, back to the subject of tit-fucking. Mike says I am so much better at it that you are. Let’s educate you. Lay down and get ready to show me what you know,” said Vicky.

I laid down on the living-room floor, elated. Finally I was going to have Mike’s cock between my tits again! Finally I was going to have a chance to please him, make him happy! I piped up, “I’m ready, Master Mike!”

Vicky laughed, “My, aren’t we dense today!” She retreated into the bedroom, and came back, wearing an immense strap-on dildo, connected by a tube to what looked like an enema bag. She whispered in Mike’s ear, and he went into the kitchen. Vicky said, “Didn’t I tell you that you won’t be having access to Mike’s equipment until you’ve earned it? You have to listen better than that, Julie. Get that blonde bimbo head of yours on straight, girl, if you want to be giving head again anytime soon!” I was quiet. Vicky went into the kitchen for a moment. I heard the microwave beep, then she came back, with Mike following her. Mike stood behind her, apparently holding something. Vicky straddled me, and brusquely said, “Sit up. Lick and suck me some to get me hard and wet.” I dared not reply that her dong was already hard, but I sat up and as if by design, as I did, her cockhead was right at my lips. She grabbed my hair and basically guided my mouth all over her plastic penis, having me lick it very thoroughly, to get it wet, as she’d instructed me to do. Then, without any niceties, she thrust into my mouth and fucked my face for a dozen pumps, and I swear I tasted a little mustiness I could not identify, but then she pulled out and pushed my torso and head back onto the floor. She sank down astride me, her huge fake cock between my fake tits, and said, “OK, let’s see what you’ve got. Turn me on, bitch. Make me cum.”

I squeezed my towel-tits-in-bra around her plastic phallus and cooed, “Oh baby, fuck my big tits with your big hard COCK! Oh, I LOVE getting tit-fucked! Oh yeah! Oh baby…”

Smack!!! Vicky’s hand slapped me hard across my face and shut me up immediately. “You dumb bitch, this is a rubber cock, I’m not going to feel anything, and I’m sure not buying into your fantasy that you’re enjoying it! Move those tits on my cock, so I don’t have to do the work, you dummy! No wonder Mike said I was better, you don’t know a damn thing! Get to it!”

Stunned, I started moving my fake tits in tandem, up and down Vicky’s plastic shaft, basically masturbating her with my fake boobs, silently. That went on for about thirty seconds. She said, “OK, that’s the basic stroke. You don’t have to be totally silent like a damn block of wood, just don’t be a fucking chatty Cathy doll. Now wiggle those tits around some independently, too, not always together.” So I started altering the rhythm some, with one tit forward while the other one was back, and vice versa, I moaned some, and threw in just a few phrases, “ooh, yeah…”, “feels good”, from time to time. Now and then I would look her in the eyes and suddenly clamp down on her cock and stop all motion (she’d started moving her hips a little, to “reward me” for doing better), and she even smiled a bit at my attempt to tease her. I decided to go for a special treat, and took my hand and pulled her dong out of my cleavage for a moment and rubbed the underside of the head (where a real cock is most sensitive) over where my nipple would be (if my fake tits had nipples) and emphasized it by saying, “ohh I love how your cock feels on my hard nipple”, before putting her dong back in my cleavage and fucking it hard and fast. She smiled and actually turned her head around to Mike, who by now had snuggled up to her back and had one arm around her, fondling her tits, and said, “I think Julie’s getting the hang of how a real woman tit-fucks, finally. In fact, I think she’s getting me so excited, I might just cum. Do you think I should cum for her, Mike? Do you think she’s earned it yet?”

Mike kissed her and said, “I don’t know, Vicky, I’d have to feel for myself to tell. It’s hard to know just by watching.”
Vicky laughed and said, “Oh all right, but don’t YOU cum, she certainly hasn’t earned THAT yet!”

Mike smiled and said, “Don’t worry, honey, my next load is going to be for you … but she can help get me worked up a little!”

Vicky stood up slowly and backed off me without turning around, putting her hand behind her for some reason. Mike practically leapt to take her place, saying, “OK, Julie, show me those new skills! Tit-fuck me like you never have before!” I wasted no time, showing him every trick I’d just practiced with Vicky! I did only about twenty strokes of the basic rub, then I did the left-right alternating, then into a twisty-turny melon-mambo, staring with the moaning and dirty talk. “Oh Mike, it’s so good to have your BIG HARD COCK between my HUGE BOOBS again!” Then a quick hard tit-clench and a giggle … then a racing tit-fuck for a few counts and another clench … then aa slow grind and moan. Mike was loving it, going, “Yessss … yesss … yesss”, in a low growl. Vicky had moved up near my face and was actually stroking her dildo, and moaning, “Oh yeah, fuck her big boobs, tit-fuck her good, every slut needs a good tit-fucking….” It seemed all three of us were really getting into it. MY cum-clitty was throbbing, with nothing to contain it, with pre-cum bubbling from its tip – I wanted to touch it so much! It almost seemed Mike had forgotten his promise to not cum, because he grabbed my tits roughly and started to pump hard and fast, but Vicky quickly said, “Mike!”

That was all it took! His cock didn’t deflate totally, but it did soften and shrink a bit. He stood up, and Vicky stood up, smiling, and said, “My goodness I got so worked up watching that little bitch give you a decent tit-fuck that I just had to finish the job myself! Come on Julie, I’m tired of jacking off, I wanna fuck your tits and have a nice orgasm!” She sank between my knockers again and I squashed my jugs around her cock and started practically r****g that plastic dong with my towel-tits. By then I was bucking my hips, wanting someone, anyone to touch me. My hands and tits were a blur on her dildo and I was blabbering, “Oh Mistress Vicky, please fuck my tits with your wonderful cock! Oh it gives me so much pleasure to give you pleasure!” I varied my speed and technique, twisting my torso, practically making her work to stay on me, giving her a ride, and she seemed genuinely interested and pleased. “Oh you little slut, I’m gonna fuck your tits and bust my nuts all over you! You won’t throw me off!” I bought into this, replying, “Oh yes ma’am, yes yes please, break me like a little wild filly, tame me with your giant prick, and brand me with your hot spunk! Oh your hot pecker is driving me cra-a-a-a-zyy-y-y-y!” With that I started spasming and shaking and shimmying my tits as fast as I could on her shaft! She picked on the whole cowgirl act and grabbed me by the back of my head as she continued to fuck my tits and started yelling, “Yee-Haw … NOW, Mike!” With that, as I was tit-fucking her, and she was pumping me and holding my face right where I saw her cockhead pistoning in and out of my cleavage, suddenly out came spewing splash after splash of a hot thick white liquid! It hit my neck and mouth first, some gushing into my mouth, and I recognized it instantly, even though it was warm, a little warmer than body temperature … BUTTERMILK! Fortunately, I like the taste, because it kept shooting out, onto my face up into my hair, on my cheeks, and on either side of my head. I was stunned and stopped moving my tits, but Vicky grabbed her dildo and started waving it around, and sprayed my face more, and aimed it and my bra, soaking the black satin mountains with hot white buttermilk, still braying like a cowgirl. I swallowed what was in my mouth, and was silent.

Vicky finally stopped. She and Mike were laughing. She noticed I wasn’t. She said, “What’s the matter, dear, I just taught you how to tit-fuck better, aren’t you going to thank me?”

I said, “Well, sure, I suppose. I mean, I like buttermilk, but … I would rather have had the real thing … and Mike seemed like he was having fun, and ….”

Vicky’s tone turned cold. “What an ungrateful little bitch.” She stood up, revealing the now-empty enema bag that had obviously been filled with the heated buttermilk, that Mike had evidentially pumped out for her, on command. She stood next to Mike, gripping his hard penis, pumping it with her hand, as if lost in thought. His cock grew back to its full length within seconds.

She smiled. “I know. Mike’s cock and cum are addictive. I don’t blame you. But you’ll have to earn them. Let’s put on a little girl-girl show for him. Then you can have him. Deal?”

“Oh YES MISTRESS!,” I blurted.

“Go wash your face and put on your black Julie wig, then hurry back … my pussy is wet and needs a good licking!”

Within two minutes I was back to the living room. Mike was sitting on the sofa, masturbating lazily. He’d gotten a bottle of baby oil, and his shaft was glistening and slick and looked like a red meat missile! Vicky was laying on the floor, with two cushions under her head and one under her buns, rubbing her bare bush, opening her lips, and said, “Let’s not pussy-foot around, come lick me, Julie!”

Mad with lust, I dropped to my hands and knees without being asked and I crawled my way over to her, only making a short side detour to get close enough to the couch to swing my head around in a huge arc to make my long showgirl black wig thrash over Mike’s hard cock, making him gasp in appreciation, and making Vicky say, “Why you little flirt … well done!” Then I raced to her and buried my tongue in her hot slit as firmly as I could, trying to lick every crevice of her walls, as if I could suck every drop of nectar out, as if I could massage her tonsils from the inside if I could only reach high enough. It must have pleased her, for she uttered the most a****listic sound I have ever heard a woman give, followed by an, “oh FUCKKKK!”, and she clutched my head in both her hands and ground my face into her groin with even greater intensity! I don’t know how much time passed, but I had no way to breathe, and I almost passed out, before she relaxed her grip, shuddering in her first orgasm. She didn’t let loose of my hair, but I could finally breathe, so I did, gasping, and she said (gasping a bit herself), “… again!” This time I took my time, using fingers and tongue gentle and fast and rough and slow, flicker, stop, start, dancing on the precipice, then fucking her with my tongue again, and again, she came. Mike started moaning, watching us, and said, “Oh shit, I’m gonna come soon!”, to which Vicky said, “No, stop, don’t I promised Julie. Stop touching yourself. Just watch.” She took a few moments to compose herself, then sat up. She looked at me, hair tousled, obviously rather spent.

“Well, Julie, you haven’t cum yet. Would you like to, say, fuck my tits? I know that’s always been a fantasy of yours. I told you the tricks to a good tit-fuck, but haven’t showed you. Or, “at this she looked over at Mike with his enormous erection, and then back to me, “are you heart-set on that big cock and load of come first?” She smiles and raised an eyebrow in question.

Holy shit! What a dilemma! I wanted them both! But I’d just eaten her (delicious) pussy for over half an hour, and I was dying for that yummy cock, so I made my decision.

“Um, I think I’d like that big cock first,” I said a bit nervously.

“I don’t blame you a bit,” said Vicky, a twinkle in her eye, “and you’ve certainly earned it!” She hopped up and walked over to the sofa, and stood at the end of it. She leaned over towards Mike, but since he was sitting in the middle of the sofa, she could not really reach him. She said, “Mike, scoot over here, closer. Julie wants to suck that big hard yummy COCK of yours, and I want a nice view from the side, and her tits are even bigger than mine! So you need to scoot over here and maybe may on your back, put one leg on the floor, and one leg up on the back of the couch. Kind of like we’re shooting a porno flick. So Julie can push her pretty head straight down onto your cock and deep-throat you, like she’s learned how to do. Then when you cum, you can cum all over her face and hair and tits, since they’ll all be scrunched up right here next to your prick! Won’t that be great?”

Mike said, “Sounds fucking fantastic to me!”

Vicky turned to me and asked, “How about you, Julie, does that sound like a sweet cocksucking plan to you, sweetie?”

I said breathlessly, “Oh YES Mistress!” I was in heaven! My cum-clitty was thumping so heavily I was trailing droplets of precum!

Vicky got Mike positioned exactly where she wanted him, then gave him a quick little sucking kiss on his cock tip, “for luck!”, she said, then stepped out of the way. I stepped into the spot where she’d been standing naked except for my huge tits, heels, and wig. Mike was looking up at me, and holding his huge dick at the base, with just the thumb and first finger of one hand. His cock looked like it was the size of John Holmes’, f******n inches long! He said, “Go for it, baby, it’s all yours!” From behind me, I heard Vicky’s voice softly say, “Go for it, Julie, you earned it, it’s yours.”
I reached out my hand and closed it around the cockhead. Mikes hissed and he inhaled. His penis felt like it was burning up, it was so hot! I slid my hand downward, and it was unexpectedly slick! I knew I was going to be able to deep-throat him with ease! Sidled closer to the sofa, and my cum-clitty hit the side of the couch and I ground against it, liking the feeling. I stroked Mike a few strokes, loving the feel, loving teasing him. Mike stared at me as I lowered my head enough and swung my hair down to rub against his cock, brushing it back and forth, back and forth, making him moan. I smiled, and took a handful of the soft hair and wrapped it around his cock and began stroking him with it, whispering to him, “Do you want me to give you a hair-job, baby? Do you want me to jack you off with my silky-soft hair and make you cum in it? Or do you want to fuck my face instead, like we planned, hm? Which do you want, baby?”
Mike started moaning and hunching his hip upward, and said, “Oh either one, but I’m gonna cum quick, baby, but I’d rather you suck me off, please Julie! Please suck my fucking cock!”

I laughed, feeling good to be in control, and let loose of my hair, and said, “Of course, my darling man, whatever you want.” I dipped my head down and took half his cockhead in my mouth with one two-second extremely wet, sucking, sloppy kiss, then popped my head back up.

“MmmmAAAUGHH!” cried Mike. “Holy fuck, baby I almost came!”

“No, no, baby, not so fast! I want your come, but I want to enjoy sucking this big thing, too!! So I started cat-licking the shaft, in slow, flat strokes, up and down, avoiding the head, pumping the shaft with a hand every now and then. Mike’s moans let me know I was doing a good job. I heard Vicky behind me. She asked Mike, “Is Julie making you feel good, Mike?” Mike answered, “Uh-HUH!” I kept licking a little faster now, and started sucking, too, now giving the head a little action. I was getting into a regular rhythm, and Mike was responding. Full erection, full girth, loving it, but not close to exploding, just filling those balls to overflowing for me. Occasionally I would use both hands on the shaft now. Let me tell you, it took both hands! Vicky seemed to be enjoying the show, but again, seemed to be behind be, not to the side. “Mike, Julie’s a great cocksucker and am up and coming tit-fucker, isn’t she?” she asked. Mike answered, “Yes, yes, she’s great,” seemingly a bit puzzled by the questions, as was I. I was thirsty for my high-protein shake, my tummy full of baby batter, perhaps my facial and hair CUM-ditioning and tit-creaming, but secretly I didn’t care if Vicky saw Mike’s sperm or not – I would have been quite content to swallow it all this time – so I started stroking and throating him in earnest! I was really bobbing my whole torso, and to Vicky’s credit, it was a good angle to be able to line my mouth and throat up with Mike pole and try to deep-throat his cock with each downward push of my tit-heavy chest. I was taking in more and more with each bounce, and Mike was lost in bliss. And here comes yet another of Vicky’s stupid questions, seemingly right in my ear, “Well, if Julie sucks cock like a woman and tit-fucks like a woman, then shouldn’t she get FUCKED like a woman?” At that moment, I’d just raised my mouth off Mike’s cock and was poised for a downward plunge, when I felt Vicky’s tits crash into my back and something hard ram into my rectum, then slide into it, feeling like it was splitting me open and never going to stop! “Don’t bite down or you’ll hurt his cock”, Vicky hissed in my ear as she pushed me forward onto Mike, ramming me balls-deep onto his shaft, as she penetrated me and began bucking hard to force all her dildo into my virgin ass-cunt. I heard what she said and screamed open mouthed, but the vibrations must have felt good to Mike because he started to spurt in my throat! My own cum-clitty was crushed against the couch, and was getting mangled and Vicky sodomized me viciously, hands locked around my belly, saying, “rather have his cock than my tits, you little sissy bitch, well then you get FUCKED for that if you like DICK so much! You like COCK, right? You like BIG HARD COCK in your PANSY ASS the same time it’s filling your sissy THROAT? Choke on his load you worthless worm, that’s the last real cock you’ll ever taste! It’s dildos and ball gags for you from now on, and my pussy and my piss if you earn a treat!” As sweet as Mike’s load was, it was at that point I passed out from the pain and the shame … without having cum.

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Julie In A Threesome

The four of us sit at the square table at our local pub, laughing at Julie's joke. We all used to work in the same office and even though we have all moved on over time, we still make a point of meeting up once a month to gossip and to catch up. We aren't that different really, either in looks or how we act; all of us are curvy but Julie and I have long blonde hair, Whilst Paula and Sue are dark. We're all married with kids too, and needless to say, we share almost everything with each...

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Julie gives a superhero blue balls

Julie had saved her money from porn and invested it in IT and as a result was able to retire from the porn industry and had lucrative contracts with the city. As a result she often came into contact with BLUE ROD. Over a period of time she had informal discussions with blue rod and gradually she delevoped a closer relationship. She had found out his real name was Steve and that his powers arose from mental abilities. Thus he was able to produce a force field around himself and fly or hold...

1 year ago
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Lisa ndash Cheri Pie Twelve by Twelve

Cheri pulled up to the old warehouse and saw the door to the “Big Dong Productions” and she smiled. Big Dong was the new porn video label that was owned and run by her former lover, David. One afternoon in a hotel room with him was enough to convince her to give up her straitlaced assumed identity as a suburban mom to come back to her nymphomaniac porn actress career.She had revealed her true personality to her husband Jack and she was afraid that he would freak out and leave her but to her...

3 years ago
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Preacherman ch 5 Motherdaughterthreesome

“Oh me too. Cindy, I wonder if the Reverend’s father is still living and single?” She rolled her eyes; “Here we go again, my mother the match maker.” Cindy took pride in her appearance. Her five, foot-five 40D, 34, 44 stats would make any man drool. Her greatest features are her long red hair, button nose, ruby-red lips, and captivating emerald-green eyes. She also has a voracious appetite for sex. Her actions often caused a lot of friction between her and her mother, a religious...

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Preacherman Ch 5 Motherdaughterthreesome

“Oh me too. Cindy, I wonder if the Reverend’s father is still living and single?”She rolled her eyes; “Here we go again, my mother the match maker.” Cindy took pride in her appearance. Her five, foot-five 40D, 34, 44 stats would make any man drool. Her greatest features are her long red hair, button nose, ruby-red lips, and captivating emerald-green eyes. She also has a voracious appetite for sex. Her actions often caused a lot of friction between her and her mother, a religious fanatic who...

Straight Sex
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Lessons Of Kota ndash Part 1 Met FB Friend Sherry

what I am narrating today is not a story to read but 1 year (2013-2014) of what I went through in my life, that I spent in Kota. Yes! Kota, The Education hub of India.Well, as it is not a story but an incident of my life so it’s not going to be cut short. So please be patient and read along and try to imagine yourself in my place so that you can understand what I’ve gone through. This story is going to be divided into some parts as it is a long story. So I’ll wait for your precious feedback for...

3 years ago
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Threesome ndash Me Mom Maid

But I received lesser or almost no emails from any women which is a bit saddening. For those who don’t know me I am Vikram, 19 yrs old studying in Sybcom in Mumbai and more interested in older women above 35 yrs of age. Here I am with a story that will interest all.As I told u all earlier, I and my mom Geeta enjoy sex ever since that day when I fucked her first. My sexcapades with mom were not only limited to bedroom in afternoon but also in kitchen bathroom living room etc as all these things...

4 years ago
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Fathers Day ndash Pt 8 ndash The Finale

It was Fathers Day, I was up early making my fantastic dad his traditional Fathers Day breakfast of every fried thing you could think of along with coffee and toast.I tried to get into his bedroom as quietly as I could but the clinking of the stuff on the tray woke him.“What’s this” he said in mocked surprise, “someone must have got up early today.”“Early, do you know what time it is, it’s half past eleven,” I said, “I left you as long as I could but I wanted us to spend the day together...

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Lessons Of Kota ndash Part 2 Sherry Everywhere

This is the second part of my story, ‘Lessons Of Kota’.Next day I took a stroll in my neighborhood and again started to think about yesterday’s events. Then I deliberately hit my head with my hand to stop thinking and then again I took a puff of the cigarette. This went on for some time and everything was back to normal. I was concentrating on my studies and my grades started to improve.Then again after a week or two, in September while taking an evening stroll, there she was. Coming with the...

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Lockdown Mein Padosi Ke Sath Anal Threesome

Hi friends! Toh kaise hai aaplog? Main Daksh Kashyap (engineer of IIT, Bombay) fir se aapke samne hazir hu. Ye kahani meri pichli kahani ka continuation hai. To please woh kahani aap pehle padh le. Ab kahani pe aate hai jo ki anal threesome ki hai. Maine pichle part mein bataya tha ki kaise Pooja ne mujhe khush karne ke liye apni behan Aarti ki chudai karwayi. Fir roj rat ko pehle main Aarti ki chut chodta tha aur fir Pooja ki gand marta tha. Aise hi lockdown 2 khatam ho gaya. Aarti ko aur...

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Hardintown Glory Hole ndash The New Teacher

Sandy was the newest teacher at the Hardintown school district. She had only finished college the year before. Now she lived here in Hardintown where she was totally on her own which was ok with her.She loved her job and everyone was real nice. She only had one problem and that was the lack of sex. Sandy has been very adventurous while she had been at college. She had both male and female partners and had also enjoyed group sex on several occasions.Being the new teacher in the conservative town...

4 years ago
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Getting Started Cucking ndash First Threesome

A week or so later we were sharing a pizza on another parent-free evening, and Annie told me she had a favor to ask. She began by saying she wanted to have a sexual encounter without me looking on. I told her that was okay, resisting the urge to add that I assumed she was doing it anyway.Then things got a lot more complicated. She said that the guy she’d been banging in front of me wanted to bring one of his friends over and double team her. He claimed the other guy wasn’t cool with having an...

1 year ago
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First Threesome ndash MMF

After my previous experience at the gym (see my earlier story about my first time sucking cock), I started changing my schedule to go workout later in the evening. Not only was it a much more relaxed gym atmosphere closer to closing time, but I found the clientele to be of higher quality at that time of day as well, both physically and socially. The majority of people there late were 30-somethings, working out after a long day at the office, much like myself. Anyway, when I finished up my...

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Gracie 03 ndash Our first Threesome

We knew the competition would be too much for us at Clancy's on a Saturday night, so we went to a club called Gizmo's, one of Gracie's regular haunts. It was just like Clancy's but a few steps down the ladder. More losers than winners. Gracie has really big, surprisingly firm tits. They look great and she thinks they are her best asset. She always wore low cut outfits to show off her tits and the first thing any guy noticed about her was her big tits with a pretty, happy, smiling, friendly face...

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The Adventures of Cheryl ndash Voyeur

Cheryl slipped under the covers of her bed and turned off the lamp on her nightstand. She rolled over and closed her eyes while her mind began thinking about what she needed to do the next day. In the silence of the room, her thoughts were broken by a soft murmur. Sitting up in bed, Cheryl focused her ears on the sound. “Someone is having sex.” she thought. The sound, although very faint, was undeniable. At first, she thought it was one of her roommates, but she knew Michelle was at the bar...

4 years ago
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Julie Part 10

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) This is Part 10 of a 12 Part e-novel. If you read Parts 1 thru 9 you will get much more out of this awesome story which contains mother and son incest, mother and her son’s best friend in a three way, multiple females on females, beautiful mom and a very horny dog, oral, light bondage, and orgy. If you do not like stories of this type you should go no further.*** Part Ten Chapter Forty...

1 year ago
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Julie Part 4

An E-novel: A story of a woman submissive to her own desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (Note: Continuation of a very long, sensual story. There are three more parts after this one.) Harry woke up again and looked at the clock, it showed eight twenty five, he stretched and sat on the side of the bed a minute before going to the bathroom. He felt sticky so he washed his cock and slipped on a pair of cutoffs. He went into the kitchen to turn on...

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The Dating Game ndash Part 3 ndash The art of teasing a wo

Hey to you all, what`s up? :)Here it is another blog post about the Dating Game topic, which means one step forward for you to start learning how to approach and date women the right way.This time, we`ll cut straight to the chase, I mean, no more introductory, bla bla stuff. ;)In one of my last blog posts I`ve been recommending you to meet and hang, as much as possible, around the right people, which consists of, among others, the guys that are already successful with women. Naturals, if...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 91 Spring Break Mission ndash Sherry and Celine

“One more thing Darren,” Agent Palmer told me, “Do play nice with Sherry and Celine. As tough as they will appear on the outside, both are extremely fragile on the inside. Losing their parents was hard on them both. They still regret what they had to do to survive until we brought them into the fold. I know from firsthand experience that you have a very unique ability to slide under people’s defenses without even trying. The four star general at Area-51 is known to be a tough son of a bitch....

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Julie Part 8

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) Note: This is a LONG story, there are 4 more LONG parts to go after this one. *** Part Eight Chapter Thirty Six Julie and Harry were awaken by sunlight streaming in the window, they were slow in getting up but as soon as they stirred both needed the bathroom and he beat her to it. She went to the kitchen and started the coffee going but he was still in the toilet so she went to Jimmy's bathroom and...

2 years ago
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Julie Part 9

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) Note: This is Part 9 of a very long e-novel. There are three long parts after this one. If you read Parts 1 thru 8 first you will get much more out of this awesome story which contains mother and son incest, mother and her son’s friend, multiple females on females, beautiful mom and a very horny dog having sex, etc. If you do not like stories of this type you should go no further. *** Part...

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Pepperrsquos Honeymoon ndash Part 8 ndash Se

Pepper’s Honeymoon – Part 8 – Seiichi and EmikoSunday, September 9, 1985I woke early Sunday morning and managed to slip out of bed without waking the wives. It was barely starting to get light out so I grabbed my swim suit and headed to the beach for some much needed exercise. After stretching and warming up, I began jogging on the beach. As I approached the far end of the beach away from our bungalow, I spied a young couple lying on the sand. It appeared that they had passed out while...

3 years ago
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Julie Part 5

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (Note: This is a long, sensual story, there are 7 more parts for a total of 12 parts) *** Part Five Chapter Twenty Three -------------------- When Harry woke up he looked at the alarm and saw that he had three minutes before it would go off, mumbling a few choice words he cut it off and rolled out of bed and went to the toilet. He finished and went to the kitchen turning on the coffee pot; he returned...

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Pepperrsquos Honeymoon ndash Part 5 ndash To

Pepper’s Honeymoon – Part 5 – Topless Snorkeling with Dennis & Valerie Thursday, September 6, 1985We woke to the sound of the phone ringing. I answered and thanked the resort desk for the wakeup call. I made the girls get up and start getting ready. I told them that the sun can get intense out on a boat so wear a covering top and shorts over their bikinis and to bring their hats and lots of suntan lotion. They asked if anyone else was on the snorkel trip and I told them I had no idea,...

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Julie Part 11

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) *** Part Eleven Chapter Fifty ------------- Julie woke up and realized she had been dreaming but it wasn't like her other dreams! She had been dreaming that every where she went she was attacked by someone and they would tear at her clothes trying to get her naked and wrestle her to the ground or floor trying to rape her. She would fight until she was worn out, they always succeeded. But the worse...

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Julie Part 7

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (NOTE: THIS IS A LONG STORY, 5 LONG PARTS AFTER THIS ONE TO GO YET) *** Part Seven Chapter Thirty One ------------------ Sarah went home at the regular time and went right to doing her paper grading and preparation for tomorrow's classes. She expected Charlie to call but the call didn't come and she was finished with her home work and now it was too late to get some sun besides he might not call...

1 year ago
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Julie Part 6

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (NOTE: THIS IS A LONG STORY, 6 LONG PARTS AFTER THIS ONE) *** Part Six Chapter Twenty-Seven --------------------- The alarm was set for five but the clock was three minutes fast, when it went to beeping Harry gave a groan and cut it off. He lay there a few seconds but knew that was risky and rose up and put his feet on the floor. He had been told by his father to always get your feet on the floor...

2 years ago
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Julie Part 12

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) *** Part Twelve Chapter Fifty Five ------------------ The time went by fast, Harry made love to her then took a shower, they lay on the bed and talked and made love again. When she came in to clean him he was dead asleep. She turned out the light and went to the kitchen, she was busy setting up breakfast and planning dinner for tomorrow night when Jimmy came home. When he entered she was surprised to...

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Pepperrsquos Honeymoon ndash Part 7 ndash Ma

Pepper’s Honeymoon – Part 7 – Margie’s New BikiniSaturday, September 8, 1985Saturday morning I woke early and managed to sneak out of bed without waking the girls. I put on some shorts and went to the beach where I jogged the full length of the beach and back. It was still early and getting light, but I went ahead and stripped and took about a 20 minute swim on the ocean. When I got back to the beach, there was a couple walking a ways down the beach, so I grabbed my shorts and trotted over...

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Part 5 ndash Her Divorce ndash True Story

To continue the story, after my future wife moved in with me she discovered that she could make me cum hard and fast when she shared stories of her past sexual adventures. And if you have not read the first parts, she learned she liked sex early. Sex with guys, gals, black guys and multiple guys.So to continue, her first husband graduated from college without knowing she was fucking her work boss, fellow workers, and a few of his college teammates. So he got a job and they moved to the Texas...

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Losing my anal virginity ndash Part 3 ndash In the Morning

This is a continuation of one of my previous stories. Please see parts 1 & 2 on my profile.I woke up spooning Rick; my arm d****d over him, my face directly behind his neck, breathing in his skin. But I had had such a peaceful rest, which I hadn’t had in a long time. As my groggy eyes opened, I realized how cozy I was nude under the sheets with him. Of course my first thought was of my raging hard-on, as is customary each morning, but this time it was pressed against the small of his back....

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Sissies New Years Surprise ndash Part 3 ndash

Chapter 3The DecisionSissy got out of bed at her usual time and went about her morning routine of shaving, showering, and getting dressed. Sissy thought maybe she got an hour of restless sleep. After not being able to perform last night she had pretty much laid in bed all night crying and pondering how she became to be such a sissy. To her own surprise she didn’t put much thought into what decision she would make b/c deep down she knew the answer already. If she couldn’t perform with her...

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Pepperrsquos Honeymoon ndash Part 6 ndash Or

Pepper’s Honeymoon – Part 6 – Orgy at Secluded BeachFriday, September 7, 1985I woke up Friday morning to someone whispering in my ear asking me if I was ready for a day of wild sex on a remote beach. I rolled over and it was Ginger and I told her I was ready and looking forward to seeing her and Pepper have a lot of fun. We got up, got dressed, grabbed our hats, suntan lotion and several large beach towels they provided in the bungalow. Being the first ones at the restaurant for breakfast,...

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Pepperrsquos Honeymoon ndash Part 2 ndash Mi

Pepper’s Honeymoon – Part 2 – Miguel and the Secluded BeachMonday, Sept. 2, 1985We woke that morning to a gentle breeze and sound of the ocean waves. Pepper cuddled up against my cock and began slowly wiggling her butt against me. Ginger could fell the movement and reached around from behind me and began playing with my cock and balls. I was erect in no time and Pepper was already wet with anticipation as she slid back, impaling herself on my cock. I started to slide in and out of Pepper as...

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Julie a Willing MotherChapter 3

Dan moved to his mother's right side, hugged her hip to his loins, and kissed her on the mouth. At the same time his right hand fondled her breasts. Julie kept moaning softly, enjoying the thrill. Ben asked, "Mom, since Dan is kissing you, may I also kiss you?" Julie broke the kiss for a while to ask, "Where do you want to kiss me?" "Here mom, here." Ben tapped the bare upper pubic mound that wasn't covered by the skimpy hot pants. Her son wanting to kissis her there thrilled...

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Julie a Willing MotherChapter 1

"Happy birthday, Julie! You look gorgeous!" Julie was delighted to hear such compliments from almost every guest who came to her house to join the family in celebrating her 34th birthday. There were more bold compliments too. "You look very sexy!" beamed Mr. More, her husband's boss. Julie blushed, in spite of the fact that she had heard such compliments over the years. Even now, though a mother of two teenage sons, she was a gorgeous woman. She had a young beautiful face, blessed...

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Double Delight ndash Pt 2 Threesome With Mom And Aunt

On our way, mom said, “I want you to call me ‘mom’, ‘maa’ or ‘mummy’ from now on.”I asked, “Why so? I like to call you Neetu.”Mom said, “Well, we had sex today. I want to feel that it was i****t. If you call me ‘mom’ or ‘mummy’ or ‘maa’, I will have that i****tuous feeling and that will make me hornier. Any problem?”I laughed and said, “No, mom. I will call you mom.”Neetu pinched my cheek and said, “That’s like a good boy. That’s my Sonny”.I said, “Mom, the moment you touch me, I have an...

2 years ago
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Julie a Willing MotherChapter 2

Just then Jake's left hand went around her body and fondled her right breast. Her nipple was tweaked to hardness again. Involuntarily she gasped. Julie heard Dora say, "Jake why don't you put your hand under auntie's T-shirt and fondle her bare breasts." Julie protested against Jake's kissing mouth, "N-No... don't, Ja-ke." "Relax Julie... please don't disappoint the boy... please be nice to my son... and let him touch your breast." "Please auntie... please..." What could...

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Julie a Willing MotherChapter 4

Before dinner time her husband phoned, "Sorry dear, I'll be a little late. I'm going out for dinner with Mr. More. You and the boys eat first... don't wait for me." "Alright, Brad." "One more thing... I'll come and decide what you can wear for tonight." "Meanwhile, can I wear something exciting for the boys to see?" "Of course... what have you in mind?" "How about the halter and half-cut-off shorts that you used to like years ago?" "Great! That will be fine for now......

4 years ago
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Julie surrenders to the Major part two

The recovery time was pretty quick. Colin, Gavin and I had all unloaded. "Lets go back into the cottage" Colin said. He picked up Julies dress and passed it to her."You will only need this for now my dear"Julie slipped on the dress and we went inside for a drink.Gavin remained in the outhouse.Colin made us some more drinks and we chatted for a while. Julie called him major on a couple of occassions but he told her that was not required in these situations. He asked how she had found the whole...

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Red ndash Part V ndash Grace takes the Wheel

“Lauren, wake up. Wake up hon, we need to get on the road,” Grace said softly as she nudged at her daughter. Grace yanked back the covers to speed things up, and paused to admire the eighteen year old's tall, tan, beautiful body.“Yaawwwnnnnn, good morning. Did you say we? You’re driving me back?” “Yes hon. I talked with your dad and since you’re still on Percocet, we think it would be better if I drove you,“ Grace stated. Lauren had her wisdom teeth removed Friday morning, but was still hurting...

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Pepperrsquos Honeymoon ndash Part 4 ndash Ch

Pepper’s Honeymoon – Part 4 – Chuck and MargieWednesday, September 5, 1985We slept in and almost missed breakfast. The three of us felt lazy today and decided to stay at the bungalow and perhaps spend some time on the beach. After breakfast, we took a casual walk around the resort. It really was very well laid out and very pretty. It reminded us of what you would expect to see at a Hawaiian or South Seas resort. On our stroll around the resort, we saw the older couple we had seen at the...

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Sissies New Years Surprise ndash Part 1 ndash

“sissy come in here, W/we need to talk.”“Yes Mistress, coming.”Sissy enters the room and curtseys, with sissy’s eyes downcast she sees Mistresses finger pointing towards the floor. Sissy hobbles over to Mistress and kneels at Her feet. Today, Mistress has sissy in her black satin maids uniform with pink lace trim and a pink apron. Sissy also has on a matching pink hair bow, pink petticoat, matching pink ruffled panties, black hose with matching garter, a black bra, and black 4’’ locking pumps....

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Desert Heat ndash Part 31 ndash The Day Before

Desert Heat – Part 31 - Day Before the WeddingFriday, August 31, 1985 Friday morning I woke early again and made my way to my office to catch up on more reading. It was over an hour later when Ginger and Pepper peeked in and said good morning. They headed to kitchen to fix breakfast while I finished reading one more tech article. The smell of coffee brought me to the kitchen to find my two gorgeous naked wives busily fixing a breakfast fit for royalty. I asked why all of the fixings and...

4 years ago
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Julie takes control part 4

Here's chapter 4 of this story. All my own writing, please read previous chapters for more. Check back next week for the next part.So that was it, Julie was on her way back to uni. I thought it'd be about a month before she finished and came home for good.It had been a couple of days since she had gone back I was sat watching TV and Carrie was in the bath when my phone vibrated. My heart jumped when I saw it was from Julie. She was asking if I'd been thinking about her. I replied and said 'of...

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Julie takes control part 1

Me and Carrie got together about 4 years ago. We met each other on an adult dating site.After we both got divorced, from other people, we agreed to give it a go together.Carrie has two k**s, one lad, aged 25 and one lass, 23.The first time I met her daughter, Julie, she was a bit off hand with me, understandable as she thought I'd split her mum and dad up.All I remember from the first meeting was that Julie was slim and her perky tits showed well through her thin t-shirt. She has lovely thin...

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Julie and Tom Part 2

Slowly the door opened. Tom stepped into the room. Julie could see a bulge in his suit pants. He looked at her and smiled.“Perfect. You look delicious, and you followed my instructions perfectly.” He walked into the room, but did not close the door. He looked at her from different angles. She tried to remain perfectly still. Her red lips wide apart, and her hands cuffed behind her back. He pulled over a chair and sat down. He was not sitting right in front of her, but at an angle. She could...

Wife Lovers
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Red ndash Part VIII ndash The girls meet up with Marcus

Sara flipped off the radio when she turned into her Tinderwood Apartment complex. It was late and she was exhausted. Her younger sister, Lauren, was asleep on the sofa with her chemistry book open on her chest, when she walked in. Sara looked frazzled and worn out for a 19 year sophomore in college. Her hair was windblown and her makeup was a mess. Her new flowered sundress was wrinkled and only held closed by three buttons. When she plopped down in the chair, Lauren could see her bare breasts...

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Red ndash Part VII ndash A Quick Trip

Sara was jolted from her nap when the phone rang. She glanced over at the kitchen clock. It was 6:15pm. She’d been studying hard since school started three weeks ago and had passed out in the process. It was her trucker friend, Cliff. “Hey babe, I’m coming north on 95 and was wondering if you’d like to meet me at the truck stop up above Richmond?”Sara could feel pussy waking up faster than she was. It quivered in her fleece shorts. “Ummm, yeah, sure. How long before you get there?”“Probably...

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