Consideration free porn video

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I was still chuckling at Dave's latest quip when Ellen turned to kiss me. We had crossed the street after getting off the train, she and I holding hands and Dave walking next to us. She kind of stepped in front of me to do it, stopping me in my drunken tracks. Fact was we were all pretty well lit up but she had a more-mischievous-then-drunk look in her eye as her smirking lips lifted up to mine. My mouth met hers for what I expected to be a short peck in front of Dave, but she threw her arms over my shoulders and pulled my head down to give me a deep, wet, luxurious tongue tussle. Her smile held through it and I found myself enjoying her declaration of affection and smiling back at her as we kissed.
"Come on, guys, don't rub it in, huh?" Dave implored from a safe distance. My eyes were open and I saw Ellen peek sideways at Dave and kiss me more deeply, groaning into my mouth, making yummy sounds as she ground her hips into mine. I glanced in his direction to see him roll his eyes and toss his head back. He was grinning, but I felt suddenly guilty.

We'd had a dinner date planned, me and Ellen, and Dave and his girlfriend, Lisa. Just the day before Lisa had not only cancelled but made hints that they were ending. Dave had tried to back out, not wanting to be a third wheel, but we wouldn't hear of it; we'd been friends too long, and we'd had a wonderful dinner, talking old times and then after laughing over drinks. We had laughed even more on the train to our place where Dave had left his car.

His head suddenly turned to us. He was watching us intently, making me suddenly uncomfortable to be making out with my girlfriend in front of him. Truth was, Ellen and I had never really liked Lisa and had tolerated her only for Dave's sake. But out of respect for his pending breakup, I broke the kiss and pushed Ellen from me.

"Really, that's not fair," I whispered to her drunk, pouting frown.

"Well, if you want to keep it fair, maybe I should kiss Dave, too!" I laughed but she didn't, she just stared at me with that mischievous twinkle in her eye again. Dave laughed as well, a short chuckle.

"I wouldn't push you away, Ellen!" he quipped.

"And I wouldn't let you!" she returned, winking at me and slipping her hand into the crook of my elbow as we resumed walking the last two blocks to our place, picking up the laughs and banter where we'd left off. As we joked and chuckled, that last exchange walked with us, like a night shadow, following silently.

When we got to the house, Dave tried to say goodnight but Ellen insisted he was in no shape to drive. I had to agree and talked him into coming inside, offering him the guest room. He eventually acquiesced, and once inside Ellen opened a bottle of wine.

"You're staying, and sleeping,” she explained with a grin, “so no need to stop."

Halfway through the first glass Dave admitted to feeling uncomfortable with us. Ellen was sitting next to me on the couch, snuggling in to my side and occasionally stroking my arm or leg, getting all touchy, a precursor to intimacy.

"It's not right," he complained, "I feel like a third wheel. Then he grinned sheepishly, "You guys should be alone."

"What's the matter, Dave,” Ellen teased. “are you uncomfortable watching us get all cuddly and close?".

"You know what I mean," he insisted.

Ellen laughed boisterously, then squirmed in her seat so she was lying on her back across my legs. Before I knew it, she was pulling my head down to hers and kissing me, tongue probing my mouth and hands in my hair. I was drunk and horny enough to kiss her back, Dave be damned! One of my palms was on her belly and she sighed as I kissed her.

She suddenly broke the kiss and sat up, laughing again, and Dave cursed her for torturing him.

"Aw, poor Dave," she snickered back at him. "That bitch Lisa left you high and dry, huh?" She sipped her wine again, then looked at me and emptied the glass. "Fine, then. Never let it be said that I took delight in tormenting my friends," she announced, and stood and walked to the chair where Dave sat. She plopped herself drunkenly on his lap, facing him with her legs dangling off the side and draped her arms around his neck. "Kiss me, Dave," she sighed with melodrama, "Kiss me!"

I laughed at her antics. Until their lips met.

Then I sat, speechless and dumbstruck as their faces pushed together. She was giggling at first, but then stopped, and I heard small sounds as mouths opened, tongues danced and hands pulled urgently. I watched in horrified fascination until Dave broke the kiss. He held her shoulders at arms’ length and they stared at each other, faces serious. I felt a growing tension in the room and opened my mouth to speak when Dave's face broke into a broad smile.

"What the fuck, Ellen?" he laughed, shaking his head. "What the hell was that?"

Ellen giggled and I found myself smiling as she rose from his lap. "Well, I can't have my house guest feeling left out and tortured now, can I?" she chirped with exaggerated coyness. Then she turned to me.

There was a look on her face that broadcast trouble of a most welcome variety. Her bottom lip was caught in her teeth and the corners of her mouth curled upwards. Her eyes glittered darkly from under half closed lids. I felt a stirring in my crotch that was directly connected to the heat emanating from her.

She stalked around the coffee table and stopped in front of me, putting a finger to her mouth and rotating slowly left and right, then stuck out her bottom lip in a precocious, over-acted little girl pout. Confused and more than a little astounded, I once again waited too long to speak.

"I'm sorry, baby," she cooed with innocence that defied her posture, "did I do bad?" Her face broke into a mischievous grin. "I wonder," she asked in a sudden seductive rasp, bending over and placing her hands on my knees, "if there's a way I could apologize properly?"

I might have stopped her when she grabbed at my belt and zipper, but the alcohol had dulled my senses and my desire had piqued my curiosity. The world shrunk down to just the two of us as she opened my pants and lowered her head. When she pulled my semi out of my briefs I gasped and when she slipped her lips over the head I moaned. She tucked her hair behind her ear and I watched her mouth devour my shaft. I wasn’t semi for long. I turned full instantly, Dave forgotten.

Her lips and tongue caressed and teased as she sucked and stroked my raging cock. I murmured and cooed to her slurps and licks, waves of pleasure rushing me, the excitement of the moment and the suddenness of her actions heightening the pleasure. My hips lifted involuntarily as my hand went to her head, and she gagged a little but never slowed. My eyes closed as I succumbed to her ministrations. Lost in the moment, I never heard Dave move.

"Holy fuck." I heard from my side. I opened my eyes and turned to see Dave sitting next to me, staring at Ellen as she bobbed her head up and down. A flash of panic and embarrassment rushed me. Fuck, he's watching Ellen blow me! The emotion changed when her eyes lifted to mine, a playful glint twinkling at me. She held her head still, plump lips wrapped tightly around my shaft. She looked so sexy and playful and dirty! She was getting off on doing this in front of Dave! And fuck if my dick didn't stiffen more in her mouth! My back strained as I lifted my hips, pushing my cock deeper.

If it distracted her it didn't show, because she angled her head to look straight at Dave, stroking her head up and down, taking me deep and allowing my cockhead into her throat. I glanced over to see my friend adjust the bulge in his jeans.

Ellen pulled her mouth off my shaft and grabbed it at the base with one hand, holding the head to her lips and smearing pre-cum around her mouth. Her other hand slid lazily up Dave's leg to his crotch and she stroked the bulge there.

"Poor Dave," she smirked, "did I do that?" Her tongue flicked out and circled the head of my cock before playing underneath while she stared at Dave, stroking him and gripping his trapped shaft. I heard him groan.

"Take it out," she told him softly, and turned to me. I sat, wide-eyed and frozen, afraid of what might happen next and terrified that she might stop. She turned to me, opened her mouth, sucked my cock with several long strokes before pulling off with a wet pop. Her hand slid up and down my wet rod as she held my gaze with hers, deep and intent.

"It's only fair," she offered. I held my breath, staring at her, hearing the rustle of clothing next to me. "Are you okay with this?" she asked politely. "Because if you're not, I'll-"

"Suck his cock!" I gasped. "Do it, you horny slut!"

Her face brightened into a broad-mouthed smile and her eyes opened wide. She leaned down to kiss the head of my cock. And then she scooted to her left in front of Dave and took his cock deep in one slow swallow.

For a few minutes I sat and watched the cock vanish and reappear from her sexy mouth. Her one hand still held my shaft at the base but her concentration was all on Dave's turgid member as she lavished her attention on him. My sexy girlfriend blowing my friend, right in front of me, and loving it! Fuck, it was the hottest thing I'd ever seen! Her head bobbed up and down, her cheeks sucked in as she pulled up. Her tongue slipped out and stroked lovingly up his shaft and around the head. Every few strokes she would look up into his face to show him, to see him watching her, and then she'd look at me to see me watching, too. She wasn't just getting off on sucking cock, she was getting off on having two of them, both of us, and having both us watching, knowing how horny and slutty and sexy she was!

And that's when it hit me. She was horny. She was getting off on this. Her mouth was busy on Dave, and my cock was as hard as it had ever been.

I quickly scooted off the sofa and knelt behind her, slipping a hand between her legs and stroking her tight crotch through her jeans. Moist heat welcomed my touch and her muffled groan encouraged me. She wanted this. I wanted this. I looked at Dave and it was clear he was up for it, too.

I leaned over her back and reached around her belly to unfasten her pants. It was a struggle, but she reached down and helped. Once they were open I wasted no time in pulling them down her hips along with her frilly panties. I pushed the garments to her knees and she lifted one leg, letting me pull them past the knee to tangle at her ankle.

I didn't care, as long as I could get her legs apart. She paused a moment, wiggling her ass at me as she tried to dislodge the jeans, but I pushed her head back down on Dave's cock. She gagged a little and I held her head down as Dave groaned, his cock buried deep in my girl’s mouth while I lined myself up. I looked down, my eyes taking in the sight of her perfect round ass cheeks, slightly parted, her pink, tight crinkle peeking out from the valley. And beneath it, her swollen shaved lips bulged invitingly, juices glistening, the smell of her arousal reaching into my nose and grabbing my libido by the throat.

She coughed and I released her head. As she pulled up for air I buried myself inside her in one sudden filling stroke.

"Oh, fuck!" she cried out. I felt my cock instantly sheathed in heated slick silky flesh. I let out a guttural groan as I sank deep inside and held still, relishing the feel of her clenching cunt, my eyes closed and head back, fingers gripping her ass cheeks. I heaved a giant sigh and looked down to see her looking back at me and Dave gaping open mouthed over her head.

I lifted my eyebrows and stared back at Ellen. "Well?" I asked. She blinked. "What did you stop for?" I felt a wicked grin split my face. "Suck his cock, slut!" Her eyes went wide and dark and she smiled back at me. I moved to push her head back down and was too late, Dave’s hand fisted into her hair and he pulled her face back into his crotch.

I began sliding my cock in and out of her, feeling the slippery juices spill from her, shocked and thrilled at how wet she was. She's really getting off on this! I thought, stroking into her hard. I looked down to see Dave thrusting his hips up into her mouth, gagging her with his cockhead, hair held tightly, grunting. Fuck, she's taking him deep, and loving it! The total lack of her inhibitions was a huge turn-on, and I felt my body react. I slowed my pace, reduced the intensity, wanting to make sure this lasted as long as it could. Ellen was making choking sounds between her moans as I fucked her deep and slow, each thrust pushing her body forward, her throat meeting Dave's thrusts. He must be in her throat! Fuck, she's never been like this before!

Dave was grunting and groaning, burying himself in Ellen's sweet mouth. I leaned over her and he saw me and pulled her hair away as he pulled her head to the side. Fuck, her lips are tight around the base of his cock, he's all the way in! Tears ran down her face but her eyes glittering with fierce delight and she sucked and swallowed as he pushed into her mouth.

He's fucking her face, I thought.

On a sudden impulse I pulled my cock out of her juicy wet cunt and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her away from Dave's rigid shaft. He popped from her mouth with a wet slurp. In a flash of recognition I saw his balls wet with her saliva, then looked at Ellen to see her chin slick and shining as well. Confused at my action she started to open her mouth but I quickly pulled her up and turned her around, motioning to Dave with my chin. He shucked his pants down his legs and slid his butt to the edge of the sofa.

I held her face in my hands, grinning. "Fair's fair," I told her, and pushed her back into Dave. His hands caught her hips and guided her down into his lap.

She looked up at me, wide-eyed and grinning as her weight settled onto his legs and his hard cock slipped inside her, filling her cunt. She gasped and I stepped towards her. Her mouth was still open from the shock of being filled as I pushed my cock to her lips. I felt her groan as she opened wide, and my cock pushed deep into her mouth. I didn't stop when she gagged. I didn't stop when she coughed a thick string of spit out the sides of her mouth.

I pushed into her throat, saw her neck bulge. New tears spilled from her eyes as she swallowed my cock down.

I held her head in both hands, fucking her face furiously as Dave did the same to her cunt. Her eyes closed, lost in lust as cocks filled her at both ends. Her hands were on her own knees, holding her body still, letting us have our way with her. I pulled back and rubbed my spit-slicked shaft across her face. Her mouth opened and closed, trying to catch it. I smeared her face with her saliva, rubbing my balls to her mouth, and she sucked one in.

Fuck! This was the hottest sex I'd ever had!

She lunged forward, mouth open, trying to take my cock. Her ass lifted slightly from Dave's lap. He grabbed her hips hard and she let out a shriek as he pulled her back down. I tried to shove my cock back in her mouth but she was shaking her head wildly from side to side, squeaking shrilly for a few seconds before stopping, panting.

She looked up at me, desperate and stunned.

"Fuck!" she gasped. "He's in my ass! Fuck, Todd, his cock is in my..." The words trailed off to a low moan as Dave pulsed his hips up and down. His head lolled to the side and her mouth fell open in a low keening moan. I watched, hard and straining as my girlfriend took another man’s cock in her back door. Holy fuck! I thought I might cum just standing there. I reached for her head and tried for her mouth but she shook me away.

"No, not...fuck me. Fuck my cunt, fuck, fuck me, fuck me now!"

Dave, ever helpful, grabbed her legs under the knees and pulled her feet up onto his legs. She leaned back, her arms extended straight on either side of him as her knees parted and her wet gaping cunt opened up for me. And there, beneath her pussy was her anal ring stretched tightly around Dave's firm shaft.

I dove onto her.

My cock slipped inside her fucked pussy effortlessly despite the additional tightness created by her stuffed ass. She stared up into my face with an expression of divine bliss that seemed to overwhelm her. My excitement paced hers as I shoved my cock inside her while Dave speared up into her anus. I gaped open mouthed as I fucked her, entranced by her passion and driven by my lust for her, for this experience, for this moment.

I slammed her hard, careless of rhythm, pursuing only my release inside her, possessed of an undeniable urge to share this with her, to give her what she wanted, to take what I needed. Over and over I plowed my cock into her cunt, grunting back at her cries, staring into the twin pits of bottomless passion that had replaced her eyes.

I grabbed her face, kissed her slack-jawed open mouth, spearing my tongue into her as I speared my cock, feeling Dave thrusting alongside me. She muttered meaningless animal sounds into my mouth as our cocks forced breath from her. Then her hands were in my hair and she began a low keening that rose in erratic pitch to become a sharp wail. I felt her pussy clench on my shaft as her fingers fisted my hair, pulling my face to hers as she came, and came, and came, screaming into my open mouth.

Her gripping pussy muscles pushed me over the edge and I felt the build rushing to the fore and then I was shouting back into her mouth as my cock swelled and pulsed. I froze a short second, dangling at the precipice. And then my body exploded in release. I slammed my hips hard, burying myself inside her as my cock spurted and my legs turned to jelly. The world vanished, Dave vanished and there was only Ellen and me, mouths open and groaning and clinging to each other with trembling arms. My legs collapsed and I felt myself falling.

I came to, sitting on the floor in front of her spread legs, Dave's softening cock dangling over his spent balls beneath her gaping holes. Cum leaked from her ass and pussy, dripping out of her like a vulgar porn ending. I was exhausted and dizzy and my brain felt fuzzy, trying to wrap itself around what had happened. She was collapsed back onto Dave's chest and his arms were around her, holding her, her breasts rising and falling as she gained her breath. I sat there, watching the remnants of our passions drip from her, fascinated by the sight, horrified and fearful of the potential aftermath, and wondering how she would feel now that it was over.

She lifted her head and looked at me, her face a mask of serenity and pleasure and rapt satisfaction. I smiled, and she smiled back. She mouthed the words "thank you" and I bit my lip and shook my head. Chuckling lightly I struggled to my feet and helped her off Dave. She lifted her butt and shifted to his side and fell back into the sofa before patting the seat next to her, motioning for me to sit, too. I slipped in beside her, sandwiching her between me and Dave, and snaked an arm around her waist, as though reclaiming her. She noticed and looked at me coyly, and then threw her arms around my neck, rolling onto her side the kissing me, deeply and passionately. When she was done she pulled back and studied my face.

"Are you okay?" she whispered with concerned sincerity.

"I think so, yeah," I answered in kind. "Are we okay?"

She smiled comfortably and my unease abated. "We're just right, baby," she assured. She turned to look at Dave. "How about you, Dave. Are you all right?"

He gave a sappy grin, glancing from me and Ellen. "I am if you guys are. I don't want this to come between us, as friends, you know?" He paused. "But holy fuck, that was incredible!"

Ellen's face split in a wide grin and she pealed with lighthearted laughter. "You're telling me?" She scooted over, sitting herself on my lap and I held her to me, once again assuring everyone, especially me, that she was my girl, despite what we'd just shared and done. My girl who was someone else from whom she'd been earlier, I thought. But mine, nonetheless.

We sat there, the three of us, half naked and laughing and smiling for only a few minutes. Then Dave got up, leaned over and kissed Ellen goodnight. Her head was on my shoulder and he thankfully just pecked her on the cheek, then shook my hand.

"I should be so lucky," he said with deep sincerity, "to meet a girl like Ellen." Then he excused himself to the guest room, leaving us alone. Ellen settled back into my arms.

"So," I said, "that was different." I tightened my arms around her. "Unexpected."

"Are you angry?"

I had to think about it. I was feeling something, but it didn't feel like anger. Resentment? Jealousy maybe? I couldn't really say, because whatever it was it was conflicted and confused with how exciting and incredibly hot the whole event had been.

"No, not angry, I don't think," I said. "A little taken aback, I guess. More surprised than anything." I chuckled. "After excited and amazed. Then surprised," I finished with a laugh. Then I asked, "Where did all that come from?"

"Fucked if I know, Todd," she said, squiggling into me. "The drinks, the banter, the teasing. It just kinda came on me." She twisted in my arms to lift herself up and look into my face. "You're not upset, are you? Are we okay, really?"

I smiled. "Ellen. That was easily the hottest, sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, never mind done." To my surprise, she blushed. "You were incredible. I've never seen you so hot, so excited, so... Wild. Loose." Her blush deepened to scarlet.

"Stop. I just kinda went with it."

"That's what I mean. You wanted it, you went for it, and you never looked back. It's like..." I searched for the words, looking into her face, suddenly shy at the wondrous praise. "It's like another you stepped out and took over, like the regular Ellen stepped aside and let this other, hot, crazy Ellen have a turn."

She giggled. "I hope New Ellen wasn't too much for you." She hid her face behind her hand. "I kinda liked letting her out!"

"Me too," I assured. "I'm not sure I can handle her too often," I said, pulling her hand away and kissing her. "But let her visit once in a while, huh?"

We kissed again, slowly and luxuriously, squirming together on the couch before getting up and making our way to the bedroom.


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We both stood there mute for a few seconds, stunned, as it sank in that Vlad had just offered to pay us ten thousand dollars to make a movie. "Each?" Addison squeaked. "No, no," he said, waving his hands around. "Five thousand each." He smiled his famous smile. "But we can do many movies. If you become popular, maybe the price will go up." I noticed that his accent had gotten better, and realized, suddenly, that it had always gotten better when he was talking business and worse...

2 years ago
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Late night at the office part 3

Fictional story, part 3 of Late night at the office.Lunch time came, and Stacy came to drive me home. It was around 2 PM since I had talked her into taking lunch last. We went to her car, a modest little Honda, and she started driving. I suggested that we pick something up for lunch on the way, and she agreed. We stopped by a grocery store and grabbed some food before hitting the road with the food in the back of the car.After a few minutes of driving in relative silence, only broken by my...

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Medusa Fates GameChapter 17

~~Medusa~~ Wine! So much wine. Wine everywhere. The sun had just set, and the only source of light was the twinkling of stars along the plaza floor of their new home, and the flickering fires on the walls of the corner room. Everyone had come to her room corner, and the six of them sat around in a circle. Amphora jars were lined up, everyone had a big cup in hand — except for Chimera of course, immune as he was — and everyone was drinking. Her especially. They’d only been in their new home...

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My Beautiful Cum SlutPart 2

We live in a place where they still have paperboys, not adults roaring around in cars and flinging papers all over he place, but boys who still deliver the paper by bicycle, or who walk their routes pulling a wagon loaded with papers. Our paperboy, Matt, is a good looking, well-built young man. He letters in football, baseball, and track and the word is that he is a lock for an athletic scholarship at any of several interested colleges. I'd seen the way KM looks at him and there wasn't a...

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Dark Angel Part 3

“Don’t touch her,” he roared, enraged, as he settled between his brother and the woman he loved. He gave Garethiel a shove in case he didn’t comprehend his order. Anniel’s hands came up against his spread wings when he stepped back into her, clasping her hip to keep her behind him and out from Garethiel’s sight. After having callously deflowered her and then walking out as if she meant nothing, the thought of Garethiel putting his filthy hands on her again made Ashriel want to tear him limb...

2 years ago
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A Proper Seduction

I wrote that in my diary. That I wanted to be seduced for hours before getting laid. What I didn't know was that my brother would sneak into my room when I was gone and read my daily log. I learned later that he had found it when I was thirteen and knew everything I’d written for years. He knew when I got my first bra, my first period, what I thought of Jenny Hanscom, the biggest bitch in school, Bruno Mars and even himself. He also knew when I gave up my virginity to Jacob just hours...

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The Ultimate Incest

Hi, this is Yash again with a story. Thank you people for the feedback on my previous stories. Keep on giving me feedback and I will keep on writing. You all already know about me. I am 22 living in Rourkela, Odisha doing engineering form a tech college here. Let’s come to the story. It is gonna be one like my previous story. If you have not read that please do. Its title is “Sex trip to Sundaban”. I request you guys to read it like a story and not just like something you can use to masturbate....

1 year ago
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Second Cousins Second ChancesChapter 8

So, the status quo more or less continued for about two and a half years. Was it the ideal situation? No. Dysfunctional and adulterous, was my relationship with Jen the best thing in my life, by far? Yes. I loved being around her, whether we were naked or not, whether we were alone or not. I wanted to be with her, all the time, and I knew I was in love with her. While we pretty freely said "I love you" to one another, I wasn't sure about the depth of her feelings for me, and we didn't...

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Private Selvaggia Nurse Fucks A Lucky Patient

The horny Selvaggia has come to Private Specials, Private Nurses 2 and this sexy girl loves to get down and dirty with her patients as she fucks them to better health. There’s nothing professional about Selvaggia’s work however everyone could benefit from a session with this beauty and today the lucky Potro is in line. Watch Selvaggia in her sexy nurse lingerie as she gets started with a sloppy deepthroat blowjob before offering up her pussy and ass for a hard ramming as she moans and screams...

2 years ago
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The Summer I Grew UpChapter 23

The weekend had been one of the best in my life, but then Monday morning brought me another pair of ruined panties. For the first time since my very first period, I was completely taken by surprise by its arrival. Usually I got crampy or moody just before it started, but I’d noticed nothing this time. Then I remembered the wonderful side-effect of having an IUD. School that morning felt different. I had a girlfriend named Samantha Juliet Green and we had spent a wonderful weekend getting to...

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Sex With My Nieces 8211 Part 2

Dear ISS readers, love you all! Thanks for so much love and feedback for the first every story that I posted on ISS. This true story is in continuation of my early true incident, “Sex With My Nieces – Part 1” After fucking my elder niece Swati at night, the next morning I came late for breakfast. I overslept because of the exhaustion of fucking Swati last night. At the breakfast table, I saw my younger niece Priya was silently eating breakfast, which was unusual. I asked what the matter was...

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Sparticus A Mothers Demise Ch 2

CHAPTER 2++++++++++++++++++++ Tuesday nightThe sinful mother could not look at the boy seated next to him as they watched the rest of last night’s episode of Spartacus on replay. He had instructed her to wear nothing beneath her robe which lay wide open exposing her breasts and pussy. He had her stroke his cock with one hand whilst using her other to pleasure herself. She could not fathom out why she was so aroused at such humiliation…especially at the hands of her teenage son, but realized...

3 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 32 A Change of Attitude

Brit cried out in ecstasy, her body tensing up. Her hips raised right up off of Jeff's lap as her body straightened. She held that position for a few seconds, not even breathing, then finally collapsed back onto him. "Oh god!" she exclaimed. "What just happened to me?" Jeff was stunned. Had she really just climaxed, right there? And did she not know what it was? He had a momentary temptation to tease her about it, then realized that that would be too cruel, even for him. She would run...

2 years ago
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The HealerChapter 52

‘The prey move to block us,’ the intelligence in charge of detection announced. ‘It matters not. Even if they exterminate all but one of our ships, that one will make planetfall and we shall slaughter as many as we can until they pull us down!’ the senior Master intoned. ‘Indeed! Let us take as many of the prey as we can as servitors in the next life!’ other Master added. ‘As a never-ending source of the elixir of life, you mean. Our Reelc will continue to serve,’ the senior Master...

4 years ago
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Finding HomeChapter 34

I wake up with a nice double armful of lovely girls, as usual. Today it’s Utako and Yuka, they joined me after all the other ladies had worn me out. We get up and ready for the day. Hideko is leading a shopping expedition of all my ladies while Carl and Andre accompany me to the US Embassy to hand in all of the paperwork we have to hand in. We’ve an appointment with a Mr Nielsen at nine thirty, he’s a middle level member of the embassy staff who handles visas. We arrive early, and we get out...

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Before the Weather BreaksChapter 19

I’m buzzing now and really need to get off. The air in my apartment is thick with the mingling scents of sweat, semen, and my arousal. I can feel the moisture forming droplets and trickling through my bush. I reach a hand down, soaking it with my juices before wiping it onto Jimmy’s puffy, cum-streaked face and a little into his hair. I want that smell to linger. I climb off the bed and pull a couple more items of interest from my toy box, tucking them in easy reach between the bed and the...

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The Prisoner by loyalsock

"Sit down, Beth," the warden exclaimed while nodding towards an empty chair, "I like to speak to each new inmate personally before releasing them into the general prison population!" "My name is Hannah Oldman," she continued, "and I've been warden here for over six years, your file says that you were sentenced to three years for d**g possession, which is a very serious crime!!!" "You have broken society's rules," she went on, "and now it is up to me to see that the taxpayers of this state get...

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Husbandrsquos Cuckold Desire

During my initial days in Canada, in order to survive, I found a crew member job in McDonalds. It was an embarrassing feeling that a lady with management background and 8 years of experience in a renowned bank back-home in India is doing a basic job to run her family. Somehow, I persuade my mind and continue with the same job until I get enrolled in university studies to pursue my post-graduation.I’m 34 years old – 5.10-standing, 36-C, 26, 36 - Hindu girl married in a Brahmin family. Three...

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Sarah Loves Being In Charge part two

Warning this contains pegging, If you aren't into male butt stuff this isn't the story for you party on! Adam woke in his own bed, the evening passed by pretty normally after the events of the day before. It made the encounters with his sister earlier seem all the more surreal and if it wasn't for the one thing he would honestly have doubted any of it had happened and had all been a fantastic vivid dream. It wasn't and the one thing that said that more than ever was the cage his cock and...

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Just Wait Epilogue The Weding Gifts

JUST WAIT--- Epilogue: the wedding gifts By "C.C." So I, once the powerful, wealthy businessman Ed Johnson, am now the feminized Sweetie--MRS. Ed Johnson! It's been hard getting used to my new role in life, cooking, cleaning and serving my Husband, who ironically is a wealthy and powerful businessman. But it's even harder because of the "wedding gifts" from my three Bridemistresses.... Carla's gift was an expensive and ingenious faux puss that bonds to the skin with advanced...

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Mega Personals sound like a much bigger version of regular personals, so I wonder if I’ll meet any fat chicks on there. That’s all I’ve been banging on Tinder lately, plus I think I may have caught the coronavirus off that last chick. I’m hoping the Mega in the name refers to their overall caliber of service and available broads, not to their girth or vagina circumference. There’s only one way to find out, right? may have an EU in the link, but they’ve got personal classified...

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Magic InkChapter 16

In the morning, Mom couldn't understand why I was so late getting up. Dad had already left for work and even my wives were up before me. "What do you have planned for today?" Mom asked, when I finally came down to breakfast. "I want to show Katie and Margie the farms," I told Mom. "Yes, your uncles will be glad to see you again. None of the grandchildren are old enough to work out there yet. I'll see you for dinner, won't I?" she asked. "Yes, we'll be back by dinner time," I...

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Kinky Girlfriend Pegged

I have never met a man or woman as confident as the young woman who took my anal virginity. She was not dominating, or arrogant, just very confident in herself and her judgments of people. How she knew a guy like me would give her what she wanted, and what I learned to want, I still do not know.We met when I was doing a work survey of a local university to add some decorative pieces to the administration areas and the student union's offices. I had started up a specialty business to do singular...

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Youth Training CenterChapter 11

Unbeknownst to Sandy, the next morning marked the beginning of her final week at The Center, and a busy week it was going to be. Following her usual morning toiletry routine, Sandy was scheduled to be fucked by one of the members of the observation panel. A wrestling type mat was brought out and a 'volunteer' was chosen from the panel. Much to Sandy's dismay, she immediately recognized the young man who stepped forward. It was John Berman. John was considered by most of the girls Sandy's...

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My Girlfriends Mother Took My Virginity

I'd been dating Candice for some time but we'd never gone any further than just a little fooling around. She just kept saying she wasn't ready and, as we were both virgins, I never pressured her.One evening, I popped around to see Candice but I was surprised when her mother answered the door. Susan was everything the term MILF described. She was a hot mature woman who'd kept her figure - large breasts and a great ass - in shape. She wore a white blouse, tight jeans that showed off that sweet...

2 years ago
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The Devil in Joe

Joe was a nice guy, everybody always told him so and he liked being called thus. Joe was a system analyst, that whilst it was not the most exciting job in the world, it paid the bills. He liked working for a large company where he was constantly told there were places to ?grow? in the company. Approaching his thirties he was in reasonably good shape, average build, average height, pale grey eyes and brown hair. He worked out regularly and was happy with himself.  He did not consider himself to...

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Fucking The Most Beautiful Lady Of The Locality

I am telling you about Aseema the most beutiful lady of my locality. She is 45, mother of two children, all are college goes going, the last being 19 years old. Aseema is so beautiful that from young to old, everybody was interested to enjoy her. Her unlucky husband was in service and comes home three to four times a year. Aseema was undersexed, but she was only interested in her home, not showing any interest in others. She was best friend of my wife, but never visits my house. She only makes...

1 year ago
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Hardcore Sex! There's not much to explain on this website right here, seeing as the name of the page really tells you about everything you need to know. If you were wondering about the type of sex you were going to see on this page, it would harsh, aggressive sex that not many "ordinary" folks would be able to handle. If you do not think that you would like to see something of the sort, then I suggest that you leave immediately since slithering through in hopes of finding that...

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Xrated Vision for the Blind

Wispy phantasms of red, that's what he noticed first. When he was talking to someone, he'd notice a little glimmer of red, then it would fade. At first he thought it was another of those false color experiences he had been having for years, where stars or flashes or funny patterns would appear in his vision. But as the doctors explained, that was all in his own head, his brain playing tricks on him. For while Ken had gone totally blind at age 4, there were still parts of his brain devoted to...

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Taboo sex with aunty4

Taboo sex with aunty-4The night after Sharmila aunty fucked Arun, his Dad and me, I was talking to Arun about me and him having some fun with my aunt together. Since the following Friday was a Holiday and Sharmila aunty would have the day off we decided to make a plan for Thursday night. When my aunt got home that night I had dinner in the oven, whiskey ready and I had just rolled a joint. Arun had put some music on and Sharmila aunty was very surprised when she saw all that had been done. She...

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The EnablerChapter 5

Paul was enjoying a nice tender steak that had been cooked on the hibachi grill out on his back patio. It was a simple meal with a small eight ounce cut of meat, a baked potato loaded with butter and sour cream, and a lettuce salad smothered in salad dressing. He’d had a small glass of red wine to go with the beef. With the coming of summer, this had turned into his Friday evening end of the week dinner. He viewed it as a small celebration of having ended another work week. There was a map...

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Simar Ros

Aaj somer fulsajja. Rat pray baro ter somoy som ghore alo. Bou minu khate bose acha. Som kacha ase bou ke khat thake nabia joria dhore kiss korlo. Jeebane prothom kiss kore dujonai uttajito holo. So make ake bouer sorir thake sob goina khula terpor ter sari,saya,bluse khule dilo. Som bra somet mai duto tipte laglo. Bra khule ditai minur 34 size er forsa mai duto beria alo. Som pala kore ekta mai chusta ar aktake tipte laglo. Somer hat minur sara sarire ghurte laglo. Som minur sutham pacha...

2 years ago
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The WolvesChapter 27

Earth Algonquin Park Dungeon, Ontario August 15, 2019 15:29 EDT “Let’s roll off this cloak first and then we’ll talk about the halberd. You’ll probably get it, but I need to ask my mom something. You’ve all taken a look at the cloak?” “Yeah, Mason passed it around,” Ben answered. “Alright, let’s roll it off then,” I replied, taking my phone out and waiting for everyone else to do the same. When I saw that they all had their phones out, I navigated to our team profile and hit the roll...

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Milfty Olivia Blu A MILFs Happy Ending

Tan and toned southern belle Olivia Blu has been working hard to get her masseuse license, and she is excited to give her new skillset a try. She needs a few extra hours to get everything all squared away as she tries to get her first real job, so she enlists her stepson to let her work some magic on his body. But as she oils him up and starts massaging, she finds her pussy getting wet through her panties. Finally, she cannot fight the feeling anymore. She peels off her shorts and climbs on top...

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Having just finished my second bottle of wine, I was just awaiting the arrival home of my wife from her girly night out. This week it was one of those Anne summers sex party she was at.At 12.30 Deb arrived home more than the worse for wear, having had a good drink by the state she was in. Although she was in a pleasant mood she could not wait to tell a little secret she had learnt that evening.I enquired “how was the night”? Deb giggled and replied “brilliant, we had a real good laugh” “Did you...

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My Aunt dominates me Part II

I went home that night and went right to my room. I felt dirty I couldn’t believe what had just happened to me. My aunt had just raped me repeatedly, mocked be while doing it and on top of it all had taped it and planned on using it as blackmail to most likely do more perverse things to me. I decided to go online and ask what I should do anonymously in various blog’s because I knew I couldn’t tell anyone that I new what had happened. The advice I got was that she could get in just as much...

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Adventure in the Park

I am 22 years old, 5'6" tall, long straight black hair, and I have an athletic body. I live in the suburbs of Nashville, TN. Just outside of Nashville is a fairly large public park; this is where my story takes place. It was a beautiful spring day and I decided that a little adventure was in order. I woke early and found the items I would need. This consisted of leather wrists and ankle cuffs that lock onto your limbs, a inflatable gag, a neck collar that has "D"rings on it, locks and...

2 years ago
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Cursed Pt 2

We drove for what seemed like an awful long time an' I thought about askin' 'er just to drop me off but she goes, "I know, Larry! There's a lovely little pub on the outskirts of town - sort of between the town and the countryside, if you want to try that"? I just nodded and said, "Yeah...if you like, Lucy"? I ain't stupid - I know full well why she suggested that - I ain't nothin' to look at, it was so I wouldn't embarrass her or anythin'? I understood why she had an XR3i too - 'er Dad was the...

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Party Of Two

A few nights ago, I found myself thinking about that party atKurt and Rachel's last summer. If you remember, we showed upafter eight. The invitation was for seven, but due to severalthoroughly avoidable delays, we arrived unfashionably late.For some reason, you waited until the moment we were supposeto leave home to re-sculpt your hair. Then you changed clothestwice and after that you picked a fight with me over what Iwas wearing, so then I had to change. Slowing us down furtherwas that little...

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Dons mistake turns to fun Chapter three

Amber stood at the top of the stairs, the noise from downstairs sounded loud and excited. She new what was going to happen, only that morning she had signed a contract, a contract originated by her husband Don and her sexual abuser Ray. She signed to say she agreed to be complicit in further adventures, sexual adventures. She and Don had talked and thought long and hard before she had signed the contract, the original agreement with Ray which had been brought about by blackmail was for seven...


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