Steven George the DragonThe Prophet of Doom
- 4 years ago
- 30
- 0
Primary editing by Erik Thread and DaveT. Subsequent alterations by the author. Any errors or omissions are mine alone.
Chapter 5 Happy New Year
Christmas was awkward. I knew it was going to be and I prepared for it. I sucked it up and phoned Carla, suggesting that I would have the boys at my parents’ home on Christmas Eve, while they would spend Christmas Day with her, her parents and Aunt Ruth. I was pleased and relieved that I didn’t get any objection from her.
I didn’t want to put my mother to the trouble of putting a big dinner together, so I went to my favourite grocery store and ordered a sirloin tip roast beef that I could barbeque that afternoon. I also used the barbeque to roast some potatoes, parsnips, beets, carrots and onions that had been marinating for over a day in a mixture I had learned to make years ago. I weakened and bought a half dozen pre-made Yorkshire puddings from the deli counter. Some fresh hand-peeled shrimp for the appetizer and some of my mother’s apple crumble with ice cream and I had a modest feast for the five of us.
I stayed overnight and spent Christmas Day with my parents. It wouldn’t be a happy occasion, but I could tell them more about my new job and the impending move. They were pretty upset about that, but grateful at least that Carla hadn’t cut them off from their grandsons. I had only one brother and he lived in eastern Canada, seldom venturing to our side of the mountains. We used Skype to stay in touch with each other. Now my parents’ only other son would be moving away too.
‘You must be pleased that your boss thinks enough of you to give you this opportunity,’ my dad said as we sipped a pre-dinner drink.
‘I am. Surprised is more like it. I wanted to be given the sales responsibility, hopefully for the whole company. I felt I had earned that. But to be given the new plant was not something I had even dreamed about.’
‘Where are you going to live?’ my mother asked. ‘In Tracy?’
‘No … I don’t think so. I’ve travelled in that area quite a bit and the town doesn’t do it for me. It’s great as a business location. I think I’ll look west of there in Livermore or Pleasanton. It’s a more appealing location. At least there are some hills and features there.’
‘How long do you think you’ll be there?’ my mother continued with her questioning.
‘I don’t know that either. Our legal firm in Oakland has applied for a work visa. They don’t think it will be a problem since we will be hiring and employing fifty people. It’s not like I’m taking someone’s job. As far as how long I’m there, I guess I’ll have to wait and see how it goes. I’d like to get five years in if I can.’
‘Oh, my,’ my mother said in surprise. ‘That’s a long time.’
I could see the conversation was upsetting her, so I changed the topic to something more upbeat. I would have to remember not to make a big issue out of my leaving soon. For the first three months, I would probably be living in Tracy, but commuting to Langley every two or three weeks. I’d better make sure I stopped in to see my parents each time.
During the time between Christmas and New Year’s I began the process of clearing my desk with Mike Knowlton. Leo had appointed him Sales Manager and it meant a nice raise. He’d earned it and I was confident he would do well. All the pieces were in place for him to succeed.
Leo and Paul held a New Year’s party at Leo’s home, and many of our staff were invited. It was a Saturday night and about thirty of us were having a good time. I would be getting ready to move to California the following week. Fiona would be arriving on Monday afternoon for her orientation visit, and I planned to accompany her back on the Thursday afternoon flight. I had a suite reserved for the month of January at the Microtel in Tracy, a block off I-205 and barely a mile southwest of the plant. It was quiet enough and I could set up camp there until I found something more permanent.
I would miss many of the people at the Langley plant. We had a tight, upbeat, friendly workplace, and Leo did all he could to keep it that way. I wanted to create the same atmosphere in my new operation. The jury was still out on whether I could pull it together. It would be my biggest test. It was too soon to judge the mood of the people. To begin with they were worried when we first arrived. Rumours abounded about people being let go and the place possibly closing.
When we made the announcement that we would be expanding and modernizing the operation, there was a collective sigh of relief, but it remained to be seen just what the quality of the people would be. Lorne McDermott assured me that they were good employees, having got rid of the questionable ones as the business contracted. As much as I respected Lorne’s opinion, I would have to see for myself. I was the stranger among them, the guy who would be giving the orders. How they would react to me was still an unknown.
Fiona smiled as she exited customs in Vancouver on Monday afternoon. Her flight was on time and she looked fresh and energized as she strode toward me, towing her single bag. I was struck once more at how attractive she was. Within a couple of inches of being as tall as I was and with an imposing build. Her hand was extended to me as she approached and we shook. Her grip was firm and dry and her smile was genuine.
‘Hi, Andy. How was your holiday break?’
‘It was fine, thank you. And yours?’
‘I had a nice time with my daughter and my mother. Three hens in the henhouse,’ she laughed.
‘I take it the flight was okay?’
‘You didn’t tell me the ticket was for business class. I’m not used to that,’ she smiled once more.
‘It’s a nice extra once in a while and since I have a boatload of points, Alaska Airlines was happy to accommodate me.’
‘Well, thank you. I was treated very well.’
‘We would have to suffer through rush hour traffic if we left for Langley now, so I thought, considering the hour, that we would drive into the city to a restaurant I know and have dinner. Then I’ll take you to your hotel.’
‘Oh my, I’m getting the royal treatment. Lead on, Sir.’
It was one of those fortunate January nights in Vancouver where the clouds were well above the mountain tops as we headed downtown to the Vista Towers and the revolving restaurant on the thirtieth floor. The view would be spectacular tonight and I wanted to share it with Fiona.
‘This is wonderful, Andy. Thank you so much for bringing me here. I can see the snow under the lights on that mountain,’ she said, pointing toward Grouse Mountain.
‘Night skiing,’ I explained. ‘Very popular. We claim you can play golf in the afternoon and go skiing in the evening here. I’ve never tried it.’
‘I can see the similarities with San Francisco and the differences as well. I’d love to see it in the daytime.’
‘If the weather holds, you will,’ I promised.
The dinner was very good and we shared a half-litre of wine. I drove her to the Microtel and made sure she got the room I had reserved. We agreed to meet at seven o’clock the next morning for breakfast and then on to the plant. The timing was Fiona’s suggestion. She claimed to be an early bird. I was one as well.
It took me less than an hour to realize how knowledgeable Fiona was with production equipment and methods. As we toured the plant, she was asking questions about anilox rolls, maximum screen print capability, how solventless laminators worked and other arcane information about our production processes. The more time I spent with her, the more I was impressed with the depth of her knowledge and interest. It did nothing but confirm I had a special employee on my hands.
When I took her in to meet Leo, she charmed him in seconds. It was as if he was a prospective client and she was setting him up for the sale. In this case, she was selling herself and it was all over within a few minutes. Sitting
silently while listening to their conversation, it was all I could do to keep from laughing at Leo as he fell under her spell.
‘She’s something special, Andy,’ Leo said seriously when Fiona had excused herself to use the washroom.
‘Don’t I know it,’ I admitted. ‘I knew you’d be impressed. Hopefully I have a star on my hands if I’m right.’
‘I think you’re right,’ Leo said seriously. ‘Make sure she’s well looked after. You don’t want to lose her.’
‘My thoughts exactly. I’ll spend some time with her in the territory, especially with her existing customer base to see what they think of her.’
‘One really good sales person can take a lot of pressure off you, Andy. That’s something to remember.’
‘No kidding. She’s already tipped me on the current sales force. I’ve terminated the father and son team and I’m going to be keeping a close watch on Mendes in Bakersfield.’
‘It’s your ship to steer, Andy. I trust your judgement, but don’t be afraid to ask for help. Dave and I will be here to do what we can if you run into trouble.’
‘I know, Leo. You’ve given me a huge opportunity and the last thing I want to do is let you down.’
Fiona returned to Leo’s office and we left to a local deli for lunch.
‘Would it be okay if I met some of your customers?’ Fiona asked later that afternoon. We had been going through some of the products we made and the demands that we were expected to meet.
‘Sure,’ I agreed, wondering what she was thinking. ‘Let me make a couple of phone calls and I’ll see what I can set up for tomorrow and Thursday morning.’
It took no time at all to set up a lunch with Bill Costello, and I arranged a visit to a re-packer in Delta who bought a lot of laminated pouches and film from us. Thursday morning I would take her to my favorite cereal producer and let her see both Paul’s specialty folding carton products and our barrier film applications.
I also wanted her to meet Mike Knowlton and get to know him. He had been an important part of our strategy development and listening to them trade ideas would tell me more about Fiona’s thinking. The three of us would have dinner on Wednesday.
Throughout Tuesday and Wednesday, I was as energized by Fiona’s enthusiasm as I was about the prospects she discussed with me. Bill Costello was envious that she would be working in California and not at his account. We seemed to have an unlimited amount of potential new business that we could tap into with our equipment. If we could convert a fraction of the possibilities she knew of, we would fill the Tracy plant to capacity far sooner than my expectations. Mind you, it was all talk at that point. Deeds, not words, would spell the difference.
I packed two full suitcases plus my carry-on and laptop for our flight back to California on Thursday afternoon. Away for at least two weeks this time, as we prepared to get the renovations and changes to the plant underway. Ralph would be coming down with Leo in a few days to sign the contracts for electrical and mechanical work, along with resurfacing the floor. The removal of the old equipment would be done by a contractor under Ralph’s supervision. It was going to be a busy two weeks. Our first two pieces of new equipment were already en route.
Fiona would be taking over some of our existing customers and bringing along her client base as well. I was careful to make sure she wasn’t overloaded to begin with but she assured me she was capable of handling it all. I met with Rick Mendes early the following week and discussed the changes in territory representation. He didn’t seem to be concerned. As long as he had the territory he previously served, he seemed to be happy.
He was a nice enough guy, but I thought Fiona’s assessment of him was correct. He wasn’t very ambitious. The status quo was fine with him. Spending some time with him later in the month would tell me how his customers responded to him.
Leo and Ralph arrived the Monday following my return and got to work. They brought Cal Dodge with them, another accountant whose sole responsibility would be keeping an eye on the renovation and allied costs. He would commute weekly until the work was finished. We still needed an accountant for the plant who I could trust to keep me pointed in the right direction.
The existing production manager, Darren Ralston, had confirmed his intention to retire and we had to find his replacement soon. Ralph was surveying the supervisors to see if any of them had the potential to run production or maintenance. At first glance, it didn’t look like it. Ralph, with Leo’s help, put out some advertisements in trade magazines and newspapers looking for such a person. In the meantime, Ralph would remain to keep things under control until we found a candidate.
Fiona arranged to take me around to meet her customers. It would be a good way to see how she operated and confirm my hopes that she was as good as I thought she was. It didn’t take long for any concerns I might have had to be banished.
‘I’m really pleased to see Fiona’s going to get the support she deserves,’ Brian Agajanian told me. ‘We have more business available, but Statewide didn’t have the ability to provide it. Your plans will open up some new business for her and you. This lady is the best representative we have and it will be nice to see her get the opportunity to grow.’
Brian was in his late fifties I guessed, and ran a small pistachio processing plant. He fit our customer profile as he specialized in private label* business. He was buying stand-up pouches from another vendor, but delivery was spotty and their quality was inconsistent. They weren’t good enough for the automated filling equipment he intended to buy. The big converters weren’t interested in his smaller volume runs, but we definitely were.
*Private Label is the name for non-national branded products specifically attached to a given retailer. Eg: President’s Choice, Safeway Brand, etc.
‘What kind of filling equipment are you interested in?’ I asked.
‘I saw some fillers built in South Africa that would fit our business. There are several of them in the U.S. and the feedback I got from their users was all good. They are finicky if the pouch size isn’t just right, though. Our current supplier couldn’t meet their specifications consistently.’
‘You won’t have to worry about that with our new pouches,’ I said, passing the pouch machine brochure to him. ‘You can see on the back the tolerances are very tight and suitable for high speed machines. Your medium speed equipment choice will be well within the capabilities.’
‘How much is that in English?’ he said, pointing to the metric tolerance measurement.
‘Roughly a thirty-second of an inch,’ I answered.
He looked up and grinned. ‘I guess that will work.’
‘Some of the equipment our customers are ordering for automated packaging has some very tight tolerances,’ I explained. ‘Particularly equipment from Germany, Switzerland and Japan. Our new presses are gearless and can be set for very precise repeats. You won’t need that here, but some day you might and we’ll be able to handle that.’
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Fiona smiling and nodding. This was all music to her ears.
As we made the rounds of her clients, it left little doubt that she was respected and welcomed in their operations. I had a couple of them mention that she paid attention to how they ran their businesses and made suggestions to improve her ability to service them. She was curious enough to want to know more than just ‘how many’ and ‘how much.’
The two days I spent with her that first week convinced me she was everything she seemed to be. I had a winner on my hands and I would do whatever it took to make sure she was happy and supported in her career.
‘So, are you satisfied?’ she asked as well pulled up to the plant late Thursday afternoon.
‘Of course. If your head didn’t get swol
len from all the compliments you were paid in the last couple of days, then you weren’t listening,’ I joked.
‘That was good for my ego,’ she admitted. ‘I guess I can count on staying as your representative then?’
I turned and looked her straight in the eye as we sat in her car.
‘I’d be pretty unhappy if you didn’t. You’re doing everything right as far as I can tell. Your customers are certainly satisfied. They want you to succeed and that’s a big plus. The only thing I worry about is someone stealing you away from me.’
She shook her head. ‘Not going to happen. You’ve come along at just the right time. This plant is in the right place and is going to have the right equipment. I can’t see myself working for some big outfit that is looking for volume first, last and only. You fit what I want to do and that lets me get close to my customers. Why would I mess up that situation?’
I rubbed my thumb and forefinger together in the universal sign of money.
‘Andy, I can make all the money I’ll ever want or need right here if I’m reading you right. If I pull in a four or five million dollars of business at ten percent commission, I’ll be laughing all the way to the bank,’ she chuckled.
‘I guess you will. That will be a hell of a lot more than I make, I can assure you. However, you will have earned it, so I have no complaint. If you succeed, I’ll succeed, so it evens out.’
‘I keep repeating myself, but I do like the way you think,’ she smiled.
‘I need to do some house hunting tomorrow. Can you do without me for a day?’ I asked.
‘Oh, I suppose so,’ she said with mock disappointment. ‘It’ll be hard, but I’ll find a way.’
Climbing out of her car, she waved and I watched as she drove off. If I was honest with myself, I’d admit I was attracted to Fiona Alexander. She was eye-catching yet professional on the job. Off the job, I might want to learn more about her. She had a daughter that she raised with the help of her mother, but beyond that, little else.
Chapter 6 Settling In
Our new press was in transit and was expected to arrive at the Oakland container terminal at the end of the month. In the meantime, the internal Volatile Organic Compounds oxidizer required to meet California standards was being installed. The previous system had been grandfathered and didn’t meet the newer requirements.
The old presses had already begun to be removed and once they and the older laminator and pouch machine were out, the floor would have an industrial epoxy finish applied. Then, an internal ink room would be built with all the safety and ventilation controls necessary. It was hard to believe the inks had been stored outside in a chain link fenced enclosure. Apparently, this wasn’t the only plant where that was the case, but as with the VOC control system, that area had been grandfathered too.
Photopolymer printing plates would be supplied from Langley for the time being until volumes supported a separate unit. We used the latest computer-to-plate technology and had plenty of additional capacity. We would be installing a sleeve mounting machine at Tracy to reduce the bulk of shipping pre-mounted plates. Our film suppliers would remain the same for both plants. If small volumes of specialty films were required, they could be sent from Langley as well.
Friday, I set about finding a more permanent place to live. Leo was heading home today, not planning to return for at least three weeks. Ralph would go with him, but return the middle of next week. He was determined to oversee the contractor’s work and make sure it was up to his standards. Ralph was somewhat of a perfectionist, but I welcomed that in these circumstances.
Their sign claimed they were the largest real estate company in the county. I wasn’t looking for anything special. A three bedroom bungalow would be the starting point. A ranch style home was common in these parts, so I assumed it gave me the largest choice.
I avoided talking to an agent for about thirty minutes until I had a sense of what prices were like. There was plenty of inventory, however I didn’t know the neighbourhoods so I couldn’t judge if they were desirable possibilities or not. It was time to talk to an agent.
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Gorgeous Red Head Step Mom Sophia is pleasantly surprised with flowers from her step son Alex today for Mothers Day and little did Sophia know how wet and turned on this would make her. She had been feeling unwanted lately from his father and although she had to get to work with a client she said “fuck it”! and hopped on the table spreading her pussy wide for Alex to have a nice taste of mommy’s sweet pink pussy. Sophia drops to her knees sucking his fat cock balls deep and a...
xmoviesforyouScott coaxed me out of the car and we walked the ten feet to the front door, he was practically dragging me while reassuring me that everything would be alright. "Kelly is expecting us, don't you worry about a thing." "She is expecting me? Dressed up like this? Somehow I don't think you are telling me everything Scott, if this ends badly I will be kicking your sweet ass," I told him. He chuckled as he opened the door and announced, "Kelly, we are here." Kelly replied from the kitchen, "Okay...
CrossdressingLucy went straight to the shower and soaked under it for a good fifteen minutes, thinking about the three boys that were coming over. She decided she would try to make them last as long as they could before cumming this time. She would be the teacher today. Getting out of the shower, she slipped on her long robe, and nothing else, then went back to the kitchen and poured herself another cup of coffee. Every few minutes she would glance at the clock, as nine o'clock drew near she began to...
Richard was properly awed. He was sitting as unobtrusively as possible at a table opposite his grandfather. His father on his right side was talking tariffs and sugar prices with one of the wealthiest men in the realm. Sir Robert Norton was a legend, a commercial genius whose net worth was rumoured to exceed three million pounds. Richard knew that his father held substantial interest in shipping and foreign trade, but he had never known him to be so well connected. Richard followed the sound...
I’m back! For everyone who read the first parts of my Seduced by Sin line, thanks for all your wonderful feedback and requests for more! I promise I will work on getting another installment of that story in here soon. The holiday season is always crazy for me and I just haven’t found the time to write. I wanted to move in a different direction for a bit, so here is a little something new. Be forewarned, the first chapter or two have no sex, character must be built… I promise once I have the...
Yes it's true, happened a few year back, I never told my Husband obviously. Just a few weeks back my Husband and I had gone out for the evening, having had quite a few drinks and a very enjoyable night, my Husband mentioned a Photo of me which he said was his favourite, then mentioned he had shown it to a few of his friends and a number of them had commented that I was a sexy looking lady and wouldn't mind fucking me, we both laughed it off, (OK secretly I was flattered) Finally arriving...
After a small breakfast, the six of us, had packed up and checked out, on our way to take a tour of the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum. It was emotional, not for just the victims of the event on April 19th, 1995, that killed 168 people, but 4/19 was also our mother’s birthday, causing a lot of bubbling, crying, and outright sobbing. From there, we traveled to the Science Museum and found a place inside called Curiocity, a place for kids of all ages. Faith and Claire went off...
Crying - somebody was crying. He listened in the dark to the stifled sobs coming from below the end of the bed. It was Alexa and she sounded utterly distraught. He didn't move but lay there quietly as she covered her mouth with her hands to muffle the noise. The chain securing her ankle to the bedpost tinkled faintly. She was whispering something. "M-master, oh poor dear master Stephen! W-what do I do? H-he saved me b-but I don't th-think he wants me! He's s-so different to you, so...
before we fall asleep but that night I really was feeling completely shattered. Ana is very understanding but needs those cums. In fact, she left her last BF because he drank too much and couldn't satisfy her - so I was tense and that made things worse concerning getting a hard-on, Then, out of no-where Ana started telling me this story about the sleep-over she'd had at her divorced mother's house about a month ago. I got an idea as to what she was up to when she started fondling my...
Two more lazy days passed on the shores of Golden Lake. The summer was drifting by, and Meg was beginning to realize that she had done basically nothing to prepare for the upcoming school year. She loved teaching, but she loved her summer vacations too. Every August, she had to force herself to get ready for the long grind ahead. And every year, it seemed to get harder. Maybe she was getting burned out on teaching. The students certainly weren't making it any easier. The sixth graders...
A couple of weeks had gone by since my first story. Mike and I saw each other once in a while but never had the chance to go “swimming” by ourselves. We have other friends and family stuff to do so it took a while for us to have that chance again. Almost too long for me. The day finally came and we set up a meet and told our parents our plans to go swimming. We just failed to mention our plans for afterwards. We met as usually at the tree house and dropped off our clothes and snacks. ...
"Dad..." I said in my practised feminine voice. "I- there's something I want to tell you..." "Yes, I can see that," dad replied, still in a state of shock at my appearance. "I- I'm transgendered," I said confidently as Ophelia walked through from the kitchen, a mixture of shock and pride on her face. "I want to be a woman. I feel like a woman inside. I want to live the rest of my life as a woman." What felt like an eternity passed as dad tried to process what he had just been...
I was on a cross country trip back in 98. I lived in the Northeast and i thought that sense i was going to Los Angelas that going south and hitting 40 all across the USA. New england is where i am from so 95 was the easy way to 40 so i was on my way .Well construction got me all confused in New York and i ended up going through Pennsylvainia . I then was on 79 which went down through that state and into West Virginia On this trip i was going to see if i could save money and just sleep in my...
Copyright© It was a Friday evening. I was a writer, coming home after a meeting with my publisher, and I was looking forward to slumping in front of the TV with a whiskey and putting something in the microwave before getting an early night. The train drew into the station and I got out and headed for the exit. As I left the station, I vaguely noticed a woman standing against the wall, and as I approached she turned towards me. 'Can you spare some change, mister?' She wore a loose off-the...
The very next morning found me bag and baggage in our carriage headed for a private school called Saint Martins school for young gentlemen, whose headmaster was a old school acquaintance of my father. Clutched in my hand was a letter I was supposed to deliver to him personally. When the carriage finally slowed to a stop in front of the headmaster's residence, I noticed a maid and a younger woman coming out the front entrance. It must have been curiosity that brought them out. The school...
I worked at KCC for the rest of the week. Patti, HR and I worked on hiring the several more full time people to meet the needs of the athletics department. They were going to be working a 4 to midnight shift to be able to go to sporting events as guards and chaperones. Patti going on vacation the last week of each of the next three months would complicate things a little. Admin was going to assign me one of the pool secretaries when she was gone. Another complication was Mr. Jackson had...
His hands were tangled in my hair, tugging my head up and down. I fought off the urge to gag but how much more could I take of his relentless throat fucking? "That's better...I knew you could do better". His words trailed off into a low guttural moan. My mouth strained to keep him there, in the deepest hollows of my throat. "Dirty, dirty girl. See what happens when you put yourself in dangerous predicaments? Spying on us like that...this is exactly what you wanted isn't it?" My eyes...
ExhibitionismAgnes was so horny , Jimmy was coming over soon , but she couldnt wait so she was fucking her cunt with a 12 inch cucumber she had bought at the market , her stupid husband had her panties in his mouth as she used him as a footstool as she watched the xxx video on the tv screen .Fucking herself hard on the sofa Agnes was oooing & aaahing as she watched the horny video . The old bitch on the screen had just received two massive loads of jism from two 20something guys all over her face, They...
I saw my wife putting the little box containing her diaphragm on the lid of the wash-basin while I put on my boxers. We were getting ready to go to our friends Natalie and Fred to celebrate the new millennium and afterwards we would celebrate a little by ourselves in the bed. "Remember the cab's here in ten minutes," was the last thing I said to my wife before I went through the door and closed it behind me. Five minutes later I called for her to hurry up and a minute after that. I stood...
Hiiii, ye vaise to meri 1st story hai. By the way me 19 saal ka mumbai me rehne vala banda hu. Meri body average and fair hai.Muje fantasies bohot pasand hai. . . . . But ye mera asli kissa hai jo me aapke sath share karne jaa raha hu. . . . . .I hope sabko pasand aaye.Name of charecters are changed here Vaise to summer vacation chal raha tha, me mere mama ke goan chala gaya tha. Udhar mere pehchan priya (name is changed) ke sath hui…..Priya mere mom ke dost ki beti thi…Me usse bachpan se...
Tennis Bet 3 By Tennis Guy We finally were able to leave the shoe store - the girls at the register added again to my humiliation by giving me some kind of "Hosiery" card that with each pair of stockings or pantyhose purchased I got a stamp. "10 more pairs and you get one free, sweetie!" one told me. "Yeah - I don't think I'll be needing anymore," I said dripping with sarcasm. "Wanna bet?" she asked, bringing much laughter from Sue, Pam, and Amy. As we were leaving, Amy...
Hello to all Readers. I recently discovered about this site from an unusual person, which I will let you know as I narrate. I have read good number of titles here and was impressed by some. About Me My name is Nirupama and I am in my early forties. I live with my family of Husband and a son in Bangalore. I am a fitness freak and always take care of my health by regular visits to gym and yoga classes. I have a few close friends who I like to spend time with apart from my family. I am leading a...
My mom was staying in as were Jen's parents so we parked on a dark road and made out while I fingered her. Her panties were absolutely drenched when I was finished, and she rubbed her hand inside them and used her pussy juice to jerk me off, I spurted all over my pants and she laughed."I hope your mom doesn't see." She said."Actually she probably wouldn't care." I said."Oh yeah? In that case we should just have fucked in your house then.""I wouldn't push it." I said jokingly, but she may have...
After John left for class, Katie got out of bed, cleaned up the room, took her shower, dressed, and drove north to her mom's house. When she got there the house was empty and her mom was already at work. She changed into her Shannon Rose work tee-shirt, the green one which was a little tighter than she normally wore, and drove across town arriving there a little before the lunch crowd. "Katie, it's good to see you again," said Tim O'Shea the majority owner of the tavern. "Like I...
Super-thick Abella Danger shakes her round ass and spreads her legs. With a wet pussy, she sucks stud Jessy Jones’ fat dick and strokes the shaft with both hands. He eats her tight cunt, and when he stuffs his cock into her twat, ecstatic Abella’s eyes roll back into her head. Jessy fucks Abella’s big butt and fingers her cunt aggressively. She gives a worshipful, ass-to-mouth blowjob and cums as he plows her from behind. Abella spasms in intense pleasure through an orgasmic...
xmoviesforyouDeirdre had volunteered for over a year now in the wake of her divorce. She had a comfortable flat and was provided for financially and the daytime and evening volunteer role involved driving vehicles for a local community transport scheme. She was happier now not drinking as much in order to drive safely. Her marriage had ended and she felt relief that she no longer had to endure the sexul frustration of a husband who ejaculated on the inside of her thighs before he entered her eager vagina...
I was a guy who never liked college and used to skip most of the classes because it was boring – until this new teacher joined. Our new teacher was a walking sex bomb! She was not too skinny, not too fat, just on point with the perfect set of boobs and ass that pops out and a pretty face with red juicy lips to match it. Her name was Rekha. Rekha used to wear saree every day with semi-sleeveless and back-exposed blouse. So, every time she turned back to write on the board, I used to get a hard...
Daylight was just breaking when Jamie woke up the next morning with his head still resting on Lily’s stomach. He sat up and stretched then looked over at Lily to find she was wide awake and looked as though she hadn’t slept much and had been crying. ‘Morning baby.’ Jamie said breaking Lily from an apparent trance. ‘Morning.’ Lily replied croakily. ‘How do you feel?’ He asked. ‘How do you think I feel?’ She replied angrily. ‘Sorry, stupid question,’ He replied apologetically. ‘Do you want...
Christmas was comfortable with David’s parents, taking him back to a time before he left home, Christmases with brother Tom and sister Ruth. Of course the house was full to bursting with Tom, Teresa and Patrick their son, and of course Ruth. There was little time for reflection, but in odd moments, David thought of Gwen, and missed her anew at that family time. He noted that Evan seemed to have forgotten his mother in the excitement and the crowd. He knew it was to be expected, but it hurt...
I wept so suddenly I knew not where it came from. I was surprised beyond belief. It just came and came. The tears flooded down my face as my mother knocked on my door and became alarmed as she saw me. ‘What is it?!’ she asked me her voice practically shrieking ‘Mother I do not know…..,’ it still continued. ‘Well sit here and let me get some tissue,’ she got up and retrieved it from the nightstand next to the bed we sat on. It continued for several minutes like this. There was nothing I...
I was surprised by the knock at my door. It sounded while I wrestled with my pajamas. All I wanted was to sleep. My head leapt to the conclusion that mother had chased me, still bent on throwing me out. I briefly wondered if I deserved such a fate. Then I hear Lynn ask through the door. "Hey butt-head, what the hell's going on?" "Nothing. Just go back to bed." "Don't tell me nothing. I woke up and mother was yelling. She's locked her door and isn't talking. Are you in trouble?"...