The Birthday Part 2 free porn video

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The days following were a little off for once I really didn’t see her and I was confuse as if to if I wanted to see her. Part of me wanted to see her and maybe talk to her, the other half of me wanted to dig a hole and hide never to be found. Sadly, for 2 days after not once did I see her or even saw her check in to the hotel. Finally, on the third day as I am hosting some of the new guest in the lobby and greeting everyone since I am now doing the floor work. Playing faces as we call it, she walks in shes dress in all(outfit she looks at me and we hold our stare for a few minutes. All I kept thinking of was that kiss. OH MYFG THAT KISS. I wanted so badly to walk up to her just like she did to me and kiss her just like she did and start the whole cycle again. Instead we both looked at each other deeply smile and she walked in the opposite direction from me. This happen at least 3 more time at the morning and day went.
For a few days, this pretty much went on like this where Aubrey and I would look at each other secretly or discreetly. I would be watching her and she would suddenly look at me and I would try and look away but it was obvious I was looking at her. Just like there were a few times where I caught her looking at me.
Like my Tuesday night while I was helping one of our VIP customer with a unrelated problems, yet it is within us to be helpful and help the guests whenever is possible. As I was walking over in my tight black trooper and the tight royal blue top with the belt to tuck in and the glossy black shoes lower quarter heels my long top hair slick back all the way the sides cut down smooth hair slicked back all the way. As I lean forward to pull the glass door open for our guest that was walking out with a few luggage to a waiting private chauffeur a few steps aways off on the distances I noticed Aubrey dressed in an all red passionate tight dress with a black belt at her mid hip locked in perfectly shaping her waist hence that perfect hourly bottle shape that looks perfect. That perfect blond hair overlapping over her should barely brush her mid back, she looked like a model taking a million dollar shot for high-class end magazines or something. There she was looking at me looking in my direction I followed her eyes and she was looking at me from bottom all the way up, up and down. I slightly glanced her way and we briefly make eye contact for a few second and I swear I made her blush, it was obvious I caught her looking at me she was licking her lips as if she was caught in the moment. I can relate that kind of happened to me a few times as well.
THAT KISS!! It lingers in my lips, like my favorite dessert that just stays there the sweetness the tenderness of it. How soft she felt the delicateness of her body pressed upon mines even if slightly brushed up. Even though I'm a little taken back by it I must admit I love that kiss it was perfect. Is like it made time stop the whole world stood still. It’s the kind of kiss that I just can not put into words. Those of you that know how passionate and deep and profound a kiss can be you understand what I mean.
Finally, it was my Friday nights and on most Friday nights I get off early. This was no differences. I got off early and swap out my uniforms and put on some regular clothing some black sweat pants and a black top over with a heavy red unhoodie sweater over and some heavy sunglasses. I looked like someone that came in from jogging in the snow. Which is not rare at all since there are a lot of the “boxer” type of runners that they often time run in layers of heavy clothing. Just as quickly as I left out of my building complex I was able to walk right thru without being noticed one bit. That’s the thing about working at a place long enough u learn all the weakness from the inside and easily implement them to the outside. Also the main thing is not to look suspicious if u look like your up to something you will draw attention the best thing is to look causal blend in. I make my up to the 28th floor and I stand by the door I don’t know what possessed me but I wanted to see her, I needed I wanted to have her by herself.
I knock on the door and by the second time she opens

“Hello?’ she answers the door dressed in a ruby red see-thru robe semi-nude but leaving enough to make me want to see more. She answers but slightly confused thinking I was room services but only to see I wasn’t

I walk in, as she steps off to the side slightly

“HEY?? WHAT THE??? She raises her voices slightly,

I walk in and snap the door behind me locking it and pulling down my hoodie looking towards her.
She is off to the side of me her left hand off by the wall near the door as soon as she realized is me she steps off to the side and pulls her hand back caressing her hair. Her whole temperament changed
“Vanessa!” Hi, how are you?” her voice soften
“I am good,” I chuckle of all the questions. She looks at me strangely, as I pull the hoodie completely off
“sorry, I can not be seen entering your apartment I can lose my job. If I am seen coming in here on or off work.” I explain to her.
“Well, maybe I can change that, I can add you to the visitor list, or maybe I can..” I interrupt as long as I work here in this property I can’t be seen socializing with the tenants is one of their primary rules.
“Oh, I understand, don’t worry I won’t tell anyone,” she said slightly stepping off to the side, that robe dangely right over her upper thigh, teasing me as if wanted to be lift up and ripped open. The idea of what she has there concerned me but very oddly it turned me on. I can’t really explain it, even I myself am confused by it. As we are kind of just standing there an awkward minute of silences goes by, suddenly she said,
“would you like something to drink, I have your favorite raspberry ice tea with lime and ginger” she said suddenly not in the little be curious to why am I in her apartment. I went along with it. Taking off my hoodie and placing it over the back of a set of black leather love seats she had in the center of the room. The whole apartment is a on and off of black and white with blue and light green in the kitchen. Black, white and silver in the living room. She has a art deco vintage feel to the place but some how it suits her. There are a few standing lamps off on the side and a full size mirror a few feet away from the back of the door. I guess she looks at herself before stepping outside the door. There's a black white marble dresser off on the side with a few things over it but all very neatly placed. Her floor is marble shine sparingly white its beautifully wax like professionally waxed. She has the apartment a comfortable temperature not too cold not to hot and I smell a scent of violet and jasmine fuse together not to hard not too soft just enough that u can pick it as you walk in and walk thru out the room at certain points. She probably has it on a timer or some sort. I walk up a few steps over sitting down on her leather couch facing the other as I am facing the doorway, I go ahead and sit down relaxing, as I see her bring two wine glass and hands me one.

“here u go, nonalcohol, I know you don’t drink” I also have some of those melon and honey dew u like it may take me a few but I’ll cut them and slices them up for you if you like,” she said sip from her glass looking down at me. Her snow white body standing over me with her dark red robe lingering she looked like a goddess standing before me.
“how did u know this is my favorite or that I liked those types of fruits?’ her knowledge of my likings surprised me.
“I saw you, as I come in and out of the building complex during the mid-afternoon I saw u at the café down the street I overheard you a few times calling for it. As I come in and out of the building complex during my checking in I see you always eating the same fruit salad melon, cantaloupe, honeydew and you sprinkle some cinnamon and honey over it.” She explains in perfect detailed. As I sip some of the tea and DAMN THIS IS GOOD TEA, now I'm debating if to ask her for a second.
“wow,” you notice all that, what are you stalking me?” I say jokingly but slightly concern she could have been watching me this whole time and I would have never even noticed.
“no no no, I just notice a few times on and off, is easy to notice you I like you so I am attentive to details.” She said explaining not realizing what she just said. As she sips a few from her drink and me from mines.
She slight pulls away a few steps but never takes her eyes off me. I look her up suddenly looking at her up and down. She is gorgeous in every definition of the word, beautiful falls short.
“so do you wanna know why am I here?” I suddenly ask, not sure why the hell I don’t know why am I here, I rushed in here in an impulse, didn’t even noticed what I was doing, I can pledge a moment of temporary insanity.
“Vanessa, honestly, I don’t care, why you came here, I'm glad that you’re here, you know how many times I have thought about you being in my room” said sipping the last of her drink and places it down on the small glass table in front of use between the two couch as she sits on the couch in front of me her left leg crisscross over her right and her left hand resting on the armrest while her right is rubbing her thigh slightly brushing her robe up just enough, but not enough. (damnt I want to see!! The anticipation is driving ya crazy ain’t ?)
A moment of awkward silences passes by but the looks we were giving each other were intense. I felt her stair upon me her eyes undressing me as I am sure she felt the same cause my eyes kept rolling down to her legs and up her inner thing, but on my defense, she kept rubbing that hand up her thigh every time she did that my eyes followed it.

“that kiss!!!!!!!!!!!!” suddenly I say “I want that kiss, the way you kissed me a few days ago I just “
“can’t forget it, it lingers on your lips and you can only think about it getting caught up in the moment” she interrupts practically finishing my sentences. I look at her and nodded I guess she too felt the same way.

We somewhat glanced at each other but neither one of us moved. The way I felt I wanted to jump over the table and lunge at her and devour her inch by inch but instead I kind of frozen. She kept rubbing her leg I suddenly realized it was a nervous tick, she must be just as nervous as I am.
As I was looking at her suddenly it hit me what she said earlier
Wait a minute! I say suddenly, she looks at me oddly
I chuckle, thinking about what she said earlier (scrolling back now I got to find it lols)
“Vanessa?” she calls out to me a little confused
“take me to your room,” I say suddenly standing up and reaching her with my left hand
She blushes terribly a bright red and looks at me very curiously, but she stands up reaching for my hand caressing it as she takes it holding me
“come on take me to your room” is what you want isn’t it
She looks at me filled with excitement but very confused and turning all types of red not sure how to answer me as she struggles to answer me
“earlier you said, ‘Vanessa, honestly, I don’t care, why you came here, I'm glad that you’re here,” while asking me “ you know how many times I have thought about you being in my room
“so you want me in your room, so take me to your room,” I say to her pulling her slightly to me go on take me,” I say she looks at me blushing.
“ok sure, I love to take you to my room” she replies pulling me by the hand as I follow her and her fips her hair over her shoulder slightly brushing me with it. She guides me is right in front of you to the left and a side door that blends into the wall opens up.
Her bedroom is a huge master bedroom, all in silverfish grey color her bed is a kingsize big custom made and dark red stain spread bed sheets. A huge view of the ocean from a back side window that is the wall of the bedroom all you can see is dark sky and ocean for miles away, you can’t tell where the ocean finish and the sky begins and the moon looks magical. Beautiful it is. She has it totally uncover and exposed but with that view, it needs to be open. Two dressers over to the right and one to the left that matches one another each one rose on top of it the left is red roses and the right is white roses. A medium size mirror off to the center in a small table that looks like one of that professional makeup station. She guides me in and as I come in I let the door close behind me. She takes a stand on the center of the room and flips her hair gently over her left shoulder looking at me, she had this perfect angelic like Aurora. I wanted to kiss her right there…

Instead, we both walk to the bed her on the top part of the bed closer to the pillow area she had beautiful red stain pillow her bed was so soft lace soft the type that caresses your skin. She sits gently slightly taking off some flip-flop she had on, her feet were perfect with a dark red shade painted on the toes and a toe ring that fits perfectly on her feet(yes yes I I have a kink for feet). I seat up and back on the bed my legs dangly off the floor (what I am 5’2 my legs dangle off anything if I sit back on) I slip off my shoes letting them fall to the floor, revealing my dark blue-green toenails.

‘Aubrey, what do you like?” I ask suddenly

She looks at me “I like whatever you like, I like you” she said without skipping a beat.

“ok, let me try this way, I’ll tell you what I like, I like kissing like how u kissed me that day that alone will turn me on, I like caressing soft and deep I like being touched. Kiss me down my neck rubbing my back with the tips of your nail send shivers down my back. “ I'm looking at her and she has a very attentive look on her face like paying very close attention to everything I was telling her. She was rubbing the outside of her thigh lightly with a soft gently caress.

“I like oral, I like m cut to play with tip of your tongue, flick and sucked take your time to let your tongue roll on, I liked to be fingered slowly and caressed from the inside, touch me let me feel your touch” I say as I am telling her this I slowly move up closer to her and she moves closer down to me meeting me center of the bed her legs interwinding over mines. After oral whatever goes, goes there are very few things I will say no to”
“now tell me what you like?” I ask her as I take the time to see how perfect her body is yet how to dedicate, gentle, tender it is.
“Vanessa I like whatever you wanna do, is fine with me”
Aubrey,, I want to know, ok think of me as a casual one night stand that you just picked up at the bar, and we agreed upon it, tell me what you like me to do what would you want?”
“I like to be kissed, both tongue and softly up and down my neck while caressing me”,
As she said this, I caressed her arm going up and slowly got closer and closer to her into I started kissing her left side of her neck soft slowly just like she explained.
I like to be held, hug me, let me feel your touch on me I like my body pressing up against your skin to skin’ as she said that I pull the robe and spread it open on top with my left hand slowly letting it slide down of her shoulders and exposing her perfectly round even size t.and rose pinkish nipple that was perfect. She moans slight breathing in deeply and with her left hand she meets my hand caressing it as she guides me to squeeze her breast. Her hair waving slowly forward brushing up against my arms the whole time I am kissing her neck slowly licking her and nibbling on her neck just enough to make her skin filled with goosebumps as her tiny body hair stand up from my touch. Her body shivering as I move my body closer to her.
She takes a moment to enjoy the moment or maybe she was reconsidering what she was going to say but she said anyways,

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

4 years ago
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birthday party

I was turning 33 tomorrow I thought as I drifted off to sleep. My life has been good so far as I have two great k**s and a good husband of going on 14 years. I awoke to a birthday breakfast in bed with my two k**s and hubby. My husband kissed me softly and told me happy birthday as the k**s bounced all over the place.As the morning progressed a shower and getting dressed my Husband told me to dress a little slutty for work today as he was planning to pick me up after work and go out. He had...

2 years ago
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Young girl only one naked at birthday party

My friend’s wife, who was a painter, celebrated her 40th birthday. She promised to organize spectacular party, asking guests to arrive dressed extravagant and surprising outfit. „Like carnival,“ she said and added laughing: „If someone wants a special surprise, could also come naked.“ There was one place of lending theatrical clothes and I found hippie outfit from 1960’s and I was quite satisfied. I didn’t think, that I will need some Mickey Mouse or Tarzan outfit, all these ideas were not...

1 year ago
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My Sexy Birthday Party

I’m totally super-excited. My best friend, Erica has got me something really special for my birthday. She's got us a suite downtown at a swanky hotel for the weekend! She says we are going to party and celebrate.Erica says she has a really big, sexy surprise for me. I beg her, “What kind of surprise?” but she won’t say. All she will say is that it will be “big, totally hot and overwhelmingly fun”. She holds out for a week, keeping me in suspense.Finally, on my birthday, on Friday morning, she...

Group Sex
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Sandy and RandyChapter 4 Birthday Party

Early September. School is back in session. Sandy and Randy, being the same age, go to most of the same classes. They, of course, keep it cool between them, since you know how gossipy high-schoolers can be. Because they both were born the same day, they have always celebrated birthdays together. They never minded, and this time was no exception, even now as ‘14-year-old teenagers.’ After school, there was soccer and other sports, so they were always away from each other. Their mom was still...

4 years ago
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My 18th birthday party

Introduction: Fran gets laid for the first time at her birthday party My eighteenth birthday party The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 18 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 18. Enjoy. ___________________________________________________________________________________ I had lived in the same town all my life and grew up with four friends in the neighborhood that I hung around with from before I was old enough to start...

4 years ago
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Best Friends Birthday Party

Best Friend's Birthday Party By Rosie "Come on, time to get ready," Alice says and it's like I already know what she's on about. I follow her to the bedroom and the fact that she has already laid out the clothes she wants me to wear doesn't really surprise me. "Are you sure?" I ask weakly, but I know in advance it won't do me any good. Her mind is set, and that's all that it matters. I can tell without looking she's going to dress me in her clothes, again. "It's your best...

3 years ago
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Sex At My Friend8217s Birthday Party

Hello friends, my name is Sidharth, am 20 years old from Goa. I want to share my real story with all of you’ll which happened just 1 month back at my best friend Amogh’s Birthday party. This is my first ever story so please excuse me for any mistake and there and I met my friend Jisselle’s Cousin Jesse who had come down to Goa from Kuwait and rest everything happened. Amogh’s Birthday was on Wednesday and as it was a working day and we had college. He did not celebrate his Birthday but kept a...

2 years ago
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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

3 years ago
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Jessicas Birthday Party

Story: #1 Copyright ©2004 Written: October 31 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: TDM Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Jessica awoke to the smell of bacon being cooked by her mother in the kitchen and realized it must be morning. Thoughts of the night before still running through her head, the things that were said and the parts that were felt and used to there fullest....

2 years ago
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Birthday party

Sean M******'s twenty-first birthday was a day Sean was look-ing forward to. More specifically, a night. His parents had lefthim in charge of the house with his hot-assed little brother forover a week now, and they wouldn't be back for another week. "Sorry we won't be in town for your birthday, son..." his parentshad said. Sean thought to himself: "Oh well. I'm heart-broken. Really I am..." He remembered glancing across the table to his brother Kennyand their eyes met. Instantly,...

4 years ago
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Their Daughters Birthday Gift

I retired early last year and decided to go to Prague for a couple of months to sight see. My wife could not go because of the demands of her employment. I was aware that Prague, the capitol of the Czech Republic, was a beautiful medieval city which had been almost untouched physically in World War II. In addition, I had just read in Newsweek magazine that along with France the Czech Republic’s population starts sexual activity early and is more comfortable with sex than the other countries...

4 years ago
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The Birthday Party

Warning - contains fisting and other extreme references - do not read if this not your interest area. Otherwise enjoy!For JeniAn approaching birthday is always cause for excitement, and this year was no exception. It had been almost a year since that fateful day at the pool, when you had been initiated into some of the city's more specialised pastimes, and it had been a year like no other. A year of pushing your body - and mind - to it's limits and beyond. A year of exploring new sensations,...

2 years ago
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Happy Birthday Angie II

************************************************************************This story is the continuation of the story titled ?Happy Birthday Angie?, although this can be read even if you haven’t read the first story yet. Feedback is much appreciated, especially if it is positive and constructive.************************************************************************Happy Birthday Angie IIElite was the best new restaurant in the area and Angela felt a surge of self-satisfaction as she stepped...

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Episode 23 18th Birthday Party

This short episode contains no inc*st, no s*x with anim*ls, no explicit und*rage encounters and hopefully nothing to bother the f*cking censors:Hi my name is Timmy; you might remember that Molly and her mum Natalie came to live with us in episode 1. Molly is gorgeous – long dark hair, big blue eyes and tits to die for. Her mum's not bad either, once my dad married her, so she became my step-mum, she would walk around the house half-naked with her bunch of lesbian friends, who didn't seem to...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Birthday Party

My wife and I have birthdays ten days apart. This year I decided to do something special to celebrate. Janey's was the previous Monday, mine the upcoming Thursday, so for this weekend between I developed a plan. By the time I'd finished with the preparatory part I was feeling physically beaten. Hustling around town in all the Friday after-work traffic, and then the arrangements with the kids nearly fell apart. Man, I don't know. It was all set up that they'd be staying overnight at our...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Unexpected Kinky Birthday Party

Hello readers. Handshake to boys and boobs shake to girls. The story is a half-fiction and half-real, written for kinky and hardcore sex lovers. Relax and hands inside underwear now! I’m a 25 year old Software professional leading a healthy (I mean boring) life. I never had a girlfriend and led a lonely life nearly entire life. Although family life was nice, that desire to have a girlfriend was always there. Many might disagree but I feel a guy needs a girlfriend or at least a close friend who...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Happy Birthday Angie

Synopsis: Angela's birthday party goes horribly wrong despite her meticulous, yet poor planning. No one turns up for the party except Nikki and Tamara who weren't originally on the guest list. The two beautiful and mischievous sisters take control of Angela and soon the birthday girl finds herself stripped down to her birthday suit. The sisters invite their friends over and the party kicks off. Having fun at Angela's expense becomes the name of the game as the girls tease, humiliate and finally...

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Piggys Birthday Party

She ***********ed her sexy little maids' uniform with all the ruffles, large diamond fishnet thigh highs, long black satin gloves and, instead of high heels, a pair of black Converse All Star’s. She bathed and carefully shaved the hair around her little clitty so it was soft and smooth as a baby's bottom. She powdered her body with Este Lauder’s Beautiful with a big, pink powder puff and applied her makeup. After applying her makeup, she put on her black “SLUT” collar and piggy ears and...

2 years ago
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Surpise Bi Birthday party

My 50th birthday was right around the corner and my wife told me that she would like to do something special for me. She said dinner reservations at my favorite restaurant in Chicago and spend the night in nice hotel downtown. Sure, my kind of weekend - no big party just weekend away with my wife and good food. The dinner was awesome and we went to a little club for a few drinks before retreating to the hotel for the night. We were both feeling pretty good from the drinks and in the...

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Anitas Birthday Party

"This time you've gone too far," said Anita. "I know you like to play little jokes on me on my birthday...but an appointment with Weight Watchers?" "It's not what you think," replied Tina with a meaningful smile. "Just ring that number and all will be revealed." Anita stopped wondering which of Tina's bodily orifaces to jam the appointment card into and took a closer look at it. True, it didn't look like she imagined a card for a weightloss program would look. No skinny model. All it showed...

Group Sex
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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The Birthday Party

It was about three years ago we changed our lifestyle. Dawn’s birthday to be exact. Forty years of age. I joked that she was now the same in years as her bust was in inches. “You complaining?” she asked. “When have I ever complained about your tits?” I replied. She laughed. “Well you’d better do something special for my birthday. I want it to be a memorable one.” That got me thinking. I had a week to go before the big day and needed my thinking cap on. In the twenty three years we’d been...

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