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From the outside, the squat was really no different from all the other houses that Janine and Edie had passed as they made their way from the tube station through the North London streets to the address they had been given.

Perhaps it was slightly more dilapidated, but in the early evening dusk every house had a general air of dinginess, not improved by the rubbish blown along by the autumn breezes and the battered cars parked badly on the kerbside. But the evident proof that this was where the party was being held came from the thundering sound of drum and bass that echoed down the street and shook the glass in the windowpanes.

Janine and Edie were a little worried that they’d be turned away. After all, they hadn’t been invited and they weren’t at all sure they’d meet anyone they knew there, but there was no one guarding the partly open front door, so the bottle of cheap white wine that they’d bought (much against Janine’s preference for wine with the proper certification of appelation controlée) wasn’t actually needed as the all-important entry requirement. They pushed the door open to enter a long wide hallway where many other young people were lined against the peeling wallpaper, drinking from beer cans and passing around joints.

Without showing any hesitation, they strode down the hallway beyond the staircase in the middle. Then, now well past anyone who might have seen their arrival, they too leaned against the wall to roll some tobacco in their rizlas and to take in the party at more leisure. The hard, thumping sounds of Dillinja boomed in their stomachs and ears, a tortuous driving beat that made them feel sharp and nasty almost immediately.

“Cool!” exclaimed Edie.

“Ouai. Cool!” echoed Janine. “Ça marche bien. Where’s the wine? I want a drink. And I want it now.”

“Yeah,” agreed Edie. “But, you know, just cool it. See what’s going round.” She gestured at a large fat seven skinner that was being passed from one toking guest to another. “If that ain’t worth waiting for, I don’t know what is.”

Janine smelt the sweet odour as it wafted around her, the very smell already making her feel a little more languid and relaxed. It was so different in here from the wind-swept, lamplit streets outside, and she knew that after one toke that world would seem as distant as her own distant ville. And then, it was passed to her by a lanky mec with straggling hair over his face and to his collar, wearing a baggy dark brown tee shirt and small tinted steel frame glasses.

She had been around enough to know that she didn’t really want to taste the saliva that dampened the tip of the roach, so she cupped her fist and breathed deep through the cooling space it contained. It was strong stuff. Not black. Not resin at all. Probably skank. And it hit her instantly: a rush of that familiar taste tingling her cheeks and clicking her brain into gear. Merde! This was going to be a vachement cool gig: she could see that.

When Edie and Janine finally found their way into the dingy kitchen, at the back of the house, where all the alcohol was and where they could drop off the bottle they’d brought with them, what waiting for them was a real disappointment after the quite decent skank. The English really knew rien about alcohol. Their beer was too warm and too weak, and they had absolutely no idea about wine at all. Janine regarded the bottles lined up with growing disdain.

Clearly cheapness, not qualité had been uppermost in the mind of whoever had bought all this shit. And not a decent French wine amongst them. Some New World stuff and some German Riesling. But so much beer, mostly in cans, only a few bottles, and most of these were lagers and bitters. Reluctantly, Janine poured a glass of piss-poor Chardonnay into a plastic cup and joined Edie as she floated out of the kitchen on her high-heel pumps with a can of M c Ewans in one hand and a rollie in the other. All the while, the sound of drum and bass shifted gear into some hard thumping pumping techno, with a wicked rhythm that almost curled up Janine’s toes at every fourth emphatic beat.

Edie regarded Janine’s expression as she looked disdainfully at the glass of wine she’d poured. She leaned over her friend, put an arm around her long thin neck, ran her fingers through her short raffish dark brown hair, and placed a kiss on her bright red lipsticked lips. Janine smiled back at Edie, whose dyed blonde hair was cut into a kind of bob and contrasted sharply with her dark eyebrows and deep brown eyes. Both girls were very thin and dressed similarly in a strange combination of the utilitarian - boots, baggy jackets and tights - and the fanciful - skirts, necklaces and tee shirts with the most plunging neckline that was legal. The cut of their tops was high enough to let the light catch the studs that shone on their hard, smooth bellies: a perfect compliment to the studs pierced through their labia lips.

“What you need, sweetie,” remarked Edie, peppering her face with a multitude of soft kisses, “is something a lot better than Supermarket plonk. And, if I’m not mistaken, I think there might be someone here who can give us both just that.”

Janine smiled conspiratorially, as Edie took her metal-bangled wrist in her hand and dragged her out of the kitchen, past the temptations of another roving joint, into the main room where the music was coming from.

Merde Alors! These old Victorian houses had such enormous rooms. What use had they ever had for all that space? Now, of course, it made a very satisfactory dance floor, the ancient floorboards still able to support the weight of dozens of thumping feet, belonging to silhouetted figures illuminated by the lights the DJ had brought round for the gig.

Behind the turntables and framed by the speaker stacks, the DJ was fumbling around in his boxes for twelve inch discs, while the lead from the pair of headphones attached to his ears looped toward his decks. When he stood up, spinning the vinyl in his fingers before placing it onto the rubber and then dropping the needle into its grooves, he briefly gazed around at the crowd, a broad manic smile on his face, while the techno beats pounded and thundered around him.

Super! That smile was a sign. The faces lit up in the crowd of stomping dancers were even better evidence. Chemical bliss. Even with only a few sips of vin de Kwik-Save, the message of bliss was coming through the Progressive House pulse beats and Janine was already feeling more than ready. But, as usual, it was Edie who was the one to find the source of the wellspring and to partake of its flowing treasures. And in this case, the source was a young guy with hair so short it was almost blue and a capacious jacket with as many pockets as were humanly feasible, including pockets hidden inside pockets. And then there were the set of pockets on his brown baggy, cotton trousers. Unlike everyone else in the room, he was sitting on a chair by the corner, about as far from the speakers as he could be, only occasionally tapping a foot to the frenetic beats, a smile of deep joy spread over his face, but with eyes as hard and sharp as a pair of knives.

As usual, it was Edie, bolder than brass and twice as shiny, who zoomed straight onto this mec while Janine put a toe into the flowing water of driving beats. It was difficult to keep her steps restrained as the music swooped and dived around her, pulsating rhythms thundering into her stomach and pumping up her thighs. A strobe caught her in mid-glide, blue and orange and green against the peeling wallpaper, and then swooped down to catch Edie who was returning with a handful of goodies in little sealed-seam plastic bags.

“It’s a bit of mix and match!” Edie yelled into Janine’s ear, as she froze in mid-step to pick up the chemical delights. “Got some good stuff. Bit of speed and some Es. A tab if the mood takes you. And here,” she tapped a pocket, “I’ve got some pure grade A skank. And all for not much outlay.” She sighed. “These men they’ll fucking give everything for a promise of a promise or a glimpse of a glimpse. But there ain’t no stopping us now. Dive in for the start of the drip feed.”

With that, she opened her mouth and dropped a few pills, not even bothering to check what they were. Janice kissed Edie on the cheek and followed suit, leaving half the stuff for later. This could be a lo-ong night ahead!

A brief peck was not enough. Janine took Edie’s face in her hands and pushed it to her lips, her tongue slotted into Edie’s mouth, and for a few ecstatic, liquid moments, the two of them kissed fully and slobberily, as the beat pushed up and up into the pit of their stomachs, finally, building up enough tension to push the two girls apart. And then off with their inappropriately heavy jackets, the plastic bags and rolling tobacco transferred to the huge side-pockets of their trousers, and, then, with a whoop of excitement, the two of them were boogying and stomping and jumping and pumping to the pounding rhythms, two-stepping and jockeying to the shifting beats, sweat erupting from their foreheads and the top of the breasts. And then they communicated with facial expressions twisted and torn to the same shapes as the beats that carried their feet. C’est bonne! C’est sympa! C’est large!

All around them the other figures were immersed in the same warming bath of the four to the floor. Men with their tops thrown off. Girls with the flimsiest of tops. And there (Merci à Dieu!) one girl so taken with the sound that a loose breast had worked itself free of her skimpy top and was bouncing freely with each step and bounce.

Janine twisted herself to face this glorious treat, a warm feeling building up from inside and already burning in her crotch. Jazz samples. Vocal samples. Phat beats. Squelching 303s. Twisted, byzantine bass, grinding through beats, scattered and angular in the Drum and Bass, plain and flat through the Hard House, bouncy and joyful over the Progressive House, fucked up and fucking glorious in the most wicked of Break Beats. She was truly lost in music. She was got down and dirty. Sweat cascading into the silver-studded recesses of her navel, and streaming down the outside of her thighs and the inside of her trousers.

Somewhere in the midst of this, the rush hit. And somehow everything was fine. And everyone was beautiful. And given the chance she would be everyone’s and anyone’s. Even perhaps with a man. And as she swivelled and turned, having long lost sight of Edie as the space around her swelled and shrunk with the patterns of her dancing, she saw in the corner a naked man’s buttocks thrusting in and out while two bare thin legs of an equally naked woman were pinioned beneath him. Merde! It was going to be one of those kinds of parties. And why the fuck not? Her crotch ached with the thought of herself and Edie stretched out together, her tight small breasts against Edie’s rounder, so warm bosom, hard nipple stroking on hard nipple, a cascade of joy dripping from between her legs. Oh Edie! Je t’aime! Je t’aime le plus grand!

But where was Edie? wondered Janine, spinning around on the axis of her left foot, then bringing her other foot down to complete the spin. Where was her bonne chatte ? Ou est tu? Edie was gone. Nowhere. As she swirled, a man’s face peered into her, a Christ-like bearded face with a smile of Christian love, and her mind was elsewhere as she pounded the beat with her dancing partner. Until the fade-in to some slower tempo movement slung her suddenly out of the room and into the heaving hallway. But where was Edie?

Janine wandered from room to room. Back to the kitchen where a whole group of men were gathered in black baggy tee shirts, swigging from bottles of beer and discussing politics. And up the stairs, where a couple were stretched: the man’s hand inside the woman’s blouse and the woman’s hand clutching the hard rod in his trouser crotch. From room to room, where others were talking to or cuddling each other.

Up another flight of stairs, past a queue by the loo, and three floors up, in this towering North London squat, where the low thumping sounds told her that she’d arrived outside the chill-out room. Tiens! She suddenly realised that she needed to chill out more than anything else. Sweat was plastering her short hair close to her scalp. She needed more skank. Or some charas. Or anything. She pushed open the door, letting out a large cloud of sweet-smelling smoke. A stereo was blaring out from some chill-out CD, and all around her were slumped bodies, and a fortune in dope being passed from hand to hand.

Janine slumped onto the first cushion she could see and took a long, long toke from the joint that was proffered to her. Despite the chemical confusion that tingled her senses, she was immediately jolted by the sensamerilla, and her head fell entirely into synch with the slow deep burning bass of the music. Most of the people around her were slumped in soporific languor, which was creeping up on her, as her unfocussed thoughts drifted with the breathy female vocals and she cast her eyes around her. Not everyone was similarly zonked. There were two or three couples in states of relative undress lost in another rhythm, clothes discarded or pulled down, as they lost themselves to their physical passion.

One couple was particularly engrossed, lying on a mess of cushions and pillows and rugs just by the large uncurtained windows which looked out over the streets, and through which Janine could see the lights shining from the houses opposite, not all, she guessed, as happy as she was that this party was happening.

A car drove by lighting up a room that was mostly dimly lit, and allowed Janine a closer look at the couple. The man’s prick was visible from the balls to where it was thrusting into a sticky, gooey vagina, which was pumping up and down beneath. Long bare legs tapered to a pair of dark brown boots, while above a hairy arse trailed down long hairy legs to a pair of scuffed trainers. The girl was gasping and swooning as the man pushed into her, grunting from his own exertions.

And where was Edie? wondered Janine. What she wouldn’t do for a bit of lovemaking herself. Her soul, her heart, her body ached for love. Or at least sex.

Janine looked around at the other people, hoping to see Edie’s blonde bob in one or other corner of the vast dimly lit room. She wasn’t by the stereo where a guy was shifting through the collection of CDs. She wasn’t at the window, where another guy had thrust his head out into the street, no doubt to cool off his drug-fevered brow. She wasn’t the girl slumped against the wall fighting off unconsciousness with a half-finished bottle of Stella Artois gripped to her lap. In fact, as Edie discovered with a shock, she was the one who was being fucked just by the window.

This much was made clear, as the two shifted position, the prick briefly disengaged, so that Edie could get on top and squeeze it back into her cunt. And there she was, on top of a mec with black shoulder-length hair and a dark blue tee shirt. She was stripped to only her top, one of her gorgeous breasts loose and hanging free of its cradle, sweat pouring down the back of her neck, and gasping and panting and gasping, and occasionally giving vent to a shriek, as the passion of her love-making gripped her.

Janine was stunned. There was her beloved, with a man she’d never met before; doing to her what she thought was reserved for her alone. She knew every tangled sweaty hair of that pussy. She knew the length and depth of that firm hard clitoris. She knew every serrated nobble of those nipples. She could even taste that vagina in her tongue, the memory so strong and intimate and familiar that it burnt more powerful than the odour of cannabis smoke and nicotine.

Should she intervene? Was that a cool thing to do? She was sure it wasn’t. And what was worse, it would not only piss off Edie who had always made clear to her that she swang both ways, but it might invite the unwelcome attention of her male lover. She looked at the prick as it thrust in and out, remembering its long, hard pink length in that brief moment when the two had shifted position.

She didn’t want any of that, merci. Her few times with some brutish or incompetent man, with all that hairy flesh and sinewy muscle and flabby stomach, had convinced her that there was only one kind of sex meant for her and it wasn’t with a man.

The mere thought of it disgusted her so much, that she cast aside the joint she’d received only half a toke ago to the small, dark-eyed man to her side, and plunged herself out of the comforting, relaxing ambience of the chill-out room, back into the merciless corridors of the rest of the house. Only this time, feeling ever so much more lonely and vulnerable. Her Edie! Son Amour! How could she?

She was now directionless and lost. Somehow the dance room no longer seemed inviting. The horrors of the beer-swilling men in the kitchen seemed even less appealing than before. And it wasn’t at all obvious what she should be looking for.

The chill-out room had seemed perfect, but now it was the one room she most did not want to be in. She dashed up and down the stairs, squeezing past the crowd queued up by the toilets, occasionally pushing open doors to see whether there was anywhere else she could hang out. But it seemed that every bedroom was occupied. And quite clearly there was some vachement hot shit going round. In almost every room, there was some kind of sexual activity. Men and women cuddling. Men and women kissing. Men fucking women. And in one room, the most horrible sight of all, men fucking men.

She had seen quite enough penises in her life, and she didn’t really want to have to waste much more time on them. Wherever she went, however, the sound of the dance music thundering from the dance room was pumped and piped around the place, so unless she went back to the top floor she was unable to escape the block busting beats that were being laid down by the DJ. He was clearly getting harder and more frantic. Mauro Piccotto, Tony de Vit, pump that pussy. Hard House Heaven. Yeh Eh! Here it Comes. Ohh Yeah! Ça plein pour moi.

But Janine just wasn’t in the mood. At last, she gravitated to a point on the landing of the stairs, cigarette dangling from the forefingers of one hand, while other guests wandered up and down the stairs beside her, her other hand pressed against her forehead, lost in thought and reflection, unsure whether to come or to go, to dance or to rest, to wait or to depart. Without her Edie, she was feeling abandoned and through the haze of serotonin, nicotine and dope, unsure just what she should be thinking at all. Her eyes were unfocused, her thoughts were scattered and her cigarette kept going out.

“You got a light?” suddenly asked a kindly voice.

Janine looked up with her box of Swan Vestas pulled out of a large pocket from her trousers. “Bien sûr! Ouai!” she said passing the box toward the proffered Marlboro Lite at whose filtered tip were some gorgeously red lipsticked lips, and a thin face with sparkling light green eyes. Janine was so taken by her eyes and the classically straight nose, that she only belated became aware that here was a girl who had dispensed with the need for hair-care products and had opted instead for a clean shaven skull, where only at this late hour was the stubble starting to show through.

“Hey. You’re French or Belgian or something, aren’t you?”

“French,” corrected Janine, slightly offended that anyone might think she was some kind of Walloon speaker. If her ear had been more attuned to English, she’d have noticed that this girl had a Geordie accent scattered with evidence of her time in London.

“Well! Whatever!” the girl sniffed. “Anyway, I’m Molly and I live here.”

“So this is your party.”

“Well, our party. I just live here. But it’s fucking kicking, ain’t it? It’s the biz!” She punctuated her assertion with a two-armed wave in the air, her face gurning in a way that made Molly seem if anything that much more gorgeous to Janine. “Hey! What I wouldn’t do for some blow. You ain’t got some shit on you?”

“I got some skank.”

“Oh Wey-Hey! Not that fucking cool shit I’ve been sampling all evening! Hey girl. Let’s go up to my room and roll a fat one. You on?”

“Bien sûr! That would be ferking great!”

“You bet,” agreed Molly, taking Janine’s hand in hers. “Let’s hope there ain’t a fucking orgy in there.”

Molly’s room was small and thankfully empty, although the discarded condom and the scattered ash was indication that it hadn’t been so all evening. Janine studied the posters and magazine cuttings that covered most of the cream-painted walls. Molly was a girl who liked films. But she also had a taste for flyers, which were blu-tacked to the wall. Some of these were taken from phone booths and were rather less imaginative than those advertising club nights. Molly sat cross-legged on the futon that was on the floor by the window, just by her stereo and a battered old armchair.

“Where’s the gear? I can roll a real mean one.”

“Here!” said Janine, tossing Molly a plastic bag which she’d stored in her trouser pocket. She watched Molly roll her joint, while she slumped on the other end of the futon, and admired her small lean hands at the end of long bare arms, as her fingers teased out the skank to tubular dimensions. She wore a sleeveless top with no bra under which her breasts could easily be seen and a long thin waist to her baggy purple shorts. She had large pendulous hooped earrings in well-studded ears and Janine caught a glimpse of the stud through her tongue.

And then, with a sprinkling of Marlboro Lite and a twist at the end, Molly lit the short stubby joint and inhaled long and deep. “Fuck! This is fucking A!” She exclaimed, passing it roachwards towards Janine. She took a long deep toke herself, and pulled herself up the length of the futon to slump, supported by an elbow, right next to Molly.

The girls passed the joint backwards and forwards to each other, chatting about clubs they’d been to, excesses that they’d enjoyed and a time in Ibiza when the two of them had been there at the same time but of course had never met. They’d even been at the Café Del Mar on the same night, and Molly had one day even ventured into Manumission.

“I’m told it’s not as good as it used to be,” Molly told her. “No fucking dwarves fucking anymore.”

“Is that so?” contemplated Janine, stubbing out the roach and admiring Molly’s long thin arms with their scattering of moles and the fading trace of summer tan. Molly regarded her, and then without warning she plunged her face into Janine’s, put her hand behind her neck where her hair was at its shortest, and thrust a tongue into Janine’s mouth. Although taken aback, Janine was instantly receptive. They plunged warm tongue and liquid lips together, Janine glorying in the curious and erotic sensation of running her fingers over the stubble of Molly’s scalp. Her other arm caressed Molly’s slim waist: so hard and firm with not even a hint of extraneous fat.

“Oh fuck! What the fuck!” gasped Molly, suddenly pushing Janine off and pulling off her top while the echoing sounds of techno thundered about them. “Yeah Hey! Let the Rhythm take you! Into the Heart of the Bass!” Molly cried, her breasts loose and perky, her nipples hard and excited.

Janine knew what to do. She pulled off her jacket and top, and, just in case Molly might think a kiss and cuddle would be enough, she pulled down her trousers and knickers, revealing the full glory of her tangled pubic hair, a mass of dark brown, longer than the hair on her head, which still couldn’t hide the swollen lips of her vagina. Molly grinned. “You know what you like, don’t you?” she commented, pulling down her shorts and whatever else she had inside to reveal that it wasn’t just her head that she shaved. Her crotch was, if anything, smoother than her head, and Janine noticed, with a great thundering of her heart, that she had a stud and ring on her labial lips more pronounced than the quite modest ones she and Edie had got in a mad careless moment on their Ibiza holiday.

“You too!” smiled Molly, stroking Janine’s lips with her hand. “What’s yours taste like?” With that she dropped down her head between Janine’s thighs and wiggled her tongue around the lips and occasionally nipping at her long hairs. All the while, Janine stroked Molly’s naked head, while stroking one of her long thin nipples on her otherwise rather small left breast. It tickled but it was fun. And then Molly’s tongue went straight inside her and Janine could feel that tongue stud within her, occasionally clashing against her vaginal stud as it licked and probed.

And soon, it wasn’t long, she and Molly had moved themselves around so that the lips of Janine’s mouth were pursed to the bare lips of Molly’s crotch. Her crotch with its bare skin tasting somehow sharper, maybe more acid, than Edie’s dark brown patch. Janine just loved the uninterrupted stretch of flesh from one set of lips to the other. How could there be so much luscious flesh?

Her fingers joined in the probing, easing themselves surreptitiously into the folds of Molly’s cunt, while below, with a sensation of recognition that made her gasp, she felt Molly’s fingers poke not only into her own moistness, but also to explore her puckered anus, a place where Edie was usually so reluctant to touch and which she now knew she wanted to know more of in future. In answer, she took a finger to her mouth, licked its length so that a dollop of saliva trailed down its length to her knuckle and eased this into Molly’s own arse, noting with satisfaction Molly’s own puff of pleasure.

The futon was hard and firm and warm, the sheets pushed about by the girls’ flailing legs, as they rolled over and over, flesh sliding on flesh, the sweet taste of sweat trickling down the skin and into Janine’s mouth. And then mouth to mouth again, hands pressed against crotch, nipple hard on nipple.

All around them, the beat continued thumping and crashing and swooping, taking on shapes and patterns which in Janine’s mind was matched with her passion and ecstasy, the rush of her pill-taking returning to her and causing a fresh re-tingling of the skin. Above them, Janine could see the soft eyes of Daniel Auteil from a poster for a movie she only knew in its original French. Occasionally, the lights of a passing car would light up a room otherwise lit only by a weak 40-watt bulb.

And again. Mouth back on crotch, the two of them gasping and sweating and slobbery, the tastes, the smells, so animal, so vital, so in tune. Sometimes, Janine would take Molly’s hard nipples in her mouth, tasting sweat and navigating the contours of the hard reddish skin of the aureole of motherhood. And then again that studded tongue in her mouth, where she could explore in detail the hard, sweet metal with her own tongue and could just about detect the inside of the hole through which the stud protruded.

The two collapsed, after how many minutes, hours, eternities, Janine didn’t know, she regarded Molly’s room. The battered wardrobe rescued from a skip. The line of books and CDs along the wall. The stacks of magazines. The movie posters and club flyers. Already she felt that this was homely and comforting. This was, she knew, thoughts of Edie and her own heterosexual flings forgotten, this was a room she’d get to know much much better in the future.

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Introduction: Once again my fantasies are flowing! Your comments are very gratefully received, if you do vote negatively please comment why. Thank you for all your encouragement so far! I am mid thirties, tall, slim, large breasts, short brown hair. I manage an office of giddy sexually inexperienced young girls. They drive me mad, not only their attitude to work but their attitude to sex. They shag any boy they find, they giggle and tell each other about their sexual exploits on the previous...

3 years ago
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AimlessChapter 6 Enforcer

After Floozy left, I found Master in the living room watching a soap. “Master, I noticed you have an exercise room and a pool here. You’ve said things that tell me you’re unsatisfied with my weight, and my doctor gave me some links for exercises. I am requesting permission to work out when I have some free time here.” “Are you going to lose all that flab?” he asked. That stung, but I didn’t let myself react. “That’s one of my goals. He also gave me links for Kegels and other targeted...

4 years ago
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The Music From Apartment 12A

The music had been playing for hours now. It was not the kind that, without fail, drives the person overhearing it insane. It was a soft, smooth, melodic song that brushed against your ears and persuaded you to listen. From the time I had woken up, at about 4:00 a.m, it had been drifting up from the apartment beneath mine. Subconsciously, I knew that my listening could almost be seen as a sort of invasion. The person in apartment 12A started playing the music very early in the morning, so...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 590

The Prison Planet While working on construction jobs, Morales had frequently been a floater, or fill in, or flunky, whatever the boss or his immediate supervisor decided to call him at the time. However, he had managed to learn quite a few things while employed at the construction company. Sometimes he pulled wire for an electrician, or mixed mud and brought bricks for a bricklayer, put up drywall, unloaded trucks, on and on, whatever the boss needed him to do that day or that week. He had...

2 years ago
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Erotic City 2

~2~ Dangerous Games   The hallways are beautiful.   Gilded mirrors, red luscious carpet and claw footed velvet sofas. I love this kind of extravagance; I love that I can afford this lifestyle. Looking around I walk over to the velvet piece and run my hands over the soft material, sighing appreciatively I drape myself over the seat and lay my head on the arm. The velvet caresses my skin and my back arches as an involuntary shudder rolls through me; this is true...

1 year ago
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Me And My Virgin Cousin Love To Fuck In Public

I live with my immediate family. However my entire family (aunts,uncles, cousins etc) all come over very often as we love to have family get together s. Well we are about 12 cousins and i have only one younger cousin who is a girl and since all my other cousins were much older we used to get along with each other allot and also hang around with each other a lot during family vacations. Well my cousin’s name is Rhea (name changed) she is quite a fair girl but has very cute features nice round...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Sexy Pinni Sujatha

This story is my relationship with my Aunty (Pinni in Telugu) Sujatha. I am Srikanth from Hyderabad , 25, very fair, average body.Sujatha is my darling aunty became my wife one day after her marriage. You may send me feed back at I can still remember the day I fucked my milky skin aunt Sujatha.She has terrific body. She is 5 feet 5 inches tall, white huge 36D tits, lovely legs, round ass. I am Man, aged 25 5 feet 5 inches and a virgin. She got married to my uncle Rama Krishna.I was very happy...

4 years ago
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Behen Ko Choda

Hello friends mera naam ravi hai. Me baroda se hu. Ye meri pehli story hai magar sach hai agar likhne me koi bhul ho gai ho to maaf karna. Pehle me apne baare me bata du meri height 5.9 weight 70 west 34 hai. Me avg. look hu ab story par aata hu ye story mere baju me rehne wali ladki ki hai. Use me apni behen manta hu. Wo mere liye apni sagi behen se bhi badhakar hai. Uska body status 5.7 55 30 hai. Uski boobs size 32 hai. Wo avg. hi dikhati hai magar uske boobs ki wajah se puri galli use...

3 years ago
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me and my middle sister was playing around the house just being bored it was just me and her until are older came home and went right up stairs i looked at Sidney and scratched my head as me and her watched are older sister Donna having a hard time to go up the stairs and as she going up the stairs she taking her clothes off I thought to myself she must be getting in the shower. This was a long time ago this happened I remember a lot of it but not all of it Donna went up stairs me and sid new...

3 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 1

"Come on, Kirsty, get in here quick before someone sees us." "Natasha!" exclaimed Kirsty as she scurried after her flamboyant friend. "God! What is this place?" she asked moments later. "It's something to do with the cricket club," replied Natasha, "but it's not used much anymore." "What's that smell?" "Probably piss," said Natasha, "You know what boys are like when they get caught short." "You should talk," responded her friend. "Yeah, I suppose I can," was the...

1 year ago
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First time with Anne Tan

Anne Tan was turning 18 and I was 21 then when the story occurred. She was Pasir Ris’ (Our local neighbourhood) U-18s Ladies basketball’s team shooting guard, the cream of the crop among all the players I coached during short 2 years stint with them. I first saw Anne when she was 15, dressed in plain T-shirt, shorts and a baseball cap, in-line skating around the basketball court, during one of the Fridays U-18s Men basketball team training session. As I was the player and Assistant Coach then,...

Adult Humor
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CopOn The Rocks

When I was eighteen and in my last year of high school, I was cruising around on a Saturday morning down at the city park. The park makes its way along the river that runs through the center of my home town. Following the river, there=s a drive that continues from one end to the other for about 7 miles. Along the way are several picnic tables, bathrooms, playgrounds, and a golf course. One, kind of deserted area, towards the easternmost end and between the road and the river, city work...

4 years ago
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My Remarkable Trip

I had just moved into the neighborhood not too long ago. Four days to be exact, but I had made friends very quickly at the High School that I was attending. There were four kids that I met, all about the same age to me, and we along very well. I guess I should tell you who my friends are, Well first there is Eric, he had black hair and a cute face. Next there is Steven, now Steven, so I was told by Eric, was the guy who was always looking for away to relief himself of sexual frustrations and...

Gay Male
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The Fashion show

“No, Darling, you must show your tits,”came the cry from a very effeminate Pierre, the designer of a new range of clothes for the summer collection. I rearranged my ‘tits’ in the soft multi-colored synthetic dress so that the audience could see my bobbing breasts as I walk down the ramp in the European Fashion Show in Paris, France. This year Pierre’s designs are very sexy and very risqué. He combined synthetic materials with leather and satin, chiffon and wool and showed a lot of naked...

3 years ago
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Milky Bar KidChapter 2

We had to drive some to reach the small hidden lake that Dad had taken us too when I was fifteen, but it was worth it. There were lots of trees and grass; the perfect spot; if you have the skinny-dipping, we in mind. We set our stuff up in the shade and spread blankets on the grass in the sun. Initially we lay sipping wine, in our swim-wear, soaking-up the tranquillity. Eventually I stood up, and slipping out of my trunks, I grinned at her, “So, are we ready for some cool...

3 years ago
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Seduction in the Shower

Introduction: Daugher needed her father for so long Seduction in the Shower The first time I did it, I had waited until the shower was running, and I could hear the water begin splashing from my bedroom. My father was taking a shower. I had already stripped off my clothes and was in my robe. Quickly, but quietly, I moved down the short hall and paused briefly outside the door, having a last minute reluctance to carry out the plan I had formulated for weeks. Ever since I had come back from...

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Facebook Friend

Jane was sure she knew Charlie and that she knew him well. After all, she and he had been friends on Facebook for several months now. Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg’s ingenuity and generosity, they’d been able to chat and discourse for hours on end without once having actually met one another. And tonight was the evening when, at long last, Jane would actually meet Charlie in the flesh. Jane was also sure she knew what Charlie looked like. She viewed his profile picture every time she visited...

2 years ago
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I talked my wife to into vsiting an adult theater

I have been sucked by a men a few times over the years, but my wife didn't know. I wanted to tell her, but couldn't find a way to bring it up. It occurred to me that whenever we watched porn on the internet, and sometimes we would watch slut wives at the gloryholes, she made the same remark, "i could never do that" that gave me the idea to try to get her to visit an adult porn theater with me by saying we could go to check out the dildos and toys. So I just needed to make my move after I got...

2 years ago
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Dragons and Coal CindersChapter 4

After our otherwise, uneventful stroll around the insides of the hospital, Alfred left me to use the facilities. Looking into my closet, I found the replacement uniforms. Touching mine, I ran my hand over the wool, my mind drifted to Ann Crannach’s deep copper hair and blue-green eyes. Thinking about Ann’s dimples and expressive smile, when a flush had spread across her neck and cheeks while in the hallway, caused me to think of her less as a nurse and more as a woman. “Since she is married,...

2 years ago
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A speacutecial holiday suite 1

A bit of a special holiday suite 1 We continued to have refreshments while chatting, M acting as interpreter to Else. In the course of the conversation, M made me with a surprising proposal from her friend: Else offers to introduce me to female domination and the education of submissive men very popular in her country. Would you agree to share this initiation with me? If you like it, I replied, I'm ready to take whatever you want to do. M translated my response to Else, who reacted by giving...

2 years ago
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A Family Birthday Chapter Two

DING-DONGThe first guests for the twins’ birthday party have arrived. After our little sexual soirée with the twins, James and Kate, we showered, cleaned the rooms for definite further encounters of the erotic kind, had breakfast and prepared the patio pool area for the barbeque with our naked friends. The moment of truth has arrived. We are presenting our sexually primed children to friends for a day they will hopefully remember for the rest of their lives.Our home is built on the side of a...

4 years ago
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I bit down on my bottom lip. "Do it if you're gonna do it," I whined, before walking in there. "I hear the showers going, so Gabriela and Mandy must be in there now. I just saw them playing some ball, and no one was else was in the gym," I said, before feeling my crotch. "Damn, my wood is stiffer than a diamond. They're both naked in there and maybe even washing each other," I let out, before I locked the door and had to start walking towards the shower.I calmly made my way over there and...

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We decieded to go wearring dresses even though it was the middle of winter.janet wore a red dress, and mine was black hugging my full figured curves nicely. We spotted our friends standing at the counter already ordering drinks, and i noticed a couple of new faces in the crowd that i had never met.I decieded to go over and introduce myself.after my polite introduction, i ordered a soda and went to the tables next to the dance floor. The lighting, and music were inviting, very comfortable...

3 years ago
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The Black Book Of The Nature Boy 04

March 22, 2006, I was in my Aston Martin Vanquish S, cruising up the West Side Highway. It was late night, and I felt like the Knight Rider racing up the freeway. I thought there were no cops in sight so I decided to drive even faster. I was wrong! A cop’s flashing red and blue lights and sirens snapped me out of my racing mood and told me to pull over. Fuck! This was what I get for being a real asshole tonight! After pulling over, I immediately put my driver’s license and registration on the...

2 years ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 34

After waking us all up first thing on Sunday morning with a mug of tea and strict instructions to have left our beds by the time she got back, Sheila threw on some outdoor clothes. She nipped out on her bike - the twins had both brought their bikes back after Christmas, as they could keep them secure in the downstairs hall - and bought us a dozen croissants for breakfast, from a small local craft bakery she had heard about. They were fresh, moist, warm and fluffy, and they smelled and...

3 years ago
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A Reunion

First Name = Male Name Last Name = Female Name The day is sunny and bright as you leave the airport terminal. You take a moment to sniff the air at the small regional airport, then proceed to the Hertz kiosk to pick up your rental. As you step up to the desk the attendant, a plump but pretty girl in her early twenties gives you a smile, "Hello, how may I help you today?" You smile right back at her, and hand her the print out receipt of your rental. She takes it as you dig into your wallet for...

4 years ago
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Stud Twins

Stud TwinsMy divorce was final. My ex had moved to the East Coast with her new lover and somehow had managed to take our teenage son with her. I was still dazed and confused how the court had made that happen. He was at the age, I thought, where he needed a father more than a mother. The house was being sold and I was moving into a two-story place on Elm Street. It was too big for one but I was reasonably sure, and hopeful, that Travis would be moving back with me late in the summer to go to...

3 years ago
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Sinful CyndiChapter 6

"How do you think we should test it out?" giggled Cyndi, walking into my room where the camera was set up. She turned toward the camera and switched it on. It was pointed at the bed. She looked into it and reached for the bottom of her tight T- shirt. Smiling flirtatiously at the camera, she lifted her shirt off her body. Underneath she wore a lacy red pushup bra. Cyndi smiled as she played with her nipples, then got out of the bra by unfastening it between her tits. Her nipples were...

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First bull experience

I always had my suspicions, but 6 years into marriage and I discovered what I had instinctively knew all along. That my wife had cheated on me with a number of other men in the past. I tried to be the better man, forgive, and let go, but in the ensuing argument I only asked one thing. That she not talk to those men again over facebook and other social media... to which she replied "I'll talk to who I please, and if I did you'd never know anyways".This would spark a new phase in not just our...

2 years ago
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Learning to toy my ass as a boy

One of the first things I tried, ill-advised, was the toilet paper roll holder without lube. I lay on my side on the bathroom floor, with the shower running in the background, and reached back with the cylinder in my hand, trying to part my butt cheeks with my fingers while still holding on to it, and pushed against my ass hole, trying to make it go in. Wasn't happening. My asshole seemed like it would never budge, and I gave up after a few minutes. The next thing I tried was a toothbrush....

4 years ago
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A PonyGirl for life

We grew up on seperate farms less than a mile apart.  We were meant for each other she used to say.  She had this midwestern farmers daughter appeal about her that matured as she grew older and started to become a young woman.   For me it was mostly about her body.   By 18, Jenny was a hot piece of ass.  Between working on the farm and running track in high school, despite her tomboy attitude, she was pure, prime sex meat.     Jenny had this thing about horses, her uncle who owned the farm had...

2 years ago
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My Morning Email to You

Hell, it’s only 7:22. I was talking to you on web cam till 4 in the morning and yet, I am up already. I could hardly sleep…Partly because my back’s gotten badly sunburned on the beach yesterday, but also because you filled my mind again with disturbing ideas and fantasies… When you told me to open my mouth for you, and try to force the full length of my glass dildo down my throat…OMG, it was such a turn on. The expression, you make when you see me try is just beyond words. It makes me want to...

1 year ago
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Marcys Playground 3 by loyalsock

"Hey," she said. "I'm Heather."She came over and gave me a quick hug."Marcy," I said."I made stir-fry beef and veggies for dinner," Heather said."Great.""So you're the new receptionist at Melody's.""Yup. But I've never been inside."They both looked at me with their eyes popped out a little.I shrugged and raised my hands up in a 'what can I tell you' gesture. "I peeked into the front room once, but it was empty.""You ever been there?" I asked Heather."Twice, but it's not my scene.""Oh."That was...

1 year ago
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Private Anastasia Brokelyn Squirting Debut

Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to Anastasia Brokelyn, a sexy Spanish beauty who has come to Private Specials, Beautifully Young 3 ready to take a photoshoot to the next level. Watch Anastasia strip down and show of her tight teen body before enticing in photographer Potro as she heads straight in for a taste of cock with a sloppy deepthroat blowjob. Then enjoy this hyper sexual teen in action as she takes a real hard pounding, screaming and squirting her way to a well-deserved...

3 years ago
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A Very Good Morning0

I groan and push my face deeper into the warmth of the pillow. Hands run up and down my arms slowly bringing me out of my dreamy trance. "Maddie." Kayla says in a sing song voice. I sigh and finally roll over and see my beautiful black goddess with her head propped up on her elbow and smiling at me. Her curly black hair was cascading around her shoulders and her brown eyes looking at me lovingly. I smile back and cover my eyes with my hand. "Oh god. I don't think I'll ever get...

2 years ago
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Careful what you desire

We also discovered oral sex. Now I was excited about having my cock sucked. Who wouldn’t be? My wife, well not so much. On the other hand she adored having her pussy licked. It took me a few attempts before I realised that it was not really the pussy licking she adored but it was when I licked her clit. Her moaning would turn to squeals as I found that little bud above her pussy. She would turn from mild mannered April to a twitching screaming slut muttering all sorts of expletives when she...

1 year ago
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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMCharity Speaks to the Family

Charity placed her hands behind her head, stood with her legs apart, tits out, shoulders back, and ass cheeks clenched tightly before addressing us. Dad switched off the TV completely and told us to put away our phones and hear her out. “Thank you all for letting me address you openly in this manner. I know the sight of me like this may still shock you. I also know that not all of you wanted to live like this, and I asked Master to allow me to address any concerns you may have. I would...

2 years ago
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I Thought She Made You UpChapter 5

Part One: Love the ones you're with "WHAT?! I'll do it. Let's just go slow until I get used to the idea." Well, this didn't work out I had in mind, not at all. My girlfriend had just offered me her bisexual roommate as a surrogate sex partner, and I tried to sabotage it by agreeing to it only if she took her as a lover also. I had never thought she would be interested in a female lover, she wasn't even interested in a male one, yet. This virgin until married ideal was really...

1 year ago
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Seducing my best friend

I was staying at my best friend Sean’s house Friday night; his parents were out of town for the weekend and he had the house to himself. Sean was a sophomore too, and he had been my best friend since middle school. He stood six feet tall and had a beautiful face with deep brown eyes. I had feelings for him for the previous few months, but I never said anything, not wanting to ruin our treasured friendship. I let myself in that afternoon and saw him on the couch just watching TV. I came and sat...

3 years ago
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Shadow and LightChapter 29

Assembly Hall, Moonvale, Midnight The very second Liz arrived back she sought out Kelly to arrange a meeting with her father and the Council. Going to her was the fastest way Liz knew of getting them together at such a late hour since she could get the attention of the other leader’s children, each of them had a direct line to their parents. After that meeting the Council was on the phone and talking with the local leaders of every Lycanthrope town across the world. Liz had arranged for an...

2 years ago
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The Bad Girl

It’s late as I sit waiting, a bit impatiently, wearing my short black dress, heels and a pair of my sexiest underwear as you had requested before leaving for work. My mind has been working all evening trying to figure out exactly what you have in mind for tonight. I thought I heard you pull up outside and I anxiously wait for you to come inside. But I hear a knock on the door instead. It is well after midnight – who could possibly be at the door at this time of night? I go to the door, still...

3 years ago
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She wont but her mother will

Veronica Andrews felt the familiar pressure on her bladder the moment she awoke. She turned her head and saw the alarm clock on the bedside table showed 12:47, and she rolled out of bed gently not to wake her husband. In silent bare feet on carpet she quickly and quietly made her way in the dark to the bathroom.She did her business in dimmed light, and as she walked out the bathroom door a surge of curiosity got her attention. By the flickering on the walls, she could tell that the television...

2 years ago
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BBC on business trip

I had to go out of town for a couple days for work. It would normally be a boring business trip, but i thought that since I would be alone in a city far from home, I should take the chance to have a sexy slutty hookup to spice things up! I drove for about 4 hours before getting to the location. The whole drive I was getting super horny from the anticipation of a sex adventure. I browsed my tinder app, checking out some of the conversations and pictures i had from previous chats, eager to get...

3 years ago
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The ParkersChapter 20 Trying girls

Sally Parker was nervous. And, also, curious. So she was watching everything and everybody as she entered that club, that Monday night. It was her first time in a lesbian club. And part of her, despite the fact that she had no less than two bisexual sisters (and one bisexual brother!) still thought that it wasn't "natural" for girls and girls to be together. But there was the promise of pleasure. Matt had asked her to do this, for him and, so far, everything he had suggested had been so...

2 years ago
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The Greenwich TalesChapter 4

It's not often we feel the need to turn down a commission. I take a pride in the research we do and I get involved in almost every operation one way or another. I can't remember the last one we turned down. I'm Rick, by the way. I look after the Research Division for Clegg Enterprises. We trade women, but I guess you knew that already. I was with Larry, our marketing man, in a restaurant at the top of a hotel overlooking Hyde Park. He'd asked me to go along with him for a meeting with a...

3 years ago
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The Perils of Pubescent PornChapter 21

“This is just a setup session really, before supper,” Janice informed us when we got to the infirmary. “Boys would you go and fetch Carl’s camera equipment please?” All my lights, microphones, projector and so on that Christina, Angie and Natalie had bought, back in the days when I’d been free, were in a shed, where Janice had offered me space to store them; perhaps not so generously​ after all. When we got back with it Janice had produced three cameras on tripods. Now instead of the...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Fruit Part 1

Welcome to my first published TG story, my friends. This is a rather explicit story, so as usual, if you are not of age, please refrain from continuing past this point. I would like to credit the "Simply Captions" website by Polecat for the idea of using fruit as the vessel for the transformation. As usual, with all of my stories, I beg you to give me some feedback at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you all. Enjoy the show and I hope you look forward to the next...

3 years ago
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Strip Pool

Introduction: One womans pride gets the best of her when shes challenged to either put-up or shut-up. Before long her libido gets involved and it becomes a game of put-up or put-out! It started out as just another night at home with friends. The same group of couples and singles showed up at Dave and Barbs for the usual beer and BBQ. It was the typical good-time-had-by-all occasion. Tim, an old friend that had moved up north and two of his buddies had been passing through on their way to...

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