When Lust Takes Over free porn video

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(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)

Hi I’m Jake, I have written many stories on different sites, some based on factual happenings some pure imagination this story is sort of in between. Best set the scene first.
I was a serving soldier at the time of this and having spent two years in the Arab Emirates I came home for a six week leave to England during a heat wave one August. Although the temperatures were in the high 70’s for me it was quite cold having been used to temperatures in excess of 110. I’m 6ft and at the time, had a six pack from work not exercising. Deeply tanned like toast that has been burnt black and then sc****d to a delicious golden brown topped with a mop of blond hair.
My ice blue eyes glinted most of the time and I always seemed to be smiling I guess I was truly happy then. Like most single squaddies that have been in a situation where no women are available, sex starved doesn’t quite do justice to how I felt that first day home with my family again and down at our local beach. The ghetto blaster was playing Scott McKenzie’s “When you’re going to San Francisco” I was laying enjoying the sun and the light warm breeze wisp’s that came from the cold North Sea when a youngster’s voice said,

“My Nanny would love to meet you!”

What I heard was My Mammy would love to meet you and looking up to make sure it was me they were talking about I saw a young girl about 7 standing there. Her red costume was an all in one and in no way provocative unlike todays where costumes for youngsters try to make them into little adults before their time.

“Where’s your Mammy then?” I asked smiling

“Not my Mammy, my Nanny and she is over there with my brother!”

She pointed to a young petite blonde, who was smiling and watching intently on a crowded part of the beach. The first thought that went through my head was wow I could really fuck that and the second was why me? I have never thought of me as handsome and yes I have been told that I am but I tend to take that with a pinch of salt. I digress sorry. Needless to say, I went over and we chatted and I asked could I take her out and that really is where this story starts.
You have to remember that this whole episode lasted just six weeks. Life at this time for me was always fast and furious so by the first week we had got really close. I never rush women into having sex or making love as I preferred to call it. In fact, our first time of making love started with her sitting on my knee. The k**s were in bed and as we kissed I gently ran my hand over her blouse covered breasts. There being no resistance, just soft moans I was soon kissing her more passionately and my hand was very gently sliding under her skirt. I had learnt many things whilst in the forces and had been taught by a lesbian friend of mine how to pleasure a woman without just ramming my fingers into her love hole. Pretty soon I could feel her juices wetting her undies and kept playing till she had started to orgasm fully. It was at this point she suggested we go upstairs and we crept past the k**’s bedroom into hers. She was still aroused from the orgasm she had already had and we were soon fucking for all we were worth, while trying to be quiet.
Her employer (Caroline) was an average woman maybe about 5ft 6 tall with long dark hair, pert breasts and yes beautiful. Her husband (Robert) was shorter than I was by maybe a couple of inches and ran a business in a city. It was quite a drive from where they lived maybe about an hour’s drive away. She would often sit with us in the evening chatting if we stayed in on Julie’s nights off. She started to stay in even when Julie was on duty and Julie told me that normally she went out most evenings to different friends and meetings and stuff. I always thought she didn’t like me but being a squaddie, I was used to parents being like that when I was with their daughters and Julie was treat like their eldest daughter in many ways. Caroline, one really foggy evening told us she was worried she had to go collect her husband because his car was in the garage and didn’t like driving in the fog. I answered without thinking about it that I could drive her car and pick him up if that was okay with her. Straight away she asked Julie if she would stay with the younger c***dren till we got back as she would need to go to get me through the security gates and into the precinct to collect her husband. To say the fog was thick really was an understatement. It wrapped about the car like a big grey blanket making it impossible to drive faster than 10 to 15 mile an hour. The 30 mile journey was going to take us at least 2 hours to get there and about the same back. I had not thought about this. In them days mobiles didn’t exist and as we pulled up at the precinct gates, the security guard informed us that Robert had been given a lift with another businessman almost two hours previous. We used his phone and left a message with Julie to say we were on our way back but that the journey would take at least two hours.
Driving home the fog became so thick I suggested we find a place to phone from and pull in till it thinned a little. We were almost on the old Red phone box when we saw it and luckily it wasn’t vandalised. She rang her husband and came back into the car her blouse was damp from the thin water in the mist we had quarter of a tank of petrol so I got out and gave her my coat off the back seat. We chatted for what seemed like ages about anything and nothing without any sign of the fog abating when suddenly she said,
“I’m freezing!”
I explained in the forces we were taught that cuddling together and using coats around us kept the heat in and she suggested we got into the back of the car as the centre console made it almost impossible to cuddle together and wrap us up with the coat we had. We got into the back and locked the doors in case we fell asleep and cuddled. I mentioned before how randy I was and once the heat started I could feel her tits rise and fall beneath her thin blouse as she cuddled in tightly. I thought she might fall asleep and I could touch them but instead she said can we talk about something. I said we could chat about anything and she piled straight in with you know Julie is like a daughter to me and I know you are having sex but I hope you are taking precautions as she isn’t on the pill. Talking about sex turned me on and embarrassed me at the same time so the feelings felt much naughtier than they should have done. I said yes, we are using condoms I guess Julie sometimes gets a little noisier when she orgasms. Caroline’s face was snuggled into my shoulder as she whispered sometimes I am so jealous of her it’s a long time since anyone made me feel excited enough to orgasm loudly. My cock stood at attention and I lifted her chin gently and told her that she was very beautiful and I bet any guy would love to make her orgasm loudly including her husband. She started to cry and told me they didn’t have sex now or if they did it was a quickie where he came and turned over leaving her to play with herself later in the bathroom. I was so solid. I had seen women masturbate before but this beautiful woman sitting there with tears in her eyes was telling me she was jealous of me and her nanny.
I tilted her head and using my clean hanky (my mum always made me have one) gently wiped the tears from her eyes. Her mouth looked gorgeous in this sort of grey light and I forgot myself and lowering my head kissed her gently at first then with more fervour. Every second I expected her to pull away and say what the fuck are you doing. She didn’t! Our kiss got hotter and yes my hands began to gently undo her blouse stroking her breasts over her blouse then going back to undoing her buttons. I felt the topside of her breasts but didn’t want to rush things and yes I wanted her and felt her need too. With her blouse open wide her tits, firm topped with brown nipples that were as erect as my cock. I eased her bra open. One thing about squaddies they all knew how to remove bra’s. She suddenly grabbed my wrist and said,
“I can’t do this!”
My frustration showed on my face as she said she was sorry but she was happily married and I was going out with her nanny. I smiled and calmly said its ok luv let’s forget it ever happened if that’s alright. She laid her head back on my shoulder and pulled my coat about her. I could feel her crying more than heard it. Lifting her chin I asked what was the matter. She stopped and looked me in the eyes.
“I am not a cock tease honest it’s just.” I stopped her right there.
“I know!” I answered
“Will you kiss me again?”
Our mouths met this time she put more effort into fighting my tongue for possession of my mouth. I felt it lick the insides of my lips sending small electrical charges through my body, my tongue seemed to have a will of its own and was tormenting her mouth also. The heat generated by us was sweltering still she clung to me tightly with my hands gently stroking her breasts I felt her nipples erect as she moaned a muffled sound in my mouth. Feeling no resistance, I slid my hand slowly between her legs. Her thighs opened and then I was onto her panties.
The feel of her warmth under the soft cotton excited me more and I stroked the contours of her pussy enjoying how erect her clit was becoming. Her pussy lips seemed swollen as I eased my fingers under her panty elastic. I felt just her bare pussy without any hair and literally just ran my finger tips along the juices till I was stroking up and down her pussy lips. I let my thumb work on her clitoris while I eased two fingers between her pussy lips. Then as I felt her start fucking them I let them slide all the way in. Slightly bending my fingertips, I knew I was hitting that special place by the way she humped and moaned. She seemed to let herself go as we were in such a quiet place and the scream she made was ear splitting.
“Oooh My Gawd Yes, Yesss I’m cumming!

Her arms gripped me as tight as she could while her hips thrashed onto my fingers that were buried deep inside her. Her juices had her panties absolutely soaking as her head snuggled tightly into my neck. It’s a strange sort of satisfaction making the woman you are with orgasm even though I was still rampant. I knew that this was over and after a few minutes we got back into the car front the grey mist had lifted slightly and she took the drivers side mumbling she would drop me off at home as it was so late. Pulling up outside my door she said good night without looking at me and pulled away almost as soon as I closed the door. I guess her guilt for allowing me to play made her upset.
It was about 2 in the afternoon when mum shouted me to take a phone call. It was Julie, I thought she was ringing to blast me about what happened the previous evening with Caroline but instead she said Caroline had forgot to tell her about a council meeting she had to go to, so she had to baby sit the two little uns and could we miss that night and do something tomorrow, on the Saturday. She was ever so sorry but I just told her hey it’s your job and I would probably stay in and watch tv.
I used to frequent a night club when I was in town, as they had a fantastic restaurant and I was quite well known there. Their T bone steaks were delicious, the club was generally jammed packed by about 11pm. My dad came home around 7pm and as he got his tea, mentioned he thought I would be out it being Friday. I told him I would be going out around 9 for a drink as Julie was working that night. He told me at his works club they had the comedian I liked doing a show from 8. I took a shower dressed and said I was going to the club.
They all knew me there so it wasn’t as though I would be amongst strangers. Part of me wondered if Caroline had said something to Julie but for me it was a simple summer vacation romance although I wished I had gone further with Caroline but that wasn’t to be. As I walked down the street a black Land Rover pulled up alongside me and the female voice said,
“Get in please!”
As I jumped in I saw Caroline behind the wheel. No sooner was I in the seat she drove off slowly so as not to attract attention. Pretty soon we were heading out of the town towards the suburbs and all the time she had said nothing. We pulled into a layby.
“I think we need to talk!”
“Last night,” she said in a gentler tone.
“Look last night, was last night and unless you say anything it’s a closed episode.
“I have never cheated on my husband before and no I won’t say anything to anyone, I’m so ashamed.”
I could see the tears running down her cheek as she finished with,
“What must you think of me?”
I didn’t answer her straight away and yes, I knew the paraphrases I could have used, instead I kissed away each tear as it ran over her cheek. Suddenly she started to kiss me back. Her mouth was saying she shouldn’t have done it but her kisses were saying she wanted more.
“What time does your supposed meeting meant to finish?”
I asked her in a matter of fact way and she answered, it would go on until late because it was a finance meeting and it was being held in the city centre council offices some 35 miles away. These generally went on until the wee hours of the morning so she would normally book a hotel room and stay the night rather than wake her hubby up by coming to bed in the middle of the night.
“Ok, will you be missed if you don’t go?”
"Well yes, but I can leave early if I tell them I need to get back as its my nanny’s night off.”
She told me the hotel she had already booked a room in and that it wasn’t anywhere near where the others would use. They were used to that as sometimes the men stayed up all night arguing and drinking, making it a boy’s night out. I smiled and said
“Ok, what do you normally do on a meeting night?”
“Generally, I go to the hotel book in, take my case to the room and then go to the meeting.” she replied.
“Alright that’s what we will do and while you are booking in, I will see if they have a room available for me! If they have a room, I will have something to eat and maybe a drink and you can come to the bar look in then go pick up your key so that I know you are there.”
I explained if she didn’t come in the bar I would just assume she had changed her mind and there were no worries. Even if we did meet that night I was not taking it for granted anything would happen between us. She smiled and drove, I watched the road wishing I had a clue where this hotel was. It was called the Sea View, which I thought was quaint as our town didn’t have sea near it. When we arrived, I let her go in and get her key while I stood and paced a little bit for about 5 minutes, it felt like half an hour. Then walking in I asked if they had a room for the night telling them my taxi had dropped me off and I would be travelling on tomorrow. The receptionist, a prim and proper redhead said yes but she would need an advanced payment as I had no luggage so I produced my Amex Platinum card. It was my dad’s own business account but came in handy. Seeing the card her attitude changed with a sudden sir added to her sentences.
“Would Sir like a suite we have one available on the top floor?”
“Yes, I think that would be nice,”
I answered saying I didn’t suppose I could have the one with the sea view or was that just Northern humour.
“Oh no Sir, I will book you in.”
Then ringing a bell one of the porters came and was told to take me to the Sea View suite.
“This way sir!”
I followed him to the lift and we got out on the top floor. The suite consisted of a sort of dining room which was laid out quite nicely with table and 4 chairs followed by a larger room containing a 3 piece and TV and the mini bar and finally the bedroom. It had the largest 4 poster bed in it that I had ever seen. I tipped the lad thanking him very much then preceded to the dining room. They had a nice T Bone Steak on the menu so that was what I ordered. I asked for the house red and was enjoying the meal though the wine was palatable but nothing to speak of. It was almost quarter of eight when I finished dinner and headed to the bar. Stopping on the way to leave a message for Caroline at the desk telling her which room I was in. The tall blonde was just going off shift leaving a smart young man to tend the bar. I thought I would stick to something light and ordered a Bacardi and coke. There were a few people in the lounge and a woman sitting on her own reading a paper. I watched as she folded the paper and laid it on her table. Getting up I walked over and asked if I could borrow her paper, she replied with a quaint American accent,
“Sure, ya can, it’s just the local and the only thing of interest is about some graffiti painted on a house wall!”
“I replied would you mind if I joined you?”
A smile broke across her face which was quite pretty
“Why no, pull up a chair.”
Before I could say anything else she was telling me she had come here because this was where her dad had met her mother. Hence the smile thinking that maybe this was how her two parents had started. I smiled back, my blue eyes like a mesmerising fountain of light stared at her though in truth I had checked her out as I walked over. We chatted about what she thought of our town and where she had visited, but she told me she had just arrived that afternoon. So, hadn’t had a chance to go looking yet. She said she was here for a fortnight so would go exploring tomorrow. From where I sat I could see the entrance to the bar as we chatted about nothing in particular. She told me her name was Wendy Armstrong and after I introduced myself I asked if she would like another. We must have chatted for about half an hour before I saw Caroline look in then turn and walk out. I hadn’t realised the time, it had past so quickly I finished my drink and excused myself saying I was quite tired and had an important meeting early in the morning but that it would be finished by dinner time if I could get back would she like me to show her around, Her smile lit up her face and she said that would be very nice so I arranged to meet her at one for lunch.
Sitting in my suite I put the TV on while I waited. There was a soft tap on the door and I opened it to see Caroline looking quite stern.
“What ever is the matter?” I asked
She quickly replied, taking a seat next to me on the sofa.
“It didn’t take you long!”
I looked at her not quite understanding what she meant by the remark then as she continued telling me I had picked up another woman I’m sad to say a smile started across my face. As I turned just in time to catch her hand before she slapped me. I saw the tears in her eyes and taking her face in my hands kissed her. Then explained she was an American visiting where her parents had first met and that I had asked to borrow her paper to read while I waited for you, Caroline. Kissing her again I felt her slide her hands around me into a full embrace. Our kiss lasted a lot longer but I did not try to feel her other than her face. As we parted she said,
“You don’t realise exactly what I am putting in jeopardy, do you?”
“Of course, I do!”
I went on to ask her if she wanted a drink, tea, coffee, wine or something harder the minibar was well stocked. I stood up heading to the little bar and took a bottle of whiskey out for me as she said she would have a wine preferably a merlot. I Looked at the wine bottle and although a red it was a shiraz so I ordered room service. They told me they stocked a few merlots and I picked an Australian one as I had, had that before. It didn’t take them long and quite soon the porter knocked on the door with it. I met him at the door so that he couldn’t see my guest went back opened it and poured 2 fingers into a wine glass.
She took the drink from me and sipping it seemed to relax more on the sofa as I sat beside her.
“You said I could just talk if I wanted to!”
“Yes, I don’t expect anything but you are such a beautiful lady more so when you smile than when angry that I really want you.”
Her smile returned and she said I can’t believe I got so jealous because you were chatting with that other woman.
“Me either! Look Caroline, we both know”
She quickly interrupted me by kissing me fully on the lips I could taste her wine and started to kiss back. This time my hands wandered slowly and gently over her blouse. Feeling her breasts then easing her buttons open, worked my fingers onto her bra. It was a front opener and as it released I took hold of her firm breasts, her nipple between my thumb and finger. I rolled it till I felt it harden while still kissing her. My hand playfully stroked down her body and across her skirt. Finally, I felt her bare leg at the bottom of her skirt and I started to ease it slowly up her thighs. She was softly moaning as my fingers began their erotic dance across the front of her damp panties. She was like my violin; a Stradivarius and I was playing her body like a virtuoso but I had said there would be no pressure and as her body shook in the throes of orgasm I waited till she came down from her heaven. Removing my hand still kissing her lips I told her I was sorry for going so far.
“Shut up!
She shouted as she started to hastily undo the buttons on my shirt ripping the last two off, as they were awkward to undo. Pulling at my belt it came undone and slid around waist. This was a woman who knew what she wanted and she wanted it right now. As my trousers were roughly peeled off and my thong style underpants came into view she ripped the narrow sides apart leaving my cock hard and on full show. Grasping my hand, she spoke
“Where’s the bed?”
Then dragging me after her (I didn’t take much dragging mind but I was letting her take control of what happened next) we made it to the Queen-size four poster she turned and kissed me pushing the back of my legs against the side of the bed literally toppled me and her on to it. I could feel her writhing and realised she was removing her panties. Her hand grasped my cock and she forced it between her pussy lips, still holding my cock so that only the head could get inside her it was a sort of exquisite pain being close to what I wanted so badly yet unable to fully penetrate. I rolled her over still inside her and grasping her wrists, pulled them above her head. My cock now free from her hand slid all the way in. I could feel her juices from the previous orgasm as I started to ram as deep as I could into her, each movement in brought a louder and louder moan till she suddenly lifted my whole body up trying to get me in deeper and fairly shouted.
“Oooohhhh Gawdd I’m starting to cum! DON’T STOP YOU BASTARD!”
I had no intention of stopping all the thoughts of safe sex went completely out of my head as I rammed like a steam piston into her, my own orgasm approaching I seemed to be floating outside my body watching us both in the throes of ecstasy. Her eyes closed, and face showing the pleasure she was having at that moment of time. The arch of her body slowly collapsing as her voice was just a whisper in my head.
“Gawd I’m cumming again!”
My hand still playing with her clit which was so erect it was like a small cock was keeping her in the throes of orgasm,
“I can’t stop, I feel like I’m weeing myself!”
Her juices were soaking me and her as I cuddled her to me feeling her coming down. It was at that point I noticed the tears running down her cheeks and the fact that I had shot deep into her without being able to stop the a****l lust we both were feeling at the time. I held her tightly and kissed her face she seemed to have gone very limp like a rag doll that has lost its stuffing as she pushed me away from her, her sobs couldn’t be mistaken now. She was crying real tears and I being only a young man didn’t know what to do or how to comfort her. Yes, I knew how to pleasure a woman but apart from holding her had no idea why she was crying.
I suddenly realised I was so out of my depth. I sat beside her prostrate body and gently stroked her arm and running my hand along her back whispered,
“What’s the matter darling?”
She sat up slowly and cuddled into my side. My arm went about her pulling her into my side gently, her head rested on my shoulder we sat like that for what felt like hours but was probably only about 5 or 10 mins. She had stopped crying but was still cuddling in to me, her skirt was around her hips her blouse wide open. She ran her hand along my thigh my young cock thinking it was time again started to erect and no matter how I tried to stop it seemed totally to ignore me. I kissed her again but not sexily just gently on the lips. Still unsure, what had I done wrong I asked again.
“What’s the matter darling, have I hurt you?”
She turned her head to face me and could see the worried look on my face then after kissing me gently whispered,
“There is nothing wrong and no you haven’t hurt me. It’s just been so long since.”
I stopped her right there by kissing her fully on the lips and felt her hand slowly grip my almost hard erection. She started to slowly wank it and after just a few strokes it was rock hard. She stopped kissing my lips and lowering her head closed her mouth over my cock. The sudden hot ring around me almost made me shoot then I felt her tongue wriggling around my cock head while her hand moved faster and faster along the length of my love pole. My balls began to tighten I could feel I was going to shoot but this was so fantastic a feeling I let myself shoot. Squirt after squirt shot into her mouth and Caroline for her part tried to swallow as much as she could. Slowly I felt myself soften and when her head came back up we kissed and I could taste my cum on her tongue.
I wanted to taste her and laying her back slowly kissed up her thighs. I could smell the scent of previous sex as my mouth and tongue came with in touching distance. Letting my thumb work her shrunken clit I started to slowly lick her moist cunny lips which were still puffy. Within minutes I could taste the mixture of her cum and mine mixed well together. Her juices running out of her love hole and down between her legs. The thought of us not using protection disappeared again as she shouted.
“Fuck me, I want to feel you deep inside.”
She was on fire as I rammed deep into her sucking her nipples then playing with them. My hands pushed me upright and taking her legs I pulled them over my shoulders and stood ramming into her. Her love screams were getting louder as my hand worked her clit then my finger slid into her ass. Her hole covered in our juices let my finger slide deep into her ass. I could feel my cock thrusting into her as she begged me not to stop. She would do anything as long as I kept going. I had no intentions of stopping feeling my cock sliding into her pussy was something new to me and it wasn’t long before I was shooting deep into her as I collapsed on top of her. My cock sliding out of her filled love hole. There were no tears this time she just seemed to be breathing softly as she cuddled into me. On my part I eased her legs down pulled a sheet over us and literally fell asleep.
When we woke I slid into the shower as I washed myself I felt her come in to the cubicle. There was no frown this time she was kissing me where she could reach and had a big smile on her face. I have to admit I was smiling too. She suddenly spoke,
“I bet you don’t know this but you are only the second man I have ever made love too.”
She was right, I had no idea, though being honest I have never worried about how many partners a woman had before me and no it wasn’t because I had a big one it was because I used my fingers, my lips and my tongue to give a woman as much pleasure as I could. To me there was nothing more pleasurable than making a woman orgasm. It just released in me a special feeling.
“I wish we had more time together but that isn’t possible as I need to get back home. What about you, would you like me to drive you home?”
She said while taking my cock in her hand and slowly working it off. It was as hard as ever and I leaned against the wall of the shower as I enjoyed her ministrations. She mumbled something that sounded like can I make you come and I just smiled, her hand never stopped as she knelt and slowly slid my cock into her mouth. The heat of her mouth and the feel of her soft sensuous lips soon had me on the boil again. I tried pushing her head off me as I was about to shoot but she was determined to suck it all into her mouth. As soon as she was standing, we kissed and I could taste my own cum. Her lips on mine made me want more but she stopped me then said,
“Will we get to do this again?”
I tried to explain it was up to her but ending up talking to her back as she dried off then headed to get dressed. After she had gone I dried off and dressed she had already left the suite.

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When lust takes ove

Alison closed the door behind her and left a sigh of disappointment as she watched out of the window to see the car disappear. Another attempt to date, another failure. Jake was a great guy, handsome , smart and successful but that wasn’t enough for Alison. In a couple of weeks it would be 7 years since her husband’s death but she still couldn’t find the strength to move on. She was a gorgeous woman, her juicy curvy body and her beautiful face were always the centre of attention everywhere she...

1 year ago
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Life comes to Overwatch

A few months had passed since Lena, Hana, Angela, Widowmaker, Mei and Symmetra had returned to the game. The Doomfist release turned out to be a sneak peak of the future from Blizzard, because hero number 24 just so happened to be Orisa. Some female omnic horse thing. I was still depressed. Not only had I lost the six most perfect women any guy could ever ask for, I had also lost the ability to be with normal women, they were just nothing in comparison, it would take hours for a normal woman to...

2 years ago
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When Lust Takes Over

Alison closed the door behind her, and let out a sigh of disappointment as she watched through the window a car disappear. Another attempt at dating, another failure. Jake was a great guy, handsome, smart and successful, but that wasn't enough for Alison. In a couple of weeks it would be 7 years since her husband's death, but she still couldn't find the strength to move on. She was a gorgeous woman, her nice curvy body and her beautiful face were always the centre of attention everywhere...

3 years ago
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Shopping with the Governess

Her Aunt arrived at exactly three at the school car park. The Maserati had not even come to a full stop when her Aunt opened the boot from some switch inside and Sally loaded her books there. She groaned as she did, because attached to two clips on the inside of the hood was yet another crook-handled cane. She walked around the front and climbed in beside her Aunt, and they sped off.Harriet had heard her niece’s groan and knew exactly why. She smiled at Sally as the teenager boarded. Sally was...

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Little SisterChapter 7 Hanover

Sean was right to leave me the Accord. Shadow would cause problems in Hanover, so she spent a lot of time in storage. I arranged a parking sticker for her, but even that much was an issue. The fact that Richards Enterprises held title proved to be key. I could truthfully say it was driven by the CEO's sister. That was good enough for the parking police to issue a visitor's permit. It was no good in my usual lot, but what could I do? Much of the summer was spent in Connecticut, wrapping up...

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Crossover Janet L. Stickney [email protected] There was never any doubt that I was going to be a girl someday. I mean, from early on I would wear pale lipstick and eyeliner with my hair usually braided. Then came the Crossover week and I was able to dress like a girl from the skin out, complete with hips and boobs. My father was a drunk that never cared what I did, and my mom was long gone so how I dressed was never an issue. I work at a small shop that makes and repairs video...

2 years ago
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The New Governess

The New Governess On reflection I was quite a naughty child. I would go running in the muddy fields and walk the mud into our house and even bring grass, frogs, spiders and other unsuspecting creatures home - for closer examination and to amuse our cats. And pranks, well I was a great prankster, bags of flour over doors, trip wires connected to vases or the coal scuttle and my personal favourite, fish or sometimes a frog in the toilet or bath. The unsuspecting victim would lift the lid...

3 years ago
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The Overlord

After years of struggle, pain, and blood, you are within arm's reach of the Overlord, your mortal enemy. You stand in the Overlord's private chambers, prepared to finish the chase that has consumed you for as long as you can remember. You tighten your grip on Endbringer, the enchanted sword you recovered from the Tombs of Oblivion. The Overlord takes a step back and raises Starstroke, the only spear in the Nine Worlds capable of piercing the hide of a Scourge Leviathan. Then the Overlord...

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Pushover A Whateley (fanfic) story. By Shrike This story is in (US) English, but it mostly is situated in the Netherlands. Several times the conversation is written in Dutch (my second native language), with the translation directly trailing it between straight brackets. I have done this because many readers will not understand the Dutch language, but I feel that the conversation in a country should be original as spoken in that country. Cursing I walked with my trashed bicycle...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Chapter 6 A Fathers Lusts

Book One: Rogue's Sultry Women Part Six: A Father's Lusts By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Chapter Sixteen: Patrol Zanyia – The Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My tail swished back and forth as I rubbed my cheek into Master's leather jerkin. I loved the smell of leather, the feel of the smooth yet rough material on my skin. I shivered, squirming on the saddle, the harder leather rubbing on my juicy pussy—it always was juicy—while my little nipples tingled...

1 year ago
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The Futanari Overlords

The Futanari Overlords, an empire of incredibly powerful and especially massive futanari that have risen to power. Whether through diplomacy, war, or business they have laid claim to hundreds if not THOUSANDS of worlds. They're technology is incredibly advanced as well, flying vehicles, futuristic buildings, completely mastered space travel, it's said that some scientists in the empire even have been working on a way to open a door to other universe's. Members of the Overlords original race...

2 years ago
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I Want DoOvers

I WANT DO-OVERS By Persephone The older of the two women, Jamie Leigh, stood on the playground of her old grade school. Next to her was her daughter Jennifer Lynn, a younger version of herself. Both were very attractive women. "It looks really good, Mom. Does it look like it did when you went to school here?" Jenny said. "Yes, it looks exactly the same. It brings back many, many memories." Jamie Leigh answered. "I don't think I'll ever understand why this project was so...

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About a year into my tenure with the airline, I was paired up with Tracy, who was a year older than me, and had already been a flight attendant for several years when we met. Shortly after our first shift together, I happened to walk into the cockpit while she was serving the pilot and co-pilot coffee just before take-off. I couldn’t help but notice that our pilot – Paul – was reaching under her skirt from behind and slipping two fingers past her panties and into her pussy as she bent over...

2 years ago
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Salvation Ch 2 The Governors

Alice sat at her desk looking through the replies and was delighted that all four had agreed to attend. Her pleasure was made all more enjoyable because she knew that none of them would have replied had she not made it clear that she knew something about them that they wouldn’t want to be made public. Alice smiled to herself as she heard a commotion outside and got up to look out of the parlour window that overlooked the walled garden. Children were being drilled naked, by their teacher...

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The Takeover

THE TAKEOVER James Lock was on a knife edge. He had worked for the Sunlight Group as first as accountant then a Financial Director before he was thirty. His promotion was one of the last acts performed by the Group owner before he died. It was designed as a wedding present for his daughter Sue, when she married James, but he didn't know that it would shortly be her that had to take over the reigns of running the businesses when he was suddenly taken ill. A mere six weeks later he...

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Brother Lusts Sister 8211 Part III

This is the continuation of my stories “brother lusts sister part 1 and part 2” Links – Part 1: https://www.indiansexstories2.net/incest/brother-lusts-sister/ Part 2 : https://www.indiansexstories2.net/incest/brother-lusts-sister-part-ii/ After that incident at the carom board I was eagerly waiting to touch my sister’s soft breasts and wanted to fondle them until my thirst fulfills ,I want to insert my penis deep inside her pussy , my cock is aching like a kid crying for a biscuit. My mind is...

1 year ago
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Mother Inlaw Lustful Lover

[Contains: M/Mature F, Hardcore, Impregnation & Babymaking]James had met Julia 3 months ago at his MBA graduation dinner. Julia was there partnering her father, Mark, the Dean of the School of Business Administration. The fact that she, and not her mother Lauren, had accompanied her father gave a clue as to the state of their marriage. Within a week he had met Lauren and had been immediately besotted by her. It was not that Julia was unattractive or unintelligent, rather at 5 foot 8 inches,...

4 years ago
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James had met Julia 3 months ago at his MBA graduation dinner. Julia was there partnering her father, Mark, the Dean of the School of Business Administration. The fact that she and not her mother Lauren had accompanied her father gave a clue as to the state of their marriage. Within a week he had met Lauren and had been immediately besotted by her. It was not that Julia was unattractive or unintelligent, rather at 5 foot 8 inches, blonde and curvy and having recently finished her Masters in...

3 years ago
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A Clusterfuck weekend

“If you want us to do it, you must first suck off Andy,” came the challenge from my wife Marianne. Our friends, Andy en Lynette, were visiting us for the weekend in Cape Town. We were sunbathing on the sundeck of our beautiful home next to Table Mountain. We could see the city and the ocean in the background. The women, Marianne and Lynette, took off the bikini tops a while ago. Their itsy-bitsy string bikini bottoms barely covered their aroused pussies. Andy’s and my erect cocks in our...

2 years ago
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The Treatment for Blue Pill Overdose

The Treatment for Blue Pill Overdose A doctor has to explain to a woman the side-effects of treating an overdose of ED medication. [email protected] ********************************************************************** The Treatment for Blue Pill Overdose "Doctor, how is he?" The woman seemed nervous, even embarrassed. "Were you able to ... you know." The doctor frowned. "Your husband evidently had an overdose." The woman nodded sheepishly. "Um, yeah....

3 years ago
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Captives to Lust Chapter One

This is my first attempt at writing. There is a long introduction, but if you are patient, you will find an intense scene that should reward you with pleasure. "Glorious euphoria is my must, erotic shock is a function of lust. Temporarily blind, dimensions to discover, in time each into the other." CAPTIVES TO LUST – Chapter One “What am I doing here?” I asked myself that question a hundred times on my flight to Pennsylvania. Was I out of my mind? Possibly. Not in a way that would get me...

Wife Lovers
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My wife and I went to a party at some friends of ours house .Which was a treat as we have children so time alone is a cherished thing. We were having a blast drinking and laughing at all that was going on as everyone there was pretty lit.Well after a few hours of this we decided we'd better get home because it was almost an hour and a half drive. We had stopped on the way to the party at the package store and got a couple of bottles of wine on the way there. Just in case our friends didn't have...

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Helens Hot Boy Lusts

CharactersRandy (12yo) and Helen (49yo)Category & Story codesWoman-Boy storyFb Mb – cons oral anal The Summer heat hung deep on the small town of Rivers-dale and young 12 year old Randy could not wait to finish his summer lawn mowing job at Mrs Henderson's. He had been hired to mow the grass twice a week but sometimes wondered why they had not hired an older boy because he was still quite small and struggled on the up hill parts of the lawn. Randy was a perfect specimen of a boy – lithe and...

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SRU The Lust Charm

This story is a sequel to my story Envy Charm, written to the specifications of Robyn as a prize for my second story contest. SRU: The Lust Charm By Morpheus An incredibly hot looking blonde slowly walked down the corridor, her whole body swaying erotically with every step. She couldn't have been more than 20 at most, dressed in a tight skirt and halter top that left very little to the imagination. The faint tapping from her high heels echoed loudly, in spite of all the people that...

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The Adventures of Amanda LustChapter 17 First Recovery

The driver, a competent looking woman in her middle thirties exclaimed, "You're Amanda Lust?" She stopped struggling to get away. "I thought this big guy was a nut." "He is a nut," Amanda told her. "But he's my kind of nut. "Will you take us?" "I can't get you all in my ambulance," she said, apologetic she couldn't squeeze all the others in with Amanda... Amanda's voice became stronger as the drugs left her body. "Mark and Willow ride with Mike and Dirk. Sam you follow...

4 years ago
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Trapping My FatherInLaw 8211 Lovely Lust Lusty Love

Hello guys …This is Sunitha again !! Back with the incidents that happened the next day !! If you havent read my previous episodes please read them under “Trapping my Father in law.” I feel going straight into the story is bit boring !! So guys lets add some spice !! Put your hand into the pant around your dick…Now stoke it up and move it to your right..now to your left..up and down..up and down..right and left..If you are hot enough and bit wet , lets go into the story !! I hate dry dicks !! I...

1 year ago
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The Romance of Lust A classic Victorian erotic n

The Romance of Lust - A classic Victorian erotic novelAuthor: AnonymousVol 3 The castle, although in a valley between the hills, stood on a high perpendicular isolated rock some hundred-and fifty feet above its base; it was crowned with a very high building to make up for want of space at the foundation, and had besides a very lofty and bold round tower, rising high enough above the sides of the valley to serve as a lookout beyond them. The habitable part was reached from the main gate by a...

3 years ago
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The Legend of The Lust And The Undead

It was in the year of our lord, seventeen-twenty when the Lust sailed from her hideout, El Saqueo la Caleta. The day was sunny with fair winds. She was a one hundred fifty ton, eighty foot vessel that carried one hundred pirates. There were over twenty cannons and a very large cargo space.She had two masts and her main sail could be fitted with either square sails that were best in quartering wind, or fore-and-aft sails for sailing windward. The ship was also rugged enough to cross the Atlantic...

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Romance of Lust part 11

Next morning I was awakened by uncle alone, who told me that my aunt was somewhat poorly, and could not come.“I am sorry it is so, for this little fellow is as hard as usual.” “Oh, I am so sorry dear aunt is poorly, both on her account and my own.What shall I do, dear uncle? It is so hard and painful.” “Well, my dear boy, I must try to allay it myself. I love you too dearly to leave you in this state. I am not so good at allaying this painful attack as your aunt, but as you know you were...

2 years ago
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A Si sterrsquos Lust chapter 5

Herb felt like someone had just handed him a million dollars as he heard thepassionate pleading in her voice. Of course he’d wanted to fuck her all night but hehadn’t really expected to succeed. He was sure that Gail would back out at the lastminute or get mad at him and demand he take her home. Now she was the oneasking him! Could it be possible that he’d been wrong about Gail? That perhaps shewasn’t the straight virgin he’d surmised?Currents of delicious excitement ran through Gail’s body as...

1 year ago
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Little SisterChapter 13 Storming Hanover

After the meeting with the local powers of Siemens, Lars walked me to the car. I had the Mercedes, with Russell driving. Loaning me Russell was the sort of generous gesture I learned to expect from Sheila. I was also glad she sent Christine, who makes a great human comforter. It was good that I did not yet know about Lars' transfer. I would have worried all the way to the garage in Manchester. God must have been paying attention, because the clerk at the garage was the same clerk that would...

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The Son of Lust Chapter 20 Taming the Orcs Wild Passion

Chapter Twenty: Taming the Orc's Wild Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Pyrriah – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Solja's ram-dao slammed down at me, the...

3 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 46 Naughty Amazon Interrupts the Fun

Kurtis – Nemberon Plains My heart beat with exultation. The moon maiden was on the ground. She was dancing out there just waiting for me to find her, seduce her, and breed her. To add her to my harem. My cock throbbed so hard. “Go!” I shouted. Howling with passion, the werewolves blurred into the wolf forms and darted into the grass. Nephi became her lion-like sphinx form, her wings flapping. She leaped into the air and soared it the night. The two rakshasas grew tiger heads and snarled as...

1 year ago
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Lust Academy

Lust Academy, by Bear in the Night Games, is arguably one of the most highly regarded porn games out right now. While most adult video games are thrown together by some lone pervert with a stray fan or two before being given away on the free porn game archives, Bear in the Night has managed to build up a sizable following who are willing to pay for their games. They've got around a thousand Patrons right now. And given how many cheapskate weeaboos live in their mom's basement and spend their...

Free Sex Games
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Romance of Lust part 9

About this time Miss Frankland, who had become a great favourite with mamma, obtained permission to take possession of the spare bedroom, with an understanding that she was to cede it to any visitor who might come. Of course, this circumstance made my desire to get into her good graces doubly strong, inasmuch as the opportunity of sleeping with her afterwards could be so easily effected. I determined to watch her when retiring to bed, and try to get a view of her naked form. For this purpose I...

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Cartoon overlord

It is time… After years of trial and error… After years hardship and insanity… It is time, time for a new cartoon overlord! (0) Deep within the darkness of your evil lair, plot and ponder your evil plan to conquer all of the cartoon universes. Eventually you come up with seven important steps that you need in order to begin conquering cartoon worlds. One: You need a loyal henchman or henchwoman to help begin the groundwork. Two: You require an army of disposable minions that are utterly loyal...

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Pet of the Overlord

You lived in an isolated and village in a small kingdom that's hasn’t seen war for several centuries. Ever since The Overlord was defeated. The Overlord was a cruel creature who took over the kingdom, though the detail has faded and changed over time. They were defeated by all the races coming together. You are baker that lives and works alone in your tiny village. You grew up with the story but you saw it as more legend than real history. A scary story to tell children to behave. You’re...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 20 Taming the Orcrsquos Wild Passion

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Pyrriah – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Solja’s ram-dao slammed down at me, the two-handed sword flashed in the sunlight. The crowd cheered, roaring with hunger...

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Manya Forbidden lust of an Indian housewife

The shrill morning alarm sent unruly bolts and waves into Manya's body as she stirred, opened her deep eyes and cast a sleepy glance towards the place next to her. Her eyes met with the not so inspiring sight of her still snoring husband Desh, cuddled up like an insecure c***d, his breath carrying the odour of liquor and his chest heaving in monotonous regularity. The 36 year old housewife sighed and shifted her full frame slowly out of the bed to begin another day. Clad in a thin white blouse...

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Manya Forbidden Lust 5

Deen’s head was reeling and his heart was pounding. What he had seen shocked him to start with. He saw an unruly man, dark and powerful, manhandle his beautiful mother, pump into her pussy roughly, mash her fleshy body all over and finally spew his hot cum deep inside her belly. And all along she not only liked it but loved and craved for it. The fact that she didn’t mind going through it with her son in the house made his heart beat faster with the realization that his mom was indeed a lusty...

3 years ago
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Lezzy Lust Sexy Sports Football Foursomes


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Romance of Lust part 14 the end

But to return to our earlier days.Harry and I carried on our intrigue with the Nichols and Ann, aided by our dear friend MacCallum. Also from time to time with the Benson, Egerton, and Count, to which generally the darling Frankland brought her exquisite charms to intoxicate us with pleasure.This delightful reunion was sadly affected by the loss of the Count, who received an amnesty — I think I before have said he was a political exile — returned to his own country, and we never again had his...

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Workplace Friendship Leads To Lustful Overtime

I was working late that night when I noticed Jennifer was also working late. Jennifer is a beautiful black woman in her late thirties. Her hair was cut short in a cute pageboy, which accented her facial features. She was wearing a light colored sweater and a long black skirt. Sometimes, just from looking at her pretty face I had to control myself from getting too hard. Her dark eyes were gorgeous; her soft lips had a pout on them that made me want to jam my white cock into her mouth! It had...

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LoriFootball playoff lust

Ken and his buddies sat around drinking beer like there was no tomorrow. When the evening first started, the men were skeptical of Ken's boastful promises but they were all hopeful. Now that each had consumed a few beers, doubts as to what was going to happen all but evaporated. All were extremely excited and confident that Ken would deliver. The growing anticipation was pure agony waiting for the women. Andy's anxiety of being left out of Ken's invited guests quickly disappeared when the...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 61 The Duallahan Loses Her Head

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Labyrinth, The Empire of Shizhuth The tarasque charged. The ground shook as the massive monster rushed at us. The giant tortoise-like behemoth kicked...

3 years ago
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Bound By Pure Lust

I’m Harish 20 of age studying in a medical college in Chennai. I am a well built but little chubby boy with weight 5’7″. I’m the only child of a wealthy family from a town in Tamil Nadu. I was an above average student who got into a prestigious private medical college in Chennai by management quota. I’m a person with modern ideologies and thoughts. I love to party and experience new things. Since I was living in a small town, I didn’t get many chances. This is my real sex story. I joined the...

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Sweet Smell of Lust

His experiment; to produce an aroma that allowed a change in mammals behaviour. Originally he thought it was a simple project, yet when setting out to create a new scent, his experiment became increasingly difficult. So far he was unsuccessful. His only pet, a Hamster by the name of Fuzzy, never reacted any different than could be expected. And the only reaction in mammals was his sister yelling about the awful stench coming from the basement these last few weeks. David's mother had agreed,...

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Manya Forbidden Lust

While peeing, she let out a shudder of relief as some of the accumulated horniness found alternate release. But only some of it. Stepping out and in the same scant attire she moved to the main door to collect the morning milk. Opening the door, she bent to pick up the milk and in the process her full breasts spilled out to form a delectable cleavage. From the corner of her eye she saw the milkman’s bicycle parked in the compound and realized that he was still around and was perhaps waiting for...

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Manya Forbidden Lust 4

For the next two hours Deen simply jerked the life out his dick till he thought it would get disengaged from his crotch. He had seen his sexy Mom getting her breasts sucked and crushed by his younger brother while carrying on a conversation with his Dad. Her naked, well curved body was thoroughly felt and she had squeezed and mashed her dripping cunt to an orgasm in obscene horniness. The last lingering image of his juicy mother for his jerk off was of her heaving, voluptuous, fully exposed...


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