LA Shopping Experience free porn video

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Stuart Thomas looked out his window. The sun was bright so he had to squint a little. The LA smog hung like an ugly and unwanted chandelier. He hated LA. He couldn’t understand what people saw in this place. It was too crowded, too polluted, too many stuck-up women.

He’d been here for two years which was one year too many. His firm promised him that after one year he’d have his pick of offices. He chose San Diego with its beautiful beaches and close proximity to Baja. When the time came for him to move-on the firm asked him to stay on and oversee a merger that was that close to litigation.

He reluctantly agreed and they gave him a fat raise to compensate. From his corner office on the seventieth floor of the US Bank Tower he could barely see the street below from the smog. He was restless and he couldn’t sit still. He looked at his watch; ten o’clock. He felt the need to move about so he decided he needed a walk.

He got up from his chair and walked out into the lobby.

“Beatrice, I’ll be out for a bit. I need to take a walk. Do I have anything before noon?”

Beatrice Dexter opened up her boss’s appointment schedule and saw all blanks until 2pm.

“You’re clear until two, Boss,” she turned her head slightly and smiled. ”Where are you off to? Feeling anxious?” she said wrinkling her nose.

“Ha ha. No, I’m feeling restless and need to get out of here before my head implodes. Call me on my cell if you need me. Want anything while I’m out?”

“Yes, stop by Hollywood and bring me a hunk.”

Stuart smirked. “Anything else, Your Majesty?”

“Yes, I want him young. No older than twenty-five! See you when you get back.”

The phone rang and Beatrice answered as Stuart turned away and headed out the door. He had a unique relationship with his assistant. She kept him grounded and complimented his manic approach to work. His colleagues were surprised that such an outspoken woman, and a black woman at that, could remain at such a prim and proper place like a high-priced law firm. Stuart liked straight forwardness and Beatrice had plenty of that and more.

He could see how she intimidated the other lawyers. The woman also oozed feminine sexuality like no other he’d seen. She wasn’t slutty and she always dressed impeccably. Above all though, she was efficiency personified.

Stuart stepped out of the elevator and exited the building into the bright LA sunshine. The brightness reminded him of those high-watt bulbs used in photo shoots and it made him squint. He checked his jacket pocket and realized that he’d forgotten his sun glasses back upstairs in his office.

He didn’t want to go back and get them, they were cheap ones anyway. No matter he thought, I’m in LA so how hard could it be to get sun glasses? He needed a decent pair the high-priced lawyer that he was. He turned right and headed towards the shopping district.

Walking and thinking, he couldn’t quite put his finger on what exactly it was that turned him off about LA. He hated the smog and above all, the traffic. He tried thinking of the things he liked; the women, the restaurants, Venice Beach and the wet bikini contests.

And while he hated to go through with it, he went and bought himself a condo. Living at the Four Seasons was getting to him and it seemed the right thing to do. He no longer had to rely on his car. Granted there wasn’t a whole heck of a lot to do downtown but he did manage to find a gem of seedy bar a few blocks east of his place.

He decided that he was going to head there after work. He rounded the corner and saw a sign that said ‘Vuarnet’ and headed towards it. When he entered he was relieved to find the shop considerably cooler than outside. It was still early so the store was also empty.

There was no bell on the door announcing his presence and he didn’t see any sales people. The dimness of the store caused him to have to go right up closely to the display cases and look. The glasses all pretty much looked the same, he thought. Save for the price of which there were none on any of the glasses he saw.

“Are you looking for something in particular?”

He looked up and almost fell over. Feeling his face flush, he barely managed to compose himself before answering. The woman across the room looked as if she’d stepped out of magazine. She was tall, blonde, soft featured with full lips surrounding a mouth that could only be described as ‘pouty’ He felt awkward staring at her the way he did.

He felt like a proverbial deer in the headlights. Or in this case, like crosshairs. Her green eyes never left his as she walked towards him. The metal on-metal click of heels on the marble floor made him want to bolt from the store and never return. As she got closer he saw taught hips that sat atop long muscular legs; Runner’s legs he surmised.

He was transfixed by the way her tight black leather skirt swayed from side to side; almost like a sensual pendulum. He saw that she was wearing black leather boots that went up just above her knee. She crossed her arms over full breasts that strained under a white silk blouse and stood behind the display.

He could smell a delicate mix of jasmine and vanilla. When he stood up she was eye to eye with him. The bored look on her face told him to get to the point.

“Hello. Yes, please. I’m looking for a pair of sun glasses.”

“Obviously. Why else would you be in a store that sells sun glasses?”

Her rhetorical answer immediately made him feel like an idiot. She remained still, her eyes transfixed with his. He felt uncomfortable and fought to maintain his composure.

“Um, well yes,” he chuckled. He felt like a complete and utter moron.

“How much are you willing to spend?” she asked. She walked around the front of the display and stopped about three feet from him.

He decided that he would try to be cool and gain control of the situation. He turned on his best boyish smile.

“I dunno, a hundred dollars I think should do it.”

“In that case this store is not for you. I suggest you try Penny’s a few blocks over at the mall. They cater to the pedestrian.”

She never moved an inch. Her eyes bored into his. It was as if he was of great inconvenience to her. He was starting to get annoyed.

“I beg your pardon?” He tried his best to sound incredulous while maintaining his ram-rod Harvard Law composure.

“I said, why don’t you take your pedestrian taste elsewhere. Somewhere more suited for your type. No offense meant.”

Clearly she was lying with her ‘no offense meant’ comment. He wasn’t about to stand there and take this from a retail employee.

Stuart turned towards her and crossed his arms as if he was cross-examining a hostile witness. He was now eye to eye and shoulder to shoulder with this woman. Though he clearly was annoyed, he tried to stay cool and make light of his predicament.

“Don’t you want my business? Is my money no good here?”

“It’s your tourist taste that is no good here. We don’t cater to customers who walk in into a store like this and expect it to have a bargain bin.”

Her expression never changed and she did not move. He was able to feel her from the three feet that separated them. Not once did she take his eyes off of his. Stuart was almost at a loss but refused to give up. He was not about to give a single inch with this woman no matter what.

“I would like to buy a pair of sun glasses,” he said calmly.

“I think we’ve well established that fact. What you clearly fail to understand is that we do not sell sunglasses for that price. Or even remotely close to it.”

Her tone was even. It wasn’t patronizing or apologetic, it was matter of fact.

“Well how much…”

“Now…,” she said interrupting him, ”This is what is going to happen: you’re going to turn around and with your one hundred dollars and you’re going to leave my store. Run along now, there’s a good boy.”

Stuart just stood there gawking, unable to say anything. The nerve of this woman, he thought. Who the fuck did she think she was? He was now in unfamiliar territory being spoken to like that and was unable to decide what to do next. Clearly though, retreat was not an option. The few seconds he stood there silent seemed like minutes. Even though the store was cool he could feel himself getting hot.

“Umm, look I’m sorry. I uh, I’m new to LA and uh I guess I figured one hundred dollars would be enough for a pair of sun glasses. I actually left mine back in the office.”

His smile was met with an icy stare that would have chilled an Eskimo to the bone. She didn’t say anything but kept staring at him as if it was some kind of contest. He started to feel nauseous and he wanted to get out of there.

“Look Miss, umm…?” He waited for her to tell him her name. She just stood there silent. He finally broke her gaze and looked down. He shook his head and turned toward the door. She still didn’t move. As he grabbed the door handle she said:

“Where are you from?”

It wasn’t a question. It was a statement that required an answer. He stopped and turned to face her. She had turned her head towards him not moving the rest of his body.

“Seattle," he said. He felt his nausea turn to a mixture of fear and anger.

“Do all men from Seattle shrink like little boys when put in their places by a woman? And then run at the first sign of danger, hmm? Is that what happens in Seattle? Tell me, what is it that you do in that suit?”

There was just a tinge of sarcasm when she said ‘suit’. She turned and walked slowly toward him her arms still crossed. There was the hint, a slight hint of a smile on her face.

Actually it was more of a smirk Stuart had decided. Clearly this woman was pleased with herself having all but neutered him. Stuart turned to face her. The slow purposeful click of her boots reverberated in the silence of the store. He began to feel very uncomfortable.

“I think I am going to leave and go to another store.”

“Oh? You didn’t answer me. What is it that you do?”

“I’m a lawyer.”

“A lawyer.”

She stopped about a foot and a half in front of him. Their eyes were perfectly level with each other’s.

“A lawyer,” she repeated.

“What type of law?”

“Coporate law. I’m in mergers and acquisitions for a firm up the street. Look, I have to go now.”

“You walk into my store. A corporate lawyer who does, what was it? Mergers and acquisitions? You come into my store in downtown Los Angeles with one hundred dollars and expect to purchase a pair of sun glasses. Is that about right”?

Stuart smelled something different on this woman he quite couldn’t put his finger on. In such close proximity to her he felt inadequate. He could feel himself start to perspire. Her eyes now transfixed his. Her mouth had formed into a semi-sneer as she reveled in her victory.

Stuart was now somewhat frightened and he was positively sure it was beginning to show. She reached out one arm and slowly pushed the door closed behind him. Not taking his eyes off of hers he could see her arm move slightly. He heard the dry sound of a deadbolt lock into place securing the door. He turned and looked down to confirm this.

Her arm then turned the ‘open’ sign around to read ‘closed’ Stuart stared at the woman unable to move. Her muscular yet feminine frame matched her commanding presence. He started to feel strangely attracted to her but in a way he did not understand.

“I’ve seen hundreds of guys like you. Hundreds. You’re all the same.”

She brought her arm back. Stuart could feel his heart beat quicken. He wasn’t quite sure what he should do. She then reached out her hand.


Without thinking or pausing he reached into his suit jacket and handed her his phone. She accepted the phone and without looking at it she tossed it behind her head where it landed with metallic breaking sound on the solid marble floor.

“You won’t need that.”

Stuart started to feel uneasy on his feet. He couldn’t tear himself away from the hypnotic gaze of this woman. His arms were like lead weights at his side and it felt as if his feet were encased in concrete. She regarded him for a full minute. Her expression never changed. After what seemed like an eternity she finally said:

“You need to learn your place when you’re in my store. Walk to the back of the store and go behind the counter. You see that door? Go through it and wait for me.”

Like an automaton Stuart complied. His mind was completely blank. His fear was gone and was replaced with a feeling of resignation. He was not sure what was back there but at that point he didn’t care. He made his way to the room at the back. He could hear the woman move behind him but he did not look back.

When he reached the door he turned to look and she was gone. The room was empty. He opened the door and went in. The room was all but dark. When his eyes got accustomed to the low light he could see what looked a rack at the far wall. A rack? He went to back out when he felt a blunt object press into the middle of his back.

“Don’t move. Listen to me and do not speak.”

Whatever she was holding pressed into his back more firmly.

“I will not tell you again. When I address you I will ask you to speak. If I do not ask, you will nod your head ‘yes’ or you will shake your head ‘no’. Do I make myself clear.”

This was not a question but a statement. Stuart nodded his head.

“Good boy,” she said, ”Now take off your clothes.”

He turned to face her and felt a sudden sting behind his right ear. At the same time the object pressed even harder into his back. Stuart turned back and began to take off his clothes. He suddenly felt very self-conscious. He also got very excited.

He could feel the front of his pants start to form a tent. The woman removed the object from his back and came and stood in front of him. For a brief moment he thought he saw her smile while she looked at him. If it was a smile, it had disappeared.

She was wearing the same boots and mini skirt but was now wearing leather cocktail gloves and a black leather corset with leather ties that crisscrossed the front. Her natural breasts were such that they were barely contained by the garment.

He stared at her as he slipped out of his pants. With one hip cocked she regarded him with some satisfaction. In her right hand she held a retractable police baton. In the other she had a three foot riding crop, the kind you see in the movies. Her breasts rose and fell with each breath and he couldn’t help but stare.

In the middle of each breast he could see outlined a perfect thimble-sized nipple that stood straight out. Though it was fairly warm in the room he could see goose bumps on her skin. She stood the expressionless watching him undress. He got down to his underwear and stopped.

“Everything,” she said.

His cock throbbed against the fabric of his underwear. He pulled them down and it sprang free. He saw a brief glint in her eye as if she approved of what she saw.

“Turn around,” she commanded.

She walked up behind him and reached around the front of his neck and placed a leather collar around it. He felt her hot breath on his neck and a brief brush of leather encased breast against his back. His right hand automatically went up to touch the collar when he felt a sting down the centre of his back.

It was as if a million electric wires in his skin fired at once. He jolted and winced at the pain and put his hand down. He then felt the crop against the back of his head. She ran it down his back and along the welt that was surely forming. His body shuddered as he tried to remain standing. She walked around to his front.

She reached out and grabbed him by the large metal ring that hung from the front of the collar. With a sharp tug on the front she forced him down to his knees.

“Now, this is how this is going to work,” she said, “you’re going to do what I tell you, when I tell you. You’re being here is an inconvenience to me. Though, I can see the potential for amusement.”

Stuart, his head bowed looked up with his eyes. He could see her leather clad legs. The soft leather of the boot showed the outline of her slender feet and as she shifted her weight the soft light glinted off of the stainless steel heel spike. He wondered how he’d let himself get into this predicament.

For a brief moment he thought about his 2pm appointment but he couldn’t remember who it was with or what it was about. It didn’t matter to him. He doubted very much that he’d be able to make that appointment anyway. He cleared his mind and focused on the signal his brain was sending to his body. The pain from the welt down the centre of his back had subsided.

He tried to relax and but the position he was in caused him to tense his back and shoulder muscles. His knees were starting to feel his weight and they were beginning to throb.

“Miss”, he said lifting his head, ”can I please sit down or something?”

Swiftly and with no warning he heard a whoosh through the air and felt an incredible sting on his back. Then another. And another. He cried out on the last one. He then felt a hand grab a handful of hair. Yanking his neck back she whispered very softly in his ear; his nostrils filled with her scent.

“I thought I explained things to you earlier. I told you what was expected.”

With that the hand released her and he heard her walk away to the other side of the room. She returned and reached down in front of him. He heard her fasten something to the ring attached to the collar around his neck. Gathering up the slack in the long leather strip, the woman uttered one command:


Stuart slowly got up to his feet. He lifted his head and stared into two green pools of fire. The longer he stared the more he relaxed. He felt his entire body relax as he tried in vain to see if he could read something from her expression. What he saw no longer frightened him and he thought he began to understand.

The heat from her stare penetrated into him like a spear. His fear vanished and was replaced with an intense desire to give himself to this woman. His eyes spoke with utter submission. He straightened up, turned square to her and slightly nodded his head in both acknowledgement and deference.

Without saying a word she turned and leash in-hand lead him across the room to a long wooden table. When she got there she turned and faced him. Stuart knew what was expected of him and without being told climbed onto the table. He lay back down and extended his arms above his head.

Lying there for a few seconds he felt totally at ease, the remaining pain him is back a sweet memory and reminder of what was surely to come. He stared at the ceiling and took slow deep breaths. His nostrils were filled with the memory of her scent when she was close to him. He felt her attach leather straps to each of his ankles.

He closed his eyes. He heard her walk past him to the front of the table and fasten both of his wrists snugly into leather straps. There was a slight give in both his arms and his legs but he remained completely still. He kept his eyes closed and attuned his other senses to the darkness. He felt a slight draft on his left side; probably coming from under the door he thought.

He felt something on his face; a blindfold. It was lined with fur and fit snugly around his head. He could smell the leather; a salty, muskiness that stirred his loins. His cock was stirring with anticipation. Though he thought he might know what was going to happen, he was ready for anything. The thought of those hips grinding into him caused his member to twitch.

He heard her once again cross the room and open a drawer. When she walked, she walked with a deliberate rhythm that spoke of a person taking her time and preparing for some task. Walking back close to him she stopped some distance away.

“I am going to give you a name. Each time I say this name you are to respond with ‘yes Mistress’ Do you understand, Slave?”

“Yes Mistress,” Stuart said.

Stuart’s mouth opened and he licked his lips thinking of what this woman was going to do to him.


“Yes Mistress.”

“I am going to take you on a journey. A journey at whose end you will know the meaning of respect whereby you will learn your place. If it pleases me you will be rewarded. If it pleases me you will be punished. If it pleases me I will leave you here for a month. Regardless, I will be pleased*.”

She emphasized her last statement. The slow deep breaths he took seemed to separate him from his body and he felt like he was floating above it. His ears heard every movement she made. Walking to the end of the table he felt her tug on the straps that held his ankles down.

He felt more slack in the chains. He heard the sound of wood rubbing up against itself. She forced his legs apart and he felt his heels on what he guessed were two slats sticking out from either side of the table. She then tied both of his ankles to each slat. When she was done he felt her hand run the length of his leg from his ankle up past his thigh.

His breath started to come quicker and he could feel himself tremble beneath her deft touch. She ran her hand past his waist and up to his chest and onto his left nipple. All of a sudden his hips bolted off the table as she twisted his nipple between her thumb and knuckle. He bit his lip and winced.

The pain rocked his entire body as he held himself up on his upper back and heels. She twisted harder. He let out a slight moan. The exquisite sensations sent waves of heat back and forth across his body. His nipple was on fire. The more she twisted the more he got used to the pain and his hips began to lower back onto the table. She released him.

He let of a soft sigh of relief. He heard her walk around to the other side of the table. He tensed and waited. He felt her hand on his chest. She ran her hand down his chest and onto his thigh stopping just above his knee. Her hand left his thigh. He felt a rush of air as her hand came down directly onto his balls.

He let out an audible gasp and he felt his stomach cramp as his testicles frantically tried to reach their hiding spots in his pelvis. Her hand came down again. And again. Each time he gasped and rolled his head from side to side. He tasted blood in his mouth as he bit into his bottom lip.

What he felt was a mixture of pain and a strange warmth that reached up inside him. Again and again her hand came down on him. He began to lose himself as emotion welled-up inside of him. An intenseness like he had never known before took command of him and he began to weep. What he felt wasn’t sadness or anger.

It was hard for him to exactly describe what he was feeling. It was like a large warm blanket that encased his waist. He felt her hand reach under and a finger began to probe him. She pulled it back.

“Open,” she commanded.

Stuart opened his mouth and she thrust her finger down his throat. He started to gag.

“Suck. Make it wet.”

He sucked on her finger rolling his tongue around it. He could smell leather and that jasmine-vanilla smell; a salty muskiness. His cock stiffened and strained against its own skin. He knew what was going to happen next so he thought he should get her finger nice and wet. She pulled her finger out and thrust it into his rectum. He had never had anything in there before so it was extremely tight. She was halfway in when she pulled it out again.


Stuart opened his mouth and she stuck her finger inside his mouth. It tasted bitter. He rolled his tongue around it sucking it clean. She pulled it out of his mouth and walked back across the room. He was breathing very hard now. He wanted this woman.

He wanted this woman…to hurt him some more. He felt a closeness with her like he’d never felt before; not even when he was married. His body tingled and he was wondering what was next. His mouth was open and his breathing was steady. He heard her walk back.

Something switched on and made a humming noise. Reaching under him she probed his ass with the plastic cock she was holding. She applied steady pressure as she tried to inch it inside of him. He concentrated on his breathing, trying to relax that part of him.

He felt it slowly penetrate. The vibration sent tingles up and down his entire body in rapid succession. When it was all the way in, he relaxed his body and let the waves of pleasure wash over his body. He felt the tip of the riding crop on the top of his cock.

A light but deliberate smack brought him back to reality. The sting caused him to arch his back and thrust his hips slightly forward.

*smack harder this time.

smack this time perpendicular across the shaft.

His mouth opened and he began to lick his lips. He was hoping she’d stick her finger in his mouth again. The crop started coming down fast and harder. This time she was also smacking his balls also. Stuart began to moan under his breath. His head rolled from side to side and he began to squirm.


As if to add exclamation to her command she brought down the crop with a hard smack on the top of his cock. He yelped. He was almost at the point of hyper ventilating. His cock throbbed and he envisioned it a crimson red. He heard her walk away and return. He felt her at his side. Something bit into his right and then left nipple.

His entire body was on fire. Every neuron in his brain was firing as both pain and pleasure fought a duel to the death in his brain. He heard a scraping sound and smelled the acrid aroma of sulfur. Seconds later he felt tiny stings as he guessed that hot wax was being dripped onto him. He moaned louder and started bucking his hips.

He could feel pre-come leak out of his cock and run down the shaft. Everything he felt was delicious. He felt the wax drip directly onto his balls. He grinned. It was all he could do not to squirm.

'Fuck it,' he thought.

He bucked his hips wildly waiting in anticipation. He was not disappointed. The rod came down hard. Again and again. He bucked even more. More blows rained down on him. On his legs, his arms. He could no longer feel his groin. He loved it. His brain screamed with a pleasure so intense it was like nothing he’d ever felt.

He could hear the woman strain as she continued to whip him. Finally he laid still. One more perfect blow landed directly across his thighs, hard enough to connect with his now swollen balls. He felt alive. Fireworks went off in his head and he could see colours he’d never seen before.

His body trembled and he felt sweat run down the side of his head. Breathing heavily he forced his body to relax. He tried to slow his breathing down. He felt the woman next to him. He could feel the intense heat of her body. Oh how he wanted her. He longed to be inside of her, having her hips grind him into oblivion.

She reached under him and gave the vibrator a hard tug. It came out easily.


He could barely contain a smile as he opened his mouth. His lips closed around the plastic cock and sucked on it. The he enjoyed the bitter taste though it would have been nice had it been inside of her ass rather than his. She pulled it out of his mouth.

She unfastened the clamps on both his nipples. He couldn’t imagine what they looked like but he didn’t care. The wonderful ache warmed him. He was still as hard as a rock. She pulled the blindfold from his head. He kept his eyes shut. Slowly he opened one eye then the other.

Thankfully there were no lights on the ceiling and the room was not lit too brightly. As his eyes accustomed to the light he strained them to see if he could see her while not moving his head. Sweat rolled off of his face. She came into view on his left side, standing straight with her arms folded across her chest.

This time her expression was less severe, as if she was pleased with what she saw before her. Their eyes remained locked for a good five minutes. One corner of her mouth rose ever so slightly as she climbed up on the table. His mind raced. She stood above him one leg on either side of him staring down directly into his eyes.

She pulled her skirt up and revealed a beautiful, full and smooth vagina. He could see a single piercing through the hood that covered her clit. She stood like that, allowing him to take her in. Her thighs were cut with rip-cord muscle running their length. He belly was flat and he could see the start of a six pack just above her navel which was also pierced.

She took a step forward until she was directly over his chest and got to her knees. She was only inches from his face. He could smell her musky scent. He knew he had pleased her and was about to be rewarded. He could imagine the feeling of her impaling herself on his throbbing cock and riding him to climax. But she didn’t.

She simply stared at him, expressionless. Her eyes glinted in the soft light. She put her hands on her hips and slightly arched her back. Just then a stream of warm piss hit him squarely in the face below the nose. He gasped. He opened his mouth and extended his tongue. She steered her stream all over his face, everywhere except where he wanted it.

He moved his head and tried to catch it. With that a hand came out of nowhere and cracked him across the face.

“Don’t move.”

Her stream returned. This time it all went squarely into his mouth where he wanted it.

“Drink. Do not spill a drop.”

He obeyed. When his mouth filled he quickly swallowed savoring the bitter taste. He was soaked with her reward. The sweet yet acrid odor filled his nostrils. When she finished he swallowed the last of it. She moved forward and allowed the remnants to drip into his mouth.

He saucily extended his tongue and flicked the metal ring. She let out a small gasp. Grabbing his head with both hands she commanded:


With that he started covering her pussy with long lingering licks. He thought her heard her let out a moan but he wasn’t sure as all he could really hear was his own muffled moans as he savoured his treasure. He opened his mouth and started to eat her. The soft folds opened and closed around his tongue. She grabbed his head harder. She started to buck.

He concentrated his efforts on the tiny ring and the button behind it. He could hear her breathing now. Her hips moved back and forth over his mouth and she got closer and closer to orgasm. He opened his eyes and he could see she had closed her eyes and had tilted her head back. Her hips moved faster, she had his head in a death grip.

Her body went tense and she let out a stifled moan. He felt her entire body shudder as her pussy became very wet. She let go of his head and climbed off. Pulling down her skirt, she turned and walked out of the room. He lay there in complete silence, his mind moving a mile a second. His entire body was wracked with pain.

His cock throbbed and ached for release. He stared at the ceiling and wondered what would happen next. After what seemed like 20 minutes the door opened and she came back inside. She was dressed as she was when he first saw her. Her expression softened somewhat but he could see that she was all business. She walked up to him, arms crossed, eyes penetrating his very soul.


“Yes Mistress.”

“Although I am loathe to do it, I am going to release you. You are somewhat adequate, but still require further training.”

“Yes Mistress. If this pleases you.”

“No, it does not please me. But it may. You may yet get your reward.”

She walked over and unfastened his legs from the two planks that stuck out from the table. Then his wrists. He could smell her on him. She marked him as hers. This is what that smelled like; ownership. He didn’t move.

“You may get up and dress.”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Once you are dressed you may leave.”

“Yes Mistress.”

He pulled his arms up above his head. Any longer and his shoulders would start to cramp. He swung his legs over the side of the table. And stood before her. He bowed his head slightly. He looked into her eyes with a longing that weakened his knees.

He was hooked and she knew it. Without giving him anything she cocked her head to one side.

“What do you have to say for yourself?”

“Mistress. If it pleases you, may I see you again?”

Her eyes narrowed and bored into his.

“If it pleases me? Do you not want to please me, Slave?”

Stuart threw himself at her feet.

“Oh yes Mistress. I want very much to please you in any way that you desire.”

With that he leaned forward and kissed each of her leather clad feet. She had not cleaned herself and he could smell a mixture of sweat and piss. He had never smelled anything so delicious in his life and he inhaled deeply.

“Get up.”

Stuart got to his feet and stood straight before her. She walked to the door and opened it. Just before walking through, she turned and said:

“See yourself out. I’ll expect you back here tomorrow at ten am. If you’re late, you will be punished.”

“Yes Mistress.”

She turned and walked out closing the door behind her. Stuart walked over to his clothes still moist with her piss and mottled with wax. He didn’t care. He dressed in silence and left the room. The store was dark and he could see the open sign visible on the door.

She was nowhere to be seen. He walked over and let himself out. He pulled the door closed behind him. He walked back to his office. He could feel the broad smile on his face and his mind was filled with thoughts of what had happened. He entered the elevator with several other people who looked at him with wrinkled noses.

He got off the elevator and entered the office. People were milling around and took no notice of his presence. When he got to Beatrice’s desk she looked up at him. Looking down at her watch she said;

“That was some walk.”

The smell hit her full force. She fanned her nose and said, “Pee you! What have you been up to?”

“I fell into some garbage,” Stuart said.

“Mmm hmm.”

Beatrice clearly did not believe him.

”I take it you’ll be showering before your two o’clock?”

“Yes. Do I have some fresh clothes?”

“They’re where they’re usually are. You OK? You have a glazed look on your face.”

“Never felt better.”

She gave him a sidelong glance with a knowing smile. Before he turned to go into his office to shower and change he said:

“I have an appointment tomorrow at ten thirty which I cannot be late for. Please don’t let me forget, will you?”

“Appointment for what? Why haven’t I heard of this?”

“I am taking some training up the street,” he said.

He grinned at Beatrice and went into his office.

"Fuck it," he thought, "I’ll show at ten thirty. I can’t be expected to learn too quickly."

Same as LA Shopping Experience Videos

2 years ago
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Hi friends, this is my new story I’m going to present here. I must strech that is a work of fiction and not real. You can give me your feedback at “ and girls can contact me on same yahoo messenger for chatting. The name of the story is Shopping: Baat tab ki jab Pooja apni badi behen ki beti ki shadi ke liye shopping karne nikli thi. Pooja, ek housewife. Umra 45 saal. Pati jo ki ek banker hai, kafi paise kamata hai Pooja ke liye jise wo khushi se kharch karti hai shopping me. Uska beta Karan,...

2 years ago
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Shopping Trip For His Own Panties

This is a follow-up story to my weekend in liverpool with my husband Steve. He is now my little panty boy and I love the fact that I now have a way to control his sexual arousal. The first week that we returned home from his meeting I had Steve wear new his panties to work under his business suits and because of our shopping trip, he had enough girly panties to get him through the week without having to do laundry. He was always excited to come home to me and his little "secret" kept me on his...

1 year ago
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Shopping Mall8217s Washroom Converted Into Bedroom

Hey guys mera naam dev hai or mein delhi mein rheta hun. Mein iss mein apni stories regular upload karta rheta hun. Meri story “double trouble for dimple maam” ko bhot accha response mila tha isliye mein apni nyi story uploads kar raha hun aap please mujhe story read karne k bad email k through feedback jarur de. Is story mein aap read karenge ki kaise meine apni cousin sis ko shopping mall k washroom mein choda. Basically yeah story do jano bich mein hai ek mein or ek meri cousin bhen. Uska...

2 years ago
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Shopping For Fun

I swung my car off Brighton Road and drove down Highwood Street, pulling into the parking lot in front of Kuhn's grocery store. It was eight in the evening and the lot was almost empty. The store closes at nine and I wanted to get my shopping done before it closed. I parked near the back of the lot so there were no cars near me. I wore a pull over top that my tits showed through a little bit, and cut off short shorts which let my ass cheeks hang out enough to attract a lot of guys stares. And...

4 years ago
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Shopping Adventures 3

Wednesday morning at the breakfast table, Lynn tells her husband, “That was a good suggestion you had about using some of my spare time to have lunch with friends.”He names a couple of her friends and asks when she’s going.“It’s neither of them. I’m meeting my stand-in husband at Macy’s.”“Macy’s? Are you going to buy some more outfits?”She laughs, “Not this time. I interrupted my friend shopping for his fiancée. Since he helped me, I’m going to help him pick out some outfits for her.”“No...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Shopping Escapades In Dubai

Hi friends, this is Samar here. This is my first story on this platform and I am sure it won’t be my last. This incident happened to me about 2 years ago when I was in Dubai. Dubai is a beautiful place with a lot of good sites. Man made creation are plenty and all of them can be adored. The only thing which is more beautiful then the structures is the woman of dubai. People from across the globe are settled in dubai and due to this women from across the globe are also part of dubai. Single,...

3 years ago
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Shopping Girl 2

Heather came to work at 8:00 the next morning. The office she ran would open promptly at 8:30 so she wanted to be a few minutes early to have some time to herself. Visitors rarely stopped in so it wasn?t vital to keep to a strict schedule but something inside her wanted it that way. She was becoming more confident and assertive in her new role. She hated that she had lost control the day before. She had impulsively purchased a slew of items and shipped them overnight. She was annoyed not...

2 years ago
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‘Bread, Milk, Ham, Butter, Cheese’, ‘God the list goes on’ thought Jane.‘Salad stuff ?’ ‘Oh yeh and a cucumber’ she said chuckling, ‘maybe two’. She smiled inwardly, ‘well I might need some fun’, especially as the rabbit had broken earlier in the week and there was a little nagging feeling that needed attention. ‘Must look for a replacement when I’ve time’ She looked out of the window, it wasn’t the best of days, overcast, a hint of rain and a northerly breeze.‘Mmm better put some tights on,...

2 years ago
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Shopping For The Neighbour Part 2

It was now more than three weeks since sixty-five-year-old Geraldine Thomas had made a mistake in the shopping that she did for near neighbour Reginald Hudson,aged sixty-three, and after she playfully suggested that she should have her bottom smacked she was indeed spanked and then the couple had sex.They had actually rather fancied each other for quite some time but neither had made it obvious so therefore both were in ignorance of the fact.Since that first occasion they had made love a few...

4 years ago
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Shopping Adventures 1

Sunday afternoon Lynn is in her bedroom sorting out her clothes. She is excited about her new job and is refreshing her wardrobe. Her emotions are still swirling after cuckolding her husband Mike with a businessman, Friday night into Saturday. Her excitement still runs high. She has outfits scattered all over on the bed.“What are you doing?”“I’m just going through my clothes. I didn’t realize they were so dated. They won’t do for client meetings. I bought those two new outfits I showed you last...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Shopping Trip

I like to consider myself a nice guy. Not monogamous but a nice guy, regardless. This is a semi-true story of an encounter that I would love to have happen again. My job as a supervisor required that I verify data as it comes in via the phone with a lab to ensure no one tampered with the outcome. That's how I met Toni. I had been talking to Toni for over a year and had become sort of long distance friends, not unlike those that develop on the Internet today. I never had the opportunity to...

3 years ago
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Shopping Spree Refund the Payback

Shopping Spree Refund – The Payback Several weeks after he had hired Brooke, Will heard nothing but rave reviews from her immediate supervisor. At first he thought it might be because she was putting out but since her supervisor was a female and a little on the hefty side, he dismissed that possibility. But then he started hearing rumors from people in several departments that she was doing well. She was hired as the receptionist in the main lobby but had been promoted and was now secretary...

1 year ago
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Shopping Spree Refund the Payback

Shopping Spree Refund – The Payback Several weeks after he had hired Brooke, Will heard nothing but rave reviews from her immediate supervisor. At first he thought it might be because she was putting out but since her supervisor was a female and a little on the hefty side, he dismissed that possibility. But then he started hearing rumors from people in several departments that she was doing well. She was hired as the receptionist in the main lobby but had been promoted and was now secretary...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Shopping outing for lingerie

Following is a true account of one of my experiences of shopping for lingerie. (nosex). This happened a couple of months ago, and as far as I remember, the conversation went like I have described below. If you have not read my earlier story ‘Wonderful crossdressing shopping experience’, I’d suggest reading it first. ———————————————— Following my wonderful shopping experience on the Christmas eve, I was feeling elated. I had just bought a couple of very sexy women’s clothes, I had crossdressed,...

2 years ago
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Shopping for her Part2

Later that day, back at their apartment in the Old Brewery Quarter, Cardiff .... "Vicky, while I was at the mall today I got a little gift for you today." He smiled, a secret little smile, but Vicky saw it. "How sweet! Thank you! I think," and her smile was a little wry one, with suspicion and expectation thrown in for good measure. "Oh, I'm sure you will like this one." This time, as he handed the Les Bon Temps bag, his grin was much less subtle. Vicky felt herself moisten at his words....

4 years ago
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Shopping with Tammys Mother

Mother had found a note from Tammy as she was emptying my jeans to put into the washing machine. The note told me that she thought the new Maybelline mascara was like totally awesome and it was so easy to put on and didn't I think that it made her eyes like totally sexy. She wrote me that there was a discount coupon in the latest 'Seventeen' magazine that made it like totally worth the money. And wouldn't I be a dear and buy her some the next time I was at the mall. Mother decided to...

3 years ago
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Shopping With My Cyber Neighbor

I’ve been chatting online with Lana for weeks.  Her husband was gone for weeks at a time and she is horny all the time.  My wife is with me most of the time and very rarely horny, so my libido is in overdrive.  I’ve had lots of cybersex with Lana over the past few months.After one hot morning of cybersex with one another, I went outside to do some yard work. I noticed my flirty, hot  MILF neighbor outside too.  She was sunbathing.  After about half an hour of checking her out in between my...

3 years ago
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Shopping Fun

By: Rathna It was after New Year season. I was working in a leading education institute in capital. It was really interesting period both in my carrier and personnel life. I had enough freedom to attend many things with my friends and my own. It was post New Year season. There was no rush in roads and shops. Therefore I used to go for shopping after season due to keep away from heavy crowd. One evening, the overcast day my feelings were not good. So I thought to go for shopping to get rid of...

2 years ago
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Shopping For A Pride Day

I love shopping, I really love it when it's for something appropriate for our local upcoming Pride Day festival! It’s only the fifth one and each has gotten wilder than the last. Well, except for last year’s, which was canceled like so many 2020 events. So on this lovely Saturday, I found myself downtown trying to hunt down something that would work well for me. I tried to convince my Mistress we should go shopping together and maybe get something that would show our relationship, but she...

4 years ago
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Shopping Spree

A Saturday shopping spree It is a lovely Friday afternoon as I drive home from work. I am thinking about you and the last time we were together. I should be concentrating on the traffic and my driving, but I am distracted by my thoughts of you. I instruct my bluetooth to dial your number as I find myself wet, just in anticipation of our getting together for an afternoon of delight. I am pleased when you answer on the third ring. I love the sound of your voice. I ask you to meet me at Starbucks...

2 years ago
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Shopping Spree with sister in Law

“I would really value your opinion,” I said. My sister-in-law looked at me in thought and said, “Well, tomorrow after work, I can meet you at that store, where is it again?” Very happy to hear this, I told her where it was and we agreed to talk after she was done with work tomorrow. I reminded her that I didn’t want my wife to know that I received help and to keep it hush hush. She agreed and we parted ways. I could not contain my excitement and as soon as I got into my car, I began to...

3 years ago
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Shopping with Pippa Humiliating Kirsten Pt 4 Penultimate Chapter

one I stood at the top of the stairs and listened for a moment, each word filling me with dread. "Are you sure she's ready to find out?" my wife said. Find out what? "It's what we've been working to," Pippa assured her. "Look, she works as a maid. She's got a job at Heather's salon. She waitresses down at the Riverside Inn." "I can't believe she used to be my-" Maggie began. "Honey, she must have wanted this as much as you wanted to give it to her," Pippa assured her....

1 year ago
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Shopping trip dare

Note from myself: This is an account written by my ex girlfriend relating to a public dare I set for her about four years ago. She was unaware that I had followed her and was in fact watching her from a distance. She was also unaware I managed to take a couple of mobile phone photos of her from behind. This is written from her perspective:Well where to start? Okay, well you will be pleased to hear I completed my dare as instructed and even though I surprised myself I managed to go through with...

2 years ago
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Shopping Mall Seduction

The crowds. The noise -- Jerry hated the shopping mall. "It's just not a pleasant place to be," he'd always say to anyone who asked. There was only one thing he liked about the mall, and it's the reason he was there most weekends; the women. Teenagers, Twenty-somethings, thirtyish hot MILFs -- the mall has them all. And on a busy, warm day like this, he knew there would be plenty of women dressed in shorts, mini-skirts, and revealing dresses. Maybe today someone will say yes, he thought to...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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It was a day when I felt a little excited.Since the morning I had like a desire in the lower abdomen that extended to the anus, the desire to be a woman, to wear a dress or skirt with nothing underneath.But I still had a lot to do, especially go shopping.I could not concentrate, always with the idea of ​​being a woman, trying to imagine what you feel when a man puts his hand on the breasts or on the buttocks.What do you feel when he puts his hand on the pussy ?When gently stroking the clitoris...

3 years ago
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Shopping Spree

I was looking for a special gift for the wife. She is hard enough to shop for usually, but her birthday makes shopping even worse. I went to her usual shopping spots and found nothing. I went to the craft shops where she gets her multitude of craft items. In a final attempt, I went into an adult shop. A simply built sales lady asked, “How can I help you?” I told her about the wife, her birthday, and my shopping dilemma. She took the time to ask questions about my wife’s likes...

1 year ago
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Shopping Spree

I was looking for a special gift for the wife. She is hard enough to shop for usually, but her birthday makes shopping even worse. I went to her usual shopping spots and found nothing. I went to the craft shops where she gets her multitude of craft items. In a final attempt, I went into an adult shop. A simply built sales lady asked, “How can I help you?” I told her about the wife, her birthday, and my shopping dilemma. She took the time to ask questions about my wife’s likes...

4 years ago
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Shopping with mirrors

Shopping with mirrors I was shopping for a good while now, in and out of clothing shops. I just haven’t found anything that I felt was sexy enough to buy. Still, I kept walking through this big mall, I found another cute little clothing shop tucked in one of its corners. I gave the dresses in the display window a good looking over, they were just the thing I had in mind and decided to go in. The dresses were a little bit more expensive than I would have liked but...I kept looking through the...

3 years ago
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shopping fun

It was after New Year season. I was working in a leading education institute in capital. It was really interesting period both in my carrier and personnel life. I had enough freedom to attend many things with my friends and my own. It was post New Year season. There was no rush in roads and shops. Therefore I used to go for shopping after season due to keep away from heavy crowd. One evening, the overcast day my feelings were not good. So I thought to go for shopping to get rid of laziness...

1 year ago
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Shopping Fun

It was after New Year season. I was working in a leading education institute in capital. It was really interesting period both in my carrier and personnel life. I had enough freedom to attend many things with my friends and my own. It was post New Year season. There was no rush in roads and shops. Therefore I used to go for shopping after season due to keep away from heavy crowd. One evening, the overcast day my feelings were not good. So I thought to go for shopping to get rid of laziness...

1 year ago
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my young sexperiences

Everything that follows is a true account of what happened although I have changed the names of those involved. It was 1983 and I was 4 years old. My mothers sister had just got married for the second time and was on honeymoon. While she was away the youngest two of her five children stayed with us. James who was 8 and Natasha who was 11. My name is Gary and I shared a room with my younger brother Peter who was only 1.My older brother Malc had his own room next to ours, he was 7. It...

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A Revision Of Girlfriends First Domination Experience

"Of course I do, Felix. This is the stuff you're into, and I wanna make you feel good," my babydoll replied, now completely naked, her eyes and voice nervous; she sounded..breathy. I felt my dick get hard as I looked her up and down. Her platinum blonde hair reached her tight little ass, and she had this cute slightly trimmed pussy, and when spread, it was pink and obviously tight. She had C-cup tits, and her nipples were small, and a perfect pink, with a little barbell through each....

3 years ago
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Elder Sister8217s BigAss Eexperience

Hi! Every body ok, I’m Arun Jezz. Here I’m going to tell you a very interesting story about my aunt’s hot and sexy daughter, also my sister; she is older than me about 12 years. Her name is sumadhi. This is happened to me when I was 24, then she is 36. Inda story Ennoda periyamma mahaloda enaku yetpatta anubavam. avaluku ennavida 12 vayasu adigam. enakku sina vaysula irunde avala romba piddikum. avalukum enna piddikum. avanga veetukku nan adikadi poven andha samyam ava ennoda irundu movies...

1 year ago
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The Unexperienced

It was a hot summer day and being so bored I decided to go to a friends house. When I got there we both just sat on his couch watching TV. His sister came in wearing a white tank top and cut off shorts. She was by far the women of my wet dreams, about 5'4, 120, 34 C cup, long blond hair, and beautiful blue eyes(every man's and some women's dream). When she walked in she smiled and said "Im going to my boyfriends! Be good!" To my disappointment she left. My friend who is about 5'8 athletic with...

3 years ago
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Shopping Spree

Shopping SpreeI got home after a day out shopping and I have bought some news outfits to wear out and some new lingerie. I was tired and exhaust, but enjoy going out and trying new outfits on. There was this one girl who was 22 years old with long brown hair and brown eyes. She wore a black short mini skirt and white blouse and had on a black bra that I could see through her blouse. She noticed me starring at her and she would come over and ask me if I needed any help periodically and would put...

2 years ago
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Shopping With Sarah

*This is a work of fiction. Feedback will be greatly appreciated. If you see a well dressed guy, it probably means that he's gay, or that he has a woman pick out his clothes. So, when you walk into a clothing store and you see a blank guy, try to help him out. A few weeks ago, I too was looking for help, and by god, I wasn't getting any, and I was screwed. I had just got a new job as a sales executive, and after my first salary, my boss had asked me to return only with new clothes, or to...

3 years ago
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Shopping Mall Me Nipples Chusa Aur Fir Choda

Hi, readers. This is Ravi again. This time I have an incident that happened with my ex-girlfriend in a shopping mall. My ex-girlfriend is named Anita and we broke up due to family issues. But Anita was a damn sexy babe, she has amazing big boobs which every friend of mine had a wish to squeeze. She has a medium complexion and is not that fair but still looks beautiful. She is trendy and her dressing makes her even sexier. Her figure is 34-28-32. During our relationship, I have pressed and...

4 years ago
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Shopping with Daddy2

“Man, what I would give if that curtain wasn’t closed all the way.” Kevin whispers to Mark. Mark stands frozen in the moment as he looks at the row of curtained dressing rooms in a changing area sectioned of the store. Mark takes a moment to retrace the events that have lead him to his moment. ****** Mark’s 14 year old daughter, Katie, was texting on her phone at the front of the car in the mall parking lot. This was when Mark first noticed what Katie was wearing; short shorts, the bottom...

1 year ago
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Shopping For The Neighbour

Geraldine Thomas, aged sixty-five, sometimes did some shopping for near neighbour Reginald Hudson who was aged sixty-three and equally Reginald would pick up some things that Geraldine needed when he was shopping.They were both single, although, both had been married previously and they had known each other for a number of years and always got on well, in fact, each had a slight crush on the other but never revealed it.On this occasion, Geraldine had got some things for Reginald including a...

2 years ago
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So, here's another thing that happened!I was shopping at the mall for a new dress. So, I went into the store and was looking at some cute ones. I had picked out a couple to try on and suddenly, I felt a hand on my lower back. I turned around and it was Ms B! Ms B was my math teacher last year. And she is sooooooooooo pretty! She asked how I was doing and how my classes were going. I smiled and told her that I was doing good and school was boring, but OK. She laughed a little and kinda rubbed...

2 years ago
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Shopping trip

Shopping tripIt's a cracking day outside and you decide it's a good day for some shopping. You text me and say you're going to try on some clothes, and find out that I'm in the same area... I tell you that I will meet you in about half an hour and for you to keep shoppingI text you to put your phone in your front pocket and to wait for me to ring you, your cheeky grin appears as you know that your phone in your front pocket means when I call it will vibrate right over the new underwear you are...

1 year ago
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Shopping Center Me Bhabhi Mili

Hi! Dosto mera naam Amit he me Mumbai me rehta hu agar aapko story pasand aaye to mujhe mail jarur karna mera id he aur ab time veste na karte hue main apni story batane ja raha hoon. To ab story pe aata hoon. Ye story ek bhabhi ki hai. Dosto aurat ek khubsurat creation hai rab ki, usse samjhna muskil par namumkin nahi, bhabhiya har wo sukh de sakti hai jo ek girlfriend ya lover nahi de sakti kabhi bhi. Isi liye agar girlfriend chudai ki begineers hai to bhabhiyan chudai ke experts, to isliye...

2 years ago
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Shopping Seduction And Sex

Hi, all this is Sam again back with another true life incident that happened a few months back in a shopping mall in Pune. Phoenix market city Pune it is. As you all know it’s a very big mall and mostly upper middle class and elite class people come to shop there I had gone alone to shop for myself.Please read my story and give me feedback on My earlier story can be found here at () Coming to the sex story. It was Monday morning and I parked my car in the parking area and headed towards the...

1 year ago
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Shopping with Daddy

100% fiction! I'm Amata and I just turned 18, I've got big chocolate colored eyes and full lushes lips my body developed at a young age and now I have big heavy D cup tits, with large chocolate colored egg-cup size areolas and nice big nipples that harden out to ½ an inch or more. I have a tiny waist and a big behind thats full, firm and round. Was a good obedient girl until I was instructed in the ways of sex by my father Kamal. My parents married at a young age but my mom couldn't conceive,...

3 years ago
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Shopping with My Stepdaughter

Shopping with My Step-daughter.I get a call from your mom saying that you are going to a party and you need help picking out a new outfit. Being the guy I am I tell her I don’t want to go shopping. She begs and pleads until she say that I can pick out something special for her to wear just for me. Now how could I pass that up. So I say yes and tell her that I will pick you up after school and will go from there.I pick you up, and you lead me to shop after shop looking for the perfect dress....

2 years ago
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She wasn’t impressed. For their first date he had invited her to dinner at his place but then just before she had left she received a text asking her to meet him at a large out of town supermarket. It wasn’t exactly the start she had in mind for a hot evening of fun, hopefully good food but more importantly, hot fucking. She took one final glance in the mirror before leaving, worried slightly that her skin tight black leggings were giving her camel toe; especially with no underwear for support....

1 year ago
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Shopping Trip

I’m waiting for you to get home. You told me we would be going shopping and had instructed me in what to wear. You wanted me in a mid thigh length black skirt, stockings, knee high boots and a tight singlet top and a thong. You also had told me to put my hair up in a high ponytail. You came home and gave me a kiss and then led me out to the car. You blindfolded me and told me not to ask questions. Before you started the car you slipped your hand under my skirt, slid your fingers under the...

1 year ago
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Shopping in leather and boots gets us horny

This is a story of one of our leather and boot fucking sessions.We was heading out for the weekly food shop and as the winter weather is beginning to settle in, I can push a little more for her to wear her leather jackets and boots more often.So she asked me what it was like outside,“Bloody cold and wet” I said, “so gonna need to wrap up a bit”“Ok babe. Grab me something to wear then.” She said, knowing full well what I was going to suggest. So I pulled out her tan leather jacket and her light...

3 years ago
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shopping with sis 1

Hi friend I am Tarun, I am from Mumbai and this is my first story as well as my life’s 1st Sexperience which i’ll be sharing with you all……..and hope you give me a good response by commenting about your experience and your requirement by at least sending me scraps on my Orkut profile…….. you can copy past the link to visit my profile Even girls can scrap me and the naughty sexy babes can add me in their friends list and can also...

2 years ago
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Shopping Adventures 2

Lynn is preparing dinner when Mike arrives home. She greets him with a kiss.“Hi, honey. How was your day?”“The new project is coming along so I’m pretty busy. And yours?”“I took the clothes to Goodwill and went to Macy’s. Then I went to the gym. Other than that nothing much happened.”“I expect your days are going to be like that until you start your new job.”Mike changes out of his coat and tie while Lynn finishes dinner. They eat out on the deck.“I’m glad I got that new Compaq PC. It’s the...

4 years ago
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Shopping With Dad

"I'm sorry honey, but we're not going to be able to go shopping today." Mom responded. I was so disappointed. I was going to work in mom's office next week and needed to look professional. My clothes where great for high school, but I didn't have anything that said I'm an office professional. At least not like what mom wears. I wanted to look the job and not just some high school k** being helped by her mom. This was my chance to stand up."I can take you," Dad said from behind his newspaper.I...

1 year ago
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shopping with sis 2

First of all Thanks a lot for your response and your scraps, I am really excited to post the next part of shopping with sis 1. Hope you all enjoy it and give me feedbacks by sending scraps on: plz copy and past the address to vist my profile on orkut… Now lets continue with the story….. Soo… After all the stuff which happened in the changing room my sis (sonal) purchased the costume and we were on are way to home. We took a cab and...

3 years ago
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"Let's go shopping," Mom said, which is like secret code for let's go find some guys to have sex with. Except it isn't much of a secret and there's only the two of us anyway. Like it's bad manners to actually say it out loud or something. I wasn't that old yet, so what did I know anyway? That's why I had a mom, to teach me about stuff like how to behave, what to wear, and how to take care of myself. I had a pretty good one, so I wasn't complaining. "Not too much," she said,...

1 year ago
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Shopping KmartChapter 13

I looked awful. I smelled even worse. My fresh washed body clashed with the underlying stench of raw garbage. Even I couldn't stand to be near myself. How could I expect anyone like my Master to bear up standing near me? My shoulders sagged, I guess I'd just have to grin and bear it. I parked my car to the side of the KMart store, finding a fairly secluded spot from other shoppers. I got out of the car and headed to the building. I hated that I couldn't avoid not going in, but I knew that...

1 year ago
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Initially you were not too thrilled with the idea of spending the day shopping. It was a Saturday, which of course meant football was on, and to make matters worse your favourite team was playing a critical match. I had made you promise me that you would come along though, and as usual you gave in with your usual charming good grace. I smiled to myself, you didn't know it yet, but I was planning a surprise for you. The shopping centre wasn't too crowded. We wandered around some of my favourite...

3 years ago
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Shopping with the Governess

Her Aunt arrived at exactly three at the school car park. The Maserati had not even come to a full stop when her Aunt opened the boot from some switch inside and Sally loaded her books there. She groaned as she did, because attached to two clips on the inside of the hood was yet another crook-handled cane. She walked around the front and climbed in beside her Aunt, and they sped off.Harriet had heard her niece’s groan and knew exactly why. She smiled at Sally as the teenager boarded. Sally was...

2 years ago
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Shopping Part 1 The Shoe Store

Shopping The Shoe Store Part One My wife and I live in the country so once a week we make the 50 minute drive to the nearest city to do some shopping. Beth is a bit of an exhibitionist so when we go to town she will wear a see through top with no bra, a very short mini skirt, with no panties and sandals. Sometimes when in town nothing really happens and then other times she will have an opportunity to flash some young guy giving him a thrill and turning herself on. As we drive to town I will...

4 years ago
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"Okay, we need bell peppers, corn, eggs, mustard, oil, vinegar, and onions. I should have more than enough pasta at home". Austin, as always, has the complete overview of our dinner plans for the evening, while Ryan and I are just kind of tagging along, letting him make all the decisions. Master chef that he is, he doesn't really need our help anyway, but we're glad to serve as his kitchen hands if it means we get to enjoy one of his legendary meals for free in return... "Move it guys, this...


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