'Hole' Load Of Surprises free porn video

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"Christine! Get your ass out of bed now you can't be late for your first day!" My dad's yells rang around my house beckoning me to wake from my slumber, and drag myself out of bed to face my first day at University.

I hadn't contemplated what would face me when I was confronted by 'grown-up' problems; the major one being money. I couldn't get a job. At eighteen, experiences in the work place is something you naturally lack, yet is something all employers ask for.

Without a reliable source of income, I found that a long term course at University would be impossible, unless I could find some way of paying for my student fees. My parents could only help me to a certain degree, my dad was struggling for work in the winter period, and my mom was busy slaving away to earn just enough money to keep the family afloat.

My dad’s work is very physical. As a Self-Employed landscape gardener he is expected to work most days of the week on long hours; lifting and positioning heavy concrete slabs, or spending hours mowing lawns that stretched as far as the eye could see.

At forty-seven he was no spring chicken either, The stress of trying to provide for the family when work was becoming rarer by the day had meant he would have to work harder to get each job finished more quickly, in order to make the most of any work opportunities that may arise.

My dad is self made by all senses of the word; his attitude is personified by his appearance. He has a very masculine look about him; everything from his rough hands and skin, to his heavy built, large, and slightly muscular 6ft 2inch frame, all evidence of the 30+ years of hard labour that had dominated his life.

Despite his age he showed few signs that his body was beginning to give in; his arms were toned and strong, his back and chest defined, and though he had small remnants of a beer belly, he was an average build. In fact the only evidence of his age was the slightly grey sides of his dirty brown hair, and the rough and tanned texture of his skin.

I had never seen my dad as an object of desire, but come to think about it he is what I would consider a very handsome man. He has a defined jaw-line and caring brown eyes; a feature he had passed on to me.

I had to take out a loan to go to University, meaning I had to find a way to pay off this debt. The question was how?

"CHRISTINE, GET UP NOW!" my dad’s second shout made me aware of the time, and reminded me that I needed to make myself look relatively presentable on my first day at University (first impressions and all that).

After getting some breakfast, showering, brushing my teeth, and brushing my hair, I did my make-up (not lots, just a little foundation and lipstick to freshen myself up a bit), before dropping my towel to decide what I would wear.

The full length mirror that sat in my bedroom gave me the opportunity to observe, with pride, what my hard-work over the summer had done for me.

My more rigorous routine at the gym had left my body in fine condition. I stroked my flat, trim stomach, feeling the slight evidence of defined abs peeking through. My hand wandered down, stroking the tops of my thighs. My legs were lean, long, and smooth; reward for the painful full body waxing session I had put myself through.

I turned slightly and ran my hand around to my firm, well shaped bubble butt that highlighted my curves. To end my 'hour glass' figure I ran my hand across my soft, full 36C bust. My boobs were perky, curving upwards rather than sagging; a benefit of my age and physique.

My nipples were standing fully erect, half an inch away from my ten pence sized dark areolas; this was partly from the cold morning air, and partly through my developing lust. My smooth, soft, long brown hair stopped just above the small of my back. I pouted at myself in the mirror, my full sexy red lips finishing off the 5 ft 5 inch figure that proudly stood before me.

Clothing was my next choice. I decided upon wearing my red silk satin lace bra, and red silk satin panties; above that I wore a pair of tight torn blue jeans, and a tight fitting black jumper, the cold weather forced me into wearing my denim jacket. My outfit clung to my body well, showing off the curves it was trying to hide. Finally I was ready for my first day at university, the nerves were quickly building.

I walked downstairs to put on my black heels, and collect my bag for University. My dad was sat in the kitchen; “Are you applying for some sort of fashion-Easter competition?” he looked up from his newspaper to tease, I gave him a sharp look in return before smirking.

“Shouldn't you be working?” I returned his sarcasm.

My dad chuckled, “You think you've got it hard, wait till you’re in the real world honey.”

After lasting my dad’s sarcastic onslaught I left the house to go to the bus stop (another one of those little tortures in everyday life). As I turned around I noticed, through the reflection of my make-up mirror, that my dad’s eyes followed my swaying ass as it left the room; maybe it’s just the male instinct, I thought.

The journey to the University on the bus was a pretty uneventful one. However, there was one interesting conversation from a group of (what looked like) students. There were three of them, they looked my age, and that engrossed in the conversation they were having they had completely ignored the inappropriate nature of it.

“You both need to trust me more; I got us the night of our lives,” one of the boys confidently exclaimed.

The others shrugged before nodding, with one saying, “We did have a great night; her mouth was like silk.” I had gone from being lazily nosey to having a great interest in what they were saying.

The last boy (also the better looking of the three, though they weren't anything special) then spoke up, he laughed, “You lasted about three seconds.” this resulted in howling laughter between the three of them.

“Fancy going again tonight?” The first boy questioned, though I imagine that at this point, he didn't care if he had company or not.

“I'm definitely on it,” said one. The other let out a sigh of disappointment before saying, “I don’t know if I’ll have the money; that shit gets expensive after a bit.”

The first boy then exclaimed, “I know a cheaper place, rumour has it that the Golden Gate Pub at Firth Park has a toilet were one of the cubicles has a glory hole, meant to be dead cheap.”

“Who’s doing the business though; I don’t want some random forty year old bloke munching on my cock.” the third boy joked.

The second boy announced, “I've heard about that place, apparently girls from our University go to make some money, you aren't meant to see who’s doing it but one lass got rumoured to be doing it all time. Katie Alsop I think.”

I too had heard the rumours surrounding the toilets at Golden Gate, though I thought they would be just that; the works of a horny boy who had to come up with a story because he didn't have internet access.

I hadn't heard about this girl who apparently got caught doing it however. I knew the girl though; Katie was head of the community dance troop. She was really innocent looking; freckles on her rose cheeks, glasses, blonde hair with big baby blue eyes. I couldn't believe the rumours; she just didn't seem the type.

After the story on the bus I couldn't focus; my mind constantly locking on to this pub. What freaked me out the most was that, deep down, I thought it wouldn't be such a bad way of making extra money. NO! I'm just a little horny after this morning; I couldn't seriously be considering sucking off random guys to get money thrown at me like some sort of prostitute. What was I thinking?

The day went fast, typical after all my apprehensions. On my way out of the big castle that I called University I noticed a small group of three boys sat staring at me, following my every step. One caught my eye and ushered me over.

I looked around checking it was me he was looking at. He repeated his hand gesture, even flashing a cheeky grin my way.

My curiosity got the better of me as I changed direction and walked towards them. They were sat on a bench, and as I approached I noticed the other two looking me up and down, checking me out.

“What’s your name?” the boy who ushered me over seemed to be the dominant of the group.

“Christine, but everyone calls me Christy,” was my shy response.

“Is this your first year?” he smiled.

"Uh huh, today was my first day." he smiled at my response.

"My name's Jacob, to my left is Ben, and to my right is Ashley."

Ashley was the first to speak to me away from Jacob. Ashley had a dark skin tone, his lips were full and he had dark brown eyes. His hair was short, making what I thought was the early stages of an Afro. He was very fashionable, he had a comb attached to his hair and his clothes were very trendy and current.

His voice was deep and had a rumble to it, like the purr of a cat or the rumble of a car engine.

He licked his lips before confidently speaking to me, "Call me Ash, nice to meet you, Christy," he extended his hand, and I responded by taking a firm grasp of his soft hand and shaking it. He smirked while he lightly ran his index and middle finger along my palm as he shook my hand.

Next was Ben, he was larger than the other two; his heavy pale frame meant he looked like a guy you wouldn't mess with. He had a completely shaved head and brown eyes, his nose was bent and out of place, and he had a scar just below his left eye.

He was wearing a black barber jacket and jeans with a rather fancy watch. He stopped smoking long enough to address me.

He extended his hand. I reached my hand out and Ben grasped it quickly and shook it firmly before he murmured, "Nice to meet you, Christy."

Finally was Jacob. He had bright green eyes that seemed to lock onto mine at every opportunity, while his medium length, blonde hair was held up in a perfect sweeping comb over by hair gel.

His teeth were gleaming pearly white, and his skin seemed slightly tanned (maybe he'd had a couple sessions on the sun bed). He wore a tight fitting green shirt that hugged his toned body, and brought the colour of his eyes out even more. He also wore a pair of black skinny jeans, which further pushed my assumption that he looked after himself.

Jacob then said, "I bet you're wondering what we want, apart from a better look at your fine self," I giggled at Jacob's attempts to flirt.

He continued, "We understand that a lot of first years have money troubles, some end up dropping their course after the first year because they can't afford it, are you familiar?"

I nodded. Jacob glanced over at Ash and smirked, before looking back at me and saying, "What would you say if I told you I have a way you can make easy money?"

I was intrigued, "I'd say, show me where to sign."

Carl smiled, "I know what this must seem like but trust me; you could make a lot of money."

They didn't even have to say it. I knew that they were suggesting I be paid for sexual services.

Ash spoke up, "You won't be forced into anything, there are no contracts, its cash in hand and it’s a very enjoyable line of work," Ash smiled cheekily.

I crossed my arms, "I don't know, if word got out I wouldn't be able to walk the streets, and I'd be tagged as a prostitute."

"I think you've got the wrong idea, we operate as a sort of recruitment for a larger operation, no one will know because your services will be given in complete secret, the receivers won't even know who's treating them. All that matters and all that you need to worry about is them paying in full, which always happens; if you're good. We're recruitment and we spot potential and we see bags of potential with you Christy," Jacob was adamant on sealing the deal with me.

I thought about it for a while. I didn't know if I could trust them, my worry being they'd drug and rape me when I wasn't looking. What overshadowed these thoughts (apart from the excitable feeling in my panties) were my financial worries, and my lack of solutions for this problem.

Jacob noticed that I was thinking hard about this, he calmly reassured me, "Don't worry about it, you think it over and if you're still interested come over to the Golden Gate pub at Firth Park tonight at 8:30 and ask the doorman for 'Dion', he'll give you more details. If you don't come I'll understand; you won't hear from us again."

At that the three boys stood up, said their goodbyes, and left. I had some thinking to do.

After the bus journey home I was greeted by an empty house. My dad, mum, brother, and sister were all at work and school, leaving a free house for me to mull things over. I flung off my shoes and emptied my bag; I spent the next hour or so watching some TV and texting friends. Everything seemed to be reminding me of my financial predicament, from clothing adverts, to friends asking me to go out and spend money with them.

My thoughts were repeatedly interrupted by the naughty side. I couldn't get this image out of my head, me on my knees starring at a circular hole in the dirty cubicle wall, when suddenly, a large erect cock pokes into the hole. Its pulsing thick shaft, its swollen purple head oozing pre-cum, and it's eager owner gently thrusting, pushing it in my direction.

I would lean my head to within inches of the member, my panting warm breath causing the cock to flinch. Just as my lips parted on the head of this cock, I'd break out of this fantasy to find myself slowly stroking my inner thigh, my warm, moist pussy clearly excited by the prospect.

This little episode had left no doubt in my mind; I had to go to the Golden Gate Pub tonight, just to check it out.

At 8pm I said my goodbyes to my parents and put on my shoes and jacket. After swiftly avoiding their questions about where I was going, by telling them I was going to a friend’s house, I got a taxi to this now infamous pub.

The pub was old and dirty. Its featured colours were brown, brown and more brown, tinted with some light brown. On the door stood a more elderly gentleman, I guessed he was in his late 60's; clearly security was not a major issue at this pub, as he was stood chatting and smoking with a pint of beer in his hand.

As I approached him he remained ignorant to my presence, I could have walked straight past him and into the pub and he wouldn't have known any better. The man was deep in conversation so when I approached I stood awkwardly waiting for a chance to interject, eventually I said, "Excuse me I'm looking for Dion, I was told I should ask for him here."

The man turned and looked at me before flashing a wide grin my way. He proceeded to talk to my boobs, seemingly forgetting the whereabouts of my eyes, "He will be delighted to see you young lady," his creepy words left me feeling like I had insects crawling across my skin.

"Follow me this way, watch the door while I'm gone," he gestured me to follow him while the man he was talking to watched the door.

I followed him round the back of the pub and into a back door. I was greeted by a musky smell, and stained covered unnaturally yellow walls, this side of the pub was clearly not looked after and forgotten about. We kept walking down a long corridor before turning into a separate room, thankfully this room was a little less dirty. The walls showed more of their natural white colour, and the smell became more bearable.

We walked deeper into this small room, lit only by a single light that hung in the centre of this square room.

"Dion, a lady is here to see you." the old man broke the silence in the room by speaking to a man who was stood with a group of four men, all of whom were fighting with each other to look through two small circular holes that were made in the wooden wall that separated the two rooms.

Dion turned around with disappointment spread across his face. He was a good looking guy; his skin was dark, his hair cut very short almost bald, his eyes a light brown, his lips looked soft and full and his face was well defined with a chiselled jaw-line and unblemished soft skin.

He was looking rather professional which was refreshing considering the surrounding; he had what looked like a very expensive black shirt and tie on with a pair of even more expensive glasses on. His hands were ladled with jewellery, and moisturised to perfection.

He looked at me for a while before offering his hand, "You must be the girl I've heard so much about." Immediately after he said that the other three people with him turned to look at me, I blushed under the attention.

"You can leave now Jim, thanks." The old man turned and left the room.

"I've heard you are interested in our little business, I am here to answer any questions you have," his voice was assured and confident.

"What would I be expected to do?" I was still nervous.

"Nothing you aren't comfortable with, the guys cannot demand anything, they get what they pay for," he smiled.

"How many girls have you had here?" I continued my interrogation, wanting to be sure of what I could be getting myself into.

"We currently have three on our books, generally the girls work with us for a year or two, or until they finish their course."

"And no one's meant to know who I am?"

"You're identity will be kept completely secret unless you say otherwise, you work in the room opposite that wooden wall. If you went round to the toilet that cubicle would say it is out of order, so there is no risk anyone will come in unexpectedly, your customers all know the drill, if they try to see you without your consent they will be quickly removed, all they are to you is a cock and balls that pay well."

"And what is 'paid well', where do you get the money from?"

"The guys slide the money under the wooden wall and then I call you over, telling you that he's paid for your services, if he wants the 'luxury service' he slides more money under the wall and then I knock to tell you he wants more, if you are willing of course. After you've finished you get a 'wage' of sorts, meaning you get a reliable income with no downfall from cheaper guys. Your wage is £400 a week; this little business makes a lot of money."

My eyes widened at the prospect, despite the nature of the work you couldn't argue with the money, which was very, very good. If I was getting just a percentage of the money I could not imagine the income Dion was taking.

My thoughts were interrupted by Dion, "We have someone working now, you watch her next customer through the two holes and then you can tell me your decision."

I nodded and walked over to where the three other men were standing. They cleared the way and went to talk to Dion giving me free room to observe.

The first hole showed the customers cubicle. As this is a normal pub toilet guys come in and out repeatedly, until one will come in and slip some money in the small gap under the wall. This would give the signal to Dion (or whoever was working the wall) that he wanted our services; a girl would then enter through the door in the wooden wall on our side and service the man. The business ran like clockwork.

I then looked through the other hole, this cubicle was a lot cleaner than the others, even with a fluffy cushion on the floor for you to use as support. They really had thought of everything.

I went back to the first hole to see a couple men come, take a piss, and then leave. The third man however was very cautious; he carefully locked his cubicle door, waited to hear if the toilet was empty, before sliding a £20 note under the wall below me, I took it and looked over to Dion who whistled for a girl.

I then heard the tapping of high heels as out from a separate room (something like a dressing room), came Katie Alsop, my mouth widened as I realised the rumours were true. She was wearing a red mini skirt with black stockings and black high heels. She also had a white tank top and black leather jacket on, her long blonde hair was tied up in pig tails, and her pink lipstick was used to highlight her big soft lips. As she walked past me into the room she fluttered her eyes and gave me a cheeky wink.

The man was a little older (maybe early 60's), and was a little chunkier around the edges; his face was not very well groomed either, with a bushy beard and messy short hair. Eagerly he unbuckled the belt on his jeans and let them drop to the floor. His underwear was bulging, as his cock fought to be freed from its restraint. He then quickly dropped his boxer shorts, letting his cock (that already showed the little droplet of pre-cum formed on the tip of his cock) bounce freely.

He then held his cock in his hand and slowly stroked it. Dion told me to knock on the wall, so I did; signalling to the man that Katie was ready to receive him. Immediately he poked his cock into the glory hole, pressing his belly against the wall that separated the two cubicles, and placing his hands either side of his body on the wall. He closed his eyes and looked to the sky.

I then moved to the other hole on Katie's side to see her sat on her knees on the cushion, it was quite a sight seeing her skirt riding up her butt cheeks, revealing her bare ass curves that were not covered by panties (which I spotted laying next to her).

She started by planting several kisses along the shaft of the man’s thick 5 inch cock; to which I heard several grunts from the opposite cubicle. Katie proceeded by licking the length of his cock, lapping up the pre-cum that was now oozing out of this man’s eager, thrusting cock.

The view was incredible. I was so engorged in the sight I failed to control my hand, as it ran down my stomach and onto the tops of my Jean-clad thighs, before I spread my legs a little and allowed myself to stroke my pussy that, even when hidden by jeans and panties, was still evidently warm through the building excitement.

I continued to watch eagerly as Katie then took the man’s swollen purple head into her mouth, holding it in for a short while, as she swirled it around with her tongue. She then began to start taking in more of this man’s aching cock, inch by inch it disappeared in her mouth, as she bobbed her head up and down on his shaft.

As she built pace on his cock I felt a hand on my waist, Dion whispered into my ear, "Away from the money, this can be a very enjoyable line of work," he then slid his hand down my thigh and gently stroked my leg before continuing to say, "The lady you are watching now is an experienced employee, she's good because she likes sucking cock. From what I see of your reaction just watching tells me you'll also like this very much," he then planted one long kiss on my neck saying, "This could be a very profitable relationship."

The man grunted one last time before shooting three squirts of cum into Katie's mouth, which she eagerly drank. At that the man pulled out of the hole, gave an awkward "thank you", pulled on his underwear and jeans and quickly left the cubicle.

Katie wiped her mouth and put on her panties (I later found she takes them off because the cold air on her pussy turns her on, making her perform better). She left her cubicle and joined us, she glanced at me and smiled, noticing how flushed I was from the sight I just witnessed.

Dion thanked her and said she was done for the night. I turned to face Dion, "When can I start?"

Dion smiled ear to ear and said, "Come back tomorrow at 6 pm, I'll spread the word that we have a new girl and that she'll be on tomorrow, I look forward to seeing what you can offer."

After that I left for home, the excitement was almost unbearable as I waited for the next day.


I hope to continue this as a three (or more) part series, so please leave me your feedback and ratings. Thank you to everyone for your continued support, I'm still learning so I appreciate all criticisms.

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Hole Load of Surprises Part 3

I had been doing this job for over a month now. I was royalty to everyone involved in the business; my work would attract high paying onlookers from all over the country. My wage was at an all time high, and so was my reputation. Even though my identity remained anonymous, this cock-sucking persona I had created was instantly recognisable to those receiving my services. I began wearing a diamond encrusted, royal blue and silver masquerade Venetian mask, protecting my identity from the voyeurs...

Oral Sex
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Hole Load of Surprises Part 2

I woke the next day wondering if it was all just a dream. My mind kept focusing on Katie Alsop's mouth wrapped around that cock, the way it passed her soft lips while she eagerly bobbed her head on it. When I looked at the time I was reminded I had to go back to normality, and University. The day would be a long one, with the anticipation surrounding my night’s events constantly on my mind. My dad greeted me at the kitchen table, "Morning Frankenstein." I gave him a sarcastic smile in return. ...

Oral Sex
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Gloryhole Addiction ch 02

It has been a several years since my dirty yet amazing gloryhole experience. At that time, I was 18 years old and still in high school. It was supposed to be a sneaky one time experimentation which turned into a nine month long, multi-visit, wonderful cock sucking experience that has never left my memory.I have always had an oral fixation when it comes to sex but there was just something about sucking an anonymous stranger's hard penis that would produce for me the strongest orgasms imaginable....

2 years ago
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Weekend of Surprises

I listened half-attentively as Sarah answered the ringing phone, Weekend of Surprises, Part 1 ? Bob Aganoush Note:? If you?re looking for wall-to-wall sex, this story isn?t for you.? There?s quite a bit of sex, but also at least a modicum of plot and character development.? So you need to have some patience to enjoy this story. ?Wow, how are you?? I haven?t talked to you in what, about three years?? Where?? When?? Absolutely, we?re not doing anything, we?d love to see you!? Okay, give...

3 years ago
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Futas Naughty Scented Candles Chapter 7 Futa Girls Big Surprises

Chapter Seven: Futa Girl's Big Surprises By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to my FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! Britney Meyers Being a futa was a life-changing experience. The last three weeks had been insanely hot. “Oh, my god, Mrs. Thompson,” I moaned as my math professor bobbed her head, working her mouth up and down my girl-dick. I was seated on her desk, classes were out. I had to “stay behind” to do some makeup work. The greedy teacher was just hungry to...

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Mom I Cant Help Myself 4 Surprises

Mom! I Can't Help Myself - Surprises By Jennifer Allison Chapter 4 - Dearest Mother: It's Friday already. This last week has gone by so fast that I can hardly believe it. To me it is still Monday morning and I just left Miss Lynne's office for the first time. I want to thank you again for this wonderful surprise. I never dreamt that being a girl could be so much fun, and work at the same time. School is tough, I mean the instructors are strict but with a gentle...

4 years ago
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Alice and Amanda 5 Surprises

Alice & Amanda 5: Surprises by Alina AamuStorycodes: F/f, bond, gags, cuffs, cons, XI felt a little jolt of excitement going trough my body as I reminded myself that I was once again comfortably tied up. I tried to pull my hands apart, but the attempt was doomed as the soft rope tying my wrists firmly together didn't give way. Amanda clearly noticed my attempt and put her arm snugly around me. She leaned to me slightly as we continued to watch television.And that was all that we were doing....

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Neighbor SurprisesChapter 3 Surprises

Not wanting to prolong her waiting much longer, I fixed two bowls of cereal that we both liked, which we wolfed down in record time. She sure was anxious to get that surprise from me. "Okay, I guess it's time for your surprise so let's go," I told her. I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, setting her on the edge of the bed with her legs hanging over the edge. I pushed her shoulders back onto the bed and told her, "Just relax and enjoy." I sat on the bed next to her, placing...

1 year ago
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Gloryhole Swallow

GloryholeSwallow! I’ve been having a lot of trouble with my landlord lately. I already know I’m not getting my security deposit back, and honestly, I’m a little worried he’s going to take me to court. I admit, I may have gotten some wrong ideas from GloryholeSwallow. Not a single mystery broad ever sucked my dick when I stuck it in one of the holes I busted in my walls.Chicks have been visiting the gloryholes of GloryholeSwallow.com since 2011, when it was called Gloryhole Hustlers. Horny...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Masterful Surprises

I got an email from George as soon as I got home. He said he had a wonderful time. He even admitted to be smitten, which I thought was an odd word to use considering that our first date went way beyond either one of us had intended. What was I thinking in agreeing to let him tie me up in his dungeon and get off in front of him in the way that I did? And why didn’t I get pissed off when he left the room right at the moment I was about to come? Why didn’t I get scared and totally freaked out...

4 years ago
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Masterful Surprises

I got an email from George as soon as I got home. He said he had a wonderful time. He even admitted to be smitten, which I thought was an odd word to use considering that our first date went way beyond either one of us had intended. What was I thinking in agreeing to let him tie me up in his dungeon and get off in front of him in the way that I did? And why didn’t I get pissed off when he left the room right at the moment I was about to come? Why didn’t I get scared and totally freaked out...

3 years ago
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A Night Full Of Surprises

She’s so beautiful, Erik thought as he watched Amber through the bathroom door from the bed. She was standing drying her hair, wearing only a towel. She flopped her long blonde hair to the other side. Erik, wearing only boxers, smiled. Amber, seeing his reflection in the mirror smiled back and turned around. ‘You’re staring.’ She blushed. ‘I have to.’ Erik smiled wider. ‘I don’t want to miss anything.’ ‘Like my towel slipping?’ Amber laughed, turning around and switching off the hair dryer. ...

1 year ago
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iCarly Elevator Surprises

iCarly: Elevator Surprises Miranda Cosgrove as Carly ShayJennette McCurdy as Samantha ‘Sam’ PuckettJennette McCurdy as Melanie ‘Mel’ PuckettNathan Kress as Freddie Benson"Why is this happening to me?" Sam groaned. She couldn't believe they were stuck in an elevator, due to a power surge, only a few hours before they we're supposed to be making their next episode of iCarly as well."Hey," Freddie exclaimed, "we're just as stuck as you are, and complaining isn't gonna get us moving any faster.""I...

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Yankee Swap Chapter 20 Surprises

Yankee Swap, Chapter 20: Surprises "I'm so glad you are OK." Connie had stood and practically run to Kim and embraced her as soon as she walked into the small private dining room Connie had arranged with the help of Bruce. "So I met Leah and she said you would explain everything. What happened last night?" "Connie, I want to start by apologizing. I have not been very open with you about some things, and I can't go into all of them right now - it would just be too overwhelming. But...

1 year ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart VII 1 Dont You Just Love Surprises

It had been a very busy morning, saying good bye to Paul, Rita, Jen, and several others who we knew. When they left, we moved our stuff to the cabins we were assigned to administer and checked to make sure all the beds had clean sheets. Joey and I stood at the end of the drive, watching the buses pull in with our wards. As the last bus pulled in, I suddenly felt an extremely familiar and exciting presence. "Suzi," I said as I shivered. "What?" Joey said, seeing the goose bumps on my...

2 years ago
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Taken by Surprise 3 No more Surprises

Treva lay next to him, his head resting on her breasts as he slept lightly. He was different from the others, there was no doubt about it, she thought. He actually seemed eager on their latest adventure, even kissing her when her mouth was full of his cum. That had surprised her. It wasn't an action triggered by lust, by the heat of the sex. No, he wanted to kiss her at that exact moment. She was sure of it. Perhaps he was just acting on his desire to be with a man by not actually being with a...

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The New Girl in School Part 10 Spring Semester Startand Surprises

New Girl in School Part 10: Spring Semester Starts and Surprises (Feb 7 Alright, so the spring semester began at Leavitt Jones High School. Chloe was looing forward to it, since the fall term had been quite eventful for her. As she strolled down to Mr. Lionel's homeroom for the first day of the term, she was pondering on the classes she would taking. She had filled out a prospective survey on possible classes near the end of fall term, but today would be the day she would...

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Everyone Loves Surprises

Chapter 1 I think its safe to say that we're all had really close friends at least once in our life. You know the kind of friend that I'm talking about. That certain bud that you can tell anything and everything to. And yet even to that person there are some secrets (skeletons in the closet if you will) that even they don't know. Yeah, I thought so. Well, mine was a girl named Shannon and we had been best buds since before I could remember. We were the kind of friends who could sit...

4 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XVIII 7 Birthday surprises

I woke up at six thirty, jumped out of bed, taking the sheets with me to the laundry to wash so they were fresh for Jennifer's visit. I had flowers everywhere, and during the week I had some workmen come out and turn four of the many unused rooms which used to house slaves into a nice big ball room. I literally danced as I showered, having already taken a shower the night before, but wanted to be extra fresh for Jennifer's birthday. I put on her favorite cologne, and wore the outfit she...

3 years ago
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Neighbor SurprisesChapter 5 Still more surprises

"Follow me," Tammy ordered me. She sashayed out of the kitchen with me close behind. I noticed her skirt swishing from side to side as she wiggled her sexy bubble butt while she walked through the living room and into the bedroom, stopping near the bed before turning to face me with a big grin on her angelic face. While following her and watching that delicious body sway to and fro, my cock started to swell, making a bulge in my trousers. As I approached her, she reached out and grabbed my...

2 years ago
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SurprisesChapter 28 More Surprises

The Bakers were having a pool party Friday night, or perhaps a pool orgy might be a better description. I had been over to their place several times, including one swap party, and their home was private enough for what they planned. Whereas our house was a big spread-out sort of split level, theirs was something Daddy called a contemporary. It had several modern looking levels with lots of angles and lines, and a large swimming pool in the back yard. They were overlooking the golf course at...

4 years ago
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She woke up in a cell with close to 15 other girls her age.  They were all still passed out.  Lisa couldn’t remember how she got there.  She was at a rave just last night, someone gave her a drink and the rest is darkness.  Wherever they were, they were mobile.  And whoever was driving, wasn’t caring for the bumps much.  They bounced around like luggage in a trunk of a car for what seemed like an eternity.  Some of the other girls started waking up and sniffles and moans began to come out of...

1 year ago
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Gloryhole Secrets

GloryholeSecrets! What secrets does the gloryhole hold? Is that a dude’s mouth on the other side, or is it just a pretty girl with a thick, full beard? Maybe it’s an ugly chick or a tranny, or maybe there’s a goddamn donkey slurping away back there. I don’t want to spoil anything for you, but the Gloryhole Secrets at the titular website are a hell of a lot better, and hotter, than that.Slutty, thirsty, sexy babes have been stopping by the mysterious gaps in the wall at GloryholeSecrets.com...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
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I’m not sure if it’s a normal impulse, but it’s challenging for me to see a hole without wondering what it’d feel like to stick my dick in it. This has worked out for me several times, but it’s also the terrifying and painful way I learned about the rats living in my walls. That’s a stark contrast from the hot pornstars sucking and fucking through the plaster at Glory Hole.GloryHole.com has a long and storied history going back a quarter of a goddamn century. That’s a long time for any kind of...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
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Holiday Surprises

HOLIDAY SURPRISES by Throne Larry was almost ready to go to the living room and exchange gifts with his wife, Erin. He checked himself to make sure the lace teddy he was wearing looked perfect. And that his elastic-top, close-mesh, fishnet stockings were straight. Then he looked closely at his reflection to be certain that his make-up was just right, enough but not too much. Finally he patted his collar length hair, telling himself that the brushwork and gel application had gotten...

2 years ago
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Neighbor SurprisesChapter 4 More surprises

Later that day my phone rang. It was Tammy's Mom asking if she could come over for a talk. I told her, "Sure, I'll put the coffee on." About a half hour later there was a knock at my door and I let Virginia (Tammy's Mom) in, and we adjourned to the kitchen. I fixed us both a cup of coffee and we sat down at the table. She sat there, silent for a while, sipping her coffee with a pensive look on her face. She set the cup down and after folding her hands, she started to speak. "Greg,...

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Gloryhole pnp

I had nvr been to a gloryhole but heard about it. I was told that some guys go and get high, watch movies and freak through the gloryhole. I hadn't been into anything crazy for a long time and had friend who sold crack so I got a really good deal on a 1/2 oz of some really good dope. I had roommates at the time so I had to hide what I was doing. After smoking little pieces and getting horny I decide to go to this gloryhole about a half mile from where I lived. It was sooo exciting I walked to...

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gloryhole fantasy part 2

Gloryhole fantasy part 2This is still all fantasy, and follows on from my earlier fantasyMy wife phoned me at work and asked what time I would be home. I told her that I should be there by 7, and she told me that would be ok, but I couldn’t be any earlier. I got home at 7pm and my wife greeted and told me to go upstairs to our bedroom and strip off, and place my cock through the gloryhole. I didn’t say anything and just followed her instructions …. I could hear voices in the lounge so wondered...

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Gloryhole tease

This is a true story from around 2005 when i was about 19 or 20. I was quite inexperienced, I'd had a couple of girlfriends but never really had any gay experiences other than fooling around with cousins when i was younger. I had just started a new job based in the town centre and after work one day I decided to have a look around some shops before catching the bus home. After about half an hour, just as i was about to go home, I decided I needed to have a shit, so headed to the public toilets...

1 year ago
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Gloryhole at Drakes

About 18 months after my last visit to Amsterdam I made the short trip once more. This time I travelled alone. I managed to get flights and 2 nights in a cheap hotel for £70 all in. The cost wasn't my main concern though. Ever since my experience at the gay cinema last time I'd been eager to revisit.I exited Centraal Station at around 10am. Having visited the city a few times already I knew how to get to my hotel without a map. I made my way along Damrak and cut inside to the red light district...

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gloryhole surpice

I love to suck cock when I’m horny, and on this particular day I’m quite turned on. It’s late summer and school is starting up again soon. I’ve just turned eighteen and can’t wait to start my senior year – so many football player dicks to suck! Never mind the male teachers. They hook up with students a lot more often than you think. Craving the taste of cock, I decide to pay a visit to my favorite place on earth: the gloryhole down the street. Yes, I live within walking distance of a...

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gloryhole surpice

I love to suck cock when I'm horny, and on this particular day I'm quite turned on.It's late summer and school is starting up again soon. I've just turned eighteen and can't wait to start my senior year - so many football player dicks to suck! Never mind the male teachers. They hook up with students a lot more often than you think.Craving the taste of cock, I decide to pay a visit to my favorite place on earth: the gloryhole down the street. Yes, I live within walking distance of a gloryhole....

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A giant neon sign flashed "XXX Adult Super Store," but it was a small handwritten sign in the corner of the window that got Jill Scott's attention. "Gloryholes!," it read. "What in the world is a gloryhole?" she asked her husband. There was a twinkle in her eye. Jill felt great, almost giddy. She and her husband, Jack, were on vacation in the big city and away from all the cares of their small town, ordinary lives. This was the first time they had ever been on a romantic vacation...

3 years ago
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Gloryhole Gulch

Do you know what a "gloryhole" is? Most people don't. But then again, most people don't hang around porn stores and peep shows like I do, either. You guessed it; I'm a pervert. Lock me up and throw away the keys I guess. Just don't tell my mother. Or my wife. Or my boss, heh heh. So anyway, a gloryhole is found in places like peep shows and men's bathrooms and the like. It's a hole drilled about waist-high which runs between two stalls or booths in an adult peep show. It doesn't take...

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Gloryhole cum eaters

One night last week, we stopped into one of those adult bookstores that we frequent. There are a good number of booths in the back but only a few of them have gloryholes. One of them has two which is the one my girl wanted to go into. Little did I know that she had been planning this for some time and had contacted friends of ours from the club we belong to. She told me in the last minute, putting my mind at ease. I was beginning to think that she was going to start sucking strange dicks...

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GloryHole Heaven Gay

I'm a gay man who loves to suck cock. Redundant, you might think, but not all gay men love to suck cock. Go figure! But I do, so when I first heard about gloryholes, I thought that sounded great. I could suck a guy's cock, never have to see his face or body, never have to form a relationship of any kind, and in the end I'd get a mouthful of warm, thick cum, no strings attached. And the guy on the other side of the wall would get a great blowjob, and all he would care about is the warm wet mouth...

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gloryhole fantasy

This is purely fantasy, and follows a dream I had this weekOne day I come home to find my wife waiting for me. She is looking a bit angry. She tells me to sit down and then informs me that she had found my collection of gloryhole videos on my computer hard drive, silly me had forgotten to disconnect my external hard drive with my porn collection on. She asked what it was about the videos that turned me on. I explained it was watching a woman sucking an anonymous cock. She still seemed a little...

4 years ago
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Gloryhole visit

I see myself as heterosexual with the occasional need to play with a cock. I got into swinging in the mid 1990s and I love watching and joining couples fucking. At some of these parties in the 1990s I did watch guys playing with each other, but never really thought about joining in. Then there were a few occasions when I was taking part in a threesome when I was asked to help guide a guy’s cock into the woman and I didn’t hesitate in holding the cock, and in some cases having my cock guided in...

2 years ago
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GLoRYhole plus

It started out a few days earlier when in bed I kept telling my lady how I have been craving some hot bi fun. Now here I am with my lady driving to our local adult store. We knew there are a few booths with gloryholes. At first we just look around before getting a hand full of tokens. Heading into the video booth area we noticed there was no one around. We cruise thru, we can hear a few booths with porn playing. We look into a few booths till we find one with a gloryhole. My lady loads a few...

2 years ago
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Gloryhole Stop With Country Boy and Black Married

I was traveling this last week, about two hours from where I was staying. I was so horny. Off the highway I see an adult theater/bookstore. I get off the exit. The bookstore, though visible from the road, is set alongside some woods. I park and notice a Chevy truck with a guy about 20, redneck, just sitting in it. He’s attractive and he nods. I enter the bookstore and behind the counter is a black guy around 50-55. Very clean cut and he gives me a ticket. He tells me the layout and then says...

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Gloryhole Girlfriend Part I

This is based on true events. I used to date a woman – I’ll call her ‘Amber’ – who got pretty wild once she had a few drinks in her. One night we were fooling around and I asked her if she had ever been to an adult bookstore. She replied that she had been in one once, with her old boyfriend. I asked her if she had liked it, and she said yes. So that night I took a little detour while driving her home, and we visited a seedy adult bookstore in a neighboring city. There were a few men in the...

2 years ago
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Gloryhole Moms

Here a fantasy of mines. And well most of us right?Starts now"Bull shit," I called Ralph out, who was usually full of shit. If ten percent of what came out of his mouth was the truth that was a very good day."Seriously," he said, more animated than usual."You're telling me that you got a blow job at lunch time at the adult store?" I asked, still not remotely believing it."And she swallowed every drop," he continued."How do you know it was a girl?" Joey asked.I laughed, "Yeah Ralph, you probably...

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