The New Girl In School Part 10: Spring Semester Start....and Surprises free porn video

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New Girl in School Part 10: Spring Semester Starts and Surprises (Feb 7 Alright, so the spring semester began at Leavitt Jones High School. Chloe was looing forward to it, since the fall term had been quite eventful for her. As she strolled down to Mr. Lionel's homeroom for the first day of the term, she was pondering on the classes she would taking. She had filled out a prospective survey on possible classes near the end of fall term, but today would be the day she would find out. Chloe had gone for a more restrained look for January-wearing a long coat over which she had on long dark pants and thicker blouse with modest low heel shoes on. She stroked her light blue nails through her shoulder length blonde hair, on top of which lay a light pink winter cap. Chloe had decided to switch over to her head mask with shorter hair, as she found the longer hair a bit cumbersome. She recalled when she saw Joey at the start of the day; he had remarked, "Oh hi Chloe, nice haircut," with a thumbs up. Blushing furiously, Chloe stammered out, "Oh why thank you, Joey," then pecked his cheek. Ah so good, she thought wistfully as she entered into Mr. Lionel's homeroom. Renee Masters, who was in the same homeroom as her, briskly shoved her just as she was going into the classroom. Huh, weird I thought she'd push openly Chloe thought but that idea didn't last long as she found her seat. Mr. Lionel called the homeroom to attention after the bell had rung. "Alright, class it's time for the spring term and for you seniors, that means getting ready for graduation and what you will be doing past your time at Leavitt Jones, be it college or going to the workforce. I wish you all the best of luck this term, and if you need help or have some questions, you can always find me here. Now with that, I will be passing around your schedules for the spring term. If you have any issue, see me afterwards." Mr Lionel, along with some other student volunteers, passed out the schedules. Chloe got her schedule and took a look at it: Period 1 Civics Coach Gary Long Period 2 AP Environmental Science Dr. Forrester Glen Period 3 Music II Mrs. Emily Stevenson (Lunch Period) Period 4 PE Coach Kay James Ah good that I got Music 2, Chloe thought as she had decided to take another class with Mrs. Stevenson, she was quite a delight as a teacher. She figured that she have to take Civics since she took Economics last term, as a requirement for graduation. The AP Env Sci threw her for a bit of a loop as M hadn't taken a course like that before, but Chloe figured that she could make it work. But that last class, PE with a Coach Kay James..... hmmm I wonder Chloe pondered.... but figured that the first day would be fine but made a mental note to bring gym clothes for this term. Chloe went down to Civics, which was in a classroom in the same hallway she went over for Economics. Coach Long was apparently a floater teacher who taught Weight training with student athletes and Civics, which seemed an afterthought to him as Chloe noted. Coach Long was even wearing an outfit not out of place in a workout session then teaching a class. But Chloe found his informal method very refreshing. Renee was in this class with her, though she seems to ignore Chloe or in one instance shoved Chloe down a bit on the way out, uttering under breath, "Watch your step, bitch," before exiting out for the next period. "Oh it's so good to see you Chloe," she heard as she entered AP Env Sci. Chloe turned and saw Claire as she ran up to Chloe and hugged her tightly. "I hope you had a wonderful winter break, didn't know you would be taking AP Env Sci. Come, have a seat Dr. Glen will be in shortly," Claire remarked cheerily. Chloe and Claire took their seats as Dr. Glen shambled in, looking a bit ragged. He was an older gentleman, bald with thick glasses looking a bit like a mad scientist, but had a nice and genteel approach. Chloe was glad that Claire was in this class and could help her out. After introductions were done, Claire and Chloe chatted a bit about their winter breaks. "So, you went out of town Claire?" "Oh yes, I have relatives up north so, yeah, but had a great time with them. What about you?" "Well my mom was out of town on a fashion shoot but my aunt paid us a visit for the week of Christmas," Chloe showing her some pictures of her with Aunt Katt and Morton. "Oh quite nice, how very festive. Say you know your boyfriend's birthday is Feb 14th. right?, Claire spoke eyeing a smug glance over to Chloe. "Uhh, well it might have slipped my mind, Claire, sorry....though isn't that on a Saturday this year?" Chloe inquired. "Why yes Chloe, as I am sure you should know. You'll need to do something special..." "Well I was thinking of going out with him for a dinner...." "Oh of course, I know just the place for that.....I'll get back to you on that before then," Claire smiling brightly. "Oh thanks, Claire, that is much appreciated," as Chloe wondered about getting with Joey during lunch to talk to him directly about this. Lunch period was Music II, once again with Mrs. Stevenson teaching. She was glad to see Chloe and hugged her wonderful student. Music II would include more one on one instruction with Stevenson as it was much smaller class. Mrs. Stevenson also encouraged Chloe to assist her with the classmates who were struggling with their playing, which Chloe obliged gracefully. During lunch break, Chloe managed to locate Joey in the vast maze of high school lunchtime. Joey wore a dark maroon hoodie over a white t- shirt with a pair of plain khaki pants, with white sneakers on his feet. Chloe walked over to him and the two shared a brief hug, before taking a seat together. "So, having the usual lunch meal Joey?" "Ah yeah, the cheeseburger and fries option, got the side salad as well. How was your break?" "Oh good, Joey, had my Aunt visit us for Christmas week; we had a great time. How about you?" Chloe cocking her head towards Joey. "Ah well, had to help Pops move some containers out to the junkyard, but otherwise had a nice and quiet time during the winter break," eating his cheeseburger eagerly and chomping on fries. Chloe looked on as she nibbled quietly on her lean meat with lettuce sandwich; she brought her own pre-made lunch with her. Hmm I got wonder on that later, she thought. "Anyway, got any plans for Feb 14th?" Chloe questioned Joey directly. He stammered and looked away for a moment. "Uhh well, you know...." before Chloe pecked him on the cheek softly. "Oh don't worry I know, I got something special planned for us that day," as she put a tender finger to his lips, silencing him quickly. He nodded quietly as the two finished up their lunch together. As they got up to throw away their lunch waste, Joey piped in, "So what's your last class for the day?" Chloe turned to him, responded sweetly, "Uhh, PE with this Coah Kay James, why?" Joey lit up from that response. "AH same here, come we can walk together, I think its over in the second gym." Chloe nodded silently, and accompanied Joey down the hall and out to the gym. There were two gyms on the campus of Leavitt Jones High: the first built only a few years ago from a grant by the local government (courtesy of local councilman Mr. Evan Masters) which was quite new and large, to accomodate big games of basketball and events for the local community. The other gym was a relic of the late 70s, a bit worn down and chipped brick single level building with a weary wood sign titled, "Leavitt Jones Gymnasium 1977", named after J(ospeh) Leavitt Jones, the first principal and founder of the school. They used this gym for some of the PE classes and for one Health class a semester using a spare room they had in there. But for the last period of the day it would be a regular PE class. Joey and Chloe entered the gym, to see a bunch of other students there. In the crowd, however, Chloe spotted a familiar face-Miranda, with a now neon green shade of hair crowning her head. She noticed both Chloe and Joey, and bounced over towards the two. "Oh hiya Chloe- girl and Joey, hey dude what's up?" ribbing playfully into Joey who took it in stride, prompting a giggle from Chloe. "So who's this coach Kay James?" Chloe asked as they got in with the crowd for the PE class. Miranda merely shrugged. "Dunno, I heard she is a new coach teacher here." Then the PE coach teacher entered in from the small office over from the other side of the gym. She had long dark bown hair which ran down to her waist, her eyes piercing green like forest pools on a bright summer morning. Chloe gazed down at this new teacher. She had on a purple colored light jacket and sweatpants, but could make out a white undershirt beneath, highlighting the teacher's ample bosom. Coach Kay James had on just simple white sneakers on as well. Chloe however noticed the sizable scar running down this teacher's face on the right side. Oho I see now, Chloe thought as she realized who 'Kay James' is really. Kay James spoke up, in a rather exaggerated southern twang, "Well welcome y'all, I am Coach Kay James and this will be for the 4th period PE class, filling in for another coach who had to take a temporary leave of absence. Those of you looking for Coach Jones Jr's Health class please go over to the classroom to the left; he is waiting for you guys." Half of the crowd assembled then walked over to the classroom for that Health. Once done, Kay James beamed a gentle smile towards the 25 or so students and resumed, "Now then, everyone will put their stuff down and do some simple stretching exercises for 5 minutes then spend the class time either doing free form basketball or walking/jogging around the perimeter of the gym here. I figure that would be best given most of you likely don't have proper clothes to wear today but starting tomorrow you will be required to bring some suitable gym clothes. For now, given the cold weather outside, we shall stick to being inside. But once it warms up, we might have some days out on the athletic fields." She turned towards the office and then stated, "Oh and I might be calling some of you over into the office for a chat during the week." Chloe looked over at Joey and Miranda who had put down their backpacks down on the old wooden side bleachers which Chloe had follow with her own stuff. As they did their stretching in small groups, Chloe stole a look from Coach Kay who cracked a wry grin. She smiled in a subtle but sweet manner, not wanting anyone else to notice. Then they got to their activity of the day: Joey joining some of the guys in basketball, while Chloe and Miranda decided to do a light jog around the gym. As Chloe jogged near the office, Coach Kay came out and spoke up. "Hey Chloe L'Amour, come into the office, we need to discuss your personal fitness plan for the term." Chloe nodded then told Miranda, "I'll be back shortly," as she went into the office. As soon as Chloe entered, Coach Kay shut and locked the door for the office. She then closed out all the blinds in the windows except for one at the far side of the office where no one would be able to see them. Coach Kay then sat down at the desk chair, reclining to where her legs lay on top of the wooden desk, worn from age, then glancing over to Chloe. Motioning her to take a seat by the desk, Coach Kay spoke up: "So, Chloe, about this personal fitness plan....." "Oh cut the crap, Coach Kay.... or should I say Katt?" "Oh dang, I thought my disguise was foolproof.... What gave me away?" "Well aside from your awful southern accent, you are so obvious wearing a long wig eh?" "Guilty as charged, I can't seem to elude your observant gaze eh Chloe?" "Though I have to wonder about your green eyes," Chloe cocking her head sideways a bit towards Coach Kay/Katt. "Ah yeah those are the same contact lenses you got, Chloe dear. So any developments from your lover boy?" smirking quite smugly at Chloe. "Hmm yeah but it might be nothing...." "Never count out anything, Chloe or it can come out to bite you later. So what is it?" "Well Joey had mentioned over the break he and his father had to drop off some containers at a local junkyard...maybe look into that later." "Mhm, alright then, anything else?" "Hmm well nothing else now, will keep you posted, Kay." "Alright well thanks, Chloe, you are free to go?" watching Chloe leave the office but then she turned back towards Coach Kay with a ponderous glance. "Say, where are you staying at, just in case?" "Oh well, at a local short term stay motel....the Agency was hard on getting me some lodging on such short notice....I will certainly ask for reimbursement later." "Heheh good luck with that, Kay, alright catch you later." Chloe exited the office just as Miranda jogged past, allowing Chloe to catch up. "So what did Coach Kay want to talk about?", she asked while breathing heavily a bit; she had worked up a bit of a sweat from the jog. "Oh it was just about the semester long fitness plan that's our major assignment for this class. Very insightful, I must say," Chloe remarked. "Mhm I see then, though you likely don't need much fitness help, Chloe," Miranda noting Chloe's supple curves with a leery eye. Chloe saw that, and said, "Hey I do have some baby fat to shave off, girl; the fitness could do me good." "Haha good one, Chloe," as Miranda and Chloe resumed their jogging before the emergency bell rang for the end of the day. Chloe had noticed Renee strolling over to one of the storage sheds on the far side of the campus but didn't think much on it. ....................... Renee Masters strolled sexily over to a storage shed. She wore a tight cream blouse with a long sleeved dark red suit jacket, with a long dark pencil skirt, with dark stockings and ebony high heels. She looked quite fashionable, quite befitting of the self-proclaimed 'Queen of the School', her long red hair and makeup impeccable. She got over to it and then rapped quietly against the door. She heard some shuffling around from within, and after letting out an exasperated sigh, the door finally opened. Mickey Stevens opened it and spoke up, "Oh hi there babe, miss me?" before getting shoved into the shed by Renee's steady but firm hand. "Oh stop that you loveable lug head, you needed some release eh?" Renee cracking a wry grin with a hint of malice in those clear green eyes of hers. Mickey smiled goofily at her, then replied, "Why yes.... mistress..." as she began to take off his pants, curving one of her manicured red nailed hands towards his hardy and eager man tool..... A bit later after that..... Well that worked out well, Renee thought as she drove back to her manor house. She had a nice neon red sports car, birthday gift from Daddy and pride and joy of her haughty life. I didn't think he would need a hand job that much but anything for my darling, Renee pondered to herself as she started to feel herself up a bit, feeling a subtle rush of arousal. But she stopped that action once she pulled up to her home, a big white manor house. Daddy often boasted himself as the owner of the "Little White House" as if being a local politician was in any measure comparable to the President. She scoffed as she parked and got out of her car, her high heels clacking gracefully on the stony gravel by the house's front. When she entered, their family butler Stevens stood at the door. He spoke promptly, "Oh good to see you, Miss Masters, how was your day?" as Renee walked over to him. "Oh rather good, Stevens, how's Daddy?" she questioned with a slight edge to her voice. Stevens stiffed up his posture and then responded stoically, "Ah well Mr. Masters is out for a business meeting, he won't be back until 9pm or so." Renee relaxed her expression and said, "Thank you, Stevens, I will be in my room as I ate out with Mickey," smirking a bit by what she had uttered. Steven bowed to her. "Alright Miss, I will prepare a dessert snack for you to indulge in later. Take care tonight, Miss," as he walked back over to the kitchen. Renee walked up to her bedroom located on the second floor. She walked sexily into her room, locking the door behind her, uttering a pleasant sigh from her soft supple lips. She kicked off her high heels, giving her feet much needed relief. She stretched her arms out from her body. Ah fucking finally, Renee thought, as she went over to a large mirror by her closet. She then turned and posed, blowing a kiss to herself in the glass reflection. Then she began a rather sexy striptease. First her suit jacket, discarded to the floor. Then she unbuttoned her blouse and zipped off the pencil skirt, tossing those aside as well. Her lithe body was encased in a red and black torsolette with a garter belt connecting the stockings on her legs. She cooed to herself as she took one hand to her bountiful C-cup bosom while the other was fiddling her panty covered crotch. She moaned sensually in her rich silky voice before stopping to notice a 6inch bulge in her crotch, stretching out the panty out a bit. "Oho silly me, I ruined the surprise," Renee cackled, in a much deeper voice then a moment before. She then cleared her throat, her silky girl voice returning. "Oh yes I am sooo damn sexy," she exclaimed as she removed the garter belt and pulled down the stockings off her sensual legs, taking care not to ruin her manicured nails. Then she reached around her back, a zipping sound coming from the torsolette. She brought it down off her body, revealing her naked body. But it was off. For one thing, her breasts were skin toned but looked artificial, hanging on her chest. Her crotch area looked also skin toned, but the bulge seemed to stretch her crotch outward as well as the panties she wore. She tore off the panty, revealing a female slit with a strange bulge off center from the slit. Renee then stepped over to her bed then slumping onto it, stroking the bulge while cupping a breast. After some sensual moaning, she finally came, a wet sport emerging from that area in her crotch. Breathing heavily, she lifted herself up from bed. She then resumed her unraveling. She first tugged at a sport around her belly button, revealing a a seam wrapped around her waist. She pulled it downward, the smooth female slit becoming more like latex facsimile with a phallus popping out once it flopped down to the floor. Next she cupped her bosom, then grabbed at a corner, pulling on one then other before they ripped off, a bare flat chest underneath. "Oho, I wonder who I might be?" this person calling themselves Renee uttered menacingly. 'Renee', if she could be called that now, walked over to her vanity table. She stroked her long hair before she sat down on the chair in front of it. She then fiddled some fingers into her eyes, revealing her pristine green eyes to be mere contacts concealing dull brown eyes. She beamed a smile, only to get a hand in there, removing a pair of clean white dentures. "So glad Mickey didn't ask for a BJ, that would be awkward." 'Renee' chuckled as she placed the contacts and dentures into suitable containers on the vanity. Finally she stroked her long red hair around, reveling in her beautiful face. But that would be the end of that pleasure time, as Renee began to pinch around her neck, dusting off makeup to show a seam growing there. "Oh goodbye Renee, for tonight anyway," she spoke in a clearly male voice as the pinching worked around to the back of her neck. She found success with a small zipper concealed by her long red hair. She grabbed that and pulled down, her supple neck coming undone. She moaned as she pulled the skin mask up from there, Renee's gorgeous features distorting before the obvious head mask came off, revealing a man wearing a wig cap over his head, grinning like a mad man. Roger spoke up. "Well well..... now for some fun, that Chloe bitch won't know what hit her hahaha...." as he crackled. Next Time: What a twist indeed! Anyway, Chloe has to deal with Joey's birthday/Valentine's Day combo date while also dealing with an important element in a high school girl's life.... Prom Queen Election!

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*******************Garrett and I entered my room with the greasy bags of food from a localcollege place near our dorms. The six of us, me, Corey, Kris, Colt, Brysonand Garrett sat around eating everything in sight. We cleaned up our messto resume our intense game of Texas Hold `em Poker. The break did what wewanted and had cooled Garrett's hot hand off. Kris was making a smallcomeback until Corey defeated him one-on-one for a nice little winnings. Anice winning in our game was maybe two bucks...

2 years ago
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A Semester Abroad Part 2

A Semester Abroad- Part 2 By RogerGirl Sasha walked into her first class carrying her notebook and her laptop bag. She was wearing a t-shirt with the university's mascot on it, a pair of flared jeans, and a pair of white Keds. This being her first day, she didn't want to dress too over the top and draw too much attention to her. She looked around the crowded lecture hall for a seat that wasn't next to too many guys and found an open seat next to a girl wearing shorts and a tank...

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College life spring semester 16

A message from AB8715 if you enjoy this please leave comments or p.m. otherwise I will stop posting these stories*******************The next morning, Sunday, after the four of us woke, we did enjoy a littlequiet time snuggling with our boyfriends. Scott and Hayden sat up togetherand moved to the side of Michael's bed. Both were naked and making noattempts to cover up."Last night was really epic," Scott stated. "Now, I really wish Haydencould go with us on Spring Break."Corey and I sat straight...

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College life spring semester 14

Monday, Corey and I checked out of the motel early in order to make it toour first class.Returning from checking out, Corey jumped in his car. "Matt, this placewill hold a very special place for me.""Oh I feel the same way. It'll be a while before I ever forget thisValentine's weekend.""Forget! Hell, I'll always remember it no matter whatever happens to usdown the road."Corey and I parked and were a few minutes early back before class. I hadjust enough time to throw my bag in my room as did...

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College life spring semester 34

*******************I hurried up and entered Scott's room. There I found him with Haydenresting his head on Scott's bare shoulder and sniffling."Well... Hayden came out and the results were exactly what he said they'dbe. His rents fucking blew a gasket on his ass. Show em, Hayden," Scottsaid while holding and comforting the obviously distraught Hayden.Hayden moved a little and removed his shirt. There was a nice whelp on hisback along with a huge scratch. "I don't care what you did or said...

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College life spring semester 22

Hope you enjoy this chapter.*******************Corey and I were in the room after Scott and Aiden had left. We wonderedhow Garrett was doing before we stopped wondering. Corey had his hands allover me and feeling me up. Soon, my shorts were removed. Not to be alone,I got Corey's shorts off so he too could be naked with me. It was so hotmaking out with him as we rolled around on top of our bed. Corey lovedgrabbing my ass while we kissed but I loved it so much feeling his stronghands cup my...

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College life spring semester 26

After sneaking Kris's beer supply back to our room this Friday night, ithit me that I had something to do with my Dad later on. Now, I regrettedaccepting his invitation and would miss out on what could be another heateddiscussion about our living situation for the upcoming fall.Kris and I were watching TV when our door came open. Colt entered the roomand grabbed Kris's desk chair. "Kris, I opened my fucking mouth before Ithought today. Here I'm one to talk. Dude, I'm sorry.""Thanks Colt. As if...

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College life Spring semester 4

Waking about eleven the next day, Saturday, Corey was holding me still withKris lying under his sheets but his ass was shining out from under one spotin the sheet. It took a second for me to process what had occurred thenight before. Now the morning after, I had very conflicted feelings aboutit. On one hand, it was exciting and different for Corey and me to showKris the joy of gay sex. On the other, I wondered if I had overstepped theboundaries of my dear friendship with Kris and opened...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 40 A New Semester

January, 1982, Chicago, Illinois On Monday, I woke up early to do my exercises and karate kata, then showered and made breakfast. Elyse showered while I exercised, and Stephie showered while I made breakfast. “You two had a good time yesterday!” Elyse whispered as I put the food on the table. “Yep!” I smirked. Stephie came out of my room and sat down at the table. The three of us ate and then Stephie and I headed to IIT. We stopped at her dorm so she could drop her overnight bag, then...

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Romys Sexual Journey from Schoolgirl to Schoolgirl Part 2

The final day of term was mighty hectic. A lot of tears and taking of phone numbers, addresses, future education plans, ‘I’m sure going to miss you ladies. It’s been a real gas. We’ve had some fabulous times together and I just hope we’ll bump into each other sometime in the future,’ I said. And then it hit me! That’s what it was - Paul. I had really been missing him since our liaison and, stupidly I didn’t even know what his surname was! Later that day I would be even further away from him...

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Night School New Semester

Of the dozen middle aged students who showed up for my new painting class, a thirtyish Swedish woman named Alin stood out.Although I was careful not to stare at any of the women to remain innocent of any inappropriate behavior, she caught my eye immediately because of her honey blond hair, slim body, and full breasts.I was able to gauge Alin’s figure as the evening’s instruction went along, noting that she had a tiny waist, rounded firm ass, and fully rounded breasts capped with large erect...

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A Semester Abroad Part 3

A Semester Abroad- Part 3 By RogerGirl Soon, two weeks had past and Sasha was beginning to fall into a rhythm. Her classes were going well and she was making several new friends. Her style had also evolved and she began feeling more comfortable showing off her body and going out with the girls in sexy dresses and heels. She had even gone with them a few times to the beach in a bikini. With Susan's help, she now had a pretty expansive female wardrobe at the apartment. While she had...

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College life spring semester 32

Waking with Corey on Sunday in our dorms in April, I quietly watched himprepare to leave just before 7. We spent the night holding each other withlots of hot making out. We forewent sex since our heart would not be in itbut it was great to hold him."Feeling any better?" I asked."I guess. Maybe it was one of those days. We're allowed those, right?""Yes, we are allowed a moody day," I said.Corey was reaching for a shirt when I heard his golf clubs rattle together.It hit me what he might be able...

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College life spring semester 23

*******************I woke later than normal on our Spring Break trip to see Garrett and Coreytalking with Scott missing but accounted for. He was staying with Aidenfor the night and had called Garrett to say so."Garrett thinks I'm making this shit up about last night and what we weretold," Corey stated after I finished in the bathroom."Garrett, it is so true," I said. "I'm in a daze to be honest with you.Not a one of them other than maybe Kendall and Noah can say a word aboutthe three of us...

1 year ago
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College life Spring semester 21

*******************Back at the room, the four of us, Scott, Garrett, Corey and I, beganundressing."Damn, you got some real sun today," Corey said to Scott.Scott looked in the mirror at his naked body, which showed his Speedooutline on his fit frame, "I guess I did. Looks fucking hot, huh?""Yeah, it does," Garrett said and was naked as were Corey and I by now."Matt and Corey got some, too. You look nice over there with those hot tanlines.""Thanks, you do too," Corey said."Seriously Garrett, how...

2 years ago
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College life spring semester 9

Kris and I were being lazy the next day, Wednesday, after a really long dayfor me. The best surprise of the day was a nice box waiting for me when Icame up. Mom had followed through and made a bunch of sweets for us. Krisdidn't care about the healthy snacks at that point and dove right in. Weheard our door open slowly and looked to see the buzzed head Bryson who wasstill sporting his chin strap beard. There was a big smile across hisface."Wassup, bitches?" Bryson asked with his arms thrown out...

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Homosexual Indoctrination Spring SemesterChapter 2

The slave formerly known as chrissie typed on the keyboard attached to its personal tablet. it was doing a homework assignment for Advanced Slavery, a required class for all slaves. The boy it had been studying with, an eager freshman named Will that had transferred in halfway through the year, had asked it to join him for studying. Will, a handsome boy with bleached blond hair and a strong tan, had tried to spend more time around slaves and drones at the suggestion of his Preceptor. The boy...

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Taking My Spring Break in New England Part OneChapter 2 Back at college

Back on campus, I’d parked my car up, gotten back to my dorm room and slept much of the day; I got up late afternoon to go find something to eat. The place was empty; pretty much everyone else was away on Spring Break. Just a few losers like myself who had no place to go and no-one to go with. Even my socially-challenged roomie had gone home to New York for the week, so I was at least on my own. I would have laid down some hefty bucks that he hadn’t blundered into the kind of surprise that...

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Davids Life Book II Just Like Starting OverChapter 4 School is in Session Fall Semester 1981

Meri and David had also come down for an orientation they were required to take part in the week before school began. Now, on the 8th of September, they started their first day at Notre Dame High School. They managed to get nearly all the same classes. Both of them managed to get accepted into the AP classes for every subject available to them. They shared English, AP World History, Regents Physics and Chemistry. They both started out in Algebra I, but by the end of the first week were being...

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A Semester Abroad Part 5

A Semester Abroad- Part 5 By RogerGirl Sasha returned to Susan's apartment after class on Friday to change back into a guy and head over to Crystal's place to change into his Aladdin costume for the party. Of the three parties he was attending this weekend, tonight's was both the easiest and the one he was most anticipating. He had had a crush on Crystal for the entire semester and tonight he finally had a date with her. He put on some of his new male clothes that he had bought the...

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Submissive Ssters 8 Springs Offsprings

I count our blessings at Crete, with my bred babes all four due to deliver some time in early SpringI count our blessings of making lots of money in Autumn, servicing at the I count our built-up income and ask our mighty Mama to propose a proper place for all us, for all SpringI count our built-up experiences gathered: well integrated into the local Crete community, Mom thanks!I go with Grandma on an inspection tour of several nearby premises, finding a villa with a view at the seaI go with...

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A New Semester and Eve

A New Semester and Eve ? by: r. gold The first day of class is always interesting for me. I'm Henry Brewster and I teach history at Stoney Brooke University in upstate New York. Our student population here is generally mid to upper class preppy kids whose parents can definitely afford to send little Billy or Mary away for four years of liberal education. The first day is always exciting. New, fresh faces; smiling, eager, excited. My classes are always full; I guess they provoke...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 9 A New Semester and a New Job Part IV

January, 1984, Chicago, Illinois After karate, I headed back to the house, took a quick shower and went to the kitchen to make some lunch, where I found Katy and Cindi eating together. I made myself a sandwich, grabbed some chips and a pickle, and sat down at the table with them. “Is Jorge coming today, Cindi?” I asked. “He could, if he plays his cards right,” she giggled. “Too much information!” I chuckled. “Seriously, I hope so. He said he would, but I’m not sure if he was just trying...

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A New Christmas Mommy Part 9 The Spring Dance

A New Christmas Mommy Part 9: The Spring Dance (March 6-7, 9-11 2019) "Oh goodness, what a busy day...." Diana said wearily as she opened the door to her condo. She took a moment to take off her high heels, rubbing her stocking clad feet for a moment. Ah, Jane isn't back yet.... as she noticed no other sound coming from the condo. Ah well, she figured, I can unwind with luscious mistress of wine, as she placed her clutch purse down and walked over to the kitchen fridge. Opening it up,...

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A Semester Abroad Part 1

A Semester Abroad- Part 1 By RogerGirl Sasha got off the plane and got his luggage. He was 21 and was finally fulfilling his lifelong dream of coming to the United States to study at an American college. He had spent years learning English through classes and watching American movies, so he also knew quite a bit of slang although he still had an accent. Back home he had been forced to live his entire life fulfilling his parent's wishes and for the next few months he would get a...

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First Semester Grad School new placenew roommat

The last few weeks before graduation everything seemed to be coming unglued and to be falling apart all around me as I was trying to study for finals, not lose my boyfriend (& to a different college...not a different girl), and keep my sanity after our place was robbed in the midnight hours as my roommate and I slept in the next rooms of the house.I got good scores on the finals and last thesis. I lost my boyfriend in that last week of school, he decided to take the scholarship-grant...

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Power Chapter Seventeen Second Semester

CHAPTER 17: SecondSemester Studying, practical exercises, oral exams and lab experiments. Oh, also some classes. Jay arrived on campus the day before classes started. He had signed up for a bunch of courses, most of which I did not understand. Theory II I got. Music History I got. Introduction to composition I didn’t get. He was also enrolled in HS 102, Introduction to Human Sexuality, but was in a different section. Second semester English and Intro to Anthropology rounded it out. He told...

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Power Chapter Nine First Semester

Classes were actually pretty good. My swimming class was at eight in the morning. It was a freshman course. All the guys were nude, and about a third of the girls went without bathing suits. The most popular guy in the class was Walden. I have no idea if all African American men’s dicks are bigger than whites’, but his certainly was. It was nine inches soft and nearly a foot long when hard. I felt so inadequate. I enjoy swimming, and swimming in a large pool while nude was actually better than...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 50 Another End To A Semester

December 16, 1983, McKinley, Ohio Exams had gone well, and Clarissa, Sandy, and I didn’t have a Friday exam because of our work in the lab only had an evaluation, which we’d each received earlier in the week. We’d all received excellent reviews, which meant an A for the course for each of us. Our stats exam had actually been a breeze, as had the biochemistry exam. The psychology exam was moderately tough, but I was sure I’d achieved at least a B, which meant I would have an A for the course....

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Supergirl and Powergirl Snobs Pleasure

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Supergirl and Powergirl ? Snob?s Pleasure By? Sonya? Esperanto? [email protected] Synopsis: Supergirl and Powergirl are property of DC COMICS. This is not a story intended for profit-making. This is also not intended for anyone below the age of 18. Supergirl and Powergirl fall under the power of a jealous celebrity, who...

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Romys Sexual Journey from Schoolgirl to Schoolgirl Part 1

My interest in sex really started when I was about teens. One Saturday morning in the 1950s I was at home whilst my parents had gone out to visit my gran. The only other person in the house was my brother, Joe, who was just over a year older than me. I was doing my homework downstairs when I hit a snag. I needed a ruler and I’d left mine at school. I knew my brother probably had one and popped up to his bedroom to borrow one. He mustn’t have heard me coming up the stairs and opening his...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 29 End of the Semester

There was only four weeks remaining until the end of the first semester, and the mid-year exams. It did seem strange having the semester broken into the two unequal parts, but I assumed they wanted to align the mid-semester break with the standard May school holidays. Whatever the reason was, there wasn’t a lot of time left finish off assignments for each subject, and study for the exams. Unlike the end of year exams, for the mid-year exams there wasn’t a week off before they started for...

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Togetherness FChapter 7 Spring break

Usually, Marilyn could study better at Andy’s than at the house. Sure, they made love before getting down to work, and on Saturdays she cooked a meal. When they did sit down to study, though, his example kept her studying longer and with fewer breaks than the constant coming and going of the study room allowed. Even if he said nothing, even when he didn’t know what she was studying, Andy’s presence seemed to communicate, “Studying for tomorrow afternoon? You should have that done and be...

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A Spring Break Full of Surprises

"Boo!" someone shouted right behind me. I jumped out of my chair, whirling to face my best friend and most devoted boyfriend. "I'm going to kill you for that! You know I hate it when you do that," I said, trying to sound angry, yet unable to hide the laugh from my eyes. "Yeah, but it also gets you excited, which is the way I like you best," he responded, pulling me into a tight hug. As he pulled me closer, he and I both felt that my nipples had gotten hard from when he scared...

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New Girl in School Part 4Slumber Party Silliness

New Girl in School 4-Slumber Party Silliness Ah yes the slumber party-a pinnacle of social interaction and mingling for females under the age of 18. Girls get together at another's house, usually with parental supervision but sometimes not, and just mingle. Oh they might watch a movie, eat some pizza or other takeout, but mostly its the place where gossip and rumors abound, and girls let their hair down in a manner of speaking. Well as part of her 18th birthday celebrations, Chloe...

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The Yellow Sundress Ch 12 New Semester

12 - New Semester It was not till some time after his main operations, and his recovery from them, that Adam had the breast enhancement procedures. The morning after his breast and body injections Adam was sore in all the treated places - stomach, chest, hips, lips, cheeks. Looking closely he and Judy were disappointed as they could not see any change to his body. For Adam the injected cocktail had a much higher proportion of hormones than if the patient were female. Their long-term...

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