Spring Semester College Life 36 (spring Semester I free porn video

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Waking the next morning after my wacked erotic dream, I looked over at Kris
still sleeping and smiled. I showered and dressed as usual before waiting
on Corey to walk to our first class. Corey was talking about all the
studying he had done and how confident he was feeling going into the finals
that were starting next Thursday.

He stopped half way there and looked at me, "Matt, is there a problem? I
know I haven't been the greatest boyfriend the last few days but I feel so
good right now."

"Oh it's nothing," I said. "I was just being a good listener."

"I so promise we'll have a great weekend and end everything on such a high
note," he stated. He continued to talk and was back to being Corey that I

With my day short, I headed out for a while and got away from campus. I
shopped at the mall and avoided the Friday crowds by being early. My
shopping was just that shopping with very little money at my disposal. It
is awful seeing so many things I wanted and would look nice on me. I did
end up buying a new better fitting shirt that was on sale.

Kris had just gotten in when I walked in the door. He firmly stated he was
going over to the Rec Center for stress relief. I opted not to go unless
Scott showed up for one final time at the pool. With Kris out the door,
Scott and Garrett came in my room.

"Word is you and Corey are having it rough now," Scott said.

"Who said that?" I asked.

"Ummm... Colt said something about Corey saying he needed a break from
you," Scott replied.

"I can't deny that. I guess I have been rather clingy here lately but
we're fine as far as I know. You know how it is."

"I do. Jordan's officially history now. All he wanted to do was have
sex," Garrett said. "Not that I don't like it but not every time I see him
plus he wasn't exactly right for me right now."

"Dude, you got him addicted to big dick," Scott laughed.

"There's more to a relationship than sex, right Matt?" Garrett asked.

"You're right. Corey and I go in spurts... or should I say cycles," I
laughed. "We haven't had sex since we went home."

"Dude, fucking your boyfriend in your own bed is the shit," Scott said.
"Man, I loved nailing Hayden's hot ass in my bed."

"Speaking of Hayden, how do you think that will work?" I asked.

Scott threw up his hands, "Hell if I know but I'm gonna make it work for
him. I still feel responsible no matter what anyone says. Too, I do love

"I hope it does work. If not, then poor Hayden," I lamented.

"What will he do?" Garrett asked.

"I don't have a clue," Scott stated. "I guess will cross that bridge when
or if we get there. I just hope like hell it doesn't happen. So is
everyone going out like Kris and Colt have planned?"

"I guess so," Garrett said. "Bryson is fired up about it."

"Who knows but I think Corey is dead set on it," I said.

We hung around in my room and were joined by Hayden shortly. I could see
and hear how worried he was about the summer. Scott was giving
reassurances that everything would work out. I hope for Hayden's sake it

With Kris, Colt, Alex and Brennan back, Kris had all the plans set for the
night. He had made plans to leave as soon as Corey got off work and had a
party that a friend had invited them to attend. While we were discussing
everything, Stephan came to the door and was checking to see if we were
still on for the party Saturday night. I still hadn't ask Corey so I
couldn't give an answer whereas the others were just as undecided. Stephan
hung around and joined us while we caught up with him and his plans for the
summer. Then we were joined by Shawn to see what we were doing. Once told
our plans, he was all for it and looked forward to going out with us.

Corey showed up at his regular time and was dressed to go out. By now,
Stephan had departed to find Grayson. With about ten of us, we argued who
was driving.

"Shit, I always drive," Scott stated. "Why not Colt or Kris for a change?"

I looked at Scott. "Then we'd be a world of hurt," I said with a few

"Ah come on Scott. You really don't drink that much," Colt stated.

"I know but there are times when I feel like it and tonight happens to be
one of those nights," Scott said.

Garrett held up his hand, "I'll drive." Bryson patted him on the back.

"I guess I will too," I said. "No sense in getting in trouble the last
week here."

"b*o, so we're set," Kris announced.

My car was pack with Kris giving directions. Once I was in the area, it
was obvious where we were going. I parked as did Garrett to head into the
party. No more in the door, Kris spotted a friend and was gone before I
could get my bearings. Looking around, the faces did look somewhat
familiar but no names. Corey, Shawn and I were walking around when a guy
Corey knew from the Rec Center approached us. He was friendly as they come
and showed to the area. I grabbed some water while the other found drinks.
It was packed everywhere I turned and easily lost sight of Corey and Shawn.
Soon I was in the middle of a group and spinning in all different
directions until seeing Garrett's head above the crowd.

Garrett and I stuck together and located Corey a short while later talking
with some people I gathered that knew or recognized him from the Rec
Center. I was promptly introduced but only as a friend. It was cool with
me since this wasn't the place to bring up our relationship.

As the night grew later, it was enjoyable meeting all kinds of new people.
Some were Kris's idea with the drinks beginning to take hold of him. About
one, Garrett and I gathered up our friends to head back. We found most
quickly but had to search for Alex and Brennan. Both like most were
hammered and feeling no pain. It was interesting how alcohol affected
people differently in that some were very loud while some looked as though
they were about to fall asleep. Tonight, Corey looked the latter and clung
to me as we walked out.

It was hell getting Kris who was fired up and Corey who was the opposite in
the room without waking up the rest of the dorm. I fell asleep holding
Corey who was already asleep long before I was.

Studying and playing games at my desk, Corey woke first around eleven with
Kris waking shortly thereafter. We rehashed the night with me agreeing it
was fun as a whole but doubted I could remember two names of people I had
meet during the night.

It was a lazy day with Kris and Corey trying to get over their night. Colt
came busting in our room to stir us up. "Look out the window. Something's
going on in the parking lot!"

The three of us ran over and peered down until spotting Hayden, Scott and
two adults. "What's that all about?" Kris asked with us around the window.

"I don't have a clue but let's watch in case something does happen," Colt

We watched for a minute or two until seeing Hayden embracing the adults.
Then Scott joined in. Scott left the group and headed back towards our
direction. Colt ran to the door and opened it to watch out. The second he
saw Scott he grabbed him. Instantly I knew he had great news with a big
smile across his face.

"What was that all about?" Colt asked and was eager to hear more than the
rest of us.

"I just witnessed the coolest shit ever. Hayden's parents called us a
little while ago and wanted to meet with him. I went along to see what was
up. We took a seat on the grass for a while. It was Hayden's parents
saying they would do their best to accept him and asked for his forgiveness
for the way they had treated him..."

"That's so awesome!" I said.

"I know. They did lay down the law however by saying he wasn't allowed to
bring guys home but they couldn't stop what he was doing out of the house,"
Scott stated. "It was something we could agree to live with while his
parents said they would continue to support and accept Hayden even though
they didn't agree with his lifestyle."

"Why the sudden change?" Corey asked.

"From what I gathered, they saw Hayden was serious plus they had got
counseling and support to show it wasn't the end of the world," Scott
replied with still a smile. "I swear Hayden was so happy."

"That's great," Kris said.

"This may not be the time but we've been invited to a dance tonight with
Stephan," I said.

"We have?" Corey asked. "I don't really feel like going."

"Why not?" I asked.

"For one, I wanna be around my real friends. Think about it. They only
see those two when they want us to do something. They rarely hang around
and stay in their own little world. Sure, the other dances were fun but I
rather hang around here with my real friends."

"Wow, Corey. I think you're dead on. They'll be disappointed..."

"Fuck em!" Colt said. "We never see those dudes anyway or y'all don't.
Corey makes a good point that they only see you when they want you to go to
their little parties."

"Better yet, I think I know the best boyfriend ever that needs to be taken
out for a date," Corey stated. "Just the two of us."

I smiled and agreed we did need that.

Corey and I headed out on our date. Corey was very attentive to me the
entire time and repeated over and over how much he did love me. Even
though, we had a little rocky spot we still loved each other. We headed
back to be a part of the group but found my room vacant. Corey locked the
door and pushed me on the bed. We began making out as hot and heavy as
ever. Our clothes were slowly gone in time. We were kissing and petting
when we heard a knock at the door. I yelled to hold on and got us under
the sheets. Kris and Colt came in the room to see us curled up together.

"I'm going let you two have the room tonight. Colt's roomie is gone," Kris
said. He grabbed his flat pillow. My eyes grew big feeling Corey's cock
sliding inside me.

"Kris, I swear they are fucking," Colt said.

"Who cares if they are," Kris said.

"We're not," I said and felt Corey's cock go deeper.

"You're right, Kris. Ya'll have fun," Colt said.

"You too," I said. The two headed out. I turned once they were gone and
smiled at Corey.

"My dick needed a warm place to rest," Corey smiled.

"Now just fuck me!"

"No, I'm making love to you," Corey said.

We made love for quite a while that night. First Corey was in me before I
was in him. It felt so great to be with him and enjoy our love sexually

We woke the next morning and headed to the shower. With the water flowing
over us, Corey stuck his thick cock in me. I began moaning and enjoying
having his hard thick cock back inside of me. He reached around my chest
while my hands were against the tiled wall. He began fucking me harder
thus my moans grew louder. Our wet skin slapped together with Corey's cock
setting my world on fire. I leaned up and turned for a long kiss. He
grunted and filled my ass with his seed. He stayed in me and stroked me
until I splattered the wall with a nice nut. We finished up and stepped
off to dry off. I thought we were alone but weren't. Brennan was drying
off his slender body with the biggest smile on his face.

"Dudes that was so fucking hot to hear," Brennan said with his big uncut
limp cock on full display. He reached down and grabbed it. "Busted the
biggest nut ever."

"Thank goodness it was you," Corey said.

"Why? Everyone knows you two are lovers and fuck like crazy. Hell I can't
blame either one of you. You're both fucking hot as hell."

"Thanks Brennan," I said. "Thanks for understanding."

"No problem, Matt. It was a privilege to hear and wish I could have seen
you two fucking," Brennan stated.

We finished drying off and headed back to my room. We laughed about it and
didn't care what would be said. We hung out in our undies until Kris and
Colt came down to ask if Corey wanted to hit the links. I didn't care and
encouraged him to go. While they were gone, I began the task of gathering
my things and started packing just a little. Thankfully, I had carried a
few things back when Corey and I had gone home to ease the load come next

Before I knew it, finals were here upon us. It was time to get serious and
buckle down. For a change, the only time we saw our friends was when a
break was needed.

Saturday night between finals, we all went out as a group including Noah
and Kendall. We went to eat and stayed for over an hour laughing and
enjoying all the memories that had been made. We kept it light and just
remembered all the fun times we had enjoyed.

By Monday, I was stressed out with my biggest final looming near the end.
So far, my test had been no surprise and rather to the point. I thought I
had done well up that point. Scott, Michael and I holed up in Scott's room
with Hayden studying elsewhere for the time being. We studied solidly for
four hours, went to eat and returned to finish off. I gave up at one in
the morning with my brain unable to soak in anymore.

Waking the next morning, Tuesday, I headed off feeling nervous but knowing
I was prepared. Once the tests were handed out, I took a deep breath and
went to work to put down on the paper what I had studied. After the three
hour long test, I felt a sense of relief handing off the paper. There was
nothing more I could do but felt good about how I did.

After my test, I search out Corey and needed some stress relief. He too
looked a little ragged from his test. We went to his room and began making
out like crazy. Clothes flew in every direction before I spread my legs
wide to take Corey's hard thick wet cock.

"OOO fuck me, Corey! I need to feel you fucking my ass!"

"OOO Matt, your ass is so hot!" he stated and slammed his cock deep.

"OOO fuck yeah! Fuck my ass!" I screamed. My head began going side to
side with him nailing my ass. I wanted it and was delirious with pleasure
he was delivering. We kissed before I began riding his cock.

I rode his cock like never before. I was bouncing on it with his bed
rattling. We didn't care if we were heard. He reached and grabbed my hard
cock. After a few long strokes of his strong hand, my cock was exploding
onto his chest and neck.

He slipped out. I moved quickly to take his throbbing cock in my mouth.
He groaned and pumped his load down my throat. I took every drop he could
muster before sharing a few precious drops when we kissed. We lay together
to recover from our sex.

"Best fucking stress relief known to mankind," he stated.

"Hell yeah, it was," I said.

We dressed and found Kris and the others to grab something to eat. We
returned to his room where Michael was gone still to study with his
girlfriend or whoever. It was hard to buckle down but Corey needed to
score high more than I did. He said he was finished an hour and half into
it but I quizzed him to see more was needed. After a short make out
session, we studied more until I felt he was completely prepared.

Once the test was over, my freshman year was complete. I waited on Corey
and got so emotional as we walked back. I had tears in my eyes knowing we
were about to be separated for days at a time.

Corey and I were in my room and holding each other when we got a knock at
the door. Bryson and Garrett were standing there in their shorts and tees.

"Guys... this is it," Bryson said.

"Yes it is," Corey said as we stood. We went over and embraced both.

Garrett had tears in eyes when we finished. "Dammit I said I wouldn't cry
but I can't help it. You both mean so much to me. I can't thank you
enough for everything. From day one, you've been nothing but nice to me.
In my darkest hour, you were there for me. I'll never ever forget ya."

"Same goes for me. I hate to say this but I love ya both. Hell, I love
all the guys here and ready for another year of this shit, too. Thanks for
everything and showing me gay guys can be some cool dudes," Bryson said.

"Thanks, it has been a blast," Corey said.

"We can't leave just yet. I've got to see Kris before we jet," Bryson

They grabbed a chair and waited while we recounted our time together. Next
were Scott and Hayden. My eyes again were filled with tears saying
goodbye. Hayden was able to go home and was at peace with all that had

"Shit, this is so fucking hard!" Scott said. "From day one back in August,
I meet Matt and Kris. Since then it has been nothing but one great year.
A year I'll never forget either. I found out maybe who the real Scott was
along the way."

Michael was next and had to say goodbye to Corey. He gave us both a big
hug. He wished us the best. We did the same to him and hoped he'd have a
great summer. Scott headed off with Hayden but promised to be back to say
goodbye to Kris.

Finally about thirty minutes later, Kris came in the door. "What the
hell's going on here? I need to get my shit and get out of here."

"You know there's no way we can leave without saying goodbye to us," Bryson

"Bye then. See ya in the fall if not sooner!" Kris said and turned to
start grabbing his stuff. He turned back around with a big smile. He held
out his muscular arms, "I was fucking with ya'll. Get over here!"

Bryson, Garrett and Scott took their turns at saying goodbye. I sat and
listened to each one say their thing. Next was Alex and Brennan coming
down. They gave each of us a hug before heading out.

"Where's Colt?" I asked.

Kris laughed, "He had a late final and was pissed as ever about it. While
we wait on his sorry ass, let's get our stuff in our cars so we can help

We moved all my things, Corey's things and Kris's things. All three of our
vehicles were packed. I had things that had spilled over to my front seat.
Slamming the trunk, I heard Kris scream. I looked up and saw Colt had him
in a bear hug.

"You were leaving without saying goodbye. What a bitch!" Colt said.

"Hell yeah, we were. I was racing to get out of here so I didn't have to
see your sorry ass," Kris said.

We laughed and headed up to help Colt move his things. While we were in
Colt's room gathering his stuff, we heard a short knock and saw Rick
standing there. Nothing doing we had to thank him for all he put up with
and for being the best RA ever.

"Well... I guess you won't feel too bad when I tell ya I'm your RA next
year too," Rick said and broke off a smile. "Found out Monday and have
been waiting to tell ya."

"Hell yes!" Colt screamed. "Thanks!"

"That's fucking awesome, Rick!" Kris said.

"I hope next year is goes as well minus Kris's little temper and minus
Lee's sorry ass," Rick said and headed out the door after we said our

We loaded up Colt's truck. I stood back and got very emotional. Even more
so when Colt gave me strong hug. "Matt, you watch after both of these
dudes. When you get a chance, you make them come see me. I've told Kris
all be up every chance this summer I get."

"Thanks Colt. What a year!" I said with tears rolling down my face.

Colt grabbed Corey and hugged him. "Corey, you take care of Matt this

"Oh I will when I see him," Corey said.

Colt and Kris stood apart looking at each other. Next Colt grabbed Kris
for a long hug. The slaps on the back rang out all over the parking lot.
Kris stepped back and wiped his eyes. Tears were streaming down Colt's
face as well.

"Dude... fuck it... goodbye!" Kris said and grabbed Colt again. They
kissed each other on the cheek before Colt moved to Kris's mouth for a
brief kiss. It was hot to see two masculine guys kissing and not caring
the least who saw it.

Colt wiped his mouth and face, got in his truck and sped off. Corey, Kris
and I stood on the warm pavement not caring what was going on around us.
We finally embraced.

"Damn Corey, what a year, huh?" Kris said.

"It has been one great year," Corey said.

"I'm sure I'll see ya when you come to Matt's. If not, I'm gonna be
pissed," Kris said. "Matt, I'll wait on ya while you say goodbye."

Corey grabbed my hand. We walked to his car. He pushed me up against the
car and gave me the hottest kiss he could muster. "Matt, I love you so
much. How are we going to make it?"

"We'll be on the phone every night," I said.

"You bet we will and see each other hopefully every two weeks," Corey said.
We kissed again. Corey got in his car and blew a last kiss to me. I
walked away and was crying.

Kris could see my emotions and came for support. His strong arm wrapped
around my shoulder, "b*o, it's hard to believe this is all over. Look on
the bright side. We get to do all over again next and the year after that
and the year after that..."

"I get the point, Kris," I said and wiped my face. "Let's get out of here."

"For sure," Kris said.

I got in my car and started it up. I heard a peck on my window and turned
to see Shawn standing there with his girlfriend Terra while rolling down my
window. "Matt, I wanted to say goodbye. I'm so excited about rooming with
all of you next year. I can't wait."

"Me either," I said. "Have a good summer. Call me sometime!"

I drove off and followed Kris. My car was so packed I could see out the
rear view mirror. Driving off, I looked in the in the side view mirrors
and watched the campus fade into the background. I had to smile knowing it
was the best year ever thanks to rooming with the best friend a guy could
ever have.


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College life spring semester 26

After sneaking Kris's beer supply back to our room this Friday night, ithit me that I had something to do with my Dad later on. Now, I regrettedaccepting his invitation and would miss out on what could be another heateddiscussion about our living situation for the upcoming fall.Kris and I were watching TV when our door came open. Colt entered the roomand grabbed Kris's desk chair. "Kris, I opened my fucking mouth before Ithought today. Here I'm one to talk. Dude, I'm sorry.""Thanks Colt. As if...

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College life spring semester 24

Sunday after our spring break trip and a long drive back to the dorms, Krisand I were up later than normal. It was a tad strange not waking next toCorey and something I truly missed. I was relaxing in my thoughts when Iheard and saw Kris waking up in his bed. He stretched out his body whichwas a nice tan now."Matt, I still can't believe the shit we did on the trip, me especially,"Kris stated. "I'm really disappointed that I let myself do that.""Kris if you're referring to the gay night things I...

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Bring semester College life 35

Corey and I arrived late at my house on Friday. We were late because ofwaiting for Corey to get off work. On the drive there, we had our plan inplace for the summer. There waiting on us was Mom though she looked likeshe had been asleep in her chair. She greeted both of us with a kiss andhug. As always it was easy to see how happy she was to see me. The onlything she wasn't happy with was seeing two giant loads of laundry we cartedinside to be done along with clothes I didn't need any longer....

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College life Spring semester 4

Waking about eleven the next day, Saturday, Corey was holding me still withKris lying under his sheets but his ass was shining out from under one spotin the sheet. It took a second for me to process what had occurred thenight before. Now the morning after, I had very conflicted feelings aboutit. On one hand, it was exciting and different for Corey and me to showKris the joy of gay sex. On the other, I wondered if I had overstepped theboundaries of my dear friendship with Kris and opened...

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College life spring semester 5

Nudging Corey in the side, we woke up in his friend's apartment. Coreysoftly kissed me on the lips."Remind us to do this again sometime," Corey stated."It was pretty sweet.""No doubt they heard us last night. This damn headboard nearly knockeddown that wall with you banging my ass last night but Trey and Towsonsounded like they were enjoying some great sex as well.""They did with their bed knocking against the wall. I guess they couldn'tlet us show them up."Corey smiled, "I don't guess not." We...

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Austauschsemester von Smaragdvenus Ich war verzweifelt ... jetzt war ich 4 Wochen in Rom und musste mein WG- Zimmer schon wieder r?umen. Das Geb?ude hatte einen Wasserschaden und musste komplett saniert werden. Anscheinend war das Fundament und Mauerwerk in Mitleidenschaft gezogen worden und alle Mieter mussten sich was Neues suchen. Ich wollte unbedingt nach Italien f?r mein Austauschsemester und Rom war wirklich ein Traum. Meine beste Freundin Vanessa hatte auch dort einen Platz bek...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 40 A New Semester

January, 1982, Chicago, Illinois On Monday, I woke up early to do my exercises and karate kata, then showered and made breakfast. Elyse showered while I exercised, and Stephie showered while I made breakfast. “You two had a good time yesterday!” Elyse whispered as I put the food on the table. “Yep!” I smirked. Stephie came out of my room and sat down at the table. The three of us ate and then Stephie and I headed to IIT. We stopped at her dorm so she could drop her overnight bag, then...

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College life spring semester 14

Monday, Corey and I checked out of the motel early in order to make it toour first class.Returning from checking out, Corey jumped in his car. "Matt, this placewill hold a very special place for me.""Oh I feel the same way. It'll be a while before I ever forget thisValentine's weekend.""Forget! Hell, I'll always remember it no matter whatever happens to usdown the road."Corey and I parked and were a few minutes early back before class. I hadjust enough time to throw my bag in my room as did...

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A College PostSemester Bang

Dan, a 19year-old sporty brown messy-haired college student has been invited to an apartment party a few levels above his own in his building by a girl (Eve) he knows from College... Sorta a "Post-Semester" thing she said... He wasn't quite sure about this girl (other than she appealled to him in virtually every physical way) or about the party, but how bad can it be? He remembered Eve mention it should kick off at about 7... but it's still not quite that, 6:05...

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College life spring semester 22

Hope you enjoy this chapter.*******************Corey and I were in the room after Scott and Aiden had left. We wonderedhow Garrett was doing before we stopped wondering. Corey had his hands allover me and feeling me up. Soon, my shorts were removed. Not to be alone,I got Corey's shorts off so he too could be naked with me. It was so hotmaking out with him as we rolled around on top of our bed. Corey lovedgrabbing my ass while we kissed but I loved it so much feeling his stronghands cup my...

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College life Spring semester 21

*******************Back at the room, the four of us, Scott, Garrett, Corey and I, beganundressing."Damn, you got some real sun today," Corey said to Scott.Scott looked in the mirror at his naked body, which showed his Speedooutline on his fit frame, "I guess I did. Looks fucking hot, huh?""Yeah, it does," Garrett said and was naked as were Corey and I by now."Matt and Corey got some, too. You look nice over there with those hot tanlines.""Thanks, you do too," Corey said."Seriously Garrett, how...

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College life spring semester 34

*******************I hurried up and entered Scott's room. There I found him with Haydenresting his head on Scott's bare shoulder and sniffling."Well... Hayden came out and the results were exactly what he said they'dbe. His rents fucking blew a gasket on his ass. Show em, Hayden," Scottsaid while holding and comforting the obviously distraught Hayden.Hayden moved a little and removed his shirt. There was a nice whelp on hisback along with a huge scratch. "I don't care what you did or said...

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College life spring semester 23

*******************I woke later than normal on our Spring Break trip to see Garrett and Coreytalking with Scott missing but accounted for. He was staying with Aidenfor the night and had called Garrett to say so."Garrett thinks I'm making this shit up about last night and what we weretold," Corey stated after I finished in the bathroom."Garrett, it is so true," I said. "I'm in a daze to be honest with you.Not a one of them other than maybe Kendall and Noah can say a word aboutthe three of us...

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College life spring semester

*******************Kris was standing in the door way with nothing in his hands. "I struck out.They are carding like a bitch out there," Kris said, holding out his hands."That sucks!" Scott said."I know," Kris said."Go get it out of your car. You can't fool me," I said."Matt, I fucking serious," Kris said but not convincingly. He broke into asmile then began laughing. "Damn you Matt, you can read me like a book.""Well, you weren't pissed off like I knew you would be if you didn'tscore," I...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 7 A New Semester and a New Job Part II

January, 1984, Chicago, Illinois Thankfully, Wednesday wasn’t a tough day, and I was home by 2:30pm. I had quite a bit of reading to do, so I made a pot of tea and went to the ‘Indian’ room with my textbooks. About an hour later, Elyse joined me, and Julia came in shortly after her. My mind began to wander and I realized just how much I missed having Stephie around. There wasn’t much I could do about it now, except to adapt to the new reality. As much as I liked and wanted a constant...

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Davids Life Book II Just Like Starting OverChapter 5 School is in Session Spring Semester 1982

The Spring semester began on January 4th. Their course load was the same, except for David taking the Ministry/Leadership course instead of the standard religious education course. This was to help him better understand how to lead people; something he felt he needed to improve greatly. With the new semester, David and Meri both went out for Basketball. Meri made the JV team for the ladies, while David made the cut for Varsity in the men's team. Part of that was because Meri enjoyed playing,...

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A Semester Abroad Part 2

A Semester Abroad- Part 2 By RogerGirl Sasha walked into her first class carrying her notebook and her laptop bag. She was wearing a t-shirt with the university's mascot on it, a pair of flared jeans, and a pair of white Keds. This being her first day, she didn't want to dress too over the top and draw too much attention to her. She looked around the crowded lecture hall for a seat that wasn't next to too many guys and found an open seat next to a girl wearing shorts and a tank...

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College life spring semester 18

*******************Garrett and I entered my room with the greasy bags of food from a localcollege place near our dorms. The six of us, me, Corey, Kris, Colt, Brysonand Garrett sat around eating everything in sight. We cleaned up our messto resume our intense game of Texas Hold `em Poker. The break did what wewanted and had cooled Garrett's hot hand off. Kris was making a smallcomeback until Corey defeated him one-on-one for a nice little winnings. Anice winning in our game was maybe two bucks...

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College life spring semester 15

Colt's text was barely sent before he came knocking at my door. He wasthere in just his shorts and both shoulder tatts showing nicely."Matt, wassup?""Colt, I don't have a clue. He woke up all pissed off like never before,"I replied with Colt sitting in Kris's chair. "Anything go on last night?""No, nothing at all. We went to eat and grabbed a movie. Nothing washappening then.""He did get a ticket," I said and pointed to his desk where it was sitting."Damn!" Colt said, looking at the ticket....

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 11 The Last Semester

January, 1985, Chicago, Illinois My friends filtered back into town during the week, with Sofia returning on Thursday. Tanya had left on Wednesday as planned, with a promise that we would see each other sometime over the summer, or sooner if her father had business in Chicago. On Friday, Kara and I went to buy our books. We didn’t have any classes in common, though Julia, Dave, and Cindi would be in my microcomputers class, and Wen would be in my compiler class. For my electives, Staci would...

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Power Chapter Seventeen Second Semester

CHAPTER 17: SecondSemester Studying, practical exercises, oral exams and lab experiments. Oh, also some classes. Jay arrived on campus the day before classes started. He had signed up for a bunch of courses, most of which I did not understand. Theory II I got. Music History I got. Introduction to composition I didn’t get. He was also enrolled in HS 102, Introduction to Human Sexuality, but was in a different section. Second semester English and Intro to Anthropology rounded it out. He told...

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Power Chapter Nine First Semester

Classes were actually pretty good. My swimming class was at eight in the morning. It was a freshman course. All the guys were nude, and about a third of the girls went without bathing suits. The most popular guy in the class was Walden. I have no idea if all African American men’s dicks are bigger than whites’, but his certainly was. It was nine inches soft and nearly a foot long when hard. I felt so inadequate. I enjoy swimming, and swimming in a large pool while nude was actually better than...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 50 Another End To A Semester

December 16, 1983, McKinley, Ohio Exams had gone well, and Clarissa, Sandy, and I didn’t have a Friday exam because of our work in the lab only had an evaluation, which we’d each received earlier in the week. We’d all received excellent reviews, which meant an A for the course for each of us. Our stats exam had actually been a breeze, as had the biochemistry exam. The psychology exam was moderately tough, but I was sure I’d achieved at least a B, which meant I would have an A for the course....

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 26 Semester of Misery

Chapter 26: Semester of Misery Monday was getting back to the misery of school. Things hadn’t changed much. The weekend of competing had improved my spirits, that didn’t last long though with the current atmosphere at school being slightly depressing. There was an announcement over the school PA system that a student had attended the Ninjutsu state championship over the weekend, being a great representative of the school, winning his division of the tournament at black belt. They didn’t...

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College life spring semester 16

A message from AB8715 if you enjoy this please leave comments or p.m. otherwise I will stop posting these stories*******************The next morning, Sunday, after the four of us woke, we did enjoy a littlequiet time snuggling with our boyfriends. Scott and Hayden sat up togetherand moved to the side of Michael's bed. Both were naked and making noattempts to cover up."Last night was really epic," Scott stated. "Now, I really wish Haydencould go with us on Spring Break."Corey and I sat straight...

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The New Girl in School Part 10 Spring Semester Startand Surprises

New Girl in School Part 10: Spring Semester Starts and Surprises (Feb 7 Alright, so the spring semester began at Leavitt Jones High School. Chloe was looing forward to it, since the fall term had been quite eventful for her. As she strolled down to Mr. Lionel's homeroom for the first day of the term, she was pondering on the classes she would taking. She had filled out a prospective survey on possible classes near the end of fall term, but today would be the day she would...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 29 End of the Semester

There was only four weeks remaining until the end of the first semester, and the mid-year exams. It did seem strange having the semester broken into the two unequal parts, but I assumed they wanted to align the mid-semester break with the standard May school holidays. Whatever the reason was, there wasn’t a lot of time left finish off assignments for each subject, and study for the exams. Unlike the end of year exams, for the mid-year exams there wasn’t a week off before they started for...

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Springbreak Part II

Stephanie walked out of the bathroom and said to Josh " I am so humiliated by that". Josh wasn't very sympathetic. "Get over it" he said. "Now suck me off". She knelt in front of him, he said "I keep thinking about that girl licking your pussy in front of thousands of people, while Tom was spreading your pussy lips". Stephanie said, "I know more than one person was videotaping it, I am sure you can get a copy". "I know, and I am going to get a copy" he said. Stephanie, feeling...

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Springbreak Part 1

Josh and her had been sexually active together since the 2nd week she started dating him. However, she knew he had a kinky side to him. He told her before that he thought she would look hot kissing another girl, but she had quickly told him she wasn't into girls or being a lesbian. So he dropped the subject. Although, if push came to shove, she would do anything to keep him. He was popular, good looking, and came from money. Any girl at her university would die to go out with him. She...

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Rumspringa The Sequel

If you haven’t read ‘Rumspringa’ you may want to read it first to better understand the sequel. A big ‘Thank you’ to ‘Loving50’ for editing this story for me. As mentioned in the first story, Rumspringa means ‘running around’ in the Pennsylvania German dialect. It is the time, beginning at about age 16, when youth socialize with their friends on weekends. Rumspringa ends with marriage. (For those who don’t marry, Rumspringa ends in their mid to late twenties.) This period is an important time...

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Springdale Peak

They called it Springdale Peak, a gated community far from civilization deep in the countryside. Springdale had a unique set of rules for anyone to move in, as stated in their official charter: 1.) All residents need to be between the ages of 18 to 55. This includes children in families. 2.) All residents need to be in peak mental and physical health and must maintain both. 3.) All residents need to have an adventurous personality and high self-esteem, as determined by the town council. 4.)...

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Rumspringa Part 2

Rumspringa (Part 2) This happened in the summer of 2007, but contains flashbacks to events which began in Rumspringa (Part 1).My boyfriend and I seem to have a lot of ties to Amish country here in east central Ohio. David designs furniture as a hobby, and has it custom-built by Amish craftsmen, so we frequently drive up to Holmes County to deliver seasoned hardwoods for different projects he's commissioned, or to pick up completed pieces. I have more personal ties, having befriended an Amish...

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Rumspringa Part 1

This happened to me in collegeThe year was 2000...Some of you may not know this, but Ohio has one of the largest communities of Amish people in the United States, larger even than Pennsylvania, which is famous for its Pennsylvania Dutch country. In Ohio, they dwell mostly in Holmes County, about sixty miles from where I grew up in Licking County (yes, Licking! no lesbian jokes!). There is a tradition among the Amish, which is largely hushed up, because it is so contrary to the Ordnung, or code...

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Rumspringa 1

Rumspringa 1I was reminiscing about days gone by and I searched “Amish” on xhamster. I saw a few videos and it reminds me of a nice spring evening in Lancaster County PA.My buddies and I used to go to a local farmers market which was on Tuesday's every week. Besides having great food, occasionally, you get to meet nice Amish girls. Well, we went every week and chatted up a few nice looking girls at the stands. I met a nicely built (for what you could see under her rather blousy dress) Amish...

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Rumspringa A Short Story By Maryanne Peters Ours had always been a very religious household. I guess Mom was really the key to that. Dad always said the strength of faith always comes from the women. But he was the elder in our church, and he seemed fully committed. Me, not so much. I just never felt right. It seemed to me that faith in God and following a Christian path is supposed to settle all your internal problems, but it never seemed to do it for me. It was not...

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SpringFest Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was in high school at the time, and looking forward to being out of school. There is a tradition, all in fun of course, that just before the Easter break, the top ten percent of the class had to participate in any event the top ten percent of the Freshman class decided on. There had been all sorts of parties and fun over this, like making the Seniors wear their clothes inside out, or make pizza for the entire school. Only...

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Chapter 1 My name is John and I have worked in my fathers brick yard ever since I was old enough to lift a brick. Our brick yard is in a county where about half the population is Amish, Mennonite, or an offspring of such lifestyles. I've lived here my whole live. I'm now twenty-four and a foreman in our yard. I played sports in high school and later went to a technical school to get an Associate Degree in business. My Dad said it would help me in the brick business. I learned a lot...

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Springdale Retirement Home

My name is Jesse Milford and when I graduated from high school I was just three months shy of my 18th birthday. I had always wanted to be a cop so I applied to the local police department, passed the written and physical fitness tests and after an interview with a gruff Sergeant was told that I would be accepted into the police academy for training pending two things happening; one, I needed to be at least 18 and two, after turning 18 it would be anywhere from 6 to 12 months before I could...

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College life spring semester 32

Waking with Corey on Sunday in our dorms in April, I quietly watched himprepare to leave just before 7. We spent the night holding each other withlots of hot making out. We forewent sex since our heart would not be in itbut it was great to hold him."Feeling any better?" I asked."I guess. Maybe it was one of those days. We're allowed those, right?""Yes, we are allowed a moody day," I said.Corey was reaching for a shirt when I heard his golf clubs rattle together.It hit me what he might be able...

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College life spring semester 9

Kris and I were being lazy the next day, Wednesday, after a really long dayfor me. The best surprise of the day was a nice box waiting for me when Icame up. Mom had followed through and made a bunch of sweets for us. Krisdidn't care about the healthy snacks at that point and dove right in. Weheard our door open slowly and looked to see the buzzed head Bryson who wasstill sporting his chin strap beard. There was a big smile across hisface."Wassup, bitches?" Bryson asked with his arms thrown out...

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IIT Mumbai Mein Akhri Semester

Hi, this is Daksh Kashyap, graduated from IIT Mumbai. Pichle part ‘IIT Placement Preparation Mein Chudai’ mein maine bataya ki kaise Bidisha ke sath fir se chudai start ho gayi aur meri crush Anvesha ko choda. Ye kahani mein main Anvesha ki gand kaise mari aur last semester kaise bitaya, uske bare mein bataunga. 7 December ko maine Anvesha ko choda tha. Fir 10 December ko humdono ghar (Delhi) jane wale the. Humesha flight se hi jate the par es bar 1st ac train ki booking karayi. Kyuki Isme...

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A Semester Abroad Part 3

A Semester Abroad- Part 3 By RogerGirl Soon, two weeks had past and Sasha was beginning to fall into a rhythm. Her classes were going well and she was making several new friends. Her style had also evolved and she began feeling more comfortable showing off her body and going out with the girls in sexy dresses and heels. She had even gone with them a few times to the beach in a bikini. With Susan's help, she now had a pretty expansive female wardrobe at the apartment. While she had...

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