College Life Spring Semester 10 free porn video

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Saturday here at the end of January, I was up before Kris woke. After
sleeping on his date, he still couldn't get over the fact that he had been
used by his date the same way some guys used girls. I doubt if he learned
a lesson from jumping into bed with a girl he didn't know but he did bemoan
how empty he felt inside. Colt and a few of the others had a nice laugh at
Kris but did tell him at least he got laid. Kris was happy with that.

That night, Corey and I headed out for our own date night without anyone
else around. He treated me to a nice meal before we came back to catch a
theater production on campus that I wanted to see. The play wasn't great
but was something different for us to take in other than the regular dinner
and a movie date.

Driving into our parking lot, we easily saw flashing blue lights in our
dorm lot.

"Oh God, we are gone just a short time and something happens," I stated in
a little attack and fear for all my friends.

"Chill Matt. It could be anything. It could involve something..."

"Oh shit! There's Kris! Oh please let it be nothing! Please!"

"Matt, calm down," Corey said while he parked. We now could see most of
our friends from our floor standing around. I quickly got out of the car
to see what was going on with the campus police having Kendall aside. I
raced to Kris's side.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Oh someone asshole broke into Kendall's ride," Colt replied.

"Thank goodness!" I said and drew a few looks. "Well..."

"He was worried something major happened to one of y'all," Corey said.

"Yeah, I just knew something had happened," I said.

"That was it but it still sucks," Kris said. "Why don't people just leave
other people's shit alone? I know Kendall has a sweet ride but still."

Noah walked up to us.

"Any word?" We asked together.

"They didn't get a thing," Noah said. "It's just a pain that it needs

"It still sucks!" Colt stated.

"How was the date?" Kris asked me.

"We didn't do much..."

"He d**g me to the theater to see some lame ass play," Corey stated. I
quickly gave Corey a hard stare.

"Glad that was you and not me," Colt laughed.

We broke up the little gathering and started to head inside after Kendall
stated nothing could be done at this time other than taping up his window.

Instead of going in our room like the others, I pulled Corey aside out in
the hall after the hall was clear.

"Next time say something if you didn't want to go to that play. I thought
you agreed and said it would be different," I stated with us in the hall.

Corey grabbed my hand and led me to the big room in the middle. He sat us
down on the couch. "Matt, we both agreed the play was lame, right?"

"Yes but you made it sound like you were forced to go."

"Sorry but maybe I did. Don't be pissed at me, please. I guess I opened my
mouth and spoke before I thought about what I was saying."

"Alright then," I said and broke off a smile. "It happens."

"Yes, it does." He leaned over and kissed me. I pulled him closer to
enjoy our kiss.

"Get a fucking room, you two fucking fags!" We heard. We looked up to see
Lee and his roommate standing there with their hands on their hips.

"Yeah, what some goddamn fags!" Lee's roommate Terry said.

"Lee, fuck off alright. We weren't bothering you, alright!" Corey said.

"Acting tough around your little fag, I see," Lee said, approaching
Corey. "Maybe you need to run and get that fag lover Kris to come down here
and help your sorry ass out!"

Corey stood with the veins popping in his neck and his face beet red.
"Listen Lee, I think I can handle this without any help."

Lee laughed and turned around with his roommate laughing as well. Lee
quickly wheeled around and threw a punch in Corey's direction. Corey threw
up his arm to deflect the punch. Corey unloaded a gut shot that sent Lee
backwards and hurting. I sat and watched in disbelief but with great pride
swelling in Corey defending his attacker.

"You think I need some help, bitch!" Corey said and stood over Lee. Lee
was bent over at the waist and holding his guts. Corey's arm was cocked
and ready for more. Lee's roommate grabbed Lee and pulled him away. They
headed away with Corey standing and breathing hard.

Corey turned to me and gave me a huge smile. "Damn but that felt so good!"

"Maybe he'll learn..."

"Doubt that but he got the message I can do pretty damn good at handling

I stood and threw my arms around him. I saw Rick enter the room.

"What happened?" he asked.

Corey told his side then I told what I saw.

"Corey, Lee said you hit him in the gut to show off and for no reason,"
Rick stated.

Calmly Corey said. "Seriously Rick, who do you believe? You know our
history around this place. Have I ever been the aggressor? After a while,
say five months, you take that shit all you can and finally react."

"Lee threw the first punch, Rick," I said in Corey's defense.

"There story is completely and totally different from both of yours..."
Rick said.

"Not surprising," Corey scoffed, rolling his blue eyes.

"Corey, it would have been much easier if you would have come and told me
before busting his gut..."

"I'm not one to run and tell. I told you I told him to fuck off, which
means go away."

Rick snickered, "I know what it means. Corey, I doubt you will have to
deal with him much longer since Lee can't get over his homophobic self. He
tortures Stephan like you wouldn't believe."

"Now, I appreciate Michael more than ever," Corey said.

"I'll take care of it. In the meantime, stay clear of Lee and his
roommate. Lee picked the wrong person to take a swing at. I doubt he
learned a lesson though."

"Tell him to stay clear of Kris. Once we tell Kris Lee called him a fag
lover, the shit will hit the fan for sure," Corey stated.

Rick's eyes got really big. He marched out of the room with Corey and me
on his heels.

"Let me tell him," I said to Rick as we caught him.

Rick turned, "No, I'm issuing Kris a stern warning. One more fight here
and he could be asked to leave school."

I opened our door. Thankfully, no one was drinking as we entered the room.

"Wassup?" Colt asked. "Coming to join our party."

"If I see or smell one drop of alcohol, it's going down the drain. Is that
understood?" Rick said firmly and wasn't real happy.

A hush fell over my crowded room.

"Matt, what happened?" Kris asked.

Corey and I told our story. Rick spoke up, "They tell me Kris Lee call you
a fag lover..."

"Motherfucking bitch!" Kris stood from his bed in a rage with his temper
showing. "I'll beat his fucking ass to a pulp and show his ass who is the
fag lover here!"

Rick walked up to Kris. "You do..."

"I don't give a fuck what happens. No one is calling me that shit!"

I walked up and grabbed Kris's arm. "We are going outside for one second."

"The hell we are!" Kris said fighting me.

"Yes we are!" I said. It was a struggle but I got Kris through the maze of
people and slammed our door.

"What the fuck, Matt?" Kris asked once we were out in the hall.

"Kris, calm down. If you touch Lee, Rick said they will kick you out of

"Like I give a fuck!"

"Yes, you do give a fuck! Kris, this is your life! You love college and
everyone and everything here more than anyone I know. Do not let your
temper get you kicked out of here."

"Matt, it just pisses me off!"

"I know it does. Sometimes you have to step back and think of the
consequences. You are down to your last strike, Kris. Don't be so foolish
and ruin everything!"

Rick came out the door. "Matt, did you tell him?"

"I did."

"Rick, why do I get fucking kicked out over shit said?"

"Kris, we have rules here. I'm not saying you will get kicked out but you
will get punished severely. I for one don't want to see that happen to
you. Put that macho bullshit aside for a change. In the meantime, I'll do
everything I can from my side to deal with Lee. It may take a while to get
things done. I don't want you to do something you may regret the rest of
your life here, Kris. Kris, can I have your word you won't act out?"

"I will unless he starts it," Kris replied.

"If he starts it, my advice is you better run or else you could be in it
deep," Rick stated.

"Rick, I'm not running. You better tell Lee to stay the fuck away from me,
Matt and the rest of us. I hear he fucks with anyone I will fuck his ass
up no matter what the penalty is."

"Goddamnit Kris, listen to me!" Rick said. "Don't fuck things up! You're
too good of a person to let some homophobic asshole like Lee or Terry ruin
your college life! He does this to see if he can get under your skin. Walk
away and show him you are better than he is."

"Ummm... Rick, you could just ask that he and Terry find another dorm," I

"That's what I'm going to try to do, Matt, but as I said, it may take time.
I'll do whatever I can to speed things up. It is something I probably
should have done last semester. Every time he sees Stephan he calls him a
fag and says he hopes he and Grayson die of AIDS."

"What a fucking asshole!" Kris said. "Is he really that sick to do that?"

"Yes, now with this latest incident, I have real proof other than Stephan's
word," Rick said. "Lee's the most stubborn person I've ever seen in my
life. No telling how many times I've told him to keep his mouth shut."

"Have you asked him to move?" I asked.

"Matt, I have but he insists it's his right to stay here. Now I can get
him to leave with others backing me."

We said thanks and headed back inside. Naturally, everyone wondered what
had occurred. Between telling Corey and my story to Kendall's break-in, we
had plenty to keep us going for quite a while.

Sunday, everything seemed back to normal. Naturally, the moment I stepped
out the door I was on the lookout for Lee. By the afternoon, no one had
seen Lee or his roommate around the hall or anywhere near the dorm.

That night, Scott had us all shocked when we spotted him with a girl. I
laid eyes on her and thought she was very cute. I came back in the room
after being with Corey for a while to find Kris, Colt, Alex, Jess and
Bryson in the room.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but I think I saw Scott with a girl," I said in

"We were just talking about that, Matt," Kris stated. "I saw her too and
she was fucking hot!"

"I really don't get that dude at all," Bryson commented.

"Hey, join the crowd," Alex stated. "Just when you think you have him
pegged he up and shows up with that thing."

"Any idea where he found her or she found him?" I asked.

"From what we heard he, Juan and Jess went out last night back to that
club," Jess replied.

"That's some shit right there boys. Some guy who can't make up his mind
scores one hot chick," Kris said.

"Wonder if he got used?" Colt joked.

"For that shit, I would," Kris laughed. "Hey Bryson, how did your super
date go?"

Bryson shrugged, "It went okay I guess. I didn't get any pussy out of it
if that's what you're asking."

"Hell yeah, that's what Kris means. Kris is the only one to get some pussy
on a first date and felt like shit," Colt stated.

"Dude was it good pussy?" Bryson asked.

"You tell me when you've had bad pussy," Kris said. "The way she said I was
okay and she got what she needed though it was such a turn off."

I heard the p-word enough for one night and changed the subject to the
upcoming basketball week. That did the trick and got them going about
that. Then, they came up with the bright idea of having a Super Bowl party
the next weekend. I didn't even know it was the next weekend let alone who
was playing. They did make it sound exciting though even if it was on a
Sunday night.

Monday was odd in a way in that it was the first Monday of classes for our
semester after a holiday and a snow day. By the end of the day, I was
dragging and hating that it was so long.

Scott and I headed back to the dorm after our lab with Michael heading in a
different direction.

"Alright Scott, spill it about the girl," I said while we walked.

He turned and smiled. "Did you like Deidra?"

"I guess if that's the girl's name we all saw you with."

"Matt, she found me, honestly, at the dance club. We danced together and
really had a great time. Yesterday, she showed up at the dorm."

"Okay the question now is do you like her?"

"I don't have a clue. Sure Hayden and I are in an open relationship... by
the way, he said he had a great time with his date."

"He said he did but that was about it."

"Matt, I really don't know what to do. I can feel the pressure from both
sides now. Kris and the guys want me to date girls again. Hayden, I
think, still wants us to be together."

"What does Scott really wanna do deep down inside?"

"I don't have a fucking clue!" Scott said entering our dorm. We found my
room empty and went inside.

"Scott, who were you the most happy with?" I asked sitting down my backpack
and grabbing a chair.

Scott jumped on Kris's unmade bed. "I was happy with both. I go with the
moment as it is and don't worry what happens."

"I'm glad it's you and not me but I don't ever think I'd be in your

"Yeah because you know who you are. Right now, I don't know who I am."

"I do, Scott. You're a tad bit confused but you seem happy with both
situations and goes with it."

"I guess so. Any word about Lee?" Scott asked.

"I haven't heard a thing. Rick said he'd take care of it and it'd take

"The best solution would be to get the asshole gone..."

"I think it would be for everyone here but we'll see how things."

Our door opened with Kris, Jess and Colt filing in the room. With them
there, Scott's tone changed about his girl. I knew he was that way around
them whereas as privately he was confused. I just listened to the chatter
and didn't say a word. I left them and went to find Corey. He wasn't in
his room so I headed back. As I was walking back, I heard Corey call my

I turned around and went back to him. "Wassup?"

"Rick was telling me what was going down. He's doing his best to get Lee
moved to another dorm as fast as he can before all hell breaks loose around
here. He said Lee had been staying over at a friend's place until this got

We entered his room and sat on his bed. We shared a brief kiss. I said,
"Rick is a little at fault here for not acting before something happened."

"I think he realizes it now after the fact."

"I did get to speak a little to Scott today..."

"So what did he say?" Corey asked me.

"Really all I got out of it was he was confused as ever. I think part of
him wants to be with a girl where the other part wants to be with Hayden."

"I'm glad there's no doubt with me."

"Me too," I said agreeing.

We talked about Valentine's Day with everything still set before talking
about tonight's game that the guys had at 5:30 at the Rec Center. Neither
one of us were going to miss it. We grabbed a quick bite before heading
over to the Rec Center to watch the guys play.

Corey and I grabbed a seat near the bench to be close. Corey was given the
clipboard while I did my duty as water boy. I couldn't help but notice
Kris wasn't even dressed out for the game. I looked up and saw Liz walking
around and taking a seat on the floor across the way. Corey nudged me when
he spotted her as well.

Once the game began, Kris got really into his role as coach. At the first
break, he pulled Colt and put in Khalid with Colt not doing very well. I
could see Colt wasn't happy with Kris at all. By the end of the first
quarter, we led by four points thanks to Scott's shooting and Garrett's
skill. Kris made another substitution when the game resume. With it
close, Kris was pacing up and down the sidelines. Now there was no doubt
in my mind that coaching in some capacity was his calling. By half time,
we were leading by eight. I did hear Kris speak to Colt but in a good way.

We increased our lead by the end of the third quarter thanks to our
pressing style with Bryson all over them. Kris told the guys to back off a
little with the game in hand. By this point, he got everyone in the game
and involved. We ended up winning by nine. Our guys were happy and
excited more than the last game but not ecstatic like the first game.

As we left, I watched Liz eye Kris and walk out the door without
approaching him. We left the gym with all the sweaty stinky players.

Back at the dorm, Corey and I went to my room. Kris was right behind us
and undressed in a hurry. Even though he didn't play, he was hot and
sweaty from his coaching. Corey and I turned on the TV to catch some
American Idol and lay claim to the TV for a change.

Corey and I were watching and laughing until the door flew wide open.

"Matt, we need you now!" Colt screamed, dripping wet and sounding urgent.

I shut my eyes briefly and wondered what in the world was going on...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 22 The Lost Semester

Spring semester, 1982 (January – May) No sooner had I arrived back at my dorm room than I experienced a flashback to the other timeline. Benny, my soon-to-be-ex-roommate, was in the process of moving his belongings out of the room. He told me that he'd decided to live at home and commute to his classes. He shook my hand, told me it had been great to have me for a roommate, and left. Technically, the housing office had the authority to assign someone else to the room, but I knew they...

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Extra Credit Spring Semester

Marlena didn’t care anyhow. She was so satisfied by her sexual encounter that she could have been fired and it would not have bothered her all that much. The fact that she hadn’t gotten in trouble made everything that much better. Besides, she was the envy of all of her colleagues, too. Because of the rumors Marlena was forced to have a teacher’s aide to stay with her during her classes. The aide was female, and with purpose, so that she could monitor Marlena’s actions and report back to the...

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College life spring semester 13

*******************Friday night was rather quiet around my room with Kris out with Liz and theother guys doing their own thing. It offered the perfect opportunity to dosome shopping for Corey's Valentine's present and Kris's birthday presentwhich was the next day. The mall was about as crowded as it was during theChristmas season. The bad part was I didn't have much money or an idea foreither of them. I found something small for Kris before finding a niceinexpensive gift for Corey.Right after...

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College life spring semester 32

Waking with Corey on Sunday in our dorms in April, I quietly watched himprepare to leave just before 7. We spent the night holding each other withlots of hot making out. We forewent sex since our heart would not be in itbut it was great to hold him."Feeling any better?" I asked."I guess. Maybe it was one of those days. We're allowed those, right?""Yes, we are allowed a moody day," I said.Corey was reaching for a shirt when I heard his golf clubs rattle together.It hit me what he might be able...

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College life spring semester 9

Kris and I were being lazy the next day, Wednesday, after a really long dayfor me. The best surprise of the day was a nice box waiting for me when Icame up. Mom had followed through and made a bunch of sweets for us. Krisdidn't care about the healthy snacks at that point and dove right in. Weheard our door open slowly and looked to see the buzzed head Bryson who wasstill sporting his chin strap beard. There was a big smile across hisface."Wassup, bitches?" Bryson asked with his arms thrown out...

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College life spring semester 31

With Corey spending the night, it wasn't so hard getting up on Wednesdaysince we had the same class to start to the day. It was nice being able toget a long kiss and sneak in a shower together before starting our day. Wedid see one of my neighbors, Sammy, along with Noel when we exited theshower together. They smiled and made small talk while we dried offtogether.Walking to class, Corey stated, "Matt, whether you realize it or not, in amonth we'll be separated for summer.""I suppose we will...

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College life Spring semester 4

Waking about eleven the next day, Saturday, Corey was holding me still withKris lying under his sheets but his ass was shining out from under one spotin the sheet. It took a second for me to process what had occurred thenight before. Now the morning after, I had very conflicted feelings aboutit. On one hand, it was exciting and different for Corey and me to showKris the joy of gay sex. On the other, I wondered if I had overstepped theboundaries of my dear friendship with Kris and opened...

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College life spring semester 25

.*******************Wednesday after a long day of class, I sat alone at my desk trying todigest my notes and get them in some order when they were needed. For somereason, I was just doodling on a piece of paper until my phone beganringing. I raced over and rolled my eyes seeing it was my dad calling.Politely, I answered it to hear his gruff voice on the other end. Hecalled to see how I was doing and see if I was free on Friday night. Itwas his lucky day since nothing so far was planned. I was...

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Campus Life Spring BreakChapter 5

Saturday afternoon and evening--Tylea and Lee. The glamor shot picture-taking event had been interesting. The four 'interns, ' as the students from Middlebury College had been dubbed by Deuce for the rest of the engagement, were driven to an upscale photography studio near Boston University just a few blocks from Fenway Park. Clothes, makeup, and jewelry were there in abundance as part of the glamour shot business for which this studio specialized. There were even two stylists on...

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College life spring semester 29

*******************Once the announcement was made and the curtain raised, I couldn't believewhat I was seeing.Corey nudged me, "Seriously?""I know," I said in utter shock."Can you believe this shit?" Colt asked me quietly. "I knew Kris wouldchicken out!"On the stage was Scott in a tee and shorts. Now the biggest question thatcame to mind was what precipitated this? Did Kris back out? I thoughtKris was messing with me the entire time and would follow through. Now Iwondered where he was. I...

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College life spring semester 15

Colt's text was barely sent before he came knocking at my door. He wasthere in just his shorts and both shoulder tatts showing nicely."Matt, wassup?""Colt, I don't have a clue. He woke up all pissed off like never before,"I replied with Colt sitting in Kris's chair. "Anything go on last night?""No, nothing at all. We went to eat and grabbed a movie. Nothing washappening then.""He did get a ticket," I said and pointed to his desk where it was sitting."Damn!" Colt said, looking at the ticket....

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A OneHalf Semester

I got this idea from the NMF universe, but decided to move it to my own little world where my SRU stories took place. Not exactly NMF, but if it looks like a duck..... This story is copyright 1999 by the author. If you wish to archive this story, please let me know. RD A 1/2 Semester By Ran Dandel The Riding Club's favorite twins, the Jacoby brothers were hosting their annual Spring Semester party. Each year, they came up with a different idea for the party. Last year, it...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 31 Second Semester

On the last day of July, we took Alonzo, Paul and Patrick to the airport. At least for Patrick and Wendy, it was only a temporary separation, he would be back in two weeks’ time; but for Ros it was a very tearful farewell. The five months before Alonzo was back for his sabbatical job teaching at the University would really drag out for her. Patrick said that one of his first projects would be to get a remote data link set up in our study going back to the office at St. Leonards, ostensibly so...

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DoceoChapter 16 Wrapping up the Semester

Jess wasn't an early riser and we slept late on Sunday. This worked in my favor as I seemed to think better with someone snuggled close, and I was still coming to grips with the events of the past week. It was an enormous relief to finally have everything out in the open, but it felt strange to be on my own. Seeking support, I called home after lunch. It hurt, and made me feel guilty, when my parents were surprised to hear from me. Still, they quickly recovered and were eager to hear what...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 41 End of the Semester

November/December 1982, Chicago, Illinois Elyse and I made good time and stopped for gas and something to eat in West Lafayette, then got back on the road towards Chicago. “Steve, what’s bothering you?” Elyse asked. “Is it that obvious?” “You haven’t said two words since we left Cincinnati. I mean, you pull off the strong silent type pretty well, but this is a bit much. What’s going on?” “I’m just worried about Kara. And Stephie.” “That does NOT sound good, Steve. Come on, spill...

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Spring semester college life 19

*******************Friday, my classes were over and done with in a hurry. The sad part washaving to see Hayden after my first class nearly break down since he wasn'tallowed to go with us. I really felt for him and promised I have Scottbring him something special along with keeping an eye on him. He laughedand wished me luck on the last part since he knew Scott far too well.Finally about noon, the twelve of us gathered together. We were veryexcited to get going and see what the week held. It was...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 44 Spring Break 1982 Part I

March, 1982, Milford, Ohio As I drove along I-65, I thought about what Stephanie had asked for and what Bethany had said without even knowing about the request. Of course, because Bethany and I were so in tune, she might have actually had an idea that I was struggling with getting involved with my sister again. I kept turning it over and over in my mind and I kept coming to the same conclusion — that I shouldn’t do it. I was torn between doing what Stephanie wanted and doing what Kara and...

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College life spring semester 27

*******************It was four or so when Corey and I returned to campus after our brief tripto his home to grab his camping equipment. We climbed the stairs and foundmy door cracked open. I pushed it open to find Kris, Colt, Jess and Alexin the room. Kris, Colt and Alex had their lip full of dip."How'd it go?" Kris asked us."It went really well," Corey said with us grabbing desk chairs."Matt, before we decide anything, we've decided to check out the otherdorms and see what's available. We were...

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178 Spring service

178 Spring service. It was a sunny summer Sunday afternoon, warm sultry with a threat of a storm, Spring lay on her bed looking at her favourite scene from her open window up here on the hill-side, below her was a scene she never tired of, the whole of the Romney marsh made famous by the infamous Dr Syn. She could see looking out over the marshland, the tiny but distant pair of lighthouses at Dungeness, near 20 miles away at the tip of the shingle spit, dwarfed now by the great solid block of...

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Shahiras Rite of Spring

In the days before the dark Godsbrought their legions and flames, the spring brought a special time at the Homely House, where I was steward. Every year, the Sultana came to meet our orphans. She ate and played with them, and at the end of the day one lucky child was taken into the royal household to be trained as a servant. This was no mean honor for the person selected, for not only were they granted access to those who hold power, they were given an education and training in the social...

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Shahiras Rite of Spring

In the days before the dark Godsbrought their legions and flames, the spring brought a special time at the Homely House, where I was steward. Every year, the Sultana came to meet our orphans. She ate and played with them, and at the end of the day one lucky child was taken into the royal household to be trained as a servant. This was no mean honor for the person selected, for not only were they granted access to those who hold power, they were given an education and training in the social...

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Campus Life Spring BreakChapter 3

Friday evening, the week before Spring Break Week--Dee and Aaron. "Oh, God! Yes!" Dee's whole body shook as her third orgasm of the evening washed over her. Her eyes were closed and her mouth hung slightly open as she attempted to catch her breath following the intense orgasmic blast that had swept her entire being. Dee had begun to climax again just after she felt the swelling in her cunt of Kyle's wonderful cock, signaling his pending ejaculation inside of her. She had wrapped her...

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Campus Life Spring BreakChapter 7

J. Carlton Scott, III, was miserable today. He had been miserable the day before as well; and the day before that; and every day since his divorce from his ex-wife, Madison, had become final six months earlier. On some days, the activities of running his inherited ... well, 'Empire' would probably be an apt description of it, kept him from being totally miserable every waking hour. Carl and Madison had met during their college days in the Greater Philadelphia area. Maddy was at Bryn Mawr...

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Spring Mornings Part 1

Spring Mornings The cold, bitter air of winter blew harshly down the street and against Dan's frail body. He had wrapped himself tightly with his coat but it didn't stop him from shivering from the icy air that blustered from the purple, twilight sky above him. Winter has a hold over Springhill, covering every surface with a nice layer of fresh snow. Dan shook the snow that cling onto his jacket and enter his front door. "I hate this weather," Dan said darkly. His mood was not...

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College life spring semester 8

*******************Kris got his towel to dry off with and dressed in his shorts. I swear hewas getting bigger by the day with a really defined chest, roundedshoulders, defined biceps and triceps with a well designed tattoo aroundone, rock solid abs and that distinctive V-taper with nice cuts down intohis shorts along with solid cut legs. It seemed as though all of us hadlost our razors over the weekend as well with all of us sporting facialhair growth."I think you enjoyed coaching," I said to...

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College life spring semester 5

Nudging Corey in the side, we woke up in his friend's apartment. Coreysoftly kissed me on the lips."Remind us to do this again sometime," Corey stated."It was pretty sweet.""No doubt they heard us last night. This damn headboard nearly knockeddown that wall with you banging my ass last night but Trey and Towsonsounded like they were enjoying some great sex as well.""They did with their bed knocking against the wall. I guess they couldn'tlet us show them up."Corey smiled, "I don't guess not." We...

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The Life of Ias Two Spring Break and the Sisters Freaky Spirit

Even though she had a boyfriend, that wasn't Ias, he never gave up on his crush. Any one with eyes could see that Ias was head over heels for Des, anyone but Des. Even though she had a boyfriend, Ias became her girlfriend but Ias said this was for the best. According to Ias, the fact that she was now going out with Max gave him time to play the friend card, and move in when they broke up. The only problems were that there relationship was strong and Des wouldn't know that Ias was in to her...

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Spring Break Incognito

Spring Break Incognito By Enigma I rolled off Sarah to lie naked, panting, beside her, trying to catch my breath. She snuggled up to my cooling body and was first to regain the power of speech. "That was fantastic, Jeff. I love you!" "Mmmm..." I pulled her tight to me. "Yeah, it was, wasn't it?" I managed to wheeze. "I love you too, honey." I glanced over at the lighted digits of the alarm clock that showed it was a little past 1 AM, "But we both have early classes...

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The Joys of Spring

The Joys of Spring By Rubberwolf Feb 2009?Storycodes:  M/F nc rp bd exhibition snuff? ForewordMany of the forums that deal with fetishes, in particular bondage, will invariably have asked the question:?When did you first get into bondage??The answers will usually contain tails of self-bondage and experimentation as teenagers, in some cases, early teens.  But behind these explanations, the conversation will usually ask what gets you hot, or what was your first experience of bondage?  The answer,...

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Campus Life Spring BreakChapter 21

Meanwhile, over at the Boston Common Hotel and Conference Center, Jack and Lee were now fully naked and were running their hands over the still-clothed, but willing ladies that had chosen not to wear the 'protective' ribbons. This event could now technically be characterized as CFNM--meaning 'Clothed Female Naked Male.' The two young men danced around and waved their erect cocks in the faces of the seated ladies while there was much clapping to the music to which they danced. Lee had set...

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After a Long Semester

“How the hell do you do this to me?” she breathed into hisear as he kissed her throat. A minute ago she was peacefully reading a book, when she heard her doorbell ringing. He didn’t even stop to say hello as she opened the door to him, his mouth immediately covered hers as his body pressed against her. Now she was pushed with her back against the wall as his hands and mouth tried to touch her everywhere. Her light summer dress pushed up her thighs, his strong, long fingers kneading her soft...

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Power Chapter Nine First Semester

Classes were actually pretty good. My swimming class was at eight in the morning. It was a freshman course. All the guys were nude, and about a third of the girls went without bathing suits. The most popular guy in the class was Walden. I have no idea if all African American men’s dicks are bigger than whites’, but his certainly was. It was nine inches soft and nearly a foot long when hard. I felt so inadequate. I enjoy swimming, and swimming in a large pool while nude was actually better than...

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Power Chapter Seventeen Second Semester

CHAPTER 17: SecondSemester Studying, practical exercises, oral exams and lab experiments. Oh, also some classes. Jay arrived on campus the day before classes started. He had signed up for a bunch of courses, most of which I did not understand. Theory II I got. Music History I got. Introduction to composition I didn’t get. He was also enrolled in HS 102, Introduction to Human Sexuality, but was in a different section. Second semester English and Intro to Anthropology rounded it out. He told...

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Night School New Semester

Of the dozen middle aged students who showed up for my new painting class, a thirtyish Swedish woman named Alin stood out.Although I was careful not to stare at any of the women to remain innocent of any inappropriate behavior, she caught my eye immediately because of her honey blond hair, slim body, and full breasts.I was able to gauge Alin’s figure as the evening’s instruction went along, noting that she had a tiny waist, rounded firm ass, and fully rounded breasts capped with large erect...

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Erstes Semester

„Auf Wiedersehen! Macht euch bloß nicht zuviel Sorgen um mich! Ich schaffe das schon ganz alleine! Ich bin doch jetzt erwachsen!“ Mit diesen Worten drückt Marina ihre Eltern noch einmal ganz herzlich zum Abschied. Ihre Mutter hat sogar Tränen in den Augen, als sie in das Auto einsteigt. Der Vater winkt ihr noch einmal aufmunternd aus dem geöffneten Fahrerfenster zu. Mit schwerem Herzen sieht Marina zu, wie ihre Eltern langsam vom Parkplatz des Studentenwohnheimes fahren, und sie winkt ihnen...

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