Photographer Ch. 13 free porn video

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As this chapter of the Photographer story begins Greg is escorting Ellie Maxwell to New York to meet with the rest of Mrs. Blair’s restructuring team. Ellie’s husband who was the director of one of Mrs. Blair’s companies is headed to prison for most of his life. Attorney Barker is expediting the divorce proceedings so that she will be free of him and his controlling ways forever. It had given her great pleasure to be the one to put the cuffs on him and read him his Miranda Rights.

It had been a long day and both Ellie and Greg drifted off to sleep. When Ellie woke up, she looked at Greg sleeping with his head against the plane’s window and thought what a wonderful young man he was and how lucky some woman would be some day to be his wife. She couldn’t believe that earlier today she had been an unemployed woman trying to get a divorce and now she was an accountant for a huge corporation and a deputy for the FBI with a combined income of $250,000 plus profit sharing and the best fringe benefits she had ever heard of anybody receiving.

Mrs. Blair had instructed her to relax for the weekend at the Barker’s condo in New York City. Starting next week they were planning to visit companies in Europe, South America, Mexico. However, she had suggested she just take an overnight bag to New York.

When she had asked Greg why she was only taking an overnight bag, he asked, ‘Do you like to shop?’

‘Well, of course, doesn’t every woman like to shop?’

‘Mrs. Blair wants her staff dressed in the best clothes money can buy. Tomorrow morning I will introduce to shopping Mrs. Blair style.’

A limousine driver had driven them to the airport. She had been issued a special FBI roll-on bag. It was internally coded in some way that it automatically passed through all detection systems. When they had arrived at the airport there were over 500 passengers waiting to clear security. Greg had an identical roll-on in addition to his shoulder bag with camera equipment.

Ellie said, ‘This is the part I hate!’ She got her purse out and started to take out her driver’s license.

‘You won’t need that, just have your FBI badge ready.’ Greg led her past all the people waiting in line. They showed their ID badges to a security guard who opened a gate and nodded approval without saying a word.

As they were walking to the gate Ellie said, ‘I could get to like this. I didn’t even have to take my shoes off.’

She looked again at Greg and wondered what the weekend would hold when she felt a tap on the shoulder. She looked up into the beautiful eyes of Andino, the pilot.

‘Hello Captain.’

Andino said, ‘I just talked to Annie and she told me you are a student pilot. I am the person who gave her flight lessons in Tuscany.’ Ellie suddenly realized this was the flight instructor with a big cock and an open marriage.

‘Yes, some day I will be flying a Lear Jet.’

‘Would you like to see the cockpit of this plane?’

‘I sure would,’ she said as she got up and followed her into the cockpit.

Andino introduced her to Joanna, the co-pilot and told Joanna that Ellie was a student pilot.

Joanna said, ‘Why don’t you sit here. I am due for a break.’ She left Ellie and Andino alone in the cockpit and went to the rear of the plane.

Ellie moved into the co-pilots seat and felt like a kid in a candy store. Andino went through all the instruments and controls telling her what each one does.

Ellie said, ‘Annie tells me you are a great flight instructor.’

‘She is a wonderful student. She would take lesson for 6 hours a day and learn more than the average student pilot learns in 3 weeks. What else did she tell you about me?’

‘She said you have an open marriage and a great cock.’

‘I hope some day, I will be able to prove that to you, but they do not allow that activity when flying a commercial airline.’ The both laughed and each knew they were in for some great sex in the future.

As soon as Caterina saw Ellie leave her seat, she took a blanket to cover Greg. It was dark in the first class cabin except for the aisle lights. She made a final check to be sure everyone in first class was asleep and then sat down beside Greg, reached under the blanket, unzipped his pants, reached under his shorts and found what she was looking for.

As soon as she touched her cock, Greg woke up and initially thought Ellie was more aggressive than he thought. As he turned his head Caterina, said ‘Hi Greg.’ He was immediately erect.

‘Where is Ellie?’

‘She is in the cockpit meeting her flight instructor.’ As she was talking, her hand was bringing him to a quicker than normal climax. Caterina managed to catch it all in the blanket, lowered her head for the final cleanup and then said, ‘Thanks, I needed that.’

‘So did I,’ Greg whispered.

‘I can’t wait to hear all about this latest adventure,’ Caterina said. ‘Ellie is a beautiful woman. I talked with Annie earlier and she gave me a brief description of what happened. I also want you to know that starting in September, I will be flying a route that has a two-day layover in Santa Monica once a month. Greg was instantly erect again. ‘I was hoping that would be your response.’ Rolling the blanket up, she said, ‘I need to get back to work. We will be landing in about 20 minutes. Don’t forget to put that thing away. I don’t want you shocking my passengers.’

Right after Caterina left, the co-pilot walked past on her way back to the cockpit. ‘She asked Ellie if she wanted to ride the jump seat for the landing and Ellie said she would love to. The co-pilot came out and sat down beside Greg and told him that Ellie would be in the cockpit for landing. Then she went back to her co-pilot’s seat and started the pre-landing procedures.

Ellie was in absolute awe as the landing lights at JFK airport came into view. She thought, ‘Some day I will land Mrs. Blair’s Lear Jet here.’ The touchdown was as smooth as she had ever experienced. As they were taxiing to the gate, Andino told Ellie he was looking forward to seeing her in Tuscany and that this would be a good time to return to her seat, so she didn’t get run over with exiting passengers. She thanked him for the adventure and returned to her seat.

‘I am sorry I abandoned you, but I had never had the opportunity to be in the cockpit of a commercial airplane. Andino is really great. He said if I have some free time when we are Tuscany, he would give me some flight lessons.’

Andy thought that Andino would probably give her more than flight lessons, but he kept that to himself. ‘Did he tell you that Caterina is his wife?’ She was amazed.

Greg said, ‘They don’t fly as husband and wife. No one ever knows.’

James, the chauffeur was waiting for them as they exited the airport. As they left the airport Greg asked Ellie what she would like for dinner.

Joking, she said, ‘Surf and Turf with a nice filet and Lazy Man’s Lobster.’

Greg called the penthouse chef and put in the order for two Surf and Turf dinners to be served on the balcony. It was a beautiful night and the balcony officered great views of he city.

‘I was just joking, I didn’t expect to get more than a hamburger as late as it is.’

‘There is no such thing as late in New York City.’

James asked if they would need him anymore tonight. ‘Not tonight, but we have some shopping to do in the morning. Can you pick us up at 10:00?’

‘I will be here Mr. Greg. It was nice meeting you Ms. Ellie.’

Greg put in the code for the penthouse elevator and it whisked them to the penthouse. When they stepped into the living room, Ellie couldn’t believe the view. Greg said, ‘I will put your things in the master bedroom and I will take the room next to it. You probably would like to freshen up before dinner.

As Ellie stepped into the shower she wondered what it would take to get Greg to share her bed. She put on he terry rob
e with nothing under it. When she got back to the living room, Greg was waiting for her in a terry cloth robe. While she was taking her shower Greg had arranged to have the hot tub prepared.

They walked out and sat down at the balcony table just as the chef appeared with their dinner. Ellie ate like she had not seen food in a week. The chef had selected he perfect wine for the dinner. After dinner, the chef brought them a flaming dessert.

‘Would you enjoy sitting in a hot tub under the stars before you go to bed?

‘I didn’t bring a bathing suit.’

‘That doesn’t bother me if it doesn’t bother you. I’m a photographer, I see women in the nude all the time.’

Ellie didn’t say anything right away, she just studied the way he was looking at her. It appeared she didn’t have to worry about sleeping alone.

‘So where is this hot tub?’ Greg took her hand and led her to the roof top elevator.

Without hesitation, Ellie dropped her robe and stepped into the hot tub. She turned around and asked, ‘Are you going to join me?’

When Greg dropped his robe Ellie let out a gasp when she saw the size of his cock. Greg sat down across the tub from Ellie and asked, ‘How would you like a foot massage after a long day?’ Ellie lifted her foot and for the next 30 minutes her feet received the best treatment they had ever received.

Greg got out of the tub and held a towel for Ellie. He dried her body and then held the robe for her to put it on. She returned the favor by drying his body and holding his robe for him. He took her hand and led her to the elevator and then to her bedroom. When they reached the master bedroom Greg pulled the covers back and then removed Ellie’s robe. She removed his robe and they got into bed together. Neither of them were in a hurry, however, as they kissed, their body’s were touching each other and before long his cock was deep within her. She remembered what Annie had said about the muscles in her leg. Wrapping her legs around Greg, she pulled him tight against her. As he rolled over after they had both cum together she pulled up the sheets and cuddled in against him. The slept until the sunrise brought light into the bedroom.

They took a shower together and then got ready to go shopping. James was waiting for them as promised at 10:00.

‘So, mystery man, where are you taking me?’

‘Just a couple little shops downtown that Mrs. Blair likes. Greg’s phone rang and he saw it was Mrs. Blair. He put the phone on speaker.

‘Good morning Ellie, did you have a good evening?’

‘Probably just the best evening of my life. You certainly have good tastes in escorts. I feel like I am living in a dream world and I am afraid I might wake up.’

‘Trust me it is real. I feel so lucky to have you on my staff and am looking forward to getting to know you better over the next 3 weeks. I apologize that the schedule is going to be so busy, but I want to get to all my companies as soon as possible. As far as this weekend goes, do you like Opera?’

‘I love Opera. The great operas of the century occupy most of my DVD collection.’

‘Greg, would you be willing to escort Ellie to the new show opening at the Met tonight?’

‘I think I can work that into my schedule.’

‘Ok, I have taken enough of your time and Greg, you won’t have to take your camera this time. I love you both. Have a good day and enjoy the show tonight.’

‘I am going to wet my pants. This show is sold out for six months. I tried to get tickets. How did Mrs. Blair get tickets?’ Greg just smiled and didn’t answer her question. As James pulled up in front of Lord and Taylor’s and a doorman appeared at the side of he Limo, Ellie said, ‘This is your idea of a little shop downtown.’ Greg continued to smile knowing the special treatment she was about to receive.

Greg took her immediately to the elevator and pushed the button for the sixth floor. Jane was waiting for them at the elevator. ‘It is so good to see you again Mr. Johnson and this must be the brilliant Ms. Maxwell that Mrs. Blair has been raving about. Welcome dear, my name is Jane and this is Lucille. We will assist you today.’

‘It is so nice to meet both of you,’ Ellie responded.

Turning to Greg, Jane said, ‘Arlene was in yesterday to select her business wear for the Mexico and South American trip.’ Turning to Ellie she said, ‘I have also set aside some items I think you would look great in for that trip. But first, we need to find you a half dozen business suits and some eveningwear. Mr. Johnson, will you be staying to see Ms. Maxwell in her outfits.’

‘I would love to,’ Greg said as they led him to the lounge. As soon as they left a waitress appeared to take Greg food order. ‘Just juice and some pastries would be fine. The waitress returned with a full picture of freshly squeezed orange juice and a tray of pastries. She also brought him the Wall Street Journal and New York Post.

After coming out in the six business suits, Ellie suddenly appeared in a bikini and high heel shoes. He was drinking some orange juice and almost choked. Jane came into the room behind her and said, ‘Ms. Maxwell just wanted to be sure you were paying attention.’ Turning to Ellie she said, ‘I think you got his attention.’

The ‘South of the Border’ outfits were very different.

Jane said, ‘I understand we have an opera to attend tonight.’

Ellie looked at her in surprise and just shook her head.

Ellie decided not to model the Gown for the Opera. She wanted Greg to see her in that as they were preparing to go to the opera. She also picked out some casual clothes that she did not take time to model. Jane told her that most of the clothes would be delivered to the penthouse, but the South of the Border items would be sent to Mrs. Blair timeshare in Caracas since they would be flying there directly from Europe.

When Ellie came out she said to Greg, ‘It seems weird to go shopping for an hour and not have any packages to carry home. I also cannot imagine what that shopping hour cost. There were no prices on any of the items. When I started to pull out my American Express card, Jane said that it was all being put on Mrs. Blair’s account by her request.

‘Are you ready for my special gourmet New York lunch?’

‘I guess so.’

As they walked down the Avenue, Greg stopped at a hotdog vendor directly across from Saks of 5th Ave. ‘Nothing like a cream soda and a hotdog.’

Ellie said, ‘I will go for the hotdog, but do you think I might have a coke.’

‘This is your day. You can have anything you want.’ Ellie grabbed him and laid a kiss on him while the vendor was fixing their hotdogs.’ When they finished their lunch Greg called Annie and told her that they were ready for the second stop and wanted her to give Ellie the appropriate advice. Ellie looked at Greg with a puzzled look on her face, because she thought she was finished shopping.

‘Hi Ellie, how was your trip to Lord and Taylor’s?’

‘Like a whirlwind. I am used to shopping for bargains at closeout sales.’

‘Look across the street and tell me what you see.’

‘Saks of 5th Ave. why do you ask?’

‘Because that is your second stop.’

‘What else could I possibly need?’

‘Mrs. Blair prefers their selection of European clothing. You will meet Antonio who will ask you to take off all your clothes. Don’t worry about him. He is gay. He wants to assure you have the correct underwear for every outfit and the correct amount of hair removed for very skimpy bikinis.’

As they entered the store, Antonio was waiting for them at the front door. ‘Oh Mr. Greg, you have brought me another Goddess. I will make her even more beautiful. You run along and we will find just the clothes for your lady.’ Taking her hand Antonio said, ‘Come darling to my magic room.’ Ellie was glad that Annie had warned her. He spent the most time selecting the right bras for each outfit. They picked out several outfit
s for Europe that would be sent directly to Mrs. Blair’s Villa in Tuscany.

When Ellie came out she was wearing platform shoes, tight slacks and a blouse with a scarf around her neck. She had a bag containing the clothes she wore in.

‘Wow, you look wonderful.’

‘I hope this is the last stop. My breast couldn’t stand anymore bra fittings. Are we sure he is gay?’

‘Annie and Arlene wondered the same thing. Either way, he does a hell of a job. You will be the hit of Tuscany. I wish I was going to be there to see the bikini he chose for you.’

‘When do you have to leave to go back home?’ I will be flying home on Monday, and will leave on Wednesday to begin college in Malibu. Until Monday, I plan to enjoy our time together.’

‘Where were you when I married that jerk 15 years ago?’ Greg just put his arm around her and hugged her. He didn’t think it would be appropriate to say he was in pre-school.

‘I cannot imagine why anyone would give you up.’ Just as she tucked her arm in his, James showed up to take them back to the penthouse.

When they got back to the penthouse, Ellie excused herself and took the bag into the bedroom. Greg was checking his email when she came out of the bedroom in bare feet wearing a terrycloth robe. She told him to close his eyes. She dropped the robe and told him to open his eyes.

She was wearing a white string bikini. It left very little to the imagination.

‘That really is going to drive the men in Europe wild. Of course over there, you will just wear the bottom. None of the women wear bikini tops in Europe. And on some beaches the don’t even wear bottoms.’

‘I am not sure I will be brave enough to wear it in public.’

‘Just remember not to get it wet.’


‘Come with me.’ The walked into the kitchen and he dripped a drop of water on he nipple. The bathing suit became as clear as cellophane. The nipple was in plain view.’

‘I am glad you warned me. That could have been most embarrassing.’

‘Just ask Annie. Antonio sold Annie a white bathing suit and she dove in the pool in front of her friends. When she came up, it was as if she had nothing on. I still think she knew and just pretended to be embarrassed.

Greg dripped a little water on the other breast and that nipple came into full view.

‘Are you sure you didn’t tell Antonio to sell me this bathing suit?’

‘I plead the fifth.’ Just as he said that his phone rang. He saw it was Annie, so he put the phone on speaker and motioned for Ellie to say hello.

‘Hi Annie, your brother is becoming quite a jokester.’

‘You must be wearing a white bikini.’

‘I think we should buy him a white Speedo, ‘Ellie said.’

‘So how did you like Antonio?’

‘Are you sure that man is gay?’ They heard Annie laugh.

‘Let me guess. Did he play with your nipples a lot to be sure each bra had the right nipple effect and rub your vulva to see just how smaller bikini you could get away with?’

‘Yes, to all the above. I was expecting to feel penetration at any moment, but I guess I will have to depend on your brother for that.’

Greg said, ‘Goodbye sis, I have something to take care of.

‘I love you both,’ Annie said. ‘Have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.’

After hanging up the phone, Greg said, ‘I think you have too many clothes on.’

Reaching behind her back, Ellie pulled the string for her top and the strings holding the bottom. She watched Greg’s eyes. ‘Is this better?’

‘Much better,’ Greg said as he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

As he placed her on the bed, she said, ‘Now you are the one with too many clothes on.’ That was quickly remedied. Annie slid out of bed. Kneeling in front of him, she began to study his cock. ‘I never knew they came this big. At least on white men.’

‘Is that spoken from experience?’

‘I had a black roommate who had a very attractive brother,’ she said as she engulfed his cock into her mouth.

Ellie’s husband had never liked oral sex, so as she was enjoying this moment she remembered the weekend she had gone home with a classmate from Alabama while she was in college. Natasha, was dating a white boy on campus, but told Ellie that his cock was just too small. She told Ellie that all the boys back home were really hung. She also told Ellie that her brother wanted to get it on with a white girl. Ellie agreed to go home with Natasha for the Winter break.

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Neighbors Panties

So.I've had a lust for my neighbor for a long, long time. She's a single mother. Slim, fit with dark brown hair. I remember when I first developed a taste for her. One evening I saw that she was hanging her laundry out to dry in the backyard, and what piqued my interest was her underwear hanging on the line, in particular, a bright red bra and a zebra a****l print one. It was kind of racy to me, for a older mother to still be wearing these sort of things. Because as far as I had seen, she...

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The Circle Jerk Club 4

The Circle jerk Club 4- The Big FinishIt was a Futanari Gang Bang. I was at the center of a total CD Tranny Gay Bukakke. The last time I saw this much cum juice flying around was right after my operation. I swear they must have super charged my balls.Right before I went off to college my school insisted that everyone get a complete physical before being admitted on campus. They left no stone unturned including what was between my legs. That's when my doctor told me my balls were too...

3 years ago
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Mature Woman at the Beach ndash Another True Sto

Ok, so after the last two stories a few things have happened, but I thought I’d write a quickie about something that happened a couple of years ago first.Let me just say, before we start, I’ve always been attracted to women. I’ve had several sexual encounters with them, however, never one in her late 40s. I’ve always been attracted to older males (I have daddy issues :) but hadn’t really thought about older women…until this day.I was 20 years old and on holiday alone. The local beach in the...

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Ella and Eric Part I

Hi! My name is Ella and I am a twenty four year old American journalist living in London. I have lived here for about four months now, I moved right after graduating from NYU with a journalism and mass-communicated degree. I write for a teen advice column in an online magazine. I love life, but I found out recently that with my salary I cannot afford to live on my own. I put out a poster online and almost immediately got a few offers. I declined some but one stood out to me, a twenty five year...

Straight Sex
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Fucked Sisters friend

I am a adict reader of iss. I like lesbain stories much here is my experince with my sisters frnd. She is a girl of age 18th & studying 12 & her name was tajdaar & was muslim she often visited my sister. But that was my lucky day. & sister had a affire with some body & liked him & were in deep love soon oneday. She saying to my mother that had to visit taajdar & soon. She said to take me too but as i knew about the affair said okay &went to taajdar’s house. As there was no one there i and she...

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The Case of the Dragon ToothChapter 5

The Watcher leaned the shovel against the fence. He reached down for clods of earth to break up and spread over the filled in hole; give the earth a more natural look. He looked up at the sound. About thirty yards away was his van, parked in the rest area along the highway; a car had just pulled in and someone was walking to the restroom. He had pulled in here several hours ago. He waited until he was the only one there and then came out here to leave his latest ... what should I call her;...

2 years ago
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Alice Embarrassed in Wonderland

Eighteen year old Alice Liddell was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice “without pictures or conversations?” So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be...

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Blast from the past

Introduction: Reunited with an old friend. Keep in mind this is my first story. I would love to here your comment, but if you just feel the need to bitch DONT! Advice is welcome. Thanks! My name is Alex, which is short for Alexandra. I live in a small southern town where everyone pretty much knows one another. It isnt uncommon to become pregnant or marry at a young age, and I was no exception. By the time I was twenty I had two kids and a dead beat to raise. Coming from a broken home myself it...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend Ki Cousin Se Sex Ka Maza Liya Mumbai Mai

Mera naam Sachin hai, Mumbai mai rahnewala sexy Gujarati ladka hu. Umar 27 saal hi. Mera lund 9 lamba aur 3 chauda hai. Mera email id main college mai neha naam ki ladki Patai thi. Hamare payer ko ek saal ho va tha. Hum dono mai kissing hoti thi. Neha ek din boli voh aapne cosin sister se milana chaha thi hai. Dusre din hum ek mall Ke bhar uske cosin pooja ka intajar kar rahe the. Utne me woh ek risha se uteri main uses pahili bar dekha tha. Wo ekdum hot or sexy thi. usene tight Sleeveless...

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The Great Shift One Mans Opinion

GS: One Man's Opinion By Tanto Two fifty-five. Five more minutes to go, I thought, as I glanced once again at the clock on the wall. It was Friday. I was in my last period of the day, World Geography, taught by the closest thing to a witch I'd ever met, a fat, ugly old hag who loves to torment us by giving us bad grades on the most spurious of grounds. To my left was Courtney Bitz, a blonde sophomore, who's a good friend of mine. To my right was the other Courtney, Courtney...

2 years ago
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3 Sexy Ladies

Hi to all the readers. After going though many stories of sexual experiences I am writing to you my true life incident. I am Ritesh (name changed), am presently 27 yrs old and a business man in Kolkata. This incident took place around 13 years back. At that time I was just 14 and had no previous sexual experiences. I enjoyed looking at women and was especially attracted towards their big breast. I am the only son of my parents. They both are into business and used to travel a lot when I was...

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Two Islands Day 3

When I woke up, I found Erika, Eliza and Maribel was in my room."Hey guys! Good morning! What's up?" I greeted them. Wondering what were they doing in my room."Did you have a nice sleep Den?" Erika asked."Are you sober now or do you still have a hangover?" Maribel asked."I slept fine. Shame we can't do much about the mosquitoes though." I answered."Let's get straight to the point Den. Where's our booze?" Maribel asked."Oh. That. It's all gone. If you want I could buy you some..." I said then...

1 year ago
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night show movie

Hi! I have seen several stories over here from mother’s perspective! How about a son’s perspective? So I am writing my experience. You can call me Ajith and I have no guilt in saying I am a motherfucker. In fact I enjoy being a mother fucker. In my opinion there is no other cunt in this world better than mother’s cunt for fulfilling our carnal desires. For me, my mom’s heavily fucked baby-making pussy is tastier than an eighteen year old girl pussy. Growing up as a son in India, I was always...

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Assassin Learning the TradeChapter 14

The team went after the other centaur in exactly the same manner and made a successful kidnapping and pickup. They went home and waited for GPD to evaluate the situation on the centaur planet. Seven said that, with the time travel capability, they would hear withing a few minutes if they needed to make another kidnapping run. They didn't hear anything for 3 hours, so they figured that they were through with this particular job. The next day, Ann and Jeff went to school as they normally did....

3 years ago
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My Wet NeighbourChapter 8

A couple of days latter, I was sitting at my kitchen table pondering on where my recent sexual adventures had taken me. From my accidental catching of Anne wetting herself, having sex with her, being introduced to Mrs Kent, my seduction of Lisa and her mother and not least, having my son masturbate to order, in front of Anne and myself. It was that event in particular that my mind had kept wandering back to at various times every single day since it had happened. I knew it was dangerous but...

3 years ago
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Life In a Metro Part 8211 2

Hello friends mera naam mohit hai. I hope aap logo ko meri pehli story pasand aayi hogi. I guess kuch logo ko bore lagi hogi because woh toh bas introduction story thi. Asli maza toh iss story mein aayega. Jisne pehli story nahi padhi ho woh iss link se padh sakte hai. Lets start the story. Toh mujhe sangeeta ka call aaya. Mujhe pehle hi late ho raha tha meeting ke liye. Usse bhi job pe jaana tha lekin meri harkato se woh already garam ho chuki thi. She wanted more. Usne kaha usse mujhe milna...

4 years ago
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Hawk Chapter 12

On Saturday morning, Elizabeth was still excited about the party they would be hosting the next day. She had a local guy install ‘surround sound’ speakers so they could ‘feel’ the game as well as see it. As they were sitting at the breakfast table, she told Tommy that she had ordered a popcorn machine that would be delivered before noon.“What kind of popcorn machine?”“It looks like one you’d see at a carnival. It’s about six feet tall, and is on wheels,” she told him. “Here, let me show you a...

1 year ago
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SeducedByACougar Sara Jay 23325

Sara Jay knows what’s up. Her neighbor Tyler spies on her taking a shower every morning and night, drooling as she soaps up those big tits and her huge ass — and Sara knows it! But she doesn’t say anything. Instead, the horny cougar plots to get what she wants — Tyler’s big dick in her mouth! So after she masturbates in the shower for Tyler’s creeping ass outside her bathroom window, Sara calls him up and asks him to help her flip a mattress. He’s over in a jiffy, of course, but wait…he doesn’t...

3 years ago
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The Trail

Running in the south during a heatwave isn’t recommended. I really needed to get this run in as I’d missed 2 days already this week. Before leaving the office I checked the temp, 96 degrees and 89% humidity at 5:00 pm, not good. I ventured out to the trail wearing a sleeveless black tee my favorite running shorts and my black running sneakers. As usual there were people already riding, walking and running on the trail. The trail itself is 3.1 miles from end to end and stretches about 6 feet...

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Husband watches as best Friend fucks his wife

My wife, Shannon, is such a fucking slut. She is a tall leggy blond bombshell and had no problem being a flirt and total slut. I knew that she was into swing before we met but I was not sure I wanted to share here at all. She was my blond bitch and I was proud to have her all to myself.On this past 4th of July she was enjoying a cold Buckhorn beer and talking, I am sure about nothing, with one of her friends Jenna. We were having a holiday party at our house and we had about 30 people there....

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Her Fantasy comes true Part 1

It all started one night with a trip to the local sex shop. Heather wanted me to buy her a new toy to use on herself for when I was away for work. We made the quick trip and looked around when she had finally saw what she wanted. It was nothing special just one of those realistic looking and feeling toys. On our drive home I could tell how horny she was, and she started rubbing my cock trying to get me hard. We finally got home, walked in the door and she sat me down and said she wanted to...

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Lady Charlottes Journal Page Four

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Page Four:Monday July 6th 0800hrsDear Journal: I was awoken by the steward bring me my breakfast, I seemed to be that satiated with the sex off last night that I just drank the coffee and ate some toast then dozed again. Di and Izzy came into my cabin and jumping onto the bed telling me to get...

2 years ago
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Atta Girl

I’d just come out of our home office. I’d gone in there to do . . . something? But what? Mike, my husband, was on our couch, reading. “Huh?” “Why did I go into our office? I can’t remember.” He sat up. “Oh. Right. Yeah, to tell me whether the program on my laptop was done installing.” “Right. Sorry.” I went back into our office. I was irked. Today was supposed to be about us. We’d been fighting so much lately. Lori, he would say. You’re spending too much time working at the Crisis Center,...

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Emilia p1

There were many things that lead up to the best present Emilia recieved on her 19th birthday... Emilia was a very petite girl. She was short, standing at around 5 ft 3, she had baby pink lips and big round eyes. Her dirty blonde hair was in natural ringlets. She looked somewhat young. However, the contours of her body gave away her age. She had a perfectly flat stomach with a tiny waste. Her hips were curvy, as was her ass, and she had the most perfectly sized round tits. Completely aware of...

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Birthday Bang

I was lying on my bed about nine pm reading the book that my aunt had given me at my seventeenth birthday party earlier. Yeah, real paper, not a tiny screen. My door opened without a knock and my fifteen-year-old-sister Cami and her best friend Kelli entered wearing robes like they were going to the bathroom. “We wanted to wish you happy birthday again,” my sister said and they dropped their robes simultaneously. She was a brunette with conical tits standing out and black curlies down below....

3 years ago
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National Highway Pe Raat Rangeen Ki

Hello dear iss readers, how are you all? I am banty. Now in Mumbai and I am back again. Ye story meri akhri story Nagpur ke multiplex me mili ladkiya ka continue episode hai. Aapne meri pichli stories ko like kiya and mujhe dher sare response diye, un sabhi logo ko mera bohot bada wala thanks. Aapki yahi baate mujhe aur likhne ko incourage karti he. Mere bare me toh aapne meri pichli stories me padha hi hoga. Agar nahi pada to aap mujhe mail kariye, me aapko meri pichli sari stories ki links...

1 year ago
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School Boys Romance

No one knows that I’m gay because I don’t want the hassle that would come with it, even Max didn’t know and the worst part about that is that I have a massive crush on him. Max is taller than me at just over six feet tall and muscled enough to be obvious that he works out. He has scruffy shoulder length brown hair, light green eyes and a smile that could melt the hearts of anyone he turned it on. He is nice, kind and like me he is fiercely protective of his friends to the point that it has...

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When I ran the idea past my man Julian he was very eager. “Tell me all about Fiona, what does she look like?” “About our age, fortyish. She and I were lovers once, incredible pair of tits on a size 12 body.” Some of my girlfriends claim she has a ‘liberal attitude to sexuality’ while others claim she is ‘gender fluid’. “I want you naked on the bed on your back for Fiona,” I tell Julian just before Fiona is due. “I want both of us to spoil her and satiate her sexually, remember she hasn’t had...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 346

A group of chaps, all aged 40, discussed where they should meet for a reunion lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at Wetherspoons in Uxbridge because the waitresses had big breasts and wore short skirts. Ten years later, at age 50, the friends once again discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at Wetherspoons in Uxbridge because the food and service was good and the beer selection was excellent. Ten years later, at age 60, the...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 10 Stop And Smell The Roses

July 1, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Are you OK?” Clarissa asked on Friday morning as we lay in bed together. “Why wouldn’t I be?” “You seemed a bit out of sorts last night. Did that kiss bother you?” I smiled, “Not the way you mean. It was just, well, to be blunt, fighting a reaction. And losing.” Clarissa laughed softly, “I know. I felt it when I spooned. I’m sorry.” “Don’t be. I liked the kiss. The other reaction is kind of involuntary. As I keep saying, testosterone knows NOTHING about...

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Fucked my cousin sister while our parents were awa

Hi people, its a pleasure writing my experience here again. My name is KP(initials given), I’m from Navi Mumbai and I would love to spread happiness in females. On requirement mail me at [email protected] have a younger sister. She was just a perky, spoiled brat sister, until I noticed she was getting tits and a nice, sexy ass. She always liked to come in my room and be a pest. Now she wanted to talk about sex. She confided in me that she did not have sex till day and also she was...

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A Lesbian Love Storyof Sorts Chapter 6

CHAPTER SIX: THE FINAL APPROACH I purposely did not call her on Sunday. I wanted to let the night just linger inside as she sobered up and dealt with her fiancé. I spent the day doing laundry, planning lessons and watched a movie. I love how people think if you’re a lesbian all you ever do is think sex. I was a complete person with a variety of passions and only Gwen really knew the complete me. Monday Feb 3 On Monday we met at school and acted as if nothing had happened only two days earlier....

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Australian StoryChapter 37 Dinkum Mates

Wed 10-Oct 2007 Chris awoke to see Alyssa, still in her underwear, standing over Maria. He dragged himself upright and went and sat at the little table, stiff all over. Alyssa came over holding Maria, and they sat in his lap. She'd obviously gotten used to what she was wearing. He noticed that Hassan was awake, and smiled at him. This was nice. Not long after that, Shahia woke up. She looked at him and smiled, then hopped out of bed and squeezed into the tiny toilet. Her undies had...

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Had Fun With A Girl In Train8230

This happened 2 months ago when we were coming for summer holidays. I had my reservation in 3ac coach from Mumbai to Kanyakumari. (Names and places are fake but story is real). She had booked her ticket in IRCTC which was in waiting list.. So her ticket was cancelled. We are very good friends. I’m a bit shy guy yet many girls proposed me in my college. She was very close to everyone and often talks with others by touching. She used the same way with me. This created sexual feelings in me...

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Kathys Secret

Dan was becoming frustrated because he had been searching the house for the last thirty minutes looking for batteries. They always kept spare batteries. After all, they had two children who seemed to constantly need to replace used batteries. Dan bought them in ‘bonus sized’ boxes at the discount store.“Damn it, Kathy,” he said to the air. “Where have you hidden them?”After working his way back to the master bedroom, Dan looked in the linen closet to find nothing. He spied Kathy’s bedside table...

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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 12 Isekai Life Cake Slicing

“What!?” Katriana’s eyes went wide and she just stared at me, so I repeated myself. “I want to be king, and I want you to be one of my queens.” There was another long pause. “I don’t even know where to begin with that statement,” she replied flatly. I let another moment pass. “I notice you’re not saying no...” Katriana stood up, and started pacing the room rapidly. “I’m your sister. You know, I behaved! I saved myself! I knew that you might need to offer my hand in order to seal an...

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The Boss The Office Boy

I’m Fabian. As in Fabian Copeland. Yes.That Fabian Copeland. He of the countless divorces, bottomless bank balances and endless romping. But despite what’s splashed across what are jokingly referred to as ‘the society pages’, there’s a few things that nobody sees. Yes, I’m on wife number four … well, okay, here’s a scoop for you – I’m actually on divorce number four. And I have a mistress – can one have a mistress without a wife? But as much as I love women – and I really do love women – their...

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