Someday Ch. 1 free porn video

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Cassie took the gym bag her husband held out for her. He didn’t comment on how light it felt, indicating just how few clothes she’d brought. She’d already kissed her four year-old goodbye and now her husband embraced her.

‘Have fun,’ he told her and she listened to his tone very carefully for any sign of hesitation. If there had been any, she would have called off the whole weekend right there on the spot. But all she felt from him was love – enough love to let her go off for the weekend with another man and not worry about whether or not she’d come home to him.

She stood on the sidewalk and watched them pull away, her daughter waving frantically from the back window. Doug’s plane wasn’t supposed to land for another twenty minutes so she was in no real rush. It was a leisurely stroll out to the gate and her bag wasn’t heavy enough to cause any discomfort.

Their plan was simple. He was flying in to Hawaii to meet her. He already had three nights reserved downtown in a hotel right on Waikiki and he was renting a car. That’s why her husband dropped her off her at the airport.

Cassie got to the gate before the main body of greeters so she was able to stand closest to the door he would come through. She put her bag on the window ledge beside her and dug out the two leis she’d brought for him.

The first was the traditional kind – gardenias and carnations, purple for a male. The second was also specifically for a man – small cowry shells strung together in a long loop. They clicked against each other as she pulled them from their bag, bringing a secret smile to her face. The sound reminded her of home. There was a set of these hanging on the back of her bedroom door that someone had given her husband.

Draping the leis carefully over her bag, she paced back and forth in front of them, her arms folded over her chest, holding herself tightly. She wouldn’t admit to being nervous, but maybe she was just anxious for him to arrive.

As the crowd formed around her, the scents of the different flowered leis filled the air with sweet natural perfume. People pushed forward to try and be first at seeing their loved ones and the several native Hawaiians holding up tour group signs waited contentedly at the back of the throng.

She turned back to the window now and saw a Delta 757 taxiing up the runway in their general direction. A quick glance at the clock over the boarding gate told her the flight was right on time. How unusual.

The butterflies in her stomach, which up to now had been happy just puttering aimlessly around, went in to full combat mode – flinging themselves all around the interior of her tummy. She looked composed and confident on the outside though and that’s what really mattered.

She wasn’t sure why this sudden attack of nerves. They’d been talking almost daily for the past six months – not just online but mostly by phone. Purely by accident, she’d found herself falling hard for him during all the pleasant contact.

Cassie was one of the lucky ones though. She had a husband who loved her and trusted her and he let her explore this new relationship as much as she wanted or needed. Even up to this amazing culmination of letting her spend an entire weekend with him.

Before she’d made up her mind to accept the offer though, she’d done some long hard thinking. And the conclusion she’d come to, she discussed in length with her husband.

He’d told her, ‘You can get as involved in this as you want but you know the deeper in you go, the more pain you might be causing yourself in the long run.’

That had taken a couple of days to fully seep in and it had made her wonder ‘Am I playing with fire?’

But fire was warm, and on cold days it felt very cheerful to stand beside and rub your hands together over it. And back in the mainland, it was January – full winter. She tried to return what she was feeling for this stranger to a nonchalant, just-good-sex kind of thing. Cassie hoped she could keep it on that level.

The plane seemed to stop right in front of her, it’s nose pointing at her like an accusing finger. She watched the accordioned walkway reach slowly out and clamp itself against the fuselage. Cassie could only imagine what he was doing right now. Maybe standing and pulling something down from the overhead compartment, maybe reaching up high to help a shorter woman like herself, or maybe just standing patiently in the aisle waiting for the line of people to disembark. She wondered if he had butterflies too as she picked up the leis and faced the walkway.

Doug did indeed have his own stomach-churning winged insects. But he also had a obligingly firm bulge beneath his belt as he thought about finally touching Cassie after waiting all these months. He smoothed the wrinkles from his shirt, hoping she’d find him attractive enough.

The line finally started moving and he entered the hallway that would lead him to her. He knew she was there, he could already feel her. Carefully holding his carry-on in front of the slightly embarrassing rise behind his fly, he followed the other passengers.

He rounded one last corner and he could see into the terminal ahead. She’d told him she’d be wearing white and he’d seen a few pictures of her. He had no doubt he’d recognize her immediately.

And he did. A very petite yet intensely beautiful woman stood just outside and to the right of the door. She held two strands in her tiny hands – a garland of flowers and a string of shells. Her eyes met his and she too knew right away, causing her face to light up in a warm, welcoming smile.

She wore a white sundress with very thin straps that made her tanned skin appear even darker. He couldn’t be sure what she might have on beneath it because although the fabric seemed thin, he couldn’t make out any shadows through it – including the outline of her aureoles. He could see from here that her breasts were high and firm and there was an ample showing of dark smooth cleavage.

The dress was fairly short, reaching not quite to her mid-thigh and showing off firm, muscular legs. Her feet were also tiny and dark like her delicate hands. She wore white sandals and as he drew nearer, he could see the shine of some pearlescent polish on her toenails. Not gaudy but just enough sparkle to catch attention. And he saw her hair, pulled back by a simple white band. It was golden blonde, the color of new honey and although she’d told him it was long, he’d not pictured it like this. She stood sideways, her back to the huge glass wall and the brilliant afternoon sun streamed in to reflect a myriad of minuscule diamond points in the silken strands that lay against her back, over the soft curve of her ass and fell nearly as long as her dress. It was breathtaking.

He stopped before her and they both silently searched each other’s eyes. Hers were the deepest blue of the ocean he’d just flown over and he felt like he might drown in their depths like a warm, engulfing sea.

‘Hi,’ she said shyly. ‘Welcome to Hawaii.’ Cassie held the leis up and he had to duck his head so she cold put them around his neck.

‘Thank you,’ he smiled at her. She looked up demurely at him, her eyes shaded by long lashes.

Then, unspoken, they reached out and embraced, their mouths hungrily seeking each other’s. Cassie rose on her tiptoes, her head barely coming to the top of his shoulder, and she put soft bare arms around his neck. Doug crushed her body against his, heedless of the flowers pressed between them, his hands around her small waist lifting her to him. He vaguely registered that she had no panty line he could feel.

Her mouth tasted faintly of sweet mint and she readily accepted his tongue inside her, sucking eagerly but gently on it, feeling its surface with hers. Doug heard her breath quicken slightly and she gave a low moan of pleasure only he could hear. Her stomach pressed against the swelling that had grown so hard it was almost painful.

If he thought he could halfway get away with it, he would have lowered her to the floor and took care of the initial pressure right here, right now, not caring who watched. But he didn’t want to spend the little time he had with her trying to get out of jail for indecent exposure.

With all the self-control and discipline he could muster, Doug let her go.

‘How far’s the hotel?’ he whispered with a lecherous grin.

She laughed, a sweet, comforting sound he already loved from hearing it over the phone. A blush had crept up her neck and cheeks. He could see now by just looking down that she didn’t have a bra on either.

‘Not very far, about twenty minutes,’ she answered.

‘Good,’ he exclaimed, circling an arm about her waist and turning. ‘We’ve got to hurry because it’s kinda hard to walk.’

Another laugh. ‘I know. I’m squishing with every step.’

That didn’t help relieve any of his tension.

While he waited in line to pick up his rental car, while he waited at the baggage claim carousel, he couldn’t keep his hands off her. Fortunately, she didn’t seem to mind and actually appeared to be afflicted with the same syndrome. She held his hand eagerly, she touched his arm constantly, she touched his cheek, his shoulder, his back. Before they exited the terminal, she’d already marked him with her clean fresh scent like a cat rubbing itself against its master’s legs.

A small van shuttled them out to pick up the car and during the ride they had time for another lingering tongue and tonsil exploration.

The car was one of those brand new Mustang convertibles, deep red. Not your typical rental vehicle but perfect for the balmy tropical weather. While Doug loaded their bags in the little trunk, Cassie tied her long hair in a knot, forming a ponytail to keep the wind from tangling it unmercifully.

When they were seated, he turned to her and said, ‘You know I love you, don’t you?

She smiled but he could see a little hesitation behind her eyes. She still had trouble saying that back to him. He felt her affection radiating off her in waves but she seemed so afraid to say it. He again wondered about what incident might have happened to her in her past that left her unable to express such a beautiful sentiment. Her earnest smile held an unspoken apology for it.

‘It’s okay,’ he told her, patting her sun-warmed thigh. ‘I know what you’re thinking.’

‘I’m glad,’ she admitted with visible relief, the discomfort seeming to waft away on the fresh ocean breeze.

Just then Doug realized what he’d done unconsciously – laying a hand on her thigh. And, he realized that sitting here amidst this sea of empty cars, they were basically alone.

‘Can I touch you now?’ he asked. ‘I think I’ll go insane if I don’t.’

A naughty little smile crossed her full rosy lips and it gave him all the permission he needed.

He leaned over and started with another deep, wet kiss while his hand cupped a breast. As he continued running his tongue over her lips, his right hand behind her head, he slipped his left hand down inside the bodice of her dress. He felt her shrug one shoulder and the strap slid down her arm, giving him full access.

The skin was so soft, like a infant’s, and he could see a well-defined tan line. He let his hand drop further inside, holding the breast with the small, hard nipple pressing into his palm. Then he took it firmly between his thumb and forefinger and squeezed it gently, eliciting a sigh of delight from her.

Doug pulled his head back as he continued to roll the nipple and saw that Cassie’s eyes were closed and her lips were parted in a small ‘o’. She wanted his touch as much as he wanted to give it.

Checking one more time for any prying eyes, he leaned over and pushed the top of the dress down, exposing the whole full breast. It was the color of new cream, pale and luminous against the dark skin above and below it. The nipple and aureole were the same pale shade, only one pinkish degree darker than the rest of the breast. It was crinkled with her excitement and the nipple was like a tender pink pebble.

He put his lips on it, sucking it and the surrounding flesh into his mouth. Her skin tasted remotely like caramel and the nipple pressed urgently against his tongue.

While he continued the suckling, he let his hand move back to her thigh, not settling for a reassuring pat this time, but pushing up further, parting her legs and probing with a finger until he found the wetness he wanted.

It was so very wet, and hot and as smooth as the rest of her baby skin – shaved bare like she’d told him. As he started to push one finger between those puffy lips, she reached down and stopped his hand.

Doug looked up at her, questioning with his eyes.

‘Not here,’ she breathed. ‘Not yet.’ Her face was flushed beneath her tan.

He smiled. ‘Alright. But I may get a speeding ticket on the way to the hotel.’

‘Tickets aren’t very expensive here,’ she teased, pulling the strap of her dress back up.

Smiling, he brought the damp end of his finger up to his face and breathed in her scent. A musky, enticing aroma made the ache in the pit of his stomach all that more palpable. And when he tasted it, he knew exactly what he was going to do to her first when they reached the hotel. It was like ambrosia.

Cassie directed him out of the lot and onto the freeway in the downtown direction, then she surprised him. She slid over close, put her left arm on the back of his seat and reached boldly into his lap with her right hand. As she fumbled with the zipper on his jeans, he had to pull the car quickly back into his own lane.

‘That’s not fair,’ he only half-heartedly protested.

‘Sure it is. You can still drive while I’m touching you.’

He wasn’t entirely sure of that but he was willing to give it his best shot.

A groan escaped his lips as she reached into the waistband of his underwear and pulled his rock-hard penis out into the sunlight and air. Her hand clasped the shaft firmly, her fingers kneading the length of it expertly.

Doug wasn’t sure what people saw as he passed them on the highway, no did he care.

Cassie didn’t speak, she simply stared at his profile, obviously judging her efforts by the contortions of his face.

‘Get off here,’ she instructed a few minutes later.

He almost told her he wasn’t quite ready to get off yet but then realized she meant take the next exit. With a slightly embarrassed laugh, he downshifted and moved into the deceleration lane. He found himself approaching a crowded intersection with more cars coming up behind him and he wondered if he should ask her to stop.

However, Cassie acted again before he could decide. She gave a quick glance around and lowered her head, filling her mouth with his cock. He could feel the muscles at the back of her throat contracting around the head.

‘Oh Gahhhh…’ he cried out in shock, his eyes nearly rolling up in his head at this unexpected wet heat. He was only just able to bring the car to a halt behind a minivan while Cassie bobbed her mouth up and down on him.

Reflexively, his eyes closed and he let his head fall back while waiting for the green light. Doug felt himself swelling up and he was just about to cum when a horn blared behind him.

As he opened his eyes, he saw that the van was most of the way down the next block and traffic was passing him on both sides – the passengers all studying him curiously. At that moment, Cassie increased her speed and pressure and no matter what he’d planned to do, he could do nothing but fill her mouth full of hot sperm. And he couldn’t keep the cry of release in his lungs. The stares of the passing motorists grew more intense as he felt himself helplessly draining down her throat. Behind him, the impatient car beeped again.

When his spasms subsided, Cassie sat up, wiping her mouth delicately with her hand. She smiled at him
, that same demure, innocent smile and said, ‘Um.. the light changed.’

Doug could only stare at her in wonder until an angry voice from behind started yelling at him to go. Shaking his head in disbelief, he put the car in gear and pulled forward.

‘Paybacks are hell, honey,’ he warned, his breath still heavy. ‘You better watch out.’

Cassie’s eyes twinkled with mischief now. ‘I hear you,’ she said sweetly.

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The window cleaners take Dee by surprise

Dee and I had taken a day off work. We fancied a day in bed together. I had suggested a bit of bondage and Dee was very keen on the idea.I could hardly sleep the night before, it was very hot, so with the window wide open and traffic rushing by was also quite noisy, but eventually slept and awoke early. I crept downstairs and opened a bottle of bubbly, poured two glasses and went back upstairs. I woke Dee with her surprise and we toasted the morning ahead. Dee then went off for a shower. I...

1 year ago
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Miras Night of Pain and Pleasure

She glanced at the clock and decided it was time to get ready. The instructions she had received when the appointment was made were simple. She was to dress outwardly sexy but she also was not to wear any undergarments. This wasn’t particularly a problem for her. She had learned long ago to buy sexy undergarments but cheap ones. They always seemed to get torn or lost in the end.She moved into her bathroom and slipped out of her running shorts and tank top. Then she slipped the sports bra off by...

2 years ago
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Problem Solved

I really wasn’t thinking about anything….just kind of rolling along… so it took a few seconds for her to register on my radar. Sneaking up toward 60 my eye sight isn’t what it once was but even at a distance I could tell that a very shapely woman was standing by the side of the road….and she was not happy! As I approached I let my truck slow and focused on the woman in the dark shorts and top….long dark hair, legs from here to heaven, with a gorgeous dark olive complexion. Her face was...

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SixMile High Club chapter 6

After calling his Dad, Michael picked up a large Frappuccino at Starbuck's. He should have bought Starbuck's stock when the price was low, he thought. While waiting for his Dad he drank the icy coffee drink, which brought back thoughts of the beach at Santa Monica and lazy summer days. He sat and watched the people going about their business, knowing that the remainder of the trip would probably be rather dull, without Miyoko. It was difficult to believe how much he already missed...

3 years ago
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Dangerous Affairs Ch 06

Brian had finally managed to get Lucy calm enough to tell him what was going on. He had gone to the gallery only to be told she wasn’t there. He then, tried calling her at home but no one picked up. He decided to go to her place. He was feeling uneasy, something was wrong. He rang the doorbell, but there was no answer. He then tried knocking. ‘Lucy, it’s Brian.’ He shouted. ‘Brian…’ Lucy opened the door slowly. ‘Jesus!’ Brian pushed the door wide open, stepping in. He put his arms around...

1 year ago
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The Revenge

Sally was walkingback and forth. She needed a plan. I can’t do this on my own. I need some help. She thought to herself. Filled with mixed emotions she reached for the phone. “Hi Leah, it’s me. I need help with a plan.” “I’ll be right over.” Putting down the phone she walked over to a cabinet and picked up a picture. The picture was a fraud she knew that now. It was taken at a beach, she couldn’t recall which one. The sun was setting in the background and she was standing in that...

2 years ago
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Bert and I it goes on

Bert and I ….it goes on. The wine produced a comfortable glow and Bert’s confessions of a long life of sin combined to make my cock stir. Bert’s cock had shrunk and shriveled but the tip still glistened with droplets of cum. I couldn’t resist the desire to lick it off. I crossed the room and knelt before the man’s cock. I looked up at him and he smiled……Go ahead, but be gentle I’m still a bit sore from your last go around. I softly drew his cock head into my mouth. His cock tasted of dried cum,...

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PornHub ASMR

Pornhub has got to be one of the most famous porn sites in the world, if not THE most famous porn site in the entire fucking world. But today, I’m looking at a very tight niche of videos that exist on this site. From the millions of videos uploaded to this platform, there are a few thousand of them that fall into a very interesting genre of porn ASMR. This is something that is really interesting to me, especially since I’ve been watching porn for so long that I am just aching for something new...

ASMR Porn Sites
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The following was originally a story written back in 2008 to help a friend raise money for her Roleplay site ( for her promised 'The Island' game which is still in development... For a long time I only had it there. Recently those forums crashed, and I thought the story was gone forever. The way back machine luckily had recorded it once. Once was enough, so I copied it, pasted it, and here it is. I had fun writing it, hope you enjoy reading it. Disclaimer: This...

2 years ago
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How i got into Glory Hole Fun

I think I had gained their trust when they asked if I was interested on a long weekend in Amsterdam and never having been there I said yes not knowing what was in store. We were taking in the local sites the red light district and the live sex shows and of course the drinking. We visited many of the porn shops looking around getting admiring looks from the men in there i spied the cubicals and after chatting to the manager who explained what they were and was i interested in trying it out? i...

3 years ago
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Retirement SOL VersionChapter 11 The Power of Positive Thinking

I get a text from Jake. Nice night. My girls were impressed with what Maricar told the wives. You have a winner in Maricar. I get three texts from the guys. The first one reads: Holy shit. What did you people do to my wife? The second one reads: If this is what a whiff of competition does, what does real competition do? The third reads: Looks like I need to buy a lot more Viagra! Tonight there is another mother daughter pair at our table. The daughter will be the youngest girl I have ever...

3 years ago
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Great Neighbors

My wife and I have lived in the same house since we got married. About eight years ago a lesbian couple moved in next door. They were named D and Lisa. They were both kind of dyke looking, D being more dyke than Lisa. We became friends and I would go over often to watch the Broncos play. We would have cook outs and drink a lot. D, Lisa and I became pretty good friends. My wife, Lizzy, shied away from them. We would drink a lot and get shit faced, and almost always at that point the...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 726

This one is compliments of John A. The young woman who submitted the tech support message below (about her relationship to her husband) presumably did it as a joke. Then she got a reply that was way too good to keep to herself. The tech support people’s love advice is hilarious and genius! The query: Dear Tech Support, Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slowdown in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications,...

3 years ago
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Ares and raze adventures part 1

"hah! Good one".  After a few laughs and giggles he settles down and waits for me to serve him dinner, as description im about 5"4, skinny, dark fur and brown eyes, also i dress a bit femmy, as for my boyfriend raze, he goes up to about 6"3, well built, red fur and yellow eyes.                                          ...

1 year ago
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Teen in Sex Racket 2

Rekha madam kept the glass of drink on the side table and said,"make him happy, I don't want any complaints from him. He is a big man, not only rich but powerful." She nodded her head and sat on the bed expecting to be butchered. Rekha went out closing the door. Raj came out making some noise by the mouth as if he is trying to remove something from between his teeth. He began to undress. "Remove your dress" He said. Pooja got up and removed her uniform and climbed on the bed. She sat...

3 years ago
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My wife and I finally visit Fantasy Fest

My wife was a woman in a bit of an emotional or moral turmoil. On one hand she wanted to explore but on the other she was a complete prude. When we were at home she dressed in a very conservative manner seeming uptight all the time. The only exception was when we went on holidays when she would loosen up and wear bikinis and somewhat revealing clothes not much mind you but certainly more than she did at home. We had discussed going to Key West for Fantasy Fest a number of times and looked at...

2 years ago
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Cuckold Date Night

Ella kissed her husband Thomas on the cheek leaving a big red smudge from her lips stick. “Now don’t forget it’s our date night tonight. So please try and leave work on time,” she told him as she brought her thumb to his face and started to rub the scarlet wax off. “I will Honey,” he told her. Tom’s dark black police officer’s uniform was freshly pressed and he looked every bit the handsome young poster-boy for law enforcement. “And could you pick up some condoms on the way home too,” Ella...

2 years ago
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The play and my wife part three

The following day after her telephone call with Tony, Jen told me that he was a little concerned at her topless scene in the play and asked me if I would rewrite it and have her in her bra and panties instead of topless.“Tony doesn’t want anyone else seeing my breasts, do you mind?” Jen asked me.“Of course not, I assume that he’ll still see them when you rehearse here,” I joked.“Of course, if you leave us alone,” Jen teased.“I wonder if you’ll lose your panties as well,” I joked.“IF you leave...

2 years ago
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First TimeWow

I never could have imagined this would happen to me. Like every other normal k** I hit that age, got hair on my balls and thought I was pretty cool. At first all was well and I would get to start fucking girls-a lot of girls. But it did not happen like that. I learned that the girls did not want to put out as easily as they should. So I learned to please myself. And that worked well for a while but then I started to do that too much. I mean I really liked it and thought why not? What could it...

1 year ago
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Even earlier days remembered

I left school as soon as I could so I could get a job and earn because in them days there were plenty of jobs to be had. I got a job working at my local hospital and I used to catch a bus down the bottom of my road which took me all across to the other side of town and dropped me off at the gates of where I was working and when I was on that bus the same guy used to sit next to me as he used to work at the hospital but he was a theatre attendant. His name was John and he was 60yrs old but he...

2 years ago
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Chastity Part One

Chastity was nineteen when I met her. I was nearly twice her age. Maybe I should have had more sense than to go all mushy over a girl so young. Maybe I should have given more thought to the risk, but truth is, she stole my heart. Then she stomped it and kicked it to the curb. She was a part-time writer at the suburban newspaper where I worked back then. I had noticed her but we hadn’t met. She was thin, with brown hair so long it brushed the delicious curve of her ass. Not beautiful, she...

1 year ago
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Out Of The ShadowChapter 3

I went to Laura's house with no idea of what I was getting into. When I got there I found Amy and Laura both there. I was about to leave again when Laura told me, "Sit down!" She turned to Amy and asked her to wait outside for a while while she talked to me. "Jon, I'm going to teach you about what the difference is between sex and making love. You should have learned this from your parents. Can you tell me what sex is?" I blushed and very softly said, "It's when a man and a woman...

3 years ago
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The long night out Part 1

The long night out. On the Boeing 747, the hubby was day dreaming, and once again found himself stroking his semi hard cock through his jeans during the flight. He was thinking of the weekend that he had planned out for weeks, in every detail. Home for just one weekend, unbeknownst to his wife. Knowing the city she was out partying in, the hotel and the places she would visit, and finally the club at the end of the night, and that was the place where he planned things would turn...

1 year ago
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Disclaimer: I do not own Evangelion in any way. This story also has no connection to a similar tg story I did on this anime a while ago called 'Refesh Shampoo'. Note: Baka and dumpkoff both mean 'idiot'. Were-Asuka. "I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away..." Shinji Ikari told himself this as he sat in the cockpit of the Evangelion. Something he initially didn't want to pilot but did anyway with the knowledge that the world would end without...

3 years ago
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A Horny Night in Stars Hollow Ch 04

‘I’ll drive you,’ Dean offered as Rory was franticly trying to find her school uniform. ‘Thanks, I’ll be reading in a sec,’ responded Rory as she rushed pass. She stopped to give Dean light kiss on the lips. As she ran off again Dean gave her ass a nice squeeze, eliciting a little squeal from her. Lorelai walked over to the teenage boy, ‘I’m gonna go take a nap, but remember you’re welcome anytime,’ she told Dean as she gave his still exposed cock a little tug. She then turned around and...

2 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 129

The family was waiting at Morton along with two little boys and I was glad to see all of them. I hugged every one of my mates and kissed them. I knelt down so I could hug them. I picked them both up for a double hug. “Can you take us backed to the fort for more treasure hunting?” RJ asked. “Yes tomorrow afternoon after I go goose hunting with friends and I will take you on Sunday too if you want, unless we find something more fun to do,” I said. We went home even though there were...

2 years ago
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A New Found Love II

Part II - The Mother "No plans for tonight son?" Maha asked surprised her son was home on a Saturday night. "No Ma, I have no plans," Maha looked at her son with a knowing smile and left to prepare dinner. It was not usual for Ranga to be home on a Saturday night since he would be having one of his affairs with any of the many ladies he is friends with. Some were married and it meant nothing to him as they were more than willing and he was giving them only what they wanted. His mom knew...

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I can fuck for buck

There is no limit to which a girl like me can go when i HAVE to go shopping but i dont have enough parents were off to india and i was alone at home in NZ so i cldnt even spend what little i i did the kinkiest an bitchiest thing i cld do to get wht i wanted.Since we had shifted there only a few months back i din know many ppl there except a few of my frds frm our gym. And i cld tell that they were clearly attracted to me but i never really paid any attention even though...

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APB Reloaded Covert Encounters

(Setting of San Paro and its major characters are adapted from the game APB:Reloaded) Welcome to San Paro! A crumbling police force and widespread crime epidemic has forced the city's municipality to implement the City Security Act, which allows civilians to bear arms and enforce the law on their own dime. As a new entry to the scene, you're here to get shit done. As an Enforcer, you will essentially be freelance security, working with Praetorian Private Security or the Prentiss Tigers. As a...

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