The Padlocked Nurse 2 free porn video

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304 the padlocked nurse pt2
John woke first, at seven, the place silent save the buzz of Barney, snoring, he smiled, thinking to himself that the poor lad had had a hard night!
On went the kettle, as glancing through the window, he could see the parkland, bathed in sunlight, early dog walkers and (he shuddered) joggers… to his mind silly beggars stressing hearts and plodding round the boating pond, wasting away precious sleeping time and of course their lives. He had to look away, grinning to himself, to each his own…making tea he went in to call the lovers. The bed was dishevelled, the bed-clothes thrown back his wife still asleep, lay on her back, naked, with Barney beside her, still attached to her left nipple like a baby, her arm round his shoulder, him still snoring heavily, a look of sublime happiness on his face, her hand still gripping his penis. her sex, still fairly swollen and red from recent use., her nipples erect. He grinned, put their teas on the respective bedside cabinets, and shook them awake before returning to his own tea cup.
They appeared after a time, empty cups in hand, each in turn using the bathroom, and then drowsily sitting on the couch naked, it had been a long night. By now John was wide awake, and a becoming for some reason a little irritable, he could see the tiny spots of colour were still visible on her body, and it reminded him of the appointment. He became dynamic, saying they needed to be ready to leave by ten-fifteen, and there “was a bit to do!” sending her to cook them some breakfast, saying that she had worn her lover out, and kept him awake half the night with her moaning and grunting. To which she smiled then went to the cooker. So now she was to feed them, then with Barneys assistance she could run a razor over any stubble, and shower, and all before she dressed.
The two men straightened the living room cleared the empties from the veranda and then, each in turn showered while Mandy cooked, naked, trying to avoid spitting fat, and keep her loose breasts from the heat while smiling to herself as she remembered last night and her rampant young lover.
It was a case of anything to keep her mind from the coming ordeal that awaited at the tattooists, as she had read that tattoos could be painful, and she was scheduled to receive not one but five and of what?!
They fed, then Barney bathed her, she dressed, then appeared at her husband`s instruction in the living room in a low-cut green dress that buttoned down the front, and was the only item, no underclothing and a low-healed pair of slip on, shoes with no stockings or jewellery.
Soon they parked in the town and led by her husband, her lover at her side they walked the Saturday morning shoppers, the crowded pavement seeming like a mile, but in reality, just the 200 yds to the small precinct. Mandy feeling nervous, exposed and praying not to meet anyone they knew or to fall and expose her nakedness. Her pussy unusually uncovered by the lack of knickers, cool and damp under her dress, her nipples stiff and unfettered, rubbing on the inside of the thin dress.
They turned the corner and a little garishly decorated shop came into sight, her heart thumped in her chest, as John led them inside.
There were two large, biker type individuals obviously waiting, and a small neat woman behind the counter. The men`s eyes slithered over Mandy, appraising her body and the smooth thin green dress, the protruding nipples and no knicker line, their faces hungry and with keen interest. She felt naked under their gaze and blushed heavily when the whole room heard her husband announce to the assistant, “our woman has an appointment to be marked at 11, we are a bit early!” unflustered the receptionist told them to “take a seat, he won`t be long!” her mind registered it would be a male tattooist then who would inflict whatever marks her men had chosen.
They sat, opposite the two bikers, who`s eyes missing nothing as Mandy tried desperately to sit without showing them more of her body than she had too.
To her relief the two were soon called by an oriental lady that appeared from a doorway, they stood and followed her off down a corridor, a door off to one side closing with a bump after they had entered, Traffic passed noisily outside as they waited silently, a blue-bottle buzzed about, and a herd of butterflies were beating there wings in her belly, as she sat glancing at the illustrations on the wall of folk heavily tattooed, in lurid colours. It made her fear intensify.
A man appeared, tall lightly built and clean shaven, he was not what she had expected. His nod was enough, and they followed him down the corridor, John leading, turning into the last room at the end, her knees beginning to tremble…
The tattooist introduced himself to them all as Trevor, he shook hands with the men kissed Mandy`s hand and said, “So this is the lucky-lady, well get the clothes of then madam, I want to see my canvas…!” With shaking hands now, she removed the dress, until naked she stood discarding the dress onto a chair, while the three men watched her intently.
“LAY” it was a sudden order, not to be ignored, and accompanied by a pointing finger indicating the padded table, with its clean white cover and raised leg rests. She lay back, placing her legs in the rests, her body open now to his piercing gaze.
Trevor placed a blindfold over her eyes, and suddenly sitting up sharply she began to panic, she had not expected this loss of vision, again got the sharp command to “LAY STILL GIRL”
She lay back, heart fluttering the darkness, heightening her other receptors, the five identified points like pinpoints in her mind.
She could hear them talking, John explaining that each point was numbered, and each tattoo pattern corresponded, but he did not want her to see it or have a hint of the patterns until it was finished. Trevor saying, “he understood about the need for secrecy and would waver the personal permissions, though she seemed nervous, would she lay still?” to which came the reply that “Barney, her lover and I, her master will hold her hands sitting each side of the table and watching with interest!”. There was a pause, chairs sc****d on either side of her body, then she heard various clicks and tapings, as the man she regarded in her head now as her executioner got his equipment ready… then it began.
She felt the alcohol wipes first, wiped on each of the five chosen spots. Reassuring hands took hers, the rougher ones of Barney she knew at once were on her left, her arms outstretched now, a hand in each man`s lap awaiting that first touch of the machine and the anticipated pain. The wipe found her left inner leg once more, up near the bottom of her labia but clear of her sex itself by perhaps two inches
A quick rub of some sort of pattern, then she thought Vaseline or petroleum jelly in a smear, Trevor explain each step as he got to it, which though she couldn’t see was a comfort in a way.
“this time just the outline, it’s the worse part girl, and once it`s done, you come back in a month for the next stage.”
Her mind screamed back in a month, do it again… bloody hell!
The buzzing and vibrating pen began its work,
Causing her as it first touched, to jump then settling to little more than a pinprick rapidly and consistently penetrating the outer layer of her body, the back of her assailants knuckles transmitting a vibration to her pussy that was mildly erotic and a distraction for her racing mind. It was bearable, just, and it went on for some time, how long she had no idea, but to her it seemed an eternity, believing the tattoo must be huge.
Another wipe, then a pause, then back it came, her imagination wondering desperately what John was having done to her.
Another pause, the cold sweep of the alcohol wipe once more, this time round her naval, her mind screamed that this would be in sight if she wore her bikini, but she was in no position to complain, she lay desperately trying to relax, but this time without the distraction of the vibrations to her now wet sex. She had no idea what was being done but it seemed to surround the button, with tiny somethings, her hands wanted desperately to explore, to trace out the marks. But the hands of her husband and her lover were firm and allowed no movement.
She was aware of Trevor`s soothing but firm voice, explain how to keep the tattoos from infection, and which creams to use, she hoping desperately the men were listening, as her distracted mind wouldn’t hold the incoming information, then she thought… Barney… wasn’t he going on holiday, he would be away, leaving her to recover… the shit… yes, she wanted the tattoos, but was this discomfort going to be worth it? Slowly she came to realise that he had stopped no5, completed…where next…no1 or2, or 3, all tender spots, all sacred sexual positions that she prayed would not be seen at work, this on plain skin was irritating, even painful in a sore sort of way, on her mons or breast…god what had she agreed too…
She had not long to wait, the cold splash of the alcohol, heralded the left breast as the next target. Ooh, her tender breast, that nipple Barney had spent sucking on this very morning, surprisingly only hours ago attached to it like some oversize baby!
The machine buzzed, and the areola nerves registered more than a little discomfort, a ring, round the perimeter, she could recognise that, a single thin line, hoping against hope that the marks where the uniform came too were still visible to him so he knew where that uniform came too, she felt lines radiating a good inch or so from that first line, what the hell is it he was drawing, her mind rattled through the ideas, a map perhaps, x marks the treasure, even John wouldn’t have that surely, another circle, then another each a little wider than the first, a target perhaps? No that was more-neat and more regular the idea was dismissed, as she began to moan loudly, cursing them for this sore buzzing mark she was receiving,
four irregular circuits of the sore breast now, another pause, was it over… she begging them to stop, there was a pause, John released her hand, were they letting her up? But no her hopes were dashed when he held her nose , she opened her mouth and before she could speak, the ball gag was between her teeth, and clipped on, she was pushed back, and the hand taken back under control a cloth wiped over her breast and the alcohol wipe became present on her other breast, now what, the vibration began again, the circles, she counted, 1,2,3,4,5 this time then a few outward, radiating lines from the areola to the biggest ring, finally a spot or a splodge beside the nipple another tickle or two and another wipe and longer pause, another one finished,
Her mind screamed -Oh god, that just leaves the mons, No1 location John called it, near the tenderest spot on her body, she bit her lip!
Trevor`s voice broke into the thoughts, saying “that this one is biggest, and no doubt will hurt most.” It was not what she needed to hear, the alcohol wipe proclaiming exactly the position. A wipe of the jelly, his fingers caressing her labia and her clit as they surveyed the location, a crafty feel the bastard, she heard John laughing. The vibration and the pinpricks beginning once more, this time on her newly depleted mons, pain duller now, but definitely beginning to erupt from the location, the vibration like a vibrator jostling the area, fetching her to a low climax, that took her mind from the tingle of that dreaded needle, now working in short bursts, each of which were followed by wipes by a cloth of some sort, on and on it went, stinging, vibrating, and giving that feeling of euphoric soreness, knowing this was the final stanza and it was nearly over. “just a little more, sweety” Trevor`s voice again, “two more lines sweetheart, just two more thick lines” alcohol wiped down the length of the left labia lip, god no, no, you can`t… be serious… the vibration said differently, and a line of vibrant pinpricks followed wandering down the edge of the tender meaty lip, pain like a flame applied to skin raced through her body, accompanied by her groan building to a strangled scream behind the gag.
Her companions immobile, firm grips holding her still, as she writhed under the needles caress
The wipe slapped itself down the sister lip, and again the needle began its song, her scream rising as the line moved lower and lower along the right lip, hands folding her legs to her chest now, the wipe stinging down into the area of her anus... her sobs pitiful as this most sensitive spot was prepared then in invaded by the juddering needle.
Suddenly it was done, her body throbbing in five different places, hot and sensitive, her wrist at last free, as the men stood to gain an appreciation of the artist`s work, she heard hands being shaken and money changing hands.
They lifted her legs down from the rests, helped her to her feet, removed the gag and stood her still blindfold before the full-length mirror.

It was a memorable moment, eager hands removed the blindfold, she blinked, the light harsh on her eyes. Then she caught sight of her own familiar body, happy tears filling her eyes as she saw the swollen and red tattoo outlines of black cobwebs now around each of her nipples, on her breasts the right even having a small spider!
Her eyes fell to her mid-rift, her belly button surrounded by small but tasteful butterflies in a ring of leaves, and on the inside of her leg a single swallow, headed perhaps homeward towards the centre of her sexual universe. Finally, on her mons, its tendrils running in all directions a small octopus, two of its tendrils running down the outer lips of her wet sex, one apparently vanishing into her rectum and one towards either hip, and the last up over its shoulder holding a clear notice, proclaiming property of John.
Trevor applied simple sterile dressings, over the inflamed and swollen marks, cling film over those that leant themselves to that application, and sterile dressings to the others, before she turned to her husband, kissing him tenderly then dressing herself in her cool green dress while John fetched the car closer, to save her walking, her wobbly legs not keen on holding her upright her two lovers supporting her on her now weak legs.
Shoppers taking little notice, thinking she was perhaps drunk as a mild form of shock set in. Then, off they went homeward, the lift and her lovers whizzing her up the block and the two men soon placing her in her bed between the cool caressing sheets, the dress d****d over the bed end, and a smile on her face as she drifted off.

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Virgin used by the nurse

I was on detention at school, I had been told to empty the litter bins an clean all the blackboards in the classrooms it wasn't hard just took up a lot of time walking back an forth to the big bin outside to empty the rubbish into. As i walked along the corridor an past the gym i seen the after school netball class was just starting so i peeped at the sixth form girls, who where a year older then me as they done a quick warm up. I could feel myself getting hard an needed to have a quick wank,...

1 year ago
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Scott Learns All About Oral Sex From His Nurse

My last patient of the day needed a check-up after a minor operation. I was running late so I’m the last one at the outpatient clinic, the rest of the staff had already left for the day.“Wow, this is a very nice young stud,” I thought, as soon as I saw him. I invited him to come with me to the examination room. He had dark hair, brown eyes, was a little muscular, not too tall and an aura which made me at the least, very curious. As soon as we were in the examination room, I locked the door. I...

Oral Sex
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My New Doctor And Nurse

Well, I just had my health insurance renewed and went through my yearly physical while meeting my new doctor at the same time. I would never have guessed that my physical would get so...well, let's just say so physical. In fact it was positively orgasmic!After I had gotten stripped down to my tighty-whities and into that very thin, light hospital gown that is open in the back, I sat on the hospital bed in anticipation of meeting my new doctor. "Good afternoon, I'm Dr. Smith," said a tall, White...

2 years ago
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A Naughty Nurse

 After I finished my schooling, I had an opportunity to take a gap year, so I backpacked around the world. During my journeys, I met many people and experienced life in many ways. It was a most rewarding experience.When I returned home, I settled down and decided to pursue my ambition to become a nurse. I studied and graduated and found work in a large hospital close to my home.I worked in the Emergency Department (ED) for almost a year before requesting a move to the wards. Initially, I loved...

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The Naughty Nurse

Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve always had this thing about nurses, I swear I’m going to marry one someday, or in the very least buy my wife a nurses uniform and accessories to dress up in. There is something about the white uniform, I even like the old fashioned hat, but the stocking thing gets me going and it just makes my hard. Anyway as Luck would have it I’ve been hanging around with some new friends, and don’t you know it, one of them is a nurse, in fact she’s a teaching nurse at a local...

3 years ago
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Hot Risky Unprotected Sex And The Cumslut Nurse

Introduction: This is my second story. Part 1: Is absolutely 100% true down to every word of dialog (as I remember it.) Other than minor descriptive embellishments, its true. It was just a really hot erotic experience that still turns me on when I think about it. Part 2: Is fiction. Its inspired by a real event and a real woman (a hot nurse.) But what I did with that nurse was a fantasy I had after meeting her. I know its a bit odd to mix non-fiction and fiction, but the stories are related...

4 years ago
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The Royal Wet Nurse

The Royal Wet Nurse By Celeste Ann Taylor Being the youngest child can suck big time, especially when your name is Frederick. My oldest brother is the heir to the kingdom and my sister's married to the heir to the neighbouring kingdom, so I'm left on my own; the forgotten spare that no one wants. Most of my days are spent just wandering the castle being shepherded politely away from anything that's remotely interesting. I spend a lot of time reading, I get lost in the tales...

3 years ago
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Carry On Nurse

I’ve spent the last thirty days in this hospital and it’s costing my insurance company a fortune. After twenty years without a claim for anything I figure I got it coming, so fuck ‘em. During the day I plug my computer in, log into the wireless internet and work, just like I would if I were out and at home, so it’s not like I’m actually slacking. It’s more like I’m working from a really expensive hotel room with only mediocre food. It’s the side benefit that keeps me here. I would have been out...

3 years ago
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Visiting nurse

Jim is a friend of mine. He told me about an encounter with a nurse a couple of years ago. That night nurse was... well, go ahead and read.Long story short, Jim was 48 years of age and alone in a physical rehab center, nearly 500 miles from his home. He had been rock climbing, had a piece of slate break loose. When the safety rope caught him he broke a forearm and badly dislocated his other shoulder, both of which required surgery just an hour after they got him down to the parking lot.That had...

1 year ago
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Mandy The Head Nurse

Had a call from MrJ who told me he was not feeling very well ,had a high temperature, a stiffness that ached and needed sorting out and could the on call nurse visit to make him feel better.Well nurse Mandy to the rescue. I got my uniform on PVC White nurses outfir, hat, and oh yes some sexy stockings. I was feeling a little warm myself so decided not to wear any underwear so I did not get too flushed if you know what i mean. I arrived at MrJ's house and was met by a man who did look a little...

1 year ago
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The Nurse

Keywords     Use of Sex Toys High Heels ChastityCategories    Bondage  Femdom Castration Forced TransgenderingSynopsis        Janet and John were happily married  until the day she discovered....This is a nasty story, don't read it if you are sensitive or if you are under 18.                        The NurseBy Janet BakerI am a surgical nurse. I don't cut mens' testes off but I know how. I do sew up scrota after the surgeon has done his or her work and my stitching is very elegant. Of course I...

1 year ago
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The Nurse

Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity Categories Bondage Femdom Castration Forced Transgendering Synopsis Janet and John were happily married until the day she discovered.... This is a nasty story, don't read it if you are sensitive or if you are under 18. The Nurse By Janet Baker I am a surgical nurse. I don't cut mens' testes off but I know how. I do sew up scrota after the surgeon has done his or her work and my stitching is very elegant. Of course...

4 years ago
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The Angry Nurse

I work in a small country hospital as a chef or I guess a cook as is all I am required to be to fill this position. I used to work in the city and did the restaurant circuit for a few years and had a great time. Met some awesome people, made some awesome cash and yes had some awesome sex. I even rubbed shoulders with some celebrities on the odd occasion, well to tell the absolute truth I cooked for them is all. Despite all the fringe benefits I started to get restless in my work. I could cook...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Student Nurse

Prologue: While camping alone in northwestern Montana, Ben accidentally brushed his penis on the leaves of a poison huckleberry bush when he went out of his tent to urinate during the night. Poison huckleberry causes intense itching but no visible rash, and it is not transmissible from one person to another. By daybreak he was in intense discomfort and could hardly refrain from scratching his penis so hard that he nearly made it raw. He quickly drove to a nearby hospital he had passed the...

2 years ago
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My Sister The Nurse

I grew up in a rural suburb of a major city on the east coast.  Ours was a normal family by most accounts.  We lived in a small rambler at the edge of our development.  Our family was friendly with all of our neighbors.  My sister and I were the only children of a loving couple.  We are fraternal twins, but unlike many twins, we weren't very close.  All through our childhood, my sister and I were indifferent to each other.  We didn't fight or hate. We just got along.  Like I said, normal.Our...

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I jumped at the chance when my agent asked me if I wanted to be Miss July in a 2013 calendar. It was going to be naughty rather than full on erotic and each month would feature a model in some sort of uniform. I was given the choice between police woman or nurse. I quite liked the idea of police woman but I thought my voluptuous figure was more suited to the latter. I’ve actually fantasised about being a naughty nurse on more than one occasion so I plumped for that option. I’m not sure if it...

2 years ago
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I jumped at the chance when my agent asked me if I wanted to be Miss July in a 2013 calendar. It was going to be naughty rather than full on erotic and each month would feature a model in some sort of uniform. I was given the choice between police woman or nurse. I quite liked the idea of police woman but I thought my voluptuous figure was more suited to the latter. I’ve actually fantasised about being a naughty nurse on more than one occasion so I plumped for that option. I’m not sure if it...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Prostate Massage Part 1 the nurse

Most men are used to having their prostate examined by a doctor as part of their physical exam and I am no exception. However, since my job required a prostate exam as part of their annual physical, I would have to say that I’ve had more than the average male. This is a short story of how one of those exams changed my curiosity of anal sex into a strong desire. Two years ago, my wife accompanied me to one of my visits with the urologist and on that visit, he gave me the exam in front of my...

3 years ago
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My Naughty Nurse

I was in the Hospital for a few days when I was Eighteen or so for an appendectomy, I was 5'9" tall, about 130 pounds, medium brown hair, fuzzy mustache, and Hazel eyes, I have a little grin sort of like Elvis did yea I was cute LOL ! I was to have surgery that next morning first thing, I was given sleeping pills to help me relax and get a good night sleep, But somewhere around, must have been dawn, I woke up and had the shock of my life. There was this nurse in my room....

3 years ago
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Personal Professionals Vol 5 The Head Nurse

"Ough..." I groaned. I wasn't sure where I was, but I knew I was thirsty and uncomfortable. I opened my eyes slowly, wincing at the bright fluorescent lights above me. I was laying in a stiff, uncomfortable white bed with what appeared to be an IV coming out of my arm. That's when it all came back to me. The accident. Another accident. My whole body was aching, especially my head. I tried lifting my non-IV'ed arm, only to find it in a cast. Wincing against the sting of the IV, I gingerly...

Straight Sex
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The Good Nurse

Alex was working at the hospital on a Tuesday morning when he got a text from his girlfriend, Angela- Hey Alex, I think we should call it What do you mean? Its not working out for us Alex’s heart sank- Like, break up? He waited for Angela’s answer with bated breath- No, it’s not real! Yeah, sorry... Alex tried to think of a response, but his mind was blank, his eyes still glued to the screen. “Hey Alex, quit sexting your girl and help me move the patient in two-oh-five” came an...

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Nursing the Nurse

I think I'm a fairly normal teenager. My fifteenth birthday was last week and I knew I had a healthy outlook on girls. While I was still untried sexually, my girlfriends were momma thumb and her four sisters; it wasn't because I wasn't willing. I set rather high standards and mostly because I wanted large boobs. Sure I could have my pick of several girls in school with big boobs but I didn't want fat. In other words big boobs had to be complimented by the girl having a body that fit and...

4 years ago
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Nicki The Naughty Nurse

"I hope that Matron doesn't notice that I'm late again," fretted Nicki as she hurried down the hospital corridor, the rubber soles of her shoes squeaking on the polished linoleum. "Nicki! In my office, this minute!" barked the voice she was dreading to hear. "What time of the day do you call this, Missie?" asked Matron Sloan, with a glare that pinned Nicki to the spot much like a lepidopterist crucifying a butterfly. "The morning?" Nicki tried, a little optimistically. "It is exactly 9.05...

2 years ago
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Introduction: My head nurse shares her marital problems and more with me after she finds out about a sexual encounter I had with a patient, one which left me masturbating every day to the memory HEAD NURSE I own a fairly active Family medical practice in Portland and have worked for 9 years building it up with accolades from most of my patients. Part of my success is from my excellent staff of women who seem to cater to every need of the clientele. My best asset is my Head Nurse, Lynn, who...

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A sensual dark skinned nurse

The Surgeon checked out all the stuff I had given him and he finally told me I needed a pretty little surgery.I got scared and told my sweet Ana about my fears; but she said she had a meeting with other doctors and everybody said it was something easy, with no risk at all…So, one week later, the surgery was left behind in my memory; but some pain was still saying it had not been just “a pretty little one”…I should spend three more days at the hospital; so the doctor could check out my condition...

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