Sue Ch. 01-04 free porn video

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Chapter 1

First Fumblings

Looking back from so many years later it’s very clear that my sexual predilections were actually formed very early. I don’t remember exactly how old I was when I first felt a boy’s fully erect cock, but I could have only just turned eighteen. It was a year or so later before I had my first, fumbling and totally unsatisfying fuck, but by then I knew one thing for certain – once I had gained some experience, and had found a guy who could do it proficiently – I was going to really, really like sex!

Nearly all the girls I knew were mad about boys and men – both those that were available locally and the older, fantasy-figure, sport, pop and movie stars – and apart from clothes, they spent virtually all their spare time talking about them, dividing them into mainly just two categories, those that were gorgeous and the others, that were repulsive. At that time I felt much the same way and joined in with my friends of course – but even then I sensed that there was something different about me or at least about the way I felt about the boys we were talking about. Once past the obvious attributes – good-looking, interesting, exciting – the other girls seemed to think of them in an almost abstract way, as prizes to be won and then owned, while I thought of them as being the possessors of cocks – cocks that I wanted to see, touch, arouse and in time, feel inside me.

Although, like my friends, I was turned-on to boys that were attractive, had style, great bodies or some other special attribute – it was always their cock that I eventually found myself thinking about. What would it look like limp and later, erect – what shape, how big? How would it and he react when I touched and fondled it? What would we do with it – would he want me to suck it or to get him off with my hand? And then, if we did have sex – would he be gentle or rough? Would he caress my breasts, suck them for me? Would he come too quickly or would he actually be able to get me off too? Would he be able to do it again? How long would I have to wait to find out?

The girls talked about their supposed sexual activities – about what their latest had or had not done or tried to do – but their stories were usually told with a lot of embarrassed giggling and when I tried to join in by telling them what I had done and how it had felt, I quickly found that they weren’t really interested in my feelings and certainly didn’t want to know that I had actually enjoyed it. It was as though for them the important thing was really just having a story to tell.

Even the girls who had ‘done it’ seemed to get more pleasure from having the others know that they had, than from recalling the excitement or pleasure of the experience itself. To most it was just a way of keeping the boy interested in them, to some it seemed to be a way of getting status amongst their friends and to others something they had to do just to keep up with the girls in their particular group.

But, as I said, by the time I was nineteen or so, I knew I loved sex itself. I loved everything about it. The feeling of anticipation, the growing tension between the boy and myself, the variety of thrills I felt as different parts of my body reacted in different ways, the ways boys and their bodies reacted to what I did to them. Even the complicated business of planning where and how to get away by yourselves so that you could do it – at that age, even with a steady boy-friend it was hard to get away from the rest of the crowd and there was rarely anywhere where you could be comfortable together. How I envied older girls, girls who lived away from home, to me the idea of having a place of my own meant having a bed-room constantly available for sex and that seemed the ultimate reward for getting through the problems of the late teen-age years.

Many of those problems involved boys of course and I had just as many as the other girls, falling madly in love with one who totally ignored me or being hounded by one that I simply couldn’t stand the sight of. But, even when I was suffering from a bad attack of unrequited love I found that if there was another boy, who was in some other way exciting, he could help me forget the one my heart yearned for – I found that physical pleasures could smother the painful heart-ache, for a time at least.

Then sometimes, I found that even when I had been successful in attracting the attention of a current idol, he didn’t always turn out to be very exciting physically. So I quickly understood that what we then thought was ‘love’ was not so good if the sexual excitement wasn’t there – and that a good petting session with a boy who knew what he was doing could make a very nice, if temporary substitute for it.

By this time I had also learned enough about the likely reactions of my girl friends to know that this was not something to be talked about with them.

I had realised very early on that girls who were ‘easy’ quickly developed a bad reputation with both their girl friends and, more amazingly with the boys too. It took some time for me to understand the boys’ reactions – at first I couldn’t puzzle out why it should be so – surely a girl who enjoyed doing what virtually all the boys spent most of their time trying to get a girl to do, would be extremely popular and held in high esteem. But no, not only did those girls get ostracised by their girl friends, the ‘nice’ boys looked down on them too – some of them might surreptitiously try their luck with them but even if they were successful it wasn’t something they were proud of and they gave the impression that what she had done just went to prove how much of a ‘slut’ she actually was. I couldn’t understand it – but I did realise that I needed to keep quiet about my own, different feelings and, if I wanted to remain liked by my friends, restrict my natural inclination to get as much experience as quickly as possible. So, like most teen-agers – but for different reasons – I spent a lot of time masturbating – and had a whole library of imaginings, interspersed with just a few actual memories, that I used to excite myself when I did it.

There had been one particular boy that I had been out with a couple of times and as he had already finished college I had been astonished and a bit over-awed when he had asked me to go out with him. Maybe he’d sensed something about me – but he was just a bit premature, at that age I was still too scared to ‘go all the way’ and as that was what he was really after, when he found out that I really wouldn’t, he didn’t ask me out with him a third time.

But I hadn’t been too timid to miss the opportunity to get him off with my hand and it was frequently his cock that I saw in my mind’s eye when I was alone. In my imagination I probably made it even bigger and more powerful than it had really been – maybe not. But at the time and for quite a long time after, it was by far the biggest and most beautiful cock I had actually touched.

For our first date he took me to the movies, I don’t remember what we saw as I’m sure I spent the entire time in a state of nervous anticipation, much of which was sparked by the way his hands began to wander over me once the lights had gone down – one result of which was that by the time we got up to leave I found that I was so wet that my panties were sticking uncomfortably to me. For his age he was very self-assured and at various times his hands had felt all of the easily accessible parts of me, as well as trying for others that were more difficult to get at, he had done it nicely, slowly, caressingly – definitely not just a series of quick gropes, as was more usually the case with boys of my own age.

He had borrowed his father’s car and on the way home he naturally drove us to a secluded spot and parked. We did a lot of kissing and some pretty frenzied fondling for a while until, when
he tried to get my bra off before even undoing my blouse, I eased him away from me and began to undress myself. I could see he was surprised by that and at first he didn’t seem to know how to react to it, then he quickly began to do the same. In fact he was down to his underpants before I had finished and I remember stopping to look at him. The bulge in his underpants was enormous and I just couldn’t help staring at it, then as he got them down over his hips I heard myself gasp as his cock literally sprang up. I’ll never forget that moment or the sight of it, it seemed monstrous and I felt my heart racing as I continued staring down at it, my fingers literally itching to feel the hot hardness of it.

I don’t know if the actual sight of it made me realise what was about to happen to me, or that it was just the sheer size that scared me – but suddenly the implications of taking off my panties, making myself completely available to him, were just too much for me.

Thankfully he gave me the excuse for stopping the awkward struggle I had been having with my wet and clinging panties by pulling my head towards him with one hand and, as he kissed me, reaching for my breasts with his other. Then, as we continued kissing and he began to fondle me, I found I could feel the soft heat of his cock-head pulsing against my stomach and reached down for it, thrilling as I felt the thick shaft jerking powerfully between my fingers. Although our lips were clamped together and our tongues probing deep inside each other’s mouth, I heard him groaning with pleasure as his cock responded to my touch and that and the actual feel of it pulsing in response to my strokes, raised my own excitement to near fever pitch.

Looking back I’m quite sure that if I had not still had my panties on he could have flipped me on to my back and got inside me in a flash. As it was he got so excited from what my hand was doing to him that within a minute or so I heard the sounds of pleasure becoming much more urgent and felt him thrusting his cock up through my fingers.

It didn’t seem possible but I was sure it had got even bigger, even harder and I tore my mouth away from his to look down at it – just in time to see the first jet of thick semen burst from it and spout up over my breasts. He was like a wild thing, jerking himself right up off the seat, one hand still gripping my breast, so hard that it almost began to hurt me but, in a strange way that only seemed to increase my own excitement even more and I watched in fascination as my hand forced a second, third and fourth jet from his spasming cock.

That climax seemed to satisfy him for that evening – but when he asked me out again about a week later, even though he didn’t actually say so in words, I knew that this time he expected proper sex with me. I had time to think about my reaction to that and although I met him as we had arranged, I did make sure he understood that though I loved doing what I had done the previous time, I felt I was still too unsure about ‘going all the way’ with him.

He was much more subdued during the evening and later, when we were on our own, he tried everything he could think of to persuade me to change my mind and I admit I was tempted, particularly when I thought of his huge cock and wondered what it would feel like inside me – but I didn’t change my mind – even though I did get my first, actual taste of a boy’s cock and semen – and found that I actually liked those too!

For a long time I used to replay those two encounters over and over again in my mind as I brought myself to solitary climaxes.

During the year or so that I remained a virgin I had several similar outings with equally enthusiastic, if less well endowed boys and quietly became something of an expert at getting them off with either my hands or mouth – liking and just occasionally actually getting myself off too, from either method.

Looking back, the thing I find strangest about that time was the lack of the boys’ interest in finding out what pleased me. My breasts and bum came in for a lot of attention of course – and that usually felt nice at the time – but when it came to a comparison between what I was prepared to do for the boys and what they were prepared to do for me, there was no contest. Most made some kind of fumbling grope at my pussy, usually too quick, too hard and totally lacking in any understanding of where and what a clitoris is and how it needs to be treated. Those times I did manage to reach a climax were usually more a result of my own mounting excitement than from any stimulation the boy might have given me.

So I shouldn’t have been too surprised that when it came to my first actual fuck it too was a bit of a hit and miss affair – but after reaching the age of nineteen I was quite determined to rid myself of my so called ‘virginity’ and it was only a question of when, with whom and where, as far as I was concerned.

The boy’s name was David and it happened at a friend’s house, during her birthday party. As we knew that her parents were going out for the evening most of the boys had brought something with them so we were all either drinking or smoking and there were already quite a few couples missing when he got round to asking me if I’d like to go outside for some fresh air. We found a quiet spot behind the garage and had been kissing and petting pretty heavily for a while, during which time I’d had a bit of a feel of his nicely erect cock when he quietly said,

‘I’ve got a condom with me. Shall we use it Sue?’

The college I went to had a full programme of sex education and luckily for me my mother wasn’t as narrow minded as many other girls’ mothers were and she had always talked to me about male and female bodies, what happened to them during puberty and what sex was all about. So when I had suggested to her that perhaps I should go on the pill, ‘just in case’, she was prepared to consider it and, after much quizzing as to what I was actually getting up to and finding out that it had all been relatively harmless up to that point, she agreed. So David’s condom wasn’t really necessary – but I certainly wasn’t going to tell him that! What I did say was –


I think my answer took him by surprise, I don’t think he’d expected me to agree as easily as that, if at all – and he had no more idea as to where we could ‘do it’ than I had.

‘Let’s have a look around inside.’ he suggested.

I had no better idea and being keen to end my technical ‘virginity’ and as David was a nice enough boy and it felt as though he had a decent sized cock, I took his hand and off we went in search of a bed.

We disturbed another two couples who had the same idea before we found what I think must have been the spare room but when we went in and closed the door behind us and I felt him trembling beside me, I knew for sure that he was far more nervous than I was. He didn’t turn the light on but he did lock the door and then just stood there, sort of helplessly, not sure just what to do next – so after a few seconds of that I said to him ‘Aren’t you going to get undressed?’ And began to get my own things off.

It was all a bit of a farce really, David was so tense he lost his erection, when I helped him recover it he couldn’t find the condom, when he finally found that he couldn’t get it on and in the struggle his cock started to go limp again, so once more I had to get it hard and then help him roll the thing down over it. I began to wonder if it was all really worth-while!

I suppose that having been through all that all he wanted to do was get his cock into me and get it over with as quickly as possible, which was fine for him but not much fun for me – but that’s just about what happened – he had his fuck, I’d ‘lost’ my virginity, we got dressed and went back to the party. I don’t think he actually spoke to me again for the rest of the evening. Boys are funny like that!

Anyway I had at least achieved my objective, I was no longer a virgin and having got r
id of it I now felt I was better equipped to ‘explore the world of sex’. Looking back I can see just how stupid that sounds but it’s exactly what I thought at the time, I don’t remember just how I thought I was going to do that without getting the reputation of being a ‘slut’, which I certainly didn’t want, but it was what I wanted to do.

As things turned out, not too long after that first, not very satisfactory experience, my parents and I went off for our annual holiday and although it was more luck than anything else, that was when I actually started on my exploration!

Mum and Dad liked nothing better than to laze around on the beach during the mornings and though I liked to get a good tan I couldn’t stand just lying there all that time, which they understood and, so long as they had some idea of where I was going and what I was doing I was under no pressure to stay with them. I had been saving most of my allowance and knew exactly what I was going to do with at least some of it – there was a shop in the town that stocked the latest, most daring swim suits and I planned to buy one. So, that very first morning I told my parents I was going browsing around the shops in town.

When I got there I found that some of the things they had on display in the window were real eye-openers even to me and I knew very well that my parents would never let me wear anything as daring, even if, I admitted to myself, I’d had the figure for them. But I went in and started to look through the other things they had and soon found a gorgeous, jade green bikini that I just simply fell in love with. My skin is a light olive colour which takes a tan really well and I knew that when I had picked up a bit, its colour would look fantastic against my skin and that it would also highlight the flashes of green in my eyes.

Even so, when I actually tried it on I just stared at myself – I looked terrific! My breasts aren’t especially big but they do have a nice, round shape and as the top gave them extra lift it made the cleavage between them much more pronounced. But my best feature is my legs, they’re the part of me that most boys first make a comment about – they’re long, slim, have nicely rounded thighs and very small ankles. The bottom half of the bikini was cut high on the hip so made them look even longer and the fit of it over my bottom gave it a really sexy curve. It was so lovely that I didn’t even try to anticipate my parents’ reaction and decided I just had to buy it.

The only thing that really concerned me was the tiny amount of material over my pubes – it was obvious that as I didn’t want to have pubic hair poking out on either side of it, I would have to have some of them removed. Then as the bikini turned out to be less expensive than I had expected to have to pay I decided that rather than trying to do it for myself, I’d have it done professionally and luckily the girl in the shop was able to recommend a nearby beauty salon. So, feeling strangely excited and somehow very grown up, I walked the short distance to the salon and when I got there found that my luck was still holding good, they weren’t very busy at that time and were able to take me straight away.

Having shown the woman what I had bought and worked out the area that needed waxing I was soon stretched out on a padded table, naked from the waist down and as I lay there waiting for them to start I couldn’t help thinking of the number of boys I knew that would give almost anything to be able to see inside a place like that.

A girl about my own age came in to actually apply the wax and even in those strange circumstances we got chatting and I found that I immediately felt comfortable with her and felt that she seemed to have taken a liking to me too. Later, after the senior lady had done the actual painful bit, the younger one, Jane, came back to apply a soothing lotion and while she did that we talked some more. Anyway we got on so well that we arranged to meet after she had finished work, when she said she would show me around the town.

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The Engagement Ch 02

A Novel by Paris Waterman ***** Six Years Earlier Robert peeled off his surgical gloves. The operation had been a difficult one, but after 7 hours of grueling work he had succeeded in repairing the damaged heart valve. His brow was deeply furrowed as the tall, lean black man allowed thoughts of Alice to enter his mind for the first time since entering the operating room. ‘What the hell is wrong with me?’ He wondered. There was no denying he was profoundly in love with Alice. Of that he was...

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Tips n Toes Getting To Know You Getting To Know All About You

Tips 'n Toes: Getting to Know You, Getting to Know All About You by CC Sondra I had to wait for Teri for almost an hour, and during most of that time I was pacing and thinking about what to say. When she arrived Teri was just as nice as could be. She asked if I wanted to go to the student lounge, or if I'd like to go to one of the local restaurants so we could get to know each other. I opted for a restaurant, and she took me to her favorite spot. Frankly I don't recall the...

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Snow Owl Comes of Age

“Pick up your feet, Snow Owl. Your father is waiting for us at the Dreamer’s wigwam.” I reluctantly picked up my pace behind the Chief’s youngest daughter, Black Feather. Her twin sister, Swift Mouse, was already waiting with her mother by the secluded, sacred cave next to the large wigwam. The two of us were the last ones to report to my father for a joining ceremony. “Black Feather, I am as eager as you to find out who our parents decided will be my wife. I am frustrated about how vague my...

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Hotal me sapna

Dosto maine bahut si kahaniya iss pe bheji hai.. Jiska mujhe aap logo se response bhi mila hai.. Par jyada tar log to mere mobile par sirf miscall hi marte hai.. Baat nahi karte.. Ab yaar, aap khud sochiye ki aakhir mai kitno ko call back kar sakta hu.. Our vaise bhi jo ladies, girls miscall krti hai un me to callback karne par bhi baat karne ki himmat nahi rahti.. To aage ka kya kahu… Khair aaj mai aapko apni ek real story batane jaa raha hu.. Agar aap hot lady.. Girl’s ki choot me sursurahat...

4 years ago
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The Conversion of Stef Part 3

The conversion of Stef Part 3 My mind was in a whirl I was still suffering from the shock of seeing Eric there in front of me just having giving me the best blow job of my life and now I was supposed to return the favour. "Hurry up," repeated Anne, "Eric is starting to lose interest." What could I do? If I refused Anne would have me evicted and with copies of pictures of me in panties, stockings and bra and also the video of Eric giving me the blow job I was unlikely to be able to...

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John CarterChapter 7

John parked his car in front of the Sheriff’s office. He had no idea why he had returned. There was only a singled-minded urge to come to this place. He got out of the Jeep followed by Rover. From experience, he was sure that he would be the subject of curiosity, but people walked by without taking much notice of him. He looked around the town and felt that something was subtly different. He entered the Sheriff’s office with Rover following behind him. Rover sat down in a corner to watch. He...

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Doing MandyChapter 22

I had just come back into Mandy's life after several months of being away and she and I had gotten together during her lunch break and I'd fucked her brains out in the middle of the motel room bed where she'd readily agreed to meet me. Having Mandy do whatever I asked of her was now pretty much a foregone conclusion because she seemed more than willing to do whatever I demanded of her sexually. I'd enjoyed getting back together with her and having my cock deep inside her sexy tight young...

3 years ago
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Well Why Not

When I met Jennifer a year ago, I'd never been married. I was thirty-five, two years younger than she was; I guess that happens quite a lot these days, and when we met at a party, she told me right off that she had a teenaged daughter, Suzi. Well, she was very attractive, slim and curvy, blond, with a sexy smile. I asked her out for the next weekend and that's where things really started. I met her daughter, then Jennifer and I went out and two weeks later, I spent my first night in her...

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Cherry Hill Ch 04

John Edwards sighed, he tossed the letter in the trash and went back to viewing the snapshots Lance had sent him. The female swim team looked as delicious as warm pie ala mode. He’d paid out a wad of cash to arrange for the eight members of the team to pose nude for him. Lance had done the job for free, once the girls agreed to appear in his live web cam shows. He had all ready enjoyed cumming over the group shot. His semen had erupted out of his cock and exploded all over the glossy print. Mr....

4 years ago
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October Intervention

October Intervention By Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1: Vacation Cruise The small yacht was going down as Emily looked through the storm. Fred was laying on the beach unconscious, completely tired after his futile attempts to swim out and get any supplies. Their ten year anniversary trip around the world was looking like their final vacation. Emily worried that after five days of insane seas and wind they were far off any shipping lanes. The island was anything but tropical, stuck...

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Private Julia Pink Kim Davis Mia Blow Busty MILFs Summertime Orgy

The summer has come to an end and German MILFs Mia Blow, Julia Pink and Kim Davis want to go out with a bang, literally! Don’t miss the incredible finale of Hausfrau Holidays 2 where these three horny ladies with their bit tits and curvy figures take on the Latino stallions Jason Steel and Kevin White. Watch as they get their final taste of cock out by the pool, sucking dick like only MILFs know how before they put their beautiful curves to work, with Mia hungry for it all as she enjoys some DP...

1 year ago
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Hi, everyone. I have been following ISS since last 8 years. have been a huge fan of ISS and am gonna share my real life experience. I am glad I got to write a story finally. Since this is my first story please ignore any mistake. But do send your lovely feedback. I am an average boy, 5’8″ height, with an average built body, I like meeting new people and visiting new places. Speaking of female complicity. Women go to the bathroom together, shop together, touch up her makeup while chatting on...

2 years ago
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Introduction: little mindy went to get her brother but got something else instead IT was getting late and Denise was worrying about her son Roger. He was 18 but Denise still thought that being out past Midnight was too late. He told her that he was going to a friends house. She knew that it must have been Freds house. Denise paced the room and was just about to grab her keys and go search for them when the phone rang. It was her brother in-law who had just brought her sister to the hospital....

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A Golfers Dream Book I The Dream BeginsChapter 15 Caps

Dave was awakened from his comfortable sleep by the sound of a distant cow mooing at something. He felt refreshed after the one hour of sleep. Ann was still sleeping soundly but Jennifer was also stirring and woke shortly after Dave. Dave stretched across Ann and kissed Jennifer. He whispered, "I could get used to waking up with my two beautiful girlfriends." Jennifer smiled and replied, "I hate to break your bubble but Ann leaves in just five days so we better make the best of...

1 year ago
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Lovely Sex Encounter

Hi! All of you ISS fans I am also one of you. After reading so many experiences of all of you I also decided to share one of experience with you which occurred about 5 years ago. To start with my name is Abby, nick name (Sonu) 24 from pune. I and my family are living here since many years. Since my early age I am fond of mature woman also succeeded in getting many such HUNGRY AUNTS in bed. With around so many neighbors we had a neighbor named Seema. She must be around 35years but very sexy...

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Gold MountainChapter 5

Shamans Involved The gold shone through the sparkling quartz structure like glittering webs in a white butterfly’s wing. A waterfall of quartz, wide sheets of it, flowed through and across the granite face of the mine. Michael Peterson, dressed in dull brown coveralls, hammered steadily against a hand-held star bit. Tink, tink, tink, each blow sending a trickle of granite dust falling from the hole. A series of deep holes pierced the rock face, some above, some below the glistening quartz...

3 years ago
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A Little Night MusicChapter 2

“Living on a lighted stage approaches the unreal for those who think and feel, in touch with some reality beyond the gilded cage.” -Rush, “Limelight” The Sun shone through the open balcony doors into the bedroom of the castle. It cast its beam across the marbled floor, onto the Persian rug, across the king-sized bed, and onto the face of Contessa Helena de San Finzione. She opened one eye slightly and the light entered it as well. Helena turned over and grumbled, burying her face in the...

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Reaching the Summit Ch 02

Author’s note: My thanks to my partner and editor for her help with this, and to all of you who commented so generously on Ch 1. I truly never expected it to get a red ‘H’, thought it was too inaccessible for most Lit readers. I’m delighted that you’ve proved me wrong! This is the second chapter in a story. It will make more sense if you read the first. Julie has spent the day introducing John to the joys of winter mountaineering in Scotland. They ended up at her Glasgow flat and fucked. She...

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Transformation experience UK

I'd like to take you back to the late eighties.I had been dressing off and one for several years by this time but had never had a professional make over.A business named Transformation had started such a service and they had a place near Euston Station.I had been in the shop to buy things before but never for a make over.I decided one Saturday I would pamper myself I take up their offer of a 4 hour make over dressing experience for £50.After telling the sales girl what I anted I whisked off to...

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A very nice trip of commission in train 3 P very thanks for who has loaded this video, delicious legs a little open :-P, and very delicious black pantyhose a bit transparent, my favorites :-P, namely this type of pantyhose in this video here above it's really my favorite type of pantyhose, and then with small holes on the knees means they are nice legs tough and knees tough, and also the calves powerfuls, and then at the end when she gets up the boy on background that looks...

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Margarethes Geschichte story in German

Margarethes GeschichteDer Richter klingelte mit seiner Glocke. ?Die Angeklagte habe zu schweigen! Noch ein Wort von ihr und sie wird wegen Missachtung des Gerichtes bestraft.? Margarethe, die M?llerstochter schwieg nicht. Sie verk?ndete ihre Unschuld. Der Richter zeterte: ?Die Angeklagte werde peinlich befragt. Zuvor erhalte sie ?ffentlich auf die blo?e Haut drei Mal die Dutzend Schl?ge mit Rute, Stock und Peitsche wegen wiederholter Missachtung des Hohen Gerichtes. Der Henker walte seines Am...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 7 Substitution

June 9, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Unbelievable,” Milena sighed as she snuggled close. We were sitting very close together in bed, leaning against pillows which were against the wall, the sheet pulled up only to our thighs, and wine glasses in our hands. “What?” I asked. “That something so gentle and so slow could make me feel better than a night of crazy sex.” “Isn’t that what happened with Joel?” I asked. “You told me that mostly it was just making love then talking for hours.” “But we’re...

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Under a Witchs Spell Ch 1

Now I consider myself a relatively intelligent guy. I have run my own business for several years providing research and documentation as a logistic expert. I have built a steady clientele that pays the bills and lets me enjoy life. Every once and again I will pick up a bonus contract from a referral that will fill in open space on my calendar. Having just come off one such payday and not having anything slated for the next two weeks, I decided to treat myself by flying down to New Orleans...

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 13 Saturday Daytime

Robin - Waking up I woke up still snuggling with Pat. As I looked at Patricia and Patrick sleeping facing me, I started thinking about all the changes in my life that have happened this week. One of the first things that occurred to me was that several of the changes that have happened to me were started directly or indirectly because I was placed into The Naked in School Program his week. A week ago last Monday was the first day of school, and because of that, we had an assembly. During...

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Jungle night

The dark mosquito net of night falls quickly and peacefully after the usual brilliant display of sunset. Fruit bats fly high, all in one direction to where fruits are ripening in the jungle. Large insects start to swarm around the house, coming out in buzzing waves from the surrounding jungle, dark and mysterious now. Jane watches all this from her vantage point on the balcony. It’s a show that is different every night. There is so much to know and the large somber trees hide as much and as...

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Emmas Casting Couch 2

“I cannot believe what just happened here,” Peters gasped once he was alone with his assistant. “I just groped a Disney princess! I was not supposed to enjoy that, but...” “I couldn’t help it either,” Brian assured him. “She’s just too hot. God, I’ve never been so hard in my life, seeing her twerk like that, shaking her ass like a little-” Brian’s hand flew over his mouth at once, a ghastly pall covered his face like a veil. He began frantically sputtering out an explanation, but Peters simply...

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Woman on Girl Ramblings

Sandra couldn’t believe what was happening to her. The 24 year old blonde was in the grasp of this woman. God, she looked almost 60 years old. The woman was tugging at the buttons on her blouse. It was almost all the way opened. Her hand was sliding inside, pushing her bra out of the way, groping her breasts. She wanted to stop it, but she knew she could not. It was her own fault she was in this situation and she knew it. She had been driving home from work and talking on her phone as usual....

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The Seond Annual Pony Girl race

THE SECOND ANNUAL PONY GIRL RACE CHAPTER I We all settled in to a more routine existence except for the next few days, Ann took Helga shopping for clothes. Of course, Ann loves to shop for clothes, but on these trips ninety percent of what she bought was for Helga. On the third morning, I had gotten up before Mistress Ann, and heard a strange noise coming from the attic. I had to climb the step ladder up to the attic since the "lift" was already up in the attic. There Helga was...

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My Dreams

My Dreams By First Timer My name is Celeste xxx69. My erotic proclivities are as follows. I am very attracted to the experience of feminization. Most recently I was in touch with my 11-13 year old preadolescent memories of wanting to be a girl because I felt girls were in control of the sexual drama. I thought it would be great to be a girl and have the boys wrapped around my finger wanting me to do them special favors. I was particularly attracted to...

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The Wrong Sister

"The Wrong Sister" by Kathy Core When she turned fifteen my sister Clare became obsessed with switching places with me. I can't really describe how embarrassing it was to have her constantly talking about how she would one day be my brother, and I her sister. She'd spend hours dreaming out loud to our Mom and Dad that she was looking forward to being their son again, and how much I was looking forward to being their daughter. "That's nice, dear, " my Mom would say. To...

1 year ago
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Mere mamu jaan 5

Hallo ISS readers kaise hai aap sab aur haan aap sabko eid aur diwali ki bahut bahut mubaraqbaad haan to mere chodu lund dhaarak bhaiyon aur kunwari ,gulabi choot waali bahnon aur haan moti gaand aur badi choochi waali auntiyon aur auntiyon ke halabbi lund waale uncle aap sab ke mail mujhe barabar milte rahte hai eid aur diwaali ki raat ko kisne kitni baar choda aur chudwaaya us sabke baare me bhi mujhe bahut se logon ne mail kiya haan to ab kaam ki yaani ki lund aur choot ki baat par...

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Easily turned

I was 27 yrs old and had been married for about six months. We both worked and I was an office manager, my wife worked in retail.One very wet day as the office was closing one of my male co-workers asked me if I could drop him home as we lived in the same general direction. I said sure and he suggested we grab beer in a bar next door to miss the traffic rush, which we did.Afterwards we got in my SUV and were sharing a joke and he put his hand on my thigh to emphasize the punch line. We were...

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Fixing What Went Wrong

John Doe was...not exactly the kinda guy most people wanted to be around. He was often avoided, due to rumors of trying to hurt people in the past. Sure a few of those rumors were true, everyone has bad days, but most of the time he wouldn't hurt a fly. A few people knew that he wasn't as bad as most people made him out to be. And to a degree, that worked to his advantage. He was friends, with a lot of hot girls. And he had quite a few opportunities to get a little frisky with them too. For...


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