Photographs Ch. 11 free porn video

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The problems began in his senior year of college when Danny started to receiving acceptances for medical schools. Danny understood the importance of applying to a number of schools, but planned only to go to UCLA. He would never leave Christie.

Christie gave hints. Then one evening she let it all out.

‘Danny, do you want children of your own?’ she asked while they were eating dinner.

‘Nope,’ he said, slicing his steak. He had cooked, so the meal was simple.

‘You sure?’



‘Why don’t you get pregnant and I can help you raise it? There are sperm donors.’

She pressed her lips together, but didn’t say anything. She scored one for Danny, because he knew that was something she wanted to do.

‘What about falling in love?’ she asked. ‘Have you ever thought about meeting someone, a stranger, and it being love at first sight?’

He eyed her for a second. ‘You tired of me?’

‘No, of course not,’ she said quickly. ‘It’s just there are experiences you’ve never had.’

‘You’ve never had them, either. You’ve never had a planned pregnancy with a husband. You’ve never dated anyone you wanted to date. Have you fallen in love with someone at first sight?’

‘No. I haven’t.’ It was true. And now that she’d had Danny, she probably never would.

She decided to be blunt. ‘Danny, you need a normal life. Someday you’re going to look back and regret all you didn’t have because you were tied to me.’

‘I need you, Christie.’ He pointed his fork at her plate. ‘You’re not eating, and I slaved over this meal. You always skip meals when you’re upset over something. Cook them. Don’t eat them.’

‘Danny, I want you to go away for medical school. We need to break this off so you can lead a normal life.’

He slowly put down his knife and fork and stared at her. ‘You don’t mean that.’

‘I do. I’ve known this had to happen since the first night we slept together.’

‘But you love me. How can you say these things?’

‘It’s because I love you. I want you to be happy and content with your life, and you won’t be in the long run if we continue to live like this. It’s best if we break it off now. And you going away to medical school would be a good way to do it.’

‘I am happy and content with my life. I was so happy I could burst, until about sixty seconds ago.’ He stood, leaving his plate half full of food. ‘We’re not having this discussion,’ he said angrily. ‘We’re staying together.’


That night he made love to her frantically, hands gripping her fiercely, driving into her hard. It hurt a little, but she welcomed the pain as a kind of penance for what she did to him and would continue to do. Afterward, Danny held Christie in an almost crushing hold. His kisses were passionate, desperate.

‘You belong to me,’ he said again and again. ‘You’re mine.’

She shivered. It was what Steve used to say, but his fingers had dug into her flesh when he said it, leaving bruises. Danny was more gentle even in his current desperation.


‘Listen. I belong to you, too. I’m yours. This is not about two people having sex. It never was.’ He squeezed her in his death grip again. ‘I’m yours, and I know that if I left it would destroy you. Admit it. Admit that it would hurt you if I left.’

She held back a sigh, and her silence was her answer. It was going to tear her apart, but she was determined.

‘I endured twenty years with a sadist,’ she said quietly, ‘and it didn’t destroy me. I lived through that relationship because I never gave up my determination to survive.’

‘Admit it!’

She finally said, ‘It will be extremely painful, but in the end you will have a full, happy life, and that will make it worthwhile to me.’

‘Gah! When are you going to stop sacrificing yourself for the sake of others? It drives me crazy. You’re like the strongest person I know, except when it comes to your own needs.’ He let go of her and rolled onto his back. She hadn’t seen him so emotional since the day Steve beat her in the entryway. ‘If you can’t see to your own self,’ he said more calmly, ‘then know that this is not what I wish. I think what you’re trying to do would kill me. And what really pisses me off is you’re not even considering my side of this. You think that because you’re the mother, you must know best. I’ll tell you something, Christie. You’re not my mother anymore.’

She ignored this. ‘You’re very young still. You’ll come to see what I mean in time. Just think, Danny, of all the lies and deception we already have to do. Someday the family is going to start to ask when you’re going to get married. Think how they’ll look at you if you live with your mother for the rest of your life.’

‘I don’t care! I wouldn’t be living with them. I’d be with you!’ He got out of bed and stood over her. He gave a big sigh. ‘You’re wrong, Christie. I just hope I can convince you of that before you ruin everything. You’re going to ruin your own life, not just mine.’

Christie sat up to sit at the edge of the bed and turned on the light. The sudden sight of him, naked and beautiful in the glow of the lamplight, took her breath away as it sometimes did. She felt a prickling at the back of her eyes. She squeezed them shut hard for a second to fight it. When she opened them she said, ‘My hopes were destroyed when I was fifteen. What I want no longer matters. I’m only thinking of what’s best for you.’

‘You matter, Christie!’ He took her by the shoulders, so frustrated he wanted to shake her. He felt a flush of shame at the panicked look in her eyes, remembering the way Steve treated her. He clutched her to him, both to reassure her and so he wouldn’t have to see it.

‘We have a few weeks before I have to respond,’ he said quietly. ‘We’ll think of something. Now let’s lie down. I really need you right now.’


Christie and Danny argued intermittently over the next several weeks. The make-up sex became less and less frequent until they hardly made love at all. Their final fight came on the day Danny could no longer put off his reply to Stanford and still keep his place. He had already replied to UCLA, although he didn’t tell Christie that. They were both hard-headed and stubborn, but Christie held all the power. She refrained from using it until there was no other choice.

‘I’m not going,’ Danny said for the zillionth time, and the fifth time that morning alone. They were both late for work because of arguing.

‘Then I’m kicking you out of the nest, Danny. Go find someplace else to live. Go find some other way to put yourself through medical school.’

‘You really mean that?’


He simply stood there for a long minute, then said quietly, ‘Then I’m going to Stanford. Not because of the money. I don’t want your money. It’s because I don’t want to be anywhere near you.’

Then he went to the fax machine to send his forms to Stanford and afterward packed his bags.


Christie stayed at home until Danny left, standing by an upstairs window and waiting. Far too quickly she saw him stride out of the house with his bags in his hands. He paused as he opened his car door and looked back at the house. He saw her, she knew, but he simply drove away.

She had done it, she thought. She had spoiled the best thing she had ever had in a life full of trials and disappointments. She did not cry, she was too numb. It was a hollow victory.


Danny spent that night, and the remaining few weeks of the school year, camped out on the sofa at a basketball buddy’s house. Danny meant it when he said he couldn’t be anywhere near Christie. If he remained in the same city with her, he didn’t trust himself not to beg, and he was far too angry to allow that to happen. For now, he wanted no relationship with his mother if he couldn’t have the one he wanted. Maybe, he hoped, if they
spent some time apart it would be painful enough for her to take him back. He never realized how, even growing up with Steve, his mother had sheltered him from grief and disappointments. Meghan’s betrayal had been tempered by his own realization that he was better off without her. Breaking up with her had been a relief.

But this… Something shattered inside him when he walked out that door. His even temper frayed until he turned into a broody, angry man whose best friend was a six-pack. Danny drank every night once his studying was done. It was the only way he could sleep without her.

He sent Christie an invitation to his college graduation, he felt he owed her that, but they did not speak. Still, he scanned the crowd of thousands for half an hour until he saw her, and he automatically turned toward her direction when the dean handed him his diploma, hoping to see a look of pride on her face. She smiled and cried at the same time, and he didn’t know what that meant.

The very next day he parked on her street and waited until he saw her car drive away. Then he stole into his own home and packed everything that would fit in his car — the car Christie gave him — and left for the Bay Area.


Danny had money saved from the odd jobs he worked in college. Until he arrived in Bay Area, though, he had no idea of the value of the things Christie had provided for him: housing, food, utilities. He paid for his own gas, maintenance, and car insurance, but even most of his clothing had been purchased by his mother. When he realized he would be living in one of the most expensive areas in the nation, he knew he would have to significantly alter his standard of living. His nest egg would last no more than four months. Three when he accounted for the cost of textbooks. His greatest expense, tuition, he had taken care of before he left LA. He would be in hock to his eyeballs when he graduated, but he could go to school.

First investing in a first aid and CPR course, he found a job as an orderly.

‘You push the gurneys slowly.’ His new trainer, Pedro, had taken Danny under his wing from the first day.

‘Faster,’ said the elderly man in the gurney..

‘Where you need to go so fast?’ Pedro asked him.

‘I’m going home?’ he said hopefully.

‘No one likes it here,’ Danny said. Despite wanting to be a doctor, he didn’t much like hospitals. They reminded him of those awful days after Steve had tried to beat Christie to death.

‘Slowly, Daniel,’ Pedro said. He pronounced it Dahn-ee-ell. ‘These people, they have surgical sutures, broken bones. They’re in a lot of pain. No fast corners, no bumps. Slowly. Now here, where the old building meets the new one, there’s a big bump. Careful.’

Danny got it, maybe better than Pedro knew. The people now in his care were like the broken birds he’d nursed as a boy.

He yawned and shook his head to clear it. Even with three beers, it had been hard to sleep. He never slept anymore. His noisy roommates didn’t help. He wondered where he could score some sleeping pills without having to explain the situation to a doctor.

‘Up late?’ Pedro asked.

‘My roommates party a lot.’

‘You don’t?’

‘Not really.’

‘How much you paying?’

‘Eight hundred, plus another hundred for utilities.’

‘For a room? Shit, man, you’re being robbed. Where is this place?’ Pedro stopped to push an elevator button.

‘Palo Alto.’

‘No wonder. It’s not East Palo Alto?’

‘No, why?’ The elevator doors opened and Danny pushed the gurney over the threshold as carefully as he could.

‘You’re not from around here, are you?’ Pedro pushed the ‘up’ button.

‘No. I’m from LA.’

‘What’re you doing up here?’

‘I’m going to Stanford in the fall. That’s why I got a room in Palo Alto.’

Pedro looked at him speculatively. ‘What’re you studying?’


‘You should live we me,’ Pedro said quickly. ‘I have a two-bedroom in Sunnyvale. Four-fifty, plus half the utilities. Usually about another hundred. That’s all.’ He grinned. ‘I need a roommate.’

The elevator doors slid open and they pushed the gurney into the hallway. Danny had liked Pedro immediately, but it sounded to good to be true. ‘You don’t know anything about me,’ he said carefully. ‘And what’s this place like if it’s so cheap?’


The place turned out to be a converted storefront that was probably illegal, but Danny didn’t care. Only price mattered, and Pedro turned out to be a good friend and a neat-freak.

‘Hey, man,’ he would say, ‘not in the living room,’ and Danny would know he’d left something lying around. This happened daily for the first few weeks until Danny learned. Even his mother hadn’t been that bad, and she kept her house cleaner than an operating room.

When he had thoughts like that he would growl in frustration.

Christie was in his head, in his veins, and he needed a distraction. Wanting her consumed him at night until he tossed and turned, sweating and fevered in his bed. At last he would rise, get a drink or a Xanax, and hope it would erase the memories for a while.

Thinking about it one night in July, after his third beer, he got tired of being holed up in his room. Pedro had guests over, and although they tried to socialize with him, and Pedro encouraged it, he seldom felt like entertaining company.

‘Where you going?’ Pedro asked him.

He held up his basketball, tried to spin it on one finger and ended up dropping it. The remains of a six-pack in his other hand slipped when he reached for the ball, and he nearly dropped that as well. One of the guys on the sofa handed him the ball.

”Cross the street. Park,’ he said when he had everything together again.

‘It’s closed, hermano,’ Pedro said.

‘Then the courts’ll be free,’ he replied and slipped out the door.

‘Your friend seems kind of drunk,’ he heard as it closed behind him.

The courts were free, but also near completely dark, street lights the only illumination. Danny could hit almost any basket in near darkness, or at least the backboard. His first shot missed. Entirely.

‘Shit,’ he said, staring off into the night where his ball had disappeared. He stomped off onto the lawn, searching for the ball, and swearing loudly. ‘Shit! fuck!’ It took a while, but he found the ball under a bush and returned to the court, swiping an open beer bottle on the way. He chugged half of it and set the bottle down on the free throw line. The next shot hit the backboard, deflected at an odd angle, and he had to run to catch it. He fumbled the ball and managed to send it shooting out onto the grass again.

‘God damn it!’ Life is about futility, he thought. Have a skill, and you lose it. Love a woman, and you lose her. It took eight tries and lots of loud swearing to get the ball through the hoop. Danny had consumed his fifth beer by then. He drank them down like water, wanting to be oblivious. It took a lot of beer to get a man Danny’s size shitfaced, but he succeeded. Four more failed shots, the last beer. Danny was a quiet man, and normally a quiet drunk, but something snapped inside him. After the last missed basket, he dropped down onto the grass, fell over on his side and started to scream. All the ache he hadn’t acknowledged for so many weeks came ripping from the place he hid it and he felt like he might die. He certainly wanted to.

Danny didn’t see the flashing lights, but Pedro did. Having heard the screams, he was already out the door, and he arrived at the same time as the cops. He knelt by Danny’s side.

‘Man, do I need to put a leash on you?’ he asked calmly. By then Danny’s screams had diminished to wracking sobs. ‘Come on, let’s go home.’ He reached for his arm, but Danny, now grown to his full height of 6’6′, was nine inches taller and nearly 100 pounds heavier. Pedro’s friends helped lift Danny to his feet.

Danny said. ‘Why’d she do this to me?’

Thankfully, the cops weren’t interested in arresting a large, drunk, and distraught young man, and they had another call while Pedro and his friends were trying to convince them they lived nearby and could handle him. With Danny stumbling between them, and stopping once to let him vomit, they got him home. He let them settle him on the sofa, where he sat crying softly. By then he sobered up just enough to be embarrassed.

‘Get him some water,’ one of the men suggested.

‘Should shove him in the shower,’ the other said as he headed for the kitchen.

‘Good idea,’ Pedro said. He sat on the coffee table across from him, elbow on one knee, chin on his fist. ‘What’s your problem?’ he said.

Danny looked around the spinning room, seeing faces he didn’t recognize. Even this drunk, secrecy was so ingrained, he didn’t speak. ‘She is,’ was all he said.

‘Some woman?’

‘Yeah. Some woman.’

‘Bad breakup?’

‘Yeah.’ He took the water in a shaking hand, tried to drink and ended up spilling half of it. Pedro’s friend helped him hold it. Danny stared at one corner of the coffee table, trying to get the edges to resolve into solid lines. The smell of vomit on his clothes made him want to puke all over again.

‘This has been coming for some time, I think,’ Pedro said. ‘He drinks whenever he’s not working. Sits in his room and don’t talk much.’

‘You should kick him out,’ one of the friends said.

‘My ball,’ Danny said, trying to rise. ‘Where’s my ball? Can’t afford a new one.’

‘That’s because you’re drinking all your money,’ Pedro said.

‘I’ll go get it,’ the friend with the glass said.

‘Maybe we should leave.’

‘Help me get him in the shower first,’ Pedro said.

‘This dude is huge.’

‘Okay, amigo, let’s get you clean.’

They helped him undress, but left him in his underwear. Danny calmer now, allowed them to maneuver him into the shower stall. The cold water sobered him even more, and his embarrassment morphed into drunken mortification. ‘I’m sorry. Really, really sorry.’

‘Don’t do it again. I do not like the police.’

‘Police? There were police?’

‘I’ll tell you in the morning.’

Once clean, they led Danny to his room. Pedro made sure he was in dry clothes before settling him into bed like he was one of his patients. From outside the room he heard the friend say again, ‘You should kick him out.’

‘No,’ Pedro said before he turned out the light. ‘I knew from the moment I saw him he was mine to take care of. He’s a good guy. Wounded. That’s what he is. Some puta broke him.’


Danny started medical school under the influence of the previous night’s Xanax, the only sleeping pill he seemed to be able to get his hands on. He hadn’t wanted to be hungover, but the grogginess the drug left him with was worse. He fell asleep in one class and forgot to get the syllabus for another. He arrived home that day not knowing what any of his assignments were. After a humbling round of phone calls to his teachers’ offices, he discovered that medical school faculty could be particularly unforgiving.

He straightened up his act out of sheer necessity. He drank less, studied and worked part-time and attended classes, but still he needed several drinks before he could sleep at night. He had a hangover so much of the time that his grades suffered. The boy determined to show the bigots of the world that he was better than they could ever hope to be didn’t much care.


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Shelly stood before the mirror viewing her bridal gown of white satin, intricately trimmed within tiny mother of pearls in addition to white lace. In less then one hour she would be Mrs. Austin Weston her sweet heart and one true love from high school. Her blue eyes sparkled with anticipation, her lips lined in the softest pink lipstick, while her cheeks showed just a hint of blush, her dark chocolate brown hair cascading in delicate curls down her back, Meg, her maid of honor placed a diamond...

4 years ago
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Grey Made Everything Bright

My body tingled at the thought of him. The thought of him caressing my body, kissing me gently, and holding me against him. Imagining him kissing my breasts, biting them lightly. I continuously thought about him taking, what was his. I couldn’t stop thinking about later; I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it all day. He filled my thoughts, completely covered them. Distracting myself was close to impossible. I had managed to get ready though; that was tough enough in itself. When I...

First Time
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My Love For My Friend8217s Mom 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, I am Raj, age 20 from Mumbai. I used to read a lot of stories here and finally, I decided to write my real-life experience of how I lost my virginity. Just like any other young guy, I too had a crush on older women. To begin with, I used to study in a nearby college and lived with my mom. I had a friend in my college whose name was Karan. Karan was from a very rich south Mumbai family. His dad was a rich businessman and his mom ran her own garment business. During my college days, I...

2 years ago
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Private Sofia Lee Fucked in the Sun

Brunette and curvy, everything about Sofia Lee is natural, her big ass, her big natural tits, she’s a dream, and today she has come to Private Specials, Alpine Lovers to prove it! A sunny morning in the Alps surrounded by nature means only one thing for this curvaceous wonder… a wild fuck, and that’s exactly what’s in store for Sofia today on as she gives Stanley Johnson a gagging blowjob and a hot titfuck outdoors in the fresh air before having her beautiful hairy pussy rammed...

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Psycho Therapy by loyalsock

"Just lie down on the couch and relax, Marcia," Dr. Fagen said easily, "this is just our first session to gether so we'll use it basicly to get to know one and other and create a trust between us, how does that sound to you!?!" "Uh, pretty good, doctor," she replied while getting comfortable on the cool leather sofa that dominated the expanisive office of Dr. Harold Fagen, the resident psychother****t at County General Hospital who specializes in sexual dysfunction!!! "Dr. Katzman sent over...

3 years ago
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Womans Booster Association

Women's Booster Association By: Ms. Jenny Ann I authored this story, it may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. Comments may be sent to [email protected] Chapter 1 Frank Jones could hear how upset the phone call his wife had just completed had made her and she slammed the phone down. He wanted to calm her down, so he said, "Susan, I did not hear what was said, however, I know it upset you. Is there anything I can do to help?" Susan came over and sat down next to...

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Mommy Mounds

"Huh?" I gasp as I wake up to the sound of car tires going off the side of the road. "Where are we?" "Near Tuscaloosa baby. I was hoping I could make it home before I started leaking but I really need to pump. I know it'll be awkward for you but will it bother you if I pump while you drive for a bit?" My mom replies as I begin to notice the wet spots on her shirt. "Oh yeah sure I'll be fine." I say very groggily. This is weird I've never seen my mom's tits before. I'd be lying if I said I...

2 years ago
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Adventures in The Wilds

Lynneth trudged along the dirt road. Her legs were tired and sore, her skin filthy, and her clothing smelled of the three weeks' travel she'd spent. Her home was forbidden to her now; she could not return until she had found the subject of the dream. That damn dream.... she silently cursed. The dream had been littered with omens her grandmother had deciphered for her. Few were good. And because of them, the elders had sent her away, fearing the darkest times possible to come from them if she...

4 years ago
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Milwaukee Cuckolds and Their Trip to Vegas

Milwaukee Cuckold and Their Trip to VegasWe had decided to go to Vegas again but Judy had said I couldn’t gamble 24/7 and she would get to do some sightseeing. We got there on a Wednesday and were staying until Sunday. We were staying at the TI which was a short walk to the fashion mall which was one of our first visits. Judy said she needed some nice outfits for when we went out.She picked out a couple of very sexy outfits that made her BBW body look extremely cum worthy. She then saw a...

2 years ago
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Maths Never Got So Exciting

I was studying in diploma when this happened with me. I was very week in maths as a result I had failed my first exam. So my parents got worried and the very next day they came to my college to talk to my maths teacher. She is young around 24 at that time. Her figure is 34d-26-34 a perfect hourglass shape. I used to constantly stare her when she was teaching in classes. That’s the main reason that I had failed in the subject. Not only me but many of my friends too. So coming back now so my...

3 years ago
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MageChapter 22

I didn't know the pressure or the flow rate but we were there over twenty minutes before I saw a lot of rapid eye movement. Sonya saw this too and disappeared. The hose slowly deflated. She came back out and said, "Would you like some more after you have eaten?" The eye blink came again. "You better open up now. The food is coming." I was handed a hind quarter of a large animal. I knew that we rarely ate real animals on the ship so I knew that this was magically produced. I threw one...

4 years ago
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Meeting the Maddisons 7

Two days the phone rang. I picked it up. It was John. "Hi Jim. Thanks again for a great night. Your family is incredible and it did wonders for Chris's confidence."I wasn't surprised. Having one beautiful woman lick your ass and caress your balls while you're fucking another beautiful woman will tend to do that."That's good," I said, wondering where this was going."Jim, I've talked with Joanne about helping Chris build his confidence further and learn how to be with women. She feels he still...

3 years ago
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Work In ProgressPart 7

Sophia lays there, controlling her breathing, staring at Stephen. Shes not exactly sure why hes regarding her with indifference. "How have I displeased you, Stephen? Havent I suffered enough for you?" Hes listening to her with half interest. Its as if hes been distracted. Even during her final beating, he seemed withdrawn. "I suppose you have. For now. Your body needs time to heal, and if you were to undergo another whipping, Im afraid you would bleed. And how would we explain that to...

4 years ago
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Gayoon may Fozia ko chooda

HI,Dosto kiay hal hay ap sub ka thanks kay ap sub nay mari stori Kanwari Razia ki choodai ko passand kia or khas toor per Auntes or Girls ka jinky sms or E-mails ayin.Karachi ki Aunties or Girls mujhy mary mob no per rabta karkay mujh say agar choodwana chaian to may hazir hoondosto ya bhi tru story hay or ap sub ko passand aye gi Mary first year kay paper hogay thy or college kuch dinoo kay ley band tha.May boor horha tha may nay apni mother say kaha kay may kuch dinoo kay ley apni phoppi jo...

4 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 34 A Messy Apartment

As it happened she was wrong. It took me longer than I thought to finish up. The traffic was lousy. I was feeling guilty about how late it had got. It was almost nine o'clock. When I got back to the flat the front door was ajar. "Naughty Tricia," I thought, "anyone could get in." It didn't take me a moment to realise that someone had, I hadn't seen anything as bad since Tricia trashed the bedroom during our practice burglary. It looked a similarly messy job, done to impress. Well I...

2 years ago
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Charlies Spaceship

Be forewarned, this is not a stroke story. In fact there’s only one brief kiss. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope you enjoy. * I knew what was coming when I got called into the owner’s office that afternoon. I had been working at the small job shop as a machinist for 3 years and I knew business was slowing down. In fact, I had already started reading the want ads but there wasn’t much out there. Three others had been called into the office earlier that day and been given the bad...

2 years ago
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Summer of 55Chapter 7

When we walked out of the restaurant, we turned toward the beach and pulled our sandals off. “I saw what you did back there, Joe - and I’m proud of you. My husband was the richest man in our town and he was the worlds worst scrooge when we would go out to eat. He’d embarrass me when he’d leave a dollar tip, for a fifty dollar meal. Many times I would slip away from him as we were leaving, hand the waitress another fifty and apologize for his rudeness. I could have jumped up and kissed you...

4 years ago
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Stephanies Halloween Party

Carl and Stephanie were invited to her friend Brenda's annual Halloween party. They were both trying to decide what costumes to wear that would be both fun and sexy at the same time, costumes that allowed easy access to each other, but kept them anonymous. Carl is not much for costume parties and has always chosen to stay home, but this year he was going to go until a last minute phone call from a buyer changed his plans. Stephanie always wears a sexy costume and Carl has fun teasing her about...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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BangBus Victoria June Pornstar Takes on Three Random Guys

Victoria June hops on the BangBus this week! She shows off her great ass and big tits as she tells us how horny she is. She’s down to drive around to look for some cock. She shows off her big tits to convince the first guy to come in. She sucks him off until she was ready for something more and he couldn’t handle it. Second guy did a bit better before kicking him out. The last guy comes in to represent for Miami. He got sucked off before he starts fucking her. She gets fucked from different...

1 year ago
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Lazy New England Days

It was one of those lazy summer New England days. I had picked up a novel that I wanted to finish and headed off to the pond. The pond was my little secret. I hopped the wooden fence, and then crawled under the barbed wire. I then walked across the pasture, being very wary of the bull. He eyed me but did not make a move. I suspect that, by now, he was quite used to seeing me and knew I was no threat. The pond was just through the clearing, surrounded by woods and difficult to see unless you...

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Nylon passion with the motherinlaw

My mother-in-law is an attractive mature lady of 63. She is slim build and, most importantly, is of an older school of ladies who wear tights everyday, even under trousers. I have often fooled around with her, grabbing her arse when kissing goodbye etc, touching her nylon clad legs when out at parties, all of which were taken in good humour and a playful slap. Anne had asked me round to fix a problem on her computer, quite a regular occurrence! And so I went up to her office and booted up the...

2 years ago
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Piccola peste

Se siete mai stati sul lago di Garda sicuramente avete visto anche la mia casa: è una villa talmente grande e talmente sfarzosa che la potete vedere da qualunque punto del lago, attira l'occhio come un capezzolo turgido attraverso una t-shirt bagnata. Qui è dove da dieci anni passo le mie estati, assieme ai miei tre sfigatissimi amici: Matteo, detto il castoro. E' un ragazzo dall'aria persa, con i capelli perennemente unti e la forfora che gli ricopre gli occhiali, una vera disgrazia quando...

4 years ago
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my diary

Monday, 4, Feb,day started of good, woke up at 10am to find Sean (my husband ) had jerked of over my panties as I slept again, as usual he had recorded it on my phone and left it for me to watch, he know’s this turn’s me on. Took a long hot bath were I had my first orgasm off the day and pampered myself for the rest of the morning till my brother-in law turned up around 1pm. Phil worship’s my feet and love’s to suck on my toe’s as I tell him how bad he is playing with is dirty hard cock as he...

2 years ago
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Mistress Hannahs Pathetic Husband Part 8

As we tried to sleep one Friday night after Mistress Hannah had used my ass with unusual vigor, she was tossing and turning and keeping me awake. I got the impression that she was struggling with some personal demon that was becoming an urgent threat. Something had changed around the time two months earlier when I had first achieved the goal of putting my puny pud up her ass. I don't think my attitude toward her had changed, but I think maybe her attitude toward me had. I was still her weekend...

3 years ago
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Trying to be Naughty

I was trapped in a conversation I did not want to be in. I was at work with two girls sitting in the break room trying to enjoy my lunch, however that was interrupted by Lisa and Haley.Who are they you ask? Well that's simple.Lisa was a seven on that wonderful 10 scale us men rate girls on. She wasn't the most beautiful woman out there, but she was pretty. Her hair had been dyed one too many times so I couldn't quite tell if she was blond or a brunette, but she was tall, had a nice body, and...

Straight Sex
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My Mom part 3

After my mother watched me and daddy fuck in the shower she decided to join us.”Ill show you how to take that big cock john like a proper slut” she then bent over and spread her cheeks showing me and daddy her hairy lil shithole I felt like spunking their and then.The tip of his massive bellend went inside her and she let out a big moan then he went in all the way.”oh fuck Stephen pound my lil shitter you dirty cunt” when she said this Daddy let rip and start pounding her hard and fast,”You...

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Widhwa Bua Ki Najayaj Mohabbat

Hello friends this is (prem) meri umar 23 saal ka jawan aur sex ka shokin ladka hun . I have come here with my first story .Note that this is not a fictitious story its totally true and u all will enjoy it. Yeh kahahni meri bua ( usha) name changed ki hai jo ki ek 35 – 36 saal ki ek hot woman hai, uski height karib 4 fit 8 ya 9 inch ki hogi. Uske boobs kafi badey badey aur gand uthi hui sali itni sexy ki murdey ka bhi land khada ho jaye.Uske to ladke they varun(13) aur tarun(11) .Meri bua ka...

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Checking in a new couple a Randy Rhonda story

Rhonda was pissed as usual. Her husband had dragged her to the country away from all the comforts of big city living. His dream of a simple life was definitely not her dream of a perfect life, but he was filthy rich and she just couldn't bring herself to leave his checkbook.The worst part of living out in the middle of nowhere was that he expected her to work. They had purchased a small country store and a cabin rental business which he expected her to run while he fulfilled his dreams of...

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Teaching the Taboo ndash Lesson 4 Catfish Part

It's funny how I spend every other Friday nights with my friends at bars. We'd share success stories and our troubles. They often label me as the "humble one" because I don't brag a lot about what I've accomplished; truth is, what I consider as a success isn't something someone would share to their friends. The network of social circles I've built would see me as the guy you call when you want to party, hike, or go cliff diving. They see me as the guy who'd sleep around with girls I meet in...

3 years ago
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What if She WantedChapter 15

Candy Finally, Thanksgiving Day arrives. Robert and I drive to the house, to find Vicky, Simon and Crystal already there. I look at Robert, intrigued. He guesses my question. "Crystal spent the last few days with Simon" He says. "We wanted Yukiko alone, for the whole week. She must also drive herself up here. She does not know what she is to face, only that it will be extreme and, quite possibly, terminal" I shudder. I started all of this, it was my idea; if Yukiko dies it will be my...

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Blondies Birthday Fuck Part Two

The rest of the day seems to fly by, until the doorbell rings a little after six in the evening. I go to answer the door, unsure who it is. We've made plans to meet up with some of our friends later. When I open the door, there stands my girl Cricket. I let out a shrilling scream, wrapping my arms around her. “Holy fucking shit! You’re here!” I yell probably too loudly in her ear, as we hug tight. Her embrace is amazingly strong. It’s been a few months since we've seen each other. “How could...

4 years ago
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An Anal Threesome

It is no secret that my wife and I love anal sex. After our escapade with the five men, our sex life was on overdrive for a long time, and when we talked about sex fantasies. a threesome with an extra man constantly kept coming up. But it should not just be a regular threesome, it should be anal only, in the sense that we could use toys, lick and use fingers in her pussy, but the actual fucking should be anal only.After a long search, we managed to find a suitable guy. It wasn't that easy,...

1 year ago
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Nightmarish Husband

Paulette was just coming home. She was tired of such a long day from work, and she hoped to be able to have a peaceful night. She had been unable to get comfortable in her own home for at least a week. This is because her husband Craig had been unusually horny in the past month. At first, Paulette enjoyed the attention she had been getting from Craig but wondered where the extra libido had been coming from. But then, he needed to have sex twice a day. When that was not enough, he would bang her...

4 years ago
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Andrews Girl Goes Black

Larry and Andrew had been friends for about 9 to 12 months. Larry was black, 6 ft tall with dark skin. Andrew was white a little taller than Larry. Andrew was dating Jen, she was Asian probably 5’ 3” with long dark hair and a tight little body. Priya was Indian about the same height as Jen with brown skin, shoulder length black hair, and a very nice little body also. Jen was very much in love with Andrew but very flirty with Larry. Larry thought she was being nice and didn’t think too much...

2 years ago
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Happy EndingsChapter 14 Home Again Home Again

The night was passed with naps and sex. Each more demanding then the last. By the early dawn we were both sore to the touch, raw almost, and still the desire was there, the ability was not. I left his hotel room sneaking down the hall like a thief. I fell into my bed and instead of being sleepy, I was wide awake. I laughed and took a long hot shower and got dressed, my day was starting early. It was I who woke JC that morning and it was I who encouraged him to hurry down for breakfast. Luck...

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