Photographs Ch. 11 free porn video

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The problems began in his senior year of college when Danny started to receiving acceptances for medical schools. Danny understood the importance of applying to a number of schools, but planned only to go to UCLA. He would never leave Christie.

Christie gave hints. Then one evening she let it all out.

‘Danny, do you want children of your own?’ she asked while they were eating dinner.

‘Nope,’ he said, slicing his steak. He had cooked, so the meal was simple.

‘You sure?’



‘Why don’t you get pregnant and I can help you raise it? There are sperm donors.’

She pressed her lips together, but didn’t say anything. She scored one for Danny, because he knew that was something she wanted to do.

‘What about falling in love?’ she asked. ‘Have you ever thought about meeting someone, a stranger, and it being love at first sight?’

He eyed her for a second. ‘You tired of me?’

‘No, of course not,’ she said quickly. ‘It’s just there are experiences you’ve never had.’

‘You’ve never had them, either. You’ve never had a planned pregnancy with a husband. You’ve never dated anyone you wanted to date. Have you fallen in love with someone at first sight?’

‘No. I haven’t.’ It was true. And now that she’d had Danny, she probably never would.

She decided to be blunt. ‘Danny, you need a normal life. Someday you’re going to look back and regret all you didn’t have because you were tied to me.’

‘I need you, Christie.’ He pointed his fork at her plate. ‘You’re not eating, and I slaved over this meal. You always skip meals when you’re upset over something. Cook them. Don’t eat them.’

‘Danny, I want you to go away for medical school. We need to break this off so you can lead a normal life.’

He slowly put down his knife and fork and stared at her. ‘You don’t mean that.’

‘I do. I’ve known this had to happen since the first night we slept together.’

‘But you love me. How can you say these things?’

‘It’s because I love you. I want you to be happy and content with your life, and you won’t be in the long run if we continue to live like this. It’s best if we break it off now. And you going away to medical school would be a good way to do it.’

‘I am happy and content with my life. I was so happy I could burst, until about sixty seconds ago.’ He stood, leaving his plate half full of food. ‘We’re not having this discussion,’ he said angrily. ‘We’re staying together.’


That night he made love to her frantically, hands gripping her fiercely, driving into her hard. It hurt a little, but she welcomed the pain as a kind of penance for what she did to him and would continue to do. Afterward, Danny held Christie in an almost crushing hold. His kisses were passionate, desperate.

‘You belong to me,’ he said again and again. ‘You’re mine.’

She shivered. It was what Steve used to say, but his fingers had dug into her flesh when he said it, leaving bruises. Danny was more gentle even in his current desperation.


‘Listen. I belong to you, too. I’m yours. This is not about two people having sex. It never was.’ He squeezed her in his death grip again. ‘I’m yours, and I know that if I left it would destroy you. Admit it. Admit that it would hurt you if I left.’

She held back a sigh, and her silence was her answer. It was going to tear her apart, but she was determined.

‘I endured twenty years with a sadist,’ she said quietly, ‘and it didn’t destroy me. I lived through that relationship because I never gave up my determination to survive.’

‘Admit it!’

She finally said, ‘It will be extremely painful, but in the end you will have a full, happy life, and that will make it worthwhile to me.’

‘Gah! When are you going to stop sacrificing yourself for the sake of others? It drives me crazy. You’re like the strongest person I know, except when it comes to your own needs.’ He let go of her and rolled onto his back. She hadn’t seen him so emotional since the day Steve beat her in the entryway. ‘If you can’t see to your own self,’ he said more calmly, ‘then know that this is not what I wish. I think what you’re trying to do would kill me. And what really pisses me off is you’re not even considering my side of this. You think that because you’re the mother, you must know best. I’ll tell you something, Christie. You’re not my mother anymore.’

She ignored this. ‘You’re very young still. You’ll come to see what I mean in time. Just think, Danny, of all the lies and deception we already have to do. Someday the family is going to start to ask when you’re going to get married. Think how they’ll look at you if you live with your mother for the rest of your life.’

‘I don’t care! I wouldn’t be living with them. I’d be with you!’ He got out of bed and stood over her. He gave a big sigh. ‘You’re wrong, Christie. I just hope I can convince you of that before you ruin everything. You’re going to ruin your own life, not just mine.’

Christie sat up to sit at the edge of the bed and turned on the light. The sudden sight of him, naked and beautiful in the glow of the lamplight, took her breath away as it sometimes did. She felt a prickling at the back of her eyes. She squeezed them shut hard for a second to fight it. When she opened them she said, ‘My hopes were destroyed when I was fifteen. What I want no longer matters. I’m only thinking of what’s best for you.’

‘You matter, Christie!’ He took her by the shoulders, so frustrated he wanted to shake her. He felt a flush of shame at the panicked look in her eyes, remembering the way Steve treated her. He clutched her to him, both to reassure her and so he wouldn’t have to see it.

‘We have a few weeks before I have to respond,’ he said quietly. ‘We’ll think of something. Now let’s lie down. I really need you right now.’


Christie and Danny argued intermittently over the next several weeks. The make-up sex became less and less frequent until they hardly made love at all. Their final fight came on the day Danny could no longer put off his reply to Stanford and still keep his place. He had already replied to UCLA, although he didn’t tell Christie that. They were both hard-headed and stubborn, but Christie held all the power. She refrained from using it until there was no other choice.

‘I’m not going,’ Danny said for the zillionth time, and the fifth time that morning alone. They were both late for work because of arguing.

‘Then I’m kicking you out of the nest, Danny. Go find someplace else to live. Go find some other way to put yourself through medical school.’

‘You really mean that?’


He simply stood there for a long minute, then said quietly, ‘Then I’m going to Stanford. Not because of the money. I don’t want your money. It’s because I don’t want to be anywhere near you.’

Then he went to the fax machine to send his forms to Stanford and afterward packed his bags.


Christie stayed at home until Danny left, standing by an upstairs window and waiting. Far too quickly she saw him stride out of the house with his bags in his hands. He paused as he opened his car door and looked back at the house. He saw her, she knew, but he simply drove away.

She had done it, she thought. She had spoiled the best thing she had ever had in a life full of trials and disappointments. She did not cry, she was too numb. It was a hollow victory.


Danny spent that night, and the remaining few weeks of the school year, camped out on the sofa at a basketball buddy’s house. Danny meant it when he said he couldn’t be anywhere near Christie. If he remained in the same city with her, he didn’t trust himself not to beg, and he was far too angry to allow that to happen. For now, he wanted no relationship with his mother if he couldn’t have the one he wanted. Maybe, he hoped, if they
spent some time apart it would be painful enough for her to take him back. He never realized how, even growing up with Steve, his mother had sheltered him from grief and disappointments. Meghan’s betrayal had been tempered by his own realization that he was better off without her. Breaking up with her had been a relief.

But this… Something shattered inside him when he walked out that door. His even temper frayed until he turned into a broody, angry man whose best friend was a six-pack. Danny drank every night once his studying was done. It was the only way he could sleep without her.

He sent Christie an invitation to his college graduation, he felt he owed her that, but they did not speak. Still, he scanned the crowd of thousands for half an hour until he saw her, and he automatically turned toward her direction when the dean handed him his diploma, hoping to see a look of pride on her face. She smiled and cried at the same time, and he didn’t know what that meant.

The very next day he parked on her street and waited until he saw her car drive away. Then he stole into his own home and packed everything that would fit in his car — the car Christie gave him — and left for the Bay Area.


Danny had money saved from the odd jobs he worked in college. Until he arrived in Bay Area, though, he had no idea of the value of the things Christie had provided for him: housing, food, utilities. He paid for his own gas, maintenance, and car insurance, but even most of his clothing had been purchased by his mother. When he realized he would be living in one of the most expensive areas in the nation, he knew he would have to significantly alter his standard of living. His nest egg would last no more than four months. Three when he accounted for the cost of textbooks. His greatest expense, tuition, he had taken care of before he left LA. He would be in hock to his eyeballs when he graduated, but he could go to school.

First investing in a first aid and CPR course, he found a job as an orderly.

‘You push the gurneys slowly.’ His new trainer, Pedro, had taken Danny under his wing from the first day.

‘Faster,’ said the elderly man in the gurney..

‘Where you need to go so fast?’ Pedro asked him.

‘I’m going home?’ he said hopefully.

‘No one likes it here,’ Danny said. Despite wanting to be a doctor, he didn’t much like hospitals. They reminded him of those awful days after Steve had tried to beat Christie to death.

‘Slowly, Daniel,’ Pedro said. He pronounced it Dahn-ee-ell. ‘These people, they have surgical sutures, broken bones. They’re in a lot of pain. No fast corners, no bumps. Slowly. Now here, where the old building meets the new one, there’s a big bump. Careful.’

Danny got it, maybe better than Pedro knew. The people now in his care were like the broken birds he’d nursed as a boy.

He yawned and shook his head to clear it. Even with three beers, it had been hard to sleep. He never slept anymore. His noisy roommates didn’t help. He wondered where he could score some sleeping pills without having to explain the situation to a doctor.

‘Up late?’ Pedro asked.

‘My roommates party a lot.’

‘You don’t?’

‘Not really.’

‘How much you paying?’

‘Eight hundred, plus another hundred for utilities.’

‘For a room? Shit, man, you’re being robbed. Where is this place?’ Pedro stopped to push an elevator button.

‘Palo Alto.’

‘No wonder. It’s not East Palo Alto?’

‘No, why?’ The elevator doors opened and Danny pushed the gurney over the threshold as carefully as he could.

‘You’re not from around here, are you?’ Pedro pushed the ‘up’ button.

‘No. I’m from LA.’

‘What’re you doing up here?’

‘I’m going to Stanford in the fall. That’s why I got a room in Palo Alto.’

Pedro looked at him speculatively. ‘What’re you studying?’


‘You should live we me,’ Pedro said quickly. ‘I have a two-bedroom in Sunnyvale. Four-fifty, plus half the utilities. Usually about another hundred. That’s all.’ He grinned. ‘I need a roommate.’

The elevator doors slid open and they pushed the gurney into the hallway. Danny had liked Pedro immediately, but it sounded to good to be true. ‘You don’t know anything about me,’ he said carefully. ‘And what’s this place like if it’s so cheap?’


The place turned out to be a converted storefront that was probably illegal, but Danny didn’t care. Only price mattered, and Pedro turned out to be a good friend and a neat-freak.

‘Hey, man,’ he would say, ‘not in the living room,’ and Danny would know he’d left something lying around. This happened daily for the first few weeks until Danny learned. Even his mother hadn’t been that bad, and she kept her house cleaner than an operating room.

When he had thoughts like that he would growl in frustration.

Christie was in his head, in his veins, and he needed a distraction. Wanting her consumed him at night until he tossed and turned, sweating and fevered in his bed. At last he would rise, get a drink or a Xanax, and hope it would erase the memories for a while.

Thinking about it one night in July, after his third beer, he got tired of being holed up in his room. Pedro had guests over, and although they tried to socialize with him, and Pedro encouraged it, he seldom felt like entertaining company.

‘Where you going?’ Pedro asked him.

He held up his basketball, tried to spin it on one finger and ended up dropping it. The remains of a six-pack in his other hand slipped when he reached for the ball, and he nearly dropped that as well. One of the guys on the sofa handed him the ball.

”Cross the street. Park,’ he said when he had everything together again.

‘It’s closed, hermano,’ Pedro said.

‘Then the courts’ll be free,’ he replied and slipped out the door.

‘Your friend seems kind of drunk,’ he heard as it closed behind him.

The courts were free, but also near completely dark, street lights the only illumination. Danny could hit almost any basket in near darkness, or at least the backboard. His first shot missed. Entirely.

‘Shit,’ he said, staring off into the night where his ball had disappeared. He stomped off onto the lawn, searching for the ball, and swearing loudly. ‘Shit! fuck!’ It took a while, but he found the ball under a bush and returned to the court, swiping an open beer bottle on the way. He chugged half of it and set the bottle down on the free throw line. The next shot hit the backboard, deflected at an odd angle, and he had to run to catch it. He fumbled the ball and managed to send it shooting out onto the grass again.

‘God damn it!’ Life is about futility, he thought. Have a skill, and you lose it. Love a woman, and you lose her. It took eight tries and lots of loud swearing to get the ball through the hoop. Danny had consumed his fifth beer by then. He drank them down like water, wanting to be oblivious. It took a lot of beer to get a man Danny’s size shitfaced, but he succeeded. Four more failed shots, the last beer. Danny was a quiet man, and normally a quiet drunk, but something snapped inside him. After the last missed basket, he dropped down onto the grass, fell over on his side and started to scream. All the ache he hadn’t acknowledged for so many weeks came ripping from the place he hid it and he felt like he might die. He certainly wanted to.

Danny didn’t see the flashing lights, but Pedro did. Having heard the screams, he was already out the door, and he arrived at the same time as the cops. He knelt by Danny’s side.

‘Man, do I need to put a leash on you?’ he asked calmly. By then Danny’s screams had diminished to wracking sobs. ‘Come on, let’s go home.’ He reached for his arm, but Danny, now grown to his full height of 6’6′, was nine inches taller and nearly 100 pounds heavier. Pedro’s friends helped lift Danny to his feet.

Danny said. ‘Why’d she do this to me?’

Thankfully, the cops weren’t interested in arresting a large, drunk, and distraught young man, and they had another call while Pedro and his friends were trying to convince them they lived nearby and could handle him. With Danny stumbling between them, and stopping once to let him vomit, they got him home. He let them settle him on the sofa, where he sat crying softly. By then he sobered up just enough to be embarrassed.

‘Get him some water,’ one of the men suggested.

‘Should shove him in the shower,’ the other said as he headed for the kitchen.

‘Good idea,’ Pedro said. He sat on the coffee table across from him, elbow on one knee, chin on his fist. ‘What’s your problem?’ he said.

Danny looked around the spinning room, seeing faces he didn’t recognize. Even this drunk, secrecy was so ingrained, he didn’t speak. ‘She is,’ was all he said.

‘Some woman?’

‘Yeah. Some woman.’

‘Bad breakup?’

‘Yeah.’ He took the water in a shaking hand, tried to drink and ended up spilling half of it. Pedro’s friend helped him hold it. Danny stared at one corner of the coffee table, trying to get the edges to resolve into solid lines. The smell of vomit on his clothes made him want to puke all over again.

‘This has been coming for some time, I think,’ Pedro said. ‘He drinks whenever he’s not working. Sits in his room and don’t talk much.’

‘You should kick him out,’ one of the friends said.

‘My ball,’ Danny said, trying to rise. ‘Where’s my ball? Can’t afford a new one.’

‘That’s because you’re drinking all your money,’ Pedro said.

‘I’ll go get it,’ the friend with the glass said.

‘Maybe we should leave.’

‘Help me get him in the shower first,’ Pedro said.

‘This dude is huge.’

‘Okay, amigo, let’s get you clean.’

They helped him undress, but left him in his underwear. Danny calmer now, allowed them to maneuver him into the shower stall. The cold water sobered him even more, and his embarrassment morphed into drunken mortification. ‘I’m sorry. Really, really sorry.’

‘Don’t do it again. I do not like the police.’

‘Police? There were police?’

‘I’ll tell you in the morning.’

Once clean, they led Danny to his room. Pedro made sure he was in dry clothes before settling him into bed like he was one of his patients. From outside the room he heard the friend say again, ‘You should kick him out.’

‘No,’ Pedro said before he turned out the light. ‘I knew from the moment I saw him he was mine to take care of. He’s a good guy. Wounded. That’s what he is. Some puta broke him.’


Danny started medical school under the influence of the previous night’s Xanax, the only sleeping pill he seemed to be able to get his hands on. He hadn’t wanted to be hungover, but the grogginess the drug left him with was worse. He fell asleep in one class and forgot to get the syllabus for another. He arrived home that day not knowing what any of his assignments were. After a humbling round of phone calls to his teachers’ offices, he discovered that medical school faculty could be particularly unforgiving.

He straightened up his act out of sheer necessity. He drank less, studied and worked part-time and attended classes, but still he needed several drinks before he could sleep at night. He had a hangover so much of the time that his grades suffered. The boy determined to show the bigots of the world that he was better than they could ever hope to be didn’t much care.


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Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Part Three: Modifying a Mistake By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies I marched behind President Atterbury, fear twisting through my guts. Kyleigh struggled in the iron grip of the older man, her black hair sweeping about the shoulders of her white blouse, her too-short, gray skirt swaying about her nineteen-year-old thighs. She looked at me, confusion on her face. I'd edited reality, modified how...

3 years ago
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BlindsidedChapter 2

The entire drive home was made in complete silence. I huddled in the passenger's seat and stared out the windshield. I had no idea what I could possibly say. He finally broke the silence after we pulled into our garage. He didn't break it much. "Come on." I remained frozen in the car. "I said, COME ON! Get in the damn house." I fought back my tears. Ivan had never spoken to me like that, but I had never given him cause before. I followed him into the house and to the den. The den...

2 years ago
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My Wife and Our New Neighbor

My wife Christy and I recently moved to our house in a new neighborhood. My wife is thirty-two years of age and I am thirty-nine. Christy has a very beautiful slim, toned figure and she takes pride in keeping her amazing figure in shape. She has shoulder length, wavy, brown hair, thirty-four inch, B cup breasts, and her pubic hair is always kept neat and tidy.We have been married for five years and we are totally in love with each other; we are known in our circle of friends as the couple who...

Wife Lovers
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Family NightChapter 6

Rick listened, his eyes becoming round saucers of shock and amazement as his sister sat opposite him in his room, telling him what she had made Don do to her in the movie theater. When she had finally finished the entire story, Rick realized that he had a raging hard-on. He could hardly contain himself. Far from being jealous as he would have thought he'd be, he found that the entire story had stimulated him no end. It opened up all sorts of possibilities that he had never dreamed...

1 year ago
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Long time Cumming

Callie had been away for two years serving in the Peace Corps.  While she loved what she did the time away from Brad had left her wanting and in deeply need of passion.  The letters and skype calls helped but nothing replaces the feel and touch of Brad’s warm hard body. Finally Brad was able to schedule a visit and Callie spent the next few weeks doing nothing but think and fantasize about how great it will be to see and feel him again. The two and half hour drive from the airport was torture...

1 year ago
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Oil of Roses Snakes Among the VinesChapter 40

February 3rd, 2007, Friday Margo “While I understand her reasoning ... it galls me we don’t know where they’re going,” she said. “Part of me knows they’re safer if we don’t, but still...” “Yeah, me too,” Harry said. “Talking with Beebee ... as soon as the place she’s having built for them at Canglang is finished, she’ll bring them there until things straighten out.” “Well,” Kelly said, “a private estate in Marin County ... pretty safe bet no one’s crazy enough to attack it like they did...

1 year ago
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A Case of HankyPanky at Wildcat Creek

"Counselor... , Do you have another Witness? You know so far you haven't proven your case." Yes, your Honor, I do have one last witness. When you hear his testimony I'm sure everything will be clear." "Then, call your next witness. Get him in here." "Well, Judge... , there may be a slight problem." "A problem... ? Well... , Will he testify or won't he?" "As you know, Judge Fudge, we are trying to prove alienation of affection here. This man personally witnessed the two of...

2 years ago
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When Anjan8217s Mom Makes Me Hard And Horny 8211 Part 13

This is a continuation from my previous stories in the Anjan series (links on top) so read them first. Comments welcome at “Mom, dad, I can’t join you guys for the trip of Europe”, I told them that evening. After the initial exclamations, mom asked why. “A few of us have to attend extra classes during the semester holidays. Anjan has to, too. I’m sorry”, I hung my head, as if in shame, trying hard to remember the answers to all the questions that Janani, Anjan and I had anticipated. “Why...

3 years ago
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The Reunion Ch 05

The bedroom lights were on a dimmer switch, so he turned the lights on low. She took a moment to look around. A king bed took up most of the room. There was a night stand on one side of the bed, and a small bookshelf on the other, a tv on the wall opposite the bed, and a small pile of clothes on the floor near a large closet. She sat on the end of the bed. ‘Looks like a nice cozy place to watch some porn,’ she grinned. She untied her dress and rubbed the back of her neck. John turned on the...

4 years ago
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When he takes me in the night

I love it when he takes me in the night. Sometimes the first I know I’m about to get fucked is when his cock starts to open my ass. Still asleep, hot thoughts are flowing as he strokes my opening, but still in my dreams. And that’s what it’s like. My dreams become real. There’s just a brief moment of tension, resistance and a little pain. And then my passage relaxes, as does my whole body. Still I love the slow creep of his penis up my hole; the pleasure and pain is augmented by a sense of...

1 year ago
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The Musician

*This is not my story, My friend wrote it and asked me to put it up on here for her*The Musician Taryn always always always makes sure she’s remembered. Someway. Somehow. Yeah, that’s a good way of putting it. But there’s more to this sex kitten. More to this sensual siren. She’s realizing she wants…..wants…well…she wants to mean something. Inspire. Motivate. And not always sexually. She’s got a soul like everybody else. Just nobody knows the humble and modest part of it. But God, how the hell...

3 years ago
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MANBOOBS By Compera He hadn't seen the woman since he was three, apparently. When he met his aunt at the train station, she didn't look much like the rest of his family. "Ryan?" Gina had said, approaching him tentatively. "You've gotten so big!" Ryan gasped as she embraced him. As she pulled back, he noticed she was a very thin woman, with no hips or breasts to speak of. Her stomach, however, was swollen. No one had mentioned his aunt was pregnant. She had to be seven months...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 31

Drew could feel the hot afternoon sun burning the back of his neck as he climbed the steps up to the veranda of the old sandstone farm house. He reached the top step and turned and watched the truck and trailer driven by the builder negotiate the pot hole ridden drive way down to the main road. The construction of the gazebo containing the new hot tub was complete. The builder had done a great job and today had been his last day. Drew had paid the final payment to him moments ago and shaken his...

3 years ago
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Becoming Kitty

I guess I should start with that I've loved to wear panties. In school, I would sneak into my mom's room and put on her panties. While I was straight, at least so I thought, my fascination with panties never stopped.In college, after my parents died in a car accident. I had my first gay experiences, including my first crossdressing experience for Halloween my high school. After my parents passed away and since I was an only c***d, I basically came out and began to openly experiment with my...

3 years ago
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The Ambassadors DaughterPart 3 Moving On

Grace did very well with the physio and occupational therapists. They taught her how to sit up, lay down, roll over, move around a little, how to carry out some basic tasks, like dressing, using her mouth, body and some adaptive tools. She really enjoyed the hydrotherapy sessions especially when she learnt to float on her back. In the pool she was able to move around by tucking her chest and butt in then out again, this made her feel free again. She became very adept at controlling her...

2 years ago
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Barely Legal

It was supposed to be just another party. One of those gatherings where you go with a couple of friends, and end up in the corner with the resident's pet. And there you'd sit, just staring out into the crowd, noting everyone pairing off and getting wasted. You don't know why you bother coming to these, and half the time you aren't even sure why you're friends with these people. After a drink or two, all they do is tease you. You're the virgin, you never get nailed, you never cut loose, hell -...

2 years ago
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Friend His Mom Change My Life 8211 Part II

Dear friends, I hope all of u liked the first part of it. The experience of my friend and his mom did completely change my life. Till then incest was just a fantasy for me or instead a tool for me to have a perfect and nice masturbatory section. But now it’s all changed and the only thing I want to happen is to make love to my own mother. Yes…to fuck my own mother was my own dream now..I was a completely changed man now. Till this day I never had any intension of taking it to my real life, I...

2 years ago
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Homegrown Fucking

I sat alone, semi-aware of my surroundings while I thought about my discovery. I didn't even know Delia was seeing a boy, she never acted like she was dating, she doesn't spend any time on the phone or texting any boys, all her time was spent with her friends, girl friends. Who in hell fucked my daughter three times? Did I just discover something recent or has she been screwing for a while? Was she being careful? That was the question that finally rose to the surface of the confusion and...

1 year ago
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My First Sex Fight

My name is Megan, I said to the guy with the mic, guys cheered I heard some perverted yelling but I ignored it. I was naked in a room full of rednecks and it was too be expected. I am not bad looking either. 5 7, 115 pounds blonde, my bra size was 32C. The person I was going to fight was a little bigger than me, I don’t know her weight but her tits where smaller than mine which I through was a confidence builder. I get on my knees in to show I was ready. The girl across from me got in...

3 years ago
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Loves MastersChapter 11 Time with the Boys

When I arrived at Joey’s for Spaghetti Monday, I sat outside in my car for a few minutes trying to figure out what to do about the situation I found myself in. Not only did I look like shit, had scratches on my face and was wearing clothes that were obviously not mine, but Suzi and her parents were in there. I was conflicted about how to explain my appearance to them. Joey thankfully sensed me and read my mind. He brought out some clothes I kept there for when I stayed the night like that...

2 years ago
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Payback part 2

Payback – twoIt had been a few weeks now since my lucky chance meeting at the café, however despite still appearing on Hamster Gillian had taken to responding less to my messages since I revealed the events of the day. Having said that she was still very active in the prick teasing department, and to be honest with a body like hers who could blame her, she was 100% fit and the best proportioned female around, and her complexion belied her years. , and then as she walked past the men’s...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Quinn Wilde Second Appearance

Whenever her boyfriend Mike is out of town, the insatiable Quinn Wilde gets tremendously horny…and usually makes bad decision. Take today, for example: Mike’s away and Quinn is going to lounge around and tan the afternoon away. As usual, she’s super horny, too…so why not rub one out in their backyard? Which is when Mike’s buddies, Isiah and Rico, swing by. It’s Isiah’s birthday, and they were going to chill and play video games. They didn’t know...

3 years ago
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Pervert Milf And The Horny Maid

Hi friends, my name is Manav and I am here to tell you an incident in my life which exposed me to unlimited and unbounded sex.This is my first story on ISS and I would love to get some horny responses from all those lovely ladies who might feel wet between their legs after reading this story. I love aunties especially those who have just the right amount of meat on their body. I love those heavy thighs between which I can spend hours playing with that shaved or hairy pussy. The very smell of it...

4 years ago
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Train Me Mili Gujju Bhabhi Ke Saath Maje Kiye

Hello friends, I am jack29 back here with a new story. Mere baare me jyaada kuch nahi hai batane ko bas average looking boy hu gujarat se belong karta hu aur sure to satisfy any ladies with my dick. Sabke jaise nahi bolunga ki mera itna lamba aur itna mota hai bas normal insaan ki tarah satisfying dick hai. Chalo jyaada bore na karte hue seedha story pe aata hu. Is story ki heroin ka naam hai meetal baat aaj se 10 saal pehle ki hai. Jab me 19 ka tha aur business ke wajah se chennai trip ke liye...

2 years ago
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Submissive Sissy Slut Training

One time I got her to fuck me in my ass with a strap-on and I LOVED it! I moaned like a bitch in heat. She finally left me and told me that she thought I was gay and she couldn’t stay with a “man” like that. This caused something to snap in my mind. That has been 11 years ago now. I have never gotten into another relationship with a woman since. I have done a lot of jacking off, (almost every night), over the last 11 years and I have fucked my ass with a dildo a few times since then, after...

1 year ago
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Photographs Ch 07

DISCLAIMER: This is included in the novel/novella category because of length. It is a mother/son incest story. There are also instances of abuse (two of them, which are not the focus of the story). As far as heat level, this story is quite tame, and if you are look for page after page of screaming sex, you might want to look elsewhere. If you want a STORY, please read on. ***** True to his word, Danny made no further attempt to seduce his mother that night. With one topic hanging so heavily...

3 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 21

Wednesday was almost a non-event. I was still not ready to participate much in school life. Jamie invited me over to his home but I had to refuse. Mr Grissom gave me some pamphlets and even some phone numbers to try, but because Barry was now twenty, getting him educational help it was not going to be easy. There was no such thing as an adult education centre anywhere that I knew of other than at a college or university. Ian though was coming around enough that I was able to introduce him to...

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Choices Chapter 9

Choices, Chapter 9 A ballet school's choice On the Monday after Blair's tryout with the girls' soccer league, Maggie had taken her daughter to The Dame Margot Pavlova Ballet School. Its studio was a fifteen-story walkup located on the top floor of the Sealand Building, a squat, postmodern cube with a fa?ade of blue glass, white masonry, terracotta "pillars" and dark green tiles. Blair gushed that he'd never seen a lovelier building. Huffing and puffing, and desperately gasping for b...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Ally Berry Freya Von Doom School Photo Substitution

Ally and Freya are super bummed that they missed out on school pictures this year. Freyas dad hears and is heartbroken! He confronts Allys father about this right away. Good thing Jimmy has all his photo and lighting equipment on deck from when he tried picking up a new hobby. They can now throw the girls their own private photo shoot, way better than anything they could have had at school. The girls are overwhelmed with joy, and go get ready right away. When Jimmy starts to shoot Ally, she...

2 years ago
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Turn of a Friendly Card

“You are into whaaaaaaaaat?” asked my best friend Sally, her large green eyes incredulous.   “You let him beat you!” she added for good measure to my escalating regret in confiding in her.   Taking a sip of my coffee, I strived to appear calm and in control.   Most of all I tried to appear sane while she contemplated the value of a butterfly net at that moment.     “It’s not what you think, flogging can be very sensual,” I said in a dignified voice, picking my words carefully in this minefield...

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What i do for my shemale mistress

See, I desperately like being fucked. I love being naked in front of other shemales. I guess I pretend that I'm their woman, and after she's had a hard day out working to buy nice things for me, then the least I can do is lie back and spread my legs for her. I want to look all nice for her, so I'll shave myself so that I'm completely smooth, legs, armpits, balls and butt crack. Then I'll want to warm her up. So I get down on my knees in front of her. I pull down her trousers, and let her...

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Death by fucking ch 12

It happened one night. I had been going down on Dee Dee, giving her one of my patented ‘make her talk’ jobs. Because of her fragile condition (she is seven months preggers after all) I relented after only about fifteen minutes of gentle torture and got her off big time. Her screams could have woken the dead. But it wasn’t the dead she woke. I lay there with my head on her enlarged belly. She is incredibly beautiful pregnant. Her face is aglow. Her tits are sensitive, her skin radiates...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 45

We spent the short time before lunch talking. Along with the fruit that I offered everyone, I provided drinks. Soo Hong was thrilled when I handed her a coffee. When everyone was settled, I broke into my narrative, describing the events leading up to our arrival on this world. Soo Hong confirmed that her family was also told that the Earth had been destroyed by a meteorite. That news silenced me for a moment and brought about grim looks from everyone. It wasn't something we wanted to think...

1 year ago
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Sarah Gets TrainedChapter 10

Sarah experiences new things Sarah awoke a couple of hours later to the feeling of a hand rubbing something on to her ass. Her ass ached where the hand was rubbing. But whatever was being rubbed on her, she assumed it was the salve the doctor had prescribed, was helping. A few minutes after the rubbing stopped, she started becoming aware of the pressure in her udders. She stood, wincing from the pain caused by the, now only hours old, brand. It hurt to move but the pressure in her udders...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Lust

As months past she and her paramour would drift in and out of his lonely life. During those visits he could see something had changed between the couple half his age. He began to see within her a brooding sadness that distressed him greatly. During one of their visits she confessed to him a few things which clarified the reasons behind her sadness. She had told the aging gentleman that during the last few months, her and her lover had begun to grow apart sexually. That he seemed...

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